CCI Annual Report 2009-2010
CCI Annual Report 2009-2010
CCI Annual Report 2009-2010
Annual Report 2009-2010
ONE WORLD where poverty is eliminated,
equality prevails and the rights of women
and girls are fulfilled.
Active global citizenship • Equity and diversity
• Solidarity – North and South • Innovation and
learning • Transparency and accountability.
Karen Takacs
Darlene Bessey
We deliVer
Five years ago we made a commitment — to our partners and the people they serve, to our funders and
donors, and to our volunteers — to focus our efforts and resources on achieving development results.
Today, those results can be measured in lives changed. In 2009/10, poverty, putting women at great risk and reducing people’s real
as one strategic plan came to an end and another was put in incomes and opportunities. Loss of funding for some partners
motion, it is clear that our programming is strengthening women’s has also limited their potential. So, to achieve these goals,
rights and local economies. In communities where we work, more we must redouble our efforts.
women and girls are asserting their rights to live free from violence
We will raise new funds to support local partners and expand
and abuse. More women are earning incomes of their own, and
overseas programming. We will increase our own operational
taking leadership in their communities. More women and men are
efficiency and effectiveness. Already, we have reorganized our staff
pooling their resources to respond to needs in their communities
teams to support the advancement of women’s rights, sustainable
and to increase local economic development.
livelihoods and excellence in international volunteering.
Partners reported that their capacity to deliver programming
None of this would be possible without the commitment and
increased. This year alone, thanks to 99 volunteer and partner
conviction of our partners, volunteers, staff and donors. We are
exchanges, new services for victims of abuse were introduced;
grateful that you have chosen to support CCI in this work. In
successful programmes such as girls’ empowerment clubs, shea
particular we would like to acknowledge the leadership and vision
butter cooperatives and women-centred HIV and AIDS prevention
of the board over the past year in the development of this bold
strategies thrived and grew.
plan. We also thank our funders who are true partners. We are
Advancing the rights of women and girls and sustainable livelihoods delighted that CIDA, and the government of Canada, have shown
for all, CCI’s new strategic plan, builds on these successes. us their continued confidence by awarding Crossroads a five year
agreement to continue this vital work.
Our plan is ambitious. Over the next five years, Crossroads will
scale up programming to increase women’s participation in Together, we are improving the lives of women, men and children,
decision-making and to reduce violence against women and girls. and building a more just and equitable future for all.
CCI will work to advance women’s economic autonomy, and the
right of all people to a reliable income.
The challenges are formidable. The continued economic and food
crises, the impact of climate change, and political instability Karen Takacs Darlene Bessey
in many partners’ countries exacerbate conditions of extreme Executive Director Chair, Board of Directors
Program m es
We connect
Canadian Crossroads International (CCI) believes that poverty can be eliminated and
equality for women and girls achieved. Each year our programming brings us closer.
Equality is measureable in women’s and girls’ capacity to assert their rights, in their
participation in politics and decisions that affect their lives, and in the passage of
new laws that afford them equal opportunity and protection. Equality increases in
palpable ways when women form collectives and earn a living wage; when men
and women pool their resources, providing for their families while contributing
to vibrant local economies. With partner organizations, Crossroads is providing
services to people in need and working to address root causes of poverty and
inequality. Crossroads’ clear focus on advancing women’s rights and achieving
sustainable livelihoods for all is improving lives. But we would rather show than
tell. The dispatches in the following pages serve as a testament to the impact of
our work with partners on the ground. Here are a few of our stories from Bolivia
to the Haida Gwaii archipelago, from Zimbabwe to Halifax to Mali.
leAd i n G fOR chaNgE
For women in
Senegal , soap and
batik collectives mean
financial independence
and a greater role
in public life . Stable
incomes are increasing
women’s stature in their
communities , which leads
to more participation
in local decision-making .
how Nets ai
ed is
hat we simply ne t,
"W id arity, that suppor
that sol that
an under
al a Ctors and
we are Pol itiC iMs and surv i vo rs".
NOt passivE vict,
M ushonga National
Netsai Zimbabw
alition of
Women’s Co
We partner
Women in the South are electing change, claiming their space in politics and shaping the laws that affect their
lives. This year, Crossroads supported the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ) in its work to enshrine
the rights of women in the nation’s constitution. Successful exchanges between women candidates in Dakar,
Senegal and city councilors in Montreal, have spurred a new programme pairing women politicians in the
two cities. In Ghana, ABANTU for Development’s mentorship programmes inspired CCI to launch a new
project assisting partners to engage young women in politics. Through these partnerships, and many
others, Crossroads is supporting women to become leaders and decision-makers in their communities.
Coprokazan shea
butter co-operative
has 1,000 memBers in
35 Malian villages .
Production increased
from 17 tons in 2008
to 31 tons in 2009,
ROughLy the WEight oF
9 fEMaLE ELEphaNts.
ped set up
Crossroaders in Mali hel
a miCroCredi t Programme
120 women in
33 women and trained
microfinance and dry-sea
son gardening what
We inVest
A sustainable livelihood is more than a job. It’s about economic independence, agency and human dignity.
Coprokazan shea butter co-operative in Mali, supported by CCI and partner Association malienne pour
la promotion des jeunes (AMPJ), now provides reliable income for more than 1,000 women. This year,
Crossroaders supported their development of new products and markets. In Niger, Crossroads arranged
trainings to help partner Organisation nigérienne pour la promotion de l’hydraulique et du développement
à la base (ONPHDB) replicate Coprokazan’s success and today Kotaki co-operative is thriving with more
than 300 members. CCI also helped Malian youth acquire new skills with Crossroads placements in
Quebec. And, thanks to our collaborative programming with Canadian and Bolivian partners, more
people can access loans and invest in their own businesses.
emPowered giRLs,
Girls’ Club Rule #1:
One Metre Bubble
We inspire
Girls are speaking up about abuse. Girls are asserting their rights. Girls are saying no. Girls’ empowerment clubs
deliver results. Club members aged eight to 20 are gaining confidence and leadership skills by translating their
experiences of violence, illness and poverty into presentations, songs and dramas. Pioneered by the Girl Child
Network (GCN) in Zimbabwe, the award-winning model promotes healing by sparking discussion about abuse. Just
one year after Crossroads and the Swaziland Action Group Against Abuse (SWAGAA) piloted five clubs in Swaziland,
the results are in. More than 230 girls have joined, with a countrywide demand for new chapters. Teachers attribute
a 50 per cent drop in teen pregnancy to the clubs. Crossroader Shuvai Mandigo, who runs girls’ clubs in Zimbabwe,
also developed curriculum for girls in impoverished communities in Halifax while on placement with the YWCA.
what swaz i girls :w
Canad ia ns to know
we are .“
“We are proud of who
“ThE sky is Th E li m i T.“
“We love our club.“
the right tO a LifE
F REE fROM violenCe
6,500 ghaNaiaNs
now understand the
country’s three-year-old
Domestic Violence
Act thanks to
WiLDAF’s outreach .
We engage
Violence against women is an issue of human rights. Crossroads and many African partners work to
advance the right of women to live free from abuse. This year, Crossroads supported Women in Law
and Development in Africa-Ghana (WiLDAF) in its public education campaign about the recently passed
Domestic Violence Act. This included community outreach and training members of the judiciary,
traditional leaders and community volunteers. In Senegal, Crossroaders expanded Réseau Siggil
Jigéen’s women’s resource centre and set up a system to collect statistics on abuse with the Association
pour la promotion de la femme sénégalaise (APROFES). As women’s rights, sexual violence and the
spread of HIV and AIDS are inextricably linked, Crossroads brought partners the Women and AIDS
Support Network in Zimbabwe and Pro-Link in Ghana together to share prevention strategies.
Pro-Link has now adopted the network’s innovative model to reduce women’s risk of infection.
APROFES created a loan
to help women leave viol
and increa se their
economic independenc e.
munal banks ...
in Bolivia
“Walking into each one of those com
ause it brought home a
was vERy iNspiRiNg to me bec
at creating [peer lendin
g] groups .
different way of looking
to implement now and
That’s what I’m trying
king with Crossroads.“
one of the reasons for wor
Art Lew, General Manager
res, British Columbia
Haida Gwaii Community Futu
cci partners
The engagement of people, individually and collectively, in determining their futures is a strategy shared by
Crossroads and 41 partner organizations in West Africa, Southern Africa, Bolivia and Canada. This year thanks
to 19 partnership visits and 16 exchanges between partners, Bolivians helped Haida Gwaii First Nations launch
a communal bank to support local businesses; municipal politicians in Montreal helped Senegalese women run for
office; and girls in Halifax and Zimbabwe learned about their rights. Through these, and all of CCI’s programmes, the
vital exchange of knowledge and experience is advancing the rights of women and creating sustainable livelihoods
in the communities we serve. We are grateful for the skills, enthusiasm and dedication of the following partners.
Ghana back in 198 2
“Volunteering with CCI in
life-changing experience for me .
was truly a
Nearly 30 years later
, making a regular
way of returning a favour
donation is just my
tion working tirelessly
to a top notch organiza
to promote equality for
women and girls .”
ey, Toronto, Onta
Jean-Marc Hach
our donors
Canadian Crossroads International thanks you, our donors, for your generous support. Together we
are creating ONE WORLD where poverty is eliminated, equality prevails and the rights of women and
girls are fulfilled. Your gifts are developing local economies and increasing the voice of women and
girls in their communities.
The following donor One World Circle $1,000-$2,499 Province du St-Coeur Alain Héroux
list acknowledges $25,000+ Anonymous De Marie des Rev. Nancy Hudson
the individuals and CAW Social Justice Fund Atlantic Council Servantes du St-Coeur James K. Hugessen
organizations who have Ken & Oli Johnstone for International Catherine Rose-Lavallée Mary Hugessen
contributed an annual Foundation Cooperation Christian St-Louis Pattie LaCroix
gift of more than $50 Blumberg Family Karen Takacs Suzanne Larouche
between April 1, 2009 Foundation Women’s Inter-Church André Lauzon
and March 31, 2010. Anaïs Brault-Cotnoir Council of Canada Jenna Leclercq
The Blossom Foundation
Rev. James Cairney Les Soeurs de la
Our valued James Global Citizens
$5,000-$9,999 and Ann McRae Congrégation
Robinson Society $500-$999
Collège de Valleyfield Campbellcraft Consulting de Notre-Dame
(JRS) monthly donors Anonymous
Fondation Marcelle Luc Charbonneau du Québec
are highlighted with Belinda Abraham
et Jean Coutu Cirque du Soleil Inc Louis Mazerolle
a ( ) beside their name. Maurice L. April
Fonds Marie-François Montreal Dorothy McCabe and
Through their critical, Atira Women’s
Soeurs Servantes du Corps. des Soeurs Janek Jagiellowicz
sustained support, they Resource Society
Saint-Coeur de Marie Franciscaines Colin and Marian
honour our visionary Machlie Baptiste
July Duchesne McNairn
founder and all those who $2,500-$4,999 Josiane Bathalien
Catherine Dufour Delphine Melanson
share his commitment Anonymous Ghislaine Benoit
Fondation Carmand Geoffrey Moore
to justice, equality and Michael Cooke Marie-Hélène Bernier
Normand and Krista Leitham
opportunity for all. Caro Macdonald France Bertrand
Anne A. Gardner Sabrina Moro-Woolcock
and Mark McCain Darlene Bessey
One World Circle Patsy George Kelly O’Brien
Saskatchewan Council Luc Bouchard
recognizes donors who Françoise Goutier Vera N. Radyo
for International Sarah Bradshaw
have made an exceptional Granby Granite Inc. David Robertson
Cooperation Charles Brown
commitment to CCI with Meredith Low Rotary Club of East York
Donald G. Simpson Club Rotary de
a cumulative donation Jonathan Parker Mah Salvatore Scali
Janice Simpson Drummondville
of $1,000 or more. Kathryn McCain Lawrence Scanlan
and Adrian Horwood Linda Cousineau
and Jamie Pyper Soeurs de Sainte-Anne
Funders Sisters of Charity Halifax Isabelle Desjardins
Linda McCain du Québec
Canadian International The Peterborough Deutsche Bank,
and Dan Walshe Soeurs de Sainte-Croix
Development K. M. Hunter Canada Branch
Margaret Motz Dawn Elizabeth Straka
Agency (CIDA) Charitable Foundation Dr. Susan A. Edwards
Brandur Olafsson Ursuline Religious of
Health Canada Danielle Fisette
and Terril Calder the Diocese of London
Ministère des relations Dr. Charles and
Randy A. Pepper in Ontario
internationales Catherine Gardner
and MaryAnn Jansen Carole Valiquette
du Québec Elizabeth Harper-Rom
and Yves Normandin
and Stephen Rom
our donors
Agnès van ‘t Bosch Constance C. Gerwing Maurice Paquette Bernadette Beaujard Caroline Connell
Merlin Watt Vanessa Girard Tremblay Emmanuelle Pin Marie-Andrée Beaupré Denise Côté
John G. Wonfor Benoit Girard Janet Riehm Ernest Beausoleil Hélène Cousineau
Mathilde Grenier Wayne Robertson and Jean Bélisle Don Crane
Robert Grenier Huguette Cloutier Robert Béliveau Bohdan Czarnocki
Janice Hamilton David Roe and Chantal Raymond and Susan Hook
Odette Bélanger
Eilis and Murray Hiebert Shelagh Rogers Hélène Bellemaie Czarnocki
Lynne Brennan
Roy D. Hogg Johanne Rousseau Pearl Benyk Fedor Danilenko
Jill Bridgman
Valerie Hussey Joanne Royer BFL Canada Derrick Deans
Paul and Margaret
Stella Jetté Lucy Sadowski Michelle Blaquière Christina DeMarco
Allan Johnson Rosa Skiby Irene Bleton Terry DeMarco
Malcolm Burrows
Cynthia Joyal Soeurs de Notre-Dame Annette Blin Pauline Desbiens
Caisse populaire
Helmut T. Kuhn du Saint-Rosaire Carine Blin Patrick Dion
Desjardins Immaculée-
Luc Lavallée Doris Splinter Flynn Mario Blouin Dominicaines de la Trinité
Les Filles de Marie-de- Rosamond Stavert Dr. Kathleen Boies James L. Donald
Christine Campbell
l’Assomption Jacquelyn Stevens Francine Boivin Fernand Doucet
Canadian Autoparts
Les Oeuvres Hedwidge Guy and Diane St-Jean Denis Bouchard Jean Claude Drapeau
Toyota Inc.
Buisson Inc. Shauna Sylvester Alphé Boudreau Ginette Dube
Jonathan N. Carlzon
Les Soeurs de Thérèse Thibeault Jacques Boutin Hélène Dufresne
Carmen and
St-François d’Assise Bernard Tremblay Denise Boyer and Daniel Gauthier
Frances D’Intino
Les Soeurs des Saints Ghislaine Tremblay Marie and Robert Michel Dupré
Charitable Trust
Noms de Jésus et de Stephane Vachon Braedley Robynne Eagan
Ronald Caza
Marie du Québec Daniel Waddell Claude Breault Ann Eder
Club Richelieu Ste-Foy
Gaétan Levesque Don and Nora Whyte Sylvain Breault Tony Eder
Mario Cormier
Geneviève Levesque Marcia Wilson Maryann Brown Dr. Ernest Epp
Louise Cornfield
Marie-Josée Lorion Cécile and Ed Wong Aukje Byker Équipements récréatifs
Patrick Cossette
Daphne C. Loukidelis Judy Zachariassen Serge Cachat jambette inc.
Éthel Côté
Richard Low and Louise Leblanc Dr. David Evans
Mamadou Coulibaly $100-$249
Dr. Joyce Lundberg Lynn Calder Denis Fafard
Anne M. Creighton Anonymous (14)
Sister Elizabeth Lynch Canbec Construction Inc Joan E. Fair
Paul Delaney Abbaya St-Benoit du Lac
Maple Trade Finance Inc. Lise Castonguay Luis Farias
Frank and Mary DeMarco Kathy Allan
Francois Marchand Marlene Celinski Hélène Fauret
Anita K. Dhami Dr. Ronald Allin
Robert Martin Jason Chapnik Lois Fine
Patricia DiNicolantonio and Vivienne Buick
Julie Massey Dominic Charbonneau Warren Fine and
Hélène Dupuis Robert Arcand
François Melanson Dr. Nicholas Chirgadze Melanie Bishop Fine
Maureen Fair David Armstrong
Jennifer Mitchell Adrienne M. Chow Leanne J. Fisher
and Wendy Shaw Association étudiante
Marie-Eve Morisset Reginald M. Clarke Harold Flaming
Debra Forman du Cégep de Sainte-Foy
Paul Morisset Lynne and Ian Cleghorn Gary Fleischmann
Sylvia Franke Au Diabolo Jeux
Rosemary E. Nation Pattie Cleghorn Fondation Eulalie
Jean-François Gagnon et Jouets Inc.
Heather Neun Clinique Dentaire Durocher
Jennifer Gagnon Anne Catherine Bajard
Emilie Newell Carole Vaillancourt Jean-Pierre Foucault
Arlee Gale Norine and Garth Baron
Lambrina Nikolaou Club Optimiste Spécial Louise Fournet
Célestine Gendron Dr. Walter M. Barss
Patricia O’Donnell Congrégation de Notre- Robyn Fowler
Hélène Genest Joseph D. Bartol
Simon Pagé Dame du Québec
BBG Réfrigération Inc
Christopher Francis Carol Jackson Megan Leslie Ann McRae Harry Qualman
and Janice Elliott Marielle Jacques Jean-Paul Létourneau Diane Melanson Andree Quinlan
Janine Gagnier Kathryn A. Jarrett Roxanne Létourneau Claude Ménard Éliette Racine
Alain L. Gagnon Annie Jaud Jean-François Levesque Catherine Meyerhoff Claudette Raymond
Odette Gaudreault Bernice Jetté Kathlyn W. Lew Rev. Catherine Miller Lianne Raynor
Mary Gauld and Elizabeth Johnson Ursula Lipski Margaret Miller Viviane Renaud
Robert Stevens Isabelle P. Johnson Susan F. Liver Patrick Miller Andrew Reynolds
Penelope Gawn Suzanne Johnson Janet A. Lockington Catherine Mitchell Heather Ritchie
Dr. Ronald E. Gibson Warren Johnson François-René Lord Pamela Mitchell Bruce Roberts
Suzanne Gibson Jolicoeur et associés Colin Loudon Perry and Ann-Marie Linda Roberts
Richard Gilbert Pam Jolliffe Pinky Lowe Mitchelmore Dr. Michael Rochester
Anne Gillespie Elisabeth Jud Lise Lussier Katherine Moore Margot Rogers
Denis Girard Élysée Kapanga Bangambi Maryse Lussier Pierre Morasse Mark Rogers
Francine Girard Elizabeth Khabouth M.C. forêt inc Lydia Moreyne Michael Rose
Isabelle Girard Art Kilgour Bonnie MacDonald Murray Morrison Jacinthe Rousseau
Michael Girdwood Verna M. Killam Roderick MacDonald Municipalité Hélène Royer
Michael Graham and Doug King John T. MacFarlane St-Majorique- Michael D. Rudiak
Hulene Montgomery Peter G. Kirby Danae Mack de-Erantham Christiane Ruel
Heather Grant John Kolkman and Jo-Ann Mackie Jackie Murphy Stuart Rush
George Greig M. Kathleen Quinn Rev. Sandy MacPherson Shannon Nelson Nancy Rutherford
Jean-François Grenier Wendy Komiotis Sergio Macri Barbara E. Neuwelt Alain Saint-Jacques
Audrey Greves Thrainn Kristjansson Renald Mailhot Nicole Newell Mélanie Sarazin
Dr. Catherine Groh Aku Kwamie Mary Malainey Michelle Nuttall Paul Saunders
and John Tyler Audrey Labbé Peggy Mann Lesa O’Brien Shelagh Savage
Stan Guenther Denis Labbé Anne Marceau Gary O’Connor Tricia Schers
Géraldine Guijarro-Cayer Louis Laberge-Côté Gilles Marchildon Helen O’Donnell Christine Schmidt
Jean-Marc Hachey Brigitte Laliberte Jody A. Marshall Lynn and Thomas Okanski Dr. Gaston Schwarz
Janet Haddock Emeline Lamond Herle William A. Matheson Gudrun Olafsdottir Charles J. Seiden
Stacey C. Hagen Éveline Landa Robert-Yves Mazerolle Donald H. Oliver Serrurier l’Homme
Berna L. Hagglund Sam Landon and Olga Manzoni Nicolas Ouellet Clef Inc
Viola Halstead D.A. Landry Mary McAllister Jean-Pascal Paquette Laura M. Sie
Carole Hamelin Julienne Landry Steven McAllister Beverly Parker Katalin and Alex Sikur
Barry Hammond Dr. Alan and Corinne Lane Ginger McBride Hang Thuy Phan Sisters of Saint Martha
and Mary Mathias James R. Lane Don McEwen Solange Plamondon Pamela A. Skinner
Paul Harrington Richard Lane Donna McGee Mathieu Poliquin Nancy Smith
Bob Hawkesworth André Lauzon Wayne McGill Mike Pollock Soeurs Notre-Dame
Ronald L. Heider Isabelle Lavigueur Margaret McIntosh and Donna Takacs du Perpétuel Secours
Laurel and Jim Henning Eveline Leblanc and Laurence Hebb Marc Pontbriand Aranka Somlo
Douglas and Lijeanne Lee Audrey M. McLaughlin Ian Potts Hélène Soumis
Mary Ann Hicks Marie Leguerrier Donald A. McMaster Heather Preece Kevin C. St. Michael
Lawrence and Thérèse Leguerrier Elizabeth and Bryan Prentice Dianne S. Staruch
Miranda Hill Terri Lemke Keith McNair Joan Prout Bruce Stavert
Kenneth Hoffman Les Petites Soeurs Ian McNeil Christian Provencher André St-Jean
Archie and Evelyn Horn de la Sainte-Famille Veronica McNeil Mary Pullen
Linda Huehn Ian O. Leslie
our donors
Claude St-Jean and Russell Wyatt Caisse Desjardins Diane Dubois Eri Hosokawa
Mariette St-Jean Jocelyne Yelle du Lac des Éric Dufour and Frances Hough
Gabrielle St-Jean Debbie Zemnickis Deux-Montagnes Dominique Vigneault Tricia Hough
Guillaume St-Jean Brenda Zimmerman Caisse Desjardins Granby Shyla Dutt Sandra Houston
Lise St-Jean Dr. Robert Zimmerman Haute-Yamaska Kelly Eagan Thomas Howlett
Michèle St-Jean Margaret Zurbrigg Oliver Carroll Susan Eagleson Michelle Hunt
Rosella G. Stoesz Alexandre Castonguay Charlie Eigl Ilene Hyman
Kathy Stuart Gwendolyn Cave Louise Elsliger Arlene Janzen
Anonymous (14)
Janet Sutherland Centre communautaire Dionne A. Falconer Mathieu Jobin
Maya Ahmad
Roderick Syme jeunesse unie Roger Ferland Christine Jonas-Simpson
Angie Allard
Kristoff Talin de Parc Extension Caroline Forland Diane Kage
Brian and Linda Allen
Verne E. Tant Centre dentaire de Nicolet Sousan Forghani-Ashrafi Ingrid Kastens
Sylvain Archambault
David Taylor Centre Dentaire Evelyne Fournier Sheila Kelly-Blackmore
Jean-Claude Arseneault
Denis Thibault Ross & Moreau Nicolas Frenette Cindy Kleiman
Aslaug Asgeirsdottir
André Thomas Sylvia M. Chadwick Marie-Eve Gagné Caroline Knepper
Martha Attridge Bufton
Jennifer E. Thomson Guy Chenard Maureen Gans David Kurdyla
Benoît Baton
Pierrette Tougas Chevaliers de Colomb Lauretta Gatz John Kurdyla
Lucie Beauchamp
Diane Trahan Marie-Pierre Chevrier Thierry Gaudreau Richard Laberge
Carole Beaujard
Lina Tremblay Marcia Clark Linda Gauthier Odette Lacasse
Julia C. Beddoe
Réjean Tremblay Claude Manigat Medicine Caroline Girard Tor Laine
Diane Bélanger
Debbie Tripp Professional Corporation Mireille Girard Guy Lamarre
Isabelle Bélanger
Ray Tucker Kerry Ann Cochrane Emilie Giroux-Gareau Ben Lambert
Marcel Bélanger
Virginia Van Vliet Mary Louise Conlin Mary Glauser Christine Landry
Vanessa Bélisle
Harry Vedelago Francine Côté Kathryn Glazier Catherine L’Anglais
Lorraine Bender
Josephine M. Vickers Richard Côté Louise Gosselin Julie Laporte
Sheri Benson
Tran-Thang Vu Dr. Christine Crader André Grenier Sylvain Larocque
Kathleen Bentall
Diane L. Waddell Ruth Crammond Edith Greslin Jeannot Leblanc
Claire Bergeron
William Wallace Daniel Cuerrier Nicole Guillot Sylvie Lefevre
Ginette Bergeron
Ann Waters Ken Cunningham André Guy Legeco Inc
Suzanne Bergeron
Susan E. Natacha Daigle Elin Gwyn Pierre-Marc Legris
Dr. Donna Berry
Wendt-Hildebrandt Jim DeMarco Margaret Hancock Jacques Lessard
Ella Berry
Juanita R. Kim DeMarco Laurie Hannah Jacques Letourneau
Wendy Birks
Westmoreland-Traoré Demenagement baril inc. Michiko Hara Karen Levkovitsh
and Karie Johnston
Trudy L. White Ronald Desbiens Helga Harman Michael Loebach and
Margrét Björgvinsdòttir
Marian Williamson and Louise Desbiens John Harman Patricia Howe Loebach
Katharine Blair
Richard Wilson Steeve Desbiens Gail Harwood John Loukidelis
Mireille Bonhomme
Dr. Ruth Wilson Desjardins Transit Wayne Haymer Ruth Loukidelis
Stéphanie Bonneau
Claire L. Winterton Ann DeVito Gord Henning Iain Lowe
Mary Anne Brager
Sean Wolfe Joy Dicker Anne-Louise Hill Pauline MacDonald-Smith
Broadway Shoe Repair
Dr. Norman P. Woods Marie Doucet Ross Hillis and Harold Smith
Barbara Brockmann
Dan P. Wright Pierre Doucet Rosalind Hobson Leandre Maheu
Linda Burnside
Lana Wright Mihai Draghici Lee R. Holland Maison Provinciale des
Dr. Rano Burton
Michel Drapeau Cynthia Holmes Filles de la Charité du
Dr. Bertrand Major David Miller and Jill Pierre Paquette Lisa Sansom Sébastien Tremblay
Jean Malenfant Campbell-Miller Eric Paré Nick Saul Jean-Pierre Valiquette
Valerie March Bennett Freddie Milowsky Michel Pauzé Normand Sauvé Marianne Vancaemelbeke
Michèle Marchand Dave Molyneux Michelle Pearlman Yves Savoie Lorraine H. van Grol
Marcel and Colette Sandra Monteath Kari Pearson Carol and Bill Shank Richard Veenstra
Marcotte Tougas Annie Moore Pharmacie Guylaine Lisa Shepherd Mary-Jane Walsh
Valérie Martin Aude Moriani Lefebvre Susan Simpson Wioletta Wesolowski
Darlene R. Marzari Jane Morley Pharmacie Jocelyn Lacroix Eddy Slater Holly Wheler
Ian Masse Alex Morosovskiy Annie and Serge Pin Heather M. Smith Margaret White
Jean Massé David R. Morrison Joanne Plouffe Soeurs de la Présentation Mindy G. Willett
Robert Massé John Mould Dr. Blake and de Marie Esther Willms
Gilles Mathieu Catherine Mountain Brenda Poland Bill Souder Patricia Wilson
Gail McCleery Dr. Kenneth R. Murray Joanne Pontbriand Benoit St-Jean Philippe Wilson
Fabian McGaugh Eugene Nakonechny Jacinthe Poulin Robert St-Jean Karen Wishart
Megan McIlroy Steve New Jennifer Proudfoot Sobhi Tadros Anne Wood
Ed and Cindy McKenna Brenda Newhook Roch Provencher Valerian Tchang Carlyn Zwarenstein
Anne McTiernan Fabienne Nolet Marla Rapoport Laura Teed
Patricia Aubé
J. Marc and Andrea Kevin O’Donnell Matthieu Rapp Pauline Tetley
Sandra Conrad
C. Melanson Alan Oickle Dr. Michel Raymond Lorraine Théberge
and Neil Hannam
Charles A. Melanson M.J. O’Keefe Eric Robinson Anne Thivierge
Jessie Litven
Lysanne Melanson Louise Orieux Dr. Fiona Robinson Patricia Thompson
Jane Mulkewich
Paulette Melanson Linda Osbourne Denis Roy Kym Thrift
Lucie Ménard Cheryl O’Sullivan Caroline Ryan Dr. Elmer Tory
Réjean Ménard Laura Panter Patricia Sagl Frédéric Tremblay
For more than 50 years, Crossroads has supported organizations and volunteers
in the global South and Canada to enable people to improve their lives and
increase the health and vitality of their communities .
A planned gift, such as a bequest or a gift of life insurance is the ultimate expression
of support for an equitable and sustainable world — a world where poverty is
eliminated, equality prevails, and the rights of women and girls are fulfilled .
We would like to thank the many individuals who have made a planned commitment
to Crossroads, and gratefully acknowledge the legacies realized in past years .
stateMent of incoMe
2010 2009
Federal Government – CIDA 2,670,789 2,583,328
Federal Government – CIDA-IYIP 36,067 208,918
Federal Government – CIDA joint public engagement projects 51,856 298,338
Federal Government – One time project funding 0 226,855
Federal Government – CIDA NetCorps Programme 0 25,617
Other Federal Government 39,700 0
2,798,412 3,343,056
Programme Expenses (including salaries and benefits) 2,849,813 3,096,588
Public Engagement Programme Expenses 188,843 287,741
One Time Programme Expenses 0 219,573
Administration, Governance and Overhead (including salaries and benefits) 540,557 583,642
Fundraising (including salaries and benefits) 111,434 131,707
Contributions by Volunteers 1,157,913 1,677,834
4,848,560 5,997,085
Other Expenses
Strategic Planning and Restructuring Expenses (162,438) 0
Net Income (Loss) (159,996) 789,971
stateMent of financial position
2010 2009
Current 972,469 1,522,275
Long-term Investments 1,055,990 1,002,750
Capital Assets 28,850 29,374
Total Assets 2,057,309 2,554,399
Revenue Expenditures
(including in-kind contributions) (including in-kind contributions)
IDA – Volunteer Programme Expenses
Co-operation Programme 55% (including volunteer
olunteer contributions) 82%
Contributions (in-kind) 24% A
dministration, Governance
Provincial Government 10% and Overhead (including
volunteer contributions) 12%
Fundraising 7%
Public Engagement
Other Revenue 2% Programme Expenses 4%
CIDA – IYIP Programme 1% Fundraising 2%
IDA – Joint Public
Engagement Programme 1%
Board of directors 2009-2010
Lyse Doucet Ann McCain Lawrence Hill The Honourable Senator Dr. Peter Paris J. Robert
(Côte d’Ivoire, 1982) Evans (Ethiopia, (Niger, 1979; Audrey Donald Oliver (Nigeria, 1958) S. Prichard
Senior Presenter 1976) Chairperson, Cameroon, 1981; McLaughlin (Ethiopia, 1962) Professor Emeritus, (Zambia, 1969)
and Correspondent Harrison McCain Mali, 1989) Writer (Barbados, 1986) Princeton President and CEO,
for BBC World Foundation Consultant and Theological Metrolinx
News television former leader Seminary
and BBC World of the New
Service radio Democratic Party
Executive Director: Karen Takacs
Director External Relations: Christine Campbell
Writing/Coordination: Candice O’Grady
Linguistic Services: Nicolas Gersdorff
Concept and Design: Campbell Symons Design
Charitable Registration Number: 12981 4570 RR0001
Courtesy of ABANTU for Development (5); Courtesy
of Association Jeunesse Action Mali (7); Ulrike Bender
(cover); Christine Campbell (9); Nathalie Cloutier (5);
Hélène Duquette (11); Jean-François Gagnon (pp. 10, 16);
Courtesy of the Girl Child Network (8); Jérémy Landa (1);
Maria Luna (7); Katherine Marshall (12); Carine Ricci
(inside cover, pp. 2, 3, 6); Karen Takacs (9); Courtesy of
Women in Law and Development in Africa-Ghana (11).
49 Bathurst Street, Suite 201
Toronto, ON M5V 2P2
Tel: 1-877-967-1611