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Running Your Node - Js App With: Systemd

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Running your Node.

js app
with systemd

© 2018 NodeSource, LLC nodesource.com 1

3 What is systemd Anyway?

4 Running your App Manually

6 Creating a systemd Service File
8 Using systemctl To Control Your App

10 Making your app production-ready

11 Configuring systemd to Run Multiple Instances
15 Configuring Nginx as a Load Balancer

17 Next Steps

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You’ve written the next great application, in Node, and you are ready to unleash it upon
the world. Which means you can no longer run it on your laptop, you’re going to actually
have to put it up on some server somewhere and connect it to the real Internet. Eek.

There are a lot of different ways to run an app in production. This guide covers the
specific case of running something on a “standard” Linux server that uses systemd,
which means that we are not going to be talking about using Docker, AWS Lambda,
Heroku, or any other sort of managed environment. It’s just going to be you, your code,
and terminal with a ssh session my friend.

Before we get started though, let’s talk for just a brief minute about what systemd
actually is and why you should care.

What is systemd Anyway?

The full answer to this question is big, as in, “ginormous” sized big. So we’re not going
to try and answer it fully since we want to get on the the part where we can launch our
app. What you need to know is that systemd is a thing that runs on “new-ish” Linux
servers that is responsible for starting / stopping / restarting programs for you. If you
install mysql, for example, and whenever you reboot the server you find that mysql is
already running for you, that happens because systemd knows to turn mysql on when
the machine boots up.

This systemd machinery has replaced older systems such as init and upstart on “new-
ish” Linux systems. There is a lot of arguably justified angst in the world about exactly
how systemd works and how intrusive it is to your system. We’re not here to discuss that
though. If your system is “new-ish”, it’s using systemd, and that’s what we’re all going to
be working with for the forseeable future.

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What does “new-ish” mean specifically? If you are using any of the following, you are
using systemd:

• CentOS 7 / RHEL 7

• Fedora 15 or newer

• Debian Jessie or newer

• Ubuntu Xenial or newer

Running your App Manually

I’m going to assume you have a fresh installation of Ubuntu Xenial to work with, and that
you have set up a default user named ubuntu that has sudo privileges. This is what the
default will be if you spin up a Xenial instance in Amazon EC2. I’m using Xenial because
it is currently the newest LTS (Long Term Support) version available from Canonical.
Ubuntu Yakkety is available now, and is even *newer*, but Xenial is quite up-to-date
at the time of this writing and will be getting security updates for many years to come
because of its LTS status.

Use ssh with the ubuntu user to get into your server, and let’s install Node.

$ sudo apt-get -y install curl

$ curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get -y install nodejs

Next let’s create an app and run it manually. Here’s a trivial app I’ve written that simply
echoes out the user’s environment variables.

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const http = require(‘http’);

const hostname = ‘’;

const port = process.env.NODE_PORT || 3000;
const env = process.env;

const server = http.createServer((req, res) => {

res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader(‘Content-Type’, ‘text/plain’);
for (var k in env) {
res.write(k + “: “ + env[k] + “\n”);

server.listen(port, hostname, () => {

console.log(“Server running at http://” + hostname + “:” + port
+ “/”);

Using your text editor of choice, create a file called hello_env.js in the user’s home
directory /home/ubuntu with the contents above. Next run it with

$ /usr/bin/node /home/ubuntu/hello_env.js

You should be able to go to

in a web browser now, substituting with whatever the actual IP address
of your server is, and see a printout of the environment variables for the ubuntu user. If
that is in fact what you see, great! We know the app runs, and we know the command
needed to start it up. Go ahead and press Ctrl-c to close down the application. Now
we’ll move on to the systemd parts.

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Creating a systemd Service File
The “magic” that’s needed to make systemd start working for us is a text file called a
service file. I say “magic” because for whatever reason, this seems to be the part that
people block on when they are going through this process. Fortunately, it’s much less
difficult and scary than you might think.

We will be creating a file in a “system area” where everything is owned by the root user,
so we’ll be executing a bunch of commands using sudo. Again, don’t be nervous, it’s
really very straightforward.

The service files for the things that systemd controls all live under the directory path


so we’ll create a new file there. If you’re using Nano as your editor, open up a new file
there with:

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/hello_env.service

and put the following contents in it:

Description=hello_env.js - making your environment variables rad

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/ubuntu/hello_env.js


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Let’s go ahead and talk about what’s in that file. In the [Unit] section, the Description
and Documentation variables are obvious. What’s less obvious is the part that says


That tells systemd that if it’s supposed to start our app when the machine boots up, it
should wait until after the main networking functionality of the server is online to do so.
This is what we want, since our app can’t bind to NODE_PORT until the network is up
and running.

Moving on to the [Service] section we find the meat of today’s project. We can specify
environment variables here, so I’ve gone ahead and put in:


so our app, when it starts, will be listening on port 3001. This is different than the default
3000 that we saw when we launched the app by hand. You can specify the Environment
directive multiple times if you need multiple environment variables. Next is


which tells systemd how our app launches itself. Specifically, it lets systemd know that
the app won’t try and fork itself to drop user privileges or anything like that. It’s just
going to start up and run. After that we see


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which tells systemd that our app should be run as the unprivileged ubuntu user. You
definitely want to run your apps as unprivileged users to that attackers can’t aim at
something running as the root user.

The last two parts here are maybe the most interesting to us

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/ubuntu/hello_env.js

First, ExecStart tells systemd what command it should run to launch our app. Then,
Restart tells systemd under what conditions it should restart the app if it sees that
it has died. The on-failure value is likely what you will want. Using this, the app will
_NOT_ restart if it goes away “cleanly”. Going away “cleanly” means that it either exits
by itself with an exit value of 0, or it gets killed with a “clean” signal, such as the default
signal sent by the kill command. Basically, if our app goes away because we want it
to, then systemd will leave it turned off. However, if it goes away for any other reason
(an unhandled exception crashes the app, for example), then systemd will immediately
restart it for us. If you want it to restart no matter what, change the value from on-
failure to always.

Last is the [Install] stanza. We’re going to gloss over this part as it’s not very
interesting. It tells systemd how to handle things if we want to start our app on boot,
and you will probably want to use the values shown for most things until you are a more
advanced systemd user.

Using systemctl To Control Your App

The hard part is done! We will now learn how to use the system provided tools to control
our app.

To begin with, enter the command

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

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You have to do this whenever any of the service files change at all so that systemd picks
up the new info.

Next, let’s launch our app with

$ sudo systemctl start hello_env

After you do this, you should be able to go to

in your web browser and see the output. If it’s there, congratulations, you’ve launched
your app using systemd! If the output looks very different than it did when you launched
the app manually don’t worry, that’s normal. When systemd kicks off an application, it
does so from a much more minimal environment than the one you have when you ssh
into a machine. In particular, the $HOME environment variable may not be set by default,
so be sure to pay attention to this if your app makes use of any environment variables.
You may need to set them yourself when using systemd.

You may be interested in what state systemd thinks the app is in, and if so, you can find
out with

$ sudo systemctl status hello_env

Now, if you want to stop your app, the command is simply

$ sudo systemctl stop hello_env

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and unsurprisingly, the following will restart things for us

$ sudo systemctl restart hello_env

If you want to make the application start up when the machine boots, you accomplish
that by enabling it

$ sudo systemtl enable hello_env

and finally, if you previously enabled the app, but you change your mind and want to
stop it from coming up when the machine starts, you correspondingly disable it

$ sudo systemctl disable hello_env

There is much, much more to learn and know about systemd, but this should help get
you started with some basics.

Making your app production-ready

Now you’re ready to learn how to launch multiple instances of your app, and load
balance those behind Nginx to illustrate a more production ready example.

There are a few things we’d like to change about our setup to make it more production
ready, which means we’re going to have to dive a bit deeper into SysAdmin land.

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In particular, the production machine you’ll be running your application on likely has
more than a single CPU core. Node.js is famously single-threaded, so in order to fully
utilize our server’s hardware, a good first pass is to run as many Node.js processes as we
have cores. For the purposes of this tutorial I’ll assume your server has a total of four. We
can accomplish our goal then by running four copies of hello_env.js on our server, but
making each one listen to a different TCP port so they can all coexist peacefully.

Of course, you don’t want your clients to have to know anything about how many
processes you are running, or about multiple ports. They should just see a single HTTP
endpoint that they need to connect with. Therefore, we need to accept all the incoming
connections in a single place, and then load balance the requests across our pool of
processes from there. Fortunately, the freely available (and completely awesome) Nginx
does an outstanding job as a load balancer, so we’ll configure it for this purpose
a bit later.

Configuring systemd to Run Multiple Instances

As it turns out, the systemd authors assumed you might want to run more than one copy
of something on a given server. For a given service foo, you’ll generally want to create
a foo.service file to tell systemd how to manage it. This is exactly what we did earlier
in this tutorial. However, if you instead create a file called [email protected], you are telling
systemd that you may want to run more than a single instance of foo. This sounds pretty
much just like what we want, so let’s rename our service file from before.

$ sudo mv /lib/systemd/system/hello_env.service /lib/systemd/

system/[email protected]

Next comes the “interesting” or “neat” part of this modified systemd configuration.
When you have a service file such as this that can be used to start multiple copies of the
same thing, you additionally get to pass the service file a variable based on how you
invoke the service with systemctl. Modify the contents of

/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]

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to contain the following:

Description=hello_env.js - making your environment variables rad

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/chl/hello_env.js


The only difference from before is that now, we set:


This lets us set the port that our application will listen on based on how we start it up.
To start up four copies of hello_env.js, listening on ports ranging from 3001 to 3004, we
can do the following:

$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@3001

$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@3002
$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@3003
$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@3004

Or, if you prefer a one-liner, the following should get the job done for you:

$ for port in $(seq 3001 3004); do sudo systemctl start

hello_env@$port; done

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All of the systemctl commands we saw before (start / stop / restart / enable / disable)
will still work in the same way they did previously, you just have to include the port
number after the “@” symbol when we start things up.

This is not a point to be glossed over. You are now starting up multiple versions of
the exact same service using systemctl. Each of these is a unique entity that can be
controlled and monitored independently of the others, despite the fact that they share
a single, common configuration file. Therefore, if you want to start all four processes
when your server boots up, you need to use systemctl enable on each of them:

$ sudo systemctl enable hello_env@3001

$ sudo systemctl enable hello_env@3002
$ sudo systemctl enable hello_env@3003
$ sudo systemctl enable hello_env@3004

There is no included tooling that will automatically control all of the related processes,
but it’s trivial to write a small script to do this if you need it. For example, here’s a bash
script we could use to stop everything:

#!/bin/bash -e

PORTS=”3001 3002 3003 3004”

for port in ${PORTS}; do

systemctl stop hello_env@${port}

exit 0

You could save this to a file called stop_hello_env, then make it executable and invoke
it with:

$ chmod 755 stop_hello_env

$ sudo ./stop_hello_env

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Please Note: that there is no requirement on having an integer or numeric value after
the “@” symbol. We are just doing this as a trick to designate the port number we want
to listen to since that’s how our app works. We could just as easily have used a string to
specify different config files if that was how our app worked. For example, if hello_env.
js accepted a --config command line option to specify a config file, we could have
created a [email protected] file like this:

Description=hello_env.js - making your environment variables rad

ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/chl/hello_env.js --config /home/


and then started our instances doing something like:

$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@config1

$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@config2
$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@config3
$ sudo systemctl start hello_env@config4

Assuming that we did in fact have files under /home/ubuntu named config1 through
config4, we would achieve the same effect.

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Go ahead and start your four processes up, and try visting the following URLs to make
sure things are working:

again substituting the IP address of your server instead of You should see
very similar output on each, but the value for NODE_PORT should correctly reflect the
port you are connecting to. Assuming things look good, it’s on to the final step!

Configuring Nginx as a Load Balancer

First, let’s install Nginx and remove any default configuration that it ships with. On
Debian style systems (Debian, Ubuntu, and Mint are popular examples), you can do this
with the following commands:

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get -y install nginx-full
$ sudo rm -fv /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Next we’ll create a load balancing configuration file. We have to do this as the root user,
so assuming you want to use nano as your text editor, you can create the needed file

$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/hello_env.conf

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and put the following into it:

upstream hello_env {
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;

location / {
proxy_pass http://hello_env;
proxy_set_header Host $host;

Luckily for us, that’s really all there is to it. This will make Nginx use its default load
balancing scheme which is round-robin. There are other schemes available if you need
something different.

Go ahead and restart Nginx with:

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

Yes, systemd handles starting / stopping / restarting Nginx as well, using the same tools
and semantics.

You should now be able to run the following command repeatedly:

$ curl -s

and see the same sort of output you saw in your browser, but the NODE_PORT value
should walk through the possible options 3001 - 3004 incrementally. If that’s what you
see, congrats, you’re all done! We have four copies of our application running now, load

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balanced behind Nginx, and Nginx itself is listening on the default port 80 so our clients
don’t have to know or care about the details of the backend setup.

Next Steps
There has probably never been a better or easier time to learn basic Linux system
administration. Things such as Amazon’s AWS EC2 service mean that you can fire up just
about any kind of Linux you might want to, play around with it, and then just delete it
when you are done. You can do this for very minimal costs, and you don’t run the risk of
breaking anything in production when you do.

Learning all there is to know about systemd is more than can reasonably covered in this
tutorial, but there is ample documentation online if you want to know more. I personally
have found the “systemd for Administrators Blog Series”, linked to from that page, a
very valuable resource.

I hope you’re had fun getting this app up and running!

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