The Trumpet Call: Ministry Corner

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Our Mission: To love Jesus Christ and to share His Love

Our Vision: To be a Christian community where Christ is transforming lives

East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church Volume IV Issue 38 September 23, 2018

Ministry Corner
“Here at ESUMC, our Mission is to “love Jesus Christ and SHARE his love!” As Christians, we have been given the
important task of proclaiming Christ and we must take that amazing gift of Salvation seriously! Let us proclaim the
GOOD NEWS! How are we doing this as a Church body? The Outreach & Evangelism Team has been prayerful
considering new ways to get outside the four walls of our building and step into the Mission Field: Our Community.
On Saturday, October 6th, East Stroudsburg Community Alliance will hold its annual Fall Fest and Block Party. This
event takes place at the Historic Dansbury Depot from 11am-5pm and provides a tremendous opportunity to go out to
our community and “preach the gospel.”

First and foremost, we are praying that this event gives ESUMC the opportunity to walk alongside our community and share the love of
Christ. But we also believe it will give us opportunities to have fun with our neighbors! At our booth, we hope to provide our community
guests with the following free activities: Balloon Art, Color Caricatures, and a Slime stand! We want to have conversations, get to know
our neighbors, and invite them to get involved at ESUMC, through Sunday morning worship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and
discipleship opportunities! This booth will also allow us to take donations to help benefit the local Fire Department and Police Department
as a way to show ESUMC’s appreciation and support of our local heroes.
How can you get involved????
• Prayer: As a Church we believe in Prayer! So pray for those involved in the planning and preparation, pray for our hearts that we would
be sensitive to the Lord’s leading. And pray for numerous opportunities to have conversations and share our faith and finally pray that the
Lord would begin to work in the hearts of those we come into contact with.

• Serve: Serve the day of the event! Sign up in Oberholtzer Hall THIS SUNDAY to serve before, during, and after the event. There will be
opportunities for set-up and clean-up, and to come during the event and represent ESUMC by talking to our community guests.

• Financially: Give generously to support the Great Commission and help raise additional funds for outreach! Our Team specifically
believes this outreach is worth allotting the majority of our remaining 2018 budget towards, and we’re asking you to come alongside us
and support our efforts financially!
Please prayerfully consider how YOU might be able to support this upcoming event with you time, talent or treasure!
Thank you,
Sarah Kuhnle

Transportation Ministry - Revival

Attention all drivers! We need YOU. The Congregational Care team is reviving our
Transportation Ministry . This ministry assists members of our congregation and community
by providing transportation to and from things like Sunday morning church services, doctor's
appointments, and the grocery store. It is an excellent opportunity to provide a valuable
service to our community, especially if you have your own vehicle and a flexible schedule.
If you are interested in learning more about how to serve in this ministry, please join us for
our next Congregational Care meeting on Wednesday, September 26 at 7:00pm in the
Conference Room. You can also email Rachel Thompson ([email protected]) or
Bethany Mills ([email protected]) for more details.

E S U M C Sunday Services and Studies

Join in the Discussions

Traditional 8:30 AM ~ Contemporary 10:45 AM

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Discipleship Groups 9:45 AM
Hi Everyone!
The Worship Planning
I’m Nickey Baxter, Chair of our Team
Communications Team here at
ESUMC. And I’m SO excited to talk is looking for ideas and
to you today about the logo contest! suggestions on ways to
As you may know, the cut off date improve both the 8:30 and
for our Logo Contest submissions is right around the corner on 10:45 worship services.
September 23rd! So, if you’re working on something creative, Worship connects the
don’t forget to get your submissions in!!!! heart and spirit of the
So everyone understands what our long-term goal is, it’s this: person with the truth about
we’re trying to rebrand the Church! What does that mean, God and His work of redemption, as revealed in the person of
exactly? Well, you know how when you’re driving down the street, Jesus Christ and the Scriptures. Worship shapes how we live.
and you easily recognize the signs for stores or restaurants like Worship is too often taken for granted as something a
McDonalds, Starbucks, or Little Caesar’s Pizza, etc.? We want congregation experiences, rather than collectively creates. If you
ESUMC to be just as easily identified in our East Stroudsburg/ have a suggestion about worship, please email it to: Kurt Visser-
Stroudsburg Community-and that definitely requires solid [email protected] or Michele Doodo- [email protected]
branding! The Worship Planning Team meets the 3rd Wednesday of every
If we can accomplish this goal, we’ll have people that drive by month at 6:00 pm in the Youth Room.
and see our signs, etc., they quickly identify our East
Stroudsburg United Methodist Church logo and perhaps even
think: “Yeah, I need to check that place out!” Now, for those of
you who don’t know or perhaps haven’t thought of it lately: Our
Mission is to LOVE Jesus Christ and to SHARE His love! And
Care Packages
we truly believe that by re-branding ESUMC and increasing our
presence in the Community that we'll be doing just that! In fact, Ministry
our Team plans to put this logo out there is TONS of new ways! "Attention ESUMC!!!
For example, our hope is to use the winning logo on items that
people wear or travel with like t-shirts, car magnets, coffee mugs, Twice a year the parents of our
etc.! And you should know, that TO GROW, we have to be young military service members and
known! This is the first step to accomplishing that goal! our college age students have come
Now, about submissions - DON’T BE BASHFUL! We know that together to coordinate a care
there are many artistically inclined people in this Church!!! package mailing from ESUMC.
There’s some of you that draw, paint or enjoy graphic design, and These mailings, sent out in April and October, often contain
if not, maybe you know someone who does! But nonetheless, scripture, a letter of encouragement, and either goodies (of some
don’t delay in entering! Share your idea(s) and team up with sort) or a Gift Card for our “College and Career” age adults.
another individual to help you visually illustrate your concept and This year, our Care Package Ministry would like to invite
send your digitally illustrated submissions to EVERYONE, not just parents, to participate and support our
[email protected]! Once again the deadline for submissions outreach. So how can you be involved? Join us THIS Sunday,
is Sunday, September 23rd, so put your thinking cap on and get September 23rd, at noon for our 1st Care Package Ministry
those creative juices flowing. We need you! discussion. Sue Mertz, and Bethany Mills will lead a brief meeting
Have a blessed week, everyone! (30 minutes) in Oberholtzer Hall to review the care package theme
selected for our October mailing. All are welcome to attend, hope
Thank you,
to see YOU there!!!”
Nickey Baxter & The Communications Team
Thank you, Bethany


Women’s Annual Fall Retreat

ABUNDANCE...Desiring God’s All in My Life

Saturday November 3, 2018

8:30 pm—3:00 pm
Join The Kings of Queen Street as they host a night of Here at ESUMC
worship from 7-8pm @ ESUMC. It will be an uplifting hour
of Praise, Worship, Scripture and Prayer. For questions or Registration begins Sunday 9/30
additional information, please contact Doug Malefyt
Thom S. Rainer
GREATER NEWS!! Last week the enrollment in our
Church-Wide study was 178 participants, I am even more

JUMP excited to share, it is now over 180!! ESUMC will be

coordinating classes and small groups for every day of the
week (excluding Fridays)! Something for everyone.
Young parents are encouraged to consider signing up for our
JESUS UNDERSTANDS Wednesday night group, which meets at the Sarah Street Grill
from 5:30 to 7pm. This is the ONLY group that is projected to
ME PERSONALLY provide professional childcare during the week, so parents,
don’t delay!! Programing and childcare will be provided at
ESUMC on Wednesday from 5:15 to 7:15pm (excluding
JUMP INTO WHO GOD Halloween, Oct. 31st).
CREATED YOU TO BE If you haven’t already, stop by the tables in Oberholtzer Hall to
sign up for class or a group today! We believe you will be
encouraged and blessed to fellowship with other Christians
while growing your faith.

The Discipleship Team

Discipleship Drop-in Study

Check the white board in Oberholtzer for study
information. Please note, location changed
to Classroom #10.

Dollar Challenge
OK’s 55+ 2018 Events
September Dollar Challenge is snacks for JAM
the after school youth program. Items such as
chips, pretzels, cookies, and popcorn are greatly
appreciated. Thank you! October 11- Pocono Plateau Fall Foliage -Hot
dogs, beverage, and smores over campfire-
bring a snack and game. Leave the church
Walk the Talk at 9 :30 and return at 2.

November 15-VoTec
Thanksgiving Dinner
walk for life 2018 menu to come.
#lovewithactionsandtruth Meet at Vo-Tec
1 John 3:18 at noon.
Pregnancy Resource Center December 20-
Of the Poconos Christmas Party-
Meat and beverage
Take a stand for life while enjoying fun and fellowship provided, bring a
covered dish or dessert
Saturday, Oct 6th, 2018 at 9 am
and a recycled
East Stroudsburg UMC
wrapped gift.
R e g i s t e r i n yo u r c h u r c h l o b b y T O D A Y !

Church Office
(570) 421-3280
[email protected]
Hours: 9am to 1pm
Monday thru Friday

Jim Todd
[email protected]
Ext. 1014

Church Administrator
Jill Teaford
[email protected]
Ext. 1015

Administrative Assistant
Kathy Ravago
[email protected]
Ext. 1010

Director of Spiritual Life &

Congregational Care
Bethany Mills
[email protected]
Ext. 1023

Director of Student Ministries

Scott Kuhnle
[email protected]
Ext. 1013

Director of Children & Family

Erica Dorsch
[email protected]
Ext. 1017

Director of Traditional Music/

Pauline Fox
[email protected]

Director of Contemporary
Doug Malefyt
[email protected]

Director of Choir
Joe Dorsch
[email protected]
Director of Bells
Chris Perfetti
[email protected]
Financial Secretary
Michael Corey
[email protected]
Ext. 1012
Technology Support
Michael Corey
[email protected]
Ext. 1012
Audio/Visual Technician
Charles Rajnai
[email protected]
East Stroudsburg United Methodist Church
Scan QR to Maintenance Sunday
83 S. Courtland St. ESUMC Bob Lee Sexton
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 Website
[email protected] Craig Banner
Ext. 1018

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