Dynamix - Go Beyond
September 2021 | Vol. 2, No. 2
Dynamix - Go Beyond
September 2021 | Vol. 2, No. 2
Go Beyond
September 2021 | Vol. 2, No. 2
Dynamix - Go Beyond
CLUB # 07786564 | AREA 2 | DIVISION H |D120
Go Beyond
Go Beyond
02 16-28
Editorial Team
Articles from
04 Members
Editor's Desk
Know your Club
05 30
Messages from
Club Calendar
District Trio
Message from
Club Achievements &
Division Director Events
Message from
DCP Report
Area Director
14 40-42
Club President
ExComm & Club
Testimonials & Food
for thought
TM Perathu Se
TM Snehalatha lvi
TM Sridevi
TM Umamaheswari TM Merlin
TM Umamahes
TM Rosa Ephrem wari TM Keerthana
TM Niteesh TM Vivek
With the installation of our make you think, act, and laugh
new Excomm team in July too! Our district, division and
2021, we are witnessing a area officers were prompt in
constant buzzing of sending their articles to us. I
activities in Dynamic would like to thank them and
Leaders Forum Toastmaster all the club members for their
club (DLF TMC). Keeping in TM Dr. Snehalatha L wholehearted support.
line with the scintillating energy of I would like to extend my sincere thanks
the club, I am extremely happy to to my fellow editorial team members for
present to you the third edition of doing the corrections and coordinating
DYNAMIX, the newsletter of Dynamic the editorial work for the newsletter. My
Leaders Forum Toastmasters Club. gratitude extends to the design team
The theme of this edition of DYNAMIX members for working on the aesthetic
is “GO BEYOND”. It has been a tough aspect of the newsletter and making it
time for most of us struggling to pleasing for the eyes and heart. Our new
survive and stay safe in the club members and visiting Toastmasters
pandemic time. Nonetheless, we have also joined hands to share their
must think beyond the covid times club experience in this edition.
and look forward to a normal happy
“The only way to discover the limits of
the possible is to go beyond them into
Most of us are at DLF TMC to stretch
the impossible” – Arthur C. Clarke.
beyond our self-imposed limits and
Newsletter is a great way to stretch your
to rise above our fear of public
limits of imagination and creativity. The
speaking. Expressing yourself
diverse topics covered in this edition of
through writing and sharing your
DYNAMIX will enthrall, entice, and
thoughts with others is found to
enchant the readers.
have therapeutic effects also. Our
members have come forward to
Enjoy Reading DYNAMIX!
share their thoughts through a
plethora of topics which will surely
“Every club has to address the “why” Toastmasters helps us learn all these
of why people join Toastmasters. The skills week over week in an environment
“why” is different for every individual. that encourages us to “Learn, Unlearn
Members stay with the club only if and Relearn “ in every meeting.
they see their “why” being met. That is Every day brings with it new hope and
where clubs need to ensure that they opportunities for those who believe in
run quality club meetings and every themselves.
member is properly guided and
mentored. Strive to better yourself every time you
attend a Toastmasters meeting and you
We, as individuals, can only be will slowly see the change in yourselves
successful if we learn to listen to and the world around you.
people, respect the other person’s
point of view, communicate our ideas
and thoughts clearly, learn to accept
our mistakes, have the ability to work
with diverse teams, and constantly
keep learning.
By Gayathri CG DTM, Club Growth Director
By Gayathri CG DTM, Club Growth Director
At the end of the term, I became a Toastmasters gave me that safe place
more confident person, ready to take where I could dare to dream.
up challenges and travel the roads I
never thought I would travel. Go Beyond! Dare to Dream!
Dynamix 2021
- Vol 3 , Sep 2022 Dynamix - Vol. 2, No. 2 Page - 3
By Seshadri R DTM
By Seshadri R DTM
many occasions have come where I place. Otherwise, your risk can be risky!
must stretch myself to achieve my
success, be it completing my MBA or Even in Toastmasters, I had gone
Fellowship from the Insurance beyond when I knew I had the last
Institute of India (FIII) or graduating chance to get my DTM, as I could not
the BGL after my son was born, was an make it as Area Director last year. I
act of Going Beyond. penned hopes of Club Coach as a final
A dicey decision to quit a secure attempt that can get me the coveted
Public Sector job, post marriage and DTM. Meticulous planning, organising
two kids were also Going Beyond the and execution along with my mentor
boundaries. Today I have corporate who also happened to be an additional
experience more than my stint in the Club Coach, resulted in the Club
Public Sector. It has its pitfalls too but achieving Select Distinguished status.
when we take a risk, the result will be Today I stand as a Distinguished
proportional to the quantum of risk Toastmaster.
you take of course with a plan in “Stay positive and you will achieve”
By TM Sridevi Srinivasan
A sports champion goes beyond his It starts to shrink right from the
or her limits to set new records. An moment one decides to fight against
award-winning musician goes it.
beyond, composing music for Yes! Every endeavouring effrontery
everyone, breaking the barrier of ebbs the existence of this monster.
language, religion, caste and creed. Practice and perseverance prevent
Teachers go beyond their limits this monster from presiding over.
adapting to the technologies needed
for online classes. Why do we need to fight the monster
and go beyond? Is it ok to live with the
A toastmaster goes beyond their barriers and fears in mind? Is it ok to
glossophobia to play different roles let the giant reside in us and rule our
or present projects in the meetings. life? With these questions in mind,
let's shift our paradigm.
Everyone in this world strives to go
beyond their limiting force. What is a Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi,
limiting force? Where does it reside? Karl Marx, Nelson Mandela, Malala
Deep inside the trenches of one's Yousafzai went beyond to
own thoughts, dwells a humongous revolutionize society and carved a
monster, frightening, terrifying and better path for the next generation.
limiting one from going beyond. It is The dreams and desires of the
called fear. When does this giant scientists of the olden times paved the
monster grow enormously? way for the existence of modern-day
By TM Sridevi Srinivasan
The flying machines are in existence The incredible courage and valiant
today because of the two little boys efforts to go beyond one's limits and
who went beyond their limits and the fights against one’s fear transform
enabled breakthroughs in the into seeds of inspiration, empowers
aerospace industry. mankind eternally and infinitely.
By TM Bindu
By TM Bindu
He did this every time whenever his We went there and gained admission
son Ateesh accomplished anything to the school. There was no written
significant. One way I was so happy, as test as we were requesting the seat in
he intended to take time to update, the middle of the year.
but at the same time I wondered, have
I done anything significant to their I didn’t know that getting school
family to get such appreciation. admission was so challenging in a
premier school with the above
My mind went back to almost 18 years constraints. I was newly married, and I
when his wife and son came to didn’t realize that gaining admission
Bangalore as a tenant in my house to a school was that difficult until I
before Thiru came to join them as he experienced the same when I searched
was on a short trip onshore. I came to for my kids. All I did was that I didn’t
know that they are looking for school stop but went beyond helping
admission for their son Aneesh. someone. This small action has made a
difference in someone’s life and has
connected to people even after many
By TM Keerthana Chandrasekhar
The spherical earth and the the day-night cycle and the
round globe, a three-dimentio- sunset that always take part
nal model of the earth, that we at roughly the same points
see today was earlier believed to of the horizon.
be flat. Not until the early 5th There was general
century by ancient Greeks was acceptance of the earth-
the idea of spherical earth TM Vaishnavi centered system for
hundred years. However, Galileo’s
Voyages of discovery around the spherical
invention of the telescope helped in
earth helped Europeans explore other
examining the limited understanding
parts of the world. Several men feared
death to travel beyond the continents by of the solar system.
water. Christopher Columbus traversed With the invention of the rocket, it’s
across oceans and reached an unknown confirmed that flying beyond the
place, America, which is now the notable earth is humanly attainable.
country in the entire world. Every time humans thought beyond
Vasco da Gama's discovery of the the limits, they discovered something
maritime route to India from western new, unveiled the truth and
Europe shattered the trade monopoly mysteries. Thus the highly
of Muslims and eastern countries interconnected and interdependent
over India. Humans not only world, which connects you to people
restricted their explorations and across the globe, helps to traverse
revelations about the earth but also across boundaries, and go beyond
examined the earth's cosmic the earth would be unlikely if people
neighbourhood. hadn’t transcended. As the universe
Although the first humans had a is full of abundance and is never
limited understandIng of the celestial scarce and restricted only by erasing
bodies in the sky, they didn't take limits, you can bring to light the
much time to find that treasure trove.
earth is not alone. They were always
intrigued by the sun, as it generates
We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which
members are empowered to develop communication and leadership
skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
The club was chartered on 16th June 2020. Demo meetings were initiated
in October 2019 by Manju K Manohar DTM along with TM Aswathy. Demo
meetings were conducted in Sree Shanthi Anand Vidyalaya, School in
Thirumudivakkam, Chennai. The meetings were conducted every Sunday
without any break and visiting TMs from other clubs came to support. In
March 2020, the lockdown due to the COVID pandemic was announced
and the club switched over to the online meeting mode.
TM Sathya Agil
TM Sridevi a TM Syril Thomas
President VP Education
VP Membership
TM Niladri
TM Aswathy Rajan TM Irshad
Club Awards
Golden Gavel
Gold club award
Smedley award
Talk up Toastmasters
Quality club award (both terms)
8-80 membership award
Member Awards
Division Level
Area Level
Club Level
Region Level
District Level
Division Level
Panel Discussion
Theme: Advantages of Toastmasters
Topic: Toastmasters- A Pathways to Success
Target Audience: Guest to know about Toastmasters
Panelist: Club Members for diverse fields/job profiles/age,etc.
Club Members
TM Sathya Jayaraman DXC Chennai Toastmasters Club
Have you ever seen Have you ever seen FUN filled
members bubbling over joy? meeting?
Yeh, bright chance for "Yes" Yeh, bright chance for "Yes"
Have you ever seen Have you ever seen all
meetings run with top together?
quality? I understand your long pause.
Yeh, bright chance for "Yes" TM Sathya Jayaraman A must visit club - Dynamic
Toastmasters Club :-)
Thomas T Abraham, DTM, Medley Toastmasters Club
I was there when Dynamic so on, I visualised a high-
Leaders Forum was born. I quality club of academics.
was there at their tenth The most enduring quality
milestone meeting, the many of this bunch is their
milestones that followed, energy. Medley had a joint
and the birthdays. meeting with them and that
Thomas T Abraham, DTM
mass of energy (forget
I have been witness to the baby steps
the faculty of physics, but you get
getting surer and steady. The truth is,
what I mean) and pieces of
even at the first meeting, I found a
innovation hit us, which became top
bunch of confident and articulate
of the mind association.
speakers. I could trace it back to their
I have no doubt that Dynamic Leaders
immersion in academics, speaking
were born into the top draw among
being integral to their vocation. Like
District 120 toastmaster clubs - and
the exclusive Toastmasters clubs
right up there in their energy
formed by Engineers, Doctors, CAs and
quotient and creativity!
By TM Kavithaa