Lilin Society

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Lilin Society 01/01/2019, 21:45

27th February 2016 Mark of Qayin


Posted 27th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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Lilin Society 01/01/2019, 21:45

19th February 2016 The Satanic Goetia

The Satanic Goetia is a project I am working on with a couple others including Lilin Society
member Chris Maleficus. This will be a totally reworking of the Goetia from a Satanic
perspective. My contributions so far will be a complete re-write of the 72 descriptions of the
demons, the black fast and the ritual of the seven hells expanded. I will post more as it
becomes available.
Posted 19th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Sinister Aeon Content

[ Page 2 of 37
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As described in the description above it is $70 for this limited edition grimoire. If
you would like it signed it will be $80 (due to shipping to Asha'Shedim and then
shipping to it's final destination). If you would like to purchase this book email
[email protected] or if you would like a signed copy email Asha'Shedim
directly at [email protected]. This book is in limited quantity (55) and
will never be released again so buy it today.

Previews of the book including cover, inside ect coming soon. This book is a
beautiful work of art with master craftsman ship in it's overal creation and build.
That is why this book is only being made available in such limited quantity.
Here is a list of the chapters in the book. At the end of this list will be a FREE
SAMPLE reading of the book

Code of Sinister-Honour
The Aeon of Dark Empathy
Satanism in the Lilin Society
The Book of Qayin and Luluwa
The Book of Tehiru
The Satanic Points
The Abyss
Approved Human Sacrifice for the Lilin Society
The Guidelines for Human Sacrifice
Sexuality in the Lilin Society
Black Sorcery
Luciferian Eugenics
The Book of Lilith
Goddess of Death
The Guide to Sexual Sorcery
The Lilin Society’s Black Mass
Blood Orgy to Dark Mother Baphomet
Ritual of the Living Causal Nexion
The Ritual of Eden’s Apple
The Commitment to the Spirit of Qayin
Demon Invocation Ritual
The Rite to Belial
Suicide Rite
A Carnal Celebration of Blasphemy
Blessings to Baphomet
Chant to Chavajoth
Spell for Divination
A Basic Ritual for Gnosis
Blood Sacrifice to Baphomet
The Necrosexual Rites of the Whore Lilith
Human Sacrifice to Master Qayin
Lesbian Ritual of the Demonic Feminine
The Homosexual Ritual of the Demonic Masculine Page 3 of 37
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Sodomy: A Blasphemy from the Devil

A Guide for Heterosexual, Lesbian and Homosexual Sodomy Sorcery
Ritual to Luluwa
Approved Human Sacrifice Ritual
Satanic Rosary
Pact with Satan
Prayer to Qayin
A General Quimbanda Ritual Setup
Exu Rei Financial Spell
Spell to Induce Suicide
Thief Protection Spell
Curse of Ormolu
Love Spell of Maria Padhila
Spell of Protection
Spell to Murder a Person
Spell to speak with Deceased Love Ones
Healing Spell
Working with the Spirits of Quimbanda
Lilin Society Sect Rules
Initiate to Adept Testing
The Bylaws
History of the Lilin Society
Core Beliefs of the Lilin Society
Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Running Your Own Satanic Sect Part

Author's Note: This series of posts contains much but not all of the material in the book
"Running Your Own Satanic Sect" for the complete book buy on Amazon.

Meeting Opening Ritual

The council will be in back of the altar while the adepts circle the ritual area.
Infront of the altar are the master and or mistress. In the center of the circle are
the initiates.
Upon the altar are seven black candles, a Baphomet statue, human bones and
incense. Master: We open this meeting with a prayer. (Each member will recite
the prayer after each pause.)
Lord Satan, we call you forth, we call to Sitra Achra, Lord Satan bless this Page 4 of 37
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room, let your power radiate this chamber, by the chavajoth, by Qayin and
Luluwa, by Ama-Lilith, by the unmanifested universe, womb of Tiamat, the
unknown god, in the name of Lord Satan so we begin this ritual.
Adepts chant: Sa-tan, Cha-os, Sit-ra, Ach-ra, chav-a-joth The meeting has

Meeting Closing Ritual

The participants are in the same places as they were in the opening ritual.
Master: Lord Satan, we now close this meeting.
All: Hail Satan

Devotion to Satan
On the altar are seven black candles. Also have one candle lit at each
direction. Face the altar. “I call forth the great dragons of Sitra Achra. I call forth
the wrathful gods of Chavajoth and call forth Lord Satan the adversary. Lord of
the raging chaos, acausal spirit at the crown of the Tree of Death, I devote this
ritual to you. May my fireborn spirit burn with the black flame” (Recite three
Recite a personal prayer written on a piece of paper. Burn the paper on the
altar. Meditate while gazing into a scrying mirror.
In closing recite “I thank you Lord Satan. May you leave me with Gnosis. Hail

Funeral Rites of the Lilin Society

The crowd sits as follows. Initiates in the back, Adepts in the middle and
Council in the front. All members let out a low chant of an “om”. The Master or
Mistress enters the room and all goes silent. They stand before the altar. They
lean down and kiss the corpse on the head. He consecrates a circle. This is as
Earth “Lirach tasa vefa wehlic, Belial”
Air “Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar, Lucifer” Fire “Ganic tasa fubin, Flereous”
Water “Jedan tasa hoet naca, Leviathan” After this circle is consecrated
The Master then turns to the crowd.
Master: “______ served us well. He/she was devoted to the art and their sect.
He/she has served Lord Satan well during their time upon their Earth. May their
evolved spirit escape rebirth and move forward into the Unmanifested
“I call upon Euronymous, I call upon Baalberith, I call upon Babael. I call upon
these demons to see over this funeral and watch over the departed. Now we
will all stand as each row comes up one at a time and places their departing
notes into the burning bowl.”
Each member beforehand had hand written a personal prayer for the deceased Page 5 of 37
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to be watched over. Starting with the Initiates and ending with the Council each
member will pass by the body, depositing their note into a large metal bowl.
Now when all is seated the Master will read each note. When he is done he will
say “By Flereous your spirit is lifted. In the sacred flames you shall rise.” He will
then burn the note, dropping it into a separate burning bowl.
The Master now lights incense and waves them over the casket.
Master: “By Lucifer your spirit settles and is released back into the Womb of
Tiamat. Hail Chaos.”
All: “Hail Satan”
Sand is then poured on the burnt letters.
Master: “By Belial you become one with him. May you find rebirth in Chaos.”
A Chalice of consecrated water is poured.
Master: “By Leviathan your spirit is released. May you find rebirth in Chaos.”
The sigil of the Patron demon of the deceased is now traced over the bowl with
a wand.
Master: “May _____ guide you and watch over you.”
Master: “In the name of Lord Satan it is done. We bid farewell to our
Following is a banquet. If there is a living spouse of the deceased they sit at
the head of the table.

The Marriage Rites of the Lilin Society

The altar will face the north. The Master or Mistress will begin the ceremony by
invoking the elemental circle. This is as follows
Earth “Lirach tasa vefa wehlic, Belial”
Air “Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar, Lucifer” Fire “Ganic tasa fubin, Flereous”
Water “Jedan tasa hoet naca, Leviathan”
After this circle is consecrated
The groom waits at the southern portion of the circle as he waits for his bride.
Two masked adepts enter the room with the bride and bring her to the groom.
The two meet at the southern portion and the adepts walk off. The bride and
groom make their way up the center of the circle and stop in the middle. Here
they stand for a moment as the center of the circle represents Satan and this is
out of respect. The two continue to the altar.
Master or Mistress
“Like Qayin and Luluwa these two burning spirits have found each other They
found a love and formed a bond. Rosier gathers us to witness the union of
______ and ________. Before Lord Satan these two wish to remain together
as long as they are upon this Earth.”
The bride and groom hold hands and the Master or Mistress wraps a red cord
around their wrists.
Master of Mistress
“In the name of Satan I bind you to one another.”
Participants “Hail Satan” Page 6 of 37
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The bride and groom are now each handed a black candle which they place
upon the altar on the left and right of the unity candle, a red candle. A chalice is
set behind the unity candle with wine blessed by Leviathan. The bride and
groom each are handed a burning wick to light their black candle and then
together light the unity candle.
The Master or Mistress hands the chalice to the bride. She says “In the name
of Lord Satan I drink this elixir to our everlasting union.”. She then takes a sip
from the chalice. The chalice is handed back to the Master or Mistress who
then hands it to the groom. He repeats. The chalice is then handed back to the
Master or Mistress and then placed upon the altar, behind the union candle.
The wine is now poured over the hands of the bride and groom and they are
asked to face the east.
Master or Mistress
“In the name of Rosier, in the name of Mother Lilith, in the name of Lord Satan
and all those who witnessed this today, you are now wed until the day you
depart this physical world. Go to the East and Lucifer shall light your way.”
The couple exit the circle to the East. The couple now keeps the cord as well
as the remaining unity candle.

Approved Human Sacrifice for the Lilin

The Lilin Society does have an approved human sacrifice ritual. Before we get
into this let us first discuss the purpose of a human sacrifice. The death of an
individual in the name of Satanism releases this sacrifices energy which can be
stored within a crystal or spread throughout the causal world. This spreading
strengthens the nexion into the acausal world much as it did when Qayin and
Qalmana sacrificed Abel and Kelipat.
Our human sacrifice guidelines are based on those taught by the Order of the
Nine Angles. First we must discuss the kind of human sacrifices that exist.
The first one is a willing sacrifice. This person has become so overcome with
misanthropy and detached from the causal world that they are ready to journey
back to the acausal. By shedding their clayform they kill their ego and thus free
the energy of it, which can and will be harvested. The second type is the
involuntary sacrifice. This person has no desire to die and is chosen because
they stand as an insult to Satanism. They are an opponent and their
eradication is better for their energy is now free to use in the hands of those
who know what to do with it.
The third type is a result of events. This can range from mass murders, serial
murders, acts of terrorism or even war. This human sacrifice happens daily and
the energy is often wasted. The demiurge shuns the murder of his creations so
all murders are satanic in nature.
There are three methods one can go about sacrificing an individual. The first
method is through dark sorcery. This method is employing various death rituals Page 7 of 37
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that strike at the sacrifice. Energy is used to do your bidding and often animal
sacrifice is a part of this ritual to strengthen the energy.
The second method is through direct contact with the individual. This is done in
a ritual setting in which the sacrifice is brought to a ritual area to be sacrificed
physically with a sacrificial obsidian knife. The body is then taken and disposed
of, special care that it is not discovered by authorities.
The third and final method is that of assassination. Targeting a person and
acting as a lone wolf. These methods are carried out usually in a professional
manner. The JFK assassination, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln and
Osama Bin Laden are all examples of Satanic human sacrifices carried out in
this manner.
The second and third method are not condoned by the Lilin Society. The only
approved Human Sacrifice is that of method number one and even with this
contact must be made to the Grand Council and approval is needed.
All members of a Human Sacrifice ritual are sworn to secrecy. They will not talk
about it, write about it, or in any way let those not involved know about it. To
break this oath is punishable through death using the first method.

The Commitment to the Spirit of Qayin

This is a ritual which requires serious devotion of the adept and therefore it can
be used as a prerequisite to joining the council or becoming a Master or
This ritual will take one week and take place in the wilderness. Hike for three
hours before setteling on a place and then create an earthen altar. On this altar
one should have human bones, black and red candles, roses and a crown of
Set up your tent.
One will start the ritual in the planetary hour of Mars. Strip naked and bring out
your animal sacrifice. Slice it’s throat with an obsidian blade and pour the blood
on the altar.
Raise the obsidian blade to the sky and recite.
“In the name of Qayin, Lord of Death, I begin this ritual of commitment. Accept
my blood sacrifice. In the name of Satan, hail the spirit of the first murderer.”
Now meditate for an hour. Reflect on the story of Qayin and Luluwa. When you
are done return to your tent and sleep for three hours.
The ritual will consist of seven full days. Each day will be the same with the
exception of the last day. On each day follow the ritual described.
Wake up and eat a light breakfast. Drink plenty of water. Ritualistically bathe
with frankincense lit. The bath water should have rose pedals in it. You do not
need a bath tub just a bowl with water. Around the bowl should be human
bones and animal bones to form a circle. Stick a knife in the ground at the
north, east, south and west points.
After the bath get dressed and meditate for a hour facing the altar. Chant the
word Qayin while focusing on your Azoth. search Page 8 of 37
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Rise and with your obsidian blade draw the sigil for Qayin before you and the
Lilin Society
Classic Flipcard of AzothMosaic
Magazine above you.
Lilin Society, formed in
Sidebar Snapshot May 20…
“I stand before this altar as I shed my ego and free my Azoth. I stand before
the spirit of Qayin and invoke the spirit to bind with my own. In the name of
Satan, Hail the first Murderer!”
Now walk forward into the sigil of Qayin and concentrate. Focus all his energy
into your body as you envision him combining with your spirit.
Go on a four hour hike not stopping to rest. Drink plenty of water during this but
do not eat food. Bring with you a human bone and an animal skull. Bring also a
small shovel as well of four black candles, the obsidian blade and a rose. Also
bring parchment and a pen.
After the hike find a clearing. Here you will dig a six foot hole and place the
animal skull and human bone in it. Around it place the four candles in the four
directions (north, south, east and west) and stand in the grave. Raise the
obsidian knife and call out to the sky.
“In the name of Qayin I did this grave. I call upon the Lord of Death to enter my
body and empower me. Bring me closer to Gnosis.”
Now meditate in the grave for one hour, focusing on the bones. On the
parchment draw the sigil of Qayin and place it on top of the bones. Climb out of
the hole and bury the bones and parchment. On top of the grave mound place
some rose pedals. Turn around and hike back to camp without looking back.
At the camp you will read about Qayin. You will reflect on what Qayin is and
what you hope to achieve by binding and committing to him. You will then walk
around the camp clockwise seven times chanting Qayin.
Sacrifice an animal before the earthen altar and spill the blood on the altar.
Raise the blade and announce “In the name of Qayin!”
Spend the rest of the day in reflection and meditation. Sleep no more than
three hours.
The purpose of this ritual is to weaken the body and strengthen the spirit. You
are to exhaust yourself by eating once a day and going through physical tasks.
On the last day after completing all the following before going to bed you will
stand before the altar naked. You will recite.
“Master Qayin, Lord of Death, First Murderer, I call you here now. I have
committed myself to you, committed my spirit to you, and ask you to bind with
my spirit to bring me closer to Gnosis. In the name of Satan, I make this
Now use the obsidian blade to slice open your left palm. Spill the blood on the
crown of thorns. Meditate for one hour and then raise the crown above your
head and chant the word Qayin as you place it upon your head.
Go to sleep while wearing the crown for no more than three hours and in the
morning pack up camp, leaving behind the earthen altar and all it’s contents
with the exception of Dynamic
the crown. Wear
Views this Powered
theme. crown during your hike back into the
by Blogger.
world. Once you arrive at your destination (where you began your initial hike)
you can remove the crown. When you get home place it upon your altar.Blood
Sacrifice to Baphomet Page 9 of 37
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Baphomet is the Blood Mother of Sacrifice and Sexuality. This ritual is a human
sacrifice ritual involving blood and orgy. This ritual is done in a group setting in
a woods. This ritual is a devotion to the spirit of Baphomet and all she
represents. It is vital that the human sacrifice requirements
are met in order to conduct this ritual for this is a ritual that advances Satanism.
The Master and Mistress will test and decide on the human sacrifice.
For one week each participant will make a daily sacrifice on their own to the
spirit of Baphomet. This is done in the following way.
Stand in the center of the room facing the statue or image of Baphomet. Hold
the sacrifice out in one hand and proclaim in your own words your devotion to
Satan, Satanism and the spirit of Baphomet. The sacrifice is killed with an
obsidian blade and the blood is collected in a bucket. Each day for seven days
you will add blood to this bucket.
On the seventh day go to a clearing and agree on a planetary hour to work in.
There should be a Master and Mistress (leaders one of which is male and the
other female). Together these two are a representation of the male and female
aspects of Baphomet and should be treated as holy during the ritual as if they
are Baphomet.
There will be an altar with a Baphomet image on it and nothing else.
The participants file in chanting Baphomet in order of male, female, male ect.
They are wearing black robes and nude underneath. Each robe should have a
pentagram on the left side of the breast. It can be painted on or sewn on. Once
they reach the clearing they will form a circle still in the male, female structure.
At the foot of each will be a bucket of blood, a chalice and a candle.
All will be silent and the Master and Mistress will enter the circle.
Master: We are gathered here to celebrate and devote ourselves to the spirit of
Mistress: We invoke the spirit within us and celebrate with blood sacrifice as
well as a human sacrifice.
Master: In the name of Lord Satan we summon the darkness and through the
art we celebrate the spirit of Baphomet. A spirit of blood sacrifice and sexuallity.
Mistress:Hail Satan
All: Hail Satan
Now all will disrobe in their nude form. Each participant will stand still and
chant Baphomet as the Master and Mistress go to each chalice, pouring in red
wine. In the center the Master and Mistress will raise their wine glasses, cross
arms and drink their wine. The participants will follow, drinking the glass
without crossing arms. The Master and Mistress will now disrobe. On their
bodies (abdomen) will be painted in blood a pentagram. Each participant will
now use their finger and use the blood in the bucket to draw a pentagram on
their body.
Each member will now pick up their bucket of blood and in a circle pass the
altar, dumping the blood on the altar, directly onto the image of Baphomet.
When the blood spilling is complete the Master and Mistress will do the same.
Master: We have chosen a human sacrifice for this event. His name is Page 10 of 37
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_______ and his death will benefit Satanism. In the name of Satan I offer up
this sacrifice.
The Master will then place a poppet on the altar. The poppet has a picture of
the sacrifice. He will plunge an obsidian blade into the poppet and all will say
“Hail Satan”
The Master and Mistress will now engage in sex upon the altar. The
participants will now also engage in sexual activity. If the participant is a
homosexual or a lesbian they may use a member of the same sex. The orgy
happens in the center of the circle with all members in close proximity of each
The orgy is finished when the Master and Mistress finish. Right before the
Master ejaculates the Mistress will remove the penis from her vagina and use
her hand to finish him ejaculate onto the image of Baphomet.
Once this is complete all will robe and file out male, female ect. while chanting
Baphomet. The Master and Mistress will follow last and no one will look back
or visit the area again.

Initiation Ritual
The initiate enters the clearing where the adepts have gathered in a circle in
the ritual area. They surround the initiate. The council stands behind the altar
and the master and or mistress stands in front of the altar. The initiate knees
before the altar on bother knees.
Master: Is your will true
Initiate: Yes, for my will is with Satan Mistress:What is true
Initiate: There is no law, no authority, no justice. There is only Satan Master: If
asked to kill for your brother or sister will you raise your sword Initiate Yes, I will
kill for my brother or sister for Satan is in my heart Mistress:Will you die for
your brother or sister
Initiate: Yes, I will die for my brother or sister for Satan is in my heart
Master:Who is your guide to the unmanifested universe
Initiate: Satan is my guide and in him I trust Mistress: And to whom do you
devote yourself Initiate: To Lord Satan
Now the initiate will take a peice of paper and on this paper there will be the
symbol of the Lilin Society. He will make a small cut on his left thumb and drop
blood upon it. He will hand it to the master and or mistress. They will take the
paper and burn it upon the altar.
Master:This is your oath, your binding to our Sect and to Lord Satan. This is
your oath of secrecy and if you break your oaths may your soul burn in the
flames of hell’s wrath
Initiate: I swear on my sinister honor as a Satanist in the Lilin Society that I will
never surrender, that I will die fighting rather than submit to any mortal, even if
that means taking my own life. I will uphold the code of sinister honor.
The initiate rises and is given a necklace with the sigil of the Lilin Society. This
is to be worn under the clothing not visible to mundanes but may be worn Page 11 of 37
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outside the clothing within the Sect. He has now become an adept.

Understanding the Labyrinth of the Lilin

What I call the Labyrinth is a means to test, jest, challenge and select new
members. Truth be told many members are selected upon merit but others with
no prior dialogue with me go through the labyrinth. It’s a trying and even
humiliating path that will serve my own sadistic means, however, it also
strengthens the initiate and teaches them to challenge themselves.
If an initiate tells me he failed a task I will ask why. If he admits he is weak then
I see strength in him. If he tells me he is lazy I do not bother further. I got my
test, my jest and I selected. These failures serve as entertainment for me and
the rest of the Lilin Society.
Initiation has many levels. One must understand that to be serious at all times
troubles the soul. We must have fun, at others expense.
Do you need to spend time doing physical labor to join, no, but what harm is
there in challenging and getting comic relief from their attempts. Initiates will all
learn the secrets in time, some faster than others. Those who are familiar with
the Order of the Nine Angles will understand sooner and cross through the
I am a niner, a solo acting member of the Order of the Nine Angles. Does one
need to follow the sevenfold way to be a member? That is a mundane thought
frame don’t you think? Anton Long stated himself that a Satanist follows no
man. He is his own master. When Anton Long created his Labyrinth he did it
for his own amusement.
To those who lived in the woods and committed to the at times ridiculously
laborious rituals to join I offer no apologies. It made you stronger and brought
me cult amusement. Now the secret is out, well sort of. This is intended for the
initiates whom I have selected into adeptship and took under my wing. Be
proud to be the butt of my joke, be proud to put yourself through personal hell
and challenge yourself, some of you for the first time in your life. I applaud you.
Now although you wont see me hiking hours in the woods in just a robe in mid
winter, I must say I respect those whom have.
Now that the secret of the Labyrinth is out let’s focus on the reason you joined
the Lilin Society. To evolve.

Upon the Death of a Master or Mistress

When a Master or Mistress of a sect dies or even just wishes to step down the
other head will select a new one from the sect. For Example: If the Mistress
dies and Master will select a new Mistress.
If the Sect has only one but not the other, such as a Master but no Mistress,
then the council will vote upon who will take their place. Note that a dying Page 12 of 37
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Master or Mistress cannot choose their replacement for their mind is dying and
their judgement cannot be trusted.
A funeral is held in the name of the departed Master of Mistress. The typical
funeral rite is not conducted but a special one for Masters or Mistresses. Here
follows that ritual.
Upon the altar is the casket of the departed (if no body could be obtained a
picture of the deceased is fine). Behind the altar is the symbol of the Lilin
Society and on the altar are black candles, one lit for every year the Master or
Mistress has been alive. There are also red candles, one lit for every year that
they served as Master or Mistress.
The Initiates enter first, each one carrying a rose. They walk by the casket and
place the rose inside on top of the body. They then take a seat in the back row.
Next the Adepts enter and follow the lead of the Initiates. They take a seat in
the middle rows.
Finally the Council enters and they follow the lead of the previous two and then
take a seat in the front rows.
Initiates begin the chant by chanting “Sa-tan, Chav-a-joth, Lil-ith, Qay-in”.
Adepts follow after three verses with a low “om”. The council follows after three
verses with a higher “ah”.
The Master or Mistress enters the room and all goes silent. They stand before
the altar. They lean down and kiss the corpse on the head. He consecrates a
circle. This is as follows.
Earth “Lirach tasa vefa wehlic, Belial”
Air “Renich tasa uberaca biasa icar, Lucifer” Fire “Ganic tasa fubin, Flereous”
Water “Jedan tasa hoet naca, Leviathan” After this circle is consecrated
The Master then turns to the crowd.
Master: “______ served us well as Master/Mistress. He/she never put the sect
second, always taking the time to work with it’s members. He/she has served
Lord Satan well during their time upon their Earth. May their evolved spirit
escape rebirth and move forward into the Unmanifested Universe.”
“I call upon Euronymous, I call upon Baalberith, I call upon Babael. I call upon
these demons to see over this funeral and watch over the departed. Now we
will all stand as each row comes up one at a time and places their departing
notes into the burning bowl.”
Each member beforehand had hand written a personal prayer for the deceased
to be watched over. Starting with the Initiates and ending with the Council each
member will pass by the body, depositing their note into a large metal bowl.
Now when all is seated the Master will read each note. When he is done he will
say “By Flereous your spirit is lifted. In the sacred flames you shall rise.” He will
then burn the note, dropping it into a separate burning bowl.
The Master now lights incense and waves them over the casket. 40
Master: “By Lucifer your spirit settles and is released back into the Womb of
Tiamat. Hail Chaos.”
All: “Hail Satan” Page 13 of 37
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Sand is then poured on the burnt letters.

Master: “By Belial you become one with him. May you find rebirth in Chaos.”
A Chalice of consecrated water is poured.
Master: “By Leviathan your spirit is released. May you find rebirth in Chaos.”
The sigil of the Patron demon of the deceased is now traced over the bowl with
a wand. Master: “May _____ guide you and watch over you.”
Master: “In the name of Lord Satan it is done. We bid farewell to our brother/
Following is a banquet. If there is a living spouse of the deceased they sit at
the head of the table.

Human Sacrifice Ritual

The only accepted method of Human Sacrifice in Satanism used by the Lilin
Society is through Sor- cery. Remember, all human sacrifice rituals must meet
guidelines and go through the Grand Council.
The room is dark except the participants. If only one is participating he will
assume all roles of this ritual.
The ritual leader steps out followed by the can- dle bearer. The ritual leader
holds a skull (if performing solo the candle will be in the left hand and skull in
the right). He will approach the altar and place the skull upon it. The candle
bearer will then light the altar candles.
The chanters will begin with a low "om“. After several “om” the chant will
change to “satan sacrificium accipias”
A picture of the sacrifice will be placed upon the altar in front of the candle by
the ritual leader. A crystal tetrahedron will be placed in front of the picture. The
leader will now kneel before the altar and meditate with the chants. He will take
the Satanic Rosary and begin a prayer of death. As he prays for death the
chanting will cease and as he crosses the beads he will vibrate the name of the
sacrifice while envisioning his death. The vision will be vivid and strong,
channeled into the tetrahedron.
Upon completion of the Satanic rosary the leader will recite the following
“Lord Satan, ruler of the Other Side, I offer this sacrifice unto you. He has been
selected, tested and judged and his death will benefit Satanism. I offer
you________(name of victim) through the act of dark sorcery. Bring death to
him and let chaos reign. Hail Satan!”
The members now will rise and leave the altar. They will let the candle burn out
as the tetrahedron focuses the energy into the picture of the victim.

This ends the free preview of Running Your Own Satanic Sect
Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil Page 14 of 37
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12th February 2016 No Religion

As a Satanist one must realize that what we have can’t ever be a religion, for to
recognize a religion is to recognize an authoritarian figure head and structured
sets of dogma. Now the labyrinth of the Lilin Society I have spoken of in the
past gets a little more confusing. The words contradiction comes to mind of
many for they reply with the fact that the Lilin Society has rules and some
would say that myself, being the leader of this society, acts as its head.
What differentiates the teachings of the Lilin Society from say Christianity is
that we promote self evolution and encourage dissidence. We are a rebellious
group but loyal to our own sinister kind, and only loyal to our own sinister kind.
Never once have I demanded anyone treat me any different from an initiate,
never once have I demanded respect due to my position as leader. Truth be
told, I walk a solitary path for the most part and do not partake in group
workings. This is my nature. I am selfish in my quest and therefore I do not
play well with others.
The Lilin Society was never meant to be some cult, not some place where
empty headed weaklings can be told what to do. If it’s a tit you seek to suck on
there exists plenty of religions out there. The reason that I formed structure
was to aid those who need the group setting. I have taught those who need
group settings how to effectively run their own sect. The Lilin Society has an
always will be a loose network of kindred spirits whom support 1)the
destruction of causal abstractions of all kinds including government, religions
and its propaganda education system 2) the aeonic sorcery which will either
bring about world wide enlightenment and evolution or decimate this planet
(the latter is more than likely) 3) the evolution of the spirit to become a new
specie of man and 4) the total annihilation of the causal world we live in and a
return to what is natural, cosmic chaos.
Anarchy is the only law for the lawless. Blood stained streets and empty bullet
shells are just a dent in the coming anarchy for to truly be effective we must
infiltrate the system and demolish it from within. That is where the Dreccs
come into play. We must be parasites whom guise as mundanes and suck the
prana from this planet. Our goals of cosmic destruction are kind of out of our
reach, for now, but why strive to break sephirotic chains when the chains of
causal abstractions bind us here and now with their subjective laws? There is
only one law and that is of honor.
The causal abstraction of government tells you that murder is wrong. I disagree
with this statement for I feel that a good culling once in a great while does the Page 15 of 37
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land good. It cleanses the already filthy streets of mundane nuisances. The
United States sponsors unnecessary wars that are un winnable, wars like that
on drugs or terrorism. Let the weak shoot their dope and kill themselves, let the
terrorists cull and bring about aeonic sorcery, whether it brings enlightenment
or holocaust at least it’s a change in the mundane world.
Now I have stated in the past that the Lilin Society doesn’t promote criminal
behavior. That’s right, for to promote it is to be called a terrorist group and will
surely lead to the collapse of the Society. Who am I to tell a member he cannot
go out and kill or steal? I am not an authoritarian godhead and this is not a
religion. If a Lilin Society member wants to detonate a bomb that kills himself
and dozens of others in the name of Satan, who am I to say don’t do that? I
just see an explosion of violence causes a dent in the causal abstraction, it is a
blemish and a series of statistics. It causes no change except incarceration or
death, a death more often than most that the Satanist wasn’t ready for. I
encourage weak minded Lilin Society members to kill themselves.

This is not a religion. Don’t mistake it for one.

Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Two Books now Available on Amazon Page 16 of 37
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Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Running Your Own Satanic Sect: Part

One Page 17 of 37
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: These series of posts contain much but not all of the information in the
book "Running Your Own Satanic Sect". If you would like the complete book buy it on


The Lilin Society exists as a means to learn and teach the esoteric dark arts.
The goal is spiritual evolution and achieving gnosis. This can be a solitary path
(most members choose this path) however it can work in group settings as
well. What this book’s intentions are is to educate the member on how to
create and run your own sect under the Lilin Society umbrella.
Understand that in order to be recognized by the Lilin Society you must adhere
by their rules. You can feel free to add to the rules but they cannot be in conflict
with those written by Asha’Shedim.
Rituals will be given here but I also encourage you to create your own customs
and rituals and even share them with me. I may indoctrinate them into the Lilin
Society as a whole (of course giving credit to whoever creates them).
As a Sect of the Lilin Society you will have many enemies. Although violence
hasn’t come of it I feel obligated to let you know what you will be patched
under. After the formation of your sect feel free to contact Asha’Shedim from
the Lilin Society website with your accomplishment.

Code of Sinister-Honour
The code of Sinister Honour was inspired by the Order of the Nine Angles and
the Lilin Society strictly adheres to it. This should be taught first and foremost.
Every meeting will begin with the reciting of the Code of Sinister Honour. It is
as follows.
We are fiercely loyal to only our own kind and all others are mundanes. Those who Page 18 of 37
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have pledge allegiance to Satan are our own kind. We are wary and do not trust, even
despise, the mundanes.
We will be ready, willing and able to defend ourselves, in any situation, and kill if need
We will be loyal and defend our own Satanic kind, to do our duty even unto death, for
our brothers and sisters.
We will seek revenge unto death if necessary against anyone who acts dishonorably
against us.
Never willingly submit to any mundane. It is better to die fighting rather than surrender
even if we must die by our own hands. We will never be dishonorably humiliated by
To settle our derious disputes among ourselves be either trial or combat until death is
necessary. We will challenge anyone, mundane or Satanist, who impugns our Satanic
honor or makes mundane accusations.
To settle non serious disputes among ourselves by having one among us decide the
matter for us and to accept their decision without question.
Always keep your word for your own infernal kind. To act with Satanic Honor in all
dealings with out own kind
Once an oath is sworn it can only be ended by 1)asking to be released from the oath or
2)by death of the person the oath was sworn to.

The Satanic Points

These should be taught to every initiate and although not necessary to memorize it
would be great if a member does and that member should be recognized for it.
These Satanic Points along with the Code of Sinister Honour must be printed in
every initiation packet.
1.We believe in the existence of Cosmic Chaos and Cosmic Order. 2.We believe
Cosmic Chaos is the infinite origin.
3.We believe Cosmic Order is a finite enslavement.
4.We believe the god of Cosmic Order is a demiurge, a tyrant. 5.We believe in
strength and spiritual evolution.
6.We believe our spirit is infinite, thus originates in this Cosmic Chaos, the
acausal plane of unmanifested existence.
7.We are practitioners who dedicate our lives and mind to the art.
8.We believe in the unknown god of Chaos. We believe Satan rules Sitra Achra,
the adverse of cosmic order. Sitra Achra is not Chaos, but a step toward it.
9.We do not believe in the Christian version of Satan. He was not a fallen angel.
10.We believe life is the illusion and death is the eternity of the soul.
11.We believe in reincarnation but strive to prevent it. We wish to return to Ur-
12.We believe in brotherhood. We shall help those within the Society and never Page 19 of 37
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turn on a member within the Society. We are bound by spirit, and thus shall aid
each other in spiritual matters.
13.We believe in secrecy. We are bound by our oath and shall not discuss secrets
with non members. 14.We are Satanists and we believe in blood ritual. Let the
prana empower.
15. We are a society. We do not have priests or masters. The only real statue above
member is the Council which serves to screen new members and enhance the
Society and it's direction. No Satanist shall bow before any other Satanists for it
puts them in a position of submission. We do not submit.
16. We believe in acausal energy and that humans are nexions to the acausal
realm, this explains sorcery. 17.We believe in three forms of sorcery; Causal,
Acausal and Aeonic.
18.We believe in human sacrifice through Sorcery and that is the only means of
Human Sacrifice.
19.We believe that all human sacrifices must be chosen, tested and judged and that
there death will benefit Satanism.
20.We believe that morals are subjective and Satan is evil. As Satanists we will
personify this evil in our daily lives.
21.We do not reconize the plastic Church of Satan or the Church of Set.
22.We explore all forms of the dark arts and use what works for us without
23. We believe in acausal entities which exist without form and can be known and
contacted through darrk sorcery.
24.We believe in acausal empathy, which is the sensitivity and awareness of
acausal energies as they exist in humans.
25.We believe that we have the ability to participate in and control out own
evolution through the acausal.
26.We believe that esoteric knowledge (gnosis) requires both development of our
psychic faculties and practical knowledge of the acausal continuum dereiving
from acausal beings.
27.Satanism is more than a religion, it is a philosophy and a way of life

Lilin Society Sect Rules

Again, these important rules are to be included in initiation packets and reflect
core rules of the Lilin Society. As for the Book of Ahriman, you are encouraged to
write your own Book of Ahriman and fill it with rituals and teachings I have
written as well as ones personal to the Sect.
1.Never reveal to a mundane anything that is done within the Sect for all done
within the Sect is sacred 2.Always respect and aid your brothers and sisters
3.Always work toward expansion and never be content.
4.Nevershow the Book of Ahriman to non members. Page 20 of 37
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5.Live by the code of Sinister Honor at all times

6.Do not fear death for death is an illusion.
7.Mundanes are enemies and can be lied to but never lie to a brother or sister.
8.In regards to human sacrifice read and obey the rules.
9.Do not respect pity of weakness
10.Always test your strength physically, mentally and spiritually.
11.Always built to last the ages.
12.Conquest is never done, always strive for more. When we rule this world we
will seek out other worlds.
13.Die rather than submit.
14.Do not waste love on those who do not deserve it. 15.Reject all illusion and

Initiate to Adept Testing

Each Sect within the Lilin Society can come up with their own tests but what
consists here is a series of tests recommended to be either followed or
incorporated within your own standard testing.
Initiate Testing Phase One
Have the Initiate go home that evening and perform a demon invocation ritual.
Have them choose their patron demon and devote themselves to it. When they
return the next day have them place their hands on the altar and have them cut
open their left palm. Pour salt into the wound and keep reminding them that pain
is an illusion and life is a lie. Help them to see past the physical, causal world.
Finally have them hike in the woods for four hours, build camp, and then spend
the night in meditation.
Initiate Testing Phase Two
Have the initiate fast for three days and get no more than three hours of sleep each
night. On the third day they are to stand before their scrying mirror with a Satanic
Rosary (can be a standard size rosary or a 108 prayer bead rosary). Perform a
demon invocation ritual and continue until you are successful. Have the initiate
use this ritual to curse an enemy. If this is not successful restart the whole process
no more than a week later but no less than a day later. Tell the initiate that contact
with the demon may be subtly at first.
Initiate Testing Phase Three
The Initiate will go into the woods where they will set up camp and fast for three
days with not more than three hours of sleep a day. The initiate will be given a
schedule to follow. This schedule will be followed for three days.
6-8 AM
Clean body and meditate
Walk/hike without rest drinking only water during the hike. 11-1PM Page 21 of 37
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Meditate and crystal chant

1-3 PM
Physically exhausting tasks such as digging or moving rocks 3-6PM
Reflection of studies
Build a fire, gather firewood, build meditation earth mound 9-12AM
Meditate, concentrate on the stars and the flame
Demon invocation ritual for strength during this test 1-2AM
Meditation/skrying/chakra aligning/ crystal chanting 2-3AM
Cleansing shower 3-6AM
On the third day the schedule is the same as it is all other days with the exception
of after sunset. Here on the third day the initiate will reflect, meditate, scry, crystal
chank, align chakras until the hour of Saturn. When the hour of Saturn arrives the
initiate stop and perform a pact to Lucifer. He will then cut his hand and hold salt
in his hand while chanting Chaos. During the chant the initiate will be looking
into a crystal. After this sleep until dawn and the testing is over.

The Bylaws
These Bylaws will be included in every initiation packet and once initiation is
completed they will be repeated word for word by the initiate. They may be read
from the Book of Ahriman for this initiate will soon become an adept.
1.I will devote myself to my practice.
2.The members of this Society are my brothers, they are my sisters. I will aid my
brethren in spiritual matters when the time arrives. I will aid in any other way if
possible. We are united under this Society.
3.I will never turn on my brother. I will protect my brother and never testify
against my brother in a court of law.
4.If a traitor is discovered in our Society I will bring its attention to the Council,
even if that member is a friend. An enemy of the Society is an enemy of mine.
5.My brother or sister’s enemy is my enemy. I will use the practice to curse his
existence all those who wrong my brethren.
6.I will keep secrets secret. I will not breach this by publicly posting secret
material. I will take secrets to the grave, even if I decide to one day leave the
7.I will not bring unwanted attention to the Society. I will not commit a crime of
any kind in the name of the Society. I have free will and act on free will.
8.I will work toward ascending power spiritually, mentally and physically. I am a Page 22 of 37
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Satanist and thus I am not weak by nature.

9.If I have a problem that needs to be addressed within the Society I will bring it
before the Council. I will not act on my own against another brethren or Sect that
falls under this Society.
10.If I elect to join a Sect under this Society I will remember that the Sect serves
under the Lilin Society name and thus the laws of my Sect cannot override the
laws of the Society.
11.If I vouch for a member I will take responsibility to introduce them, to inform
them. I will use my best judgment when allowing others into this Society.
12.I will work within this Society to spiritually evolve. I will help my brethren
evolve. I will help my Society evolve.
13.No fee should ever be forced upon members of this Society. It is not about
making money or any other materialistic agenda. We are here for spiritual reason.
Fees can be taken to pay for patches ect, at cost value only.
14.I devote myself to Lord Satan, to the Unknown God, to the Chavajoth. The
Demiurge and all his cults are my enemy. I will never forget this.
15.I understand that I can leave the Society at any time. I am not bound here. If
operating a Sect within the Society I can remove it from the Society at any time
and still it will exist.
16.I will not talk to news media about the Society without the permission of the
Grand Council. I will never speak on behalf of the Society, just on my behalf and
on the behalf of my Sect.

History of the Lilin Society

It is important to understand the history of this Society.
The history of the Lilin Society dates back as far as 2005. Asha'Shedim(AKA
John Putignano and Aka Paimon) had lived in East Providence Rhode Island.
Having been a solitary practitioner for many years. Having grown tired of the
weekend Satanists and fake occultists Asha'Shedim formed the Church of
Luciferian Light. It existed for a short time, the name alone attracting the exact
people he wanted to separate himself from. No long after he ended the Church of
Luciferian Light.
A few months later the Sect of Angra Mainyu was formed. It had much stricter
guidelines for joining. A council was formed. The book followed by the Sect was
called "The Tome of Ahriman". Asha'Shedim made most of the contribution to
this book. He also wrote books released for public, most notably were "Liber Sitra
Ahra" and "The Zomiel”.
In 2007 there was a falling out between Asha'Shedim and the council. The
disagreement could not be resolved and thus the Sect of Angra Mainyu ended
with many member forming the Temple of the Weaver. Asha'Shedim returned to
solitary practice. Page 23 of 37
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In May 2013 Asha'Shedim returned to form what is now known as the Lilin
Society. To prevent a falling out like with the Sect of Angra Mainyu he had
devided the Society into various Sects all with a main focus on many occult
May 2014 saw the formation of the Lilin Society of North Carolina. This sect is
personally headed by Asha'Shedim. Today the Lilin Society has members all over
the globe.

Each sect should be watched over by a Master, Mistress or both. It is ideal to have
both to be fully functional. The Master and Mistress are above the council.
Although they have the power to override a council decision it is encouraged to
only use this power in extreme situations and in instances when the council
forgets the laws it swore to abide by. If ever a council becomes corrupt and things
cannot be resolved the Sect is disbanded and a new one is made. The master and
mistress lead all ceremonial rituals. They also have the power to initiate people on
The council consists of at least two adepts chosen by the master and mistress.
They accept initiates and work with them through the adepts. The council is a
democracy in which votes are taken in regards to the Sect. No vote is taken
without the master and or mistress present.
The adepts have proven themselves to the council and are responsible for
choosing initiates. Initiates are where it all begins. They will be tested for a
minimum of four sessions before the council can vote them to adept. An initiate
can come up for vote three times. If after three votes they are not promoted to
adept they are released from the Sect.
Each sect will have a chamber devoted to ceremony. If this is outside the book of
Ahriman is kept at the house of the master or mistress. Each adept may possess a
copy of the Book of Ahriman. The Book of Ahrima
Other important roles for adept would be treasurer, teachers, chief of propaganda,
scribe, sect historian, record keeper ect. Look to militia layouts for more slots that
may need to be filled.

Core Beliefs of the Lilin Society

This section must be included in all initiation packets.
With so many definitions and a diverse world of beliefs, this word has become
saturated. Anton LaVey exploited it with his mindless hedonistic cult void of a
spiritualism while the Temple of Set, although acknowledged a spiritual Satan,
aimed at making Satan a family friendly entity.
The Lilin Society takes a Gnostic approach. We do not view Satan as a fallen
angel, and reject the Christian concept of Satan. Before I divulge who Satan is let Page 24 of 37
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me explain the belief of Chaos Gnosticism.

Outside our cosmos exists an infinite stretch of lawlessness and Chaos. We call
this acausal world Ur-Chaos and it interpenetrates all. Here everything is
conceivable and it is the womb of the Dragon we call Tiamat. It is the zero
dimension which surrounds the essence of the Unknown God.
Like was said, all is possible in Chaos, even the formation of Order. The
Demiurge (Yahweh) is a lesser god who formed the Cosmic Order. The Demiurgic
Light came down and formed the Tzimtzum, a concept of contraction and
condensation which forced the Demiurgic Light down into the Void. The
Tzimtzum was the cause of time, space and causality and when the Ain Sof came
down it formed the ten emanations of the Demiurge until Malkuth (physical
When this happened the Ain Sof had a second, adverse emanation the formed.
This is because of the new found law of cause and effect. Where the finite and
cosmic exists, so shall the infinite and anti- cosmic. This adverse to the Sephiroth
is called the Qliphoth. Two trees formed; the Tree of Life (Sepfriotic Bondadge)
and the Tree of Dead (Qliphotic Liberation). This is also known as Dayside and
Nightside. The Nightside we call Sitra Achra had become the antithesis of Cosmic
The purpose of this Sitra Achra is to seep and intrude into Dayside to help in the
return of the divine sparks (Azoth) which have been trapped in Clayform (human
form), back to the limitless chaos. It is important to know that Sitra Achra was not
the left overs of creation, but a formation made according to the newfound laws of
the Cosmic. The goal of the “demons” of Sitra Achra are to free the Azoth from
their Cosmic prison.
Lucifer or Satan is a part of the Chavajoth, who is the bringer of Black Light
(Atazhoth). The Demiurge has blinded mankind with his Demiurgic Light and
Satan will bring the truth to help us see again.
Those who seek the unmanifested will be illuminated by Black Light. Those void
of the essence of Sitra Achra will not understand it. Lucifer, the bringer of light,
will bring the Black Light but it will always be darkness in the eyes of the blind.
Lucifer’s light is Gnosis (knowledge) that is the gate to Sitra Achra. In Sitra Achra
are the paths to Ur-Chaos, beyond the Crown of Satan. What is Satan’s goals? He
is here to destroy the cosmic order, the emanations and the Demiurge and to return
all to Chaos, including himself whereas the Demiurge
seeks to separate. Satan is the liberator who wishes to unite all back to Ur-Chaos. I
ask then, who is the real enemy here; Satan or the Great Cosmic Warden?
Before Satan are three dark veils. These emanated from Cosmic Chaos before the
formation of the Tree of Death. These Veils are Tohu, Bohu and Chasek. These
veils are what made way the Black Light from the outer darkness and into Sitra Page 25 of 37
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At the throne sits Satan and Moloch. Satan looks up to Chaos while Moloch looks
down at the Tree of Death. When Ascending the Tree of Death the final phase of
Adeptship comes from passing through the Flames of Moloch. Only after this will
the Adept confront Satan.
It is important to know at this point that Satan is not the Unknown God, but he is
our way to the Unknown God and thus he is our master. It must be understood that
the ancient gods are nameless. The names we give to their essence are just that,
names, but they are names that fit them as we get to know them. Other names for
Satan include Apep, Angra Mainyu, Ahriman, Set, Samael and many more. He is
the adversary to the Demiurge.
The Chavajoth are the eleven anti-cosmic gods which will destroy cosmic order.
Chavajoth is the name of the Demiurge in reverse (HVHI) and their names are
Beelzebuth, Lucifuge Rofocale, Astaroth, Asmodeus, Belfegor, Baal, Adramelech,
Lilith, Naamah, Moloch and Satan. The Chavajoth is described as a sleeping
dragon and is the cumulative forces of Sitra Achra/Nightside.
Now we must understand the acasual universe. A living being is able to change,
grow and move without any external forces being applied. The force is internal
unlike that of ordinary physical matter in the universe like stars, rocks, galaxies or
chemical interacting with chemical. This leads us to believe there is a force within
us that is not of this cosmos. This is the Azoth and the acausal spirit must descend
from an acausal realm.
This is interesting for it points us to acknowledge the fact that every human being
is a nexion (gateway) to the acausal realm which cannot be explained in current
mathematical equations. It is indescribable by three dimensions and one linear
time dimension. In short, this is Chaos. This also explains our ability to use
sorcery and other methods unnatural or “supernatural” in this cosmic order. We
are a nexion, and thus we have the ability to pull forth from the acausal world and
manipulate that around us in the physical.

The Black Mass of the Lilin Society

Participants: Master: Dressed in purple
Mistress of Earth: Dressed in scarlet robes Altar Adept: Nude female who
lays on the altar Priest: Dressed in white
Congregation: Adepts and Initiates in black
This ritual is performed either indoors or in a cave. Hazel incense are
burnt. There are several chalices full of strong wine. There are plenty of
black candles lit. Several plates with the consecrated cakes. These are
baked the night before by the Mistress and blessed, dedicated to Satan.
The cakes consist of honey, spring water, sea salt, wheat flour, eggs and
animal fat. One plate is set aside for the ritual hosts.
The mass begins when the Master claps his hands. The Mistress of Earth Page 26 of 37
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turns to the congregation, uses her hands to make the sign of the inverted
Mistress of Earth: “I descend down to the altar of Hell” Priest: “To Satan,
the giver of life”
All: “Our father, of Cosmic Chaos, hallowed be thy name. Shall the bridge
to the other side be built, to give us the gift of Gnosis, to deliver us to evil
as well as temptation, for we stand at the temple of pleasure.”
Master: “May Satan, the ruler of Sitra Achra, grant us our desires.
All: “Lord Satan hear us, hear us. I follow the god of Cosmic Chaos, and
that is Satan. He who will reign over Earth through aeonic sorcery. I
believe in one temple, and that is the temple of the Lilin Society. Word
which triumphs over all, the word of ecstasy. And I believe in the law of the
aeon, and this aeon is marked with sacrifice, the spilling of blood for which
I shed no tears since I gave praise to Lord Satan, the
giver of the Black Flame. I look forward to his reign and the pleasures to
come. The Mistress of the Earth kisses the Master, then she turns to the
congregation. Mistress of the Earth: “May Satan be with you.”
Master: “Veni, omnipotens asternae diablos
Mistress of the Earth: “By the word of Lord Satan, I give praise to you.”
The Mistress of the Earth now kisses the priest.
Mistress of the Earth: “My Lord, bringer of enlightenment. I greet you who
cause us to struggle and seek out forbidden knowledge, that which was
denied to us in the Garden of Eden.”
The Master now begins to chant “Chav-a-joth”
Mistress of the Earth: “Blessed are the strong for they shall inherit the
Earth.” She kisses the chest of the priest.
Mistress of the Earth: “Blessed are the proud for they shall breed gods.”
She kisses the penis of the priest.
Mistress of the Earth: “Let the humble and the meek die in their misery.
She kisses the Master and then walks over to the congregation and kisses
each member on the lips. After this the priest hands the plate to the
Mistress of the Earth. The Mistress of the Earth holds the plate
above the nude body of the altar adept.
Mistress of the Earth: “Praised are you, my Lord and lover. Between my
legs are moist in wanting you. Through our evil we have the dirt, by our
boldness and strength, it will become for us a joy in this life.
All: “Hall Hail Satan, Lord of Death”
The Mistress of the Earth places the plate on the belly of the Altar Adept
and quietly speaks. Mistress of the Earth:
“Suscipe, Satanas, munus quad tibi offerimus memoriam Recolentes
The priest quietly repeats “Sanctissimi Corporis Satanas”
The priest begins to masturbate the Altar Adept. When the Altar Adept
climaxes the plate is removed from the belly of the Altar Adept and handed
to the Mistress of the Earth. She holds it high. Page 27 of 37
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Mistress of the Earth: “May the gifts of Satan forever be with you.” All: “As
they are with you.”
The Mistress of Earth returns the plate to the belly of the Altar Adept and
then grabs a chalice, holding it high.
Mistress of the Earth: “Praised are you, my Lord, by the defiant. Through
our arrogance and pride we have this drink. Let this be the elixir that lifts
the veil the Demiurge has placed upon us.
She sprinkles wine onto the body of the Altar Adept, then towards the
congregation. She then returns the chalice to the altar.
Mistress of Earth: “With pride in my heart I give praise to those who drove
the nails and he who thrust the spear into the body of the pathetic Christ,
the imposter. May his followers rot in their rejection and filth.”
Master: “Do you renounce Jesus Christ and all his teachings and work?”
All: “We do renounce Jesus Christ, the great deceiver and his works.”
Master: “Do you affirm Satan?”
All: “We do affirm Satan.”
The Master begins to chant “Sit-ra-ah-ra” while the Mistress of the Earth
retrieves the plate.
Mistress of the Earth: “I who am the joys and pleasure of life which strong
men have forever sought, am come to show you my body and my blood.”
The Mistress hands the plate to the priest and removes her robe. She runs
her hands up and down her naked body while speaking.
Mistress of the Earth: “Remember all of you gathered here that nothing is
as beautiful except man, but most beautiful is woman.”
The priest brings the cakes and wine to the congregation. When all finish
eating and drinking the Mistress of Earth holds the empty plate high.
Mistress of the Earth: “Behold, the dirt of the earth which the humble will
eat.” 21

The Mistress of the Earth now begins to fling cakes at the congregation
from another plate which the congregation tramples beneath their feet.
The Mistress of the Earth claps three times.
Mistress of the Earth: “Dance, I command you.”
The congregation begins to dance counter clockwise chanting “Satan” as
they dance. The Mistress of the Earth catches them one by one and
kisses them, running their hands over her naked body. After the kiss the
congregation member’s robe is removed and when all are naked the
Mistress of the Earth stands in the center of the dancing members with her
arms uplifting.
Mistress of the Earth: “Let the Churches of the imposter and impotent
Lord, Jesus Christ, burn in Satanic wrath. Let the weak scum who worship
the dog called Christ suffer a miserable death. Let chaos reign. Let their be
She singles for the priest who stops the dancer of his choice. The Page 28 of 37
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congregation then indulges in an orgy. The Mistress helps down the Altar
Adept who joins the orgy. The energies of this ritual are directed towards a
specific intention.
Thus ends the Black Mass of the Lilin Society.
Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Aeon of Dark Empathy

When I formed the Lilin Society back in 2013, it was out of disgust and outrage as
to what direction the occult arts had devolved, that lead me towards the infernal
path I was to pave. My vision was to seek out like minded Satanists (not weekend
Satanists) and form a brotherhood where individuals and sects alike could unite
and learn under its umbrella. Our goal since the beginning has been simple yet
bold. We seek out the path of internal evolution which can be achieved through
Pathei-Mathos can be defined as an internal process both individual in nature as
well as aeonic. It is learning through adversity; it is wisdom gained through
personal suffering and personal experience which all lead to gnosis. Gnosis, or
hidden knowledge, is discovered through a combination of personal suffering,
adversity, the occult arts and personal experiences both internal and external. If
one of these is taken away then the practitioner hasn’t reached the requirements to
evolve toward gnosis. To understand the limits of the clay prison (flesh) and how
minuscule we truly are within the cosmos, will bring us closer to gnosis. It will
bring about change.
The Lilin Society thus uses techniques such as insight roles and challenging
physical tests to fill the requirements of pathei-mathos. Through ritual sorcery, and
especially internal sorcery, we truly learn about ourselves, but only with a
combination of other techniques. The Lilin Society may provide a tried and tested
path toward enlightenment and evolution to those who wish to commit to our
It is the path to gnosis. To slack in one or more areas leads to failure, of delusions
of growth, or a false sense of achievement that was not earned. These ignorant
beings are unbalanced, absorbed by ego and trade their evolution for an imposter’s
With regard to insight roles, there often seems to be confusion as to the purpose Page 29 of 37
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they serve. These are roles we willingly take on that purposely place us at odds
with ourselves. They are intended to cause inner conflict as well as outer conflict,
and thus bring about change and evolution. Becoming a police officer, a right
wing fanatic and so forth, are examples of insight roles. I myself have lived the
insight role of being the leader of a right wing militia. I supported the Tea Party
and took on far right beliefs.
My sudden shift confused the people around me, but the role helped me to gain a
greater understanding of myself. Once the insight role had served its purpose, I
stepped down as General, and the militia has since disbanded. I have also served
in the military as a means to achieve insight. This also served as a form of aeonic
sorcery, as I supported the killing force that fought muslims, a revolting demiurgic
cult. These are but a few examples of how I have used insight roles to foster my
own personal development. I view insight roles as a key component in one’s
personal evolutionary path; these roles are important to me as they should be to
everyone within the Lilin Society.
As a Society we strive to surpass the mundane and all limitations bestowed upon
the mundanes by the cosmic creator. After our limitations are tried and tested by
pathei-mathos, we move to learn to kill our ego, and thus free the Azoth. This is
done through fasting, self-mutilation, sleep deprivation, psychedelic drug use, and
spiritual segregation. Although these tasks are seemingly trivial, they in fact are
detrimental to the development of ‘Homo Galacticus’, a new human which is
more concerned with the internal rather than the external world. This willful
shaping and molding of the mind makes us more capable of understanding and
receiving gnosis.
We all have the ability to evolve, but it is our contentment within a material world
that prevents many of us, especially the mundane, from achieving it. It is our
material anchors which tether us
to this world and deny us the liberation our spirit strives for: to filter back into
timeless chaos. We must break the cycle of rebirth and evolve.
Neophytes within the society often ask me where they should begin. The occult
arts can be a labyrinth of possibilities that may confuse one as much as it inspires
another. My suggestion is to begin with meditation, for it is meditation that is the
root of all successful work. Without a mind detached from the body, the wand and
altar are simply material objects without any real power or use. It is the clear mind
that communicates with the acausal world which empowers the tools and rituals of
Satanists must wrap their mind around the concept of the acausal world, one full
of acausal spirits liberated of physical form. Satan is one of many acausal spirits
that reside in the other side, but he is simply one of many. A typical
misconception is that Satan is the supreme god of chaos, this is not true. The Page 30 of 37
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Unknown God is ruler of all cosmic chaos and Satan rules the worlds of Sitra
Achra as he looks up to the unmanifested womb to return to chaos.
From this acausal world, we have acausal energies which can be used. This is the
true basis of sorcery. The Lilin Society posits that every man and every woman is
a nexion to the acausal world. How this is so can be observed through life itself,
even within the mundane aspects of materiality. Everything in the universe, from a
pencil on a desk, to an asteroid in the sky, needs force to move. This is the cause
and effect of the causal world, yet we can move without force simply by thinking
it. I tell my arm to move and it does. This is evidence of an outside energy at odds
with the causal world within us. We are full of acausal energy and thus we all
serve as a nexion to the acausal world. Plants have acausal energy and thus this is
why herbal sorcery works. To understand the acausal is to understand sorcery.
Acausal empathy, dark empathy, and sinister empathy are all different terminology
describing the sensitivity to (and awareness of) acausal energies. It is beyond
causal abstractions, beyond all casual symbols, and beyond occultism, for the
occult uses causal symbols and methods to access the acausal. It is thinking in
acausal time rather than the cause and effect of causal time.
Acausal beings are beyond our understanding. Some of these acausal beings only
exist within the realm of the acausal while others have the means to manifest
within this world. These are the demons that we may contact or call upon. They
are without physical form but can take a causal form within this world. These
beings are beyond morality and causal concepts. It is impossible to hold them to
our definition of morality. They exist by their own acausal nature. Acausal beings
have the ability to feed off of emotion. They also feed off of energy, such as the
prana in blood during a sacrifice (or blood- letting ritual), during the burning of
herbs and incense, and so on. They do not live and die for they are eternal.
The examination of the acausal thus brings me to discuss humanity and the causal.
Energy cannot neither be created nor destroyed. Our consciousness is energy.
Since it cannot be destroyed, it thus ‘lives’ forever, surviving the death of the
body; it may move toward either the acausal world or may be locked into the
vicious cycle of rebirth. Another key word here is created.
The creator god has created our body, created our soul, but our spirit was stolen
from this acausal world. It has been imprisoned in this clayform, and in a sense
lives in an insight role here in the causal world. This struggle strengthens the spirit
as we find gnosis and fight to break the chains of rebirth.
It should also be noted that acausal beings are not restricted by causal travel.
Causal travel is physical, and they are not physical beings, and thusly not
restricted by the laws of our physical existence. They are all encompassing and
everywhere at once. Some are more powerful than others.
While some can bring about change within the causal world others cannot, just as Page 31 of 37
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some cannot manifest within the causal world.

Here I would like to discuss Baphomet, as there seems to be some confusion over
how she is viewed within the Lilin Society. The Lilin Society stands in agreement
with the Order of Nine Angles in that Baphomet is the mother of Earth. She is the
blood crazing shapeshifter whom has the ability to enter the causal world. It
should be noted that this manifestation of Baphomet has nothing to do with the
effigy worshipped by the Templars, although we do use this archetypal image
since it is so widely identified as Baphomet.
Satan, Baphomet, and the myriad other demons described above are not gods.
They are not to be worshipped, feared or obeyed. They are to be admired and
respected at all times, but to worship them goes against the law of a Satanist for a
Satanist bows before no man nor god. Usage of terms such as ‘Lord’ and ‘Master’
are offered out of respect, but do not have a binding restraint to them. We feed
them energy and in exchange they thus bring about the change we ask for.
These demons are often considered ‘evil’, a term which seems to linger around
Satanists as a whole. Now this is true in that these demons are void of morals and
thus do not uphold the “laws” of human morality. A Satanist is a reflection of
these demons, and thus is also ‘evil’ in this sense. This ‘evilness’ digs deeper and
manifests itself within us as we further delve into aeonic sorcery and sinister acts.
We condone and encourage these actions in order to evolve the spirit and fight
causal abstractions.
Causal abstractions may be defined as anything man-made or imposed with the
purpose of controlling the populace. Everything from government to demiurgic
religions should be viewed as causal abstractions. Laws based on morals rather
than honor (and the courts which uphold these laws), forced taxation by a state or
nation, the education system and all its manipulation, should all be viewed as
systems of mind control. These are all tyrannical forms of the demiurge put into
the hands of mankind to impose false order. These abominations must be fought,
for in order to fully evolve as a populace, we must shed ourselves of causal
abstractions. How can we fight the war of the spiritual when the war of the
physical stands in our way?
It should be noted that human sacrifice exists within the Lilin Society, but this is
performed in a way to prevent the Satanist from going to prison. In the old days,
blood was shed before Baphomet and the killer bathed in the blood. Today we
must take a more subtle approach to avoid the lengthy jail terms that would
restrict us from evolving. We perform all human sacrifice through sorcery, but that
is not to say we do it indiscriminately. The art of culling is just that, an art, and the
sacrifice must be chosen as a means to benefit Satanism. This is the first task. One
must ask “How does the death of this person affect Satanism?” Then the potential
sacrifice is tested, tried and finally selected. Our sacrifices are an art and we Page 32 of 37
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always adhere to these methods.

In regard to rituals and ceremony the question is often posed as to whether the
practitioner can change or add to what has been written for the Lilin Society. Not
only is this fine but it is encouraged and expected in order to make the rituals and
ceremonies more personalized, and thus more effective. The rituals, the symbols,
the steps and so forth are all causal in nature. They are tools to aid us in tapping
into the acausal, but they are just that, tools. If you feel, for example, that a step is
unnecessary then you may omit it and perhaps replace it with something you feel
is more beneficial to yourself. The only requirement is that all rituals performed
must adhere to the rules of the Lilin Society in order for them to be used within
the umbrella of it’s name. This is not to say that you may not go beyond the rules
(for as we say, rules are causal in nature) but if you choose to do so they are
considered solitary rituals which are not to be conducted under our name.

I have received a litany of criticism since the Lilin Society was formed. It seems
that many feel that it doesn’t need to exist, for Satanism is a solitary path. This is
true, but since causal abstractions exist and imposed order exists, and we operate
in a causal world, I ask then, what is wrong with uniting like-minded, elite,
evolved beings who all wish to learn together and evolve? This anti- social
behavior is a product of misanthropy which is a characteristic of the Satanist and
although there is nothing wrong with this ideology of hatred, there is also nothing
wrong with uniting and working together.
I would like to conclude this essay with a description of the Order of the Dreccs.
The Order of the Dreccs is a sub-group built within the Lilin Society. These are
individuals devoted to the Laws of the Sinister-Numen. The Sinister-Numen are
those who represent types of acausal energy within the causal world. They are
sorcerers that have the ability to inspire and influence even the mundanes.
Through the Laws of the Sinister-Numen they spread aeonic sorcery to aid in the
collapse and overthrowing of any and all causal abstractions. They are a danger to
the system, for they are as charismatic as they are dangerous.
The Dreccs blend into society, and purposefully so. They are cops, lawyers,
doctors, cashiers, mechanics, etc. Some take insight roles and become political or
even religious figures. They appear to contribute to societal order, but it is only a
mask that they wear for their true goals are to decimate all causal abstractions.
The Dreccs are dissidents willing to fight this Earthly battle through physical
action, deception and aeonic sorcery.
The path of the Drecc is a solitary path, even more so than that of a typical
Satanist. Dreccs do not know about one another. Many people don’t even know
that they are Satanists, but just exsist as such. There are no Drecc meetings or get-
togethers. The Drecc is a Lilin Society member, but within the Lilin Society their Page 33 of 37
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Drecc status is a secret.

A good example of a Drecc engaging in an insight role is to become a catholic
priest. To the community the deception is real and from within the church he will
cause havoc and chaos. When the chaos comes to fruition, no one will suspect the
Drecc, for he is a good actor and plays his part well. If the Drecc’s insight role
involves him marrying a mundane to keep the role going, he will not fall in love
with her. He will in secret raise his children to be Satanists and once the role is
over he will divorce his mundane wife. Not everyone is cut out to be a member of
the Lilin Society, and not every member is cut out to be a Drecc. Only the elite
among the elite will live this lifestyle, and the reward of spreading the sinister will
be well deserved.

Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 A Couple Pieces on Insight Roles Page 34 of 37
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Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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12th February 2016 Goddess of Death Page 36 of 37
Lilin Society 01/01/2019, 21:45

1.Kali is time and nothing can escape the storm of time.

2.She is the great Goddess of Death, a good death. She aids in the
destruction of the false ego as she separates the illusion from the Azoth.
She brings the cleansing death to help aid us in understanding.
3.Her home is the holy cremation grounds. Go to cremation grounds and
4.Overcome the I-am-the-body attitude. The body is a vessel to seat the
spirit. It is temporary. Never forget this.
5.Cremate the body that feeds the ego. Let the flames of Kali burn the
flesh and liberate.
6.She is the great mother and we are her children. She is the liberator.
She is the destroyer of the illusion of reality. The ego fears Kali because
when the ego stares at Kali it sees its demise. It sees the killer of egos.
7.You who are attached to the ego, you see not a liberator but a demon.
See only terror and fall victim to her fearsome form.
8.Garland of skulls and skirt of severed arms, these are symbolic of the
death of ego for the ego arises from the body. Sever the body from the
spirit and the ego will die. The garland and the skirt are trophies of her
children she has liberated, torn the screaming ego from their body. 9.Her
skin is dark for it represents the womb of Tiamat, the unmanifested reality
from which the acausal originate, and to where all creation will eventually
10.Kali is calm for she is blissful in her consciousness, free of her ego. Let
the Goddess of Death show you to the cremation grounds.
Posted 12th February 2016 by Zef Devil

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