Unnatural History PDF
Unnatural History PDF
Unnatural History PDF
The rippers are sent to a soirée at a museum, to recruit a new member, but Cabal activity puts their
lives at risk. Use the Rippers characters on our Savage Website www.peginc.com or make your own.
The Fundraiser silized specimen in the museum across the sorcerous power that just blasted through
street. the museum can still be seen rising from
The Rippers organization has arranged him like smoke.
for the heroes to be present at a fundraiser Welcome to the Club
held at London’s Natural History Museum. Undead Insects
The main purpose of the fundraiser is to Finding Dr Mitchell isn’t hard—he stands
celebrate the opening of the new pale- before the new T-Rex fossil regaling his au- The Rippers must first make their way
ontology display, but the museum is not dience with the tale of how he stole it from through the entomology hall. All of the in-
above attempting to solicit patronage from Congolese natives who worshipped it as a sects have been mounted in glass display
the cream of London society which will at- god. Getting Dr Mitchell’s attention is fairly cases. The energy wave has returned these
tend. simple; all they have to do is play up to his skewered insects to a semblance of life.
ego. He listens to their opening pitch and They flutter and hiss, unable to escape the
For their part the Rippers are present to then invites them to his office, found at the pins that fix them to their boards.This is so
recruit Dr Richard Mitchell into their ranks. back of the entomology hall. unsettling, the Rippers must make a Guts
Dr Mitchell has traveled to every inhabited roll or suffer a -1 to all rolls during the next
continent on earth in his search for fossils. Surprisingly, Dr Mitchell accepts the Rip-
per’s tales of conspiracies and monsters encounter.
Not only is he useful in the field, but his
almost immediately. He has seen things As the Rippers are making their way
knowledge could prove a serious boon to
out in the wilderness that would give the towards the hall, one of the display cases
Rippers who find themselves encountering
ordinary man sleepless nights for weeks. It is knocked from its mountings. It shatters
prehistoric survivors.
makes sense to him that there is a control- upon the floor releasing a swarm of undead
...Meanwhile, Out In the Fog ling organization behind these disparate beetles, which consume everything in their
horrors. Just as the Rippers and the good path. They cover an area equivalent to a
Skullduggery is afoot. doctor are coming to an agreement, the Large Burst Template.
ritual outside is completed.
The museum overlooks Kensington
cemetery, the final resting place of over six The museum starts shaking, as if it is lo- Jurassic Hall
thousand souls. The warlock Alexandros cated at the epicenter of a powerful earth- Once the undead beetles have been
Helios is finishing a ritual designed to raise quake. Screams and the distinctive sound dealt with, the Rippers can make their way
a zombie army. Fortunately for London, the of smashing display cases are heard from to the main exhibition hall. Helios’s arcane
warlock’s spell will misfire. Unfortunately the main hall. Dr Mitchell is struck on the misfire has animated the T-Rex skeleton
for the Rippers it will animate the new fos- head by a large lamp and is knocked uncon- seen earlier. It is too large to exit the hall,
scious. A successful Healing and has trapped a group of guests in its un-
roll determines he is in no thinking hunger for living flesh.
risk of dying, but will spend
several hours unconscious. To make matters worse, the sorcerer
Alexandros Helios investigates the distur-
The shaking stops as bance, arriving as the dinosaur suffers its
quickly as it started, and is fol- second wound. Unluckily for him, even
lowed by a wave of black en- though he animated it, the undead beast
ergy, originating somewhere isn’t listening to his commands.
outside and to the east of the
museum. It passes through Aftermath
the entire museum and all
its inhabitants, who must all The Ripper organization quickly covers
succeed at a Spirit roll or be up the mess. Survivors are hypnotized and
Shaken. made to believe the skeleton collapsed, in-
juring and killing several of the guests. Dr
Anyone looking out of the Mitchell joins the Rippers organization and
window must succeed at a
proves to be a valuable asset. The botched
Notice roll to spot Helios
ritual is still in the hands of the Cabal and
standing confused in the
may be cast successfully someday. But that
mist shrouded cemetery. The
is a tale for another time…
Savage Worlds, Rippers, One Sheets, Pinnacle Entertainment Group, Great White Games, and
all related marks and logos are Copyright Great White Games. ©2006. All rights reserved.
Alexandros Helios take Back the night!
Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength
d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d4, Guts d6, Intimidation d6,
Knowledge (Satanism) d6, Spellcasting d8
Charisma: +0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5
Gear: Cursed Dagger (Str+3, wounds can only heal naturally)
Special Abilities
• Arcane Background (Miracles): blast (ball of hellfire), bolt
(ray of black light), obscure (darkness). (30 Power Points.)
• Weakness (Magic): Helios takes +4 damage from magical
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor
Skills: Guts d4
Status: 5
Charisma: +1; Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Reason: +0; Toughness: 5
Dr. Mitchell
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor
Skills: Guts d4, Investigation d10, Knowledge (Archaeology)
d12, Knowledge (History) d12, Survival d6
Status: 15
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Reason: +0; Toughness: 5