00430200-Configuration Guide (V100R001 - 02)

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OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical

Transmission System

Configuration Guide

Issue 02
Date 2008-10-10
Part Number 00430200

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide Contents


About This Document.....................................................................................................................1

1 Starting the T2000.......................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000.............................................................................................................1-2
1.1.1 Starting the Computer............................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server......................................................................................................................1-3
1.1.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status.........................................................................................................1-4
1.1.4 Logging in to the T2000 Client..............................................................................................................1-4
1.1.5 Exiting a T2000 Client...........................................................................................................................1-5
1.1.6 Shutting Down the T2000 Server...........................................................................................................1-6
1.1.7 Shutting Down the Computer.................................................................................................................1-6
1.2 Entering the T2000 Common Views...............................................................................................................1-7
1.2.1 Opening the Main Topology..................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.2 Opening the NE Explorer.......................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.3 Opening the Trail View..........................................................................................................................1-8
1.2.4 Opening the Clock View........................................................................................................................1-9

2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services.............................................................................................2-1

2.1 Engineering Requirements..............................................................................................................................2-4
2.2 Engineering Planning......................................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.1 Networking Diagram..............................................................................................................................2-4
2.2.2 IP Address Allocation Diagram ............................................................................................................2-5
2.2.3 Board Information of Each NE..............................................................................................................2-6
2.2.4 Fiber and Cable Connection...................................................................................................................2-6
2.2.5 Timeslot Allocation Diagram.................................................................................................................2-6
2.2.6 Clock Tracing Diagram..........................................................................................................................2-7
2.3 Engineering Preparation..................................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.1 NE Side..................................................................................................................................................2-8
2.3.2 T2000 Side.............................................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.3 Document...............................................................................................................................................2-9
2.4 Configuration Process.....................................................................................................................................2-9
2.5 Logging in to the T2000................................................................................................................................2-10
2.6 Creating an NE..............................................................................................................................................2-11
2.7 Configuring Communication.........................................................................................................................2-12

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Contents Configuration Guide

2.8 Creating an NE User.....................................................................................................................................2-13

2.9 Logging in to an NE......................................................................................................................................2-15
2.10 Creating a Board..........................................................................................................................................2-16
2.10.1 Configuring a Board by Using the Configuration Wizard.................................................................2-16
2.10.2 Configuring a Board Manually on the NE Panel...............................................................................2-17
2.11 Creating Fibers............................................................................................................................................2-17
2.11.1 Creating Fibers Automatically...........................................................................................................2-18
2.11.2 Creating Fibers Manually...................................................................................................................2-18
2.12 Creating a Topology Subnet........................................................................................................................2-19
2.13 Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring...........................................................................................2-20
2.14 Configuring the Clock.................................................................................................................................2-21
2.14.1 Configuring a Clock Source Priority List..........................................................................................2-21
2.14.2 Configuring a Clock Subnet...............................................................................................................2-22
2.15 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function.............................................2-23
2.15.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail.............................................................................................................2-24
2.15.2 Creating a VC-12 Trail.......................................................................................................................2-25
2.16 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Single Station Configuration Function.............................2-26
2.16.1 Creating Services on NE1..................................................................................................................2-27
2.16.2 Creating Services on NE2..................................................................................................................2-28
2.16.3 Creating Services on NE3..................................................................................................................2-30
2.17 Configuring Overhead Bytes.......................................................................................................................2-31
2.17.1 Configuring the RS Overhead J0.......................................................................................................2-31
2.17.2 Configuring the Tracing Byte J1........................................................................................................2-32
2.17.3 Configuring the Signal Flag Byte C2.................................................................................................2-32
2.18 Enabling/Disabling Performance Monitoring.............................................................................................2-33
2.19 Setting Alarm Dumping Parameters...........................................................................................................2-34
2.20 Configuring Automatic Laser Shutdown....................................................................................................2-36
2.21 Backing Up the NE Configuration Data.....................................................................................................2-37
2.22 Backing Up the T2000 Configuration Data................................................................................................2-37
2.22.1 Immediate Backup..............................................................................................................................2-37
2.22.2 Periodic Backup.................................................................................................................................2-39

3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes..................................................... 3-1

3.1 Configuring SNCP Services............................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Configuring 1:1 Linear MSP ..........................................................................................................................3-5
3.3 Configuring 1+1 Linear MSP..........................................................................................................................3-6
3.4 Configuring Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection.........................................................................................3-7
3.5 Configuring a Non-Protection Chain............................................................................................................3-11

4 Configuring Ethernet Services................................................................................................ 4-1

4.1 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the Trail Function..........................................................4-2
4.1.1 Engineering Requirements.....................................................................................................................4-2
4.1.2 Engineering Planning.............................................................................................................................4-2
4.1.3 Configuration Process............................................................................................................................4-5

ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide Contents

4.1.4 Creating a Trunk Link............................................................................................................................4-5

4.1.5 Creating an EPL Trail............................................................................................................................4-7
4.2 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the Single Station Function ..........................................4-8
4.2.1 Engineering Requirements.....................................................................................................................4-8
4.2.2 Engineering Planning.............................................................................................................................4-9
4.2.3 Configuration Process..........................................................................................................................4-11
4.2.4 Configuring the Data of NE1...............................................................................................................4-12
4.2.5 Configuring the Data of NE2...............................................................................................................4-16
4.2.6 Configuring the Data of NE3...............................................................................................................4-18

5 Configuring Broadcast Services..............................................................................................5-1

5.1 Engineering Requirements..............................................................................................................................5-2
5.2 Engineering Planning......................................................................................................................................5-2
5.3 Configuration Process.....................................................................................................................................5-2

6 Configuring LPT.........................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.2 Application......................................................................................................................................................6-2
6.3 Configuring the Point-to-Point LPT Function................................................................................................6-4

7 Configuring LCAS.....................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Overview.........................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.2 Application......................................................................................................................................................7-2
7.3 Enabling LCAS...............................................................................................................................................7-4

A Glossary.....................................................................................................................................A-1
B Acronyms and Abbreviations.................................................................................................B-1

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide Figures


Figure 2-1 Networking diagram...........................................................................................................................2-5

Figure 2-2 IP address and NE allocation diagram................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-3 Board on NEs......................................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-4 Fiber and cable connection.................................................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-5 Timeslot allocation diagram...............................................................................................................2-7
Figure 2-6 Clock tracing diagram........................................................................................................................2-8
Figure 3-1 Networking diagram...........................................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2 Timeslot allocation diagram...............................................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-3 Networking diagram...........................................................................................................................3-5
Figure 3-4 Networking diagram...........................................................................................................................3-7
Figure 3-5 Networking diagram...........................................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-6 Timeslot allocation diagram...............................................................................................................3-8
Figure 3-7 Networking diagram.........................................................................................................................3-11
Figure 4-1 Ethernet service networking and port allocation................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-2 Board information of each NE............................................................................................................4-3
Figure 4-3 Service configuration diagram............................................................................................................4-4
Figure 4-4 SDH timeslot allocation for Ethernet services....................................................................................4-5
Figure 4-5 Ethernet service networking and port allocation................................................................................4-9
Figure 4-6 Board information of each NE..........................................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-7 Service configuration diagram..........................................................................................................4-10
Figure 4-8 SDH timeslot allocation for Ethernet services..................................................................................4-11
Figure 7-1 Dynamic bandwidth adjustment by using LCAS...............................................................................7-3
Figure 7-2 VC group protection by using LCAS.................................................................................................7-4

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide Tables


Table 2-1 Service requirement among nodes.......................................................................................................2-4

Table 2-2 Procedures for configuring SDH/PDH services...................................................................................2-9
Table 2-3 NE user level and authority description.............................................................................................2-14
Table 2-4 NE user flag description.....................................................................................................................2-14
Table 2-5 Description of the parameters for configuring the ALS.....................................................................2-36
Table 4-1 Ethernet service connection.................................................................................................................4-4
Table 4-2 Process of configuring point-to-point EPL services (by trail).............................................................4-5
Table 4-3 Ethernet service connection...............................................................................................................4-10
Table 4-4 Process of point-to-point EPL service configuration (by station)......................................................4-11
Table 4-5 Description of the configuration parameters of basic attributes .......................................................4-15
Table 4-6 Description of the configuration parameters of bound paths ............................................................4-16
Table 5-1 NE parameters......................................................................................................................................5-2
Table 6-1 Parameters for the P2P LPT.................................................................................................................6-5
Table 7-1 LCAS parameters.................................................................................................................................7-5

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide About This Document

About This Document

This document describes how to configure various services for the OptiX OSN 500, including
the overview, engineering requirements, engineering planning, and the configuration process.

Related Versions
The following table lists the product versions related to this document.

Product Name Version

OptiX OSN 500 V100R001

OptiX iManager T2000 V200R007C01

Intended Audience
This document is intended for:

l Data configuration engineers

l System maintenance engineers
l Installation and commissioning engineers

This document is organized as follows.

Topic Description

1 Starting the T2000 Describes the basic operations to quickly start of the T2000.

2 Configuring SDH/PDH Describes how to configure NEs, boards, cables/fibers,

Services protection subnet, SDH services, and clock on the T2000.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
About This Document Configuration Guide

Topic Description

3 Configuring Services in Describes service configuration methods in varied

Different Protection Schemes protection schemes.

4 Configuring Ethernet Describes how to configure EPL services by using the

Services single station function or the trail function on the T2000.

5 Configuring Broadcast Describes how to configure broadcast services on the

Services T2000.

6 Configuring LPT Describes how to configure the LPT features on the T2000.

7 Configuring LCAS Describes how to configure the LCAS features on the


A Glossary Lists the terms used in this document.

B Acronyms and Lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.

Symbol Conventions
The symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk, which if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk, which

if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which if not

avoided, could result in equipment damage, data loss,
performance degradation, or unexpected results.
TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

General Conventions
The general conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide About This Document

Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Examples of information displayed on the screen are in
Courier New.

Command Conventions
The command conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italics.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in brackets [ ] are optional.

{ x | y | ... } Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected.

[ x | y | ... ] Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. One item is selected or no item is selected.

{ x | y | ... }* Optional items are grouped in braces and separated by

vertical bars. A minimum of one item or a maximum of all
items can be selected.

[ x | y | ... ]* Optional items are grouped in brackets and separated by

vertical bars. Several items or no item can be selected.

GUI Conventions
The GUI conventions that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.

> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the ">"

signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

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OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
About This Document Configuration Guide

Keyboard Operations
The keyboard operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.

Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing Ctrl+Alt
+A means the three keys should be pressed concurrently.

Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operations
The mouse operations that may be found in this document are defined as follows.

Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without moving
the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Update History
Updates between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains
all updates made in previous issues.

Updates in Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Updated the slot layout diagram according to the latest NM interface.

Updates in Issue 01 (2008-07-21)

Initial formal release.

4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 1 Starting the T2000

1 Starting the T2000

About This Chapter

The following pages introduce certain preparation operations that ensure a smooth, trouble-free
launch of the T2000.

1.1 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000

The T2000 uses the standard client/server architecture and multiple-user mode. Therefore, it is
recommended that you comply with the following procedures when starting or shutting down
the T2000 so that other users who are operating on the T2000 are not affected.
1.2 Entering the T2000 Common Views
The T2000 common views include Main Topology, Trail View, Clock View, and NE Explorer.
You can use these views to manage the topology, equipment, trail, and clock.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
1 Starting the T2000 Configuration Guide

1.1 Starting or Shutting Down the T2000

The T2000 uses the standard client/server architecture and multiple-user mode. Therefore, it is
recommended that you comply with the following procedures when starting or shutting down
the T2000 so that other users who are operating on the T2000 are not affected.

l To start the computer and the T2000 application, do as follows:
1. Start the computer.
2. Start the T2000 server.
3. Start the T2000 client.
l To shut down the T2000 application and the computer, do as follows:
1. Exit the T2000 client.
2. Stop the T2000 server.
3. Shut down the computer.
1.1.1 Starting the Computer
To prevent damage to the computer or data loss, refer to the procedure provided to start the
computer. The startup procedures of the workstation are different from the startup procedures
of a normal PC. Follow the procedure correctly to perform the required operations.
1.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server
After starting the computer, you need to start the T2000 server. Then, you can log in to the
T2000 to manage the network.
1.1.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status
When you fail to log in to the T2000 client or abnormally exit the T2000 client, you can use the
System Monitor to view the T2000 process status to decide whether the server is faulty.
1.1.4 Logging in to the T2000 Client
You can manage the network in the graphic user interface (GUI) only after logging in to the
T2000 client.
1.1.5 Exiting a T2000 Client
Before restarting the T2000 client or shutting down the T2000 server, you must exit the
T2000 client.
1.1.6 Shutting Down the T2000 Server
When the T2000 server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In
special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer where the
T2000 resides, or when upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor Client to shut
down the T2000 server.
1.1.7 Shutting Down the Computer
Normally, do not shut down the computer. In special situations, for example, if the computer
becomes faulty, shut down the computer by following the correct sequence. The shutdown
procedures of the workstation are different from the shutdown procedures of a normal PC. Follow
the procedure correctly to perform the required operations.

1-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 1 Starting the T2000

1.1.1 Starting the Computer

To prevent damage to the computer or data loss, refer to the procedure provided to start the
computer. The startup procedures of the workstation are different from the startup procedures
of a normal PC. Follow the procedure correctly to perform the required operations.

l The T2000 must be installed correctly.
l The power cable of the workstation or of the computer, the power cable of the monitor, the
data line, and the Ethernet line must be connected correctly.
l If there is a printer, modem, or other peripherals, their power line and data line must be
connected correctly.

Background Information
The T2000 can run on the UNIX or Windows operating system. The functions are the same on
each operating system. For more information about the recommended hardware configuration,
see the OptiX iManager T2000 Product Description.

1. Power on the printer, modem, and other peripherals.
2. Power on the workstation. The Solaris starts automatically and the Prompt dialog box
is displayed.
3. Enter the Username and Password in the Login dialog box. For example, User:
t2000 (by default); Password: t2000 (by default).
4. Click OK to open the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) window.
l On Windows
1. Power on the printer, modem, and other peripherals.
2. Power on the computer. The Windows starts automatically.
3. Enter the Username and Password in the Login dialog box. For example, User:
t2000 (by default); Password: t2000 (by default).
4. Click OK to open the Windows user interface.

1.1.2 Starting the T2000 Server

After starting the computer, you need to start the T2000 server. Then, you can log in to the
T2000 to manage the network.

l The computer where the T2000 is installed must be started correctly.
l The operating system of the T2000 server must be running correctly.
l The T2000 license must be in the server directory.
l The SQL server must be started and must work normally.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
1 Starting the T2000 Configuration Guide

Step 1 Double-click the T2000Server icon on the desktop of the T2000 server.

Step 2 In the Login dialog box, enter User Name, Password and Server. For example, User Name:
admin, Password: T2000 (T2000 is the default password of the admin user.), and Server:

Periodically change the password and keep it safely.

Step 3 Click Login to display the System Monitor window. Wait until the core processes (including
Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server, WebLCT
Server, Tomcat Service, Client Upgrader, and Toolkit Server) and Database Server
Process are in the Running state. Now the T2000 server is started successfully.

Step 4 Optional: When required, you can also start the Northbound Interface processes (including
Northbound Interface Module(iPASSAgent) Process, Northbound Interface Module
(SNMP) Process, Naming Service, Notify Service, and itnotify) manually.

Step 5 Optional: If the System Monitor is started, you need to use it to restart the T2000 server when
required. Choose System > Start Server from the Main Menu of the System Monitor. When
the core processes and Database Server Process processes are in the Running state, the T2000
server is started properly.


1.1.3 Viewing the T2000 Process Status

When you fail to log in to the T2000 client or abnormally exit the T2000 client, you can use the
System Monitor to view the T2000 process status to decide whether the server is faulty.

Background Information
To view the status of the T2000 processes by UNIX command line, run the following command:
# /T2000/server/bin/showt2000server
If each process entered has a corresponding process ID and the specific ID does not change, the
T2000 processes are normal.

In the System Monitor, click the Process tab. View the status of the T2000 core processes
(including Ems Server, Schedulesrv Server, Security Server, Syslog Agent, Topo Server,
WebLCT Server, Tomcat Service, Client Upgrader, and Toolkit Server), Database Server
Process, and Northbound Interface processes (including Northbound Interface Module
(iPASSAgent) Process, Northbound Interface Module(SNMP) Process, Naming Service,
Notify Service, and itnotify). If all the processes are in the Running state, the T2000 process
is normal.


1.1.4 Logging in to the T2000 Client

You can manage the network in the graphic user interface (GUI) only after logging in to the
T2000 client.

1-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 1 Starting the T2000

The T2000 server must be started correctly.

Step 1 On the computer of the T2000 client, double-click the T2000 Client icon on the desktop.

Step 2 Enter the User Name and Password of the T2000 client. For example, User Name: admin;
Password: T2000.

l By default, the initial user name is admin, and the password is T2000. To protect the T2000 from
unauthorized logins, you need to immediately change this password.
l The administrator needs to create new T2000 users and assign them to certain authority groups.

Step 3 Optional: Set the server parameters.

1. Click to display the Setting dialog box.

2. Click New to display another Setting dialog box.
3. In the Setting dialog box, specify the IP Address, Mode, and Server Name.

l The IP address is the IP address used by the T2000 server.

l The Mode has two options including Common and Security (SSL). When you select the
Security (SSL) mode, the communication between the client and the server is encrypted.
l The communication mode of the client must be consistent with the communication mode of the
server. Otherwise, the client cannot log in to the server. To view the communication mode of the
server, choose System > Communication Security Setting from the Main Menu of the System
Monitor client.
l You need not enter the Port number. After the Mode is specified, the system selects a Port
number automatically.
4. Click OK to complete adding a server.
5. Click OK to complete the server settings.

Step 4 Select a server and click Login to access the T2000.


1.1.5 Exiting a T2000 Client

Before restarting the T2000 client or shutting down the T2000 server, you must exit the
T2000 client.

The T2000 client must be started normally.

Step 1 Choose File > Exit from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
1 Starting the T2000 Configuration Guide


If the layout of the view is changed and not saved, a Confirm dialog box is displayed, asking you whether
you want to save the changes. After you click OK in the dialog box, you automatically exit the client.


1.1.6 Shutting Down the T2000 Server

When the T2000 server is managing the system normally, do not perform this operation. In
special circumstances, for example, when modifying the system time of the computer where the
T2000 resides, or when upgrading the version, you can use the System Monitor Client to shut
down the T2000 server.

All the T2000 clients connected to the T2000 server must be shut down.

When performing the operations related to the database (such as initializing the T2000
database, restoring T2000 databases, and restoring T2000 MO data) or when performing the
operations related to the T2000 (such as the upgrade, installing patches, and re-installing the
T2000), you need to shut down the T2000 server first. It is recommended that you shut down
the T2000 server in the same way as you shut down the T2000 server and the System Monitor

l Shut down the T2000 server and the System Monitor.

After shutting down the T2000 server and the System Monitor, you can perform the operations related
to the database (such as initializing the T2000 database, restoring T2000 databases, and restoring
T2000 MO data) or can perform the operations related to the T2000 (such as the upgrade, installing
patches, and re-installing the T2000).
1. In the System Monitor, choose System > Shutdown System from the Main Menu.
l Shut down the T2000 server only.

After shutdown, you cannot perform the operations related to the database (such as initializing the
T2000 database, restoring T2000 databases, and restoring T2000 MO data) or cannot perform the
operations related to the T2000 (such as the upgrade, installing patches, and re-installing the
1. In the System Monitor, choose System > Stop Server from the Main Menu.
2. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box. When all the processes are in the
Stopped status, the T2000 server is stopped normally.

1.1.7 Shutting Down the Computer

Normally, do not shut down the computer. In special situations, for example, if the computer
becomes faulty, shut down the computer by following the correct sequence. The shutdown
procedures of the workstation are different from the shutdown procedures of a normal PC. Follow
the procedure correctly to perform the required operations.

1-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 1 Starting the T2000

The T2000 server and client applications must be stopped.


To prevent damage to the equipment or data loss, perform the following steps one by one to shut
down the workstation.

l On UNIX platform
1. Enter the following commands in the terminal window, and the UNIX workstation
shuts down automatically:
% su root
Password: rootkit
# sync;sync;sync;sync;sync
# shutdown -y -g0 -i5


l rootkit is the default password of super user root. If the password is changed, enter the
new password.
l To restart the Sun workstation, the last command should be # shutdown -y -g0 -i6.
2. Switch off the monitor and the peripheral equipment.
l On Windows platform
1. Choose Start > Shut down from the Windows desktop.
2. Choose Shut down and click OK in the dialog box. The computer shuts down
3. Switch off the monitor and the peripheral equipment.

1.2 Entering the T2000 Common Views

The T2000 common views include Main Topology, Trail View, Clock View, and NE Explorer.
You can use these views to manage the topology, equipment, trail, and clock.

1.2.1 Opening the Main Topology

After opening the Main Topology, you can manage the network topology. For example, you can
create a topology object and a subnet, and lock the position of an NE icon on the topology.
1.2.2 Opening the NE Explorer
The NE Explorer is the key interface for the T2000 to configure a single station. After opening
the NE Explorer, you can configure, manage, and maintain each NE, board, or port in a
hierarchical manner.
1.2.3 Opening the Trail View
After opening the Trail View, you can find, create, configure, maintain, or manage a trail.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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1 Starting the T2000 Configuration Guide

1.2.4 Opening the Clock View

After opening the Clock View, you can set an NE clock, query a network clock synchronization
status, or trace a clock.

1.2.1 Opening the Main Topology

After opening the Main Topology, you can manage the network topology. For example, you can
create a topology object and a subnet, and lock the position of an NE icon on the topology.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network monitor" authority or higher.

l To open the Main Topology, log in to the T2000.
l Choose Window > Main Topology from the Main Menu.


1.2.2 Opening the NE Explorer

The NE Explorer is the key interface for the T2000 to configure a single station. After opening
the NE Explorer, you can configure, manage, and maintain each NE, board, or port in a
hierarchical manner.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network monitor" authority or higher.

Background Information
You can open a maximum of five NE Explorer windows at the same time.

Right-click an NE on the Main Topology and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu.


1.2.3 Opening the Trail View

After opening the Trail View, you can find, create, configure, maintain, or manage a trail.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network monitor" authority or higher.

Choose Trail > SDH Trail Management from the Main Menu.


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Configuration Guide 1 Starting the T2000

1.2.4 Opening the Clock View

After opening the Clock View, you can set an NE clock, query a network clock synchronization
status, or trace a clock.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network monitor" authority or higher.

Choose Configuration > Clock View from the Main Menu.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-9

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to configure the SDH/PDH services on the T2000 by providing an
2.1 Engineering Requirements
In a city, a new communication network is to be constructed among nodes A, B, and C.
2.2 Engineering Planning
The engineering planning department should conduct the planning according to the related
requirements and deliver detailed planning information.
2.3 Engineering Preparation
Before configuring the equipment, check whether the required preparations on the NE side and
on the T2000 side are complete and whether the relevant documents are available.
2.4 Configuration Process
This topic describes how to configure the SDH/PDH services.
2.5 Logging in to the T2000
The T2000 is the network management system of Huawei. The T2000 provides all the
management functions at the NE layer, which contain the fault management, performance
management, configuration management, security management, communication management,
topology management, and system management. In addition, the T2000 provides certain
management functions at the network layer. This topic describes how to log in to the T2000.
2.6 Creating an NE
This topic describes how to create an NE on the T2000. To create an NE, you must search for
an NE or manually add an NE. Because the NE ID is unknown when the NE is initially
configured, searching for an NE to create it is commonly used.
2.7 Configuring Communication
By default, an NE allows the T2000 to access it over the Ethernet network. This topic describes
how to configure the Ethernet access function of the NE on the T2000.
2.8 Creating an NE User
To control the access to an NE and the configuration for this NE, an NE user is assigned with
certain NE operation authority.
2.9 Logging in to an NE

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

One NE user cannot be used by multiple clients at the same time to log in to an NE or to manage
an NE. If a client logs in to the NE when the NE user is already in use by another client, the first
client who has logged in to the NE exits automatically.
2.10 Creating a Board
To configure services on an NE and to manage an NE, first create a board.
2.11 Creating Fibers
This topic describes how to create fibers on the T2000. After fibers are created, they are displayed
on the T2000.
2.12 Creating a Topology Subnet
A topology subnet is created for simplifying the GUI and has no impact on the running NEs. To
facilitate management, you can place topology objects that are in the same area of a network or
have similar attributes into the same subnet for display.
2.13 Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring
In this example, NEs 1–3 form a two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring.
2.14 Configuring the Clock
Configuring the parameters of the clock can realize synchronization and clock protection. This
topic describes how to configure a clock, including the configuration of the clock source priority
list, clock source restoration parameters, clock source switching conditions, and clock subnet
on the T2000.
2.15 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management Function
The trail management function provides end-to-end service configuration between NEs. This
section describes how to configure SDH/PDH services and the server layer trail by using the
trail management function on the T2000.
2.16 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Single Station Configuration Function
This topic describes how to configure SDH/PDH services by using the single station
configuration function.
2.17 Configuring Overhead Bytes
You need to set overhead bytes when maintaining or monitoring trails. This topic describes how
to configure overhead bytes on the T2000.
2.18 Enabling/Disabling Performance Monitoring
The performance parameters are used to monitor the equipment and analyze the network. This
topic describes how to enable or disable the performance monitoring function on the T2000.
2.19 Setting Alarm Dumping Parameters
To prevent the alarm data from overflowing or to prevent damage to the alarm data, you need
to dump the alarm data in a timely manner.
2.20 Configuring Automatic Laser Shutdown
When the laser detects the LOS signal, the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) is performed to
automatically shut down the laser of the transmit port at the local end, thus to prolong the life
of the laser.
2.21 Backing Up the NE Configuration Data
To prevent data loss, back up the NE configuration data after the configuration is complete. This
topic describes how to back up the NE configuration data on the T2000.
2.22 Backing Up the T2000 Configuration Data

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

To prevent data loss, back up the T2000 configuration data after the configuration is complete.
This topic describes the immediate data backup and periodic data backup procedures on the

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

2.1 Engineering Requirements

In a city, a new communication network is to be constructed among nodes A, B, and C.
Table 2-1 lists the service requirements among these nodes.

Table 2-1 Service requirement among nodes

Node A B C

A - 8xE1 8xE1

B 8xE1 - 8xE1

C 8xE1 8xE1 -

The distance between any two nodes of A, B, and C is not more than 50 km. The services among
these nodes require network level protection. In addition, these nodes may also require service
expansion and Ethernet data services.

2.2 Engineering Planning

The engineering planning department should conduct the planning according to the related
requirements and deliver detailed planning information.

2.2.1 Networking Diagram

The networking diagram provides you with a clear and detailed view of the entire network.
2.2.2 IP Address Allocation Diagram
IP addresses and NE IDs are properly allocated to the NEs in a network according to the
networking diagram and specified service requirements.
2.2.3 Board Information of Each NE
All NEs should be configured with proper boards based on the actual networking and service
2.2.4 Fiber and Cable Connection
To link up NEs quickly and correctly, create the fiber and cable connection based on the
networking architecture.
2.2.5 Timeslot Allocation Diagram
The timeslot allocation diagram helps users learn the correct traffic direction. Hence, the service
requirements for different NEs can be met more efficiently.
2.2.6 Clock Tracing Diagram
To configure the correct timing synchronization among the NEs, create the clock tracing diagram
based on the networking architecture.

2.2.1 Networking Diagram

The networking diagram provides you with a clear and detailed view of the entire network.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

As shown in Figure 2-1, three OptiX OSN 500 network elements (NEs) form an STM-4 two-
fiber bidirectional multiplex section protection (MSP) ring. NE1 is a gateway NE.

Figure 2-1 Networking diagram

NE1 (A)

30 km
40 km

STM-4 two-fiber
NE2 (B) NE3 (C)
bidirectional MSP ring

35 km

2.2.2 IP Address Allocation Diagram

IP addresses and NE IDs are properly allocated to the NEs in a network according to the
networking diagram and specified service requirements.
Figure 2-2 is the IP address and NE ID allocation diagram.

Figure 2-2 IP address and NE allocation diagram

NM ID T2000
IP address
Subnet mask

OSN 500
30 km 40 km

9-2 NE3
STM-4 two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring 9-3
OSN 500 OSN 500
NE name
Extended ID - NE ID
35 km

IP address
Equipment type

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-5

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

2.2.3 Board Information of Each NE

All NEs should be configured with proper boards based on the actual networking and service
According to the networking information, NEs 1–3 use the ISU board that provides the ports as
shown in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Board on NEs

Extended slot Extended slot


Auxiliary port 2xSTM-4 21xE1

2.2.4 Fiber and Cable Connection

To link up NEs quickly and correctly, create the fiber and cable connection based on the
networking architecture.
Figure 2-4 shows the fiber and cable connection.

Figure 2-4 Fiber and cable connection

Opticalport 1 Opticalport 2

Opticalport 1 Opticalport 2 Opticalport 1 Opticalport 2


2.2.5 Timeslot Allocation Diagram

The timeslot allocation diagram helps users learn the correct traffic direction. Hence, the service
requirements for different NEs can be met more efficiently.
Figure 2-5 shows the timeslot allocation among nodes.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

Figure 2-5 Timeslot allocation diagram

Timeslot 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-2
VC12:1-8 VC12:1-8
t9:1-8 t9:1-8 t9:9-16 t9:1-8
t9:9-16 t9:9-16



8-SL4D-1 indicates the first optical port on the SL4D board.
t9 indicates the E1 tributary board in slot 9 of an NE, and the numbers following the tributary
board indicate the E1 path number. For example, "t9:1-8" indicates the first to eighth E1 paths
on the tributary board in slot 9. The numbers above the horizontal line indicate the number of
timeslots occupied in the VC-4.
Consider NE1 as an example. The service in the diagram is described as follows:
l E1 paths 1–8 of the tributary board in slot 9 of NE1 interwork with E1 paths 1–8 of the
tributary board in slot 9 of NE2. The timeslots 1–8 in the first VC-4 carry the services.
l Configure the pass-through services on NE2 for the 8xE1 services from NE1 to NE3. The
timeslots 9–16 in the first VC-4 carry the services.

Because the ISU board integrates the functions of the SCC unit, cross-connect unit, clock unit, tributary
unit, line unit, and data transparent transmission unit, the slot described in this topic refers to the logical
slot on the T2000.

2.2.6 Clock Tracing Diagram

To configure the correct timing synchronization among the NEs, create the clock tracing diagram
based on the networking architecture.
Figure 2-6 is the clock tracing diagram of the network.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Figure 2-6 Clock tracing diagram


SL4D-1/ SL4D-2/
SL4D-2/ SL4D-1/
intr intr

NE name
Sn: slot where the line clock source is located
Clock source priority Clock tracing
1/source priority 2/ intr: internal clock source of the NE direction
source priority 3

In this example, to prevent clock interlocking, enable the extended SSM and set the ID of the
external clock source 1 (BITS) of NE1 as 1 and the ID of the internal clock source of NE1 as 2.

Set the BITS as the external clock source 1 of NE1. The synchronization status byte uses SA4.

2.3 Engineering Preparation

Before configuring the equipment, check whether the required preparations on the NE side and
on the T2000 side are complete and whether the relevant documents are available.
2.3.1 NE Side
Check the relevant items on the NE side to ensure that the equipment is able to function properly.
2.3.2 T2000 Side
Check the relevant items on the T2000 to ensure that the T2000 is able to manage the equipment
in the network normally.
2.3.3 Document
Check whether the relevant documents are available to ensure that the correct configuration
information can be obtained quickly during the actual networking.

2.3.1 NE Side
Check the relevant items on the NE side to ensure that the equipment is able to function properly.
l The OptiX OSN 500 must be installed.
l The system commissioning for all the NEs must be complete.
l The fibers among nodes are correctly connected.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

l The NE IDs and extended IDs of these NEs, and the IP address of the gateway NE must be
set as shown in Figure 2-2.

2.3.2 T2000 Side

Check the relevant items on the T2000 to ensure that the T2000 is able to manage the equipment
in the network normally.
l The T2000 server and the T2000 client must be installed.
l The program of the T2000 server must start up normally.
l The communication between the T2000 and the gateway NE must be normal.

2.3.3 Document
Check whether the relevant documents are available to ensure that the correct configuration
information can be obtained quickly during the actual networking.
l The engineering planning information must be available.
l After you log in to the T2000 client, the online Help can be viewed by pressing the F1 key.
l The manuals related to the equipment and the OptiX iManager T2000 must be available.

2.4 Configuration Process

This topic describes how to configure the SDH/PDH services.

This topic only describes the procedures for configuring the SDH services on the T2000 and the precautions
to be taken. For more details, see the OptiX iManager T2000 Operation Guide for SDH of mapping version.

Procedures for configuring SDH services on the T2000 are listed as follows.

Table 2-2 Procedures for configuring SDH/PDH services

Procedure Operation

1 2.5 Logging in to the T2000

2 2.6 Creating an NE

3 2.7 Configuring Communication

4 2.8 Creating an NE User

5 2.9 Logging in to an NE

6 2.10 Creating a Board

7 2.11 Creating Fibers

8 2.12 Creating a Topology Subnet

9 2.13 Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring

10 2.14 Configuring the Clock

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Procedure Operation

11 2.15 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail Management


12 2.16 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Single Station

Configuration Function

13 2.17 Configuring Overhead Bytes

14 2.18 Enabling/Disabling Performance Monitoring

15 2.19 Setting Alarm Dumping Parameters

16 2.20 Configuring Automatic Laser Shutdown

17 2.21 Backing Up the NE Configuration Data

18 2.22 Backing Up the T2000 Configuration Data

2.5 Logging in to the T2000

The T2000 is the network management system of Huawei. The T2000 provides all the
management functions at the NE layer, which contain the fault management, performance
management, configuration management, security management, communication management,
topology management, and system management. In addition, the T2000 provides certain
management functions at the network layer. This topic describes how to log in to the T2000.

l The T2000 server and the T2000 client must start up and the server must operate normally.
l The user must know the user name and password.


l If the T2000 server and the T2000 client are installed in the same computer, when you log
in to the T2000, the IP address and port number of the T2000 server is
l If the T2000 server and the T2000 client are installed in different computers, when you log
in to the T2000, enter the actual IP address for the T2000 server. The port number is 9800.
l The server is set in common mode by default, and the SSL mode can be used as required.
The user does not need to enter the port number. After you select the mode, the system
automatically selects a corresponding port number. If the client and the server are installed
in different computers, set them to the same mode. Otherwise, you cannot log in to the T2000.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

Step 1 Double-click the T2000Client icon on the desktop to enter the Login interface.

Step 2 Enter the user information in the Login interface.

l User Name: admin
l Password: T2000

Step 3 Click , and click Add... in the displayed Server Setting dialog box.

Step 4 Enter the information of the server.

l IP Address:
l Port: 9800
l Mode: Common
l Server Name: T2000

Step 5 Click OK. Select the corresponding server, and then click OK.

By default, the name of the initial user of the T2000 is admin, and the password is T2000. To
ensure security, the administrator must change this password immediately after logging to the
system. The IP address of the server may be different from the IP address provided. Set the IP
address of the server according to the actual situation.

Step 6 Click Login. After the data loading is complete, the Main Topology of the T2000 is displayed.


2.6 Creating an NE
This topic describes how to create an NE on the T2000. To create an NE, you must search for
an NE or manually add an NE. Because the NE ID is unknown when the NE is initially
configured, searching for an NE to create it is commonly used.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

l The user must log in to the T2000, and the T2000 must be correctly connected to the
l You must be an NM user with "NM operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose File > Search for NE from the Main Menu. The Search for NE window is displayed.

Step 2 Click Add on the right of the Search Domain pane. The system displays the Input Search
Domain dialog box.

Step 3 Set the following parameters.

l Address Type: IP segment where the gateway NE resides
l Search Address:
l User Name: root
l Password: password

Repeat steps 2–3 to add several search domains. You can also delete the default search domain that is
provided by the system.
l If you search for an NE by IP address and the IP addresses of the T2000 and the gateway NE are in the
same network segment, select IP Address Range of GNE or IP Address of GNE.
l If the IP addresses of the T2000 and the gateway NE are in different network segments, select IP
address of GNE.
l If you search for an NE by NSAP address, select NSAP Address.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Click Start.

Step 6 After the required NEs are found, click Stop.

Step 7 Under Result, select the NEs to be added and then click Create. The system displays the Create
NE dialog box.

Step 8 Enter the required information in User Name and Password.


If several NEs need to be created at the same time, select All NEs use the same User and Password.

Step 9 Click OK. The icons of the created NEs are displayed on the Main Topology.


2.7 Configuring Communication

By default, an NE allows the T2000 to access it over the Ethernet network. This topic describes
how to configure the Ethernet access function of the NE on the T2000.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

l The user must log in to the T2000, and the T2000 must be correctly connected to the
l You must be an NM user with "NM maintainer" authority or higher.


When the Ethernet access control is enabled, the NE communication is reset.

Step 1 Right-click the NE1 icon on the Main Topology, and then choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 Select NE1 on the upper left pane, and then choose Communication > Access Control from
the Function Tree.
Step 3 Under Ethernet Access Control, set the network port to Enabled.

Step 4 Click Apply.


2.8 Creating an NE User

To control the access to an NE and the configuration for this NE, an NE user is assigned with
certain NE operation authority.

l The user must log in to the T2000, and the T2000 must be correctly connected to the
l You must be with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

There are five levels of user authority, namely, monitor, operation, maintenance, system, and
debug. These levels are in a ascending order of priority. A higher level user has the authority of
the lower level. For example, an operation level user has the authority of the monitor level, and

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-13

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

the highest level user has complete authority. Table 2-3 provides the authority pertaining to each

Table 2-3 NE user level and authority description

NE User Level Authority Description

Monitor level All query commands, login and logout, and modification to its own

Operation level All settings for fault and performance, certain security settings, and
certain configurations

Maintenance level Certain security settings, certain configurations, communication

settings, and log management

System level All security settings and all configurations

Debug level All security settings, all configurations, and all debugging

Different NE users are used to log in to different T2000 systems. Table 2-4 lists the NE user

Table 2-4 NE user flag description

NE User Flag Description

LCT NE user An NE user who manages NEs on the local craft terminal (LCT)

EMS NE user An NE user who manages NEs on the element management system
(EMS), that is, on the T2000

CMD NE user An NE user who manages NEs by using commands

General NE user An NE user who does not belong to any particular T2000 category

Step 1 Choose System > NE Security Management > NE User Management from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Select NEs 1–3 from the Object Tree on the left pane, and then click .

Step 3 Select NEs 1–3, and then click Add.

Step 4 Enter the following attributes of the newly added NE user: user name, user level, user flag,
password, and a detailed description of the new NE user. For example, create a unified NE user
T2000 for NEs 1–3, as shown in the following figure. The user name contains 4 to 16 characters.
The password contains 6 to 16 characters, including one letter and one numeral. For description
about the user level and priority, refer to Table 2-3. For description about the user flag, refer to
Table 2-4.

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Step 5 Click OK. After a dialog box prompting that the operation is successful is displayed, click


2.9 Logging in to an NE
One NE user cannot be used by multiple clients at the same time to log in to an NE or to manage
an NE. If a client logs in to the NE when the NE user is already in use by another client, the first
client who has logged in to the NE exits automatically.

l The NE user who needs to log in to an NE must be created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose System > NE Security Management > NE Login Management from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Select NEs 1–3 from the Object Tree on the left pane, and then click .

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Step 3 Select NEs 1–3, and then click Switch NE User.

Step 4 Enter the name and password of the NE user to be switched to. For example, switch the NE user
of NEs 1–3 to T2000.

Step 5 Click OK. After a dialog box prompting that the operation is successful is displayed, click


2.10 Creating a Board

To configure services on an NE and to manage an NE, first create a board.

2.10.1 Configuring a Board by Using the Configuration Wizard

This topic describes how to configure a board by using the configuration wizard. This method
is applicable to an NE that is not yet configured.
2.10.2 Configuring a Board Manually on the NE Panel
This topic describes how to configure a board on the NE panel. This method is applicable to an
NE that is already configured.

2.10.1 Configuring a Board by Using the Configuration Wizard

This topic describes how to configure a board by using the configuration wizard. This method
is applicable to an NE that is not yet configured.

l The NE must be installed and must work normally.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, double-click the NE1 icon to open the NE Configuration Wizard.
Step 2 Select Manual Configuration, and then click Next. A dialog box is displayed for confirmation.
Step 3 Confirm the NE attribute, and then click Next.
Step 4 Enter the NE panel. Click Query Physical Slot(s), and the board that is already installed on the
NE side is shown. Click Next.

Step 5 Select Verify and Run, and then click Finish to deliver the configuration data to the NE.
Step 6 Repeat steps 1–5 to configure NEs 2 and 3. Figure 2-3 shows the board information of each NE.


2.10.2 Configuring a Board Manually on the NE Panel

This topic describes how to configure a board on the NE panel. This method is applicable to an
NE that is already configured.

l The NE must be installed and must work normally.
l The NE must be already configured.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, double-click the NE1 icon to enter the NE panel.
Step 2 Right-click the slot where the board is added, and select the corresponding board. Configure the
Step 3 Click to exit the NE panel.
Step 4 Repeat steps 1–3 to configure NEs 2 and 3.


2.11 Creating Fibers

This topic describes how to create fibers on the T2000. After fibers are created, they are displayed
on the T2000.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

2.11.1 Creating Fibers Automatically

This topic describes how to search for and create fibers automatically. This method is applicable
to creating several fibers in batches.
2.11.2 Creating Fibers Manually
This topic describes how to create fibers manually. This method is applicable to creating a small
number of fibers.

2.11.1 Creating Fibers Automatically

This topic describes how to search for and create fibers automatically. This method is applicable
to creating several fibers in batches.

l The fibers between the equipment must be correctly connected. The boards that are
connected to the fibers must be created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, choose File > Search for Fiber/Cable.

Step 2 Select NEs 1–3 from the Object Tree on the left pane, and then click Search. A progress bar is
displayed to indicate the progress of the search.

Step 3 After the operation is complete, a dialog box is displayed, prompting that the operation is
successful. Click Close.

Step 4 Select one or several fibers from the Newly Searched Link pane and then click Create Fiber/


2.11.2 Creating Fibers Manually

This topic describes how to create fibers manually. This method is applicable to creating a small
number of fibers.

l The fibers between the equipment must be correctly connected. The boards that are
connected to the fibers must be created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.


Step 1 On the Main Topology, select from the shortcut icons and the cursor becomes " ".

Step 2 On the Main Topology, select the fiber source NE, that is, NE1. Then, select the source board
8-SL4D, and the source port 1.

Step 3 Select the fiber sink NE, that is, NE2. Then, select the sink board 8-SL4D and the sink port 1.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

Step 4 Set the attributes of the fiber in the Create Fiber/Cable dialog box, and then click OK.


If you click Apply in the Create Fiber/Cable dialog box after setting the attributes of a created fiber, you
can continue creating other fibers without repeating step 1.

Step 5 According to Figure 2-4, repeat steps 1–4 to create fiber connection among NEs.


2.12 Creating a Topology Subnet

A topology subnet is created for simplifying the GUI and has no impact on the running NEs. To
facilitate management, you can place topology objects that are in the same area of a network or
have similar attributes into the same subnet for display.

l The NEs must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.


The subnet created in this topic is only a topology concept. You can place the topology objects in a network
into a subnet for display.

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Step 1 On the Main Topology, right-click and choose New > Subnet, and the system displays the Add
Object dialog box.

Step 2 Click the Properties tab, and enter the subnet name OptiX OSN 500.

Step 3 Click the Select Object tab and select NEs 1–3 from the Available Objects column. Click
to add them into the Selected Objects column.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 After the subnet is created successfully, the icon is displayed on the Main Topology.

Step 6 Double-click or right-click the icon of this subnet, and then choose Enter. You can only enter
the topology view that contains this topology only. Right-click on this topology to choose Up
and you can enter the Main Topology that contains all topology objects.


2.13 Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring

In this example, NEs 1–3 form a two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring.

l The protection subnet to be created must be the same as the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

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Step 1 Choose Protection Subnet > Create SDH Protection Subnet > 2f_MS SPRing from the Main
Menu. The Create SDH Protection Subnet wizard is displayed.
Step 2 Set the following parameters in this wizard:
l Name: 2f_MS_SPRing_1
l Level: STM-4

Step 3 Double-click the icons of NEs 1–3 on the right topology view in turn, to add them into the
protection subnet. The Node Attributes parameter uses the default value MSP Node. Click
Step 4 Confirm the physical link information, and then click Finish.

Step 5 A dialog box is displayed, prompting that the protection subnet is created successfully.


2.14 Configuring the Clock

Configuring the parameters of the clock can realize synchronization and clock protection. This
topic describes how to configure a clock, including the configuration of the clock source priority
list, clock source restoration parameters, clock source switching conditions, and clock subnet
on the T2000.

2.14.1 Configuring a Clock Source Priority List

This topic describes how to configure a clock source priority list.
2.14.2 Configuring a Clock Subnet
This topic describes how to configure a clock subnet, including procedures and parameter setting.

2.14.1 Configuring a Clock Source Priority List

This topic describes how to configure a clock source priority list.

l To realize clock protection, at least two clock tracing sources must be configured.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, right-click the NE1 icon and choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 Select NE 1 on the upper left pane, and then choose Configuration > Clock > Clock Source
Priority from the Function Tree.

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Step 3 Click Create. In the Add Clock Source dialog box, select External Clock Source 1.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 Select External Clock Source 1. Use the default values for External Clock Source Mode and
Synchronous Status Byte.

In this example, set External Clock Source Mode and Synchronous Status Byte for NE1 only.

Step 6 Set External Clock Source 1 to the highest priority and then click Apply.

Select External Clock Source 1. Click to decrease the priority or to increase

the priority. The internal clock source has the lowest priority.

Step 7 Repeat steps 1–6 to set the clock tracing source and the clock priority list for NEs 2 and 3,
according to Figure 2-6.


2.14.2 Configuring a Clock Subnet

This topic describes how to configure a clock subnet, including procedures and parameter setting.

l To realize clock protection, at least two clock tracing sources must be configured.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network administrator" authority or higher.


In this example, because all the NEs belong to the same clock subnet and use the extended SSM protocol,
set the line ports with SSM output enabled and the line ports with clock ID enabled as all line ports.

Step 1 On the Main Topology, right-click the NE1 icon and choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 Select NE 1 on the upper left pane, and then choose Configuration > Clock > Clock Subnet
Step 3 Click the Clock Subnet tab and set the following parameters:
l Affiliated Subnet: 0
l Protection Status: Start Extended SSM Protocol
l Clock Source ID of Extended Clock Source 1: 1
l Clock Source ID of Internal Clock Source: 2

Step 4 Click Apply.

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In this example, only NE1 requires the setting of clock source ID.

Step 5 Click the Clock Quality tab, click the Clock Source Quality tab, and then set the Configuration
Quality parameter as follows:
l Configuration Quality of External Clock Source 1: Automatic Extraction
l Configuration Quality of Internal Clock Source: Automatic Extraction

Step 6 Click Apply.

Step 7 Click the SSM Output Control tab. Set the control status of line ports 8-SL4D-1 (SDH-1) and
8-SL4D-2 (SDH-2) to Enabled.

Step 8 Click Apply.

Step 9 Click the Clock ID Status tab. Set the enabled status of line ports 8-SL4D-1 (SDH-1) and 8-
SL4D-2 (SDH-2) to Enabled.

Step 10 Click Apply.

Step 11 Repeat steps 1–10 to set the parameters of the clock subnets for NEs 2 and 3.


2.15 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Trail

Management Function
The trail management function provides end-to-end service configuration between NEs. This
section describes how to configure SDH/PDH services and the server layer trail by using the
trail management function on the T2000.

On the T2000, SDH/PDH services can be configured through one of the following methods:

l Using the trail management function

l Using the single station configuration: This method is used to configure services on a single
NE in sequence. The service must be capable of being added to/dropped from the NEs at
the two ends and passed through the intermediate NEs.

You need to obtain the license for the trail management function. Otherwise, you can only use the station
configuration function.

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Before you configure the services, query the remaining available resources by choosing Report > TU Port
Resource Statistics .

2.15.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail

The VC-4 server layer trail is used to carry lower order services between NEs. Before configuring
the VC-12/VC-3 services, create the VC-4 server layer trail. You need not create a VC-4 server
layer trail for VC-4 services.
2.15.2 Creating a VC-12 Trail
This topic describes how to create a VC-12 trail, including the operations and parameter settings.

2.15.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail

The VC-4 server layer trail is used to carry lower order services between NEs. Before configuring
the VC-12/VC-3 services, create the VC-4 server layer trail. You need not create a VC-4 server
layer trail for VC-4 services.

l The preceding operations must be complete.
l The license for using the trail management function must be available.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose Trail > SDH Trail Creation from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Set the following parameters in the SDH Trail Creation window:
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC4 Server Trail
l Resources Usage Strategy: Protected Resource
l Protection Priority Strategy: Trail Protection First

Step 3 Select the source NE and sink NE. Double-click the NE in the topology view on the right, and
select the source NE NE1 and sink NE NE2. If you double-click the NE again, the selection is
cancelled. Alternatively, you can click Browse to select the source and sink NEs. The selected
source NE is marked as , and the selected sink NE is marked as .

Step 4 Click Set Route Timeslot, set Timeslot of the trail to 1, and then click OK. Select Auto-
Calculation, and Route Information is displayed in the route information table. The trail
marked with an arrow is displayed between the source NE and the sink NE in the topology view
on the right.

Step 5 Click the General Attributes tab, and set the following parameters:
l Name: NE1-NE2-VC4 Server Trail-0001
l Order No.: 1

Step 6 Select Activate the trail and Copy after Creation.

Step 7 Click Apply. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the creation of the trail is successful.
Click Close.

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Step 8 In the displayed Copy dialog box, set the following parameters and then click Add:
l Source: NE1-8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)-VC4:2
l Sink: NE2-8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)-VC4:2

Step 9 Select the Specify the start timeslot check box, and set it to 2. Set The start value of the trail
name suffix to 2.

Step 10 Select Activated. Click OK to create a VC-4 server layer trail.

Step 11 Repeat Steps 1–10 to create the VC-4 service trails for paths 1–2 between adjacent NEs: NE2
and NE3, and NE3 and NE1.


2.15.2 Creating a VC-12 Trail

This topic describes how to create a VC-12 trail, including the operations and parameter settings.

l The preceding operations must be complete.
l The license for using the trail management function must be available.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose Trail > SDH Trail Creation from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Set the following parameters in the SDH Trail Creation window:
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC12
l Resource Usage Strategy: Protected Resource.
l Protection Priority Strategy: Trail Protection First

Step 3 Select the source and the sink. See Figure 2-5 and create the service of each NE. Double-click
the icon of NE1 in the topology view on the right. In the Select Board Port-Source-NE1 dialog
box, click the SP3S board in slot 9 on the NE Panel. Select 1 for Port.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Double-click the icon of NE2 in the topology view on the right. In the Select Board Port-Sink-
NE2 dialog box, click the SP3S board in slot 9 on the NE Panel. Select 1 for Tributary Port.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Optional: Double-click the icon of NE3 in the topology view on the right to specify the backup
route provided by the system that does not pass through NE3. is displayed preceding NE3.
You can specify the route that should not be used to pass through a certain NE through this
method. This ensures that the routing direction conforms to the requirement. It is generally not

Step 8 Click Set Route Timeslot. When the Set Route Timeslot dialog box is displayed, click the
choice box under Timeslot to select timeslot 1[1-1-1] for the service on the VC-4.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Step 9 Click OK.

Step 10 Set the following parameters in the SDH Trail Creation window:
l Name: NE1-NE2-VC12-0001
l Order No.: 1

Step 11 Click the Activate the trail and Copy after Creation check boxes to enable the duplication of
the remaining eight E1 services from NE1 to NE2 after the creation of this E1 timeslot.

Step 12 Click Apply.

Step 13 In the displayed Copy dialog box, set the following parameters and then click Add:
l Source: NE1-9-SP3S-2(SDH_TU-2)–NE1-9-SP3S-8(SDH_TU-8)
l Sink: NE2-9-SP3S-2(SDH_TU-2)–NE2-9-SP3S-8(SDH_TU-8)

Step 14 Select the Select Timeslots/Port check box. Set the Specify the start timeslot of the eight E1s
on the VC4 to 2: 2-1-1. Set The start value of the trail name suffix to 2. Select Activated.

Step 15 Click OK.

Step 16 Repeat Steps 1–15 to create the E1 service from NE1 to NE3 and the E1 service from NE2 to


2.16 Configuring SDH/PDH Services by Using the Single

Station Configuration Function
This topic describes how to configure SDH/PDH services by using the single station
configuration function.

When using the single station configuration function to configure services, you need not configure the
VC-4 server layer trail. Instead, configure the cross-connections of services on NE1 to NE3 in turn. This
topic can be skipped if the SDH/PDH service has been configured by using the trail management function.

Before you configure the services, query the remaining available resources by choosing Report > TU Port
Resource Statistics .

l Before configuring add/drop services, configure bidirectional services from line boards to tributary
l Before configuring pass-through services, configure bidirectional services between line boards.

2.16.1 Creating Services on NE1

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE1.
2.16.2 Creating Services on NE2
This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE2.
2.16.3 Creating Services on NE3
This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE3.

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2.16.1 Creating Services on NE1

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE1.

l The preceding operations must be complete.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Step 1 Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 Select NE1 and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.
Click .
Step 3 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE1 to NE2: from ports 1 to 8 of the SP3S board
in slot 9 to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 on the SL4D board in slot 8. Click Create. Set the
following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE1 to NE3: from ports 9 to 16 of the SP3S
board in slot 9 to timeslots 9 to 16 of the first VC-4 on the SL4D board in slot 8. Click
Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Activate Immediately: Yes
Step 6 Click OK.

2.16.2 Creating Services on NE2

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE2.

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l The preceding operations must be complete.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.


Step 1 Click in NE Explorer and select the NE2 icon from the Object Tree. Then, click OK.

Step 2 Select NE2 and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.
Click .

Step 3 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE2 to NE1: from ports 1 to 8 of the SP3S board
in slot 9 to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 on the SL4D board in slot 8. Click Create. Set the
following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE2 to NE3: from ports 9 to 16 of the SP3S
board in slot 9 to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the second optical port on the SL4D board
in slot 8. Click Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 See Figure 2-5 and configure the E1 service from NE1 to NE3 so that it passes through NE2:
from timeslots 9 to 16 of the first VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D in slot 8 to timeslots
9 to 16 of the first VC-4 of the second optical port on the SL4D in slot 8. Click Create. Set the
following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12

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l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-1.
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Activate Immediately: Yes

Step 8 Click OK.


2.16.3 Creating Services on NE3

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the services on NE3.

l The preceding operations must be complete.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.


Step 1 Click in NE Explorer and select the NE3 icon from the Object Tree. Then, click OK.

Step 2 Select NE3 and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.
Click .
Step 3 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE3 to NE1: from ports 9 to 16 of the SP3S
board in slot 9 to timeslots 9 to 16 of the first VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D board
in slot 8. Click Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 9–16
l Activate Immediately: Yes

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 See Figure 2-5 and create the E1 services from NE3 to NE2: from ports 1 to 8 of the SP3S board
in slot 9 to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D board in slot
8. Click Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12

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l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 9-SP3S
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes

Step 6 Click OK.


2.17 Configuring Overhead Bytes

You need to set overhead bytes when maintaining or monitoring trails. This topic describes how
to configure overhead bytes on the T2000.

2.17.1 Configuring the RS Overhead J0

J0 is an RS trace byte. It is used to verify whether a section receiver is connected to the intended
transmitter. This topic describes how to configure the J0 byte on the T2000.
2.17.2 Configuring the Tracing Byte J1
The J1 byte allows a receiving terminal to verify whether its connection to the intended
transmitting terminal is intact. This topic describes how to configure the J1 byte on the T2000.
2.17.3 Configuring the Signal Flag Byte C2
The C2 byte specifies the multiplex structure and the service type such as PDH or ATM. This
topic describes how to configure the C2 byte on the T2000.

2.17.1 Configuring the RS Overhead J0

J0 is an RS trace byte. It is used to verify whether a section receiver is connected to the intended
transmitter. This topic describes how to configure the J0 byte on the T2000.

l Trails must be created and activated.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Step 1 Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select 8-SL4D from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Overhead Management >
Regenerator Section Overhead from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Double-click J0 to be Sent([Mode]Content). Set Input in Text Format, Byte Mode, and
Input Mode for overhead bytes.

Step 4 Click OK.

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Step 5 Double-click J0 to be Received([Mode]Content). Set Input in Text Format, Byte Mode, and
Input Mode for overhead bytes.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Click Query to query J0 Received(Content).


2.17.2 Configuring the Tracing Byte J1

The J1 byte allows a receiving terminal to verify whether its connection to the intended
transmitting terminal is intact. This topic describes how to configure the J1 byte on the T2000.

l Trails must be created and activated.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information

The VC-3/VC-4/VC-12 tracing byte J1 can be queried or set only after the VC-3/VC-4 cross-connection
is created.

Step 1 Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select 8-SL4D from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Overhead Management >
VC4 Path Overhead from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Click the Tracing byte J1 tab. Double-click J1 to be Sent([Mode]Content). Set Input in Text
Format, Byte Mode, and Input Mode for overhead bytes.

Step 4 Click OK.

Step 5 Double-click J1 to be Received([Mode]Content). Set Input in Text Format, Byte Mode, and
Input Mode for overhead bytes.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Click Query to query J1 Received([Mode]Content).


2.17.3 Configuring the Signal Flag Byte C2

The C2 byte specifies the multiplex structure and the service type such as PDH or ATM. This
topic describes how to configure the C2 byte on the T2000.

l Trails must be created and activated.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

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Background Information

l The C2 byte of this VC-3/VC-4 be set or queried only when cross-connections at the VC-3/VC-4 level
are created.
l The T2000 processes the write/read attributes of overhead bytes in the extended mode or general mode.
In the extended mode, the T2000 can process the write/read attributes of overhead bytes to a greater
extent. Set the C2 byte only after the mode is set to the extended mode.

Step 1 Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select 8-SL4D from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Overhead Management >
VC4 Path Overhead from the Function Tree.

Step 3 Click the Signal Flag C2 tab and click Options. Set the mode to Extended Mode in the dialog
box that is displayed. Click OK.

Step 4 Click Query to query C2 Received.

Step 5 Set C2 to be Sent and C2 to be Received. Click OK in the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 6 Click Apply.


2.18 Enabling/Disabling Performance Monitoring

The performance parameters are used to monitor the equipment and analyze the network. This
topic describes how to enable or disable the performance monitoring function on the T2000.

Background Information

Normally, all performance parameters are set to the default values. Hence, you only need to start the
performance monitoring. You can also set the performance parameters as required.

Step 1 Choose Configuration > NE Time Synchronixation from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Select NE1 to NE3 from the Object Tree and click .

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Step 3 Set Synchronous Mode of each NE to NM.

Step 4 Click Apply.
Step 5 Select NE1 to NE3 and right-click to select Synchronize with NM Time. Click Yes in the dialog
box displayed.
Step 6 A dialog box is displayed, indicating that synchronization is successful. Click Close.
Step 7 Choose Performance > NE Performance Monitoring Time from the Main Menu.

Step 8 Select NE1 and click . Set the following parameters:

l Set 15-Minute Monitoring: Enabled
l Set 24-Hour Monitoring: Enabled
l From: Set as required and make sure that the time is later than the current time of the NM
and NE.

Step 9 Click Apply.

Step 10 Repeat Steps 7–9 to set performance parameters for NE2 and NE3.

2.19 Setting Alarm Dumping Parameters

To prevent the alarm data from overflowing or to prevent damage to the alarm data, you need
to dump the alarm data in a timely manner.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information

Normally, all alarm parameters except Alarm Data are set to the default values. You can also set alarm
parameters depending on the actual situations. For details, see the setction on alarm setting in the OptiX
T2000 online Help.

Step 1 Choose System > Database > Dump Settings.
Step 2 Select Alarm Data in the Dump Settings dialog box. Set the record types that need be dumped
periodically. Normally, set Periodic dump to Yes, set Dump interval (days) and Keep the
records of the latest to the default values. You can also set the parameters according to the
actual network situation. Set the other parameters to the default values.

Step 3 Click OK.


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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

2.20 Configuring Automatic Laser Shutdown

When the laser detects the LOS signal, the automatic laser shutdown (ALS) is performed to
automatically shut down the laser of the transmit port at the local end, thus to prolong the life
of the laser.

l You must log in to the T2000, and the T2000 must be correctly connected to the equipment.
l You must be a T2000 user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Right-click the NE1 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select 8-SL4D from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Automatic Laser
Shutdown from the Function Tree. For a detailed description of the parameters for configuring
the ALS, refer to Table 2-5.

Step 3 Set the Automatic Shutdown parameter to Enabled. Set the other parameters to the default

Step 4 Click Apply.


Parameter Description
For a detailed description of the parameters for configuring the ALS, refer to Table 2-5.

Table 2-5 Description of the parameters for configuring the ALS

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Automatic Enabled, Disabled Sets whether to automatically shut

Shutdown Disabled down the laser. You can set the start
time, shutdown time, and
constantly-on period only when
automatic shutdown is set to

On Period (ms) 0–655350 2000 The time to start the laser

automatically to test whether the
fiber is normal after the laser is shut

Off Period (ms) 0–655350 60000 The time for auto laser shutdown.

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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Continuously 0–655350 90000 The time to start the laser manually

On-test Period to test whether the fiber is normal
(ms) after the laser is shut down.

2.21 Backing Up the NE Configuration Data

To prevent data loss, back up the NE configuration data after the configuration is complete. This
topic describes how to back up the NE configuration data on the T2000.

You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.


Ensure that no abnormal alarm or performance event is generated before backing up the NE database.

Step 1 Choose Configuration > Configuration Data Management from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Select NE1 to NE3 from the Object Tree on the left and click .

Step 3 Select NE1 to NE3 from the Configuration Data Management list and choose Back Up NE
Database > Backup to SCC . Click Yes in the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 4 A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the backup is successful. Click Close.


2.22 Backing Up the T2000 Configuration Data

To prevent data loss, back up the T2000 configuration data after the configuration is complete.
This topic describes the immediate data backup and periodic data backup procedures on the

2.22.1 Immediate Backup

This topic describes how to back up the T2000 configuration data on the T2000.
2.22.2 Periodic Backup
This topic describes how toback up the T2000 configuration data periodically on the T2000.

2.22.1 Immediate Backup

This topic describes how to back up the T2000 configuration data on the T2000.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

l After the configuration, check whether abnormal any alarms or performance events are
generated before performing the following operations.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information

The default password of the T2000 superuser admin is T2000. The password of the superuser should be
modified after the T2000 system is installed.

Step 1 Optional: Choose File > Log Out from the Main Menu. Click OK in the dialog box that is

Step 2 Optional: Enter the following information in the Login interface:

l User: admin
l Password: T2000

If the login user is admin, start from Step 3.

Step 3 Choose System > NMS Security Settings > Single User Mode from the Main Menu. Click
OK in the subsequent prompt.

When Single User Mode is chosen, the users other than admin are forcibly logged out.

Step 4 Choose System > Database > Database Backup from the Main Menu. Click Backup and the
system backs up the NM database to the selected directory immediately.


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Configuration Guide 2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services

2.22.2 Periodic Backup

This topic describes how toback up the T2000 configuration data periodically on the T2000.

l After the configuration, check whether abnormal any alarms or performance events are
generated before performing the following operations.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information

The default password of the T2000 superuser admin is T2000. The password of the superuser should be
modified after the T2000 system is installed.

Step 1 Optional: Choose File > Log Out from the Main Menu. Click OK in the subsequent prompt.
Step 2 Optional: Enter the following information in the Login interface:
l User: admin
l Password: T2000

If the login user is admin, start from Step 3.

Step 3 Choose System > NMS Security Settings > Single User Mode from the Main Menu. Click
OK in the subsequent prompt.

When Single User Mode is chosen, the users other than admin are forcibly logged out.

Step 4 Choose System > Schedule Task Management from the Main Menu. Click OK in the
subsequent prompt.
Step 5 Click New. Set Task Name to Backup periodically in the Task Creation Wizard dialog box.
Step 6 Click Next and confirm the backup directory at the server side. Click Next.
Step 7 Set Running period to Weekly and click Next.

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2 Configuring SDH/PDH Services Configuration Guide

Step 8 Click Finish. Then the system backs up the T2000 database to the selected directory periodically
according to the backup period.


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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

3 Configuring Services in Different Protection


About This Chapter

This topic describes service configuration methods in different protection schemes.


For information on the configuration of an MSP ring, see 2.13 Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP

3.1 Configuring SNCP Services

SNCP provides subnet connection protection for the services. This topic describes how to
configure SNCP services.
3.2 Configuring 1:1 Linear MSP
This topic describes how to create 1:1 linear MSP.
3.3 Configuring 1+1 Linear MSP
This topic describes how to create 1+1 linear MSP.
3.4 Configuring Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection
This topic describes how to configure fiber-shared virtual trail protection.
3.5 Configuring a Non-Protection Chain
This topic describes how to configure a non-protection chain.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-1

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

3.1 Configuring SNCP Services

SNCP provides subnet connection protection for the services. This topic describes how to
configure SNCP services.

l The created protection subnet must be consistent with the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
Figure 3-1 shows the networking diagram.

Figure 3-1 Networking diagram

NE1 (A)

30 km
40 km

STM-4 two-fiber
NE2 (B) NE3 (C)
bidirectional ring

35 km

Figure 3-2 shows the timeslot allocation between NEs.

Figure 3-2 Timeslot allocation diagram

Timeslot 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-2

1#VC4 t9:1-8 t9:1-8



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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

Step 1 Configure the services on NE1.
1. Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .
3. See Figure 3-2 and configure the SNCP services from NE1 to NE2 so that they are dually
fed from NE1. Click Create SNCP Service and set the following parameters in the Create
SNCP Service dialog box:
l Service Type: SNCP
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC12
l Revertive Mode: Non-Revertive
l Source Slot for Working Service: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source for Working Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Working Service: 1–8
l Source Slot for Protection Service: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Source for Protection Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Protection Service: 1–8
l Sink Slot: 9-SP3S
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Set the other parameters to the default values.
4. Select the Activate Immediately check box and click OK.

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

Step 2 Create the services on NE2.

1. Right-click the NE2 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .
3. See Figure 3-2 and configure the SNCP services from NE1 to NE2 so that they are
selectively received at NE2. Click Create SNCP Service and set the following parameters
in the Create SNCP Service dialog box:
l Service Type: SNCP
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC12
l Revertive Mode: Non-Revertive
l Source Slot for Working Service: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source for Working Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Working Service: 1–8
l Source Slot for Protection Service: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Source for Protection Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Protection Service: 1–8
l Sink Slot: 9-SP3S
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8

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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

4. Select the Activate Immediately check box and click OK.

Step 3 Create the services on NE3.

1. Right-click the NE3 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .
3. See Figure 3-2 and configure the E1 service from NE1 to NE2 so that it passes through at
NE3: from timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D in slot 8
to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the second optical port on the SL4D in slot 8. Click
Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-1.
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes
4. Click OK.


3.2 Configuring 1:1 Linear MSP

This topic describes how to create 1:1 linear MSP.

l The created protection subnet must be consistent with the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
Figure 3-3 shows the networking diagram.

Figure 3-3 Networking diagram


1:1 linear MSP chain

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

Step 1 Choose Protection Subnet > Create SDH Protection Subnet > M:N linear MSP from the
Main Menu.

Step 2 Click OK in the dialog box that is displayed.

Step 3 Set the following parameters in the Wizard for Creating M:N Linear MSP Chain:
l Name: 1:N_MSP_1
l Level: STM-4

Step 4 Double-click the NE1 and NE2 icons in turn in the topology view on the right to add them to
the protection subnet. Click Next.

Step 5 Confirm the link information and click Finish.

Step 6 A dialog box is displayed indicating that the protection subnet is successfully created. Click


3.3 Configuring 1+1 Linear MSP

This topic describes how to create 1+1 linear MSP.

l The created protection subnet must be consistent with the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
Figure 3-4 shows the networking diagram.

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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

Figure 3-4 Networking diagram


1+1 linear MSP chain

Step 1 Choose Protection Subnet > Create SDH Protection Subnet > 1+1 linear MSP from the
Main Menu. The Wizard for Creating 1+1 Linear MSP Chain window is displayed.
Step 2 Set the following parameters in the Wizard for Creating 1+1 Linear MSP Chain:
l Name: Linear 1+1_MSP_1
l Level: STM-4
l Revertive Mode: Non-Revertive
l Switching Mode: Single-Ended Switching

Step 3 Double-click the NE1 and NE2 icons in turn in the topology view on the right to add them to
the protection subnet. Click Next.
Step 4 Confirm the link information and click Finish.

Step 5 A dialog box is displayed indicating that the protection subnet is successfully created.


3.4 Configuring Fiber-Shared Virtual Trail Protection

This topic describes how to configure fiber-shared virtual trail protection.

l The created protection subnet must be consistent with the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
Figure 3-5 shows the networking diagram. An SNCP service is added on an STM-4 two-fiber
bidirectional MSP ring. Hence, the SNCP service is provided with MSP and SNCP.

Figure 3-5 Networking diagram

NE1 (A)

30 km
40 km

STM-4 two-fiber bidirectional

NE2 (B) MSP ring/SNCP NE3 (C)

35 km

Figure 3-6 shows the timeslot allocation between NEs.

Figure 3-6 Timeslot allocation diagram

Timeslot 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-2

1#VC4 t9:1-8 t9:1-8



Step 1 For information on the configuration of an STM-4 two-fiber bidirectional MSP ring, see 2.13
Creating a Two-Fiber Bidirectional MSP Ring.

Step 2 Create the SNCP service (from NE1 to NE2) on NE1.

1. Right-click an NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .

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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

3. See Figure 3-6 and configure the SNCP services from NE1 to NE2 so that they are dually
fed from NE1. Click Create SNCP Service and set the following parameters in the Create
SNCP Service dialog box:
l Service Type: SNCP
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC12
l Hold-off Time(100 ms): 1
l Revertive Mode: Non-Revertive
l Source Slot for Working Service: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source for Working Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Working Service: 1–8
l Source Slot for Protection Service: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Source for Protection Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Protection Service: 1–8
l Sink Slot: 9-SP3S
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8

In the case of fiber-shared virtual trail protection, set the hold-off time at the node that selectively
receives the SNCP service to 100 ms to prevent an SNCP switching when an MSP switching is
4. Select the Activate Immediately check box and click OK.

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

Step 3 Create the services on NE2.

1. Right-click the NE2 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .
3. See Figure 3-6 and configure the SNCP services from NE1 to NE2 so that they are
selectively received at NE2. Click Create SNCP Service and set the following parameters
in the Create SNCP Service dialog box:
l Service Type: SNCP
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Level: VC12
l Hold-off Time(100 ms): 1
l Revertive Mode: Non-Revertive
l Source Slot for Working Service: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source for Working Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Working Service: 1–8
l Source Slot for Protection Service: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Source for Protection Service: VC4-1
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g.1,3-6) for Protection Service: 1–8
l Sink Slot: 9-SP3S

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Configuration Guide 3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes

l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8

4. Select the Activate Immediately check box and click OK.

Step 4 Create the services on NE3.

1. Right-click the NE3 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree. Then,
click .
3. See Figure 3-6 and configure the E1 service from NE1 to NE2 so that it passes through at
NE3: from timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D in slot 8
to timeslots 1 to 8 of the first VC-4 of the second optical port on the SL4D in slot 8. Click
Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-1.
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Sink VC4: VC4-1
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–8
l Activate Immediately: Yes
4. Click OK.


3.5 Configuring a Non-Protection Chain

This topic describes how to configure a non-protection chain.

l The created protection subnet must be consistent with the actual topology.
l The NEs, boards, and fibers must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network maintainer" authority or higher.

Background Information
Figure 3-7 shows the networking diagram.

Figure 3-7 Networking diagram


Unprotected chain

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3 Configuring Services in Different Protection Schemes Configuration Guide

Step 1 Choose Protection Subnet > Create SDH Protection Subnet > NP Chain from the Main
Menu. Then, the Wizard for Creating Chain Without Protection is displayed.
Step 2 Set the following parameter in the Wizard for Creating Chain Without Protection:
l Name: NP_Chain_1
l Level: STM-4

Step 3 Double-click the NE1 and NE2 icons in turn in the topology view on the right to add them to
the protection subnet. Click Next.

Step 4 Confirm the link information and click Finish.

Step 5 A dialog box is displayed indicating that the protection subnet is successfully created. Click


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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

4 Configuring Ethernet Services

About This Chapter

This topic describes how to configure Ethernet private line (EPL) services on the T2000.

4.1 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the Trail Function

The point-to-point EPL services execute point-to-point interconnected services that cannot share
the SDH bandwidth. You can configure the point-to-point EPL services on the T2000 by using
the trail function or by using the single station function. This topic describes how to configure
the point-to-point EPL services by using the trail function. The trail function can be used to
configure end-to-end services.
4.2 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the Single Station Function
The point-to-point EPL services execute point-to-point interconnected services that cannot share
the SDH bandwidth. You can configure the point-to-point EPL services on the T2000 by using
the trail function or by using the single station function. This topic describes how to configure
the point-to-point EPL services by using the single station function.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

4.1 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the

Trail Function
The point-to-point EPL services execute point-to-point interconnected services that cannot share
the SDH bandwidth. You can configure the point-to-point EPL services on the T2000 by using
the trail function or by using the single station function. This topic describes how to configure
the point-to-point EPL services by using the trail function. The trail function can be used to
configure end-to-end services.

4.1.1 Engineering Requirements

The completely isolated data services of two companies at a station must be transported to
another station through the multi-service transport platform (MSTP) equipment.
4.1.2 Engineering Planning
The engineering design department conducts planning based on the preceding requirements and
the engineering information described in Chapter 1, and outputs the engineering information
mentioned in this topic.
4.1.3 Configuration Process
This topic describes how to configure the point-to-point EPL services by using the trail function
on the T2000.
4.1.4 Creating a Trunk Link
This topic describes how to create a trunk link when a point-to-point EPL service is configured
by using the trail function, including the configuration steps and the parameter setting.
4.1.5 Creating an EPL Trail
This topic describes how to create EPL trail when a point-to-point EPL service is configured by
using the trail function, including the configuration steps and the parameter setting.

4.1.1 Engineering Requirements

The completely isolated data services of two companies at a station must be transported to
another station through the multi-service transport platform (MSTP) equipment.

As described in Chapter 1, Ethernet services need to be added. The requirements of Ethernet

services are as follows:

l The two companies A and B at NE1 must transmit data services to NE3 through the MSTP
l The services of companies A and B must be isolated completely.
l Company A requires a 10 Mbit/s bandwidth, and company B requires a 20 Mbit/s
l Companies A and B must provide the 10M/100M autosensing Ethernet electrical interfaces
for the interconnection with the MSTP.

4.1.2 Engineering Planning

The engineering design department conducts planning based on the preceding requirements and
the engineering information described in Chapter 1, and outputs the engineering information
mentioned in this topic.

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

l Networking diagram
l Board information of each NE
l Service configuration diagram of each NE
l Timeslot allocation diagram

Networking Diagram
Figure 4-1 shows the Ethernet service networking and port allocation.

Figure 4-1 Ethernet service networking and port allocation





STM-4 two-fiber
NE2 bidirectional MSP ring




Board Information of Each NE

The ISU board that provides Ethernet ports needs to be added according to the added service
type and traffic volume. NE1, NE2, and NE3 are configured with the ISU boards that provide
the Ethernet ports as shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 Board information of each NE

Extended slot Extended slot


Auxiliary port 8xFE 2xSTM-4 21xE1

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Service Configuration Diagram of Each NE

Figure 4-3shows the service configuration diagram of NE1 and NE3.

Figure 4-3 Service configuration diagram


VC4-4:VC12-1~VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-1~VC12-5
VC4-4:VC12-6~VC12-15 VC4-4:VC12-6~VC12-15



l The ISU board integrates the SCC unit, cross-connect unit, clock unit, tributary unit, line unit, and data
transparent transmission unit. The Ethernet unit is displayed as the EFT8.
l On the EFT8, only VC4-4 can bind VC-12 paths and VC4-1 to VC4-4 can bind VC-3 paths.
l One VC-4 can be used to bind paths of only the VC-12 or VC-3 level.

Table 4-1 lists the mapping relation of Ethernet service connection.

Table 4-1 Ethernet service connection

Item A B

Source NE NE1

Source board-port 7-EFT8-1 7-EFT8-2

Source timeslot range VC4-4:VC12-1–VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-6–VC12-15


Bound bandwidth 5xVC-12 10xVC-12

Working mode of source Auto negotiation Auto negotiation


Sink NE NE3

Sink board - port 7-EFT8-1 7-EFT8-2

Sink timeslot range VC4-4:VC12-1–VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-6–VC12-15


Bound bandwidth 5xVC-12 10xVC-12

Working mode of sink Auto negotiation Auto negotiation


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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 4-4 shows the SDH timeslot allocation.

Figure 4-4 SDH timeslot allocation for Ethernet services

Station NE1
Timeslot 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-2


7-EFT8:VC4-4: 7-EFT8:VC4-4:
VC12:1-15 VC12:1-15


4.1.3 Configuration Process

This topic describes how to configure the point-to-point EPL services by using the trail function
on the T2000.

Ethernet service can be created by using the trail function or by using the single station function. If you
purchase the license with trail management function, you can create Ethernet service by using the trail
function. Otherwise, you can only create Ethernet service by using the single station function.

Table 4-2 provides the process of creating point-to-point EPL service on the T2000.

Table 4-2 Process of configuring point-to-point EPL services (by trail)

Proce Operation Remarks


1 Creating a server trail See 2.15.1 Creating a VC-4 Server Trail.

2 Creating a trunk link -

3 Creating an EPL trail -

4.1.4 Creating a Trunk Link

This topic describes how to create a trunk link when a point-to-point EPL service is configured
by using the trail function, including the configuration steps and the parameter setting.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The license that supports the trial function must be available.

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

l The fibers and the protection subnet must be created.

l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose Trail > Trunk Link Creation from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Set Bandwidth to 5xVC12 in the Trunk Link Creation interface.

Step 3 Click Browse. Select the source NE (NE1). Select the EFT8 board, select 1 for VCTRUNK
Port, and then select VC4:2-VC12(1)–VC4:2-VC12(5) for Available Timeslot. Click OK.

Step 4 Click Browse. Select the source NE (NE3). Select the EFT8 board, select 1 for VCTRUNK
Port, and then select VC4:2-VC12(1)–VC4:2-VC12(5) for Available Timeslot. Click OK.

Step 5 Select the Activate the trail check box, and adopt the default settings for other parameters.

Step 6 Click Apply to create the trunk link from NE1 to NE3 of user A.

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

Step 7 Repeat Steps 2–6 to create the trunk link from NE1 to NE3 of user B.


4.1.5 Creating an EPL Trail

This topic describes how to create EPL trail when a point-to-point EPL service is configured by
using the trail function, including the configuration steps and the parameter setting.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The license that supports the trial function must be available.
l The fibers and the protection subnet must be created.
l The trunk link must be created on the T2000.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Creation > EPL Creation from the Main Menu.

Step 2 Set the following source parameters in the displayed window:

l Port Usage Strategy: Port
l Click Browse. Select NE1 and select a proper source line port PORT1.

Step 3 Set the sink parameters as follows:

l Port Usage Strategy: Port
l Click Browse. Select NE3 and select a proper source line port PORT1.

Step 4 Select Use Existing Trunk Links for Trunk Link Route Strategy. Select Trunk_Link-0001
with a bandwidth of 5xVC12.

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Step 5 Click Next. Set port attributes of NE1 and NE3 in the displayed interface:
l Port Enabled for PORT1: Enabled
l Enabling LCAS for VCTRUNK1: Enabled

Step 6 Click Finish.

Step 7 Repeat Steps 2–6 to create the EPL service from NE1 to NE3 of user B.


4.2 Configuring Point-to-Point EPL Services by Using the

Single Station Function
The point-to-point EPL services execute point-to-point interconnected services that cannot share
the SDH bandwidth. You can configure the point-to-point EPL services on the T2000 by using
the trail function or by using the single station function. This topic describes how to configure
the point-to-point EPL services by using the single station function.

4.2.1 Engineering Requirements

The completely isolated data services of two companies at a station must be transported to
another station through the multi-service transport platform (MSTP) equipment.
4.2.2 Engineering Planning
The engineering design department conducts planning based on the preceding requirements and
the engineering information described in Chapter 1, and outputs the engineering information
mentioned in this topic.
4.2.3 Configuration Process
This topic describes how to configure point-to-point EPL services on the T2000, by using the
single station function.
4.2.4 Configuring the Data of NE1
This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE1.
4.2.5 Configuring the Data of NE2
This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE2.
4.2.6 Configuring the Data of NE3
This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE3.

4.2.1 Engineering Requirements

The completely isolated data services of two companies at a station must be transported to
another station through the multi-service transport platform (MSTP) equipment.

As described in Chapter 1, Ethernet services need to be added. The requirements of Ethernet

services are as follows:

l The two companies A and B at NE1 must transmit data services to NE3 through the MSTP
l The services of companies A and B must be isolated completely.
l Company A requires a 10 Mbit/s bandwidth, and company B requires a 20 Mbit/s

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OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

l Companies A and B must provide the 10M/100M autosensing Ethernet electrical interfaces
for the interconnection with the MSTP.

4.2.2 Engineering Planning

The engineering design department conducts planning based on the preceding requirements and
the engineering information described in Chapter 1, and outputs the engineering information
mentioned in this topic.
l Networking diagram
l Board information of each NE
l Service configuration diagram of each NE
l Timeslot allocation diagram

Networking Diagram
Figure 4-5 shows the Ethernet service networking and port allocation.

Figure 4-5 Ethernet service networking and port allocation





STM-4 two-fiber
NE2 bidirectional MSP ring




Board Information of Each NE

The ISU board that provides Ethernet ports needs to be added according to the added service
type and traffic volume. NE1, NE2, and NE3 are configured with the ISU boards that provide
the Ethernet ports as shown in Figure 4-6.

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Figure 4-6 Board information of each NE

Extended slot Extended slot


Auxiliary port 8xFE 2xSTM-4 21xE1

Service Configuration Diagram of Each NE

Figure 4-7shows the service configuration diagram of NE1 and NE3.

Figure 4-7 Service configuration diagram


VC4-4:VC12-1~VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-1~VC12-5
VC4-4:VC12-6~VC12-15 VC4-4:VC12-6~VC12-15



l The ISU board integrates the SCC unit, cross-connect unit, clock unit, tributary unit, line unit, and data
transparent transmission unit. The Ethernet unit is displayed as the EFT8.
l On the EFT8, only VC4-4 can bind VC-12 paths and VC4-1 to VC4-4 can bind VC-3 paths.
l One VC-4 can be used to bind paths of only the VC-12 or VC-3 level.

Table 4-3 lists the mapping relation of Ethernet service connection.

Table 4-3 Ethernet service connection

Item A B

Source NE NE1

Source board-port 7-EFT8-1 7-EFT8-2

Source timeslot range VC4-4:VC12-1–VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-6–VC12-15


Bound bandwidth 5xVC-12 10xVC-12

Working mode of source Auto negotiation Auto negotiation


Sink NE NE3

Sink board - port 7-EFT8-1 7-EFT8-2

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

Item A B

Sink timeslot range VC4-4:VC12-1–VC12-5 VC4-4:VC12-6–VC12-15


Bound bandwidth 5xVC-12 10xVC-12

Working mode of sink Auto negotiation Auto negotiation


Timeslot Allocation Diagram

Figure 4-8 shows the SDH timeslot allocation.

Figure 4-8 SDH timeslot allocation for Ethernet services

Station NE1
Timeslot 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-1 8-SL4D-2 8-SL4D-2


7-EFT8:VC4-4: 7-EFT8:VC4-4:
VC12:1-15 VC12:1-15


4.2.3 Configuration Process

This topic describes how to configure point-to-point EPL services on the T2000, by using the
single station function.

This topic describes the procedures and precautions for configuring Ethernet services on the T2000. For
details, refer to the OptiX iManager T2000 Operation Guide for SDH.

Table 4-4 lists the procedures for configuring the point-to-point EPL service on the T2000.

Table 4-4 Process of point-to-point EPL service configuration (by station)

Procedur Operation Remarks


1 Creating a board For details, see 2.10 Creating a Board.

2 Configuring port attributes of the Required

Ethernet board and bound paths

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Procedur Operation Remarks


3 Creating a cross-connection Required

between the Ethernet board and the
line board

4.2.4 Configuring the Data of NE1

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE1.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The fibers and the protection subnet must be created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 The Ethernet external ports must be configured.
1. Right-click the NE1 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Select 7-EFT8 from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface . Click .
3. Choose External Port > Basic Attributes and set the parameters of PORT1 and PORT2
as follows:
l Enabled/Disabled: Enabled
l Working Mode: Auto-Negotiation
l Maximum Frame Length: Set it according to the connected Ethernet equipment, and
adopt the default value of 1522 in normal cases.
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.

4. Click Apply.

Step 2 Configure Ethernet internal ports as follows:

1. Choose Internal Port > Encapsulation/Mapping and set the parameters as follows:
l Mapping Protocol: GFP
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.
2. Click Apply.

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

3. Click the LCAS tab and set the attributes of VCTRUNK1 and VCTRUNK2:
l Enabling LCAS: Enabled
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.

Ensure that the LCAS mode at the local NE is the same as the LCAS mode at the opposite NE.
l If the Huawei equipment is used at the local and the opposite stations, select Huawei Mode.
l If the Huawei equipment interconnects with the equipment from other vendors, select Standard
Mode for the equipment at the local and opposite ends.
l If the equipment from other vendors does not support Standard Mode, select Huawei Mode.
4. Click Apply.
Step 3 Configure bound paths as follows:
1. Click the Bound Path tab in the Internal Port page.
2. Click Configuration. Then, the Bound Path Configuration dialog box is displayed.
3. To set bound paths for VCTRUNK1, set the following parameters in the dialog box:
l Level: VC12-xv
l Service Direction: Bidirectional
l Available Resources: VC4-4
l Available Timeslots: VC12-1–VC12-5

4. Click .
5. To set a bound path for VCTRUNK2, set the following parameters in the dialog box:
l Level: VC12-xv
l Service Direction: Bidirectional
l Available Resources: VC4-4
l Available Timeslots: VC12-6–VC12-15

6. Click .
7. Click OK.

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Step 4 Configure the cross-connections from the Ethernet boards to the SDH line boards.
1. Select NE1 from the Object Tree.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.
3. Click Create, and the Create SDH Service dialog box is displayed.
4. See Figure 4-8 and set the following parameters in the dialog box.
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 7-EFT8-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-4.
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-4
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Activate Immediately: Yes

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

5. Click OK.



Table 4-5 Description of the configuration parameters of basic attributes

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Enabled/ Enabled, Disabled Sets the enabled or disabled state of

Disabled Disabled the port. "Enabled" means that this
port is allowed to access the
services. "Disabled" means that this
port is not allowed to access the

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Working Mode Auto- Auto- The auto-negotiation mode is

Negotiation Negotiation recommended, because it can
10M Full- automatically detect the best
Duplex working mode to combine a port
and its interconnected port. Hence it
100M Full- facilitates maintenance.
During the configuration, make
sure that working modes of the
connected ports are consistent. If
the working modes are different, the
services are unavailable.

Maximum 1518–1535 1522 Also called the maximum

Packet Length transmitted unit (MTU).

MAC Loopback Non-Loopback, Non-Loopback Sets the loopback state at the MAC
Inloop, Outloop layer.

PHY Loopback Non-Loopback, Non-Loopback Sets the loopback state at the PHY
Inloop layer.

Table 4-6 Description of the configuration parameters of bound paths

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Configurable VCTRUNKn VCTRUNK1 Select the value according to the

Ports actual service requirement.

Level VC3-xv - Indicates the level of VCTRUNK-

VC12-xv bound path.

Direction Bidirectional Bidirectional Indicates the direction of the

Uplink service.

Available - - Indicates the available paths.


Available - - Indicates the available timeslots.


4.2.5 Configuring the Data of NE2

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE2.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

l The fibers and the protection subnet must be created.

l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Right-click the NE2 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 See Figure 4-8 and configure the service from NE1 to NE3 so that it passes through NE2: from
timeslots 1 to 15 of the forth VC-4 of the first optical port on the SL4D in slot 8 to timeslots 1
to 15 of the forth VC-4 of the second optical port on the SL4D in slot 8.
Step 3 Click Create. Set the following parameters in the Create SDH Service dialog box:
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-4.
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-2(SDH-2)
l Sink VC4: VC4-4
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Activate Immediately: Yes

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

Step 4 Click OK.


4.2.6 Configuring the Data of NE3

This topic uses an example to describe how to configure the data of NE3.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The fibers and the protection subnet must be created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

Step 1 Configure the Ethernet ports as follows:
1. Right-click the NE3 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
2. Select 7-EFT8 from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface . Click .

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Configuration Guide 4 Configuring Ethernet Services

3. Choose External Port > Basic Attributes and set the parameters of PORT1 and PORT2
as follows:
l Enabled/Disabled: Enabled
l Working Mode: Auto-Negotiation
l Maximum Frame Length: Set it according to the connected Ethernet equipment, and
adopt the default value of 1522 in normal cases.
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.
4. Click Apply.
5. Choose Internal Port > Encapsulation/Mapping and set the attributes of VCTRUNK1
and VCTRUNK2 as follows:
l Mapping Protocol: GFP
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.
6. Click Apply.
7. Click the LCAS tab and set the parameters as follows:
l Enabling LCAS: Enabled
l For other parameters, adopt the default values.
8. Click Apply.

Step 2 Configure bound paths as follows:

1. In the Internal Port page, select the Bound Path tab.
2. Click Configure, and the bound path configuration dialog box is displayed.
3. To configure bound paths of VCTRUNK1, set the parameters in the dialog box as follows:
l Configurable Ports: VCTRUNK1.
l Level: VC12-xv
l Service Direction: Bidirectional
l Available Resources: VC4-4
l Available Timeslots: VC12-1–VC12-5

4. Click .
5. To set a bound path for VCTRUNK2, set the following parameters in the dialog box:
l Configurable Ports: VCTRUNK2
l Level: VC12-xv
l Service Direction: Bidirectional
l Available Resources: VC4-4
l Available Timeslots: VC12-6–VC12-15

6. Click .
7. Click OK.

Step 3 Configure the cross-connections from the Ethernet boards to the SDH line boards.
1. Select NE3 from the Object Tree.
2. Choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration from the Function Tree.

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4 Configuring Ethernet Services Configuration Guide

3. Click Create, and the Create SDH Service dialog box is displayed.
4. See Figure 4-8 and set the following parameters in the dialog box.
l Level: VC12
l Direction: Bidirectional
l Source Slot: 7-EFT8-1(SDH-1)
l Source VC4: VC4-4
l Source Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Sink Slot: 8-SL4D-1(SDH-1)
l Sink VC4: VC4-4
l Sink Timeslot Range(e.g. 1,3-6): 1–15
l Activate Immediately: Yes
5. Click OK.


4-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

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Configuration Guide 5 Configuring Broadcast Services

5 Configuring Broadcast Services

About This Chapter

The OptiX OSN 500 uses the RS232 broadcast data port (F2 port) to achieve universal
asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) full-duplex communication. The data is transmitted
transparently. Hence, you need not configure the port rate or the transmission control protocols.
The maximum bit rate can be 19.2 kbit/s. The OptiX OSN 500 uses overhead bytes (Serial1–
Serial4) as the broadcast data communication channel to broadcast the data that is received from
the data port to other NEs over the fiber.
5.1 Engineering Requirements
As described in Chapter 1, broadcast data services need to be added.
5.2 Engineering Planning
The overhead bytes, broadcast data source, and broadcast data sink should be determined
according to the service requirements.
5.3 Configuration Process
The broadcast data ports are used to access the collected monitoring data and report it to the NE
software. This topic describes how to configure broadcast data services on the T2000.

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5 Configuring Broadcast Services Configuration Guide

5.1 Engineering Requirements

As described in Chapter 1, broadcast data services need to be added.

The requirements of broadcast data services are as follows:

l NE1 must be connected to the monitoring server through the F2 port.

l NE2 and NE3 must be connected to the environment monitor through the F2 ports.
l The monitoring server must broadcast commands to the environment monitors of NE2–
NE3. They function as slave stations and report the data collected locally to the monitoring

The environment monitor must meet the following requirements:

l The port must be of the RS-232 level, where logic 1 ranges from –5 V to –15 V and logic
0 ranges from +5 V to +15 V.
l The port must be of the RS-232 high level (about –9 V) when the data is not transmitted.
l Only one slave station must transmit the data to the master station at a time.

5.2 Engineering Planning

The overhead bytes, broadcast data source, and broadcast data sink should be determined
according to the service requirements.

Table 5-1 provides the engineering planning information.

Table 5-1 NE parameters

NE Overhead Broadcast Data Source Broadcast Data Sink


NE1 Serial3 Serial3 8-SL4D-1, 8-SL4D-2

NE2 Serial3 8-SL4D-1 Serial3

NE3 Serial3 8-SL4D-2 Serial3

5.3 Configuration Process

The broadcast data ports are used to access the collected monitoring data and report it to the NE
software. This topic describes how to configure broadcast data services on the T2000.

l The engineering planning operations must be complete.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.

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Configuration Guide 5 Configuring Broadcast Services


The broadcast data ports should not form a loop.

Step 1 Right-click the NE1 icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select NE1 from the Object Tree and choose Configuration > Orderwire from the Function

Step 3 Set the following parameters in the Broadcast Data Port tab:
l Overhead Byte: SERIAL3
l Working Mode: RS232
l Broadcast Data Source: SERIAL3
l Broadcast Data Sink: 8-SL4D-1 and 8-SL4D-2

SERIAL3 indicates the serial port F2.

Step 4 Click Apply.

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5 Configuring Broadcast Services Configuration Guide

Step 5 Refer to Table 5-1 and configure the broadcast data services of NE2 and NE3 in the same manner.


5-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

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Configuration Guide 6 Configuring LPT

6 Configuring LPT

About This Chapter

The link state pass through (LPT) function can be used to detect and report the faults that occur
in the service access point and the intermediate transmission network. It notifies the equipment
at the two ends in the transmission network of starting the backup network immediately, thus
ensuring normal transmission of important data.

6.1 Overview
This topic describes the basic concepts related to LPT.
6.2 Application
LPT is a link-based protection mode. The LPT information is provided for data communication
equipment such as routers that are interconnected with the transmission equipment.
6.3 Configuring the Point-to-Point LPT Function
The point-to-point (P2P) LPT function is applicable to the P2P services. When the access link
or the transmission network is faulty, the P2P LPT function ensures that the equipment at the
two ends starts the backup network in time to ensure normal communication.

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6 Configuring LPT Configuration Guide

6.1 Overview
This topic describes the basic concepts related to LPT.

In the No. 7 signaling structure, when a higher layer requests service from a lower layer or when
a lower layer provides service to a higher layer, the service user needs to communicate with the
service provider. The signaling data communicated between two adjacent layers is known as the

"Pass-through" refers to the action of receiving the information that is transmitted as it is, in the
specific transmission direction.

Bearer Mode
"Bearer mode" refers to the trail on which the LPT protocol packets are transmitted. Different
bearer modes are used for transmitting different LPT protocol packets. If the bearer mode of the
received LPT protocol packets is inconsistent with the bearer mode at the receive end of the
equipment, the LPT protocol packets will be discarded.

6.2 Application
LPT is a link-based protection mode. The LPT information is provided for data communication
equipment such as routers that are interconnected with the transmission equipment.
The Ethernet services of the OptiX OSN 500 support point-to-point LPT, which is used to
monitor the faults that occur in the access link of the point-to-point EPL services or in the service

Fault in the Link at the Access Point

l Locating the fault
Disconnect the local
Service network connection and report
Report the link the LPT_RFI alarm
fault alarm
Access Service Broken Service Access
node 1 equipment A equipment B node 2

1. After service equipment A detects a fault in the access link, it reports the alarm to inform
that the local access point is faulty and sends the Broken control frame to service equipment
2. After service equipment B receives the Broken control frame, it deactivates the local link
and reports the LPT_RFI alarm.
l Restoring the link

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Configuration Guide 6 Configuring LPT

Stop reporting the Restore the local

Service network
link fault alarm connection
Access Service Service Access
node 1 equipment A equipment B node 2

1. After service equipment A detects that the fault in the access link is rectified, it sends the
Non_Broken control frame to service equipment B.
2. After service equipment B receives the Non_Broken control frame, it activates the local
link again.

Fault in the Service Network

l Locating the fault

Broken Broken
Service Service Service Access
equipment equipment node 2
node 1
network A

Service equipment A and B can detect whether the service network is available. If the service
network is unavailable, service equipment A and B sends the Broken primitive to each other and
disconnects the connection from the local users.


Regardless of whether a unidirectional or bidirectional fault occurs in the service network, the LPT function
can be implemented.
l If a bidirectional fault occurs in the service network, service equipment A and B can detect the fault,
and thus determines to disconnect the connection between the local end and the users and then sends
the Broken primitive to the opposite end.
l If a unidirectional fault occurs in the service network, for example, if the fault occurs in the B–>A
direction, only service equipment A can detects the fault. In this case, service equipment A disconnects
the connection between the local end and the access node 1, and uses the service network in the A–>B
direction where no fault occurs to send the Broken primitive to service equipment B. After service
equipment B receives the Broken primitive, it disconnects the connection between the local end and
the access node 2, thus to complete the fault locating process.
l Restoring the service network

Non_Broken Non_Broken
Service Service Service
Access Access
equipment equipment
node 1
network node 2

After detecting that the service network is restored, service equipment A and B sends the Non-
Broken primitive to each other to inform the opposite end that the link is restored, and restores
the connection between the local end and the local users immediately.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-3

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6 Configuring LPT Configuration Guide

Access Service Service Service Access

node 1 equipment network equipment node 2

If service equipment A and B receives the Non_Broken primitive from each other or if the waiting
time before the Broken frame is received times out, service equipment A and B determines that
the entire link is normal and thus restores the local link of the service equipment.

6.3 Configuring the Point-to-Point LPT Function

The point-to-point (P2P) LPT function is applicable to the P2P services. When the access link
or the transmission network is faulty, the P2P LPT function ensures that the equipment at the
two ends starts the backup network in time to ensure normal communication.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The specified port must be configured with the P2P EPL services.
l You must be an NM user with "NE and network operator" authority or higher.


Before you enable the LPT function, set the mapping protocol of the VCTRUNK port to GFP.
Otherwise, the LPT function fails to be enabled.

Step 1 Right-click the NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.

Step 2 Select the relevant Ethernet data board, and then choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > LPT Management from the Function Tree. Then, click .

Step 3 Click Query. A dialog box is displayed indicating that the operation is successful. Click

Step 4 Select PORT1 and VCTRUNK port, and then set LPT to Yes. For the parameters of the P2P
LPT, refer to Table 6-1.

Step 5 Click Apply. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful. Click

Step 6 Repeat Steps 1–5 to set LPT to Yes for the opposite NE in the network.


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Transmission System
Configuration Guide 6 Configuring LPT


Table 6-1 Parameters for the P2P LPT

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

VCTRUNCK - - Indicates the VCTRUNK port that

Port can be used for configuring the

Direction Forward - Indicates the direction of the EPL

direction, transparent transmission service
reverse over the port. The direction is
direction forward when the source port is
PORT and the sink port is
VCTRUNK. The direction is
reverse when the source port is
VCTRUNK and the sink port is

LPT Yes, No - Sets whether to use the LPT.

Port-Type Port An integer - To set this parameter, set LPT to

Hold-Off Time between 0– Yes.
(ms) 10000, with a To prevent the impact caused by
step of 500 random poor quality (jitter) of the
link, and to avoid switching the link
frequently, you need to set the port
hold-off time.

VCTRUNK An integer - To set this parameter, set LPT to

Port Hold-Off between 0– Yes.
Time (ms) 10000, with a To prevent the impact caused by
step of 500 random poor quality (jitter) of the
link, and to avoid switching the link
frequently, you need to set the port
hold-off time.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 6-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 7 Configuring LCAS

7 Configuring LCAS

About This Chapter

The link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) is a technology that is applied to virtual
concatenation and enhances the performance of virtual concatenation. It can dynamically adjust
the number of virtual containers that map the required services to meet different requirements
for service bandwidth. As a result, the bandwidth utilization is increased, and the Ethernet
services are protected.

7.1 Overview
LCAS is supplementary to the virtual concatenation technology. LCAS dynamically adjusts the
number of virtual containers required for service mapping, to meet the requirements of various
service bandwidths. Thus, LCAS improves the bandwidth utilization and enhances the
robustness of virtual concatenation.
7.2 Application
The LCAS function can be used to dynamically adjust the bandwidth and protect virtual
concatenated services, thus improving the robustness and flexibility of the network.
7.3 Enabling LCAS
When you need to adjust the bandwidth or of a VCTRUNK or the Ethernet services need to be
protected, configure the LCAS function.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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7 Configuring LCAS Configuration Guide

7.1 Overview
LCAS is supplementary to the virtual concatenation technology. LCAS dynamically adjusts the
number of virtual containers required for service mapping, to meet the requirements of various
service bandwidths. Thus, LCAS improves the bandwidth utilization and enhances the
robustness of virtual concatenation.
LCAS applies only to the virtually concatenated paths.
When the LCAS function is used in the network, the following advantages can be achieved:
l The availability of the original services is not affected when the service bandwidth is
dynamically adjusted (added or deleted).
l If failed physical paths exist in the virtual concatenation, the LCAS function can shield the
failed paths. In this case, the other paths can still transmit the services normally, thus
preventing service interruption due to failure of certain physical paths. After the failed
physical paths are restored, they can be used to transport services again.

7.2 Application
The LCAS function can be used to dynamically adjust the bandwidth and protect virtual
concatenated services, thus improving the robustness and flexibility of the network.

Dynamic Bandwidth Adjustment

If the bandwidth of a certain VCTRUNK is improper, the bandwidth needs to be increased or
decreased. During bandwidth adjustment in the traditional mode, services are interrupted. During
bandwidth adjustment by using the LCAS function, only the number of VCTRUNK members
needs to be increased or decreased, which facilitates the bandwidth switching without
interrupting the services.
As shown in Figure 7-1, LCAS can add or delete members to increase or decrease the bandwidth
dynamically, without interrupting the service. LCAS can also delete members to dynamically
decrease the bandwidth.

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Configuration Guide 7 Configuring LCAS

Figure 7-1 Dynamic bandwidth adjustment by using LCAS

MSTP network
Add a 10 Mbit/s

Branch Member


Branch Headquarters

New member


Protection of Virtual Concatenated Services

As shown in Figure 7-2, the LCAS can be used to protect Ethernet services. When certain
members fail, LCAS automatically suppresses the failed members. In this case, the other
members can still transmit data normally. This prevents the entire virtual concatenation group
from becoming unavailable. When the failed members become available again, they are
automatically restored, and the data is reloaded to them.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-3

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Transmission System
7 Configuring LCAS Configuration Guide

Figure 7-2 VC group protection by using LCAS

MSTP network


Branch Headquarters

Failed member


Branch Member
Delete the failed member


As shown in the preceding figure, assume that in the normal state, a VCTRUNK maps three
VC-12 virtual concatenations and the bandwidth of the services is 6 Mbit/s. When one channel
in VC12-3v fails, LCAS suppresses this failed member and adjusts the capacity of the
VCTRUNK. In this case, the bit rate of the services decreases and the system reports an alarm
to inform the loss of partial bandwidth. The services of the entire VCTRUNK, however, are not

After the failed member is restored, LCAS reuses the restored member to transmit data and the
bandwidth of the services is restored to 6 Mbit/s.

7.3 Enabling LCAS

When you need to adjust the bandwidth or of a VCTRUNK or the Ethernet services need to be
protected, configure the LCAS function.

l The Ethernet boards must be created correctly on the T2000.
l The Ethernet services must be successfully created.
l You must be an NM user with "NE or network operator" authority or higher.

Background Information
l The configuration that complies with the LCAS protocol should meet the following two

7-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide 7 Configuring LCAS

– The configured services must be bidirectional services that adopt virtual concatenation.
– The networking topology should be of the point-to-point mode.
l When configuring the LCAS function, you must set the LCAS parameters to the same
values for the equipment at .
– The LCAS enable/disable attribute of the equipment at must be the same.
– The equipment at must be set to the same LCAS mode.

Step 1 Right-click the NE icon in the Main Topology, and choose NE Explorer.
Step 2 Select the relevant Ethernet data board, and then choose Configuration > Ethernet Interface
Management > Ethernet Interface .
Step 3 Click the LCAS tab, and then set the parameters for the VCTRUNK port. For the LCAS
parameters, refer to Table 7-1.

Step 4 Click Apply. A dialog box is displayed, indicating that the operation is successful.



Table 7-1 LCAS parameters

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

Port VCTRUNKn - Indicates the VCTRUNK port.

Letter "n" indicates the number of
the VCTRUNK port.

Enabling LCAS Enabled, Disabled Sets whether to enable the LCAS

Disabled function.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 7-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
7 Configuring LCAS Configuration Guide

Parameter Value Range Default Value Description

LCAS Mode Huawei Mode, Huawei Mode To use the LCAS function, you
Standard Mode must set the equipment at to the
same LCAS mode.
l If the equipment at is Huawei
equipment, set LCAS Mode for
the equipment at to Huawei
l If the Huawei equipment is
interconnected with the third-
party equipment, set LCAS
Mode for the equipment at to
Standard Mode.
l If the Huawei equipment is
interconnected with the third-
party equipment that does not
support the standard mode, set
LCAS Mode for the equipment
at to Huawei Mode.

HO Time(ms) An integer 2000 If the timeslot is unavailable,

between 2000– suppress the timeslot after the hold
10000, with a off time expires. If the timeslot is
step of 100 available again within the hold off
time, LCAS does not suppress the
timeslot that is unavailable.
Set the hold off time to the default
value, unless otherwise specified.

WTR Time(s) 0–720 300 The WTR time refers to the time for
the timeslot to wait to be added to
the virtual concatenation group
after the timeslot suppressed by the
LCAS is restored to normal.
Set the WTR time to the default
value, unless otherwise specified.

TSD Enabled, Disabled Sets whether to use TSD as the

Disabled condition for LCAS switching.
TSD stands for trail signal degrade.
The TSD trigger condition is
BIP_SD for VC-12 paths, and is
B3_SD for VC-3/VC-4 paths.

7-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide A Glossary

A Glossary

Administr A user who has authority to access all the Management Domains of the
ator EMLCore product. He has access to the entire network and to all the
management functionalities.
Alarm A visible or an audible indication to notify the person concerned that a failure
or an emergency has occurred.
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown. Laser automatic shutdown means laser automatic
shutdown is permitted when the optical interface board does not bear services
or the optical fiber is faulty. Its life can be prolonged by decreasing the on time
of the laser.
Auto- The rate/work mode of the communication party set to self-negotiation is
Negotiatio specified through negotiation according to the transmission rate of the opposite
n party.

Backup A method to save the data to prevent damage to the original data.
Binding In virtual concatenated payload configuration, to specify one binding number
to identify the VC-4s of the same virtual concatenated payload. If a fault occurs
on one of the bound services, all bound services will switch as a whole.
BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply System. A building timing supply that
minimizes the number of synchronization links entering an office. Also referred
to as a synchronization supply unit.
Bound Also referred to as VCTRUNK. The 2 Mbit/s paths are bound together to
Path transmit Ethernet data. The VCTRUNK is an entity between the Ethernet port
and the 2 Mbit/s path.
Broadcast The act of sending a frame addressed to all stations on the network

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
A Glossary Configuration Guide

Clock The method to maintain the time on each node so that they are synchronized
Tracing with a clock source in a network.
Configurat Configuration management enables inventory query of network configuration
ion resources, including relevant configuration of NMS or SNMS, NE, subnet,
Manageme links, SNC, route, TP, edge point, equipment, and so on. Real-time inventory
nt change report can also be provided through this resource, it will be timely
reported to the upper NMS to notify the carrier of the current network operation
status and ensure data consistency of the upper NMSs.

Failure A condition in which a fault persists in a component for a specific period of
time and thus this component is considered as unable to implement its basic
functions. In a failed component, a fault should be detected.

GNE Gateway NE (GNE) refers to the NE that communicates with the T2000 through
Ethernet or serial port cable. The non-gateway NE communicates with the
gateway NE through ECC and communicates with the T2000 through the
gateway NE. The GNE is the necessary communication route for the T2000 to
manage the entire network.

Layer A concept used to allow the transport network functionality to be described
hierarchically as successive levels; each layer being solely concerned with the
generation and transfer of its characteristic information.
Loopback The fault of each path on the optical fiber can be located by setting loopback
for each path of the line. There are three kinds of loopback modes: No loopback,
Outloop, Inloop.

Main The default T2000 client interface, a basic component of the human-machine
Topology interactive interface. The topology clearly shows the structure of the network,
the alarms of different NEs, subnets in the network, the communication status
as well as the basic network operation status. All topology management
functions are accessed here.
Mapping A procedure by which tributaries are adapted into virtual containers at the
boundary of an SDH network.
MSP Multiplex Section Protection. The MSP function provides the capability for
switching a signal from a working section to a protection section.

A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

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OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Configuration Guide A Glossary

Multiplexi A procedure by which multiple lower order path layer signals are adapted into
ng a higher order path or the multiple higher order path layer signals are adapted
into a multiplex section.

Pass- The action of transmitting by a node exactly what is received by that node for
Through any given direction of transmission. A pass-through can be unidirectional or
bidirectional. For BLSRs, a pass-through refers to the K1 and the K2 bytes and
the protection channels. Three types of pass-throughs are used in BLSRs: K
byte passthrough, unidirectional full pass-through, and bidirectional full pass-
Path A transmission entity to transmit information from the source end to the sink
end, providing monitoring all the way.
Protection A topology-based interface in the T2000. In the Protection Subnet, you can:
Subnet 1. Search, view, create, set and manage protection subnets. 2. Manage isolated
nodes and SDH NNIs. See also Trail View, Clock View.

Regenerati The process of receiving and reconstructing a digital signal so that the
on amplitudes, waveforms and timing of its signal elements are constrained within
specified limits.
Route The path a trail takes.

SDH NNI SDH Network Node Interface. It is applied to build communications connection
with the equipment beyond the T2000 management area. Generally, the NM
creates an SDH NNI by creating a logical system on the port of an idle line
board, and the NE must be a TM without protection and fiber connection.
Section A trail in the segment layer.
SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection. If the working subnet fails to be
connected or if its performance is inferior to the required level, the connection
of the working subnet is taken over by that of the protection subnet.
Subnet The logical entity in the transmission network and comprises a group of network
management objects. A subnet can contain NEs and other subnets. A subnet
planning can enhance the organization of a network view.

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Common name for the suite
of protocols developed to support the construction of worldwide internetworks.

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
A Glossary Configuration Guide

Timeslot Single timeslot on an E1 digital interface—that is, a 64-kbps, synchronous, full-

duplex data channel, typically used for a single voice connection.
Topology T2000 topology is one part of the basic composition of the man-machine
interactive interface. The topology view clearly shows the structure of the
network, the alarms of different NEs, subnets in the network, the
communication status as well as the basic network operation status.
Trail A network level management function of the T2000. Through trail
Manageme management, you can configure end-to-end services, view graphic interface
nt and visual routes of a trail, query detailed information of a trail, filter, search
Function and locate a trail quickly, manage and maintain trails in a centralized manner,
manage alarms and performance data by trail, and print a trail report.
Trail View A topology-based interface in the T2000. In the Trail View, you can configure
services as trails, for easy management. See also Protection Subnet, Clock
View. In the Trail View, you can configure services as trails, for easy
management. See also Protection Subnet, Clock View.

VC-4 The path rate of the VC-4 server trail is 150. 336 Mbit/s. The VC-4 server trail
Server provides transparent channels (circuit group) for circuit-layer network nodes
Trail (such as a switch) in a path-layer network, and acts as the basic unit of inter-
office communication path. When the VC-4 server trail is configured, only the
higher order cross-connection of VC-4 is generated in the intermediate NE, but
no cross-connection is generated at the two ends, that is, no service is added/
dropped. Therefore, the VC-4 server trail is not a traditional service. It is only
the basis for VC-3 and VC-12 trail creation.
Virtual The payload whose transmission bandwidth is larger than VC-4. Virtual
Concatena concatenation combines multiple VC-4 payloads (successive or non-
tion successive) to form a virtual large structure VC4-Xv in cascade mode for
transmission. The transmission of the broadband cascaded payload is
implemented through the virtual concatenation, thus improving the SDH
transmission payload bandwidth capability from VC-4 to VC4-4C.
Virtual The information structure used to support path layer connections in the SDH.
Container It consists of information payload, and path overhead (POH) information fields
organized in a block frame structure which repeats every 125 or 500

WTR Wait to Restore. This command is issued when working channels meet the
restoral threshold after an SD or SF condition. It is used to maintain the state
during the WTR period unless it is pre-empted by a higher priority bridge
WTR Time A period of time that must elapse before a – from a fault recovered – trail/
connection can be used again to transport the normal traffic signal and/or to
select the normal traffic signal from.

A-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
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Configuration Guide A Glossary

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide B Acronyms and Abbreviations

B Acronyms and Abbreviations

ADM Add/Drop Multiplexer
APS Automatic Protection Switch

BITS Building Integrated Timing Supply

DCC Data Communication Channel

ECC Embedded Control Channel
EPL Ethernet Private Line

GFP Generic Framing Procedure

HDLC High level Data Link Control
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
B Acronyms and Abbreviations Configuration Guide

ITU-T International Telecommunication Union -

Telecommunication Standardization Sector

LAPS Link Access Procedure-SDH
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme

MSP Multiplex Section Protection

NM Network Management

OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy

SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection
SSM Synchronization Status Marker

B-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Configuration Guide Index


A LCAS configuration, 7-1

LPT configuration, 6-1
alarm dumping parameters configuration, 2-35
automatic laser shutdown configuration, 2-36 M
B MSP ring creation, 2-20

backing up data, 2-37 P

backup the T2000 data
immediate backup, 2-37 performance monitoring configuration, 2-33
periodic backup, 2-39 point-to-point EPL service configuration
board configuration, 2-16 configuration process, 4-5
broadcast service configuration, 5-1 creating EPL trail, 4-7
creating trunk link, 4-5
C engineering planning, 4-2, 4-9
engineering requirements, 4-2, 4-8
C2 configuration, 2-32 protection configuration
clock configuration 1+1 linear MSP, 3-6
clock source priority list, 2-21 1:1 linear MSP, 3-5
clock subnet configuration, 2-22 fiber-shared virtual trail protection, 3-7
Configuration Process non-protection chain, 3-11
configuring communication, 2-12 SNCP Service, 3-2
creating an NE, 2-11
creating an NE user, 2-13 S
logging in to an NE, 2-15
logging in to the T2000, 2-10 SDH/PDH configuration
configuring board manually, 2-17 board information, 2-6
creating fiber clock tracing, 2-7
automatically, 2-18 engineering requirement, 2-4
manually, 2-18 fiber and cable connection, 2-6
IP address allocation diagram, 2-5
E networking diagram, 2-4
timeslot allocation diagram, 2-6
engineering preparation shutting down T2000
document, 2-9 shutting down T2000 client, 1-5
NE side, 2-8 shutting down T2000 server, 1-6
T2000 side, 2-9 single station SDH/PDH configuration
NE1, 2-27
J NE2, 2-29
NE3, 2-30
J0 configuration, 2-31 starting T2000
J1 configuration, 2-32 logging in to T2000 client, 1-4
starting T2000 server, 1-3
L startingT2000

Issue 02 (2008-10-10) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
OptiX OSN 500 STM-1/STM-4 Multi-Service CPE Optical
Transmission System
Index Configuration Guide

startingT2000computer, 1-3
system monitor, 1-4

T2000 client
exiting, 1-5
login, 1-4
T2000 main topology
main topology, 1-8
T2000 main window
clock view, 1-9
NE Explorer, 1-8
trail view, 1-8
T2000 server
running status, 1-4
shutdown, 1-6
starting, 1-3
topology subnet creation, 2-19

VC-12 trail creation, 2-25
VC-4 server trail creation, 2-24

i-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 02 (2008-10-10)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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