2019 Inha Summer School Poster Details
2019 Inha Summer School Poster Details
2019 Inha Summer School Poster Details
Incheon, Korea
programs and its research in the fields of science and technology and across a your home university in only three weeks. Inha University has world
broader academic spectrum including IT, social sciences, business, global logistics, class facilities including a library, a student center and dormitories.
education, law, fine arts, humanities, and medicine. Motivated by the strong support
and investment of the Hanjin Group, Inha University continues to develop and
enhance its educational programs, practical research projects and globalization
efforts. Inha’s vision continues with its grand project of building a global campus
in New Songdo City, a newly emerging international business and R&D hub city in
Northeast Asia.
Wide Variety of Unique
Courses Available
A variety of unique Korea-related courses are offered to
participating students.
CITY OF INCHEON Hub of Northeast Asia There's always that one summer
With over 3 million people, Incheon is one of the largest cities in Korea. A gateway
that changes you!
to Northeast Asia with an international airport and an international seaport in its
hand, Incheon is located on the west coast of the Korean peninsula abutting
Vibrant City
the Yellow Sea. Incheon is an intensely dynamic city bustling with rapid cultural and Students will have a lot of time to experience Incheon Metropolitan
economic change, and it is now transforming into a global business hub centered City, which is one of the most dynamic and beautiful cities in Korea.
around the high tech and futuristic New Songdo City, which is designated to become
a center of diverse international businesses and trade.
Size & · The second largest city in Korea with a population of 3 million
Location · Situated on the west coast, 30 km from Seoul
· Chinatown, piers, neighboring islands, shopping malls, museums,
movie complexes and parks
Weather &
· A temperate climate with a wet monsoon summer
· The average temperature is around 30 degrees Celsius in July~August
Incredible Summer Away With
Inspiring People At
Inha University!
International Center, Inha University
100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon 22212, Korea
Inha University annually offers a summer school program as a part of its goal to Period July 22, 2019 ~ August 9, 2019 (3 weeks) Participants will stay in campus residential halls which are conveniently located within
enhanced global education. The summer program was first initiated in 2004 to walking distance. Each room houses four students, and students can use all the
provide overseas college students with hands-on opportunities to learn the Korean Participants International students currently enrolled at a university facilities including computer rooms, laundry facilities, shared kitchen, gyms, etc. There
language and experience the cultural and academic life in Korea. Since then, the are also many restaurants and supermarkets located nearby.
一、 仁荷大学作为全球教育的中坚力量,每年都会举办仁荷暑期学校活动。Inha Summer school 自
program has continued to develop and has been enriched with more unique and Language of English
简介 2004年首次举办以来每年都得到参与学生的好评。此后,每年都会有几百名来自世界各国的学生前来
diverse activities, while attracting more participants every year. Instruction
This short-term, intensive program mainly consists of classroom lectures, visits to Course Students can expect outstanding teaching standards delivered in a warm and 分考虑了此前前来的学生们的反馈与建议,预计会增设一系列,如韩国文化、K-POP热舞、韩剧戏剧
corporate sites and field trips to cultural and historic places. Through the Information welcoming environment. Programs are designed to be interactive, stimulating and fun. 表演、韩国电影等与韩流文化有关的科目。参与活动的同学们除了在教室上课外,还将参加各种有趣
coursework, international students will have opportunities to better understand the Courses involve a combination of lectures, classroom learning, self-directed study 的课外活动,例如体验韩国文化、参观文化遗址和进行现场参观实习等。
dynamic aspects of Korean society in the past, present and future. and practical field trips.
cultural activities.
Each course consists of 30 classroom hours which may include field trips. 顺利完成的同学可获得活动结业证和成绩单。
Classes with less than 15 students may be cancelled. 仁荷大学将会为学生提供观赏乱打表演,参观首尔SM Town等,各种体验韩国文化的机会。
The above courses are subject to change without prior notice.
Course registration is done while filling out the online application, and students will be able to change Tuition Accommodation Total
四、 网上申请 http://summer.inha.ac.kr
their courses on the first day of the program. Regular USD 1,000 USD 400 USD 1,400 申请方法 重要日程
Early bird USD 750 USD 400 USD 1,150
日期 日程
(25% discount)
above fees. Since the summer school program is financially supported by the university, the program 若到活动费用交纳截止日为止,没有交纳费用的,将被视为自动放弃申请。
is very affordable and a great value for the money.
Please apply online at http://summer.inha.ac.kr If you are not sure about whether your home university is a partner university of Inha, contact the
international office of your home university or visit our school website at
Important Dates Schedule http://internationalcenter.inha.ac.kr/user/internationalcenter/
五、 学费 住宿费 总计
March 29 (Fri) Early Bird Registration Closes
学费: 正常申请 1000美元 400美元 1400美元
April 26 (Fri) Online Application and Payment Deadline
包括授课费用, 早期申请 750美元(7.5折) 400美元 1150美元
May 10 (Fri) Cancellation of Application Deadline
学校宿舍, 姊妹大学在校生 800美元(8折) 400美元 1200美元
July 21 (Sun) Arrival Day 户外旅游等
同大学团体申请(至少10人) 700 美元(7折) 400美元 1100美元
“My experience with Inha Summer School has been full of education and wonder. Thanks to the program, July 22 (Mon) Summer School Starts
I have met wonderful people, eaten amazing food, furthered my education and broadened my horizons, August 9 (Fri) Summer School Ends 包括授课费用, 学校宿舍(提供早餐和晚餐), 户外旅游等
and because of these things I believe the adventure in my education began here at Inha.” August 10 (Sat) Departure
友好大学查询方法 : http://internationalcenter.inha.ac.kr/user/internationalcenter/
If there are too many applicants, the application website may be closed earlier. 六、 仁荷大学国际处
Application will be cancelled if payment is not made by the payment deadline. 联系我们 电话 +82-32-860-7034 传真 +82-32-867-7222
Kaitlyn Taylor from Troy University, the USA
Registration cancellations received prior to the cancellation deadline may be eligible to receive a 50% 电子邮件 [email protected] 网站网址 http://summer.inha.ac.kr/
refund. Cancellations received after the stated deadline will not be eligible for a refund. 联系地址 韩国仁川广域市弥邹忽区仁荷路100仁荷大学国际交流中心
Invitation letters will be sent out after the cancellation deadline.
2 019
July 22, 2019 ~ August 9, 2019
Incheon, Korea
International Students currently enrolled at a university
Language of Instruction
Course (total 6 academic credits)
Required (2 credits) : Korean Culture Workshop
Elective (2 credits for each course) : Korean (Basic/
Intermediate/Advanced), Korea and East Asian International
Relations, Introduction to Korea and Its Culture, Introduction to
Korean Cinema, Introduction to Health and Wellness in Korea,
Introduction to the Korean Business and Economy, Reading
Korean Culture through Korean Dance, Introduction to K-Pop
Drama & its Multicultural Aspects, New Technology in Daily Life,
Learning Korean through K-Dramas
Tuition Accommodation Total
Regular USD 1,000 USD 400 USD 1,400
Early bird USD 750 USD 400 USD 1,150
(25% discount)
Students from USD 800 USD 400 USD 1,200
partner universities (20% discount)
Please apply online at <http://summer.inha.ac.kr>
Tarikh Lahir/Date of Birth : Tempat Lahir/Place of Birth : Umur/Age: No. Pasport/Passport No.:
Lelaki/Male Wanita/Female Perkahwinan/ Bujang/Single Berkahwin/Married
Gender :
Marital Status:
Bangsa/Race : Kewarganegaraan/Nationality : Agama/Religion:
Poskod/Postcode :
Pejabat/Office :
Nama Program Pengajian / Name of Academic Program: Semester Pengajian Semasa /Current Semester:
Nama Penaja (jika ada)/ Name of Sponsor (if any): Jenis Penajaan/Type of Sponsor:
Anugerah Akademik yang Diterima (jika ada) / Academic awards obtained (if any):
Tarikh Diterima/
Bil. Nama Anugerah/Name of Award Penganjur/Organiser
Date Received
Tempoh Program /
Period of Study: 1 Semester 2 Semester Lain-lain Nyatakan :
Saya mengaku semua maklumat yang diberikan adalah tepat dan benar / I hereby declare that all the information
given are true and correct.
Tandatangan/ Tarikh/
Signature : Date :
E. ULASAN PENGERUSI RANCANGAN/ Comment from Program Chaiman
G. KELULUSAN TIMBALAN NAIB CANSELOR (A&A)/ Approval from Deputy Vice Chancellor (A&I)
Pegawai dari UniMAP untuk dihubungi oleh UH /Contact Person from UniMAP :
1. Rumah/Home :
2. Pejabat/Office :
Emel/Email :
3. Tel. Bimbit/Mobile :
UNTUK DIISI OLEH UNIVERSITI HOS/To be filled by Host University
G. ULASAN DEKAN UNIVERSITI HOS/ Comment from the Dean of Host University