Warning: Potential For Fire, Smoke and Asphyxiation Hazards

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WARNING Potential for Fire, Smoke and Asphyxiation Hazards

Incorrect installation, adjustment, or misuse of this burner could result in death, severe
personal injury, or substantial property damage.

To the Homeowner or Equipment Owner: To the Professional, Qualified Installer or Service

y Please read and carefully follow all instructions Agency:
provided in this manual regarding your responsibilities y Please read and carefully follow all instructions provided
in caring for your heating equipment. in this manual before installing, starting, or servicing this
y Contact a professional, qualified service agency for burner or heating system.
installation, start-up or service work. y The Installation must be made in accordance with all state
y Save this manual for future reference. and local codes having jurisdiction.

6104 BCF3 R03 1

Before you begin . . .
Table of Contents
The following resources will give you additional General Information ............................................... 3-4
information for your installation. We suggest that Agency approvals............................................................3
you consult these resources whenever possible. Pay Hazard Definitions ...........................................................3
particular attention to the appliance manufacturer’s Specifications ..................................................................3
instructions. Owner’s Responsibility ....................................................4
Installer/Service Agency Responsibility...........................4
Appliance manufacturer’s instructions -Always Pre-installation checklist ...................................... 4-7
follow the appliance manufacturer’s instructions Combustion air supply.....................................................4
for burner installation, equipment and set-up. Clearances ......................................................................4
Fuel supply ......................................................................5
1–800–OIL–BURN - Beckett’s technical services Nozzle pressure ..............................................................5
hot-line. Electrical supply ..............................................................5
www.beckettcorp.com - Beckett’s website.
Vent system.....................................................................5
Verify burner components ...............................................6
Verify firing rate ...............................................................6
To the Owner: Verify air tube ..................................................................6
Stray light lockout ............................................................7
Thank you for purchasing a Beckett burner Dust and Moisture ...........................................................7
for use with your heating appliance. Please pay Mount the burner .................................................... 7-9
attention to the Safety Warnings contained within Mount flanges on air tubes ..............................................7
this instruction manual. Keep this manual for your Mount air tube to burner ..................................................8
records and provide it to your qualified service Install Nozzle ...................................................................8
agency for use in professionally setting up and
Check Electrodes ............................................................8
maintaining your oil burner.
Install Nozzle Line Assembly...........................................8
Your Beckett burner will provide years of efficient Set Dimension Z..............................................................8
operation if it is professionally installed and Insert Burner ...................................................................8
maintained by a qualified service technician. If at Fuel Unit By-pass Plug....................................................9
any time the burner does not appear to be operating Oil Supply/Return Lines ..................................................9
properly, immediately contact your qualified Burner Fuel Flow .............................................................9
service agency for consultation. Wire the burner ........................................................ 10
Sequence of Operation .......................................... 10
We recommend annual inspection/service of
your oil heating system by a qualified service
Resetting to cad cell ......................................................10
agency. Prepare the burner for start-up ....................... 11-12
Start-up checklist........................................................... 11
Z Dimension .................................................................. 11
Initial head position ....................................................... 11
Initial air settings ...........................................................12
Set appliance limit controls ...........................................12
Prepare the fuel unit for air venting ...............................12
Start the burner ................................................... 12-13
Starting the burner and venting air ...............................12
Disable function.............................................................13
CAD Cell resistance check............................................13
Maintenance and Service ...................................... 14
Annual Service ..............................................................14
Monthly maintenance ....................................................14
Replacement Parts .................................................. 15
Warranty ................................................... Back Cover

2 6104 BCF3 R03

Hazard definitions Specifications
U.S. #1 or #2 Fuel Oil only
(ASTM D396)
Indicates an imminently Fuels
Canada #1 Stove Oil or #2
hazardous situation, Furnace Oil only
which, if not avoided, will result in death, Firing range 1.65 to 3.75 GPH
serious injury, or property damage. 1/7 HP 3450 RPM
Motor 120/60 hz standard
1.7 amps @ 120 VAC
Indicates a potentially
Ignition Trans. 120V/12,000V
hazardous situation,
Housing Cast aluminum
which, if not avoided, could result in death,
Fuel unit 100 - 200 PSIG
severe personal injury, and/or substantial
property damage. Oil nozzle 45° - 70° solid
Shipping wt. 25 lbs.

Indicates a potentially
hazardous situation,
which, if not avoided, may result in person-
al injury or property damage.

Intended to bring special attention to information,
but not related to personal injury or property

Note: Within the boundaries of the hazard warning, there

will be information presented describing consequences
if the warning is not heeded and instructions on how to
avoid the hazard.

Agency approvals
‰ UL listed to comply with ANSI/UL296 and certified to
CSA B140.0.
‰ Accepted by N.Y.C. M.E.A.
‰ Other approvals may be
available and must be specified
at time of order.

6104 BCF3 R03 3

Owner’s Responsibility: Professional Installer/Service Agency
Follow These
Instructions Exactly Follow These
Failure to follow these instructions, Instructions Exactly
misuse, or incorrect adjustment of
Failure to follow these instructions
the burner could lead to equipment
malfunction and result in asphyxia- could lead to equipment malfunc-
tion, explosion or fire. tion and result in asphyxiation,
explosion or fire.
Contact a professional, qualified service agency for the
installation, adjustment and service of your oil burning y Please read all instructions before proceeding. Follow
system. Thereafter, have your equipment adjusted and all instructions completely.
inspected at least annually to ensure reliable operation. y This equipment must be installed, adjusted and started
This work requires technical training, trade experience, by a qualified service agency that is experienced with
licensing or certification in some states and the proper all applicable codes and ordinances and responsible for
use of special combustion test instruments. the installation and commission of the equipment.
y The installation must comply with all local codes and
Please carefully read and comply with the following ordinances having jurisdiction and the latest editions of
instructions: the NFPA 31 and CSA-B139 & B140 in Canada.
y Never store or use gasoline or other flammable liquids
or vapors near this burner or appliance.
y Never attempt to burn garbage or refuse in this appli- NOTICE
ance. 50 Hz motors — The burner ratings, air settings and nozzle
y Never attempt to light the burner by throwing burning ratings are based on standard 60 hz motors (at 3450 rpm).
material into the appliance. Derate all ratings 20% when using 50 hz motors. Consult
y Never attempt to burn any fuel not specified and ap- factory for specific application data.
proved for use in this burner.
y Never restrict the air inlet openings to the burner or the NOTICE
combustion air ventilation openings in the room.
High altitude installations — Accepted industry practice
requires no derate of burner capacity up to 2,000 feet above
sea level. For altitudes higher than 2,000 feet, derate burner
capacity 2% for each 1000 feet above sea level.

Pre-installation checklist
‰ Combustion air supply tion Standard for Oil-Burning Equipment, NFPA 31. For
appliance/burner units in confined spaces, the room must
Adequate Combustion have an air opening near the top of the room plus one near
and Ventilation Air the floor, each with a free area at least one square inch
Supply Required per 1,000 Btu/hr input of all fuel burning equipment in
the room. For other conditions, refer to NFPA 31 (CSA
Failure to provide adequate air supply could se- B1139-M91 in Canada).
riously affect the burner performance and result
in damage to the equipment, asphyxiation, ex- y If there is a risk of the space being under negative pres-
plosion or fire hazards. sure or of exhaust fans or other devices depleting available
air for combustion and ventilation, the appliance/burner
y The burner cannot properly burn the fuel if it is not should be installed in an isolated room provided with out-
supplied with a reliable combustion air source. side combustion air.
y Follow the guidelines in the latest editions of the NFPA
31 and CSA-B139 regarding providing adequate air for ‰ Clearances
combustion and ventilation.
y With the burner installed in the appliance, there must be
adequate space in front of and on the sides of the burner
y The burner requires combustion air and ventilation air for to allow access and operation. Verify that the clearance
reliable operation. Assure that the building and/or com- dimensions comply with all local codes and with the ap-
bustion air openings comply with National Fire Protec- pliance manufacturer’s recommendations.
4 6104 BCF3 R03
‰ Fuel supply ‰ Nozzle pressure

Oil Supply Pressure Correct Nozzle and Flow

Control Required Rate Required
Damage to the pump, filter or other compo- Incorrect nozzles and flow rates could
nent seals could cause possible oil leakage result in impaired combustion, under-
and potential fire hazard. firing, over-firing, sooting, puff-back
y The oil supply inlet pressure to the fuel unit cannot of hot gases, smoke and potential fire
exceed 3 psig. or asphyxiation hazards.
y Ensure that a pressure-limiting device is installed in Use only nozzles having the brand, flow rate (gph), spray angle
accordance with the latest edition of the NFPA 31. and pattern specified by the appliance manufacturer.
Follow the appliance manufacturer’s specifications for the
required pump outlet pressure for the nozzle, since this affects
y The fuel supply piping and tank must provide #1 or #2 fuel the flow rate.
oil at pressure or vacuum conditions suitable for the fuel y Nozzle manufacturers calibrate nozzle flow rates at
unit (oil pump) on the burner. Refer to fuel unit literature 100 psig.
in the literature envelope in the burner carton to verify al-
y This burner utilizes pressures higher than 100 psig, so
lowable suction pressure.
the actual nozzle flow rate will be greater than the gph
If fuel supply is level with or higher than fuel unit — stamped on the nozzle body. (Example: A 2.00 gph
nozzle at 140 psig = 2.37 gph.
y When the fuel unit is not required to lift the oil, the instal- y For typical nozzle flow rates at various pressures see
lation is usually suitable for either a one-pipe or two-pipe accompanying chart.
oil system. The oil pressure at the inlet of the fuel unit
must not exceed 3 psig. y The fuel unit nozzle port pressure is factory set at 140
y Refer to the Mount the Burner Section of this manual for psig. Some original equipment manufacturer burner appli-
one-pipe or two-pipe fuel supply installation instructions. cations may call for a lower pressure to obtain a required
firing rate. Do not change this pressure unless directed to
If fuel supply is below the fuel unit — do so by the appliance manufacturer.
y Use a two-pipe oil system when the fuel unit must lift the
oil more than 8 feet if burner is equipped with a B fuel ‰ Electrical supply
unit. The return line provided by the two-pipe system is y Verify that the power connections available are correct for
needed to purge the air from the fuel lines and minimize the burner. Refer to Figure 1. All power must be supplied
the likelihood of air-related problems during operation. through fused disconnect switches.

‰ Vent system
y The flue gas venting system must be in good condition and
must comply with all applicable codes.

Figure 1 – Typical Nameplate

General Model Information Model “XX” MFR’S SETTINGS

Series (Fuel) Burner X
SERIAL NUMBER X R.W. Beckett Construction & Setting Data
Serial Number,Including Date Code 050214-00000 X

Rating Information Control Circ: 120V/60Hz 4.5A

Motor Circ: 120V/60Hz 4.0A XX000 R00 R.W. Beckett Specification
050214-00000 Number and Revision
Approval Agency Symbols LISTED

R.W. Beckett Corp. Boiler Manufacturer and

Elyria, Ohio
Made in the U.S.A. Model, When Applicable
For use with Group 8 . . .

Primary Group and Fuel Additional Codes

MP 1192 XX000 R00

6104 BCF3 R03 5

‰ Verify burner components — Verify that the chamber dimensions are at least as large
as the minimum values given in Figure 2. If the appliance
y Burner, Model CF375 dimensions are smaller than recommended, reduce the
y Air tube assembly firing rate accordingly.
y Mounting flange kit
y Oil nozzle, per Table 1 — Only 45° to 70° solid pattern ‰ Verify air tube
nozzles are recommended unless otherwise specified
by appliance manufacturer. (See specific appliance y The information in this section may be disregarded if the
recommendation sheet or refer to OEM Spec Guide). Find air tube is supplied by the appliance manufacturer.
the required firing rate in the 140 psig column (factory-set
fuel unit pressure). Select the corresponding nozzle from y Two tube arrangements are available –
column 1 (Rated gph @ 100 psig). Tube A — 1.65 to 2.00 GPH
‰ Verify firing rate Tube B — 2.00 to 3.75 GPH
y Refer to appliance manufacturer’s instructions (if
available) for firing rate and nozzle selection. Otherwise, y Maximum firing capacity depends on the firebox pressure.
the maximum recommended firing rate for the burner Use Table 2 to verify the correct air tube type for the fir-
depends on the length of the firing chamber and the ing rate required. Use Tube B only when Tube A cannot
distance from the burner center to the chamber floor. provide the firing rate required.

Table 1 - Nozzle Capacities y See Figure 3 to verify the correct air tube length and air
tube combination code.
Rated gph @ Pressure - pounds per square inch
100 psig
125 140 150 Figure 3 - Air Tube Mounting Dimensions
1.35 1.51 1.60 1.65
1.50 1.68 1.77 1.84
1.65 1.84 1.95 2.02
1.75 1.96 2.07 2.14
2.00 2.24 2.37 2.45 u
2.25 2.52 2.66 2.76
2.50 2.80 2.96 3.06
2.75 3.07 3.25 3.37
3.00 3.35 3.55 3.67

Figure 2 - Minimum Combustion Chamber Dims.

u Install burner with 2o pitch as shown.

A.T.C. Codes
Air Tube
(A.T.C. = Air Tube Combination)
(Dimension T) Tube A Tube B

05.75” CF56KY CF56KZ

10.00” CF100KY CF100KZ
14.00” CF140KY CF140KZ

Minimum Dimensions
Firing Rate (refractory-lined) (wet-base boilers)


1.65 to 2.00 gph 5.5” 12.0” 5.5” 12.0”

2.00 to 3.75 gph 6.0” 15.0” 6.0” 20.0”

6 6104 BCF3 R03

Table 2 - Air Tube capacities vs. firebox
Mount the burner
Protect the Air Tube From
Firebox No Reserve 10% Turndown
(in w.c.) Tube KY Tube KZ Tube KY Tube KZ Overheating could cause damage to the air
0.0” 2.0 3.5 1.8 3.2 tube and other combustion components lead-
0.1” 1.9 3.3 1.7 3.0 ing to equipment malfunction and impaired
0.2” 1.8 3.3 1.6 3.0 combustion performance.
0.3” 1.8 3.2 1.6 2.9 y The end of the air tube must not extend into the com-
0.4” 1.7 3.2 1.5 2.9 bustion chamber unprotected unless it has been facto-
0.5” 1.7 3.1 1.5 2.8
ry-tested and specified by the appliance manufacturer.
y Position the end of the air tube ¼” back from flush with
the refractory inside entry wall to prevent damage from
‰ Stray Light

Protect Against Stray ‰ Mount flange(s) on air tube

Light Lockout
y This section does not apply to burners with welded flang-
Failure to follow these instructions could cause es.
loss of burner operation resulting in no heat, an y Do not install air tube on burner.
unplanned process interruption, work stoppage y For non-pressure firing flange, refer to Figure 4: Install
and the potential for frozen plumbing or other gasket (item a) and flange (item d). Ignore the next
cold weather property damage. paragraph.
y For pressure-firing flange, refer to Figure 4: Slide gasket
y The control must detect a dark, no-flame condition in (item a) onto the air tube, making sure the top of the air
order to start the burner or it will hold in the stray light tube is up. Pre-drill holes in the pressure firing plate (item
lockout mode. b) to match the appliance studs. Slide the pressure firing
y Shield the burner from direct exposure to intense plate (item b) and flange (item d) onto the air tube as
light. shown. Wrap ceramic fiber rope (item c) around the air
tube and press tightly into the inside diameter of the flange
(item d).
‰ Dust and Moisture y Slide the air tube (item e) into position in the appliance
front. Tighten the flange-mounting-stud nuts. Set the
Protect Against Dust and insertion of the air tube so dimension G is ¼” nominal.
Moisture y Pitch the air tube at 2° from horizontal as shown and secure
the flange to the air tube. See Figure 2.
Wet, dusty environments could lead to blocked
air passages, corrosion damage to components,
impaired combustion performance and result in Figure 4 - Mount flange(s) on air tube
asphyxiation, explosion or fire.
y This burner is designed for clean, dry installations.
y Electrical controls are not protected against rain or
sprayed water.
y Keep the installation clear of dust, dirt, corrosive va-
pors, and moisture.
y Protective covers and more frequent maintenance may
be required.

6104 BCF3 R03 7

‰ Mount air tube to burner Figure 6 - Nozzle line assembly in burner
y Insert the air tube into the burner housing. Carefully align
the the four screw holes.
y Attach the air tube to the burner using the four provided

‰ Install nozzle 1-1/2”

y Install the oil nozzle in the nozzle adapter. Use a 3/4”
open-end wrench to steady the nozzle adapter and a 5/8”
open-end wrench to turn the nozzle. Tighten securely but
do not over-tighten.

‰ Check electrode settings

Maintain Electrode
‰ Set dimension Z
Failure to properly maintain these specifications y Loosen fastener c in Figure 7. Slide the nozzle line and
could cause ignition malfunction, puff-back of plate assembly until dimension Z in Figure 6 is 1-1/2”
±1/16”. When dimension Z (from end of air tube to flat
hot gases, heavy smoke, asphyxiation, explo-
area of front face of head) is correctly set, tighten acorn
sion and fire hazards. nut c.
y Adjust the electrode gap and position in relation to the y Attach the oil line from the oil valve to the nozzle line end.
nozzle to the specifications shown in Figure 5. Tighten securely.
y Before proceeding, check dimension Z once again. Loosen
y Check, and adjust if necessary, the critical dimensions acorn nut c if necessary to reposition the nozzle line. Once
shown in Figure 5. Verify that the oil tube assembly dimension Z is set, do not loosen the acorn nut c again.
and electrodes are in good condition, with no cracks or Note that for the setting of fastener d, refer to Initial Head
damage. Position procedure on Page 10.

Figure 5 - Nozzle and nozzle line assembly Figure 7 - Adjusting plate assy.

Legend (Figure 5)
P Nozzle centerline to electrode tip = 1/4”
Q Nozzle face to electrode tip = 1/8”
Legend (Figure 7)
R Electrode spacing = 5/32” gap
c Bottom acorn nut e Indicator adjusting plate
d f
‰ Install nozzle line assembly Fastener Secondary adjusting plate

y Insert the nozzle line assembly into the burner air tube.
Reference Figure 6.
y Slide the secondary adjusting plate (Figure 7, item f) com- ‰ Insert burner
pletely to the left on the indicator adjusting plate (item e). y Position the burner in the front of the appliance and loosely
Finger tighten acorn nut (item c) to secure the two plates tighten the nuts on the mounting studs. The burner should
together. Slide both plates completely to the right (Indica- be pitched downward 2° as shown in Figure 4.
tor Plate will read 0). Tighten fastener (item d).
y Install the spline nut on the end of the nozzle line, leaving y Secure the burner to the appliance by tightening the nuts
the nut loosely placed so the plates can be moved. on the burner flange mounting studs.

8 6104 BCF3 R03

‰ Fuel unit by-pass plug Table 3 - Fuel unit gearset capacities
Do Not Install By-pass Fuel unit Gearset capacity
Plug with 1-Pipe System model number (gallons per hour)
A2EA-6520 17
Failure to comply could cause immediate pump
A2VA-7116 17
seal failure, pressurized oil leakage and the po-
A2YA-7916 20
tential for a fire and injury hazard.
B2VA-8216 21
y The burner is shipped without the by-pass plug in-
stalled. B2YA-8916 25

y Intall the by-pass plug in two-pipe oil supply systems capacity (Table 3) for two-pipe systems. Size the filter
ONLY. for the firing rate for one-pipe systems. Locate the filter
immediately adjacent to the burner fuel unit.
y Install two high-quality shut-off valves in accessible
y The CF375 burner is shipped without the by-pass plug locations on the oil supply line. Locate one valve close
installed in the fuel line. to the tank. Locate the other valve close to the burner,
y The by-pass plug must NOT be installed when using with upstream of the fuel filter.
a one-pipe oil system.
y The by-pass plug MUST be installed when using a two- ‰ Burner fuel flow
pipe oil system.
y One-pipe systems – See Figure 8 for the fuel flow path.
y Figure 8 is based on type B fuel unit.
‰ Oil supply/return lines y Oil supply connects to one of the fuel unit inlet ports.
y Two-pipe systems – See Figure 9 for the fuel flow paths
for two-pipe oil systems.
Install Oil Supply To y Figure 9 is based on type B fuel unit .
Specifications y Oil supply connects to one of the fuel unit inlet ports. Oil
Failure to properly install the oil return connects to the fuel unit return port. (Install the
supply system could cause oil by-pass plug in the fuel unit for two-pipe systems.)
leakage, equipment malfunction,
puff-back of hot gases, heavy Figure 8 - One-pipe oil flow with “B” pump
smoke, asphyxiation, explosion and
125-200 psig
fire hazards.
y Carefully install the oil supply lines, fittings and com- 125-200 psig
ponents using the guidelines provided in this section.
y The oil supply must comply with the latest edition
of NFPA 31 (Canada CSA B139) and all applicable 3502
y Do NOT install valves in return lines. Figure 9 - Two-pipe oil flow with “B” pump
y If the oil supply inlet pressure to the pump exceeds 3
psig or for gravity feed systems, install an oil safety or 125-200 psig
pressure reducing valve (Webster OSV, Suntec PRV or
equivalent). 125-200 psig

y Install the oil tank and oil lines in accordance with all Legend
applicable state and local codes. a Return port
y Size the oil supply and return lines using the guidelines
b Nozzle port
c Oil valve
given in the fuel unit literature included in the literature d Nozzle & adapter
envelope. Oil line flow rate will equal the burner rate for g Inlet port
one-pipe systems. For two-pipe systems, refer to Table 2 k Return line to oil tank
p Air bleed valve
for the fuel unit gear set capacity - the rate at which fuel
is recirculated when connected to a two-pipe system. Size
two-pipe oil lines based on this flow rate. y Nozzle pressure – The fuel unit nozzle port pressure
y Use continuous lengths of heavy-wall copper tubing, is factory set at 140 psig. Some original equipment
routed under the floor where possible. Do not attach fuel manufacturer burner applications may call for a lower
lines to the appliance or to floor joists if possible. This will pressure to obtain a required firing rate. Do not change
reduce vibration and noise transmission problems. this pressure unless directed to do so by the appliance
y Install an oil filter sized to handle the fuel unit gearset flow manufacturer.

6104 BCF3 R03 9

Wire the burner — R7184 Sequence of operation
— typical
Electrical Shock Hazard
1. Standby — The burner is idle, waiting for a call for heat.
When a call for heat is initiated, there is a 2- to 6-second delay
Electrical shock can cause severe personal in- while the control performs a safe start check.
jury or death.
y Disconnect electrical power before installing or servic- 2. Valve-on delay — As applicable, the ignition and motor are
ing the burner. turned on for a 15-second prepurge.
y Provide ground wiring to the burner, metal control en- 3. Trial for ignition (TFI) — The fuel valve is opened, as
closures and accessories. (This may also be required to applicable. A flame should be established within the 15-second
aid proper control system operation) lockout time (30-second lockout time is available).
y Perform all wiring in compliance with the National
4. Lockout — If flame is not sensed by the end of the TFI, the
Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70 (Canada CSA C22.1). control shuts down on safety lockout and must be manually
reset. If the control locks out three times in a row, the control
Install the burner and all wiring in accordance with the National enters restricted lockout. Call a qualified service technician.
Electrical Code and all applicable local codes or requirements. 5. Ignition carryover — Once flame is established, the ignition
remains on for 10 seconds to ensure flame stability. It then
Wire the burner in compliance with all instructions provided by turns off.
the appliance manufacturer. Verify operation of all controls in
accordance with the appliance manufacturer’s guidelines. 6. Run — The burner runs until the call for heat is satisfied. The
burner is then sent to burner motor-off delay, as applicable,
See Figure 10 for a typical wiring diagram, with R7184 oil or it is shut down and sent to standby.
primary, for reference purposes only.
7. Recycle — If the flame is lost while the burner is firing, the
control shuts down the burner, enters a 60-second recycle
Figure 10 - Typical wiring delay, and then repeats the ignition steps outlined above. If
the flame is lost three times in a row, the control locks out to
prevent continuous cycling with repetitious flame loss caused
by poor combustion.
8. Burner motor-off delay — If applicable, the fuel valve
is closed and the burner motor is kept on for the selected
postpurge time before the control returns the burner to

Resetting to Cad Cell

y If the control locks out three times in a row without

a complete heat cycle between attempts, the lockout
becomes restricted. A qualified service technician
should be called to inspect the burner.

Figure 11 - Typical sequence of operation

Legend (Figure 10)
FD Fused disconnect 2 3 4
Valve-on Trial for
LM Limit controls Lockout
delay ignition
OP Operating controls
PP Oil primary controls
CC Flame sensor, CAD cell type
TR Ignition transformer carryover
M1 Burner motor
S1 Oil valve Motor-off 6 7
T-T 24-volt thermostat delay
Run Recycle
F-F Flame sensor terminals (postpurge)

10 6104 BCF3 R03

Prepare the burner for start-up
and verified to be free of obstructions and installed in
Professional Installation accordance with all applicable codes.
and Service Required
Incorrect installation and mishandling of start-
‰ Oil nozzle has been selected correctly and securely
installed in the nozzle adapter.
up could lead to equipment malfunction and re-
sult in asphyxiation, explosion or fire. ‰ Fuel unit by-pass plug has not been installed for one-
pipe oil system.
y This burner must be installed and prepared for start-up
by a qualified service technician who is trained and ex- ‰ By-pass plug has been installed for two-pipe oil
perienced in commercial oil burner system installation system.
and operation.
y Do not attempt to start the burner unless you are fully ‰ Fuel connection to nozzle line assembly is secure.
y Do not continue with this procedure until all items in
‰ Dimension Z has been set per the ‘Set Z Dimension’
instructions detailed earlier in this manual. The acorn nut
the “Prepare the burner for start-up” section have been
(Figure 7, item C) should never be loosened once the Z
dimension is initially set.
y Carefully follow the wiring diagrams, control instruc-
tion sheets, flame safeguard sequence of operation, test ‰ Fuel supply line is correctly installed, the oil tank is
procedures and all appliance manufacturer’s directions sufficiently filled, and shut-off valves are open.
that pertain to this installation.
y If any of these items are not clear or are unavailable, ‰ Burner is securely mounted in appliance, with pressure
call Beckett at 1-800-645-2876 for assistance. firing plate and gasket installed for pressurized chamber

Do Not Bypass Safety ‰ Appliance has been filled with water (boilers) and controls
have been operationally checked.
Tampering with, or bypassing safety controls ‰ Burner has been installed in accordance with appliance
could lead to equipment malfunction and result manufacturer’s instructions (when available).
in asphyxiation, explosion or fire. ‰ Also refer to appliance manufacturer’s instructions (when
y Safety controls are designed and installed to provide available) for start-up procedures.
y Do not tamper with, or bypass any safety control. ‰ Initial head position (Reference Fig. 7)
y If a safety control is not functioning properly, shut off
all main electrical power and fuel supply to the burner y The indicator plate assembly markings correspond to head
and call a qualified service agency immediately. position settings.
y Loosen the fastener (Figure 7, item d) and slide the
indicator plate until the number on the indicator plate
Keep Service Access corresponds to the initial head setting listed in Table 4, for
Covers Securely Installed the desired firing rate.
These covers must be securely in place to y When the head position has been set, tighten the fastener
prevent electrical shock, damage from exter- and the spline nut.
nal elements, and protect against injury from
moving parts. Table 3 - Initial indicator adjustment plate
y All covers or service access plates must be in place at settings (head position)
all times except during maintenance and service. Approximate adjusting
Firing rate, gph
y This applies to all controls, panels, enclosures, switch- plate setting
es, and guards or any component with a cover as part 0 1.65
of its design. 1 1.75
3 2.00
4 2.50
Start-up checklist - Verify the following before 5 3.00
attempting to start burner. 6 3.50
Note: These settings are approximate, and can vary depending on
‰ Combustion air supply and venting have been inspected actual job conditions and overfire pressure.

6104 BCF3 R03 11

Table 4 - Initial air shutter and band settings Start the Burner
Firing rate, Approximate air settings
gph Shutter Band Explosion and Fire
1.65 5 0 Hazard
Failure to follow these instructions
1.75 10 2
could lead to equipment malfunction
2.00 10 4 and result in heavy smoke emission,
2.50 10 5 soot-up, hot gas puff-back, fire and
3.00 10 6 asphyxiation hazards.
y Do not attempt to start the burner when excess oil has
3.50 10 8 accumulated in the appliance, the appliance is full of
Note: These settings are approximate, and can vary depending on vapor, or when the combustion chamber is very hot.
actual job conditions and overfire pressure. y Do not attempt to re-establish flame with the burner
running if the flame becomes extinguished during start-
‰ Initial air settings (Table 5) up, venting, or adjustment.
y Vapor-Filled Appliance: Allow the unit to cool off and
y Loosen the air band and shutter, and adjust to the all vapors to dissipate before attempting another start.
approximate firing rate settings given in Table 5. y Oil-Flooded Appliance: Shut off the electrical power
y These initial settings should be adequate for starting the and the oil supply to the burner and then clear all ac-
burner. Once the burner is in operation, the air settings cumulated oil before continuing.
will be adjusted for best performance as discussed later in y If the condition still appears unsafe, contact the Fire
this manual. Department. Carefully follow their directions.
y Follow the procedures described later in this manual for y Keep a fire extinguisher nearby and ready for use.
fine-tuning the air settings.

‰ Set appliance limit controls

‰ Starting the burner and venting air
y Set the appliance limit controls in accordance with the
appliance manufacturer’s recommendations. Priming the pump

‰ Prepare the fuel unit for air venting Hot Gas Puff-back and
Heavy Smoke Hazard
y To vent air from one-pipe oil systems, attach a clear hose
to the pump air bleed valve (figure 9) on the fuel unit. Failure to bleed the pump properly
Provide a container to catch the oil. Loosen the pump air could result in unstable combustion,
bleed valve. hot gas puff-back and heavy smoke.
y Vent the air as described in the next section under Start
y Do not allow oil to intermittently spray into a hot com-
bustion chamber while bleeding.
y Install a gauge in the nozzle discharge port tubing or
fully open the pump bleed valve to prevent oil spray
from accumulating in the combustion chamber when
venting air from the fuel pump.
y Ensure that all bubbles and froth are purged from the
oil supply system before tightening the pump air bleed

y Initiate a call for heat

y While the ignition is on, press and release the reset but-
ton on the R7184 control (hold 1/2 second or less). If
the control has not locked out since it’s most recent
complete heat cycle, the lockout time will be extended
to 4 minutes (45 seconds in earlier units), and the igni-
tion will remain on the entire heat cycle.
y Bleed the pump until all froth and bubbles are purged.
If prime is not established within the extended lockout

12 6104 BCF3 R03

time, the control will lock out. Press the reset button to Step 1: Adjust the air shutter/band until a trace of smoke
reset the control and return to the functions listed in the is achieved.
previous step.
Step 2: At the trace of smoke level, measure the CO2
y Repeat the previous steps if needed, until the pump is
(or O2) . This is the vital reference point for further
fully primed and the oil is free of bubbles. Then ter-
adjustments. Example: 13.5% CO2 (2.6% O2)
minate the call for heat, and the control will resume
normal operation. Step 3: Increase the air to reduce the CO2 by 1.5
to 2 percentage points. (O2 will be increased
Disable function by approximately 2.0 to 2.7 percentage points.)
Example: Reduce CO2 from 13.5% to 11.5% (2.6%
y Any time the motor is running, press and hold the reset to 5.3% O2).
button to disable the burner. The burner will remain off
Step 4: Recheck smoke level. It should be Zero.
as long as the button is held and will return to standby
when released y This procedure provides a margin of reserve air
to accommodate variable conditions.
y If the draft level has changed, recheck the smoke
CAD cell resistance check and CO2 (or O2 ) levels and readjust the burner,
if necessary
y While the burner is firing, and after the ignition has
4. Once combustion is set, tighten all fasteners on air band,
been turned off, press and release the reset button (hold
air shutter and escutcheon plate.
1/2 second or less) to check the cad cell resistance. The
LED will flash 1 to 4 times, depending on the cad cell
5. Start and stop the burner several times to ensure
resistance (refer to the table below).
satisfactory operation. Test the primary control and all
other appliance safety controls to verify that they function
Number of LED Cad Cell Resistance (ohms) according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
6. Check the breech draft pressure against the appliance
1 Strong (0 to 400)
manufacturer’s recommended setting (typically + 0.1”
2 Normal (400 to 800) W.C.). If the breech pressure is higher or lower than
3 Weak (800 to 1600) recommended level, adjust the appliance breech damper
4 Poor (1600 or higher)* to achieve the specified setting. Recheck the smoke and
CO2 levels. Adjust burner air if necessary.
* Lockout likely to occur.

LED Indicator Status

On Flame sensed
Off Flame not sensed
Flashing (1/2 sec off - 1/2 Lockout/Restricted
sec on) Lockout
Flashing (2 sec off - 2 sec Recycle

‰ Set combustion using instruments

1. Allow the burner to run for approximately 5 to 10 min-

2. Set the stack or over-fire draft to the level specified by
the appliance manufacturer.
y Natural Draft Applications; typically over-fire draft
is -0.01” or -0.02” w.c.
y Direct Venting; typically may not require draft adjust-
y High Efficiency/Positive Pressure Appliances; also
vary from traditional appliances (see manufacturer’s
3. Follow these four steps to properly adjust the burner:

6104 BCF3 R03 13

Maintenance and Service
ˆ Check motor current. The amp draw should not exceed the
Annual Professional nameplate.
Service Required ˆ Check all wiring for secure connections or insulation
Tampering with or making incorrect breaks.
adjustments could lead to equip- ˆ Check the pump pressure and cutoff function.
ment malfunction and result in ˆ Check primary control safety lockout timing.
asphyxiation, explosion or fire. ˆ Check ignition system for proper operation.
ˆ Inspect the vent system and chimney for soot accumula-
y Do not tamper with the burner or controls or make tion or other restriction.
any adjustments unless you are a trained and qualified ˆ Clean the appliance thoroughly according to the manufac-
service technician. turer’s recommendations.
y To ensure continued reliable operation, a qualified ˆ Check the burner performance. Refer to the section “Set
service technician must service this burner annually. combustion with test instruments”.
y More frequent service intervals may be required in ˆ It is good practice to make a record of the service per-
dusty or adverse environments. formed and the combustion test results.
y Operation and adjustment of the burner requires
technical training and skillful use of combustion test Monthly maintenance — by owner
instruments and other test equipment.
‰ Observe combustion air openings and vent system
for integrity. Openings must be clean and free of
Annual service — by qualified service techni-
cian ‰ Check oil lines and fittings to verify there are no leaks.
Have the burner inspected, tested and started at least annually ‰ Observe burner ignition and performance to verify smooth
by a qualified service technician. This annual test/inspection operation.
should include at least the following: ‰ Shut the system down if you observe abnormal or
questionable operation. Call a qualified service agency for
ˆ Replace the oil supply line filter. The line filter cartridge professional inspection and service.
must be replaced to avoid contamination of the fuel unit
and nozzle.
ˆ Inspect the oil supply system. All fittings should be leak-
tight. The supply lines should be free of water, sludge and
other restrictions.
ˆ Remove and clean the pump strainer if applicable.
ˆ Replace the nozzle with the exact brand, pattern, gph, flow
rate and spray angle.
ˆ Clean and inspect the electrodes for damage, replacing
any that are cracked or chipped.
ˆ Check electrode tip settings. Replace electrodes if tips are
ˆ Inspect the igniter spring contacts.
ˆ Clean the cad cell len’s surface, if necessary.
ˆ Inspect all gaskets. Replace any that are damaged or would
fail to seal adequately.
ˆ Inspect the combustion head and air tube. Remove any
carbon or foreign matter. Replace all damaged units with
exact parts.
ˆ Clean the blower wheel, air inlet, air guide, burner hous-
ing and static plate of any lint or foreign material.
ˆ If motor is not permanently lubricated, oil motor with a
few drops of SAE 20 nondetergent oil at each oil hole.
DO NOT over oil motor. Excessive oiling can cause mo-
tor failure.

14 6104 BCF3 R03

Replacement parts
for best performance specify genuine Beckett replacement parts
5 6


8 7

Note: CF500/800 shown, CF375 is similar

Item Part Name/Description Part Number

1 Air Tube See Figure 3
2 Spline Nut 3666 11
3 Adjusting plate assembly 5721

4 Blocking Oil Solenoid Valve 2182602U

5 Igniter 51771U

6 Control Specify
7 Air Band 3492

8 Air Shutter 3709

9 Fuel Pump See Table 2

10 Fuel lines Specify Lengths

Head Assembly:
11 KY (Tube A) 5913
KZ (Tube B) 51820 14
12 Electrode Assembly Refer to Figure 3

13 Nozzle Line Assembly Refer to Figure 3

14 Motor - 1/7 PSC 21805U

15 Blower Wheel 21837U

16 Coupling 2433 16

17 Flange Kit (not shown) 5432 - non-pressure fired

51311 - pressure fired

6104 BCF3 R03 15

Limited Warranty Information


For Residential, Commercial and Specialty Burners
The R. W. BECKETT CORPORATION (“Beckett”) warrants to persons who purchase its Beckett burners from Beckett for resale or for
incorporation into a product for resale (“Customers”) that its equipment is free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and
service for 60 months from the date of manufacture for Residential Burners and 18 months from the date of manufacture for Commercial and
Specialty Burners. Residential burner models include: AF, AFG, AFII, NX, SF, SR and SMG. Commercial burner models include: CF375,
CF500, CF800, CF1400, CF2300A, CF2500, CF3500A, CG10, CG15, CG25 and CG50. Specialty burner models include: ADC, ADCP, ARV,
SDC and SM. The provisions of this warranty are extended to individual major burner components as follows:
a) 60 months from date of manufacture for all Beckett-branded major components, except for 12 Vdc components.
b) 18 months from date of manufacture for all non-Beckett-branded major components and Beckett branded 12 Vdc components.

Note: Normal service items found to be defective upon receipt by the customer are covered by this warranty.


Equipment, which is defective in material or workmanship and within the warranty period, may be returned for credit as follows:
Beckett Burners, Beckett-branded major components and non-Beckett-branded major components that came as original equipment on a Beckett burner
or were sold as a replacement part by Beckett should be returned, freight prepaid, to Beckett’s home office. Credit will be issued to the customer unless
the returned equipment is determined by Beckett to be out of warranty or damaged by user, in which case the equipment will be scrapped.
Note: Beckett is not responsible for any labor cost for removal and replacement of equipment.

authorizes any person to assume for Beckett any other liability or obligation in connection with the sale of this equipment, Beckett’s liability and Customer’s
exclusive remedy being limited to credit as set forth above.


P.O. Box 1289 Elyria, Ohio 44036 Form No. 61545 R72905


U.S.A.: P.O. Box 1289 · Elyria, Ohio 44036
Canada: R.W. Beckett Canada, Ltd. · Unit #3, 430 Laird Road · Guelph, Ontario N1G 3X7

Printed in U.S.A. 12/2006 © R.W. Beckett Corporation

16 6104 BCF3 R03

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