Cycad: User Guide
Cycad: User Guide
Cycad: User Guide
User Guide
Working Method ..................................................................................................................6
Conversion of "untreated" CAD files 6
Conversion of "prepared" Files 7
USING CYCAD.................................................................................................................................25
General Procedure 25
Importing a CAD File ...........................................................................................................26
Simplification 29
Exporting a File in DXF or IGES Format .............................................................................30
Example Files ......................................................................................................................31
Use of the Sample Disquette 32
INDEX.............................................................................................................................................. 39
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Examples Several example files in the DXF and DWG formats are available on the
CYCAD diskette. Should this diskette be missing, do not hesitate to request it
from our After Sales Service.
Allow yourself some time to open these files with your CAD system and with
PC1200 / CYCAD. In each example, one or several particular cases are
shown in detail. You will find the names of the example files in the sections
where each particular case is mentioned.
1. You design the product on your CAD system, according to the
conventions explained below.
2. You save it to a DXF (IGES) format file.
3. You start the PC1200 software program. In the INTERFACE CAD
page, you read, modify and convert the DXF (IGES) file to the
"CYBELEC" format.
4. You may now modify the product by means of the PC1200 functions,
add missing information if necessary, test the feasibility of the product
and then transfer it to the numerical control.
You can also convert an existing file (.DAT file) into a DXF (IGES) file that
can be used with a CAD program.
The drawing conventions for the DXF (IGES) file are strictly the same for
both conversion directions.
The CYCAD option allows two different working approaches:
conversion of "untreated" CAD files and
conversion of "prepared" CAD files.
These two possibilities with their advantages and inconvients are summarized
CYCAD is capable of reading "untreated" DXF files, i.e. files that have been
converted in the state in which they have been created in the CAD system,
without the conventions described hereunder being applied.
From the CAD INTERFACE page of the PC1200 software, the program
filters certain unwanted information and displays the contents of the CAD file
which will need to be "purified" and in which it will be necessary to select the
elements needed by PC1200 (see Use of CYCAD section, page 25).
Existing CAD files The advantage is that existing DXF or IGES files can be converted without
having to any work on them at CAD level. This is particularly convenient
when the files have been generated on a system which is not available in the
However, such a file must be a 2D file, for CYCAD does not recognize
3D files. Furthermore, the file must contain at least the outline of the product
and respect a certain number of limitations described in the CAD Drawing
Conventions section, page 9.
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The character type (font) and the size of the
characters is unimportant.
When the position of the text is relevant, the
lower left corner of the text is taken into
The product shape must be defined as a series of lines and connected arcs.
The outline of the product must be entirely closed (no open ends). The shape
will correspond to that drawn on the PRODUCT FLAT page of PC1200.
Arcs In the moment of conversion, the arcs are converted into a series of segments.
The number of segments corresponding to an arc can be specified by the user,
as indicated in the Setting Parameters for CYCAD / PC1200 Option section,
page 17.
The order in which the lines and arcs are drawn is unimportant; they must be
simply end-to-end in the sense that each "summit" on the drawing must
correspond to the junction of two lines/arcs. The total of these lines/arcs must
not exceed 300 before conversion.
You may draw cut-outs inside of the product outline in the same way as the
outline, by means of lines and connected arcs. The external outline as well as
the cuts must be closed shapes. It is, of course, necessary to take into account
the max. number of segments (300).
An example of internal cuts can be found in the EXAMPLE1.DXF file. You
can convert this file and see the result in PC1200.
If the the internal cut-outs are not really necessary for the comprehension or
for the recognition of the drawing, and if they are not to be "worked on"
(bend within the internal cut), it is recommended to put them into a non-
CYCAD layer so that they will not appear in the product destined to PC1200.
Thick = 2.00
Punch = P12-3-30
Die = M10-30-1
Note: the text items must be placed on a vertical line, as shown in the
above example.
Example To obtain an example on how these paramters are used, export a file with
DXF or IGES format and look at it with your CAD system. You can also see
the EX_CY.DXF file on the CYCAD disquette.
Simple bends: The bend line must intersect with the edge of
the product in 2 places (not more, not less).
You may use outline points as terminating
points for bends. If a line has to cut a
component of the outline, its endpoint can
either be on the outline itself or can overshoot.
Forced bends: The bends can cut the outline at several points.
All bends thus defined will effectively be
actioned simultaneously. It is equally possible
to define forced bends with unjoined lines. For
this the lines must be aligned and 'barred'
evenly (see example "EXEMPLE2.DXF").
Note: This is possible only for vertical or
horizontal bends.
Internal bends: Bends which do not cut the outline but are near
of the terminating points of it (at a distance
smaller than 2 % of the largest dimension of the
product), are treated differently. In order to be
integrated into the product, the program
modifies the outline by creating additional
points to join the bending line (see example
"EXEMPLE3.DXF"). In order to perfectly
understand this example, it will be useful to
convert EXEMPLE3.DXF and to view the
result in the 3D construction page (MODIFY
3D). Also see the illustration below.
Contour/Outline/Umriss Contour/Outline/Umriss
Max number of bends The maximum number of bends allowed is 35, less the number of sections.
Furthermore there must not be more than 15 distinct orientations for these
bends. You may thus have a maximum of 15 groups of parallel bends.
Sections: You can indicate at this level the relevant sections for a
Each section is defined by a line which intersects a
component of the outline at two places. Bends
perpendicular to this section, and crossing it, belong to
this section, and no other.
LINE (110)
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The paths in which can be found the DXF and / or IGES files must be defined
within the machine parameters and in the PERIPHERALS page.
CAD files in: with right click, select in the appearing list the
peripheral where the CAD files by default
(TEST in this example) are located.
Files to display: allows to insert a filter in the window for listed
files. *.* display all files, regardless of the
extension, *.DXF only lists DXF files etc.
Save format: defines the format (DXF or IGES) in which the
converted files (coming from PC1200) must be
Dimensions in: defines the measuring unit (mm or Inches).
Nb. of segments specifies into how many (straight) segments the
for arcs: arcs are to be transformed. If not programmed,
this value will be 1. To see the effect of this
feature, set this parameter to 3 or 5 and import
the file called EX_CY.DXF. Each of the two
large notches will be terminated by 3 or 5
segments respectively.
Be careful not to use too big values (max. 9)
because for a complex part, the maximum
number of segments accepted for the outline
could be reached (see the Limitations section,
page 15).
Select polyline Clicking on one of the segments selects all the lines of the
"polyline" element.
Selection text Click on the text (near lower left corner) to select it.
Select window Selects all elements located inside a square created in the
same way as the zooming function (note: the texts touched by
the frame are also selected).
Select all Selects (and de-selects) all elements of the drawing.
Zoom Activate the zoom function, then click on the upper left
corner of the desired portion, release the button, "drag" the
cursor to the bottom right corner of the zone to be enlarged
and click.
Click on the icon to display the entire drawing.
Global view Displays the entire drawing (after having used the zoom
Trim two crossing Click on a segment which becomes the support. Click on the
segments segment which crosses. The selected part of the 2nd segment
is eliminated up to the intersection with the support segment.
Selection The selection of an object such as a line, polyline, text, etc. can be made by
clicking on or close to the object. Clicking on the selected object de-selects it.
It is possible to make multiple selections. A selected object appears in grey
The two selection icons are available in the two CAD INTERFACE pages,
so as to avoid "back and forth" movements between the two pages (as from
SJAFCIx software, mid-June 1997.)
cyan Outline
Contains the outline of the product, and general information on the product.
yellow Bends
Contains the bending lines and indications for the bends.
red Sections
Contains the sections, and indications for the bending order and supports.
rectangle , and its name appears in the Level field, as shown below.
In this example, the active level is Outline. The figure between brackets
indicates the number of segments contained in the active level.
Masking a level
Caution: masked levels will not be converted.
In this example, the levels Auxiliary and All others are masked. The
Outline level is active.
General Procedure
Since no other level has been defined, all elements are located in the
All other levels. This is indicated by the fact that all lines are blue.
It can be seen that in this drawing, only the upper right portion can be
used by PC1200. This is the flat layout of the product.
Then click onto the Transfer icon, and the outline changes to
cyan color.
! To see the contents only of the Outline level, mask the All others
level. It is not necessary to mask other levels because, for the time
being, they do not contain any elements.
This is what you should now have on your screen after having
transferred the bends with their values, and having masked the
Outline and All others levels. The three small oblique lines
designate forced bends (see CAD Drawing Conventions, page 9).
! Convert the product by clicking on the PRODUCT # function key.
Caution: the masked levels will not be converted, i.e. if you have
masked the Bends level, the bends will not be transferred to the
current PC1200 product. If the Outline level has been masked, an
error appears in the moment of conversion.
! In the PC1200 program, add the tools and their positions, and test the
feasibility like you would on another product.
If the outline of the product contains a large number of small segments which
are unimportant for the bending of the product, it may be useful or necessary
(max. number of bends reached) to simplify the outline. In the example used,
the two small notches of 5 x 5 mm will be used. The distance between the two
notches is 12 mm.
In order not to modify your existing environment, the disquette has also been
made in such a way that it can be read directly by PC1200. To this effect, the
disquette contains the machine parameters and tools making it possible to
visualize the converted sample products.
To read information directly on the disquette from PC1200:
! Call the WELCOME page.
(See also: 2D Reference Manual).
In the CAD INTERFACE page, access the DXF example files by choosing
the DXF_A peripheral.
Note: The 3.5" disquette unit must be A:
If this is not the case, you must modify the machine parameters page
PERIPHERALS accordingly.
CYCAD converts the sections in the order of construction. The section
established first will be given the numer 1, the second the number 2 etc. If
there are numbered sections in the CAD drawing, this numbering will be
The order of the sections influcences the bending order, because PC1200
starts with section 1.
PROB2.DXF shows a DXF file where the sections were created in the
following order: 1 horizontal, 2 vertical. However, the numbering has been
"inverted", i.e. the vertical section was given the number 1, and the horizontal
section has number 2.
If you import this example file, you will see after conversion that
(PRODUCT FLAT) section number 1 is the horizontal and section 2 the
vertical section. They do correspond to the order of construction.
The PROB3.DXF file is identical to PROB2, but the vertical section was
created first, followed by the horizontal section as a second step.
You can import this example and see the difference in the PRODUCT FLAT
The bending lines must be continuous lines, because on certain CAD systems
a "dotted" line is considered to be a multitude of short lines.
It is indispensable that the bending lines touch the outline at both extremities,
otherwise the line will not be converted.
The PROB7.DXF file shows a product with a "dotted" bending line. It is not
possible to select the line in a single operation, and even if each element is
selected, this bending line will not be converted.
The PROB8.DXF file shows a bending line which does not touch the outline
(top). During conversion, this line is ignored and will be lost.
The only remedy is to make the necessary changes at CAD level.
1.- Open the file with a CAD system and correct it by closing the outline.
Note: The outline of the internal cuts must also be closed.
2.- Use the functions at disposal:
Trim two crossing Click on a segment which becomes the support. Click on the
segments segment which crosses. The selected part of the 2nd segment
is eliminated up to the intersection with the support segment.
The conventions do not allow bends to cross each other. Sometimes, the eye
cannot distinguish that bends are crossing. The product will be converted
without any particular message being issued. The error will be found in the
PRODUCT 3D page. The product will not be displayed, and the message
Crossing Bends will be shown. The product can be seen in the BEND 2D
The PROB5.DXF file illustrates an example with crossing bends. The upper
horizontal bend is too low by a value of 0.01 mm. See also
PRODUCT 20055 on the CYCAD Example files disquette.
It may happen that you cannot select a line, or that only part of a line is being
Sometimes, during construction of a product, some construction lines remain
in the file. They are "hidden" but they may cause you some surprises when
selecting or converting items.
The PROB9.DXF file gives a small example of the phenomenon you might
On the outline, two supplementary lines have been superimposed.
One is located on the vertical left line, the other one on the upper horizontal
line. The vertical line has the same length as the line it covers, the horizontal
one is shorter.
! Call the PROD9.DXF file into the CAD INTERFACE page.
! Activate the icon and try to select the left vertical line. It seems
to be impossible to select it.
! Now try to do the same with the upper horizontal line. You will see
immediately that it is shorter.
Remember that one click activates the selected object, and that the subsequent
click de-activates it. The reaction can be different depending on the fact
whether the supplementary line is situated on top of or underneath the line of
the drawing.
In the case of the vertical line, select the icon and click once only on
the vertical line. Even though it is of blue color and does not seem to be
levels 23 Example files 9
Angle Examples 5, 31
see Bends 13 Complementary Information in a level 10
internal cut-outs 10
external values 19 Exporting files 30
internal values 19
Arcs 10
-B- conventions 9
description of examples 31
Bending lines 33
Bending orders 14 examples 9, 31
existing CAD 6
Bends 12
angle values 13
import 26
forced 12
max. Number in a directory 15
internal 12
prepared 6
max. number 12
read in... 18
max. number 15
save in.... 18
order .... 14
untreated 6
simple 12
untreated 9
supports 14
CAD Interface Page not visible 37
définitions 21
Complementary Information 10
Illegal Configuration 17
activate CYCAD 17
file 26
of CYCAD 17
of peripherals 17 Internal cut-outs 10
Conventions 9
Conversion -L-
problems 33
Layers 9
Levels 9
-D- active 23
Auxiliary 23
Bends 12
icons 21
Bends 23, 28
Difficulties 33 Complementary Information 10
masking 23
Discontinued lines 33
Outline 10
Diskette Outline 23
examples 5 Sections 13
Sections 23
Limitations 15 conversion 28
conversion 34
elements not being converted 36
not selected 35
elements not converted 28
superposed 35
level not recognized 36
line cannot be selected 35
order of sections 33
Outline not closed 34
Mask Superposed lines 35
levels 23
Protection key 17
CAD Interface not appearing 37
CAD Interface not appearing 17 -S-
Messages Sections 13
Illegal Configuration 17 max. number 15
max. number 15
number in a given level 23
Order of sections 33
Outline 10 of outline 19
not closed 34
Simplification of outline 29
simplification 19, 29
Supports 14
Outline 27 Text style 9
elements not converted 23
Problems 33
bending lines 33
of the sample disquette 32
CAD Interface choice not visible 17, 37