MP-0605020 Fondo Estanque

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CASE HISTORY his article discusses a tank

that was constructed in

Hot Oil
1969. It is 150 ft (46 m) in
diameter, 48 ft (15 m)
high, and is constructed
entirely of carbon steel
(CS). It rests on a 5-ft (1.5-

m) high, 1 1/2-ft (0.46-m) thick rein-
forced concrete ringwall with sand pad-
ding under the tank bottom. The bottom
was originally uncoated and had no ca-
thodic protection (CP). The tank stores

Storage Tank Bottom hot hydrocarbon product at ~260°F

(127°C). The outside shell of the tank is
thermally insulated.
In 1985, product was discovered leak-

Corrosion Failure and

ing from the tank bottom because of
underside pitting corrosion. The bottom
was replaced in 1985 and impressed cur-
rent CP was installed using anodes around
the perimeter of the tank. In 1989, prod-

Cathodic Protection
uct was again found to be leaking from
the tank bottom. Because of concern that
corrosion had caused these leaks, a de-
tailed study was conducted to determine
the effectiveness of the existing CP, and

Upgrade—Part 2 establish the cause of failure of this second

Based on this investigation, the prema-
ture failure of the bottom was attributed
KEVIN C. GARRITY AND PHILIP D. SIMON, CC Technologies, Inc. to a combination of corrosion mecha-
nisms including potential differences
among the bottom plates, differential
Several types of anode installations for tank aeration, and nonhomogeneous padding.
bottoms are possible, but the methods selected do The existing CP had not been effective
not always produce the desired results. This two-part because of insufficient current and poor
article discusses a case history in which existing current distribution to the tank bottom
because of the external location of the
cathodic protection (CP) was ineffective and testing anodes.
methods did not identify system deficiencies. This led to
the premature failure of the tank bottom. Part 1 (April 2006 Remedial Program
MP, pp. 18-21) covered the findings of an investigation As a result of the extent of corrosion
conducted to identify the cause of the corrosion. Part 2 that had occurred, and with the previous
describes the remedial approach taken to enhance CP for history of tank bottom replacement, it
effective corrosion control. was decided to proceed with a program of
total replacement of the tank bottom.
This included the incorporation of sec-
ondary containment and a closely coupled
distributed CP system within the second-
ary containment area.
The floor plate was cut and removed
from the tank and the roof support col-
umns were jacked up and supported. The

MAY 2006 MP pp 1-48.indd 20 4/11/06 12:30:18 PM


entire sand padding within the ringwall

was excavated and removed to a depth of
3 ft (0.9 m) below the tank floor. This was
done to facilitate the installation of an
80-mil (2-mm) thick high-density poly-
ethylene (HDPE) liner for secondary
containment. The liner was installed over
a thin layer of padding material at the 3-
ft depth and was sealed and secured to the
concrete ringwall with a stainless steel
(SS) banding strip. A 9-in. (229-mm)
layer of compacted sand free of chloride
and more than 50,000 Ω·cm resistivity
was placed over the top of the liner. A CP Plan view of a CP system under the tank.
system was then installed consisting of
mixed metal oxide (MMO) ribbon anodes
and titanium conductor bars. FIGURE 2
The ribbon material was manufactured
in 0.5-in. (12-mm) width by 0.025-in.
(0.6-mm) thickness and was rolled out
horizontally on 3-ft centers. The system
was designed to deliver a total current of
3.5 mA/ft2 (37 mA/m2) of bare metallic
surface area. The 0.5-in. material was se-
lected because of its ability to discharge
the rated current and maintain the desired
life expectancy of 30 years.
Uncoated titanium conductor bars
(0.5 by 0.032 in. [13 by 0.8 mm]) were
installed horizontally on 10-ft (3-m) cen-
ters and perpendicular to the MMO an-
ode ribbons. The conductor bar was
electric resistance welded to the anode Cross-section view of CP and secondary containment liner.
ribbon at each crossing. In all cases, the
anode ribbon was terminated no closer
than 2 ft (0.6 m) from the ringwall to
avoid potential interference problems on TABLE 1
the reinforcing steel and the SS banding CP POTENTIAL DATA (24 H OF OPERATIONS)
strip on the liner. WITH NEW MMO GRID SYSTEM
Each conductor bar was routed out
through the ringwall, terminated in a T/CuSO4 (V)
junction box on the outside of the ring- Distance (ft) Native On Off (mV)
wall, and connected through conduit to Ringwall –0.380 –3.950 –0.410 30
a positive feeder cable. Additional positive 4 –0.188 –4.380 –0.272 84
feeder cables were installed under the tank 8 –0.149 –5.070 –0.233 84
12 –0.133 –5.110 –0.198 65
and spliced to the conductor bars a third 16 –0.122 –5.020 –0.171 49
of the way in from the ringwall. These No. 20 –0.100 –5.280 –0.163 63
6 AWG Permarad† insulated cables were 24 –0.113 –5.120 –0.174 61
28 –0.122 –4.980 –0.176 54
buried in the 9-in. sand padding material 32 –0.140 –5.650 –0.186 46
and spliced to the conductor bar by elec- 36 –0.140 –5.870 –0.211 71
tric resistance welding. The splice was 40 –0.149 –6.050 –0.213 64
44 –0.144 –6.530 –0.213 69

Trade name. CP operating data: 150-ft diameter tank, system output—16.5 V, 28 A direct current.


MAY 2006 MP pp 1-48.indd 21 4/11/06 12:30:25 PM

Test Pipe #1 then encapsulated with an epoxy kit. The
Instant On Southeast cable insulation was selected because of
Distance in 42 A/15 V Instant Off 20 h Off Polarization its ability to maintain its insulating and
from Ringwall (ft) (V) (mV) (mV) (mV)
ductile characteristics at elevated tem-
0 –1.30 –601 –301 300
2 –1.63 –603 –299 304 peratures. The entire CP system and its
4 –1.62 –510 –234 276 components were installed no closer than
6 –2.08 –491 –199 292 2 ft from the tank floor. This separation
8 –2.54 –531 –223 308
10 –2.70 –577 –260 317 was to ensure that the CP components
12 –2.78 –612 –302 310 would not be exposed to the maximum
14 –2.90 –660 –354 306 operating temperature (260°F), and also
16 –3.12 –727 –418 311
18 –3.49 –840 –480 360 to provide proper distribution of protec-
20 –3.91 –914 –547 367 tive current to the tank bottom. If the
22 –4.19 –945 –594 351 anode ribbon material were installed
24 –4.48 –948 –623 325
26 –4.80 –928 –618 310 closer to the tank floor, the individual
28 –4.96 –922 –580 342 spacing of adjacent anodes ribbons would
30 –5.10 –907 –526 381 have to be decreased to ensure proper
32 –5.24 –905 –480 425
34 –5.43 –901 –445 456 distribution of current.
36 –5.60 –902 –420 482 The anode system consisted of ~5,600
38 –5.70 –906 –393 513 linear ft (1,707 m) of MMO ribbon and
40 –5.76 –909 –353 558
42 –5.84 –912 –312 600 a total of 1,700 linear ft (518 m) of con-
44 –5.90 –919 –286 633 ductor bar. The conductor bar serves to
46 –6.00 –934 –262 672 distribute current to the ribbon and to
48 –6.10 –944 –238 706
50 –6.16 –952 –218 736 lower the attenuation and IR drop that
52 –6.18 –950 –198 752 would otherwise occur if the anode rib-
54 –6.20 –956 –178 778 bon were powered at the perimeter of the
56 –6.24 –957 –163 794
58 –6.24 –951 –158 795 tank. In addition, the IR drop is further
60 –6.25 –945 –142 803 lowered by the power feeds that were con-
62 –6.24 –940 –126 814 nected to the conductor bar and termi-
64 –6.22 –931 –115 816
66 — — –108 — nated in the junction boxes outside the
68 — — –104 — concrete ringwall. Figure 1 shows the plan
view of the system and Figure 2 shows the
cross-sectional view.
Once the CP installation was com-
TABLE 3 plete, sand was placed by hand over the
anode layout to a depth of 6 in. (152
CP OPERATING DATA UNDER TANK—ACCESS PIPE NO. 2 mm) to ensure protection of the ribbon
Test Pipe #2 and the cable prior to final backfilling and
Instant On Northeast subsequent installation of the tank bot-
Distance in 42 A/16 V Instant Off 20 h Off Polarization
from Ringwall (ft) (V) (mV) (mV) (mV) tom. Two 3-in. (76-mm) diameter perfo-
0 –1.24 –450 –246 202 rated fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
2 –1.28 –441 –216 225 pipes were installed horizontally across
4 –1.47 –342 –144 198 the complete diameter of the tank bot-
6 –2.02 –427 –120 307
8 –2.87 –513 –140 373 tom and through the ringwall to permit
10 –3.16 –602 –178 423 potential measurements by passing a cop-
12 –3.28 –644 –217 427 per/copper sulfate (Cu/CuSO4) reference
14 –3.44 –668 –238 430
16 –3.63 –668 –258 410 electrode through the pipe once it is flu-
18 –4.04 –719 –276 443 idized with water (Figure 1). To prevent
20 –4.13 –742 –309 433 wet sand from migrating into the pipe
22 –4.04 –755 –341 414
24 –4.58 –802 –347 455 during backfilling as well as during mon-
26 –5.04 –842 –333 509 itoring, the perforations in the pipe were
28 –5.42 –877 –308 568 wrapped with a fine mesh fiberglass cloth.
30 –5.73 –895 –293 602
These FRP pipes were used during CP
Table 3 continued on next page commissioning and subsequent monitor-

MAY 2006 MP pp 1-48.indd 22 4/11/06 12:31:04 PM

TABLE 3 (continued)
ing. At the time of the CP design, it was Test Pipe #2
determined that permanent reference elec- Instant On Northeast
trodes would not be feasible because of the Distance in 42 A/16 V Instant Off 20 h Off Polarization
from Ringwall (ft) (V) (mV) (mV) (mV)
elevated operating temperature of the 32 –9.89 –910 –271 638
product stored in the tank and the thermal 34 –6.06 –916 –251 665
gradient in the soil that would surround 36 –6.16 –916 –229 687
such permanent reference electrodes. The 38 –6.22 –909 –207 702
40 –6.30 –922 –187 735
elevated temperature could dry out tradi- 42 –6.40 –932 –168 766
tional permanent reference electrodes 44 –6.51 –958 –150 808
and also affect their stability. A new oil- 46 –6.87 –956 –138 918
48 –6.72 –964 –128 835
immersed explosion-proof rectifier capable 50 –6.77 –979 –124 855
of delivering 60 A of protective current 52 –6.79 –990 –117 873
powered the system. 54 –6.79 –993 –116 877
56 –6.81 –997 –118 878
Initial testing was conducted during 58 –6.79 –997 –120 877
hydrostatic testing of the tank with ~28 A 60 –6.81 –1,002 –117 885
(1.5 mA/ft2) of CP current applied to the 62 –6.80 –980 –143 837
64 –6.78 –965 –140 825
tank bottom. The data shown in Table 1 66 — — –134 —
indicate the performance of the system 68 — — –120 —
after 24 h of operation. A minimum of 30 70 — — –122 —
mV of polarization and, in most cases, in
excess of 50 mV of polarization were
achieved after 24 h of operation. The cur-
rent output of the system was maintained TABLE 4
at a level of 1.5 mA/ft2 (16 mA/m2) until CP OPERATING DATA UNDER TANK—ACCESS PIPE NO. 3
such time as hot hydrocarbon product was
Test Pipe #3
actually stored in the tank. Northwest
Once the conditions stabilized to a nor- Instant On (at Pipe Rack)
mal operating temperature of 260°F, the Distance in 42 A/16 V Instant Off 20 h Off Polarization
from Ringwall (ft) (V) (mV) (mV) (mV)
rectifier output was increased to ~42 A. The
0 –1.18 –502 –283 218
system was operated for 30 days, then 2 –1.23 –493 –271 222
depolarization testing was conducted by 4 –1.52 –429 –176 253
interrupting the system and determining the 6 –2.04 –481 –180 301
8 –2.34 –548 –223 325
“instant off” potential. The decayed poten- 10 –2.60 –814 –287 327
tial was measured after ~20 h with the sys- 12 –2.80 –668 –338 330
tem off. Tables 2 through 4 show the data 14 –3.18 –733 –384 349
16 –3.75 –837 –420 417
and the levels of polarization obtained by 18 –4.12 –912 –452 460
sampling the CP system performance in 20 –4.62 –912 –486 426
each of the test pipes. In all cases, the level 22 –4.98 –934 –515 419
24 –5.35 –938 –528 410
of polarization exceeded 100 mV. A repeated 26 –5.64 –933 –531 402
trend of increased polarization can be seen 28 –5.83 –933 –524 409
toward the center of the tank, indicating 30 –5.95 –934 –402 532
32 –5.95 –922 –410 512
that in areas where the oxygen levels in the 34 –5.96 –912 –363 548
environment are lower, the level of CP 36 –6.01 –909 –328 581
polarization is higher. The system was resur- 38 –6.04 –905 –303 602
40 –6.06 –902 –277 625
veyed after ~14 months of operation and, 42 –6.07 –897 –257 640
once again, the system performance was 44 –6.08 –892 –245 647
verified. The levels of polarization achieved 46 –6.18 –895 –222 673
48 –6.38 –903 –199 704
were consistent with industry-recognized 50 –6.42 –914 –182 732
criteria. 52 –6.49 –921 –168 753
54 –6.56 –922 –155 767
56 –6.58 — –140 —
Summary 58 –6.58 –930 –129 801
The results of this investigation indicate
that tanks operating at elevated tempera- Table 4 continued on next page


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TABLE 4 (continued)
Test Pipe #3
Instant On (at Pipe Rack)
Distance in 42 A/16 V Instant Off 20 h Off Polarization
from Ringwall (ft) (V) (mV) (mV) (mV)
60 –6.58 –936 –120 818
62 –6.60 –943 –111 832
64 –6.61 –935 –105 830
66 –6.58 –939 –100 839
68 –0.61 –941 –98 843
70 –6.65 –952 –98 854
72 –6.68 –958 –94 865
74 –6.65 –963 –98 865
76 –6.61 –961 –94 867
78 –6.57 –957 –91 868
80 –6.58 –958 — —

tures require a higher level of CP to sus-

tain effective corrosion control than tanks
at ambient temperature. Anode place-
ment has also been shown to be critical to
— Next Month in MP — avoid shielding and improper distribution
of current to all areas of the tank bottom.
Editorial Focus: A CP system consisting of MMO ribbon
Pipeline Corrosion material installed in the interstitial space
between the tank floor and an 80-mil
Using Casing Filler to Protect a thick HDPE liner has been shown to
Cased Aboveground Pipeline provide uniform CP current and adequate
levels of polarization.
Impact of Real-Time Monitoring
KEVIN C. GARRITY is Executive Vice Presi-
on Cathodic Protection
dent–Operations for CC Technologies, Inc.,
5777 Frantz Rd., Dublin, OH 43017. CC
Correcting a Microbiologically Technologies is a DNV Company offering
Influenced Corrosion Problem in corrosion and materials engineering and
Copper Water Service Lines research. Garrity has 31 years of experience
in corrosion engineering and the application
Managing the Environmental of CP to buried pipelines and tanks, concrete
structures, and marine structures. He is a
Effects of Corrosion registered professional engineer and NACE
CP Specialist and is a 25-year member of
Protection of Storage Tank NACE. He has chaired NACE technical com-
Interiors with Volatile mittees and the Annual Conference Program
Corrosion Inhibitors Committee, served on the Board of Direc-
tors and Executive Committee, and currently
chairs Task Group 285 on CP Criteria.
Corrosion Basics:
Stray Current Effects on PHILIP D. SIMON is a Principal Engineer at
Underground Structures CC Technologies, Inc. He is located at 4904
Spinnaker Dr., Freeland, WA 98249. Simon
Special Feature: has 34 years of experience in corrosion rate
CORROSION/2006 Recap evaluation and CP design for underground
pipelines and tanks, marine structures,
power-generating stations, and steel-
reinforced concrete structures. He has
been a NACE member for 33 years.


MAY 2006 MP pp 1-48.indd 24 4/11/06 12:31:19 PM

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