Srijana Finance Rajbiraj Branch
Srijana Finance Rajbiraj Branch
Srijana Finance Rajbiraj Branch
Rajbiraj Branch
Bill of Quantity
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty Amount Remarks
1 Dismantling
Dismantling. Removal of existing wooden
1.1 partition/
Partitions doors and handling over to bank all
complete 50.00 Sqft 146.00 7300.00
as per drawing and instruction .
2 Cora Masino
Supply Develary , Laying up to 60 mm thick
2.1 floor screeding
for cement punning . 65.00 Sqft 615.00 39975.00
Supply And Laying of 12.5 mm thick cement
2.2 plaster of
punning works for laying of carpets . 45.00 Sqft 615.00 27675.00
2.3 Supply and laying of plastic carpets . 35.00 Sqft 615.00 21525.00
Supply and applying of top Quality of
2.4 Emulsion paints on
4 Wall and Ceiling . 18.00 Sqft 1950.00 35100.00
3 Normal Tube Light Laying . 900.00 Nos 10.00 9000.00
7 Supply & Installation of flowwing Fans .
a Wall fan . 3850.00 Nos 6.00 23100.00
Srijana Finance Limited
Rajbiraj Branch
Bill of Quantity
Name of Works :- Civil Works
SN Particulars Rate Units Qty NRs. Remarks
1 3 '' thick Full Height Wooden Partitions .
Supply & fixing in position 3 inch
thick wooden partitions both sides 6 mmth th
plywwod and top finish with laminated formica of
approved colour all complete
a ) door Shutter 750.00 Sqft 21.00 15750.00
b ) flush Door Sutter with formica top finish as
per approved colour all complete . 500.00 Sqft 59.00 29500.00
2 12.5 Plastering work for north side of brick wall 40.00 Sqft 110.00 4400.00