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ster Arr 18383: 2016. Indian Standard wmle & fam de a a treat — faferftc (aera: reer) Coarse and Fine Aggregate for Concrete — Specification ( Third Revision ) a ves9110090 © ars 2018, sreira ares eh BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS fe or, 9 Nor ot we, ws Revt-110002 MAAK BHAVAN, 9 BAHADUR SHAM ZAFAR WARG January 2016 Price Group 8FOREWORD | ‘Thshin Sundar Third Revision) was adopted bythe Bure fn Staats, eth fle’ by "He Cement snd Concrete Seer! Capmaterod b proved he ii Erni Divo Cos ‘Arps inporancnonet fr king sonra prope fant ae alae ty voir chactestcs of rages acl Agee rom al ote Ferme mao are ed fr ‘ringconerea. mor sod te apiions Thr nan Snr axe orale ever eens forages dened or turd Sousa ht al sues, fo use predic feet mor the might spec se were cei ees her hn oe sete nt add gh Iria pci nhc cps eatemh osu ante ches my be spacey te pcan | “This sd was tpi in 1952 segue ese 1965 197. TS on as en lakes pte near e ietons und seen the ph of enperaeegi n en 00 ‘wing ine hb es develpment one sje Spica nd ts his eso ice, 4) scope oft tnd a eee widened cover agree rs be ha al soe 1) detains of varus ems hve ben reali © ‘tins oe eos mater fr mscove nd macve pst rts he ee 4. Sereguzements forcing ipl aloe and ssn vlan eli nderacanmon heat a mec propre. ©) equemeat fr fakies and elongation bs Sen apc fr which a combi inde as bees [Sodiedsog isthe procedure fr dermis of te mies 1) protons on alla sgrerae react hove bon och to bring coherence of he sme with 5456: 3000Cadeot patie or pin andre cocrets ert evan? andere for onpine fr team have een cd and {© nd snd sen nde long with cred ‘ott, sac in avis of ggreptes tom au sores eign some prs he cous This ty rogue polmeting the we of agrees om stra narcs wih the ea gee ey her seotcr Thi revs thee alo coves provision ading qual room andor othe ‘tet of uation fron sls! stg, btm ah om el pores pls eels corte Suess (RCA) anreyced ages (RA) lng wit neconary proviso rng lation RCA ‘Gpertsach manuf gee goeno Amex AA csr dst (ay ds rode oie Noe ‘Srenng of qanyeushing ent Decale ce opr 3.12 Tema nt ene confor 0 {heres ced ands pet snd en iene expe Yo pao eich os Pepe ‘cued ed net proceed oe he oon of his anand “Tiss cons class sucht 1,82, 83,84,91 a9. whichcal fr apeonet between pacer ‘uth spp aed eet oper farsi hia ifotion a penn Abex ‘The composton ofthe Commitee pense rhe foun of hie nda vena Amen F er th purpose of deciing wheter a parila reuenent of hs standards comple with he al vale, ere ore expen ie ral oft rsa bo rounded i pend wi 2 1960 "Rls rouge vals ree). Te umber of sion pls ee the ond of ‘alu shoul he sme att pci vale inhi tna1 score Isat :206 Indian Standard COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATE FOR, CONCRETE — SPECIFICATION (Third Revision ) ‘This stndr coves he requenen or agree, aed or ech, dred ntl ues, ‘ch a rer tmaes and sted, gl depot, focks, Bollts and gravels, ané ma faced ‘tetas rodaced for fer han sl owes, {ease in he production of conece for ara sutra pros nly mas coat wort 2 REFERENCES ‘Toe sandr tied below contin poisons wih, ough rfewnee att cont provi of the enn At th time of oct te eine Inet wore vai All sndde sujet ‘vision ant pats fo agreemeats based om hit Seid we encourage oven he possblty ‘Stapling be mot ot eos of te andes ea (eat) om) ems eas) tao) enn (ars) 18 1 Ke 092 1985 490s: 1968 fs (ra 1) 1981979 969 1980 14939 (Pan) Pie Methods tt fr agers for ate sie nd shape Exim of deletion meri se rpc inpaies Specific gravity, Gens, vos, stout a baling Sounsere Mesurng nar making popes ie agregue ‘Nal pee ect Pema xminaton Met for apg of argues fercantte re reson Method of ehenical sass of ee comet ra eo) Glas ofr elsing cement ‘ore Pan Cones igre ‘Speeton rconpacnamner fret ening Speceion COR nnkdandite Detiod of Text determination of weston sable and sed soluble ‘Mois in mora and coer 2 TERMINOLOGY For the pcp of hi nda dein ‘315 a6 Pa I) an the allowing stall ap 2. Fine Agseate— Auge ms ofwbih pases 4415 mn 15 Seve an cova ol 0 much course ia a perited in 63 5.1 Nanos! Sond — Fie agg resin rm, ‘he att dsnegraon of reck nl which as bee sepontedhy rear paca ages Tiny ‘Walled eared ad 2112 Crh Sand 2. Cathed ton rand— Fine gp pode by rushing ad swe oluced by easing ral ove 3113 Maced Sand — "Tine agpet produced by ‘ewig url snd sal ed toe rr ‘Evel med nal poportons 314 Manwfactred Fine Agerepte (Mansfocured Sind) — Pine aggrepate mutacin ther tan tral sores, y posing mates, sng te ther process cha spration sing cing om sina ay be 3.2 Coarse Aggregate —Agsrane most whichis ‘oc ner mtr si peri rhe aro yee ‘eed ni oda © ede patesss s2016 2.3 AlMngroate— Mati coined of fae $ QUALITY OF AGGREGATE, ‘eres and cone oat, 4 euasimcaTion SS Iecpmoaincmsicimsrineinea Cet oat pense ts Ep prere rmergregmes reeiorent aap SS Stet teil oetenbed Sale ht ats st is} disintegrated pieces, alkali, fre lime, vogetable matter za ree ‘coating, As far as possible, seoriaceous, flaky and Tentultomadtenprgnetate Sink eae ae Secs nage on £2 bate Hat ee ieee Seater SR peter eerie ere etn in 3.14 ad 3.3 eae Neuer 26, Seber day fences Ageventa bene “The manufictred aggregates sal e permit with fable wm atack the nee einfereement eceiemenaaceyiemclae 34m arn Mar STEEL ta mcm pny ef tri pe at ‘22st agra tepid SS shat ah 462 Manotactrea Aggregates and Extent fore preted eer ‘Sidencet stn petormane ete gees. “Table Exton of Usaton Gin 23) See tare on ee “hows “Fecot es) 3 epee = sowie ns % onan a i 3 2 2D Senntpeme 2 S iP 2 Seer é 3 = 2 Reem nc 3 momigesns ie {Wd ey ane en in in ei {henner p ro es {an muted gt at ac a ge bs i ef igh ‘hea pen tate13388 :2016 “able? Lins of Deltrons Materia fMee Raa, emer —e Tie aa Tea ca ie ‘Wet aetna arn 33m mee on pee oe ny nef on ‘dntity of compe When eso arngh od rie eee mcr we egg my ee 180 ‘ical trun epiob pcre tale yp apd cf feo me tS Sees ion ele te ny hw arse ‘Hae ul 8 26 2 eS fe cg, i mene my be wd i ee, lho ny npn td aps snk ‘tee ag oy sce h i pga whch Er tng tap etismyfe pvia Se a es i is gh fm ie gs Te et al be ain y 55 Combined Fishinss and Hlongaton oder 54 Me "lines ao elongation shall e determined la S44 Agregte Crushing FT Perce Finer code wih 18 2388 (Pa asthe same ampe, Yate ‘Ate carying othe akin index t,he ly ‘eral hal be removed om the tampa sod ‘essing prion tal bene fr earyng Ot ‘Sagtion nen Ties workout sal sed ‘The sggregue ching ven pre Ses value, siken ermine in scan ith 15 288 (art) ‘al below sunerialytogveconbedMainnndclongaion a) Foragreguenta be: 30 pte, Mar Index. Te comhne ines snd elongston det ‘eed cnet or Stained stall tence 0 pet or neue seeing ee, ‘cried agree. Hone bx engeolage (chasers, ‘ls dren tay relax he Rep The eguiemen, aval of eugene efomonse bso on ess on conc alia ba)sas amie ) Focaparepten oe: Inemethe sige teed mcomcete oer cating toe then foemeing | excede 0 pees, berbcer | Sete ee the minimum load fered 1 $42 Agrees Impact Fle Asan ahamivet $4, th ogee impale uy be dried in acrdaes wi embod ‘pes in 18286 (Pe 8). The ape pact ‘Beart exces he folowing vel ene aeons eum eee Zimapetane = 0) rpg eel i Sonu Se aieeeaeane ‘Te agsregntesheson vale, when determined in scorns with 15 2586 (Pa) wing Los Angeles chin sl ot eee flowing alas 2) Foragrpstotobewsdin + 30 pect ‘mcr fr weniger, (Guess rays cs pavements spins tone Ting aying water and sling es) 1) Forages be wedi er tern fr ‘reine 8 Soundness of Agprenate 5.1 For conrtliaiew be exposed wth scion of ft bcm die preg allpsasxiom or magnesium slp elerstd stundnes est Specified 28 (Part 3 the bm ig 2 ‘perenne usher ante split, “ewes ie 8030000 sa fe meee ee OS Salle arid oe 2) onanecundnes— When emia agree shows tat te fers ie cots ounce hn 0 pret, Scape cntnt real oor Sa fo percent the ace hl be tet or ‘ow ssoundnet The on areata the sng aptegate when fved a pr the ose prin Aer sales 1) Ione xarsion ao — sal be toe tan 20 pre. The procelre ‘ear ienin Ame ©) Uoundnet dt fe tne — Pre sion sbg er pocnon eae) for: th sores or nh sips eho ‘ame chery cena exiting or ‘lh my res inthe ese f ee ne, the pte fr ppt fron sa be eee y determing the i ene een ‘tthe sig by petograple exammton or epee ple feces 120 then weigh ag ck (im mist contin or ascot ‘strated wre dy conn) ped byte ts sane sal be cote et alow 13 56 Alkali Axprexate Reston Some eps oti piel vseefsie rybestsepbletoatct yaa Ns,0 2010) ‘eign fom xen an te sor, prong tm eaganiverescon nich cn cate eng sd ‘stn wiley onic wena te lowing ie presage 2) Abigh ir evel win he conte 1) Ace wih igh alco oraober tourer of ala ©) Agpenate containing 9 alka reacive coat ‘Rema am oie py‘Te aggpate sal conpy ih te requiem flown ated intrest S986 (Put 1). Chen method —The pope wie eed 2 7 {ncendince nthe cheil eto, al afr oe regent cid 1 28 (Pat 7 tesa is ion ‘remy deren che gee Shou te ad wing moar bred se ecified in 182546 (at 10 vent he ‘ote for expan sn conerete Tis hee mtd er deri pot ‘sig honeer ipod bese ixalony eave aarp of gpeanie eestor ienone appear ‘mapnerumsilests, noch st angie (een) Tee propaga earpiece ou fin wt he ‘stad gnst prensa exon ‘ne and te mine caption bore ending te st Mortar bor mth 1) Using 38°C enprane rene — The ems er marae exgesion SECs be pct at 9 ape Ed 010 pero at 80 For sawty aviv aegis explana in NOTE ove) mortar Sar method sing igen of ha ete Foci Soho erie ‘ezine. Thre, peopel ‘faggot sal be car oa Bd fut the strained quarts prcontase, {nly extnton ale wierd ‘Smpostion ie andcing the tt 1) Ung 7 temperate gine — The ‘esi it nara bat xpatsionst SCs 005 pen 90 deyeand (0.06 percent at 180 days for slowly exc appre Accelerated mortar bar method ~ The ‘Sesto norar are tl bard ot ‘80°C ung IN NOH, Th et found ‘be speialy stable fr sowly reactive agp These forts tetas ane 1) Bepanso of es th 010 percent at days afer casing we inontve of aeacocs beer ca eae oe Note {ve bw oad b ec epi ‘pence ere ‘eong Wher tpepe Fic ‘Septrtedpoeac pct ee Is:2016 4) Expason tor tha 0.20 pecentst Ietanys ater casing ae ineave of potentially dlettous expansion [ove 2.3 of 8 286 (at) ‘iy Exjanioestemeen010and020 pect so day ater esting inl bolt epi baseman mcs ta eeu nd pets. For sear iparcyiperte ts setelp super inrsion ot Chae 2208 2386 (Pa). {ae compara etn wal 28 dys. ‘pmonar ae metd ot 30 nC, a aptale ne locations inthesounty, loi andinestone greats are connie in suc ess, cone Dr es shal be rte oer mora a est The (ext shoud cover the eae by wean flngth change of const prum heresy ‘fcementagrgitecombisions ocx aa ‘abn toning nerve esac ‘hata ods and poss) ander cai Stead in 8 2386 (a pes rte ay Ivete ihe xt nl peat eguesa {£7 Mate gsregt stl meet the non ‘ecurement as gienin Te Table le Send “Table3 Addon Kegirmens oa ‘Manufactured agrestr (Gwe 5) oO a 9 nn om Seem sit wn i lee pt nt mee en fee 62s pe pc ye fed emer Loma Shon ne oop mt Smt ie ty 3 a Eis Se leer eel wey a‘ables Adina Requirements rn andSeel__ proportion of the sea detmined by he tho Sah Soames ance Se ame a a Coarse aggregate for mess concrete works shal be in SSS Gf Mamiecnesmme NOTE Saige sept Coed gaye 62 Graded oar Arete Sou sag smut cwat user trond Graded cori agian may be supe i the ne “ale S Addin Regiments fr Eee The ging of fine ago, when dtm as ermceOnénin Sing Cone hgpregte dota ie 96 Greate ene ‘Cinwe') ‘Sten Tble an hl be Sora ss ne = — Spent, Graig Ze sn Wie ts a 3 SSG route instore ging Sets oer pn Sy tee Seen fg ‘agen Spon ore ue eve 8 Meagan $y (pete ncteat mae D pce tae SS ASeweseTeaaw 7 Sereda lng wn at gig Tt tere sll not be spe © penennge ping ‘Dale Addilane Requires fr Copper Rng the eO0jnlsSiovsr epmomnerpeaee spot cane ‘vests onthe ori f radig Zane the ass, fein of Grading Zane, ae Sor Sonic Alterac Po reainal pgege eet dat a "2 punted in fie sd cous, Th aig th 3 3 eps whon peda eerie in 82386 Cro fr i Gartatbeinacodnce wh al 1D Neosry ‘jones my beiode inte Bang by te ason ‘tangles aera 6 SUZE AND GRADING OF AGGREGATES 61 Sipe Size Conte Anzegtes, 7 SAMPLING AND TESTING Coane serps lb spplictin hom sine 7.4 Sampling sreninTabie7 Foray oneofte nominal size he the rtd of samgng shal be nacre with ‘Table Cone Agregatey | (Ciower ond 62) @ Bie oa ne Sit Taonga Ge Ste Sareeoffecn “perc oe “a 1s" Ne So” “ooo“TWhletsiaes of Coarse Aggregate for Mane (Ctaae 61.1) Seniaiiiieee ae 4% ssum002000 Sam So aD esr Agee ‘oan z = Sears oe Speci pias Sapeg chic 1 Bcepmcetppa aap yg Se pet ot ea oon a SA oe ibs yin fa Sounicyecimeeee SoA oanramar ees oe 1240, Te amount of atria ued orc et shlleasipestid inte retrnt nto tes gen {a18 2586 (Pr 1) 01S 7386 (Pa 8). 72 Chemical tt tke aise (4,0 ee Jen, ‘phat (0c oie) on FeO) ‘apes exe (MgO), sn (810, an clot (RCD, can be eid out spr 1 4032 sal ter ube oi tent an bear ot a er 4959 (Pin2) Alor tessa becarsodoutas debe {5152386 (at 1 to 182566 (Pant 8) adn sar. Is38:206 12.4 nie caso alt garg rhe popone a {cst very compianee oi he ogee [Sven io Table 2nd hon neon se thet {esas rege bythe prs he gee al Sos seu i wo facia, ot et tan {27S mins Seve an e er cnr an 5 TS Seve, ad he apeciae tes sal be ade a Sarpes omeach angen th eee eg od ‘fine apres ad later acon apres (Cine {SUPPLIER'S CERTIFICATE. AND COST OF 1 The upp al ss ims a he mea ‘onples wid oregon of ssid sues hl opty acetate chee de the spl fr ssl be ako bee ‘the purer andthe card out crdance ‘this standard onte write eatin fe 43 Te ples ply sofas, th matral {44 The con fhe cio oa unr 82 sal tore. 2) the supple, erste show tat he nt oes mt comply with his andar, 1) the poche ifthe reas show tha he nia copies wi this soda 91 Seppo of sggrepte may be made a bulk a suiuble unites mul aed upon betta te chase and be spl Whe oud by te chaser the agrennemayberpail nia, Jutclamiated, polyenes lined or a8 Ry be ‘uly aged eet purchaser esse) ‘ering nc netguamiy nay be 23 Og, 30,1538216 (0g xa ped ewe he petra the ‘spplen.The lee oni ayo geese Inch hago cosines sal be apr 92 a ‘may aped apo bows the prc and he ‘opp 92 Tolerance Requirements forthe Quant of ‘Azeregae ached in Bags 92.1 Thesveag of et qn of suey pied in age he plat ns sample lb eg 1 0 more tn 254g 50 bg, 30 ke, 600 Ke a8 ‘pple Tae umberof apna samp sal be arent ‘acs Soe Sop See Sot 1200 0 320 snd ovee 20 The basin a spl sl be seed at der ee Ban. 922 Theme of sina simplest sis forget thin Zp ol pei et ty ‘hal be et mare tan pet of he ap the ample, As th mines en none ech bg a the ample ll exceed percent of te pected ne ‘aye oaregne ee ‘overall olerance on et quay of wgaregate shal be Bio 0speene, 10 MARKING 1.1 en conigamentag ageepte sal Be legibly aod indlbiy marked with he following » » 9 9 8 a ® » > » Mantra andi rege de snk ify. Ne gany inks ‘Worse Hoo on he a taco ni ier Ae oft mance, Month yar of onsienacking: ‘ype ofogarepte cas: Cone Aeaep te! cr ie ase ‘oor, the wor Natal Agro Incas of gees fom oer thn tal ‘hey : long, with the words, “Single Sized! of 1) Inca of ine aggregate the rang ae 102 Sir infomation sal be provided inne srg in balk 0103), 1S Certain Marking “The aggregate maya emake withthe Standard Mask the rots fe Parouof on Sodan Tosa te Rule ad Reultioes mde eeu Iona or profi may te Otte re5302016 ANNEX A, (Foreword) [BRIEF INFORMATION ON AGGREGATES FROM OTHER THAN NATURALSOURCES ‘Ac IRON AND STEEL SLAG AGGREGATES ‘Act Kn sg obaed a produ, wie Producing ion in bat fenacer or baie oxygen maces nerd on aed te! plant. Tae ie {be fa chem combines ith he mints thd ike ofthe ono Coke sho frm 2 enteric ned onl erm sg The ‘en saga a temperate of appoint 500°C ‘ates ou tthe rnc tnd cone oom det ‘pets pdt (41.12 dir Cold ton Slag Acres Motegi allowed fw fom he free in pepo ee thames weet tea enced with water tala coling thd rslaton. The ga coling ca be fae ‘grate, Dug is usage cre bold e en © fore tat the slag passes the teat for eon {soundest andi pre weted par bisa Fgse ‘hows pl srcoled im Slag eerste ia. 1Am Coot Io Stas Asoscare 1.13 Grama ro Slag Aggie The nunder imo granulation pln, whee mln with price pally 1m oS Ferber processing Te improve tbe bulk density 0 ‘more than 1-35 Hp fortwo a norma Wek {eaeeae Figure shows pial granulated on Fo. 2 Gasyuure non Stag AovasaTe Aa Stel Slag Aeeate ‘Sel slag isa hyped proce in sel making ‘pean ogee on ad tel pts. The Slain ods, magnesium onde, manganese ‘rnesand onto facesgctnaly ‘less slg. Soi poe in acoating yard fos {Getimsrata tempat 400°C -1 700°C and ‘ley sand spring of water Selman sng ‘Sis ou 10100 macro eet by Ms ‘ls recverl by magnetic spurton. The mea es sag crise nd wend ren senor sires Pe te, eel ‘eclentd toed tfc ine ot ine sig. Figs howe opi els sere ‘Sean aa ri totes er eerie ving a he pyeal py fpeat Soren lipetatgeey ong spect ‘mye on ch ano ‘ety eye tages cng ae Sepang nF Fo. 3 Set Stao AccraAd COFPERSLAGAS AGGREGATES Congr is diel a bp or apse (cone pie roughproncalinl poo Ine proves ameing fe on pate ee Cope ‘Shenae combine choca at 200-C wit in reset infix marcha iver dis ‘rt es of rn set, which teed 8 ‘Sipe The cope sng neat quenched ‘eth io pee pam corper dg Cope si blackish gran er, iia ‘mont cone sd ving sive rng fom 150 jm 475 mT grate hes ptt fr ei agp insctoes wit pov of {hss ee Fg 4) [A-3 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION (Cap) waste eo cotton and dealin (CAD) wat for ‘afc of sapepn sep owas ‘agent af ha wat, Tishwevey, regaesrecsay ee we paduig negra o tne tr eee ni apf core, ‘Thee aegepats ay te oft penal Reed Ages (RA) and Recyled Concrete Aagrase (CA) FA te made fom C&D wane which ay “sompricomrte, ike, ton,and RCA ‘Served om cnc air que rceing, “Reyes coer arg (RCA cna nt ely ‘he rig epee at son dnd ema pe ‘Sheng race. Th pt dues he ssi _sviy eden the poroty compare to sl ‘in ape High port of RCA eds 04 2igne stucrpon. Reeyeld gore (RA) il ‘pill have higher borin ad ower pete ‘Sev alge Tae concrete ‘Stepps posed cing ering emane ‘header bal conn src pase “The bro steps volved i the manafictre of snare fom CD wae may be 2) eciptand inspection of CRD was athe 1) Weehing tate ©) Mechanial sod manual eprepation mi feng = tis uy lvove Seren of ‘son pera wate chs rl oy, ‘inert tel tes, 8) Dryand wet sess Fg 5, Figure Aa Figure show pial CD aggregate obtained ther from A canbe sed scone ageegi and RCA cane eden nd ie geet in aod vith |A-AENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND QUALITY. STANDARDS USING IRON AND STEEL AND COPPERSLAG AGGREGATES sstrans ata euccy. Speci ‘ccs conmeny in te me Indy Coup Pam (CP) spectonopy and Atomic Abserpton Spectoptoimenter(AS) Asaudethe vale gen ‘Ts I ny etallowed the permis. “Tablet Environmental Safety and Qustty ‘Standards Using ton and tet ana Copper Gin See13082016 ANNEX B. (Foreword) INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED RY THE SUPPLIER 1 DETAILS OF INFORMATION ‘pater ane special charctertsbaving Spon ering on consrete properties, och a ‘hese sl pve wing pre eee of acer cng ue of 2) Sorc of spy, tha i pee oaton of oe sauce rom where te mater were) Pomme ae nisl hae 1) Series ifany and inp nese 1) Trade roupofprncipal oc ype presen ‘of manicured arenes, the name of cise of aguegtes om naturel sources eject we utd andthe perfomance (eee Anse) Thain cot completed rejects and ©) Physica nene ofagsepes In ae of wanlced marsupial ‘oneal ous ee Senex Cr precautions, ny to Be aboerved uring 4) Incase of manttredagarepts he it ovens pico, imavaictring process, source of parent ANNEX.C (Clause B11) DESCRIPTION AND PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF AGGREGATES FROM NATURAL ‘SOURCES, FOR CONCRETE. (C+ GENERAL HEADINGS (C22 NOMENCLATURE OF ROCK ‘To emble dealed reports on aggregate, the C-21 The technical nomenclate of rook an eopapbic xaninaioe per TS 2386 (Pu ny extensive onan Fractal purowsitwsaliien, ‘ecard tan ifrmaionin ce fliowing geal to grou together rh tone rsks having cera ‘adngs maybe ivan, re vuggased asa gi: poli caatesis in common, ASoring, Dnata, ESET G,. 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Ain, Mi wpa apy 4 Mo En Tg Noe) eit uy 0%, rts ere) Se Jan Kn (msn)BIS isa autor estilo etblhed der the Bureau of Ion tana Act, 1946 t promote Iinooious development of the ais of wana, tucking and eit erieton ot goods ‘id atendng sone ters nth const. pret BS ha he copyright fal tx pbicnons, No pat ofthis pubstos may be ere aay for wiout te prior penmsion ln weting of BIS. Tis doc ot prctde th ere, im he cous Tnplementing the snd, of secnary Stil ach wt eymbas and ss, type or pa dsipatony. nui linge coyright earned oh Dr Pas) HS ‘edi a tana slong with amends eid whee sc reo nates at wo Changs se ed he view scent changes ae nes is ten fo fv, Us of lian Stns ‘Sl sean tha thoy temps af te st endnent o on by reering oe tet o "IS Cong and Sanda oily Adon ‘Tis Indian Stands has ben developed am De No: CRD 027992, Amendoets sted Sine Pubistion festa Davai Teiataed ‘BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS | Maks, 9B Sih Zafer Marg, New Deh 11002 Teepe: 2823 O31, 2328318, 2825 B02 Neb: wb rg ht Regjonl Oftces lephoner Cena Mask iva, 9 Bakar Sah 2a Mag 203 7617 NEW DELHT 002 a ie tem | VIMCLT Schone VIIM, VP Ron, Keach 2837 99,2837 8861 KOLKATA Tomas an een 2307 9120 ‘Nam + $CO 35-36, Sector 34-4, CHANDIGARH 161022 a0 3883 ‘Saute + CLT. Camps, IV Cross Roa, CHENNAL 03, 2284126, 2284 14a Westen: Manatlaa, EO MIDC, Marl Andes Eas) 2829255, 2002 788, ‘rehet:_ AHMEDABAD. BENGALURU. BHOPAL, BHUBANESHWAR, COIMBATORE. DEHRADUN. [NAGPUR PARWANOO, PATNA. PUNE. RAJKOT. VISAKHAPATNAN, ‘anahedby BS, Now Da
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