Legal Med Reviewer
Legal Med Reviewer
Legal Med Reviewer
1. Which evidence is NOT excluded by law?
A. Relevant evidence
B. Material evidence
C. Competent evidence
D. Logical evidence
1. Which evidence is NOT excluded by law?
A. Relevant evidence
B. Material evidence
C. Competent evidence
D. Logical evidence
2. Certain drugs and conditions can suppress or even stop brain
activity on a temporary basis, it should be ascertained during the
determination of brain death by EEG. Which of the following
does NOT suppress brain activity?
A. Caffeine
B. Hypoxia
C. Hypothermia
D. Hypoglycemia
2. Certain drugs and conditions can suppress or even stop brain
activity on a temporary basis, it should be ascertained during the
determination of brain death by EEG. Which of the following
does NOT suppress brain activity?
A. Caffeine
B. Hypoxia
C. Hypothermia
D. Hypoglycemia
3. The act constituting the crime of abuse against chastity
A. A person who contracted a second and subsequent marriage
before the former marriage has been legally dissolved.
B. Any person in any manner who engages in the business or
shall profit from prostitution
C. Any person who offends decency by a highly scandalous
D. Soliciting immoral advances to a woman under the offender's
3. The act constituting the crime of abuse against chastity
A. A person who contracted a second and subsequent marriage
before the former marriage has been legally dissolved. -
B. Any person in any manner who engages in the business or
shall profit from prostitution - prostitution
C. Any person who offends decency by a highly scandalous
conduct - acts of lasciviousness
D. Soliciting immoral advances to a woman under the offender's
custody (Solis p. 528)
4. Who is NOT a member of the Board of Medical Education?
A. Chairperson, Board of Medicine
B. Representative, Association of Philippine Medical Colleges
C. Chancellor, UP College of Medicine
D. Secretary, Department of Health
4. Who is NOT a member of the Board of Medical Education?
A. Chairperson, Board of Medicine - Secretary of Education
B. Representative, Association of Philippine Medical Colleges
C. Chancellor, UP College of Medicine - RA 2382, Art II, Sec. 3, dapat
D. Secretary, Department of Health
5. Which of the following is an exempting circumstances in
criminal cases?
A. The offender has an illness that will diminish his willpower
depriving him of consciousness of his act.
B. The offender is dumb and deaf.
C. When the accused is an imbecile or an insane person.
D. The offender is under the influence (intoxicated) of drugs.
5. Which of the following is an exempting circumstances in
criminal cases?
A. The offender has an illness that will diminish his willpower
depriving him of consciousness of his act. - defense of insanity (Solis
p. 751)
B. The offender is dumb and deaf. ( mitigating circumstance, Solis p. 752)
C. When the accused is an imbecile or an insane person. (Solis p. 751)
D. The offender is under the influence (intoxicated) of drugs.
( mitigating or aggravating, depending on whether the intoxication is
habitual/intentional, Solis p. 754)
6. The ethical discussion on assisted reproductive technology is
seen in the use of this technology on the following EXCEPT
A. reproductively-disabled people
B. enhancement of human characteristics
C. religious stand
D. post menopausal woman
6. The ethical discussion on assisted reproductive technology is
seen in the use of this technology on the following EXCEPT
A. reproductively-disabled people
B. enhancement of human characteristics
C. religious stand
D. post menopausal woman - dein na pweds
7. The child was grounded when he touched the blender. This is
an example
A. high voltage alternating current injury
B. lightning injury
C. low voltage alternating current injury
D. direct current injury
7. The child was grounded when he touched the blender. This is
an example
A. high voltage alternating current injury - live wire
B. lightning injury
C. low voltage alternating current injury
D. direct current injury - battery
8. The autopsy in the province of Lagawe is given to the
Municipal Health Officer. He is also given the authority to issue a
valid death public policy of certificate through the doctrine of the
state to intervene
A. parens patria
B. apparent authority
C. mens rea
D. advance directive
8. The autopsy in the province of Lagawe is given to the
Municipal Health Officer. He is also given the authority to issue a
valid death public policy of certificate through the doctrine of the
state to intervene
A. parens patria - “parent of the nation" refers to the public policy power of
the state to intervene against an abusive or negligent parent,
B. apparent authority - power of an agent to act on behalf of a principal,
even though not expressly or impliedly granted
C. mens rea - "guilty mind" or the intent to commit a crime
D. advance directive - living will
9. Grounds for filing an administrative case against a physician
A. gross negligence
B. issuing a medical certificate
C. violation of Code of Ethics as approved by the Philippine
Medical Association
D. addiction to habit forming drugs
9. Grounds for filing an administrative case against a physician
A. gross negligence
B. issuing a medical certificate
C. violation of Code of Ethics as approved by the Philippine
Medical Association
D. addiction to habit forming drugs
10. Select the duties of the physician to the patient that is not in
accordance with the PMA Code of Ethics.
A. Physician should hold confidential whatever he discovered in
the course of treatment.
B. In an emergency a physician should administer at least first
aid and then refer to a more competent health provider
C. A physician should be free to choose the patient.
D. The physician shall do all means to convince the patient of his
condition to get the consent needed.
10. Select the duties of the physician to the patient that is not in
accordance with the PMA Code of Ethics.
A. Physician should hold confidential whatever he discovered in
the course of treatment. (Section 6, Code of Ethics)
B. In an emergency a physician should administer at least first
aid and then refer to a more competent health provider (Section 3,
Code of Ethics)
C. A physician should be free to choose the patient. (Section 2,
Code of Ethics)
D. The physician shall do all means to convince the patient of his
condition to get the consent needed.
11. In order for a physician to show his commitment to
professional integrity and competence, he should
A. avoid influences that can undermine professional integrity
B. culture collaborative and respectful relationship with
C. value personal health and welfare and try to model self-care
D. foster individual inquiry and reflection to further medical
11. In order for a physician to show his commitment to
professional integrity and competence, he should
A. avoid influences that can undermine professional integrity
B. culture collaborative and respectful relationship with
C. value personal health and welfare and try to model self-care
D. foster individual inquiry and reflection to further medical
12. In the case of any death without medical attendance in
which there is no suspicion of death from unlawful or unnatural
causes, the following can complete and sign the certification of
death EXCEPT
A. local health officer
B. city mayor
C. coroner
D. prosecuting attorney
12. In the case of any death without medical attendance in
which there is no suspicion of death from unlawful or unnatural
causes, the following can complete and sign the certification of
death EXCEPT
A. local health officer
B. city mayor
C. coroner
D. prosecuting attorney
13. The following are methods used in bioethics EXCEPT
A. analysis
B. fact finding
C. speculation
D. reasoning
13. The following are methods used in bioethics EXCEPT
A. analysis
B. fact finding
C. speculation
D. reasoning
14. Karl is at the hallway shouting that his arms are missing.
However spectators are confused because his arms are intact.
Kari is probably suffering from
A. nihilistic delusion
B. delusion of grandeur
C. delusion of negation
D. hypochondriac delusion
14. Karl is at the hallway shouting that his arms are missing.
However spectators are confused because his arms are intact.
Kari is probably suffering from
A. nihilistic delusion - A false belief that there is no world, that one does
not exist, and that his body is dead. (Solis p. 631)
B. delusion of grandeur - Erroneous belief that he is in possession of
great power, wealth, wisdom, physical strength, etc. (Solis p. 631)
C. delusion of negation - feeling that some parts of the body are missing
(Solis p. 631)
D. hypochondriac delusion - A false feeling that one is suffering from an
incurable disease, some parts of his body are not functioning, or that he is not
physically capacitated to do a thing on account of the disease. (Solis p. 631)
15. Res ipsa Loquitur is latin for "the thing speaks for itself". In
order to prove that the doctor is guilty, three elements must be
proven by the complainant. Which of the following is not an
element of this doctrine
A. The plaintiff's injury must have been caused by an
instrumentality that was solely within the control of the
B. There is breach of the duty between the physician and the
C. The plaintiff's injury does not ordinarily occur unless in the
presence of negligence
D. Freedom from contributory negligence
15. Res ipsa Loquitur is latin for "the thing speaks for itself". In
order to prove that the doctor is guilty, three elements must be
proven by the complainant. Which of the following is not an
element of this doctrine
A. The plaintiff's injury must have been caused by an
instrumentality that was solely within the control of the
B. There is breach of the duty between the physician and the
C. The plaintiff's injury does not ordinarily occur unless in the
presence of negligence
D. Freedom from contributory negligence
16. A person found guilty of illegal practice of medicine shall
have the penalty of
A. fine and imprisonment
B. revocation of license
C. reprimand
D. suspension of license
16. A person found guilty of illegal practice of medicine shall
have the penalty of
A. fine and imprisonment
B. revocation of license - what license?
C. reprimand
D. suspension of license - what license?
17. The following are inherent factors of the missile (bullet) that
causes injury to the body EXCEPT
A. missle movement in flight
B. pull of gravity
C. size of the bullet
D. speed of the bullet
17. The following are inherent factors of the missile (bullet) that
causes injury to the body EXCEPT
A. missle movement in flight
B. pull of gravity - not inherent
C. size of the bullet
D. speed of the bullet
18. You are a family doctor with an S2 license. You are
mandated to keep the original records of your transactions on
Dangerous drugs. If you fail to keep the original records, the
penalty will be
A. imprisonment 12-20 years with fine 100,000 to 500,000
B. fine less than ₱10,000
C. imprisonment of 1-6 years with fine 10,000 to 50,000
D. fine less than 50,000
18. You are a family doctor with an S2 license. You are
mandated to keep the original records of your transactions on
Dangerous drugs. If you fail to keep the original records, the
penalty will be
A. imprisonment 12-20 years with fine 100,000 to 500,000
B. fine less than ₱10,000
C. imprisonment of 1- 6 years with fine 10,000 to 50,000
(Section 17, Comprehensive Dangerous Act 2002)
D. fine less than 50,000
19. The presumption of death of a person is declared if the
person has been absent continuously for ___ years.
A. 5
B: 8
C. 7
D. 6
19. The presumption of death of a person is declared if the
person has been absent continuously for ___ years.
A. 5
B: 8
C. 7 (Article 390 of Civil Code)
D. 6
20. Administrative cases against physicians are filed at the -
A. Professional Regulation Commission
B. Supreme Court
C. Court of Appeals
D. Regional Trial Court
20. Administrative cases against physicians are filed at the -
A. Professional Regulation Commission
B. Supreme Court
C. Court of Appeals
D. Regional Trial Court
21. Which of the following is NOT a component in the ethical
principle of respect for persons?
A. Autonomy
B. Fidelity
C. Educational attainment
D. Veracity
21. Which of the following is NOT a component in the ethical
principle of respect for persons?
A. Autonomy
B. Fidelity
C. Educational attainment
D. Veracity
22. The members of an indigenous tribe have no formal
education, which of the following may be compromised should
they agree to participate in the study?
A. Autonomy
B. Equality
C. Human dignity
D. Confidentiality
22. The members of an indigenous tribe have no formal
education, which of the following may be compromised should
they agree to participate in the study?
A. Autonomy
B. Equality
C. Human dignity
D. Confidentiality
23. When a physician is called by the government to act as an
expert witness, this is his duty to the community
A. for beneficence.
B. to determine autonomy
C. to define consent
D. in the administration of justice
23. When a physician is called by the government to act as an
expert witness, this is his duty to the community
A. for beneficence.
B. to determine autonomy
C. to define consent
D. in the administration of justice
24. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the doctrine of
medical malpractice.
A. By acts or omission by physicians.
B. The treatment caused injury to the patient.
C. Treatment falls below the accepted standard.
D. The cost of treatment is important in adjusting for tort.
24. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding the doctrine of
medical malpractice.
A. By acts or omission by physicians.
B. The treatment caused injury to the patient.
C. Treatment falls below the accepted standard.
D. The cost of treatment is important in adjusting for tort.
Four (4) elements of medical negligence. The four (4) elements are (1) duty
(doctor-px relationship); (2) breach of standard of care; (3) injury; and (4)
proximate causation. (G.R. No. 171127)
25. Which of the following is not considered a principle of
A. Beneficence
B. Non maleficence
C. Excellence
D. Justice
25. Which of the following is not considered a principle of
A. Beneficence
B. Non maleficence
C. Excellence - naol
D. Justice
26. Persistent vegetative state occurs when
A. patient is comatose
B. loss of neocortical function
C. recovery is appreciated
D. brainstem death
26. Persistent vegetative state occurs when
A. patient is comatose
B. loss of neocortical function
C. recovery is appreciated
D. brainstem death
27. Moving maggots are expected and ova of flies are seen in a
dead body at _____ after death.
A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 60 hours
D. 48 hours
27. Moving maggots are expected and ova of flies are seen in a
dead body at _____ after death.
A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 60 hours
D. 48 hours
28. Grounds for the Board of Medical Examiners to refuse the
issuance of a Certificate of Registration.
A. Declared to be of unsound mind.
B. Guilty of dishonorable conduct after investigation by CHED.
C. Convicted of a civil offense.
D. The applicant is addicted to alcoholic beverage.
28. Grounds for the Board of Medical Examiners to refuse the
issuance of a Certificate of Registration.
A. Declared to be of unsound mind.
B. Guilty of dishonorable conduct after investigation by CHED.
C. Convicted of a civil offense.
D. The applicant is addicted to alcoholic beverage.
“They shall not issue a certificate of registration to any candidate who has been convicted by a
court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude, or has been
found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct after he due investigation by the Board of
Medical Examiners, or has been declared to be of unsound mind.”
RA 2382 Art III Sec 20
29. As an act of revenge, Juan killed his father, is guilty of
A. homicide
B. death inflicted under exceptional circumstance
C. parricide
D. murder
29. As an act of revenge, Juan killed his father, is guilty of
A. homicide
B. death inflicted under exceptional circumstance
C. parricide
D. murder
246. Parricide. — Any person who shall kill his father, mother, or child,
whether legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or descendants, or
his spouse, shall be guilty of parricide and shall be punished by the penalty of
reclusión perpetua to death.
30. Who is fit to plead?
A. The person who is unable to understand what he is being
accused of.
B. The person who is unable to pay the lawyer's fee
C. The person who is unable to understand the nature of the
court proceedings
D. The person who is unable to instruct his defense lawyer
30. Who is fit to plead?
A. The person who is unable to understand what he is being
accused of.
B. The person who is unable to pay the lawyer's fee
C. The person who is unable to understand the nature of the
court proceedings
D. The person who is unable to instruct his defense lawyer
31. An ocular sign of death, a reddish brown discoloration is
transversely arranged across the sclera is
A. Cadaveric spasm
B. Lazarus reflex
C. Tache noir dela sclerotique
D. Rigor mortis
31. An ocular sign of death, a reddish brown discoloration is
transversely arranged across the sclera is
A. Cadaveric spasm
B. Lazarus reflex
C. Tache noir dela sclerotique
D. Rigor mortis
32. A dead person was seen after drowning in the sea. Select
the situation which complements the finding of drowning in sea.
A. Hyponatremia
B. Ventricular fibrillation
C. Circulatory overload
D. Hemoconcentration
32. A dead person was seen after drowning in the sea. Select
the situation which complements the finding of drowning in sea.
A. Hyponatremia - sea-water ingestion following the breath-holding
breaking-point directly causes hypernatremia
33. The intelligence is compared to the intelligence of a normal
child with age of 2-7 years with an IQ of 20-40. This person
cannot manage his affairs into order.
A. Moron
B. Feeble-minded
C. Imbecile
D. Idiot
33. The intelligence is compared to the intelligence of a normal
child with age of 2-7 years with an IQ of 20-40. This person
cannot manage his affairs into order.
A. Moron
B. Feeble-minded
C. Imbecile
D. Idiot
34. The hospital where Dr. Z is working is asking for 30% of his
Professional Fee for every patient he attends. This is an
accepted practice in this hospital.
A. Dr. Z is unethical
B: The hospital is unethical
C. Dr. Z is ethical
D. The hospital is ethical
34. The hospital where Dr. Z is working is asking for 30% of his
Professional Fee for every patient he attends. This is an
accepted practice in this hospital.
A. Dr. Z is unethical
B: The hospital is unethical (?)
C. Dr. Z is ethical
D. The hospital is ethical
Dichotomous fee (Payment by or to a physician or healthcare institution solely for referral of a patient)
35. On examination of the dead person, the actual leg length is
measured when both ankles are in neutral and identical position
from following EXCEPT
A. femoral head to the lowest point of the middle malleolus
B. underside of the anterior superior iliac spine to the lowest
point of middle malleolus
C. femoral angle to the plantar surface of the heel
D. posterior superior iliac spine and plantar surface of the heel
35. On examination of the dead person, the
actual leg length is measured when both
ankles are in neutral and identical position
from following EXCEPT
A. femoral head to the lowest point of the middle
B. underside of the anterior superior iliac spine to
the lowest point of middle malleolus
C. femoral angle to the plantar surface of the heel
D. posterior superior iliac spine and plantar surface
of the heel
36. Professional fees of doctors may NOT be waived in the
treatment of
A. doctors / colleagues
B. children of doctors
C. parents of doctors
D. sibling of doctors
36. Professional fees of doctors may NOT be waived in the
treatment of
A. doctors / colleagues
B. children of doctors
C. parents of doctors
D. sibling of doctors
37. Gina doesn't like having sex because she lacks the desire to
have sex with her husband. She is suffering from
A. Bestosexuality
B. Satyriasis
C. Sexual anesthesia
D. Vaginismus
37. Gina doesn't like having sex because she lacks the desire to
have sex with her husband. She is suffering from
A. Bestosexuality - beasts
B. Satyriasis - excessive sexual drive in men
C. Sexual anesthesia ( p.533 Solis)
D. Vaginismus - contraction of surrounding muscles
38. Regarding Ordinary Testimony / Witness, which of the
following statements is CORRECT?
A. The ordinary witness may state his opinion regarding the
B. The ordinary witness can testify to what he heard from his
C. The ordinary witness is prohibited from giving conclusion.
D. The ordinary witness is qualified by an academic degree.
38. Regarding Ordinary Testimony / Witness, which of the
following statements is CORRECT?
A. The ordinary witness may state his opinion regarding the
B. The ordinary witness can testify to what he heard from his
C. The ordinary witness is prohibited from giving conclusion.
D. The ordinary witness is qualified by an academic degree.
Section 50. Opinion of ordinary witnesses. - The opinion of a witness for which proper basis is given, may be received in
evidence regarding
(a) the identity of a person about whom he has adequate knowledge;
(b) A handwriting with which he has sufficient familiarity; and
(c) The mental sanity of a person with whom he is sufficiently acquainted.
The witness may also testify on his impressions of the emotion, behavior, condition or appearance of a person.
(44a) Revised Rules on Evidence
39. Qualifications to be an examiner / Board of Medical Examiner
A. natural-born citizen of the Philippines
B. must have been a faculty of a College of Medicine for at least
5 years
C. must have been in practice of medicine for at least 10 years
D. duly registered physician in the Philippines
39. Qualifications to be an examiner / Board of Medical Examiner
A. natural-born citizen of the Philippines
B. must have been a faculty of a College of Medicine for at least
5 years - Medical Act of 1959
C. must have been in practice of medicine for at least 10 years
D. duly registered physician in the Philippines
40. Which of the following is an exempting circumstances in
criminal cases?
A. The offender is dumb and deaf
B. The offender is under the influence (intoxicated) of drugs
C. When the accused is an imbecile or an insane person
D. The offender has an illness that will diminish his will power
depriving him of consciousness of his act
40. Which of the following is an exempting circumstances in
criminal cases?
A. The offender is dumb and deaf. ( mitigating circumstance, Solis p. 752)
B. The offender is under the influence (intoxicated) of drugs.
( mitigating or aggravating, depending on whether the intoxication is
habitual/intentional, Solis p. 754)
C. When the accused is an imbecile or an insane person. (Solis p. 751)
D. The offender has an illness that will diminish his willpower
depriving him of consciousness of his act. - defense of insanity
(Solis p. 751)
41. Putrefactive changes happen after death, the abdomen
becomes distended in
A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 48 hours
D. 56 hours
41. Putrefactive changes happen after death, the abdomen
becomes distended in
A. 24 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 48 hours
D. 56 hours - 3-5 days ( p.143 Solis)
42. What kind of vulnerability would a native tribe be subjected
to if they are continuously marginalized in terms of delivery of
health services?
A. Cultural vulnerability
B. Corporate vulnerability
C. Spiritual vulnerability
D. Social vulnerability
42. What kind of vulnerability would a native tribe be subjected
to if they are continuously marginalized in terms of delivery of
health services?
A. Cultural vulnerability
B. Corporate vulnerability
C. Spiritual vulnerability
D. Social vulnerability - Social vulnerability refers to the potential
negative effects on communities caused by external stresses on
human health. (CDC)
43. The code of ethics followed by doctors is created by
B. Congress
43. The code of ethics followed by doctors is created by
B. Congress
44. Requirements for doctrine of medical negligence EXCEPT
A. breach
B. duty
C. standard of care
D. injury
44. Requirements for doctrine of medical negligence EXCEPT
A. breach
B. duty
C. standard of care
D. injury
“The elements of medical negligence are: (1) duty; (2) breach; (3) injury; and (4)
proximate causation.”
G.R. No. 171127
45. The boy was caught carrying 2 sachet of shabu. To avoid
imprisonment, he should make sure that the amount of shabu
contained in the 2 sachet is less than
A. 500 grams
B. 50 grams
C. 100 grams
D. 200 grams
45. The boy was caught carrying 2 sachet of shabu. To avoid
imprisonment, he should make sure that the amount of shabu
contained in the 2 sachet is less than
A. 500 grams
B. 50 grams (Section 11, Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002)
C. 100 grams
D. 200 grams
46. Any person who shall intentionally cause abortion without
using violence and without the consent of the woman shall
suffer the penalty of
A. prision mayor
B. reclusion temporal
C. arresto mayor
D. prision correctional
46. Any person who shall intentionally cause abortion without
using violence and without the consent of the woman shall
suffer the penalty of
A. prision mayor - imprisonment of 6y + 1d (Art. 256, Revised Penal Code)
B. reclusion temporal
C. arresto mayor
D. prision correctional
47. The capacity of the patient to make an informed, rational
and uninfluenced decision regarding his medical treatment is
A. justice
B. non maleficence
C. autonomy
D. beneficence
47. The capacity of the patient to make an informed, rational
and uninfluenced decision regarding his medical treatment is
A. justice
B. non maleficence
C. autonomy
D. beneficence
48. Which of the following is NOT a right of a patient?
A. Right to appropriate medical care
B. Right to exhaust the grievance mechanism
C. Right to informed consent
D. Right to religious belief
48. Which of the following is NOT a right of a patient?
A. Right to appropriate medical care (#1)
B. Right to exhaust the grievance mechanism - process of elimination
C. Right to informed consent (#2)
D. Right to religious belief (#7)
49. The breathing reflex is important in cases of drowning
where the victim tries to hold respiration to prevent influx of
water. As the victim holds his breath, occurs after which the
victim cannot voluntarily hold his breath.
A. low level of sulfur
B. high level of carbon dioxide
C. high level of nitrogen
D. low level of oxygen
49. The breathing reflex is important in cases of drowning
where the victim tries to hold respiration to prevent influx of
water. As the victim holds his breath, occurs after which the
victim cannot voluntarily hold his breath.
A. low level of sulfur
B. high level of carbon dioxide
C. high level of nitrogen
D. low level of oxygen
50. You are faced with a dead pregnant woman. Upon
examination, there is still a faint fetal heart sound. You decide to
perform post-mortem abdominal delivery. Which of the
following is CORRECT?
A. Aseptic technique is required
B. Secure consent prior to procedure
C. Start anesthesia as soon as possible
D. Perform vertical skin incision
50. You are faced with a dead pregnant woman. Upon
examination, there is still a faint fetal heart sound. You decide to
perform post-mortem abdominal delivery. Which of the
following is CORRECT?
A. Aseptic technique is required - Wearing full gowns/masks can cause
delays and ‘full sterility’ is not required (
B. Secure consent prior to procedure
C. Start anesthesia as soon as possible
D. Perform vertical skin incision
Given these restrictions, a midline abdominal incision remains the appropriate choice for
PMCD. The incision should extend from the level of the uterine fundus to the pubic
symphysis. (MEDSCAPE)
51. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) or Accountable
Care Organizations have the opportunity to develop referral
systems based on the following EXCEPT
A. transparency
B. incentives
C. credentials
D. appropriate metrics
51. Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO) or Accountable
Care Organizations have the opportunity to develop referral
systems based on the following EXCEPT
A. transparency
B. incentives
C. credentials
D. appropriate metrics
52. In the traditional medical paternalism, the decision followed
is the one given by the
A. pharmacist
B. doctor
C. nurse
D. caregivers
52. In the traditional medical paternalism, the decision followed
is the one given by the
A. pharmacist
B. doctor - “It implies that the physician makes decisions based on what he or she
discerns to be in the patient’s best interests, even for those patients who could make the
decisions for themselves”
C. nurse
D. caregivers
53. Guidelines on physicians receiving gifts from industry
includes the following EXCEPT
A. there should be no strings attached
B. it should benefit the patient
C. it should be of substantial value
D. it should not influence prescription pattern
53. Guidelines on physicians receiving gifts from industry
includes the following EXCEPT
A. there should be no strings attached
B. it should benefit the patient
C. it should be of substantial value
D. it should not influence prescription pattern
54. Which of the following is NOT considered a ground for the
suspension, revocation of certificates of registration or
reprimand of erring physicians ?
A. Dishonorable conduct
B. Fraud in the acquisition of certificate of registration
C. Gross negligence in the practice of profession
D. Found guilty in a civil lawsuit
54. Which of the following is NOT considered a ground for the
suspension, revocation of certificates of registration or
reprimand of erring physicians ?
A. Dishonorable conduct
B. Fraud in the acquisition of certificate of registration
C. Gross negligence in the practice of profession
D. Found guilty in a civil lawsuit - Medical Act of 1959
55. The apparent leg length can be measured from the umbilicus
to the lowest point of the middle malleolus. This takes into
A. varus deformity
B. valgus deformity
C. pes planus
D. tilt of the pelvis
55. The apparent leg length can be measured from the umbilicus
to the lowest point of the middle malleolus. This takes into
A. varus deformity
B. valgus deformity
C. pes planus
D. tilt of the pelvis (
56. Death can result if the blood alcohol level of an individual
after binge drinking reached
A. 0.2 mg/100 ml
B. 0.5 mg/100 ml
C. 0.05 mg/100 ml
D. 0.1 mg/ 100 ml
56. Death can result if the blood alcohol level of an individual
after binge drinking reached
A. 0.2 mg/100 ml
B. 0.5 mg/100 ml
C. 0.05 mg/100 ml
D. 0.1 mg/ 100 ml
57. The woman is claiming that she is 7 months pregnant. If you
examine the woman, you should investigate that the fundus is
A. 2 fingerbreadths above the umbilicus
B. at the level of the umbilicus
C. 2 finger breadths below the xiphoid process
D. between the xiphoid process and umbilicus
57. The woman is claiming that she is 7 months pregnant. If you
examine the woman, you should investigate that the fundus is
A. 2 fingerbreadths above the umbilicus
B. at the level of the umbilicus
C. 2 finger breadths below the
xiphoid process
D. between the xiphoid process
and umbilicus
58. To determine whether the death from a gunshot wound is
suicide, or homicide, the following are important EXCEPT
A. person who fired the gun
B. direction of the fire of the gun
C. entrance and exit wound of the gunshot
D. tract of bullet in the body and wound of exit
58. To determine whether the death from a gunshot wound is
suicide, or homicide, the following are important EXCEPT
A. person who fired the gun
B. direction of the fire of the gun
C. entrance and exit wound of the gunshot
D. tract of bullet in the body and wound of exit - very variable
59. The following can be given limited practice of medicine
without a Certificate of Registration EXCEPT
A. Physicians and surgeons from other countries called in for
consultation only for specific and definite cases.
B. Fifth year medical student who may be given limited
authorization by the DOH secretary during epidemics
C. Commissioned medical officers of the United States Armed
Forces stationed in the Philippines serving the community
D. Foreign physicians employed as exchange professors in
medicine or surgery upon the discretion of Board of Medical
59. The following can be given limited practice of medicine
without a Certificate of Registration EXCEPT
A. Physicians and surgeons from other countries called in for
consultation only for specific and definite cases.
B. Fifth year medical student who may be given limited
authorization by the DOH secretary during epidemics
C. Commissioned medical officers of the United States Armed
Forces stationed in the Philippines serving the community - should
only render medical aid to co-members or within territorial jurisdiction (Medical Act of 1959)
60. Which of the following is NOT a prerequisite for a person to
practice of medicine?
A. holder of a valid Certificate of registration
B. passed the Physician Licensure Examination
C. 21 years of age
D. free from any administrative complaint (Medical Act of 1959)
61. When the uterine fundus is between the symphysis pubis
and umbilicus. You can say that the pregnancy is approximately
A. 6 months old
B. 4 months old
C. 3 months old
D. 5 months old
61. When the uterine fundus is between the symphysis pubis
and umbilicus. You can say that the pregnancy is approximately
A. 6 months old
B. 4 months old
C. 3 months old
D. 5 months old
62. Inability to recall important personal information usually
secondary to trauma
A. Dissociative amnesia
B. Obsessive compulsive disorder
C. Schizophrenia
D. Delusional disorder
62. Inability to recall important personal information usually
secondary to trauma
A. Dissociative amnesia
B. Obsessive compulsive disorder
C. Schizophrenia
D. Delusional disorder
63. To provide improved quality of healthcare by doing the
following EXCEPT
A. participate in any educational activity even those that are not
well designed for as long as its for quality improvement.
B. demonstrate commitment to develop, implement and
disseminate appropriate, well defined quality and performance
improvement measures.
C. monitoring quality of care doctors deliver as individual
practitioners through peer review.
D. keeping current with best practices and maintaining
professional competence.
63. To provide improved quality of healthcare by doing the
following EXCEPT
A. participate in any educational activity even those that are not
well designed for as long as its for quality improvement.
B. demonstrate commitment to develop, implement and
disseminate appropriate, well defined quality and performance
improvement measures.
C. monitoring quality of care doctors deliver as individual
practitioners through peer review.
D. keeping current with best practices and maintaining
professional competence.
64. Which of the following constitute the practice of medicine as
described in the amended Medical Act of 1959?
A. Clinical psychologist under the supervision of a registered
B. Person who prescribed a household remedy.
C. Prosthetists who fit artificial limbs under supervision of
registered physician
D. Doctor undergoing residency training in obstetrics.
64. Which of the following constitute the practice of medicine as
described in the amended Medical Act of 1959?
A. Clinical psychologist under the supervision of a registered
B. Person who prescribed a household remedy.
C. Prosthetists who fit artificial limbs under supervision of
registered physician
D. Doctor undergoing residency training in obstetrics. - naol
65. Which one does NOT relate to relational competencies
communication skills?
A. Team work
B. Confidentiality
C. Teaching others
D, Handling conflict
65. Which one does NOT relate to relational competencies
communication skills?
A. Team work
B. Confidentiality
C. Teaching others
D, Handling conflict
66. Juan the "peeping tom" of suburb x derives gratification by
peeping to see the lady undress then he masturbates. He is
suffering from -
A. frottage
B. voyeurism
C. Scoptophilia
D. troilism
66. Juan the "peeping tom" of suburb x derives gratification by
peeping to see the lady undress then he masturbates. He is
suffering from -
A. frottage - compulsive desire of a person to rub his sex organ against some parts of the body of another
B. voyeurism - compulsion to peep to see persons undress or perform other personal activities
C. scoptophilia - sexual pleasure is attained by watching couple undress or during their sex intimacies
D. troilism - three persons are participating in the sexual orgies
p.535-536 Solis
67. An unidentified child was discovered, in forensic odontology,
determine the approximate age if there were already 20
permanent teeth consisting of 8 incisors, 8 premolars and 4
A. 25 years old
B. 11 years old
C. 9 years old
D. 15 years old
67. An unidentified child was discovered, in forensic odontology,
determine the approximate age if there were already 20
permanent teeth consisting of 8 incisors, 8 premolars and 4
A. 25 years old
B. 11 years old ( p.65 Solis)
C. 9 years old
D. 15 years old
68. A set of research ethics principles for human
experimentation as a result of experimentation at the end of the
second world war.
A. Belmont Report
B. Hippocratic oath
C. Declaration of Helsinki
D. Nuremberg Code
68. A set of research ethics principles for human
experimentation as a result of experimentation at the end of the
second world war.
A. Belmont Report - created as a result of the National Research Act of 1974
B. Hippocratic oath - hehe ano kaya ‘to
C. Declaration of Helsinki - developed the ten principles first stated in the
Nuremberg Code, and tied them to the Declaration of Geneva
D. Nuremberg Code - experimentation dubbed as “Nuremberg Trials”
69. A doctor to the barrios assigned in a far-flung area came across a
small tribe of indigenous people. They were still living in very
traditional means, with limited contact to the outside modern world.
The doctor wanted to study them for their medicinal practices and to
see how they would respond to western medicine. Why would this
tribe be considered a vulnerable population?
A. They may lack understanding as to what is being done with them
during the study
B. Their population is composed mostly of young children and elderly
C. They have limited resources and very traditional lifestyle
D. Their numbers are small size compared to the population of the
69. A doctor to the barrios assigned in a far-flung area came across a
small tribe of indigenous people. They were still living in very
traditional means, with limited contact to the outside modern world.
The doctor wanted to study them for their medicinal practices and to
see how they would respond to western medicine. Why would this
tribe be considered a vulnerable population?
A. They may lack understanding as to what is being done with them
during the study - related to autonomy
B. Their population is composed mostly of young children and elderly
C. They have limited resources and very traditional lifestyle
D : Their numbers are small size compared to the population of the
70. Questions from the following topics should be mandatorily
included in the surgery exam of the Physician Licensure Exam
A. Anesthesiology
B. Orthopedics
C. Ophthalmology
D. Pediatric surgery
70. Questions from the following topics should be mandatorily
included in the surgery exam of the Physician Licensure Exam
A. Anesthesiology
B. Orthopedics
C. Ophthalmology
D. Pediatric surgery (RA 2382, Art III , Sec. 21)
Section 21. Scope of examination. The examination for the registration of physicians shall consist of the following
subjects: (1) Anatomy and Histology, (2) Physiology, (3) Biochemistry, (4) Microbiology and Parasitology, (5)
Pharcology and Therapeutics, (6) Pathology, (7) Medicine, (8) Obstetrics and Gynecology, (9) Pediatrics and Nutrition,
(10) Surgery and Opthalmology, Otolaryngology and Rhinology, (11) Preventive Medicine and Public Health, and (12)
Legal Medicine, Ethics and Medical Jurisprudence: Provided, however, That the examination questions in each subject
or group of subject shall at least be ten in number: Provided, further, That the examination questions in Medicine shall
include at least three from the following branches: Infectious diseases, Neurology, Dermatology, Allergy,
Endocrinology and Cardio-Vascular diseases: Provided, finally, That the examination questions in Surgery shall include
at least four questions from the following: Opthalmology, Otology, Rhinology, Laryngology, Orthopedic Surgery and 141
71. Administrative cases filed against physician can be filed in
the following venue EXCEPT
A. Regional Trial Court
B. Ombudsman
C. Civil Service Commission
D. Professional Regulation Commission
71. Administrative cases filed against physician can be filed in
the following venue EXCEPT
A. Regional Trial Court
B. Ombudsman - “is principally tasked to investigate on its own or upon complaint by
any person, in any form or manner, any act or omission of any public officer or employee,
including those in government-owned or controlled corporations, which appears to be illegal,
unjust, improper or inefficient” The 1987 Constitution and the Ombudsman Act of 1989
72. Rib fracture resulting from chest trauma is classified as
A. potentially lethal injury
B. life-threatening injury
C. ordinary injury
D. serious chest injury
72. Rib fracture resulting from chest trauma is classified as
A. potentially lethal injury - The Hidden Six (thoracic aortic disruption,
tracheobronchial disruption, myocardial contusion, traumatic diaphragmatic tear, esophageal
disruption, and pulmonary contusion) are potentially life-threatening injuries that should be detected
during secondary survey.
C. ordinary injury
D. serious chest injury
73. To support the presence of pregnancy, biochemical
determination of blood levels of ____ should be performed.
A. human chorionic gonadotropin
B. CA 125 level
C. human prolactin level
D. alpha-fetoprotein
74. Doctor X performs dilatation and curettage to his pregnant
patients at their request. If found guilty he will suffer
A. arresto minor
B. arresto mayor
C. prision correctional in its maximum period
D. prision temporal
74. Doctor X performs dilatation and curettage to his pregnant
patients at their request. If found guilty he will suffer
A. arresto minor - one day to thirty days
B. arresto mayor - one month and one day to six years
C. prision correctional in its maximum period - Revised Penal Code
(six months and one day to six years)
D. prision temporal
75. Identify the fundamental principle NOT included in the 1979
announcement of the Belmont report.
A. respect for person
B. justice
C. healthcare rationing
D. beneficence
75. Identify the fundamental principle NOT included in the 1979
announcement of the Belmont report.
A. respect for person
B. justice
C. healthcare rationing
D. beneficence
76. Questions from the following topics should be mandatorily
included in the surgery exam of the Physician Licensure Exam
A. Thoracocardiovascular surgery
B. Orthopedics
C. Ophthalmology
D. Otorhinolaryngology
76. Questions from the following topics should be mandatorily
included in the surgery exam of the Physician Licensure Exam
A. Thoracocardiovascular surgery
B. Orthopedics
C. Ophthalmology
D. Otorhinolaryngology
77. The civil personality of John Doe can be extinguished by
A. guilty in a civil lawsuit
B. annulment
C. convicted in a criminal case
D. death ( p.111 Solis)
78. The physician shall waive his professional fee to the
following colleague's relatives EXCEPT
A. son
B. spouse
C. common law wife
D. parent
78. The physician shall waive his professional fee to the
following colleague's relatives EXCEPT
A. son
B. spouse
C. common law wife
D. parent
79. The expert's report should contain the following information
A. reference to any literature relied on to support the
B. the expert's qualification
C. the material facts and assumptions from which the report is
D. what should have been done on the patient to improve
79. The expert's report should contain the following information
A. reference to any literature relied on to support the
B. the expert's qualification
C. the material facts and assumptions from which the report is
D. what should have been done on the patient to improve
80. A doctor may spend more time and attention to a patient as
warranted by the patient's condition but may not necessarily ask
for an additional fee operates on the ethical principle of
A. Equity
B. Non discrimination
C. Dignity
D. Vulnerability
80. A doctor may spend more time and attention to a patient as
warranted by the patient's condition but may not necessarily ask
for an additional fee operates on the ethical principle of
A. Equity
B. Non discrimination
C. Dignity
D. Vulnerability
81. To ascertain the cause of death, exhumation can be
requested or ordered by the following EXCEPT
A. Police
B. Fiscal or solicitor general
C. Court
D. Nearest of kin
81. To ascertain the cause of death, exhumation can be
requested or ordered by the following EXCEPT
A. Police
B. Fiscal or solicitor general
C. Court
D. Nearest of kin
The deceased buried may be raised or disinterred upon the lawful order of the proper
authorities. The order may come from the provincial or city fiscals, from the court, and
from any entity vested with the authority to investigate. (Topnotch phase 0, p.38)
82. Doctor X is being charged with medical malpractice when he
treated patient Y for gallbladder stones. Doctor X performed
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient suffered leak of the
common bile duct post-operation. The complainant needs to
establish the standard of care through the testimony of
A. general surgeon
B. general physician
C. laparoscopic surgeon
D. gastroenterologist
82. Doctor X is being charged with medical malpractice when he
treated patient Y for gallbladder stones. Doctor X performed
laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient suffered leak of the
common bile duct post-operation. The complainant needs to
establish the standard of care through the testimony of
A. general surgeon
B. general physician
C. laparoscopic surgeon
D. gastroenterologist
83. Which of the following is not a requisite for the admissibility
of expert testimony?
A. The expert witness must possess the knowledge, skills
needed to inform the court about a particular case under
B. The subject under examination requires the aid of knowledge
that cannot be obtained from ordinary witness
C. The testimony should be a matter of issue in the case.
D. Hearsay testimony
83. Which of the following is not a requisite for the admissibility
of expert testimony?
A. The expert witness must possess the knowledge, skills
needed to inform the court about a particular case under
B. The subject under examination requires the aid of knowledge
that cannot be obtained from ordinary witness
C. The testimony should be a matter of issue in the case.
D. Hearsay testimony - as a rule not admissible in court ( p.14 Solis)
84. A patient was seen in the emergency room after being
injured in a brawl. He was treated for injuries and advised bed
rest for 15 days. The offender can be charged with
A. less serious physical injury
B. slight physical injury
C. serious physical injury
D. morbid physical injury
84. A patient was seen in the emergency room after being
injured in a brawl. He was treated for injuries and advised bed
rest for 15 days. The offender can be charged with
A. less serious physical injury - incapacitate the offended party for labor
for >10, <30 days , or shall require medical attendance for the same period
B. slight physical injury - 1-9 days or any injury less severe
C. serious physical injury - >30 days, loss of the use of speech or the power
to hear or to smell, or loss of an eye, hand, foot, arm, leg
D. morbid physical injury - walang ganun mars
85. Ted Bundy kidnapped and killed his victims. Then he has sex
with the dead body. He is suffering from
A. autosecual - autosexual, sexual attraction to self
B. gerontophilia - oldies
C. necrophilia
D. bestosexual - animals
( p.532 Solis)
86. Select the characteristic of an organized offender.
A. Follows the crime in the news
B. Lives/work near the crime scene
C. No significant behavioral change
D. Anxious mood during commission of crime
86. Select the characteristic of an organized offender.
A. Follows the crime in the news
B. Lives/ work near the crime scene - disorganized offender
C. No significant behavioral change - disorganized offender will
have significant behavioral change, no mention in organized offender
D. Anxious mood during commission of crime - disorganized
87. Which of the following is NOT seen in a patient in persistent
vegetative state?
A. May require respiratory assistance
B. Clinically brain dead
C. Eye-open state of consciousness
D. With good cardiac function
87. Which of the following is NOT seen in a patient in persistent
vegetative state?
A. May require respiratory assistance
B. Clinically brain dead
C. Eye-open state of consciousness
D. With good cardiac function
Individuals in PVS are seldom on any life-sustaining equipment other than
a feeding tube because the brainstem, the center of vegetative functions
(such as heart rate and rhythm, respiration, and gastrointestinal activity) is
relatively intact (Emmett, 1989).
“A Biblico-Ethical Response to the Question of Withdrawing Fluid and Nutrition from Individuals in
the Persistent Vegetative State" ( master's thesis; Bethel Theological Seminary, 1989)
88. Which of the following is a requirement for the crime of
A. Baby dies within 24 hours from delivery
B. Proof of birth
C. Mommy commits an abortion
D. Baby is less than 7 months
88. Which of the following is a requirement for the crime of
A. Baby dies within 24 hours from delivery
B. Proof of birth - REVISED PENAL CODE ARTICLE 255. Infanticide. —
The penalty provided for parricide in article 246 and for murder in article 248 shall
be imposed upon any person who shall kill any child less than three days of age.
C. Mommy commits an abortion
D. Baby is less than 7 months
89. Mental disorder where there is loss of contact with reality,
hallucination, delusions and abnormal thinking.
A. Schizophrenia
B. Delusional disorder
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. Anti-social personality
89. Mental disorder where there is loss of contact with reality,
hallucination, delusions and abnormal thinking.
A. Schizophrenia
B. Delusional disorder
C. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
D. Anti-social personality
90. Select the subject that is part of the Final examination for
the Physician Licensure Examination.
A. Physiology
B. Pharmacology
C. Microbiology and Parasitology
D. Anatomy and Histology
90. Select the subject that is part of the Final examination for
the Physician Licensure Examination.
A. Physiology
B. Pharmacology
C. Microbiology and Parasitology
D. Anatomy and Histology
91. Select the sign or symptom NOT generally associated with
A. Increased alertness
B. Unexplained coma
C. Peripheral neuropathy
D. Vomiting and diarrhea
91. Select the sign or symptom NOT generally associated with
A. Increased alertness - usual symptom is delirium
B. Unexplained coma
C. Peripheral neuropathy
D. Vomiting and diarrhea
p.718-719 Solis
92. Select where a physician can NOT place special certificates
or diplomas post graduate training specific methods of
treatment, operative techniques.
A. Clinic
B. Newspaper
C. Internet website
D. Residence
92. Select where a physician can NOT place special certificates
or diplomas post graduate training specific methods of
treatment, operative techniques.
A. Clinic
B. Newspaper - PMA Code of Ethics Art III Sec 4 “....Except in internet web
sites, only the name of the physician, field of specialty, office hours or office or
residential addresses may appear.”
C. Internet website
D. Residence
93. According to the Code on Sanitation (PD 856), which burial
ground requirement should be met.
A. 20 meters from any dwelling house
B. 50 meters from any water source
C. 20 meters from either side of the river
D. May be buried in the ranch
93. According to the Code on Sanitation (PD 856), which burial
ground requirement should be met.
A. 20 meters from any dwelling house - 25 meters
B. 50 meters from any water source
C. 20 meters from either side of the river - 50 meters
D. May be buried in the ranch - not in PD 856
94. Anti-freeze is a common poison in the United States, The
chemical component of anti-freeze is
A formaldehyde
B. methanol
C. muscarine
D. ethylene glycol
94. Anti-freeze is a common poison in the United States, The
chemical component of anti-freeze is
A formaldehyde
B. methanol
C. muscarine
D. ethylene glycol (
95. The quantum of evidence needed to prove a criminal offense
A. substantial evidence
B. preponderance of evidence
C. proof beyond reasonable doubt
D. proof of guilt
95. The quantum of evidence needed to prove a criminal offense
A. substantial evidence
B. preponderance of evidence
C. proof beyond reasonable doubt - Rules of Court Section 2
D. proof of guilt
96. Which of the following is NOT needed in order to prove that
a physician is guilty of medical negligence.
A. The doctor is an employee of the hospital
B. The patient suffered actual damage
C. The doctor owed the patient a duty and the doctor breached
that duty.
D. The doctor's conduct is the proximate cause of the damage
96. Which of the following is NOT needed in order to prove that
a physician is guilty of medical negligence.
A. The doctor is an employee of the hospital
B. The patient suffered actual damage
C. The doctor owed the patient a duty and the doctor breached
that duty.
D. The doctor's conduct is the proximate cause of the damage
Four (4) elements of medical negligence. The four (4) elements are (1) duty
(doctor-px relationship); (2) breach of standard of care; (3) injury; and (4)
proximate causation. (G.R. No. 171127)
97. A victim is said to have died of atypical drowning if
A. the victim died of vagal inhibition
B. there was fluid in the lungs
C. suffocation from being submerged in water
D. she died of hypothermia
97. A victim is said to have died of atypical drowning if
A. the victim died of vagal inhibition (p.443 Solis)
B. there was fluid in the lungs
C. suffocation from being submerged in water
D. she died of hypothermia
98. Identify which should NOT be done when preparing the
medicolegal report of a patient?
A. You should have permission of the patient before you release
the information
B. The medicolegal report should be written in response to a
written request accompanied by an expressed permission from
the patient.
C. Know the nature and purpose of the report
D. You can prepare the report from memory
98. Identify which should NOT be done when preparing the
medicolegal report of a patient?
A. You should have permission of the patient before you release
the information
B. The medicolegal report should be written in response to a
written request accompanied by an expressed permission from
the patient.
C. Know the nature and purpose of the report
D. You can prepare the report from memory
99. Substantial evidence is needed in order to convict a
physician of medical negligence filed in
A. court of appeal
B. civil court
C. criminal court
D. Professional Regulation Commission
99. Substantial evidence is needed in order to convict a
physician of medical negligence filed in
A. court of appeal
B. civil court
C. criminal court
D. Professional Regulation Commission
100. In a criminal proceeding, the guilt of the accused is
A. Factum actualis
B. Factum corpolis
C. Factum probandum
D. Factum probans
100. In a criminal proceeding, the guilt of the accused is
A. Factum actualis
B. Factum corpolis
C. Factum probandum - fact needing to be proved, “innocent until proven
D. Factum probans - evidentiary facts to prove guilt