Srijana Finance Rajbiraj Branch

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Rajbiraj Branch
Bill of Quantity
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty Amount Remarks
1 Dismantling
Dismantling. Removal of existing wooden
1.1 partition/
Partitions doors and handling over to bank all
complete 50.00 Sqft 146.00 7300.00
as per drawing and instruction .
2 Cora Masino
Supply Develary , Laying up to 60 mm thick
2.1 floor screeding
for cement punning . 65.00 Sqft 615.00 39975.00
Supply And Laying of 12.5 mm thick cement
2.2 plaster of
punning works for laying of carpets . 45.00 Sqft 615.00 27675.00
2.3 Supply and laying of plastic carpets . 35.00 Sqft 615.00 21525.00
Supply and applying of top Quality of
2.4 Emulsion paints on
4 Wall and Ceiling . 18.00 Sqft 1950.00 35100.00
3 Normal Tube Light Laying . 900.00 Nos 10.00 9000.00
7 Supply & Installation of flowwing Fans .
a Wall fan . 3850.00 Nos 6.00 23100.00
Srijana Finance Limited
Rajbiraj Branch
Bill of Quantity
Name of Works :- Civil Works
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty NRs. Remarks
1 3 '' thick Full Height Wooden Partitions .
Supply & fixing in position 3 inch
thick wooden partitions both sides 6 mmth th
plywwod and top finish with laminated formica of
approved colour all complete
a ) door Shutter 750.00 Sqft 21.00 15750.00
b ) flush Door Sutter with formica top finish as
per approved colour all complete . 500.00 Sqft 59.00 29500.00

2 12.5 Plastering work for north side of brick wall 40.00 Sqft 110.00 4400.00

Supply and fixing of Aluminum partion with

door works with 5 mm th clear glass and 9 mm th
3 laminated n board as per dsign and instruction
a Partion works 400.00 Sqft 59.00 23600.00
b Door with shutter 650.00 Sqft 21.00 13650.00
4 Birla putty
Supplt & applying of J K Birla white wall putty
on cement plasterd surface in line and
label on wall ( thickness shall be 2mmt o
3 mm ) & the surface to be smoothened
by rubbing sand paper including necessary
related works all completed as per drawing
and instructions . ( On new surface & repairing
if required on old surface) 15.00 Sqft 350.00 5250.00
5 Painting Works.
a Supply & Painting minimum two coats of
Acrylic emulsion paints. Of approved color &
shade over 1 coats of primer to give uniform
coloring & quality gloss finish including
clearing the surfce, preparation , sandinh
, all complete as per drawing
instructions . ( on new surface & repairing 20.00 Sqft 500.00 10000.00
if required on old suface

6 Supply & Laying of non skid Ceramic floor tiles.

( base price of tiles not less than 80 RS)
2' x2' tiles ( Chinese make vitrifed tiles ) 200.00 Sqft 138.00 27600.00
( chinese - make Vitrified tiles)
7 Supply & Fixing in position 12.5 mm
thick plane Gypsume False Ceiling . 110.00 Sqft 88.00 9680.00
as per drawing all completed
Total NRs. 139430.00
Name of Works :- Electrical & Comunication Works
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty Amount Remarks
A Electrical Works
1 Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring.
from main DB & concern DB
a Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring. 1075.00 Pts 9.00 9675.00
wiring power points for computers at work table
2 13 Amp Power points for 1000.00 Pts 3.00 3000.00
3 15 Amp Power points.
wiring power points , not in UPS 1000.00 Pts 3.00 3000.00
5 Supply & installation of Convenious.
a 13 Amp Flat pin single power socket . 650.00 Nos 3.00 1950.00
c 15 Amp Switch sockets for 650.00 Nos 3.00 1950.00
outlet not in UPS Supply .
6 Supply & Installation of flowwing Light .fixture
a 6 watt Down LED light 1250.00 Nos 9.00 11250.00
8 Supply & Fixing of Light control switches.
a 4 gang switch. 400.00 Nos 2.00 800.00
b 3 gang switch. 400.00 Nos 1.00 400.00
6 Supply and fixing of 6 way DB 2500.00 set 1.00 2500.00
7 Supply and laying of 6 way DB 3500.00 set 1.00 3500.00
B for networking works.
Networking points wiring.including additional
1 wires from first floor to ATM Counter Room
7*20 x 2 +1*18x1 main line 20 RM 1.00 Jo 1.00 1.00
2 RJ - 45 Twin outlet terminal Facia plate . 950.00 Nos 1.00 950.00
3 RJ -45 CAT - 6 Single. 1050.00 Nos 1.00 1050.00
4 Telephone Points. 1050.00 Nos 1.00 1050.00
5 Supply & Installation G I Box. 50.00 Nos 6.00 300.00
6 For CCTV System.
wiring for CCTV cameras , from system
room with 1 no . 75 ohm audio
6.1 CCTV Points wiring. 1375.00 Pts 2.00 2750.00
6.1 Telephone Points wiring. 1000.00 Pts 1.00 1000.00
Sub Total NRs. 45126.00
Rajbiraj Branch
Total For CIVIL Works 139430.00
Total For electrical and Networking works 45126.00
Sub Total 184556.00
VAT 13% 23992.28
Grand Total 208548.28
Rajbiraj Branch
Bill of Quantity
Name of Works :- Electrical & Comunication Works
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty Amount Remarks
A Electrical Works
1 Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring.
from main DB & concern DB
a Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring. 675.00 Pts 9.00 6075.00
wiring power points for computers at work table
2 13 Amp Power points for 1050.00 Pts 3.00 3150.00
3 15 Amp Power points.
wiring power points , not in UPS 950.00 Pts 3.00 2850.00
5 Supply & installation of Convenious.
a 13 Amp Flat pin single power socket . 550.00 Nos 3.00 1650.00
c 15 Amp Switch sockets for 650.00 Nos 3.00 1950.00
outlet not in UPS Supply .
6 Supply & Installation of flowwing Light .fixture
a 6 watt Down LED light 1050.00 Nos 9.00 9450.00
8 Supply & Fixing of Light control switches.
a 4 gang switch. 300.00 Nos 2.00 600.00
b 3 gang switch. 300.00 Nos 1.00 300.00
6 Supply and fixing of 6 way DB 2500.00 set 1.00 2500.00
B for networking works.
1 Networking points wiring.
Terminals , with basically concealed using 1650.00 Pts 1.00 1650.00
2 RJ - 45 Twin outlet terminal Facia plate . 950.00 Nos 1.00 950.00
3 RJ -45 CAT - 6 Single. 1050.00 Nos 1.00 1050.00
4 Telephone Points. 1050.00 Nos 1.00 1050.00
5 Supply & Installation G I Box. 50.00 Nos 6.00 300.00
6 For CCTV System.
wiring for CCTV cameras , from system
room with 1 no . 75 ohm audio
6.1 CCTV Points wiring. 1375.00 Pts 2.00 2750.00
6.1 Telephone Points wiring. 1000.00 Pts 1.00 1000.00
Total NRs. 37275.00
Bill of Quantity
Name of Project :- Civil ,Electrical & Furniture works
Site :- Everest Bank ,Rajbiraj Branch Office Saptari(Nepal)
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty Amount Remarks
1 Dismantling
1.1 Dismantling. Removal of existing wooden partition/
Partitions doors and handling over to bank all
complete 50.00 Sqft 146.00 7300.00
2 Flooring works
Supply Delevery , Laying up to 50 mm thick floor
2.1 screeding
for cement punning . 65.00 Sqft 615.00 39975.00
Supply And Laying of 12.5 mm thick cement plaster
2.2 of works for laying of carpets . 45.00 Sqft 615.00 27675.00
2.3 Supply and laying of plastic carpets . 35.00 Sqft 615.00 21525.00
3 Painting Works
Supply and applying of top Quality of Emulsion
2.4 paints on
Wall and Ceiling . 20.00 Sqft 1950.00 39000.00
4 Electrical Works
4.1 Normal Tube Light Laying . 900.00 Nos 10.00 9000.00
Supply & Installation of flowwing Fans .
4.2 Wall fan . 12 " 3850.00 Nos 6.00 23100.00
1 Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring.
from main DB& concern DB
4.3 Light , Fan , Sinage point wiring. 850.00 Pts 16.00 13600.00
4.4 Supply & Fixing of Light control switches.
a 2 gang switch. 275.00 Nos 5.00 1375.00
b 3 gang switch. 450.00 Nos 2.00 900.00
Furniture Works
3.3 Visitor Chair.( 1'-2"X 1'-2"X 2'-6") 5500.00 Nos 6.00 33000.00
Total 216450.00
vat 13% 28138.5
Grand Total 244588.50
InWords :- NRs. Two Lakhs Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Eighty Eight rupees paisa Fifty Only

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