Quick Start LINK7000 en
Quick Start LINK7000 en
Quick Start LINK7000 en
for DNC 60
User Guide
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure
agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is
against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or
nondisclosure agreement.
This notice explains normal and standard programming operations for the numerical control.
In view of the fact that numerical controls can be equipped with configurable functions by the press
manufacturer for his own specific purposes, please refer to the manufacturer-supplied complementary
instructions regarding the programming of these functions.
The CYBELEC software is protected by Copyright, and all the copying rights are reserved.
The CYBELEC software may only be installed and used in authorized equipments (PC or DNC).
The user manuals are also covered by copyright, and all rights to use and to copy are reserved.
This document may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced
without prior consent, in writing, from CYBELEC.
The legal users of this software product are authorized only to copy the contents of the diskette into the
memory of the computer to run the program, and to make one backup copy of the original diskette for
safety purposes in case of loss of the original program.
Unauthorized copying, duplicating, selling or otherwise distributing this product is a violation of the law.
The CYBELEC DNC and CNC units in which the original software made by CYBELEC has been
replaced by a copy not made by CYBELEC, and without written authorization of CYBELEC, will
immediately lose their warranty.
CYBELEC does not warrant that its software products will function properly in every computer and
programming environment.
The limitations of use of a software product and its technical specifications are decided by CYBELEC
only; CYBELEC solely is entitled to decide upon conformity and performance of a given software.
The CYBELEC software does not compensate for incompatibilities in operating system revisions or
Running the CYBELEC software under various revisions or versions, or switching between different
versions or revisions may result in loss or alteration of data.
Purchase of the CYBELEC software entitles the user, during one year, to delivery of software updates of
the "correction" type.
During the use of a revised or corrected version of the software it may occur that data (program,
parameters, etc.) is lost, or that the equipment or its connections need to be modified; these effects are not
always foreseeable and do not engage CYBELEC's responsibility.
This agreement shall automatically terminate upon any act of bankruptcy by or against licensee, upon any
assignment for the benefit of creditors of the licensee, upon any attachment execution of judgement or
process against licensee or its assets that substantially inhibits its ability to do business, or upon
dissolution of licensee.
CYBELEC has the right to terminate this agreement immediately, should the licensee violate the
aforementioned conditions.
Within 30 days of termination of this agreement for any reason, licensee shall at his option, either:
y return to CYBELEC or authorized dealer all existent copies of such software and related materials, or
y furnish to CYBELEC evidence satisfactory that the original and all copies of the software, in whole
and in any form, have been destroyed.
Licensee further agrees that CYBELEC shall not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, loss of use, or
other incidental or consequential damages arising from the use or inability to use the software, or for any
claim or demand against licensee by any other party.
In no event shall CYBELEC be liable for consequential damages, even if CYBELEC has been advised of
the possibility of such damages.
CYBELEC does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will meet the licensee's
requirement or that the operation of the software will be totally error free.
Should the software prove defective, the licensee (and not CYBELEC or an authorized dealer or
representative) will assume the entire cost of all necessary service, repair or correction.
CYBELEC warrants the diskettes, EPROMS or other magnetic support or cassettes on which the
programs are supplied to be free of defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of
90 days from the date of shipment to the licensee as evidenced by a copy of the packing slip.
CYBELEC's entire liability and the licensee's exclusive remedy shall be as follows:
The replacement of any diskettes or EPROMS or magnetic support media or cassettes not meeting
CYBELEC's limited warranty and which materials are returned to CYBELEC or an authorized
CYBELEC representative with a copy of the packing slip, or
If CYBELEC or its representative is unable to deliver replacement diskettes, magnetic support media,
EPROM or cassettes which are free of defects in materials or workmanship, the licensee may terminate
this agreement under the terms and conditions herein mentioned, and the purchaser's money will be
The licensee acknowledges that he has read this agreement, understands it and agrees to be bound by its
terms and conditions.
The licensee agrees to hold CYBELEC harmless on all liability associated with licensee's breach of this
agreement including, but not limited to, all reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, if any.
This license agreement shall be governed by Swiss law; place of jurisdiction is Lausanne, Switzerland.
CYBELEC will provide one year of software maintenance.The extent of maintenance, and response time
for furnishing same, shall be at the sole discretion of CYBELEC.Maintenance shall normally include
correction of errors in code, correction of errors in supporting documentation, update versions of the
covered software which may be released by CYBELEC during the maintenance period.
In no event shall CYBELEC be obliged to provide technical support in attempting to resolve problems or
difficulties resulting from licensee's modification of the licensed software; any such modification by
licensee is entirely at licensee's own risk.
PC Side............................................................................................................................... 3
DNC Side............................................................................................................................ 4
TRANSFER ..................................................................................................................................... 11
All Products......................................................................................................................... 17
Transfer rules...................................................................................................................... 19
INDEX.............................................................................................................................................. 23
• You must have the same tools names introduced in the PC as in the
DNC. If not the programs will not works on the DNC.
• Parameters can not be transfered to or from the DNC.
Tools may be tranfered with some limitations. CYBELEC
recommend to program them manually on the DNC.
Normally, personal computers are equipped with one or two communications
ports (COM1and COM2).
. . .
106 BAUD RATE 4800 STOP 1.0
Loopback connector
Take a femalle SUB_D 9 poles connector and creates a bridge between the
pins as follow:
• Pin 2 (RXD) wired to pin 3 (TXD)
• Pin 4 (DTR) wired to pin 6 (DSR)
• Pin 7 (RTS) wired to pin 8 (CTS)
y Connect the transmission cable to the DNC and connect the short
circuiting loopback plug on the other end of the cable to be tested.
First of all, before running PC1200 with the LINK7000 option you should
ensure that the necessary transmission file(s) are present. You can do this as
• Create a directory named LINK7000 in the C:\CYB\ directory.
This will look like this: C:\CYB\LINK7000
• Copy in this new directory all the files which are located on the
CYBELEC CD ROM software under
the x:\TOOLS\LINK7000 directory.
• Check if these file exist in the indicated directory.
After having wired the cable between the PC and the DNC, and furthermore
having tested the relevant ports and cables, you are now ready to define the
link within the PC1200 software.
To do this:
• Select MACHINE PARAMETERS on the PC1200 main menu.
• Select the parameter menu (press F1) select OPTIONS.
• Clic on the - in front of the option 03 LINK7000 (to activateit ).
A small + must be displayed.
y Be sure that the first field on top is selected (with a tag X ) if not, use
the pgup or pgdw buttons to move this selector in front of it.
y Place cursor in the NAME field and give a name to this link
(ex. DNC60_1)
y Select:
Baud Rate = 4800
Stop Bits = 1
Data Bits = 8
Parity = ___
CTS Line = NO
Switch = MANUAL
Position = ____
Protocol = WITH XON
If you do not respect this rule, then the result of a transfer of products
between the PC and DNC will be a total mismatch and you will have
to reinitialise the DNC, loosing important data.
y Call the TRANSFER DNC <--> PC page via the main menu.
2 PC --> DNC
__ ( )
__ ( )
__ ( )
If at any time during product (or tool) transfer you wish to abort the process,
• If there are more than 8 products, PgDn or PgUp keys will continue
the list.
BELOW: and confirm.
• When the transfer starts, the STATUS column will convey
information on the progress of each product in your list, according
to the following symbols:
PC 1200 1 to 99999
DNC 60 1 to 997
In the following table are described different process of part numbers when
you realise transfert from PC to DNC.
The results are different is the part number only is programmed, or if the
drawing number only is programmed and / or if the destination number is
programmed or a combination of them.
The next table shows the different results.
On the DNC 60 collumns is described the result your will find in the DNC
On the line where SOURCE No column is not programmed it is spposed
that the operator filled up the line manually without marking the products on
the LIST of PRODUCTs page.
The same basic principle applies as for PC --> DNC transfer.
Transfer can either take place by name or by number, depending on whether
the central DRAWING column has a product name actually entered in it.
Source No Drawing Destination No Status
________ 24 ______________ _______ ____ _
________ ____ ______________ _______ ____ _
In this example the operator has indicated that he requires DNC product 24
to be transferred to the PC.
After transfer the display will be:
Source No Drawing Destination No Status
________ 24 Assy 24a _______ 24 *
________ ____ ______________ _______ ____ _
Unlike the DNC, the PC cannot assign numbers to products that arrive
without a number, so it expects the operator to enter one. If this is
subsequently added:
Source No Drawing Destination No Status
________ ____ Any Num _______ 101 *
________ ____ ______________ _______ ____ _
then transfer will go ahead and product number 101 will be created on the
If several products exist on the DNC, each bearing the name "Any Number"
then the lowest product number bearing that name will be selected by the
DNC for transfer. If there is any ambiguity involved, as in this case, then it is
better to identify a DNC product by its number.
Exactly the same principle as for PC--> DNC transfers applies.
• All tools (punch and / or die) with numerical names and a number
over 97 are NOT transferred
• All tools with alphanumerical names are trated as follow:
- the programm search for the first character between 0 and 9,
- then seek for the second (just nex to the firstone) character
between 0 and 9.
Ex: P 12 = 12
P 5_13 = 5
• The Punch height H1 is transferd to the DNC.
If H2 is required, it must be programmed the value 128 in the 4th
LINK7000 19
PC 1200 DNC 60
ap: 90
hp: 100.00
rp: 1.10
TON/M: 134
Ve: 15.00
am: 91°
hm: 80.00
rm: 1.30
TON/m: 134
REF Y: 180.00
SEC X: 8.00
a: 12
b: 18
20 LINK7000
Questions Answers
When attempting a data There are two possibilities.
transfer on the transfer
page of PC1200, the (i) You may have not attached your protection key to the parallel printer
message ILLEGAL port at the back of your machine.
CONFIGURATION The key must be attached before you run PC1200, and must not be
appears, and or transfer is removed until after you quit.
inhibited. If you have a printer connected, then please ensure that it is switched on
at all times.
Correct operation cannot be guarantied if any other company's key is
(ii) The protection key is attached correctly, but it does not authorize
the use of LINK7000 transfers. Check on the welcome page if the Serial
number of the protection key is visible, and if at least the option number
is listed.
Note that in these cases the message REQUIRES TRANSMIS.
OPTION will appear. Contact CYBELEC for further information.
The transfer of products Have you correctly identified the DNC software version on the LINK7000
takes place successfully configuration page of the PC? (see page 8).
from the PC to the DNC,
but it is found that
product data on the DNC
is erroneous.
LINK7000 21
When attempting a If the message appears approximately 5 seconds after transfer is initiated,
transmission, the PC then there is absolutely no communication between PC and DNC.
displays DNC DOES
NOT REPLY". (i) Check for 100% continuity of the physical link.
Has a sub "D" connector come loose?
(ii) Are the transmission parameters (Baud Rate DataBits etc.) 100%
(iii) If there is a RS232/422 converter, has its power supply been cut?
If, in contrast, the message appears after several products or tools have been
successfully transferred, then the state of your transmission system has
suddenly changed.
(ii) Has the DNC been inadvertently switched from one mode to another by
means of the key?
(iii) Has the STOP button on the DNC been inadvertently activated?
The message DNC DEST The DNC is not in an appropriate state to send or receive data.
BAD appears. It is in fact already in its "transmission mode". The remedy is to press the
STOP button on its front panel, and to retry.
The message ILLEGAL This is usually an indication that product or tool data is corrupted on the
CHARACTER appears DNC. Try to obtain all views and axis values on the DNC for the item which
during a transfer of caused the message
products or tools from
DNC to PC.
22 LINK7000
Cable, 2
Configuration, 2
Baud rate, 2 Tests, 3
Characters, 9 Software version, 6
Configuration, 6 Status, 11
Stop bit, 2
Data bit, 2 T
Dnc dest bad, 26 Tool, 17
Dnc does not reply, 11, 26 Tool dimension, 21
Transfer, 9
F Transmission file, 6
Forbidden character, 9 Transmission file(s), 1, 5, 7
Illegal character, 26
Illegal configuration, 25
Loopback connector, 3
RUN, 3
Not found, 11
Nothing detected on line, 25
Parity, 2
Product with > 1 section, 11
Requires transmis. option, 25