Jamia Hafsa Mosque Bahria Town
Jamia Hafsa Mosque Bahria Town
Jamia Hafsa Mosque Bahria Town
Project: Jamia Hafsa Mosque
Nature of work: Construction of Room and Washroom
New works
Sr No Description of Work Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs) Remarks
A Civil construction work (Gray and finishing):
1 Excavation of foundition room and washroom Cft 522.50 20.00 10,450.00
Providing and laying of PCC (1:4:8), founditions and
2 floors of room and washroom as per site incharge. Cft 189.17 550.00 104,043.50
B Electric work: -
Open wiring PVC pipe 3/4" joint albow and socket
1 complete in all respects Sft 254.00 50.00 12,700.00
Wiring cable 7/29, switch board , holder, fan dimmer,
2 sockets and light plugs complete in all respects Sft 254.00 150.00 38,100.00
3 Ciling fan 56" supplying and fixing in all respects No 1.00 12,000.00 12,000.00
4 Tube light (China) No 3.00 4,500.00 13,500.00
5 Excast fan (1'x1') No 2.00 7,500.00 15,000.00
C Plumbing work: -
Sawerage and rain water UPVC pipe 4" dia with albow,
1 sulotion and clumps fixing in all respects Rft 61.00 480.00 29,280.00