Behaviour of Voters in Electoral District Head Rejang Lebong 2015 in Curup Kelurahan Air Rambai Dan Talang Benih

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BY :
Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc
Department of Public Administration Fisipol Universitas Bengkulu

Preliminary orientation of the community

Countries with democracy as a members (Surbakti, 2007), this
system of government gives freedom process will affect voter behavior.
to the people in choosing a leader The tendency for voter choice in
who wants. The elections are the selecting candidates is certainly
means in a democracy in conducting influenced by many factors. There
leadership baton. Through elections are three approaches that influence
can be a tangible manifestation of the the voter's choice: first, the
people's participation in the life of sociological approach emphasizes
the state, especially to get leaders the selection is based on sociological
and their representatives who will background such as education,
fight for the interests of the people. religion, ethnicity, occupation,
The participation in the study of family, gender, age and others.
politics thus referred to as political second, the psychological approach
participation. emphasizes the psychological aspects
In the elections in the form of eg emotional ties with political
political participation of society are parties, orientation to the issues, as
given voting rights (voting). Results well as the orientation tehadap
of voting will determine the winning candidates, and the third, a rational
defeat of political parties in the approach emphasizes the calculation
election, whether or not the candidate of profit and loss.
sits DPR, DPD and DPRD, whether A growing phenomenon lately is
or not popularly elected President where the transactional money
and Vice President, as well as the politics in the purchase of voter
Regional Head and Deputy Regional tendencies of political money that are
Head. The issue of who the winner in in the third approach is a rational
this election depends on how approach, in which voters will
candidates affects people's choice. choose if there is an advantage for
Before people leave the voting them. However, it is possible there
rights, of course many references voters who thought that "take the
related track record owned by the money do not choose the one",
candidate. Thus references are strong departing from this phenomenon is
factors to be taken into consideration interesting to observe every election.
in the settled community. Ideally From previous research money
candidates should conduct political politics are not dominating people's
socialization in an effort to foster choice in the election. Money politics
political awareness of society. is often referred to as the purchase of
Political Socialization is the process the right to vote, to give some money
of forming attitudes and political to voters in exchange for voting

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 1

rights. Society assumes that the Interestingly in the general election
winning candidate in the election a of regional heads Rejang Lebong
person must be able to give money to was won pair number 7 is a pair Dr.
voters to vote for that candidate. This HC. H. Ahmad Hijazi, SH. M.Si and
phenomenon often happens in the Bastari Iqbal, S. Pd, MM with a
election, the results of research percentage of 28.4 percent, with
conducted Nora Silvia Gustriani in turnout 37 954 votes, while the
the Village of Anggut bawah Distric second is diurutan pair number 1
Ratu Samban of the city of Bengkulu Fatrolazi, SE and Dra. Hj. Nurul
on "Voter Behavior In the General Khairiyah with a percentage of 25.12
Election of Regional Head of with the acquisition of as many as 33
Bengkulu City" in 2012. Finding that 567 voice sound, then the third
there is activity in money politics, position was won by the pair number
but the final conclusion money 3 Drs. Syamsul Effendi, MM and
politics is not a major factor in Adnan, S.Sos with a percentage of
people's choice. 19.8 percent with a total of 26 457
Elections regional level is the voice sound.
Regional Head Election (Election). With the majority of the ethnic /
Pemilukada a community tool tribal in Rejang Lebong regency is
determines the regional leader. In the Ethnic / Rejang be won by the pair
reform era in Indonesia has executed number 7 are both not Ethnicity
three times the local elections. As Rejang. Dr. HC. H. Ahmad Hijazi,
with other areas of Rejang Lebong SH. M.Si are ethnic / tribal Lembak
also experienced a change of the and served as Regent of Rejang
head region. Rejang Lebong is one of Lebong in 2005, while his deputy
the districts in the province of Bastari Iqbal, S. Pd, MM ethnic
Bengkulu, divided into 16 districts. Javanese and former Head of Social
On 09 December 2015 the election Service of Bengkulu Province.
dilaksakannya serantak including Ahmad Hijazi is not used as a
Rejang Lebong, followed by seven political party boat in the nomination
regional head candidates. Regent's this time, the pair through
seventh candidate pairs including independent channels.
pair number 1 Fatrolazi, SE and Dra. When we see the pair number 1
Hj. Nurul Khairiyah, number 2 H. is Fatrolazi, SE served as the
John Feriyanto, S. Sos, MM and Provincial Parliament for one term
Bambang Aryanto, AP.MM, number and into Parliament Rejang Lebong
3 Drs. Syamsul Effendi, MM and for two periods, while the Dra. Hj.
Adnan, S. Sos, number 4 Ir. Alrullah Nurul Khairiyah was a religious
Jambak, MM and Heri Purwanto, teacher and a preacher. Viewed from
SH, number 5 and Joni Chan Anon, an original etni Fatrollazi ethnic /
number 6 Tugiman, ST. M.Pd and tribal Rejang, more profitable pair
Drs. Sudirman, and Serial Number 7 number 1 is carried by the
Dr. HC. H. Ahmad Hijazi, SH. M.Si Indonesian Democratic Party of
and Bastari Iqbal, S. Pd, MM. Struggle (PDIP). Previous strong
Of the seven pairs of candidates suspicion of political parties will
Regent and Vice Regent of Rejang greatly influence the behavior of
Lebong, of course, have a favorable voters in Rejang Lebong this. In
track record of each candidate pair. connection with the election Rejang

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 2

Lebong, then the dominant factors rights (voting), voters certainly do
affecting voter behavior to make his not exist any strong considerations in
choice. determining the choice. It concerns
Based on the issues raised by the the interests of the voters who want
researchers, the aim of this study was to obtain both the interests of short
to determine the reasons underlying term, medium term and long term.
any voter to make his choice in the
election Rejang Lebong 2015. Voter behavior
According to Muhammad
literature review Asfar (Fera Hariani Nasution, 2012)
Elections of regional heads there are three approaches are used to
Joko J Prihantoro (in Adhani, analyze the voting behavior of the
2009: 17) states that the Regional approach of sociological,
Head Election is a political psychological and rational. Each of
recruitment is the selection of the the three approaches has its own
people against the leaders who ran shortcomings. Therefore, in this
for local office, neither the Governor study, researchers combined these
/ Deputy Governor and Regent / Vice three approaches to explain voting
Regent or Mayor / Deputy Mayor. behavior.
It can be concluded that the The sociological approach in
Election is the instrument or the selecting behavior states that the
media to political recruitment. factors that most affect people's
Political recruitment in question is choice in the election are the
the selection of the people to the characteristics and social groupings.
positions of Regional Head and Someone voter behavior with regard
Deputy Regional Head. to the social group of which the
individual is derived (Roth in Dwita
Political participation Kadek Apriani, 2012). That means
Ramlan Surbakti (2007) is the social characteristics determine a
activity of ordinary citizens to person's political leanings. Social
influence the process of making and grouping is meant here is the age,
implementation of public policy and gender, religion, occupation,
in determining government leaders. socioeconomic class, regional,
In line with the opinion of Miriam family background, activities in
Budiardjo (1982) that political groups of formal and informal.
participation is the activity of a Psychological approach focuses on
person or group of people to three main psychological aspect as
participate actively in political life, the main study that emotional
namely by choosing the country's attachment to a political party, the
leaders and directly or indirectly orientation of the issues and the
influencing government policy orientation of the candidate. For
(Public Policy). example, if a person has a tendency
Activity vote in the election and the to identify with the Democratic
election falls within the scope of Party, and then lured the issues and
political participation. In a general candidates, the election will vote for
sense the high participation shows the party.
that there is a desire to engage in Rational choice approach saw
such activities. In providing voting activity pick as product profit and

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 3

loss calculations. Which is dimensions that will be viewed from
considered not only the "cost" the aspect of voter behavior-
choose and the possibility of voice sisiologis, psychological and rational
can affect the expected results, but choice.
also the difference of the alternative
form of options available (Ramlan Population
Surbakti, 2007). The population in this study are
Rejang Lebong regency society who
Research methods have the right to vote who were aged
Types of research 17 years or married. Here the
This study is field research by population of voters list Rejang
combining the two approaches, Lebong.
qualitative and quantitative simple.
Where data is presented in the form Sampel
of descriptive statistics associated Based on the final voters list
with the collection of data from (DPT in Sub Curup many as 19 864
respondents to a deep reasons or voters. The sample in this study were
phenomena, properties and events drawn from the second village in the
that occur in the field according to district Curup namely Air Rambai
their relevance to the theme of the Village and Village Talang Benih.
research. Therefore, in addition to In sampling the researcher used
the process of extracting data using a purposive random sampling. It
questionnaire or questionnaires, the means that these samples are those
researchers also studied the data by who are registered as voters remain,
conducting in-depth interviews. then randomly drawn sample. In
determining the sample size, based
Research sites on the opinion Slovin (in Umar
This research was conducted in 2002) with the formula:
two urban village in the District N
n =1 + N (e)2
Curup in Rejang Lebong, namely Air
Rambai Village and Village Talang Information :
Benih. Village Air Rambai selected N : Total Population
based on how many middle to upper n : Sampel
group especially those who are e : The sampling error
educated and Village Talang Benih rate of 10% and
because there are many gathered two 90% confidence
large ethnic Javanese and Rejang. level of data
Thus the number of samples
Research variable obtained 100. Based on this formula
The research variables, only researchers assigned 100 people per
one variable is the behavior of village.
voters, while the dimensions are the

Research result
In connection with the presentation of research data, it should be mentioned
that each approach to choose the number of different questions. Questions on the
sociological approach has 9 item in question, the psychological approach has four
items of questions, and question the rational has 6 item in question. Here is an

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 4

overview of the approaches of voting behavior (choose) can be seen in the table
Dimension Indicator
Sociological approach Age of candidates, the gender of candidates
/ candidates, religious candidates,
consideration of family, friendship with
team success, education level candidates for
regional head and deputy head of the
region, social class (rich / poor)
Psychological approaches The socialization process of the candidates,
the emotional ties to political parties or
candidates, orientation to the issues, and the
orientation of the candidates.
Rational approach Political issues submitted candidates,
programs offered, program cost-benefit
considerations, the track record of the
candidate, position, vision and mission of
the party.
The question items can be found in appendix questionnaires / questionnaire.

The tendency of voter behavior in terms of perspective or sociological

1) Village Air Rambai
Based on the ninth item in question is known that the average response to all
the questions on voters by sociological considerations of 55.1% while 44.9% do
not berdaasarkan on these considerations.

Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Sociological Approach

in the Village Air Rambai
Alternative Sociological Total %
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 %

Yes 43 61 93 38 52 66 59 41 63 496
No 57 39 7 62 48 34 41 59 37 404

More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 900 100%

Source: primary data Olah 2016

2) Village Talang Benih

Based on the ninth item in question is known that the average response to all
questions on the judgments based on those voters sociological view of 56.7%
while 43.3% are not based on these considerations.

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 5

Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Sociological Approach
in the Village Talang Benih
Alternative Sociological Total %
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 % 7 % 8 % 9 %
39 55 89 35 75 71 32 38 76 510 56.7
61 45 11 65 25 29 68 62 24 390 43.3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 900 100

Source: primary data Olah 2016

The tendency of voters viewed from the perspective of behavior or

psychological approach
1) Village Air Rambai
Based on the fourth item that question in mind that the average response to
all questions on the consideration of voters based on the psychological outlook
and by 59.25% and 40.75%.
Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Psychological Approach
in the Village Air Rambai
Alternative Psychological TOTAL %
answer 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 %
61 73 46 57 237 59,25%
29 27 54 43 163 40,75%
More 0 0 0 0 0 0%

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 400 100%

Source: primary data Olah 2016

2) Village Talang Benih

Based on the fourth item that question in mind that the average response to
all questions on the consideration of voters based on the psychological outlook of
64.5% and 35.5% are not based on these considerations.
Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Psychological Approach
in the Village Talang Benih
Alternative Psychological TOTAL %
Answer 1 % 2 % 3 % 4 %
Yes 68 71 49 70 258 64,5%
No 32 29 51 30 142 35,5%
More 0 0 0 0 0 0%
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 400 100%
Source: primary data Olah 2016

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 6

The tendency of voter behavior in terms of perspective or a rational
1) Village Air Rambai
Based on the sixth item of the question in mind that the average response to
all questions on the consideration of voters based on a rational view of 58.7% and
41.3% are not based on these considerations.
Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Rational Approach in
the Village Air Rambai
Alternative Rational Total Persentase
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 %
Yes 72 77 39 60 58 46 352 58,7%
No 28 23 61 40 42 54 248 41,3%
More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 100%
Source: primary data Olah 2016

2) Village Talang Benih

Based on the sixth item of the question in mind that the average response to all
questions on the consideration of voters based on a rational view of 56.5% and 43.5%
are not based on these considerations.
Respondents answer Recapitulation Based Rational Approach in
the Village Talang Benih
Alternative Rational Total Persentase
1 % 2 % 3 % 4 % 5 % 6 %

Yes 38 81 53 49 70 48 339 56,5%

No 62 19 47 51 30 52 261 43,5%

More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%

Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 600 100%

Source: primary data Olah 2016

Voter Behavior Based tendency sociodemographic characteristics

As stated in the sub-informant characteristic that the data analyzed are from
sociodemographic education and occupation / profession. propensity voter
behavior based on sociodemographic characteristics is discussed first seen in the
next two Village area totaled in keselurhan remedy look at the trends in Sub
Based on the results if the data on the distribution of voter behavior based on
the level of education in the District Curup can be seen in the chart below.

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 7

Distribution of Voter Behavior According to Education
in the District Curup

Yes No

Sociological 42.5 % 57.5 %

Psychological 45.5 % 54.5 %

Rational 53.5 % 46.5 %

Source: primary data Olah 2016

Based on the chart above, we can see together that the voting behavior based
on the level of education in the District Curup almost equal although the
percentage is more likely not to base his choice based on the consideration
sociological, psychological, and rational, it can be seen in the percentage of voter
behavior in the District Curup consecutive secar co-ie, 57.50%, 54.50 5 46.50%.
As for the tendency of behavior based on consideration sociological,
psychological and rational it can be seen in the percentage of voter behavior in the
District Curup consecutive ie, 42.50%, 45.50%, 53.50%.
Very positive behavioral tendency shown in pandanga rational amounted
53,50% of voters based on the level of education in the District Curup basing his
choice on rational considerations, while on irrational considerations ranging from
46.50%. Under these conditions, it can be concluded that the more educated
voters so their tendency to be intelligent voters will be higher.
Furthermore, based on the results if the data on the distribution of voter
behavior based profession / occupation in the District Curup can be seen in garafi

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 8

Distribution of Voter Behavior Based Profession
in the District Curup

Yes No

Sociological 43 % 57 %

Psychological 45.5 % 54.5 %

Rational 54 % 46%

Sumber : Olah data primer 2016

From the above chart we can see together, that by Profession / Work in
District Curup almost the same levels of education, which is almost equal,
although the percentage is more likely not to base his choice based on
considerations sosilogi, psychology and rational.
This can be seen in the percentage of voter behavior in the District Curup
consecutive ie, 57%, 54.50%, 46%. As for the trend of behavior based on
consideration sociological, psychological, and rational it may didlihat the
percentage of voter behavior in the District Curup consecutive ie, 43%, 55.50%
and 54%.
The trend of positive behavior are also indicated on the rational view of 54%
of voters in the district by profession Curup basing his choice on rational
considerations, while on irrational considerations ranging from 46%.
Under these conditions can be drawn a conclusion that the people in the District
Curup have been included in the category of smart. Despite the rational choice is
greater than other approaches, but this does not indicate the dominance of the
behavior of other voters. This is caused by many influences caused by Trends
their black campaign or a negative campaign, sihingga people at the locus of such
research become giddy related issues as well as the vision and mission submitted
by the candidate. In addition, the media as a force political superstructure be not
objective and this affects the behavior of voters in the 2015 election.
Of course, the foregoing should be underlined both by the organizers of the
election (KPU and Bawaslu) and practitioners of politics (parties and candidates)
should promote good political education. Not only oriented to the power struggles
that put various things and in any way undermine the democratic quality.

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 9

Conclusion tightened supervision
Based on the results of the study related to pragmatism
titled "PerilakuPemilih In the (giving tribute)
General Election of Regional Head coordinates to law
Rejang Lebong 2015 in District enforcement.
Curup Village Air Rambai and 3) For the people themselves
Talang Benih" shows that: as voters, it is expected
1) First propensity voter behavior that a higher priority for
on the sociological approach is the selection of candidates
only 42.75%, while for the on the issue and presented
psychological approach their program, not only on
amounted to 45.50%. short-term profit which
Furthermore, for a rational would be detrimental to
approach amounted to 53.75%. the future of society itself.
2) Although the rational approach DAFTAR PUSTAKA
is superior but the option is Ambo Upe, 2008. Sosiologi Politik
included voters express choice Kontemporer: Kajian Tentang
as it gets tribute in the form of Rasionalitas Perilaku
goods or money, with the PolitikPemilih di Era Otonomi
percentage of yes by 46% and Daerah. Jakarta : Prestasi
the percentage of 54% did not Pustaka.
answer. Asfar, Muhammad. 2008. Pemilu
Suggestion Dan Perilaku Memilih 1995-
Departing from the issue / 2004. Surabaya : Eureka
problem formulated in question Budiardjo, Miriam. 1982. Partisipasi
shows that the three views / approach dan Partai Politik. Jakarta :
theoretically good sociological, Gramedia.
psychological and rational, there is Gaffar , Afan, 1992. Javanese
no single approach that is so Voters: A Case Study of
dominant. Election Under a Hegemonic
Therefore, there are some Party System. Yogyakarta:
suggestions that may be proposed by Gajah Mada University Press
the researchers, is as follows: Husein Umar. 2002. Metode Riset
1) For the political parties Bisnis. Jakarta : PT Gramedia
should conduct political Meleong, J Lexy. 2002. Metode
education to the Penelitian Kualitatif (Edisi
community as well voter Revisi). Bandung : Remaja
premises nmengedepankan Rosda Karya
issues, a program Surbakti, Ramlan. 2007. Memahami
promoted by the party and Ilmu Politik. Jakarta: Grasindo
recruiting cadres are good. Sitepu. 2012. Teori-teori Politik.
2) For the organizers of the Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu
election are expected to be Sugiyono. 2012. Metode Penelitian
able to disseminate to the Kombinasi (Mixed Methods).
public the election of Bandung : Alfabeta
qualified and able to crack Sahlan, Sartono dan Awaludin
down firmly when there Marwan. 2012. Nasib
kecuranagan. Especially Demokrasi Lokal di Negeri

Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 10

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Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc 11

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