2019 Summer Seminar Course Catalog
2019 Summer Seminar Course Catalog
2019 Summer Seminar Course Catalog
Technical Join us at
Specialized Interest
PAGE 9 Summer Seminar!
On-Campus Living PAGE 10
Specialized Interest
PAGES 14-15
PAGEs 15-18
Schedule at a Glance PAGES 20-21
Details, details . . .
P H O T O S : A N A A R C H I V E S ( R O C H E T T E ) & L I Z C O PA N
Registration Form
SUMMER SEMINAR STAFF (from left); Numismatic Educator Sam Gelberd,
PAGES 23-24 Education Director Rod Gillis, Seminars Manager Brianna Victor, Museum
Specialist/Photography Director Robert Kelley, Seminars Coordinator Meghan
Reed, Museum Curator Douglas Mudd and Library Director David Sklow.
or e-mail [email protected]
1. & 2. Grading United States Coins, Part 1 3. Grading United States Coins, Part 2
Explore the history and philosophy of grading, and This mid-level course is intended to sharpen grading
learn how to grade copper, silver and gold U.S. coins ac- skills through hands-on group and individual exercises,
cording to the latest ANA and market standards. In- with instructor feedback on each coin. Students will gain
struction will consist of slide presentations, hands-on op- a better understanding of current grading-service
portunities to view and grade many notable specimens in philosophies and how they evolved in the marketplace.
individual and group settings, and in-depth discussions Copper, silver and gold specimens are covered, with
about the intricacies of grading. Enrollment in each class emphasis on About Uncirculated through Uncirculated
is limited to 20 students. examples. Prerequisite: Successful completion of
1. Instructors: Jim Stoutjesdyk, vice president of “Grading United States Coins, Part 1” or permission
numismatics, Heritage Auctions; David Bozsik, Pro- from the instructors. Enrollment in this class is limited to
fessional Coin Grading Service grader and authentica- 24 students.
tor; and Kevin Kaufmann, professional numismatist Instructors: David J. McCarthy, senior numismatist,
2. Instructors: Rod Gillis, ANA education director; Kagin’s; Steven Feltner, professional numismatist,
Brian Fanton, owner and operator, BE’s Coin Store; Americana Rare Coin; and Devin Hipp, professional
and Mike Ellis, variety specialist, former ANA gover- numismatist and owner of Devin Hipp Enterprises LLC
nor and owner, Mike Ellis Rare Coins
P H O T O : L I Z C O PA N
A student examines COMMEMORATIVE COINS during a mini-seminar.
6. Introduction to Early
4. Detection of Counter- United States Paper
feit & Altered Coins Currency (1776-1899)
Learn the often-subtle differences Designed for intermediate stu-
between genuine, counterfeit and al- dents, this class divides U.S. paper
tered coins while applying your money into three periods: The Revo-
newly acquired skills using the lution to the Civil War; the Civil
ANA’s counterfeit detection set of War; and post-Civil War federal is-
more than 400 coins, which includes sues until 1899. (National Bank notes
United States, world, ancient and will not be covered.) Students will
colonial specimens. Students will examine specimens from the ANA’s
handle “raw” genuine and spurious Edward C. Rochette Money Mu-
coins under instructor supervision. seum—including those from the
Topics will include counterfeit coin Bebee Collection—to learn the fasci-
production; types of counterfeit dies nating role of paper currency in
and castings; date and mintmark al- the economic development of the
terations; specific gravity testing; United States and how these notes
and the use of microscopes. provide a window into the history of
Instructors: Brian Silliman, profes- the period.
sional numismatist, Brian Silliman Instructors: Richard L. Horst,
Rare Coins, and former NGC paper currency specialist; and
grader/conserver and ANA authenti- Douglas Mudd, museum director
cator/conserver; and Jim Robinson, A DIGITAL-PHOTOGRAPHY student and curator, Edward C. Rochette
professional numismatist, APMEX prepares to photograph a coin. Money Museum
P H O T O S : L I Z C O PA N & R O B E R T B . K E L L E Y ( A U C T I O N )
facts. Students will gain a thorough
understanding of the official mints of
Mexico and their impact.
Instructor: Ricardo de León
Tallavas, author and Mexican
coinage expert
8. Medallic Washington:
Images of Our First
President in Numismatics
George Washington’s image ap-
pears on virtually every category of
post-colonial Americana, from coins,
tokens, medals and patterns to com-
memoratives and even pioneer gold.
This course will cover the spectrum of
Washington issues from the past to
the present, with special attention
paid to the earliest coins and medals,
special rarities, and fantasies, fakes
and forgeries.
Instructors: Dr. David Menchell,
medals expert; and Neil Musante,
author, Medallic Washington, EARLY AMERICAN COINS AND PAPER MONEY are popular topics among Summer
Volumes 1 and 2 Seminar attendees.
note engraver’s
craft and meth-
ods, and culti-
vate an appre-
ciation of the
materials and
used. Through demonstrations
and hands-on work, participants
will create intaglio prints pulled
from engravings.
Instructor: Christopher Madden,
SUMMER SEMINAR STUDENTS arrive at Colorado College ready to begin their week bank-note engraver, U.S. Bureau
of studies and activities. of Engraving and Printing
Whatever you choose, we know you will have a great week making new memories and connections.
Dinner Talks
Thursday, June 20 Friday, June 21
The Gold 40-Franc Coins of Napoléon Bonaparte Official Counterfeiting
Out of the bloodshed and turmoil of the French For as long as paper money has been in use, gov-
Revolution (1789-99) came one of history’s most signif- ernments have waged war by counterfeiting their foes’
icant figures, Napoléon Bonaparte. Among the many circulating paper. Official counterfeiting is a state-on-
reforms he brought to France and Europe was a state operation. This usually wasn’t for economic rea-
coinage system based on a fixed percentage of gold, sons, as it is almost
primarily in 20- and 40-franc coins featuring seven impossible for a cur-
designs honoring rency to be brought
Napoléon and down simply by
P H O T O S : L I Z C O PA N & R O B E R T B . K E L L E Y ( C L A S S R O O M )
phy of grading, and learn how to to sharpen grading skills through
grade copper, silver and gold U.S. hands-on group and individual exer-
coins according to the latest ANA cises, with instructor feedback on
and market standards. Instruction each coin. Students will gain a better
will consist of slide presentations, understanding of current grading-
hands-on opportunities to view and service philosophies and how they
grade many notable specimens in in- evolved in the marketplace. Copper,
dividual and group settings, and in- silver and gold specimens are cov-
depth discussions about the intrica- ered, with emphasis on About Uncir-
cies of grading. Enrollment in each culated through Uncirculated exam-
class is limited to 20 students. ples. Prerequisite: Successful
20. Instructors: Michael Faraone, completion of “Grading United
grader, Professional Coin Grading States Coins, Part 1” or permission
Service; and Kyle Knapp, profes- from the instructors. Enrollment in
sional numismatist and former this class is limited to 24 students.
grader, Professional Coin Grading Instructors: Thomas Hallenbeck,
Service ANA past president and owner, Hal-
21. Instructors: Brian Fanton, lenbeck Coin Gallery; Jerry Bobbe,
owner and operator, BE’s Coin former grader, Professional Coin
Store; Mike Ellis, variety special- Grading Service; and Kevin Kauf- 23. Advanced United
ist, former ANA governor and mann, professional numismatist States Coin Grading &
owner, Mike Ellis Rare Coins; and Problem Coins
Rod Gillis, ANA education director Discover the nuances of high-
grade, mint-state and proof coins.
Learn how to distinguish original
surfaces from mint-state and circu-
lated coins that have been cleaned or
altered, and how to identify minute
imperfections and color variances
that can affect a coin’s grade. Be-
come familiar with the methods
used by experts, as well as their own
strengths and weaknesses.
Prerequisite: Successful completion
of “Grading United States Coins,
Parts 1 and 2” or instructor per-
mission. Enrollment is limited to
24 students.
Instructors: Don Ketterling, profes-
sional numismatist, D.H. Ketterling
“ADVANCED UNITED STATES COIN GRADING & PROBLEM COINS” is a popular course Consulting; Marc Crane; Jeff
with students who have completed “Grading United States Coins, Parts 1 and 2.” Garrett; and Maxwell Gregory
P H O T O S : L I Z C O PA N ( Y O U N G N U M I S M AT I S T ) & R O B E R T B . K E L L E Y
Hobo Nickel
When is a buffalo an elephant, or
an Indian a soldier in uniform? Find
out in this fascinating exploration of
the history and folk art of the hand-
carved hobo nickel. Students will
learn to use hand gravers, a hammer
and chisel, and rotary and air-pow-
ered tools to create their own works
of Americana art. Each student will
receive ready-to-carve nickels.
Instructor: Joe Paonessa, Amer-
YOUNG NUMISMATIST Calvin Pineda grading a coin. ica’s greatest left-handed hobo-
nickel carver
18 C ATA LO G • 5
moonneey.y.oorrgg JANUARY 2014
Session 2 Mini-Seminars
Mini-seminars are introductory, hands-on courses usually conducted over one or two evening sessions. They allow Sum-
mer Seminar participants to study more than one area of interest and learn something new. Each student can take one
mini-seminar in conjunction with their day course. Pre-registration is required.
G. Carson City: The Mint, the J. Playing in the Auction World • $59
Technology, the Coins • $79 Sunday, June 23, 6:30-9:30 P.M.
Sunday-Monday, June 23-24, 6:30-9:30 P.M. Participants will discover how to buy, sell and partici-
Participants will learn about the events pate at auctions. An auction house must coordinate a good
and people behind the creation of the deal of material and information: obtaining consignments,
Carson City (CC) Mint. The instruc- cataloging, marketing, and conducting the auction live,
tor will review the rarities and online or live interactive. Participants will gain knowledge
variety of CC issues, including that helps them improve, upgrade or disperse a collection
Liberty Seated coinage, 20-cent through the auction method. Time permitting, you might
pieces, and Morgan and Trade dol- even learn how to chant!
lars, as well as gold coins struck in $5, Instructor: Ailie Byers, CFO, Centennial Auctions
$10 and $20 denominations. Students will
explore the challenges the Mint faced in using 19th-century K. The Seven Colonial Mints in Mexico
refining technologies, and how it dealt with problems (1536-1821) • $79
caused by the isolation of Carson City. Also offered are Sunday-Monday, June 23-24,6:30-9:30 P.M.
collecting tips; advice about how to build a type set; and Seven colonial mints officially were
information about grading and availability. opened by the Spanish govern-
Instructor: David Jaeger, collector of Carson City coins ment. This program will trace
their development, starting
H. The 1780 Maria Theresa Thaler: with the establishment of
267+ Years of Economic & the first mint in Mexico
Numismatic History • $79 City in 1536, and the strik-
Sunday-Monday, June 23-24, 6:30-9:30 P.M. ing of Carlos and Johanna,
The 1780 Maria Theresa thaler is a ubiquitous coin cob, transitional and milled
poorly understood by many collectors. Students will coinage there. Students will
explore the incredibleN C ELEofDthe coin, and learn how to
history review the history of the mints
cherrypick collectable and rare examples while avoiding in Durango, Chihuahua, Monclova,
modern restrikes. Zacatecas, Sombrerete and Guadalajara (1810-21),
Instructor: Ian Fenn, European coin expert including varieties and details of issues from each mint
during that period.
I. The Good, the Bad & the Ugly: Instructor: Ricardo de León Tallavas, author and Mexican
The Many Faces of Justinian coinage expert
the Great • $79
Sunday-Monday, June 23-24, 6:30-9:30 P.M. L. Detection of Artificial Toning,
This mini-seminar presents Artificial Frosting & Reproofing
a numismatic study of the Surfaces of Coins • $79
world-altering events that Sunday-Monday, June 23-24,6:30-9:30 P.M.
transpired throughout the In this mini-seminar, collectors will become familiar
reign of Justinian I, Byzantine with the color sequence of rainbow toning on coins, the
emperor from A.D. 527 to 565. difference between natural and artificial toning, and the
The stressful toll on the man is contrast between “liquid transfer directional gas” and
noted through an amazing “air transfer” toning. The instructors will lead an explo-
decades-long series of mostly ration of artificial frosting and surface reproofing and
unstudied base-metal coin- provide examples for students to examine.
ages, all dated and identified Instructors: H. Robert Campbell, ANA past president,
and struck at six different mints. Beware the plague! owner of All About Coins, and expert on toning; and Brian
Instructors: Jerry Bobbe, former grader, Professional Coin Silliman, professional numismatist, Brian Silliman Rare
Grading Service; and Larry Gaye, ANA national volunteer Coins, former NGC grader conserver and ANA authentica-
and longtime collector and exhibitor tor/conserver
4–10 A.M.—COS Airport Shuttle Drop-off
(Adults & YNs)
22 C ATA LO G • 5
moonneey.y.oorrgg JANUARY 2014
R E G I S T R AT I O N F O R M , S I D E 1
Phone 719-482-9810
or e-mail
NAME (as you would like it to appear on your name tag)
E-MAIL ANA MEMBER NO. (Membership required to attend) SESSION 2 COURSE NUMBER
(June 22-27, 2019)
Age: Preferred roommate:
n Young Numismatist, age 13 to 17 (you will be contacted by an ANA staff member) 1st choice 2nd choice
n I will need special assistance (you will be contacted by an ANA staff member) Thank you for your registration.
n Scholarship recipient (Name of provider: ) You will receive confirmation by mail.
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American Numismatic Association • Summer Seminar 2019
818 North Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3279