The Squire Edicion 1

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August 26th, 2022

Tips and tricks to tackle this new wave of tests on page 10

Let's go

August 24th
Let’s aid the seniors' trip
to Texas for only ₡5000!
Enjoy time with your

friends, wear your

favorite clothes and

buy delicious food

The school's

newspaper is here,

learn more details

from behind the

scenes. P.2

Cat, cat, dog? Nah MOTHER'S DAY:

Get to know Meto’s


cats! THE WORLD.
Mother’s day is a special occasion for

Page 15
many people to celebrate the love of their

families. However, not many are aware

that this holiday’s origins can be traced

back to the ancient Greeks and Romans.

Page 2
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The Necessity of Student


By Daniel Gonzalez Journalism in Our Institution
The meaning behind this name By Belén Bonilla

might not be as obvious as first

since it is not a bit more deep than
just calling our self meto news. If
you notice very closely we are all
carrying our school’s shield in our
uniforms, we are the squires of
our school. This is why we think The Squire team during a meeting.

there is a bit ingenious behind the

Sharing media and information is of
name and why we decided to stick
great importance worldwide. News can
with it.
appear in many different or complex ways.
It is for this reason that the way we
perceive the information may seem
confusing. In our institution, every month
various events take place, but students
often miss out on them since there is not
quite a stable and open way of
Discussing the name of the newspaper.
communication between the organizers
and the community. The goal of a
newspaper is to serve as messenger for the community, and to provide the
information with as many details as possible, so that the students can understand
it, and maybe even spread the word! The Squire looks forward to providing the
students with information on interesting and useful topics, in a clear way in which
every person can understand. The Squire is, as well, expecting to open a
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space to share the community’s

achievements and interests. The
newspaper also looks opens a space to
visibilize the community, not only as
students, but as individuals and as “De la Patria por Nuestra

people. The newspaper is also practical

to communicate relevant information
By Belén Bonillla
about the school, like changes in Some days ago, on the 25th of July,
schedules or civic acts. Methodist we celebrated the Annexation of the
School has many events and activities Party of Nicoya to Costa Rica. It is an
annually, many of which are dedicated to event celebrated every year to
students or organized by them; the commemorate the day when Nicoya
newspaper will not only inform about became part of Costa Rica, enriching
these, but will also invite students to take our traditions and celebrations.
part in said events to improve the
experience for everyone involved. The
Squire Newspaper would greatly
improve the environment in which
people spend so much time daily. It will
provide a crystal clear perspective view
of the Methodist School' s environment.
It may provide an organized way of A Guanacaste’s Tree made by hight school students.
sharing relevant announcements.
Their traditions and symbols, such
If anyone wishes to leave a as the Guanacaste tree, are now an
comment, to make a suggestion or integral part of Costa Rican’s identity,
to ask a question, the team has both as individuals and as a nation.
enabled the email address shown The music, the sayings, the legends,
at the top, where they will be the traditions and several other
receiving the observations. cultural elements have become one
[email protected] together with Costa Rica’s.
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[email protected]

Nicoya’s history represents a huge part From 1812 to 1821 the territories of
of the formation of our nation as it is in Costa Rica and Nicaragua were joined
the present day, and many of us can’t together, but were later on divided
even imagine how our daily lives would into 7 different territories. The 15th of
be without the effect this culture has had september of 1821 the “Acta de
on our country. Even so, has anybody Independencia” gave both Nicaragua
ever wondered why this annexation and Costa Rica their much awaited
happened? What happened that 25 of independence.
july of 1824? Why do we celebrate it? By the time the countries got
Before the Central American independent Nicoya still belonged to
countries got independence from Spain, Nicaragua, so now Nicaragua had
the territory of become a country
Nicoya belonged and Nicoya stayed
to Nicaragua, as a region.
which was only a Nicoya had always
state at that time. had good relations
When Costa Rica with Costa Rica,
formed as an so both kept good
official state, economical
Nicoya, Nicaragua “Mascaradas” used by the students in the celebration of the

annexation of Guanacaste. relations and were

and Costa Rica all overall good
joined together and were even governed neighbors. In order to become an
by a single person, but in 1588 the three official and stable country, Costa Rica
territories were separated. Nicoya was had to present a governor to the
an autonomous province for about 5 Cortes de Cádiz, but we had not
years, but in 1593 Nicoya was once reached the 60.000 people by 1812
again annexed to Costa Rica. In 1602 and it was a requisite to choose one.
and for the next 180 years Nicoya Given this situation, and looking back
became again an independent province, to the friendly history Nicoya had
even if the governors were still assigned with Costa Rica, Nicoya joined us
by the Capitanía General de Guatemala. temporarily. Costa Rica became an
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independent country and the governor Guanacaste also has a great advantage
chosen was going to command over when it comes to gastronomy. They
both territories. In 1924, León and have plenty of original dishes, each
Granada, both cities in Nicaragua, were with their own unique characteristics,
having a confrontation which harmed such as tamales, pozol, atol, chicha,
Nicoya a lot. Given the topographic pinol, and many others.
situation of both Nicoya and Costa Ever since the annexation
Rica, it would result significantly more happened, Nicoya, now known as
beneficial if Nicoya became once again Guanacaste has just continued to
part of Costa Rica. On the 25th of july contribute elements to Costa Rican
of 1824, after a democratic decision culture. Every year we commemorate
where all the citizens of Nicoya the date we became one with Nicoya
participated, Nicoya finally became an by practicing typical dances,
official part of Costa Rica, even though preparing typical foods, playing
Nicaragua tried to get it back. It is typical music and performing other
because of this democratic act to decide activities that commemorate this place
the future of Nicoya that we get the full of history and art. Here at school
frase “De la Patria por nuestra on Friday the 29th we had a civic act,
voluntad” from the proud citizens of where the 11th graders performed
Guanacaste. various typical dances and presented
Nicoya, or now Guanacaste has wide some masquerades. Every Costa
manifestations of culture. Some of the Rican, from Guanacaste or not,
most important symbols and traditions celebrates proudly every year the day
of Costa Rica were brought by when our country becomes as rich as
Guanacaste. Guanacaste has also a it has ever been.
broad manifestation of art, especially in
music and sculptures. So many songs
danced every year, and maybe every
day are a great representation of both
history and daily lives. The
masquerades, and the dances done by
them, are also a great apportation. Typical coffee made in Guanacaste.
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[email protected]

The Greeful Day persevering person in order to

By Andrea Bermudez achieve this role. There are two
Mother’s day is a special occasion for perspectives at the moment of
many people to celebrate the love of their mentioning the word “mom”,
families. However, not many are aware someone who took care of you or
that this holiday’s origins can be traced someone who gave birth to you.
back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. However, both sides have their
distinctive difficult and tough
labors, looking after a toddler
and/or reaching to achieve
childbirth. In Costa Rica, we
celebrate mothers day on a special
date with a particular reason behind
This is a worldwide celebration,
held either on the second Sunday of
High school teachers but also great mothers.
May or August 15th. This
Mothers, also called by others the celebration can be traced back to the
most important women in their lives. ancient Greeks and Romans, they
They’re the ones who took care of us used to have festivals in honor of
during our first years of existence and the mother goddess Rhea, the
gave us all the love a child deserves mother of Zeus, and Cybele, the
without knowing it. For some others, mother of all gods and all life
their dear friend and a confident person according to Greek Mythology.
who will always understand them. It isn’t Despite this information, the most
always the case where a virtuous recent and clearest precedent for
relationship is held in between progenitor this date is the Christian festival
and child, being a parent is not a known as “Mothering Sunday''.
cakewalk job neither is it for everyone. Over time this tradition switched to
Being a mother is a backbreaking day-to- a secular celebration. The children
day work, it requires a hard-working and would start giving their mothers
gifts such as flowers to symbolize
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their appreciation for their hard work. Mother’s day in Costa Rica is
This custom eventually vanished in a always a huge deal, an enormous
sense of acceptance and popularity before celebration with the purpose to
unifying with the American Mother’s appreciate the mothers all over the
celebration. Mother’s Day became official country. The date in our country is
around the 1900’s thanks to the effort of different from others, it is celebrated
Anna Jarvis, she was inspired by the hard on the Feast of the Assumption. This
work of her deceased mother. Anna is the exact date when the Virgin
conceived this day as a way to honor the Mary was born, this day is seen as a
daily sacrifices that mothers make all joyous celebration. The Assumption
along their lives as parents. She received is related to Mary being assumed
financial support from a department store from an earthly life to join into
owner in Philadelphia named John heaven along with his son. Mother’s
Wanamaker, thanks to this she was able to Day is much more than just a simple
organize the first official Mother’s Day celebration, it is a day dedicated to
celebration in a Methodist church located the hard work mothers have to do
in West Virginia, more specifically in and their dailys sacrifices for their
Gafton. children. A day where we can
Anna Jarvis also achieved to witness express our gratitude with flowers
her date being added on the national just as beautiful as them, clothes and
calendar with the argument that American dresses as charming and delightful
occasions were one-sided toward male as them. Or, giving them a sincere
accomplishments. Around 1912 other hug to let them know that we
states and countries all over the world treasure their sacrifices and the love
started celebrating her day, they started to they gave us since the moment we
adopt Mother’s Day as an annual holiday. were born.
This date is sometimes used to launch
political or feminist causes, as an example
in the 1970s this day was used to
highlight the need for equal rights and the
acces to childcare.
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A Day For a Thousand Years due to society. It has been a large

By Andrea Bermudez issue for them throughout the years,
The day of the afro costarricense history for it was common back in the day to
and heritage is celebrated for the entire have a bad notion or idea of Afro-
month, but on the last day of August is American people (primarily because
where more families and people get of their skin color). The world was
together to enjoy the celebration. brimful of harmful stereotypes around
this ethnicity. When slavery was still
legal. It was typical for a such-called
master to own fewer than 50 Black
slaves. They used to be forced to
work in large plantations or small
farms, and the working conditions
that these kinds of places had were
borderly inhuman.
Afro-American people celebrating their culture.
At that time, white people used to
“31 de agosto” Painting by Honorio Cabraca
be taught that the Black population
August 31st is the day we celebrate
was inferior entirely because of the
Afro-American people and their culture.
color of their skin. The slave-owners
The heritage that this etnic group owns
used to make their slaves completly
is an indescribable concoction of
dependent on them through an special
distinguished savors, delightful pieces of
system where they were usually
music and more. Most importantly, a
prohibated from learning how to do
wide history that is one of the main
basic things such as reading and
motives for the existence of this day.
writing. Their behavior and
This minority has been a victim to
movements were restricted and the
discrimination since society can
obedient conducts towards the
remember. As soon as one starts to look
masters were normally rewarded with
over the history of Afro-American
favors. The rebellious behaviors
people, it is quite simple to notice the
would have to face a brutal
hatred that countless individuals have
punishment. An austere hierarchy that
had towards them. Black people have
was held in these sort of areas helped
lived struggles since the start of time
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keep them divided enough so the slaves the deceased and the acknowledgment
would not be able to make any type of for the ones who are still fighting this
plan to run away from their masters. type of issue in our current society.
They were split into affluent household The day that was chosen to
employees, talented craftspeople, and celebrate this history is not any
lowly field laborers. The marriages causality, it is thanks to the
inside this type of place were absolutely commemoration of the first
ilegal, but either way many people got international convention about the
together and achieved to have and raise situation of Black people. To this day,
big families. Most owners of slaves our country celebrates it with a
would encourage this kind of practice marvelous festival drenched in
but commonly would not hesitate to magnificent colors, all kinds of music
devide families. Since Black people and a lot of joy for the whole
were treated as objects and not seen as Caribbean province and its people.
actual human beings, the owner would The day of the afro costarricense
split families up by sale or removal. On history and heritage is celebrated for
September 22nd, 1862, President the entire month, but on the last day
Lincoln issued a preliminary of August is where more families and
emancipation proclamation, then on people get together to enjoy the
January 1st, 1863 it was officially celebration.
declared that any slave had the right to
be forever free from that type of
treatment from anyone.
Despite the abolition of enslavement,
the end of slavery did not mean the end
of all racism. Black people are still
oppressed nowadays. As a society we
have changed, but not enough to give
them the deserved recognition or
fairness. Since 1862 up until now, we
still fail to give this, and other ethnic
groups the deserved remembrance for
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Studying tips to improve
these techniques can help you out:
Flashcards: If you are trying to learn
your grades
By María Paula Jaubert motion definition you can write the
answer on one side and the definition
on the other one. You can try this
strategy by using color paper because
sometimes our brains understand color
codes better.
Rewrite: You can try rewriting all of
your class notes and also highlighting
Nerves and anxiety about doing an exam.
Listening to someone: In this
Many students experience test-anxiety technique, you can just listen to your
problems because they feel pressured to friends explaining the subject by
perform well. Therefore, how can we repeating the information to you
manage stress during evaluation week? several times. Your brain sometimes
Some people will think that we can just needs to hear everything from a
manage this stress by studying different voice or point of view to learn
constantly,: but that is not necessarily all the topics for the test.
correct because people get so stressed Teach others: You can gather with
out about the test that they forget other people and just begin to explain
everything on the day of the evaluation. the subject for example you can
One way to avoid this is by using a explain your point of view or how did
study method that suits their you solve the exercises.
educational needs. Therefore, if you Pomodoro technique: The Pomodoro
feel that you are not understanding the Technique is a time management
subject with the study method that you system that encourages
are currently using, then maybe some of
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people to work with their time rather

than against it. Using this method, you
break your workday into 25-minute
blocks separated by five-minute breaks.

These intervals are referred to as

pomodoros. The Pomodoro technique ACTUALITY
has 5 steps:
1. Choose a single task you will focus Will former US President,

on and write it down. Donald Trump, face

2. Set the timer to 25 minutes.

3. Work on the task until the timer
criminal charges?
By Daniel Gonzalez
rings and put a checkmark on your The Jan. 6 committee released footage
paper. of former President Donald Trump
4. Take a 5-minute break. recording a message telling the
5. Work for another 25 minutes. Capitol rioters the elections are not
6. After 3-4 work periods of 25 over and are in fact fraudulent. The
minutes, take a longer 20-30 rioters and former President Trump
minute break. will be facing trials in the upcoming
The Pomodoro technique is highly months.
effective as it helps you manage your
time and work on a task without
distractions. It is also beneficial as it
helps you become more disciplined and
think about your work. This technique
is designed to combat multitasking and
improve concentration.
Discussing Donald Trump’s actions

Photo from: Bloomberg, Getty Images.

Trump's recording was intended to
be a farewell for the country just one
day after a mob stormed the Capitol
and plunged the country into crisis.
Instead, he refused to back down from
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the very falsehood that had spurred Do the hearings matter?

many in the mob to violence: that the
2020 election was rigged. Thursday's Will the vivid details, the bombshell
final public hearing before the summer testimony and the previously unseen
break by the congressional committee footage amount to anything? A
investigating the riot focused on congressional committee can
Trump's refusal to tell the mob of his investigate, but it carries no legal
supporters ransacking the Capitol on authority to press charges. The
January 6th to go home. His refusal investigation lies in the hands of the
came despite numerous requests from Department of Justice (D.O.J.) and the
his advisers and family. current attorney general, Merrick
Committee members say the chain Garland. Until now, the D.O.J. has
of responsibility leads all the way to arrested and pressed charges against
Trump, and they wove together pieces nearly 900 rioters who attacked the
of evidence to prove their case. From Capitol on January 6th.
former Attorney General Bill Barr's Catherine J. Ross, a professor of
unequivocal rejection of the ex- law at the George Washington
president's election fraud claims to University Law School and author of
revelations that Trump's team tried to the book "A Right to Lie?: Presidents,
put forward slates of fake electors in Other Liars, and the First
key battleground states; that the team Amendment", Mentioned that the
intended to install allies at the Department of Justice could probe
Department of Justice. Trump knew the charges including obstruction of a
crowd of his supporters on January 6 congressional proceeding (trying to
was armed and dangerous. However, he stop the certification of the election
remained silent for 187 minutes as the result), seditious conspiracy
riot unfolded and members of Congress (conspiring to overthrow or wage war
and the vice president fled the Capitol. against the US government) and
conspiracy to defraud the United States
(obstructing a lawful function of the
government using deceit or
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In the period between the will stand up during cross-examination

Electoral College vote and and that will prove criminal charges in
January 6th, Trump took a very our system. In the United States,
large number of actions to try to beyond a reasonable doubt as the
overturn the results of the criminal standard is really quite
election and remain illegally in demanding,” said William C. Banks,
office. And at every juncture emeritus professor at the Syracuse
lawyers told him this is illegal or University College of Law. "It's not a
you cannot do that, so it doesn't preponderance of the evidence; it's not
matter what his motive was. more likely than not. It's beyond
Ross, who believes the body reasonable doubt. We give the accused
of evidence presented is robust every benefit in our system”.
enough to support criminal "The political environment will
charges. "This is like saying I prove to be another challenge. While
robbed a bank, but it was okay the hearings have consistently drawn in
because I really needed money a solid number of viewers — 17.7
and I believed I should have million for Thursday's prime-time
some," she added. event — the majority of Republicans
have tuned out. Leading Republican
The case against Trump lawmakers have rejected the hearings'
validity, branding them a witch hunt
While it might be a clearer case for and "political theatre." The former
prosecutors to prove Trump's intent, president himself has delivered angry
observers note that it will be far more rebukes and tirades on his social media
difficult to link his actions with the riot. network, Truth Social.
Taking a former president to court is a In such a heated environment, seeking
wholly unprecedented step, making it all criminal charges against a former
the more difficult for the Department of president — especially when he is
Justice to gauge whether successful legal gearing up to run for office again in
action against Trump is even viable. 2024 — could be a particularly
"They have to have evidence that precarious undertaking for Attorney
General Merrick Garland.
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“There's a question that (Garland) previously refused to testify might

has to confront. If he should choose to reconsider just as former White House
indict former President Trump or Counsel Pat Cipollone chose to
someone in his inner circle, will he be participate in the hearings after
perceived as being partial, as being damning testimony in which his name
politically motivated in his decision to cropped up several times.
seek an indictment of the former The next batch of hearings are now
president of the United States?” said scheduled for September, just two
Banks months before momentous midterm
The hearings go on

All these factors will weigh heavily

upon the Department of Justice and
Garland. The January 6th Committee is
not done. Originally, it had planned six
hearings to be wrapped up in June.
However, Republican Vice
Chairwoman Liz Cheney stated in
Thursday's hearing that the "dam has
begun to break,” with new witnesses,
testimony and evidence coming to light
over the course of the hearings.
If the committee can gather further
significant evidence and convince key
witnesses to come forward, the
Department of Justice, which is
carrying out its own investigation but
watching the hearings closely, could
choose to prosecute. Hopes are that
high-ranking members of Trump's
former inner circle who have
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Tzuri Sofi Teo Popeye Olivia

Jafet 8-2 Jafet 8-2 Carolina 8-2

Copito Pan Leo Lucas Mochi

Jossy Montoya 8-2 Jossy Montoya 8-2
Jossy Montoya 8-2 Logan Vargas 7-2

Andrés Tolola Cookie Perla Quequito

Jossy Montoya 8-2 Melvin Mora 7-1 Sebastian Morgan 8-3

Mimi Canela Sol Natilla Tofu

Alina R.

Luna Kora Luna & Amon Polly Mishu

Paula Mairena 8-2 Madame Gómez Daniela Torres 8-1

Amara Gabo Waffles Mora-Celestino

T. Vanessa Muñoz Mr. Aguilar T. Rosario Mora

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