Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program
Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program
Faculty of Education Graduate Studies Program
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce graduate students to the study of educational leadership.
The following principles have been utilized in the development of this course:
Course Objectives:
Students will:
Utilize their personal experiences to conceptualize, analyze, and connect with the
theoretical perspectives expressed in the literature.
Share their personal opinions openly within the classroom community in recognition
that learning is enhanced with the consideration of many, sometimes incongruent,
Develop an understanding of the spectrum of leadership theories and an
understanding of their own perspectives of leadership.
Synthesize theory and practice in both written and oral communications.
Document growth and development in their personal leadership knowledge and
Focus on refining the quality of writing in the area of Leadership and Ed. Admin.
Required Texts & References:
There are no texts required for this course.
Research Paper: 50%
Thematic Analysis (due February 9th, 2017) 10%
Framework (due February 16th, 2017) 10%
Thesis Statement and outline (due February 23rd, 2017) 5%
Peer feedback (due March 20th-March 30th) 5%
Final Draft (due April 6th, 2017) 20%
Revised frameworks 15%
Book Review (due March 9th-March 23rd, 2017) 15%
Personal Growth Account (due in class April 6th) 20%
Total 100%
*Please note: All marks will be recorded in letter grades and the final weighted mark will be the median.
Thematic Analysis You need to read and summarize 5 (of 8 required) or more
research articles about your topic. From your summaries of
the articles, you need to create a thematic analysis. What
are the main points about your topic? Which of the articles
support each of those points?
Theoretical Framework Within the research paper, you must declare a theoretical
framework from which you will consider the topic. You need
to have a diagram and 1-3 paragraphs of explanation that
includes at least 3 (of 8 required) reference sources for
Group Discussion First, we will work with your papers throughout the semester.
Finally, when your paper is complete small groups of your
peers will all read each others’ papers and meet to discuss,
review, and critique.
Revised Frameworks (15%)
You will be required to revise your conceptual framework diagram each week to
illustrate your understanding of how viewing your topic through a particular leadership
theory would change your perspective of your topic. This assignment will be shared with
the group in class each week, revised if you wish, and then submitted via a Google slide
presentation that you share with me. Please include a short reflection that explains how
your diagram captures the theory of the week. Originally, it can be completed as a
drawing done with markers, or pencil crayons. The only criterion is that it reflects the
leadership theory that is featured in that week’s lesson. The first one will be due
following the first leadership theory in class.
Academic dishonesty will cancel out all the calculations above and result in a
final grade of F-AD (Fail-Academic Dishonesty)
(refer to the Graduate Calendar, section 3.9: Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct)
1. All students are expected to be regular in their attendance at lectures and labs.
While attendance per se will not be considered in assessing the final grade, it
should be noted that in some courses participation in class activities may be
2. For limited enrolment courses, students who are registered but do not attend the
first three classes or notify the instructor that they intend to attend, may have
their registration cancelled in favour of someone else wishing to register for the