Ncbts Principles of Teaching
Ncbts Principles of Teaching
Ncbts Principles of Teaching
d. Application
1. Mr. Lim wants to generate as many ideas as 6. The improvement of the basic education
she can as the class is about to embark on a should be the top priority of the Philippine
community outreach program. Which of the government. Defend or refuse this position.
following will she employ? Under what type of question does this test
a. Simulation item fall?
b. Brainstorming a. Convergent
c. Brainwashing b. Evaluate
d. Roleplay c. Low-level
d. Analysis
2. The lesson is on the pros and cons of capital
punishment. Mr. Milan wants to do high level 7. Read the following teacher - student
thinking and to develop a view of capital of interaction.
punishment from different perspective. Teacher: Why is the process called
Which technique will be most appropriate? photosynthesis?
a. Role playing Student: I don't know?
b. Simulation Which questioning technique should the
c. Lecture teacher use?
d. Panel discussion a. Prompting
b. Multiple response
3. To teach the democratic process to the pupils, c. Clarification
Biag Elementary School decided that the d. Concept review
election of the class officers shall be
patterned after the local election. There were 8. Which order follows the basic rule in framing
qualifications set for candidates, limiting interaction?
period for campaign and rules for posting a. Call on a student, pause, ask question
campaign materials, etc. b. Ask question, call on a student, pause
Which of the following did the school use? c. Ask question, pause, call on a student
a. Role playing d. Call on a student, ask the question, pause
b. Simulation
c. Symposium 9. To nurture creativity of learners, the teacher
d. Philips 66 should be .
a. an all-powerful authority
4. Miss Lee's objective is to focus student's b. A respository of knowledge with the " right
attention on and quikly create interest in a answer"
problem or concept. She should make use of? c. Single-minded
a. Tuturial group d. Flexible in terms of time, space, pace
b. Philips 66 material, techniques
c. Task group
d. Panel discussion 10. You want to teach fact and rules. Which one
will you make use of?
5. Here is a test item: From the date presented a. Direct instruction
in the table, from generalizations that are b. Self-directed learning
supported by the data. Under what type of c. Indirect instruction
question does this item fall? d. Collaborative model
a. Synthesis
b. Convergent
11. Teacher Ben, an experienced teacher, does c. I and II
daily review of past lesson. Why? d. Partly I, partly II
a. To provide his pupils with a sense of
wholeness and continuity 17. You combined several subject areas in order
b. To determine who among his pupil are to focus on a single concept for
studying interdisciplinary teaching. Which strategy did
c. To reflect on how he presented the previous you use?
lesson a. Problem-centered learning
d. To introduce a new lesson b. Reading-writing activity
c. Thematic instruction
12. Teacher Alvin wants to teach the class the d. Unit method
rules in playing basketball.
Which method is most appropriate? 18. When you teach, you often engage yourself in
a. Direct instruction brainstorming. Which do you avoid?
b. Problem solving a. Selectively involve pupils
c. Discovery b. Break down barriers
d. Inductive reasoning c. Generate many ideas
d. Increase creativity
13. You want to teach concepts, patterns, and
abstractions. 19. Teacher Beda is the Teacher of English as a
Which method is most appropriate? Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards,
a. Deductive method fill-in-the-blanks sentences, dialogues,
b. Problem solving dictation and writing exercises in teaching a
c. Discovery lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this
d. Inductive reasoning information, which of the following is a valid
14. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and a. The teacher is teaching in a variety if ways
actions as indirect instruction is for . because not all students learn i the same
a. Concepts, pattern and abstractions manner
b. Rules, concepts, process b. The teacher wants to make her teaching
c. Guesses, data and conclusions easier by having less talk
d. Hypothesis, verified data and conclusions c. The teacher is emphasizing reading and
writing skills
15. You want to have a small group discussion in d. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of
your class. Which topics will be best for group cognitive learning
discussion? Those topics
a. Where a high degree of consensus among 20. Teacher Marion developed a car game in
student does not yet exist which pupils matched different functions. The
b. Where a high degree of consensus among shapes contained within each card were the
students already exists same while the number of parts shaded was
c. That are formally structured by text different. Which concept/process was taught
d. That are factual by this activity?
a. Equivalent fraction
16. Which hold TRUE of competency-based b. Proper and improper fractions
instruction? c. Sequencing fraction
I. Criterion-referenced d. Converting fractions
II. Norm-referenced
a. I only
b. II only
21. Teacher Elena discussed how electricity flows there are many questions. There are none.
through wires and what generates the electric You can take this to mean _________.
charge. Then she gave the student wires, a. Your students are not interested in the lesson
bulbs, switches, and dry cells, and told the b. You need to determine if the student
class to create a circuit that will increase the understood everything you presented
brightness of each bulb. Which one best c. You need to ask specific question to elicit
describes the approach used? responses
a. It used constructive d. Your student did not understand what you are
b. It used taxonomy of basic thinking skills talking about.
c. It used cooperative learning
d. It helped students apply scientific method 26. What is the best way to develop math
22. Teacher Nelia teaches a lesson in which a. Learning math as applied to the situations,
student must recognize that ¼ is the same as such as its being a tool of science
0.25. They use this relationship to determine b. Solving problems by looking for correct
that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly less than ¼. answer
Which of the following concept is/are being c. Solving problems by using memorized formula
though? d. Solving problems by applying learned formula
a. Numerical skills for decimal and relationships
between fractions and decimals. 27. Which is/are effective method/s in teaching
b. Numeration skills student’s critical reading skills.
c. Relationship between fractions and decimals a. Interpret editorials and read and interpret
d. Place value of decimals three different movie reviews
b. Read and interpret there different movie
23. Having a mock presidential election, complete reviews
with debates, discussion of issue and voting, c. Interpret editorials about a particular subject
teachers students ___________. from three different news papers
a. The decision-making process d. Evaluate the consistency of idea express in
b. The skills to win in debate the edition
c. The art of winning in election
d. The skills to persuade 28. Teacher Bong likes to concretize the abstract
concept of an atom. He comes up with a
24. What should a teacher do for students in concrete presentation of the atom by using
his/her class who are not on an expected wires and plastic balls. How would you classify
grade level? Teacher Bong’s visual aid?
a. Give them, materials on their level and let a. Model c. Replica
them work at a pace that is reasonable for b. Realia d. Chart
them, trying to bring them up to a grade level.
b. Give them the same work as other students, 29. Teacher Rodel likes to show how the
not much, so that they won’t feel launching of spaceship takes place of the
embarrassed. following materials available, which is most
c. Give them the same work as the other fit?
student because they will absorb as much as a. Mock-up c. Replica
they are capable of. b. Model d. Realia
d. Push them to perform in order to attain
desired grade level. 30. You want your students to master the
concept of social justice. Which series of
25. You have presented a lesson on animals activities will be most effective?
protective coloration. At the end, you ask if
a. Pretest – teaching – posttest - re-teaching for 36. Which is the BEST way to determine if a
unlearned concepts – posttest student has mastery of the subject matter in
b. Teaching – posttest the beginning of the school year?
c. Pretest – teaching – posttest I. Administer a diagnostic test
d. Review- pretest – teaching – posttest II. Examine his portfolio assessment
III. Interview the former teacher
31. Teacher Henry gave his first-grade class a IV. Examine his grades.
page with a story in which pictures take the a. I and IV c. III and IV
place of some words. Which method did he b. II and III d. I and II
a. The rebus method 37. Which of these is NOT an indicator of a
b. The whole language approach supportive learning environment?
c. The Spaulding method a. High drop out rates
d. The language experience approach b. Warm and friendly atmosphere
c. Students take personal responsibility for their
32. In your attempt to develop creative thinking learning and behavior
skills, you want to test fluency of ideas. Which d. Increase in student bonding to school
activity will be most appropriate?
a. List animals covered with hair in one minute 38. The incorporation of the content materials in
b. Compare pictures 1 and 2. where there are language lessons is called _____________
the differences? a. Problem -solving instruction
c. Solve these puzzle b. Content- base instruction
d. Solve this math problem c. Integration approach
d. Thematic approach
33. Promoting purposive study among learners is
a accomplish in two of this indicators. 39. Which of these are crucial skills for effective
I. Know different teaching approaches teaching?
II. Recognizes the need for specific learning I- Creation of new instructional materials
processes II- Classroom management
III. Cultivate good study habit III – Higher order thinking skills
IV. Takes extra time to help students in learning IV – Art of questioning
task A. I , II, III, IV c. I and III
a. II and III c. I and II B. II and IV d. I and IV
b. I and IV d. III and IV
40. Which is in accordance with the “withitness”
34. The collaborative approach includes the major principle of classroom management of
behavior of listening, clarifying, presenting Kounin?
problem solving, and ___________. A. Students is with his teacher in everything he
a. Negotiating teaches.
b. Evaluating B. Teacher is fully aware of what is happening in
c. Feedbacking his classroom.
d. Assessing C. Students agree to disagree in class discussion.
D. Both parents and teachers are involved in the
35. Which is an important factor in differentiated education of children.
instructional process?
a. Error analysis 41. Which practice helps the teacher maximize
b. Entry level indicators time for instruction?
c. Student – led conferences A. Employ a reactive approach to discipline.
d. Record keeping performance assessments B. Maximize discipline time.
C. Avoid classroom routine; they make your III. Consultative
students robots A. I and III C. I only
D. Minimize discipline time B. II and III D. II only
42. Which is sound classroom management 46. Is it sound for Miss Mabuhay to state clearly
practice? before her class that there are some issues
A. Be reactive in approach which are not up for discussion?
B. Occupy students with extremely difficult task A. Yes, provided the class is informed at an
C. Be preventive in approach appropriate time.
D. Give students very easy task to lighten their B. Yes, provide the class agrees.
load C. No, it is undemocratic
D. No, it projects the teachers as a
43. A sound advice for classroom managers is domineering figure.
“Nip the problem in the bud.” What does this
mean? 47. On which principle is her class involvement in
A. Assume a reactive posture in classroom the establishment of rule based?
management. I. Principle of rule ownership level of those
B. Be proactive in management approach. concerned
C. Reinforce positive behavior. II. Principle of appropriate level of teacher
D. Treat minor disturbance calmly. dominance
III. Principle of subsidiarity
44. Which seating arrangement has been proven A. I, II, and III C. I and II
to be effective for learning? B. I and II D. II and III
A. Flexible to suit varied activities
B. Fixed arrangement to maximize instruction 48. To be effective, which is the best time to
time discuss rules, procedures, rewards and
C. A combination of fixed and flexible consequences based on Miss Mabuhay’s
arrangement experiences?
D. Any seat arrangement to suit varied learning A. The first days of the school year
styles B. The middle part of the school year
C. As the need arises
Miss Mabuhay involves her sixth grades in the D. Integrated in the teaching of the subjects
establishment of classroom rules and
procedures. During class meetings, students 49. On which belief in class discipline is Miss
can raise issues about the rules and even Mabuhay’s classroom management
about the consequences and rewards related anchored?
to those rules. But Miss Mabuhay is also very A. It is shared responsibility of teachers and
clear that some issues are not up for students.
discussion. “ This is one, Miss Mabuhay gets B. It is the sole responsibility of teacher.
to decide on her own”, she states when C. It is the ultimate responsibility of students.
appropriate. Very early in the year, the D. It is achieved only when teacher dominates
students know there is no point arguing when the classroom.
she makes this declaration.
52. How’s the ripple effect illustrated in the case 55. Which statement is TRUE about the question
of Miss Cruz? asked? The questions are _________
A. Miss Cruz gets exhausted at the end of the a. open-ended c. probing
day. b. Convergent d. evaluative
B. The misbehavior of three students escalates.
C. Miss Cruz spends more time disciplining than 56. Referring to the questions above, which one is
teaching. a synthesis question?
D. All students stand up to submit an assignment a. # 3 c. # 2
to miss Cruz. b. # 8 d. # 5
53. Which is the most effective way of dealing
with the three misbehaving students 57. Which is a convergent version of question #
immediately. 1?
A. Assign them to separate seats.
a. Draw a generalization based on the data 60. Is there any convergent question from #1 to
presented #8?
b. Why do you see the graph
c. Do you agree with the data presented in the a. None
b. b. #1
graph? Why or why not?
c. #4
d. With what data is the graph concerned? d. it depends on the student’s answer
58. Which is an evaluative question? 61. Did Mr. Carpio ask an evaluation question?
a. # 7 c. none
b. # 6 d. # 4 A. Yes. Question
B. Yes. Question #5
C. Yes. Question #7
59. Is teacher A’s practice of asking someone to D. Yes. Question#8 and #4
stand before asking the questions in
accordance with the principles of questioning 62. Which questioning technique/s of Mr. Carpio
technique? do(es) not enhance interaction?
A. yes, we are sure of someone to answer the I. Asking high-level questions
II. Calling only on those who raise their hands
III. Calling on someone before asking the
B. No, but it in the case of teacher A, it is question
allowable. A. I and II C. II and III
C. No, definitely B. I and III D. III
D. Yes and No. It depends on the kind of
question we are asking. 63. Were all the questions of Mr. Carpio
A. Yes
Mr. Carpio’s lesson was on water
B. Yes, except # 1
conservation. He presented a graph that C. No
compared water consumption of small and D. No, except #4
big families. Before he ask any of the
questions, he asked someone to stand up to 64. To connect the lesson on water conservation
give an answer. He only called on those who to the life of the student, which question is
raised their hands. The question he asked most appropriate?
a. Based on your observations, in what ways do
people contribute to water wastage?
b. How can you help conserve water?
1. what do you see in the graph? c. Among families, who contributes most to
2. how do you compare the water water conservation?
consumption of small and big families? d. What maybe the reason why even if family B
3. Why do most of the big families consume is not as big as family C, it consumes much
more water than family C?
more water than the smaller families.
4. Do all the small families consume less water 65. Which statement on wait time is CORRECT?
than the big families? Explain your answer. A. Wait time turns off fast thinking students.
5. In your opinion, why does one small family B. For quality response, “what “and “why”
consume more water than one big family? questions require equal wait time.
6. In what ways is water wasted? C. The higher the level of the question, the
7. What are ways of conserving water? longer the wait time.
D. Wait time turns off slow thinking students.
8. Are the families presented good at water
conservation? Why or why not? 66. Teacher B asked this question: “What
9. What generalization can you draw about conclusion can you draw based on your
water consumption and size of families? observation? “ Nobody raised a hand so she
asked another question: “ Based on what you
observe, what can you now say about the
reaction of plants to light?” Which did teacher d. Brainstorming
B do?
a. Rephrasing c. Repeating 73. To develop reasoning and speaking ability,
b. Redirecting d. Probing
which would you use?
67. Teacher C asked the class: “ Is the class a. Story telling
answer correct? Student A said “No”. Teacher b. Role- playing
C asked the same student “ why ‘ no’? Which c. Experiment
did teacher C do? d. Debate
a. Directing
b. Probing 74. Which should you use more, if you want to
c. Repeating
counteract the spirit of destructive
d. Rephrasing
competition among your students?
68. Here is a question: “ Is the paragraph a good a. Community involvement projects
one? Evaluate.” If broken down to simplify, b. Listening activities
which is the best implication? c. Self- evaluation activities
a. a. Why is the paragraph is a good one? Prove. d. Concept miming
b. b. If you are asked to evaluate something,
what do you do? Evaluate the paragraph.
75. Which is best for the development of logical
c. c. What are the qualities of good paragraph?
Does the paragraph have these qualities? reasoning?
d. d. Is the paragraph a good one? Why or why a. Concept mapping
not? b. Using pictograph
c. Formulating and testing hypothesis
69. If you want your pupils to master the d. Concept meaning
multiplication table, which activity is most fit?
a. Game 76. Which is best for the development of logical
b. Drill reasoning?
c. Simulation a. Concept mapping
d. Reflection b. Using pictograph
c. Formulating and testing hypothesis
70. You want your better students to over learn d. Concept meaning
what they have learned and at the same time
help others to master the lesson. Which 77. For an effective presentation of Article XIV of
activity is best? the Philippine Constitution, which is most
a. Game appropriate?
b. Simulation a. Team game
c. Peer tutoring b. Direct instruction
d. practice c. Independent study
d. Learning circles
71. Which activity can help develop teamwork
among your students? 78. To determine your pupils’ entry knowledge
A. Journal writing and skills which would you employ?
B. Metaphorical thinking a. Interview
C. Reflective activity b. Focus group discussion
D. Roundtable c. Post – test
d. Pre – test
72. If you want to hone your students’
metacognitive ability, which is most fit? 79. Which can enhance the development of
a. Drill for mastery spatial intelligence?
b. Journal writing a. hands- on demonstration
c. Debate
b. Environmental study A. Metaphors
c. Concept miming B. Kinesthetic activities
d. Concept mapping C. Inquiry
D. Independent study
80. For metacognitive functions, which will work
best? 87. Which activity is good for organizing and
a. Reflecting summarizing?
b. Conferencing A. Power point presentation
c. Role playing B. Cartoons
d. Inductive reasoning C. Interview
D. Case study
81. Which does a pupil use when he sings a
concepts to a familiar tune in order to help 88. For a discussion of a topic from various
himself commit the concept memory? perspectives, it is best to hold a _____.
a. Rap A. Symposium
b. “ ABC” song B. Brainstorming
c. Piggyback song C. Panel discussion
d. Jingle D. Debate
82. To show cause-and-effect relationships for 89. For which can the Venn diagram be used?
picture smart pupils, which works?
A. Graphic Organizer A. Sequencing of events
B. Comparison
B. Manipulative
C. Presenting attributes
C. Mnemonic device D. Showing cause-and-effect
D. Metaphor
90. Which is a graphic presentation of numerical
83. With which learning style group are data?
manipulative most effective?
A. Master style group A. Histogram
B. Attribute wheel
B. Interpersonal style group
C. Venn diagram
C. Understanding style group D. Spider map
D. Self-expressive group
91. You want to present the characteristic
84. If you like to know value preferences of your features of a constructivist approach. Which
students, which can help? should you use?
A. Rank ordering
A. Attribute wheel
B. Hypothesizing
B. Fishbone diagram
C. Generating mental pictures
C. Venn diagram
D. Summarizing and note taking D. Narrative frame
85. Which activity works best with self-expressive 92. If you want to generate as many ideas as you
people? want which one should you organize?
A. Metaphors
A. Debate
B. Kinesthetic activities
B. Forum
C. Inquiry
C. Panel discussion
D. Independent study D. Small group discussion
86. Which activity works best with self-expressive 93. If a triadic interaction includes three (3)
people? persons, how many persons are included in a
dyadic interaction?
A. Four 100. In computer-based instruction, which
B. Two tool can help you revise your short stories,
C. Two groups composed of two persons each essays and other written work?
D. One, the person and himself
A. Word processing
94. For effective comparison, which one can you B. Spreadsheet
use? C. Database
D. Desktop publishing
A. Spider map
B. Fishbone
C. Webbing 101. With a computer, you can organize
D. Metaphor information about trees and planets. Which
tool should you use?
95. Which graphic organizer is most fit for
sequencing? A. Spreadsheet
B. Database
A. Hierarchy diagram C. Word processing
B. Venn diagram D. Desktop publishing
C. Flow chart
D. Double cell diagram 102. With which software can you predict
changes in weather pattern and or trends in
96. You use a technique to assess your class’s
the population of endangered species?
knowledge on the lesson before you proceed.
Which is the technique? The use of _____. A. Word processing
B. Spreadsheet
A. An anticipation/reaction guide C. Desktop publishing
B. Brainstorming D. Database
C. A review guide
D. A story board
103. Which is LEAST exploratory in nature?
97. Which technique is an application of B.F
Skinner’s theory on operant conditioning? a. inquiry approach c. deductive method
b. questioning method d. project method
A. Mastery learning 114. For direct instruction which does NOT
B. Process approach belong?
C. Computer-assisted approach
D. Project method a. demonstration method c. drill method
b. deductive method d. project method
98. The following promote lesson elaboration
through the student interaction EXCEPT
104. To make our children “little scientist”,
which method(s) should we employ more
A. Demonstration often?
B. Peer tutoring
C. Class discussion I. Inquiry
D. Cooperative learning II. Problem Solving
III. Laboratory
99. Which one will you use if you want to give
your students an overview of your lesson A II and III C. I, II and III
B I and II D. I and III
before you proceed?
A. Advance organizing
105. Which approach makes you think of your
B. Pictograph
C. Review thinking?
D. Story board
a. constructivist c. meta-cognitive
b. cognitive d. integrative 114. You use the gumamela, a complete
flower, to teach the parts of a flower. Which
106. For integrative purposes, which method/ method did you use?
approach should be used?
a. laboratory method
a. cooperative learning b. drill method
b. constructive approach c. demonstration method
c. thematic approach d. type-study method
d. Metacognitive approach
115. Which is the first step in the goal
107. To encourage introspection, which is oriented or outcome-based model of
most appropriate? teaching?
a. when subject is very new and there are no 117. To give everyone in a big class a chance
references yet to participate, which one should you employ?
b. when students are poor motivated
c. when teacher is substituting for the regular a. simulation
teacher b. class game
d. when subject is very broad in scope c. panel discussion
d. small group discussion
110. To teach them to explore, which should
you use?
118. For a lesson on subject verb agreement,
a. problem solving c. discovery you want to proceed deductively? How will
b. project d. reflection you do it?
130. The old, time-tested methods are also 137. What do global learners enjoy most?
used in classes. Which statement describes a. working on puzzle
best these methods? b. generalize ideas
I. They teacher-directed. c. likes to plan ahead
II. Mastery of subject matter is of utmost d. formulate generalization from details
138. To cater the linguistic competence of
III. Procedures are well establish
students, which of these activities must be
a.II & III c. I & III
b.I & II d. I, II & III
a. writing a rap
131. These are learning aids and resource b. making a parody
used in the teaching – learning process. c. constructing models
a. Learning guides d. creating a dance step
b. Instructional materials
139. What type of learner verbally describes
c. Visual aids
what he/she learns to another person?
d. Graphic organizer
a. Visual c. Tactile
132. Which of these activities is the best for b. Auditory d. Kinesthetic
the visual-spatial learners?
140. If you learn best through listening o
lectures, discussions, and to what others say,
a. answering puzzles
what type of learner are you?
b. doing graphic organizer
a. Auditory c. Tactile
c. creating dance movements
b. Visual d. Kinesthetic
d. planting in the garden
141. Which one does not appeal to tactile D. Ignore the students who are making
learners? noise.
a. movement activities
b. games 148. What must you established et the
c. group activities beginning of the class to ensure order and
d. posters discipline?
A. Elect the classroom officers.
142. Which of the following items is not a part B. Set your rules and expectations.
of the physical classroom management? C. Impose your sanctions for erring students.
A. Grooming C.Acoustic D. Let them know that you are firm and
B. Ventilation D. Lighting strict.
143. Which among the aspects of personal 149. Why do we need to establish classroom
classroom management greatly affects the routines?
rate of learning(absorption of knowledge) A. To make work easy
A. Personal grooming C.Manner of Dressing B. To minimize problem in the class
B. Voice of the teacher D.Personal C. To insure order and discipline.
graciousness D. To promote organization in the class.
144. To make the students get focused in the 150. How will you help shy and timid students
discussion, what must you do especially if in your class?
your students are unruly and noisy? A. Let them be as they are.
A. Employ innovative strategies. B. Encourage them to join as many activities
B. Explore various means of giving sanctions. in class.
C. Ignore the students who are misbehaving. C. Treat them naturally.
D. Refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the D. Refer them to the Guidance Office.
Guidance Office.
151. How will you put to optimum use the
145. What is the initial step that the leadership skills of your students?
homeroom adviser must do at the beginning A. Empower them to initiate activities in
of the class? class.
A. Get to know each member of the class. B. Let them just do what they please.
B. Prepare a set plan. C. Refrain from calling them all the time.
C. Secure the class list. D. Recognize their leadership skills.
D. Memorized the names of the students.
152. How will you prevent truancy among
146. In preparing your seat plan, what must students?
you consider? A. Check attendance regularly.
I. Interview your students. B. Allocate budget for each students.
II. Know their physical illness. C. Improve sanctions on absentees.
III. Get to know their needs. D. Prepare your lessons effectively at all
A. I C. I and III times.
B. II and III D. I, II and III
153. What will be the most effective way of
147. When the class seems unruly during the dealing with non-participative students?
discussion, what is the best technique to A. Employ engaging and enjoyable activities.
employ? B. Let them do what please them.
A. Let them stand for a while C. Refer the matter to the Guidance
B. Prepare unfreezes/ energizers. Counselor.
C. Stop the discussion.
D. Give them the grades they deserve based part of the personal classroom management
on their performance. of teachers. Why is this important?
I. Teachers must be role models.
154. Corporal punishment is punishable by II. Teachers must always be presentable.
law. How can you instill discipline through III. Teachers must look dignified at all times
non- violent means? IV. .Teachers are also models in observing proper
A. Refrain from admitting erring students. dress code.
B. Refer all disciplinary measures to the A. I and II C. I, II and III
Students Affairs Office. B. I,II,III and IV D. II and IV
C. Establish your policies and give your
expectations at the beginning of the class. 159. Giving rewards is one way to motivate
D. Ignore disciplinary problems. students to behave properly at all times.
What is the best positive reinforcement which
155. There are 5s in disciplining children. can be employed?
Which is the correct order for this approach? A. Acknowledging the potential for each
A. Stare,Silence,Seek others help,See him students
personally,Separate him. B. Giving medals for every good work done
B. Stare,Silence,Separate him, See him C. Praising them for good work
personally, Seek other’s help D. Distributing tokens/ materials for every best
C. See him personally,Seek others’s work
halp,Stare,Silence,Separate Him
D. Separate him,Seek others’s 160. To create order and discipline in the
help,Stare,silence,See him personally class, various classroom management
techniques are employed by teachers. Which
156. There is a statement that says,” No is a proactive technique?
amount of good instruction will come out A. Giving sanctions commensurate to
without good classroom management.” the offense
Which of the following best explains these B. Reinforcing good work by giving
statements? praiseworthy comments
A. Classroom management is important to C. Referring unruly behavior only when
effect good instruction. necessary
B. There must be classroom management D. Writing reports/referrals only when
for instructionto yield good all the possible means have been
outcomes/results explored
C. Classroom management means good
instruction. 161. Should a teacher involve her/his students
D. Good instruction is equal to effective in planning the instructional objectives before
classroom management. starting a lesson?
A. Yes, with shared objectives, they
157. Which is NOT part of classroom routines? become self-motivated.
A. Line formation during recess,lunch and B. No, they will not be ready for it at the
dismissal beginning.
B. Passing of papers C. Yes, they will be given a tip on what a
C. Greeting teachers and classmates questions to ask.
D. Studying lessons before, during and after D. No, with cognitive objectives at the
classes. start, irrelevant questions are
158. As a teacher, one has to be properly
dressed at ell times in all occasions. This is
162. Teacher A aims to develop critical and Question: What caused the death of the
creative thinking among her students. She animals?
should try using ___________. Answer: Lack of oxygen
A. Declarative statements Generalization: Living things need oxygen in
B. Convergent questions order to live.
C. Divergent questions
D. Expository statements
166. What method of teaching is illustrated?
163. What is one advantage of using the A. Demonstration – present an activity to a
project method in science teaching? group of observers.
A. It tests the student’s manipulative skill. B. Deductive – start with the generalization,
B. It requires students to present in concrete then give example.
forms how a principle works. C. Direct instruction – a step by step
C. It requires assistance of expert on the procedure is followed.
subject. D. Inductive – from several example, state a
D. It develops high-level thinking and rule.
167. What is the best method to use in
presenting a lesson which would need
164. It is an approach that makes students
sophisticated and expensive equipment and
“think about their thinking”. Students get
technical know-how?
conscious of their thought processes while
A. Problem solving C. Demonstration
they ate engaged in their cognitive tasks. This
B. Inquiry approach D. Cooperative
is an example of an approach called______.
A. Cognitive
B. Constructivist
168. Teacher B requested an older, brighter
C. Metacognitive
and more cooperative member in a group to
D. Reflectivist
teach the other members.
165. In the three level approach to teaching What is her rationale in employing this
values are at the apex of the triangle. Now methodology?
comes the question, “ Can values be taught?” A. The tutor is better equipped and close to
A. Yes, they are dependent on affective the rest.
dimensions. B. They know one another, learning is faster.
B. No, they are rather caught than taught. C. The tutor is older and can command them
C. Yes, they have a cognitive dimension as to understand.
well. D. The members can rely on a brighter tutor.
D. No, they cannot fit a subject matter
169. In Social Science class, Teacher M
required the students to write the first and
In the following method, the teacher starts a last stanza of “Lupang Hinirang”. A student
lesson stating the following findings. was asked how she was able to recall each
word, “ I had to sing it silently.” what is the
implication of this teaching strategy?
The flies died after three days in a tightly- A. More active participation can make recall
covered bottle. easier.
The cockroaches caught in a covered tray B. An integrated teaching approach is more
died. effective in strengthening moral
The rat caught in a deep hole was found connections.
dead. C. Teaching strategies must make students
experience concrete.
D. Teaching strategies can facilitate learning January to March. How can students best
by appealing to their unique learning present such trend to the class?
styles. A. Flowchart C. Drawing
B. Map D. Bar graph
170. Lessons depicting historical events like
declaration on independence on June 12 and 175. In a biology class, the students were
Rizal’s execution at Luneta can best taught asked to trace their own families’ closest
through which of these methodologies? relatives starting from their great
A. Discussion grandparents. They constructed a starting
B. Team teaching couple and added several branches to
C. Role playing indicate the offspring's up to second or third
D. narratives generations. Which did they construct?
A. Pictorial graph C. Fishbone diagram
171. How can a teacher enhance her/his B. Family tree D. Affinity diagram
questioning technique for an effective teacher
student interaction? 176. To discipline unruly students, Teacher H
A. Allow sufficient “think time”, at least 7-10 always tells his students “Remember, I am the
seconds. person in authority here. I have the power to
B. Extend wait-time until the student pass or fail you.” do you agree with Teacher
responds. H’s reference to power?
C. Immediately call another students in case A. No, his authority is not meant to be used
one cannot answer. to pass of fail students.
D. You may answer your own question if no B. Yes, passing and failing are in the hands
one can. of a teacher.
C. Yes, one may use the power given you to
172. Teacher B wanted her students to learn blackmail students.
the electoral process in action. So they went D. We need more data to give a categorical
on to elect the President, Vice President, 12 answer.
Senator and 20 Congressmen. They came up
with qualification of candidates, manner of 177. Which is NOT a characteristic of a
campaigning and canvassing of votes. divergent question?
This activity is described as a copy of real A. Longer response
event which can simulate real-life situations. B. Broad foci
The students learned from________. C. Evokes multiple responses
A. Contrived experiences D. Recall-oriented
B. Direct experience
178. “What conclusions can you draw from
C. Purposeful experience
the case involving a taxi-driver and three
D. demonstration
members of the VFA tea?” is an example of
173. The use of a planetarium to show the which type of question?
arrangement of the planets, together with A. Descriptive C. Synthesizing
their rotation and revolution around the sun B. Explanatory D. Judgemental
is an example of a teaching strategy
called_____. 179. When you ask students to explain why
A. Demonstration C. Use of models they agree or disagree with a statement, you
B. Simulation D. Direct instruction are asking them to _______.
A. Evaluate C. Comprehend
174. A report from PAGASA showed an B. Synthesize D. Analyze
increasing trend in daily temperature from
180.. here’s a lesson objective: “To relate to
class at least one sight from the film “Pay It
Forward”. Under which domain(s) of objective
with this fall?
A. Cognitive C. Psychomotor
B. Affective D. Cognitive and affective