error=-1 ifvp=0
metalink 399727.1
For that reason, you may have a process in your database where you would
like to write information to a fileshare. For example, you have scheduled
jobs which run overnight and write files out to an Oracle Directory, and you
want this directory to reside on a fileshare so that the files can be picked up
by another process. If this is your scenario, you will not be able to do so
while you have the Oracle service running as under a local system account.
So, what now happens is that you get the error message above. The strange
thing is that you can log in as the SYS user but you cannot log in as any
other user. After much time spent around the system admins desk telling
him that he hadn’t set up the user correctly, it turns out that he had!
The symptoms gave it away really. I could log in as the SYS user using a
bequeath connection to the database, but not as any other user who was
connecting via the listener. So, I changed the account running the listener to
the newly created one instead of the local system account and it all worked.