Cahier technique
no. 158
B. de Metz-Noblat F. Dumas C. Poulain
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no. 158
Calculation of short-circuit currents
Benot de METZ-NOBLAT Graduate Engineer from ESE (Ecole Suprieure dElectricit), he worked first for Saint-Gobain, then joined Schneider Electric in 1986. He is now a member of the Electrical Networks competency group that studies electrical phenomena affecting power system operation and their interaction with equipment.
Frdric DUMAS After completing a PhD in engineering at UTC (Universit de Technologie de Compigne), he joined Schneider Electric in 1993, initially developing software for electrical network calculations in the Research and Development Department. Starting in 1998, he led a research team in the field of industrial and distribution networks. Since 2003, as a project manager, he has been in charge of the technical development of electrical distribution services.
Christophe POULAIN Graduate of the ENI engineering school in Brest, he subsequented followed the special engineering programme at the ENSEEIHT institute in Toulouse and completed a PhD at the Universit Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris. He joined Schneider Electric in 1992 as a research engineer and has worked since 2003 in the Electrical Networks competency group of the Projects and Engineering Center.
Abbreviations BC MLVS Symbols A Breaking capacity. Main low voltage switchboard. Cross-sectional area of conductors. Angle between the initiation of the fault and zero voltage. Voltage factor. Power factor (in the absence of harmonics). Instantaneous electromotive force. Electromotive force (rms value). Phase angle (current with respect to voltage). Instantaneous current. Alternating sinusoidal component of the instantaneous current. Aperiodic component of the instantaneous current. Maximum current (first peak of the fault current). Current (rms value). Short-circuit breaking current (IEC 60909). Steady-state short-circuit current (IEC 60909). Initial symmetrical short-circuit current (IEC 60909). Rated current of a generator. Design current. Steady-state short-circuit current (Isc3 = three-phase, Isc2 = phase-to-phase, etc.). Factor depending on the saturation inductance of a generator. Correction factor (NF C 15-105) Correction factor for impedance (IEC 60909). Factor for calculation of the peak shortcircuit current.
Ra RL Sn Scc tmin
Equivalent resistance of the upstream network. Line resistance per unit length. Transformer kVA rating. Short-circuit power Minimum dead time for short-circuit development, often equal to the time delay of a circuit breaker. Instantaneous voltage. Transformer short-circuit voltage in %. Network phase-to-phase voltage with no load. Network nominal voltage with load. Reactance, in %, of rotating machines. Equivalent reactance of the upstream network. Line reactance per unit length. Subtransient reactance of a generator. Posititve-sequence impedance Negative-sequence impedance Zero-sequence impedance Line impedance. Network upstream impedance for a three-phase fault. Equivalent impedance of the upstream network. Generator. 3-phase short circuit. Phase-to-earth or phase-to-neutral short circuit. Phase-to-phase short circuit. Generator set with on-load tap changer. Generator set without on-load tap changer. Transformer. of a network or an element.
c cos e E
i iac idc ip
I Ib Ik Ik" Ir Is Isc
k K
1 Introduction 1.1 The main types of short-circuits 1.2 Development of the short-circuit current 1.3 Standardised Isc calculations 1.4 Methods presented in this document 1.5 Basic assumptions 2 Calculation of Isc by the impedance method 2.1 Isc depending on the different types of short-circuit 2.2 Determining the various short-circuit impedances 2.3 Relationships between impedances at the different voltage levels in an installation 2.4 Calculation example 3 Calculation of Isc values in a radial network using symmetrical components 3.1 Advantages of this method 3.2 Symmetrical components 3.3 Calculation as defined by IEC 60909 3.4 Equations for the various currents 3.5 Examples of short-circuit current calculations 4 Conclusion Bibliography p. 4 p. 5 p. 7 p. 10 p. 11 p. 11 p. 12 p. 13 p. 18 p. 19 p. 23 p. 23 p. 24 p. 27 p. 28 p. 32 p. 32
1 Introduction
Electrical installations almost always require protection against short-circuits wherever there is an electrical discontinuity. This most often corresponds to points where there is a change in conductor cross-section. The short-circuit current must be calculated at each level in the installation in view of determining the characteristics of the equipment required to withstand or break the fault current. The flow chart in Figure 1 indicates the procedure for determining the various shortcircuit currents and the resulting parameters for the different protection devices of a low-voltage installation. In order to correctly select and adjust the protection devices, the graphs in Figures 2, 3
and 4 are used. Two values of the short-circuit current must be evaluated: c The maximum short-circuit current, used to determine v The breaking capacity of the circuit breakers v The making capacity of the circuit breakers v The electrodynamic withstand capacity of the wiring system and switchgear The maximum short-circuit current corresponds to a short-circuit in the immediate vicinity of the downstream terminals of the protection device. It must be calculated accurately and used with a safety margin. c The minimum short-circuit current, essential when selecting the time-current curve for circuit breakers and fuses, in particular when
Upstream Ssc
HV / LV transformer rating
usc (%)
Main LV switchboard ST and inst. trip setting distribution circuit breakers Breaking capacity
Secondary distribution ST and inst. trip setting circuit breakers Breaking capacity
Load rating
at end of final outgoers
Fig. 1 : Short-circuit (Isc) calculation procedure when designing a low-voltage electrical installation (ST = short time; Inst. = instantaneous)
v Cables are long and/or the source impedance is relatively high (generators, UPSs) v Protection of life depends on circuit breaker or fuse operation, essentially the case for TN and IT electrical systems Note that the minimum short-circuit current corresponds to a short-circuit at the end of the protected line, generally phase-to-earth for LV and phase-to-phase for HV (neutral not distributed), under the least severe operating conditions (fault at the end of a feeder and not just downstream from a protection device, one transformer in service when two can be connected, etc.). Note also that whatever the case, for whatever type of short-circuit current (minimum or maximum), the protection device must clear the short-circuit within a time tc that is compatible with the thermal stresses that can be withstood by the protected cable:
where A is the cross-sectional area of the conductors and k is a constant calculated on the basis of different correction factors for the cable installation method, contiguous circuits, etc. Further practical information may be found in the Electrical Installation Guide published by Schneider Electric (see the bibliography).
Design current
Transient overload
IB Ir Iz
t 1 2
Isc BC (tri)
I2t = k2S2
Furse time-current curve Transient overload
Fig. 2 : The characteristics of a conductor depending on the ambient temperature (1 and 2 represent the rms value of the current in the conductor at different temperatures 1 and 2, with 1 > 2; Iz being the limit of the permissible current under steady-state conditions).
v Insulation breakdown due to heat, humidity or a corrosive environment c Location (inside or outside a machine or an electrical switchboard) Short-circuits can be: c Phase-to-earth (80% of faults) c Phase-to-phase (15% of faults). This type of fault often degenerates into a three phase fault c Three-phase (only 5% of initial faults) These different short-circuit currents are presented in Figure 5 . Consequences of short-circuits The consequences are variable depending on the type and the duration of the fault, the point in the installation where the fault occurs and the short-circuit power. Consequences include: c At the fault location, the presence of electrical arcs, resulting in v Damage to insulation v Welding of conductors
v Fire and danger to life c On the faulty circuit v Electrodynamic forces, resulting in - Deformation of the busbars - Disconnection of cables v Excessive temperature rise due to an increase in Joule losses, with the risk of damage to insulation c On other circuits in the network or in near-by networks v Voltage dips during the time required to clear the fault, ranging from a few milliseconds to a few hundred milliseconds v Shutdown of a part of the network, the extent of that part depending on the design of the network and the discrimination levels offered by the protection devices v Dynamic instability and/or the loss of machine synchronisation v Disturbances in control / monitoring circuits v etc.
a) Three-phase short-circuit
L3 L2 L1
" Ik3
" Ik2
c) Phase-to-phase-to-earth short-circuit
L3 L2 L1
" Ik2EL3 " IkE2E " Ik2EL2
d) Phase-to-earth short-circuit
L3 L2 L1
" Ik1
Fig. 5 : Different types of short-circuits and their currents. The direction of current is chosen arbitrarily (See IEC 60909).
cos =
Fault far from the generator This is the most frequent situation. The transient conditions are those resulting from the application of a voltage to a reactor-resistance circuit. This voltage is: e = E 2 sin (t + ) Current i is then the sum of the two components: i = iac + idc c The first (iac) is alternating and sinusoidal iac = 2 sin (t + )
E , Zsc
In power distribution networks, reactance X = L is normally much greater than resistance R and
where I =
= angle characterising the difference between the initiation of the fault and zero voltage. c The second (idc) is an aperiodic component
. Its initial value depends on a and its decay rate is proportional to R / L. At the initiation of the short-circuit, i is equal to zero by definition (the design current Is is negligible), hence: i = iac + idc = 0 Figure 7 shows the graphical composition of i as the algebraic sum of its two components iac and idc idc = - 2 sin ( ) e
R t L
A Zsc
iac = I sin (t + )
idc = - I sin ( ) e
R t L
t - Fault initiation
i = iac + idc
Fig. 7 : Graphical presentation and decomposition of a short-circuit current occuring far from the generator.
a) Symmetrical
The moment the fault occurs or the moment of closing, with respect to the network voltage, is characterised by its closing angle a (occurrence of the fault). The voltage can therefore be expressed as: u = E 2 . sin (t + ) . The current therefore develops as follows:
R t E 2 sin (t + - ) - sin ( - ) e L Z with its two components, one being alternating with a shift equal to with respect to the voltage and the second aperiodic and decaying to zero as t tends to infinity. Hence the two extreme cases defined by:
i =
c = 0, said to be asymmetrical (or unbalanced) (see Fig. b ) The fault current can be defined by:
R t E 2 sin (t - ) + sin e L Z Its initial peak value ip therefore depends on on the R / X cos ratio of the circuit.
i =
Fig. 8 : Graphical presentation of the two extreme cases (symmetrical and asymmetrical) for a short-circuit current .
Figure 8 illustrates the two extreme cases for the development of a short-circuit current, presented, for the sake of simplicity, with a single-phase, alternating voltage. The factor e L is inversely proportional to the aperiodic component damping, determined by the R / L or R / X ratios. The value of ip must therefore be calculated to determine the making capacity of the required circuit breakers and to define the electrodynamic forces that the installation as a whole must be capable of withstanding. Its value may be deduced from the rms value of the symmetrical short-circuit current a using the equation: ip = . r . Ia, where the coefficient is indicated by the curve in Figure 9 , as a function of the ratio R / X or R / L, corresponding to the expression:
R t
The transient current-development conditions are in this case modified by the variation in the electromotive force resulting from the shortcircuit. For simplicity, the electromotive force is assumed to be constant and the internal reactance of the machine variable. The reactance develops in three stages: c Subtransient (the first 10 to 20 milliseconds of the fault) c Transient (up to 500 milliseconds) c Steady-state (or synchronous reactance)
2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 R/X
= 1.02 + 0.98 e
Fault near the generator When the fault occurs in the immediate vicinity of the generator supplying the circuit, the variation in the impedance of the generator, in this case the dominant impedance, damps the short-circuit current.
Note that in the indicated order, the reactance acquires a higher value at each stage, i.e. the subtransient reactance is less than the transient reactance, itself less than the synchronous reactance. The successive effect of the three reactances leads to a gradual reduction in the short-circuit current which is the sum of four components (see Fig. 10 ):
c The three alternating components (subtransient, transient and steady-state) c The aperiodic component resulting from the development of the current in the circuit (inductive) This short-circuit current i(t) is maximum for a closing angle corresponding to the zero-crossing of the voltage at the instant the fault occurs.
a) 0
t (s)
b) 0
t (s)
c) 0
t (s)
t (s)
t (s)
Fig. 10 : Total short-circuit current isc (e), and contribution of its components: a) subtransient reactance = Xd b) transient reactance = Xd c) synchronous reactance = Xd d) aperiodic component. Note that the decrease in the generator reactance is faster than that of the aperiodic component. This is a rare situation that can cause saturation of the magnetic circuits and interruption problems because several periods occur before the current passes through zero.
1 '' ' 1 t / Td 1 1 t / Td 1 E 2 i( t) = E 2 '' ' e + ' cos t '' e t / Ta + e Xd Xd X d X d Xd Xd c In LV power distribution and in HV applications, Where: however, the transient short-circuit current is often E: Phase-to-neutral rms voltage across the used if breaking occurs before the steady-state generator terminals stage, in which case it becomes useful to use the X" : Subtransient reactance d short-circuit breaking current, denoted Ib, which X'd: Transient reactance determines the breaking capacity of the timeXd: Synchronous (steady-state) reactance delayed circuit breakers. Ib is the value of the T" : Subtransient time constant d short-circuit current at the moment interruption is T' : Transient time constant d effective, i.e. following a time t after the beginning Ta: Aperiodic time constant of the short-circuit, where t = tmin. Time tmin (minimum time delay) is the sum of the minimum Practically speaking, information on the operating time of a protection relay and the shortest development of the short-circuit current is not opening time of the associated circuit breaker, i.e. essential: the shortest time between the appearance of the c In a LV installation, due to the speed of the short-circuit current and the initial separation of the breaking devices, the value of the subtransient pole contacts on the switching device. short-circuit current, denoted I"k , and of the Figure 11 presents the various currents of the maximum asymmetrical peak amplitude ip is short-circuits defined above. sufficient when determining the breaking capacities
of the protection devices and the electrodynamic forces
i Symmetrical
2rI" k
ip 2rIk
Isc =
Un . 3 (Z)
All the characteristics of the various elements in the fault loop must be known (sources and wiring systems). v The composition method, which may be used when the characteristics of the power supply are not known. The upstream impedance of the given circuit is calculated on the basis of an
estimate of the short-circuit current at its origin. Power factor cos R / X is assumed to be identical at the origin of the circuit and the fault location. In other words, it is assumed that the elementary impedances of two successive sections in the installation are sufficiently similar in their characteristics to justify the replacement of vectorial addition of the impedances by algebraic addition. This approximation may be used to calculate the value of the short-circuit current modulus with sufficient accuracy for the addition of a circuit. v The conventional method, which can be used when the impedances or the Isc in the installation upstream of the given circuit are not known, to calculate the minimum short-circuit currents and the fault currents at the end of a line. It is based on the assumption that the voltage at the circuit origin is equal to 80% of the rated voltage of the installation during the shortcircuit or the fault. Conductor reactance is neglected for sizes under 150 mm2. It is taken into account for large
sizes by increasing the resistance 15% for 150 mm2, 20% for 185 mm2, 25% for 240 mm2 and 30% for 300 mm2. This method is used essentially for final circuits with origins sufficiently far from the source. It is not applicable in installations supplied by a generator. c Standard IEC 60909 (VDE 0102) applies to all networks, radial or meshed, up to 550 kV. This method, based on the Thevenin theorem, calculates an equivalent voltage source at the short-circuit location and then determines the corresponding short-circuit current. All network feeders as well as the synchronous and asynchronous machines are replaced in the calculation by their impedances (positive sequence, negative-sequence and zerosequence). All line capacitances and the parallel admittances of non-rotating loads, except those of the zero-sequence system, are neglected.
fault, i.e. the impedances of the power sources and the lines (see Fig. 12 ). This is, in fact, the positive-sequence impedance per phase: Zsc = R
sc 3 =
+ X
Three-phase fault
ZL Zsc
sc 3 =
U/ 3 Zsc
Phase-to-phase fault
U 2 . Zsc
U ZL Zsc
sc 2 =
Phase-to-neutral fault
U/ 3 Zsc + ZLn
sc1 =
Phase-to-earth fault
V Zo Zo
sc o =
U/ 3 Zsc + Z o
Phase-to-phase short-circuit clear of earth This is a fault between two phases, supplied with a phase-to-phase voltage U. In this case, the short-circuit current Isc2 is less than that of a three-phase fault:
sc 2 =
U = 2 Zsc
3 sc 3 0.86 sc 3 2
In certain special cases of phase-to-neutral faults, the zero-sequence impedance of the source is less than Zsc (for example, at the terminals of a star-zigzag connected transformer or of a generator under subtransient conditions). In this case, the phase-to-neutral fault current may be greater than that of a three-phase fault. Phase-to-earth fault (one or two phases) This type of fault brings the zero-sequence impedance Zo into play. Except when rotating machines are involved (reduced zero-sequence impedance), the shortcircuit current Isco is less than that of a three phase fault. Calculation of Isco may be necessary, depending on the neutral system (system earthing arrangement), in view of defining the setting thresholds for the zero-sequence (HV) or earthfault (LV) protection devices. Figure 12 shows the various short-circuit currents.
For a fault occuring near rotating machines, the impedance of the machines is such that Isc2 is close to Isc3. Phase-to-neutral short-circuit clear of earth This is a fault between one phase and the neutral, supplied with a phase-to-neutral voltage
sc1 =
U/ 3 Zsc + ZLn
Rup 1 - Zup
2 Therefore, for 20 kV, Xup 2 = 1 - (0.2) = 0.980 Zup Xup = 0.980 Zup at 20kV, hence the approximation Xup Zup . c Internal transformer impedance The impedance may be calculated on the basis of the short-circuit voltage usc expressed as a percentage: u U2 , 3 Z T = sc 100 Sn U = no-load phase-to-phase voltage of the transformer; Sn = transformer kVA rating; usc = voltage that must be applied to the 100 primary winding of the transformer for the rated current to flow through the secondary winding, when the LV secondary terminals are shortcircuited. For public distribution MV / LV transformers, the values of usc have been set by the European Harmonisation document HD 428-1S1 issued in October 1992 (see Fig. 13 ) .
Zup =
630 4
800 4.5
1,000 5
1,250 5.5
1,600 6
2,000 7
Note that the accuracy of values has a direct influence on the calculation of Isc in that an error of x % for usc produces an equivalent error (x %) for ZT. 4 In general, RT << XT , in the order of 0.2 XT, and the internal transformer impedance may be considered comparable to reactance XT. For low power levels, however, calculation of ZT is required because the ratio RT / XT is higher. The resistance is calculated using the joule losses (W) in the windings: W W = 3 RT n2 RT = 3 n2 Notes: 5 v When n identically-rated transformers are connected in parallel, their internal impedance values, as well as the resistance and reactance values, must be divided by n v Particular attention must be paid to special transformers, for example, the transformers for rectifier units have Usc values of up to 10 to 12% in order to limit short-circuit currents. When the impedance upstream of the transformer and the transformer internal impedance are taken into account, the shortcircuit current may be expressed as:
100 Sn
Figure 14 indicates the level of conservative error in the calculation of Isc, due to the fact that the upstream impedance is neglected. The figure demonstrates clearly that it is possible to neglect the upstream impedance for networks where the short-circuit power Ssc is much higher than the transformer kVA rating Sn. For example, when Ssc / Sn = 300, the error is approximately 5%. c Line impedance The line impedance ZL depends on the resistance per unit length, the reactance per unit length and the length of the line. v The resistance per unit length of overhead lines, cables and busbars is calculated as where A S = cross-sectional area of the conductor; = conductor resistivity, however the value used varies, depending on the calculated short-circuit current (minimum or maximum). 6 The table in Figure 15 provides values for each of the above-mentioned cases. Practically speaking, for LV and conductors with cross-sectional areas less than 150 mm2, only the resistance is taken into account (RL < 0.15 m / m when A > 150 mm2). v The reactance per unit length of overhead lines, cables and busbars may be calculated as d XL = L = 15.7 + 144.44 Log r RL =
sc =
U 3 (Zup + Z T )
Initially, Zup and ZT may be considered comparable to their respective reactances. The short-circuit impedance Zsc is therefore equal to the algebraic sum of the two. The upstream network impedance may be neglected, in which case the new current value is: U ' sc = 3 ZT
(%) 12 10 Ssc = 500 MVA 5 Ssc = 250 MVA
0 500
Sn (kVA)
Fig. 14 : Resultant error in the calculation of the short-circuit current when the upstream network impedance Zup is neglected.
expressed as m / km for a single-phase or three-phase delta cable system, where (in mm): r = radius of the conducting cores; d = average distance between conductors. NB : Above, Log = decimal logarithm. For overhead lines, the reactance increases slightly in proportion to the distance between d conductors (Log ), and therefore in t proportion to the operating voltage. 7 the following average values are to be used: X = 0.3 / km (LV lines); X = 0.4 / km (MV or HV lines). Figure 16 shows the various reactance values for conductors in LV applications, depending on the wiring system (practical values drawn from French standards, also used in other European countries). The following average values are to be used: - 0.08 m / m for a three-phase cable ( and, for HV applications, between 0.1 and 0.15 m / m. ),
9 - 0.15 m / m as a typical value for busbars ( ) and spaced, single-conductor cables ) ; For sandwiched-phase busbars ( (e.g. Canalis - Telemecanique), the reactance is considerably lower. Notes : v The impedance of the short lines between the distribution point and the HV / LV transformer may be neglected. This assumption gives a conservative error concerning the short-circuit current. The error increases in proportion to the transformer rating v The cable capacitance with respect to the earth (common mode), which is 10 to 20 times greater than that between the lines, must be taken into account for earth faults. Generally speaking, the capacitance of a HV three-phase cable with a cross-sectional area of 120 mm2 is in the order
Resistitivity (*)
Resistivity value ( mm2/m) Copper Aluminium 0.02941 0.044 0.037 0,037 0.037 0.037 0.01851 0.028 0.023 0,023 0.023 0.023
Concerned conductors
Max. short-circuit current Min. short-circuit current c With fuse c With breaker Fault current for TN and IT systems Voltage drop Overcurrent for thermal-stress checks on protective conductors
(*) 0 = resistivity of conductors at 20C = 0.01851 mm2/m for copper and 0.02941 mm2/m for aluminium. (**) N, the cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor, is less than that of the phase conductor.
Fig. 15 : Conductor resistivity values to be taken into account depending on the calculated short-circuit current (minimum or maximum). See UTE C 15-105.
Wiring system
Three-phase Spaced single-core Touching single 3 touching cable cables core cables (triangle) cables (flat)
Reactance per unit length, values recommended in UTE C 15-105 (m/m) Average reactance per unit length values (m/m) Extreme reactance per unit length values (m/m) 0.15 0.08 0.13 0.08 0.09
of 1 F / km, however the capacitive current remains low, in the order of 5 A / km at 20 kV. c The reactance or resistance of the lines may be neglected. If one of the values, RL or XL, is low with respect to the other, it may be neglected because the resulting error for impedance ZL is consequently very low. For example, if the ratio between RL and XL is 3, the error in ZL is 5.1%. The curves for RL and XL (see Fig. 17 ) may be used to deduce the cable cross-sectional areas for which the impedance may be considered comparable to the resistance or to the reactance. Examples : v First case: Consider a three-phase cable, at 20C, with copper conductors. Their reactance is 0.08 m / m. The RL and XL curves (see Fig. 17) indicate that impedance ZL approaches two asymptotes, RL for low cable cross-sectional areas and XL = 0.08 m / m for high cable cross-sectional areas. For the low and high cable cross-sectional areas, the impedance ZL curve may be considered identical to the asymptotes. The given cable impedance is therefore considered, with a margin of error less than 5.1%, comparable to: - A resistance for cable cross-sectional areas less than 74 mm2
- A reactance for cable cross-sectional areas greater than 660 mm2 v Second case: Consider a three-phase cable, at 20 C, with aluminium conductors. As above, the impedance ZL curve may be considered identical to the asymptotes, but for cable crosssectional areas less than 120 mm2 and greater than 1,000 mm2 (curves not shown) Impedance of rotating machines. c Synchronous generators The impedances of machines are generally expressed as a percentage, for example:
x In = (where x is the equivalent of the 100 Isc
transformer usc).
x U2 where 100 Sn U = no-load phase-to-phase voltage of the generator, Sn = generator VA rating. 11 What is more, given that the value of R / X is low, in the order of 0.05 to 0.1 for MV and 0.1 to 0.2 for LV, impedance Z may be considered comparable to reactance X. Values for x are given in the table in Figure 18 for turbogenerators with smooth rotors and for hydraulic generators with salient poles (low speeds). In the table, it may seem surprising to see that the synchronous reactance for a shortcircuit exceeds 100% (at that point in time, Isc < In) . However, the short-circuit current is essentially inductive and calls on all the reactive power that the field system, even over-excited, can supply, whereas the rated current essentially carries the active power supplied by the turbine (cos from 0.8 to 1). c Synchronous compensators and motors The reaction of these machines during a shortcircuit is similar to that of generators. 12 They produce a current in the network that depends on their reactance in % (see Fig. 19 ). c Asynchronous motors When an asynchronous motor is cut from the network, it maintains a voltage across its terminals that disappears within a few hundredths of a second. When a short-circuit occurs across the terminals, the motor supplies a current that disappears even more rapidly, according to time constants in the order of:
Consider: 10 Z =
m/m 1 0.8
v 20 ms for single-cage motors up to 100 kW v 30 ms for double-cage motors and motors above 100 kW v 30 to 100 ms for very large HV slipring motors (1,000 kW) In the event of a short-circuit, an asynchronous motor is therefore a generator to which an impedance (subtransient only) of 20 to 25% is attributed. Consequently, the large number of LV motors, with low individual outputs, present on industrial sites may be a source of difficulties in that it is not easy to foresee the average number of motors running that will contribute to the fault when a short-circuit occurs. Individual calculation of the reverse current for each motor, taking into account the line impedance, is therefore a tedious and futile task. Common practice, notably in the United States, is to take into account the combined contribution to the fault current of all the asynchronous LV motors in an installation.
It follows that when calculating the maximum short-circuit current, capacitor banks do not need to be taken into account. However, they must nonetheless be considered when selecting the type of circuit breaker. During opening, capacitor banks significantly reduce the circuit frequency and thus affect current interruption. c Switchgear
14 Certain devices (circuit breakers, contactors with blow-out coils, direct thermal relays, etc.) have an impedance that must be taken into account, for the calculation of Isc, when such a device is located upstream of the device intended to break the given short-circuit and remain closed (selective circuit breakers).
13 They are therefore thought of as a unique source, capable of supplying to the busbars a current equal to Istart/Ir times the sum of the rated currents of all installed motors.
Other impedances. c Capacitors A shunt capacitor bank located near the fault location will discharge, thus increasing the shortcircuit current. This damped oscillatory discharge is characterised by a high initial peak value that is superposed on the initial peak of the shortcircuit current, even though its frequency is far greater than that of the network. Depending on the timing between the initiation of the fault and the voltage wave, two extreme cases must be considered: v If the initiation of the fault coincides with zero voltage, the short-circuit discharge current is asymmetrical, with a maximum initial amplitude peak v Conversely, if the initiation of the fault coincides with maximum voltage, the discharge current superposes itself on the initial peak of the fault current, which, because it is symmetrical, has a low value It is therefore unlikely, except for very powerful capacitor banks, that superposition will result in an initial peak higher than the peak current of an asymmetrical fault.
15 For LV circuit breakers, for example, a reactance value of 0.15 m is typical, while the resistance is negligible. For breaking devices, a distinction must be made depending on the speed of opening: v Certain devices open very quickly and thus significantly reduce short-circuit currents. This is the case for fast-acting, limiting circuit breakers and the resultant level of electrodynamic forces and thermal stresses, for the part of the installation concerned, remains far below the theoretical maximum v Other devices, such as time-delayed circuit breakers, do not offer this advantage c Fault arc The short-circuit current often flows through an arc at the fault location. The resistance of the arc is considerable and highly variable. The voltage drop over a fault arc can range from 100 to 300 V. For HV applications, this drop is negligible with respect to the network voltage and the arc has no effect on reducing the short-circuit current. For LV applications, however, the actual fault current when an arc occurs is limited to a much lower level than that calculated (bolted, solid fault), because the voltage is much lower.
16 For example, the arc resulting from a shortcircuit between conductors or busbars may reduce the prospective short-circuit current by 20 to 50% and sometimes by even more than 50% for nominal voltages under 440 V. However, this phenomenon, highly favourable in the LV field and which occurs for 90% of faults, may not be taken into account when determining the breaking capacity because 10% of faults take place during closing of a device, producing a solid
Transient reactance 25 50 40
fault without an arc. This phenomenon should, however, be taken into account for the calculation of the minimum short-circuit current. c Various impedances Other elements may add non-negligible impedances. This is the case for harmonics
U2 Zsc This means of expressing the short-circuit power implies that Ssc is invariable at a given point in the network, whatever the voltage. And the equation
U implies that all impedances 3 Zsc must be calculated with respect to the voltage at the fault location, which leads to certain complications that often produce errors in calculations for networks with two or more voltage levels. For example, the impedance of a HV line must be multiplied by the square of the reciprocal of the transformation ratio, when calculating a fault on the LV side of the transformer:
sc 3 =
A simple means of avoiding these difficulties is the relative impedance method proposed by H. Rich.
Calculation of the relative impedances This is a calculation method used to establish a relationship between the impedances at the different voltage levels in an electrical installation. This method proposes dividing the impedances (in ohms) by the square of the network line-toline voltage (in volts) at the point where the impedances exist. The impedances therefore become relative (ZR). c For overhead lines and cables, the relative resistances and reactances are defined as:
R X and XCR = 2 with R and X in 2 U U ohms and U in volts. c For transformers, the impedance is expressed on the basis of their short-circuit voltages usc and their kVA rating Sn: RCR = 1 usc Sn 100 c For rotating machines, the equation is identical, with x representing the impedance Z TR =
filters and inductors used to limit the short-circuit current. They must, of course, be included in calculations, as well as wound-primary type current transformers for which the impedance values vary depending on the rating and the type of construction. expressed in %.
ZMR = 1 x Sn 100 c For the system as a whole, after having calculated all the relative impedances, the shortcircuit power may be expressed as:
Ssc =
sc =
Ssc = 3 U
3 U
ZR is the composed vector sum of all the impedances related to elements upstream of the fault. It is therefore the relative impedance of the upstream network as seen from a point at U voltage. Hence, Ssc is the short-circuit power, in VA, at a point where voltage is U. For example, if we consider the simplified diagram of Figure 20 :
At point A, Ssc = ULV 2
+ ZL
Hence, Ssc =
1 ZT ZL + UHV 2 ULV 2
2.4 Calculation example (with the impedances of the power sources, the upstream network and the power supply transformers as well as those of the electrical lines)
Problem Consider a 20 kV network that supplies a HV / LV substation via a 2 km overhead line, and a 1 MVA generator that supplies in parallel the busbars of the same substation. Two 1,000 kVA parallel-connected transformers supply the LV busbars which in turn supply 20 outgoers to 20 motors, including the one supplying motor M. All motors are rated 50 kW, all connection cables are identical and all motors are running when the fault occurs. The Isc3 and ip values must be calculated at the various fault locations indicated in the network diagram (see Fig. 21 ), that is: c Point A on the HV busbars, with a negligible impedance c Point B on the LV busbars, at a distance of 10 meters from the transformers c Point C on the busbars of an LV subdistribution board c Point D at the terminals of motor M Then the reverse current of the motors must be calculated at C and B, then at D and A.
Upstream network U1 = 20 kV Ssc = 500 MVA Overhead line 3 cables, 50 mm2, copper length = 2 km Generator 1 MVA xsubt = 15% 2 transformers 1,000 kVA secondary winding 237/410 V usc = 5%
3L G A
Main LV switchboard 3 bars, 400 mm2/ph, copper length = 10 m Cable 1 3 single-core cables, 400 mm2, aluminium, spaced, laid flat, length = 80 m LV sub-distribution board neglecting the length of the busbars
10 m
In this example, reactances X and resistances R are calculated with their respective voltages in
the installation (see Figure 22 ). The relative impedance method is not used.
(the circled numbers X indicate where explanations may be found in the preceding text) 20 kV 1. upstream network Zup = 20 x 103 X () R ()
/ 500 x 106
1 2
0.78 0.15
Xc o = 0.4 x 2
Rc o = 0.018 x 2, 000 50
7 6
0.8 0.72
3. generator
10 11
60 6 X (m) R (m)
RG = 0.1 X G
R T = 0.2 X T
410 V 5. circuit-breaker 6. busbars (one 400 mm2 bar per phase) Fault B 7. circuit-breaker 8. cable 1 (one 400 mm2 cable per phase) Fault C 9. circuit-breaker 10. cable 2 (35 mm2)
X cb = 0.15
XB = 0.15 x 10-3 x 10
9 6
RB = 0.023 x
10 400
X cb = 0.15
Xc1 = 0.15 x 10
x 80
80 = 0.036 x 400
X cb = 0.15
Xc 2 = 0.09 x 10 3 x 30
2.7 19.3
Rc 2 = 0.023 x
Fault D 11. motor 50 kW Xm =
30 35
605 121
Rm = 0.2 Xm
I - Fault at A (HV busbars) Elements concerned: 1, 2, 3. The network + overhead line impedance is parallel to that of the generator, however the latter is much greater and may be neglected: X A = 0.78 + 0.8 1.58 RA = 0.15 + 0.72 0.87 ZA = R2 + X 2 1.80 hence A A
RC = (RB + 7.2) 10-3 = 9.0 m These values make clear the importance of Isc limitation due to the cables. ZC =
2 2 RC + XC = 20.7 m
C =
20 x 103 6,415 A 3 x 1.80 IA is the steady-state Isc and for the purposes of calculating the peak asymmetrical IpA:
A =
RA = 0.55 hence = 1.2 on the curve in XA figure 9 and therefore ipA is equal to:
1.2 x 2 x 6,415 = 10,887 A .
IV - Fault at D (LV motor) [Elements concerned: (1, 2, 3) + (4, 5, 6) + (7, 8) + (9, 10)] The reactances and the resistances of the circuit breaker and the cables must be added to XC and RC. XD = (XC + 0.15 + 2.7) 10-3 = 21.52 m and RD = (RC + 19.2) 10-3 = 28.2 m ZD = D =
2 2 RD + XD = 35.5 m
II - Fault at B (main LV switchboard busbars) [Elements concerned: (1, 2, 3) + (4, 5, 6)] The reactances X and resistances R calculated for the HV section must be recalculated for the LV network via multiplication by the square of the voltage ratio 17 , i.e.:
XB = 6.51 m and
RB = 1.77 m These calculations make clear, firstly, the low importance of the HV upstream reactance, with respect to the reactances of the two parallel transformers, and secondly, the non-negligible impedance of the 10 meter long, LV busbars. ZB = B =
2 2 RB + XB = 6.75 m
1.04 x 2 x 6,700 9,900 A As each level in the calculations makes clear, the impact of the circuit breakers is negligible compared to that of the other elements in the network.
V - Reverse currents of the motors It is often faster to simply consider the motors as independent generators, injecting into the fault a reverse current that is superimposed on the network fault current. c Fault at C The current produced by the motor may be calculated on the basis of the motor + cable impedance:
What is more, if the fault arc is taken into account (see c fault arc section 16 ), IB is reduced to a maximum value of 28,000 A and a minimum value of 17,500 A . III - Fault at C (busbars of LV sub-distribution board) [Elements concerned: (1, 2, 3) + (4, 5, 6) + (7, 8)] The reactances and the resistances of the circuit breaker and the cables must be added to X B and RB. XC = (XB + 0.15 + 12) 10-3 = 18.67 m and
For the 20 motors MC = 7, 580 A . Instead of making the above calculations, it is possible (see 13 ) to estimate the current injected by all the motors as being equal to (Istart / Ir) times their rated current (98 A), i.e. (4.8 x 98) x 20 = 9,400 A.
This estimate therefore provides conservative protection with respect to IMC : 7,580 A. On the basis of R / X = 0.23 = 1.51 and ipMC = 1.51 2 7, 580 = 16,200 A Consequently, the short-circuit current (subtransient) on the LV busbars increases from 11,400 A to 19,000 A and ipC from 20,200 A to 36,400 A. c Fault at D The impedance to be taken into account is 1 / 19th of ZM (19 parallel motors), plus that of the cable.
XMD 608 = + 2.7 10-3 = 34.7 m 19
switchboard increases from 35,070 A to 42,510 A and the peak ipB from 72,400 A to 88,200 A. However, as mentioned above, if the fault arc is taken into account, IB is reduced between 21.3 to 34 kA. c Fault at A (HV side) Rather than calculating the equivalent impedances, it is easier to estimate (conservatively) the reverse current of the motors at A by multiplying the value at B by the LV / HV transformation value 17 , i.e.:
This figure, compared to the 6,415 A calculated previously, is negligible Rough calculation of the fault at D This calculation makes use of all the approximations mentioned above (notably 15 and 16 .
giving a total at D of: 6,700 + 5,400 = 12,100 A rms, and ipD 18,450 A. c Fault at B As for the fault at C, the current produced by the motor may be calculated on the basis of the motor + cable impedance:
= R'D
XM = (605 + 2.7 + 12) 10-3 = 620 m RM = (121 + 19.3 + 7.2) 10-3 147.5 m
ZM = 637 m hence 410 372 A 3 637 103
IM =
2 x 7,430 10,500 A .
To find the peak asymmetrical ipDtotal, the above value must be increased by the contribution of the energised motors at the time of the fault A
For the 20 motors IMB = 7,440 A. Again, it is possible to estimate the current injected by all the motors as being equal to 4.8 times their rated current (98 A), i.e. 9,400 A. The approximation again overestimates the real value of IMB. Using the fact that R / X = 0.24 = = 1.5 ipMB = 1.5 2 7, 440 = 15,800 A . Taking the motors into account, the short-circuit current (subtransient) on the main LV
a = e
2 3
= -
1 3 between I 1, I 2, + j 2 2
and I 3 . This principle, applied to a current system, is confirmed by a graphical representation (see fig. 23). For example, the graphical addition of the vectors produces, for, the following result:
Positive-sequence I3(1)
Zero-sequence I1(0)
I3 I1(2)
I3(2) I1
I2(0) I3(0)
a2 I1(2)
Geometric construction of I1
I1(1) I1(1) I3
I1(2) I1(0)
a2 I1(1)
Fig. 23 : Graphical construction of the sum of three balanced three-phase systems (positive-sequence, negative-sequence and zero-sequence).
These symmetrical current components are related to the symmetrical voltage components by the corresponding impedances:
Elements Transformer (seen from secondary winding) No neutral Yyn or Zyn Dyn or YNyn Dzn or Yzn Machine Synchronous Asynchronous Line free flux forced flux
Z (1) =
, Z (2) =
and Z (0) =
These impedances may be defined from the characteristics (supplied by the manufacturers) of the various elements in the given electrical network. Among these characteristics, we can note that Z(2) Z(1), except for rotating machines, whereas Z(0) varies depending on each element (see Fig. 24 ). For further information on this subject, a detailed presentation of this method for calculating solid and impedance fault currents is contained in the Cahier Technique n 18 (see the appended bibliography).
Voltage factor c for calculation of Isc max. Isc min. 1.05 1.1 1.1 0.95 0.95 1
I" = k3
c Un 3 Z(1)
I" = k3
c Un 3 Z(1)
In both cases, the short-circuit current depends only on Z(1). which is generally replaced by Zk the short-circuit impedance at the fault location, defined by Zk = Rk is the sum of the resistances of one phase, connected in series; Xk is the sum of the reactances of one phase, connected in series. Phase-to-phase clear of earth (Ze = )
Rk 2 + Xk 2 where:
I" = k2
c Un Z(1) + Z( 2)
I" = k2
c Un 2 Z (1)
I" = k1
c Un 3 Z(1) + Z( 2) + Z(0)
I" = k1
c Un 3 2 Z(1) + Z(0)
I" = kE2E
I" = kE2E
c Un 3 Z(1) + 2 Z(0)
Z c Un (0) a Z(1) Z(1) + 2 Z(0) Z c Un (0) a 2 Z(1) Z(1) + 2 Z(0)
= I" k2EL2
Symbol used in this table:
= I" k2EL3
c phase-to-phase rms voltage of the three-pase network = Un c modulus of the short-circuit current = I"k c symmetrical impedances = Z(1) , Z(2) , Z(0)
Fig. 26 : Short-circuit values depending on the impedances of the given network (see IEC 60909).
The main differences between these two cases are: c For short-circuits far from the generator v The initial (I" ), steady-state (Ik) and breaking k (Ib) short-circuit currents are equal (I"k = Ik = Ib) v The positive-sequence (Z(1)) and negative sequence (Z(2)) impedances are equal (Z(1) = Z(2)) Note however that asynchronous motors may also add to a short-circuit, accounting for up to 30% of the network Isc for the first 30 milliseconds, in which case I"k = Ik = Ib no longer holds true. Conditions to consider when calculating the maximum and minimum short-circuit currents c Calculation of the maximum short-circuit currents must take into account the following points v Application of the correct voltage factor c corresponding to calculation of the maximum short-circuit currents v Among the assumptions and approximations mentioned in this document, only those leading to a conservative error should be used
v The resistances per unit length RL of lines (overhead lines, cables, phase and neutral conductors) should be calculated for a temperature of 20 C c Calculation of the minimum short-circuit currents requires v Applying the voltage factor c corresponding to the minimum permissible voltage on the network v Selecting the network configuration, and in some cases the minimum contribution from sources and network feeders, which result in the lowest short-circuit current at the fault location v Taking into account the impedance of the busbars, the current transformers, etc. v Considering resistances RL at the highest foreseeable temperature 0.004 RL = 1 + (e - 20 C) x RL20 C where RL20 is the resistance at 20 C; e is the permissible temperature (C) for the conductor at the end of the short-circuit. The factor 0.004 / C is valid for copper, aluminium and aluminium alloys.
Impedance correction factors Impedance-correction factors were included in IEC 60909 to meet requirements in terms of technical accuracy and simplicity when calculating short-circuit currents. The various factors, presented here, must be applied to the short-circuit impedances of certain elements in the distribution system. c Factor KT for distribution transformers with two or three windings Z TK = K T Z T K T = 0.95 Cmax 1+ 0.6x T
The impedance of a power station unit with an on-load tap-changer is calculated by:
2 ZS = K S tr ZG + Z THV
and tr =
ZS is used to calculate the short-circuit current for a fault outside the power station unit with an on-load tap-changer. The impedance of a power station unit without an on-load tap-changer is calculated by:
2 ZSO = K SO tr ZG + Z THV
xT = XT
2 UrT
and cmax is the voltage factor related to the nominal voltage of the network connected to the low-voltage side of the network transformer. The impedance correction factor must also be applied to the transformer negative-sequence and zero-sequence impedances when calculating unbalanced short-circuit currents. Impedances ZN between the transformer starpoints and earth must be introduced as 3ZN in the zero-sequence system without a correction factor. c Factors KG and KS or KSO are introduced when calculating the short-circuit impedances of generators and power station units (with or without on-load tap-changers) The subtransient impedance in the positivesequence network must be calculated by: ZGK = K GZG = K G RG + jX'' d
K SO =
ZSO is used to calculate the short-circuit current for a fault outside the power station unit without an on-load tap-changer. c Factors KG,S, KT,S or KG,SO, KT,SO are used when calculating the partial short-circuit currents for a short-circuit between the generator and the transformer (with or without an on-load tapchanger) of a power station unit v Power station units with an on-load tapchanger
I'' = kG
with RG representing the stator resistance of a synchronous machine and the correction factor
K G,S = K T ,S =
KG =
It is advised to use the following values for RGf (fictitious resistance of the stator of a synchronous machine) when calculating the peak short-circuit current.
I'' = kG
RGf = 0.05X'' for generators with d UrG > 1kV et SrG u 100 MVA RGf = 0.07X'' for generators with d UrG > 1kV et SrG < 100 MVA
RGf = 0.15X'' for generators with d UrG i 1000 V
K G,SO = K T,SO =
which expresses the influence of the subtransient and transient reactances, with Ir as the rated current of the generator. Steady-state short-circuit current Ik The amplitude of the steady-state short-circuit current Ik depends on generator saturation influences and calculation is therefore less accurate than for the initial symmetrical curren I" . k The proposed calculation methods produce a sufficiently accurate estimate of the upper and lower limits, depending on whether the shortcircuit is supplied by a generator or a synchronous machine. c The maximum steady-state short-circuit current, with the synchronous generator at its highest excitation, may be calculated by: Ikmax = max Ir c The minimum steady-state short-circuit current is calculated under no-load, constant (minimum) excitation conditions for the synchronous generator and using the equation:
I"k = is the initial short-circuit current, = is a factor depending on the R / X and can
be calculated approximately using the following equation (see fig.9) :
= 1.02 + 0.98 e
Short-circuit breaking current Ib Calculation of the short-circuit breaking current Ib is required only when the fault is near the generator and protection is ensured by timedelayed circuit breakers. Note that this current is used to determine the breaking capacity of these circuit breakers. This current may be calculated with a fair degree of accuracy using the following equation:
Ib = . I"k where:
where = is a factor defined by the minimum time delay tmin and the I" / Ir ratio (see Fig. 27 ) k
1.0 Minimum the delay tmin 0.9 0.02 s 0.05 s 0.8 0.1 s > 0.25 s
Fig. 27 : Factor used to calculate the short-circuit breaking current Ib (see IEC 60909).
2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Three-phase short-circuit current I" / Ir k
Xd sat
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2
6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Xd sat
Fig. 28 : Factors max and min for turbo-generators (overexcitation = 1.3 as per IEC 60909).
Fig. 29 : Factors max and min for generators with salient poles (overexcitation = 1.6 as per IEC 60909).
SrT = 400 kVA UrTHV = 20 kV UrTLV = 410 V Ukr = 4% PkrT = 4.6 kW R(0)T / RT = 1.0 X(0)T / XT = 0.95
Cable L l=4m
Un = 400 V F1
Fig. 30
RQ = 0.1, hence: XQ
c Impedance of the transformer u U2 4 (410)2 = 16.81 m Z TLV = kr rTLV = 100 100 400 103 SrT
2 UrTLV 2 SrT
= 4, 600
(400 10 )
3 2
= 4.83 m
= 16.10
c Calculation of I" and ip for a three-phase fault k cUn 1.05 400 '' = 14.12 kA = Ik = 3 Zk 3 17.17
= 1.4
c Phase-to-earth fault at F1 v Determining the zero-sequence impedances For transformer T (Dyn5 connection), the manufactures indicates: R(0)T = RT and X(0)T = 0.95X T with the impedance-correction factor KT, the zero-sequence impedance is: Z(0)TK = K T (RT + j0.95X T ) = (4.712 + j14.913) m For cable L:
Problem 2. A power station unit A power station unit S comprises a generator G and a transformer T with an on-load tap-changer (see Fig. 31 ). It is necessary to calculate, in compliance with IEC 60909, the initial short-circuit current Ik as well as the peak ip and steady-state Ikmax shortcircuit currents and the breaking short-circuit current Ib during a three-phase fault: c Outside the power station unit on the busbars at point F1 c Inside the power station unit at point F2 The following information is available: c The impedance of the connection between generator G and transformer T may be neglected c The voltage factor c is assumed to be 1.1 c The minimum dead time tmin for calculation of Ib is 0.1 s c Generator G is a cylindrical rotor generator (smooth poles) c All loads connected to the busbars are passive Solution: c Three-phase fault at F1 v Impedance of the transformer Z THV =
2 ukr UrTHV 15 2402 = = 34.56 100 100 250 SrT 2 UrTHV 2 SrT
SrG = 250 MVA UrG = 21 kV RG = 0.0025 x" = 17% d xdsat = 200% cos rG = 0.78
SrT = 250 MVA UrTHV 240 kV = UrTLV 21 kV Ukr = 15% PkrT = 520 kW
UnQ = 220 kV F1
Fig. 31
= 0.52 x
X THV = Z2 R2 THV THV = 34.557 Z THV = (0.479 + j34.557) v Impedance of the generator X'' = d
2 2 x'' d UrG = 17 21 = 0.2999 100 SrG 100 250
ZG = RG + jX'' = 0.0025 + j0.2999 d ZG = 0.2999 SrG > 100 MVA, therefore RGf = 0.05 X" hence ZGf = 0.015 + j0.2999 d,
KS =
2 UnQ 2 UrG
I'' = kS
cUnQ 3 ZS
I'' = 2.08 kA kS
Based on impedance ZSf, it is possible to calculate RSf / XSf = 0.033 and S = 1.908 The peak short-circuit current ipS is calculated by:
IbS = I'' kS Factor is a function of radio I" / IrG and the minimum dead time tmin. kG Ratio I"kG / IrG is calculated by:
'' I'' kG = IkS UrTHV = 2.08 240 = 3.46 IrG IrG UrTLV 6.873 21
Factor max = 1.65 is obtained in figure 28 for the ratio I"kG / IrG = 3.46 and xdsat = 2.0 c Three-phase fault at F2
I'' = kG
K G,S =
cmax 1.1 = = 0.994 1+ x'' sin rG 1+ (0.17 0.626) d cUrG 3K G,SZG = 1.1 21 = 44.74 kA 3 0.994 0.2999
I'' = kG
Based on impedance ZGf, it is possible to calculate RGf / X"d = 0.05, hence G = 1.86
ipG = 1.86 2 44.74 = 117.69 kA
IbG = I'' kG
Factor is a function of ratio I"kG / IrG and the minimum dead time tmin. Ratio I"kG / IrG is calculated by:
4 Conclusion
Various methods for the calculation of shortcircuit currents have been developed and subsequently included in standards and in this Cahier Technique publication as well. A number of these methods were initially designed in such a way that short-circuit currents could be calculated by hand or using a small calculator. Over the years, the standards have been revised and the methods have often been modified to provide greater accuracy and a better representation of reality. However, in the process, they have become more complicated and time-consuming, as is demonstrated by the recent changes in IEC 60909, where hand calculations are possible only for the most simple cases. With the development of ever more sophisticated computerised calculations, electrical-installation designers have developed software meeting their particular needs. Today, a number of software packages comply with the applicable standards, for example Ecodial, a program designed for low-voltage installations and marketed by Schneider Electric.
All computer programs designed to calculate short-circuit currents are predominantly concerned with: c Determining the required breaking and making capacities of switchgear and the electromechanical withstand capabilities of equipment c Determining the settings for protection relays and fuse ratings to ensure a high level of discrimination in the electrical network Other software is used by experts specialising in electrical network design, for example to study the dynamic behaviour of electrical networks. Such computer programs can be used for precise simulations of electrical phenomena over time and their use is now spreading to include the entire electro-mechanical behaviour of networks and installations. Remember, however, that all software, whatever its degree of sophistication, is only a tool. To ensure correct results, it should be used by qualified professionals who have acquired the relevant knowledge and experience.
Standards c EC 60909: Short-circuit currents in threephase AC systems. v Part 0: Calculation of currents. v Part 1: Factors for the calculation of shortcircuit currents. v Part 2: Electrical equipment. Data for shortcircuit current calculations. v Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous single phase line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth. v Part 4: Examples for the calculation of shortcircuit currents. c NF C 15-100: Installations lectriques basse tension. c C 15-105: Guide pratique. Dtermination des sections de conducteurs et choix des dispositifs de protection.
Schneider Electric Cahiers Techniques c Analysis of three-phase networks in disturbed operating conditions using symmetrical components, Cahier Technique no. 18 B. DE METZ-NOBLAT. c Neutral earthing in an industrial HV network. Cahier Technique no. 62 - F. SAUTRIAU. c LV circuit-breaker breaking capacity. Cahier Technique no. 154 - R. MOREL. Other publications c Electrical Installation Guide In English in accordance with IEC 60364: 2005 edition. In French in accordance with NF C15-100: 2004 edition. Published by Schneider Electric (Schneider Training Institute). c Les rseaux dnergie lectrique (Part 2), R. PELISSIER. Published by Dunod.
Schneider Electric
Direction Scientifique et Technique, Service Communication Technique F-38050 Grenoble cedex 9 E-mail : [email protected]
DTP: Axess Transl.: Cabinet Harder - Grenoble - France Editor: Schneider Electric