Inspectioneer Post Vol I - Issue II - Fall 2010

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CONTINUED Operating under positive Operating under negative or

furnace pressure conditions balanced draft conditions while

between combustion air, and while experiencing penthouse experiencing penthouse floor
“Tramp Air”. It is imperative floor fatigue may affect unit degradation may also affect unit
to ensure that during inspec- operation in 2 important operation:
tion, potential locations of capacities:
possible tramp air ingress are
1) Tramp air may enter the
identified. 1) Flu gases will exit the boiler cavity through holes
Something as simple as verify- furnace cavity disabling in the penthouse floor.
ing that all OB and access downstream components 2) Flu gases may still enter the
doors are in the closed posi- from absorbing designed penthouse cavity during
tion during operation can BTU energy. operation if the unit puffs
make an operational impact . 2) Flu gases that enter the positive from time to time.
penthouse cavity errantly
8 Key items to inspect for: will increase temperatures During inspection, pay close
in that region. Penthouse attention to floor casing, seal
1) Penthouse floor damage structural steel members
2) Pendant/Platen roof box, expansion tram etc damage,
and ensure that cracks and
holes are repaired. In addition, it
3) Deteriorated rope seal would be prudent to determine
gaskets and door mem- the root cause of the floor
bers damage for mitigation purposes.
4) Open access doors and Fixing the damage is only step 1,
OB ports preventing this fatigue during
future runs is step 2. Root cause
UDC 5) Cracks/holes in sidewall
can often times be linked back to
casing sections
16th Annual All Users Conference deteriorated refractory below
6) Cracks/holes in waterwall casing, damaged peg fin allowing
January 12—14, 2011 membrane for refractory to deteriorate at
Key West, Florida 7) Fatigued wall box mem- pendant seal box and high crown
CO-EXISTENCE bers seal box locations, sagging roof
tubes, and fatigued/missing heat
8) Refractory breakdown are composed of Ferritic
Coal Fired behind peg fin members Carbon steel materials.
& exposing casing to Carbon steel materials will
radiant energy reach oxidation limits at Author: Jon Santino Cavote
Combined Cycle 800F. Once these temps UDC Chief Operating Officer
Problems & Solutions Penthouse floor degradation are reached, structural
poses many concerns during degradation of all support
Register Online
boiler operation for both hangers/rods etc will positive pressure and balance accelerate.
draft units alike.


Storm Technologies (CO, NOX and through better heat many moving-target variables to Since the performance of
can help you make rate, CO2). In addition, improved consider. We help you navigate front-end equipment (e.g. coal
the most of your combustion and carbon in ash can this confusion using a phased mills, air heaters) can have a
current system to improve particulate collection approach, which includes significant impact on back-end
limit CO production device performance as well. We scenario planning, to determine emission control equipment (e.g.
at the source. How- can also reduce ESP spark rates the best path for complying with electrostatic precipitators,
ever, not all systems are forgiving from high conductive carbon MACT rules and other regulations. baghouses), it’s necessary to
and CO control can be difficult, content of ash. Furthermore, We start by collecting data about understand all variables that
especially with the low emission Storm can help identify boiler baseline conditions, and then impact compliance—from the
limits MACT will impose (as low as air-in leakage as noted above. It analyzing those data sets to fuel to the stack. With this
7ppm for solid fuel firing). is imperative that the combustion accurately model the effects of understanding, based on
While existing back-end technolo- air is staged and measured with different options. Scenario representative and comparative
gies exist to help control many of proper control to each level. planning comes into play as we data, we can help you define
these limits, there is not a develop several alternative achievable goals and choose
significant “reactive solution” to Phone: 704-983-2040 “stories” about what might the highest performance,
control CO. Back-end technologies happen and the most appropriate lowest-cost, most flexible
react to the problem, not prevent >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> response in each case. This options.
it. The best way to control CO is not Neundorfer process addresses your real-
at the back-end, but in the boiler Holistic Approach to world challenge of making Phone: 440-283-0317
where combustion begins (where MACT Compliance confident decisions in the face of
high CO formation can be No-one who works in the industrial fluctuating variables. Finally, after
minimized or pre-vented). Storm or electrical utility industry is a working with you to assess the
Technologies specializes in stranger to uncertainty. Planning costs and benefits of available
reducing emission production for the future sometimes feels options, we help you develop and
related to the combustion process impossible when there are so execute a compliance plan.
The Name Behind The Flame
ADDRESS BOX Visit on the web
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 502-957-5441
Phone: 502-957-7525

Brooks, KY 40109
2 6 8 1 C o r al R i dg e R d
A dv a nc e d T e c hno l o g i e s C o r po r a ti o n
U ni te d D y na m i c s

U n i t e d D yn a mi cs
A d v an ce d T e ch n o l o g i es C o r p o rat i o n V o l um e 1 , I s s ue 2
26 8 1 C o r a l R i d g e Rd S e pte m be r 3 0 , 2 0 1 0
B ro o k s , K Y 4 01 0 9

T HE I NSPECTIONEER P OST The Name Behind The Flame

Fueling the Minds of Electricity



UDC/DNFM How do conditions found on

Is your boiler on-line?
a boiler inspection affect
combustion performance
If your unit(s) are online, are
Storm Technologies and back end performance?
you operating as efficiently,
Combustion air levels are
reliably, and cleanly as
vitally important in the quest
Neundorfer Precip. of achieving “Proper Com-
bustion”. Air-in leakage
There is a huge difference in
locations throughout the
Special points of interest: boiler operation and optimal
boiler will help mask the
boiler operation. Boiler
actual O2 levels required to
• Boiler MACT standards and con- emissions and particulate
reach our combustions
cerns. What will the new regula- control are largely affected
goals. The ability for the unit
tions mean to you? by combustion performance
to read and calculate O2
and back end equipment
• Fundamental building blocks for including SCR’s and Scrub- levels does not differentiate
eliminating rogue air-in leakage. bing systems. Continued inside

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