Equity V
Equity V
Equity V
Students will know and be able to explain the difference between equity and equality by using real-world examples to support their reasoning.
RI. 7.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of
specific word choices on meaning and tone.
Accommodations: Notetaker is fill-in-the-blank so students do not have to write down excessive information; Students may work with a partner to brainstorm their
comic strip idea.
Enrichment/Extension Activity: Students will research a social justice issue and explore how equity and fairness play a role in creating solutions to problems.
Students will complete their comic strip for homework and turn it in at the start of class the following day.
● Band- Aids
● Equity v. Equality Note-taker
● Equity v. Equality PowerPoint
Lesson Sequence
(Sub-tasks/topics) (BW, lecture, lab, group work, handout, guiding (Active participation, Int. Closure)
questions, etc)
10 Each student can use descriptive language to Bellwork (on board): Think of a time when you Bellwork: Students respond to warm up on a
min create imagery for a real or an imagined injured yourself. What happened? piece of paper
Think, Pair, Share: Students share their injury- Think, Pair, Share: Students share aloud their
what happened, where, when etc. experiences
15 Each student can orally explain their Doctors & Patients Simulation: One partner is Partner Work:Student pairs work as doctors
min perspective about fairness with evidence to a patient and the other is a doctor. Patient and patients to explain their injury and be
support their idea. reads injury to doctor. Doctor treats patient. treated
All patients are treated with a bandaid.
Class discussion/debrief: Is the band aid Small Group Discussion: Students discuss
treatment fair for all of your injuries? Why or band-aid treatment and perspectives on fairness
Why not? Does fair mean equal? and equality.
15 Each student can explain equity and Lecture/Guided Practice: Equity v. Equality Note-taker: Students complete note-taker on
min equality in their own words. PPT and examples. equity v. equality.
Each student can explain the difference Formative Assessment/Exit ticket: What is the Formative Assessment/Exit Ticket: Students
5 min between equity and equality by using real- difference between equity and equality? complete the exit ticket on a piece of lined
world examples to support their reasoning. Create an example of each to support your paper and turn it in at the end of class.