MP-0605020 Fondo Estanque
MP-0605020 Fondo Estanque
MP-0605020 Fondo Estanque
Hot Oil
1969. It is 150 ft (46 m) in
diameter, 48 ft (15 m)
high, and is constructed
entirely of carbon steel
(CS). It rests on a 5-ft (1.5-
m) high, 1 1/2-ft (0.46-m) thick rein-
forced concrete ringwall with sand pad-
ding under the tank bottom. The bottom
was originally uncoated and had no ca-
thodic protection (CP). The tank stores
Cathodic Protection
uct was again found to be leaking from
the tank bottom. Because of concern that
corrosion had caused these leaks, a de-
tailed study was conducted to determine
the effectiveness of the existing CP, and