Toastmasters Magazine Issue 119

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Sky High
Magician and future
military pilot chases
lifelong dream

What’s the Culture

of Your Club?
Meet the Six New
Accredited Speakers
Publisher  2018–2019 OFFICERS
Daniel Rex International President
Managing Editor  Lark Doley, DTM
Suzanne Frey International President-Elect
Senior Editor  Deepak Menon, DTM
Tess Iandiorio First Vice President

Digital Content Editor  Richard Peck, DTM
Shannon Dewey Second Vice President
Graphic Design  Margaret Page, DTM

and Renew
Susan Campbell Immediate Past President
Cover Design  Balraj Arunasalam, DTM
Bianca Montoya Chief Executive Officer
Daniel Rex

s we begin the second half of our Toast­ Jennifer Barr

masters program year, it’s a good time to

reflect on the first six months. Consider whether 2018–2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Mary Morrison, DTM Anthony J. Longley, DTM
you’re progressing in your personal and pro­ Region 1 Region 8

fessional goals. Think of the things you have Joan T. Lewis, DTM Radhi Spear, DTM
Region 2 Region 9
­accomplished so far this year.
Tracy M. Thomason, DTM Tuire Vuolasvirta, DTM
Think, too, about your club. How is it progressing? Do club guests experience Region 3 Region 10

a quality meeting and a positive, supportive learning environment? Do they Larry Marik, DTM Morag Mathieson, DTM
Region 4 Region 11
become members? Donald F. Bittick, DTM David Templeman, DTM
I have had the privilege of participating in club meetings in South Korea, China, Region 5 Region 12

Carol Prahinski, DTM Derek Wong, DTM

Australia, England, France, Denmark, Sweden and several states in the United States. Region 6 Region 13
I have attended meetings of corporate clubs, association clubs, government-affiliated Reginald Darnell Ford, DTM Susan Y. Zhou, DTM
Region 14
clubs, university clubs, community clubs and prison clubs. Every club and every Region 7

­meeting is unique. But the quality and standard of excellence demonstrated at each
are directly related to whether club members and officers view their participation 9127 S. Jamaica St. #400, Englewood, CO, USA 80112
+1 720-439-5050
as valuable.

“What are the standards of excellence that your CONTACTING WORLD HEADQUARTERS
For information on joining

club demonstrates to the world?” or building a club, visit:

Article submission:
[email protected]
Letters to the Editor: [email protected]
I attended the 50th anniversary celebration of Lone Star Toastmasters in Killeen, To change address,
log in to:
Texas, and the 60th anniversary celebration of Randolph Air Force Base (AFB) subscriptions
Toastmasters in San Antonio, Texas. These clubs have a legacy of excellence. They
have served thousands of members. A longtime member and leader at Lone Star Toastmasters International Mission:
Toastmasters is Tim Manson. Tim continues to serve this club and to be an inspi­ We empower individuals to become more
ration to all guests and members. At Randolph AFB Toastmasters, Amy Espinoza, effective communicators and leaders.
Deb Arrington, Don Brooks and George Houtman continue to serve and lead. The
dedication of these members and leaders is a shining example to all of us.
Think about the value you personally contribute to your club. What is the value
you are gaining from your Toastmasters experience? What value are other members
gaining? Consider how your personal lives and professional lives benefit from partici­
The Toastmaster magazine (ISSN 00408263) is published monthly by
pation in Toastmasters. Is every club meeting a positive experience for everyone—one Toastmasters International, Inc., 9127 S. Jamaica St. #400, Englewood,
Colorado, United States 80112. Periodicals postage paid at Englewood,
you want to share with guests? Colorado. POSTMASTER: Send address change to the Toastmaster
As we begin the second half of the Toastmasters year, it is time for us to renew our magazine, 9127 S. Jamaica St. #400, Englewood, Colorado, United
States 80112.
commitment to the club mission and to the Toastmaster’s Promise. Make every club Published to promote the ideas and goals of Toastmasters Inter­­national,
meeting a golden experience for members and guests. Ask your mentor to hold you a nonprofit educational organization of clubs throughout the world
­dedicated to teaching skills in public speaking and leadership. Members’
accountable for the goals you have set for yourself. subscriptions are included in the $45 semi-annual dues.
The official publication of Toastmasters International carries authorized
Reflect on what you have achieved and renew your commitment to progress notices and articles regarding the activities and interests of the organiza­
toward your next personal goal. What are the standards of excellence that your club tion, but responsibility is not assumed for the opinions of the authors of
other a­ rticles. The Toastmaster magazine does not endorse or guarantee
demonstrates to the world? In 2019, let’s positively impact the lives of more and the p
­ roducts it advertises.

more people. Copyright 2019 Toastmasters International, Inc. All rights reserved.
­Repro­duction in whole or in part without written permission is pro­
hibited. Not responsible for unsolicited material.
Toastmasters International, the Toastmaster and the Toastmaster
Lark Doley, DTM ­Inter­national Emblem are trademarks of Toastmasters International
­registered in the United States, Canada and many other countries.
International President Marca registrada en Mexico.
Printed in the United States.



“A glimpse into Pete’s Members and guests of Zhongshan Toastmasters celebrate the club’s 200th meeting.
and John’s challenges
Promoting Pathways not only feel comfortable in performing
and how they overcame Zhongshan Toastmasters club (ZSTMC) their tasks but also enjoy a well-conducted
them is truly inspiring! I in Guangdong, China, held our 200th meeting. I congratulate the author for
providing these valuable guides.
started Toastmasters nine meeting, which ended up being exception-
ally successful! Not only were we able to M. Y. Zainudeen, DTM
months ago—one of the invite several distinguished guests, we also Wayamba Toastmasters club
Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
best decisions in my life.” creatively promoted Pathways and gathered
more than 90 participants. This was not
  —Bop Moore A True Inspiration
an easy feat, considering English is not
Grand Junction Toastmasters Peter Dhu’s story [June 2018] and John
Grand Junction, Colorado commonly spoken here.
Cadley’s letter [September 2018] truly
By sharing our joy and achievements
captured the mental and social isolation
with the Toastmasters community, we
There’s More to Speechwriting that I have been experiencing in the past de-
encourage other clubs and raise awareness
While the “Speechwriting 101” article in the cade. I did not stutter, however, I struggled
of the strong Toastmasters presence in this
October magazine is loaded with good in- to express my thoughts because I was too
part of the world.
formation, it misses an important issue. Not concerned about my grammar and pronun-
William Niu, ACB, ALB
because it is erroneous, rather that excellent Zhongshan Toastmasters club ciation. With my confidence shattered, I
speakers are performing artists who are Zhongshan, Guangdong, China was stuck in a world where the only decent
creating and delivering original material. conversation I could carry on (that passed
Yes, many speakers write their speeches, my standards) was in my head, and the
Valuable Advice
but the pros I know may or may not. only other set of eyes that I looked at when
I read the article, “Accelerate Your Toast-
I have been a serious speaker since 1957 talking was my husband’s. It was debilitating!
masters Experience” [September 2018] by
and have never written a speech, but I do A glimpse into Pete’s and John’s chal-
Jennifer L. Blanck with interest and found
follow Bill Gove’s admonition to “know lenges and how they overcame them is
it constructive and eye-opening, focusing
what comes next.” truly inspiring! I started Toastmasters nine
on the main drawbacks experienced in
My point is not to dismiss writing months ago—one of the best decisions in
clubs worldwide.
­material as good practice, but to encourage my life. I am gaining confidence bit by bit,
A properly introduced speaker will
speakers to begin with a program premise, and I am happier and more optimistic!
enjoy a comfortable and reassured stage
“In this program my speaking goal is to ...” Bop Moore
to deliver the speech. The importance of Grand Junction Toastmasters
in as few words as possible; then create a
such an introduction is often ignored or Grand Junction, Colorado
program sequence of points to be made
overlooked. Likewise, the need for special
that leads to writing a speech manuscript
attention when providing feedback for DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY?
—if that fits the speaker’s speaking DNA.
new members is well described, since they Write it in 200 words or fewer. State your
The disadvantage of writing one’s speech is
are sensitive and vulnerable. name, member number and home club,
that, once it’s written, there is a reluctance
Also, success of any operation largely and send it to [email protected].
to change it.
depends on the preparation, and a Toast- Please note: Letters are subject to editing
Gordon Hill
Los Chismosos club
masters meeting is no exception. Well- for length and clarity, and may be published
Las Cruces, New Mexico prepared meeting role participants will in both the print and electronic editions.




Aiming Sky High

Magician and future military
pilot chases lifelong dream.
By Keith Loria

12 12
Focus on your audience above all else.
By Dan Strum

Struggling Shanghai club recovers

with the help of coaches. 14
By K.T. Lynn

What’s the Scoop 19

Friendliness and fun build A SPEAKER’S BEST TOOL
a quality club culture. Think of questions as the
Swiss Army knife of presenting.
By Craig Harrison, DTM
By Matt Abrahams


JANUARY 2019 VOL. 85, NO. 1

Toastmaster Magazine Online

See more photos, videos and links online at

January Online Extras:

• Aiming Sky High—Discover how Reed Barrett aced his Air
Force interviews thanks to Table Topics.
• Meet the Six New Accredited Speakers—Watch a video to
learn more about the expert speakers who earned the coveted
AS designation.
• Create a Quality Video—Learn new techniques for promoting
your club or district by watching “9 Tips to a Better Video,”
created by Toastmasters International’s staff videographer.

Articles 26 Columns

Reflect and Renew
By Lark Doley, DTM
International President
Expert speakers seek to advance their
careers after earning the coveted
AS designation.
Cool, Not Frozen
By Ian Gassman
By Gant Laborde


28 At the Library
By John Cadley
Evaluate your club with this
convenient form.


Toastmasters share stories of growth 10 TRAVELING TOASTMASTER

and giving back to others.




Fulbright Scholar
Electrifies Audiences
Since he was 10 years old, Kalyan Sen has been fascinated with
electricity and how it flows. A native of West Bengal, India, Sen’s
curiosity about electrical engineering eventually brought him to
America, where he continued his education and career for the
past three decades.
After years of extensive schooling at Jadavpur University in
India and Tuskegee University, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
and Robert Morris University in the United States, Sen, now 59, Electrical engineers Mey Ling and Kalyan Sen have been married 30 years.
received a bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. in electrical engineering,
as well as an MBA. Later that day, I started my presentation with this story. It
Sen, DTM, whose native languages are Bengali and Hindi, helped me take control of the stage. It was easy from that point
joined the Monroeville Club in Monroeville, Pennsylvania, in on, since I knew my engineering material very well. One good
1997 to improve his spoken English. His wife, Mey Ling, ACS, story broke the ice between me and my audience.
ALS, is also an electrical engineer and member of the Monro-
eville Club. The couple started their own company, Sen Engineer- What was your task as a Fulbright Scholar?
ing Solutions, Inc., which specializes in developing cost-effective The Fulbright Scholarship offers competitive merit-based grants
power-flow controllers—devices that improve electric power for international educational exchange for students, scholars,
transmission systems. They are also co-inventors of the Sen teachers, professionals, scientists and artists. After my wife and
Transformer, a technology that transmits power efficiently. I had an engineering textbook published in 2009, universities
Sen, a past district governor for District 13, is a 2017 recipient began to use it in their curriculum. In order to study our book in-
of the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship, and has traveled to 15 depth, the Indian Institute of Technology at Bhubaneswar applied
countries and presented more than 150 times on complex engi- for funding from the Fulbright Foundation, and my task was to
neering topics. He incorporates storytelling into his lectures to help develop a semester-long graduate class, using our book as the
audiences understand the technical aspects of his presentations. textbook. I prepared the lecture slides and homework to make the
subject easier to teach.
Describe your public speaking experience
since joining Toastmasters. What’s it like working with your wife?
In 2002, I was selected to be a Distinguished Lecturer for the We feel fortunate that we are both electrical engineers. When the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Power time came to write our engineering book, we had no hesitation
& Energy Society. The audiences I present to include students, about being co-authors. Recently we celebrated our 30th wedding
professors, researchers and employees from electric power anniversary and plan to stay married until the end of our lives.
companies. I always make a comparison of complex electrical We also like being able to evaluate our Toastmasters speeches
engineering subjects to real-life situations so people can easily before giving them to others, and we interchange our roles as
relate, such as comparing the flow of electricity in an electrical speaker and evaluator. If they pass this level of marital scrutiny,
conductor to the water flow in a river, as both move from higher they are usually good speeches.
potential to lower potential energy.
What advice do you have for giving
What have you learned while technical presentations?
speaking internationally? When I bring an engineering concept to non-engineers in the
Touring the world as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer is an eye- great laboratory called Toastmasters, I receive valuable feedback
opening experience. One example is when I traveled to Islamabad and then deliver the same speech to the world. My advice is that
in 2007. My host was late picking me up at the airport; later, I if you are not comfortable speaking in front of people, then get up
found him passing by me hastily and I pointed out that my name and start speaking. Learn from falling on your face. Depending on
was written on the placard that he was holding upside down. He your level of effort, you will master the art eventually.
said, “I thought IEEE Distinguished Lecturers are old people.” I
told him that, in my experience with American culture, one did Shannon Dewey is the digital content editor of the Toastmaster
not need to be old to be “distinguished.” magazine.



Members of V.I.C. Toastmasters club pose outside the United Nations Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Many members are employees
of Vienna-based UN organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organiza-
tion, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and United Nations
Office Vienna. The club has also had members from diplomatic missions, family members of employees and interns.
“The club plays a vital role in bringing people together in a friendly, celebratory and educative manner,” says Vice President Public
Relations Maria Chepurina. “Multi-culturalism is a way of life at our club, and we inevitably represent the variety of cultures at the
Vienna-based United Nations organizations.”


Create a Quality Video

Video can be a great way to promote
your club or district in your community.
A poorly executed video, however, can
2 Record in a well-lit environment.
If your camera has an auto-adjustment
feature, which most cameras do, it will
amazing, bad audio makes a video
unwatchable. Always try and get the mic
as close to the subject as possible, with-
deter prospective members from visiting automatically control how dark or bright out it being too loud or ruining the shot.
a club meeting. Toastmasters Interna- your video will be. But in order for it to
tional’s staff videographer Blake Carver
created a video sharing his top nine tips
work, you need ample lighting.
5 Choose a quiet environment. Make
sure there is no excessive noise—
for creating great film footage.
Here are five techniques to get you
3 Keep the subject in frame. Whatever
goes beyond the edges of your frame
will not be captured. Make sure your sub-
traffic sounds, wind, ringing phones, loud
air conditioners, people talking, etc.—
that will distract from the subject.
ject’s head is a safe distance away from the

1 Use a tripod. Shaky footage makes

a video hard to watch. To avoid this,
mount the camera on a tripod. If you
edges of the frame, so if they move while
speaking, they will remain in frame.
To watch “9 Tips to a Better Video”
in its entirety and learn all nine
techniques, visit the Toastmasters
don’t have access to a tripod, try to be as
still as possible while holding the camera. 4 Get the microphone close to the
subject. Even if your video looks
International YouTube channel or




Jacylyn Wee
Sue Tiong says her mentor, Jacylyn Wee, ACL, ALB, taught her
to speak from a place of love, rather than fear, and to jump right
into speech competitions. “She saw the competitive streak in
me and gently pushed me toward the contest path. So I gave it a
shot, despite being new,” says Sue. Since joining the TC Segambut
Toastmasters club in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in September 2017, Jacylyn Wee, left, and Sue Tiong
she has won second place at the area-level International Speech
and Table Topics contests. She wants to recognize Jacylyn for her members join and why they stay. They focused on creating a club
guidance and encouragement, and for her role in reviving their experience that was fun and fulfilling (and included more food!).
struggling club. They also recruited support to deal with meeting arrangements
Jacylyn is a longtime member who has held many leader- and room setup, so those duties wouldn’t fall to one person. Shar-
ship roles at the club and district levels. Professionally, she is the ing responsibility helped develop more leaders among members
executive director of Globe Success Learning, an organization that and contributed to the club’s success.
teaches wealth-building principles. Sue works as a senior manager
of corporate communication, marketing and business develop- How have communication skills helped you at work?
ment at Low Yat Group in Kuala Lumpur. The evaluation aspect of Toastmasters made me realize the impor-
tance of not only pointing out what needs to be improved, but also
What have you learned from Jacylyn? highlighting the empowering parts. I learned to see the good and
She has been with me every step of the way through my competi- acknowledge what works, which is very important when leading a
tions and in completing my first path in Pathways. Thanks to her team. I now make it a point to include positive points when I pro-
help, I am now on Level 5 of Leadership Development, and I have vide feedback and give suggestions for further improvements.
completed Level 1 in Presentation Mastery. She advised me to pull
the brake and not rush through my speeches just for the sake of Tess Iandiorio is senior editor for the Toastmaster magazine.
completing them.
Looking for a mentor in your club? Ask your vice president
How did Jacylyn help resuscitate your club? education who is available to mentor you. To start a mentoring
When club membership dwindled to six members, Jacylyn, program in your club, order the Club Mentor Program Kit
together with three past presidents, combined efforts to revive (Item 1163) at
it. They realized that all members should feel a strong sense of
belonging and ownership of the club, and not just allow the club
Nominate your mentor by emailing your story and a photo
officers to do all the work. Using the Club Success Plan and the
(1MB or larger) to [email protected].
Moments of Truth, Jacylyn and the past presidents learned why


Answers to Your Evaluations button on your homepage and it will take you directly
there. Evaluation resources for your projects will always be avail-
Pathways Questions able on the page titled Your Evaluation. You can access this page
by first launching the project you are working on and either using
As members continue to work in Toastmasters’ new education the right arrow to move through each page of the project or the
program, World Headquarters staff will provide answers to com- drop-down menu located at the bottom of the page titled Select
mon questions that arise. Here is one. to Move to Another Section.
Evaluation resources are available for different kinds of proj-

Q: Where do I find the evaluation materials in the Path-

ways learning experience?
ects. You will need to download these PDF documents in order to
either print or modify them.

A: Evaluation resources for every project can be found on the

Speech Evaluations page in Base Camp. Select the Speech
For more information about the Pathways learning experience,


il c h é

Kick Clichés Out of Your Speech
You just know them when you hear them. phrase to convey that idea? Instead of
There’s a sudden break in the flow of urging action with a cliché, why not show
a speech, a tightening of the atmosphere your audience exactly what it means to
as if air has been sucked out of the room. be an original thinker and find a new
What are these ructions in the speech- phrase?
time continuum? The insidious reliance
on overused words or phrases. “Inspirational”
The urge to reach for a linguistic The problem with this, as with all clichés,
crutch can be overwhelming, particularly is that if it applies to everything, then
when—as in Toastmasters meetings— it applies to nothing. Something that’s
discussing common themes: overcoming genuinely inspirational should move you
adversity, a willingness to try the new, to jump out of your seat, tingle with pos-
challenging yourself, and so on. But if sibilities, and perhaps even change your PHOTO BY TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL
we are to excel as communicators, it own life. Avoid this woodworm-riddled or make a mildly
behooves us to be fresh through authen- old crutch and tell us how something important life deci-
ticity, seek originality and maintain a really made you feel. sion, say we’ve been on a
deadly aversion to clichés. “journey.”
So, what are these words and phrases? “Journey”
A few of the worst offenders include the A journey usually denotes an actual There are many more such phrases,
following. physical move from A to B, but the word but if we are to become and produce
has been seized on to imbue any of life’s great communicators and leaders, we
“Think outside the box” processes with a profound meaning that have to recognize and address words
The irony of this phrase, of course, is that often isn’t fitting. If you’ve been through whose excessive use has made them grat-
by using it, people are doing anything a process and your life has changed, ing and near meaningless. Let’s do better!
but thinking outside the box. Looking say so. If you’ve learned new skills and
at things in an unorthodox way is often developed personally, say that too. But Niels Footman, CC, is the president of
a great asset, so why use a hackneyed let’s not, every time we do anything new Early Bird Speakers in London, England.


Slovaks Take Team-

building to New Heights
From left: Marcel Zumerling, Lukas Bicus and Jozef Takac of Toast-
masters Kosice in the Slovak Republic proudly hold their club banner
next to the summit cross, a marker at the top of Gerlach Peak (2,655
meters/8,711 feet) in Slovakia. The trio of club officers set a goal to
climb the highest peak of the High Tatra Mountains on August 29,
2018, to observe The Slovak National Uprising, which took place
during World War II in 1944. The commemorative climb also served
as a team-building opportunity, allowing the members to push their
boundaries and reach the top together.




Indonesia, travels to the Raja
Ampat Islands, an archipelago
located off the northwest tip of
Bird’s Head Peninsula in West
Papua, Indonesia.
CHOFOR, of Antioch, Cali­fornia,
at the Eiffel Tower on the Champ
de Mars in Paris, France.
Diego, California, stop during
a four-day, 48.85-mile (79-
kilometer) backpacking trip with
the Sierra Club through Yosemite
National Park in California.
4 | VINAY DARUNAM, of Engle-
wood, Colorado, explores the
architecture at the Sanctuary of
Truth in Pattaya, Thailand.

2 3

View additional photos in this month’s Traveling Toast–

master photo gallery at

PICTURE YOURSELF HERE! Pose with the Toastmaster magazine during your travels and submit your photos for a chance to be
featured in print or online. Send images 1MB or larger to [email protected]. Bon voyage!



Cool, Not Frozen

Software consultant stays calm when technology fails—at a tech conference.

T he video is not playing! The video is
not playing!”
Panic had spread quickly among the event
organizers. The introductory video, the one
that had been in development for a month,
the one that was meant to set the tone of the
entire technology conference, was—as you
might have guessed—not playing.
I looked out at a silent audience of tech-
savvy entrepreneurs, project managers and
sponsors who had come to the conference
to learn about a new technology released
Gant Laborde
by Facebook; they stared hopefully at the
giant, blank screen above the stage. As the
silence continued second after uncomfort-
able second, I watched brows furrow in The auditorium was quiet, and the stage In the four years since I joined Toast-
worry—or was it aggravation? I felt for the was bare. The 500-plus attendees stared masters, I’ve grown personally and profes-
organizers who were surely in agony during at the screen they had been told to watch, sionally. And I’m more hooked on it than
this nerve-wracking quiet. and nothing happened. In exasperation, a ever before, because I know the secret. The
I knew firsthand how awful situations tech worker moved the mouse to see if the Toastmasters secret that propelled me onto
like this could be. Once, in college, I froze in computer had frozen, and the audience that stage is one every member learns:
front of 20 students in my psychology class. laughed uncomfortably. Thanks to Toast- I wasn’t a speaker against 500 people, I was
Back then, every class that required public masters, it didn’t matter. As emcee of this a speaker with them. They needed me to
speaking gave me hot flashes and cold hands. conference, I was ready to improvise and reset the tone. And they wanted me to
Since that embarrassing day in my psy- connect with my audience. It was clear the ­succeed. That knowledge had helped assuage
chology class, I knew I was afraid of public video would not play, but something had my fear of public speaking years earlier.
speaking, and I was convinced there was to be done. I grabbed my handheld mic But I stay in Toastmasters because I keep
no way to fix it. For years, I tried every- and ran onto the stage. learning how to be more connected, more
thing I could to overcome anxiety. I even “Look at me! Look at me! I’m a 3D video! inspiring and a better leader.
tried improv; as long as the crowds were Wow, what a budget they must have!” I Anyone who took the stage that day
small, and I wasn’t being myself, I could shouted. The audience laughed. I opened with the audience in their heart would
somewhat manage my shaking hands. my arms wide and, with confident body lan- have succeeded; I’m just lucky that it got
Then one day I went to see a friend guage, welcomed everyone to the conference. to be me. Thank you, Toastmasters. This
speak at Toastmasters, but what I really “Since this is a tech conference,” I impro- member saved a conference in 2018, and
saw was a way out of my own public speak- vised, “it’s only fitting that we have technical in July 2014, when I walked into my first
ing anxiety. I was inspired by a Toastmas- difficulties, for irony’s sake.” I was completely meeting, you saved me.  T
ter who’d been a member for 20 years and relaxed, so the audience relaxed too.
the skills he and all the other club mem- By the end of my introduction, I was GANT LABORDE, ACS, ALB, is a
bers possessed. I joined in July 2014. getting laughs and applause as I brought member of New Orleans Toastmasters
My fear of speaking was under control out our keynote speaker. I was able to open and Golden Crescent Toastmasters in New
in three months, my creativity skyrocketed the conference sans video, and afterward, ­Orleans, Louisiana. He is a software consul-
and my need to connect to audiences was no one outside of the organizers even tant, adjunct professor, published author
born. Four years later, I faced my biggest ­mentioned the failed video. In time, I and award-winning speaker. For more
public speaking challenge. ­wonder if they will even recall it. ­information, visit



Who Are You Targeting?

Focus on your audience above all else. BY DAN STRUM

I f you’ve ever talked to a real estate agent,

you’ve probably heard the saying, What
are the three most important factors in þþ
Toastmasters improves their effective-
ness and careers.
And if the audience was a group of my
to do; you have to define a purpose. It’s
amazing how often people gloss over this,
but articulating a strong purpose is essen-
real estate? Location, location, location! peers, I might stress all the fun I have tial if you want to deliver a strong speech.
That is to say, aside from location, at Toastmasters meetings while steadily As a teacher, I regularly work with students
­nothing else really matters. In the same moving toward my goals. on papers and presentations. When I work
vein, I’d like to suggest a new way of think- with someone new, I always ask “What’s your
ing about public speaking: What are the Although the fundamental benefits of purpose?” Students often respond by saying
three most important elements Toastmasters are the same, identifying they want to explain something. Or tell
of a speech? Audience, your audience determines the something, or report something.
audience, audience. angle you take when convey- Well, I can tell my presentation to
Why focus on ing your message. If your a wall. I can show it to my dog. To be
audience? It is message doesn’t resonate effective, your purpose has to be about
our audience we with your audience, your audience. What do you want your
seek to touch, to they won’t care and audience to think? What do you want
compel, to spur will tune out. them to believe? What action do you
into action. If we You might think want them to take?
don’t connect with this is common sense Defining a purpose is like aiming at
our audience, the —that we instinctively the bull’s-eye of a target. You may not hit
other elements of give people appropri- the bull’s-eye, but if you aim carefully,
our speech—orga- ate information. But as you’ll probably at least hit the target. I’d
nization, message, instinctive as it may be to rather narrowly miss the bull’s-eye of
tone, gesture, even our give appropriate information “getting my audience to act” than nar-
very purpose—all fall by in conversation, it is not the same rowly miss the vague notion of just telling
the wayside. On the other hand, when we sit alone preparing a speech. them something.
when we do connect, our audience will Who hasn’t heard a speech by someone
strive to understand us and will forgive our who had valuable information to share Develop the conversation.
every fault. Audience is the “location” of but hadn’t given any thought to their Now we get to the fun part—developing
public speaking. ­listeners? These speeches are “brain our actual speech. It’s fun because it is
Consider this scenario: If I were to give dumps.” They are streams of conscious- conversation—we get to talk with our
a speech extolling the benefits of joining ness. They are boring. audience. The key is to get inside the heads
Toastmasters, how would I approach it? We can only engage our audiences if we of your audience members and consider
relate to their interests. And we can only what they are likely to be thinking.
þþ If the audience was a group of students, relate to their interests when we explicitly Let’s stay with our example of intro-
I might talk about how developing consider who they are. ducing people to Toastmasters. For a
skills and gaining confidence would hypothetical audience, let’s choose a group
help them in their presentations and What do you want from of professionals, and for a purpose, let’s
group projects. your audience? convince them that Toastmasters produces
þþ If I was addressing a group of Once you’ve identified your audience, tangible results that will help them advance
­professionals, I might focus on how you have to decide what you want them their careers.


“We can only engage
our audience if we
relate to their interests.
And we can only relate
to their interests when
we explicitly consider
who they are.”

With that in mind, I might start my

­ resentation with a blunt statement that I
think would resonate with this group:

I used to be scared silly when I had

to talk in front of groups.

I know the impact such a statement can

make, and the audience in my head prods
me: “Tell me what you mean.” In response to
that, I would continue:

Although I knew what I wanted to þþ I am so weary by the end of the day, wording. That is almost a side benefit. The
talk about, I didn’t know how to use I don’t have the energy to study public real value of this is that it enables me to actu-
my voice, I didn’t know how to pace speaking. ally become my audience. As I sit listening to
myself, I had no idea how I was com- þþ I’m too afraid. my words being spoken to me, I ask myself:
ing across, and I couldn’t remember
my script … I was a disaster! Anticipating hard questions pulls you þþ Do I understand?
out of your own head and challenges you þþ Do I care?
I suppose this might pique their interest to embrace your audience’s point of view. þþ Do I believe?
and lead them to wonder, “what happened?” If you properly “channel” your audience as þþ Are my concerns and objections being
By responding to this and following up you prepare your speech, you can predict addressed?
with more questions—and more responses such objections and take them in stride. þþ Am I convinced?
—I’d step through my presentation in a
logical, organized and conversational way. Become your audience. I listen, and I edit. And I listen and edit
As I go, I could sense my audience’s need There are pros and cons to actually again, until I’m sure that my message is
for examples to illustrate key points, notice writing out a speech. Normally I’ll write complete, robust and convincing.
important points that I might have missed, out a solid draft—not because I’ll stick As Toastmasters, we study all aspects of
and recognize instances in which more to the script, but the act of writing helps public speaking: organization, tone, gesture,
(or fewer) details would help me get my me explore and work out my ideas. But vocabulary, purpose and so on. All are
point across. writing a speech introduces problems of important, but they are all subordinate to—
This conversational approach is espe- its own—it’s easy to get lost in a tangle of and driven by—our aim to connect with
cially useful for overcoming “objections”— words and ideas, and the more we write our audiences. For this reason, being clear
the doubts our audience has in mind and and stare at our screens, the less perspec- about our audience is absolutely essential to
may otherwise cause them to reject every- tive we have. Alas, I have a great solution delivering an effective speech.  T
thing we say. Such doubts, when discussing for this: become your audience.
the benefits of Toastmasters, might include: I have a program on my computer that Dan Strum, ACB, CL, is director of NY
reads things out loud. I have it read every- Smarts, a language school in New York
þþ Improving my public speaking would thing I write back to me. It isn’t only that my City that aims to help international pro-
be nice, but it’s more important for me ear is more sensitive than my eyes at picking fessionals advance their careers through
to develop my technical skills. out grammatical mistakes and awkward mastery of the English language.



A Total Turnaround
Struggling Shanghai club recovers
with the help of coaches.

T wo years ago, the WeSharing Toast-

masters club was in trouble. Member-
ship in the Shanghai corporate club was
the DD or CGD can appoint a coach by
sending a Club Coach Appointment Form
to [email protected].
two groups: those who wanted to practice
their language skills, and those who were
interested in the topics presented, or the
dwindling and the club struggled to recruit Michael Cheng, CC, ALB, and Helen theme of the day,” he says.
new members. The same core members He, ACS, ALS, served as WeSharing’s Based on member feedback, the coaches
took on the meeting roles each week. coaches for three months, from March and club leaders worked to provide more
In addition, “the location of our club was to June in 2017. After that, Vince Fulco, learning opportunities. For example, the
an issue,” says Serena Mei, CL. “It was more CC, CL, coached the club for the next six club’s weekly meeting was too brief for
than 50 kilometers [about 37 miles] from the months. “To maximize your use of the members hoping to practice their English,
city center,” where many members worked. Club Coach program, think of [a coach] so the group added an additional meeting
Despite these challenges, the club as both a contributor of best practices as to the schedule.
showed promise. Mei joined the club at the well as an extra member to lean on for “We also added a WeChat (a group-
height of its difficulties but says she still felt ordinary tasks,” says Fulco, a member of messaging application) group centered on
positive about her experience and growing the Shanghai Imagine Toastmasters. Toastmasters-themed language prac-
confidence. “I never had the chance to join tice,” says Sun. “We set daily goals and
this type of group before,” she says. “I used encouraged each other every day. The club
to be a little bit shy, and I had trouble saying
“To maximize your use of coaches had set that up at other clubs in
things clearly and concisely.” the Club Coach program, Shanghai, and it was very effective.”
But Mei, a former vice president mem- The next step was to improve the qual-
bership for the club, also knew the club think of [a coach] as both ity of the meetings. WeSharing brought
could be better and help more people if it a contributor of best prac- in members from other clubs to take on
overcame its challenges. The WeSharing meeting roles and deliver high-quality pre-
leaders were committed to building a suc- tices as well as an extra pared speeches. WeSharing members also
cessful club, so they tapped into the Toast- member to lean on for visited Distinguished clubs to see how they
masters Club Coach program for support. conducted their meetings.
ordinary tasks.” “In addition to increasing the number of
Coaches to the Rescue attendees, we needed to stimulate interest in
Toastmasters International developed meeting participation,” says coach Michael
this program to help struggling clubs Cheng, a seven-year member who belongs
benefit from the guidance of coaches and WeSharing was founded in 2009. It is to Toastmasters Club FedEx@Shanghai. “I
mentors. A club coach is an experienced sponsored by Micron Technology, Inc., served as a General Evaluator to highlight
Toastmaster who helps a club rebuild an international semiconductor company areas of improvement. Once people began
membership, instill enthusiasm and headquartered in Boise, Idaho. WeSharing to realize how important each and every
restore a quality environment. president Daisy Liu says the group’s club role was to the success of the meeting, the
Clubs are eligible to request coaches if vision is: “Communication enriches our flow of meetings improved dramatically.”
they have at least one but no more than 12 engineers’ life.”
members. In addition, the club must not be When the club was struggling, it tried Lessons Learned
suspended or closed. A club cannot have new tactics. Peter Sun, WeSharing presi- The strategies WeSharing used are ones
more than two coaches at one time. To dent from 2015 to 2017, said the first thing all clubs can benefit from. For example, it’s
request a club coach, a club should contact he and the coaches did was interview all important to take members’ motivation
its district director (DD) or club growth club members to learn their individual into consideration. Clubs should examine
director (CGD). If the club is eligible, then goals. “Most people were divided into the members’ individual goals. Ask yourself:


þþ What are our members looking for were limited in our corporate setting, we “Our club really benefited from the
when they attend? focused on new hires during their orienta- coaching program,” adds Sun. “The club
þþ How can Toastmasters help each mem- tion. We even developed training programs coaches, Vince, Michael and Helen, really
ber achieve their goals? targeting workplace-specific skills.” pulled a lot of resources together to help
þþ Can we offer more of what they need? Because WeSharing members worked us. Their fresh and innovative ideas
in a technology park, within a fast-paced, brought our club back to life.”
Another key is creating a strong club technologically advanced city, it influenced Club coaches themselves also benefit
environment. The first stage in creating how they conduct their meetings. Sun from such an experience. For one thing,
that is to cover the essentials. A club, no reflects on how they solved one of their coaches who help clubs achieve Distin-
matter how interesting it might be, will club’s major barriers. “We had a problem guished status or higher in the Distin-
not retain members if its meetings are of one company split into two locations. guished Club Program receive credit in
disorganized or incomplete. Each office didn’t have enough members to the Toastmasters education program and
Fill meeting roles far in advance, make support a club, so we combined them both. a certificate of accomplishment.
sure everyone knows how to perform their Since they were far away, we started run- But coaches say the benefits extend
roles correctly and always have a backup plan. ning the meetings via video conferencing. far beyond recognition or credit. Vince
Members should associate meetings with WeChat is also very popular in China, so Fulco, who has coached several clubs, says
positive emotions. If meetings run smoothly, our messaging groups took on a life of their he finds it deeply gratifying to help a club
this will cultivate a stronger community. own. Our members received daily encour- succeed. He adds that he always learns
Once your regular club meeting routine agement and ways to practice their skills.” from the experience and is inspired by it.
is established, then it’s time to mix it up! “I develop more drive and motiva-
Incorporate themed meetings, special A Success Story tion to grow and to help others as I see
events outside the regular club environment The club coaches worked with the club lead- the club’s [leaders] giving their very best
and club parties to keep things fresh. ers to solve problems in ways that suited the even in the face of uncertain and difficult
Every club has a unique mix of mem- group’s personality. WeSharing transformed conditions.”  T
bers, talents and perspectives. Once you’ve from a struggling club of just five members
discovered your club’s special qualities, don’t into an energetic group of 15 members. The K.T. Lynn, CC, CL, is a former member
be afraid to lean in. “Every time we found club attained Distinguished status for the living in Shanghai, China. She is a copy-
topics relating to the lives of our members, 2016–2017 Toastmasters program year, and writer by day and a novelist by night. She
we incorporated them into our meetings,” members felt good about the improvement aims to promote cross-cultural under-
says Sun, the former WeSharing president. in their skills. “Now I am able to communi- standing through her work. Read more
“Since the potential members of our club cate in any situation,” says Serena Mei. about her at



Aiming S
Magician and future
military pilot chases
lifelong dream.

aking the impossible
possible is a talent
shared by many top
magicians in the world, and it’s
a trait that has helped Reed
Barrett carve out a career as
a magician, mentalist and
keynote speaker.
A Toastmaster for three years, 26-year-
old Barrett, CC, of Colorado, U.S., has spent
more than a dozen years perfecting his act,
including performing jaw-dropping tricks with a
deck of cards. One of his customer favorites involves
having an audience member shuffle a deck of cards,
a second volunteer shout out any card and a third
volunteer choose a number between 1 and 52.
Reed then explains how this exercise relates to life
and the impossibilities people face every day.
“We talk about probability, as there are more
ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are
atoms on earth,” Barrett says. Then he asks
the all-important question: “What is it in
your life that seems impossible?”
After the cards are dealt to the num-
ber between 1 and 52 selected by the
third volunteer, Barrett reveals the


Sky High
“I want [audiences]
to say, ‘Just because it
may seem impossible
initially doesn’t mean it
always is—it just takes
time to work through.’”


card—which inevitably is the one that was suggested by the Soon after his father’s death, Barrett met Chris Austin, a for-
second volunteer. In Barrett’s eyes, magic serves as a metaphor. mer F-16 fighter pilot and a U.S. Air Force Thunderbird (aviators
“Something is impossible until someone else does it,” he says. who perform aerobatic feats in the sky) at the time. Barrett’s
“[Magic] adds that punch and ‘wow’ factor that every speaker father, along with his grandfather, used to take him to the local air
wants. I want it to be more than a trick; I want [audiences] to show to meet the Thunderbird pilots each summer.
say, ‘Just because it may seem impossible initially doesn’t mean it “Our commander asked who wanted to spend some time
always is—it just takes time to work through.’” with a young man who had lost his father yet was obsessed with
Or put another way: Even when your goals in life seem too aviation and the Thunderbirds,” recalls Austin. “I volunteered and
daunting to achieve, you can succeed if you persevere. It’s a lesson realized immediately that there was far more to this young man
Barrett knows well. Told that a heart defect would prevent him than his love for aviation. Reed was kind, smart, charismatic and
from fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a United States Air truly a wise person. I think we bonded immediately.”
Force fighter pilot, he refused to give up. As he got older, Barrett continued to hone his magic act and
And now Barrett is on the brink of achieving what once began getting paid performances, booking shows at the Bella-
seemed impossible: Last month he was scheduled to start the U.S. gio Hotel in Las Vegas as well as private corporate events. He
Air Force’s Undergraduate Pilot Training program. eventually became a member of the Academy of Magical Arts in
Hollywood, California, and frequents the world-famous Magic
A Magical Journey Castle when he’s in Los Angeles.
Barrett grew up in Cheyenne, Wyoming, in a family that was The sleight-of-hand skills of this young magician have
political and outspoken, which always kept him at the dinner impressed many. This past April he performed for legendary
table wanting to talk and share his opinion. And while this boxer Floyd Mayweather in Las Vegas, who commented, “You’re
helped him develop a love for public speaking at a young age, quicker with your hands than me!”
two other interests drew his attention: magic and aviation. Barrett, who has a college degree in psychology, also bills himself
“My dad introduced magic to me when I was 8 years old, as a “mentalist.” He incorporates psychological suggestions into his
and from that point forward, I kept working at it because act, focusing on the power of the mind. When asked how he seems
I felt it was very inspiring and delivered a belief in the to read people’s thoughts, Reed says, “I want people to think they’re
impossible,” says Barrett, a member of two Toastmasters making decisions of their own free will, but really, it’s far from it.”
clubs in Colorado.
When his father died unexpectedly a few days after A Crushing Blow
his 50th birthday—Reed was just 12 at the time—the As a student at the University of Wyoming, Barrett was com-
youngster knew he wanted to continue practicing missioned into the U.S. Air Force through the Reserve Officers’
magic to honor his dad. Training Corp (ROTC). In 2013 he was selected to be a pilot;



however, his plan was soon derailed. “Just a few days before pilot
training started, I found out I had a heart condition that was
imaged incorrectly at a previous medical appointment, and it ulti-
mately removed me from the Air Force, which was a huge blow to
someone who wanted to be a fighter pilot since childhood.”
But he wasn’t about to let the setback keep him down, and he
used the devastating experience to his advantage. Over the next
three years, Barrett beefed up his professional magic gigs and,
using magic as a vehicle, began speaking to schools and compa-
nies about how people can step out of their comfort zones and
achieve their dreams no matter the obstacles.
“They wanted me to share my story of defeat and what it’s like
to lose a dream, but the message behind [my presentation] was
‘Sometimes things don’t work out in life, whether that’s losing
someone very close to you or the loss of the dream, and you need
to be the one who steps up and takes full responsibility for the
outcomes thereafter.’”
It’s an important lesson, he notes, because often people give
Reed Barrett has performed his magic act at private corporate events
up too easily on their goals when they face a roadblock. He tells
and hotels like the Bellagio in Las Vegas.
audience members “to start moving one step forward toward that
goal, no matter how hard it seems or how many no’s you get.”
compelling and inspiring story that resonates with people, and he
An Eloquent Speaker is the real deal—what he projects is who he is.”
Barrett understood early that it’s the storytelling—rather than the
magic tricks—that grips an audience and keeps them invested. Living a Dream
When he decided to improve his skills in that area, his stepdad A few years ago, a friend of Barrett’s who flies for the New Jersey
directed him to Toastmasters. Today, he is a member of the Air National Guard suggested that Barrett again consider applying
Eloquent Entrepreneurs club in Centennial, Colorado, and the to be a pilot. Remembering his dad’s advice to never give up, he
Professional Presenters in Denver. decided to follow his buddy’s advice. He soon learned there were
“I invested in the program, met speakers across Wyoming waivers that existed for pilots with the same heart condition he had.
and Colorado and started competing in Toastmasters speech After being tested extensively to ensure he’d be able to fly a
contests,” Barrett says. In his first year as a member, he won a high-performance aircraft with his heart condition, Barrett was
district-level Table Topics Contest. granted the waiver. Last year, he was selected by the Washington,
D.C., Air National Guard 121st Fighter Squadron to attend the
Air Force’s Undergraduate Pilot Training program in Oklahoma.
“Magic adds that punch and ‘wow’ factor “I am now medically cleared on all fronts to pursue a career as an
that every speaker wants.” F-16 fighter pilot,” he says. “I’ll have routine visits with a local cardi-
ologist to keep a close eye on my heart, which will keep the waiver
—REED BARRETT current and ensure the safety of myself and those around me.”
Barrett’s 54-week training was scheduled to start last month,
The skills he polished at Toastmasters meetings helped him and if he does well and graduates, he will then go through Intro-
book more performances across the country. “I was learning duction to Fighter Fundamentals school, then training for the
something from everyone,” he says. “[Toastmasters] became a big F-16 aircraft. If that is successful, he will become an official F-16
family to me, and the program has taken me all over the U.S. to fighter pilot at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland.
speak to people about not giving up.” “I can’t count the amount of times someone told me I would
Dana Morgan-Barnes, DTM, served as Barrett’s first mentor in never be a fighter pilot,” says Barrett, who keeps a folder of denied
Toastmasters, coaching him in his keynotes and helping him grow applications and rejection letters he shows to people at his pre-
as a speaker. She says he has a natural connection with audiences. sentations. “There is one person out there willing to take a chance
“Could be his boyish good looks, sense of fun and the confidence on you—you just need to keep pushing to find that person.”   T
he oozes when he’s in front of an audience,” says Morgan-Barnes, a
member of two clubs in Cheyenne, Wyoming. “He weaves magic Keith Loria is an award-winning journalist. Learn more at
into a lot of his presentations … that’s a sure winner! Overall, though,
he is passionate about his message and knows how to deliver.”
Austin, the former aviator who has also mentored Bar- ONLINE EXTRAS: Discover how Reed Barrett aced
rett, praises his speaking skills as well, adding that “Reed has a his Air Force interviews thanks to Table Topics.



Consider Questions:
A Speaker’s Best Tool
Think of questions as the Swiss Army knife of presenting.

W hat communication tool can you

use to make your next presentation
more effective and engaging? The answer
you ask your question or explain how the
online poll works if you are presenting
virtually. Then comment briefly on the
rhetorical questions to serve as prompts
for what you intend to say. Example: “Why
is science important to our society? Well,
is … a question. Questions are incredibly response you get: “Just as I expected, let’s focus on three reasons … ” The bene-
versatile tools. Think of questions as the about 50 percent of you … ” fits of this type of question-based outline
Swiss Army knife of presenting. A well- are twofold: First, it allows you to feel more
timed question can accomplish myriad “What if” questions root your presen- confident because you know the answers to
communication tasks, such as building tation in time. Example: “What would your questions; you won’t worry that you
intrigue, inviting audience engagement, it be like if all crops were pollinated by might not know what to say. Second, you
helping you remember what to say and robo-honeybees?” Or, “Remember when will be more conversational, since you are
even calming your anxiety. modern science made it possible for genet- simply answering your audience’s unasked
Leverage questions and you can ically modified vegetables to yield more questions. And conversational delivery is
become a more compelling and confident crops?” Inquire about a possible future or often better remembered by audiences.
presenter. Here’s how: the historical past, and as with rhetorical
questions, you may not expect a literal Ask a “back pocket” question to give
Connect With Your Audience response, but you focus your audience’s yourself a break. If you forget what you
Audience connection is the key character- attention on the period you’re describing. want to say or simply need a minute to
istic distinguishing a memorable presenter catch your breath, make use of a pre-
from an average one. Are audience mem- Build Your Confidence planned question to occupy your audience
bers actively collaborating with the speaker Along with engaging your audience, while you re-center yourself. For example,
or passively listening to the speaker? questions build your confidence when when I teach, I sometimes need to regroup
Questions provide a great way to foster preparing and delivering a speech. Many and adjust my lecture midway through.
engagement because they are, by their very speakers are anxious because they feel they I will simply pause and ask my students
nature, dialogic—they’re two-way. You ask, are under the harsh spotlight of an audi- the following question: “What is one idea
and your audience responds. I recommend ence who is constantly evaluating them. or tool we have discussed so far that you
using three types of questions throughout But, interestingly, incorporating questions can apply to your life?” While they reflect
your presentation to connect with your from the moment you start planning can on this question, I check my notes, take a
audience. help you feel more confident about every deep breath, etc.
aspect of presenting. Here are three ways
Rhetorical questions build intrigue. to use questions to improve your speech: The next time you are preparing and
Example: “Would you believe that com­ delivering a presentation, consider using
panies are making robotic honeybees to Ask yourself, “What does my audience the do-it-all communication tool: the
pollinate crops in locales where bees are need to hear from me?” Instead of question. This multifunctional device will
dying off?” Asking your audience a ques- viewing speaking as a performance, think tighten your connection to your audience,
tion for effect—rather than one you expect of it as being in service of your audience’s steady your nerves and create a more
them to actually answer—prompts them to needs. This not only helps you tailor your compelling speech.  T
think about the issue. message to your audience, but it also
reminds you that they are the ones in the Matt Abrahams teaches communication
Polling questions make the audience spotlight—shifting the attention away at Stanford University’s Graduate School
part of your point. Example: “How many from you and onto your audience. Make of Business. He is co-founder and princi-
of you have ever been stung by a honey­ this question your mantra as you prepare pal of Bold Echo LLC, a presentation and
bee?” When asking your audience to and practice your presentations. communication coaching firm, and author
of the book, Speaking Up without Freaking
respond to your query, be sure to signal
Out: 50 Techniques for Confident and
how you want them to do so. For example, Outline your talk using questions. When
Compelling Presenting.
you might model raising your hand as writing your next outline, create a list of



Meet the Six New

Accredited Speakers
Expert speakers seek to advance their careers after earning the coveted AS designation.

A ll Toastmasters are above average,

but it takes a special type of person
to become an Accredited Speaker
Speaker designation is a rewarding but
rigorous process that can take several
years. Currently a total of 81 speakers
relationships in communities, giving
people a voice one speech at a time.

(AS). Experienced speakers and con­ have obtained the AS title. That’s less than Greg Wood
summate professionals all, the six newest 20 percent of all applicants. Greg Wood knows
Accredited Speakers have spent years that the shortest dis­
crafting, rehearsing and delivering great Tamara Smiley tance to success starts
speeches—dedicating years to achieving Hamilton with leadership. After
their goal of earning the coveted When Tamara Smiley running his own
AS designation. Hamilton was just land-surveying com­
The Toastmasters Accredited Speaker 13 years old, she pany in Winnipeg,
Program provides an avenue for profes­ witnessed the Watts Manitoba, Canada,
sional speakers to enhance their credentials Rebellion—six days for 20 years, plotting space for new roads
through Toastmasters. Edwin W. Etting­ of riots, looting and and buildings, Wood made a drastic shift
hausen, Greg Wood, Maurice DiMino, violence in August and started a different venture called The
Tamara Smiley Hamilton, Terry Watson 1965 that tore apart the African-Amer­ Magic of Leadership. He now lectures on
and Valda Ford were awarded this presti­ ican community of Watts, a suburb of problem-solving techniques for businesses.
gious title on August 25 during the 2018 Los Angles, California. This civil unrest In 2015, he first applied for the Accred­
International Convention in Chicago, sparked Hamilton’s interest in being “a ited Speaker designation. After three years
Illinois, U.S. voice for the voiceless” as an inclusion of persisting in this pursuit, he made it to
Established in 1981, the program coach and conflict resolution facilitator. the International Convention and, to his
requires applicants to be a Toastmaster Hamilton now lives in Reston, surprise, was awarded the title.
in good standing—and have an education Virginia, and through her organiza­ “To be judged by other Accredited
award of Able Toastmaster, Advanced tion, Audacious Coaching, she helps Speakers, who found someone they would
Toastmaster Bronze or Advanced Com­ organizations deal with sensitive issues hire and share a stage with, is quite hum­
municator Bronze—who has given a mini­ related to gender diversity and race and bling,” says Wood. “The journey has served
mum of 25 speeches to non-Toastmasters “reshape their culture by having difficult to make me a better speaker.” Wood is
audiences within the past three years. conversations and creating a dialogue.” planning a TEDx Talk and has been invited
Applicants must then submit a video of She joined Toastmasters 10 years ago and to speak in Brazil, where he has previously
their best speech, filmed before a live says she has been dreaming of becom­ hosted leadership training workshops.
audience, which is subsequently reviewed ing an Accredited Speaker ever since.
by a panel of judges. She felt compelled to try for the award Maurice DiMino
The program is not a contest, however. last year after developing “a message of Long before Maurice
If a majority of the judges agree that an peace-building through courage, hope DiMino gained his
applicant demonstrates excellent skills, and confidence” she deems worthy of the Accredited Speaker
that speaker will pass to Level 2 and pres­ world stage. title, he was known
ent in front of a live audience and panel Hamilton says her next goal is to return as “the Million Dollar
of judges (many of whom are Accredited to her roots and speak with inner-city Man.” Using his
Speakers themselves) at the Toastmasters college hopefuls in Watts and conduct self-devised “W.I.N.”
International Convention. If judges can’t teleseminars on how to apply for college mentality (Who you
agree on a worthwhile applicant, none will and financial aid. She says she will con­ are, Integrity, Network), DiMino says he
be selected. Aiming for the Accredited tinue working to heal and mend broken generated $1 million in sales per month as


“Be the best version of yourself and, most importantly, have
fun—if you’re having fun then the audience is having fun!”

a salesman of film and video post-produc­ Terry Watson difference, but I spend my life
tion software in Canoga Park, California. As a consumer-be­ ­counseling, teaching and training—
This work ethic caught the eye of DiMi­ havior expert, Terry showing others how to be their own
no’s financial advisor, who invited him to Watson knows best ­advocates,” she explains.
a Toastmasters meeting. There, DiMino how to craft a great Since devoting her life to improving
delivered a shaky Ice Breaker and realized customer experience. healthcare, Ford left her hometown
he needed to refine his speaking skills. One of the last things of High Point, North Carolina, to
“I could have quit, but I know that com­ he would ever do, work in different countries under her
municating my thoughts and ideas in a clear he says, is to put a own nonprofit, the Center for Human
and coherent way is a vital skill to have,” says client—let alone a renowned speaker— Diversity, Inc., as well as Unite for
DiMino. In 2006 he became a professional through the Accredited Speaker Program Sight and the University of Nebraska
speaker, keynoting events from Los Angeles without preparation. Medical Center.
to Dubai. Fellow Accredited Speaker Sheryl For Watson, a native of Chicago, Illi­ “I worked the longest in Saudi
Roush finally encouraged him to apply for nois, earning the Accredited Speaker title Arabia, and the hardest in Ghana, with
the AS Program in December 2017. was “like giving birth sideways,” he says 75,000 refugees,” she says. Even after all
DiMino’s best advice to hesitant speak­ with a laugh. It’s a surprising sentiment this work and 20 years of speaking, Ford
ers? “Don’t let that little voice in your head from someone who has spoken in front of thinks she became a professional speaker
hold you back.” 80,000 people at just one event and is no by accident. To her, becoming an Accred­
stranger to performing in front of audi­ ited Speaker makes her career feel new
Edwin W. ences around the globe. again. “I believe that steel sharpens steel,”
Ettinghausen To achieve his goal, he studied the AS says Ford.  T
Edwin W. Etting­ program’s Judge’s Guide and Ballot, which
hausen has made his lists speaking criteria, and sought advice Ian Gassman is a former editorial assis-
living off saving lives from Accredited Speaker mentors Johnny tant for the Toastmaster magazine.
through teaching Campbell and Conor Cunneen. Before
Cardiopulmonary heading to the International Convention
Resuscitation (CPR). in Chicago last August, Watson gained
More than 30 important advice from the duo: “Be the
video to learn more about the
years ago, Ettinghausen and his wife best version of yourself and, most impor­
started their own business, Life-Saver expert speakers who earned the coveted
tantly, have fun—if you’re having fun then
CPR, in Murrieta, California. He was the audience is having fun!” AS designation.
inspired to do so after leading a CPR
course in college. He loved incorporating Valda Ford
humor and wit into his classes. Since then, Valda Ford became
Are you currently a paid, pro-
Ettinghausen says he has hosted more a nurse to save oth­
fessional speaker? Toastmasters
than 7,700 seminars and issued more than ers—sometimes even
100,000 CPR certificates. invites you to apply for the
to save them from
Ettinghausen’s hobby is endurance their own healthcare esteemed Accredited Speaker
racing, meaning he runs distances ranging professionals, she designation. If you want to build
from marathons to 100-mile races. He has says. Years ago, Ford status and increase your visibili-
completed many of them often dressed in took her 2-year- ty as a speaker, this designation
costume and has won many awards. But old son to various physicians, trying to can help you with that goal.
all the accolades didn’t compare to gaining determine what was wrong with him. To apply, submit your appli-
Accredited Speaker designation, he says; for Despite Ford’s insistence, many doctors cation to World Headquarters
two years, Ettinghausen wanted to earn the and nurses didn’t believe the boy had a between January 1 and February
title. For months he toiled to give 25 presen­ medical problem; his symptoms just were 1. More information is avail-
tations, in between his seminars and running. not obvious. Ford says dismissiveness by able on the Toastmasters
Now he looks forward to having “addi­ medical professionals resulted in the death website at www.toastmasters.
tional credibility and confidence” as he of her youngest child. She was devastated. org/Membership/Accredited-
transitions from his CPR training into the “I will never know if being more Speaker.
arena of motivational speaking. demanding would have made a



What’s the
Friendliness and fun build a quality club culture.
Scoop on Yo BY CRAIG

any factors influence a club’s success: The Fun Factor
People do business with those they know, like and trust. Popular
membership numbers, renewal clubs rely on a similar formula. Friendly and inviting clubs that
provide an enjoyable experience and generate positive energy
rates and education achievements, attract new members. Long ago, Toastmasters founder Ralph C.
for example. But an intangible and often Smedley asserted that people “learn in moments of enjoyment.”
How fun is your club? Just because members have a good time
overlooked factor may be the most essential doesn’t mean they aren’t serious about improving their commu-
nication and leadership skills. Plan creative Table Topics sessions
contributor to a club’s long-term success— and entertaining themes. When learning is fun, achievement
its culture! soars. Club meetings and member experiences should be both
fun and fruitful.
Culture, in this case, refers to the club’s environment—that James Ware, an adult-learning expert and managing editor
blend of location, members, values, customs and practices. The of the international journal Work&Place, says, “Learning can be
easiest way to describe it is to say, “It is the way we do things exhilarating, eye-opening and empowering.” But he adds that
around here.” Culture can be easier felt than measured, yet it’s learning can also be stressful and even threatening because it can
what causes members to remain active in their clubs. It’s the require changing long-held beliefs, mastering new skills, doing
magnet that attracts guests to come back and join. Isn’t it time new things and facing the possibility of failing. “Making [learn-
to take the pulse of your club’s culture? ing] fun along the way increases the possibility that members


“Long ago,
founder Ralph
C. Smedley
asserted that
people ‘learn
in moments
of enjoyment.’

How fun is

ur your club?”



will value it, enjoy it and feel good about themselves,” says Ware, They are less likely to take risks and try new approaches for
author of the book Making Meetings Matter. “And if they experi- fear of exposing themselves to criticism. When evaluations
ence those feelings, they will only want more.” are supportive and encouraging, speakers are more inclined
to experiment. This doesn’t mean telling a lie or giving only
A Helping of Hospitality positive feedback, it means tempering the negative with positives
First impressions count at Toastmasters meetings. How you greet and making sure critiques are constructive, with an eye toward
guests speaks volumes about your club and its culture. Do you ­helping speakers improve.
shake hands, invite visitors to sign your guest register, issue them a The Pathways learning experience is a great help in this
name tag and introduce them to club leaders and other members? regard. In Pathways, speech evaluators use standardized criteria
Friendly and inviting clubs seat guests next to veteran mem- that help increase the consistency of evaluations for all members.
bers who then explain meeting procedures. Introductions are Evaluation guidelines are also more rigorous and expansive.
made early and guests are formally welcomed with applause.
Former area director Gina Cefalu, ACG, of Chamber Chatters The Role of Club Officers
in Pleasanton, California, recalls a best practice from the nearby Officers are the leaders of Toastmasters meetings—they set the
Danville Toastmasters: “At the beginning of meetings, we engage tone and establish practices that define the club experience. Are
in round-table introductions—everyone present, including your leaders professional? Are they personable? Do they work
guests, announces their name, where they live, how long they’ve well together as a governing body? Teamwork bodes well for
been in Toastmasters. They also answer a question related to the the entire club. When club officers show a genuine interest in
theme of the day—for instance, a favorite vacation spot or a New visitors, these potential members feel valued and are more likely
Year’s resolution.” to join the club. Officers who model hospitality, generosity and
friendliness set the best tone for a club, and all members can
follow suit.
“Toastmasters is more than ever a powerful
tool to fight hatred and mistrust. Sharing Good Will to All
Most clubs comprise a mix of men and women of different ages,
the values of our organization helps us professions, backgrounds and beliefs, yet the members all come
believe in a peaceful future for Europe.” together to improve communication and leadership skills. Each
club is a treasure trove—all members have stories, experiences
and special skills to share. All clubs can embrace membership
diversity and prosper by celebrating the different styles, back-
Time should also be allotted at the meeting’s end to answer grounds and sensibilities of their members.
guests’ questions and hear their feedback. The hospitality doesn’t Clubs that mute differences, overlook members and play
end there; be sure to follow up with your guests in the following favorites ultimately lose out. Odile Petillot, DTM, a past District
days—perhaps with a thank-you note for attending and a friendly 59 governor for Continental Europe, well understands the value
invitation to return. A culture of caring is critical to the success of of diversity. A member of several clubs in Paris, France, she views
any club. district conferences, speech contests and clubs with cultural
diversity as opportunities to mingle with people from many
A Timely Principle ­different backgrounds, cultures and religions.
Starting and ending club meetings on time is also crucial. It “These are laboratories where we can practice empathy and
shows respect for all attendees, members and guests alike, and understanding,” says Petillot, a 29-year member, “and where
helps make a positive impression. Valuing people’s time is a key members can open up, share their opinions, listen to other
part of program planning and meeting organization. ­viewpoints, and discover other habits, traditions and ways of
Also important for planning and organization purposes: thinking and behaving.”

þþ Make sure members know what the meeting agenda is in Tale of Two Tongues
advance. A vast number of clubs today are bilingual. Many divide each
þþ Be sure all meeting roles are filled and that those filling them meeting’s time between English and another language, whether
know their responsibilities. it’s French or German, Japanese or Spanish, Tamil or Afrikaans,
Mandarin or Cantonese. Petillot is a founding member of the
Do Your Evaluations Elevate or Deflate? first bilingual English-French club in Paris. The club’s eclectic
One telltale indicator of a club’s culture is the way evaluations mix—with French residents wanting to learn “the American way,”
are handled. If speech evaluations are negative, destructive or English speakers improving their French, expatriates and immi-
mean-spirited, guests and members alike will feel uncomfortable. grants—fosters an environment for learning about other cultures.


Club Pledge: When new members join the Tokyo Toastmasters in Japan, they read aloud a customized version of the Toastmaster’s Promise.

Toastmasters International’s celebration of cultural diversity the meeting, but some clubs give them the option of bringing
has never been more relevant, Petillot adds. “In times when the trophy to work for the week—or until the next meeting—to
nationalism tends to reappear in several European countries, showcase a member’s success to co-workers. This practice also
Toastmasters is more than ever a powerful tool to fight hatred ensures the member’s return to the next meeting, if only to return
and mistrust. Sharing the values of our organization helps us the trophy, or perhaps to defend his victory! Such forms of recog-
believe in a peaceful future for Europe,” she says. nition credit members for a job well done and help the recipients
feel valued.
Milestones, Rules and Rituals Pathways is also great for bestowing recognition. In the new
The Toastmasters experience is full of milestones to celebrate and program, you can give online feedback badges to other members
rituals to observe. A number of clubs decide that each member of your home club—badges with uplifting labels like Collaborative,
who completes an Ice Breaker speech receives a membership pin Innovative and Inspirational.
to acknowledge their achievement. Many clubs have anniversa-
ries of their formation. Are you celebrating yours? Reach back How can you assess your club’s culture? Among the best
and invite charter members to return. Invite spouses, partners resources to guide you is a club self-evaluation checklist like the
and loved ones to join in the festivities surrounding your club’s one on the following pages. It will help you identify areas for
anniversary or its achievement of President’s Select, Select or improvement in operations and efficiency, and even in friendli-
Distinguished status each year. ness—all key elements of a club’s culture.
While all clubs are guided by operational bylaws, clubs can The late New York City Mayor Ed Koch famously always
also create their own rules of engagement for members and meet- asked his constituents, “How am I doing?” You, too, should
ings. For instance, some clubs pay the attendance fee for officers be asking this question about your club. Ask new as well as
who attend district conferences. Others cover the cost of a club veteran members about their experiences. And don’t underesti-
president’s breakfast at leadership events. Clubs that meet over a mate the value of your guests’ observations. Visitors arrive with
meal at a restaurant sometimes establish the custom of treating a fresh eyes, and it’s essential to your club’s future to appeal to
first-time guest to a meal. Sharing a meal is sure to forge a bond. these guests. Welcome them and meld your club culture with
When new members are inducted into the Tokyo Toast- what’s important to them—not just to sustain your club, but to
masters club in Japan, they read a customized version of the grow it too.   T
Toastmaster’s Promise aloud. They are followed by other club
members, from countries such as Japan, Korea, India and Ireland, Craig Harrison, DTM, PDG, a charter member of Silicon
who also read the pledge out loud. This sharing of vows, not Valley ImprovMasters, has founded a variety of specialty and
unlike a marriage, bodes well for all parties. advanced clubs in his 26 years of membership. Learn about his
Winners of the Best Table Topics or Best Speaker portions of Toastmasters journey from free to fee at www.expressions
a club meeting are often awarded ribbons for their achievement. and find free club tools on his website,
Sometimes winners are given a club trophy for the duration of



Club Quality Checklist

Evaluate your club with this easy tool.

W e all have ideas on what a perfect Toastmasters club is

like. It involves enjoyable meetings, unlimited learning
oppor­tunities, friendly members … and what else?
17. Are your officers effective in their roles as leaders?
18. Do officers report on the club’s progress in the

Distinguished Club Program?

This checklist offers you the chance to rate your club’s
strengths and weaknesses against the “ideal.” 19. Are you using branded marketing materials from
Complete this questionnaire, then give it to your club the Logos, Images and Templates page on the
­president, who will discuss the answers with the club’s officers. Toastmasters website?

Club Meetings Suggestions for Improvement:

1. Is your meeting location conveniently located, YES NO

accessible and user friendly?

2. Are the program and agenda publicized, via email
or a club website, in advance?
3. Do club meetings start and end on time?
4. Does the meeting follow an agenda?
5. Does every member wear a name badge? Membership YES NO

6. Are all guests and members warmly greeted 20. Does your club set a membership goal each year
and welcomed? and try to maintain a minimum of 20 members?
7. Are all guests introduced to others? 21. Do your club officers and members demonstrate
8. Is the meeting atmosphere friendly, pleasant and the organization’s core values of integrity, respect,
enjoyable? service and excellence?
9. Is your meeting location easy to find, with 22. Does your club regularly promote its meetings on
signs posted? social media and in the community?
10. Is your club’s meeting location and time 23. Are guests invited to join the club?
listed accurately on 24. Are new members oriented to the Toastmasters
Find-a-club ? program immediately after joining?
11. Is the business meeting conducted quickly and 25. Are new members reported immediately to World
efficiently? Headquarters so they can receive their welcome
12. Are programs interesting and varied? email with instructions on how to get started in
13. Are speakers, evaluators and other meeting Base Camp?
participants reminded of their responsibilities 26. Are new members assigned a mentor?
well in advance of the meeting? 27. Are new members scheduled to speak soon
14. Are speeches well-prepared and based on after joining?
projects in Pathways? 28. Are new members assigned meeting roles soon
15. Are evaluations positive, helpful and constructive? after joining?
16. Is everyone given an opportunity to participate 29. Are new members formally inducted and given a
in the program? membership certificate, pin and name badge?


30. Does a member contact those who miss more
than one meeting and encourage them to
attend regularly?
31. Are all members assigned to a club committee?
32. Is your club free of members who disrupt meetings
or have a negative influence?
33. Are members recognized during meetings for
their accomplishments and contributions?
34. Does your club have a presence on Facebook,
Twitter and LinkedIn?
35. Do your club leaders follow Toastmasters on
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn?
General YES NO

40. Do you have a club newsletter or website?

Suggestions for Improvement:
41. Does your club take advantage of to host its website?
42. Do you have a formal installation for club officers?
43. Are you encouraged to attend your club’s
executive committee meetings?
44. Does your club discuss and vote on proposals
presented each year at the Toastmasters Annual
Educational Activities Business Meeting?
36. Are members encouraged to visit other 46. Does the club treasurer begin collecting October
Toastmasters clubs? and April dues early and give members plenty of
37. Does your club enjoy occasional joint meetings reminders about the due dates?
with other clubs? 46. Do your officers thoroughly understand their
38. Does your club encourage members to attend responsibilities and carry them out?
Toastmasters events beyond the club such as 47. Are members encouraged to assume leadership
area, division, district, regional and international roles in the club?
39. Do you know the value of and requirements for Suggestions for Improvement:
the various educational awards?

Suggestions for Improvement:

Take this tool to your club meeting and discuss suggestions for
improvements to make your club even better.



Member Achievements
Toastmasters share stories of growth and giving back to others.

Terry Beard
Portland Rotary Toastmasters club • Portland, Oregon

The Greatest Gift: Helping Others Find Their Voice

Three years ago, when we formed the Portland Rotary Toastmasters club in Portland,
Oregon, I suggested to my fellow charter members that we aspire to become “the
greatest Toastmasters club in the universe.” The idea was met with grins and chuckles,
but today, our vision is becoming our reality.
When I joined Toastmasters, someone took me by the hand. At the first meeting,
I was too timid participate in Table Topics. After the meeting, the person who intro-
duced me to Toastmasters invited me back and encouraged me to try again. The next
time, I did get up to speak at Table Topics.
Seven months later, I finally worked up the courage to give my Ice Breaker. With
my fellow Toastmasters’ encouragement and support, I embarked on a journey of
­personal growth and development that eventually paid unbelievable dividends at
work, at home and at play.
When people I meet in business and social events ask what I am up to, I humor-
ously share my story about overcoming my fear of public speaking. People see how Terry Beard
excited I am to have found my voice, and when I ask them to come to a Toastmasters
meeting with me, they usually say yes.
I recognized years ago that I have an obligation to share what someone did for me—to pay gifts forward. The rent I owe for taking up
space at Toastmasters meetings is to help others find their voices. I do not think of myself as an evangelist, but I am. I love what I do in
Toastmasters, and it is contagious.

Laura Gammack, CC
Heritage Go-Getters Toastmasters club • Calgary, Ontario, Canada

Visiting International Clubs: The Ultimate Experience

In the spring of 2018 I volunteered to teach music in the Philippines. The volunteering
itself was a meaningful experience, but I also managed to attend Toastmasters events
in three countries during my travels.
I visited Health Century Toastmasters club in Hong Kong, and the meeting was
similar to my club meetings in Canada. What makes this Hong Kong club unique,
is that it’s a trilingual club. The first speech I heard was in Mandarin, the second in
Cantonese and the third in English.
I also attended the District 75 conference in Davao, Philippines. The conference
kicked off with traditional Philippine dancing—I had never seen anything like it
before. It was inspiring to hear so many amazing speeches, and I learned a lot about
speechwriting. Division F also adopted me for the weekend, and I made a new group
of friends. It was a weekend that will carry me through the rest of my life and my
Toastmasters journey.
Laura Gammack Then I visited the Saigon Toastmasters club in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
It i­ncluded people from so many different ethnic groups, and to my surprise, the
­meeting was conducted in English. I took on the Ah-Counter role and heard three Pathways speeches that gave me insight into the
local experience in Ho Chi Minh City.
When I travel again, I will check out other Toastmasters meetings, and I highly suggest you do the same on your next
­international adventure!


Mahi Sall, ACB, ALB
DB Toastmasters-Berlin • Berlin, Germany

Making a Positive Impact

In July 2018, I participated as a judge in the 15th “Startsocial” challenge—a nation-
wide competition that promotes volunteer work and social good in Germany. Judges
assess applications from social startups and charities in the contest, which is under
the patronage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
At the time, I had no idea my Toastmasters skills would turn out to be extremely
useful in completing my task, which was to review and evaluate applicants’ files.
As soon as I read the “Startsocial” evaluation handbook, the requirements felt
­familiar and I became less stressed. A cornerstone of the process is to write honest
and unbiased, yet also supportive, feedback to contestants. It is here where Toast-
masters evaluation skills—a pillar of the organization’s learning and educational
program—come into play.
Directly addressing who you’re evaluating, using “I” statements (e.g., “I feel you
could add more examples”) and employing the “sandwich technique” (opening with
Mahi Sall
positive comments, suggesting areas for improvement and closing with a positive
comment) make all the difference in delivering valuable feedback.
As human beings, we are generally more receptive to feedback when we feel the other party has made an effort to understand us.
Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, put it best: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” Let’s face
it: All applicants in the Startsocial challenge intend to make a positive impact, if they’re not already doing so. Supportive, uplifting and
honest feedback was the least they deserved.
Engaging in that project was my way to give back to society, make an impact and inspire. Toastmasters helped me achieve that.

Kesha R. Whitaker, DTM

Advanced Blue Nile, Memphis • Memphis, Tennessee

Reaching My Goals
Eight years ago, an acquaintance recommended Toastmasters. I consistently
shrugged off the thought of joining until I could no longer resist. Nearly five
years later, the journey has been amazing! As a public relations professional, I am
­accustomed to working with the media, writing speeches and communications for
national companies, but never for myself.
Toastmasters sparked my aspiration of becoming a motivational speaker. With
every project, I was able to write speeches faster and deliver them without nervous-
ness or anxiety. The confidence that resulted from practicing my speaking skills
has helped me attain many professional and personal goals. Since joining Toast-
masters, I have been a featured presenter at a national conference and webinar, a
keynote speaker at a graduation and an emcee at various social events. The Memphis
­Business Journal in Tennessee selected me for its annual “Top 40 Under 40” list
(honoring 40 top achievers under 40 years old). I teach countless workshops and
speak before diverse groups—from corporate employees to incarcerated youth.
Serving as 2017–2018 area director took me to another level. Helping to organize
area speech contests and a district conference has been invaluable. The highlight of
my leadership journey has been leading my area to Distinguished and earning the
Kesha R. Whitaker
Distinguished Toastmaster award in June 2018! Now I have the privilege of serving
as public relations manager for District 43.
I’m grateful to my mentors who encouraged me and kept me going. I believe it is my duty to pay that forward by helping my fellow
Toastmasters thrive. The journey continues!  T

Do you have a Toastmasters success story you’d like to share about yourself or another member? Write it in fewer than 300 words and send
with a high-resolution photo to [email protected].



At the Library
Forget iBooks and Kindles. Give me labyrinthine stacks,
plastic book covers, Dewey decimals and angelic librarians.

I ’ m sitting here in the Fayetteville Free

Library in Upstate New York wonder-
ing if “free library” is redundant. I’m also
biggest library in the ancient world, the
Library of Alexandria. Some believed that
if you read every book in that famous
America didn’t have a library until
1731 when Benjamin Franklin, who
invented everything the Chinese didn’t,
wondering what I’m going to write about building, you would know everything founded the Library Company of
for my January column, and it’s not going there was to know in the then-known Philadelphia. This prompted U.S. Presi­
to be about New Year’s resolutions, clean world. A few did, and made history as the dent James Madison to propose the
slates, starting fresh and all those other first human beings to be referred to as Congressional Library in 1783. A section
horrid c­ lichés that only remind me of how insufferable bores. of the executive order for the Library read:
miserably I failed in my intentions for 2018. Not to be outdone, the Roman consul “It is no longer permissible for politicians
Adding insult to injury, my birthday is Asinius Pollio constructed the first public to know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Every
December 30, so I still have those “funny” library in Rome to rival Alexandria. There member of the House and Senate is now
cards lying around that begin with “You’re were no late fees. If you failed to return required to read at least ONE BOOK so he
not getting older, you’re (fill in degrading a book on time, they just fed you to the knows something. ANYTHING.”
insult.)” I feel like having my wife return lions. That’s why to this day Italians are Of course, one cannot talk about libraries
them with a note saying, “Unfortunately, fast readers. without mentioning librarians, who h ­ appen
my beloved husband, John, died the night to be my favorite people in the whole
before his birthday and did not get a “One cannot talk about world. Every one I’ve ever encountered has
chance to read your thoughtful card. Given been polite, helpful, knowledgeable and
his present condition, however, I believe he libraries without mention- soft-spoken. I even took an online test to
would fail to see the humor.” ing librarians, who happen see if I qualified for the profession. I don’t.
So what will I write about? Wait a min- The results said I lack “soft skills,” which
ute! Wasn’t I just thinking about the library? to be my favorite people in basically means I’m not a people person.
And aren’t Toastmasters eager readers, the whole world.” And they would not be wrong. I’m not even
always seeking to improve their language a person person. But some famous people
skills? That’s it. I’ll write about libraries. In the Middle Ages, the monks have started out as librarians, including
First, a brief history (which I gener- c­ ompiled huge libraries of beautifully Mao Tse-tung, Pope Pius XI and—wait for
ally prefer to long histories). Some 5,000 ornate, hand-copied tomes that were it—Casanova. Soft skills, indeed.
years ago in Mesopotamia (now Iraq), they chained to the shelves. If you did man- So much for libraries. Now back to my
started archiving commercial transactions age to pilfer one, they chained you to the burning question: Is “free library” redundant?
on heavy, one-inch-thick clay tablets. This shelf until you repeated “Thou shalt not It isn’t, and the librarian told me why. I’ve
was around 2600 B.C. and marked both steal” four hundred million times. never been called ignorant in such a polite,
the end of pre-history and the beginning Somewhere along the way, the Chinese helpful, knowledgeable, soft-spoken way.  T
of hernia operations. Then the Egyptians blew everybody out of the water by invent-
invented papyrus, which allowed for the ing both paper and moveable type, which John Cadley is a former advertising
production of codexes (the forerunners of inevitably paved the way for Gutenberg and copywriter, freelance writer and musician
books), so you could fit a lot more writing the printing press. Now the cat was out of living in Fayetteville, New York. Learn
on the shelves. This eventually led to the the bag. Anybody could own a book. more at



Access the New Navigator

It’s here—The Navigator, completely redesigned and easily accessible
on any mobile device. User-friendly tabs will help you make the
most of your Toastmasters and Pathways experience.

Click through it now at

Currently available in English

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