Rite Blueprint
Rite Blueprint
Rite Blueprint
To: All Chairs and Training Officers, 102 PCP Accredited Training Institutions (ATI)
1. This year, RITE will be conducted in twice. The first will be in October 2018 to be followed by another one in February 2019.
Please be reminded of the RITE schedule:
1st RITE – October 2018
Level I – October 17, 2018 (Wednesday)
Level II – October 18, 2018 (Thursday)
Level III – October 19, 2018 (Friday)
2 RITE – February 2019
Level I – February 6, 2019 (Wednesday)
Level II – February 7, 2019 (Thursday)
Level III – February 8, 2019 (Friday)
2. As we are still striving to improve our software for the on-line RITE, the first examination in October 2018 would be a Paper
and Pencil Test to be conducted in your institution and to be facilitated by your training officers. As such, the PCP-RTP
would be sending the test questions to the training officers of the different ATIs hours before the examination date. It will be
the responsibility of the training institution to provide a conducive room and allot a common time for all year level residents
to take the examination on the scheduled date(s). An answer key will be sent to the training officer within 24 hours for
feedback. A report of the outcomes of the RITE from each ATIs is expected within 48 hours after each scheduled
examination. We will be providing you more detailed instructions on the conduct of the examinations in due time.
3. The test schedules provided are final. If for some reason that an ATI may not be able to conduct the examination on the
scheduled date, they may still be allowed to have their residents take the test in another time. However, prior approval from
the PCP-RTP should be sought. A formal letter should be submitted to the PCP-RTP a month before the scheduled RITE
stating the reasons for such deviations.
4. Attached are the blueprints for both RITE examinations for the different year levels. The competencies and contents in these
blueprints are taken from the list of the Terminal Competencies for Internists that has been sent to you in the past. Kindly
provide your resident trainees this blueprint for their guidance.
5. The following contents are not included in this blueprint: Primary Care, Geriatric Medicine, and Patient Safety. They will be
included after the full implementation of the PCP OBE-CBTP in IM in 2022.
6. There will be fifty (50) items for each examination. Majority of the questions will be allotted on the cognitive domain
involving problem solving and application.
7. The basic references include Harrison’s 19th edition and the local CPGs which can be accessed from the website of the
specialty societies or by getting in touch with the concerned societies. Other well-known landmark studies and materials can
be included as well.
I. First Year Level
Category of Questions
[Recall (R)/Comprehend (C)/
No. of Questions Problem Solving (PS) & Application
First Year RITE 1: October 17, 2018 (Wednesday) 20% 20% 60%
1. Assess and manage common problems in General Internal 5 10%
Fever / Body weakness / Easy Fatigability / Pain / Headache /
Weight loss / Dyspnea / Cough / Edema
2. Explain the indications and steps of basic diagnostic tests and 20 40%
procedures; interpret and correlate results with the patient’s
2.1 Gram Stain / AFB Smear / Cytology / Culture and
Sensitivity Tests – Sputum / Urine / Other Body fluids
2.3 Ultrasound – Abdomen, thyroid, breast, chest
2.4 ECG
2.5 CBC / Peripheral Smear / Reticulocyte count / RBC
indices/ CRP / ESR / Blood Cell Morphology
2.6 Lipid profile / Serum Creatinine / eGFR / Uric acid /
Electrolytes / FBS / RBS / CBG / OGTT / HbA1c
2.7 Liver function tests
2.8 Clotting time / bleeding time / Pro-time / PTT
2.9 Thyroid function tests
2.10 Fecalysis / Stool Microscopy for Parasites
3. Assess common medical problems in the following body 15 30%
4.1 Cardiovascular System
4.2 Digestive System
4.3 Endocrine System
4.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
4.5 Immune System & Allergy
4.6 Infectious Disease
4. Clinical Practice Guidelines 10 20%
Philippine College of Geriatric Medicine Guidelines on Hypertension
in Older Persons
2015 Updated Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of
Dyslipidemia in the Philippines
Philippine Practice Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of
Diabetes Mellitus
Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Diagnosis and
Management of Urinary Tract Infections in Adults (Parts 1 & 2)
Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Typhoid Fever in Adults
First Year RITE 2: February 6, 2018 (Wednesday)
1. Understand and apply principles of Nutrition in health and 3 6%
common medical conditions
1.1 Nutrition in Disease Prevention
2. Explain the indications and steps of basic diagnostic tests and 10 20%
procedures; interpret and correlate results with the patient’s
2.1 Gram Stain / AFB Smear / Cytology / Culture and
Sensitivity Tests – Sputum / Urine / Other Body fluids
2.2 X – rays: Chest / Plain abdomen / Bones
2.3 Ultrasound – Abdomen, thyroid, breast, chest
2.4 CT Scan – Brain / Chest / Abdomen
2.5 CBC / Peripheral Smear / Reticulocyte count / RBC
indices/ CRP / ESR / Blood Cell Morphology
2.6 Lipid profile / Serum Creatinine / eGFR / Uric acid /
Electrolytes / FBS / RBS / CBG / OGTT / HbA1c
2.7 Arterial Blood Gases / Pulse Oximetry
2.8 Urinalysis / Urine Micral test
3. Assess common medical problems in Toxicology and Poisoning: 2 4%
Changes in sensorium / Seizures/convulsions / Dyspnea / Dysphagia
/ Chest pain / Vomiting / Abdominal pain / Palpitations / Skin
Discoloration / Dizziness
4. Assess common medical problems (in-patient and out-patient) 20 40%
in the following body systems
4.1 Integumentary System
4.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
4.3 Nervous System
4.4 Oncology
4.5 Respiratory System
4.6 Urinary System
5. Clinical Practice Guidelines 15 30%
Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in
Adult Filipinos 2016 Update
Diagnosis, Empiric Management and Prevention of Community-
Acquired Pneumonia in Immunocompetent Adults 2016 Update
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Atopic
Dermatitis 2013 Update
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Contact
Dermatitis 2009 Update
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Treatment of Skin and Soft Tissue
Infections 2011 Update
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Community Control of Scabies,
Impetigo and Crusted Scabies March 2010 Update
Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Urticaria 2009
Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management of Gout
Category of Questions
[Recall (R)/Comprehend (C)/
Content Problem Solving (PS) &
No. of Questions % Application (A)]
Second Year RITE 1: October 18, 2018 (Thursday) 20% 20% 60%
1. Understand and apply principles of Nutrition in health and 3 6%
common medical conditions
1.1 Nutrition in Different Disease States/Situation:
Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Disease
2. Diagnose and manage common Substances/Drugs causing 3 6%
toxicity and poisoning
2.1 Caustic Agents
3. Diagnose and manage common medical emergency conditions 18 36%
3.1 Cardiovascular System
3.2 Digestive System
3.3 Endocrine System
3.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
3.5 Immune System & Allergy
3.6 Infectious Disease
4. Explain the indications and steps of common diagnostic tests, 12 24%
interpret and correlate results with patient’s condition
4.1 Cardiovascular System
4.2 Digestive System
4.3 Endocrine System
4.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
4.5 Immune System & Allergy
4.6 Infectious Disease
4. Clinical Practice Guidelines 14 28%
PSHBT: Rational Use of Blood and Blood Products and Strategies for
Implementation 2009 Update
Philippine Society of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Guidelines
on Allergic Rhinitis 2015 Update
PSG: Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
2014 Update
2014 PHA Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Patients
with CAD
Second Year RITE 2: February 7, 2018 (Thursday)
1. Understand and apply principles of Nutrition in health and 2 4%
common medical conditions
1.1 Nutrition in Different Disease States/Situation: Elderly
2. Diagnose and manage common Substances/Drugs causing 2 4%
toxicity and poisoning
2.1 Drug Overdose
3. Diagnose and manage common medical emergency conditions 16 32%
3.1 Integumentary System
3.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
3.3 Nervous System
3.4 Oncology
3.5 Respiratory System
3.6 Urinary System
4. Explain the indications and steps of common diagnostic tests, 18 36%
interpret and correlate results with patient’s condition
4.1 Integumentary System
4.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
4.3 Nervous System
4.4 Oncology
4.5 Respiratory System
4.6 Urinary System
5. Clinical Practice Guidelines 12 24%
Evidence Based Guide to the Care of a Patient with Chronic Kidney
PSN/PSMID: Leptospirosis CPG 2010
Philippine Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Diagnosis and
Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnea 2016
III. Third Year Level
Category of Questions
[Recall (R)/Comprehend (C)/
Content Problem Solving (PS) &
No. of Questions % Application (A)]
Third Year RITE 1: October 19, 2018 (Friday) 20% 20% 60%
1. Understand and apply principles of Nutrition in health and 4 8%
common medical conditions
1.1 Nutrition in Different Disease States/Situation:
Critically-Ill Patients
2. Medical Risk Assessment and Stratification of Surgical Patients 7 14%
3. Diagnose and initiate management on common but 8 16%
complicated medical conditions/diseases and refer to appropriate
3.1 Cardiovascular System
3.2 Digestive System
3.3 Endocrine System
3.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
3.5 Immune System & Allergy
3.6 Infectious Disease
4. Diagnose and manage common medical emergency conditions 9 18%
4.1 Cardiovascular System
4.2 Digestive System
4.3 Endocrine System
4.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
4.5 Immune System & Allergy
4.6 Infectious Disease
5. Explain the indications and steps of common diagnostic tests, 14 28%
interpret and correlate results with patient’s condition
5.1 Cardiovascular System
5.2 Digestive System
5.3 Endocrine System
5.4 Hematopoietic & Lymphoid System
5.5 Immune System & Allergy
5.6 Infectious Disease
4. Clinical Practice Guidelines 8 16%
PSMID: Adult Immunization Recommendation 2017
PSMID: CPG for the Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of
Opportunistic Infections in HIV-infected Adults and Adolescents in
the Philippines 2016
PSMID: Guideline in the Management of HIV-Infected Healthcare
Workers in the Philippines
Third Year RITE 2: February 8, 2018 (Friday)
1. Understand and apply principles of Nutrition in health and 2 4%
common medical conditions
1.1 Nutrition in Different Disease States/Situation:
Perioperative Patients
2. Medical Management of Surgical and OB-Gyn Patients 6 12%
3. Diagnose and initiate management on common but 10 20%
complicated medical conditions/diseases and refer to appropriate
3.1 Integumentary System
3.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
3.3 Nervous System
3.4 Oncology
3.5 Respiratory System
3.6 Urinary System
4. Diagnose and manage common medical emergency conditions 12 24%
4.1 Integumentary System
4.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
4.3 Nervous System
4.4 Oncology
4.5 Respiratory System
4.6 Urinary System
5. Explain the indications and steps of common diagnostic tests, 12 24%
interpret and correlate results with patient’s condition
4.1 Integumentary System
4.2 Musculo/Skeletal System
4.3 Nervous System
4.4 Oncology
4.5 Respiratory System
4.6 Urinary System
5. Clinical Practice Guidelines 8 16%
SSP: Guidelines for the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of
Stroke 2010
PSN/PSMID: Leptospirosis Update 2010