Patient Information Sheet
Patient Information Sheet
Patient Information Sheet
Todays Date:________________
Patients Name:_____________________________________________________________________________
Jr. / Sr.
(City, State)
(Zip Code)
Patients Employer:_______________________________
Marital Status: M
(check one)
Relationship to patient:_________________________
Relationship to patient:_________________________
If biopsy/lab testing is necessary, may we leave results on your answering machine? Yes No
If biopsy/lab testing is necessary, may we leave results with another member of your household? Yes No
If yes, with whom and what is their relationship to you?_____________________________________________
Preferred Pharmacy and Location:________________________________________ Phone #:______________________
In case of Emergency, whom should we contact (not living with you)? _______________________________________
Relationship to Patient:_______________________
Phone #:__________________________(Home)
Payment is expected at the time of service for charges not covered by your insurance including office visit co-pays and
deductibles. Amarillo Dermatology is not responsible for out-of-network denials or reduced benefit payments. It is the
patients responsibility to verify network benefits. Your signature below indicates that you understand and accept
responsibility for the charges not covered by your insurance and authorizes this office to release medical information
necessary to process your insurance claim.
You authorize payment of medical benefits to AMARILLO
DERMATOLOGY when a claim is filed on your behalf. The patient is responsible for lab work and pathology billed by
the pathologists that are independent from our office. Amarillo Dermatology charges $25 for missed appointments and
appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.
Patient (or Responsible Party) Signature