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Appendix 8
(Birth through Age 18)

Effective Dates: _________________ to _________________

Name of Child _____________________________________________ Grade

Parent/Guardian's Name(s)



Phone/Cell: _______________________ Birthdate: __________________ Age:________________

Additional contact person & phone #

_____________________________________________ has my permission to participate in the following

activities sponsored by Streetsboro United Methodist Church (hereinafter referred to as the
___ Sunday School ___ Children's Choir ___ Nursery ___ Childcare during church functions
4-5-6ers UMYF Other: ____

Where will you be during activity (worship, Sunday school class, small group, etc.) and what is the
best way to contact you (cell phone, text, etc.)?

Who has permission to pick up your child?

Child's allergies:_

Child's special needs:_

Medical insurance company_____________________________________ Policy #_

Choice of hospital:

This consent form gives permission to seek whatever medical attention is deemed necessary, and
releases the church and its staff of any liability against personal losses of named child.

40 P a g e

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