BROCHURE - Without Alignment
BROCHURE - Without Alignment
BROCHURE - Without Alignment
VIT University was established with the aim of providing The Department of Commerce is one of the four
quality higher education on par with International departments in the School of Social Sciences and
Standards. It persistently seeks and adopts innovative Languages, VIT University, Vellore. It has 15 faculty
methods to improve the quality of higher education on a members, who are highly qualified with rich experience
Conventional to Digital consistent basis. The campus has a cosmopolitan
atmosphere with students from all corners of the globe.
in teaching and research. Apart from offering Research
programmes, the Department offers B.Com, by rightly
Our experienced and learned teachers strongly adopting an innovative teaching-learning process called
- A Shift in Banking encourage and nurture the students. The global Curriculum for Applied Learning (CAL), as per changing
standards set at VIT in the field of teaching and requirements of the students and the industries as
A Two Day National Conference research spurs the students in their relentless pursuit of
excellence. In fact, it has become a way of life for them.
well. The Department of Commerce equips the
students with required Communication and Computer
The highly motivated youngsters on the campus are a skills through rigorous internship in order to increase
21st and 22nd April, 2017 constant source of pride. Memoranda of understanding employability and skillfulness.
with various international Universities are the major
strengths. They provide for an exchange of students ABOUT THE CONFERENCE
and faculty and encourage towards joining research
project for mutual benefit of these Universities. Many of The core objective of this conference is to encourage
our students, who pursue their research projects in budding researchers to shed light on recent shifts in
foreign Universities, bring high quality of work and the field of banking. Two days of this conference will
esteem to India and have made us proud. witness eminent presenters who will be offering their
insights on the future of banking in different paradigms
of views arising out of different arenas on varied
SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND topics. This Conference invites college students,
LANGUAGES researchers, academicians and corporate people across
India to share their thoughts and expertise, which will
The School of Social Sciences and Languages was enrich the knowledge and offer much needed visibility
Organized by formed as a separate school in the year 2009 and it on the future of Banking.
The Department of Commerce is one of the most acclaimed Humanities / Social
School of Social Sciences and Languages Sciences schools in India. The prime focus of the CONFERENCE TRACKS
VIT University, Vellore- 632014 school is to impart futuristic and supportive Banking Ombudsman
Website: education to its Students-education in subjects like Demonetization
Commerce, Economics, Ethics and values, Government Schemes in Banking
Psychology and Sociology. The school is a great Green Banking
Contact: +919894623780 learning centre of Indian and foreign languages too, Internet Banking
like Tamil, Hindi, English, French, German, Japanese,
Mobile Banking
Arabic, Russian and Chinese. The teaching and
Mutual Fund
VIT - The first and the only University in India to research of the school is broadly structured around
four departments: Commerce, Social Sciences, Offshore Banking
get 4-STAR rating from QS, the international ranking
English, and Other Languages. The school provides a Plastic Money
dynamic and inter- disciplinary environment that Point-of-Sale Transactions
facilitates teaching and research in social sciences Shadow Banking
VIT - Winner of the prestigious national award from and languages. Tele Banking
FICCI, 'University of the year' for 2016 The above List is not exhaustive
The Abstract should be in the following format:
Executive Committee
Title page: Title, Author(s), Institute(s), Contact Details
Length: 100 to 150 words
Chief Patron
Line spacing: 1.5 Inches
UG Students Rs. 500
Font: Times New Roman Dr. G. Viswanathan
Font size: Heading 14 & Text 12 PG Students Rs. 700 Founder and Chancellor
Margin: 1.5 inches on left and 1 inch on remaining sides VIT University
Ph.D. Students Rs. 800
Keywords: At least three
Academicians Rs. 1,000 Patrons
The Full Paper should be in the following format:
Title page followed by Abstract and Author(s) details Corporate Rs. 1,500
Shri. Sankar Viswanathan, Vice President
Word Limit: 2500 to 5000 words Dr. Sekar Viswanathan, Vice President
Font: Times New Roman Shri. G.V. Selvam, Vice President
Font size: Heading 14 & text 12 IMPORTANT DATES Dr. Anand A. Samuel, Vice Chancellor
Margin: 1.5 inches on left and 1 inch on remaining sides 1. Submission of abstract : 25th February, 2017 Dr. S. Narayanan, Pro-Vice Chancellor
Line spacing: 1.5 Inches Dr. V. Raju, Pro- Vice Chancellor
2. Submission of full paper : 25th March, 2017
3. Last date for Registration : 10th April, 2017 Advisor
Registration is compulsory for participation and
presentation of the papers
Dr. K. Revathi,
Paper Presentation is mandatory for publication and
certificate PUBLICATION CRITERIA Professor & Dean
In case of two or more authors, each author should Research Papers presented will be peer reviewed and School of Social Sciences & Languages
register separately and at least one of them should evaluated based on originality and relevance to the
present the paper in the conference. Conference
In a paper one author and maximum 3 co - authors are Those papers that are accepted for the Conference will
Steering Committee
only permissible. be published with ISBN number in a CD
Participants have to make their own arrangements for Select papers will be published in INTERNATIONAL Dr. N. Sundaram, Dr. D.S. Selvakumar,
their travel and stay. JOURNAL OF APPLIED BUSINESS AND Professor and Head Professor
If accommodation is required, subject to availability and ECONOMIC RESEARCH, a SCOPUS INDEXED
payment, it can be arranged on request by e- mail to JOURNAL, on additional payment by the author(s)
Dr. A.V.V.S. Subbalakshmi, Dr. M. Muthumeenakshi,
[email protected] Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
The registration for the conference can be done through MODE OF PAYMENT
only online mode.
After the registration is done through online, then ONLINE PAYMENT THROUGH OFFICIAL
e-mail the full paper to: [email protected] Student Organizers
The use of e-mail is encouraged for all further Sriram. M - Ph. D. Scholar
correspondence POSTAL ADDRESS: Cherian Thomas - Ph. D. Scholar
The registration fee covers conference kit, refreshments,
Dr. A. V. V. S. Subbalakshmi, Balachandar. R - B. Com Final Year
working lunch and a certificate of presentation.
Ravi Khetan - B. Com Final Year
Do not proceed for the payment before receiving the Assistant Professor,
acceptance of full paper.
Department of Commerce,
No refund will be provided, if payment is done
prior to the confirmation of acceptance of full School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT - A Place to Learn; A Chance to Grow
paper from the conference committee.
VIT University, Vellore- 632014