Trumpet Call 2019 Jan13
Trumpet Call 2019 Jan13
Trumpet Call 2019 Jan13
Pastor’s Corner
This past week, our church has welcomed a new staff member: Rachel Thompson. Rachel has been a
part of our congregation for almost two years, and her husband, Dave, was a part of our church family for
many years previous to that. Rachel is our new Director of Congregational Care. Bethany Mills has had
Congregational Care as a part of her job description, and indeed is training Rachel for several weeks
before she completely gives up the position. When we hired Bethany in August 2017, we knew at that time
we also needed someone in the area of communications as well, but we didn’t know then how God would
work things out for us in that area. It became readily apparent that Bethany had many gifts in the area of communications,
though she was equally competent in the three areas she was hired for: discipleship, evangelism, and congregational care.
Rachel says that what drew her to the Congregational Care position was the opportunity to help care for our church
community. “Throughout my life,” she says, “ I have been blessed to be a part of communities that are empathetic,
supportive, and nurturing. I am happy to have the opportunity to help continue to build our relationships here at ESUMC in
those same ways. In today's world, many of us feel disconnected and distant from one another, which makes opportunities
for connection and fellowship together even more essential. I believe the most important aspect of this position is listening
to the needs of others, and consistently responding to those needs with both grace and support. I am most excited about
getting to know more members of our congregation, and spending time with different groups of people.”
The biggest opportunity for growth that she sees in our Congregational Care ministries is getting more people involved. “We
have many church members who are incredibly faithful volunteers. I would love to see our volunteer base grow, so that we
can provide an even greater level of care for our church community. I am so thankful to be serving in this new role, and am
looking forward to working alongside all of you!”
Rachel, we are equally excited to work alongside you in your new position. Please pray for Rachel as she takes the reins,
and pray also for Bethany as she transitions into her new role which will now bring discipleship, evangelism, and
communications under one umbrella. We are so blessed to have such an amazing, competent, and faithful staff; praise
Merry Marthas
The next meeting of Merry
Marthas will be on Saturday
January 12 at 9:00 AM. Craig
Gouger will be joining us and
showing us how to make some
roasted soups. Along with the roasted soups we will be making a
few other basic soups for the church's new casserole
ministry. The soups we make will be frozen in containers and
donated to the congregational care team for the casserole
ministry. The cost of this event will be $5.00 and each will get to Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm January 22 – March 19
take home a container of soup. Additional containers will be Oberholtzer Hall
available for purchase. Please RSVP by email to Sue Mertz Register:
[email protected] or call and leave a message at More info: [email protected]
E S U M C Sunday Services and Studies NA: Mon-Sat, 12:00 to 1:30 PM Just for Today;
Wed, 6:00 to 7:30 PM New Beginnings (Women)
Traditional 8:30 AM Contemporary 10:45 AM AA: Thurs & Sat, 8:00 to 9:00 PM Keep It Simple
Sunday School 9:45 AM Saturday, 5:30 to6:30 PM.
Discipleship 9:45 AM Sunday, 4:30 to 6:30 PM Serenity House