Behaviour of Voters in Electoral District Head Rejang Lebong 2015 in Curup Kelurahan Air Rambai Dan Talang Benih
Behaviour of Voters in Electoral District Head Rejang Lebong 2015 in Curup Kelurahan Air Rambai Dan Talang Benih
Behaviour of Voters in Electoral District Head Rejang Lebong 2015 in Curup Kelurahan Air Rambai Dan Talang Benih
BY :
Drs. Mirza, M.Soc, Sc
Department of Public Administration Fisipol Universitas Bengkulu
Research result
In connection with the presentation of research data, it should be mentioned
that each approach to choose the number of different questions. Questions on the
sociological approach has 9 item in question, the psychological approach has four
items of questions, and question the rational has 6 item in question. Here is an
Yes 43 61 93 38 52 66 59 41 63 496
No 57 39 7 62 48 34 41 59 37 404
More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 900 100%
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 900 100
No 62 19 47 51 30 52 261 43,5%
More 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Yes No
Based on the chart above, we can see together that the voting behavior based
on the level of education in the District Curup almost equal although the
percentage is more likely not to base his choice based on the consideration
sociological, psychological, and rational, it can be seen in the percentage of voter
behavior in the District Curup consecutive secar co-ie, 57.50%, 54.50 5 46.50%.
As for the tendency of behavior based on consideration sociological,
psychological and rational it can be seen in the percentage of voter behavior in the
District Curup consecutive ie, 42.50%, 45.50%, 53.50%.
Very positive behavioral tendency shown in pandanga rational amounted
53,50% of voters based on the level of education in the District Curup basing his
choice on rational considerations, while on irrational considerations ranging from
46.50%. Under these conditions, it can be concluded that the more educated
voters so their tendency to be intelligent voters will be higher.
Furthermore, based on the results if the data on the distribution of voter
behavior based profession / occupation in the District Curup can be seen in garafi
Yes No
Sociological 43 % 57 %
Rational 54 % 46%