Northbound CORBA Interface User Guide (V200R007C03 03) PDF

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface


User Guide

Issue 03

Date 2010-06-01

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

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Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Copy right © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


About This Document..................................................................................................................... 1

1 System Description.................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Co mpliant Standards ................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Features.......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Networking ................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3

2 System Features .......................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 New Features ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.2 Functional Characteristics .......................................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................................. 2-3

3 System Installation and Configuration ................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Preparations .................................................................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.1 Checking the T2000 License .......................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Checking the Network Management System Maintenance Suite of the T2000 .................................... 3-3
3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface .................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Disabling the T2000 CORBA Interface ................................................................................................................. 3-12
3.4 Restarting the T2000 CORBA Interface ................................................................................................................ 3-16
3.5 Delet ing the T2000 CORBA Interface Instance ................................................................................................... 3-17

4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper Level NMS/OSS .......................... 4-1
4.1 Collecting the Information of T2000........................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.2 Gu ide to the Interconnection with the OSS ............................................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.1 Checking the Network Connectivity ............................................................................................................. 4-3
4.2.2 Creat ing a T2000 User fo r the Access of an OSS ....................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.3 Connecting the CORBA NBI ......................................................................................................................... 4-7
4.3 SSL Principle and Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.3.1 SSL Principle ..................................................................................................................................................... 4-8
4.3.2 Support fro m the CORBA Interface .............................................................................................................. 4-9
4.3.3 Configurat ion .................................................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.4 Heartbeat Check Mechanism ................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.1 Ping Operat ion ................................................................................................................................................ 4-11
4.4.2 Heartbeat Notification ................................................................................................................................... 4-11

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Contents User Gu ide

A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide.................................................................A-1

A.1 Networking ................................................................................................................................................................. A-1
A.2 Creat ing SNCs of SIMPLE Type ............................................................................................................................ A-4
A.2.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of SIM PLE Type ................................................................................................... A-4
A.2.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type............................................................................................ A-6
A.2.3 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Including NEs Specified ...................................... A-7
A.2.4 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Excluded NEs Specified ...................................... A-9
A.2.5 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Included Ports Specified .................................... A-11
A.2.6 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Included Timeslots Specified ............................ A-13
A.2.7 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Excluded Ports Specified ................................... A-15
A.2.8 Creat ing a Mono Nodal E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type .................................................................... A-17
A.2.9 Creat ing a Full-Route SNC of SIM PLE Type ......................................................................................... A-19
A.2.10 Creating an SNC of SIM PLE Type Converged to One Point ............................................................. A-21
A.3 Creat ing SNCs of A DD_ DROP_A Type ............................................................................................................. A-25
A.3.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type .................................................................................... A-25
A.3.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_A Type ............................................................................. A-28
A.3.3 Creat ing an E1-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_A ...................................................................................... A-31
A.3.4 Creat ing a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type ......................................................................... A-34
A.4 Creat ing SNCs of A DD_ DROP_Z........................................................................................................................ A-37
A.4.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type .................................................................................... A-37
A.4.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_Z Type ............................................................................. A-39
A.4.3 Creat ing an E1-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_Z Type ............................................................................. A-42
A.4.4 Creat ing a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type ......................................................................... A-44
A.5 Changing SNC Serv ices ......................................................................................................................................... A-47
A.5.1 Modify ing SNC Routes ............................................................................................................................... A-47
A.5.2 Changing an SNCP Service to a Normal SNC ........................................................................................ A-51
A.5.3 Changing a Normal SNC to an SNCP Serv ice ........................................................................................ A-55

B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration Guide ............................................................... B-1

B.1 Networking.................................................................................................................................................................. B-1
B.2 Creating WDM SNCs................................................................................................................................................ B-6
B.2.1 Creating an Unprotected SNC ...................................................................................................................... B-6
B.2.2 Creating a Protected SNC............................................................................................................................ B-11
B.2.3 Creating a Mono Nodal SNC...................................................................................................................... B-17
B.3 Querying WDM SNCs ............................................................................................................................................ B-20
B.3.1 Querying SNCs ............................................................................................................................................. B-20
B.3.2 Querying SNCs by Name ............................................................................................................................ B-22
B.3.3 Querying SNCs Through Other Interfaces ............................................................................................... B-23
B.4 Activating and Deactivating WDM SNCs ........................................................................................................... B-24
B.4.1 Activating an SNC ........................................................................................................................................ B-24
B.4.2 Deactivating an SNC.................................................................................................................................... B-25
B.5 Modifying WDM SNCs .......................................................................................................................................... B-26

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents

B.6 Querying WDM SNC Routes................................................................................................................................. B-35

B.7 Delet ing WDM SNCs.............................................................................................................................................. B-40

C Ethernet Service Configuration Guide ................................................................................ C-1

C.1 Creating Ethernet Services ....................................................................................................................................... C-1
C.1.1 Ethernet and ATM Networking .................................................................................................................... C-1
C.1.2 Creating an EPL Service ................................................................................................................................ C-2
C.1.3 Creating an EVPL Serv ice ............................................................................................................................ C-3
C.1.4 Creating an EPLAN Service ......................................................................................................................... C-5
C.1.5 Deleting an EPL Service ................................................................................................................................ C-6
C.1.6 Deleting an EPLAN Service ......................................................................................................................... C-6
C.2 Creating ATM Services ............................................................................................................................................. C-7
C.2.1 Creating an ATM Traffic Descriptor............................................................................................................ C-7
C.2.2 Creating an ATM Service .............................................................................................................................. C-8
C.2.3 Activating an ATM Service ........................................................................................................................... C-8
C.2.4 Deactivating an ATM Serv ice ..................................................................................................................... C-10
C.2.5 Deleting an ATM Service ............................................................................................................................ C-10
C.3 Creating ELL ............................................................................................................................................................ C-11
C.3.1 ELL and FDFr Networking ......................................................................................................................... C-11
C.3.2 Creating an ELL with the Server Trail Automat ically Created ............................................................. C-12
C.3.3 Creating an ELL with the Server Tra il Manually Created ..................................................................... C-14
C.3.4 Creating an Unterminated ELL .................................................................................................................. C-16
C.3.5 Creating a Mono Nodal ELL ...................................................................................................................... C-17
C.3.6 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated ELL ..................................................................................... C-19
C.3.7 Setting the LCAS Status for an ELL ......................................................................................................... C-21
C.3.8 Increasing ELL Bandwidth ......................................................................................................................... C-21
C.3.9 Decreasing ELL Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................ C-23
C.4 Creating FDFr ........................................................................................................................................................... C-24
C.4.1 Creating an FDFr of the EPL Type ............................................................................................................ C-24
C.4.2 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL Type ......................................................................................................... C-25
C.4.3 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type ........................................................................................... C-27
C.4.4 Creating an FDFr of the EPLA N Type...................................................................................................... C-32
C.4.5 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EPL Type................................................................................... C-34
C.4.6 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL Type ............................................................................... C-35
C.4.7 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (Qin Q) Type ................................................................. C-36
C.4.8 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EPL Type....................................................................................... C-38
C.4.9 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL Type ................................................................................... C-39
C.4.10 Creat ing a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type ................................................................... C-40
C.4.11 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type .................................. C-42

D Relationship Between License Items and CORBA Modules ......................................... D-1

D.1 Relat ionship Between License Items and CORBA Modules ............................................................................. D-1

E Service Ports Description ........................................................................................................ E-1

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Contents User Gu ide

E.1 Serv ice Ports Used by the T2000 COTBA .............................................................................................................E-1

E.2 Notes and Precautions ................................................................................................................................................E-2

F Product List .................................................................................................................................F-1

G Object Naming Rules............................................................................................................. G-1
G.1 EM S .............................................................................................................................................................................. G-2
G.2 Subnetwork.................................................................................................................................................................. G-2
G.3 TopoSubnetwork......................................................................................................................................................... G-3
G.4 ProtectionSubnetwork ............................................................................................................................................... G-3
G.5 SubnetworkConnection ............................................................................................................................................. G-3
G.6 ManagedElement ........................................................................................................................................................ G-4
G.7 TopologicalLink.......................................................................................................................................................... G-4
G.8 EPGP ............................................................................................................................................................................ G-4
G.9 PTP................................................................................................................................................................................ G-5
G.10 FTP ............................................................................................................................................................................. G-6
G.11 CTP ............................................................................................................................................................................. G-6
G.12 TrafficDescriptor ...................................................................................................................................................... G-8
G.13 Equip mentHo lder ..................................................................................................................................................... G-8
G.14 Equip ment ................................................................................................................................................................. G-9
G.15 Protection Group ....................................................................................................................................................... G-9
G.16 WDM Protection Group ......................................................................................................................................... G-10
G.17 VirtualBridge........................................................................................................................................................... G-10
G.18 VLA N....................................................................................................................................................................... G-10
G.19 Ethernet Serv ice ..................................................................................................................................................... G-11
G.20 ATM Service ........................................................................................................................................................... G-11
G.21 ATM ProtectGroup................................................................................................................................................. G-11
G.22 QoS Rule .................................................................................................................................................................. G-12
G.23 Flow .......................................................................................................................................................................... G-12
G.24 Flow Do main .......................................................................................................................................................... G-12
G.25 FlowDo mainFrag ment .......................................................................................................................................... G-13
G.26 EncapsulationLayerLink ....................................................................................................................................... G-13
G.27 LinkAggregation Group ......................................................................................................................................... G-13
G.28 RPRNode ................................................................................................................................................................. G-14
G.29 Routing Area ........................................................................................................................................................... G-14
G.30 SNPPLink ................................................................................................................................................................ G-14

H AdditionalInfo Description .................................................................................................. H-1

H.1 ManagedElement_T .................................................................................................................................................. H-2
H.2 TerminationPo int_T................................................................................................................................................... H-3
H.3 EMS_T......................................................................................................................................................................... H-3
H.4 Equip ment_T .............................................................................................................................................................. H-4
H.5 Equip mentHo lder_T .................................................................................................................................................. H-5
H.6 SubnetworkConnection_T........................................................................................................................................ H-6

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User Gu ide Contents

H.7 SNCCreateData_T ..................................................................................................................................................... H-6

H.8 SNCModify Data_T ................................................................................................................................................... H-7
H.9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T .......................................................................................................................................... H-8
H.10 CrossConnect_T....................................................................................................................................................... H-8
H.11 HW_EthServ ice_T................................................................................................................................................. H-10
H.12 TrafficDescriptor_T............................................................................................................................................... H-10
H.13 EthernetOAMOperation_T .................................................................................................................................. H-10
H.14 ELLinkCreateData_T............................................................................................................................................ H-11
H.15 FDFrCreateData_T ................................................................................................................................................ H-11
H.16 NT_A LARM .......................................................................................................................................................... H-12
H.17 NT_TCA ................................................................................................................................................................. H-12
H.18 NT_ PROTECTION_SWITCH ........................................................................................................................... H-13
H.19 NT_ EPROTECTION_SWITCH......................................................................................................................... H-13
H.20 NT_WDM PROTECTION_SWITCH ................................................................................................................ H-14

I Layer Rate Description .............................................................................................................. I-1

J BT Naming Format Statement ................................................................................................. J-1
J.1 Application and Principle of BT Naming Rule ........................................................................................................J-1
J.2 Usage of BT Naming Rules .........................................................................................................................................J-1
J.3 Supported Objects and Examp les of BT Naming Format ......................................................................................J-2

K Glossary .....................................................................................................................................K-1
L Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ L-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Figures


Figure 1-1 The position of the T2000 CORBA interface in the integrated NMS ................................................... 1-3

Figure 3-1 Configuring the basic options the AgentCORBA instance ..................................................................... 3-4

Figure 3-2 Setting the IP addresses for the standby server......................................................................................... 3-6

Figure 3-3 Configuring the advanced options of the AgentCORBA instance ........................................................ 3-7

Figure 3-4 Configuring the EM S Name ........................................................................................................................ 3-7

Figure 3-5 Configuring the maximu m capacity of the log file .................................................................................. 3-8

Figure 3-6 Configuring the log output mode ................................................................................................................ 3-9

Figure 3-7 Configuring the log level switch ................................................................................................................. 3-9

Figure 3-8 Configuring the virtual NE switch ............................................................................................................ 3-10

Figure 3-9 Configuring the NE ID switch ................................................................................................................... 3-10

Figure 3-10 Adding the CORBA interface instance successfully ........................................................................... 3-11

Figure 3-11 Viewing the information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor .......................... 3-12

Figure 3-12 Information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor ................................................ 3-13

Figure 3-13 Stopping the processes related to the CORBA interface ..................................................................... 3-14

Figure 3-14 Setting the mode of the CORBA process .............................................................................................. 3-15

Figure 3-15 Setting the start mode of the three processes related to the CORBA interface to Disabled......... 3-16

Figure 3-16 Shortcut menu displayed when an instance is right-clicked on the client of the Network
Management System Maintenance Suite...................................................................................................................... 3-18

Figure 4-1 Co mmunicat ion Mode of the CORBA NBI .............................................................................................. 4-3

Figure 4-2 TCP/IP Protocol Stack .................................................................................................................................. 4-4

Figure 4-3 Object Naming Tree of the T2000 CORBA NBI ..................................................................................... 4-8

Figure 4-4 Ping operation............................................................................................................................................... 4-11

Figure 4-5 Heartbeat notification .................................................................................................................................. 4-12

Figure A-1 Networking.................................................................................................................................................... A-2

Figure A-2 Fibre connection ........................................................................................................................................... A-2

Figure A-3 Slot configurat ion of NE350, NE351, NE352 and NE354 ................................................................... A-3

Figure A-4 Slot configurat ion of NE353 ...................................................................................................................... A-3

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential vii

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Figures User Gu ide

Figure A-5 SNC of SIMPLE type.................................................................................................................................. A-4

Figure A-6 SNC of ADD_DROP_A type ................................................................................................................... A-25

Figure A-7 The SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type ........................................................................................................... A-37

Figure B-1 Networking.................................................................................................................................................... B-2

Figure B-2 OTM 1-NE401 slot configuration .............................................................................................................. B-2

Figure B-3 OADM 1-NE402 slot configuration .......................................................................................................... B-3

Figure B-4 OTM 2-NE404 slot configuration .............................................................................................................. B-4

Figure B-5 OADM 2-NE403 slot configuration .......................................................................................................... B-4

Figure B-6 Signal flow d iagram..................................................................................................................................... B-5

Figure B-7 Result of creat ing an unprotected WDM SNC........................................................................................ B-8

Figure B-8 Signal flow d iagram o f creat ing an unprotected WDM SNC............................................................... B-9

Figure B-9 Result of creat ing a protected WDM SNC ............................................................................................ B-15

Figure B-10 Signal flo w diag ram of creating a protected WDM SNC ................................................................. B-15

Figure B-11 Wavelength protection group created in OTM1.................................................................................. B-16

Figure B-12 Wavelength protection group created in OTM2 ................................................................................. B-16

Figure B-13 Result of creating a Mono Nodal WDM SNC .................................................................................... B-18

Figure B-14 Signal flo w diag ram of creating a mono nodal WDM SNC............................................................. B-19

Figure B-15 Activation result ....................................................................................................................................... B-25

Figure B-16 Deactivation result ................................................................................................................................... B-26

Figure B-17 SNC before modification ........................................................................................................................ B-28

Figure B-18 Signal flo w diag ram before modification ............................................................................................ B-29

Figure B-19 SNC after modification ........................................................................................................................... B-33

Figure B-20 Signal flo w diag ram after modificat ion ............................................................................................... B-34

Figure C-1 Networking ................................................................................................................................................... C-1

Figure C-2 Slot configuration ........................................................................................................................................ C-2

Figure C-3 Creat ing an EPL service.............................................................................................................................. C-3

Figure C-4 Creat ing an EVPL service .......................................................................................................................... C-4

Figure C-5 Creat ing an EPLAN service ....................................................................................................................... C-6

Figure C-6 Creat ing an ATM traffic descriptor ........................................................................................................... C-8

Figure C-7 Creat ing an ATM service ............................................................................................................................ C-8

Figure C-8 Networking ................................................................................................................................................. C-11

Figure C-9 Slot configuration ...................................................................................................................................... C-12

Figure C-10 Creating an ELL with the server trail automatically created ............................................................ C-13

viii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide Figures

Figure C-11 Creating an ELL with the server trail manually created.................................................................... C-15

Figure C-12 Creating an unterminated ELL .............................................................................................................. C-17

Figure C-13 Creating a mono nodal ELL................................................................................................................... C-19

Figure C-14 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated ELL .................................................................................. C-21

Figure C-15 Increasing ELL bandwidth ..................................................................................................................... C-23

Figure C-16 Decreasing ELL bandwidth ................................................................................................................... C-24

Figure C-17 Creating an FDFr of the EPL type ........................................................................................................ C-25

Figure C-18 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL type ..................................................................................................... C-27

Figure C-19 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ....................................................................................... C-28

Figure C-20 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ....................................................................................... C-30

Figure C-21 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ....................................................................................... C-31

Figure C-22 Creating an FDFr of the EPLAN type.................................................................................................. C-33

Figure C-23 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EPL type................................................................................ C-35

Figure C-24 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL type ............................................................................ C-36

Figure C-25 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type .............................................................. C-37

Figure C-26 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EPL type .................................................................................... C-39

Figure C-27 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL type ................................................................................. C-40

Figure C-28 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ................................................................... C-42

Figure C-29 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated FDFr o f the EVPL (Qin Q) type................................... C-43

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Tables


Table D-1 Relat ionship between CORBA modules and license items .................................................................... D-1

Table D-2 Relat ionship between CORBA advanced function modules and license items .................................. D-2

Table G-1 EMS ................................................................................................................................................................. G-2

Table G-2 Subnetwork ..................................................................................................................................................... G-2

Table G-3 TopoSubnetwork ............................................................................................................................................ G-3

Table G-4 ProtectionSubnetwork................................................................................................................................... G-3

Table G-5 SubnetworkConnection ................................................................................................................................ G-3

Table G-6 ManagedElement ........................................................................................................................................... G-4

Table G-7 TopologicalLink ............................................................................................................................................. G-4

Table G-8 EPGP................................................................................................................................................................ G-4

Table G-9 PTP................................................................................................................................................................... G-5

Table G-10 FTP................................................................................................................................................................. G-6

Table G-11 CTP ................................................................................................................................................................ G-6

Table G-12 TrafficDescriptor ......................................................................................................................................... G-8

Table G-13 Equip mentHo lder ........................................................................................................................................ G-8

Table G-14 Equip ment ..................................................................................................................................................... G-9

Table G-15 Protection Group........................................................................................................................................... G-9

Table G-16 WDM Protection Group ............................................................................................................................ G-10

Table G-17 VirtualBridge .............................................................................................................................................. G-10

Table G-18 VLAN .......................................................................................................................................................... G-10

Table G-19 Ethernet Service ......................................................................................................................................... G-11

Table G-20 ATM Service ............................................................................................................................................... G-11

Table G-21 ATM ProtectGroup .................................................................................................................................... G-11

Table G-22 QoS Ru le ..................................................................................................................................................... G-12

Table G-23 Flo w ............................................................................................................................................................. G-12

Table G-24 Flo w Do main .............................................................................................................................................. G-12

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Tables User Gu ide

Table G-25 Flo wDo mainFrag ment .............................................................................................................................. G-13

Table G-26 EncapsulationLayerLink .......................................................................................................................... G-13

Table G-27 LinkAggregation Group ............................................................................................................................ G-13

Table G-28 RPRNode .................................................................................................................................................... G-14

Table G-29 Routing Area .............................................................................................................................................. G-14

Table G-30 SNPPLink ................................................................................................................................................... G-14

Table H-1 ManagedElement_T ...................................................................................................................................... H-2

Table H-2 TerminationPoint_T....................................................................................................................................... H-3

Table H-3 EMS_T ............................................................................................................................................................ H-3

Table H-4 Equip ment_T .................................................................................................................................................. H-4

Table H-5 Equip mentHolder_T ...................................................................................................................................... H-5

Table H-6 SubnetworkConnection_T............................................................................................................................ H-6

Table H-7 SNCCreateData_T ......................................................................................................................................... H-6

Table H-8 SNCModifyData_T ....................................................................................................................................... H-7

Table H-9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T .............................................................................................................................. H-8

Table H-10 CrossConnect_T .......................................................................................................................................... H-8

Table H-11 HW_ EthService_T .................................................................................................................................... H-10

Table H-12 TrafficDescriptor_T................................................................................................................................... H-10

Table H-13 EthernetOAMOperat ion_T ...................................................................................................................... H-10

Table H-14 ELLin kCreateData_T ............................................................................................................................... H-11

Table H-15 FDFrCreateData_T.................................................................................................................................... H-11

Table H-16 NT_ALA RM .............................................................................................................................................. H-12

Table H-17 NT_TCA ..................................................................................................................................................... H-12

Table H-18 NT_PROTECTION_SWITCH ............................................................................................................... H-13

Table H-19 NT_ EPROTECTION_SWITCH ............................................................................................................ H-13

Table H-20 NT_WDMPROTECTION_SWITCH.................................................................................................... H-14

Table I-1 Layer rates supported by T2000 CORBA interface .....................................................................................I-1

Table J-1 ManagedElement ..............................................................................................................................................J-2

Table J-2 SubnetworkConnection....................................................................................................................................J-2

Table J-3 EncapsulationLayerLin k..................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-4 FlowDo mainFrag ment .....................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-5 TopologicalLink ................................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-6 Equip mentHolder ..............................................................................................................................................J-4

xii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


About This Document..................................................................................................................... 1

Huawei Proprietary and Confidential

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) i
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide About This Document

About This Document

This chapter introduces the contents, related version, intended audience, conventions and
update history of this document.

Related Version
Product Name Version

OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound V200R007C03

CORBA Interface

Intended Audience
The intended audience of this document is:
 NBI installer
 NBI commissioning engineer

This document consists of four chapters and is organized as follows.

Chapter Description

1 System Description This chapter introduces the characteristics of the T2000

CORBA interface.

2 System Features This chapter introduces the main features of the T2000
CORBA interface.

3 System Installation and This chapter describes how to install, enable and disable
Configuration the T2000 CORBA interface.

4 Interconnection Between This chapter describes the interconnection between the

the System and the Upper system and the upper level network management system
Level NMS or OSS through the CORBA interface.

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Issue 03 (2010-06-01) 1
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
About This Document User Gu ide

Chapter Description

Appendix A SDH This appendix describes how to configure the end-to-end

End-to-End Service SDH service through the T2000 CORBA interface.
Configuration Guide

Appendix B WDM This appendix describes how to configure the end-to-end

End-to-End Service WDM service through the T2000 CORBA interface.
Configuration Guide

Appendix C Ethernet Service This appendix describes how to configure the end-to-end
Configuration Guide Ethernet service through the T2000 CORBA interface.

Appendix D Relationship This appendix describes the relationship Between License

Between License Items and Items and CORBA Modules
CORBA Modules

Appendix E Service Ports This appendix describes service ports of the T2000
Description CORBA and how to query the service ports.

Appendix F Product List Lists the Huawei products supported by the T2000
CORBA interface.
Appendix G Object Naming Lists the naming rules for various objects in the T2000
Rules CORBA interface.
Appendix H AdditionalInfo This appendix describes the usage of additional fields in
Description each functional module of the T2000 CORBA interface
Appendix I Layer Rate Lists layer rates supported by the T2000 CORBA interface
Appendix J BT Naming This appendix describes the application scenarios and
Format Statement principles of the BT naming rules.

Appendix K Glossary Lists the glossary used in the guide.

Appendix L Acronyms and Lists the acronyms and abbreviations used in the guide.

Symbol Conventions
The following symbols may be found in this document. They are defined as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not

avoided, will result in severity or serious injury.
Indicates a hazard with a medium or low level of risk which,
if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

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2 Issue 03 (2010-06-01)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide About This Document

Symbol Description

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not

avoided, could cause equipment damage, data loss, and
CAUTION performance degradation, or unexpected results.

TIP Indicates a tip that may help you solve a problem or save
you time.

NOTE Provides additional information to emphasize or supplement

important points of the main text.

General Conventions
Convention Description

Times New Roman Normal paragraphs are in Times New Roman.

Boldface Names of files, directories, folders, and users are in

boldface. For example, log in as user root.

Italic Book titles are in italics.

Courier New Terminal display is in Courier New.

Command Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface The keywords of a command line are in boldface.

Italic Command arguments are in italic.

[] Items (keywords or arguments) in square brackets [ ] are

{ x | y | ... } Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. One is selected.
[ x | y | ... ] Optional alternative items are grouped in square brackets
and separated by vertical bars. One or none is selected.
{ x | y | ... } * Alternative items are grouped in braces and separated by
vertical bars. A minimum of one or a maximum of all can
be selected.

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About This Document User Gu ide

GUI Conventions
Convention Description

Boldface Buttons, menus, parameters, tabs, window, and dialog titles

are in boldface. For example, click OK.
> Multi-level menus are in boldface and separated by the “>”
signs. For example, choose File > Create > Folder.

Keyboard Operation
Format Description

Key Press the key. For example, press Enter and press Tab.
Key 1+Key 2 Press the keys concurrently. For example, pressing
Ctrl+Alt+A means the three keys should be pressed
Key 1, Key 2 Press the keys in turn. For example, pressing Alt, A means
the two keys should be pressed in turn.

Mouse Operation
Action Description

Click Select and release the primary mouse button without

moving the pointer.

Double-click Press the primary mouse button twice continuously and

quickly without moving the pointer.

Drag Press and hold the primary mouse button and move the
pointer to a certain position.

Update History
Updates between document versions are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document version
contains all updates made to previous versions.

Updates in Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.
Chapter 4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper Level NMS or OSS
 Description of collecting T2000 information is added.
 Description of Guide to the Interconnection with the OSS is updated.

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4 Issue 03 (2010-06-01)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide About This Document

Updates in Issue 02 (2009-12-15) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.
Some bugs in the manual of the previous version are fixed.

Updates in Issue 01 (2009-06-30) Based on Product Version V200R007C03

The updated contents are as follows.
Chapter 1 System Description
 Description of the ACE ORB (TAO) version is updated.
 Description of supporting for interworking between different ORB platforms is added.
Chapter 2 System Features
Description of new features is updated.
Chapter 3 System Installation and Configuration
 Description of the license path is updated.
 Descriptions of the Orbix notify service and Linux user right are added.
 Description of Centralized Deployment Naming Service is deleted.
 Descriptions of CORBA basic configuration and environment variable are updated.
 Descriptions of details of CORBA configuration are added.
 Descriptions of cautions in CORA configuration are updated.
Chapter 4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper Level NMS or OSS
Description of Linux user right is added.

Updates in Issue 01 (2009-03-30) Based on Product Version V200R007C02

Initial release for V200R007C02 version.

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Issue 03 (2010-06-01) 5
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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


1 System Description.................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.2 Co mpliant Standards ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Features............................................................................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.4 Networking ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1-3

2 System Features .......................................................................................................................... 2-1

2.1 New Features .................................................................................................................................................................. 2-2
2.2 Functional Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 Technical Specifications ............................................................................................................................................... 2-3

3 System Installation and Configuration ................................................................................. 3-1

3.1 Preparations .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Checking the T2000 License ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.2 Checking the Network Management System Maintenance Suite of the T2000 ....................................... 3-3
3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface ...................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.3 Disabling the T2000 CORBA Interface ................................................................................................................... 3-12
3.4 Restarting the T2000 CORBA Interface .................................................................................................................. 3-16
3.5 Delet ing the T2000 CORBA Interface Instance ..................................................................................................... 3-17

4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper Level NMS/OSS .......................... 4-1
4.1 Collecting the Information of T2000.......................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2 Gu ide to the Interconnection with the OSS ............................................................................................................... 4-2
4.2.1 Checking the Network Connectivity ................................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.2 Creat ing a T2000 User fo r the Access of an OSS .......................................................................................... 4-6
4.2.3 Connecting the CORBA NBI ............................................................................................................................ 4-7
4.3 SSL Principle and Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.3.1 SSL Princ iple........................................................................................................................................................ 4-8
4.3.2 Support fro m the CORBA Interface ................................................................................................................. 4-9
4.3.3 Configurat ion ....................................................................................................................................................... 4-9
4.4 Heartbeat Check Mechanism ..................................................................................................................................... 4-10
4.4.1 Ping Operat ion ................................................................................................................................................... 4-11
4.4.2 Heartbeat Notification ...................................................................................................................................... 4-11

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Figures


Figure 1-1 The position of the T2000 CORBA interface in the integrated NMS ..................................................... 1-3

Figure 3-1 Configuring the basic options the AgentCORBA instance ....................................................................... 3-4

Figure 3-2 Setting the IP addresses for the standby server........................................................................................... 3-6

Figure 3-3 Configuring the advanced options of the AgentCORBA instance .......................................................... 3-7

Figure 3-4 Configuring the EM S Name .......................................................................................................................... 3-7

Figure 3-5 Configuring the maximu m capacity of the log file .................................................................................... 3-8

Figure 3-6 Configuring the log output mode .................................................................................................................. 3-9

Figure 3-7 Configuring the log level switch ................................................................................................................... 3-9

Figure 3-8 Configuring the virtual NE switch .............................................................................................................. 3-10

Figure 3-9 Configuring the NE ID switch ..................................................................................................................... 3-10

Figure 3-10 Adding the CORBA interface instance successfully ............................................................................. 3-11

Figure 3-11 Viewing the information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor ............................ 3-12

Figure 3-12 Information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor .................................................. 3-13

Figure 3-13 Stopping the processes related to the CORBA interface ....................................................................... 3-14

Figure 3-14 Setting the mode of the CORBA process ................................................................................................ 3-15

Figure 3-15 Setting the start mode of the three processes related to the CORBA interface to Disabled........... 3-16

Figure 3-16 Shortcut menu displayed when an instance is right-clicked on the client of the Network
Management System Maintenance Suite........................................................................................................................ 3-18

Figure 4-1 Co mmunicat ion Mode of the CORBA NBI ................................................................................................ 4-3

Figure 4-2 TCP/IP Protocol Stack .................................................................................................................................... 4-4

Figure 4-3 Object Na ming Tree of the T2000 CORBA NBI ....................................................................................... 4-8

Figure 4-4 Ping operation................................................................................................................................................. 4-11

Figure 4-5 Heartbeat notification .................................................................................................................................... 4-12

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 1 System Descript ion

1 System Description

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Section Describes

1.1 Overview This chapter describes the T2000 CORBA interface in general.
1.2 Compliant Standards This chapter lists the standards that the T2000 CORBA
interface follows.
1.3 Features This chapter describes the T2000 CORBA interface features.

1.4 Networking This chapter describes the position of the T2000 CORBA
interface in the integrated NMS.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
1 System Descript ion User Gu ide

1.1 Overview
The T2000 northbound CORBA interface complies with the description about northbound
CORBA interface in the Telecommunication Management Forum (TMF) and
Multi-Technology Network Management (MTNM) recommendations, with some features
tailored to the needs of the T2000.

1.2 Compliant Standards

In compliance with the TMF MTNM standards, the iManager T2000 completely implements
the network management level (NML)/element management level (EML) CORBA interface
definition language (IDL) interface. Through the interface, the network management system
(NMS) or operating support system (OSS) can managed the Huawei transport network.
T2000 CORBA interface complies with the following versions of the TMF recommendations:
 TMF 513 MTNM Business Agreement
 TMF 608 MTNM Information Agreement
 TMF 814 MTNM CORBA Solution Set
 TMF 814A MTNM Implementation Statement
T2000 CORBA interface implements functions of the following interfaces:
 Most interfaces of the MTNM V2.1
 Some interfaces of the MTNM V3.0
 Some interfaces of the MTNM V3.5

1.3 Features
The features of the T2000 CORBA interface are as follows:
 Completely complies the Object Management Group (OMG) CORBA 2.6 specifications
and supports the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) 1.1 and IIOP1.2 protocols.
 Uses standard CORBA Naming Service1.1 and Notification Service1.0.
 The current version is implemented with the ACE ORB (TAO) 1.5 and thus is highly
efficient. Because the TAO is a widely applauded free object request broker (ORB)
product, the T2000 CORBA interface has a great advantage in cost. The users can enjoy
a very high price performance ratio.
 Provides support for interworking between different ORB platforms, currently including
IONA Orbix2000, IONA Orbix 6.1, InterBus, JacORB, Borland Vis iBroker and Borland
 Operates on multiple operation system platforms, currently including Windows and
 Provides support for standard SSL protocol. With simple configuration, the interface can
provide supports for different safe access control modes, currently including access by
using IIOP and access by using SSLIOP.

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 1 System Descript ion

1.4 Networking
Figure 1-1 shows the position of the T2000 CORBA interface in the integrated NMS.

Figure 1-1 The position of the T2000 CORBA interface in the integrated NMS

Service Management

Network Management NMS

Corba Corba Corba

NE Management

T2000 T2000 Other EMS

SDH 、Ethernet SDH 、 WDM


ATM : Asynchronous Transfer M ode SDH: Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

SM S: Service M anagement System WDM : Wavelength Division M ultiplexing
ASON: Automatically Switched Optical Network

T2000 CORBA interface serves as a communication centre between the EML and the NML.
Using CORBA, a highly applauded distributed object technology in the industry, the
iManager T2000 not only can connect into the multi-manufacturer integrated NMS, but also
can play a crucial role in the cross-field NMS.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1-3

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 2 System Features

2 System Features

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Section Describes

2.1 New Features This chapter describes new functions of the T2000
CORBA interface.

2.2 Functional Characteristics This chapter describes the functional characteristics of the
T2000 CORBA interface.
2.3 Technical Specifications This chapter lists the technical specifications of the T2000
CORBA interface.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
2 System Features User Gu ide

2.1 New Features

Compared with the T2000V200R007C02, the following new features are supported:
 The T2000 CORBA interface supports the function of querying the configuration and use
of WDM wavelengths.
 The T2000 CORBA interface can be deployed on the slave server of a distributed T2000
 The T2000 CORBA interface supports the function of acknowledging the alarm.
 The T2000 CORBA interface supports the Orbix notify service.

2.2 Functional Characteristics

The T2000 CORBA interface has the following functional characteristics.
 Full compliance with the TMF 814 IDL recommendation
Among different vendors’ equipment that is compliant with this recommendation,
management information can be exchanged so that open systems interconnection is
 Close integration with the T2000 server
Through the CORBA interface, network information changes can be reported in real time.
Quick response is also given to the IDL interface command issued by the NMS/OSS.
 Strong alarm support capability
Through the CORBA interface, all alarms received by the T2000 can be handled, and can
be located as accurately as to a board or termination point (TP). The CORBA interface is
also tolerant of alarm storms.
An alarm storm happens when the CORBA interface receives up to 1,000 alarms in a unit of time
 Accurate performance monitoring
Through the CORBA interface, performance data for different equipment and different
service levels can be monitored accurately. Equipment running status can also be
reported in real time.
 Convenient service management
The management for SDH, ASON, Ethernet, and WDM services is supported.
 Support for concurrent access to multiple NMS/OSS
Through the CORBA interface, network information changes can be reported to all
NMS/OSS at the same time. When an operation command is received from one
NMS/OSS, the operation result is reported to all NMS/OSS so that information in all
NMS/OSS is synchronized in real time.
 Full support for Huawei SDH, OSN and DWDM equipment
Through the CORBA interface, the NMS/OSS can perform operation and maintenance
management for all SDH, OSN and DWDM equipment on the network.

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 2 System Features

2.3 Technical Specifications

The T2000 CORBA interface has the following technical specifications.
 The CORBA interface can handle 100 reporting notifications every second. When there
are too many notifications (for example, an alarm storm), the CORBA interface uses
cache technology to ensure that no notification is missing and thus that the data between
the NMS/OSS and the T2000 are consistent. The cache size is adjustable according to
actual situations.
 For settings that are not applied to NEs, the CORBA interface is able to handle most of
them within two seconds. For settings that are applied to NEs, the CORBA interface is
able to handle most of them within five seconds.
 When querying a small amount of data (for example, the number of returned managed
objects is smaller than 1000) from the T2000, the CORBA interface returns all
information within five seconds. When querying from NEs, however, the CORBA
interface spends more time, depending on the network and NE statuses.
 When querying a large quantity of alarms, the CORBA interface handles at least 100
alarms per second.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2-3

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 3 System Installation and Configuration

3 System Installation and Configuration

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Section Describes

3.1 Preparations The preparations for starting the T2000 CORBA


3.2 Enabling the T2000 How to enable the T2000 CORBA interface.
CORBA Interface
3.3 Disabling the T2000 How to disable T2000 CORBA interface.
CORBA Interface
3.4 Restarting the T2000 How to restart the T2000 CORBA interface.
CORBA Interface
3.5 Deleting the T2000 How to deleting T2000 CORBA interface instance.
CORBA Interface Instance

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
3 System Installation and Configuration User Gu ide

3.1 Preparations
Check and prepare the corresponding files by following the steps below before you configure
the CORBA interface software.
 Checking the T2000 license.
 Checking the Network Management System Maintenance Suite of the T2000.

3.1.1 Checking the T2000 License

If you need to enable the CORBA interface, you need to purchase the license.

Use the text viewer to view the contents of

the %IMAPROOT%\server\license\licenseXXXXXXX.txt file. (Here each "X" represents
an integer ranges from 0 to 9.) On Solaris and Linux, view the license as user t2000. On
Windows, view the license as user administrator. If SupportCorbaIFBase = 1 in the license,
it indicates that the T2000 license supports the basic CORBA functions. If
SupportCorbaIFBase = 1 and SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1, it indicates that the T2000 license
supports the basic and advanced CORBA functions. For the relationships between the control
items of the T2000 license and CORBA function items, see section "Relationship Between
License Items and CORBA Modules." Ensure that the existing license supports the CORBA

In the case of the Solaris OS and Linux OS, the environment variable is represented by $Variable
(Variable indicates the name of the variable).
In the case of the Windows OS, the environment variable is represented by %Variable% (Variable
indicates the name of the variable).
The %IMAPROOT% variable corresponds to the installation directory of the T2000 server.
 In the case of the Solaris OS and Linux OS, the T2000 server is installed in the /T2000 directory by
default. Hence, the $IMAPROOT corresponds to /T2000.
 In the case of the Windows OS, the T2000 server is installed in the C:\T2000 directory by default.
Hence, the %IMAPROOT% corresponds to C:\T2000.
In future, all the environment variables are represented by %IMAPROOT% that is used in the
Windows OS.

3-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 3 System Installation and Configuration

3.1.2 Checking the Network Management System Maintenance

Suite of the T2000
To start the CORBA interface on the T2000, add a CORBA interface instance by using the
Network Management System Maintenance Suite first. Hence, before deploying the CORBA
interface instance, check and ensure that the Network Management System Maintenance Suite
is installed successfully.

The installation of the Network Management System Maintenance Suite of the T2000 is
integrated in the process of installing the T2000 server. Hence, you need not install the
Network Management System Maintenance Suite separately.
 In the case of the Solaris OS and Linux OS, the Network Management System
Maintenance Suite of the T2000 is installed in the $MSUITE directory.
 In the case of the Windows OS, the Network Management System Maintenance Suite of
the T2000 is installed in the %MSUI TE% directory.

 In the case of the Solaris OS and Linux OS, if the Network M anagement System M aintenance Suite
is installed in the / HWMS uite directory, $MS UITE corresponds to /HWMS uite.
 In the case of the Windows OS, if the Network M anagement System M aintenance Suite is installed
in the C:\ HWMS uite directory, %MS UITE% corresponds to \HWMS uite.

3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface

Before enabling the CORBA interface, you need to configure an instance of the CORBA
interface. This section describes how to use the T2000 maintenance tools to configure an
instance of the CORBA interface.

 On Solaris and Linux, you must be an authorized root user.
 On Windows, you must be a user of Administrator authority.
 The server for the T2000 maintenance tools must be operating.
 If you want to enable the permanent notification service, you need to purchase a license
from the developer of the Orbix component and then place the Orbix component in
the %IMAPROOT%\server\cbb\orbix\etc directory.

 The installation of the CORBA interface software is integrated into the installation of the
T2000, therefore no installation is needed before enabling the CORBA interface. You
only need to configure an instance of the CORBA interface. After successful
configuration, the CORBA interface process starts automatically.
 Generally, the T2000 maintenance tools start automatically with the startup of the
operating system. To check whether the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has
started, perform the following steps in the server:
On Solaris and Linux, run these commands as user root.
# cd /opt/HWMSuite/server/bin
# . /
If the screen display is:

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-3

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
3 System Installation and Configuration User Gu ide

msserver is running now !

It means that the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has started. If the server has not
started, you can enter the following command to start the server manually.
# /etc/rc3.d/S91msserver start
On Windows, start the Windows Task Manager, and then choose Process to check
whether the image name "msserver.exe" exists. If the name does not exist, it means that
the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has not started. Then open a DOS window
and run this command to start the server for the T2000 maintenance tools manually.
> net start msserver
Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.
1. Double-click the shortcut icon MSuite on the desktop, and the Login dialog box is
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and
the login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

 The initial password is MS UITE.

 On Solaris, Linux, and Windows, the methods of logging in the client for the T2000 maintenance
tools are the same.

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
CORBA interface instance. The Config InstanceAgentCORBA dialog box is displayed.
Step 3 Click the Basic configuration tab to perform the basic configuration of CORBA instance.

Figure 3-1 Configuring the basic options the AgentCORBA instance

The basic configuration is essential in the configuration of the CORBA interface.

 Notify Service Type: TAO Notify Service and Orbix Notify Service

3-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide 3 System Installation and Configuration

TAO Notify Service: Non-permanent notification service. This type of notification

service is deployed by default.
Orbix Notify Service: If you want to enable the permanent notification service, you
need to purchase a license from the developer of the Orbix component and then place the
Orbix component in the %IMAPROOT%\server\cbb\orbix\etc directory.
 In the Naming Service Host Address field, enter the IP address or name of the host
where naming service is deployed. In the Naming Service Port field, enter the port
number that naming service uses. In the Notify Service Host Address field, enter the IP
address or name of the host where notification service is deployed. In the Notify Service
Port No. field, enter the port number that the notification service uses. In the CORBA
Service Host Address field, enter the IP address or name of the host where CORBA
agent is deployed. In the CORBA Service Port field, enter the port number that CORBA
agent uses.

 The license of Orbix notify service is license.txt, and it must placed

in %IMAPROOT%\server\cbb\orbix\etc directory.
 If you choose Orbix notify service, the CORBA Service Host Address can be IP address
only, cannot be a Host Name.
 The Host here refers to the computer that provides the CORBA service. That is, the T2000
 In the case of a distributed T2000 system, you can deploy TAO notify service only and
cannot deploy Orbix notify service. And you can deploy CORBA on any of the hosts in
the distributed system, the CORBA Service Host Address can be Host Name only, cannot
be a IP address.
 None of the host addresses can be local host or You can use either the host
name or the host IP address while the IP address is recommended. If the host name is used,
the mappings between host names and IP addresses must be added in the hosts file of the
operating system on the computer where the upper-layer OSS resides. If there are multiple
network cards, the host IP address is the IP address of the active network card.
 You can use the default service port number.
 SSL: This function is only for TAO notify service. If you select this option, you need to set
the SSL port number of each service. In this case, the default values can be used.
 Naming service host address and CORBA service host address can be set to the same
IP address or different IP addresses. When a user specifies the same computer for the
naming service and CORBA service, the naming service is deployed on the computer
where the CORBA service is deployed. This type of deployment is defined as distributed
deployment. On the other hand, when the user does not deploy the naming service on the
computer where the CORBA service is deployed, the existing naming service in the
specified location is used directly. In this case, the type of deployment is defined as
centralized deployment. In the centralized deployment mode, make sure the naming
service in the specified location is usable.

Step 4 In the case of an HA system with multiple NICs, you can enter any IP address of the server
for communication with the upper-layer NMS.

1. If you select an IP address from the drop-down list, the system completes the
configuration for the standby server automatically.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-5

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
3 System Installation and Configuration User Gu ide

2. If you enter other IP addresses (except, the Address for Standby Server
dialog box is displayed. Set the IP address of the standby server in the window shown as

Figure 3-2 Setting the IP addresses for the standby server

 You can enter any IP address of the standby server (except
 If you deploy the naming service in a centralized manner, the naming service host address is
consistent with the IP address on the main window.
 Ensure that the input IP address is correct. That is, the standby server should be able to communicate
with the upper-layer NM S successfully with the input IP address.
 The CORBA NBI searches for the IP configuration list (hosts file) of the computer automatically.
Additionally, the first IP address in the configuration list is bound to the Naming service host
address and Notify service host address. In the case of a single IP address, you need not set the
Naming service host address and Notify service host address. In the case of multiple IP addresses,
you need to set these fields because the bound IP address is unknown. When setting theses fields,
you need to set them to IP addresses that the upp er-layer NM S can have access to.

Step 5 Click the Advanced configuration tab to perform the advanced configuration of CORBA

The advanced options on the Advanced configuration tab are optional. You can modify the
settings according to the actual requirements. Generally, it is recommended that you should
not modify the settings but use the default settings.

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Figure 3-3 Configuring the advanced options of the AgentCORBA instance

In the left-hand pane, select a configuration item and perform the advanced configuration. You can also
use the default value instead of performing the configuration.

The following describes the configuration of each option on the Advanced configuration tab.
1. Set EMS Name

Figure 3-4 Configuring the EMS Name

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If you configure multiple T2000s in a network as planned, you need to modify this parameter to ensure
that different T2000s have a unique name in the management domain of the NM S. The default value is
2. Maximum capacity of log file

Figure 3-5 Configuring the maximum capacity of the log file

The value of The maximum size of log file is indicates the maximum capacity of the file that records
the AgentCORBA log. If the size of the generated log exceeds the preset value, a new log file is
generated. It is recommended that you use the default value.
3. Log output mode

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Figure 3-6 Configuring the log output mode

You can select Instant printing or S cheduled printing as the value of Log output mode. If you select
Instant printing, the log generated by the AgentCORBA is output to the log file immediately; if you
select S cheduled printing, the log generated by the AgentCORBA is output to the log file at specified
4. Enable log level

Figure 3-7 Configuring the log level switch

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By default, Assert/Internal error, External Error, IO Error and Runtime Trace are set to Open.
5. Enable the virtual NE

Figure 3-8 Configuring the virtual NE switch

Decide whether the SDH SNC contains indication digits of virtual NE.
6. Enable the NE ID

Figure 3-9 Configuring the NE ID switch

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The value of The way to report NE i d is indicates the format of the NE ID that the AgentCORBA
reports to the upper layer OSS. You can select Physical ID or Logical ID.
When the T2000 is upgraded a later version, the format of the NE ID reported must be consistent with
the format set in the earlier version.
To ensure the consistency of formats of the NE IDs reported, y ou can check the bundle.cfg
configuration file in the %IMAPROOT%\server\nbi\corba\conf\ii_corbaagent_bundle directory. If
the value of the IsS witchToPhyID configuration item is 0, it indicates that the logical ID is reported. If
the value of the IsS witchToPhyID configuration item is 1, it indicates that the physical ID is reported.
During the T2000 upgrade from the V200R006C01 or an earlier version (old architecture) to the
V200R007C01 or a later version (new architecture), physical IDs should be used.
During the T2000 upgrade from the V200R007C01 or a later version, the settings of the formats of the
NE IDs reported should be consistent in the versions before upgrade and after upgrade.

Step 6 Click OK.

Figure 3-10 Adding the CORBA interface instance successfully

Step 7 Click OK to complete the configuration of the CORBA interface.

After the CORBA interface instance is added through the Network M anagement System M aintenance
Suite, the default start mode is Automatic. The CORBA interface process is started with the T2000.
After starting the T2000, you can log in to the Sysmonitor and view the running status of the processes,
as shown in the following figure.

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Figure 3-11 Viewing the information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor

If the Agent CORBA, Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the Running state,
it indicates that the CORBA interface process is started successfully.

3.3 Disabling the T2000 CORBA Interface

By disabling the T2000 CORBA interface, you can disable the CORBA interface service
without deleting the CORBA interface instance. In this way, the CORBA interface process
will not start with the T2000 when you start the T2000 next time.

 On Solaris and Linux, you must be an authorized t2000 user.
 On Windows, you must be a user of Administrator authority.
 The T2000 must be operating, and the Sysmonitor client must be started.
 The Agent CORBA, Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the Running
Step 1 Click the Process tab on the Sysmonitor.

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Figure 3-12 Information about the processes on the interface of the Sysmonitor

Step 2 Stop the AgentCORBA, Naming Service and Notify Service process. select the Agent
CORBA process , right-click, and choose Stop Process to stop the process. To stop the
Naming Service and Notify Service processes, perform the same operations.

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Figure 3-13 Stopping the processes related to the CORBA interface

Step 3 Disable Agent CORBA, Naming Service and Notify Service process. select the Agent
CORBA process, right-click, and choose Start Mode > Disabled. To disable the Naming
Service and Notify Service processes, perform the same operations.

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Figure 3-14 Setting the mode of the CORBA process

After the three processes are stopped, you can view the following interface on the Sysmonitor.

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Figure 3-15 Setting the start mode of the three processes related to the CORBA interface to


3.4 Restarting the T2000 CORBA Interface

When the CORBA interface process is in the stopped state, you can restart the process in the
Sysmonitor client.

 On Solaris and Linux, you must be an authorized t2000 user.
 On Windows, you must be a user of Administrator authority.
 The T2000 must be operating, and the Sysmonitor client must be started.
 The Agent CORBA, Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the Stopped


If the Naming Service and Notify Service processes are stopped, start the Naming Service, Notify
Service, and Agent CORBA processes orderly.

Step 1 Select the Naming Service process on the Sysmonitor, right-click, and choose Start Process.

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If the Naming Service processes are in the Running state, it indicates that the Naming Service process is
started successfully.

Step 2 Select the Notify Service process on the Sysmonitor, right-click, and choose Start Process.

If the Notify Service processes are in the Running state, it indicates that the Notify Service process is
started successfully.

Step 3 Select the Agent CORBA process on the Sysmonitor, right-click, and choose Start Process.

If the Agent CORBA, Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the Running state, it
indicates that the CORBA interface process is started successfully.


3.5 Deleting the T2000 CORBA Interface Instance

You can delete an instance for the CORBA interface if it is not in use, which enhances the
running efficiency of the T2000.

 On Solaris and Linux, you must be an authorized root user.
 On Windows, you must be a user of Administrator authority.
 The T2000 must be operating.
 The Agent CORBA, Naming Service, and Notify Service processes are in the Stopped
 The server for the T2000 maintenance tools must be operating.

Generally, the T2000 maintenance tools start automatically with the startup of the operating
system. To check whether the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has started, perform the
following steps in the server:
 On Solaris and Linux, run these commands as user root.
# cd /opt/HWMSuite/server/bin
# . /

If the screen display is:

msserver is running now !

It means that the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has started. If the server has not
started, you can enter the following command to start the server manually.
# /etc/rc3.d/S91msserver start

On Windows, start the Windows Task Manager, and then choose Process to check
whether the image name msserver.exe exists. If the name does not exist, it means that the
server for the T2000 maintenance tools has not started. Then open a DOS window and
run this command to start the server for the T2000 maintenance tools manually.
> net start msserver

Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3-17

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1. Double-click the shortcut icon MSuite on the desktop, and the Login dialog box is
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and
the login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

 The initial password is MS UITE.

 On Solaris, Linux and Windows, the methods of logging in the client for the T2000 maintenance
tools are the same.

Step 2 Click the Instance tab. Select the Agent CORBA instance from the instance list, right-click,
and choose Delete Instance.

Figure 3-16 Shortcut menu displayed when an instance is right-clicked on the client of the
Network Management System Maintenance Suite

Step 3 Click OK.

Step 4 Click OK. After the confirmation, the Network Management System Maintenance Suite
begins deleting the Agent CORBA instance.
Step 5 Click OK and deleting the Agent CORBA instance is complete.

After the AgentCORBA instance is deleted, the Sysmonitor does not display the information about the
AgentCORBA process, Naming Service process and Notify Service process. If you need to re-enable the
CORBA interface, refer to section 3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface and reconfigure an
instance of the CORBA interface.


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4 Interconnection Between the System and

the Upper Level NMS/OSS

About This Chapter

The following table lists the contents of this chapter.

Section Describes

4.1 Collecting the Information Collecting the T2000 information to support intergration
of T2000 with OSS.

4.2 Guide to the Preparations for the interconnection between the OSS
Interconnection with the OSS and the Huawei CORBA interface.

4.3 SSL SSL mechanism of the Huawei CORBA interface.

4.4 Heartbeat Check Check mechanism for the communication between the
Mechanism Huawei CORBA interface and the OSS.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-1

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4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Level NM S/OSS User Gu ide

4.1 Collecting the Information of T2000

The Huaweri engineer need collect the information of T2000 and sent it to the carrier to
support the integration of OSS and T2000.

Item Value Description

NMS server IP/NMS server For example, The IP address or name of the T2000
name server.

CORBA Naming service For example, -ORBInitRef Accessing the Naming Service process in
NameService=iioploc://10.70.7 the EndPoint mode directly.

IOR string ns.ior file Obtaining the object reference file of the
The directory Naming Service
server\cbb\nbicbb_3p\lib or
cbb_3p/lib by default.
CORBA user name and For example, corbanbi/corbanbi For details, see 4.2.2 Creating a T2000
password User for the Access of an OSS.
Structure tree EMSInstance Huawei/T2000 This parameters can be modified,see Set
of naming EMS Name.
Class TMF_MTNM Fixed

Vendor HUAWEI Fixed

Version 2.0 Fixed

4.2 Guide to the Interconnection with the OSS

Preparations for the interconnection between the OSS and the Huawei CORBA interface.

Before interconnecting the CORBA interface with the OSS, ensure that the Huawei CORBA
interface is configured correctly and started successfully. For information on how to configure
and start the CORBA interface, refer to 3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface.

After ensure the CORBA interface is started correctly, you can interconnect with the OSS
with the following steps.
4.2.1 Checking the Network Connectivity

Before interconnecting the T2000 CORBA NBI with the OSS, ensure that the communication
between the host where the OSS is located and the host where the T2000 CORBA NBI is
located is normal. You can run the telnet command to check the connectivity between the two
4.2.2 Creating a T2000 User for the Access of an OSS

4-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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If the T2000 CORBA interface runs in the normal state and the network communication is
normal, you need to create a network management user on the T2000 for the access of an OSS
before the OSS accesses the T2000 through the CORBA interface.
4.2.3 Connecting the CORBA NBI

The OSS can access the Naming Service process to obtain the object reference of the CORBA
interface in two modes. One is obtaining the object reference file of the Naming Service, and
the other is accessing the Naming Service process in the EndPoint mode directly.

4.2.1 Checking the Network Connectivity

Before interconnecting the T2000 CORBA NBI with the OSS, ensure that the communication
between the host where the OSS is located and the host where the T2000 CORBA NBI is
located is normal. You can run the telnet command to check the connectivity between the two

As shown in Figure 4-1, a T2000 CORBA NBI communicate with an OSS based on the IIOP
protocol and the CORBA NBI is located at the application layer of the TCP/IP model. A
CORBA NBI can be interconnected to the OSS only when application layers communicate
with each other successfully.

Figure 4-1 Communication Mode of the CORBA NBI

U2000 OSS




Ethernet Ethernet


As shown in Figure 4-2, the Telnet protocol is located at the application layer. Therefore,
Telnet operations can ensure the connectivity among application layers. You can perform
Telnet operations to test the connectivity of networks.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-3

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Figure 4-2 TCP/IP Protocol Stack

Application Telnet, FTP, e-mail, etc.

Transport TCP, UDP

Network IP, ICMP, IGMP

Link device driver and interface card

When you perform a ping operation, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo
request messages are sent to verify the IP-level connection to another TCP/IP computer. Thus,
the ping operation cannot ensure the connectivity among application layers.

 Window OS
1. Log in OSS server as user Administrator.
2. Open a dos windows, enter telnet IP or server-name port.
For example,
telnet 12001
The IP address or server name belongs to the T2000 server.
You can set the port when deploy or configure the CORBA NBI. You must check all the
ports of the naming service, notify service and CORBA agent. Table 4-1 lists the default
value of port. For more details, see 3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface.

Table 4-1 Default Value of Port

Common Mode SSL Mode

 Naming service port: 12001  Naming service SSL port: 22001
 Notify service port: 12002  Notify service SSL port: 22002
 CORBA Agent port: 12003  CORBA Agent SSL port: 22003

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If you want to connect the T2000 server and the OSS server through the server computer
name, you must modify the hosts OS file of the computer where the OSS server is installed as
follows: Add the mapping between the T2000 server name and its IP address.
Add a row that describes the mapping between the server computer name (iManager) and its
IP address (For example, to the hosts file. For example, iManager
In Windows OS, the host file in the directory of C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
In Solaris or SUSE Linux, the host file in the directory of /etc.

3. The following picture shows the communication is normal.

4. If the communication is abnormal, please check the configuration of the network.

 Solaris or SUSE Linux OS
1. Log in OSS server as user root.
2. Open a terminal, enter telnet IP or server-name port.
For example,
telnet 12001
The IP address or server name belongs to the T2000 server.
You can set the port when deploy or configure the CORBA NBI. You must check all the
ports of the naming service, notify service and CORBA agent. Table 4-2 lists the default
value of port. For more details, see 3.2 Enabling the T2000 CORBA Interface.

Table 4-2 Default Value of Port

Common Mode SSL Mode

 Naming service port: 12001  Naming service SSL port: 22001
 Notify service port: 12002  Notify service SSL port: 22002
 CORBA Agent port: 12003  CORBA Agent SSL port: 22003

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-5

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If you want to connect the T2000 server and the OSS server through the server computer
name, you must modify the hosts OS file of the computer where the OSS server is installed as
follows: Add the mapping between the T2000 server name and its IP address.
Add a row that describes the mapping between the server computer name (iManager) and its
IP address (For example, to the hosts file. For example, iManager
In Windows OS, the host file in the directory of C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
In Solaris or SUSE Linux, the host file in the directory of /etc.

3. The following picture shows the communication is normal.

4. If the communication is abnormal, please check the configuration of the network.

4.2.2 Creating a T2000 User for the Access of an OSS

If the T2000 CORBA interface runs in the normal state and the network communication is
normal, you need to create a network management user on the T2000 for the access of an OSS
before the OSS accesses the T2000 through the CORBA interface.

Step 1 Login the client of T2000.
Step 2 Choose System > NMS User Management from the Main Menu.

Step 3 In the Security Object area, double-click Users, right-click and choose New User from the
shortcut menu.
Step 4 Complete the information in the Ne w User dialog box.

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If M ust modify password is set to Yes, when a new user logs in for the first time, a prompt is displayed
to ask the user to change the initial password before the user logs in.

Step 5 Click OK.


4.2.3 Connecting the CORBA NBI

The OSS can access the Naming Service process to obtain the object reference of the CORBA
interface in two modes. One is obtaining the object reference file of the Naming Service, and
the other is accessing the Naming Service process in the EndPoint mode directly.

The OSS first accesses the Naming Service process of the T2000 CORBA interface to obtain
the object reference (EmsSessionFactory_I) of the T2000 CORBA interface. Then, the OSS
invokes the getEmsSession operation provided by the object and sets up the connection with
the T2000 CORBA interface.

The OSS can access the Naming Service process to obtain the object reference of the CORBA
interface in two modes:
 Obtaining the object reference file of the Naming Service, that
is, %IMAPROOT%\server\ns.ior or $IMAPROOT/server/ns.ior. This file is the

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-7

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4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
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object reference of the Naming Service and is written after the Naming Service process
is started in the normal state.
 Accessing the Naming Service process in the EndPoint mode directly. For example,
specify the ORB parameter to access and monitor the Naming service whose IP address
is and port number is 12001.
-ORBInitRef NameService=iioploc://

The parameters may vary with the ORBs. For details, refer to the manuals related to ORB.

Figure 4-3 shows the object reference path that the T2000 CORBA interface releases on the
Naming Service. For the details of configuration, see 3.2.

Figure 4-3 Object Naming Tree of the T2000 CORBA NBI

4.3 SSL Principle and Configuration

4.3.1 SSL Principle
The Security Socket Layer (SSL) is a type of security communication protocol developed by
Netscape. Through the digital certificate, an encrypted security channel is set up between the
client and the server by SSL. This ensures that the transmitted information is not intercepted
by others.

After adopting the SSL encryption mechanism, the client needs to set up the communication
connection with the server first. The server sends the digital certificate and the public key to
the client, and exchanges the password with the client. Usually, the password algorithm is
RSA; it can also be Diffie-Hellman or Fortezza-KEA. After the identity is verified, the public
key is used to encrypt the session key of the client and the session key is sent to the server.
After the server receives the session key, the server decrypts the session key. Then, an
encrypted communication channel is set up between the client and the server.

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The three important elements of SSL are certificate, digital signature, and encryption. For
details about the concepts and principles of SSL, refer to the related documents.

4.3.2 Support from the CORBA Interface

When SSL is used for the communication between the Huawei CORBA interface and the
upper level NMS, two protocol modes are supported: IIOP and SSLIOP. In the case of the
SSLIOP mode, the CORBA interface communicates with the upper level NMS in the security
authentication encryption mode.
SSLIOP mode: The data is encrypted according to the certificate. The certificates used by the
client and the server must be the same. In this mode, the upper level NMS must use the SSL
protocol to communicate with the Huawei CORBA interface. That is, the NMS must use the
certificate, digital signature, and encryption algorithm to ensure the security of the
communication between the systems. Generally, it is recommended that you adopt the IIOP
communication mechanism if there is no special security requirement for the communication
between the OSS and the Huawei CORBA interface. In special situations, you can use the
SSL mechanism according to the requirements, or change the configuration parameters of the
Huawei CORBA interface to determine whether to encrypt the exchanged data. In addition,
you can manage the certificate by yourself according to the requirements. For details about
the configuration, refer to the guide to configuring the Huawei CORBA interface.

4.3.3 Configuration
You can use the Network Management System Suite to configure the SSL for the CORBA
interface. The procedure is as follows:

 The T2000 maintenance tools must be successfully installed.
 The server for the T2000 maintenance tools must be operating.
 On Solaris and Linux, you must be an authorized root user.
 On Windows, you must be a user of Administrator authority.

Generally, the T2000 maintenance tools start automatically with the startup of the operating
system. To check whether the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has started, perform the
following steps in the server:
 On Solaris, run these commands as user root.
# cd /opt/HWMSuite/server/bin
# . /

If the screen display is:

msserver is running now !

It means that the server for the T2000 maintenance tools has started. If the server has not
started, you can enter the following command to start the server manually.
# /etc/rc3.d/S91msserver start

On Windows, start the Windows Task Manager, and then choose Process to check
whether the image name msserver.exe exists. If the name does not exist, it means that the
server for the T2000 maintenance tools has not started. Then open a DOS window and
run this command to start the server for the T2000 maintenance tools manually.
> net start msserver

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Step 1 Log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

1. Double-click the shortcut icon MSuite on the desktop, and the Login dialog box is
2. Enter the IP address of the network management system maintenance suite server, and
the login password of the network management system maintenance suite.
3. Click OK to log in to the network management system maintenance suite client.

 The initial password is MS UITE.

 On both Solaris and Windows, the methods of logging in the client for the T2000 maintenance tools
are the same.

Step 2 On the network management system maintenance suite client, choose NBI > Configure the
CORBA interface instance. The Configure the CORBA interface instance dialog box is
Step 3 Click the Basic configuration tab, select the Use SSL.

You need to configure the SSL port No. of each service. It is recommended that you use the default
value. This function is only for TAO Notify Service.

Step 4 Click OK.


4.4 Heartbeat Check Mechanism

The heartbeat check mechanism is used to check the connectivity between the T2000 CORBA
and OSS. At present, T2000 CORBA interface supports two types of heartbeat check
 ping operation
 Heartbeat notification

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4.4.1 Ping Operation

The OSS initiates the CORBA connection through the getEmsSession interface. The interface
prototype is as follows:

void getEmsSession (in string user, in string password, in

nmsSession::NmsSession_I client, out emsSession::EmsSession_I
emsSessionInterface) raises (globaldefs::ProcessingFailureException)

The third parameter client is the NmsSession object that is created by the upper level NMS
and is used to respond to the heartbeat check of the EMS. After the request for the connection
is approved, a session connection is set up between the upper level NMS and the Huawei
CORBA interface. That is, the Huawei CORBA interface returns an object reference
(emsSessionInterface) of itself to the upper level NMS so that the OSS can provide services
through the Huawei CORBA interface. In addition, the Huawei CORBA interface sets up the
communication connection with the OSS according to the object reference (client) f the OSS.
The definition of the interface for setting up the connection between the OSS and the Huawei
CORBA interface is as follows:

After a connection is set up between the OSS and the Huawei CORBA interface, the OSS and
the Huawei CORBA interface maintain the communication connection by the ping operation
mechanism. See Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Ping operation

OSS NMS Session


EMS Session

After the session connection is set up, the Huawei CORBA interface periodically pings the
registered object NMSSession_I of the OSS, to check if the OSS is running properly and if the
network communication connection is normal. Hence, the OSS must ping the NMSSession_I
object correctly and respond to the return of the operation from the CORBA interface. If the
return of the ping operations from Huawei CORBA interface fails for four times, the Huawei
CORBA interface automatically interrupts the session connection with the upper level NMS
and releases the session resources.

4.4.2 Heartbeat Notification

The ping operation is used to check the communication connection status and the running
status of the Huawei CORBA interface and the upper level NMS. The status of the Notify
Service is checked by the heartbeat notification. Therefore, the heartbeat notification is used
to check the Notify Service. This is a unidirectional check mechanism wherein the Huawei
CORBA interface periodically (30 seconds by default) sends an NT_HEART BEAT
notification to the notification server and the Notify Server sends it to the upper level NMS. In
this case, the upper level NMS period ically receives the heartbeat notification, which is used
by the OSS to check whether the communication with the Notify Server is normal. Generally,
if the OSS does not receive any event (including the heartbeat notification event and other
types of notification events) from the Notify Server within three heartbeat periods, it indicates

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4-11

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4 Interconnection Between the System and the Upper OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Level NM S/OSS User Gu ide

that the communication between the OSS and the Notify Server is interrupted. In this case, the
connection between the OSS and the Notify Server needs to be set up again.

Figure 4-5 Heartbeat notification

4-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide.................................................................A-1

A.1 Networking ................................................................................................................................................................... A-1
A.2 Creat ing SNCs of SIMPLE Type .............................................................................................................................. A-4
A.2.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of SIM PLE Type ...................................................................................................... A-4
A.2.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type............................................................................................... A-6
A.2.3 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Including NEs Specified ......................................... A-7
A.2.4 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Excluded NEs Specified ......................................... A-9
A.2.5 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Included Ports Specified ....................................... A-11
A.2.6 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Included Timeslots Specified ............................... A-13
A.2.7 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f SIMPLE Type with Excluded Ports Specified ...................................... A-15
A.2.8 Creat ing a Mono Nodal E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type ....................................................................... A-17
A.2.9 Creat ing a Full-Route SNC of SIM PLE Type ............................................................................................ A-19
A.2.10 Creating an SNC of SIM PLE Type Converged to One Point ................................................................ A-21
A.3 Creat ing SNCs of A DD_ DROP_A Type ............................................................................................................... A-25
A.3.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type ....................................................................................... A-25
A.3.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_A Type ................................................................................ A-28
A.3.3 Creat ing an E1-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_A ......................................................................................... A-31
A.3.4 Creat ing a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type ............................................................................ A-34
A.4 Creat ing SNCs of A DD_ DROP_Z.......................................................................................................................... A-37
A.4.1 Creat ing a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type ....................................................................................... A-37
A.4.2 Creat ing an E4-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_Z Type ................................................................................ A-39
A.4.3 Creat ing an E1-Level SNC o f ADD_DROP_Z Type ................................................................................ A-42
A.4.4 Creat ing a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type ............................................................................ A-44
A.5 Changing SNC Serv ices ........................................................................................................................................... A-47
A.5.1 Modify ing SNC Routes .................................................................................................................................. A-47
A.5.2 Changing an SNCP Service to a Normal SNC ........................................................................................... A-51
A.5.3 Changing a Normal SNC to an SNCP Serv ice ........................................................................................... A-55

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Figures


Figure A-1 Networking...................................................................................................................................................... A-2

Figure A-2 Fibre connection ............................................................................................................................................. A-2

Figure A-3 Slot configurat ion of NE350, NE351, NE352 and NE354 ..................................................................... A-3

Figure A-4 Slot configurat ion of NE353 ........................................................................................................................ A-3

Figure A-5 SNC of SIMPLE type.................................................................................................................................... A-4

Figure A-6 SNC of ADD_DROP_A type ..................................................................................................................... A-25

Figure A-7 The SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type ............................................................................................................. A-37

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration


The CORBA interface of T2000 V200R007C03 features more powerful SNC configuration
function than the earlier releases. Through the CORBA interface, the NMS/OSS can complete
the SNC configuration correctly. This chapter lists all types of SNCs that can be configured by
the T2000 CORBA interface currently, and provides sample parameters for the SNC
configuration of each type. The following types are supported:
 Creating SNCs of SIMPLE Type
 Creating SNCs of ADD_DROP_A
 Creating SNCs of ADD_DROP_Z
 Changing SNC Services

A.1 Networking
Figure A-1 and Figure A-2 give the networking used for sample parameters. In this chapter,
the configuration of all SNC services is based on this networking.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Figure A-1 Networking

Figure A-2 Fibre connection

slot 6 slot 7

slot 7 slot 7
slot 8
slot 12 NE353
NE350 NE354
slot 8 slot 8 slot 6
slot 6 slot 8 slot 6

slot 6 slot 7


Figure A-3 shows the slot configuration of NE350, NE351, NE352 and NE354. Figure A-4
shows the slot configuration of NE353.

A-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
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Figure A-3 Slot configuration of NE350, NE351, NE352 and NE354

Figure A-4 Slot configuration of NE353

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

A.2 Creating SNCs of SIMPLE Type

Figure A-5 shows the SNC structure of SIMPLE type.

Figure A-5 SNC of SIMPLE type

A.2.1 Creating a Server SNC of SIMPLE Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create a VC4 server SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: No route constraint.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

Owner huawei
Direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 15


A-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


fullRoute 0

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}


After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail


Physical Route

You can only select EFFORT_WHATEVER for the protectionEffort parameter.
When creating a server SNC, you can specify the layer rate to 15 only.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-5

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

A.2.2 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: No route constraint.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

Owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


fullRoute 0


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

A-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.




For creating an E4-level SNC, except the layer rate, all the other parameters are the same with
those for a VC4 server SNC. The layer rate of E4 is 8 while the layer rate of server SNC is 15.
Through the layer rate, the CORBA interface distinguishes whether to create a VC4 server
SNC or an E4-level SNC. To create an SNC of lower level, for example, E1 or E3, you need
to create a VC4 server SNC first, but there is no such constraint for creating an SNC of higher
level, for example, E4, 4c or 8c.

A.2.3 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type with Including

NEs Specified
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: NE351 and NE352 must be included.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


neTpInclusions {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590175}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590176}}

fullRoute 0

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.






The route constraint with included NEs specified is usually applied to the creation of server
SNC or SNC of higher level, for example, E4 and 4c.

A.2.4 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type with Excluded

NEs Specified
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: NE352 is not included.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-9

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


fullRoute 0

neTpSncExclusions {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590176}}
aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.




The route constraint with excluded NEs specified is usually applied to the creation of server
SNC or SNC of higher level, for example, E4 and 4c.

A.2.5 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type with Included

Ports Specified
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: The service must pass Port 1 of Slot 6 on NE351.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-11

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


neTpInclusions {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value

fullRoute 0

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





The route constraint with included ports specified is usually applied to the creation of server
SNC or SNC of higher level, for example, E4 and 4c.

A.2.6 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type with Included

Timeslots Specified
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".

Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the

multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: The service must pass the second VC4 of Port 1 in Slot 6 on NE351.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


neTpInclusions {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

fullRoute 0

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





If the higher order timeslot is specified as the constraint, then only the server trail or the
higher order SNC can be created. If the lower order timeslot is specified as the constraint,
then only the lower order SNC can be created.

A.2.7 Creating an E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type with Excluded

Ports Specified
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".

Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC from NE350 to NE354 through the

multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: The service cannot pass Port 1 of Slot 6 on NE351.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-15

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


fullRoute 0

neTpSncExclusions {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-16 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.




The route constraint with excluded ports specified is usually applied to the creation of server
SNC or SNC of higher level, for example, E4 and 4c.

A.2.8 Creating a Mono Nodal E4-Level SNC of SIMPLE Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal E4-level SNC on NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: No route constraint.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0
owner huawei

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-17

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 8


fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail


In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


To create a mono nodal SNC, the optical ports that the source and sink reside cannot be
connected with fibres. To create a mono nodal SNC of ST_SIMPLE type, you need to enter
true for the fullRoute parameter; for the ccInclusions parameter, you can either enter the
specified cross-connection or enter nothing. To create a mono nodal SNC of non-ST_SIMPLE
type, you must enter the specified cross-connection for the ccInclusions parameter.

A.2.9 Creating a Full-Route SNC of SIMPLE Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create a full-route E1-level SNC, whose route is
NE350NE351NE353NE354 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC
Constraint: The SNC must pass only the specified cross-connection.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei
forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei

direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 5

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-19

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList

{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value


A-20 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





When creating a full-route SNC, you need to enter the cross-connection on each NE from
source to sink for the ccInclusions parameter. When creating a full-route E1-level SNC, you
need first to create server SNCs between every two NEs.

A.2.10 Creating an SNC of SIMPLE Type Converged to One Point

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E1-level SNC converged from NE350, NE351 and NE352 to NE353
through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-21

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Constraint: No route constraint.

Sample Parameters

userLabel NE350-NE353

forceUniqueness 0

Owner huawei

Direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 5


fullRoute 0


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4}}
additionalCreationInfo {name Z1_Timeslot value 1}


userLabel NE351-NE353

forceUniqueness 0
owner huawei

direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

A-22 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 5



fullRoute 0

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4}}
additionalCreationInfo {name Z1_Timeslot value 2}


userLabel NE352-NE353

forceUniqueness 0
owner huawei

direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 5


fullRoute 0


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-23

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=4}}
additionalCreationInfo {name Z1_Timeslot value 3}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





A-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Converged SNC means the service converges from one lower order TP (for example,
VC12/VC3) or more to a higher order TP (VC4). The sink of a converged SNC is not the
convergence point. Since the service levels of the source and sink are different: one is lower
order TP and the other is higher order TP, the creation of SNC of this type differs with that of
other types.
 Without full-route constraint
Enter the source and sink TPs according to the actual situation, that is, the add/drop endpoint
is a lower order TP and the convergence endpoint is a higher order TP.

The rules of entering the additionalCreationInfo parameter are: Enter A1_Times lot for the
name, enter 3 for the value. "A" means the SNC converges at the source point. (If the SNC
converges at the sink point, enter Zx_TimeSlot for the name.) "1" means the first TP in the TP
list for the source of SNC service. "3" means the lower order timeslot of the VC4 TP that the
SNC convergence point resides.
 With full-route constraint
Enter the source and sink TPs according to the actual situation, that is, the add/drop endpoint
is a lower order TP and the convergence endpoint is a higher order TP.
Specify all lower order cross-connections that the SNC passes.
The value of the additionalCreationInfo parameter must be null.

A.3 Creating SNCs of ADD_DROP_A Type

Figure A-6 shows the structure of the SNC of ADD_DROP_A type.

Figure A-6 SNC of ADD_DROP_A type

A.3.1 Creating a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-25

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Purpose: To create a VC4 server SNC of ADD_DROP_A type, whose sources are NE351 and
NE352 and sink is NE353 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

Owner huawei
Direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 15

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_A

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

A-26 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-27

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

For the server SNC of ADD_DROP_A type, the cross-connection is only created on NE353,
so you need to enter only one cross-connection for the ccInclusions parameter.

A.3.2 Creating an E4-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".

Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC of ADD_DROP_A type, whose sources are NE351 and
NE352 and sink is NE353 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei

direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8

A-28 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList

{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590176} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_A
aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590177} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-29

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.




The way of creating an E4-level SNC of ADD_DROP_A type is similar to that of creating an
E4-level SNC of SIMPLE type. Since the E4-level SNC of ADD_DROP_A type has
cross-connections on NE351, NE352 and NE353, you need to describe the three
cross-connections for the ccInclusions parameter.

A-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

A.3.3 Creating an E1-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_A

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E1-level SNC of ADD_DROP_A type, whose sources are NE351 and
NE352 and sink is NE353 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 5

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-31

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList

{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_A
aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590177}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo

fullRoute 1


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=13/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}

A-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-33

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

A.3.4 Creating a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_A Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E1-level SNC of ADD_DROP_A type and an E4-level SNC of
ADD_DROP_A type respectively on NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel E4 ADD_DROP_A

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei

direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_A

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590178} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1


A-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}


userLabel E1 ADD_DROP_A

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 5

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_A

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590178} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo

fullRoute 1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-35

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide



aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590178} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail


In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.


Refer to A.2 "Creating SNCs of SIMPLE Type".

A-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

A.4 Creating SNCs of ADD_DROP_Z

Figure A-7 shows the SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type.

Figure A-7 The SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type

A.4.1 Creating a Server SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create a VC4 server SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type, whose source is NE350 and
sinks are NE351 and NE352 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei

direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 15

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-37

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_Z

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}


fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}


After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

A-38 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.


Refer to A.3 "Creating SNCs of ADD_DROP_A Type".

A.4.2 Creating an E4-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E4-level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type, whose source is NE350 and
sinks are NE351 and NE352 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-39

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_Z

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active 0
direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active 0
direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1

A-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide



aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-41

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide




Refer to A.3.2 "Creating an E4-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_A".

A.4.3 Creating an E1-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To create an E1-level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type. The source is NE350 and the
sinks are NE351 and NE352 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel huawei

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 5

A-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_Z

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
additionalInfo {}} {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType
ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} zEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590175} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590176} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-43

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.




Refer to section A.3.3 "Creating an E1-Level SNC of ADD_DROP_A".

A.4.4 Creating a Mono Nodal SNC of ADD_DROP_Z Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".

A-44 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Purpose: To create a mono nodal E1-level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type and a mono nodal
E4-level SNC of ADD_DROP_Z type on NE354 through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.
Constraint: This SNC must pass only the specified cross-connections.

Sample Parameters

userLabel E1 ADD_DROP_Z

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei

direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 5

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_Z

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name
EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-45

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}} {{name
EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}


userLabel E4 ADD_DROP_Z

forceUniqueness 0

owner huawei
direction CD_BI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 8

ccInclusions {active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_ADD_DROP_Z

aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}}} additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1


A-46 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}} {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=2}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail


Refer to section A.2 "Creating SNCs of SIMPLE Type".

A.5 Changing SNC Services

A.5.1 Modifying SNC Routes
Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To change the route of E4-level SNC of ST_SIMPLE type by replacing NE351 with
NE352 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: modifySNC interface.

Constraint: Change the route of SNC from NE350NE351NE353NE354 to

Routes before modification are as follows:

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-47

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Basic Trail



Cross-connections before modification are as follows:





Sample Parameters

userLabel modify snc

forceUniqueness 0

owner snc owner

direction CD_BI

modifyType rerouting

A-48 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


retainOldSNC 0

modifyServers_allowed 0
staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8

addedOrNewRoute {id smart intended {} actualState {} administrativeState {}

inUseBy {} exclusive {} routeXCs {{active 0 direction CD_BI
ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active
0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590176} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active
0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590177}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active
0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590178}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}} additionalInfo {}}


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-49

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}


After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.

A-50 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide





Route modification for only SNCs of ST_SIMPLE type is supported. But the information of
source and sink cannot be modified, including corresponding ports and timeslots. Enter
rerouting for the modify type parameter and enter true for the fullRoute parameter.

A.5.2 Changing an SNCP Service to a Normal SNC

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To modify the route of an E4-level SNCP service and change the SNCP service to a
normal service through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: modifySNC interface.
Constraint: The protection route from NE350 to NE353 is deleted. The modified route is
NE350 NE351NE353NE354.
Routes before modification are as follows:

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-51

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Basic Trail



Cross-connections before modification are as follows:





A-52 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Sample Parameters

userLabel modify smart

forceUniqueness 0

owner snc owner

direction CD_BI

modifyType remove_protection

retainOldSNC 0

modifyServers_allowed 0

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 8


removedRoute {id {} intended {} actualState {} administrativeState {}

inUseBy {} exclusive {} routeXCs {{active 0 direction CD_BI
ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}} {active
0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList
{{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP value
/sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590177} {name
PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name
CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}}
additionalInfo {}}

fullRoute 1


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-53

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.

A-54 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide





To change an SNCP service to a normal service, you need to enter remove_protection for the
rmodifyType parameter and enter true for the fullRoute parameter. In the TMF protocol, the
value for the modifyType parameter is defined as add_protection/ remove_protection.
"add_protection" means changing a normal service to an SNCP service and
"remove_protection" means the reverse. Correspondingly, you need to enter the route to add
or to delete for the addedOrNewRoute/removedRoute parameter.

A.5.3 Changing a Normal SNC to an SNCP Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section A.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To change the normal service whose route is NE350 NE351NE353NE354 to
an SNCP service through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: modifySNC interface.

Constraint: The route is from NE350 to NE354. The dual-fed point is NE350 and the
selectively-receiving point is NE353.
Routes before modification are as follows:

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-55

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

Basic Trail



Cross-connections before modification are as follows:





Sample Parameters

userLabel modify smart

forceUniqueness 0

owner snc owner

direction CD_BI

modifyType add_protection

retainOldSNC 0

modifyServers_allowed 0

A-56 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide


staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA


layerRate 8

addedOrNewRoute {id {} intended y actualState active administrativeState

unlocked inUseBy y exclusive y routeXCs {{active 0 direction
CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE aEndNameList {{{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}
{active 0 direction CD_BI ccType ST_SIMPLE
aEndNameList {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 590177} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=8/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} zEndNameList {{{name EMS value
Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590177}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}} additionalInfo {}}} additionalInfo


fullRoute 1

aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement

value 590174} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590178} {name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=12/domain=sdh/port=1} {name CTP
value /sts3c_au4-j=1}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-57

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide User Gu ide

After the trail is configured successfully, choose Trail > SDH Trial Management from the
Main Menu of the T2000. View the details of the trail.

Basic Trail



In the NE Explorer, select an NE and choose Configuration > SDH Service Configuration
from the Function Tree. View the cross-connections on the NE.





A-58 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide A SDH End-to-End Service Configuration Guide

Refer to section A.5.2 "Changing a Normal SNC to an SNCP Service".

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential A-59

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration Guide ............................................................... B-1

B.1 Networking.................................................................................................................................................................... B-1
B.2 Creating WDM SNCs.................................................................................................................................................. B-6
B.2.1 Creating an Unprotected SNC ......................................................................................................................... B-6
B.2.2 Creating a Protected SNC............................................................................................................................... B-11
B.2.3 Creating a Mono Nodal SNC......................................................................................................................... B-17
B.3 Querying WDM SNCs .............................................................................................................................................. B-20
B.3.1 Querying SNCs ................................................................................................................................................ B-20
B.3.2 Querying SNCs by Name ............................................................................................................................... B-22
B.3.3 Querying SNCs Through Other Interfaces .................................................................................................. B-23
B.4 Activating and Deactivating WDM SNCs ............................................................................................................. B-24
B.4.1 Activating an SNC ........................................................................................................................................... B-24
B.4.2 Deactivating an SNC....................................................................................................................................... B-25
B.5 Modifying WDM SNCs ............................................................................................................................................ B-26
B.6 Querying WDM SNC Routes................................................................................................................................... B-35
B.7 Delet ing WDM SNCs................................................................................................................................................ B-40

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Figures


Figure B-1 Networking...................................................................................................................................................... B-2

Figure B-2 OTM 1-NE401 slot configuration ................................................................................................................ B-2

Figure B-3 OADM 1-NE402 slot configuration ............................................................................................................ B-3

Figure B-4 OTM 2-NE404 slot configuration ................................................................................................................ B-4

Figure B-5 OADM 2-NE403 slot configuration ............................................................................................................ B-4

Figure B-6 Signal flow d iagram....................................................................................................................................... B-5

Figure B-7 Result of creat ing an unprotected WDM SNC.......................................................................................... B-8

Figure B-8 Signal flow d iagram o f creat ing an unprotected WDM SNC................................................................. B-9

Figure B-9 Result of creat ing a protected WDM SNC .............................................................................................. B-15

Figure B-10 Signal flo w diag ram of creating a protected WDM SNC ................................................................... B-15

Figure B-11 Wavelength protection group created in OTM1.................................................................................... B-16

Figure B-12 Wavelength protection group created in OTM2 ................................................................................... B-16

Figure B-13 Result of creating a Mono Nodal WDM SNC ...................................................................................... B-18

Figure B-14 Signal flo w diag ram of creating a mono nodal WDM SNC............................................................... B-19

Figure B-15 Activation result ......................................................................................................................................... B-25

Figure B-16 Deactivation result ..................................................................................................................................... B-26

Figure B-17 SNC before modification .......................................................................................................................... B-28

Figure B-18 Signal flo w diag ra m before modification .............................................................................................. B-29

Figure B-19 SNC after modification ............................................................................................................................. B-33

Figure B-20 Signal flo w diag ram after modificat ion ................................................................................................. B-34

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B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration


This chapter describes WDM service configuration through the T2000 CORBA interface.
Some configuration samples are given.
This chapter includes the following topics:
 Networking
 Creating WDM SNCs
 Querying WDM SNCs
 Activating and Deactivating WDM SNCs
 Modifying WDM SNCs
 Querying WDM SNC Routes
 Deleting WDM SNCs

B.1 Networking
Figure B-1 gives the networking used for sample parameters. In this chapter, all WDM
end-to-end service configurations are based on this networking.

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Figure B-1 Networking

Figure B-2, Figure B-3, Figure B-4 and Figure B-5show slot configurations of different NEs.
Figure B-6 shows the signal flow diagram.

Figure B-2 OTM1-NE401 slot configuration

In the figure, subrack NE401 is the OptiX Metro 6100V1E.

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Figure B-3 OADM1-NE402 slot configuration

In the figure, subrack NE402 is the OptiX Metro 6100V1E.

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Figure B-4 OTM2-NE404 slot configuration

In the figure, subrack NE404 is the OptiX Metro 6100V1E.

Figure B-5 OADM2-NE403 slot configuration

In the figure, subrack NE403 is the OptiX Metro 6100V1E.

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Figure B-6 shows the signal flow diagram. It indicates the fibre connections in the entire

Figure B-6 Signal flow diagram

Create optical NE and subrack NE in order, refer to the following table.

No. Optical NE Optical NE ID Subrack NE Subrack ID

1 OTM1 33554433 NE401 590225

2 OADM1 33554434 NE402 590226

3 OTM2 33554435 NE404 590228

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No. Optical NE Optical NE ID Subrack NE Subrack ID

4 OADM2 33554436 NE403 590227

B.2 Creating WDM SNCs

B.2.1 Creating an Unprotected SNC
Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking". The subrack NEs are marked in the figures.
Purpose: To create a GE client trail between the source OTM1-NE401-1-LQG-4(RX2) and
the sink OTM2-NE404-1-LQG-4(TX2), through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface and in the full route mode.

Sample Parameters

userLabel BT2

forceUniqueness 0

owner BT2
direction CD_UNI

staticProtectionL UNPROT ECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 87

ccInclusions First active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4} {name
CTP value /dsr=1}}

B-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1} {name
CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

Second active 1
direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=1} {name
CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}}
additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

Third active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1} {name
CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
/rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4} {name
CTP value /dsr=1}}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

fullRoute 1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-7

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aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4} {name CTP value

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4} {name CTP value

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the trail, and click the
Signal Flow Diagram tab.

Figure B-7 Result of creating an unprotected WDM SNC

Figure B-8 shows the signal flow diagram. It indicates the result of creating an unprotected
SNC. In the figure, A to Z indicates the source end to the sink end of the SNC. The line in
bold indicates the detailed route of the SNC.

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Figure B-8 Signal flow diagram of creating an unprotected WDM SNC

Meanwhile an NT_OBJECT_CREATION type of SNC creation notification is reported. For

the notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

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Condition Description

Prerequisite Before WDM SNC creation, the fibre must be connected and the OCH server trail must be
available. The dynamically configurable cross-connection must also be available, because
a dynamically configurable cross-connection needs to be specified during OCH client SNC

Parameter forceUniqueness userLabel uniqueness is not supported. This parameter can

only be false.
rerouteAllowed Rerouting is not supported currently. This parameter can
only be RR_NA.
sncType Currently only the ST_SIMPLE type of trails can be
layerRate It is the layer rate of the SNC. Currently only client trails at
the GE rate (87) can be created.
direction Currently only unidirectional WDM trails can be created.

ccInclusions The cross-connection must be dynamically configurable.

This parameter is required in the full route mode only.

userLabel The user label is specified by the north interface. It can be


owner The owner of the SNC is specified by the north interface. It

can be blank.
networkRouted It indicates whether the created trail is network rerouted.
When creating a WDM trail, set it to NR_NA.
staticProtectionLevel It is the static protection level. Currently, creating a mono
nodal SNC supports UNPROTECTED only.
protectionEffort Currently the protection effort only supports ERRORT
neTpInclusions They are the resources required for creating an SNC. The
resources can be NEs, TPs or other SNCs. Currently, this
parameter is not available.
fullRoute It indicates whether a trail is created in the full route mode.
Currently, only the full route mode is supported.

neTpSncExclusions They are the resources that cannot be contained for SNC
creation. The resources can be NEs, TPs or other SNCs.
Currently, this parameter is not available.

aEnd It is the information about the source end of an SNC.

zEnd It is the information about the sink end of an SNC.

additionalCreationInfo It is the additional information.

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B.2.2 Creating a Protected SNC

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking". The subrack NEs are marked in the figures.
Purpose: To create a protected GE client trail between OTM1-NE401-8-OLP-3 and
OTM2-NE404-8-OLP-3, through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface and
in the full route mode.

Sample Parameters

userLabel BT
forceUniqueness 0

owner BT

direction CD_UNI

staticProtectionLevel FULLY_PROTECTED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 87

ccInclusions First active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}

zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433} {name PTP
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}}
additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

Second active 1

direction CD_UNI

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-11

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aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=1}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

Third active 1
direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=1}}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}
additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}

Fourth active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433} {name PTP
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

B-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Protection}

Fifth active 1

direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554436}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=2}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554436}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=1}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Protection}

Sixth active 1
direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /och=1/dsr=1}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-13

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zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Protection}


fullRoute 1


aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=8/domain=wdm/port=3}
{name CTP value /os=1}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=8/domain=wdm/port=3}
{name CTP value /os=1}


After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the trail, and click the
Signal Flow Diagram tab.

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Figure B-9 Result of creating a protected WDM SNC

Figure B-10 Signal flow diagram of creating a protected WDM SNC

Meanwhile an NT_OBJECT_CREATION type of SNC creation notification is reported. For

the notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

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For the prerequisites for creating the SNC and how to enter the parameters, refer to section
B.2.1 "Creating an Unprotected SNC". Enter ProtectionRole for the additionalInfo of the
ccInclusions to indicate the specified cross-connection is the working route or the protection

Meanwhile, the wavelength protection group must first be created. See Figure B-11 and
Figure B-12.

Step 1 To display the Create Wavelength Protection Group dialog box, perform the following
Step 2 Double-click an optical NE and select the subrack NE of the optical NE

Step 3 Right-click the subrack NE and choose NE Explorer from the shortcut menu or choose
Configuration > NE Explorer from the Main Topology.

Step 4 In the NE Explorer dialog box displayed, choose Function Tree > Configuration >
Wavelength Protection Group.

For interface input parameters, refer to Note in section B.2.1 "Creating an Unprotected SNC".

Figure B-11 Wavelength protection group created in OTM1

Figure B-12 Wavelength protection group created in OTM2

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B.2.3 Creating a Mono Nodal SNC

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 Networking .
Purpose: To create a GE client trail between OTM1-NE401-2-LQG-4 and
OTM1-NE401-2-LQG-3 through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::createSNC interface.

Sample Parameters

userLabel BT

forceUniqueness 0

owner BT

direction CD_UNI
staticProtectionLevel UNPROT ECTED

protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA

networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 87

ccInclusions First active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}
additionalInfo {name ProtectionRole value Work}


fullRoute 1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-17

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aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=4}
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}

zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=3}
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}


After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the trail, and click the
Signal Flow Diagram tab.

Figure B-13 Result of creating a Mono Nodal WDM SNC

Figure B-14 shows the signal flow diagram. It indicates the result of creating a mono nodal
SNC. In the figure, A to Z indicates the source end to the sink end of the SNC. The line in
bold indicates the detailed route of the SNC.

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Figure B-14 Signal flow diagram of creating a mono nodal WDM SNC

Meanwhile an NT_OBJECT_CREATION type of SNC creation notification is reported. For

the notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

For interface input parameters, refer to Note in section B.2.1 "Creating an Unprotected SNC".

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B.3 Querying WDM SNCs

B.3.1 Querying SNCs
Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To query the previously created SNCs through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getSNC and multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getSNCs

Sample Parameters

sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 05:44:46 - 2545 -wdm }}


sncNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 05:44:46 - 2545 -wdm }}}

The query results are given as follows.


name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 05:44:46 - 2545 -wdm }}

userLabel BT3

nativeEMSName BT3
owner BT3


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direction CD_UNI

rate 87
staticProtectionLevel FULLY PROTECTED


aEnd First tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

transmissionParams {layer 50
{{name ClientRate value 1250}
{name MaxClientRate value 1250} {name
MinClientRate value 1250}
{name ClientType value GBE}}}


zEnd First tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

transmissionParams {layer 50
{{name ClientRate value 1250}
{name MaxClientRate value 1250} {name
MinClientRate value 1250}
{name ClientType value GBE}}}

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rerouteAllowed RR_NO

networkRouted NR_NO

The result is the same as that of getSNC. Note: When an SNC name is corresponding to
multiple SNCs, getSNCs are returned to the SNC list. Currently, the interface is not

B.3.2 Querying SNCs by Name

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To query the previously created SNCs through the following interfaces.

Interface name Remarks

multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getSNCs ByEndObjectName Queries SNCs in a subnet by end object.

(Currently, this interface is not supported.)
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getSNCs ByNativeEmsName Queries SNCs in a subnet by NativeEmsName.
(Currently, this interface is not supported.)

multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getSNCs ByUserLabel Queries SNCs in a subnet by UserLabel.

Sample Parameters

userLabel BT3

The query results are the same as described in section B.3.1 "Querying SNCs".


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B.3.3 Querying SNCs Through Other Interfaces

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To query the previously created SNCs through the following interfaces.

Interface name Remarks

multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getAllSubnetworkConnectionNa Queries the names of all SNCs in a subnet.


multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: Queries the names of SNCs that pass

getAllSubnetworkConnectionNamesWithTP through a specified TP.
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: getAllSubnetworkConnections Queries the information of all SNCs in a
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I:: Queries the information of SNCs that pass
getAllSubnetworkConnectionsWithTP through a specified TP.

Sample Parameters

subnetName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
How_many 10


tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
How_many 10


subnetName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}


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How_many 10


tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
How_many 10

The query results are the same as described in section B.3.1 "Querying SNCs".

connectionRateList: List of rates of the SNCs to be reported. If an empty list is specified, then
all SNCs of all rates are to be reported..

B.4 Activating and Deactivating WDM SNCs

B.4.1 Activating an SNC
Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To activate a GE SNC through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::activateSNC

Sample Parameters
sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 05:44:46 - 2545 -wdm }}
tolerableImpact GOI_HITLESS


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After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu, and view the trail status.

Figure B-15 Activation result

Meanwhile an NT_STATE_CHANGE type of SNC creation notification is reported. For the

notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

Condition Description

Prerequisite There must be SNCs to be activated on the T2000.

Parameter tolerableImpact Means the tolerable interruption duration, currently not
emsFreedomLevel Means the EMS freedom level, currently not supported.

B.4.2 Deactivating an SNC

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To deactivate a GE SNC through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::deactivateSNC

Sample Parameters
sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 05:44:46 - 2545 -wdm }}
tolerableImpact GOI_HITLESS


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After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu, and view the trail status.

Figure B-16 Deactivation result

Meanwhile an NT_STATE_CHANGE type of SNC creation notification is reported. For the

notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

The conditions are the same as described in the note of section B.4.1 "Activating an SNC".

B.5 Modifying WDM SNCs

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To modify an SNC through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::modifySNC
The SNC parameters before modification are as follows.


name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 09:02:58 - 2703 -wdm }}

nativeEMSName NE401-NE404-Client-0001

direction CD_UNI

rate 87

staticProtectionLevel PARTIALLY_PROTECTED


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aEnd First tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}


transmissionPara {layer 50
ms transmissionParams
{{name ClientRate value 1250}
{name MaxClientRate value 1250} {name
MinClientRate value 1250} {name ClientType value



zEnd First tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}
transmissionPara {layer 50
ms transmissionParams
{{name ClientRate value 1250}
{name MaxClientRate value 1250} {name
MinClientRate value 1250} {name ClientType value

rerouteAllowed RR_NO

networkRouted NR_NO


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Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the trail and click the
Signal Flow Diagram tab. Then, you can view the SNC before modification..

Client Display

Figure B-17 SNC before modification

Figure B-18 shows the signal flow diagram of the SNC before modification. In the figure, A
to Z indicates the source end to the sink end of the SNC. The line in bold indicates the
detailed route of the SNC.

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Figure B-18 Signal flow diagram before modification

Sample Parameters
sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 09:02:58 - 2703 -wdm }}

SNCModifyData userLabel BT 21CN

forceUniqueness false

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-29

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B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration Gu ide User Gu ide

owner BT 21CN

direction CD_UNI

modifyType rerouting

retainOldSNC 0
modifyServers_allowed 0

staticProtectionLevel PREEMPTIBLE
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER

rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA

layerRate 87


fullRoute 1
aEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}
zEnd {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}

tolerableImpact GOI_HITLESS
tolerableImpactEffort EFFORT_WHAT EVER


The SNC parameters after modification are as follows.

B-30 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-03-28 13:56:41 - 42 -wdm }}
userLabel BT 21CN

nativeEMSName BT 21CN

owner BT 21CN

direction CD_UNI

rate 87

staticProtectionLevel PARTIALLY_PROTECTED

aEnd First tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

transmissionParams {layer 50
{{name ClientRate value 1250} {name
MaxClientRate value 1250} {name MinClientRate
value 1250} {name ClientType value GBE}}}


zEnd First tpName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name
ManagedElement value 33554435}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /dsr=1}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-31

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transmissionParams {layer 50
{{name ClientRate value 1250}
{name MaxClientRate value 1250} {name
MinClientRate value 1250} {name ClientType
value GBE}}}

rerouteAllowed RR_NO

networkRouted NR_NO

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.

Choose Trail > WDM Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the trail and choose
the Signal Flow Diagram tab.

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Client Display

Figure B-19 SNC after modification

Figure B-20 shows the signal flow diagram of the SNC after modification. In the figure, A to
Z indicates the source end to the sink end of the SNC. The line in bold indicates the detailed
route of the SNC.

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B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration Gu ide User Gu ide

Figure B-20 Signal flow diagram after modification

Meanwhile an NT_ROUT E_CHANGE type of SNC creation notification is reported. For the
notification structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide

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Prerequisite There must be SNCs for modification on the T2000. The dynamically configurable
cross-connection must be available. The dynamically configurable cross-connection needs to be
specified. Currently only the source and sink can be modified for a WDM trail.
Parameter forceUniqueness userLabel uniqueness is not supported. This parameter can only be false.

modifyType Currently only the source and sink can be modified for a WDM trail.
This parameter can only be rerouting.
sncType Currently only the ST_SIMPLE type of trails can be created.

layerRate Currently only client trails at the GE (87) rate can be created.

direction Currently only unidirectional WDM trails can be created.

retainOldSNC It indicates whether the original SNC configuration information is saved
when the SNC is modified.
modifyServers_allo It indicates whether server trails can be modified to adapt the protection
wed constraint newly specified.
addedOrNewRoute No cross-connection is added. You need not add the parameter.

removedRoute No cross-connection is removed. You need not add the parameter.

B.6 Querying WDM SNC Routes

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To query the route of a created SNC through the
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getRoute, multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getRoutes
(currently, this interface is not supported), and
multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::getRouteAndTopologicalLinks interfaces.

Sample Parameters

sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 09:02:58 - 2703 -wdm }}
includeHigherOrderCCs 0

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-35

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sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 03:47:02 - 2382 -wdm }}



First active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4}
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}

zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1}
{name CTP value /dsr=1}}

Second active 1

direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{{name "EMS" value "Huawei/T2000"}

{name "ManagedElement" value "33554434"}
{name "PTP" value "/rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1"}
{name "CTP" value "/och=1/dsr=1"}}}

zEndNameList {{{name "EMS" value "Huawei/T2000"}

{name "ManagedElement" value "33554434"}
{name "PTP" value "/rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=1"}
{name "CTP" value "/och=1/dsr=1"}}}


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Third active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{{name "EMS" value "Huawei/T2000"}

{name "ManagedElement" value "33554435"}
{name "PTP" value "/rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1"}
{name "CTP" value "/och=1/dsr=1"}}}
zEndNameList {{{name "EMS" value "Huawei/T2000"}
{name "ManagedElement" value "33554435"}
{name "PTP" value "/rack=1/shelf=590228/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=4"}
{name "CTP" value "/dsr=1"}}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential B-37

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B WDM End-to-End Service Configuration Gu ide User Gu ide



First active 1
direction CD_UNI


aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=4/domain=wdm/port=2}
{name CTP value /och=1}}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=4/domain=wdm/port=1}
{name CTP value /och=1}}

Second active 1

direction CD_UNI

aEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554434}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=10/domain=wdm/port=1} {name
CTP value /och=1}}
zEndNameList {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=10/domain=wdm/port=2} {name
CTP value /och=1}}


First name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name TopologicalLink value {2006-10-31 10:08:03 - 593}}

nativeEMSName f-1


direction CD_UNI

rate 47
aEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1}

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zEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 33554433}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=4/domain=wdm/port=2}

Second name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name TopologicalLink value {2006-10-31
10:08:36 - 594}}

nativeEMSName f-2

direction CD_UNI

rate 47

aEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554433}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=4/domain=wdm/port=1}

zEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554434}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=10/domain=wdm/port=1}


Third name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name TopologicalLink value {2006-10-31
10:09:02 - 596}}

nativeEMSName f-3


direction CD_UNI
rate 47

aEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554434}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=10/domain=wdm/port=2}
zEndTP {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 33554434}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=590226/slot=1/domain=wdm/port=1}


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B.7 Deleting WDM SNCs

Configuration Description
Networking: See section B.1 "Networking".
Purpose: To delete an SNC through the multiLayerSubnetworkMagr_I::deleteSNC interface.

Sample Parameters
sncName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value
{2006-11-01 03:56:23 - 2544 -wdm }}

The WDM SNC with the given sncName is deleted. Meanwhile an
NT_OBJECT_DELETION type of SNC creation notification is reported. For the notification
structure and sample, see Appendix C "List" in the Developer Guide (Configuration).

Condition Description

Prerequisite There must be SNCs for deletion on the T2000. An SNC can be deleted
only if it is inactive.
Parameter emsFreedomLevel The WDM SNCs do not support this parameter

B-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


C Ethernet Service Configuration Guide ................................................................................ C-1

C.1 Creating Ethernet Services ......................................................................................................................................... C-1
C.1.1 Ethernet and ATM Networking ....................................................................................................................... C-1
C.1.2 Creating an EPL Service ................................................................................................................................... C-2
C.1.3 Creating an EVPL Serv ice ............................................................................................................................... C-3
C.1.4 Creating an EPLAN Service ............................................................................................................................ C-5
C.1.5 Deleting an EPL Service ................................................................................................................................... C-6
C.1.6 Deleting an EPLAN Service ............................................................................................................................ C-6
C.2 Creating ATM Services ............................................................................................................................................... C-7
C.2.1 Creating an ATM Traffic Descriptor............................................................................................................... C-7
C.2.2 Creating an ATM Service ................................................................................................................................. C-8
C.2.3 Activating an ATM Service .............................................................................................................................. C-9
C.2.4 Deactivating an ATM Serv ice ........................................................................................................................ C-10
C.2.5 Deleting an ATM Service ............................................................................................................................... C-10
C.3 Creating ELL .............................................................................................................................................................. C-11
C.3.1 ELL and FDFr Networking ............................................................................................................................ C-11
C.3.2 Creating an ELL with the Server Trail Automat ically Created ................................................................ C-12
C.3.3 Creating an ELL with the Server Trail Manually Created ........................................................................ C-14
C.3.4 Creating an Unterminated ELL ..................................................................................................................... C-16
C.3.5 Creating a Mono Nodal ELL ......................................................................................................................... C-17
C.3.6 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated ELL ........................................................................................ C-19
C.3.7 Setting the LCAS Status for an ELL ............................................................................................................ C-21
C.3.8 Increasing ELL Bandwidth ............................................................................................................................ C-21
C.3.9 Decreasing ELL Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................... C-23
C.4 Creating FDFr ............................................................................................................................................................. C-24
C.4.1 Creating an FDFr of the EPL Type ............................................................................................................... C-24
C.4.2 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL Type ............................................................................................................ C-25
C.4.3 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type .............................................................................................. C-27
C.4.4 Creating an FDFr of the EPLA N Type......................................................................................................... C-32
C.4.5 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EPL Type...................................................................................... C-34
C.4.6 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL Type .................................................................................. C-35
C.4.7 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (Qin Q) Type .................................................................... C-36

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Contents User Gu ide

C.4.8 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EPL Type.......................................................................................... C-38

C.4.9 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL Type ...................................................................................... C-39
C.4.10 Creat ing a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type ...................................................................... C-40
C.4.11 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type ..................................... C-42

ii Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide Figures


Figure C-1 Networking ..................................................................................................................................................... C-1

Figure C-2 Slot configuration .......................................................................................................................................... C-2

Figure C-3 Creat ing an EPL service................................................................................................................................ C-3

Figure C-4 Creat ing an EVPL service ............................................................................................................................ C-4

Figure C-5 Creat ing an EPLAN service ......................................................................................................................... C-6

Figure C-6 Creat ing an ATM traffic descriptor ............................................................................................................. C-8

Figure C-7 Creat ing an ATM service .............................................................................................................................. C-9

Figure C-8 Networking ................................................................................................................................................... C-11

Figure C-9 Slot configuration ........................................................................................................................................ C-12

Figure C-10 Creating an ELL with the server trail automatically created .............................................................. C-13

Figure C-11 Creating an ELL with the server trail manually created...................................................................... C-15

Figure C-12 Creating an unterminated ELL ................................................................................................................ C-17

Figure C-13 Creating a mono nodal ELL..................................................................................................................... C-19

Figure C-14 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated ELL .................................................................................... C-21

Figure C-15 Increasing ELL bandwidth ....................................................................................................................... C-23

Figure C-16 Decreasing ELL bandwidth ..................................................................................................................... C-24

Figure C-17 Creating an FDFr of the EPL type .......................................................................................................... C-25

Figure C-18 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL type ....................................................................................................... C-27

Figure C-19 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ......................................................................................... C-28

Figure C-20 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ......................................................................................... C-30

Figure C-21 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ......................................................................................... C-31

Figure C-22 Creating an FDFr of the EPLAN type.................................................................................................... C-33

Figure C-23 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EPL type.................................................................................. C-35

Figure C-24 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL type .............................................................................. C-36

Figure C-25 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ................................................................ C-37

Figure C-26 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EPL type ...................................................................................... C-39

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Figure C-27 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL type ................................................................................... C-40

Figure C-28 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type ..................................................................... C-42

Figure C-29 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated FDFr o f the EVPL (Qin Q) type..................................... C-43

iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

C Ethernet Service Configuration Guide

The T2000 V200R007C03 CORBA interface provides strong support for MSTP
station-by-station service configuration. Through the CORBA interface, the NMS/OSS can
configure MSTP services station by station. This chapter describes the operations of MSTP
station-by-station service configuration. The descriptions for encapsulation layer link (ELL)
configuration and flow domain fragment (FDFr) configuration are added. Sample parameters
are also given in the description.
This chapter includes the following topics:
 Creating Ethernet Services
 Creating AT M Services
 Creating ELL
 Creating FDFr

C.1 Creating Ethernet Services

C.1.1 Ethernet and ATM Networking
Figure C-1 gives the networking used for sample parameters. Figure C-2 shows the slot
configuration. In this chapter, all Ethernet and ATM service configurations are based on this

Figure C-1 Networking

NE350 uses NE OptiX OSN 3500.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-1

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C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

Figure C-2 Slot configuration

C.1.2 Creating an EPL Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To create an EPL service from physical port (MAC port) 1 to VCG port 1 on the
N1EFS4 board (at slot 4 of NE350), using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::createEthService

Sample Parameters

serviceType HW_EST_EPL

direction CD_UNI
aEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 1

C-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
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User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

tunnel 0
vc 0
additionalInfo {}
zEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 0
tunnel 0
vc 0
additionalInfo {}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
In the NE explorer, select an Ethernet board and choose Configuration > Ethernet Service >
Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.

Figure C-3 Creating an EPL service

Both unidirectional and bidirectional Ethernet services can be created, except that for LAN
services only bidirectional is supported. When creating an EPL service, you must enter the
vlanID. For a board that is not a VLAN switch, only source vlanID is valid.

C.1.3 Creating an EVPL Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To create an EVPL service from physical port (MAC port) 2 to VCG port 2 on the
N1EFS4 board (at slot 4 of NE350), using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::createEthService

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-3

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C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

Sample Parameters

serviceType HW_EST_EVPL
direction CD_BI

aEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 0
tunnel 16
vc 0
additionalInfo {}

zEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 0
tunnel 17
vc 0
additionalInfo {}


After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
In the NE explorer, select an Ethernet board and choose Configuration > Ethernet Service >
Ethernet Line Service from the Function Tree.

Figure C-4 Creating an EVPL service

The MPLS EVPL service can be created only if the port type is P.

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User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

C.1.4 Creating an EPLAN Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To create an EPLAN service from logic port 1 to physical port (MAC port) 3 on the
N1EFS4 board (at slot 4 of NE350), using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::createEthService

Sample Parameters

serviceType HW_EST_EPLAN
direction CD_BI

aEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 0
tunnel 0
vc 0
additionalInfo {}
zEndPoint name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
vlanID 0
tunnel 0
vc 0
additionalInfo {}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
In the NE explorer, select an Ethernet board and choose Configuration > Ethernet Service >
Ethernet LAN Service from the Function Tree.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-5

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C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

Figure C-5 Creating an EPLAN service

LAN (including EVPLAN) service creation involves the creation of virtual bridge (VB) and
virtual LAN (VLAN). For the creation and query interfaces of VB and VLAN, refer to the
CORBA_MSTP_INV manager interfaces. Refer to section "HW_MSTPInventoryMgr_I" in
Developer Guide (Resource). A VB must be created before creating a LAN service. In this
example, a VB with the ID of 1 is created on the board at slot 4. When you create an EPLAN
service, the entry of vlanID is not required (a vlanID does not take effect even if it is entered).

C.1.5 Deleting an EPL Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To delete an EPL service, using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC:: deleteEthService

Sample Parameters
serviceName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name EthService value 1/4/0/3}


When querying MSTP station-by-station services (including LAN services) through the
CORBA interface, the query result shows only unidirectional services. That is, a bidirectional
service is divided into two unidirectional services. When deleting a service, only a
unidirectional service is deleted. To delete a bidirectional service, delete the two
unidirectional services respectively. An active EPL service must be deactivated before it is

C.1.6 Deleting an EPLAN Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".

Purpose: To delete an EPLAN service, using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC:: deleteEthService


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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

Sample Parameters
serviceName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name EthService value 1/4/2/1}


Deleting a LAN service is in fact deleting a unidirectional service. To delete a bidirectional
service, delete the two unidirectional services respectively. An active EPLAN service must be
deactivated before it is deleted.

C.2 Creating ATM Services

C.2.1 Creating an ATM Traffic Descriptor
Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To create an ATM traffic descriptor on NE350, using the CORBA_MSTP_TD::
HW_createTrafficDescriptor interface.

Sample Parameters
meName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement
value 590174}
newTDCreateData userLabel {}
forceUniqueness 0
owner {}
serviceCategory SC_UBR
trafficParameters {{name FDISCARD value TRUE}
{name QOSLEVEL value 1}}
conformanceDefinition {UNI 4.1}
activeState 1
additionalInfo {}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-7

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

In the NE explorer, click the NE and choose Configuration > ATM Traffic Management
from the Function Tree.

Figure C-6 Creating an ATM traffic descriptor

Before creating an ATM service, an ATM traffic descriptor must be created.

C.2.2 Creating an ATM Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To create an ATM service on the ADL4 board at slot 12 of NE350, using the
CORBA_MSTP_SVC:: createAtmService interface.

Sample Parameters
createData protectType HW_APT_1PLUS1
serviceType HW_AST_PVC
spreadType HW_ASST_P2P
protectRole HW_APR_NA
aEndPoint {name {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /atmnetworkinterface=1/vpi=0/vci=32}}
trafficDescriptorName {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name TrafficDescriptor value 1}}
bPC 1
additionalInfo {}}
zEndPoint {name
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /atmnetworkinterface=1/vpi=0/vci=33}}

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trafficDescriptorName {
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name TrafficDescriptor value 1}}
bPC 0 additionalInfo {}}
active 1
additionalInfo {}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
In the NE explorer, click the NE and choose Configuration > ATM Service Management
from the Function Tree.

Figure C-7 Creating an ATM service

The ATM VCG port must be bound with bandwidth to allow the created ATM service to pass
this port.

C.2.3 Activating an ATM Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To activate an inactive ATM service, using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::
activateAtmService interface.

Sample Parameters
serviceName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name AtmService value 1}


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-9

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An active ATM service cannot be activated again. A notification is reported after an ATM
service is activated.

C.2.4 Deactivating an ATM Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".

Purpose: To deactivate an ATM service, using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::

deactivateAtmService interface.

Sample Parameters
serviceName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name AtmService value 1}


A notification is reported after an ATM service is deactivated.

C.2.5 Deleting an ATM Service

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.1.1 "Ethernet and ATM Networking".
Purpose: To delete an ATM service on NE310, using the CORBA_MSTP_SVC::
deleteAtmService interface.

Sample Parameters
serviceName {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590174} {name AtmService value 1}


An active ATM must be deactivated before being deleted. A notification is reported after an
AT M service is deleted.

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C.3 Creating ELL

C.3.1 ELL and FDFr Networking
Figure C-8 gives the networking used for sample parameters. Figure C-9 shows the slot
configuration. In this chapter, all ELL and FDFr configurations are based on this networking.

Figure C-8 Networking

Fiber f-2 connects the N1SLD4 board at slot 6 of NE351 to the N1SLD4 at slot 6 of NE352.
Fiber f-3 connects the N1SL64 board at slot 7 of NE351 to the N1SL64 at slot 7 of NE352.

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Figure C-9 Slot configuration

NE352 has the same slot configuration as NE351.

C.3.2 Creating an ELL with the Server Trail Automatically

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create an ELL between NE351 and NE352, using the ELLManagement::
createELLink interface, with the server trail automatically created.

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Sample Parameters

userLabel Smart123

forceUniqueness 0

Owner AC

transmissionParams layer 5
transmissionParams {{name BandNum value 1}}
rate 98


endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000 }
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
segment 0

provisioningMode BP_AUTOMATIC


additionalCreationInfo {name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-10 Creating an ELL with the server trail automatically created

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-13

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For release 4.0 NEs, including the OptiX 155/622H (Metro1000), OptiX 155/622
(Metro2050), OptiX 2500+ (Metro3000) and the OptiX Metro 3100, protection subnets must
be created first.

Before creating a VC12 or VC3 ELL (excluding a mono nodal ELL), a VC4 server trail must
be created.

C.3.3 Creating an ELL with the Server Trail Manually Created

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".

Purpose: To create an ELL between NE351 and NE352, using the ELLManagement::
createELLink interface, with the server trail manually created.

Sample Parameters

userLabel Smart123

forceUniqueness 0

Owner AC


transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams {}}

rate 98

endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
segment 0

provisioningMode BP_MANUAL

sncList {userLabel a
forceUniqueness 0
owner b
direction CD_BI

C-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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staticProtectionLevel PREEMPTIBLE
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHATEVER
rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA
layerRate 5
ccInclusions {}
neTpInclusions {}
fullRoute 0
neTpSncExclusions {}
aEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=4/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=4-m=1}}}
zEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=4/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=4-m=1}}}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value DEACTIVE}}}

additionalCreationInfo {name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}

After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-11 Creating an ELL with the server trail manually created

When you create an ELL, the server trail can be created only manually or automatically. If
there is an existing SNC on the T2000, the CORBA interface does not support the SNC to be
specified as the server trail. The automatic creation of server trail does not select any existing

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-15

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SNC either. Before creating a VC12 or VC3 ELL (excluding a mono nodal ELL), a VC4
server trail must be created.

C.3.4 Creating an Unterminated ELL

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create an unterminated ELL on NE351, using the ELLManagement::
createELLink interface.

Sample Parameters

userLabel Smart123

forceUniqueness 0
Owner AC


transmissionParams {layer 0
transmissionParams {}}
rate 98


endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
segment 1

provisioningMode BP_MANUAL

sncList {userLabel a
forceUniqueness 0
owner b direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel PREEMPTIBLE
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHATEVER
rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA
layerRate 5
ccInclusions {}
neTpInclusions {}
fullRoute 0

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neTpSncExclusions {}
aEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=3/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=6/domain=sdh/port=2}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
additionalCreationInfo {}}



After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-12 Creating an unterminated ELL

Before creating a VC12 or VC3 ELL (excluding a mono nodal ELL), a VC4 server trail must
be created. When creating an unterminated ELL, you must manually create the server trail.

C.3.5 Creating a Mono Nodal ELL

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal ELL on NE351, using the ELLManagement:: createELLink

Sample Parameters

userLabel cc

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-17

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forceUniqueness 0

Owner AC

transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams {}}
rate 98


endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
segment 0

provisioningMode BP_MANUAL

sncList {{userLabel a
forceUniqueness 0
owner b
direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel UNPROTECT ED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHATEVER
rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA
layerRate 5
ccInclusions {}
neTpInclusions {}
fullRoute 1
neTpSncExclusions { }
aEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=2-l=2-m=1}}}
zEnd {{

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{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=4/vt2_tu12-k=2-l=2-m=1}}}
additionalCreationInfo {}}}


After configuration, you can view the result in the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-13 Creating a mono nodal ELL

When you create a mono nodal ELL, the server trail can be created automatically or manually.

C.3.6 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated ELL

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal and unterminated ELL on NE351, using the
ELLManagement:: createELLink interface.

Sample Parameters

userLabel Smart123

forceUniqueness 0
Owner AC

networkAccessDomain -

transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams {}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-19

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rate 98

endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
segment 1

provisioningMode BP_MANUAL

sncList {{userLabel a
forceUniqueness 0
owner b
direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel UNPROTECT ED
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHATEVER
rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA
layerRate 5
ccInclusions {}
neTpInclusions {}
fullRoute 0
neTpSncExclusions { }
aEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
zEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=7/domain=sdh/port=1}
{name CTP value /sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=1-m=1}}}
additionalCreationInfo {}}}

callName -

additionalCreationInfo -

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After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-14 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated ELL

When you create a mono nodal and unterminated ELL, the server trail must be created

C.3.7 Setting the LCAS Status for an ELL

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To set the LCAS status to enabled for an ELL, using the ELLManagement::
setELLinkLCASState interface.

Sample Parameters
ellName {{ name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name EncapsulationLayerLink value 2006-02-13 16:58:02 -
enableState 1


When the LCAS status is set to disabled, the parameter value is 0. Before adjusting ELL
bandwidth, the LCAS status must be set to enabled, with the value of 1.

C.3.8 Increasing ELL Bandwidth

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To increase ELL bandwidth, using the ELLManagement::
increaseBandwidthOfELLink interface.

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Sample Parameters
ellName {{ name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name EncapsulationLayerLink value 2006-02-13 16:58:02
- 2680-eth }}

automatic 0
addtionalSNCs {{ userLabel a
forceUniqueness 0
owner b
direction CD_BI
staticProtectionLevel PREEMPTIBLE
protectionEffort EFFORT_WHATEVER
rerouteAllowed RR_NA
networkRouted NR_NA
layerRate 5
ccInclusions { }
neTpInclusions { }
fullRoute 1
neTpSncExclusions { }
aEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value
zEnd {{
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value
additionalCreationInfo { }}}
numberOfSNCs 0


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After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-15 Increasing ELL bandwidth

To increase ELL bandwidth, the server layer bandwidth can be increased manually or
automatically (for unterminated ELL, only manual increase is supported). In this example, the
server layer bandwidth is increased manually. The manually added SNC must have the same
level of rate as the existing server SNC of the ELL. When increasing the server layer
bandwidth automatically, the parameter value of automatic is 1, additionalSNCs is null, and
numberOfSNCs equals the number of bandwidths to add. The ELL in this example is a mono
nodal ELL, so in additionalSNCs, the fullRoute parameter value of the SNC is 1.

C.3.9 Decreasing ELL Bandwidth

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To decrease ELL bandwidth, using the
ELLManagement::decreaseBandwidthOfELLink interface.

Sample Parameters
ellName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name EncapsulationLayerLink value 2006-02-13 16:58:02
- 2680-eth}}
sncNames {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
{name SubnetworkConnection value 2006-02-13 17:24:01 -
2682-eth }}}
numberOfSNCs 0

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Trunk Link Management from the Main Menu.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-23

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Figure C-16 Decreasing ELL bandwidth

ELL bandwidth can be decreased manually or automatically. In this example, ELL bandwidth
is decreased manually. When decreasing ELL bandwidth automatically, sncNames is left
blank, and number Of SNCs is the number of bandwidths to reduce. For automatic bandwidth
decrease, the EMS automatically reduces a server trail for the ELL.

C.4 Creating FDFr

C.4.1 Creating an FDFr of the EPL Type
Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".

Purpose: To create an FDFr service of the EPL type from NE351 to NE352, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData {name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}}}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value

C-24 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}}

internalTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}}


After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-17 Creating an FDFr of the EPL type

If the ethvid value is 0, it indicates a PORT service. Otherwise, it indicates a PORT+VLAN

C.4.2 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".

Purpose: To create an EVPL service from NE351 to NE352, using the

FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

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Sample Parameters
createData {name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}}}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=3}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=16/vclabel=0}}}
internalTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=17/vclabel=17}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=17/vclabel=0}}}


After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

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Figure C-18 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL type

EVPL internalTPs must be an MPLS port, and endTPs can be a PORT, PORT+VL AN or
MPLS port. When both internalTPs and endTPs are MPLS ports, their vclabel must both be 0.
tunnellabel and vclabel are both required (neither value is 0) only if internal TPs is an MPLS

C.4.3 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a bidirectional EVPL (QinQ) Ethernet service from NE351 to NE352
(based on CVLAN switching), using the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData {name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}
{name Direction value CD_BI}}}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=5/ethsvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=7/ethsvid=0}}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-27

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internalTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=6/ethsvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=6/ethsvid=0}}}

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-19 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a bidirectional EVPL (QinQ) Ethernet service from NE351 to NE352
(based on SVLAN switching), using the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

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Sample Parameters
createData { name {}
userLabel Ether_Trail001
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}
{name Direction value CD_BI}}}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=5}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=7}}}

internalTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=6}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=6}}}



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After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-20 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a unidirectional EVPL (QinQ) Ethernet service from NE351 to NE352
(based on SVLAN + CVLAN switching), using the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr

Sample Parameters
createData {name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}
{name Direction value CD_UNI} }}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=5/ethsvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=0}}}
internalTPs {{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}

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{name PTP value

{name CTP value /ethcvid=5/ethsvid=6}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=0/ethsvid=0}}}


After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-21 Creating an FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

If an EVPL (QinQ) VLAN is entered for either endTPs or internalTPs, it indicates an EVPL
(QinQ) service. An EVPL (QinQ) service cannot be a LAN service. When you create the
EVPL (QinQ) service, if the ethvid value is 0, it indicates a PORT service. Otherwise, it
indicates a PORT+VLAN service. When the EVPL (QinQ) service has the CVLAN tag, the
port attribute must be CAWARE. When the EVPL (QinQ) service has the SVLAN tag, the
port attribute must be SAWARE. If there are both CVLAN tag and SVLAN tag, the port
attribute must be SAWARE

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C.4.4 Creating an FDFr of the EPLAN Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create an EPLAN service, using the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr

Sample Parameters
createData {name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain ""
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams { layer 0
transmissionParams { }}
additionalCreationInfo {
{name ActivateStatus value ACTIVE}
{name EPLan value 1}}}
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=2}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=2}}

C-32 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=2}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590176}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=3}}

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu. Select the Ethernet trail,
and click the VLAN tab and then click the Node tab.

Figure C-22 Creating an FDFr of the EPLAN type

The figures show one EPLAN, which includes PORT2, PORT3 and TRUNK2 of NE351, and
PORT2 and TRUNK2 of NE352. Three VLAN filter tables are created. VLAN1 contains
PORT2 of NE351, VLAN2 contains PORT2, PORT3 and TRUNK2 of NE351, and VLAN3
contains TRUNK2 of NE352. In this example, PORT2 of NE352 does not belong to any
VLAN, but it can be assigned to any VLAN or a new VLAN as needed.


Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-33

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C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

C.4.5 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EPL Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create an unterminated FDFr of the EPL type on NE351, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain {}
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams {layer 0 transmissionParams {}}
additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

C-34 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

Figure C-23 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EPL type


C.4.6 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".

Purpose: To create an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL type on NE351, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain {}
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams {layer 0 transmissionParams {}}
additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value

connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=20/vclabel=0}}
internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-35

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

{name CTP value /tunnellabel=21/vclabel=0}}



After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-24 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL type


C.4.7 Creating an Unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type on NE351, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain {}
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams {layer 0 transmissionParams {}}
additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value

C-36 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=20/ethsvid=0}}
internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethcvid=20/ethsvid=0}}

tpsToModify {tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name

ManagedElement value 590175} {name PTP value
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96
transmissionParams {{name PortType value CAWARE}}}}
ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
egressTrafficDescriptorName {}} {tpName {{name EMS
value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96
transmissionParams {{name PortType value CAWARE}}}}
ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
egressTrafficDescriptorName {}}

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-25 Creating an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

To successfully create an unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type, you must have created
the corresponding unterminated ELL. For instructions on how to create an unterminated ELL,
refer to section C.3.4 "Creating an Unterminated ELL".

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-37

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C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

C.4.8 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EPL Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal Ethernet service of the EPL type on NE351, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain {}
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams {layer 0 transmissionParams {}}
additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=1}}


C-38 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-26 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EPL type

For a mono nodal FDFr, the endTPs source and sink are on the same NE, and the internalTPs
source and sink are also on the same NE.

C.4.9 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal Ethernet service of the EVPL type on NE351, using the
FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {}
userLabel Smart123
forceUniqueness 0
owner AC
networkAccessDomain {}
administrativeState AS_Unlocked
transmissionParams {layer 0 transmissionParams {}}
additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /ethvid=3}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=20/vclabel=0}}

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-39

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=21/vclabel=21}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value
{name CTP value /tunnellabel=21/vclabel=0}}


After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-27 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL type

For a mono nodal FDFr, the endTPs source and sink are on the same NE, and the internalTPs
source and sink are also on the same NE.

C.4.10 Creating a Mono Nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) Type

Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal Ethernet service of the EVPL (QinQ) type on NE351, using
the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

C-40 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

Sample Parameters
createData name {} userLabel Smart123 forceUniqueness 0 owner AC networkAccessDomain
{} administrativeState AS_Unlocked transmissionParams {layer 0
transmissionParams {}} additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value
connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE

endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=3}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=3/ethsvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=4}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=13/ethsvid=0}}
internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=3}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=6/ethsvid=0}}
{{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=4}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=6/ethsvid=0}}

tpsToModify {tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value

590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=3}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}
{tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=4}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}
{tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=3}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}
{tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=4}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-41

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide User Gu ide

Figure C-28 Creating a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

To successfully create a mono nodal FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type, you must have created a
mono nodal ELL. For instructions on how to create a mono nodal ELL, refer to section C.3.5
"Creating a Mono Nodal ELL".

For a mono nodal FDFr, the endTPs source and sink are on the same NE, and the internalTPs
source and sink are also on the same NE.

C.4.11 Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated FDFr of the

EVPL (QinQ) Type
Configuration Description
Networking: See section C.3.1 "ELL and FDFr Networking".
Purpose: To create a mono nodal and unterminated Ethernet service of the EVPL (QinQ) type
on NE351, using the FlowdomaininManagement::createFDFr interface.

Sample Parameters
createData name {} userLabel Smart123 forceUniqueness 0 owner AC networkAccessDomain
{} administrativeState AS_Unlocked transmissionParams {layer 0
transmissionParams {}} additionalCreationInfo {{name ActivateStatus value

connectivityRequirement CR_IGNORE
endTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}
{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=4}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=3/ethsvid=0}}

internalTPs {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value 590175}

{name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=5}
{name CTP value /ethcvid=6/ethsvid=0}}


tpsToModify {tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value

590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mac/port=4}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}
{tpName {{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} {name ManagedElement value
590175} {name PTP value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=5}}
tpMappingMode TM_NA transmissionParams {{layer 96 transmissionParams
{{name PortType value CAWARE}}}} ingressTrafficDescriptorName {}
gressTrafficDescriptorName {}}

C-42 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide C Ethernet Service Configurat ion Guide

After you complete the configuration, view the result by using the T2000.
Choose Trail > Ethernet Trail Management from the Main Menu.

Figure C-29 Creating a mono nodal and unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type

To successfully create a mono nodal and unterminated FDFr of the EVPL (QinQ) type, you
must have created a mono nodal and unterminated ELL. For instructions on how to create a
mono nodal ELL, refer to section C.3.6 "Creating a Mono Nodal and Unterminated ELL".

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential C-43

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D Relationship Between License Items and CORBA Modules ......................................... D-1

D.1 Relat ionship Between License Items and CORBA Modules ............................................................................... D-1

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Table D-1 Relat ionship between CORBA modules and license items ...................................................................... D-1

Table D-2 Relat ionship between CORBA advanced function modules and license items .................................... D-2

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface D Relat ionship Between License Items and CORBA
User Gu ide Modules

D Relationship Between License Items

and CORBA Modules

D.1 Relationship Between License Items and CORBA

The T2000 license provides two items to control the CORBA interface software.
 SupportCorbaIFBase: Controls the basic CORBA functions.
 SupportCorbaIFAdv: Controls the advanced CORBA functions. The advanced functions
depend on the basic functions. If the license does not support the basic functions, the
CORBA interface cannot be used even if the license for the advanced functions is
If the value of the control item in the license is 1, it indicates that the license supports this item. If the
value is 0, it indicates that the license does not support this item. For example, if SupportCorbaIFBase =
1, it indicates that the license supports the basic CORBA functions. If SupportCorbaIFBase = 0, it
indicates that the license does not support the basic CORBA functions.

Purchase the corresponding license as you need. Table D-1 lists the relationship between
CORBA modules and license items.

Table D-1 Relationship between CORBA modules and license items

CORBA Module Description Matched with License Item

Core module Provides the basic functions, SupportCorbaIFBase = 1

such as inventory, alarm, and
performance management.

MSTP module Provides the functions

related to MSTP.

SNC module Provides the management of SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1

GCT module Provides the GUI
cut-through function.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential D-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
D Relat ionship Between License Items and CORBA OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
Modules User Gu ide

CORBA Module Description Matched with License Item

Control plane module Provides the functions

related to the control plane.

Ethernet flow domain Provides the flow domain

management module management function.

The advanced CORBA functions requires the support of other control items in addition to the
SupportCorbaIFBase and SupportCorbaIFAdv items. Table D-2 lists the relationship between
CORBA advanced function modules and license items.

Table D-2 Relationship between CORBA advanced function modules and license items
CORBA Advanced Function Module Matched with License Item

SNC module SupportCorbaIFBase = 1

SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1

In SDH, SupportSDHEndToEnd = 1

In WDM, SupportWaveEndToEnd = 1
GCT module SupportCorbaIFBase = 1
SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1

Control plane module SupportCorbaIFBase = 1

SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1
SupportAson = 1
Ethernet flow domain management module SupportCorbaIFBase = 1
SupportCorbaIFAdv = 1
SupportIPEndToEnd = 1
SupportSDHEndToEnd = 1

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E Service Ports Description ........................................................................................................ E-1

E.1 Serv ice Ports Used by the T2000 COTBA ...............................................................................................................E-1
E.2 Notes and Precautions ..................................................................................................................................................E-2

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
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E Service Ports Description

This appendix describes service ports of the T2000 CORBA and how to query the service

E.1 Service Ports Used by the T2000 COTBA

Service Name Service Direction Function Remarks
Port/Protocol (Server

T2000 CORBA 12001/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
naming service upper NMS CORBA. The firewalls between the T2000
port is not open if CORBA is server and the upper NMS,
not started. check whether the service
port is filtered.
T2000 CORBA 12002/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
notification upper NMS CORBA. The firewalls between the T2000
service port is not open if CORBA is server and the upper NMS,
not started. check whether the service
port is filtered.

T2000 CORBA 12003/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
Agent upper NMS CORBA. The firewalls between the T2000
port is not open if CORBA is server and the upper NMS,
not started. check whether the service
port is filtered.

T2000 CORBA 22001/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
naming service upper NMS CORBA using firewalls between the T2000
(SSL) SSL mode. The port is not server and the upper NMS,
open if CORBA is not check whether the service
started. port is filtered.

T2000 CORBA 22002/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
notification upper NMS CORBA using firewalls between the T2000
service (SSL) SSL mode. The port is not server and the upper NMS,
open if CORBA is not check whether the service
started. port is filtered.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential E-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
E Serv ice Ports Description User Gu ide

Service Name Service Direction Function Remarks

Port/Protocol (Server

T2000 CORBA 22003/TCP IN Listens the access of the If there are routers or
Agent (SSL) upper NMS CORBA using firewalls between the T2000
SSL mode. The port is not server and the upper NMS,
open if CORBA is not check whether the service
started. port is filtered.

E.2 Notes and Precautions

In the practical communication process, the source (the server) and the sink (the client) use
relevant ports. Usually you only need to specify the source port, and the sink port is
dynamically created.
Note the following during the project implementation:
 The service ports used by the NMS should not be closed. Run the following command to
view the system service ports:
netstat -an
 If there are routers or firewalls between the source and the sink, check all ports used by
the source and the sink. Make sure that these ports can be normally turned up to support
the communication between the source and sink.

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F Product List .................................................................................................................................F-1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide F Product List

F Product List

Equipment series Product

OSN OptiX OSN 9500

OptiX OSN 7500

OptiX OSN 3500

OptiX OSN 2500

OptiX OSN 1500

OptiX OSN 2000

OptiX OSN 500

OptiX OSN 2500REG

PTN OptiX PTN 1900

OptiX PTN 3900

OptiX PTN 912

OptiX PTN 950

OptiX PTN 910

OTN OptiX OSN 1800

OptiX OSN 3800

OptiX OSN 6800

OptiX OSN 8800 I

SDH OptiX 155S

OptiX 155C

OptiX 155/622 (Metro 2050),

OptiX 2500,
OptiX 155/622B,
OptiX 2500REG

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential F-1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
F Product List User Gu ide

Equipment series Product

OptiX 155/622H,
OptiX 155/622H(Metro 1000),
OptiX 155A

OptiX 2500+,
OptiX 2500+(Metro 3000)

OptiX 10G MADM(Metro5000)

WDM OptiX BWS 320G

OptiX BWS 320GV3

OptiX BWS 1600G

OptiX BWS 1600S

OptiX BWS 1600G OLA

OptiX OTU40000

OptiX Metro 6020

OptiX Metro 6040

OptiX Metro 6040V2

OptiX Metro 6100

OptiX Metro 6100V1

OptiX Metro 6100V1E

Metro OptiX Metro 100

OptiX Metro 200

OptiX Metro 500

OptiX Metro 1000V3

OptiX Metro 1050

OptiX Metro 1100

OptiX Metro 3100

RTN OptiX RTN 605

OptiX RTN 610

OptiX RTN 620

OptiX RTN 910

OptiX RTN 950

F-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


G Object Naming Rules............................................................................................................. G-1

G.1 EM S ................................................................................................................................................................................ G-2
G.2 Subnetwork.................................................................................................................................................................... G-2
G.3 TopoSubnetwork........................................................................................................................................................... G-3
G.4 ProtectionSubnetwork ................................................................................................................................................. G-3
G.5 SubnetworkConnection ............................................................................................................................................... G-3
G.6 ManagedElement .......................................................................................................................................................... G-4
G.7 TopologicalLink............................................................................................................................................................ G-4
G.8 EPGP .............................................................................................................................................................................. G-4
G.9 PTP.................................................................................................................................................................................. G-5
G.10 FTP ............................................................................................................................................................................... G-6
G.11 CTP ............................................................................................................................................................................... G-6
G.12 TrafficDescriptor ........................................................................................................................................................ G-8
G.13 Equip mentHo lder ....................................................................................................................................................... G-8
G.14 Equip ment ................................................................................................................................................................... G-9
G.15 Protection Group ......................................................................................................................................................... G-9
G.16 WDM Protection Group ........................................................................................................................................... G-10
G.17 VirtualBridge............................................................................................................................................................. G-10
G.18 VLA N......................................................................................................................................................................... G-10
G.19 Ethernet Serv ice ....................................................................................................................................................... G-11
G.20 ATM Service ............................................................................................................................................................. G-11
G.21 ATM ProtectGroup................................................................................................................................................... G-11
G.22 QoS Rule .................................................................................................................................................................... G-12
G.23 Flow ............................................................................................................................................................................ G-12
G.24 Flow Do main ............................................................................................................................................................ G-12
G.25 FlowDo mainFrag ment ............................................................................................................................................ G-13
G.26 EncapsulationLayerLink ......................................................................................................................................... G-13
G.27 LinkAggregation Group ........................................................................................................................................... G-13
G.28 RPRNode ................................................................................................................................................................... G-14
G.29 Routing Area ............................................................................................................................................................. G-14
G.30 SNPPLink .................................................................................................................................................................. G-14

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Tables


Table G-1 EMS ................................................................................................................................................................... G-2

Table G-2 Subnetwork ....................................................................................................................................................... G-2

Table G-3 TopoSubnetwork .............................................................................................................................................. G-3

Table G-4 ProtectionSubnetwork..................................................................................................................................... G-3

Table G-5 SubnetworkConnection .................................................................................................................................. G-3

Table G-6 ManagedElement ............................................................................................................................................. G-4

Table G-7 TopologicalLink ............................................................................................................................................... G-4

Table G-8 EPGP.................................................................................................................................................................. G-4

Table G-9 PTP..................................................................................................................................................................... G-5

Table G-10 FTP................................................................................................................................................................... G-6

Table G-11 CTP .................................................................................................................................................................. G-6

Table G-12 TrafficDescriptor ........................................................................................................................................... G-8

Table G-13 Equip mentHo lder .......................................................................................................................................... G-8

Table G-14 Equip ment ....................................................................................................................................................... G-9

Table G-15 Protection Group............................................................................................................................................. G-9

Table G-16 WDM Protection Group .............................................................................................................................. G-10

Table G-17 VirtualBridge ................................................................................................................................................ G-10

Table G-18 VLAN ............................................................................................................................................................ G-10

Table G-19 Ethernet Service ........................................................................................................................................... G-11

Table G-20 ATM Service ................................................................................................................................................. G-11

Table G-21 ATM ProtectGroup ...................................................................................................................................... G-11

Table G-22 QoS Ru le ....................................................................................................................................................... G-12

Table G-23 Flo w ............................................................................................................................................................... G-12

Table G-24 Flo w Do main ................................................................................................................................................ G-12

Table G-25 Flo wDo mainFrag ment ................................................................................................................................ G-13

Table G-26 EncapsulationLayerLink ............................................................................................................................ G-13

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Table G-27 LinkAggregation Group .............................................................................................................................. G-13

Table G-28 RPRNode ...................................................................................................................................................... G-14

Table G-29 Routing Area ................................................................................................................................................ G-14

Table G-30 SNPPLink ..................................................................................................................................................... G-14

iv Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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G Object Naming Rules

This chapter lists the naming rules for various objects in the T2000 CORBA interface. The
naming rules are in accordance with the TMF recommendations. The objects contain the
 Subnetwork
 TopoSubnetwork
 ProtectionSubnetwork
 SubnetworkConnection
 ManagedElement
 TopologicalLink
 TrafficDescriptor
 EquipmentHolder
 Equipment
 ProtectionGroup
 WDM ProtectionGroup
 VirtualBridge
 Ethernet Service
 AT M Service
 AT M ProtectGroup
 QoS Rule
 Flow
 Flow Domain
 FlowDomainFragment
 EncapsulationLayerLink
 LinkAggregationGroup

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-1

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 RPRNode
 Routing Area
 SNPPLink

Table G-1 EMS
Object name EMS

Naming rule name="EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF

Naming name="EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"


Remarks If it is necessary to manage several iManager T2000s at the same time,

modify the T2000 names through the configuration file to ensure that
each T2000 name is unique in the NMS management domain.

G.2 Subnetwork
Table G-2 Subnetwork
Object name Subnetwork

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"MultiLayerSubnetwork"; value="SubnetworkName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"MultiLayerSubnetwork"; value="1"

G-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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G.3 TopoSubnetwork
Table G-3 TopoSubnetwork
Object name TopoSubnetwork

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"TopoSubnetwork"; value=" TopoSubnetwork Name"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"TopoSubnetwork"; value="1"

G.4 ProtectionSubnetwork
Table G-4 ProtectionSubnetwork
Object name ProtectionSubnetwork

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ProtectionSubnetwork"; value="ProtectionSubnetworkName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ProtectionSubnetwork "; value="48"

G.5 SubnetworkConnection
Table G-5 SubnetworkConnection
Object name SubnetworkConnection

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"MultiLayerSubnetwork"; value="SubnetworkName""SubnetworkConnection";
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"MultiLayerSubnetwork"; value="1""SubnetworkConnection"; value="2008-10-12 02:17:58 - 286
-wdm "
Remarks Currently the MultiLayerSubnetwork vlue is always 1.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-3

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G.6 ManagedElement
Table G-6 ManagedElement
Object name ManagedElement

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825"

G.7 TopologicalLink
Table G-7 TopologicalLink
Object name TopologicalLink

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"TopologicalLink"; value="TopologicalLinkName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"TopologicalLink"; value="2008-10-17 19:02:47 - 9"

Table G-8 EPGP
Object name EPGP

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName"" EPGP"; value=" EPGPName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""EPGP"; value="589825/1/2/1"
Remarks As for the EPGP value "589825/1/2/1", "589825" represents NE ID.
The following "1" represents the Subrack ID. "2" represents the EPGP
ID. The last "1" represents the extended ID.

G-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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Table G-9 PTP
Object name PTP

Naming rule in"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""PTP"; value="PTPName"
Naming example SDH"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="589825""PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=sdh/port=2"

WDM"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="33554433""PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=8/domain=wdm/port=3"
MSTP"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="589825""PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=eth/type=mp/port=1"
Remarks For naming rules for the rack, shelf in a PTP name, refer to section G.13
"EquipmentHolder ".
MSTP As for the PTP in MSTP field, the port types are:
1. Ethernet domain
Mac: external Ethernet port
Mp: internal Ethernet port (VCTRUNK port)
Rpr: Ethernet RPR port
Lp: VB logical port, in this case, the naming format is:
2. ATM domain (domain = atm)
Atm: external ATM port
Atmtrunk: internal ATM port

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-5

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G.10 FTP
Table G-10 FTP
Object name FTP

Naming rule in"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""FTP"; value="FTPName"
Naming example WDM"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="33554433""FTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=590225/slot=8/domain=wdm/port=201"

Remarks For naming rules for the rack, shelf in a FTP name, refer to section G.13
"EquipmentHolder ".

G.11 CTP
Table G-11 CTP
Object name CTP

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""PTP"; value="PTPName""CTP"; value="CTPName"
Naming SDH"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/domain=sdh/port=2""CTP"; value="/sts3c_au4-j=1/vt2_tu12-k=1-l=3-m=2"
WDM"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value= "33554433" "PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=590224/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=1""CTP"; value="/och=1/dsr=2"
OTN"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value= "33554433" "PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=590224/slot=2/domain=wdm/port=1""CTP"; value="/och=1/otu3=1/odu3=1/dsr=1"

MSTP"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="590174""PTP"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=4/domain=eth/type=mac/port=1""CTP"; value="/tunnellabel=16/vclabel=0"

G-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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Remarks SDH 1.For the VC3 CTP, the name format is: value="/sts3c_au4-j=1/tu3_vc3-k=2".
2. For the VC4 CTP, the name format is:
The VC2 CTP is not supported.
3. For the E4 level CTP included in PDH port, the name format is:
4. For the E3 level CTP included in PDH port, the name format is:
value=" /tu3_vc3=1".
5. For the E1 level CTP included in PDH port, the name format is:
WDM According to the actual scenario, the WDM CTP has the following six formats."CTP"; value="/dsr=1"
Scenario: the client-side interface of the service convergence board and bidirectional
wavelength conversion board
2. name="CTP"; value="/dsr=1/och=1"
Scenario: unidirectional wavelength conversion board only
3. name="CTP"; value="/och=1/dsr=1"
Scenario: line-side interface of the service convergence board
4. name="CTP"; value="/och=1"
Scenario: line-side interface of the service convergence board and bidirectional
wavelength conversion board
5. name="CTP"; value="/oms=1"
Scenario: line-side interface of the multiplex board, demultiplex board and add/drop
multiplexing board"CTP"; value="/os=1"
Scenario: optical amplifier board, optical attenuation board and optical line
protection (OLP) board
OTN According to the actual scenario, OTN CTP has the following several formats:"CTP"; value="/otu3=1"client-side interface of wavelength conversion
board"CTP"; value="/odu2=1/otu2=1/och=1" unidirectional wavelength
conversion board
3. name="CTP"; value="/och=1/otu2=1/odu2=1/dsr=1" line-side interface
bidirectional wavelength conversion board
4. name="CTP"; value="/fragment=1/odu1=1" inverted virtual Concatenation on
OTN board
MSTP The Ethernet CTP is divided by adding labels of flow points to the PTP. The labels
are in the following four formats.
1. For the MPLS port, the format is: name="CTP";
The tunnellabel cannot be "0".
2. For common ports, the format is: name="CTP"; value="/ethvid=0".
ethvid=0: exclusive

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-7

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vlanid > 0 vlan: shared

3. For the QinQ port, the format is: name="CTP"; value="/ethcvid=2/ethsvid=1".
4. For QinQ services based on port transparent transmission, the format is:
name="CTP"; value="/eth=1".

G.12 TrafficDescriptor
Table G-12 TrafficDescriptor
Object name TrafficDescriptor

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""TrafficDescriptor"; value="TrafficDescriptorName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei /T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""TrafficDescriptor"; value="101"
Remarks According to the name of TrafiicDescriptor, you can locate the next
traffic descriptor in an NE.

G.13 EquipmentHolder
Table G-13 EquipmentHolder
Object name EquipmentHolder

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""EquipmentHolder "; value="EquipmentHolderName"
Naming SDH NE"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""EquipmentHolder ";
DWDMNE"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000""ManagedElement"; value="33554433""EquipmentHolder";
Remarks For Huawei’s equipment, the rack value is always 1
Currently, the T2000 CORBA interface supports three types of
EquipmentHolder objects: rack, shelf, and slot. Subshelf and subslot
are not supported.

G-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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G.14 Equipment
Table G-14 Equipment
Object name Equipment

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""EquipmentHolder "; value="EquipmentHolderName""Equipment"; value="EquipmentName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""EquipmentHolder "; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5""Equipment"; value="1"
Remarks For Huawei’s equipment, the "Equipment" value is always 1, which
means one slot can only accommodate one board.

G.15 ProtectionGroup
Table G-15 ProtectionGroup
Object name ProtectionGroup

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""PGP"; value="ProtectionGroupName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""PGP"; value="1/5/2"

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-9

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G.16 WDM ProtectionGroup

Table G-16 WDM ProtectionGroup
Object name WDM ProtectionGroup

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""WDMPG"; value="WDMPGName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="33554433""WDMPG"; value="/pgtype=1/shelf=590004/pgID=1"


G.17 VirtualBridge
Table G-17 VirtualBridge
Object name VirtualBridge

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""vb"; value="VBName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""vb"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=2/vb=1"

Table G-18 VLAN
Object name VLAN

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""vlan"; value="VlanName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""vlan"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=2/vb=1/vlan=1"

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G.19 Ethernet Service

Table G-19 Ethernet Service
Object name ETH Service

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""EthService"; value="EthServiceName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""EthService"; value="1/4/1/2"


G.20 ATM Service

Table G-20 ATM Service
Object name ATM Service

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""AtmService"; value="AT MServiceName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""AtmService"; value="1"

G.21 ATM ProtectGroup

Table G-21 ATM ProtectGroup
Object name ATM ProtectGroup

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""AtmPG"; value="ATMPGName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""AtmPG"; value="1"

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-11

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G.22 QoS Rule

Table G-22 QoS Rule
Object name QoS

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""QosRule"; value="QosName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""QosRule";

G.23 Flow
Table G-23 Flow
Object name Flow

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""Flow"; value="FlowName "
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="589825""Flow"; value="/rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1/flow=1"

G.24 Flow Domain

Table G-24 Flow Domain
Object name FlowDomain

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"Flowdomain"; value="FlowDomainName "
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"Flowdomain"; value="1"

Remarks Currently there is only one flow domain in the T2000.

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G.25 FlowDomainFragment
Table G-25 FlowDomainFragment
Object name FlowDomainFragment

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"Flowdomain"; value=" FlowdomainName""FlowdomainFragment "; value="FlowdomainFragmentName "
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"Flowdomain"; value="1""FlowdomainFragment"; value="2005-12-22 16:46:07 - 54

G.26 EncapsulationLayerLink
Table G-26 EncapsulationLayerLink
Object name EncapsulationLayerLink

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"EncapsulationLayerLink ";
value="EncapsulationLayerLinkName "
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"EncapsulationLayerLink"; value="2005-12-22 16:59:35 -
1770 -eth"

G.27 LinkAggregationGroup
Table G-27 LinkAggregationGroup
Object name LinkAggregationGroup

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName""LAG"; value="LAGName"
Naming "EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example" ManagedElement"; value="590174" "LAG"; value="262145"

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential G-13

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G.28 RPRNode
Table G-28 RPRNode
Object name RPRNode

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"ManagedElement"; value="ManagedElementName"" RPRNode"; value=" RPRNodeName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"ManagedElement"; value="590174""RPRNode"; value=" /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=5/node=1"


G.29 Routing Area

Table G-29 Routing Area
Object name RoutingArea

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"RoutingArea"; value="RoutingAreaName"
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"RoutingArea"; value="1"

G.30 SNPPLink
Table G-30 SNPPLink
Object name SNPPLink

Naming rule"EMS"; value="CompanyName/EMSname"

in TMF"RoutingArea"; value="RoutingAreaName""SnppLink"; value="SnppLinkName "
Naming"EMS"; value="Huawei/T2000"
example"RoutingArea"; value="1""SnppLink";


G-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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H AdditionalInfo Description .................................................................................................. H-1

H.1 ManagedElement_T .................................................................................................................................................... H-2
H.2 TerminationPo int_T..................................................................................................................................................... H-3
H.3 EMS_T........................................................................................................................................................................... H-3
H.4 Equip ment_T ................................................................................................................................................................ H-4
H.5 Equip mentHo lder_T .................................................................................................................................................... H-5
H.6 SubnetworkConnection_T.......................................................................................................................................... H-6
H.7 SNCCreateData_T ....................................................................................................................................................... H-6
H.8 SNCModify Data_T ..................................................................................................................................................... H-7
H.9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T ............................................................................................................................................ H-8
H.10 CrossConnect_T......................................................................................................................................................... H-8
H.11 HW_EthServ ice_T................................................................................................................................................... H-10
H.12 TrafficDescriptor_T................................................................................................................................................. H-10
H.13 EthernetOAMOperation_T .................................................................................................................................... H-10
H.14 ELLinkCreateData_T.............................................................................................................................................. H-11
H.15 FDFrCreateData_T .................................................................................................................................................. H-11
H.16 NT_A LARM ............................................................................................................................................................ H-12
H.17 NT_TCA ................................................................................................................................................................... H-12
H.18 NT_ PROTECTION_SWITCH ............................................................................................................................. H-13
H.19 NT_ EPROTECTION_SWITCH........................................................................................................................... H-13
H.20 NT_WDM PROTECTION_SWITCH .................................................................................................................. H-14

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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Table H-1 ManagedElement_T ........................................................................................................................................ H-2

Table H-2 TerminationPoint_T......................................................................................................................................... H-3

Table H-3 EMS_T .............................................................................................................................................................. H-3

Table H-4 Equip ment_T .................................................................................................................................................... H-4

Table H-5 Equip mentHolder_T ........................................................................................................................................ H-5

Table H-6 SubnetworkConnection_T.............................................................................................................................. H-6

Table H-7 SNCCreateData_T ........................................................................................................................................... H-6

Table H-8 SNCModifyData_T ......................................................................................................................................... H-7

Table H-9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T................................................................................................................................ H-8

Table H-10 CrossConnect_T ............................................................................................................................................ H-8

Table H-11 HW_ EthService_T ...................................................................................................................................... H-10

Table H-12 TrafficDescriptor_T..................................................................................................................................... H-10

Table H-13 EthernetOAMOperat ion_T ........................................................................................................................ H-10

Table H-14 ELLin kCreateData_T ................................................................................................................................. H-11

Table H-15 FDFrCreateData_T...................................................................................................................................... H-11

Table H-16 NT_ALA RM ................................................................................................................................................ H-12

Table H-17 NT_TCA ....................................................................................................................................................... H-12

Table H-18 NT_PROTECTION_SWITCH ................................................................................................................. H-13

Table H-19 NT_ EPROTECTION_SWITCH .............................................................................................................. H-13

Table H-20 NT_WDMPROTECTION_SWITCH...................................................................................................... H-14

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide H AdditionalInfo Description

H AdditionalInfo Description

This chapter describes the usage of additional fields in each functional module of the T2000
CORBA interface. The additional fields, consisting of additionalInfo and
additionalCreationInfo, have the following types:
 ManagedElement_T
 TerminationPoint_T
 Equipment_T
 EquipmentHolder_T
 SubnetworkConnection_T
 SNCCreateData_T
 SNCModifyData_T
 ProtectionSubnetwork_T
 CrossConnect_T
 HW_EthService_T
 TrafficDescriptor_T
 EthernetOAMOperation_T
 ELLinkCreateData_T
 FDFrCreateData_T

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-1

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H AdditionalInfo Description User Gu ide

H.1 ManagedElement_T
Table H-1 ManagedElement_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

PhyInfo The equipment room FREE STRING An ONE does not have this field, and
that the NE resides the corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
equipment holder.

GateWay The NE-related FIXED STRING, An ONE does not have this field, the
gateway IP address For example: 590175/ corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
(The first field is the NE-related equipment holder.
GNE ID and the second field is
the NE-related gateway IP

AlarmSeveri The alarm of the FIXED STRING

ty currently highest Value range:
severity on the NE
ShelfType The type of the Shelf FIXED STRING An ONE does not have this field, and
For example, " ST_TYPE1" the corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
equipment holder.
PreConfig The pre-config FIXED STRING An ONE does not have this field, and
information of NE Value range: the corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
"0", equipment holder.
Vendor The name of the FIXED STRING, An ONE does not have this field, and
equipment supplier The value is "HUAWEI the corresponding information will be
TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD" reported to the additional field of
equipment holder.
MaxTransfe The maximum FIXED STRING, An ONE does not have this field, and
rRate transmission rate Value range: the corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
"155M", equipment holder.

H-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide H AdditionalInfo Description

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

Subnetwork The identifier of the FIXED STRING, An ONE does not have this field, and
affiliated subnet The value is "SubnetWork_1" the corresponding information will be
reported to the additional field of
equipment holder.
PSNName The protection FREE STRING This field is unavailable for an optical
subnet that an NE NE.
belongs to
SupportFEC FEC attribute of the FIXED STRING This field is not available if the port is
port The value can be: a non-WDM port.

H.2 TerminationPoint_T
Table H-2 TerminationPoint_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ServiceLoadFlag Service loading flag FIXED STRING Applied to the

Value range: tributary port
"0", unloaded
"1", loaded

Table H-3 EMS_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

AlarmSeverity The alarm of the currently FIXED STRING

highest severity on the Value range:
Location The location of the T2000 FREE STRING

CommuAddress The information of FIXED STRING,

communication IP address

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-3

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
H AdditionalInfo Description User Gu ide

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

and communication port For example: ""
of CORBA Agent "" is the communication IP
address of CORBA Agent; 12003 is the
communication port of CORBA Agent
EmsTime The current time (UTC) of FIXED STRING
the network management for example, 20071102110027.0Z,
system which indicates UTC 2007-11-02
InterfaceVersion The interface version FIXED STRING
for example,
EmsState The current status of the FIXED STRING
T2000 for example,

MaxSupportNE The maximum number of FREE STRING

NEs supported by the If the number is unknown, the value of
T2000 the parameter is Unknown.

H.4 Equipment_T
Table H-4 Equipment_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

AlarmSeverity The alarm of the FIXED STRING,

currently highest Value range:
severity on the
equipment "PS_CRITICAL",

HardwareVersion The information about FIXED STRING This information is

the version of the available for certain
hardware equipment.

Port_XX_SFP The port SFP FREE STRING The port SFP

information. XX information.
indicates the port

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H.5 EquipmentHolder_T
Table H-5 EquipmentHolder_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

AlarmSeverity The alarm of the currently FIXED STRING Only supported by the
highest severity on the Value range: WDM subrack
WDM subrack
PhyInfo The equipment room that FREE STRING Only supported by the
the WDM subrack resides WDM subrack
GateWay The WDM FIXED STRING Only supported by the
subrack-related gateway For example, "590175/" WDM subrack
IP address
("590175" means the NE-related GNE
ID and "" means the
NE-related gateway IP address.)

Version The version of WDM FIXED STRING Only supported by the

subrack For example, "" WDM subrack

ProductName The type of WDM FREE STRING Only supported by the

subrack WDM subrack

ShelfType The type of the Shelf FIXED STRING

For example, " ST_TYPE1"
PreConfig The pre-config FIXED STRING Only supported by the
information of NE Value range: WDM subrack
Vendor The name of the FIXED STRING The field is available
equipment vendor The value is fixed as "HUAWEI for only WDM
TECHNOLOGI ES CO., LTD". subracks. The
information of other
subracks will be
reported to the
additional field of the
NE object,

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-5

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H AdditionalInfo Description User Gu ide

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

SequenceNum The ID of the subrack in FREE STRING Subracks are

ber the optical NE sequenced according
to subrack IDs. This
parameter is available
to only the WDM

H.6 SubnetworkConnection_T
Table H-6 SubnetworkConnection_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

LSPType LSP type FIXED STRING Only applied to

Value range: intelligent SNCs
"LSP", normal LSP
"FA_LSP", server LSP

RelatedLsp Associated LSP FIXED STRING Only applied to

intelligent SNCs
RevertiveMode Revertive mode FIXED STRING Only applied to the
Value range: intelligent SNC which is
not unprotected or
"Revertive", revertive reroute additional service.
"Non-Revertive", non-revertive reroute

H.7 SNCCreateData_T
Table H-7 SNCCreateData_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

BundledSNC Flag of the active trail FREE STRING Required when creating
When a preconfigured trail is being preconfigured trails
created, this field is to flag the active
Prefab Whether the trail is FIXED STRING
preconfigured or not Value range:
"true", preconfigured trail
"false", non-preconfigured trail
Value range:
"LSP", normal LSP

H-6 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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Field name Meaning Value Remarks

"FA_LSP", server LSP
A1_T imeslot The source timeslot FREE STRING Only applied when creating
The value is the specified timeslot an SNC that is not all-route
number [1-63] when creating trails. converged and the lower
order timeslots are not
specified in the CTP

Z1_Timeslot The sink timeslot FREE STRING Only applied when creating
The value is the specified timeslot an SNC that is not all-route
number [1-63] when creating trails. converged and the lower
order timeslots are not
specified in the CTP

Region The specified type of FIXED STRING This field is required when
the trail to be created The value is fixed as SONET. That trails of the OC3, OC-12,
is, the trail to be created is of the OC OC-48, OC-192, and
type. OC-768 types are created.
The rate of a client WDM
trail of the OC type is the
same as the rate of a trail of
the STM type. Therefore,
this field is used to identify
that the trail to be created is
of the OC type.

ODU2Rate Specified rate level FIXED STRING This field is required only
of the ODU2 trail to The value can be "ODU2E" or when the ODU2 trail is
be created "ODU2". created, because there are
ODU2 trails of two rate
levels in Huawei.

H.8 SNCModifyData_T
Table H-8 SNCModifyData_T

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

RevertiveMode Revertive mode FIXED STRING Only applied to the

Value range: intelligent SNC
which is not
"Revertive", revertive reroute unprotected or
"Non-Revertive", non-revertive reroute additional service.
ReroutePriority The priority of FIXED STRING Only applied to
rerouting LSP Value range: intelligent SNCs
"Low", low priority of reroute
"High", high priority of reroute

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-7

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H AdditionalInfo Description User Gu ide

H.9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T
Table H-9 ProtectionSubnetwork_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

VC4Number VC4 path number FREE STRING Used to describe the

VC4 paths occupied by
the protection subnet

H.10 CrossConnect_T
Table H-10 CrossConnect_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

Direction Whether the FIXED STRING

cross-connection is used Value range:
for the positive SDH trail
or the negative SDH trail. "Reverse", for the negative SDH trail
"Obverse", for the positive SDH trail

ProtectionRole The role of the FIXED STRING Mainly used to

cross-connection Value range: distinguish the working
route and protection
"Work", for working route when creating an
"Protection", for protection all route trail
ClientType The service type of WDM FIXED STRING Used in WDM electrical
electrical cross-connection.
cross-connection. Value range:
","GBE","10GBE(LAN) ","10G
","FICON(Slice) ","ODU","OT U","
","FE","HDT V","DVB", "DVB-SDI

ClientRate The service rate of WDM FIXED STRING Used in WDM electrical
electrical cross-connection.
cross-connection Value range:
The integer entered is
IL_Optical_STM1 155
represents the service
IL_Optical_STM2 311 rate.
IL_Optical_STM4 622
IL_Optical_STM8 1250

H-8 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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Field name Meaning Value Remarks

IL_Optical_STM16 2500
IL_Optical_STM64 10000
IL_Optical_STM256 40000
IL_SAN_OC3 155
IL_SAN_OC12 622
IL_SAN_OC48 2500
IL_SAN_OC192 10000
IL_SAN_OC768 40000
IL_SAN_GE 1250
IL_ETH_10GE_LAN 10000
IL_ETH_10GE_WAN 10000
IL_SAN_10GE 10000
IL_SAN_FC_25 266
IL_SAN_FC_50 531
IL_SAN_FC_100 1062
IL_SAN_FC_200 2124
IL_SAN_FC_400 4248
IL_SAN_FC_800 8500
IL_SAN_FC_1000 10000
IL_SAN_FC_1200 10625
IL_SAN_FC_100_SLICE 1062
IL_SAN_FC_200_SLICE 2124
IL_SAN_FICON_Express 2124

Frequency The frequency of WDM FIXED STRING Used in WDM optical

optical cross-connection For example, "196.000" cross-connection.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-9

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H.11 HW_EthService_T
Table H-11 HW_EthService_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

snkNodeNo The number of sink FREE STRING Only required when the RPR-related
node EVPL service, which cannot be
created successfully without this field

svlan QinQ service label FIXED STRING Used by the QinQ service to flag the
The value is an integer. labels of multiple levels

H.12 TrafficDescriptor_T
Table H-12 TrafficDescriptor_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

SvcType The TD type flag FREE STRING The serviceCategory

The value is fixed as SC_UBR+. field of the TD type flag
of the UBR+ type is
SC_NA. Therefore, this
parameter is added for
further explanation of
the detailed type.

H.13 EthernetOAMOperation_T
Table H-13 EthernetOAMOperation_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

srcCCActive The enable flag of the FIXED STRING Only applied to the CC
source CC detection Value range: detection
"on", the detection enabled
"off", the detection disabled

snkCCActive The enable flag of the FIXED STRING Only applied to the CC
sink CC detection Value range: detection
"on", the detection enabled
"off", the detection disabled

H-10 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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H.14 ELLinkCreateData_T
Table H-14 ELLinkCreateData_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ActivateStatus The activate FIXED STRING Used to specify the activate status of
status of an ELL Value range: an ELL when it is being created
"ACTIVE", ELL activated
"DEACTIVE", ELL inactivated

Direction The direction of FIXED STRING Used to specify the direction of an

an ELL Value range: ELL when it is being created
"CD_UNI ", unidirectional ELL
"CD_BI ", bidirectional ELL

ReuseSnc Reuse flag FIXED STRING Specifies whether the ELL can
Value range: "Yes ","No" reuse an SNC when the ELL is

SncUniqueID SNC ID FREE STRING Specifies the ID of the SNC that can
be reused by the ELL when the ELL
is created.

H.15 FDFrCreateData_T
Table H-15 FDFrCreateData_T
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ActivateStatus The activate status of FIXED STRING Used to specify the

FDFr Value range: activate status of an
FDFr when it is being
"ACTIVE", FDFr activated created
"DEACTIVE", FDFr inactivated
Direction The direction of FDFr FIXED STRING Used to specify the
Value range: direction of an FDFr
when it is being created
"CD_UNI ", unidirectional FDFr
"CD_BI ", bidirectional FDFr
EPLan Whether to create an FIXED STRING Only applied when two
EPLan Value range: MAC ports are
"1", To create an EPLan
"0", Not to create an EPLan

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-11

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Table H-16 NT_ALARM
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

AlarmSerialNo The serial number of FREE STRING,

alarmed T2000 For example, "10"

AlarmReason The reason for alarm FREE STRING,

For example, "Receive loss of signal"
ProductName The type of alarmed FREE STRING,
equipment For example, "OptiX 2500+"
EquipmentName The name of alarmed FREE STRING,
equipment For example, "SL4"
AffirmState The alarm FREE STRING,
acknowledgement status For example, "FALSE"

DetailInfo Alarm parameter FREE STRING,

information For example, "port ID:1 path ID: 1"
If the value is null, it indicates that no
additional alarm parameter information is

Table H-17 NT_TCA
Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ProductName The type of equipment FREE STRING,

that raises TCA For example, "OptiX 2500+"

EquipmentName The name of equipment FREE STRING

that raises TCA For example," SL4"

H-12 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide H AdditionalInfo Description

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ProductName The type of switched FREE STRING,

equipment For example, " OptiX
Metro 1000V3"
protectedEquipmentName The name of the protection FREE STRING
board For example, " N1SL16"
switchAwayFromEquipmentName The name of the source FREE STRING
board where switching For example, " N1SL16"
switchToEquipmentName The name of the sink board FREE STRING
where switching occurs For example, " N1SL16"

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ProductName The type of FREE STRING,

switched equipment For example, "OptiX OSN 3500"

protectedEquipmentName The name of the FREE STRING

protection board For example, " LWF"
switchAwayFromEquipmentName The name of the FREE STRING
source board where For example, " LWF"
switching occurs

switchToEquipmentName The name of the FREE STRING

sink board where For example, " LWF"
switching occurs

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential H-13

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
H AdditionalInfo Description User Gu ide

Field name Meaning Value Remarks

ProductName The type of switched FREE STRING,

equipment For example, " OptiX
protectedEquipmentName The name of the protection FREE STRING
board For example, " LWF"
switchAwayFromEquipmentName The name of the source FREE STRING
board where switching For example, " LWF"
switchToEquipmentName The name of the sink board FREE STRING
where switching occurs For example, " LWF"

H-14 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide Contents


I Layer Rate Description .............................................................................................................. I-1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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User Gu ide Tables


Table I-1 Layer rates supported by T2000 CORBA interface .......................................................................................I-1

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential iii

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User Gu ide I Layer Rate Description

I Layer Rate Description

Table I-1 Layer rates supported by T2000 CORBA interface

No. Layer rate Description

1 LR_Not_Applicable Irrelevant layer

2 LR_T1_and_DS1_1_5M 1.5 Mbit/s async/PDH signal

3 LR_T2_and_DS2_6M 6 Mbit/s async/PDH signal

4 LR_T3_and_DS3_45M 45 Mbit/s async/PDH signal

5 LR_E1_2M 2 Mbit/s PDH signal

6 LR_E2_8M 8 Mbit/s PDH signal

7 LR_E3_34M 34 Mbit/s PDH signal

8 LR_E4_140M 140 Mbit/s PDH signal

9 LR_E5_565M 565 Mbit/s PDH signal

10 LR_VT1_5_and_TU11_VC11 VC11 SONET/SDH path signal

11 LR_VT2_and_TU12_VC12 VC12 SONET/SDH path signal

12 LR_VT6_and_TU2_VC2 VC2 SONET/SDH path signal

13 LR_Low_Order_TU3_VC3 VC3 SONET/SDH path signal

14 LR_STS1_and_AU3_High_Order_VC3 AU3 SONET/SDH path signal

15 LR_STS3c_and_AU4_VC4 VC4 SONET/SDH path signal

16 LR_STS12c_and_VC4_4c 12xSTS-1/4xVC4 contiguous concatenation

17 LR_STS48c_and_VC4_16c 48xSTS-1/16xVC4 contiguous concatenation

18 LR_STS192c_and_VC4_64c 192xSTS-1/64xVC4 contiguous concatenation

19 LR_Section_OC1_STS1_and_RS_STM0 STM-0 regenerator section

20 LR_Section_OC3_STS3_and_RS_STM1 STM-1 regenerator section

21 LR_Section_OC12_STS12_and_RS_STM4 STM-4 regenerator section

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential I-1

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I Layer Rate Description User Gu ide

No. Layer rate Description

22 LR_Section_OC48_STS48_and_RS_STM16 STM-16 regenerator section

23 LR_Section_OC192_STS192_and_RS_STM64 STM-64 regenerator section

24 LR_Line_OC1_STS1_and_MS_STM0 STM-0 multiplex section

25 LR_Line_OC3_STS3_and_MS_STM1 STM-1 multiplex section

26 LR_Line_OC12_STS12_and_MS_STM4 STM-4 multiplex section

27 LR_Line_OC48_STS48_and_MS_STM16 STM-16 multiplex section

28 LR_Line_OC192_STS192_and_MS_STM64 STM-64 multiplex section

40 LR_Optical_Channel For WDM wavelength

41 LR_Optical_Multiplex_Section For WDM wavelength bands

42 LR_Optical_Transmission_Section For WDM entire optical signal, i.e. used for

OTS and OMS layers of OTM-n.m (n1)

43 LR_ATM_NI For ATM Network Interfaces (UNI and NNI)

44 LR_ATM_VP For ATM virtual paths

45 LR_ATM_VC For ATM virtual channels

46 LR_PHYSICAL_ELECTRICAL Analogue signal on electrical physical media

47 LR_PHYSICAL_OPTICAL Analogue signal on optical physical media

48 LR_PHYSICAL_MEDIALESS Specifies physical media for technologies

such as radio
49 LR_OPTICAL_SECTION Represents the wavelength termination for a
non DWDM system, i.e. used for all kinds of
single-lambda ports
50 LR_DIGITAL_SIGNAL_RAT E Raw binary electrical signal of unspecified rate

58 LR_D1_Video Video capable port

59 LR_ESCON IBM protocol for mainframes

61 LR_Fast_Ethernet Not supported by the TMF

62 LR_FC_12_133M 133 Mbit/s Fibre Channel protocol

63 LR_FC_25_266M 266 Mbit/s Fibre Channel protocol

64 LR_FC_50_531M 531 Mbit/s Fibre Channel protocol

65 LR_FC_100_1063M 1063 Mbit/s Fibre Channel protocol

66 LR_FDDI -
67 LR_FICON IBM Protocol for mainframes

68 LR_Gigabit_Ethernet Not supported by the TMF

I-2 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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No. Layer rate Description

72 LR_DSR_OC1_STM0 STM-0 digital signal rate

73 LR_DSR_OC3_STM1 STM-1 digital signal rate

74 LR_DSR_OC12_STM4 STM-4 digital signal rate

75 LR_DSR_OC24_STM8 STM-8 digital signal rate

76 LR_DSR_OC48_and_STM16 STM-16 digital signal rate

77 LR_DSR_OC192_and_STM64 STM-64 digital signal rate

78 LR_DSR_OC768_and_STM256 STM-256 digital signal rate

110 LR_DSR_OT U1 DSR of Optical channel Transport Unit 1

111 LR_DSR_OT U2 DSR of Optical channel Transport Unit 2

79 LR_DSR_1_5M 1.5 Mbit/s digital signal rate

80 LR_DSR_2M 2 Mbit/s digital signal rate

81 LR_DSR_6M 4 Mbit/s digital signal rate

82 LR_DSR_8M 8 Mbit/s digital signal rate

83 LR_DSR_34M 34 Mbit/s digital signal rate

84 LR_DSR_45M 45 Mbit/s digital signal rate

85 LR_DSR_140M 140 Mbit/s digital signal rate

86 LR_DSR_565M 565 Mbit/s digital signal rate

87 LR_DSR_Gigabit_Ethernet Gigabit_Ethernet digital signal rate

88 LR_Section_OC24_STS24_and_RS_STM8 STM-8 regenerator section

89 LR_Line_OC24_STS24_and_MS_STM8 STM-8 multiplex section

90 LR_Section_OC768_STS768_and_RS_STM256 STM-256 regenerator section

91 LR_Line_OC768_STS768_and_MS_STM256 STM-256 multiplex section

93 LR_DSR_2xSTM1 2 times STM-1 radio multiplexing

96 LR_Ethernet All Ethernet rates

97 LR_DSR_Fast_Ethernet 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet

98 LR_Encapsulation For Ethernet, the following encapsulation

protocols can be applied: HDLC/PPP,
HDLC/LAPS, ML/PPP, and GFP Transparent
or Frame Mapped types
99 LR_Fragment Used for inverse multiplexing modeling
(Virtual Concatenation for SONET/SDH and
100 LR_STS6c_and_VC4_2c 6xSTS-1/2xVC4 contiguous concatenation

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential I-3

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I Layer Rate Description User Gu ide

No. Layer rate Description

101 LR_STS9c_and_VC4_3c 9xSTS-1/3xVC4 contiguous concatenation

29 LR_STS24c_and_VC4_8c 23xSTS-1/23xVC3 Contiguous


113 LR_DSR_10Gigabit_Ethernet 10 Gbit/s Ethernet

8001 LR_Section_and_RS Extended by HUAWEI

8002 LR_Line_and_MS Extended by HUAWEI

8003 LR_ATM ATM layer rate (extended by HUAWEI)

8004 LR_Optical_Supervision_Channel Rate of optical monitor layer (extended by

2125 Mbit/s Fibre Channel protocol(extended
8005 LR_FC_200_2125M
104 LR_OCH_Data_Unit_1 trail and tandem connection
105 LR_OCH_Data_Unit_2 trail and tandem connection
106 LR_OCH_Data_Unit_3 trail and tandem connection
107 LR_OCH_Transport_Unit_1 Optical channel Transport Unit 1
(trail termination)

108 LR_OCH_Transport_Unit_2 Optical channel Transport Unit 2

(trail termination)

109 LR_OCH_Transport_Unit_3 Optical channel Transport Unit 3

(trail termination)

8006 LR_OCH_Data_Unit_5G trail and tandem connection


8007 LR_OCH_Transport_Unit_5G trail termination

8010 LR_Pseudo_Wire Extended by HUAWEI

303 LR_DVB_ASI Digital Video Broadcast (ASI)

8023 LR_DVB_SDI Digital Video Broadcast (SDI)

8024 LR_FICON_Express Extended by HUAWE

8025 LR_HDT V Extended by HUAWE

8028 LR_1G_ISC Extended by HUAWE

8029 LR_2G_ISC Extended by HUAWE

8031 LR_OCH_Data_Unit_0 Extended by HUAWE

8032 LR_CPRI Extended by HUAWE

I-4 Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Issue 03 (2010-06-01)

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User Gu ide I Layer Rate Description

No. Layer rate Description

8033 LR_CPRI_CUT Extended by HUAWE


8036 LR_INFINIBAND_5G Extended by HUAWE

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential I-5

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
User Gu ide Contents


J BT Naming Format Statement ................................................................................................. J-1

J.1 Application and Principle of BT Naming Rule ..........................................................................................................J-1
J.2 Usage of BT Naming Rules ...........................................................................................................................................J-1
J.3 Supported Objects and Examp les of BT Naming Format ........................................................................................J-2

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential i

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Table J-1 ManagedElement ................................................................................................................................................J-2

Table J-2 SubnetworkConnection......................................................................................................................................J-2

Table J-3 EncapsulationLayerLin k....................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-4 FlowDo mainFrag ment .......................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-5 TopologicalLink ..................................................................................................................................................J-3

Table J-6 Equip mentHolder ................................................................................................................................................J-4

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User Gu ide J BT Naming Fo rmat Statement

J BT Naming Format Statement

J.1 Application and Principle of BT Naming Rule

The BT naming rules are a method that the T2000 CORBA interface uses the object name as
the unique identification of the object in the interface, to meet the requirements of the
NMS/OSS for special application scenarios. Specific to common entity objects such as
ManagedElement, the naming rules use the object name (the entity object name displayed on
the T2000 GUI), rather than the internal ID of the T2000, as the unique identification of
objects. For the specific objects supported and the examples, refer to "Supported Objects and
Examples of BT Naming Format".

As the entity object name displayed on the T2000 GUI does not guarantee its uniqueness in
the T2000, if the NMS/OSS wants the T2000 CORBA interface to enable the BT naming rules,
the NMS/OSS must ensure the entity object name is unique in the T2000 through proper
network resource planning. The NMS/OSS must ensure the uniqueness, otherwise, collision
or confusion of object data reported from the T2000 CORBA interface will occur.

BT refers to Britain British Telecom.

J.2 Usage of BT Naming Rules

 Modify the value of bUseBTName from 0 to 1 in the configuration file bundle.cfg in the
Installation directory of the T2000 \server\nbi\corba\conf\ii_corbaagent_bundle
directory before the T2000 is started, and save the configuration file.
 Start the T2000 and the CORBA interface. For information about starting the T2000 and
the CORBA interface, refer to Chapter 3 "System Installation and Configuration".
 When the NMS/OSS is calling the method that the T2000 CORBA interface provides, if
the identifier of the entity object to be operated needs to be input and the requested entity
object is the one supported by the BT naming rules, the NMS/OSS needs to input the
object identifier if the BT naming format is enabled, instead of the object identifier when
the BT naming format is not used.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential J-1

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OptiX iManager T2000 Northbound CORBA Interface
J BT Naming Fo rmat Statement User Gu ide

J.3 Supported Objects and Examples of BT Naming

Table J-1 ManagedElement
On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique ONE: According to the layer model

number format of {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} relation of object identifiers, the
ME used when naming rules change of
the interface {name ManagedElement value ManagedElement objects affect the
reports or queries 33554433} following child objects:
Non-ONE: EquipmentHolder(rack/shelf/slot),
Equipment, PTP, CTP, VB, VLAN,
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000} CAR, COS, Flow and
{name ManagedElement value 590174} TrafficDescriptor. The object
identifier naming rules of all entity
On The BT naming ONE: objects that the ManagedElement
mode used when {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} object contains are affected
the interface accordingly.
reports or queries. {name ManagedElement value otm1}
The mode is Non-ONE:
consistent with
the ME name {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
displayed on the {name ManagedElement value NE350}
T2000 client

On/off refers to whether the BT naming rules are enabled. For details, refer to section" J BT Naming
Format Statement".
 SubnetworkConnection

Table J-2 SubnetworkConnection

On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique number format of {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

SNC used when the interface {name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
reports or queries
{name SubnetworkConnection
value {2005-12-20 14:26:22 - 50}}

On The BT naming mode used {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

when the interface reports or {name MultiLayerSubnetwork value 1}
queries. The mode is consistent
with the SNC name displayed {name SubnetworkConnection
on the T2000 client value NE350-NE351-VC12-0001}

 EncapsulationLayerLink

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Table J-3 EncapsulationLayerLink

On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique number format of ELL {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
used when the interface reports or {name EncapsulationLayerLink
queries value {2006-03-21 16:01:22 - 1134}}

On The BT naming mode used when {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

the interface reports or queries. {name EncapsulationLayerLink
The mode is consistent with the
ELL name displayed on the T2000 value Trunk_Link-0001}

 FlowDomainFragment

Table J-4 FlowDomainFragment

On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique number format of {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

FDFr used when the interface {name Flowdomain value 1}
reports or queries
{name FlowdomainFragment
value {2005-12-22 16:46:07 - 54}}

On The BT naming mode used when {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

the interface reports or queries. {name Flowdomain value 1}
The mode is consistent with the
FDFr name displayed on the {name FlowdomainFragment
T2000 client value EVPL-0001}

 TopologicalLink

Table J-5 TopologicalLink

On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique number format of {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}

TopoLogicalLink used when the {name TopologicalLink
interface reports or queries
value {2006-03-21 15:37:56 - 723}}
On The BT naming mode used when {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
the interface reports or queries. {name TopologicalLink
The mode is consistent with the
TopoLogicalLink name displayed value f-10}
on the T2000 client

 EquipmentHolder

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential J-3

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J BT Naming Fo rmat Statement User Gu ide

Table J-6 EquipmentHolder

On/off Description Example Remarks

Off The unique number ONE: According to layer model

format of {name EMS value Huawei/T2000} relation of unique object
EquipmentHolder identifier, the naming rules
used when the {name ManagedElement value of the Equipment Holder
interface reports or 33554433} {name EquipmentHolder object affect the naming
queries value /rack=1/shelf=590004/slot=1} rules of the Equipment
objects that the Equipment
Non-ONE: Holder object contains.
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value 590174}
{name EquipmentHolder
value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1}

On The BT naming ONE:

mode used when the {name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
interface reports or
queries. The mode is {name ManagedElement value otm1}
consistent with the {name EquipmentHolder
EquipmentHolder value /rack=1/shelf=NE180/slot=1}
name displayed on
the T2000 client Non-ONE:
{name EMS value Huawei/T2000}
{name ManagedElement value NE350}
{name EquipmentHolder
value /rack=1/shelf=1/slot=1}

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K Glossary .....................................................................................................................................K-1

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K Glossary

AIS Alarm Indication Signal. A signal sent downstream in a digital network if an upstream
failure has been detected and persists for a certain time.
Alarm A visible or an audible indication to notify the person concerned that a failure or an
emergency has occurred. See also Event.
Antistatic floor The floor which is ESD preventive
Attribute Property of an object.

Binding In virtual concatenated payload configuration, designating one binding number to
identify the VC4s of the same virtual concatenated payload is called "bind". If a fault
occurs to one of the bound services, all bound services will switch as a whole.

Cabling The methods to route the cables or fibers.
Client A kind of terminal (PC or workstation) connected to a network that can send instructions
to a server and get results through a user interface. See also server.
Configuration Configuration management enables inventory query of network configuration resources,
management including relevant configuration of NMS or SNMS, NE, subnet, links, SNC, route, TP,
edge point, equipment, and so on. Real-time inventory change report can also be provided
through this resource, it will be timely reported to the upper NMS to notify the carrier of
the current network operation status and ensure data consistency of the upper NMS or
Configure To set the basic parameters of an operation object.
Connection point A reference point where the output of a trail termination source or a connection is bound
to the input of another connection, or where the output of a connection is bound to the
input of a trail termination sink or another connection. The connection point is
characterized by the information which passes across it. A bidirectional connection point
is formed by the association of a contradirectional pair.

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential K-1

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Connection A "transport entity" which consists of an associated pair of "unidirectional connections"

capable of simultaneously transferring information in opposite directions between their
respective inputs and outputs.
Current alarms Alarms that do not clear, or has cleared but is not acknowledged.
Current The performance data stored in the current register is called current performance data.
performance data The current 15-minute or 24-hour register (only one for each) is applied to collect the
performance data in the current monitoring period. It changed within the monitor period.

Domain The domain of the T2000 specifies the scope of address or functions which are available
to a certain user.

Extra traffic Unprotected traffic that is carried over the protection channels when not occupied by
working traffic. The extra traffic may be preempted to provide transport capacity for
protected or highly protected transport entities in the event of failure.

Failure The fault cause persisted long enough to consider the ability of an item to perform a
required function to be terminated. The item may be considered as failed; a fault has now
been detected.
Fault A fault is the inability of a function to perform a required action. This does not include an
inability due to preventive maintenance, lack of external resources, or planned actions.

History The performance data stored in the history register and the auto-report performance data
performance data stored on the T2000 are called history performance data in a unified way.
Host name Name of the computer that functions as a main controlling point in a network and
provides special service to the users.

IP address In the TCP/IP protocol, it is used to uniquely identify the address of the communication
port, which consists of four bytes in decimal digits, for example,

Label A mark on a cable, a subrack, or a cabinet for identification.
Layer A concept used to allow the transport network functionality to be described hierarchically
as successive levels; each layer being solely concerned with the generation and transfer
of its characteristic information.

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MSP Multiplex section protection. The nodes online achieve protection switching through the
K1 and K2 bytes in the multiplex section, including linear 1+1 MS protection switching
link, linear 1:n MS protection switching link, dedicated MS protection ring and shared
MS protection ring.

NE ID In a network, each NE corresponds to a unique identifier, that is, the NE ID. In the OptiX
transmission equipment, it is specified that the NE ID is a 24-bit binary digit, that is,
three bytes. The DIP switch on the SCC board of the NE constitutes the lower 16 bits of
the NE ID. The higher eight bits of the NE ID is the extended ID (default value: 9), which
is also called the sub-network number. The extended ID is usually used to identify
different sub-networks.
NE Network Element. NE includes the hardware unit and the software running on it. Usually,
one NE has at least an SCC (system control and communication) board which responsible
for the management and monitoring of the NE. The NE software runs on the SCC board.
NM Network Management. In the telecommunication management network structure, the
T2000 is located between the NE level and network level, which can supports all
functions at NE level and part of the network level management functions. See also

Path A trail in a path layer.
Power box A direct current power distribution box at the upper part of a cabinet, which supplies
power for the subracks in the cabinet.
Procedure A generic term for an action.
Process A generic term for a collection of actions.
Protection service A specific service that is part of a protection group and is labeled protection.

Route The IP route selection is in table driving mode. In each host and each router of the
Internet, there is a routing table that contains information about how the service is
transmitted from the source to the sink, providing a basis for route selection. Ethernet
static routing in ET1 refers to the mapping relationship between the Ethernet port and the
bound path. Its routing type includes port routing and VLAN routing. Port routing: It
means configuring a route between the Ethernet port and the bound path port, which is
usually used for point-to-point networking communication; VLAN routing: It means
configuring a route between the Ethernet port and the bound path port based on the
VLAN service. It can be used flexibly in point-to-point, point-to-multipoint or
multipoint-to-multipoint communication. The implementation is to divide and converge
the data stream according to the VLAN flag of the packet. As a VLAN flag can be added
to the Ethernet port, the equipment can be applied more flexibly.

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K Glossary User Gu ide

Script file It is the text file describing the physical information and configuration information of the
entire network, including the NE configuration file, port naming file, end-to-end
configuration file, NE physical view script file, NM information file and service
implementation data script file.
Script A list of instructions for performing a specific task or action, written in a scripting
Section A trail in a section layer.
Spread type The spread type of ATM service includes point-to-point (p2p) and point-to-multipoint
(including p2mpRoot and p2mpLeaf). The p2p spread type supports real-time
bi-directional communication service. The two communication parties are in the same
status and participate the session actively. p2mpRoot and p2mpLeaf belong to the
point-to-multipoint spread type. It supports point-to-multipoint multicast service. During
the creation of a point-to-multipoint (multicast) connection, a connection to identify this
group of connections is necessary. This connection is a p2mpRoot connection, while
other connections are p2mpLeaf connections. If there is a p2mpLeaf connection in a
group of connections, the p2mpRoot cannot be deleted. To create a multicast connection,
the p2mpRoot connection must be created before the creation of p2mpLeaf connection.
Subnet Sub-network is the logical entity in the transmission network and comprises a group of
network management objects. A sub-network can contain NEs and other sub-networks. A
sub-network planning can better the organization of a network view.
Support The frame on the bottom of a cabinet, when installing the cabinet on the antistatic floor.

T2000 The T2000 is a subnetwork management system (SNMS). In the TMN architecture, the
T2000 is located between the NE level and network level, which can supports all function
of NE-level and part of the network-level management functions. See also NM.
TMN Telecommunications Management Network. The entity which provides the means used to
transport and process information related to management functions for the
telecommunications network.
Topology The T2000 topology is a basic component of the man-machine interactive interface. The
topology clearly shows the structure of the network, the alarms of different NEs,
sub-networks in the network, the communication status as well as the basic network
operation status.
Trail A trail is a kind of transport entity, mainly engaged in transferring signal from the input
of the trail source to the output of the trail sink, and monitoring the integrality of the
transferred signal. According to the different levels of the trail, the trail includes various
types (OTS, OCH, OMS, SPI, RS, MS, VC4 server trail, VC4, VC3 and VC12). Among
them, OTS, OCH and OMS represent the trails in a DWDM layer network. For the ADM
and TM equipment in the SDH network, each optical fiber connection corresponds to an
SPI, RS or MS trail, and a trail is the general name for service carriers, including SDH
and PDH services.

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Unprotected Services transmitted through an ordinary way, once a failure or interruption occurs, the
data cannot be restored for lack of protection mechanism.
Upper threshold The critical value that can induce unexpected events if exceeded.
User The user of the T2000 client, and the user and his/her password define the corresponding
authority of operation and management of the T2000.

VCC Virtual Channel Connection. Logic circuit, made up of VCLs, that carries data between
two end points in an ATM network.
VLAN ID Namely, it is the virtual LAN identifier. One Ethernet port can support 4K VLAN routes,
and one NE can support up to 8K VLAN routes.
VPC Virtual Path Connection. A group of unidirectional VCLs that carries data between two
end points in an ATM network share the same end points within a virtual path. Grouping
VCLs into VPLs reduces the number of connections to be managed, thereby decreasing
network control overhead and cost. A VPC is a grouping of VCCs that share one or more
contiguous VPL.

Working service A specific service that is part of a protection group and is labeled working.

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L Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................................ L-1

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User Gu ide L Acrony ms and Abbreviations

L Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACE Adaptive Communication Environment
AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AMI Alternate Mark Inversion code
APS Automatic Protection Switching
ASON Automatically Switched Optical Network
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

BIOS Basic Input/Output System
BML Bus iness Management Layer

CAR Consent Access Rate
CC Cross Connection
CDE Common Desktop Environment
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COS Class Of Service
CTP Connection Termination Point
CPU Central Processing Unit

DCC Data Communication Channels

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential L-1

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L Acrony ms and Abbreviations User Gu ide

DCN Data Communication Network

DNI Dual Node Interconnection
DPC Destination (signalling) Point Code
DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing

ECC Embedded Control Channel
ELL Encapsulation Layer Link
EML Element Management Level
EMS Element Management System
EPG Equipment Protection Group
EPL Ethernet Private Line
EPLn Ethernet Private LAN
EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
EVPLn Ethernet Virtual Private LAN

FD Flow Domain
FDFr Flow Domain Fragment
FEC Forward Error Correction
FIFO First In First Out
FTP File Transfer Protocol

GCT GUI Cut-Through
GE Gigabit Ethernet
GNE Gate Network Element
GUI Graphic User Interface
GCM Global Cluster Manager

HA High-Availability

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ID Identity
IDL Interface Definition Language
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
ION Intelligent Optical Network
IMAP Integrated Management Application Platform
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union- Telecommunication Standardization
IP Internet Protocol

LAN Local Area Network
LAG Link Aggregation Group
LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
LCT Local Craft Terminal

MAC Media Access Control
MDP Message Dispatch Process
ME Managed Element
MO Managed Object
MODEM Modulator-Demodulator
MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching
MS Multiplex Section
MSP Multiplex Section Protection
MSTP Multi-Service Transmission Platform
MIB Management Information Base
MI T Managed Object Instance Tree
MTNM Multi-Technology Network Management
NE Network Element
NEL Network Element Level
NML Network Management Level

Issue 03 (2010-06-01) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential L-3

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NMS Network Management System

OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
OAM Operation Administration Maintenance
OCH Optical Channel
OMG Object Management Group
ORB Object Request Broker
OSF Operation System Function
OSS Operation Support System
OSN Optical Switch Net
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OTS Optical Transmission Section
OTM Optical Terminal Multiplexer
OTU Optical Transponder Unit

PC Personal Computer
PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PE Provider Edge
PG Protection Group
PM Performance Monitor
PP Path Protection
PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Sequence
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
PTP Physical Termination Point
PVP Permanent Virtual Path

QoS Quality of Service

RAS Remote Access Server

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RDI Remote Defect Indication

RMON Remote Monitoring
RPR Resilient Packet Ring

SCSI Small Computer Systems Interface
SD Signal Degradation
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SML Service Management Layer
SMS Service Management System
SNML Sub-Network Management Layer
SNMS Subnetwork Management System
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNC Subnetwork Connection
SNCP Sub-Network Connection Protection
SNPP Sub-Network Point Pool
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SSL Security Socket Layer
SSM Synchronization Status Message

TCA Threshold Crossing Alarm
TCM Tandem Connection Monitoring
TCP Transport Control Protocol
TD Traffic Descriptor
TMF Telecommunication Management Forum
TMN Telecommunication Management Network
TP Termination Point

UPC Usage Parameter Control
UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply

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UTC Coordinated Universal Time

VB Virtual Bridge
VC Virtual Connection
VC Virtual Circuit
VC Virtual Container
VC Virtual Channel
VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
VCS Veritas Cluster Server
VVR Veritas Volume Replicator
VxVM Veritas Volume Manager
VLAN Virtual LAN
VPI Virtual Path Identifier

WAN Wide Area Network
WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
WTR Wait-to-Restore

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Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

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