Paintball Release 2008
Paintball Release 2008
Paintball Release 2008
I/We, the parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) of the above-named boy/girl give my/our permission for him/her to
participate in the St. Laurence High School CYO Paintball. By doing so, I/we allow him/her to participate in any and all
activities, as well as transportation to and from these activities.
By agreeing to this, I/we hereby waive and release the advisors and moderators, St. Laurence Parish and
School, the St. Laurence CYO, the Catholic Youth Organization, their organizers and workers, priests and laity, as well
as anyone transporting my son/daughter to or from any of these events, from all liability for any injury or illnesses
incurred by my/our son/daughter during this activity scheduled for June 21, 2008.
In addition, I/we hereby assign and authorize any representative parent or advisor to act for me/us in
accordance with their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention for my/our son/daughter. I/We
currently have and will continue to maintain my/our own health and medical insurance (as listed below), and will assume
any and all costs should medical treatment be necessary. I/We authorize the advisors and/or parents to give permission
for medical treatment for my son/daughter in my/our absence. I/We have listed above any medical condition, mental or
physical impairment, and/or allergies that should be made known, and I/we have no knowledge of any other physical or
mental impairment that would be affected by, or affect my/our son's/daughter's participation in the program.
In case of Medical emergency, I understand that every effort will be made to contact the parents or guardian of the
participant. In the event that I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the physician selected by the program
director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery if deemed necessary for
my child as named below.
We freely give our permission for my/our son/daughter to participate in this activity, and assume all medical and
health risks associated with not eating during this time.
_______________________________________ _____________________________________
Health Insurer Name (MUST be completed) Health Insurance ID Number (MUST be
_________________________________________(Seal) _____________________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian Date