My Manifesto
My Manifesto
My Manifesto
My People of Adamawa,
Serving in the Nigerian Navy taught me how
collective effort and sacrifice was the key to
I am running for governor because I have a patri-
success, and that is why I call on you, the people
otic and personal love for our great state. Our
of Adamawa to get behind our movement. To
campaign slogan, This Is Our Movement was
make the collective sacrifice of time and effort to
coined in for the purpose of that love. It means
unite and join me in taking back Adamawa. To
that as people of Adamawa, we are one and we
ensure that your future and that of your children
share a common goal, which is to transform our
are protected , to show other state governments
state to the best of our ability.
how the power truly lies with the people.
To build a policy frame work to address the basic infrastruc-
tural needs of rural and urban dwellers as it relates to health,
education, water resources, agriculture, grassroots empower-
ment and security.
To construct and upgrade the basic health, - To improve our water supply system to
- To maintain and construct new roads and ture in our leering Environment.
To create policies, programs and initiatives centers (VTTCs) to train youths in various
the socio-economic states of the people of technical skills for their growth, indepen-
Adamawa State through the grassroots dence and the socio-economic development
- To revive and review the farming skills general self-reliance and economic indepen-
capacity of local farmers and entrepreneurs - To reach out to our people at the
To create an efficient and functional educa- curriculum in primary & secondary institu-
- To improve the infrastructure and learning welfare of teachers and other school staff
facilities of public schools & institutions. are promptly and adequately met.
- To ensure that private schools must meet - To improve the quality of teachers through
the basic regulatory standards for learning. workshops, seminars and other on the job
To create socio-economic programs to make tion centers for capacity building and selfre-
- To take advantage of the abundant oppor- skills acquisition centers to empower our
tunities in IT for wealth creation through youths with requisite skills for self reliance.
- To create a conducive environment that enhance the interests of youth in sports and
provides an advantage for the youth to seize recreation to promote development and
Abdul-Aziz Murtala Nyako (ab-dool á-zeez moor-tá-lá He spent five years at the Air Force Military School in Jos
nee-yá-ko) is the incumbent Senator of Adamawa and in 1990 enrolled in the Nigerian Defense Academy
Central District. With over 15 years of leadership (NDA) where he received a BSc. in Chemistry. The
experience in the Nigerian Navy, and an appointment as following year, he went back to the UK and trained at
the Sarkin Matasa Adamawa (Youth Leader of Lamido the Britania Royal Naval College (Dartmouth), where he
Kingdom) in 2012, AbdulAziz has demonstrated initiative was subsequently commissioned as a Sublieutenant in
in tackling issues related to security, youth empower- 1992. His time at Dartmouth was significant in that it
ment, and drug and law enforcement—all of which are renewed his sense of confidence and helped him
important in encouraging a functional democratic reinforce his identity. Upon his return back to Nigeria
society in Nigeria. that same year, Abdul-Aziz withdrew his commission
and re-enrolled in the NDA.
Born in Kaduna in 1970 and the eldest of 17 children,
Abdul-Aziz spent most of his childhood in Tamandu From 1992 onwards, most of Abdul-Aziz’ life was
Barracks in Apapa, Lagos. In Nigeria, he moved around seaborne. In 1997, he was on board the NNS
frequently between Bauchi, Adamawa, Niger, Borno, Aradu setting sail for Sierra Leone on a patrol mission.
and Lagos due to the fact that his father, Murtala Nyako, Instead of Sierra Leone, they arrived in
an officer in the Nigerian Navy was posted to various Liberia and remained there for 7 months at the onset of
locations. the Second Liberian Civil War.
From 2001 to 2006, he served on board many In 2015, Abdul-Aziz emerged the elected senator
ships, including the naval team on board the first for Adamawa central and evidently became the
missile patrol craft in the Bakassi Peninsula in youngest serving member of the 8th assembly. He
2005. It was during his Junior Division training in also emerged the Chairman of the Special duties
Liberia in 2001, that he first considered leaving committee and focused on education, security,
the Navy. This was however not possible until agriculture, job creation, health, infrastructure
2010 after his time in the Senior Division and and Veteran affairs as well as co-sponsoring the
several sea and staff appointments. not too young to Run bill.
In 2012, the Lamido Adamawa appointed Looking Ahead, Abdul-Aziz has envisioned the
Abdul-Aziz the Sarki Matassa Adamawa. In this position of the Executive Governor of Adamawa
role, he acts as the Chief Security Advisor of the state, this decision and vision was stemmed for
Lamido Adamawa. He is also responsible for the his love for his people and the need for effective
empowerment and cultural reorientation of the change.
youth and the encouragement of female
participation in public service. As Sarki Matassa,
He intends to be a wind of change that will force
he has successfully conducted many security
a conversation and strike a positive balance.
trainings and drug related programs for youth
Under the leadership of the elderly and the
within the State. For women, he created an
march of the youth, he hopes to transform
empowerment program and micro financing
Adamawa to a hopeful hub, a land of liberation
schemes to encourage business development.
and a progressive place.
Sir Lazarus Vimtim was born on the 1st of August highest honours , he went on to work as a princi-
1972 in Mubi North Adamawa state. He complet- pal accountant assistant in 1999 and was later
ed his primary education at the Mubi One primary appointed the supervising councilor in 2009.
school, Adamawa state and proceeded to Goern- Between 2009 -2018, he has served as a managing
ment secondary school Mubi to complete his director of Palkari Nigeria Ltd and as Managing
secondary education from 1986-1992. Director of Amuk World wide Ltd.
After his teenage years, he enrolled at the Adama- He is also a leader and the vice chairman of the
wa state Polytechnic from 1993-1996 to seek a ADC state congresses in Adamawa state.
degree in financial studies. Upon earning the