2024-03 Apr Finalv2
2024-03 Apr Finalv2
2024-03 Apr Finalv2
APRIL 2024
CLASSES By Henry Penas
By Eric Runyan
Even a small gain in understanding of Things are looking up. We are back on
how our computers, phones, smart Daylight Savings Time and the days are
televisions and automobiles operate can getting longer.
make living life in our digital age better. To Our monthly membership meeting was
that end, I offer Prime Gentlemen a free well attended, and the inaugural table
series of classes at three Broward County centerpieces created by Marck Santee
community centers, including the Pride were splendid. A lucky winner at each
Center at Equality Park. The series, titled table got to take the centerpiece home.
"Technology for Beginners,” covers a wide The 50/50 jackpot was $180 and was won
range of topics, including Windows and by John Hasandras.
Mac Operating Systems, Chrome-books,
The rst Tuesday mixer in March had a
Android cell phones and iPhones, Social
record breaking number of attendees –
Media, email and general computer
100! That’s the highest number since the
literacy. No prior experience is necessary.
Turn to ACTIVITIES, Page 3 Turn to PRESIDENT, Page 3
Calendar 13
Surfer APRIL 2024 1
Henry Penas
PRIME (954) 971-6514
[email protected]
Ken South
A social club of mature men and (301) 461-4516
[email protected]
those who enjoy their company TREASURER
Paul McNamara
To join, go to: FtLPrimeGentlemen.org (561) 254-9622
and click on: Membership [email protected]
Surfer Tom Daniel
(404) 414-7551
April 2024 Volume 21, Issue 04
[email protected]
Published by
Fort Lauderdale Prime Gentlemen, Inc. Jim Flora
PO Box 100666 (646) 208-8092
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310 [email protected]
[email protected]
web FtLPrimeGentlemen.org Ron Grassullo
(516) 670-7799
[email protected]
Editor Stew Pepper
John Dool Surfer Editor (954) 532-5451
[email protected]
Doug Kent: Lunches Jim Richardson
Jim Richardson: Birthdays & Anniversaries (303) 638-5690
Ken South: Formal Dinner & [email protected]
Gentleman of the Month
Henry Penas: Obituaries Dick Huitema
Ed Slough: Events (773) 782-1608
[email protected]
Mike Trask: Photographs
Please submit all materials to the Editor by the Special Advisor and
10th of the month before publication. Board Member Emeritus
Richard Lefebvre
Auggie Azzarello: Paper
Henry Penas: Digital Treasurer Emeritus
Mike Trask
© 2024 by Fort Lauderdale Prime Gentlemen, Inc.
The Pride Center classes take place during Our membership continues to grow. Most
the months of September through May. of the newest members joined because
Classes meet on the second Thursday of they came to our monthly meeting or our
each month from 2:00 to 4:00 PM; and, mixers. They move from being looky-loos
there is no registration fee. to being members because of the good
feeling they got at these events.
If the Pride Center location is not
convenient for you, I also offer the classes at We have been successful in resolving
the Skolnick Center in Pompano Beach, some thorny issues of late. Mostly the
September through May. need for volunteers to come forward to ll
vacancies. A team of volunteers who work
To see the class schedule and register for tirelessly at our monthly meeting have put
one, visit HelpMeEric.com. While you are their heads together and found a solution
there, check out all the computer repair, to the problem of transporting our supplies
installation, trouble-shooting and training to and from the Pride Center each month.
services. Fees for them are discounted $5/ We will buy a bigger cabinet and rent
hour for Prime Gentlemen members. space in the SAGE of ce for the old
cabinet. Then there will no longer be a
need to transport materials from an
WELCOME NEW outside venue. Everything will be right
MEMBERS handy at the Center.
5th Element is located a little north of Powerline and McNab. They have an
extensive menu of vegetarian, Indo-Chinese, Tandoor, South Indian, chicken,
seafood, lamb and goat entrees, with many priced between $12.99 and $15.99.
Dishes can be ordered without spice [not at all hot] or as spicy as you would like it to
be. For dessert, there is a mango soft-serve that's really good. And they have a great
banquet room for larger groups like ours.
You can view their full menu here: 5th Element Indian Grill
The quality of the food is good, the portions are ample, and the prices are great --
which makes this a good choice for the Prime Gentlemen monthly dinner. In order to
give an accurate count to 5th Element, please notify me Ed Slough if you would like
to attend this dinner and receive a $10 stipend.
This dinner group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. We go to different
restaurants each month. The idea is to enjoy a night-out socializing with a group of
friends. This event is targeting members of Prime Gentlemen and their friends --- who
will each receive a $10 stipend. Everyone is welcome.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
8:00 AM Tennis BP 6:00 PM Online Mixer ZM# 7:30 AM Tennis BP 11:00 AM Bowling ML 7:30 AM Tennis BP 2:00 PM History Group 11:00 AM Book Discussion
2:00 PM General Meeting PC 2:00 PM Trivial Pursuit ZM# 1:00 PM Bowling AL 1:00 PM Diner Lunch, p8 Group
5:00 PM Mixer TR, p8 1:00 PM Men's DropIn ZM# 2:00 PM Computer PC
5:30 PM Early Bird Dinner, 3:00 PM Co-ed DropIn ZM#
p8 7:00 PM Walking SC
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8:00 AM Tennis BP 6:00 PM Online Mixer ZM# 7:30 AM Tennis BP 11:00 AM Bowling ML 7:30 AM Tennis BP 1:30 PM Free Movies PC, P4
2:00 PM Trivial Pursuit ZM# 1:00 PM Bowling AL 12:30 PM Board ZM
5:00 PM Mixer TR, p8 1:00 PM Men's DropIn ZM# 2:00 PM Collectors Group
5:30 PM Monthly Dinner, p9 3:00 PM Co-ed DropIn ZM#
7:00 PM Walking SC
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
8:00 AM Tennis BP 6:00 PM Online Mixer ZM# 7:30 AM Tennis BP 11:00 AM Bowling ML 7:30 AM Tennis BP 2:00 PM History Group 10:30 AM Excursion to
2:00 PM Trivial Pursuit ZM# 1:00 PM Bowling AL 12:00 PM Haulover HA Flamingo Gardens
5:00 PM Mixer TR, p8 1:00 PM Men's DropIn ZM# 1:00 PM Regular Lunch, p8
5:00 PM Tropics Grille Night 3:00 PM Co-ed DropIn ZM#
Out, p8 7:00 PM Walking SC
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
8:00 AM Tennis BP 6:00 PM Online Mixer ZM# 7:30 AM Tennis BP 11:00 AM Bowling ML 7:30 AM Tennis BP
2:00 PM Trivial Pursuit ZM# 1:00 PM Bowling AL 2:00 PM Collectors PC
5:00 PM Mixer TR, p8 1:00 PM Men's DropIn ZM# 3:00 PM Co-ed DropIn ZM#
7:00 PM Walking SC
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AL = AMF Margate, 2020 N. State Rd 7 33063
BP = Brummer Park, 3500 W Palm Aire Dr 33069
HA = Haulover Beach, 10800 Collins Ave 33154
ML = Manor Lanes, 1517 NE 26th Street, 33305
PC = Pride Ctr, 2040 N. Dixie Hwy 33305
SC = Skolnick Ctr, 800 SW 36th Ave 33069
SL = Stonewall Lib, 1300 Sunrise Blvd 33311
TR = Tropics Bar & Grill, 2000 Wilton Dr 33305
ZM = See weekly email Bulletin for link.