Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives: 1. General Aspects
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives: 1. General Aspects
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives: 1. General Aspects
compounds, see Section 1.9 and Chap. 2 of this and permits the selective introduction of fur-
article. ther substituents, e.g., in the manufacture of o-
also formed through side reactions in the prepa- Sulfonation with sulfuric acid is a reversible
ration of benzenesulfonic acids or benzene- reaction (see also Figure 1):
sulfonyl chlorides; in this case, however, they are
frequently not observed because they are rapidly ArH + H2 SO4 ArSO3 H + H2 O
hydrolyzed in aqueous acid.
Esterification. Benzenesulfonic esters are It can be shifted optimally to the right if the
formed in the reaction of the sulfonic acids or water of the reaction is bound or removed by
sulfonyl chlorides with alcohols or ethers (see distillation. Higher temperatures usually shift
Section 1.9.4). the equilibrium towards the right [28]. However,
both methods increase sulfone formation.
The water of the reaction can also be bound
1.3. Production by adding thionyl chloride:
The direct introduction of the sulfonic acid For example, the sulfonation of benzene with
group is one of the most important reactions in sulfuric acid and thionyl chloride gives a mix-
industrial organic chemistry. Together with ni- ture consisting of 96.3 % benzenesulfonic acid,
tration and chlorination, it belongs to the im- 2.7 % sulfuric acid, and 1.6 % diphenyl sulfone
portant group of electrophilic aromatic substi- [29]. Similar yields are obtained when sulfonat-
tution reactions. It gives high yields under rel- ing toluene or chlorobenzene in this way.
atively mild conditions and usually results in No reaction water is formed in sulfona-
well-defined benzene derivatives. tions using chlorosulfuric acid or sulfur trioxide.
Aqueous sulfuric acid, at various concentra- However, increased sulfone formation occurs.
tions from about 76 % up to 100 %, is frequently As a sulfonating agent pure sulfur trioxide gen-
used as the sulfonating agent. In industry 100 % erally reacts too violently and leads to extensive
sulfuric acid is often called monohydrate. Oleum side reactions including oxidation and sulfone
is a solution of sulfur trioxide in sulfuric acid; formation. Hence it is used in complexed form,
for sulfonation it is generally used at SO3 con- e.g., with pyridine, dioxane, trimethylamine, or
centrations of 20 or 65 wt % because the solid- dimethylformamide [30]. Many industrial pro-
ification points at these two concentrations are cesses use sulfur trioxide gas as the sulfonating
minimal (0 and 2 ◦ C, respectively). Other con- agent, normally mixed with an inert gas such as
centrations are less favorable with regard to stor- air, nitrogen, or carbon dioxide [31–33]. Thus,
age and transportation because the solidification the sulfonating agent is diluted or evenly dis-
points are higher (for example, 45 % oleum so- tributed so that the heat of the reaction is quickly
lidifies already at 35 ◦ C) [27]. dissipated [34] (see also → Surfactants). In the
4 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
agent used and the solvent. where I = inductive effect and M = mesomeric effect
In monohydrate (100 %) or only slightly di-
luted (92 – 99 %) sulfuric acid, sulfur trioxide The electron-releasing substituents and the
is the electrophilic agent [35], [36]. The rate- halogens direct the SO3 H group predominantly
determining step in this reaction is the elimina- into the o- and p-positions (first-order sub-
tion of the proton. stituents). On the other hand, the electron-
withdrawing substituents (except for the halo-
gens) generally direct the SO3 H group into
the m-position (second-order substituents). The
seemingly exceptional role of the halogens is
explained by the electronic stabilization of the
various reaction intermediates (π complexes, σ
complex); this is discussed extensively in text-
books on organic chemistry.
This fundamental rule of aromatic substi-
In sulfonation with disulfuric acid and with
tution is valid particularly at low temperature.
chlorosulfuric acid the SO3 H+ cation (sulfate
Raising the temperature may change the iso-
cation) is assumed to be the sulfonating agent
mer distribution in the product mixture due to
the transition from kinetic to thermodynamic
control. For example, sulfonation of benzene
with sulfuric acid at about 80 ◦ C yields predom-
inantly 1,3-benzenedisulfonic acid (see Sec-
tion 2.2); however, by raising the temperature to
The SO3 H+ cation is also formed as an in- 250 ◦ C an isomer mixture consisting of 67 %
termediate when sulfur trioxide is used as the 1,3-disulfonic acid and 33 % 1,4-disulfonic
sulfonating agent [38–40] acid is formed. When sulfonating first-order-
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 5
substituted benzene derivatives, the ratio of the is re-used. Sulfonates practically free from inor-
ortho and para isomer formed is also shifted in ganic salts are obtained in this way [41], [42].
favor of the para isomer if the temperature is Special sulfonation and processing methods
raised. have been developed for compounds that with-
stand high temperatures and therefore allow the
Technology of Sulfonation. Sulfonation is excess sulfuric acid to be distilled off in vacuo
carried out in cast-steel or enameled steel ves- (see Hooker process for the production of ben-
sels; in continuous processes, the vessels are ar- zenedisulfonic acid, see page 15). This gives sul-
ranged in cascades. In the batchwise mode the fonic acids almost free from sulfuric acid, which,
sulfonating agent is introduced into the vessel, with skillful mixing, can be neutralized and sub-
the aromatic compound is subsequently added, jected to alkali fusion in a single step [43].
and the reaction is controlled by means of tem- Aromatic amines may be sulfonated by a spe-
perature profiles or metering. In continuously cial solid-state process, called baking: the am-
run cascades the sulfonating agent is often intro- monium hydrogensulfate that is first formed in
duced into two or three vessels simultaneously. the reaction between the amine and sulfuric acid
On completion of the reaction the batch is is dewatered and simultaneously rearranged to
forced into water, which causes unconverted aro- aminobenzenesulfonic acid at 150 – 300 ◦ C. The
matic compounds to be expelled. The dilute sul- reaction product is solid, which requires the re-
fonation mass is then cooled, and the free acid action to be carried out on trays in an oven.
separated by filtration. If the free acid is too solu- The solids can also be suspended in an or-
ble, sodium sulfate or sodium chloride is added, ganic liquid such as diphenyl sulfone [44] or o-
after which the acid is separated as the sodium dichlorobenzene [45]; in this way the mass can
salt (salting out). Often it is also possible to neu- be stirred during the entire reaction. This gives
tralize a concentrated solution with sodium hy- final products of higher quality because local
droxide and then remove the precipitated sodium overheating cannot occur (see also manufacture
sulfate at 70 – 90 ◦ C. The filtrate then contains of p-sulfanilic acid, see page 23).
the sodium salt of the arylsulfonic acid almost
free from inorganic salt. It can be dried in drum
or spray dryers. 1.3.2. Oxidation of Sulfur Compounds
If isolation is not possible in this way, the ex-
cess sulfuric acid can be neutralized by adding Such sulfur compounds as thiophenols and di-
calcium carbonate. This leads to a large amount aryl disulfides can be oxidized with chlorine so-
of gypsum, which is removed in the hot state lution, permanganate, or nitric acid to form sul-
(“liming” or “chalking”). The dissolved calcium fonic acids. The process is industrially important
arylsulfonate is then treated with soda and the wherever it is difficult or impossible to introduce
precipitated calcium carbonate is removed by the sulfonic acid group directly and the starting
filtration. The filtrate contains the sodium aryl- compounds are easily produced. An example of
sulfonate. Today, in large-scale manufacture the the use of halogens as oxidizing agents is given
economical removal of byproduct gypsum is, es- in [46].
pecially in Europe, very difficult, and other iso-
lation techniques such as temperature-controlled
crystallization or reactive extraction have be- 1.3.3. Diazo Reaction
come more favorable.
In the reactive extraction process the uncon- Aryldiazonium halides are converted to aro-
verted sulfuric acid is recovered by converting matic sulfonic acids in glacial acetic acid con-
the sulfonic acid into its ammonium salt with taining SO2 in the presence of copper(I) chloride
a long-chain aliphatic amine. This salt is sepa- [47].
rated from the sulfuric acid as a liquid phase and This reaction, which was first observed by
then converted with sodium hydroxide solution L. Landsberg, permits the production of, for
into sodium sulfonate solution and the amine; example, 1,2-benzenedisulfonic acid from or-
the latter can be separated as a liquid phase and thoanilic acid with a yield of 68 % [48].
6 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
1.4. Uses
Benzenesulfonic acids are used chiefly as in-
termediates. They are employed in the manu-
facture of sulfonic acid amides, hydrazides, and
esters; of sulfinic acids, sulfones, phenols, and
thiophenols; and of other compounds. Sulfonic
acids that are substituted with OH and/or NH2
1.3.4. Sulfite Reaction groups serve as intermediates in the manufacture
of finishing agents, optical brighteners, pick-
Aromatic halogen compounds can react with ling agents, dyes, tanning agents, water-soluble
sulfite to form sulfonic acids if the halogen sub- resins, insecticides, ion-exchange resins, wet-
stituent is activated by nitro groups. For exam- ting agents, pharmaceuticals, polymeric thick-
ple, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene reacts with sul- eners, plasticizers, etc. Benzenesulfonic acids
fite to give 1,3-dinitro-4-benzenesulfonic acid. are also used as such as acidic catalysts and stan-
The reaction is catalyzed by copper ions. 2- dardizing agents in dye manufacture.
Formylbenzenesulfonic acid and 2-sulfobenzoic
acid are obtained similarly from the correspond-
ing chlorine compounds. 1.5. Analysis
The addition of hydrogensulfite to aromatic
systems succeeds when their aromatic charac- Today benzenesulfonic acids and most of their
ter is disturbed by the presence of certain sub- derivatives are analyzed by HPLC with high ac-
stituents. The formation of 3-hydroxybenzene- curacy and efficiency [52]. By this method it
sulfonic acid from resorcinol [49] and the sul- is possible, both in the laboratory and in in-
fitation of m-dinitrobenzene with simultaneous dustry, to analyze the exact composition of sul-
reduction of a nitro group [50] (Piria reaction) fonation mixtures, which frequently consist of
are examples: many components, and to observe how the com-
position is affected by the reaction parameters.
Gas chromatography (GC) is used less often, but
can be as effective, for example, after derivati-
zation of reactive functional groups. GC meth-
ods have been reported for the analysis of o-
aminobenzenesulfonic acids via their sulfonyl
chlorides [51]. Benzenemonosulfonic and ben-
zenedisulfonic acid mixtures can also be sepa-
rated and analyzed quantitatively by GC analysis
of their sulfofluorides [53].
In particular cases, benzenesulfonic acids are
determined quantitatively in the presence of sul-
furic acid and sulfones by titrating the total acid
with alkali potentiometrically and then deter-
mining the sulfuric acid content gravimetrically
with barium chloride. The difference gives the
content of sulfonic acid. In general, in the case
of the analysis of isolated salts of sulfonic acids,
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 7
the content should usually be referred to the free 3) Precipitation of the final product from the
acid. sulfuric acid solution without adding salt,
Older laboratory methods are the follow- e.g., by cooling (see isolation of p-toluene-
ing: Aminobenzenesulfonic acids can be ren- sulfonic acid, see page 17).
dered distinctly visible on a paper chromatogram 4) Distillative separation of the sulfuric acid
by diazotization and subsequent azo dye for- (see manufacture of benzenedisulfonic acid,
mation. Hydroxybenzenesulfonic acids can be see page 15).
stained well on the paper by coupling with a 5) Formation of a separate liquid phase consist-
diazonium salt. Most other sulfonic acids can ing of an ammonium sulfonate. After phase
be recognized clearly from their fluorescence- separation, the sulfuric acid phase is returned
extinguishing effects on chromatography paper to the sulfonation reactor.
previously sprayed with Pinakryptol Yellow and 6) Precipitation of the excess sulfuric acid as
thus rendered fluorescent in UV light [54]. sodium sulfate if sodium sulfate is less solu-
ble than the sodium sulfonate.
7) Precipitation of the excess sulfuric acid as
1.6. Environmental Aspects calcium sulfate. The gypsum thus obtained
is either dumped or used, depending on its
Organic Compounds in Wastewater. Ben- quality.
zenesulfonic acid is biologically degradable. 8) Removal of the excess sulfuric acid by treat-
However, the direct biological degradation of ing it with additional aromatic compounds
many substituted benzenesulfonic acids is diffi- that are more reactive than that used for the
cult or impossible; these compounds are there- desired reaction. The resulting mixture could
fore not suitable for treatment in biological be subjected to alkali fusion to form phenols,
wastewater purification plants without oxida- which can be separated by distillation.
tive pretreatment.
If the desired benzenesulfonic acid can be Waste Gas. The main organic constituents
precipitated from sulfuric acid solution without of waste air from benzenesulfonic acid produc-
salt being added, the spent acid can be upgraded tion plants are unconverted portions of such
in a sulfuric acid recovery plant. If the waste- starting materials as benzene, toluene, or halo-
water contains salts and nondegradable sulfonic genated benzene derivatives. They are usually
acids, low-pressure wet oxidation is a possible removed in a sulfuric acid scrubber with a down-
method of treatment that subsequently allows stream thermal waste-gas remover. The waste
effective degradation in wastewater treatment sulfuric acid obtained in the scrubber can be re-
works. cycled as a sulfonating agent. Because benzene
is carcinogenic (Group C 1, MAK commission)
Inorganic Compounds in Wastewater. In the benzene emissions of newly built plants for
the operation of large plants the treatment of the production of benzenesulfonic acid must be
such inorganic constituents as acids and salts in accordance with the accepted lowest techni-
is becoming an increasingly important cost fac- cally feasible levels.
tor in addition to the treatment of the organic Sulfur trioxide in waste gas forms aerosols
constituents. that can only be removed effectively with spe-
The following methods are available to de- cially designed scrubbers loaded with concen-
crease the acid or salt content of the wastewater. trated sulfuric acid. In most sulfonations the ox-
idative effects of sulfuric acid or sulfur trioxide
1) Azeotropic distillation of the reaction water lead to the formation of sulfur dioxide, which
with a solvent. This improves the utilization can suitably be removed from the waste gas by
of the sulfuric acid. alkali scrubbing.
2) Use of oleum, sulfur trioxide, or chlorosul- In the production of benzenesulfonyl chlo-
furic acid in place of sulfuric acid. The re- rides the main impurity of the waste gas is hy-
sulting increase in sulfone formation can be drogen chloride. It can be used to produce hy-
counteracted, though not eliminated, with drochloric acid or chlorosulfuric acid, provided
the aid of additives. that organic matter has been removed from it by
8 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
2-Amino-5-chloro-4-methylbenzene- Lake Red C
sulfuric acid scrubbing. Phosgene in the waste sulfonic
gas is hydrolyzed with water on activated carbon acid
to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen chloride. 2-Formylbenzenesulfonic acid triphenylmethane
dyes, optical
2-Methylbenzenesulfonyl chloride saccharin
4-Methylsulfonamide plasticizer
1.7. Economic Aspects
ArSO3 H + SOCl2 −→ ArSO2 Cl + SO2 + HCl Due to their poor storage properties, many
benzenesulfonic acids are reduced to the cor-
A one-pot procedure is described in [61]. Ac- responding benzenesulfinic acids at 60 ◦ C and
cording to [62] the highest degree of conver- pH 6 – 9.
sion is obtained in the presence of at least 5 %
of a sulfonating agent, e.g., sulfur trioxide, or ArSO2 Cl + NaHSO3 + 3 NaOH
an excess of chlorosulfuric acid. If phosgene is −→ ArSO2 Na + NaCl + Na2 SO4 + 2 H2 O
used as a chlorinating agent, the reaction can
be accelerated by adding dimethylformamide Sulfinates are often converted with ethylene
[62] or the less problematic dibutylacetamide oxide into β-hydroxyethylsulfones.
for dimethylcarbamoyl chloride as byproduct is
avoided. The crude sulfonyl chlorides can be pu- Uses. Benzenesulfonyl chlorides are impor-
rified either by fractional distillation or by crys- tant as intermediates. They are used to pro-
tallization from an anhydrous solvent. duce sulfonic acids, sulfonyl fluorides, sul-
In a diazo reaction, an NH2 group can be fonamides, sulfonohydrazides, sulfonic esters,
ultimately replaced by the SO2 Cl group; this re- sulfinic acids, sulfones, and thiophenols.
action is suitable for the preparation of special
sulfonyl chlorides whose SO2 Cl group must be
in a specific position [63]. A hydrochloric acid 1.9.2. Benzenesulfonamides
solution of the diazonium salt, whose concen-
tration must be as high as possible, is allowed to Properties. Benzenesulfonamides are read-
flow into a CuCl2 -containing 30 % solution of ily crystallizing, colorless compounds with de-
sulfur dioxide in glacial acetic acid [64]. A sim- fined melting points and poor solubility in water.
ilar procedure using thionyl chloride was also They are therefore suitable for the characteriza-
described [65]. Diazonium chlorides with sub- tion of sulfonic acids (via the sulfonyl chlorides)
stituents having a strong negative inductive ef- and of primary and secondary amines and for the
fect (NO2 , SO3 H) give the best results. Poor separation of amine mixtures (Hinsberg method)
yields can be improved by adding magnesium [67], [68].
chloride or a water-immiscible solvent having a Benzenesulfonamides are weak acids and
low dielectric constant. Disulfides can be con- form salts with bases. They are thermally stable
verted into sulfonyl chlorides with chlorine in and very difficult to hydrolyze with alkali; how-
aqueous suspension. The reaction is also appli- ever, they are more easily hydrolyzed with min-
cable to thiophenols. eral acids. In concentrated sulfuric acid sodium
nitrite splits them into sulfonic acids and nitro-
(C6 H5 )2 S2 + 5 Cl2 + 4 H2 O −→ 2 C6 H5 SO2 Cl + 8 HCl gen. The hydrogen atoms bound to the nitrogen
can be substituted.
The dechlorosulfonation of benzenesulfonyl Dibenzenesulfonylamines are acids similar
chlorides offers the possibility to selec- in strength to the mineral acids [69]; they react
tively introduce chlorine into aromatics. 1,2,4- with amines to form salts with definite melting
Trichlorobenzene can be produced from 1,2- points [70].
dichlorobenzene without formation of undesir-
able tetra- or higher chlorinated products via
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 11
the aqueous benzenesulfonic acid solution in a The sulfuric acid formed simultaneously in-
separator. After being dried it is returned to the hibits the reaction. Therefore the yield of sul-
reaction vessel. The sulfuric acid consumption fonyl chloride is about 75 %, based on benzene.
is 1260 kg for 1000 kg of converted benzene. Benzenesulfonic acid and diphenyl sulfone are
Diphenyl sulfone formation is below 2 % [85]. formed as byproducts in yields of approximately
Azeotropic Removal of Reaction Water [86], 18 % and 5 – 7 %, respectively.
[87]. Sulfuric acid with a concentration of, for The yield can be raised by partly replacing the
example, 79 % is heated to 170 ◦ C in a cast-iron chlorosulfuric acid with thionyl chloride. If this
or enamelled steel sulfonation vessel and finely is done, the raw material and wastewater treat-
divided benzene vapor is introduced through a ment costs are reduced, but the flue gas contains
perforated plate situated in the lower part of the sulfur dioxide in addition to hydrogen chloride.
vessel. A portion of the benzene vapor, of which Absorption of the gases in water recovers impure
an excess is used, is sulfonated, whereas the un- hydrochloric acid. The sulfur dioxide leaves the
converted portion continuously removes the wa- top of the hydrochloric acid recovery plant and
ter from the reaction mixture as it is formed. The can be used further in a sulfuric acid plant.
mixture of benzene and water vapor leaving the At the end of the reaction the products are
vessel is condensed; after phase separation the cooled and simultaneously forced into a vessel
benzene is returned to the evaporator. containing water. The benzenesulfonyl chloride
Continuous operation of this process gives a separates from the aqueous phase as a liquid or-
final product containing 80.2 % of benzenesul- ganic phase. It is then washed twice with water
fonic acid and 14.3 % of sulfuric acid; in batch and distilled; before that, the residual water is
operation the final product contains 93.1 % of removed in vacuo. The main bottom product of
sulfonic acid and 4.8 % of sulfuric acid. When the distillation column is diphenyl sulfone. The
adding sodium benzenesulfonate to the sulfona- reaction can be carried out in vessels of cast iron
tion mixture the sulfone formation can be kept or enameled steel.
below 2 % [88]. Uses. Benzenesulfonyl chloride is produced
Analysis. A sample is taken from the sul- on an industrial scale in Europe, the United
fonation reactor and is diluted with water. Un- States, and Japan. It is used as an intermedi-
converted benzene is determined by gas chro- ate for dyes and in the manufacture of benzene-
matography, benzenesulfonic acid and diphenyl sulfinic acid, sulfonamides, and sulfonic esters.
sulfone by high performance liquid chro- Benzenesulfonohydrazide serves as a blowing
matography. The sulfate concentration is de- agent in the production of foams (trade name:
termined at pH 2 – 3 by photometric titration Porofor BSH, Bayer).
with lead nitrate solution and dithizone (1,5-
diphenylthiocarbazone) indicator in aqueous Methyl Benzenesulfonate [80-18-2],
acetone solution [89]. C7 H8 O3 S, M r 172.20, bp20 mbar 150 ◦ C, d 17
Quality. Benzenesulfonic acid generally is 1.2730, is produced by treating benzenesulfonyl
sold as the sodium salt. This is almost colorless chloride with methanol in the presence of
and without substantial impurities except for a sodium carbonate [91] and is used as an alkyl-
small percentage of sodium sulfate. ation agent. Yield: 87 %.
Uses. Benzenesulfonic acid is used as an acid
catalyst. The sodium salt is used to standardize Ethyl Benzenesulfonate [515-46-8],
dyes. C8 H10 O3 S, M r 186.23, bp20 mbar 156 ◦ C, d 17
1.2192. Its manufacture and use are analogous
Benzenesulfonyl Chloride [98-09-9], to those of the methyl ester.
C6 H5 SO2 Cl, M r 176.62, bp1013 mbar 251.5 ◦ C,
bp13.3 mbar 120 ◦ C, mp 14.5 ◦ C, d 15 15 2-Chloroethyl Benzenesulfonate [27887-43-0],
1.3842. Benzenesulfonyl chloride is made by C8 H9 ClO3 S, M r 220.67, bp12 mbar 184 ◦ C, d 15
treating benzene with chlorosulfuric acid at 1.353, is produced by treating 2-chloroetha-
30 – 35 ◦ C [90]: nol and benzenesulfonyl chloride at 12 – 15 ◦ C
(at most 25 ◦ C) and adding sodium carbonate.
C6 H6 + 2 ClSO3 H −→ C6 H5 SO2 Cl + HCl + H2 SO4
14 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
Benzenesulfonohydrazide [80-17-1],
C6 H8 N2 O2 S, M r 172.21, mp 101 – 103 ◦ C, 2.2. 1,3-Benzenedisulfonic Acid
white powder, 1.48 g/cm3 , is used as a blow-
ing agent in foam manufacture (Porofor BSH, 1,3-Benzenedisulfonic acid [98-48-6] (1),
Bayer). C6 H6 O6 S2 , M r 238.24, is a hygroscopic sub-
stance with a solidification point of 137 ◦ C.
[565-20-8], C14 H14 N2 O3 S, M r 290.34, mp
157 ◦ C, crystallized from alcohol. Manufactured
by treating 4-(amino)acetanilide with benzene-
sulfonyl chloride in water at 65 ◦ C to which lime
is added [94]. The compound is used to manufac- 1
ture N-(4-aminophenyl)benzenesulfonamide. It is formed as the main product in
the sulfonation of benzene or benzenesul-
fonic acid with excess oleum at tempera-
tures of 80 – 250 ◦ C. In proportion to the
oleum concentration and reaction temperature
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 15
4-Methylbenzenesulfonamide [70-55-3],
C7 H9 NO2 S, M r 171.22, mp 137 ◦ C, dihydrate
(4) mp 105 ◦ C, weak acid, soluble in aqueous al-
kali. Produced from the sulfonyl chloride with
Production. According to the process of Al- aqueous ammonia. Used in the production of
lied Chemical and Dye Corp. [114], boiling chloroamines, e.g., chloramine T and dichlo-
toluene is sulfonated with 90 – 95 % sulfuric ramine T (→ Chloroamines).
acid. Evaporating toluene is condensed, sepa-
rated from water, dried, and recycled. A mix- Methyl 4-Methylbenzenesulfonate
ture with a p-isomer content of 75 – 85 %, an [80-48-8], C8 H10 O3 S, M r 186.23, bp17 mbar
o-isomer content of 10 – 20 %, a m-isomer con- 168 – 170 ◦ C, mp 28 ◦ C, is obtained from the
tent of 2 – 5 %, and less than 1 % of sulfuric chloride of the acid by reaction with methanol;
acid is present at the end of the reaction. There important alkylating agent.
is very little sulfone formation. The process can
also be performed continuously in a vertical re- Ethyl 4-Methylbenzenesulfonate [80-40-0],
actor [116]. C9 H12 O3 S, M r 200.26, bp0.4 mbar 137 – 139 ◦ C,
The reaction of toluene in a continuous pro- bp12 mbar 165 – 166 ◦ C, mp 34 ◦ C, is obtained
cess with sulfur trioxide as sulfonating agent al- from the sulfonyl chloride and ethyl alcohol at
lows toluenesulfonic acid to be generated with −5 to 0 ◦ C after addition of 45 – 50 % sodium
high para selectivity and with the advantage of hydroxide solution [118]. Used as an alkylating
few byproducts and low waste-gas emissions agent and as a plasticizer.
For some purposes, for example, for use as 4-(Chloromethyl)benzenesulfonic Acid
an acidic catalyst or in cresol manufacture, the [46062-27-5], C7 H7 ClO3 S, M r 206.65, hy-
crude toluenesulfonic acid obtained according groscopic crystals, is obtained at a yield of
to the above processes does not have to be pu- 90 % through the action of chlorine on sodium
rified. Purification is possible by crystallization 4-methylbenzenesulfonate in the presence of
from 66 % sulfuric acid or via the barium salt. dichlorobenzene [119]. Used in the manufac-
Uses. The applications of 4-methylbenzene- ture of surfactants.
sulfonic acid include the manufacture of
4-formylbenzenesulfonic acid, p-sulfobenzoic 4-(Chloromethyl)benzenesulfonyl Chlo-
acid, 2-chlorotoluene-4-sulfonic acid, and 4- ride [2389-73-3], C7 H6 Cl2 O2 S, M r 225.09,
(chloromethyl)phenylmethanesulfonic acid. mp 64 – 65 ◦ C, bp20 mbar 183 – 195 ◦ C, is ob-
tained by treating 4-methylbenzenesulfonyl
4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl Chloride chloride with chlorine in the presence of PCl5
[98-59-9], tosyl chloride, C7 H7 ClO2 S, M r at 120 – 140 ◦ C.
18 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
[717-44-2], C7 H10 N2 O4 S2 , M r 250.30, mp
190 – 191 ◦ C.
2,4-Dimethylbenzenesulfonic Acid
[88-61-9] (7), m-xylenesulfonic acid,
C8 H10 O3 S, M r 186.23, dihydrate: mp 57 ◦ C,
4-(Acetylaminomethyl)benzenesulfonyl prisms or flakes. Produced by sulfonating m-
Chloride [39169-92-1] (5), C9 H10 ClNO3 S, xylene with concentrated sulfuric acid; the acid
M r 247.70, mp 95 – 97 ◦ C, is obtained from is precipitated by dilution with water. Of the
N-acetylbenzylamine and chlorosulfuric acid three isomeric xylenes, m-xylene is the one
[121]. most easily sulfonated. The ease of sulfonation
decreases in the order m>p>o, whereas the ease
of hydrolysis increases in the order o<m<p. m-
Xylenesulfonic acid is hydrolyzed at 180 ◦ C.
Used in the production of nitroxylenesulfonic
acid, chloroxylenes, and chloroxylenesulfonic
amide [2015-14-7], C9 H12 N2 O3 S, M r 228.27,
mp 177 ◦ C (from water or aqueous alcohol), is (7)
produced from the sulfonyl chloride with aque-
ous ammonia at 15 and 70 ◦ C; yield 80 %. It is
an important intermediate in the manufacture of 2,4-Dimethylbenzenesulfonyl Chloride
4-(aminomethyl)benzenesulfonamide. [609-60-9], C8 H9 ClO2 S, M r 204.68, mp 34 ◦ C.
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 19
2,5-Dimethylbenzenesulfonyl Chloride
[19040-62-1], C8 H9 ClO2 S, M r 204.68, mp
25.5 ◦ C, bp29 mbar 152 – 153 ◦ C.
2,5-Dimethylbenzenesulfonamide [6292-
58-6], C8 H11 NO2 S, M r 185.25, mp 148 ◦ C.
4-Ethylbenzenesulfonic Acid [98-69-1],
C8 H10 O3 S, M r 186.21, is produced by sul- 4-Vinylbenzenesulfonic acid has been pro-
fonating ethylbenzene with sulfuric acid. It is posed for copolymerization with acrylonitrile to
separated from the isomers via the aniline salt improve the dyeing properties of the fibers [134]
[125]. Used in the production of p-ethylphenol. and as a starting product in the manufacture of
polymeric styrenesulfonic acid [131], [132].
4-(2-Bromoethyl)benzenesulfonic Acid
[54322-31-5] (9), C8 H9 BrO3 S, M r 265.13; 4-Vinylbenzenesulfonamide [2633-64-9],
S-benzylisothiuronium salt, mp 149 – 150 ◦ C. C8 H9 NO2 S, M r 183.23, mp 138 – 139 ◦ C [135].
The acid is obtained by sulfonating 1 mol of
(bromoethyl)benzene with 1.1 mol of SO3 in 4-tert-Butyl-2,6-dimethylbenzenesulfonic
methylene chloride [126], see also [127], [128]. Acid [28188-48-9] (11), C12 H18 O3 S, M r
The potassium salt is obtained by treating the 242.31, is prepared from 1-tert-butyl-3,5-di-
sulfonyl chloride with potassium carbonate in methylbenzene with 5 % oleum at 20 – 45 ◦ C.
water [129]. Used in the manufacture of 4-tert-butyl-2,6-di-
methylphenol and 2,6-xylenol [136].
4-(2-Bromoethyl)benzenesulfonyl Chlo-
ride [64062-91-5], C8 H8 BrClO2 S, M r 283.58,
is produced from 2-(bromoethyl)benzene and 2,3-Dihydro-1H-indene-5-sulfonic acid
chlorosulfuric acid at temperatures not exceed- [40117-41-7] (12), C9 H10 O3 S, M r 198.24, is
ing 25 ◦ C [130]. Used in the production of 4- obtained by precipitation as a sodium salt, after
vinylbenzenesulfonic acid. 2,3-dihydro-1H-indene and concentrated sulfu-
ric acid have been reacted at 150 ◦ C [137]. At
4-(2-Bromoethyl)benzenesulfonamide low temperatures mainly 1H-indene-4-sulfonic
[5378-84-7], C8 H10 BrNO2 S, M r 264.15, mp acid is formed. 1H-Indene-5-sulfonic acid has
185.5 – 186 ◦ C. been proposed as a starting material for the man-
ufacture of sulfonylureas with hypoglycemic
4-Vinylbenzenesulfonic Acid [98-70-4] effects [138].
(10), C8 H8 O3 S, M r 184.21; p-toluidine
salt, mp 182 – 183 ◦ C, is obtained in
the form of the potassium salt from 4-
(2-bromoethyl)benzenesulfonic acid with (12)
methanolic KOH [131] or from 4-(2-
bromoethyl)benzenesulfonyl chloride with al-
coholic KOH [132]. The monomer can be sta- 2,3-Dihydro-1H-indene-5-sulfonyl Chlo-
bilized by adding 0.5 – 5 % of sodium nitrite ride [52205-85-3], C9 H9 ClO2 S, M r 216.69, mp
[133]. 49 ◦ C, bp21 mbar 180 ◦ C, is obtained by treating
20 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
3,4-Dichlorobenzenesulfonic Acid
[939-95-7] (18), C6 H4 Cl2 O3 S, M r 227.06,
is poorly soluble in water; the calcium salt
is freely soluble, barium and lead salts are
slightly soluble. Manufactured by sulfonating
o-dichlorobenzene with oleum [151].
4-Chlorobenzenesulfonyl Chloride
[98-60-2], C6 H4 Cl2 O2 S, M r 211.01, bp16 mbar
140 ◦ C, mp 55 ◦ C, is manufactured by mixing 4-
chlorobenzene and chlorosulfuric acid at 35 ◦ C,
heating for two hours at 80 ◦ C, and discharging (18)
the contents of the reactor into ice water; yield
81 % of theory, together with a small amount of 3,4-Dichlorobenzenesulfonyl Chloride
bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulfone [145], [146]. Used [98-31-7], C6 H3 Cl3 O2 S, M r 245.51, fp 22.4 ◦ C,
in the manufacture of chlorobenzenesulfinic is manufactured from o-dichlorobenzene and
acid and sulfimides; three-step reaction to the chlorosulfuric acid; used as an inexpensive acy-
sulfone in a single reactor is possible without lating agent.
intermediate isolation [147].
2,5-Dichlorobenzenesulfonic Acid
[88-42-6] (17), C6 H4 Cl2 O3 S, M r 227.06, crys-
tals, freely soluble in water. Obtained by sul-
fonating 1,4-dichlorobenzene with oleum. (19)
2,4,5-Trichlorobenzenesulfonyl Chloride
[15945-07-0], C6 H2 Cl4 O2 S, M r 279.96, mp
65 – 67 ◦ C (from petroleum ether), bp0.6 mbar
(17) 138 ◦ C, is obtained from trichlorobenzene by
chlorosulfonation with chlorosulfuric acid at
90 ◦ C and pouring the reaction mass into water
2,5-Dichlorobenzenesulfonyl Chloride [152–154].
[5402-73-3], C6 H3 Cl3 O2 S, M r 245.51, mp Esters and amides of several chlorobenzene-
39 ◦ C, needles (from ethyl alcohol), is made sulfonic acids (particularly 4-chlorobenzenesul-
by treating 1,4-dichlorobenzene with chlorosul- fonic acid, 2,5-dichlorobenzenesulfonic acid,
furic acid at 150 ◦ C and stirring into ice water;
yield 85 % [149]. It has been described as a
modifier for Nylon 6 [150].
22 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
Production. For industrial production, how- actor. The reaction mass is spread on trays and
ever, nitrobenzene is sulfonated to m-nitroben- baked in an oven at 190 – 220 ◦ C, the water of
zenesulfonic acid, which is then reduced either the reaction being removed continuously. The
with iron [167], [168] or catalytically with hy- process is complete if a sample dissolves clearly
drogen [169]. in a dilute alkaline solution and has practically
Crude 3-aminobenzenesulfonic acid can be no smell of aniline. The crude product is dis-
used directly, either as a solution or dried, to ob- solved as a sodium salt in water that has been
tain 3-aminophenol by alkali fusion. It is not suf- rendered alkaline with sodium carbonate solu-
ficiently pure for use in dye manufacture, how- tion; traces of aniline are removed by blowing
ever. Therefore the crude solution is acidified; with steam. The solution is clarified by filtration
after filtration the product thus obtained is of and can then be processed further immediately.
satisfactory purity. The baking operation can be carried out in vacuo,
3-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid is used in the which facilitates the removal of the water of the
manufacture of dyes and optical brighteners reaction.
[170]. It is also used to manufacture 3-hydroxy- In industrial manufacture the aniline hydro-
benzenesulfonic acid and 3-aminophenol. The gensulfate is placed on trays in trolleys and
latter is an important intermediate in the man- these are passed at constant speed through a
ufacture of 4-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid (p- tunnel-shaped oven against an air current at
aminosalicylic acid) used to fight tuberculosis. 260 – 280 ◦ C. The aniline hydrogensulfate is
thus brought to the baking temperature very
3-Aminobenzenesulfonamide [98-18-0], gradually. It leaves the oven after 12.5 h [173].
C6 H8 N2 O2 S, M r 172.21, mp 142 ◦ C, is poorly According to [174] the reaction can be carried
soluble in cold water. out in a fluidized bed consisting of sulfanilic
3-Amino-N-(phenylsulfonyl)benzenesul- The baking process can also be carried out in
fonamide, C12 H12 N2 O4 S2 , M r 312.37, is ob- a multiphase reactor, with a resultant shortening
tained by treating 3-nitrobenzenesulfonyl chlo- of reaction time and improvement in quality of
ride with benzenesulfonamide and subsequent the end product [175]. The baking process can be
reduction of the nitro group. It is used as a dye simplified if the formation of the aniline salt and
component [171]. The use of the N-acrylsulfon- subsequent rearrangement are carried out suc-
amide in the polymerization of acrylonitrile has cessively or simultaneously in a solvent, e.g.,
been proposed to improve the dyeing properties diphenyl sulfone [67] or 1,2-dichlorobenzene
of the fibers [172]. [176]; this enables the reaction mass to be stirred
throughout the production process [177]. Partic-
4-Aminobenzenesulfonic Acid (sulfanilic ularly high yield and end product purity can be
acid) [121-57-3], C6 H7 NO3 S, M r 173.19, is achieved if the reactants are used in a molar ratio
made by the reaction of aniline with sulfuric of 1 : 1; the rearrangement is carried out under
acid at temperatures above 190 ◦ C: a slight positive pressure (1 – 3 bar) and at 200 –
240 ◦ C; water vapor is expelled from the reactor
simultaneously [178]. The reaction time is three
Analysis. The assay is carried out by diazoti-
zation. Impurities (aniline, 2,4-disulfanilic acid,
2- and 3-aminobenzenesulfonic acid) are deter-
mined by HPLC.
Uses. 4-Aminobenzenesulfonic acid is an
important intermediate in the production of
dyes, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, etc.
4-Aminobenzenesulfonamide [63-74-1],
Production. Equimolar amounts of aniline C6 H8 N2 O2 S, M r 172.21, forms the basis for
and sulfuric acid are reacted in a lead-lined re- chemotherapeutical sulfonamides.
24 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
4-(Acetylamino)benzenesulfonic Acid
[121-62-0], C8 H9 NO4 S, M r 215.23, is pro-
duced by dissolving aminobenzenesulfonic acid
in water, adding sodium carbonate, acetylating
with acetic anhydride at 45 – 50 ◦ C, and salt-
ing out with sodium chloride; the yield is 82 % (20)
hydrate); aniline salt mp 165 ◦ C; potassium salt Production: phenol (25 kg) and 96 % sulfu-
(dihydrate) mp 235 – 240 ◦ C. If phenol is sul- ric acid (28 kg) are heated to 50 ◦ C; then 1.25 kg
fonated with an equal amount of 100 % sulfuric additional sulfuric acid is added and the reaction
acid under mild conditions, a mixture consist- mixture is heated at 110 ◦ C for 5 – 6 h. Reaction
ing of 2-hydroxy- and 4-hydroxybenzenesulfo- water, together with about 5 % of the phenol, is
nic acid in a ratio of roughly 2 : 3 is obtained. distilled off during this period. Yield 95 % [200].
The 2-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid can be iso- Crude 4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid ob-
lated from this mixture via the monobarium salt tained by hot sulfonation, i.e., mixed with 2-
[197]. The pure compound is obtained by diazo- hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid, is used as such
tizing 2-aminobenzenesulfonic acid and boiling in the manufacture of synthetic tanning agents.
it under acid conditions. Condensation products of phenolsulfonic acid
mixtures with formaldehyde improve the dye-
ing properties of polyamide fibers [201].
4-Hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid and 2-
halogenomalonic esters form the corresponding
ethers, which are used in the manufacture of
polyesters with improved affinity for basic dyes
3-Hydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid [585-38-6] If a mixture of hydroxybenzenesulfonic acids
(27), C6 H6 O4 S, M r 174.17; potassium salt and bis(hydroxyphenyl) sulfone is condensed
(monohydrate) mp 200 – 210 ◦ C; sodium salt with formaldehyde, and hydrogensulfite is sub-
(from ethyl alcohol) mp 314 ◦ C, is synthesized sequently added, substances with good dispers-
by the reaction of 1,3-benzenedisulfonic acid ing effects on dyes are obtained. They also are
and sodium hydroxide in water in an autoclave used as thinning agents for cement [203], [204].
for 30 h at 250 ◦ C. The reaction mass is neutral- Most of the 4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid
ized and evaporated to dryness. The sodium salt is used as an additive for electroplating baths.
of the acid is extracted with 78 % ethyl alcohol; By comparison, the acid is relatively unimpor-
yield 78 % [198]. The crude solution obtained tant as a dye intermediate. With ethylene oxide
by acidifying the reaction mass with hydrochlo- it forms poly(ethoxy)oxybenzenesulfonic acid,
ric acid and freeing it from sulfur dioxide by which can be used as a plasticizer and emulsifier.
boiling can be used in the manufacture of dyes
[199]. 4-Methoxybenzenesulfonic Acid
[5857-42-1] (29), C7 H8 O4 S, M r 188.20, am-
monium salt mp 285 ◦ C. The acid is obtained
by sulfonation of anisole. The ammonium salt
of (29) can be obtained in high yield by treat-
ing anisole with an equal mass of sulfamic
(27) acid at 140 – 150 ◦ C [205]. The compound is
used in the manufacture of 4-methoxybenzene-
sulfonylureas, which have hypoglycemic ef-
4-Hydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid [98-67-9] fects.
(28), C6 H6 O4 S, M r 174.17, aniline salt mp
170 ◦ C, S-benzylisothiuronium salt (monohy-
drate) mp 168.7 ◦ C.
4,5-Dihydroxy-1,3-benzenedisulfonic Acid
[149-46-2] (33), C6 H6 O8 S2 , M r 270.23, is pro-
duced by sulfonation of pyrocatechol with
oleum [211] or by alkali fusion of 2-hydroxy-
1,3,5-benzenetrisulfonic acid: 10 kg of the tetra-
sodium salt of phenoltrisulfonic acid is intro-
duced into 16 kg of sodium hydroxide at about
4-Hydroxy-1,3-benzenedisulfonyl Chlo- 20 ◦ C. After adding some water, the temperature
ride [1892-33-7], C6 H4 Cl2 O5 S2 , M r 291.13, is gradually raised to 160 ◦ C; at the end of the re-
mp 89 ◦ C, needles (from gasoline), is obtained action the melt is diluted with water and acidified
by treating phenol with chlorosulfuric acid and with sulfuric acid, and sulfur dioxide is driven
introducing the sulfonation mixture into con- off. After cooling, precipitated sodium sulfate
centrated hydrochloric acid [207]. is removed by filtration and excess sulfate ions
are precipitated in fractions. Finally the barium
2,4-Dihydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid salt, which has poor solubility in cold water, is
[6409-58-1] (31), C6 H6 O5 S, M r 190.17, am- precipitated.
monium salt (from ethyl alcohol) mp 190 ◦ C
[208]. The acid is prepared by sulfonating re-
sorcinol with 96 % sulfuric acid in a molar ratio
of 1 : 1. The compound is used as a catalyst in
the curing of resins [209].
3-Chloro-4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid is
an intermediate in the manufacture of 2-
chlorotoluene, 5-chloro-4-methyl-2-nitroben-
zenesulfonic acid, 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid, and
2-chloro-4-sulfobenzoic acid.
Chloride [24653-79-0], C7 H5 Cl3 O2 S, M r
259.54, is formed from 4-toluenesulfonyl chlo-
3-Chloro-4-methylbenzenesulfonamide ride by chlorination with chlorine, antimony
[51896-27-6], C7 H8 ClNO2 S, M r 205.66, melts trichloride being added as a catalyst [219]. The
at 137 ◦ C. compound is used as an intermediate in the
manufacture of 2,6-dichlorotoluene [218].
5-Chloro-2-methylbenzenesulfonic Acid
[133-73-3] (35), C7 H7 ClO3 S, M r 206.65; the
sodium salt crystallizes from water with 1/2 mol
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 29
2-Amino-5-methylbenzenesulfonic Acid
[88-44-8] (37), C7 H9 NO3 S, M r 187.22, crystal-
lizes with 1 mol of H2 O. It is produced by baking
p-toluidine sulfate at 180 ◦ C and 97 – 101 mbar,
(39) (40)
dissolving the product in 3 % sodium hydrox-
ide solution, and precipitating the free acid by 4-Amino-3-methylbenzenesulfonic Acid
adding concentrated hydrochloric acid [220, [98-33-9] (41), C7 H9 NO3 S, M r 187.22, crys-
222]. tallizes with 1 mol of H2 O. It is prepared from
o-toluidine and 98 % H2 SO4 via the sulfate,
which is then baked. The sodium salt can be iso-
lated after liming and precipitation of calcium
sulfate [224]. The solution can be used directly
in the manufacture of dyes [225].
Acid [88-22-2] (38), C8 H11 NO3 S, M r 201.24;
the barium salt crystallizes from water with
2 mol of H2 O; the lead salt is very poorly solu-
ble in water. Production is from 4-amino-1,3-di-
methylbenzene (m-xylidine) and 96 % sulfuric
acid by baking the sulfate paste in vacuo, subse- 4-Amino-2-methylbenzenesulfonic Acid
quently purifying the product with boiling milk [133-78-8] (42), C7 H9 NO3 S, M r 187.22, crys-
of lime, and finally precipitating the sodium tallizes from water with 3 mol of H2 O. It is
salt with sodium chloride [223]. 2-Amino-3,5- produced analogously to 4-amino-3-methyl-
dimethylbenzenesulfonic acid can also be pro- benzenesulfonic acid by baking of m-toluidine
duced by sulfonation of m-xylidine in 1,1,2,2- sulfate [226].
tetrachloroethane with chlorosulfuric acid and
subsequent boiling until no more hydrogen chlo-
ride is formed.
3-Chloro-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid
[46060-27-9] (46), C6 H5 ClO4 S, M r 208.62, is
prepared by chlorination of 4-hydroxybenzene-
sulfonic acid or by sulfonation of 2-chlorophe-
nol with 98 % sulfuric acid [240]. The com-
(44) pound can be converted by nitration into 3-
chloro-4-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid,
from which 3-amino-5-chloro-4-hydroxyben-
2-Isobutylamino-5-sulfobenzoic Acid, zenesulfonic acid is obtained by reduction.
C11 H15 NO5 S, M r 273.31, is obtained The sulfonic acid group is eliminated easily at
in crystalline form by sulfonating N- 180 – 190 ◦ C.
isobutylanthranilic acid in 98 % sulfuric acid
with 65 % oleum at 80 ◦ C and pumping the
sulfonation mixture into water; yield 93 – 94 %
Acid [26281-43-6] (48), C6 H4 Cl2 O4 S, M r 243,
forms a poorly water-soluble barium salt.
3-Amino-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid is
an important intermediate in the production
(48) of dyes and is used to manufacture Diamond
Black PV and 3-amino-4-hydroxy-5-nitroben-
zenesulfonic acid.
amide [35337-99-6], C6 H5 Cl2 NO3 S, M r 3-Amino-4-hydroxybenzenesulfon-
242.08, melts at 230 ◦ C. It is obtained from the amide [98-32-8], C6 H8 N2 O3 S, Mr
chlorosulfonation of 2,4-dichlorophenol and 188.2. Manufacture: 2-nitrochlorobenzene is
conversion with ammonia or NH4 Cl. It can sulfochlorinated with chlorosulfuric acid; the
be used as a precursor to synthesize some 2- resulting sulfochloride is treated with ammonia
hydroxybenzenesulfonamides that are poorly to give 4-chloro-3-nitrobenzenesulfonamide;
accessible by other routes, by dehalogenation chlorine is replaced by hydroxyl by heating the
with H2 and Pd/C catalyst [241]. product at 100 ◦ C in aqueous sodium hydroxide
solution. Finally, the hydroxybenzenesulfon-
amide is reduced with iron turnings [243].
2.12. Aminohydroxybenzenesulfonic
Acids and 3-Amino-4-methoxybenzenesulfonic Acid
Aminochlorohydroxybenzenesulfonic [98-42-0] (50), C7 H9 NO4 S, M r 203.22, nee-
Acids dles, is freely soluble in water. The compound
is obtained from 2-anisidine and 98 % sulfuric
All the compounds described in this section are acid at 50 – 55 ◦ C [244].
used in the manufacture of dyes.
3-Amino-4-hydroxybenzenesulfonic Acid
[98-37-3] (49), C6 H7 NO4 S, M r 189.19, is freely
soluble in hot water, slightly soluble in cold, di-
lute hydrochloric acid. Obtained by boiling 4-
chloro-3-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid with sodium
hydroxide solution, followed by Béchamp re-
duction [242]: 3-Acetylamino-4-methoxybenzene-
sulfonyl Chloride [3746-67-6] (51),
C9 H10 ClNO4 S, M r 263.7, mp 152 – 163 ◦ C, is
obtained from 2-acetylaminoanisole and chloro-
sulfuric acid at 35 – 40 ◦ C [245–247]. The com-
pound is used to produce the corresponding
sulfinic acid and Fast Red ITR base.
32 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
3-Amino-6-ethoxybenzenesulfonic Acid
[6375-02-6] (54), C8 H11 NO4 S, M r 217.24, nee-
dles, poorly soluble in water and ethyl alcohol.
Manufactured by treating o-dichlorobenzene
with 96 % sulfuric acid and baking the result-
ing sulfate or from phenetidine by reaction with
(51) oleum [250].
amide [85605-29-4], C9 H12 N2 O4 S, Mr
244.27, melts at 226 ◦ C.
sulfonamide, C10 H14 N2 O4 S, M r 258.3, is ob-
tained by treating the chloride with 2 mol of 4-Amino-6-methoxy-1,3-benzenedisulfonic
ethylamine at 25 ◦ C. Other N-alkylamides of Acid (55), C7 H9 NO7 S2 , M r 283.28.
this sulfonic acid are produced in the same way
Acid [120-98-9] (52), C6 H7 NO7 S2 , M r
269.25, is obtained by nitration of 4-hydroxy-
1,3-benzenedisulfonic acid and reduction of (55)
the hydroxynitrobenzenedisulfonic acid [84,
p. 148].
Chloride [670-02-0], C7 H7 Cl2 NO5 S2 , M r
320.17, mp 129 – 130 ◦ C, is obtained by adding
sodium chloride to m-anisidine and chlorosulfu-
ric acid while cooling with ice and then heating
fonic Acid [88-23-3] (56), C6 H6 ClNO4 S, M r
5-Acetylamino-2-hydroxybenzenesulfo- 223.63, colorless crystals, freely soluble in hot
nic Acid [55034-25-8] (53), C8 H9 NO5 S, M r water, less soluble in cold water, very easily solu-
231.23, needles, freely soluble in water, decom- ble in sodium hydroxide solution. The industrial
position on melting. Manufactured by sulfonat- product has a weak brownish-pink color and is
ing N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetamide with 98 % produced by sulfonating 2-amino-4-chlorophe-
sulfuric acid at 80 ◦ C [249] or by acetylating nol or from p-chlorophenol:
5-amino-2-hydroxybenzenesulfonic acid with
acetic anhydride and sodium acetate in water.
Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives 33
Chloride [36110-12-0], C6 H4 Cl3 NO2 S,
M r 260.53, is obtained by treating 3,4-
2.13. Amino-chlorobenzenesulfonic dichloroaniline with chlorosulfuric acid in the
Acids presence of sodium chloride.
2-Amino-5-chlorobenzenesulfonic Acid 2-Amino-4,5-dichlorobenzenesulfon-
[133-74-4] (58), C6 H6 ClNO3 S, M r 207.64, de- amide [16948-63-3], C6 H6 Cl2 N2 O2 S, M r
composes at 280 ◦ C and crystallizes from water 241.1, mp 183 – 185 ◦ C, crystals from 50 %
with 1 mol of H2 O. Manufactured by baking alcohol, is obtained by treating the chloride
4-chloroaniline hydrogensulfate in vacuo; after with aqueous ammonia [254].
the mass has been pumped into water, the acid is
neutralized with calcium oxide; the solution is 4-Amino-2,5-dichlorobenzenesulfonic
suitable for use in the manufacture of azo dyes Acid [88-50-6] (61), C6 H5 Cl2 NO3 S, M r
[253]. 242.08, is obtained by sulfonating 2,5-
dichloroaniline with 65 % oleum in anhydrous
sulfuric acid; the compound is purified via the
sodium salt [255].
3-Amino-4-chlorobenzenesulfonic Acid
[98-36-2] (59), C6 H6 ClNO3 S, M r 207.64, nee-
dles (from water), crystallizes with 1 mol of (61)
34 Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their Derivatives
4-Amino-6-chloro-1,3-benzenedisulfonic 2-Amino-5-chloro-4-methylbenzene-
Acid (62), C6 H6 ClNO6 S2 , M r 287.7. sulfonic Acid [88-53-9] (64), C7 H8 ClNO3 S,
M r 221.66, is a colorless to slightly reddish
crystalline powder. The compound is obtained
by chlorination of p-toluenesulfonic acid to form
3-chloro-4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid, subse-
quent nitration of this acid to a mixture of nitro
isomers, precipitation of the 2-chloro-4-methyl-
(62) 6-nitrobenzenesulfonic acid with sodium chlo-
ride solution, and, finally, Béchamp reduction of
the nitro group with iron and acetic acid [263].
A different synthesis route in which no iso-
Chloride [671-89-6], C6 H4 Cl3 NO4 S2 , M r
mers are formed is as follows [264]:
324.59, mp 142 – 144 ◦ C, is obtained by chloro-
sulfonation of 3-chloroaniline with 11 mol of
chlorosulfuric acid at 130 ◦ C [256–258]; after
the chlorosulfonation mixture is treated with
4 mol of thionyl chloride at 80 ◦ C, the yield is
90 % [259].
amide [121-30-2], C6 H8 ClN3 O4 S2 , Mr
285.73, mp 258 – 260 ◦ C, is obtained by treat-
ing the chloride with ammonia in tert-butanol
and concentrating the solution by evaporation;
the yield is 80 % [259]. Condensation with
formic acid gives 6-chloro-7-sulfamoyl-1,2,4- The compound is used as Lake Red C and
benzothiadiazine 1,1-dioxide, an important di- CLT Acid as a diazo component for azo dyes
uretic [260], [261]. The 1-monoamide 63 is an and azo pigments.
intermediate for the production of azo dyes for
polyamide fibers. For manufacture, see [262]. 3-Amino-5-chloro-4-methylbenzene-
sulfonic Acid [6387-27-5] (65), C7 H8 ClNO3 S,
M r 221.66, is a moist, slightly reddish paste in
raw form. It is manufactured by sulfonation of 1-
chloro-2- methyl-3-nitrobenzene [83-42-1] with
oleum, followed by Béchamp reduction [265].
The compound is used as a diazo component for
(63) azo dyes in the dyeing of leather.
3. References
General References
1. B. T. Brooks, C. E. Brooks, S. S. Kurtz, L.
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