D4317 4434
D4317 4434
D4317 4434
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D4317 − 16
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D14 on
Adhesives and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D14.30 on Wood
Adhesives. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved May 1, 2016. Published May 2016. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1984. Last previous edition approved in 2011 as D4317 – 98 (2011). Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
DOI: 10.1520/D4317-16. the ASTM website.
TABLE 2 Test Requirements (Continued) 3.2.1 adhesive designation, n—an adhesive that is manufac-
Type I Test Requirement Two-Cycle Boil tured by a unique combination of raw materials and process,
Average Failing Load, psi ( (Minimum Wood Failure, %) that conforms to a given set of physical and performance
(kPa)A Average of All Individual
Specimens Specimen properties, and is identified by a specific name, number, or
Under 250 (1724) 50 25 alphanumeric designation.
250 to 350 (1724 to 2413) 30 10
Above 350 (2143) 15 10 3.2.2 lot, n—adhesive manufactured at one place from the
See Table 9 in Interim Voluntary Product Standard for Hardwood and Decorative
same batch or blend of raw materials subjected to the same
Plywood, HP-1, 1993. operation and conditions.
3.2.3 assembly, n—See adhesive assembly in Terminology
NOTE 1—In this specification, the maple block lamination in Test
2.2 Federal Standards: Method D905 and the birch plywood construction in Test Method D906
Fed. Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)3 are described as assemblies.
PPP-C-96 Cans, Metal, 28-Gauge and Lighter3
4. Significance and Use
PPP-D-723 Drums, Fiber3
PPP-D-729 Drums, Shipping and Storage, Steel, 55 gal 4.1 This specification addresses the need for a set of testing
(208 L)3 procedures that demonstrates the difference in physical prop-
2.3 Military Standard: erties and in adhesive bonding properties among the many
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage3 available polyvinyl acetate-based adhesives. Because of the
diverse nature of the end products bonded with these
3. Terminology adhesives, testing in compliance with this specification can
only evaluate the adhesive tested under a given set of condi-
3.1 Definitions:
tions. The physical properties of the adhesive are tested and
3.1.1 Many terms in this specification are defined in Termi-
included in the report in order to give information on certain
nology D907.
handling and working properties. The adhesive bonding prop-
3.1.2 emulsion, n—a two-phase liquid system in which
erties are measured by tests performed on maple block speci-
small droplets of one liquid (the internal phase) are immiscible
mens and birch plywood specimens, prepared and tested in
in, and are dispersed uniformly throughout, a second continu-
accordance with Test Methods D905 and D906, respectively.
ous liquid phase (the external phase).
The test requirements are based on knowledge within the Discussion—The internal phase is sometimes de-
industry of values which may be expected. Test Methods D905
scribed as the disperse phase.
and D906 have a long history of use as a basis for many
3.1.3 latex, n—a stable dispersion of polymeric substance in specifications.
an essentially aqueous medium.
4.2 This specification does not describe the end-use prod-
3.1.4 polyvinyl acetate emulsion adhesive, n—a latex adhe- ucts for which each class of adhesive is acceptable, but it does
sive in which the polymeric portion comprises polyvinyl describe the general exposure conditions for which each class
acetate, copolymers based mainly on polyvinyl acetate, or a will perform in a satisfactory manner. See Appendix X1.
mixture of these, and which may contain modifiers and
secondary binders to provide specific properties. 5. Classification of Adhesive Performance
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5.1 For purposes of this specification, adhesives are classi-
fied on the basis of water resistance at three performance
levels, wet-use, intermediate use, and dry-use:
Available from DLA Document Services, Building 4/D, 700 Robbins Ave., 5.1.1 Type 1, Wet Use—An adhesive passing Type 1 test
Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, http://quicksearch.dla.mil. requirements as given in Table 1 and Table 2, and having
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D4317 − 16
high-water resistance, capable of producing sufficient adhesive, each of which conforms to the requirements speci-
adhesive-joint strength and durability to make the bonded fied. If this set of specimens fails to meet the requirements,
product serviceable under conditions in which the equilibrium reject the lot.
moisture content (EMC) of the wood may be 16 % to a
maximum of 21 % for short periods of time, and where the 8. Sampling
temperature may reach levels as high as 71°C (160°F) (at 8.1 Take a 2-L (2-qt) sample of adhesive that is representa-
times) during service. This adhesive will withstand most tive of the lot to be tested. Place 1 L qt of the adhesive in a
outdoor conditions, such as repeated soakings. It is not, wide-mouth, glass, 1-L (1-qt) container and seal tightly. Use
however, suitable for marine conditions where immersion for all tests with the exception of freeze-thaw stability
would be continual. As tested in this specification, a Type 1 (, and storage life ( For the initial test only,
adhesive is water-resistant, but not necessarily waterproof. to provide samples for testing these two properties, divide the
5.1.2 Type 2, Intermediate Use—An adhesive passing Type second quart 1-L (1-qt) equally and use half for freeze-thaw
2 test requirements as given in Table 1, and having good stability and half for storage life. See and for
water-resistance, capable of producing sufficient adhesive-joint instructions.
strength and durability to make the bonded products service-
able under interior or protected conditions in which there will 9. Tests for Physical Properties
be occasional intermittent exposure to wet conditions or high 9.1 Test the properties of the adhesives by the following
humidity and where the temperature may reach levels as high methods and report the values.
as 71°C (160°F) (at times) during service. 9.1.1 Viscosity:
5.1.3 Type 3, Dry Use—An adhesive passing Type 3 test Bring the adhesive sample to 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F)
requirements as given in Table 1, and capable of producing and hold at this temperature during the viscosity reading. Test
sufficient adhesive-joint strength and durability to make the in accordance with Test Methods D1084, Method B, except for
bonded lumber product serviceable under normal interior (1) temperature requirement, and (2) addition of concentric
service conditions where the relative humidity is not high and cylinder rotational viscometers (see section 5.6 of Practice
does not fluctuate between wide limits, and where the tempera- E1953) with torque constants of 60 to 80 µN-m, 8 rotational
ture may reach levels as high as 71.1°C (160°F). speeds between 0.5 and 60 r/min stable to within 1 %, and a
right circular cylinder spindle to the list of acceptable viscom-
6. Test Requirements eters in 6.1 of Test Methods D1084.
6.1 To meet the requirements of this specification, subject For adhesives requiring the addition of a catalyst,
the test adhesive to the tests in Section 9, and make the results take two viscosity measurements of the test adhesive (1) before
of these tests a part of the report. In addition, the adhesive is to the addition of the catalyst, and (2) after the addition of the
meet the requirements of the tests described in Section 10 and catalyst. Test in accordance with
listed in Table 1 and Table 2, for the adhesive classification for NOTE 2—Other temperatures may be used upon agreement between the
which it is to be certified. contracting parties, but the 60.5°C (61°F) tolerance must be observed.
NOTE 3—Upon agreement between the contracting parties viscosity
6.2 Testing for freeze-thaw stability is optional. In order to may be tested and reported in accordance with Test Method D2556, using
certify that an adhesive brand meets the requirements for the concentric cylinder rotational viscometer specified in Test Methods
freeze-thaw stability, test an initial lot in accordance with D1084, Method B. All test requirements shall be passed for the appli- 9.1.2 Density—Measure the density of the adhesive in
cable adhesive classification. Following this initial test, certi- accordance with Test Method D1875 and report as weight per
fication for this requirement may be based on submission of the gallon in pounds.
manufacturer’s certification. 9.1.3 Nonvolatiles—Determine the nonvolatile content of
6.3 To meet the storage life requirements, test an initial lot the adhesive in accordance with Test Method D1490.
of the adhesive brand in accordance with All test For adhesives requiring the addition of a catalyst,
requirements shall be passed for the applicable adhesive measure the nonvolatiles of the adhesive without catalyst.
classification. Following this initial test, certification for this NOTE 4—Test Method D1490 covers the determination of the nonvola-
requirement may be based on submission of the manufacturer’s tile content of urea-formaldehyde resin; however, the procedure given is
certification. applicable to polyvinyl acetate adhesives.
9.1.4 pH—Bring the adhesive to 25 6 0.5°C (77 6 1°F) and
7. Retest and Rejection determine the pH in accordance with Test Method E70.
7.1 When a specimen fails at a load less than that specified,
the failure taking place 50 % or more in the wood, disregard 10. Tests for Adhesive Bond
that specimen in computing the average. If more than one third 10.1 For all tests, select equipment that complies with
of the test specimens for any one test condition are discarded Practices E4.
for this reason, repeat the test. 10.2 Block Shear Strength (Compression):
7.2 If the results of any initial test do not conform to the 10.2.1 Prepare the test specimens in accordance with Test
requirements prescribed in this specification, repeat that test on Method D905, using the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions
an additional set of specimens made from the same lot of for conditions and procedures for preparing the adhesive,
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D4317 − 16
applying it to the stock, and for assembling, pressing, and cooling rate while testing. The temperature of the specimen 30 s after
curing the joint. Use a two-week curing period unless other- removal from the oven will be approximately 71°C.
wise instructed by the adhesive manufacturer. Dry Shear at 71°C (160°F), Method 2—Following
10.2.2 Number of Test Specimens—Test 20 test specimens the prescribed curing period and cutting the test specimens,
representing at least four joints. place one test group as described in in an oven at 71
10.2.3 Cured (Dry) Test—Following the prescribed condi- 6 3°C (160 6 5°F) and hold for 6 h. Then remove them one
tioning period for the assembly being tested, bring one test at a time and test immediately in a temperature-controlled
group of 20 test specimens to 8 6 1 % moisture content (MC) chamber at 160°F.
and test in accordance with Test Method D905. Apply the load Two-Cycle Boil—Following the prescribed curing
through a self-aligning seat to ensure uniform lateral distribu- period and cutting the test specimens, take one test group of 16
tion of the load, except apply the load with a continuous specimens, described in part in Immerse in boiling
motion of the movable loading head at a rate of 12.7 mm (0.5 water for 4 h. Then dry for 20 h at 62.8 6 2.8°C (1456 5°F)
in.)/min (610 %). with sufficient air circulation to lower the moisture content to
10.2.4 Calculation—Calculate the shear stress at failure in within the range from 8 to 10 %. Immerse the specimens again
kilopascals (kPa) or pounds per square inch (psi), based on the in boiling water for 4 h, then remove and cool in running water
test specimen’s breaking load and tested bond-line area, at 18.3 to 26.7°C (65 to 80°F) for 1 h. Remove test specimens
measured to the nearest 6.5 mm2 (0.01 in.2). from the vessel and place in a plastic bag to keep them wet.
10.3 Plywood Shear Tests: Test within 1 h. In the event that 1 h is not sufficient time for
10.3.1 Prepare the test specimens in accordance with Test testing 16 specimens, divide the specimens into smaller groups
Method D906, using the adhesive manufacturer’s instructions scheduling the time the exposure cycle is completed. Report
for conditions and procedures for preparing the adhesive, individual and average test values. Dry the broken specimens
applying it to the stock, and for assembling, pressing, and to less than 8 % moisture content and note the percentage of
conditioning the panel. Use a two-week conditioning period wood failure.
unless otherwise instructed by the adhesive manufacturer. 48-Hour Soak—Following the prescribed curing
10.3.2 Number of Test Specimens—See Table 3. period and cutting the test specimens, take one test group (16
10.3.3 Exposure Conditions and Treatments: specimens for Type 1 and 15 specimens for Type 2), described Dry Shear at 24°C (75°F)—Following the pre- in part in 10.3.2. Immerse in water at 24 6 1°C (756 2°F) and
scribed curing period and cutting the test specimens, bring one soak for 48 h 6 15 min. Remove from water and test
test group (16 specimens for Type 1 and 15 specimens for Type immediately in accordance with Test Method D906, conduct-
2 or Type 3), described in part in 10.3.2, to 8 6 1 % MC and ing the test in the wet state. Report individual and average test
24 6 1°C (75 6 2°F) and test in accordance with Test Method values. Dry the broken specimens to less than 8 % MC and
D906. note the percentage of wood failure. Dry Shear at 71°C (160°F) Method 1—Following Humidity Exposure—Following the prescribed cur-
the prescribed curing period and cutting the test specimens, ing period and cutting the test specimens, place one test group
place one test group (16 specimens for Type 1 and 15 of 15 specimens (described in part in in a chamber
specimens for Type 2 or 3), described in part in 10.3.2, in an maintained at 24 6 1°C (75 6 2°F) and 90 6 2 % relative
oven at 71 6 3°C (160 6 5°F) and hold for 6 h. Remove humidity. Place the test specimens in a single layer on a rack,
specimens and immediately wrap individually in two layers of not touching each other. Following an exposure period of 1
PVDC wrap (see Note 5) or its equivalent. Place wrapped test week, remove the specimens individually and test immediately
specimens in a single layer in an oven at 77 6 1°C (170 6 at 24 6 1°C (75 6 2°F) in accordance with Test Method D906,
1.8°F) and hold for 12 to 20 min. Remove from the oven, one taking precautions to avoid any appreciable change in moisture
specimen at a time, and test within 30 s without removing the content during the test. Report individual and average test
PVDC wrap, in a room with an ambient temperature of 24 6 values along with the percentage of wood failure.
1°C (75 6 2°F). Freeze-Thaw Stability—Fill a 1-pt jar to a level
approximately 90 % of capacity, with the test adhesive de-
NOTE 5—PVDC (polyvinylidene chloride) wrap is the generic desig-
nation for the tightly adhering flexible films commonly used for covering
scribed in Section 6 and seal tightly. Store this sample at a
food containers in the home. temperature of −18 6 2°C (0 6 3.6°F), for 18 h. Remove from
NOTE 6—The exposure of the specimens for 6 h at 71 6 30°C, freezer and restore the sample to a temperature of 24 6 1°C (75
unwrapped, is to dry the specimens. The use of PVDC wrap is to slow the 6 2°F), without stirring. This constitutes one freeze-thaw
cycle. Then subject the sample to two additional cycles.
TABLE 3 Plywood Shear Tests—Number of Test Specimens Following these freeze-thaw cycles, test the thawed sample for
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
the requirements of the applicable adhesive type, as listed in
Number of panels 8 6 6 Table 1 and Table 2. Report the number of cycles run.
Number of specimens/panel 10 10 10
Total number of specimens 80 60 60 NOTE 7—Upon agreement between contracting parties, additional
Number of specimens/groupA 16 15 15 cycles may be run before the adhesive is tested.
Group/performance levelA 5 4 4
A Storage Life—Fill a 0.5-L jar with the test adhesive
This provides for a reserve group of specimens in the event that a test must be
repeated. described in Section 8 and seal tightly. Store this sample at 24
6 1°C (75 6 2°F). Following the period of time given by the
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D4317 − 16
manufacturer as the storage life of the test adhesive, test the oz to 300 lb), shall be packaged in containers to offer adequate
storage sample for the requirements as listed in Table 1 and protection against corrosion, deterioration, and damage during
Table 2 for the applicable adhesive type. Specify in the report shipment, handling, and storage and shall be packed to ensure
the length of the storage period. safe delivery to its destination when properly transported by
any common carrier in conformance to requirements by
11. Reporting Uniform Freight Classification or National Motor Freight
11.1 Report the values obtained for the tests for physical Classification.
properties (Section 9). 12.4 Marking:
11.2 For the adhesive bond tests (Section 10) report the 12.4.1 Marking shall be as specified in the contract or
individual and average test values and the estimated percent- purchase order. Interior packages and shipping containers shall
ages of wood failure for the specimens for all tests. be marked in accordance with Fed Std. No. 123 for civil
agencies or in accordance with MIL-STD-129 for military
11.3 As a part of the report, include: agencies.
11.3.1 Number of freeze-thaw cycles passed, 12.4.2 Special markings when specified, in contracts, pur-
11.3.2 Manufacturer’s recommended allowable storage chase orders, or by the contracting officer shall include the
period, and following:
11.3.3 Mix-ratio used, if the adhesive is a two-or-more Manufacturer’s name, product code designation
component system. and batch or lot number, and the national stock number, Date of manufacture of product and expiration
12. Supplemental Government Requirements date,
12.1 Packaging and Packing: Special handling instructions during product
12.1.1 Preparation for Delivery—Packaging and packing transfer, and
shall be Level A, B, or commercial as specified. Special precautions related to toxicity,
12.1.2 Unless otherwise specified, when Level A or B is flammability, or to any information pertinent to the proper
specified, packaging and packing shall be in accordance with handling and storage of the product, for example, manufactur-
the following criteria: er’s storage temperature range. Metal containers conforming to PPP-C-96, Type V,
NOTE 8—The supplemental government requirements in Section 12
Class 2 for quantities of 22.7 kg (50 lb) max, were supplied to Committee D14 by the government as part of the original Fiber drums conforming to PPP-D-723, Type II, specification approved in 1988. The initial wording has not been edited.
Grade A or Type III, Grade A for Level A or fiber drums
conforming to PPP-D-723, Type I, Grade A for Level B for 13. Packing and Marking Requirements for
quantities of 90.9 kg (200 lb) max, and Nongovernmental Users Metal drums conforming to PPP-D-729, Type II or 13.1 The following sections shall apply to nongovernmental
Type IV for quantities of 181.8 kg (400 lb) max. users of this specification, subject to the given exceptions:
12.2 Containers: 12.4.1 (except for reference to Level C), 12.4.2 (whether or not
12.2.1 Containers shall be uniform in shape and size, with specified), (except for the national stock number),
the necessary protection required. Containers shall contain,, and
quantities in accordance with the applicable container specifi- 14. Precision and Bias
cation. All fiber drums shall be furnished with a 0.1-mm
14.1 A precision and bias statement does not exist for this
(0.004-in.) thick polyethylene liner, properly heat sealed.
test method because resources necessary for round-robin test-
12.2.2 Drums, as specified in PPP-D-723 or PPP-D-729 will
ing have not been forthcoming.
require no overpacking.
12.3 Shipment and Delivery—Unless otherwise specified, 15. Keywords
when Level C is specified, the adhesive, 113 gm to 136 kg (4 15.1 emulsion; polyvinyl acetate
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D4317 − 16
(Nonmandatory Information)
Committee D14 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D4317–98(2011)) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2016.)
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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