Hessel 3r Special
Hessel 3r Special
Hessel 3r Special
Table 1: Pipe samples tested Principle and Limiting Conditions stress of 4 N/mm2 ± 0.03 N/mm2 relating
of the Tests to the remaining unnotched cross-sec-
tions. The nominal test temperature was
80 °C ± 0.2 K.
The resistance against slow crack growth
The tensile creep tests were performed
of the samples was tested using the Full
on 3 test specimens per temperature
Notch Creep Test (FNCT) according to
using an aqueous solutions of ®ARKO-
DIN EN 12814-3 Annex A. This test me-
PAL N-100 in demineralised water
thod is also described in supplementary
(2/100, w/w) to accelerate the tests.
sheet 2 of guideline DVS 2203 part 4 and
in ISO-draft: ISO/DIS16770: Plastics – The FNCT failure times for 13 out of the
Determination of environmental stress 19 pipes are shown in fig. 4.
cracking (ESC) of polyethylene (PE) –
Full–notch creep
test (FNCT).
The test speci-
mens were cut
from the pipes in
the axial direction
with parallel sides
and approximately
square cross-sec-
tions. Each speci-
men was notched
perpendicular to
1 s.a. Table 2, 2 ISO/TR 9080, 3 ISO 527 (Tensile load)
the parallel length
ISO 178 (Bending load)
in the middle of
the test specimen.
according to DIN 8075 as well as cross- The specimens
linked polyethylene pipes (PE-Xa; PE-Xb) were loaded by a Fig. 4: Creep rupture times of specimens from pipes of different
were used for the investigations (table 1). constant tensile resistances against slow crack growth in FNCT
The internal pressure of the pipes was
chosen to produce a hoop stress of 4
N/mm2 during the test (ISO 1167).
To accelerate the tests they were perfor-
med using an aqueous solution of 2 %
Arkopal N-100 and demineralised water.
The test fluid was continuously mixed in
the pipes to prevent separation.
Test materials 1 and 3 were also tested
using water with no detergent.
Fig. 5: Loading by an external point load In order to determine the influence of in-
before starting the internal pressure test ternal pressure 4 pressure levels were
applied for test series no. 3. The magni-
tude of the additional external point load
tip radius of 5 mm. The tool loading was was kept constant.
Fig. 7: Fracture surface of a FNCT specimen
carried out at room temperature with no
taken from a PE 100 pipe
internal pressure in the pipe. The tool Test Temperatures
was loaded until a chord with a length of The tests were performed at 80 °C. In ad-
5 mm was measured at the inside surfa- dition the activation energy was calcula- point is the beginning of thermal degra-
ce of the pipe (fig. 5). This occured at a ted for test series 1 and 3 by performing dation of the pipe [12].
tool displacement of 9 mm from the outer tests at temperatures between 20 and Another method to describe the thermal
surface of the pipe. 95 °C. ageing of polyolefines is the measure-
The elongation at the inside surface can A summary of the test program is given ment of the viscosity number according
be calculated using the following equa- in table 2. to ISO 1628-3. This number is related to
tion: the molecular weight. [13].
Theoretical Basis for Determining With all three methods a correlation is
ε = [0.318 · F · R] / [b‘ · s · E(t)] obtained which can be described by the
the Maximum Service-Life
equation of Arrhenius. This means that
where: Generally the maximum service-life of the thermal degradation takes place after
ε Elongation at the inner surface of the plastics is determined by thermal ageing, a short period of time at high tempera-
pipe wall which causes embrittlement of the mate- tures (e. g. 80 °C) and after a long period
F Radial acting force (single load) rial. The relevant parameters other than of time at low temperatures (e. g. 20 °C)
R Mean pipe radius temperature and time are the environ- according to the activation energy.
s Wall thickness ment and the available oxygen.
It is accepted that if polyethylene with
E(t) E-modulus Water saturated with oxygen has proved conventional stabilisation is tested for
b‘ Supporting width to have the greatest effect on the reduc- one year at 80 °C without thermal ageing
The supporting width of the load (b') can tion of the maximum service-life because this is equivalent at 20 °C to 100 years
be determined experimentally by measu- it causes accelerated thermal ageing. service [14].
ring the force on the tool with the pipe Equivalent thermal ageing times are
under internal pressure. found for either the mixture of a deter- Results of the Investigations
Finite element calculations (fig. 6) con- gent and water or just water without a
Although 6 of the 19 test series are not
firm that with the tool loading a pipe un- detergent. The time to the beginning of
yet completed it is possible to evaluate
der internal pressure of 8 bar the elonga- the effect of thermal ageing is indepen-
the results with regard to the required mi-
tion of the inner surface of the pipe due dent of the elongation of the material.
nimum quality of polyethylene pipes for
to the tool displacement was in excess of The onset of thermal ageing was investi- their installation without sand-embed-
twice the yield elongation of the material, gated by Gaube et al. in the temperature ding.
which is 9 % for all the materials given in range between 80 °C and 40 °C. The cri-
Taking into account the evaluation proce-
table 1. teria for evaluation was that the elongati-
dure [15] the results are conservative,
on to rupture of the aged sample was 50
that means they are on the safe side.
% of the elongation to rupture of the una-
ged sample. Later investigations on
pipes under internal pressure showed Failure Mechanism
that the onset of thermal ageing found by Assuming that the process of slow crack
Gaube testing sheets was identical with growth (stress cracking) is the relevant
the starting point of the sharp decent of long term failure mode for pipes under
the creep rupture curves of pipes. This additional external point load these re-
yield point, i.e. before it becomes As can be seen in fig. 14 the relationship
oriented. between the rupture times of the two
A similar phenomenon is found in tests is linear on a double logarithmic
the Cone-test where the crack scale. The correlation coefficient is grea-
initiation is not at the point of ma- ter than 0.98 which is acceptable for
ximum elongation but a certain technical applications. The mathematical
distance away [17]. description of the correlation leads to the
Influencing Parameters
t1, FNCT = 10 ↑ (m1 · log t1, Pipe + a1) (1)
Pipe Quality
The results of the investigations where
Fig. 9: Fracture surface in a PE-Pipe subjected to
internal pressure only on point loaded pipes and in the
t1, FNCT: Rupture time in FNCT (80 °C,
FNCT, which are complete at the
4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100)
time of reporting are shown in
sults should correlate with the resistance fig. 14, where the figures at the data t1, Pipe: Rupture time of point loaded
against stress cracking as tested by the points correspond to the number of the pipe and internal pressure
FNCT. test series in table 2. (80 °C, 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal
The fracture surface both in FNCT (fig. 7) This shows that the pipe quality with re-
and in the pipe under external point load gard to the long term performance under m1 = 0.874
(fig. 8) shows low deformations without internal pressure and additional external a1 = -0.151
evidence of macroscopic ductility. This point load correlates with the rupture ti- The shaded area in fig. 14 shows the re-
has been confirmed by investigations of mes of notched specimens in FNCT. This gions where thermal ageing will occur for
Laurent using a scanning electron relationship is supported by the correlati-
conventionally stabilised polyethylene
microscope [16]. on between pipes under internal pressu-
pipe resins.
The same appearance is also visible at re and FNCT published by Fleißner [18].
From these results it can be concluded
fracture surfaces of pipes under internal As expected the samples made from PE
that pipes with rupture times in the FNCT
pressure only (fig. 9). 63 show the shortest rupture times both
above 2000 hours (80 °C, 2 % Arkopal N-
For pipes under external point load the for point loaded pipes and in the FNCT. 100, 4 N/mm2) could be installed without
crack always starts at the inside of the The rupture times in both tests increase sand- embedding for service pressure 4
pipe wall but not at the point of the lar- from PE 80 to PE 100 to PE-X. bar (safety factor 2). This is because the
gest material strain, directly below the Test series no. 4 (PE 80) is exceptional pipes under external point load exceed
loading tool (fig. 10 to 13). From fig. 6 it because the rupture times are in the the limit of thermal ageing at 80 °C,
can be assumed that the crack starts in region of some PE 100 materials (no. 6 which relates to a service-life of at least
the region where the material is at the to 10). 100 years at 20 °C [19].
The results of test series no. 12 (pipe un-
der external point load) and no. 15 (FNCT
and pipe under external point load) can
be found in the area of thermal ageing.
Those test series which are not yet com-
pleted at the time of this report are sum-
marised in table 3.
Fig. 11: Cracks at the inside wall of a PE 100 Fig. 13: Cracks at the inside wall of a PE 100 t2, Pipe = 10 ↑ (m2 · log pi Pipe + a2) (2)
pipe subjected to an external point load and subjected to an external point load and inter-
internal pressure (Test series 8) nal pressure (Test series 7) where:
ween 95 °C and 60 °C. The following for-
mula is derived from the test results of
test series 1:
t3, Pipe: Rupture time of the point loaded
pipe (4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal
T: Absolute temperature [K]
m3: 2.87 · 10-4
a3: 2.43 · 10-3
To date there has been no indication that
the activation energy is changing for
lower temperatures. Thus the extrapolati-
on of the values measured at higher tem-
peratures in a short period of time to
Fig. 14: Correlation between test results for external point loaded pipes and from the FNCT lower temperatures and long period of
on specimens taken from polyethylene pipes (Number at data points refer to the test series times is confirmed.
Investigations in the past have shown
that the activation energy determined
from tests in an aqueous solutions with
Table 3: Pipe samples still under test
detergents provides a conservative esti-
mate of the activation energy determined
from tests in water without detergent
In order to get results in reasonable times
for all pipe qualities, the investigations
usually were performed under the influ-
1 80 °C, Tensile Stress 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100
ence of an aqueous solution with Arkopal
80 °C, Hoop Stress 4 N /mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100
N-100 (2 % w/w).
Both in the FNCT and for point loading
t2, Pipe: Rupture time of point loaded Fig. 16 shows the linear relation between tests it was important to ensure a homo-
pipe with notch at the inside the inverse of absolute temperature and geneous mixture of the test fluid, becau-
surface and internal pressure the logarithm of the creep rupture times se incomplete mixing produces undefi-
(80 °C, 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal for the test series 1 and 3. The calculated ned concentration conditions and longer,
N-100) correlation coefficients are above 0.98. not comparable rupture times.
pi Pipe: Internal pressure of pipe in bar Thus a constant activation energy is con- In order to transform the test conditions
firmed both for test series 1 between to the service conditions for gas or water
m2 = -0.823 80 °C and 40 °C and for test series 3 bet- pipelines the difference between the in-
a2 = 2.365
From experience, creep rupture times
increase according the formula for the
activation energy found by Arrhenius.
Table 4 shows the calculated activation
energies [21] for test series 1 and 3 for
point loaded pipes in comparision with
the values for the activation energies for
the "brittle regions" of the creep curves
of PE 63, PE 80 and PE 100 according to
DIN 8075.
The values for the activation energies for
point loaded pipes in table 3 are consi-
derably lower than those for the creep
curves given in DIN 8075. This means
that the time-temperature correlation gi-
ven in DIN 8075 is not applicable to point
loaded pipes and would result in overop-
timistic values when extrapolated to Fig. 15: Effect of internal pressure on the long term performance of external point loaded
20 °C. pipes (Test series 3)
Table 4: Activation energy for creep rupture of pipes
under pressure with and without additional external point
load (brittle failure)
Table 5: Influence of water and detergent on polyethylene surface of the pipe wall t4, Pipe: Rupture time of the point loaded
in the FNCT which exceeded the pipe (80 °C, 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arko-
yield strain of the materi- pal N-100)
als. t4, Notch: Rupture time of the point loaded
The displacement of the pipe with an inside notch (80 °C,
loading tool was varied 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100)
between 9 mm and 0 m = 0.818
mm (contact of the loa-
a4 = -0.05
ding tool at the outer
1 80 °C, Tensile Stres 4 N/mm2, Geometric Mean Value from 3 Single Specimens Each
pipe surface) in test se- These results show that the internal
ries 3. notches reduce the rupture times of a
Table 6: Influence of Loading Tool Tip Radius for test series 3 pipe which reaches the thermal ageing
In this connection it is
under the influence of water by a factor
important to note that
of 4.1 compared to unnotched pipes.
the pipes were loaded at
room temperature with- The depth of the notches were varied
out internal pressure but between 0.25 and 0.85 mm using speci-
the tests are carried out mens from test series 3. However, no sig-
at elevated temperature nificant difference was found in the creep
1 80 °C, Hoop Stress 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100 with internal pressure. rupture times.
The results are given in
table 7 and indicate there is no signifi- Scattering of the Test Results
Radius of the Loading Tool cant difference in rupture times for dis- The scattering of the results of test series
The outside of the pipes were usually placements between 0 and 9 mm. 2, 6 and 9 are given in table 8 and were
loaded using a tool with a tip radius of 5 Thus it seems that small displacements used to calculate the cumulative fre-
mm. Additional tests were performed on of an external point load introduce a re- quency at which 2.5 % of the specimens
test series 3 with tool tip radius of 2.5 duction of the creep rupture time. tested would be expected to fail, in a si-
mm and 10 mm. milar manner to that used for creep
rupture tests (ISO/TR 9080).
The test results show that a tool tip Notches at the Inner Pipe Wall
radius between 2.5 mm and 10 mm there Surface
Calculation of Minimum Test
is no difference in the rupture times of the In order to investigate the influence of
pipes (table 6). Requirements
notches with a small depth at the inside
pipe wall surface, tests were carried out In order to calculate the minimum test re-
Displacement of the Loading Tool for test series 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8. The quirements equivalent to a specified ser-
vice-life of point loaded polyethylene pi-
A displacement of the loading tool of 9 notches were 0.85 mm deep and were
located at the inside pipe surface in line pes at 20 °C applied for water or gas
mm caused an elongation at the inner
with the external point load. conveyance the following formula is
Fig. 17 shows the creep rupture times of
Table 7: Influence of Loading Tool the test series with and without a
Displacement for test series 3 notch. A linear relation is found Table 8: Scattering of the test results for point
between the two kinds of speci- loaded pipes
men according to the following for-
t4, Notch = 10 ↑
(m4 · log t4, Pipe + a4) (4)
1 80 °C, Hoop Stress 4 N/mm2, 2 % Arkopal N-100 where
FTemperature: Time factor, representing the
activation energy between
test- and service tempera-
FMedium: Time factor, representing the
influence of the test fluid
compared to water
FInternal Pressure, Safety:
Time factor representing a hoop stress
other than σV = 4 N/mm2 and the safety
FNCTmin: Minimum rupture time in
FNCT at 80 °C; 4 N/mm2;
2 % Arkopal N-100
A summary of all the data used in the cal-
culation of the minimum service-life is gi-
Fig. 17: Effect of 0.85 mm deep notch at the inside wall on the long term performance of ven in table 9.
external point loaded pipes (Test series 1, 2, 3, 6 and 8)
The calculation of the creep rupture
times of point loaded pipes using the ac-
tivation energy in table 4 (test series 1)
tPipe, Test = (tPipe, Service · FNotch · tPipe, Test: Failure time of the pipe under predicts a service-life of 106 years at 20
FScattering) : (FTemperature · FMedium · test conditions °C when a rupture time of 8760 hours is
FInternal Pressure, Safety) (5) tPipe, Service: Service time of the pipe at exceeded at 80 °C. Thus the material of
20 °C; σV = 4 N/mm2; Water; test series 1 appears to correspond with
The minimum required time in the FNCT Point Load > εs the material for which extrapolation time
at test conditions is obtained when for- limits are described in ISO/TR 9080.
FNotch: Time factor, representing a
mula (5) is inserted in formula (1): The minimum rupture times in the FNCT
notch at the inside wall sur-
face (4) at 80 °C, 4 N/mm2; 2 % Arkopal N-100
FNCTmin = 10 ↑ (m1 · log tPipe, Test + a1) (6) which are shown in tables 10 and 11
FScattering: Time factor, representing a were calculated using formula (5) and (6)
where probability of failure of 2.5 % and the data given in table 9.
The qualifying of polyethylene pipes
Table 9: Data used to calculate the minimum service life against the minimum requirements is
therefore possible by determining the in-
dividual properties and parameters for
the calculation.
Many thanks are given to Dr. Mike
Troughton; TWI (The Welding Institute,
Cambridge) for fruitful technical discussi-
ons and assistance in translation.
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