Nexion Zine 4.1
Nexion Zine 4.1
Nexion Zine 4.1
Sexion II:
Editorials. A sexion for blips, blurps, editorials, & Miscellanea.
Sexion III:
Echoes form the ether. A sexion in which are shared posts and
snapshots related to ONA in someway from cyberspace.
Sexion IV:
Advertizement. A sexion for ads, classifieds, links, notes, etc.
.:.It’s December of 2017. A few days before the Saturnalia begins. It’s been a busy year for me out in the real world.
Work… family tragedy. I spent most of my me this year off the internet. I didn’t have much me to write any essays. This year, I
got red of wri ng philosophical essays for some reason. I just couldn’t stand it. It comes and goes. I think I’ve grown out of the
internet? I’ve been online since 2003 when MySpace first came out. Things in cyberspace isn’t what it used to be. Forums are dumb
now for me.
I think I’m done with blogging also. I found WordPress in 2008. Can you believe that? It feels so long ago. Yeah… blogging was
where it all started for me. Where I actually learned how to write. I have nothing bad to say about WordPress and blogging. I
gained a life skill from it. But a er ten years, I’m tried of blogging. Plus, I don’t want to spread myself thin. This zine is it for me. It
all boils down to this zine in the end… a medium through which I can con nue to write; in which I place everything I write. So,
come 2018, I will no longer be ac ve in cyberspace, but I’ll keep my email, and con nue to write to people here and there. The
older you grow up, the more responsibility and things you have to do in the real world… so I’ve come to learn. I just don’t have any-
me anymore.
2018 will be a year of interest for me. I began to study ONA wri ngs by Anton Long in February of 2008. I had found old, outdated
ONA MSS in the library sec on of MySatan, which back then was the largest social network for Satanists.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been ten years since I’ve been con nuously studying ONA stuff. I should clarify that. To be very specific,
I have studied all of the essays and wri ngs by the person David Mya , his philosophical stuff, such as Reichsfolk, his old Folk Cul-
ture wri ngs, his old Numinous Way stuff, and his Philosophy of Patheimathos essays. I have also studied the philosophical essays
by Anton Long of the Order of Nine Angles, as well as the philosophical wri ngs by Christos Beest and Magister Hagur. I rarely read
or study or delve into the “Tradi onal Satanism” promulgated or created by the old ONA, and its Tradi onal elements and its my-
I’ve honestly never been a theist, and so I honestly don’t believe that somewhere out there in the universe or reality there exists a
devil-being named Satan. It just makes no sense to me, based on my personal weltanschauung, my world-model, and how I under-
stand reality to be. But I do believe there exists an Adversarial Force in Nature, unto which I ascribe the word and name “Satan,”
which I personally iden fy as “Satan,” based on how I understand the word and meme Satan to mean, historically and mythically.
In a way, I’m more in essence like a Rounwytha: meaning that I believe that names, myths, characteriza on, anthropomophica-
ons, denota ons, etc, are very human, are causal abstrac ons we fallaciously ascribe onto Nature and cons tu onal aspects of
Nature. You have to understand that reality and Nature – Physis – existed before we humans did. And so it’s prosperous to believe
that a creature such as we – insignificant as we are – can come into existence a er the Cosmos and reality had been in existence
for eternity, and believe that the silly, names, words, defini ons, concep ons and characteriza ons we invent – story tell – mean
anything at all: are actual elements of the “fabric” of reality. As Lao Tzu once said: The Tao that is tao-ed is not the eternal Tao.
[Begin Quote]
“…those monks who have abandoned the three fe ers, are all stream‐winners, steadfast, never again des ned for states of woe,
headed for self‐awakening. This is how the Dharma well‐proclaimed by me is clear, open, evident, stripped of rags.” —
Alagaddupama Su a
The three fe ers which the sotāpanna eradicates are:
Self‐view — The view of substance, or that what is compounded (sankhata) could be eternal in the five aggregates (form, feelings,
percep on, inten ons, cognizance), and thus possessed or owned as 'I', 'me', or 'mine'. A sotāpanna doesn't actually have a view
about self (sakkāya‐di hi), as that doctrine is proclaimed to be a subtle form of clinging.
Clinging to rites and rituals ‐ Eradica on of the view that one becomes pure simply through performing rituals (animal sacrifices,
ablu ons, chan ng, etc.) or adhering to rigid moralism or relying on a god for non‐causal delivery (issara nimmāna). Rites and ritu‐
als now func on more to obscure, than to support the right view of the sotāpanna's now opened dharma eye. The sotāpanna realiz‐
es that deliverance can be won only through the prac ce of the Noble Eigh old Path. It is the elimina on of the no on that there
are miracles, or shortcuts.
Skep cal doubt ‐ Doubt about the Buddha, his teaching (Dharma), and his community (Sangha) is eradicated because the sotāpan‐
na personally experiences the true nature of reality through insight, and this insight confirms the accuracy of the Buddha’s teaching.
Seeing removes doubt, because the sight is a form of vision (dassana), that allows one to know (ñāṇa).
[End Quote]
Being lost in rites and rituals, engrossed in them, dependent on them, is for the beginner on the Path. In the same way that ONA
says in its own words [actually the words of Anton Long] that “Satanism” is only the Beginning. You’re suppose to walk a Path, not
make camp at the beginning of a Path. You’re on a Quest, a Seeking, and that requires the mind to not cling to anything. Because
anicca [impermanence] is the Nature, Essence, and Ethos, of all Things.
All things in reality Change. Only the unreal does not change. Unreal, as in stuff like dogma, belief, rites, names, gods. Think about
that for a moment. All things real must change. Change is the Nature, Physis, and Ethos of everything that exists. And so what your
mind – specifically your emo ve faculty of Belief – clings onto, holds onto, is not real: because there is nothing to cling onto. The
word “Believe” actually comes from the old word “Belove.” We desire – with intensity some mes – to hold onto our beloved, that
which we love, hold dear. And so what we believe in, what we cling onto, what we yearn to possess, what we need to have faith in,
is, by the Nature of Things: Unreal, unrealis c, has no reality in Reality. Such things are only “real” in the domain of our Fallible hu-
man mind. When you organically Realize that [Buddhi], you will be Liberated, from the Fe ers of your own mind, and only then can
genuine insight and understanding of the World and Self manifest.
What do I mean by “pure?” When something is “pure,” that something is uncontaminated by anything, that thing has nothing in it.
Pure water has no color, no smell, no minerals, no addi ves, no nothing. You can see the bo om of a pool of pure water, but when
your mind is dependent on or clingy with such things as names, words, denota ons, rites, rituals, etc, those things are like crap
floa ng in that pool of water: you can’t see the bo om. You can’t fathom insight, because all you’re seeing – all you will ever see –
are those words, abstrac ons, names, rites, ceremonies, beliefs.
Anyways. It’s been 10 years since I have been studying David Mya and Anton Longs philosophical essays. And that’s all that I am
and will ever be to such wri ngs: a mere pupil, not an expert, not an adept. I just simply found DM and AL’s wri ngs to be inter-
es ng to read, thought provoking, and inspiring. And all of those essays helped me develope into the mind and person I am today.
I’m very glad I discovered the ONA long ago.
Chloe 352, December 2017
Sexion 1
.:.I'll be candid here and express my personal innerscape and the simple things I've so far learned from
Life; minus all the smoke and mirrors of mythos, propaganda, and PR shit. I've learned that I Am Human and I
like the harlequin creature that I am. And I don't deny or reject my Humanness. Neither do I delude myself
with solipsism, idealism, utopianism, sentimentalism into believing that I am above and beyond the suchness
of my Human Nature; that I can ever transcend 'that which is human.'
“By their Fruit you shall know them.” There are seven billion of us humans on this earth. And what we do,
how we behave, the acts we have committed as individuals, as families, as clans, as groups, as tribes, as na-
tions, manifest the Fruit which is testimony of our Human Nature and its Fractal expression. We are – as all
lifeforms are – Agathokakological.
If we humans have transcended our human nature, it would show in the Fruit of our actions, behaviour, and
deeds we do and commit as individuals and as groups, fractally. I am a realist and I am intellectually honest
with myself. And so, as I study and look at the earth and what we humans continue to do as humans I still see
that we, as humans, still are Barbaric, we still commit atrocities against each other. We not only kill... we
Overkill where we desecrate and mutilate our enemies. We are over-indulgent with our food, with sex, with
drugs. No amount of religion – not the 2500 years of Buddhism or the 2000 years of Christianity – has
changed us and made us un-human: we still kill, abuse, molest, torture, war, rape... and its GLORIOUS! Or-
gasmically fucking Glorious.
And no amount of science and technology has caused us to transcend this dark and primal human nature of
ours; this Curse of Nature. Indeed, instead of transcendence, what our science and technology has done for us
and to us is augment and accentuate our primal human nature. It may be that in ancient times our ancestors
killed with clubs and rocks: but today we kill with atomic bombs, chemical weapons, biological weapons. It
may be that in ancient times our human ancestors formed primitive tribes and had tribal wars: but today we
form sophisticated nation-states, supported by sophisticated economic systems, defended by technologically
advanced militaries, interconnected with space orbiting communication satellites; and with such nation-states
we fight our wars on a much grander scale.
No, our religions and science and political belief systems, have not and will not make us un-human. We are as
human as we ever were. There are only two big differences between the ancient human and the modern hu-
mans: 1) we have science and technology to augment our human nature & 2) we have belief systems, and our
urban worldview, our idealisms, to use as a means of denialism where we fool ourselves into thinking we are
“better” than human... that we don't have a dark side. In ancient times it was said that the third eye of Shiva –
when opened – burns away the facade of delusion [our artificial urban world] we humans have erected around
ourselves. And when burned away, we are rudely awakened to the Reality that we are creatures [satta] as any
animal [satta] and that like any satta of this Realm of Nature, we are an inseparable current of the “river” of
Dharmakaya, the Body of Nature: How Nature flows is how we flow.
I learned about human nature from “The Satanic Bible” by Anton LaVey. I had read that book when I
was 14. It was the first religion I ever encountered that not only accepted human nature, but glorified it, and
reveled in it. For me personally, the simple – and sometimes silly – ideas in the Satanic Bible was more of a
“gateway drug.” You know, like when you're a young teenager and your friends get to try weed. So, from try-
ing weed you learn that it doesn't kill you and it's okay. Then you get curious about other stuff like shrooms or
LSD. So I personally have nothing bad to say about The Satanic Bible per se, like I have nothing bad to say
about weed: we all have to start somewhere. What I will say though is that: if you are over the age of 16, and
you think the Satanic Bible is just the greatest and most enlightening text ever, then you are a total retard and a
“Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all‐
fours, who, because of his “divine spiritual and intellectual development,” has become the most vicious ani-
mal of all!” – 7th Satanic Statement, The Satanic Bible
Not only are we animals, with animal nature, but our animal nature has been refined! If Mother Nature intend-
ed for us humans to be “better” than human, she would have eliminated the animalistic nature out of the Great
Ape we humans came from. But we see the opposite. We see that all of the “bad” characteristics of the Ape
and Primate have been refined and accentuated in the human primate!
Our ape cousins fight, compete, and battle with each other for territory, resource, and females: and in us, we do
the same things, but more refined and highly accentuated. Our fight is sublime warfare where we kill and
slaughter in the millions! How wonderful it is to count the casualties of both World Wars! Hundreds of mil-
lions dead! No other creature on earth has such capacity of death and destruction, not even disease-causing vi-
“Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art. Learn to raise yourself above yourself
so you can triumph over all. The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the new. He who
stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest.” – Satanic Points 10-13, Black Book of Satan,
The truth is hard to accept. If Nature – or God – had some desire to make us “good,” Nature would have
evolved the human animal so that we were incapable of killing; incapable of lying, cheating, manipulating, tor-
ture, etc. But we see just the opposite. We don't just kill like the lower order animals: that capacity to kill has
been accentuated by Nature and refined to glorious and sublime levels over the aeons of evolution! That ani-
mal nature is raised above itself, fine-tuned, strengthened, made greater in the human; and in that sublimation,
we humans are triumphantly the most powerful animal species in the solar system. Nothing alive compares to
us: to what we can do; to what we are. Clever enough to use math to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos, and
clever enough to make an atom bomb to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
“Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth—Cursed are the weak, for they shall inherit the yoke!
Blessed are the powerful, for they shall be reverenced among men—Cursed are the feeble, for they shall be
blotted out! Blessed are the bold, for they shall be masters of the world—Cursed are the righteously humble,
for they shall be trodden under cloven hoofs! Blessed are the victorious, for victory is the basis of right—
Cursed are the vanquished, for they shall be vassals forever! Blessed are the iron‐handed, for the unfit shall
flee before them—Cursed are the poor in spirit, for they shall be spat upon!” – Book of Satan V:1-5, The Sa-
tanic Bible
“This is why we despise the Nazarene philosophy - the Satanist is proud, strong, defiant, while a Nazarene is
afraid of living, afraid of dying and mentally sick: weighed down by guilt and envy. The meek espouse peace
because they know the strong would destroy them - so they infect the strong with the disease of 'pacifism', with
guilt because they are strong. – “Selling Water By The River,” Hostia 1, ONA
Mental Sickness doesn't just mean to be weighed down by guilt and envy. Mental sickness in the Nazarene and
Mundane is also denialism, delusionalism, solipsism, idealism, utopianism, and sentimentalism. Denialism is
when they deny the dark side of their human nature and of Life. Delusionalism is when your own untempered
beliefs prevent you from seeing the real world as it is. An example of delusionalism are conspiracy theories.
Solipsism is when they confuse their own mental constructs for what is Real. Idealism is when they superim-
pose their idealistic/romantic notions onto Nature, human nature, and reality. Utopianism is when these men-
tally sick people invent unrealistic ideas about the world and human nature and confuse such for what actually
exists. Sentimentalism is when these mentally sick mundanes superimpose their sentimental feelings, their
emotive wishful thinkings onto Nature and Life, and confuse such for what is Real.
I had a friend once named “Thomson.” My friend Thomson was very intelligent. He had a home library of
many books, which he was proud of. He was in his 20s when I knew him. He was into the occult, the Western
Tradition, and poetry. He was also a sentimental intellectualist. Those are the smart types of people who have
the ability to convert their sentimental feelings and wishful thinkings into rational intellections.
My [White] friend Thomas suffered from solipsism and confused his idealistic and utopianist views of the
world and humanity with actual reality. One day we got into a heated argument about human nature. Thomas
had said that humans are by nature good and that only by corruption do we become bad where we kill, steal,
rape, and so on. I laughed at him, because of his idealismic views, and I said: “Are you serious? What about
the Native Americans?” So he says: “What about them? They were a peaceful people not knowing what war
was, until White people came along.” So I said: “So you're telling me that Native American tribes didn't know
what tribal warfare was, and lived peacefully with each other, until White people came along and corrupted
them?” He says: “Yeah, is something wrong with your hearing?” I got angry and said: “What planet do you
live on? You've never read a history book or something?”
That's an example of when and how a person superimposes their sentimental wishful thinking/feelings, their
idealistic notions and utopianistic views [re: unrealistic] onto Life and the World. They see things in a faulty
way, via the lens of their unrealism. And when and how their unrealistic mindframe prevents them from seeing
the actuality and reality of human nature. The Fruit of our human action and behaviour as individuals and as
collectives speaks the Realty/Realism of our human nature: and that Truth is hard to accept, for those who de-
ny and reject the dark side of human nature.
Which is why mainstream religion does so well, where they have billions of adherents. Your average person is
quietly disgusted with their own human nature, with their own dark side. The average person wishes to be
something more than human, better than human; they yearn it. And mainstream religion gives such delusional
people their fantasies they yearn for. Fantasy sells; it's what made religion so successful with regard to humani-
ty. The fantasies that our religion offers provide us a means of emotional escapism.
“Emotional Escaping” means something different than mental escapism. When a human has murdered another
human, and Christianity says that Jesus will forgive you, that murderer on death row can take that route, ask
Jesus for forgiveness, and poof: the death row inmate has escaped his emotional state of guilt and remorse and
whatever. That's emotional escapism. When Buddhism tells you that you can sit on your ass and do nothing,
and become an enlightened Bodhisattva, that is emotional escapism, because you no longer have to deal with
the feeling you have of knowing that you are just human. When the occult tells you that you can have magical
powers, command demons, command the universe, obtain mystical secrets of reality: that is emotional escap-
ism, because you no longer have to deal with the emotion in knowing that you – we – are just human.
We invent places like hell to hide the dark side of our human nature. We invent prisons to lock up and hide
people who walk the dark side of human nature. Out of sight, out of mind. That's denialism. That's emotional
escapism. What is not in your heart, cannot be felt. And so we pack our hearts with notions and feelings of
heaven, angels, occult powers, mystical mumbo jumbo, philosophy, whatever; anything to divert our mind and
heart away from that Thing we so desperately wish to avoid acknowledging: our Shadow, and the Abomina-
tions found therein. The acknowledgment that we humans have the capacity to commit, and even indulge, in
such Abominations.
“It has become necessary for a NEW religion, based on man's natural instincts, to come forth. THEY have
named it. It is called Satanism.” – The Satanic Bible
“Satanism is all about - in its beginnings – making conscious (or liberating) our dark or shadow nature. In the
past, certain experiences were often undergone in order to achieve this, and some of those experiences were
often frowned on by 'conventional' society. Some might have been 'illegal' at the time as well.” – Hostia 1,
This is what got me to like Satanism. That it was a realistic religion based on human nature, based on making
conscious our dark and shadow nature. Which dark side and shadow nature are often unacceptable to conven-
tional society and sometimes illegal. In the beginning.
As Hegel and his Hegelianism suggested: you first take the savage and give him absolute liberty to be a sav-
age. Then you take this savage and oppress him, tyrannize him. And so when that thesis and antithesis merge,
they produce a synthesis where the savage learns that what he believed was liberty was in fact a type of tyran-
ny in itself and that “true” liberty is a Balance somewhere in between freedom and oppression. Self-Control,
Discipline, Regulations, Modertaion.
In the old days the WSA called this way of coming to this realization the “Ordeal of the Extreme Unctions.” It
was an ordeal we took. First we spent 6-12 months living life on the dark side. Such as gangbang, sell and do
drugs, be a whore. Then you spend 6-12 months doing the entire opposite of what you did. If you do the ordeal
right you learn that there is a Balance and that neither extremes are Natural. That somewhere in between is
“True” human nature, human instinct.
And so yes, in the beginning, coming to an experiential understanding of human instinct and human nature is
important. But instinct is primitive, and the dark side is only one side of a whole moon. In the end, when you
learn to find that state of Balance, you come to realize that you don't deny the instincts and dark side of human
nature, but to moderate it with wisdom, intelligence, and temperance. Not to let the dark side control you, but
to be Master of your Dark Side.
There is nothing wrong with the shadow side of human nature, but in our latter wisdom, we learn to use such
shadow nature Productively, Constructively, kamma kusala. If we as humans kill, then let us use that nature of
killing productively where we kill our enemies and protect our family, people, and nation. If we hate, then let
us hate productively. If we torture and terrorize, then let us use such aspects of human nature constructively,
intelligently, wisely. Rather than be an ignorant mindless savage, we strive to become a tempered Noble Sav-
age. Rather than deny or reject our human nature, we follow the Way of Nature and refine that human nature.
“Since man’s natural instincts lead him to sin, all men are sinners; and all sinners go to hell.” – The Satanic
And this is the original reasoning or line of thinking as to why it's called “Satanism.” It's actually universal that
the natural instincts of the human being are considered to be bad/evil, and that such evil leads one to hell and
damnation. The idea of bad people going to hell is universal: it's present in all major world religions.
In the Brahminical weltanschauung and its Buddhism derivative, hell is called “Naraka.” In Khmer Buddhism
hell is called “Narouk;” which is obviously derived from Naraka; Narouk also ends up meaning Devil. Naraka
has 7 levels. The lowest level being reserved for the most awesomely heinous of bad people: those who tor-
ture, rape, and murder their own mothers! Not that there is anything wrong with torturing, raping, and slaugh-
tering your own mother! The other levels are reserved for other transgressions and “criminal” offenses, which
as LaVey pointed out, are all derivatives of natural human instinct/nature.
And so, naming a religion; which is founded upon human instinct and the shadow side of human nature; after
the Devil – the overseer of Hell – makes sense symbolically speaking. This devil character and his Hell is uni-
versal and thus is an element of our collective psyche.
The Essence
So then, if you have read this far, you will know and understand what the Essence/Ethos of Satanism is. As we
have learned in ONA: there is Essence, and then there is Form. The Essence/Ethos of Satanism is “Man's Nat-
ural Instinct” as Anton LaVey pointed out long ago. The Essence/Ethos of Satanism is “making conscious our
Dark or Shadow Nature,” as Anton Long stated long ago.
And so, the actual Essence and Ethos of Satanism is man's natural instincts, and the conscious expression of
our dark or shadow nature. And so if such are the Essence of Satanism, then the various schools and codified
brands of Satanism are the outer/causal Forms. For example: Dharma is the Essence/Ethos, and Jainism,
“Hinduism,” and Buddhism are the outer Forms; causal derivatives of Essence/Ethos. The Form is not the Es-
sence. LaVey's Satanism is not the Essence of Satanism, not the true and genuine source. Neither is Long's Sa-
tanism the Essence, or true and genuine source. LaVey's and Long's respective codifications of Satanism are
only Causal Forms, causal expressions of the Essence/Ethos. That Essence and Ethos can be understood and
expressed in many different ways. The word “Codify” and “Codification” actually means to “arrange into a
systematic code,” to take a bunch of pre-existing stuff and arrange them into a system. Codify [innovate] and
Create [invent] mean two different things. Did LaVey and Long create/invent the idea/notion/concept of satan-
ism or devil worship? No, in fact, the word “Deofolgield” actually existed as a defined and used word and con-
cept in Old English meaning Devil-Worship, centuries before Anton LaVey and Anton Long existed:
Old English is older – predates – both LaVey and Long. The concept of devil-worship, even of sacrifice to the
devil has been around since the time of Old English! In other words, in the society and minds and weltan-
schauung of the people who spoke Old English back then, the notion of devil-worship existed as a thinkable
concept. I love language, you can learn a lot of shit from studying the language of a people. What LaVey and
Long did clearly was innovation or codification where they took the Essence, and arrange a Form around that
essence. They did not invent or create the idea/notion/concept of devil-worship and satanism. Here's what the
words “Deofol” and “Gield” mean as separate words; which is actually insightful:
I figure that deofol was actually a composite word made up of two particles. The first particle was “Deo,”
which looks a lot like the Greek Theo(s) and the Latin Deus. The second particle is “Fol.” I thought of the
word “folly” when I saw the particle “fol.” And so I went to look at the etymological lineage of the word
“folly” and “fool.” Turns out that folly and fool are indeed related and arise from the Old French word, which
was: Fol. In Old French Fol meant a “madman, insane person, rogue.” In Middle English Fol evolved into as
word which meant “sinner, impious person.” “Folly” in Middle English meant “wickedness” among other
things. And so Deo-Fol would end up meaning something like a “wicked/impious/mad diety.”
The Old English word Deofolgield wasn't some superficial word some Old Englishman put together in haste. It
turns out to be a properly well thought out word with robust deeper sociological meaning. We can see this in
the use of the word/concept of a “Gield” appended to the word Deofol. A Gield or “Guild” is a big idea, a com-
plex concept.
A Guild in ancient times was like a trade union, exactly what a Guild of stonemasons or carpenters were. It's a
brotherhood of people who share the same trade craft, they keep their trade secrets, offer social services, pro-
vide mutual aid, they pay membership dues, etc. So, this Old English word “Deofolgield” actually suggests
something organized, or at least something believed to have been organized: in the likeness of a gield/guild.
Mind you, the word isn't “Deofolcraeft,” as in “Witchcraft.” Or “Wiccacraft,” where “craft” here suggests a
body of teachings. So we're not talking about philosophical teachings here. We're talking about Guilds, and the
organization, social order, brotherhood, services, worship, activities, associated with the concept of a Guild.
So here, we also see something interesting. The Old English “Deofol” as it was used back then is congruent to
how these same people – Ancient Brits – used the word “Satan,” as Anton Long pointed out in 'The Geryne of
[Begin Quote]
The earliest use of the term Satanism in the English language, that is, of the suffix -ism applied to the word
Satan - so far discovered - is in A Confutation of a Booke Intituled ‘An Apologie of the Church of England’
published in Antwerp in 1565 CE and written by the Catholic recusant Thomas Harding:
"Meaning the time when Luther first brinced to Germanie the poisoned cuppe of his heresies, blasphemies, and
sathanismes." A Confutation, Antwerp, 1565, ii. ii. f. 42v
[1] First, the spelling, sathanismes - deriving from sathan , a spelling in common usage for many centuries, as
for instance in Langland's Piers Plowman of 1337 CE:
"For þei seruen sathan her soule shal he haue." Piers Plowman B. ix. 61
and also, centuries later, in the 1669 CE play Man's the Master by William Davenant:
"A thousand Sathans take all good luck." (v. 87)
[2] The second point of interest is that, as the above and other quotations show, the term sathan was also com-
monly used to refer to someone or some many who was a schemer, a plotter, a trickster, or an adversary.
[3] The third point of interest is that the first usage of the suffix - by Thomas Harding - as well as the common
subsequent usage of the term Satanism has the meaning of an adversarial, a diabolical, character or nature or
doctrine. That is, the earliest meanings and usage of the term satanism are not 'the worship of Satan' nor of
some religious or philosophical belief(s) associated with the figure of Sathan.
Furthermore, as mentioned previously, an early (1685 CE) usage of term Satans also imputes the foregoing
meaning of adversarial or diabolical character:
"To hinder us in God's work and mens Salvation, is to be Satans to us. O how many Satans then are called rev-
erend Fathers, who silence and persecute men for God's work." Richard Baxter. A paraphrase on the New Tes-
tament with notes, doctrinal and practical . London, 1685 CE, Matthew, xvi. 23
Indeed, in 1893 CE the writer Goldwin Smith used the term Satanism in this older general sense to refer to a
type of destructive social revolution:
"That sort of social revolution which may be called Satanism, as it seeks, not to reconstruct, but to destroy."
Goldwin Smith. Essays on questions of the day . (Macmillan, 1893 CE)
Similarly, an earlier 1833 CE article in Fraser's magazine for Town and Country used the term in connection
with Byron:
"This scene of Byron's is really sublime, in spite of its Satanism." Vol 8 no. 524
Thus, the English term satanism/sathanism - historically understood - describes: (1) a blasphemy, a heresy or
heresies; (2) a destructive (that is, practical) type of opposition.
[End Quote]
So here we see that the Old English word/concept “Deofol” and the old word “sathan/satan” in the minds and
cultural weltanschauung of these ancient Brits meant the same exact thing and was used in the same manner.
Both Deofol and Sathan/Satan meant a “wicked person,” a contemptible person of diabolical character.
Sathanism/Satanism in this older case thus meant the activities, behaviour, the Way of such types of persons
described as being sathans, satans, devils, and deofols. Only later – much later – did various people codify
their various schools of Satanism as belief systems and bodies of teachings and philosophies. Which are causal
forms, outer forms, and not the essence. The Essence/Ethos is Human Instinct, the Shadow Side of our Nature,
which is in quality and character diabolical, contemptuous, repulsive, repugnant, malignant, fiendish, de-
praved, demoniacal, atrocious, terrible, horrific, abominable.
And so, upon clearly understanding that such schools of Satanism are only outer expressions of the Essence,
we can then understand Satanism from a Promethean perspective. Remember Prometheus stole fire from heav-
en [from the gods] and gave it to mankind, and was punished for his act. The Promethean perspective of Satan-
ism is that once you know – sans mystification and obscurantism – that the Essence and Ethos of Satanism is
man's natural instinct and the conscious expression of the dark or shadow nature of our human nature, then you
will understand that there is no such thing as an “authority” or “supreme guru” of Satanism. There is simply no
such thing as an “authority,” “expert,” “priest,” “grandmaster,” or “leader” of Human Nature and its Dark Side.
You can simply go directly to the Essential Source of Satanism itself minus the middle man and manifest your
own understanding and Form according to your own personal individual nature.
For, there is no such thing as equality, and so we each have our own unique qualities and characteristics. To put
it symbolically: we each have different skeletons in our closets. LaVey's nature as a person isn't your Nature.
Long's Nature as a person isn't your Nature. Their Forms of Satanism come into being – are codified in the ma-
trix of – their own personal Nature, views, sentiments, value system, and what aspects of their instinct and
shadow side they chose to acknowledge.
For example, LaVey understood that the essence of Satanism is human instinct, but he did not acknowledge
that “criminal” behaviour is an element of our human nature and so his Form of Satanism inherited LaVey's
personal views where his Form of Satanism rejects and condemns criminal activity. Whereas Anton Long's
Form of Satanism acknowledges criminal behaviour as being an element of human behaviour and so his Form
of Satanism incorporates crime. But Anton Long sentimentally and philosophically rejects the idea of “Might
is Right” as being “Bully behaviour” and so his Form of Satanism condemns such behaviour. Whereas LaVey
acknowledges that yes we humans are bullies, that we have it in our Natural makeup to go on power trips and
make other do and think as we wish of them, yes social darwinism is in our natural makeup, etc, so Lavey's
Form of Satanism incorporates the notion of Might is Right.
And so, the question becomes: Are you LaVey or Long? Is your human nature, is your dark side – what you are
drawn to of that shadow nature – the same exact composition as the shadow self of LaVey or Long? If the an-
swer is no, then the question is: do you force yourself into their Forms of Satanism or do you codify your own
Form which will best fit your individual Nature and Shadow Self? Because if some guy LaVey and some guy
Long can codify their own Form of Satanism based on their own sentiments, views, value systems, beliefs,
shadow self, then why are you so ignorant as to not be able to do likewise: to make your own Form based on
your own actual individuated human nature and your own instincts and shadow self?
Shadow Nature – the Psyche's – is like a guitar. That guitar has lots of strings. Each string has many notes.
Each note is unexpressed potential. And so, individually, as individuated sentient human beings, we each have
our own unique “riffs” or “cords,” you see, that turns us on and stimulates us, makes us resonate and so on. It's
the same instrument and same strings [same species], but we each have our own Cords. Our shadow nature are
not equal and the same. The shadow nature of a serial killer is not the same as that of a serial rapist. The shad-
ow nature of a dictator is not the same as that of a drug addict. And so why “dance” to the musical Cords of
LaVey's or Long's Form of Satanism if such Cords do not reflect your own individuated shadow nature? If they
do not strike a Cord with your own unique individual Nature?
The thing with some of these occult-gurus is that – like the gurus of the 70's era – they obscure and mystify the
simple Essence so you can't see that essence, this way you become reliant and dependent on their teachings,
Forms, words, dictations, glorified opinions, views, values, codifications. A merchant is no out looking to
make peer merchants, he's out looking to make customers for his merchandise. Realize this shit. They keep
you confined as mental children so you are perpetually reliant on their ideological parental control and dicta-
tions. And so, like ONA said: “a 'true' Satanist wouldn't put up with this, he would rebel and create his own
Another example, we can use the moon to explain: the moon has both a dark side and a light side. Let's say
that Anton LaVey studies this moon and his expressed theory of the moon is that it came into being due to ac-
cretion. Let's say that Anton Long studies this same moon and his expressed theory of the moon is that a plane-
tary body smashed into a large proto-earth, and material spun from this collision becoming the earth. The first
thing that we should take notice of is that the moon is visible in the sky for everybody to see and study, and so
the first question to be asked is: understanding that the moon is visibly in the sky for everybody to see and
study, are you stupid or blind where you need an Anton LaVey or an Anton Long to narrate to you shit about
the moon, or can you do that shit yourself?
My point of contention is not with such gurus themselves. We all need and have teachers in life whether we
admit it or not. Even with learning to play the guitar you will still – in the beginning – listen to the music and
riffs and cord of Pro-Musicians and follow along or copy cat their shit, learn by example and mimicry in other
words. But there must come a time in your progress where you no longer need to copy other people's riffs. You
might borrow cords and riffs from others, but you use those cords and riffs to build your own music.
If after several years in learning to play the guitar you have not learned to make your own music, and all you
can do is follow along to songs and read music notes, then there is something Wrong with your level of intelli-
gence and creativity. In real life you go to high school, then graduate, then go to college, then graduate, then
you take what you have learned and make something of yourself. If after 10 years you are still a freshman in
high school, then you may indeed be stupid. If after 10 whole years as a satanist you still burn black candles
and still wear black capes: then something is wrong with you.
That makes sense with those examples. But most of use can't apply that same sense with shit like religion, ide-
ology, and philosophy. This thing we call “Satanism” or the “Left Hand Path” or whatever is very much just
like Plato's allegory of the Cave. All of us live in the back of this Cave. In the front of this Cave – by the open-
ing – are The Four Old Guys: 1) Crowley, 2) Anton LaVey, 3) Aquino, & 4) Anton Long. Now, every evening,
on the walls of this Cave, shadows can be seen dancing. And so the Four Old Guys up at the front of the Cave
are the ones who interpret the dancing shadows for the rest of us. Some of those Old Guys – all of them to
some extent actually – insist and demand that only they can interpret the dancing shadows for us, and that only
their interpretations and narratives of these shadows are valid and legitimate. While they are telling us their
narratives, these Four Old Guys argue and fight among themselves about who has the “genuine” interpreta-
tions and who has the fake and fraudulent ones.
And so now, two questions arise for those of us in this Cave: 1) When will you realize that you too can also
interpret those shadows? 2) When will you wise up and realize that you can just walk out of that Cave and ex-
perience the source of those shadows yourself? But we all know what happened to the person who walked out
of the Cave: he returned to try to tell his people what he saw, and the people killed him. It's not wise to disre-
gard those Four Old Guys, to walk past them, to tell them you don't need them, and to leave the Cave: they
will excommunicate you and their mindless fanatic lemming followers will vilify you. I guarantee it. The Cave
is the so called Left Hand Path. The shadows represent our own Shadow Nature, our own Dark Side, our own
Sinister Nature. The interpretations of the shadows are the various Forms of Satanism. The Source that Shad-
ow Nature is Mother Nature and her physis outside that Cave.
This cave allegory was a big dilemma for the ancient anti-Braminical proto-buddhist philosophers who codi-
fied what we today know as “Buddhism.” The dilemma was: how do you not do what the Old Guys at the front
of the cave do? In their minds they were thinking: “How do we teach the Essence of Buddhism to these people,
without falling into the trap of being Old Guys at the front of that Cave? We want to Liberate these people
from that Cave, not trap them in it like the Brahmins do.” And their solution was to build a “wagon” [yana].
The wagon leads the Cave people gradually out of that Cave and brings them to the Source. The Source and
Essence being Dhamma, Natural Phenomena. But before you can be Liberated – Moksha/Nibbana – you first
have to Awaken and realize you are in that Cave/Samsara. Which is what Buddhist dialectics is good for, you
see. To awaken them from their psychological, religious, mental, philosophical, paradigmatic vertigo.
In other words, their solution was to lead the horse to the water directly. But as the saying goes: you can lead a
horse to water, but you can't make it drink. You can guide and lead the Satanist the Source/Essence of Satanism
– which is human instinct and our shadow nature – but you can't make them consider that essence or make
them understand that the mesmerizing Forms of Satanism they are aware of arise from that Essence. And after
leading them to that Source/Essence, it is not guaranteed that they will create their own Form based on their
own uniquely individuated shadow nature. They may just return to their Cave. Like how most Buddhists just
simply return to that Cave, oblivious of the insights that Natural Phenomena can yield. Oblivious to the under-
standing that it was from a study of Natural Phenomena that the Buddha himself obtain his “enlightenment,”
and that his teachings were all derived from the same.
Understanding that the actual Essence/Ethos of Satanism is man's natural instinct and the conscious expression
of our dark or shadow nature, are you ignorant and so unaware of that shit where you need an Anton LaVey of
an Anton Long or some other authority figure to tell you shit about your own natural instincts and your own
dark side or shadow nature? Seriously, it's an honest rhetorical question. But like I said: in the BEGINNING
we need teachers, but will you ever wise up – become wise – and leave that Cave to see and experience the
Source/Essence directly yourself? In Buddhism it's called Pacchakka, which literally means to “see things with
your own eyes.”
Me myself, in the Beginning I study the ideas and theories of scientists regarding the moon, so that I can be-
come familiar with the moon. Once I am confidently familiar with the moon, I begin to do my own research
and I study the moon in my own way and in my own direction. And then I develop my own views and theories
about the moon. For instance, I believe the moon is expanding in size from the inside out very slowly, because
inside is a ball of living plasma, and the moon is like its oyster shell it is growing. My apprehension of the
moon might be crazy or unorthodox, but I am still studying the same moon.
And so, it's the same with Satanism. In the Beginning, I study Anton LaVey, and then Anton Long, in order to
familiarize myself with Satanism and its Essence. I've always seen Anton LaVey's Form of Satanism to be
“elementary” like junior high, and Anton Long's Form of Satanism to be “intermediary” like high school.
Once I am familiar with the Essence and Ethos of Satanism, and am familiar with how LaVey and Long caus-
ally build/codify their versions of Satanism from that same Essence, I begin to causally build my own version
by going directly to the Essence of Satanism. In the Beginning as a novice in Satanism, yes, it's a productive
idea to study other Forms of Satanism to find the Essence and learn how the creators of those Forms make
their Satanism.
But in time, when you Mature on your path in Satanism, it's more intelligent and productive to go to the Es-
sence of Satanism yourself and develop your own Form. Why? Because of the Principle of Approximation and
Individuated Perspective. No single person has the one and only “true” and “genuine” and “real” expression
and understanding of natural human instinct and the dark side of human nature. Anybody who claims other-
wise is either stupid, or being disingenuous, dishonest, insincere, or they are on a power trip looking to be
some respected authority figure and grand guru. It's as silly as some single scientist claiming that only he has
the Genuine understanding of the moon or gravity and all other Lunarologists and Gravitologists are fakes,
charlatans, preaching false doctrine. It's simply stupid. I hate those power whore games those types play. I
don't play that fucking game.
In the East we have a fine example of Essence and Form. The Essence is Dharma. And that Dharma over the
hundreds and thousands of years has been codified and expressed in various Forms such as Hinduism, Jainism,
and Buddhism. And fractally, each of those Forms of Dharma religions develop their own sub-Forms. In Hin-
duism you have the three major Forms of Brahmanism, Shaivism, Vaishnavism. In Buddhism you have Thera-
vada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. And fractally, each sub-Form has developed their own sub-sub-Forms.
In Theravada you have Sri Lankan Theravada, Burmese Theravada, Khmer Theravada, Thai Theravada, Lao
Theravada. And fractally each sub-sub-form develops their own sub-sub-sub-Form. For example, in Thai Ther-
avada Buddhism you have sub-sub-sub-Form called the Thai Forest Tradition, the Dhammayud Tradition, and
so on. And fractally, each Hindi, Jain, and Buddhist expresses and understands Dharma in their own way.
Thus, here you can see Fractality and the Principle of Approximation and Individuated Perspective at work,
manifesting such diverse Forms out of the same Dharmic Essence/Ethos.
Like a Tree: The Trunk grows into big roots and branches. Fractally those big roots and branches grow their
own branchlets, and those branchlets grow their own branchlets and so on. Like your circulatory system. You
have the giant vessels connected to your heart, those fractally branch out, and those branches grow their own
branchlets, all the way until you have tiny branches of capillaries so small that red blood cells have to get into
a single file to pass through them. And fractally, just like a tiny individual capillary, as an individual capillary
of human culture and memetic entities: idea can only pass in my mind one at a time. I can only humanly pon-
der one thought at a time.
And so when I, as an individual Buddhist, say that Mahayana Buddhism is fake or fraudulent, that's like a tiny
strand of root calling a big branch way up high fake: it is nonsensical, and shows a lack of greater perspective
[myopic] and wholistic grasp of the world. The reality is that both the tiny strand of root and the big branch are
each parts of a greater system that Circulates the Essence. There must be Circulation, Movement, for there to
be Life, Growth, Evolution. Your blood must circulate, money must circulate in an economy. A river must
move to be healthy, otherwise it becomes a stagnate pool, which is breeding ground for bacteria. And so it is
that same with satanism. It’s silly for me as a single Satanist to say that LaVeyan Satanism or Traditional Sa-
tanism is fake and fraudulent, because both I and those two branches of Satanism are parts of a greater memet-
ic being; which memetic being is founded upon [grows out of] the Essence of the shadow nature of the human
Which Essence circulates around the memetic entity. In the same way that currency – derived from the word
‘Current’ as in the current of a river – when circulated, manifests a healthy economy and nation-state. And
such economy and nation-state are reific nouns, abstract nouns which do not actually exist as concrete tangible
objects that you can point at. What exists are collections of human beings who Believe in, Agree together in,
the ideas, idealisms, values, etc of a nation-state. What exists are human beings who collectively agree that
such currency – such money – has a value. And as time passes, our economies and nation-states grow and
evolve towards greater order, manifesting greater well-being and living standards. And so, without that Circu-
lation of Essence, there is no evolution: no change toward greater states of Being.
This pattern repeats in Nature. Life is the Essence/Ethos. Lifeforms are the Forms. And so you first have the
major Forms which are Plants and Animals. Those Forms develop sub-Forms, for instance you have Mam-
mals, Reptiles, Fish, and Bird. Those sub-Forms evolve/develop their own sub-sub-form; for instance you have
Marsupial Mammals, Monotreme Mammals, and Placental Mammals [those that give live birth]. And fractally
each sub-sub-form evolves its own sub-sub-sub-Form. So on and so forth. Life is the Essence, and that same
Essence is beautifully and complexly expressed/manifested into a diversity of Forms of Life. And that Essence
[Life] circulates around the Body of Nature: and so there is evolution: the gradual development of Form to-
wards greater order, greater efficiency, greater intelligence.
And so, it would be nonsensical – makes no actual sense – for a fungus to say that a whale is a fake or fraudu-
lent life form because the fungus came first, or vice versa. Because both the fungus and the whale are expres-
sions or manifestations of Life, which Essence of Life circulates within them both. I personally think Diversity
is beautiful, and that Diversity is a habit/dharma/tao of Nature. And so being in tune to Fractal Patterns, I can
appreciate the beauty of the diversity of memetic forms: the many diverse types of Buddhisms, Satanisms,
Christianities. It is philosophically inconsistent for a person to say that they think the Diversity in Nature and
human culture is “numinous” or beautiful, and then with the same mouth and mind say that the diversity of
human thought, belief, views, satanism, etc, is ugly. That there is and should only be one true, one real, one
genuine Satanism, Buddhism, Christianity, whatever. Think about that.
For clarity: “diversity” when I use that term doesn't mean everyone and everything living all together in some
goofy kind of multiculturalism, or “melting pot” as we Americans seem to like to call it. Natural Diversity as it
occurs in Nature means that everything is different and has its own place in the ecosystem. The gears of a
clock are diverse, but every gear has its own place and function in the cybernetic collective. Parts of a car are
diverse, but each part has its own place. Shit in our galaxy is diverse: but everything has a place to be in, there
exists order in that diversity. Suns are at the center of star systems. Planets go around those suns, and moons go
around those planets, and asteroids have their own place. This shit is so Orderly in our galaxy that we can pre-
dictably locate stars, planets, moons, and clusters of asteroids. Natural Diversity exists within the matrix of
Order. And this diversity within Order is fractal and can be seen on the atomic level, and on the level of your
own human body, as well as on the level of a metropolis. The shit we are seeing in Europe is not diversity: it is
disorder. And Disorder is a disease, a sickness that will ultimately cause a system to malfunction and fail.
And the funny part is that most people believe in evolution, where they have the sense to understand that di-
versity – genetic and otherwise – helps Nature and species survive and thrive and evolve. But they can't apply
that same understanding of evolution Fractally with the domain of the human mind and culture: with memetic
entities. How did a memetic entity like primordial Christianity, Pre-Constantine era, Evolve into the thing it is
today? If not in the same way organisms evolve: via diversification of Form and gradual change, and the com-
petition of such Forms. And in that process of gradual change there will arise many Forms. It is incredibly
primitive minded to reduce that process of evolution and development into a mere retarded dichotomy of “true/
real/genuine” and “fake.” I am not saying that every Form is equal. I don't believe in equality anywhere in the
Just as I can say that because of the time it has taken for humans to develop and the nature and intelligence of
human beings that we humans are the “best” Forms Mother Nature has yet developed, I can say that currently
the ONA is the best memetic development/expression of the shadow nature of the human animal. Anton Long
has put in 40 years to develop the ONA into what it is today. LaVey wrote a few books and stopped developing
his Form. Aquino's Form couldn't adapt to the change of environment. Crowley's Form is cool, but it has
grown from an unorthodox social entity into an orthodox monument to Crowley.
Monument meaning that it doesn't grow or evolve any further. It's a monument like the Washington Monu-
ment, existing only to perpetuate and glorify the few things Crowley did. LaVey's Form is rapidly also turning
into a Monument to LaVey, if it has not become such already. Thankfully Anton Long has implemented a few
things to insure that the ONA doesn't stop developing and becoming a Monument. He's made it known several
times in various ONA MSS since the early 90's that ONA should be changed, further developed, evolved. That
whatever he has done should be surpassed. And so on.
By now, you should understand this Essence and Form concept, easily and clearly. I don't like obscurantism, I
don't like mystifying shit, and I don't like keeping things vague. Usually when people use obscurantism, it
might indicate that such person actually has no organic idea what they are talking about. And usually, when
someone mystifies something, they are keeping you from seeing something, hiding something. Behind the
great Wizard of Oz is a little old man, in other words. And then usually, when a person keeps things vague,
they either lack a full organic understanding of what they are talking about or they are playing power games;
because when they keep things vague, they can make their stuff mean anything at any time to win you.
The various schools of Satanism are outer Forms, causal expressions of the Essence or Ethos, which is our nat-
ural human instinct and our dark side or shadow nature. The Form is not the Essence. No Form monopolisti-
cally is the only one and true, genuine expression of that Essence. Anton LaVey's Satanism is not the true and
genuine Satanism. Neither is the Satanism of Anton Long. Both may express the Essence, in the same way that
both a horse and a cow express the Essence and Ethos of Mammal Nature in different ways. And just as such
Mammal Nature can be expressed in a host of different species, LaVey's Satanism and Long's Satanism are not
and cannot be the only two permissible forms of Satanism.
“Yes, times have changed, but man hasn’t. The basics of Satanism have always existed. The only thing that is
new is the formal organization of a religion based on the universal traits of man.” – The Satanic Bible
I've always liked the Satanic Bible's elementary approach to Satanism because it presents a no-nonsense, real-
istic, and honest expression of Satanism, the religion of man's natural instincts. Realistically, no matter how
evolved or advanced our civilizations and social orders become, we will, as mortal creatures, always be Hu-
man. And with being Human, we will always have Human Nature, which is in physis, agathokakalogical, that
is: Compositely both Good and Evil. Like the moon has both a light side and a dark side. That human nature
will never change away from its agathokakological essence and ethos. Before it was “human nature” it was
primate nature. Evolution only refined and accentuated that ancient primate nature in the human animal. And
by the way Nature works, if we humans should evolve into something greater that is beyond human, our
agathokakological human nature will be further refined and accentuated, and not eliminated.
“Such a declaration will establish for all time a permanent record and will expose the fraudulent 'Satanists'
for what they are - individuals who like to be associated with the glamour of evil and darkness, but who lack
the - inspiration, courage and daring to be evil and dark. Furthermore, I repeat what I have written before -
Satanism is not now and can never be, an intellectualized philosophy just as it most certainly is not in any way
ethical or moral. It is an individualized defiance and an individualized striving which vitalizes, which affirms
existence in an ecstatic way - as such, it is a way of living which courts danger, excess. It is not nor can ever
be, dogmatic just as it never involves submission to anyone or anything. For this reason, there can never be
genuine Satanic Churches or 'Temples' where Initiates conform to dogma or authority - such things are not for
genuine Satanic Initiates but for the deluded, those lacking spirit and talent: in brief, for the manipulated, ra-
ther than the manipulators.” – Hostia 1, ONA
As much as I like the elementary Satanism of LaVey, I prefer the intermediary Satanism of ONA. There are
several reasons why. The first reason is that each human being has its strengths and weaknesses. And so when
a human being creates a causal form – a religion or tradition or whatever – such causal form will inherit the
weaknesses of its creator.
For example, if the person is by nature idealistic, then the causal form he creates will be idealistic to a certain
extent. LaVey as a person did have strengths and weaknesses. For instance LaVey's strength was understanding
that there was nothing wrong with indulgence, because it was in accord with human instinctual behavior. But a
weakness he had was understanding that our instinctual nature actually goes beyond just indulging. Another
weaknesses he had was that he [LaVey] was an intellectual by nature, and so his Satanism takes on an intellec-
tual flavor of being a “philosophy,” a way of seeing and thinking of things. Another weaknesses he had was
that he never acknowledged that human instinctual nature existed before the law and order of the state, and so
human acts that defy the law and order of the state, or that are “illegal” are indeed expressions of instinctual
human nature.
A highly evolved Satanism cannot just be a philosophy, because the intent of a Form is to Express or Manifest
the Essence and Ethos. And so if the Essence and Ethos is man's natural instinct and the conscious expression
of our dark or shadow nature, then an evolved Form of that Essence and Ethos must Express that Essence and
Ethos in causal action, behaviour, and deeds. To understand human nature via philosophy and science is one
thing. And to live that human nature, express it in action, deed, way of doing, is an entirely different thing.
Another reason why I prefer the Satanism of the ONA is because the ONA “goes all the way” with human na-
ture. Meaning when it talks about the dark side of human nature, they go to the full extent of that dark side,
advocating everything associated with such dark side, such as murder, sacrifice, crime, etc. The ONA also
stresses that its Satanism is a way of life and not just a philosophy, not just a belief system.
Regarding the rivalry between schools of Satanism: I know the Church of Satan believes itself to be the only
valid form of Satanism, and I know the ONA believes its Satanism to be “Genuine Satanism” implying or
overtly stating that other forms of Satanism are “fake” or “fraudulent.” I see nothing wrong with such competi-
tion and rivalry. In the same sense that I see nothing wrong with animals in any given ecosystem compete and
rival each other. In the same sense that I see nothing wrong with Google and Amazon competing with each
other. Competition breeds innovation [evolution] as they say. Memeplexes, like organic lifeforms, behave like
lifeforms and will compete to spread their memes/genes, in order to dominate and thrive. The behaviour of
these forms of Satanism is congruent to the Law and Way of Nature. We see the same behaviour fractally in
gangs, corporations, sports teams, nations, and individually in people where we try to be prettier or smarter or
richer, more admired than others.
It should just be kept in mind by those of us who are intelligent that there is no such thing as a fake causal
Form. There are only Forms which may inadequately/inaccurately express the Essence and Ethos. The Essence
is what is important, not the codified causal form. What's that mean? Well, it means that if you are an organism
in an ancient primordial ocean, and you have no light sensing organs [eyes], and your rival organism grew
light sensing organs: your Form has just been rendered inadequate. With eyes, your rival can see food and ma-
tes better and will dominate the ocean in time. Thus, it will be able to – more adequately – express the essence
of Life better than you can. If a Form of Satanist is unable to adequately manifest or express the essence of Sa-
tanism, then it is inadequate in some way.
“Satanism encourages its followers to indulge in their natural desires. Only by doing so can you be a com-
pletely satisfied person with no frustrations which can be harmful to yourself and others around you. There-
fore, the most simplified description of the Satanic belief is: INDULGENCE INSTEAD OF ABSTINENCE.
People often mistake compulsion for indulgence, but there is a world of difference between the two. A compul-
sion is never created by indulging, but by not being able to indulge. By making something taboo, it only serves
to intensify the desire. Everyone likes to do the things they have been told not to. “Forbidden fruits are sweet-
est.” Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary defines indulgence thusly: “To give oneself up to; not to restrain or
oppose; to give free course to; to gratify by compliance; to yield to.” The dictionary definition of compulsion
is: “The act of compelling or driving by a force, physical or moral; constraint of the will; (compulsory, obliga-
tory).” In other words, indulgence implies choice, whereas compulsion indicates the lack of choice.” – The
Satanic Bible
I've always liked the simplicity of LaVey's Form of Satanism. No mystification, no obscurantism. If the Es-
sence and Ethos of Satanism is man's natural instincts and making conscious our dark or shadow nature, then
the Act of being Satanic, of expressing or practicing that Satanism is to freely give oneself up to, to yield to, to
gratify, without restraints or restriction, your natural desires and dark side.
We all have a dark side which we never show anyone, as Mark Twain rightly said. By “dark side” I mean all
that such dark side means, suggests, entails, insinuates, and hints at. The elements and desires of our shadow
nature, evolved from millions of years of natural animal instinct, are best left unspoken and unwritten, best left
in the shadows. We all know what a human being is capable of doing and committing. Most of the dark side
desires and fantasies are so dark, they would cause most self-proclaimed “Satanists” and social-rebels to be
outraged. I'm speaking of the unspeakable things that are Deplorable, Depraved, Disgusting, Despicable, De-
generate [The Five D's]. Things most people would consider to be inhuman.
Inhuman indeed. For such dark nature has been a part of our composition as biological creatures since before
we were human. The problem is not that such dark nature exists, but that the human sentiment has evolved to
pass judgment on such! In the same way as when we watch Nature in its natural course, like seeing a pack of
hyenas attack and eat alive a young baby animal. We see such things, and pass our human sentimental judg-
ments. Not ever realizing that such things have been done and indulged by biological creatures hundreds of
millions of years before we humans existed to pass judgment, to be outraged.
As humans with a dark side, we all live together in a neighbourhood of glass houses. Which is funny to me
when you think about it. In one glass house you might have a father who has the shadow nature of fucking his
daughter, and his next door neighbour will point fingers, and throw stones at that house and say: “OMG, how
awful and disgusting!” Meanwhile, that neighbour has the shadow nature of liking to get fucked in the ass by a
horse. You have another neighbour in his glass house point fingers and throw stones at another glass house and
say: “OMG! Might is Right is so bullyish, you're so barbaric!” And this neighbour has the dark side of sup-
porting, endorsing radical 'Islamists' bullying, raping, terrorizing, and killing defenseless Europeans. You have
another neighbour shaking his finger and throwing stones at another neighbour saying: “OMG! Doing drugs is
bad!” Meanwhile, this neighbour worships satan, is a nigger hating nazi, and masturbates to gore.
We think we are such evolved creatures. And we especially believe we are more better/evolved than the person
next to us; 'holier than thou' mentality. We think we are creatures who have transcended our animal nature,
transcended our instinctual nature, transcended the body of Nature. Lost and in the samsaric delusion of our
urban, idealistic, and sentimentally artificial world. We superimpose such artificial world, such sentimentally
utopian views, onto Nature, and pass our judgments from such artificial vector. What silly creatures we are,
like children playing house, oblivious to the Real World beyond our doll house. Sheltered in our own delusions
and sentimentally idealistic solipsism.
Shiva is the Great Destroyer. With his Third Eye he burns asunder that stupid man-made artificial world and its
stupid sentiments and utopianismic projectionism. Awakening us to realize the world beyond our idealistic de-
lusions. No, we are not free from Nature. We are, and have always been an inseparable part of the body of Na-
ture, of Dharmakaya. And Nature is by default agathokakological, compositely both sinister and numinous.
And the dark side of Nature, its sinister side, is horrific. That Horror we see and fear, is itself the dark side of
our human nature. As it is the dark, primeval side of all lifeforms, of Nature Herself.
“The true nature of evil - and thus Satanism and the LHP - has been misunderstood. Evil is natural and neces-
sary - it tests, culls, provokes reaction and thus aids evolution. And to repeat - Satanism is replete with evil: it
is evil. Satanists are sinister, evil. They cannot but be otherwise. Evil, correctly defined, is part of the cosmic
dialectic - it is force, which is a-moral: i.e. it is beyond the bounds of 'morals'. Morals derive from a limited
(human - or, rather, psuedo-human) perspective, and a morality is a projection by individual consciousness
onto reality. Nothing that is 'moral' or immoral exists. All morals are therefore artifice - they are abstractions.
Actions, by individuals, which are normally considered as 'evil' are things that are done by individuals against
others - that is, evil acts are considered as belonging to us, as a species. It is not considered 'evil' for a tiger to
kill and eat a person: that is natural, in the nature of the tiger. What has been and generally is considered to be
evil, in humans, is in general nothing more than instinct - or rather, a feeling, a pre-conscious desire or de-
sires. Such instinct is natural - the actions which result from it can be either beneficial or not. That is, the ac-
tions are not 'evil' in themselves. They should not be judged by some artificial abstractions, but rather by their
consequences - by their effects, which are either positive or negative.” – Hostia 3, ONA
Satanism – beyond the mystification and obscurantism – is actually simple to understand. All the extra stuff,
such as the philosophical ramblings, the magickal curricula, the many words written, the competitive rhetoric,
the religiosity, the spiritual gibberish, etc, obscures that simple Essence and Ethos. The essence of Satanism is
man's natural instincts and the conscious experience of our dark or shadow nature. It's that simple. And so the
Practice – Praxis – of Satanism is the conscious experience of such natural instincts and dark shadow nature, as
well as the giving to others the liberty to indulge in their natural instincts and dark nature.
Closing Remarks
Satanism is an ode to human nature, which nature is the end result of Nature's billions of years of de-
veloping and refining its own agathokakological Primeval Nature. In its fundamental simplicity, there is no
greater religion. When you study Natural Philosophy, that is the philosophical study of Nature, you will even-
tually enter the domain of human nature. And once in that domain, you will see things you wish you had never
seen. Things you would rather deny the existence of. If you deny such things, then your understanding of Na-
ture, of Natural Philosophy, is incomplete and intellectually dishonest or outright mendacious.
And most people are philosophically and intellectually dishonest enough with themselves and others to deny
and reject the dark things that lurk in the shadow side of Nature and its LifeForms; especially in the human
LifeForm. If such dark things must be spoken about, they caricaturize it as being “primitive” and utopianisti-
cally say that we humans must strive to transcend that primitive nature. Like a creature running away from its
own Shadow.
Have you ever tried to run away from your shadow? Try it. During a nice sunny day, stand outside so that your
body casts a shadow on the ground, and try as hard as you can to run away from your own shadow! Or it is like
a moon that has discovered it has a dark side, and it hates that dark side. And so it spins around to face the dark
side at the sun to get rid of it. Only to realize that the Other Side has become dark. So it spins frantically, like a
dog chasing its own tail.
Yes, the gratification of instinctual desires is immature. But that immaturity is necessary for later Maturity.
Like how we humans grow up. Before we can be mature, we have to spend some time in our childhood being
immature. And tellingly, what we learn and experience and experiment with during those immature stages of
our life, develop into Wisdom and organic intelligence later in age.
The Essence and Ethos of “Satanism” is simple: it is man's natural instincts, the conscious experience of our
dark or shadow nature. Such shadow nature is a facet of our overall human nature. And such human nature is
an inseparable living branch that grows on the Tree of the Body of Nature. And such Body of Nature has its
own Primeval Nature which is agathokakological.
And so, all of these “Satanisms” that exist – the various different schools of such – are Outer Forms of that
same Essence and Ethos. They are Casual Forms, meaning they are an organization/codification of beliefs,
views, values, thoughts, opinions, intellections, causal abstractions, mythos, rites, rituals, born from the Es-
sence and Ethos. No one owns that Essence/Ethos. It is a silly idea to think so. As silly as the idea that some-
body owns gravity, or the nature of panda bears.
But it is within human nature itself to behave like you own something. That nature isn't even uniquely human,
primate and most animals and even trees act like they own domains and territories and females and resources.
The tallest trees with the widest branches in a jungle owns the largest sunlit real estate. And when such trees
own such large real estate, they have the most light, which means they are thriving enough to generate many
seeds. The same way with humans and their memetic domains. “Satanism” is a memetic domain, and humans
in such domain will struggle with each other to be the Alphas of that domain. To own the most mindspace and
psychological territory, so that they can spread their memes the widest and furthest.
And so humans in this Satanism domain will act like hot shots, like they invented Satanism, like theirs is the
“Genuine” and only Real Satanism. Like they are the supreme and extreme authority on Satanism, and every-
one else who came before them was ignorant and stupid. What these apes in Satanism don't tell you is that: 1)
they created their own version of Satanism by amalgamating their own lofty ideas and sentiments into some-
thing codified & 2) they derive their ideas from an actual source which is the Essence and Ethos of
“Satanism”. They mystify and obscurantize those two points and never tell you such simple things, because
you may simply go to that same Source and make your own Form of Satanism to compete with theirs. And a
wanna-be occult guru surely doesn't want competition: you would take his fame, notoriety, adulation, respect
gained, and income away!
I have a Promethean facet to my nature. I really don't like authority figures or anybody who acts like they are
the shit. Like their opinions and beliefs are “better,” because they are some fucking High Priest, some fucking
ipsissimus. What these authoritative clowns don't understand is that when they monopolize something like Sa-
tanism – because they want all the followers and attention – they restrict the further evolution of Satanism, and
restrict the diverse expressions of the same. All because they are power whores on a power trip. I'll fucking out
-think and out-insight you. Let's make a competition out of it, if that's your fucking game! I'll fuck you up in a
decade! It's like limiting LifeForms to only two monopolized Forms. And the funny thing is these same power
clowns talk about how they understand that there is diversity in nature! Stupid fucks.
Anybody who understand the Essence/Ethos of Satanism can create/codify their own Form. And they should
do so. Why? Because of the Principle of Approximation and also because of the Principle of Inherent Weak-
The Principle of Approximation means this: if you allow 100 people to study human nature, natural instinct,
and so on, and then you give those 100 people a pencil and a large blank piece of paper and tell them to write,
draw, make a poem, tell a story, etc about their individuated perspective of human nature and natural instinct,
you will get 100 different things on those pieces of paper. Not a single one will be the same. And so the intelli-
gent question to ask is: of those 100 piece of paper, which one has the one and only true, genuine, and real
grasping of human nature and natural instinct? None. They are all approximations of individuals, from their
individualized perspective.
The Principle of Inherent Weakness is when the weaknesses [the suchness] of a creator infects or influences its
creation with its own weakness and limitations; with its own suchness. For example: I am ignorant of Western
philosophy. And so any Causal Form I may create, or any conceptualization I create will inherit that weakness
where my creations are devoid of Western philosophical insights; which is limiting. But also: my strength is
that because I was raised in a Buddhist culture, I know a lot about Buddhism. And so anything I create, will
have a lot of Buddhist insights or will be influenced by Buddhist insights. This seems like a strength, but it can
be a weakness because it is restricting and limiting where that anything I make is limited to a Buddhistic per-
And so in the Natural Order, in order to transcend the de-evolutionary limitations of the Principle of Inherent
Weakness, Fractality must exist. Meaning here that if the Cosmos was created into being from One Creator,
then a limit exists where that the Cosmos is limited to the suchness of that single creator. A primitive example:
let's say that the One Creator of the universe is color blind and can only see in Blue. And so if this One Creator
makes a universe, it will be all Blue. Fractality is when this Creator says to itself: “Okay, I just realized I have
limits! Therefore, let me break apart into self-same creative patterns. Let each self-same pattern be unique.
And let each self-same pattern create according to its appoximate perspective and suchness.”
We can use Music as an example. The creator of the musical universe is limited to Gospel Music. One day it
realizes that because of its limit/weakness, any music it creates will be church gospel music. And so, if the mu-
sical universe is to be filled with Diverse kinds of music, it must transcend its own limits. How does it do this?
By Fractalism. Where the capacity to make music and use musical instruments and sing is fractally expressed
in others. And so, fractally: a person comes along and uses that fractal creative force to make jazz music, an-
other comes along to create blues music, another creates soul music. Another uses that fractal pattern of musi-
cal creativity to create rock and roll music. Another uses that pattern to make disco, another makes hip hop.
And so on. Fractality allows the Essence to be expressed in Diverse Forms. Remember the Dharma religion
example? Another example of this would be the Fractality seen in Christianity. You first have Catholicism, Or-
thodox, and Protestant denominations. Each of those fractally have their own sub-Forms. For example Protes-
tantism fractally develops into Quakerism, Evangelism, and Mormonism. With the Orthodox Form, you have
sub-Forms like the Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church. And so on, and so forth.
And so, although each sect and denomination are different, they all actually Express the Same Essence and
Ethos! And so, with this bigger picture, or wider context in view, you can see that such a fractal schema does
in fact allow for maximal diverse expression of the Essence. And you see that the Form such Essence is ex-
pressed through gradually evolves to better express that Essence. Conversely, if you only allow Catholicism to
exist as the one and only true Christianity, such a schema actually limits the evolutive expression of the Es-
sence of Christianity. If the creator of the universe were to say: “The only one and true acceptable living crea-
ture in my universe are amoebas!” The evolutive expression of Life would seriously be limited!
With something like Satanism, we can already see negative consequences creeping into the scene with its limi-
tation of Forms. The Forms LaVey and Aquino founded lack the ability to adapt to the change in the environ-
mental marketspace, the value system, and higher intelligence of the new generation. So they are dying out.
Which leave only the ONA's Satanism as the last major Form. This is a good and a bad thing. Good because
ONA triumphed over its rivals. And bad because of the incredible limitations placed on the evolutive expres-
sion of the Essence of Satanism. It's not guaranteed that in 50 years, the people of that era will see any worth
and relevance in ONA's Satanism. Just as we Satanists of today can look back at LaVey's 1960s Satanism
Form and think of it as being elementary and outdated, people 50 years from now will see ONA's Satanism
with the same perspective because of their higher intelligence and the collective intelligence of their social or-
What will be required is “counterintuitive” to the generic intellect. Freedom to circulate and express the Es-
sence/Ethos of Satanism is required, in a “Promethean” manner of speaking. But before such can happen, the
individual Satanist must develop a certain amount of intelligence and understanding, where they/we under-
stand that restricting that Essence to just one or few Forms, is de-evolutionary, long-time-wise. The Essence
must circulate. “The spice must flow.” New Forms of Satanism must arise, not just the philosophy of such, but
culture-wise also; and competition between such Forms.
It only takes an elementary understanding of nature and economics to understand why diversity and competi-
tion are both necessary. For example, in nature: you have lions and gazelles. The lions chase the gazelles down
and catch the weaker ones and eat them. In doing so, the genes of the weak gazelles are removes – culled –
from the genepool. And thus, the future generations of gazelles, become more genetically “better.”
In general economics, you have diversity in the form of there being many different industries, and fractally, in
each industry there are many different companies. Companies within an industry traditionally compete with
each other. The weaker companies eventually cannot sustain themselves and become bankrupt. Thus, culling
the weak company’s memes and unfit corporate culture out of the economy’s meme-pool. The fit companies,
dominate the landscape and influence it. In this way, the future economy is gradually strengthened and
My contention with that huge bail out the US government did for the big banks is that in doing so, you prop up
dysfunctional banks and perpetuate their corrupt and/or dysfunctional corporate culture. And that weakens the
meme-pool of the economy, stifling economic evolution/development. Evolution towards greater order and
greater efficiency. And so both diversification of Form and competition of Form are needed in order for evolu-
tion to take place.
Regarding ONA: Freedom to circulate and express the Essence/Ethos of ONA - without restriction, inhibition,
molestation, interference - will be required, if it is to live a long time; if it is to survive its Founding Personali-
ty [DM/AL] who is at this time of writing, in the Winter Season of his mortality; soon to expire from this caus-
al world.
A return back to the basics of the ONA: that ONA is not an organization on joins; it is a corpus of ideas written
by Anton Long and Company. That any individual who resonates with such corpus can put into practice such
corpus in whole or in part. That ONA is open source and thus open to be further developed and changed. That
groups, orders, organizations, nexion, etc who are influenced and inspired by ONA may use such corpus in
whole or in part to make for themselves their own Form, Style, Flavour, Distro, of the Sinister Essence and
Sinister Tradition. And that there should exist a healthy amount of competition between such ONA inspired
individuals and groups. If some ONA people leave ONA: let them. If new ONA inspired groups arise with a
different way of doing things and different belief system: let them. If some nexion die out: let them. In this
way, the Essence of the ONA – its Ethos – is circulated and gradually evolves in Time.
So, to end: The Essence of Satanism is simple. It is our own human nature, human instincts, which has both a
light side and a dark side. That Essence or Ethos is found within your own person, being the human being that
you are. That Essence can be expressed in many ways. And groups such as the ONA exist to perpetuate a cer-
tain discipline, or Form, or germline, of that Essence. In understanding the actual nature and source of that Es-
sence, you understand that such Essence does not, and cannot belong to any person or group, not even to the
ONA. And so in the end, Satanism is actually very simple, if understood properly.
.:.Chloe 352
White Star Acception
Oldies But Goodies
.:.I've been fortunate – or unfortunate – enough to have been interested in and involved with Satanism for actually
a decade now. I've been watching Satanism and Satanists move, grow, and leave since my MySpace days. Over the
many years I have seen Satanists gradually grow into a new understanding of what “Satanism” is. This newly
emerging understanding is much different then what it was “philosophically” interpreted to be 10 years ago. 10
years ago you basically had 3 general types of Satanists. You had your retarded Theists whose Satanism was primi-
tive reverse Christianity. You had the Modern/LaVeyans whose Satanism back then meant materialist reduction-
ism + Ego worship + the “philosophy” of “Satanism means indulgence.” Then you have the Egyptoid Satanists/
Setians who were like the “hippies” of Satanism all into the quasi-Egyptian, pseudo-left hand path, subjective uni-
verse crap. Thank god Setianism attritted to death and irrelevancy.
One group during that era stuck out, and still sticks out: ONA. I was going through many of the “old” xerox facsimi-
les of old 1980-1990 ONA MSS just reading writings by ONA from that specific era just to see how much ONA stuck
out. Many notions and ideas we may take for granted in ONA have actually been around since those early years. It's
pretty cool for me at least to be able to trace back the origins of memes. For example I always thought the meme/
idea of “Cultivation” was a contemporary ONA used word, but it's been used by ONA since the early days. The other
cool thing to see for me is seeing how over time the other institutions of Satanism and mundane Satanists have
used more and more ONA meme/ideas to beef up their stagnant Satanism. Of course they will never admit it. But
when you learn to follow memes, it becomes easy to know which fool has been borrowing from ONA.
Following memes is easy. It's useless and impossible to follow one single meme/word/idea. For example the meme
“White.” By itself there is no way of getting any data from it. But memes like to travel in clusters. The more compact
[coherent/cohesive] the cluster of memes, the more power they have to travel from mind to mind and influence. So
then, if you learn to look for a meme and its traveling meme buddies, you'll be able to get your data and trace the
history and origins of that Memecluster. For example when you notice the meme “Power,” traveling with the meme
“White” [White Power], it becomes possible to trace that two memeset to a possible Neo-Nazi memeplex of some
sort. If the meme “Hitler” is in the mix, then you can deduce that the originating memeplex may be National Social-
ism of some type. If you get Hitler, the meme “National-Socialism” with that hyphen, and the meme “Ethical,” then
you can trace that memecluster specifically to the Reichsfolk memeplex. Even if a person does not know where he
got his memecluster from, you can tell if he's infected with for example, Reichsfolk memes, that someone he was
exposed to was either Reichsfolk or was influenced or inspired by it.
And it's the same way with ONA memes. You can't really say that someone is infected or influenced by ONA if they
use a single meme like “Causal.” Causal by itself is just a word/idea. It's not one generally used by your average im-
becile mundane Satanist, but it's a word in active circulation, at least with the intelligent people. But when you
come across a Satanist who uses a cluster of memes like “Causal,” “Pathei Mathos,” "Form," "Abstraction," or their
essential ideas [the actual memes], you can figure out that this person is infected – influenced – by ONA either di-
rectly or indirectly. So they don't have to admit that they were influenced by ONA. They genuinely might not even
know it. Which would work in our favour since any person who does not know where he's getting his ideas from
and why he's using them is a fool. You want those fools to keep using the words and memes. Words – the words we
think in – is what we build our worldviews and paradigms with. Those words they use literally influences how they
see themselves, their world, and the entire experience of reality.
Let them use those words and ideas, in total blissful ignorance even. It's the only way to have an influence over
their Satanism to change it. A memeplex must be replaced one meme at a time. ONA memes must gradually seep
into and replace their old useless and irrelevant memes. One word at a time. One idea at a time. One concept at a
time. One fool at a time.
Like the Gods said once: “Explosion when my pen hits tremendous/ […] Shacklin the masses.../ [...]As the world
turns, I spread like germs/ Bless the globe with the pestilence/ The hard headed never learn/ […] Paragraphs
contain cyanide/ […] Light is provided through sparks of energy/ From the mind that travels in rhyme form/
Giving sight to the Blind/ The Dumb are mostly intrigued by the drum […] My pen blows lines ferocious...” [- Tri-
umph, Wu-Tang Clan]. The dumb are intrigued by what they hear. New words used by others that sound smart or
cool, they pick up like germs. Their mind, paradigm, and worldview, fall under the influence of such words, like a
body falls influence to the beat of a drum of a good song. Intoxicated by the opiate of the mass, who needs their
constant fix. Memes are like dope to the deaf and the dumb.
So this will be a collection of some old era ONA quotes that I like or find very interesting, especially when consider-
ing the time frame, and the general mindset of Satanism/Satanists back then. All of them are from old facsimiles of
xeroxed MSS circulated from a past era long before the internet was in public use. Listen for the drum:
“[T]he ONA understands and practices Satanism as it is, with its insistence that Satanism is about individual
self-development in both the real and the Occult worlds, and that this can only be achieved by hard, long, dan-
gerous and toilsome experience. Further, the ONA has exhibited a creativity and an understanding which makes
all other manifestations pale into insignificance. Thus, it is not surprising that it has been so influential in the
past few years.
“This influence has, however, seldom been acknowledged - other groups and individuals often borrowing the
teachings, methods and ideas and claiming them as their own, this 'borrowing' not being confined to "Satanic" or
Left Hand Path groups in general. This is both natural, and necessary given the sterility of creativity which exists
and has existed in such groups, and given the nature of the human species in general, and the Satanic in particu-
lar.” - Satanic Influence; ONA, Hostia 1, 1990
“A Satanist is an individual explorer - following in the footsteps of others (and perhaps using their guide books)
but always seeking further horizons, daring to defy convention (in ideas as well as in morals and atti-
tude) yet part of an evolutionary succession enabling what is experienced to be understood and become
beneficial. For this reason, a genuine Satanist understands tradition as important and necessary – the culmina-
tion of centuries of insight and experience, a useful guide which enables further progress and exploration: a
starting point for that inner and outer journey which is begun by Initiation, as well as a map of the way chosen
and followed.” - The Tradition Of The Sinister Way; ONA, Hostia 1, ~1992
“There is no morality here - only the judgment of experience...” - Manipulation 1; ONA, Hostia 1,
“Thereis not and never has been any substitute for self-learning from experience.” - The Alchemy
Of Magick; ONA, Hostia 1, 1991
“Thus,traditional Satanism is concerned with the 'inner development' of its Initiates, and its fol-
lowers are few in numbers.” - The Sinister Path, Aims & Intents; ONA, Hostia 1, ~1992
“Satanism can never become (until the 'New Aeon' arrives at least) respectable: for to become so
would destroy its numen, its viability as a way to genuine Adeptship.” ONA – Organizational
Structure; ONA, Hostia II, ~1992
“[T]he creation of new forms is important and indeed vital – there must be a continuing evolu-
tion.” - Esoteric Tradition; ONA, Hostia II, ~1992
“What matters is action, the desire to achieve, to become again fierce, tough, forbidding and thus
real individuals who have broken the psychic chains of the majority.” - Conquer, Destroy, Cre-
ate; ONA, Hostia II, ~1992
“A Satanist, concerned with experience, may use a political form for a specific purpose -the nature
of that form in terms of conventional politics and morality (such as 'extreme Right-wing') is irrele-
vant. What is important is whether it can be used to (a) provide experience of living and the limits
of experience, and/or (b) aid the sinister dialectic of history.” - The Hard Reality Of Satanism;
ONA, Hostia II, 1991
“[I]have tried to make clear (sometimes by exaggerating the point) that I regard Satanism first
and foremost as a practical way which involves garnishing experiences of the limits of living, and
learning from those experiences -transmuting the experiences into self-insight, the development
of consciousness and so on.” Steven Brown Letters [to Ms. Vera]; ONA, Hostia II, May 27, 1992
[Q1]“However, there are some points which perhaps are best raised in a private letter. First -and
perhaps inconsequential out of its context -no one has ever claimed to be 'Head' of the ONA: no
such position exists.” Steven Brown Letters [to Grampa Munster Aquino]; ONA, Hostia II, Sept
7, 1990
[Q2]“Satanism existed in many forms long before LaVey, and the ONA simply represents one
such form: a form that has changed and is still changing, developed as it is and has been, by crea-
tive individuals within it.” - Steven Brown Letters [to Dr. Aquino]; ONA, Hostia II, Sept 7, 1990
Note: Quotes Q1 & Q2 are from the same letter. I especially like those two quotes by Anton Long,
considering the date. AL just states in plain ole English even way back then that the ONA has no
leaders or head, and that the individuals within it change it, develop it, and still is changing it. In
some recent writings AL has used contemporary language by referring to ONA as being “Open
Source.” He has also over the years restated that he is not the leader, and that ONA has no leader.
It's amazing how these two concepts have been said over 20 years ago, and has been resaid often,
but yet still your mundane know-it-all insists that ONA has a leader somewhere who “left it,” and
that “we” of ONA today are trying to change it or resurrect it, whatever. Like they Gods said:
“The hard-headed never learn.” They must see what they want to see in it. Those who force DM or
whoever to be the leader of ONA Need such people to be ONA's leader for their own
“emotivations.” For their own emotive motives. They dislike ONA, they need DM to be the lead-
er, so they can say he left it, thus ONA is dead, and this makes them feel better, like they know in-
formation others aren't privy to. When all they know are their own assumptions and wishful think-
ing. They need ONA to be static and unchanging, because it's supposed to be dead and/or not real
like their Satanism is. It's not supposed to be influencing and inspiring anybody. But it is, as it has
been for 40 years.
“Allthese energies are 'sinister' (or Left Hand Path, if you prefer) -at the most simple level this
means they enhance our creative evolution; at another, it means they 'disrupt' already existing
forms which may hinder such evolution and explication of individual potential.” - Steven Brown
Letters [to Dr. Aquino]; ONA, Hostia, 1990
Note: The above is a cool quote. In it “AL” uses the term “Sinister” the way it is most often used
in ONA, and he gives the term its actual meaning. The word Sinister does not actually mean Dra-
conian, Demonic, Maniacal, Psychopathic, etc. It actually just means “Left,” from the actual Latin
for Left. And in this quote AL even briefly gives a simple but enlightening summary of what the
Sinister Path or Left Hand Path is or means in the ONA. It is nothing diabolical or fiendishly hei-
nous as your average mundane will believe the word to mean. That's what the word means in their
mind. And they project their meaning onto the ONA, never stopping to realize that perhaps the
ONA and its initiates have their own definition and use of the word. And yet – and yet – these
mundanes insist that they are individuals. If you are a genuinely individuated person, shouldn't
you know and understand that Other People have their own Minds, and thus Other People also
have their own apprehension, shade of meaning, and usage of words? I seriously doubt that your
average minded mundane [was that redundant?] really grasps what the term “Other People” actu-
ally means.
“On the practical level, this means that the societies must be made the breeding ground for the
tactical forms chosen. The peoples must yearn for something -and what they yearn for must be
given to them. That is, their instinctive yearning will be controlled, psychically, via sinister
Adepts.” - ONA Strategy And Tactics; ONA, Hostia II, ~1992
Note: You have to learn how to understand the common idiot, the public, the mass. The common
mass – regardless of how much they reject collectivism and insist on being individuals, socially
acts, reacts, and moves as a herd or non-individuated mass. They move or yearn en masse for the
same thing at any given time. Case in point: How many users does facebook have? Why is Apple
Inc the most wealthiest corporation? What do I mean by move en masse as a herd socially? I mean
in 2004 MySpace was the biggest thing to hit cyberspace. Everybody was into it. Now MySpace is
dead. What happened? All of the dummies as a social herd of human cattle migrated en masse
somewhere else. Where did they all go? Answer: How many users are on facebook?
These common Mundanes are cattle. They socially and psychologically move – behave – as a gi-
ant incoherent group. They yearn collective – within the limits of a generation or two – for things.
If this concept of collective yearning were not true, then Apple Inc cannot be the most wealthiest
corporation. Ipads would not be selling and be the talk and star-commodity of mundaneville. You
would not have 2 billion Christians in the world all yearning for the same salvation. It's how group
minds, group dynamics, and group psychology works. It's why Sociology as a science is viable,
and verifiable. Sociology treats people as a social group or mass, a blob.
But their collective yearning ripples out only for a generation or two. As a new generation emerg-
es, that newly emerged generation as a collective has its own yearning and wants. And you can
look to Tibet for your proof of this phenomenon. The generation of the 1950-1960 in Tibet collec-
tively yearned to be free from China, and they still do. The newly emerged contemporary genera-
tion collectively yearn for Chinese music, Chinese words, Chinese culture, Chinese fashion. This
is how cultural liquidation occurs, in the mass yearning of each successive generation.
So when we observe the mass yearning of the mundane cattle, we can refer to this mass as the
“market.” Learning to spot the yearning of a new generation is when you are able to take your
eyes off of the out going mass and pay close attention to what are called “Niche Markets.” A
Niche Market sociologically would be like a “tear” in a fabric. Or a crack in a dam. They start
small within an incoming generation, and may be hard to see. With each emerging generation the
tear gets bigger, until when time has past and the out going generation has died, the Niche Market
yearnings have replaced the old needs and desires. Nobody yearns for black and white televisions
today. Nobody even yearns for a cell phone made 10 years ago. I'll point out a tear in the Market
which ONA now safely dominates without competition. In LaVey's time Satanists were very criti-
cal of Buddhism. The Satanic Bible itself did not have much good to say about Buddhism.
Today, you can now barely begin to notice that a niche market had torn where a new generation of
Satanists are seeking new knowledge and memes in Buddhism and other Eastern schools of
thought to supplement their own understandings. And this same tiny niche market has now shifted
its “Satanic Paradigm” to seeing life as a quest to gain an understanding of Self and World. In oth-
er words, the Niche Market is incorporating Natural Philosophy from both the West and the East.
Natural Selection will take place where today's Satanic groups must either give the new yearning
market what they need, or become irrelevant, die out to be replaced. As ONA initiates, you have to
learn to spot those cracks before competition does, and then make new forms accordingly. To own
or dominate these cracks and tears, is to gain an influence in the minds of the future, and thus the
societies or social order such new minds will express and manifest.
This isn't in any way saying that an ONA person is not Human. It's human nature to be a part of a
group and to follow your group. There are several differences though. One difference is that there
is a conscious or deliberate choice to act or behave in a certain way, or get involved with certain
things. The other major difference is that there is an understanding that such behaviour is human
and natural. It becomes a different and stupid matter when your mundane Satanism teaches some
doctrine of non-conformity and extreme individuality, but yet you hypocritically follow the large
incoherent mass.
The last major difference to consider is what a herd is, as opposed to something like an army or
ant colony. There is a difference sociologically and biologically speaking. You can see the differ-
ence if you compare a mafia or Organized Criminal organization with the random criminals of a
given city. What's the difference? The difference is that the number of random criminals in a city
may be committing the same crimes as the mafia, but they are incoherent and not organized. A
herd of cattle is not an organized coherent entity. It's just a field of many cows. A city of criminals
does not equal coherency and organization. It's disorganized and incoherent. Which is why – think
about this hard – if a general gives an order to an army, his order is carried out almost immediate-
ly. If a mayor were to give an order or make a request to his citizens in his city, the collective re-
sponse time would be much slower, if they even respond. In relation to the big and incoherent ur-
ban order that surrounds an ONA person, ONA is like an organ is to a body. It is slightly more
specialized and organized than the random herd of city-state citizenry.
Organized entities last or live shorter time spans than disorganized entities. One is a reproductive
organ of the other which only forms in response to condition, and/or to Seed something in the
Causal. To better understand this phenomenon, let's take mushrooms. The mushroom itself is actu-
ally the coherent and organized reproductive organs of mycelium. The mycelium itself is shape-
less, formless, and very hard to see. It lives inside the ground in dark moist spots and is very big.
When a spot becomes dry of nutrients the mycelium reacts to the condition by organizing its cells
into a coherent entity. That coherent entity becomes a stalk which pushes out of the ground, which
is the mushroom. The mushroom of course makes and spreads the spores of the mycelium. Step-
ping on the mushroom doesn't kill or harm the actual non-organized mycelium.
Human culture, not as a memeplex, but as a group of people, is the mycelium. Culture on the hu-
man level is formless, leaderless, shapeless, headless, and non-organized. This is so to help this
culture live long. You have something like Brahminical culture in India which is thousands of
years old. And you have thousand year old European cultures. From time to time this non-
organized culture produces organized “bodies” within it. So as an example you have the Catholic
Church within Southern European culture. That church is the Mushroom of the mycelium of Rom-
anesque European culture. It is the reproductive organ with which that cultural entity seeds itself
in other places. And you look very closely at the color scheme and symbolism the priests of this
church uses unconsciously. They wear white, or white is regarded in a special manner. Sperm is
white. They have wands that sprinkle holy water. They have specialized “cells” or units
[missionaries] which carries a bundle of memes which they send out. Just like sperm carries a bun-
dle of information and is cast out. The sperm itself does not contain all of the information of its
originating organism, just the basic genes. And so the Roman Catholic Church does not contain all
of the “genetic” information of old Romanesque European culture, just the basics.
So you watch history very closely. You see this Catholic Church send out is sperm cells into in-
digenous lands such as the Mayan, Incan empires, and the Philippines. How do most empires and
nations symbolically personify the spirit of their empire or nation? As a female. The empire or na-
tion as a body is the female, with her own genetic information. The missionaries are the sperm
used to attempt to inoculate that female body with outside genetic information. Once the “female”
culture/nation takes the genetic information from the missionaries, we see something take place
aeonically over time. We see an increase in the “Europeanization” of the indigenous population. In
fact, just as you would expect in biology, you see Latin America and the Philippines actually be-
come Hybrid entities, mixed with their old indigenous genetic information, and with the new
Romanesque European cultural memes.
Another example would be Buddhism. The discoherent entity is Brahminical India. The only
problem with what we refer to as Brahmanism/Hinduism is that it's people specific and highly in-
coherent. This makes it genetically less able to seed outside cultures. So Buddhism is the answer.
Buddhism is nothing more than a refined species of Brahmanism/Hinduism made and tailored to
be spreadable. It has been stripped away of the memetic parts which are people and place specific
such as the Vedas, Caste System, and so on. But the essence – and even most of the deities – are
all still accounted for. So Buddhism is the organized reproductive organ of Brahminical culture.
And just like a reproductive organ and its counter part in Southern Europe, Buddhism sent out
missionaries into foreign lands in ancient times. Egypt was seeded, China, Southeast Asia, and
now the West. And we see that the “female” receptive bodies [nations/culture] which takes those
Seeds, produce Hybrid people and social orders. They have a mixture of their original culture, but
also Brahminical cultural memes and practices, worldviews, and so on.
You have to learn to pay very, very close attention to how those old time tested reproductive or-
gans work at seeding foreign people with a worldview. It's an important bit of knowledge and skill
for the ONA. Pay no attention to the belief system itself. That's not the main mechanism some-
thing like Catholicism and Buddhism gets foreign people to adopt a new worldview, paradigm,
and so on. When missionaries spreads Catholicism inside a new receptive culture, specialized lexi-
cons and Latin is used. You have lexical words like “Baptism,” “Eucharist,” “Host,” “Saviour,”
“Pope,” “Church,” “Sin,” and so on with Catholicism. With Buddhism you have lexical words in
Sanskrit and Pali such as “Karma,” “Dhamma,” “Sangha,” and so on.
What do we know about words and language? We know that the words we think in have an abso-
lute influence on how we see and understand reality. Before a person can wholly adopt a belief
system or new paradigm, his weltanschauung has to be subverted by those specialized words. The
words bypasses their mental immune system because they are not technically foreign beliefsets.
They are just words with perhaps definitions. But the words themselves act like genetic coding or
digital coding which has been inserted into their cell or operating system. The words influences
how they think and see things. They act like primer. After the primer, then you can paint them
with the beliefs and foreign ideas.
Before you can make peasants into Communists, you subvert their mindscape with innocent useful
word, like Bourgeois, Proletarian, Capital. They are innocent words peasants can adopt and use.
But those words have a deeper sinister purpose. It infects how the peasants see themselves and
their world. Then you start telling them what they want and need to hear. The rich are bad, Jews
need to go, the worker makes the nation and should therefore lead, and so on. And it's incredibly
effective. You end up with peasants turned into rebel Proletarians killing for a party. Then the
USSR falls, and a change of words is employed by a new political and economic order. Instead of
Proletarian, the word “Citizen” is now used. The same common group of people adopt that word,
and the behaviour and reaction changes, along with their worldviews and paradigm. The public are
no longer rebel proletarians, they are productive citizens of a democracy. Look closely though,
and you notice nothing real has ever changed. The leader types still lead, the common mass are
still subjects of a regime.
Religion is not the only means a culture sporifies. Any Organized entity which forms within the
matrix of its mother culture is a reproductive organ, this includes Political Parties, and secret soci-
eties. You have Germany and out of that Germany you have National Socialism. The National So-
cialism seeds other minds and cultures. So you see in time that those countries or people who
adopt National Socialism take on a hybrid “German” flavour and worldview. Incorporations are
cultural reproductive organs. Remember old world British colonies first began as territory owned
and occupied by a Company. Whatever happened to that old Hudson Bay Company? Why, it ae-
onically developed into what we today call Canada, which looks and feels like it's parent. Democ-
racy as an institution is the reproductive organ of what we might call the Occidental Order. We see
that whatever country adopts democracy, suspiciously takes on a Western flavour. At the moment
the East is behind since it relies on things like Buddhism to inseminate World Order with its Ori-
ental Order, which doesn't work as well as democracy.
It's very hard to change a culture because of the lack in coherency of its units/cells. This is a de-
fense mechanism, since it must live long to try to seed humanity. A miniature example would be
the constructed language of Esperanto. After about 150 years since it was born, Esperanto collect-
ed a very large following globally. That following is the cultural body, which is composed of an
incoherent collection of people who learn to speak the language. Over the years many people have
criticized faults in Esperanto, and so reform movements started. Those reform movements tried to
change words around, add new words, remove old words, etc. None ever worked. Why? Because
the cultural body itself is disorganized and made up of random unconnected people. Even if you
get some to adopt your changes, you have not changed Esperanto. A living culture is beyond the
control of any single person. It is it's own entity.
We in the ONA can see this on a very practical level. For a while several years ago Old Guards
like DarkLogos tried to state that the Black Book of Satan II & III were not a real part of the
ONA. They tried to push that idea very often. But it was futile. Because a living tradition or cul-
ture is beyond the control and dictates of any person simply because the ONA is composed of dis-
organized cellular units. You would have to get every ONA person to agree that the BBS 2 &3 are
not ONA, and that is futile now because ONA is now a living tradition. I think it's a good thing.
The living tradition itself held onto the BBS 2 & 3; even if AL were to decree otherwise. It's like a
child you give birth too. When the child – or your baby cousin – is small it's easy to control it and
tell it what to do. Just like in the early days, it may have been easy for AL to tell ONA what to do
and be. But when the child becomes a teenager, it becomes harder to control the teen and tell it
what to do. It reacts negatively. We've all been teens. When the child becomes an adult, then there
is no more control. The adult is its own person, with it's own mind, life, and destiny.
In ONA, the Causal Forms which have and may develop within its cultural matrix is the organized
reproductive organ of the mycelium of ONA. Each form has the basic genetic information of its
parent, with specialized memes, words, and ideas. The forms inseminate foreign bodies around
ONA. But we can see that because ONA is still very young, it is clumsy with its reproductive or-
gans. Like a young teen just coming into the awareness of its own sexuality and reproductive ca-
pabilities. It will take time, trial, and error for ONA to be a stud muffin.
Give the people what they want, the quote states. Like in real life girls know what they want and
need. If you are a guy, and you can't sense what a girl wants and needs, then you're not getting
any. Other guys who are more experience, who can sense what the girl wants and needs will get to
inseminate her. So ONA people have to learn to sense and intuit what the people want, and make
forms to penetrate them. But we're all human, with the same human nature. Just as they yearn,
ONA people need an yearn. The ONA as a living entity has its needs. And just like them, we are
group oriented. But must you be hypocritical and self loathing because of it?
“The whole of Satanism is a defiance against the religious attitude. Satanism is a rebellion
against all those forms which hold or try to hold our existence, our being, in thrall -and the most
potent form of thralldom has been and still is, religion. Religion emasculates us -whether it be
overtly, via a religion, or covertly by a religious attitude such as is evident in political or social
zealousness, in conformity to a dogma and an authority. Satanism, in essence, is an individual
defiance -an individual pride, an individual striving, an individual quest for excellence. It is
about fulfilling the potential inherent in our existence -and this means finding and fulfilling our
unique Destinies. Satanism means self-effort, self-learning, self-experience: it means each indi-
vidual striving to become like a god; striving to be like the Prince of Darkness Himself.” - Con-
cerning The Temple Of Set; Anton Long, Hostia II, ~1992
“There is no easy way, no easy path, to Adeptship. The journey takes years, and involves self-
effort, self-discovery, unaided. It 1nvolves triumphs, and mistakes -and learning from one's mis-
takes. But perhaps most of all it involves a commitment and a learning from practical experi-
ence.” - Adeptship – Its Meaning And Significance; ONA, Hostia III, 1992
“AsAeschylus once explained Pathei Mathos; one can learn through adversity/suffering and so
achieve wisdom.” - Mastery – Its Real Meaning & Significance; ONA, Hostia III, 1990
Note: The word “Pathei Mathos” in the original facsimile is in Greek letters. I think this is the ear-
liest dated document in ONA where the word and concept of “Pathei-Mathos” was used. It's just
very, very interesting to take careful note of the date.
“They [Satanists] might be real heretics -fighting against the State either politically or via armed
warfare if that State (as most Western ones do ) upholds the Nazarene sickness of spirit (evident in
modern political ideas like 'liberalism' and 'humanism' and 'equality': the triumph of the worthless
at the expense of the noble).” - Satanism – Or Living On The Edge; ONA, Hostia III, 1991
“Itamuses me -and has amused me -when I come into contact with modern. self-professed
'Satanists'. Be such people a part of some 'Temple' or 'Church' or 'cult', or be they working on
their own. With a few notable exceptions, these people are ridiculous -for them, Satanism IS an
intellectual philosophy, a collection of rituals, and/or an anarchic attitude. For them, it IS an ob-
ject of study, and involves meetings, discussions. For them, it IS communal. and involves 'ethics'
and/or a religious approach and attitude. For them, it IS a glorification of their ego and a wallow-
ing in the pleasures and wealth this existence can offer: an excuse for self-indulgence and lack of
self-discipline.” - Song Of A Satanist; Anton Long; Hostia III, 1990
“The notion of self-responsibility is as mentioned above, crucial to the LHP and accordingly any
organization which claims to be of the LHP and which does not uphold this in both theory and
practice is a fraudulent organization. In practice this means that an organization does not restrict
the experiences of its members -it does not, for instance, impose upon them any binding authority
which the members have to accept or face 'expulsion' just as it does not lay down for them any
codes of behaviour or ethics. That is, it does not promulgate a dogma which the members have to
accept as it does not require those members to be obedient to what the hierarchy says. There is no
"proscription"of certain views, or individuals or other organizations as there is no attempt to
make members conform in terms of behaviour, attitudes, views, opinions, expressions or any-
thing else.” - The Left Hand Path, An Analysis; ONA, Hostia III, ~1992
“Satanism is not merely attending nor even conducting ceremonies or rituals of a 'Black Magick'
kind. Nor does Satanism mean or imply membership of an avowedly Satanic group. Neither is Sa-
tanism merely the enjoyment of material delights. Rather, Satanism - quintessentially - is an atti-
tude and a way of living.
“This attitude expresses a strength of character - a belief in oneself and one's Destiny. Part of this
is pride, and part of it is defiance: an individuality, a dislike of limits. However, perhaps the most
important part is a self-knowledge or self-mastery born from having gone to and often beyond
one's physical, mental and moral limits.” - The Quintessence Of Satanism; ONA, Hysteron Prot-
eron, 1989
“Membership of the ONA basically means an individual following the Seven-Fold Way as explicat-
ed in the various Order MSS. Members should understand that they are thus part of an Order
which has long-term aims -of centuries and more. By actively following and using the methods
and rites of the Order they are actively aiding those aims.” - The Aims Of The ONA; ONA, Sac-
ramentum Sinisterum, 1997
“Satanic reasoning, and the judgement of a 'thing', derive from direct personal experience. Thus,
for the Satanist, there can be no real understanding of something until that something is lived. Be-
fore then, understanding is merely academic, relying as it does on the validity of sources other
than one's own experience.” - Makrokosmos; ONA, Sacramentum Sinistrum, 1997
[Block Quote]
Historical Addendum: Reductio Ad Absurdum:
The individual responsible for the present codification of ONA (in the form of the seven-fold way,
Star Game etc.) does not claim any supra-personal authority for that codification (in the form of
Satan/Set or an extra-terrestrial intelligence) or indeed for the creativity, which was its essence.
Neither does he claim any authority via having belonged to some ancient and mysterious group
whose “Master” taught and Initiated him.
The truth is simple, and a little ordinary. He was fortunate perhaps in spending most of his child-
hood and early youth in Africa and the Far East where, in the former, he grew up among people
who believed in pagan practices and witchcraft, and, in the latter, he came in contact with many
and various traditions including LHP Taoist magic and Martial Arts. All this formed a somewhat
unusual education (there is no claim to being “Initiated” into any form) and provided a continu-
ing interest in esoteric arts. This curiosity, interest together with his keen intellect, enthusiasm and
zest for danger let him to, in later youth, to not only seek out LHP groups in Europe but also into
many interesting and diverse experiences, and in the late sixties he was Initiated into some LHP
groups/underground Satanic Temples.
His diverse experiences then and later (some dangerous, some at variance with prevailing social
dogma, many dark, some heretical) provided useful background for an Occult and personal syn-
thesis and led to him taking responsibility for a small LHP group. The teaching of this group were
rather garbled, full of mystifications and occasional insights, but they did provide some basis for
creative extension.
Thus, the new synthesis that was the seven-fold way was created. The original LHP group had no
historical significance and did not claim among its former members any person of significance on
any level – it was simply a reclusive circle of a few individuals oriented toward the Black Arts
whose teachings (such as they were) centred around a septenary approach to magickal alchemy
and a “mythology” about the Dark Gods. (It should be noted that the other LHP groups he joined
derived their magic from a mixture of Crowley/Golden Dawn/demonism or were rather boring,
lacking Satanic zest).
In the early years of the eighth decade of the present century a decision was made to publish the
tradition of this small group (the ONA – as it came to be called some decades earlier) together
with the new codification. Some of the traditional material concerned Sacrifice and some related
to the Dark Gods mythos.
No one within this group believes these traditions and methods are unalterable or invested with
“supernatural” authority. As expressed in such published works as “Naos” and “The Black
Book” they are a practical method of achieving magickal Adeptship and extending consciousness
into the next stage of its development.
Thus the ONA has no structure because no structure is needed - its members may guide others if
those others wish, such guidance occurring because those members have themselves undergone
(to a greater or lesser extent depending on their own personal development) the tasks of the seven-
fold way and can thus offer advise from experience.
It is as absurdly simple as that.
-Reductio Ad Absurdum; ONA, 1989
[End Quote]
Closing Remarks
So those were a number of quote from classic ONA MSS & Documents. Most are dated between
1989-1992. All of these quotes come from PDF facsimiles of xeroxed copies of booklets ONA
people in phase 2 [snail mail days] created, and distributed during that past era. It is impossible
because of this for mundanes to claim that “we” doctored our documents to make ONA look and
sound cool. The fact is ONA doesn't have to be doctored to look and sound cool. It is cool, and has
been cool for 40 years.
It's just took 20 years for you mundane Satanists to catch up to our coolness. To appreciate what
ONA has been trying to say for so long. Not even to some generalized “ONA.” But to its unsung
intellectual heavy weight, “Anton Long,” and the other heavy weight “Christos Beest.” You spent
20 years talking trash about them, disregarding them, calling them fakes. And now you liberally
borrow from their past works to develop your own mundane Satanism. You mundanes truly do
live up to your descriptor: Anariya [Ignoble/ Dishonourable]. There isn't a shred of nobility or
honour in your flesh and blood as a breed of people. It's the very essence of what makes a human a
worthless peasant, a serf: Common, Ignoble, devoid of Honour.
An institution or culture is very much like a body. The body needs both a brain and a heart. In the
past Anton Long served as the Brain of the ONA, with his type of contributions. Beesty Boy was
the Heart of ONA, with the art and imagery, the music and chants, the finer and “softer” contribu-
tions which tugs at our hearts. Both are needed to inspire us to think and feel. Because as humans,
we have been created – or evolved – to both think and feel. When one is lost, there is an imbalance
in “the force.” There also has to be a place in ONA for the balance of gender, both an animus and
an anima. Boys do the territory thing with land and ideas, expanding and so on. Girls work the do-
mestic home front and bond, maintaining the culture and social order.
The classic quotes above point out a number of very important notions many in and out of ONA
forget or disregard. One point is that ONA has no special history. It has a mythos but not a super
spectacular history. It was simply start by one or two guys in Shropshire of all places and then a
small number of their friends got involved. Another point is that ONA never had a leader or some
central authority figure.
Another point is that ONA has no structure or hierarchy. This means it's not structured like a
Church of Satan or an OTO where you can send an application to request membership and join. It
has no structure period. There is nothing to send a request for membership to. No leader, no build-
ing, no group. Membership in ONA basically means putting the Seven Fold Way into living prac-
tice, and working on your own toward adeptship, via a cultivation of experiences and going be-
yond your limits. This is one thing mundane Satanists just don't get. They don't get that you can't
practice or live ONA on the internet. You just simply can't do the Seven Fold Way or experience
anything in cyberspace. There is no such thing as an internet ONA person. There are ONA people
online using the internet, and the internet is a very useful tool, but you can't do what is ONA
Another point is that from the early days, ONA was constructed to be adopted by anyone interest-
ed who had Codex Saerus, Naos, and the other core booklets as a guide. Those core books gave
you a Self Initiation ritual to do, it gave you the entire Seven Fold Way to work on. You do ONA
on your own. Later you may chose to make your own temple/nexion, or join one. Joining a group
is what requires the tests, face to face meet up, and so on. Because such groups need to get to
know you and learn to trust you.
Another point most mundanes don't want to pay attention to is that from the beginning ONA has
been an “Open Source” entity. Anybody within ONA can add and change things. You can add
your own writings and booklets, change what needs to be changed. This doesn't mean that every
individual ONA person will adopt your changes though. Remember, ONA is a living tradition
now, so it is hard to force your changes onto the whole ONA. People like DarkLogos couldn't
even do it when for a while he tried to make the Black Books of Satan 2 & 3 not a part of ONA.
He couldn't do it, because collectively the ONA likes and needs those books. They are a part of the
Tradition of ONA. This is how a living culture or tradition grows. Everyone has the equal chance
to introduce new things into a culture, but there is no guarantee that those who make up the culture
will like or adopt what you introduce.
For example nothing is stopping anybody from changing and recreating Codex Saerus. You can
do it. But will the many independent people that make up the living Tradition adopt it? This is
where social skills are needs if you want to have some sort of influence on ONA. Or at least be de-
termined to spend a lot of time to distribute your ideas over many years. Introducing change into a
living tradition takes Time, generations. Whereas in an autocratic framework such as the Church
of Satan or something, the High Priest can make a dictate and his servile minions will have to
adopt the policy or get kicked out. Be glad ONA isn't like that. It's a Tradition, not a structured or-
ganization or church, or temple. You can try to be the “leader” of ONA, but how many of the in-
dependent Initiates and nexions will like you and “vote” for you as their leader? How many ONA
people will subserviently submit themselves and give up their individual autonomy and sovereign-
ty to let you be their “leader?” To let you dictate to them what to believe, how to see the world,
and how to live their lives? Submission is the total opposite of the spirit of Defiance of ONA. If
you are in ONA and you have that mentality and attitude of looking for or needing phallus wor-
ship, an authority, leader, a Jesus, breasts to suckle on, then I don't think you are in the right place.
One great thing about a culture is that not every one will like each other. Do all Americans love
other Americans and agree with every other American? No. I hate most other Americans actually.
In a culture there is no set or defined morality or ethics. There only exists the sentiments shared by
some people. If you rape a person and go to prison, you are still America with the right to vote
still. It's just that the people you live around might not like what you did because of their personal
sentiments and beliefs. So when you get put into prison, it is not the cultural entity of America that
rejects you. It's a group of people and their private sentiments and beliefs. It's not like a religion
where if you are a Jew and you work on the Sabbath, you are stoned to death. It's not like a
Church of Satan where if you do something against their rules you are no longer a mundane Satan-
ONA culture means Culture. You don't have to like other ONA people, you don't have to get a
long with them, and they might not like you and what you do. If you do something others in ONA
don't like or agree with, you are still ONA. It's just that some ONA people had an asscow over
what you did. Individuality really means Individuality in ONA. You're on your own, and don't let
other ONA people's private sentiments and beliefs stop you from being you're own person. If you
fuck up, then the consequences of your actions and mistakes are entirely yours to reap and learn
from. But ONA people know their own Kind. So if you don't actually belong, people will react
and shun you in some way. Blackwood tried to belong and tried to be leader, and he got ridiculed
and “thrown” out of ONA, because he didn't belong. A crystal knows what kind of molecules be-
longs in its crystalline lattice. A pack of wolves knows who and what belongs, knows friend from
foe; knows kindred from Other. The acausal ONA entity knows what types of people are its causal
cells. Even if we don't always get a long and agree, we're still a pack, with a shared Tradition,
shared mythos, shared culture, shared worldview, shared language, shared customs, shared rites,
shared Sinister Dialectic, shared aims, and shared Way.
Self-development via direct experience and adversity has been a fundamental concept of ONA
from day one. If I could break ONA down to a simple sentence or phrase, it would be that. Self-
Development Via Direct Experience & Adversity. It's the spirit of ONA. Everything else rests on
that cornerstone. There is no moral system in ONA because nothing and nobody has the power to
limit your potential for growth from your own experiences. There is no leader in ONA because no
person has the power to limit or dictate what you can and should experience and learn from. There
is no dogma or doctrine in ONA because no idea or idealism has the power to say what you can or
cannot personally experience and learn from. ONA must grow and develop because as each of its
causal cells grows and changes from our own personal experiences and Pathei-Mathos, the acausal
organism we are cells of will change and evolve. All ONA MSS are basically are guidelines, or
maps to help each individual Initiate find their own way. The map stops at a certain point, and
from there, it is up to each individual Initiate to cut out their own trail, for the next generation to
find and walk.
Chloe 352
7.11.123 yfayen
The Geryne of Satan
This brief essay will outline a few interesting facts about the terms Satan and Satanism (and thus Satanist), includ-
ing their historical usage in the English language, and thus may guide the sagacious to an understanding of the
geryne [1]of Satan: that the mysterious secret of Satan is the simple heretical, japing, and confrontational reality
of being or becoming a satan.
The scribes of the Septuagint mostly rendered the Hebrew שָׂ טָ ןas ὁ διάβολος/τω διάβολω – and which Greek term
implies someone who is an adversary and who thus is pejoratively regarded (by those so opposed) as scheming, as
plotting against them; that is, the sense is of ἐπίβουλος - scheming against/opposed to (the so-called ‘chosen ones’).
Someone, that is, who stirs up trouble and dissent.
Only in a few later parts – such as Job and Chronicles – does the Hebrew seem to imply something else, and on
these occasions the word usually occurs with the definitive article: hasatan – the satan: the chief adversary (of the
so-called ‘chosen ones’) and the chief schemer, who in some passages is given a fanciful hagiography as a ‘fallen
Now, given that the earliest known parts of the Septuagint date from around the second century BCE [2] – and thus
may well be contemporaneous with (or not much older than) the composition of most of the Hebrew Pentateuch
(the earliest being from around 230 BCE [3] ) – this rendering by the scribes of the word satan as ὁ διάβολος/τω
διάβολω is very interesting and indicative given the meaning of the Greek, and supports the contention that, as
originally used and meant, satan is some human being or beings who ‘diabolically’ plot or who scheme against or
who are ‘diabolically’ opposed to those who consider themselves as ‘chosen’ by their monotheistic God, and that it
was only much later that ‘the satan’ became, in the minds of the writers of the later parts of the Old Testament,
some diabolical ‘fallen angel’.
Thus, it is generally accepted by scholars that the Hebrew word satan (usually, asatan) in the early parts of Old Tes-
tament means a human opponent or adversary (of God’s chosen people, the Hebrews) [4] or someone or some
many who plot against them.
Now, as has been mentioned in several previous ONA texts, in heretical contradistinction to others and especially
to contradict the majority of modern self-described Satanists, the ONA asserts that the word satan has its origin in
Ancient Greek.
That is, that it is our contention that the Hebrew word derives from the old (in origin Phoenician) word that be-
came the Ancient Greek αἰτία/αἴτιος – as for example in the Homeric μείων γὰρ αἰτία (to accuse/to blame) or as in
“an accusation” (qv. Aeschylus: αἰτίαν ἔχειν) – and that it was this older Greek form which became corrupted to the
Hebrew ‘satan’ and whence also the ‘Shaitan’ of Islam. Furthermore, in the Greek of the classical period αἰτία and
διαβολή – accusation, slander, quarrel – were often used for the same thing, when a negative sense was meant or
implied (as in a false accusation) with the person so accused becoming an opponent of those so accusing, or when
there was enmity (and thus opposition, scheming, and intrigue) as for example mentioned by Thucydides –
κατὰ τὰς ἰδίας διαβολὰς (2.65).
Given that, for centuries, שָׂ טָ ןas described in the Old Testament of the Hebrews was commonly written in English
as sathans [5] and thus pronounced as sath-ans (and not as say-tan) it is perhaps easy to understand how the
Greek αἰτία – or the earlier Homeric αἴτιος – could become transformed, by non-Greeks, to שָׂ טָ ן
In respect of this God and this ‘fallen angel’, as mentioned in another ONA text:
” There is good evidence to suggest that, historically, the writers of the Old Testament drew inspiration from, or
adapted, older stories, myths and legends about a Persian deity that came to be named Ahriman, who could thus be
regarded as the archetype of the Biblical Satan, and also of the Quranic Iblis. Similarly, there is evidence that the
God – Jehovah – of the Old Testament may have been based upon myths and legends about the Persian deity who
came to be named Ahura Mazda.” A Short History and Ontology of Satan
Furthermore, despite claims by some Hebrew and Nazarene scholars, it is now becoming accepted that the oldest
parts of the Old Testament were probably written between 230 BCE and 70 BCE, and thus long after the time of
Greeks such as Aeschylus and long after Greek word aitia was used for an accusation.
It is also interesting that there is an early use, in English, of the plural term satansas adversaries, which occurs in
the book A paraphrase on the New Testament with notes, doctrinal and practical published in London in 1685 CE
and written by the Shropshire-born Richard Baxter:
” To hinder us in God’s work and mens Salvation, is to be Satans to us. O how many Satans then are called reverend
Fathers, who silence and persecute men for God’s work.” Matthew, xvi. 23
In an earlier work, published in 1550 CE, the chyldren of Sathan are corralled with heretics:
“Dyuers Bysshoppes of Rome beynge Annabaptystes, heretyques, scismatiques, & chyldren of Sathan.” John
Coke. The debate betwene the heraldes of Englande and Fraunce. 1550, g. Givv [Débat des hérauts d'armes de
France et d'Angleterre. Paris, Firmin Didot et cie, 1877 ]
Thus, satan/sathan/sathanas as a term – historically understood – describes: (1) some human being or beings who
diabolically plot or who scheme or who are opposed to those who [6] consider themselves chosen by their mono-
theistic God; and/or (2) some human being or beings who are heretical and adversarial, against the status quo, and
especially, it seems, against the religion of the Nazarenes.
The earliest use of the term Satanism in the English language, that is, of the suffix-ism applied to the word Satan –
so far discovered – is in A Confutation of a Booke Intituled ‘An Apologie of the Church of England’ published in
Antwerp in 1565 CE and written by the Catholic recusant Thomas Harding:
“Meaning the time when Luther first brinced to Germanie the poisoned cuppe of his heresies, blasphemies, and
sathanismes.” A Confutation, Antwerp, 1565, ii. ii. f. 42v
(1) First, the spelling, sathanismes – deriving from sathan, a spelling in common usage for many centuries, as for
instance in Langland’s Piers Plowman of 1337 CE:
“For þei seruen sathan her soule shal he haue.” Piers Plowman B. ix. 61
and also, centuries later, in the 1669 CE play Man’s the Master by William Davenant:
(2) The second point of interest is that, as the above and other quotations show, the term sathan was also common-
ly used to refer to someone or some many who was a schemer, a plotter, a trickster, or an adversary.
(3) The third point of interest is that the first usage of the suffix – by Thomas Harding – as well as the common
subsequent usage of the term Satanism has the meaning of an adversarial, a diabolical, character or nature or doc-
trine. That is, the earliest meanings and usage of the term satanism are not ‘the worship of Satan’ nor of some reli-
gious or philosophical belief(s) associated with the figure of Sathan.
Furthermore, as mentioned previously, an early (1685 CE) usage of term Satansalso imputes the foregoing mean-
ing of adversarial or diabolical character:
“To hinder us in God’s work and mens Salvation, is to be Satans to us. O how many Satans then are called reverend
Fathers, who silence and persecute men for God’s work.” Richard Baxter. A paraphrase on the New Testament
with notes, doctrinal and practical. London, 1685 CE, Matthew, xvi. 23
Indeed, in 1893 CE the writer Goldwin Smith used the term Satanism in this older general sense to refer to a type of
destructive social revolution:
” That sort of social revolution which may be called Satanism, as it seeks, not to reconstruct, but to destroy.” Gold-
win Smith. Essays on questions of the day. (Macmillan, 1893 CE)
Similarly, an earlier 1833 CE article in Fraser’s magazine for Town and Countryused the term in connection with
” This scene of Byron’s is really sublime, in spite of its Satanism.” Vol 8 no. 524
Thus, the English term satanism/sathanism – historically understood – describes: (1) a blasphemy, a heresy or her-
esies; (2) a destructive (that is, practical) type of opposition.
The earliest usages of the term Satanist, that is, of the suffix -ist applied to the termSatan – so far discovered – also
imputes a similar meaning to foregoing; that is, of an adversarial, a diabolical, character or nature, of heretics, and
of heretical/adversarial doctrine:
” The Anabaptistes, with infinite other swarmes of Satanistes.” John Aylmer. An harborowe for faithfull and trewe
subjects agaynst the late blowne blaste concerning the gouernment of wemen. London, 1559, sig. H1v
“Be ye Zuinglians, Arians, Anabaptistes, Caluinistes, or Sathanistes?” Thomas Harding. A Confutation of a Booke
Intituled ‘An Apologie of the Church of England’ . Antwerp, 1565.
“By nature an Athiest, By arte a Machiuelist, In summe a Sathanist, loe here his hire.” Marphoreus. Martins
Months Minde. 1589, [7]
Only much later, from around 1896 CE onwards, was the term Satanist used to describe those who were alleged to
worship Satan:
” There are five temples of Satanism in Paris itself.” Arthur Lillie.The worship of Satan in modern France. London
” It is believed on the Continent that apostate priests frequently consecrate for the Satanists and Freemasons.” Jo-
seph McCabe.Twelve years in a monastery. London, 1897.
Thus, the English term satanist/sathanist – historically understood – describes: (1) an adversarial, a diabolical,
character; (2) those who adhere to or champion heretical/adversarial doctrines.
As someone wrote over two thousand years ago – εἰδέναι δὲ χρὴ τὸν πόλεμον ἐόντα ξυνόν, καὶ δίκην ἔριν, καὶ
γινόμενα πάντα κατ΄ ἔριν καὶ χρεώμενα. [8]
Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen
(Revised 2455853.743)
[1] The Old English word gerȳne – from Old Saxon girūni – means “secret, mystery”.
[2] The earliest MS fragment – Greek Papyrus 458 in the Rylands Papyri collection [qv. Bulletin of the John
Rylands Library, 20 (1936), pp. 219-45] – was found in Egypt and dates from the second century BCE.
[3] It is, of course, in the interests of both Nazarenes and Magians to maintain or believe that the Hebrew Old Tes-
tament of the Hebrews was written centuries before this date, just as such early dating is a common mundane as-
sumption perpetuated by both those who consider the Internet is a reliable source of information and by those who
have not studied the subject, for some years, in a scholarly manner. Had such a scholarly study been undertaken,
they would be aware of the scholarly disputes about the dating of Hebrew Old Testament – and of the Septuagint –
that have existed for well over a hundred years, as they would also be able to make their own informed judgement
about the matter.
My own informed judgement is that there is good evidence to suggest that 230 (± 50) BCE is the most likely earliest
date for the Hebrew Old Testament. I should, however, add, that this is still a ‘minority opinion’, with many aca-
demics still favouring the more ‘safe’ (that is, the currently more acceptable) opinion of 350 (± 30) BCE.
[4] For example – καὶ ἦσαν σαταν τῷ Ισραηλ πάσας τὰς ἡμέρας Σαλωμων (3 Kings 11:14)
[8] One should be aware that Polemos pervades, with discord δίκη, and that beings are naturally born by dis-
cord. [Trans DWM.]
ONA: Hardcore Hate, Ultra-violence, and Heresy
Let it be understood, again - that we of the Order of Nine Angles revel and delight in genuine heresy, in a defiant
individuality, and in being amoral. Thus, when we are criticized for inciting hate and violence, and for affirming
human culling, we say: so what? For that is what we do, and we do what we do because we embrace the Dark; we
desire The Dark; we seek to Presence The Dark - Chaos - upon Earth and in and through others. Thus do we will-
ingly, gladly, laughingly embrace hardcore hate, ultra-violence, and heresy.
For we love to challenge “normals” and cause offence, for such things may be the genesis of a cathartic insight, for
Thus, when we are criticized for championing what is heretical in our societies, we say: so what? For that is what
we do. Thus do we sometimes gladly praise in our Rites, our lives and through our actions, individuals such as
Adolf Hitler and National Socialism itself: and each and every other heresy of our times - and if some shudder and
direct epithets and “terms” at us, our response is to laugh and raise our arm in a fascist salute. For, unlike the
shuddering ones, the normals, the mundanes, we revel in life itself: our blasphemies a liberation for ourselves and
for others.
Thus do we seek to ignore, to transgress, the laws, the limits, that the mundanes set to protect themselves and their
societies, for we are rebellion itself: outlaws who thrive beyond and in the margins that mark the boundary be-
tween The Light and The Dark.
Thus do we desire our name - as known in the world of the mundanes, and as known in the world of The Dark - to
become a synonym for Chaos, liberation, culling, and revolutionary change.
Not for the Order of the Nine Angles - or anyone connected with it - cosy intellectual discussions about obscure
esoteric matters. Not for the ONA - or anyone connected with it - the scribblings of Occult internet forums where
those who-do-not-know converse with those who-do-not-do. Not for the ONA - or anyone connected with it - any
sincere affirmation of or any sincere identification with the ways, the politics, the religions, the world, of the mun-
danes. Not for the ONA - or anyone connected with it - some urban or suburban “Temple”. Not for the ONA - or
anyone connected with it - ONA meetings, conferences and dialogues.
Instead, our way is the way of action, of deeds, of violence, terror, revolution, combat, war. The way of the defiant
individual - the real heretic who leads and manipulates others, the human shapeshifter who plays, who acts, a rôle
in the living game which is the life, the societies, of the mundanes.
Thus those who use our name in vain should beware: for we willingly, gladly, laughingly, embrace hardcore hate,
ultra-violence, and heresy, dedicated as we are to bringing real Chaos to the lives of the mundanes, to disrupting
and destroying their societies and all their ways of life.
Where there is The Darkness, we are. Where there is Chaos, you will find us lurking, leading, manipulating. Where
there is Heresy, you will find us as instigators, as champions of The Forbidden. And where there is a law, you will
find us transgressing it…
Order of Nine Angles
The Core ONA Traditions
The core ONA traditions are also known as The Five Core ONA Principles, and these are basic principles/traditions
on which the Order of Nine Angles is based and which may thus serve to distinguish us, exoterically, from all other
esoteric/LHP/Satanic/sinister groups.
These basic ONA traditions are: (1) the way of practical deeds; (2) the way of culling; (3) the way of kindred hon-
our; (4) the way of defiance of and practical opposition to Magian abstractions; (5) the way of the Rounwytha tradi-
Practical Deeds
The principle that it is practical deeds which breed our kind, and which thus are necessary and required. Practical
deeds undertaken in real life and which deeds express our sinister ethos: that is, they are exeatic, they challenge,
they test, they are hard and difficult, they are amoral, they are heretical, and they are dangerous. One such practical
deed undertaken by our kind – or by those desirous of becoming one of us – is culling.
For us, such deeds come before words and before any theory – even before our own kind of esoteric theory.
The principle that culling – of mundanes – is natural, and also necessary for our kind, both in personal and in Ae-
onic terms. To cull is to test one’s self and to gain some necessary sinister pathei-mathos.
Exoterically, culling is our esoteric badge of sinister-honour, and marks us – internally, to ourselves, and external-
ly, to those of our kindred whom we personally know and trust. Thus, such a blooding-in is a condition of joining us
– as Drecc, or as a Niner, or as a pledged member of a traditional nexion.
One either culls or one reveals an inner weakness, a cowardice: a refusal to be sinister in real life. If one culls and
succeeds, then one has shown the cunning, the skills, the character, that make and mark our kind. If one culls and
fails – and so, for example, gets caught by some mundane ‘authority’ and so becomes confined – then one has
failed, and one can either accept that failure (and forever remain mundane), or use that failure as a learning experi-
ence and thus as another opportunity, for instance to make a name for one’s self in some place of mundane con-
finement and/or recruit there and blood-in others there and so establish there a nexion of our sinister kind, to the
detriment of mundane ‘authority’, and as a new presencing of our Sinister Code.
As mentioned elsewhere, culling is of two kinds – the individual and the collective.
The individual is when a specific individual is removed because of specific deed or deeds done, with their rotten
character so revealed. The collective is when a specific method – such as combat, insurrection, revolution – is being
used either by one of us as a causal form or within a rôle, or by a nexion (or collocation of nexions) as a means or
tactic to implement Aeonic strategy, and which collective type of culling does not target specific, named, individu-
als, but rather ‘the sworn enemy’ any of whom are deemed acceptable targets.
Thus, individual culling involves giving the potential opfer a sporting chance by testing them according to our well-
established guidelines for the testing of opfers; while collective culling does not require such guidelines, only that
the target(s) belong to or are part of the group designated as sworn enemies, it being for individual nexions, or a
gang of Dreccs/Niners, to decide for themselves as to who and what are their sworn enemies, it being understood
that such nexions, such Dreccs and Niners, are by their very nature at war with mundanes and with the Magian
System, exemplified as this System is by the modern nation-State with its laws, its so-called Courts of Law and its
Police and armed forces.
Kindred Honour
The principle that our kind are distinguished by their behaviour toward each other and by their behaviour toward
Our behaviour toward our own kind is guided by our Law of Kindred Honour (aka The Law of the Sinister-Numen
aka The Dreccian Code aka The Sinister Code). Our behaviour toward mundanes is guided by our understanding of
them (and their wealth and property) as a useful resource and as useful subjects for whatever causal form(s) we
may employ to achieve our esoteric, Aeonic, aims and goals.
Thus, we have respect for our own kind, and only our own kind – with such trust being earned, and with our kind
known to us by their practical deeds, by their behaviour, not by their words, written or spoken.
Thus, we regard mundanes as useful and often necessary since they are the ones who make our chosen causal forms
work when we undertake works of Aeonic sorcery or when we desire, by means of some causal form or forms, to
exeatically enhance our own causal existence and/or learn from sinister pathei-mathos. In this sense, mundanes
are or can be useful nexions whose (acausal) energies (life-force) we direct and use for our own purposes and/or to
achieve our aims and goals and/or those of the ONA. Hence, if we use a political form or some religious causal form
– for whatever reason – then mundanes are required, necessary, to presence that form in the real world: to achieve
the goals set/defined by such a form with such mundanes adhering to or believing in such a causal form and of
course being expendable.
Opposition to Magian Abstractions
The principle that our kind not only know Magian abstractions for tyranny that they are, but also are pledged by
practical means to subvert, undermine, overthrow, and destroy The System based on these abstractions and replace
it with our own ways of living based on our tribes and our Law of Kindred Honour.
The System (and thus the Magian ethos) is manifest in a practical way – exoterically – in the tyranny of the modern
nation-State, with its abstract laws, its politics, its consumer-capitalism, its dishonourable impersonal so-called
‘justice’; in the vulgar mass ‘culture’ that has replaced living ancestral traditions based on aural pathei-mathos, and
in subservience to dogma, ideas, ideology, ‘qualifications’ and spiel, over and above practical experience and a
learning from such individual experience.
The System (and thus the Magian ethos) in manifest in terms of psyche and archetypes in the religions of Nasrany,
Islam, and Judaism, in the Magian Occultism propagated by the likes of Crowley, the CoS, the ToS, and others, and
in modern myths such as that of ‘democracy’ and that of holocaustianity, both of which myths have now become
akin to official religions for Homo Hubris sponsored by all modern Western nation-States.
Among our practical means to subvert, undermine, overthrow, and destroy The System are our Dreccs, our Niners,
our Balobians, and our gangs. Among our esoteric means are our traditional nexions and their Aeonic sorcery, and
which sorcery includes the use/manipulation of specific causal forms, including some forms which may seem to be,
exoterically and by mundanes, a part of The System.
Thus, our kind (1) are known by their practical ways of living (based on tribes and our Dreccian law and justice)
and which ways are harbingers of our New Aeon and which ways by their very nature oppose the Magian and The
System (even though this opposition may never be overtly stated); and/or (2) are known by their overt practical
esoteric and exoteric opposition to all causal abstractions and thus by their emphasis on the five core ONA tradi-
Rounwytha Tradition
The Rounwytha tradition is also known as The Way of the Rounwytha. This is the muliebral tradition or principle
which forms the basis for the inner (esoteric) Way of the ONA and which thus is one of the core principles on which
the ONA is based.
In practical terms, and exoterically, this principle means: (1) a recognition of the need to extend one’s faculties by
cultivating, developing and using esoteric empathy (aka Dark-Empathy), and (2) the understanding that our Drec-
cian Code applies without fear or favour – equally, without distinction – to men and women of our kind, and that
our kind are judged solely by their deeds and by how well they uphold kindred honour, and not by gender, sexual
preference, or by any other Old Aeon categorization or prejudice. Thus this principle means, for instance, that the
Vindex of ONA tradition can be either a male or a female warrior.
Esoterically, this tradition/principle is expressed in the archetype of The Lady Master and in the acausal form (the
acausal entity) Baphomet, The Dark Goddess of ONA esoteric tradition to whom human sacrifices were and are of-
Furthermore, to cultivate, develope, and use the faculty of esoteric empathy is a Dark Art – and this particular Dark
Art can be cultivated and developed in two ways, one exoteric, and one esoteric.
Exoterically, by those of our kind who seek to or who have the character (the wyrd) to live a practical sinister life as,
for instance, a Drecc, a Niner and who thus express the Rounwytha tradition by their very practical way of tribal
living in accord with our Sinister Code. That is, it is this style or way of living which, over years, develops this facul-
ty as a successful response to the challenges inherent in such a tribal living and inherent in such a practical, years-
long, implementation of Kindred Honour.
Esoterically, as part of the life-long commitment of those of our kind who have chosen to follow (who have the
character, the wyrd to follow) the inner (the esoteric) way of individual training to Adept and beyond, and who thus
undertake at the very least the basic Grade Ritual of Internal Adept.
As a Dark Art, the skills so developed enhance our character and our living in practical ways and in a manner con-
sistent with our unique and individual wyrd, as well as, for example, giving us advantages over mundanes and the
ability if and when required to use/manipulate mundanes.
Guide To The Kulture and Sinister Ethos of the ONA
The Order of Nine Angles (ONA, O9A) is a subversive, sinister, esoteric association comprising Sinister Tribes,
Dreccs, Traditional Nexions, Sinister-Empaths, individual Sorcerers (male and female), and Balobians.
By subversive is meant disruptive of and opposed to the existing order (society, governments, and their so-called
“law and Order”) and desirous of overthrowing and replacing the existing order.
By esoteric is meant secretive, and Occult (that is, pertaining to The Dark Arts). In general, many of those associat-
ed with the ONA hide their identity (by which mundanes and mundane governments know and describe and classi-
fy them) for practical reasons, given the subversive and sinister nature of the ONA. Some may also hide their associ-
ation with the ONA, for the same reason. Pseudonyms and aliases, and new, alternative, identities, are positively
encouraged by the ONA.
By association is meant a collective – a collection of individuals and groups who share similar interests, aims and
life-styles, and who co-operate together for their mutual benefit and in pursuit of similar goals.
A Sinister Tribe is a localized, territorial, sinister kindred – a gang – of Dreccs who rule, in a practical way, their
own neighbourhood or neighbourhoods, and who regard mundane property and wealth as a useful resource.
A Drecc is a person who lives a practical sinister life – that is, who upholds and lives by The Code of The Sinister-
Numen (see below) and who thus accept that the only law is the law of sinister-honour. Thus, Dreccs have contempt
for mundanes, for all mundane societies, and for all laws except their own, and accept that the only true justice is
Dreccian justice – that is, based on the law of sinister-honour.
A Traditional Nexion is a local group of Sorcerers (male and female, or all male or all female) who follow The Seven
-Fold Sinister Way and who thus practise External, Internal, and Aeonic Magick (Sorcery). Traditional Nexions of-
ten use the term Traditional Satanism to describe their Way.
By Balobians – aka Balo-Bohemians – we mean those artists, musicians, artisans, and writers, who share or are
inspired by our sinister ethos and life-style, and/or who share some or all of our aims and objectives, but who may
not have some formal involvement with us.
Thus, the ONA is a diverse, and world-wide, collective of diverse groups, tribes, and individuals, who share and
who pursue similar sinister, subversive, interests, aims and life-styles, and who co-operate when necessary for their
mutual benefit and in pursuit of their shared aims and objectives.
The criteria for belonging to the ONA is this sharing and pursuit of similar sinister, subversive, interests, aims and
life-styles, together with the desire to co-operate when it is beneficial to them and the pursuit of our shared aims.
There is thus no formal ONA membership, and no Old-Aeon, mundane, hierarchy or even any rules.
Instead, there is an ONA Kulture and ethos, and an identification with this ONA Kulture and sinister ethos.
Those who identify with this ONA Kulture and sinister ethos are free to chose the means, the methods, the ways,
that suits their own character best, and/or which interest or inspire them most, and are actively encouraged to do
Hence, those who belong to, or associate themselves with or who are inspired by our collective may and do differ in
the means used to attain our (and their) aims and objectives, just as they will differ in whether or not they have, or
desire, some formal association with us; that is, whether or not they publicly or otherwise adhere to or associate
themselves with the ONA and use the ONA name.
Thus, many Balobians, for instance, do not assign any label or terms to themselves, and so they may not describe
themselves as satanists, or as Dreccs, or even as Occultists – although some do – just as some Balobians may ad-
here to or align themselves with or practice some other, non-ONA, Occult Way, or adhere to or align themselves
with some non-Occult Way or weltanschauung.
Our fundamental aim is to change, to evolve, human beings – to produce a new type of human being. This derives
from our belief that we human beings have great potential; that we can consciously change and evolve ourselves,
and that esoteric Arts, especially The Dark Arts, are one of the most practical means to do this. Our Dark Arts in-
clude our sinister tribes and our Dreccian way of life, as well as the more traditional Dark Arts of External, Internal,
and Aeonic Magick.
Our main goal is to disrupt, undermine, destroy, overthrow – or replace by any practical means – all existing socie-
ties, all governments, and all nations, and in their place create new societies, new ways of life, based on our own
tribal way of living, where the only law is our law of sinister-honour.
We desire to do this because of our belief that the current order, the current systems, are all mundane, and reflect
the nature of mundanes; of those who lack our sinister spirit, our defiance, our desire to free ourselves from mun-
danity and the restrictions of patronising governments and abstract, impersonal, law, and which governments treat
us as either children or as subjects to be restrained and controlled.
Our means – our Dark Arts – are many and varied, and include our sinister tribes, our Traditional Nexions (with
the Seven Fold Sinister Way and External, Internal, and Aeonic Magick), our Dreccs, our Sorcerers and Sorceress-
es who work alone or with a few sinister comrades, our Sinister-Empaths, our Star Game, and our sympathizers
and helpers, such as Balobians. One other important means, employed, by the ONA – and an essential part of our
Dark Arts – is our sinister Mythos, and which ONA Mythos includes The Mythos of The Dark Gods, and The My-
thos of Vindex.
One of our objectives is for our new species to leave this planet we call Earth (our childhood home), and establish
ourselves among the star-systems of our own Galaxies, and other Galaxies. This leaving of our childhood home will,
with its challenges, its experiences, and its opportunities, enable us to mature, and further evolve, as a species.
The sinister ethos of the ONA – a guide to our sinister life-style – is expressed in our Law of Sinister-Honour, and
defined by our Sinister Code.
Our sinister-honour means we are fiercely loyal to only our own sinister, ONA, kind. Our sinister-honour means we
are wary of, and do not trust – and often despise – all those who are not like us, especially mundanes.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to be ready, willing, and able to defend our-
selves, in any situation, and to be prepared to use lethal force to so defend ourselves.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to be loyal to, and to defend, our own kind:
to do our duty, even unto death, to those of our brothers and sisters to whom we have sworn a personal oath of loy-
Our obligation – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to seek revenge, if necessary unto
death, against anyone who acts dishonourably toward us, or who acts dishonourably toward those to whom we
have sworn a personal oath of loyalty.
Our obligation – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to never willingly submit to any mun-
dane; to die fighting rather than surrender to them; to die rather (if necessary by our own hand) than allow our-
selves to be dishonourably humiliated by them.
Our obligation – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to never trust any oath or any pledge
of loyalty given, or any promise made, by any mundane, and to be wary and suspicious of them at all times.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to settle our serious disputes, among our-
selves, by either trial by combat, or by a duel involving deadly weapons; and to challenge to a duel anyone – mun-
dane, or one of our own kind – who impugns our sinister honour or who makes mundane accusations against us.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to settle our non-serious disputes, among
ourselves, by having a man or woman from among us (a brother or sister who is highly esteemed because of their
sinister deeds), arbitrate and decide the matter for us, and to accept without question, and to abide by, their deci-
sion, because of the respect we have accorded them as arbitrator
Our duty – as sinister individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to always keep our word to our own
kind, once we have given our word on our sinister honour, for to break one’s word among our own kind is a cow-
ardly, a mundane, act.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to act with sinister honour in all our deal-
ings with our own sinister kind.
Our obligation – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – is to marry only those from our own
kind, who thus, like us, live by our Code and are prepared to die to save their sinister-honour and that of their
brothers and sisters.
Our duty – as individuals who live by the Code of Sinister-Honour – means that an oath of sinister loyalty or alle-
giance, once sworn by a man or woman of sinister honour (“I swear on my sinister-honour that I shall…”) can only
be ended either: (1) by the man or woman of sinister honour formally asking the person to whom the oath was
sworn to release them from that oath, and that person agreeing so to release them; or (2) by the death of the person
to whom the oath was sworn. Anything else is unworthy of us, and the act of a mundane.
ONA Kulture
Our Kulture is an expression of the living tradition that we belong to, and the essence of this living tradition is our
practical sinister ethos, which describes the way we live or aspire to live. For us, Kulture is a means to produce,
nurture, and aid, our new type of human beings, and a means to produce, nurture, aid, and evolve the new ways of
life, and the new societies, based on our sinister tribes.
Thus, our living tradition includes our Dark Arts (our practices) and our Mythos, and what will be developed and
evolve from these, by and among our collective, in the future, consistent with our aims, objectives and our ethos.
Mundane or Sinister? The Standards of The Sinister Way
So, you want to join us? You want to become one of the sinister few? Part of our sinister Order of Nine Angles fami-
ly? One of those who understand – who know – mundanes for the expendable resource they are. One of those who
knows or who feels, in a wordless way in their very being, that we can be far more than we are; one of those who
knows, who understands, or who feels, in a wordless way in their very being, that all laws, past and present, are
restrictions – a means of mundane control, devised and implemented by mundanes in a mundane attempt to pre-
vent we sinister few from turning our lives into a succession of ecstasies. One of those defiant ones who would ra-
ther die than submit, and who understands that words are a means, not the essence.
Know then that you have to prove and test yourself – taking yourself to and beyond your physical and emotional
and moral limits. If you succeed, fine. If you fail – no excuses, you failed. You can try again, and again, until you
succeed. Or you can accept the truth – that failure makes you, marks you, as mundane. No excuses.
Are you, then, ready to test yourself? To defy, to overcome? To be heretical? If so, here are the challenges. Here are
the minimal standards you must meet to become of us, to join us. And if you do not desire to so test yourself, to
meet, to surpass, the standards, we set – then go elsewhere. If you somehow in some way want to debate or to dis-
pute these standards of ours, then you can go elsewhere.
We are not interested in your excuses, your mundane words – for these are minimal entry standards for our tra-
ditional sinister nexions. For you to join us – for you to become a member of our sinister elite, to become a genu-
ine Initiate of our Seven-Fold Sinister Way – you have to undertake the following.
Physical Standards
Train for and undertake all three of the following physical tasks – the minimum standards (for men) are: (a) walk-
ing thirty-two miles, in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at least 30 lbs; (b) run-
ning twenty-six miles in four hours; (c) cycling two hundred or more miles in twelve hours. [Those who have al-
ready achieved such goals in such activities should set themselves more demanding goals. For women, the mini-
mum acceptable standards are: (a) walking twenty-seven miles in under seven hours while carrying a pack weigh-
ing at least 15 lbs. (b) running twenty-six miles in four and a half hours; (c) cycling one hundred and seventy miles
in twelve hours.
Mental Standards
Construct and learn to play both the basic and the advanced Star Game.
Moral Standards
Find, and test (according to our sinister guidelines) a suitable mundane, and then cull that mundane.
If you cannot do this – you failed.
Heretical Standards
Become, for a minimum of six months, a public advocate of one of the following modern heresies – radical (Jihadi)
Islam, or National-Socialism.
If you cannot do this – or fail to understand why these are genuine modern heresies – you failed.
Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
121 Year of Fayen
Sinister Tribes, Sinister Individuality, and The Sinister Way
Why the creation of sinister tribes, when the nature of a tribe is so counter to individual evolution?
Because individual evolution per se is not the goal. Rather, it is the evolution of the individual in synchronicity
with the evolution of our species and the Cosmos – because we individuals are a symphonic synchronicity and thus
partake of and importantly can bring-into-being the evolution of the Cosmos. That is, the individual is but a nex-
ion: an affective and effective means of synchronicity, of Change (and thus a connexion to, and part of, the living
being that is Nature, that is Life presenced on this planet, Earth).
For the aim is not the glorification of the individual – the reinforcement of their ego and of the delusion of our sep-
arateness – but rather the development of new faculties, of a new type of individual for whom there is both causal
and acausal knowing, and thus an Aeonic perspective.
Acausal knowing brings the uncovering of this esoteric truth of the individual as a living nexion – and thus of how
they are not, and will not be, an isolated being. This knowing of being such a living nexion is the knowing of our
true human nature, and of our cosmic, supra-terran, and acausal, potential.
Part of this discovered truth is that of how such small tribal communities are – or rather can be – living beings; a
new type of living consciously presenced by us in the causal, and a type of living which aids the evolution of the in-
dividual in the aforementioned manner. That is, such communities – such tribes (and there are various types of
tribes) – are a type of cosmic sorcery, an esoteric symbiosis, by means of which the individual can interact with
Nature and the Cosmos (and other human beings) in ways necessary for Aeonic Change, with such interaction be-
ing beneficial to individuals in terms of their psyche, their knowing, the development of their faculties, and so on.
Or, expressed another way, such tribal communities provide opportunities which enhance living and life in ways
which change, evolve, Life itself and individuals themselves.
The notion of the so-called deification of the individual derives from the flawed and delusional system of the Magi-
an, and is a manifestation of the basal error of causal abstraction [1]. For this notion – this delusion – separates the
individual from their own living psyche and from the livings beings to which the individual is connected (such as
Nature, the Cosmos, all Life). That is, ways based on such Magian abstractions close the nexion that the individual
is to the acausal – to Nature, the Cosmos – with the result that there is at best a stasis, and at worst, a de-evolution
of the individual, down to Homo Hubris. Of course, individuals with such closed nexions seldom if ever know this,
since they are subsumed by delusions and by the unbalanced arrogance so typical of Homo Hubris and those who
have never felt, in their being and sans all abstractions, the Life that is manifest in Nature, in the Cosmos beyond
Nature, and in the acausal.
In contrast to Magian delusions, a genuine esoteric Way is a means of dis-covering these connexions, aiding and
developing them, thus enabling the true evolution, the living growth, of the individual in symphony with such be-
ings. Hence, tribes are another living means of becoming connected to Life and to – and then manifesting – the
potential within us as individuals.
It is thus a question of seeking and attaining an esoteric, alchemical, balance within one’s self – by esoteric and
practical means and thus of a knowing of Life, of beings, beyond – and then using this necessary practical, individ-
ual, foundation to partake of new ways of living, new practical experiences, as the next and necessary beginning
which is a genuine cosmically and acausally involved and involving evolution.
For one should ask – what is evolution? There is the causal-only lifeless abstraction called “evolution” as under-
stood by the Magian and the likes of urbanized Homo Hubris, and then there is the living alchemical evolution of
esoteric Change, of esoteric symbiosis, understood by those who, if only intuitively at first, have empathy enough to
feel the living beings beyond themselves, manifest most often in the past in a certain esoteric and nameless know-
ing of Nature, and which knowing was and is manifest in the Rounwytha.
What do you mean when you say deification of the individual derives from the system of the Magian?
We use the term Magian to refer both to the hybrid ethos of Yahoud and of Western hubriati, and to those individu-
als who are Magian by either breeding or in character. In essence, the Magian ethos represents the hubris of
the tyrannos, where either some deluded oligarch or some oligarchy seeks to constrain, stifle, control or breed
mundanes for their own deluded, egotistical, materialistic ends, or where deluded mundane individuals preen and
pride themselves that they are important and “in control”.
Often, the two types feed off each other so that there is or there developes a dependency of the deluded, and often
the two types manufacture some or more causal abstractions which feed their own delusions and which maintain
their mundanity.
In Occultism, the Magian ethos is evident, for instance, in the materialistic pseudo-Satanism of LaVey and his fol-
lowers; in the abstract, non-numinous, pseudo-intellectualism of Aquino and the Temple of Set; in the posturings
of Crowley the charlatan [2]; and in the mundane sillyness that is so-called chaos magick [3].
As I wrote in my essay, Concerning God, Demons, and the Non-Jewish Origin of Satan, Magian Occultists:
” Try and dispense with The Devil/The Dark Power/The Dark Forces/Satan – and also often God – and instead dei-
fy themselves, believing such stuff as, ‘Reality is what I make it or what others have made it, or perceived it to
be.’ They then proceed to use various allegedly magickal or Occult workings (their own or from others) – and/or
some esoteric practices cobbled together from world religions and world folklore – in to try and attain and develope
their inner deity, their Higher Self, or to try and control and sanctify their own minds, or some such guff.
These Western mostly urban-dwelling Occultists have thus tried, by massaging their ego, to remove the sinister
power of the numen – the inner and outer Darkness that exists – from themselves, the Cosmos, and their world,
and provided their urban life-style keeps them, as it mostly does, reasonably well-fed, sheltered from the elements,
well-entertained, fairly comfortable, and removed from the hard learning arising from personal suffering
(from pathei-mathos), then they are fairly safe in, and almost always content with, their delusion.
Thus do they, in the relative safety of their urban-dwelling world, concentrate on ‘refining their self’, with the aim
of bringing their ‘unique individuality’, and more and more so-called individualism, to the world at large. “
What requires understanding is that – in complete contrast to Magian Occultism, and the fake medieval He-
brewesque Grimoires, and charlatans such as Crowley – there is no way for us, as temporal mortal beings, to con-
trol whatever demons or whatever acausal entities we may draw forth, or presence, in the causal continuum. No
“words of power” to control such entities; no “God” to fall-back on; no “circle of protection”. No potion, no spell or
conjuration to save us, or others. No “secret Grimoire” wherein we can find the means to make ourselves “master”
or “mistress” over such acausal energies. For such acausal energies, such acausal entities – of whatever acausal type
or acausal species – are unbound by the constraints of our causal continuum and certainly unbound by our own
puny mortal human nature. For most such entities, from our causal perspective, are “immortal”. Sinister Demon-
ology, ONA, 122yf
Thus, the essence of Magian Occultism lies in the delusion that incompetent, mundane, human individuals are, can
be, or should be, masters of everything and can thus control anyone and anything, if they have the right Occult
techniques, the right “words”, the right “rituals”, the right “beliefs”, the right “understanding” of some so-called
esoteric doctrine manufactured by some person or some group.
In contrast, the essence of The Sinister Way lies in the knowing, from direct practical personal experience, of the
sinister power of the numen; that is, of ourselves as one microscopic nexion, and thus as one connexion to the
acausal, and which dangerous acausal we cannot fully control or even currently correctly comprehend by means by
words and language but which we can aspire toward by using The Dark Arts to first balance and then evolve our-
In ordinary, modern, life, the Magian ethos is evident in Homo Hubris with their delusion of being “free, independ-
ent” beings while they are, in reality, but minions, drones, of The State, obeying (or forced to obey) the satraps of
The State (the hubriati) and striving for material (un-numinous), Magian-given, goals.
Thus, the essence of Magian ethos in modern life lies in the delusion that human individuals are, can be, or should
be, “free” and masters of everything, and thus can and should control anyone and anything (including Nature), if
they have the right machines, the right laws, the right type of government, the right economy, the right type of State
planning, the right type of organizations.
Our practical Sinister Way is a means for us, as individuals, to discover, know, to feel, to experience, the sinister
numen, the essence, sansall mundane and Magian abstractions, then use that knowing, that experience, to become
not only a new presencing of sinister individual being, but to participate, to aid, in the sinister evolution of all Life,
and thus in the change of the Cosmos itself. Our tribes, our clans, our nexions, are just practical ways to do this, to
presence the sinister-numen within and exterior to ourselves.
Hence our vision is Aeonic, Cosmic, and of a new type of individual, manifesting excellence of controlled and devel-
oped character, and of a new species of human being dwelling among the stars systems of our Galaxy and of other
Galaxies. In contrast, the vision of the Magian, and of mundanes, is mundane and material and terran and focussed
on preening their ego, indulging themselves, on petty squabbles and petty power on this small peripheral planet
named Earth.
Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen
[1] Causal abstractions are defined in version 2.07 of A Glossary of Order of Nine Angles Terms.
Basically, abstractions re-present the mundane simplicity of causal linearality – of causal reductionism, of a simple
cause-and-effect, of a limited causal thinking. All abstractions are devoid of Dark-Empathy and the perspective of
acausality, and thus are redolent of, or directly manifest, materialism and the Untermensch ethos derived from
such materialism.
[2] In regard to Crowley, see for example the ONA MSS The Septenary, Crowley, and The Origins of the ONA
and The Book of The Law: A Sinister View.
In regard to the Temple of Set, see for example the ONA MS The ONA, The LHP, and the Temple of Set.
[3] Regarding the mundane pretentiousness of so-called chaos magick, see the ONA MS Sorcery and the Esoteric
Nature of The Acausal – Debunking The Chaos
[.:.Note: This interview with RM aka Christos Beest dates circa 1994 during RM's Outer ONA Representative pe-
riod. He briefly “left” to undergo a few ordeals for another Grade in the Sinister Seven Fold Way, returning as
Audun. Today RM is affectionately known as Beesty Boy. He is by tradition a part and aspect of the history of the
ONA. His contributions are a vital aspect of the tradition, kulture, spirit and heart beat of the ONA. There must be
both Body and Spirit. Both Brains and Heart; the philosophical stuff, and the fine arts and culture. Intellectual
lectures alone can not, and has never inspired a people to act and manifest great things. The human heart [chitta]
is the seat of our Will and Dreams. Not the brain and its appetite for lectures and logic. Beesty Boy talks about
many things in this old interview which are all but forgotten by insiders and outsiders these days. One being that
Forms are only a means to an aeonic end. The ONA is not the Forms it uses. It never was. Something we also now
have forgotten is the Size and organization of the ONA as it was back then, and as it relatively is still today. ONA
has always been small and made up of groups of people Known to each other. As time past this original group
spawned Cells made of small numbers of people. The ONA was never large where many 'members' are unfamiliar
with one another. We are all known associates to somebody known in the ONA. This has been stated in several
old documents regarding the structure of the ONA. The cellular structure of ONA based on "a friend of a friend"
association is still the kulture of ONA. I re-affirm it. Which is why "we" prefer to refer to each other as associates
an not generic "members." ~C352]
An Interview
[I met Mr Beest, at his request, on a glorious day in 1994, in the beautiful Shropshire hills on the Welsh border that he
believes are the heart of his personal Satanic Tradition. After a bracing walk to the crest of a bracken-topped hill (which
did no favours to a person's hangover), we paused and talked. Beest was not at all how I´d imagined him. He was a seri-
ous, personable, well-spoken man in his mid-to-late twenties who seemed closer to a mature sociology student then the
bloodthirsty fanatic I´d anticipated.]
Its a tradition which goes back 7000 years – that’s according to the legend. It was born when there was a civilisation
around here called Albion which had various rites associated with a Dark Goddess who we know as Baphomet. Baphom-
et´s been handed down through the ages as a composite figure. The famous goat-head symbol was actually a distortion,
a lie which took away from the real power of the goddess, who was actually a dark, menstruating woman. It was very
much a code of honor centered around war and the brutal realities of life, and actually the original paganism for thou-
sands of year before Christianity arrived. Its basically an oral tradition I received from my predecessor, Anton Long. He
received it from a Mistress of the Order and she had it passed on from someone before her.
Very small, around ten people with a few hangers-on. We are small because it is a genuine Magical way and it requires
people to live in a certain lifestyle. The archetypal ONA member is a lone sorcerer, somebody who defies their own lim-
its, defies themselves. They found out their true potential, usually thorough ordeals. There’s one ordeal, for example,
which requires living alone for three months, completely alone, bereft of any possessions whatsoever. The actual aim is,
on an individual level, finding your God within yourself. What it aims to produce is a unique individual who doesn’t need
anything. There’s a lot of strands from a lot of esoteric groups, but the ONA is essentially a Western tradition.
Because its part of the tradition. There was an issue of Fenrir, our magazine, which centered around human sacrifice. A
lot of things are not what they seem. All manuscripts that are written serve a certain purpose – they illustrate a certain
point. A lot of people at the Temple of Set or Church of Satan are trying to re-establish Satanism as a moral religion.
Something which is sanitised, something which is misunderstood, and really quite nice. What the ONA is doing is coun-
tering that by saying; “No it isn’t.” Its regaining the original Darkness of what Satanism is, because if Satanism isn’t evil,
then what is?”
Maybe human sacrifice doesn’t go on. That’s part of the point. The Manuscripts are illustrating an ethic.
So what you’re saying is that the effect the manuscripts has is more important then anything it actually says or advo-
Yes. The manuscripts are collected to illustrate points. Here it says that people should stop allowing laws to treat them
like children.
There’s more women involved in the group then men, which is quite interesting. There is the man I inherited the tradition
from, Anton Long, and he’s fought in wars as a mercenary. That was a form of sacrifice. To outline the theory behind
human sacrifice again: ultimately it could be anything, that’s just the most extreme form. It also aids the sinister dialectic,
it regains a certain darkness that has been taken away from Satanism. It gives back to an individual their own judgement
over things. Saying that you actually do this – you can go out and kill somebody if you feel its important to do it – but you
take the consequences for it. In other words, anybody who gets involved in “the sinister” can do anything they want, or
anything they judge useful. There’s nothing in the Order which says you can’t do this or you cant do that – that would be
contradictory to what we are aiming for. All its saying is – find yourself and use your own ethics and judgements. You
could go ahead with a sacrifice, but you could get caught and spend the rest of your days in gaol – is it worth doing that?
An understanding of how energies flow through civilisations. What moves people. What creates certain kinds of individu-
al. All civilisations start off as a creative minority; a small group of people in a certain area who did certain things which
drew the masses. People are putty, basically, and its always going to be a small number of people who can effect chang-
es; the artists or whatsoever, the people who dare to break out of the constraints of society.
Why does so much ONA material seem to have such a negative, destructive approach? Could you not, for example,
write something about the beauty of walking these hills?
There are actually four novels, The Deofel Quartet, which deal exactly with that. It deals with love andlife in a very real
sense. It deals with all those feelings which would make an archetypal Satanist confused, because the archetypal image
is of a dark master who could kill just at the drop of a hat. That image is very important because it allows people to play a
role which people are swayed by. What some of the ONA manuscripts do is allow people to play that role. But it has to
end at some point, and if it doesn’t end they become possessed by that role, and their whole Satanic quest is finished.
They’ve lost insight. If they do derive insight from it, then they know there´s something beyond that. It may be something
that’s the opposite, something quite beautiful perhaps, but they have to go through a role to find its true opposite in a real
If you say that people can explore their limits by contemplating human sacrifice, could they not, by that philosophy, feel
they ought to abuse a child?
No, not all. The background of sacrifice is that its about culling, accepting that there is certain dross in society. A right-
wing concept perhaps, but that’s just labelling it. Its something which is not right- or leftwing, its a concept that goes back
to the Vikings, or before that. The Vikings weren’t right-wing. We imposing modern political views on things to raise emo-
tive responses. People have to see beyond that, to see the essence beyond the appearance, which is what a lot of the
manuscripts are about. People are swayed by things – what is racism but a word often used to make people feel guilty
about feeling certain things?
There’s a suggestion that the ONA has something to do with neo-nazi groups, is that true?
Its rather the other way around. Someone in the ONA felt that involvement in the British National Party would be useful
to them. There is somebody who is involved in the ONA who is involved in right-wing politics, but he used it as a form to
achieve something, then go out of it and went to do something else. We have something of a reputation for dressing in
Nazi uniforms and invoking the spirit of Hitler. It stems from the deeds of the past which people haven’t seen from a
Magical perspective. There’s very little that dangerous about becoming a radical anarchist or a communist. But there are
people right now being executed for their involvement in right-wing organisations. There was a certain individual
found dumped in Holland who was a leading light in the political Right of Germany. You mustn´t confuse “right-wing” with
conservatism or anything like that. The political format that’s gripped this society has nothing to do with right-wing politics
and actually leans more towards the left in essence. The Hard Right is a very dangerous thing to get involved with. Par-
ticularly for Satanists – the ONA has received threats from certain National Socialist groups who don’t like the idea of
Satanism being linked with them. Unlike left-wing groups, when stirred right-wing activists will do things others wouldn’t
consider. That’s why it’s a good thing to get involved with, in one respect: because it offers genuine danger on all sorts of
levels and offers a moral dilemma as well. The whole point of insight roles is that you undertake a role for around a year
which is the complete opposite of your own personality.
The real secret of Satanism is that a Satanist restores balance within society, acting as a counterbalance. For example:
If we were in a right-wing situation at this time, there would certainly be a communist Satanic organisation. This may all
seem rather frivolous and aimless, but what Satanism represents is basically an energy for change. Evolution. An energy
which provokes insight and adversity. Satan represents movement. Something which moves and isn’t tied down by mor-
al abstracts or ideas.
Yes, you could remove someone you feel is detrimental to your cause, but you could be wrong in that. It could turn out to
be the opposite. War is the perfect example of culling in that it is removing a massive number of people, and when you
do that you effect certain changes. What those changes will be, how you can control that, is all part of it. It’s like moving
pieces on a chessboard. People are removed who you judge to be detrimental to certain things. It could be a large num-
ber of people, it could be an individual. Not everyone will cull, not everyone should.
It’s suggested in your literature that its something which is expected of ONA members.
Well then, we have already established an insight upon yourself, albeit in a second. This is actually the secret of the
manuscripts. They are designed to attract people who can think and judge for themselves. That includes when a Satanic
Master comes along and tells you to dispatch someone – you are faced with a choice: if you do it you will please the
master, but do you want a master like that? As the master, do you want somebody serving you who is weak, or do you
want somebody who will turn round and refuse to obey? We’re looking for the latter.
How would you like people to look on the ONA, do you want to scare people?
The work is very extreme, it has to be that way. The manuscripts are designed to produce certain changes in society, to
create certain preconceptions and destroy others. We are very elitist, because very few people ever stay the course. It
involves real hardship, a certain way of living which few people are willing to follow.
.:.As the title implies, this manuscript only presents a cosmological framework from a Dreccian perspective, and
does not assume to be the one and only correct apprehension of the Cosmos. This Dreccian Cosmology must be
open to change and further evolution, but a template for a Dreccian Cosmology should be loosely laced together to
provide a platform for our future progeny to further develop. The most essential thing to point out is that the Mind
itself is the beginning point of all acts of growth and progression. Such that, if a belief, an ontological point of view,
or a cosmological opinion were established which sets a limit, the Mind will believe in such limits and will not go
To illustrate quickly, if mainstream cosmology states that gravity is a force which is a by-product of mass that can-
not be technologically duplicated, then that belief in and of itself, limits the Mind from making such things as “anti-
gravity” a Reality due to the simple fact that it does not believe that such is possible in the first place. Or to give an-
other example of the causal limitations and retardations Belief can have on a person – a civilization – take for ex-
ample a group of Eskimos living in the early 1800’s at the start of the industrial age.
If I were to have come from a developed nation and were to go to speak with 2 tribes of Eskimos and tell them –
“That ice you live on and use as bricks to build your homes with can be used to make electricity, and send rockets to
the moon;” and the first tribe responded – “That’s bullshit! We’ve been living on this ice for a thousand years and
we have a hundred different words for it. I think we know what ice can and can’t do.” While the other tribe said to
me – “Anything’s possible, show us.” Which tribe do you suppose will progress? For those of you who can’t see how
ice can be used to make electricity and power rockets – steam turns turbines, and liquid hydrogen combined with
liquid oxygen (the basic atomic components of water/ice) sends the space shuttle into space.
Our Dreccian Cosmology begins with the three primary agents of what we assume to be Reality – a) the Acausal; b)
the “Mind”/Geist; c) the Causal. Together this triad shapes, forms, creates, gives life to, maintains, and evolves
what we know of as the Cosmos.
By “Acausal” we mean a number of things. Firstly that what is “acausal” is “something” which is not a causal sys-
tem/machine. A causal system is a machine which basically puts out something, if you first put something into it. A
classic example of an actual causal machine is a vending machine that dispenses snacks. You put in a dollar and it
gives you a little bag of chips. In otherwords, it is a system that runs on “cause and effect,” one action affects and
produces a result – plant a seed in the right conditions, and you can always expect it to grow and bare the fruit it
came from. Therefore the “Acausal” is an aspect of the Cosmos which is independent of the basic binary-
reactionary coding of cause and effect.
Secondly the Acausal is the fundamental Source of everything else. By Source, we mean to say the “Thing” from
which everything in the causal world of phenomena arises. Thus, the Acausal is not only “Life Force,” as it has been
pointed out in other ONA manuscripts. It is also what we might term the “source from which all forms of energy
arises” due to a lack of a better terminology. It must also be the sea of infinite and all possibilities simultaneously co
-existing side by side each not affecting the other, hence the term “acausal.”
To give a good example of how a multitude of potentialities can coexist all at once, take for example that really pop-
ular computer game “Warcraft.” The actually environment and scenery you are experiencing on the screen when
playing this game is what we would call the Causal. Your actions manifests results, and each reaction to such initial
actions affects other around you, and gradually determines your final out come – your future or end result. Where-
as, Beneath this causal environment is the Software the entire game actually IS. It is in the software program of this
game that all of the game’s potentialities co-exist simultaneously. It is this acausal Software, that actually gives life
and form to the characters you play and assume in that outer causal environment.
So, in this sense, the Mind is the OS of the gaming system. The Operating System which translates all of those in-
comprehensible bytes of coherent information into comprehensible, experiencable pieces. It is the nexus, or link
between the acausal and the causal. By mind, we don’t mean the thing between your ears. By the word “Mind” we
mean to denote a literal focal point of the Living Cosmos which possesses Life Force and which possess the natural
ability to exert itself (Will) in some way upon its environment, be it acausal or causal. To prevent any confusion we
will annex the German word “Geist” from the word Zeitgeist, to ascribe to this focal point of Life Essence and Will.
It is incorrect, from the perspective of this Dreccian Cosmology to say that Mind = Consciousness. Not all living
things in this causal realm are “conscious” such as plants, bacteria, unicellular organisms, and most primitive caus-
al life forms such as jellyfish and so on – things which are “Alive” that can exert itself within their environment, but
yet lack the conscious awareness to differentiate what they are from a pile of rock.
Even in more evolved organisms such as humans; conscious awareness is neither innate nor continuous. That is to
say that we as humans are not born into this word with a crisp beta wave conscious awareness as infants. A human
child remains immersed between deep delta wave (the state of deep sleep and dreams) and theta wave (trance/
hypnosis) for roughly 4 years. During a child’s first few years, it is not consciously aware of itself, nor can it differ-
entiate itself from its environment. It takes a human baby about 4 years to learn to focus its Geist/mind onto its
objective environment.
Then there are cases of humans who are severely mentally impaired in which state they are vegetables who lack any
sign of consciousness, yet are bodily “alive” still. Consciousness is not constant, not even in humans. The human
animal spends literally half of its causal life unconscious in sleep, in which state the Geist still has a sense of Self,
but yet can hardly be understood to be conscious or consciously aware of its causal environment.
Thus Consciousness is nothing more then an evolutionary tool of the higher evolve organism (acausal or causal).
Consciousness is a refined concentration, a tuning into, or focus of Geist on an environment, with which such high-
er evolved organisms use to better apprehend information from its habitat to its evolutionary advantage. In the
same sense that a radio can tune into a specific frequency among thousands to “become aware” of that specific sta-
tion. Or a better example of what consciousness is is when you sit in a crowed coffee house with many people carry-
ing on conversations simultaneously, and you tune into a specific conversation, and somehow every other conver-
sation is phased out. This is consciousness. It is a tool or act of Geist. Consciousness does not equal Life.
As a corollary to this theorem, just because you are consciously only aware of one modality of existence, does not
mean that nothing else exists. It just means that you are only consciously Focused on one modality… one potentiali-
ty, out of many co-existing possibilities. In this way consciousness can be imagined as a television set which has
evolved to tune into one channel at a time, which is only one of many co-existing channels.
It is what possibility or potentiality the Geist focuses on, or becomes aware of, that “draws” that potentiality out of
its “quantum foam” of possibilities, which gradually materializes into Causal Reality – or that aspect of the Cosmos
in which we experience things. At this point, the Geist becomes a nexion, or a point of the Living Cosmos where the
Acausal converges with the Causal… thru which the Causal manifests. Thus what specific potentiality a Geist, or
group of Geists tunes into, becomes experiencable reality.
Such that, if we as a civilization had become aware of the possibility and reality of walking on the moon 500 years
ago, we would have long experienced that potentiality of existence long ago. Or if Europe did not believe the world
was flat and ventured out to explore the world’s oceans, the New World would have become an experiencable reali-
ty long before Columbus.
In a way, “reality” is amorphous in nature. The Geist, and what it becomes aware of, or focuses its “attention” upon,
is what gradually becomes “Real.” Extraterrestrial life was impossible in the reality of 20 years ago. Today we exist
in a different reality in which such concepts are possible, and we have rocks from space with micro fossils to prove
it to ourselves. So that now, we exist or are experiencing a causal universe which is teaming with life.
The Geist itself is a focal point of the Cosmos. In the same way that “Now” is a focal point of Time in its Infinite es-
sence. “A focal point” in the same way that if we were to set 100 cups of tea outside under the sun or set up 100
magnifying glasses around an anthill, we would see the One Macrocosmic Sun manifested as 100 miniature micro-
cosmic suns reflected on the surface of the tea cups or as points of light on the ground… each miniature copy with
the basic essence and power of its parent – heat and light in this case.
If the Cosmos is composed of acausality then there is an aspect of the universe which is infinite, eternal, and all po-
tentialities. If an aspect of the Cosmos is infinite, eternal, and everything, it cannot experience itself to grow, unless
it focuses itself within itself upon the “Nowness” of each of its potentialities and possibilities. That act of the “Comic
Geist” “dividing” itself into focal points within itself to directly experience the “nowness” of each potential reality is
what gives rise to Geist. We are each a manifestation of the same macrocosmic Living Cosmos, which like us, is in a
state of self-progression and self-evolution.
The Causal world of phenomena is just that – this physical aspect of the Cosmos in which we play out the dramas of
our mortal lives to learn and grow from our experiences. As we grow and learn, thru us the Cosmos grows exponen-
tially. To illustrate this concept take a covert intelligence agent. No matter how much spying he does, this single
lone agent is limited in what he can learn and experience simply because of the fact that he is only one single entity.
Now if this covert intelligence agent had become the Director of an Intelligence agency, and this Director had many
agents collecting intelligence and turning in reports to him, the Director’s awareness, his intelligence, grows expo-
nentially because he has many sources of input.
Even here in this causal realm, the Geist is still the very center of Reality. What we each perceive as form and sub-
stance out there is actually a sea of atoms. Each of these atoms in turn are nothing more then subatomic particles.
In turn these subatomic particles is nothing more then a quantum flux of quanta. A quanta is basically a packet of
coherent information in the form of energy.
It is the Geist as a nexion, that receive input from such information sources, which it translates into form. From a
different angle, the causal world of phenomena exists in the brain, only after its 5 senses has apprehended or
grasped information. That information travels thru nerves in the form of bio-electricity to centers in the brain. It is
there that shape and form is experienced. This is not to say that reality is all in the mind. There is a source of coher-
ent information to what shapes and forms is experienced.
Thus it is only from a macro-physical perspective that the Causal Realm is material and physical. On a micro-
physical level… a quantum level, there is neither form or substance to matter. Thus, from this Dreccian Cosmologi-
cal perspective, it is erroneous to say that a force such as Gravity has its existential origin in “mass” or “matter” be-
cause on a finer level, that mass or matter doesn’t even exist.
This Dreccian Cosmology rejects the Magian theory of the Big Bang as being out right stupid. Not because it was
theorized by a Catholic priest, and not because a universe with a beginning leave the door open for a God; but
simply because you cannot get something out of nothing. The very concept that the causal universe suddenly came
out of nothing or out of an atom completely defies and contradicts the very meaning of the word “causal” in the first
place! It even defies nearly every law of mainstream physics that I am aware of.
It is the same materialist macro-physical logic that involves a developing human fetus. Yes a fetus does start off as a
tiny single celled zygote, then all of a sudden it explodes (in nine months) into a big multitrillion celled baby. It’s
easy to observe this as materialist scientists and say to ourselves – “Well shit, if that how babies are formed, then it
must be how the universe came into being too.”
It’s only when we shift our perspective to a micro-physical one, do we begin to see that such macro-physical simpli-
fications doesn’t even begin to grasp what is actually happening or has happened to the baby. Where does the zy-
gote get the extra lipids and cytoplast and such from to make the other trillion cells? What tells every cell to go
where it needs to go and do what it needs to do? Why does every cell behave as if it is a part of a single coherent or-
chestrated symphony?
When we look closer, we realize that perhaps the DNA and its genes, which are a coherent form of information in
the form of a coherent molecular crystalline structure, that is the causal foundation of a baby. Could this then also
be true for the causal universe? If we look closer at the physical universe on a micro-physical level, can we not find
some form of coherent information somewhere within the most fundamental building block of the physical uni-
If a quanta is a swirl of energy, then it is not a question of how or from where matter arises which makes the physi-
cal universe; but from where or how this energy came, and how such energy becomes matter.
Quanta, or packets of energy is not the only fundamental building blocks in our Dreccian Cosmology. Electricity,
Magnetic Fields, Plasma, and Gravity are also fundamental components.
This Dreccian Cosmology posits that each quanta is essentially a swirl of energy. The speed or rate of that swirl de-
termines what type of quantum particle it becomes. Thus it can be better understood how a radioactive isotope al-
chemically transmutes gradually from one substance into another and even transmutes its type of radioactive wave
(from X-ray to Gamma for example). When the swirl stops, the energy reverts back into its motionless state, as a
miniature whirlpool or a bead of water dancing on the surface tension of water stops moving and re-merges with
the motionless substance it came from.
Thus, there are two aspects of energy – the Movable and the Immovable – to use esoteric lingo; or motionless ener-
gy and moving energy. We do know that on a micro-physical level all atomic and subatomic particles are in a con-
stant state of motion. What causes such motion are magnetic fields… the very small kind.
Electricity then comes into play as the particles become electrically charged. Particles with the same charges will
stay away from each other, while those of the oposite electrical charges will cluster together. Thus, even at this
point, Chaos is brought into coherent order. From this initial ordering of Cosmic Flux comes Plasma – the first
state of matter… or the fourth state if you are a materialist.
To recapitulate mainstream materialist science, matter comes in four forms – 1. Solid; 2. Liquid; 3. Gas; and 4.
Plasma. Plasma is the stuff inside neon lights which makes those neon lights work. It is the same magenta plasma
inside plasma globes sold at your average mall or novelty store. Unlike the other 3 gross states of matter, Plasma
reacts to magnetic and electrical fields. Otherwise neon signs and plasma lasers would not work. Plasma is also
99% of the Cosmos. In a way, Plasma can be imagined as “proto-matter.”
It is from the ubiquitous Plasma of the Cosmos that the basic atoms found in the periodic table are born. We know
that from their combinations come molecules which is the beginning point of macro-physical materialization.
Thus, in this Dreccian Cosmology Electricity, Magnetism, and Plasma play a crucial role in the “creation” of the
causal material universe, and NOT gravity. Gravity comes into play, only after macro-physical matter comes into
being. Gravity in this Dreccian Cosmology is the third essence in the “Cosmic” Triad – Electricity, Magnetism, and
Gravity which can be imagined to form a triangle of interaction. Such that when Electricty and Magnetism mingle,
they form Electromagnetism, and when Electricity and Gravity mingle, they form Electrogravity; or when Gravity
and Magnetism mingles Gravatomagnetism arises. Of course we cannot assume that such things as electricity,
magnetism, and gravity comes from nothing.
This Triad of ours needs a source. That source is Energy. By “Energy” we mean to denote an essence – or “thing” -
which exerts motion or force. By “Motion” we mean the Way in which primordial substance moves – thus becom-
ing form. By “Force” we mean an essence or “thing” which effects or alters its environment in a measurable or ob-
servable way. Thus, Energy can be imagined as the fourth Point of a Tetrahedron, the other 3 Points of this Tetra-
hedron being Electricity, Magnetism, and Gravity. It can be said that the physical universe is born – or came into
physical being thru the Angles of this Cosmic Tetrahedron. So it was said by the Adept Lao Tzu – “The Tao pro-
duced the one; The one produced two; The two produced the three; The three produced all the myriad beings.”
The Energy also did not come from nothing. Energy in turn is the “Will” of the Acausal or of the Living Cosmos,
effecting its environment. Thus the Acausal is Wu Wei. The word “Wu” meaning “Without” or “Not Having,” while
the word “Wei” means “Action,” “Do,” or “Effort” which is the exact same essential meaning of the word “Acausal”
from the Prefix “A” denoting “Without” and the concept of “Causality” meaning “Effect of Action.”
In our Dreccian Cosmology, the Quantum Foam, or Cosmic Flux also has a source. Cosmic Flux is Acausal Essence
itself – Life Force and or Acausal Energy – “bleeding” into the space of the causal realm thru nexions. Thus, in our
Dreccian Cosmology, it can be understood that Creation is the Cosmic Being exerting its own will upon its own es-
sence/substance. In otherwords, Creation – what we know of as the physical reality and or the universe – is noth-
ing more than the Cosmos in a state of Self-Evolution, Self-Becoming, Self-Expression, Self-Manifestation, Self-
It can be asked where the Cosmic Being itself comes. The answer to this question is both very simple, and beyond
our human comprehension to answer. Simple because It came from something, for only something gives rise to
something. Beyond our ability to answer because, our minds are too small to even grasp the infinite bigness of the
physical universe, let alone the origin and source of the “Ubergeist” from which it arose.
Like our Cosmic Parent, each of us Dreccians are likewise in that same state or quest of Self-Evolution, Self-
Becoming, Self-Expression, Self-Manifestation, and Self-Creation. To surmount ourselves, and thru our own ef-
forts, numinously progress and evolve into new beings… a new type of humanity… a Cosmic or Galactic Humanity.
As our Cosmic Parent has demonstrated – Evolution is Willed.
So our Dreccian Cosmology has brought us to the materialization of matter. It is from Plasma, which is what most
of the physical universe is made of – as it is manipulated by electrical charges, magnetic fields, and gravitational
fields, that Plasma coagulates into atomic elements.
Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that at this stage, there are two sources of matter – 1. Plasmic, and 2. Solar. By
Plasmic we mean to say that being manipulated by electricity, magnetism and such that plasma coalesces into your
basic atomic elements, which under certain environmental conditions either further condenses into gases, liquids,
or solids.
This Dreccian Cosmology states that the idea that a sun is a fire ball is lame and stupid. Firstly, there’s no freaking
oxygen in space for a fire ball to burn for Pete’s sake. Secondly, I don’t care how big a sun is, or how much fire wood
or “nuclear fuel” its got packed in its core, no fuel is gunna burn for a billions plus years.
Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that suns (stars) were the first causal things to populate the causal realm, which are
nodules or warts or plasmic tumors in space that bursts into being along veins of Plasma. A star isn’t just plasmic
warts feeding off of healthy veins of plasma filaments, they are also akin to pressure cookers. Over time, the im-
mense gravitational field, magnetic fields, and electrical charges surrounding a sun effect the plasma of that sun
building up as atomic elements. When that sun supernovas, it releases those elements – such as heavy metals and
star dust – into space. Esoterically, the ancient Egyptians Sun God Ra, was symbolized by an eye. Eyes cry (Tears of
Ra), and the ancient Egyptian word for “humanity” or “mankind” comes from the word for “tears.”
Regardless of how matter came into being, the most important question is why is some matter dead, while other
forms of matter is living, when both appear to be composed of the same exact elements? Why can’t a jar of water,
oil, sugar, and dirt be alive but yet a cellular blob made of the same things is?
The presence of Acausal Energy in one and not the other is not a good answer. It’s like asking why a battery is elec-
trical and a rock is not, and getting the answer because the battery has electrons. Both the atomic substance of the
battery and rock are chalk full of electrons. Its just that the battery has a specific coherent chemical formula which
generates more electron flow, whereas the rock is chemically incoherent – meaning that even if the rock were com-
posed of chemical compounds, that chemistry is random and in no coherent ordering/formula.
Why do more photons/light seem to flow and shine thru a diamond and not a piece of coal in your BBQ grill if both
are made of the same carbon atoms? Because the carbon atoms in the diamond is structured in a coherent order,
while the carbon atoms in the coal is incoherent.
Why does the light of a laser exert or have more force than the light of a flashlight, if both are made of the same
photons? It is because the photons of the laser are coherent, while the light of a flashlight flies incoherently in every
Why is it that quartz crystals can hold energy which can be released and seen by rubbing two of them together in
the dark; but when you rub two rocks together you get nothing? Because the atoms of the crystal are in coherent
formation – hence the word “crystal,” while the atoms in the rock is randomly about in a willy-nilly “formation.”
Coherency of formation and micro-physical structure seems to allow more light and energy and electrons to flow in
all the above examples. Could coherency be the difference between dead matter and living matter?
We already know what living matter is basically – us, cells, animals, plants, and so on. What is the most simplest
form of living matter? So simple that it is only alive half the time, when it leeches off of the Acausal Flow of a living
cell? A Virus.
What exactly is a generic Virus composed of? It has two parts to it – 1. A Crystalline shell; and 2. a strand of RNA –
which is a crystalline structure, or a coherent ordering of atoms and molecules. That’s all a virus is. It is basically a
crystal with a string of coherent information in the form of a coherent crystalline ordering of amino acids. Those
amino acids in turn are not only coherently crystalline in structure, but like quartz crystals, amino acids are piezoe-
lectric. Piezoelectric phenomenon is when a crystal has the ability to generate an electrical charge when pressure or
force is applied to it.
So, if we may consider Viruses the most primordial causal “life” forms, which only come to life in the presence of an
external flow of Acausal Energy, and a virus is a crystal inside and out; and we theorize that it is the missing link
between dead matter and causal life forms. Then, what would we find if we took one evolutionary step backwards to
find its closest primitive material cousin? Crystals.
This Dreccian Cosmology posits that Crystals are the “missing link” between dead matter and living matter. Being a
crystal is a big deal. For all the billions of years of atoms and molecules randomly floating in space, somewhere,
somehow, one day a group of atoms and molecules decided to come together to form a coherent structure – order
out of chaos – which is what a crystal basically is. It’s the same big deal in nature when one day after 100’s of mil-
lions of years of single celled organisms floating around in the sea, a group of unicellular organisms decided to
come together and organized each other into a coherent formation – multicellular organisms.
The Field
Several years ago in a book called “The Field” a scientific experiment was spoken about which would contradict
mainstream materialist genetic science. A group of scientists had built a device which could see the Morphic Field
of organisms. When salamander and frog eggs were place under the device it revealed that each egg had around it a
ghostly image of what it would become.
A female scientist hypothesized that perhaps the ghostly image they were seeing somehow was the true unseen
agent which actually “tells” each cell where to go and what to become and do.
Modern materialist genetics states that all organisms are the end product of their genetic coding. And that the actu-
al genetic coding itself (DNA) is the agent which tells each cell what to do and become. Such that, each daughter
cell of a dividing zygote which are all identical, with the same identical DNA blueprint somehow miraculously be-
comes different.
It requires only a simple thought experiment to discover that something is missing in the above equation. If you
were to give a group of construction workers all the same blueprints of a building you wanted built, without impos-
ing your own will on this group and leaving them on their own as cells of a construction company to erect that
structure, could they do it without organization and differentiation? By differentiation we mean to say that one
construction worker decides he will mix the cement, while another decides she will help lay the foundation and so
on. Or a better illustration is if we had an orchestra and we gave each musician an exact copy of the musical notes
of the symphony we wanted to here. Without differentiation would it be possible?
Materialists assume that DNA is akin to the US Constitution, which points out every member of the Federal Entity
and specifically assigns them their duties and responsibilities. As if to suggest that somewhere in DNA there is a
genetic sequence which goes – “And you group of stem cells hither shall relocate upon your 30th cellular division to
the newly formed eyesockets and become eyeball cells thereof for the duration of a human life span, and thusly
shall you function…”
Can you imagine the length of our human DNA, or that of a giant blue whale if that was the case? Where you had to
specifically tell each of the trillion something cells what the hell to do and be? What’s amazing is that – as it has
been recently discovered – some worm species have more genes than our human genome! I mean cows have 58
chromosomes versus our 46?!
I mean even on a single cellular level, the cell is extremely complex, especially cellular mitosis and cellular asexual
replication. First the millions/billions of molecules that makes up the cell’s DNA must be divided in half. Not just in
any half mind you… each half of a chromosome! Then those need to somehow be copied to produce two sets. Then
cytogenesis happens where the cell somehow, from somewhere must acquire more water (cytoplast) and lipid mol-
ecules, and all that extra material must be put in the right place.
The level of near impossibility of cellular division isn’t fully appreciated until you do a thought experiment and con-
sciously pretend to be a cell and consciously go thru the elaborate and near miraculous process of cellular division.
Meaning that the conscious mind of the supposed most evolved organism can barely consciously perform the act.
It’s like we are on a helicopter looking down at a busy freeway of cars and we say to ourselves – “Oh yeah, its sim-
ple, each of those cars (cells) knows where they’re going and what they’re doing, they all got GPS (dna).” There is
something missing. Just because a car has GPS doesn’t mean that machines operate themselves. These cells exhibit
the ability to exert force upon itself. Is DNA the Executive Initiator – Will?
After hypothesizing that the ghostly image she was seeing maybe the agent which tells stem cells where to go and
what to become, the female scientist mentioned above created “electrical tweezers” and conducted her experiment.
She took those same salamander eggs, and under the device, she took her electrical tweezers and manipulated the
ghostly image of the adult salamanders. She was able to “cut” the ghostly limbs of the image and place them on oth-
er parts of its “body” and she waited. After passing thru their tadpole stage, her salamanders came out deformed –
in the exact same way she had made them, with legs coming out of their heads. All this was accomplished without
any kind of invasive genetic manipulation or radiation.
This Dreccian Cosmology posits that to every causal form there is an equal acausal form; and to every living causal
form, there is an equal acausal form and a shared nexion.
For instance the Cosmos as a whole not only has its Causal Form – this physical universe; but also its Acausal
Form, and its Cosmoc Nexion – what ONA calls the Abyss. That “place” where Causal and Acausal nature blurs,
which maybe seen as the collective psyche or collective unconscious “mind” or “the ubergeist” which we all share;
which is the Geist of the Cosmic Being.
On a micro-physical level the cell is composed of a countless number of atoms – causal forms. Each atom generates
a resonance field around it - which is its acausal matrix. Its crystalline DNA/RNA being the nexion; in the same
sense that an atom also has a nucleus made of a coherent formation of protons and neutrons. The atom itself being
the Particle, while the field itself is picked up by us as the Wave, such that an atom is today understood to be a
“Wavicle.” The sum of the resonance fields of all these countless of atoms composing a cell becomes its “Morphic
Memory Field” which contains in coherent information format, the “memory” of what the cell is and what it should
be composed of and does.
In another experiment spoken about in the above mentioned book a group of scientists in America along with a
group in France conducted an experiment. They were growing a culture of bacteria in a dish and had exposed the
culture to common penicillin. Naturally the bacteria reacted to the presence of the penicillin and died. The team in
one continent then literally recorded the electromagnetic wave signature of this penicillin onto a computer disc,
uploaded the recoding into their computer, and sent the recoding via email to the group waiting on the other conti-
nent. The other group downloaded this recorded electromagnetic information (signature) of this penicillin culture
(which was physically on the other continent) and literally played the information thru a device onto a dish of the
same kind of bacteria, which died, reacting to the electromagnetic wave of penicillin as if it were the actual causal
microbe! When I read about this experiment I personally thought of those hand held thingies they use on Star Trek
The Next Generation.
Rupert Sheldrake was the first Westerner to come up with what he named “Morphic Resonance,” and “Memory
Fields.” The idea or concept of there being unseen particles which holds information in this manner is very old in
the Orient; and we’re not talking about the “aura.” Even in Buddhism – if you know your Buddhism – it speaks of
what are sometimes called “spirit particles” which are said to be the foundation of physical form (which amazingly
emanates from the Mind). In Shaivite cosmology the unmanifested Shiva-Paratman holds and maintains the mani-
fested Shakti.
Sheldrake theorizes that there is a memory field of some sort around every physical thing, which contains a things
material and evolutionary information or what memories a thing has collected over a stretch of time. He also goes
further and states that these memory fields also even contains such information as a thing’s boiling point.
Sheldrake gives an example of when a new “species” of crystals were discovered. Scientists began working with
these crystals and melting them. In the beginning stages these newly discovered crystals melted at erratic tempera-
tures; unlike how most things we know have an established boiling point – water and iron boils at a fixed tempera-
ture, no matter where in the world the water or iron is. It was only after several years of this newly discovered crys-
tal being melted and boiled did it seem to collectively equalize its species boiling point, and from then on, every one
of those crystals boiled at the exact same temperature.
The theory of Morphic Resonance goes further and states that an organism has a memory field which has evolved
over time within a certain climate and environmental condition, so that the morphic fields of each organism in its
native habitat has evolved to thrive under those conditions. Thus in any place on earth where there is the same con-
ditions, nature will conserve energy by simply propagating morphic fields it knows will thrive in such conditions,
such that organisms that live and thrive in similar conditions will physically look very similar, even if they are not
or were never physically connected or genetically related. Since Nature/Life is universal, nature will utilize this
same method anywhere in the universe, so that if there were a planet that is very similar to the earth, its people
would look like us, because their physical form is dictated by their morphic field.
Our Dreccian Cosmology takes this a step further and posits that the so called “Morphic Fields” of living organisms
began as rudimentary acausal life forms which have colonized the causal realm and which have learned to use its
Geist to organize causal shells in the same way that a brainless clam or coral pulp organizes causal matter into
shells and coral.
If the theorem is to be valid in someway, then there must be rudimentary acausal organisms floating around which
have not learned to make causal shells to live in and act upon the causal environment. Where are they? Looking for
acausal life forms with causal eyeballs is like using a metal detector wired to only see iron and metal to find gold
We can hypothesize that if we as causal organisms, much like colored light, inhabit only a small portion of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum… or whatever spectrum it is we exist within. Could there be lesser physical things existing in
a different portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? Such as ultraviolet or infrared, which our eyes cannot pick up?
If we had infrared and ultraviolet sensitive cameras, we should be able to pick up such rudimentary acausal life
forms every where shouldn’t we? Have you ever tried? Others have.
The first man to do this was someone named Trevor Constable. He used infrared cameras and over a period of time
discovered “things” that live in the sky and atmosphere which he calls “sky critters” that exist in the infrared spec-
trum. Most of these sky critters he saw resemble jellyfish which seem to cluster around lamp posts along the street
and telephone wires (
Trevor’s film and camera he used is very primitive, given the era he lived in. NASA has accidentally captured these
same sky critters during its tether experiment that went bad. There was on board an infrared camera which cap-
tured a school of massive sized sky critters swarming around the tether. Those who were watching the tether via
this infrared camera saw the sky critters, while everyone else watching the tether with a normal camera could not
see these things (
During other space operations NASA’s infrared cameras continues to capture these things which only the infrared
camera is picking up and are unseen by the astronauts. In one footage the globular critters seem to be chasing elec-
trical storms in the upper atmosphere, which seems to confirm Trevor’s theory that these sky critters “feed” off of
energy (, (
& (
Part Two
Symbiotic Progression
Our Dreccian Cosmology rejects the materialist theory of Darwinian Evolution as being primitive and grotesquely
crude. As esoteric Taoists say – “Heaven, Nature, and Man are three aspects of the same essence. To know one, is
to understand the other.” Or as a wise Greek once put it – “Man, Know Thyself.” This is to say that if we desire to
understand Nature, and we have a hard time understanding it via directly observing it; we have but to study our
own Selves to gain an understanding of Nature and the Cosmos.
If my own body were an ecosystem, I would not be able to survive past my own fetal stage if every cell in my body
were in some kind of Darwinian struggle to evolve where it’s every cell for itself. My liver cells would each morph
into filter feeders, and my mammary gland cells would morph into milk oozing sponges, and my neurons would
evolve into electrical slugs.
Its “urbanhomocentric” for some Englishman who was born and conditioned in a dog eat dog urban environment,
and who thought maggots came from dead meat to one day walk into a Malagasy ecosystem he is alien to and see a
finch’s beak shaped like the flowers they feed from and say – “Well shit! It’s just like Down Town London, every
creature for himself, survival of the fittest!”
If such were the case – the ecosystem operating on Darwinian Evolution theory – then it wouldn’t even be called a
freaking “System” in the first place which denotes an “integral cooperative machine which works as a whole.” It’s
like a symphony in which every instrument player is individualistically trying to out perform and make louder nois-
es than their competing neighbor. It’s not how a symphony works. It’s not how the universe works either.
It is erroneous too believe that Life exists in the state of self-competition; no more than the ecosystem of my own
body exists in a state of self-competition. There is only one single Living Cosmos. The idea that this single Living
Cosmos is divided with itself into warring and competing factions is not only counter-progressive and counter-
productive; but it’s also magian. We do not exist in a universe split between a good capitalist God and an evil com-
munist Devil who are constantly fighting for supremacy where they vicarious do battle with each other by making
lesser evolved creatures fight and struggle. This isn’t a Cold War Universe.
Atoms don’t try to compete with each other, or struggle to evolve on an individual level. It isn’t like hydrogen atoms
try to be individual things who aspire to one day be something else thru evolution. Unicellular organisms which
first lived in the young earth’s oceans did not remain segregated in a state of competition. Ancient humans did not
remain segregated as individualizes competing and killing every other human around them. Not even nation-states
remains segregated as an individual in some state of Darwinian struggle constantly warring with every state around
it for supremacy.
What happened? Atoms came together to form coherent structures giving birth to something new. Unicellular or-
ganisms came together and organized into coherent structures giving rise to a major leap forward for life. Ancient
humans came together to form coherent structures called city-states. Nations-states came together to form coher-
ent organizations called Federations such as the USA, EU, Association of South East Asian Nations, or the African
Union. Coherency is the very fundamental Ethos (habit/custom) of the Cosmos.
While Darwin and his Homo Hubris Materialist Goons have this old world English weltanschauung of nature in
which things are out to compete and struggle for supremacy, kill, compete, subjugate, and exploits. Nature seems
to be doing the total opposite. In fact the more you observe Nature, the more symbiotic and industrial is shows it-
self to be. We don’t mean factories and manufacturing plants when we say “industrial.” We mean to say that like a
bee hive is an industrial cooperative superorganism, so too is Nature industrial.
There are flowers that give sweet nectar to bees. Forests that providing monkeys with sweet fleshy fruits. Aphids
pooing sugar for ants. The sun giving plants free energy. It rains on every plant whether they’re good nutritious
plants or bad poisonous ones. Bacteria that put nutrients into dirt to help the trees grow? Fungus and worms that
clean up and recycle dead biomass. It’s almost as if Nature actually cares for its parts and pieces?
Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that Natural Life is a symbiotic system which is based on an acausal network of an
exchange of information of the morphic resonance fields of three basic components of Natural Life – 1. A species; 2.
the Ecosystem as a whole; and 3. the Environment.
By Environment we mean to say the ground, the rocks, the mountains, the air, or the nonliving matter that an eco-
system causally exists within. Thus, an environment’s morphic resonance field would be the sum of all morphic
fields which every rock and nonliving molecule has collected into a unified field. The morphic resonance field of an
Ecosystem would be the sum total of all the morphic fields of every species of living matter present which makes up
the Ecosystem. The morphic resonance field of a Species being the sum of every causal organism’s memory field of
a given species.
To give an example of how these three “super fields” work and interacts with each other to give rise to causal life,
lets first use something on human terms we can all understand. Let’s pretend that I moved to the Jew side of New
York City and I had established a restaurant that makes only Jew food (whatever that is), named “Jew Kitchen.” I
put a list of things I make in Jew Kitchen on the widow. My restaurant is an environment. The City is the ecosys-
tem. The Jews are a species. What did I – as an environment – do when I put up the menu on my window? I broad-
casted that I made food only Jews could eat out into the ecosystem, which gradually attracts the right kind of peo-
ple to my Jew Kitchen – Jews.
Thus, for instance, you have a specific environment such as a hot vent of boiling toxic fluid on a primordial earth.
This specific environment’s morphic resonance field “broadcasts” out to the Cosmos what kind of condition is has.
The Cosmos responds by placing the morphic field of a species it knows can survive in such harsh conditions – ex-
termophiles, and an ecosystem of causal organisms begins to develop. Either Nature does this, or we must assume
that nature is stupid and will try to evolve a monkey in that toxic pond.
How does mitochondria “know” to only live in cells as a symbiotic organism rather than live on its own, it has its
own DNA. Should we assume that it took a billion years for fungus and algae to accidentally symbiotically live with
each other to form lichen? Like most animals, we have a host of beneficial bacteria than live in our intestines. How
is it that such bacteria know how and where to find our intestines? Should we assume that arctic bunnies took a
billion years to learn to grow thick white coasts during arctic winters, or is there a subtle connection between the
rabbits and their environment?
Symbiotic Progression goes deeper than just this communication between an ecosystem’s parts on an acausal or
‘psychic’ level. It posits that species of an environment will co-evolve together. Such that a species of flower which
is dependent on a species of birds to pollinate it will co-evolve to accommodate or compliment each other – the
shape of a flower matching the beak of a finch for example. The number of a species’ individual organisms to ac-
commodate the appetite of a carnivorous species is another example. This even affects a species’ mode of replica-
tion. A Species which is often eaten in large numbers will lay large numbers of eggs. Trees that depend on animal
species to spread its seeds far will surround its seeds with sweet flesh.
Thus, if we alter any given natural environment we ultimately change that environment’s morphic field. Or if we
remove a species from an ecosystem we wyrdfully affect the entire integrated numinous system as a whole, result-
ing in catastrophic results. All one must do is genuinely study the affects of centuries of mining and deforestation
on the African continent to see the causal results of interfering with such a fine tuned and symbiotic system. Even
the act of developing land in a given area to build a metropolis, eventually results in the extinction of many species
which will wyrdfully deteriorate in time.
Those of us who are free of magian thinking are barely beginning to understand that the whole earth herself is just
one vast symbiotic system, inside which we are a dependent part of. It is understandable from this perspective, why
Nature seems to be so increasingly violent as time passes; why her climate seems to change for the worst. It is be-
cause of so many centuries of magian, and Hubris world view in which Nature is seen as dead, spiritless, and a
thing to be exploited.
How did causal organisms first come into being though? The materialist theory of Homo Hubris states that the first
organism miraculously came into being one hot day on primordial earth in a pond somewhere when lighting struck
the pond and turned methane gas into a stew of special things that then became some kind of early bacterial pond
scum. Which is to say that to them Life came from basically nothing. This materialist theory is just magian crea-
tionism, minus the god factor; they just substituted the mysterious and miraculous powers of lightning and gas for
This Dreccian Cosmology posits that Life must come from Life – that only Life begets Life. Therefore, causal life
must have come from a pre-existing form of life. This pre-existing form of life, in our Dreccian Cosmology is Acaus-
al in origin. We already know as Dreccians that Life Force is an aspect of the Acausal which itself is filled with dif-
ferent species of acausal life forms – some more evolved then others. How though, would something acausal, which
is not material affect matter to build itself a causal shell?
Since we don’t have any acausal beings to study, we can observe something else which can barely materially affect
matter with any kind of force, but yet is the most successful causal species on earth – brains.
A brain by itself is just a blob. It’s mostly water and if you were to drop it, it would splatter on the ground. Brains
have no muscles or bones, or any means to exert force onto its environment… or do they? Perhaps not kinetic force.
A brain is itself an industrial hive of single celled neurons. A neuron is basically nothing more than a bag of water,
with some potassium, and some sodium. When that sodium is introduced into the water in its tendrils, an electric
current is produced. The potassium helps that current flow a bit longer. That’s all a neuron basically does – manip-
ulate electrons – which is one of the smallest particles of matter. Thus a brain specializes in manipulating and using
electrons. From this ability to manipulate and use electrons, the brain is able to control its body, and thru that bod-
ily shell, it had constructed cities, and taken itself to the moon.
If the ability to manipulate the smallest of atomic particles can over time causally manifest all of that; what if an
acausal organism – which is made up of energy in the first place – also had the same ability. Such an acausal organ-
ism would not even require the psychic ability to move electrons; just a change of its own charge of its energy
When we say “acausal organism” we don’t mean the more higher evolved acausal beings known in the ONA some-
times as the Dark Ones. The idea that such highly evolve acausal beings desiring to be primitive causal life forms, is
like us staring at the ocean and wishing we were jellyfish. We mean basic rudimentary acausal life forms that mind-
lessly found their way into the primal causal realm long ago.
As we stated in part one of our Dreccian Cosmology, suns were most likely the first causal things to populate the
causal realm, as they burst into being along plasma filaments. We can hypothesize that acausal organisms need to
either metabolize or absorb energy to “stay alive.” You’re asking why this is so if they are made of energy in the first
place? Why do you have to eat causal life forms if you are made of causal life stuff yourself?
Because motion requires continual force/energy to continue that motion or the motion stops. As we stated earlier
energy comes in two forms – static energy and energy in motion. For an entity made of energy/acausal essence to
remain differentiated from the infinite static sea of energy/acausal essence it exists in, it must remain in motion.
Like a whirlpool in an ocean is only differentiated from the oceanic matrix it exists within and is made of only if it
remains in motion. By “motion” here we don’t mean like a shark must keep swimming or it dies. We mean that the
acausal essence must continually Flow to and thru any living organism for it to be “alive.”
Everything in causal nature works according to the same basic principle. If a river stops flowing, it builds up toxins
and dies. DNA or genetic material must constantly Flow within the human species as a whole, or it will go extinct.
Information or knowledge must Flow between minds, or it is dead (useless). Life Force in the form of herbivorous
and carnivorous consumption and renewal of such living matter must continually Flow in a given ecosystem, or the
ecosystem will die.
Even in the human corporate arena we see this same essential principle of Flow. Cash must continuously within
any given economy Flow freely or that economy will die. The idea that a living organism is a closed bag of Life
Force and that is all it needs to exist is like the idea that a bank in a city can just sustain itself by keeping its money
locked up inside a vault somewhere. It does not work like that. That bank’s money must Flow, or the bank will dete-
riorate and die as a business. There is no difference between a dead battery and a live (one still filled with juice)
battery that just sits there, unless the electrons Flows. Get it? If you get it, you will understand why the Cosmos
must come in two different parts – Acausal and Causal and not just one. Why?
Just as an atmosphere comes with a hot part and a cold part which gives rise to a convection that causes the air to
Flow… just as a river comes with a up hill part and a down hill part to give rise to motion. Just as bodies of water on
the surface and clouds in the sky are two different aspects of the Flow of water/rain. If the Cosmos were just acaus-
al energy, that energy would be static – it has no Flow. Thus there is a cycle of energy as that energy flows thru nex-
ions into the Causal Realm, in turn the Casual manifests energy which feeds or Flows into the Acausal; which mo-
tion or Flow gives rise to what we might call the Life of the Cosmic Being. In a way, the Flow of Acausal Energy and
Life Force can be likened to the circulatory system of the Cosmos. What happens to you if your blood stops Flow-
As we were saying – suns were perhaps the first causal things in the causal universe. Our Dreccian Cosmology pos-
its that suns not only give off light, but also – because the energy that feeds them originates from the acausal – es-
sential Life Force. Such that causal organisms like plants and animals not only requires sun light, but the life force
that comes from it.
A simple experiment can be conducted to validate this theorem. Take three potted plants of the same species. Place
on outside in the sun, and two inside two separate dark placed devoid of sunlight. Take some copper wiring with
out insulation and around one of the plants inside the dark make a spiral cage around the plant, making such the
copper and plant are in contact. Extend the other end of that wire outside into the sun, forming a spiral disk with
the other end and watch. Make sure to water all three plants regularly. Only one of the three plants will die. Of
course, being deprived of sunlight, one of the two living plants will not be so healthy.
Like moths attracted to lights or a flame, we can hypothesize that the suns that first populated the causal universe
attracted a horde of primitive acausal organisms, which fed off of that life force. It is from these acausal organisms
that the first causal life forms would come from later.
Symbiosis later comes into play as suns exploded and as other forms of matter coagulated giving rise to crystals.
Unlike normal matter, a crystal’s coherent atomic structure allows for more energy to Flow thru it. Many crystals
do hold energy inside it, like quartz. If you take two quartz crystals into a dark room and run them together, they
will release their stored energy in the form of light, heat, and the smell of burned hair. Other crystals release their
energy in the form of vibrations, some species of these crystals release a vibration that can even be felt with your
Other crystals release their energy in the form of photons. I’ll give two examples. Marco Polo wrote about a tribe of
people in China who dug for crystals that shone with a light, with which they used to light their walk ways at night.
I wouldn’t believe everything Marco Polo says though. The other crystals that emits photons is DNA. DNA is actual-
ly a crystalline structure. In a lightless room scientists have learned that DNA do in fact emit photons which can be
picked up by instruments and measured. It was discovered that lower kinds of life forms like cabbage emits more
photons than the DNA of a human or dog. They don’t know why, but we can hypothesize that the DNA of a higher
“evolved” organism absorbs more light for various reasons.
The symbiosis comes into play when such primitive acausal life forms attached themselves to crystals to feed off of
them, and perhaps the acausal life forms in turn draw in more causal material to grow the crystals bigger. Thus this
Dreccian Cosmology posits that the first causal life forms came from such a symbiotic relationship between an
acausal entity and the crystalline structures they attached themselves to, which over causal time became the rela-
tionship of DNA (the crystalline structure) and its energy source – the living morphic field of a causal organism.
“Gerald F. Joyce admits that when he saw the results of the experiment, he was tempted to halt further work and
publish the result immediately. After years of trying, he and his student Tracey Lincoln had finally found a couple
of short but powerful RNA sequences that when mixed together along with a slurry of simpler RNA building
blocks will double in number again and again, expanding 10-fold in a few hours and continuing to replicate as
long as they have space and raw material.” – Evolution in a Bottle, April 30th, Scientific American Magazine
Given enough time and space; along with the influence of the electric and magnetic fields in space; carbon atoms
will eventually mix with other kinds of atoms to form what are known as organic compounds. As stated earlier, to
each causal form, is an acausal form. Thus we can assume that each newly arising organic compound has its own
morphic memory field, which contains the basic information of what types of atoms is used and where they go.
Such that the morphic field of such compounds will replicate in areas of similar conditions, thus proliferating each
“species” of compounds. In the same way that a crystal grows by somehow attracting the correct types of atoms in
the right places; so that every known species of crystal has a specific atomic make-up, structure, and causal shape
and form, unique to its species.
The most basic components of RNA/DNA are amino acids, which are essentially made of organic compounds.
What’s unique about amino acids is that they are crystals, and like quartz, amino acids are piezoelectric, which
means that when force or pressure is applied it releases measurable amounts of energy. Like crystals, most amino
acids crystallize - as racemic mixtures bond to each other. A racemic mixture is basically a mixture of chiral mole-
cules. Chiral molecules are asymmetric carbon atom – meaning that that carbon atom is attached to four other at-
oms forming an asymmetrical atomic structure – which is a simple organic compound.
We already know that amino acids and organic molecules can be found in space. In fact, several years ago scientists
found a huge cloud of alcohol in space the size of a small planetary nebula. Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that it is
in space, and not on planets, that the building blocks of life came together simply because of the size of space, the
temperature, the electrical and magnetic fields, and the abundant supply of material in the form of clouds of atomic
elements and compounds. This Dreccian Cosmology also theorizes that morphic fields of any size, have the ability
to replicate themselves. In this case the morphic field is the living acausal “organism” associated with the organic
molecules, which would be its bodies. Such that, once an amino acid has crystallized, its morphic field with “bud”
off giving rise to a duplicate of itself, which will then attract itself the appropriate atoms to construct a causal crys-
talline structure.
Once RNA comes into the picture, it becomes a matter of symbiotic progression between the environment, the
acausal entity of the RNA or species of RNA, and Willed self betterment/change over time. Such that if the environ-
ment were to change with the introduction of a newly formed planet, thru intentional metamorphosis, those
morphic fields which had learned to surround its causal structures (RNA/DNA) with crystalline shells (thus making
viruses) or enveloping itself inside a lipid-like membrane, thus giving rise to a proto-cell. Lipid-like molecules have
a distinct property – an ability to undergo spontaneous aggregation to form droplets, micelles, bilayers and vesicles
within an aqueous phase, through entropy-driven hydrophobic interactions.
As the new additions are added, the atoms that composes such new layers or additions imprints their essence onto
the memory field of the acausal entity attached to such a primitive causal life form, and such memory imprint will
manifest in additions of amino acid chains utilized to manufacture proteins to re create such membranes and or
additions. Thus the RNA/DNA evolves and grows along with the growth and evolution of the morphic entity and its
causal form. Our Dreccian Cosmology posits here that a causal organism’s shape and form is not determined by
DNA but by its morphic memory field. The DNA only contains coded information to engineer proteins, enzymes,
and or attract symbiotic organisms inside the creature such as mitochondria and beneficial bacteria to help regu-
late and run the organic system on a cellular level.
I’m not sure how to explain what we mean by “Intentional Morphic Evolution.” It is not Darwinian evolution, or
Creationism. Explaining it in terms of a business would be best, since I am familiar with my grandpa’s business,
who was a partner of Chloe's grandpa.
We first start off with an idea for a product my grandpa and his partners had – polyurethane wood, or fake wood
made from mostly polyurethane. For a period of about 3 to 4 years the small manufacturing plant my gramps and
his friends got was in its Research and Development stage. This is the stage of lots of trial and lots error (and loss of
money too). Without a viable product, nobody would be interested in investing their money into gramp’s business.
Thus the idea of replicating their business was next to zero unless a miracle happened.
Once the product was successfully “perfected” the business took on a life of its own, where the product itself attract-
ed the right people to invest who were interested. One thing lead to another and several years later licenses were
given out and stuff and plants began to crop up in other cities making the same product. I was there to see one of
these replica plants organize itself into a functioning plant. Unlike my gramp’s original plant, these replica plants
never had to go thru a research and development stage, nor did they ever go thru a stage of trial and error. It
seemed as though the plants Intentionally organized to specifically become a certain species of plant that manufac-
tured a specific product. What happened?
What happened was that the businesses “memory field” which contained the information of the chemical formulas,
and needed equipment, and such had already been established by a first/original plant. After that original plant
had proven successful in its specific field, it was just a matter of duplicating what works, thus saving trial and error
and time.
Intentional Morphic Evolution first states that – What works will be duplicated. If a new fish species develops fins
and it can swim faster and eat more food and make more babies, fish everywhere in a similar environment is going
to intentionally – by Nature – have fins. If four legs works on a new species of causal creatures in a certain environ-
ment; causal creatures everywhere in similar environments will have four legs.
The second theorem of Intentional Morphic Evolution states that – If a particular ecosystem works, it will be dupli-
cated. If a desert ecosystem works in sub-Sahara Africa, a similar eco system will be duplicated in similar deserts
around the world. If a jungle ecosystem works in one tropical environment, all jungles similar to that jungle will be
similar. When we say "duplicate" we don't mean cloning exact replicas, no more than the offspring (replica/
duplicate) of an animal is a clone of its parents. It must be kept in mind that no two environments are exactly iden-
tical, and such differences affects gene selection, producing slight variations in an ecosystem's species.
Thus we come to the third theorem of Intentional Morphic Evolution – Symbiotic Progression is intentional. For
instance, if in the Jungles of primeval India the Panther was the top predator of his domain; the ecosystem of pri-
meval Amazonia will not only duplicate that Jungle, but the entire Amazonian ecosystem – that is each of its spe-
cies – will intentionally progress each species to a specific niche or to a specific point, such that a big cat is inten-
tionally evolved in that environment to be the top predator as well. Thus, once a big cat had reached its intended
position in the duplicate ecosystem, all evolution of that duplicate ecosystem’s individual species stops.
This leads to certain implications. Is our earth an original world or a duplicate world? Meaning that is the earth’s
environment unique and original among the countless livings worlds that have ever existed in the causal history of
our causal universe; or was there ever another planet which had the same environment and planetary conditions?
What does it imply?
It implies that if there ever had existed an earth like planet at one point in the causal universe’s space-time history;
then the earth’s life forms, from the beginning of causal life’s first appearance here 3.5 Billion years ago, Intention-
ally Morphically Evolved to produce humankind, and once that target species has reached its duplicate stage of
evolution all other life forms on earth stop evolving; thus duplicating a more ancient environment of a more an-
cient world or worlds. How does this happen?
On an acausal level, it happened from the morphic field of the earth itself attracting a specific number of morphic
species. On a physical level it happened on the level of DNA. DNA comes from DNA. The earth’s primordial envi-
ronment was too hostile for DNA molecules to just form out of a soup of random molecules. The first known causal
organisms to have colonized this earth 3.5 billion years ago were already complex cellular organisms and function-
ing algae.
As we stated earlier, space is the first place where the building blocks of causal life organized. Thus our Dreccian
Cosmology posits that the earth was seeded via panspermia from outside. We’re not saying that the earth is intelli-
gent and chose which genetic seeds to grow. It’s a matter of the environment rejecting certain causal organisms to
take “root” and causing others that fall into it to thrive. We have all inherited the genetic seeds (DNA) of the first
biotic life on earth, and this seed (DNA) along with its memory field contains all the information for the gradual
metamorphosis of life, which eventuall produced us.
It is the environment that acts on gene selection which turns genes on and off. Thus the DNA of the first biotic life
forms on earth (bacteria); having been exposed to the earth’s early environment; was intentionally altered by the
environment to produce the next generation of life forms. Thus via symbiotic progression between the environ-
ment, the first species that populated primal earth, began to manifest a duplicate ecosystem gradually over the
course of billions of years. Such that a cycle is created in which the altered DNA produced certain organisms which
acted on the environment like introducing oxygen and other needed resources to sustain more complex organisms.
In turn such changes in the environment acts on the DNA of newer generations of organisms, turning certain genes
on and off. The cycle is repeated over during the billions of years to gradually reach an intended end such that each
successive species becomes more complex, thus duplicating complex species of life that had once lived long ago be-
Just as an orange seed and its memory field chronomorphically or five dimensionally contains the information to
produce forests of orange trees; DNA and its memory field contains all the information needed to produce via the
tree of causal life and the gradual metamorphosis of all life, which has taken root on this planet.
The environment acts on genes, the altered genes act on the environment, and the altered enironment acts on gene
selection giving rise to a controlled and intentional step by step progression of life toward increasingly complex and
intelligent organisms, that have proven causally and morphically successful in other worlds. Thus this Dreccian
Cosmology rejects the Darwinian notion of random and aimless evolution for intentional evolution or intentional
The genes of a successive species do not evolve randomly; they were inherited from ancestral species whose envi-
ronment specifically turned on or off certain areas of their genes. These new species in turn over causal time affects
and alters their environment in specific ways, which acts on gene selection. The genetic coding of the DNA of all
causal organisms uses the same universal coding language, as HTML is to the billions of different websites. Genes
can be basically divided into – regulatory genes called Introns, and protein coated genes called Exons. Introns con-
tain genes within genes, which give birth to regulatory genes that interact with the environment turning protein
coated genes – Exons – on or off. Introns regulate and control gene expression, specifies which region of the coding
and how much of it should be expressed. Thus, even without considering the more esoteric nature of Nature and
Life, the progressive interaction with the environment and genes (introns and exons) alone progressively metamor-
phoses causal life towards an intentional end.
Contrary to Darwinist theory, genes do not randomly evolve by constant ramdom miraculous additions of amino
acid to DNA; neither does a new species arise from random mutations or miraculous new additions to protein coat-
ed exons. In fact, the rise of new species did not coincide with the evolution of new protein coated genes, but altera-
tions in regulatory genes which turn gene sequences on and off. A mutation is just that – a genetic mutation which
usually arises from a random change in the DNA coding. This is detrimental to causal life as it represents a degen-
eration in the genetic coding, usually resulting in physical defects which randomly happens. Even today we cannot
consider genetic defects to be steps in evolution. A genetically or physically defected organism has in fact little
chances of survival, and will not likely reproduce. It is only in our modern age of medical technology and magian
ethics that defected and degenerate humans survive and sometimes breed, passing those mutations and defects
down. This can hardly be considered evolution.
We humans, according to this Dreccian Cosmology are not products of accidental chemical interactions. This is not
to say that we were created by a god. Life is a natural Ethos (habit/custom) of the Cosmos. It is by Nature’s Intent
that we exist, but only so after an original period of billions of years research and development on some ancestral
planet long ago in some other part of the universe. The complexity of DNA attests the simple fact that it could not
have randomly evolved from dead matter crashing into each other in a pond. As complex as we are, about 90% of
our human genome remains silent (R. Joseph, 2002) suggesting that we have not reached our full expressible po-
Believe it or not, one of my favorite old tv shows is Star Trek The Next Generation. There’s just something about the
idea of living in a space colony exploring different planets that’s I find alluring. I have the kind of personality
though where I have to question the possibility of every concept I see because I often like to day dream about living
in such a future setting and I always want my day dreams to be as close to reality as possible. These investigations
then become deep meditations and thought experiments. So the more I look it concepts used by Star Trek, the more
sad and disappointing – and limited – my future in my day dream universe becomes.
I’ll never be able to actually teleport myself anywhere, because even if we had the technology to replicate flesh, my
duplicate body inside the other teleportation booth will be dead, because I know I am not a product of such causal
chemistry. It’s like teleporting the car but forgetting the driver inside. Warp drive is wack because space is not
curved, its just everywhere and infinite. So that leaves colonizing star systems in a life time out of the question. So I
began to play around with the idea of building a generation ship like the Enterprise to carry seed cultures of hu-
mans to seed other star systems. Would that be possible? Then I remembered chickens!
I was curious once where the chickens I eat came from, so I did some research. They come from chicken farms… in
door chicken farms. After reading around I learned that most of these chickens never live past the juvenile years,
not because they get cut up for food, but because they all get sick and most die; so they are cut up before they die. I
saw turkeys raised their whole lives generation after generation in doors and they also look unhealthy and many
I asked myself is being deprived of sunlight affected biological organisms, like us and cause genetic deterioration?
It took a few look ups, but there is mounting evidence that artificial lighting and florescent lights – which is relied
upon heavily in developed countries causes skin cancer… and only in one life time. Lack of sunlight also stops the
brain from making certain hormones like melatonin which is needed for such things as mental health. You just fol-
low the demographics of cancer on a map, and slowly you realize that most cases happen in the developed cities of
industrialized nations. That is populated by a mass of people who have literally shunned sunlight. They clothe
themselves 24/7. They remain in their house or work office most of the hours the day; and the only light they get is
artificial electric light. You never hear of cases of some average African of Asian person who is still working out
their in the sun, and not exposed to artificial lights for long periods of time dying of cancer and cancer cases are
rare in rural areas of developed nations. As if the further we remove ourselves out of Nature and the less in tune we
are to its ways, the sicker we become.
Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that unless we actualize David Myatt’s concept of Acausal Science and Organic
Technology – as he explains in The Numinous Way - we are stuck on this earth as a species. For even if we had the
materialist technology to construct a big sardine can in space with air and farms, we would all grow sick and our
generations would increasingly degenerate genetically over time because such a monstrosity of a habitat cuts us off
from the natural flow of the sun’s life force.
Also, according to this Dreccian Cosmology, a contraption such as an interstellar generation ship or a Deep Space 9
habitat far from a heliosphere is mass suicide. As it has been explained earlier, even the first primitive acausal or-
ganisms relied on the energy of the sun. So although artificial light and heat will keep plants and lower life forms
alive, higher forms of animals such as livestock and humans will be deprived of vital energy Flow for their acausal
entities to sustain their causal bodies.
Thus this Dreccian Cosmology posits that contact and interaction between two materialistic extraterrestrial civiliza-
tions is not possible on two counts – 1. That the electrical and magnetic fields that exists in space would dissipate
and destroy any radio signals; and 2. That if they left their heliosphere in sardine cans and giant terrariums, no
matter how materialistically advanced they were, they would all die before getting here.
This concept that materialistic science and technology has limits, implies to us Dreccians that materialism – that is
the apprehension of or interpretation of the Cosmos in materialistic ways, such that the universe is believed to be a
dead and lifeless accident; and what science and technologies may arise from such materialist world views of the
Cosmos is not the ultimate achievable state of science, technology, and civilization. That there is more or something
greater to strive for which is more acausal, more spiritual, more at-one with the finer aspect of creation. Such that
to greatly evolved and ancient acausal beings as our Dark Ones, our modern materialistic technology and science is
primitive and destructive to our own selves and the rest of the earth even.
This is not to say that colonizing space is impossible. There is more than one source of life force since the whole
acausal is Life Force. It is a matter of learning how such acausal forces work, and how to draw such forces down, so
that enough life force can bathe our bodies and the bodies of livestock. Until then, we are earth bound, and will die
with it, if we continue to exploit it to death. It seems that we humans were meant to live numinously at-one with
Nature and the Cosmos, and not ignorantly and arrogantly against it.
That the sun emits not only light but a form of life force, makes it a star gate or nexion of energy of sorts in our
Dreccian Cosmology. The life force that comes from the sun seems to be a weak manifestation of acausal Life Force,
if clothing, and the walls of buildings deflects its. We would hypothesize that such a weak species of life force must
be bound to each photon the sun emits and is absorbed by the skin of causal organisms which maintains cellular
Besides the sun, there are other types of star gates or nexions that releases different kinds of acausal energy. The
ONA often speaks about one such species of nexions which open in certain areas after the regular Presencing of the
Dark which is said to bring down “Acausal Energy.” To prevent confusion between this Acausal Energy and acausal
Life Force, we will from here on refer to this Acausal Energy as “Acausal Numen” due to a lack of a better term.
What is the difference between acausal Life Force, and Acausal Numen?
The difference is based on what life is and the purpose of Life. Once a life form is alive with life force, there must be
a reason why it is alive. The reason being coherency. Which is to say that the Cosmos ultimately is striving for more
life and symbiotic coherency of all its parts, and the Acausal Numen is the force which sustains, maintains, and
evolves such coherency or organization of beings. I’ll give an example on a more human level.
Disneyland – It’s a theme park, and in this theme park are different rides. Two types of forces gives life to this
theme parks rides. The first is electricity. It is electricity which give life to each ride’s components. Once the causal
rides are alive and functioning, it needs to perform its causal purpose – entertaining people by giving them rides.
These people can be likened to acausal entities who are attracted to certain causal rides. These people will stand in
line and pay money to ride the ride. That “money” is Acausal Numen. It is with money – cash flow – that the organ-
izers or owners of each ride maintains and Evolves their rides to make it better – thus attracting more customers,
which in turn expands the ride.
What happened if a ride in this themes park is deprived of that Acausal Numen? The people go elsewhere to a bet-
ter ride, and the old ride dies out. Thus in our human history we see the rise and fall of human civilization – which
is the coherency of human life forms in causal expression. A civilization which is imbued with a vital flow of acausal
numen grows, attracts more people, and thrives. In the same way that bacteria will thrive in the right conditions;
and how bacteria will die out if the conditions are wrong. It is thru that thriving effect that life is multiplies – thus
increasing the number of intelligent beings “uploading” their intelligence to the Cosmos, which also strengthens the
“acausal circulation” of the Cosmos. When a civilization is deprived of this acausal numen, it withers, and usually it
takes its people with it.
This is not to say that the abstract Nation-State is numinous. A Nation-State is a political regime which uses an ab-
stract idea of a “state” to assert itself onto nature and people which repels acausal numen. A “civilization” as our
Dreccian Cosmology uses the word denotes a natural industrial cooperative super tribe of a group of people who
have come together for mutual aid and mutual reliance in which each part pools their energy and effort toward
common goals. It is very easy to confuse the two, because the two often overlaps.
If we study the rise and fall of civilization we can see that our thoughts, beliefs, actions; and interactions with Na-
ture over time effects civilization by either attractive or repelling acausal numen to a given civilization. We can
quickly observe Europe in increments of roughly 500 years or so to see such affects.
We can begin at 1AD when the Roman Civilization was pagan, which is a way of life more naturall and friendly with
Nature. Such pagan traditions had vibrant life embracing rites and festivals which helped draw in the flow of acaus-
al numen to “feed” the Roman Civilization. From that flow this civilization evolved and grow bigger, but eventually
fell soon after Christianity was made the empire’s religion.
We can see that in the same area of the world, with the same people a new kind of civilization arose and coalesced,
one which may be called the Catholic Civilization with its magian ethos. This civilization never really achieved
much and as its assertive power grew, more acausal numen was repelled. Eventually this civilization gave birth to
that period in tine commonly known as the “Dark Ages.”
If we take these two civilizations we will see that one coherent ordering of humans had achieved so much influence
on the human collective that even today we still use its letters to write, and their architectural science still influ-
ences our modern cities, while the other civilization has left no mark on anyone at all. We can see that one civiliza-
tion actually helped humanity evolve and progress forwards; while the other actually did the entire opposite for hu-
manity. This is then the power and essence of acausal numen – the collective evolution of humanity via a tool we
call “civilization.”
The deprivation of acausal numen and death of whole civilization and lands due to such acausal starvation may
seem negative from a localized perspective, but it is ultimately positive on a collective human level. For example the
death of Africa which is now a reality that needs no validation. It is as if the entire continent has been cut of from
the flow of acausal numen. Its forests are nearly depleted, its deserts are growing bigger, its water contaminated, its
soil can barely sustain crops, its people are being mass murdered by a natural assault of diseases. Its nation-states
quickly spiral into genocidal regimes. It may seem destructive, but such drastic acts forces a portion of humanity
which is not able or willing to change to disperse into other civilizations which will take them forward. Thus even
the deprivation of acausal numen on a civilization and people has productive consequences.
Thus a civilization which has become destructive – usually ones that have become host to the parasitic organism of
a nation-state over time repels acausal numen and the lack of that acausal numen will not only deteriorate its peo-
ple but the environment surrounding it also. A civilization imbued with acausal numen will numinously evolve for-
ward and will take its people forward also, changing its people into new kinds of peoples.
Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that acausal numen can be brought down by groups of people who know how to
open nexions, thus filling a destructive civilization with acausal numen, which will disrupt it and cause a new kind
of civilization to replace it. Such that it becomes a responsibility and an endeavour for us Dreccians to destroy such
destructive civilizations, to Presence the Dark, open nexions, to bring down acausal numen to manifest a new and
better species of civilization, if humanity as a whole is too continue to progress and evolve to its highest potential.
Which causal potential we have not even come close to knowing, since 90% of our genes still remain silent. We
must keep in mind that although Nature has brought us this far, to materialize us on this earth, the rest of our evo-
lution rests in our own hands, and is a conscious and willed effort.
A cosmology is not complete without presenting a perspective on life and death. Causal life will end in causal death
but death is nothing because our Dreccian Cosmology states that life begets life, and so causal life began from
acausal life. Thus, we have our true Nature in the acausal and this causal realm is only a temporary playground.
Causal life was here before humans, thus, life is beyond all and any human assertion or human valuation. That is to
say that Life is neither “good” or “evil,” “sinful,” or a form of punishment. Life just is. It is only in our attempt to
understanding, do we project thing we as humans are familiar with onto life, or that we reduce life into these boxes
of religious ideas and notions. Life existed before humans, therefore, Life is beyond any and all human religion.
How we interpret life, and how religion interprets life is not what life is in its natural essence. The Tao that can be
“taoed” is not the true Tao. The Life that can be understood by an ape with a three pounded brain is not the true
Life. If we must break eternity down into pieces like days, weeks, years, hours to understand Time, and we must
reduce Infinity into bite sized pieces like light years, miles, and inches to understand, then what he know and how
we interpret life are also simplifications. Just as we cannot assume that an hour truly represents eternity, or a mile
is what infinity is, our interpretations of life is not what Life is.
Our Dreccian Cosmology states that the whole causal universe is teaming with life. Populated with living worlds,
acausal organisms, physical organisms, and not so physical organisms. That Life is a natural habit and custom of
the Cosmos. That causal life for is a choice we made. It is neither a beginning or and end. It is just a mode of exist-
ence we are experiencing.
Causal life is a natural consequence of the interaction of acausal energy mingling with certain causal structures and
does not need the concept of a “God” no more than the natural process and cycle of rain needs a God. It is only in
our ignorance of such processes that we make our rain gods to make sense of what we do not understand. Only
when we learn the details of the process – that bodies of water and the moisture in leaves evaporate and collect in
the atmosphere as clouds, which rains down as drops of water – that we realize the process in godless, natural, and
is just a product of an environmental condition. So too then is Life a natural process of the environmental condi-
tions of acausal and causal and Geist acting upon such basic elements of life.
Thus in our Dreccian Cosmology Life for each of us is virtually eternal. Although causal flesh deteriorates and de-
cays, we know we do not have our true nature in such matter. It is an illusion of so many years of consciousness
that we assume the world of stone and flesh is all there is. Because it is the nature of consciousness to focus on one
thing and phases everything else out. What was a tool of Geist becomes a prison of ignorance, such that Geist is lost
in a maze of flesh and stone. Having become lost in such and delusion, and drifting deeper into the delusion that
urban reality is the only reality, such beings hinders the progression and evolution of the Cosmos, if they are not
awakened from their sleep of stone. Causal death to such Geists in most cases is the only way to awaken them from
their sleep. Sometimes, no amount of wisdom and words can awaken a materialist Homo Hubris, and the only
chose left is to cull. If wisdom does not enlighten… the blade of a knife will suffice and do the same.
Our Dreccian Cosmology states that death is only the Geist withdrawing its focus on a given causal modality of ex-
istence to return to its original Nature. In the same way that we drift into the realm of dreams by phasing out of the
waking word; such that what we know of as death is much like tuning your radio station to a different frequency.
Thus we really go nowhere when we die, in the same sense that we actually do not go anywhere when we go into
and leave the realm of dreams. It is a literal phasing in and out of one mode of existence to another.
What becomes of us after that phasing is a mystery, but it is Mystery, such as the mystery of the Cosmos and what it
all means, that ever drives us to strive to discover, and in that quest to know and understand that great Mystery, we
gradually come closer to apprehending the Living Cosmos which we all are beneath our shapes and forms.
WSA 352
120 yf
“Ty, you okay bro?” Paul had a concerned look as he looked at his brother, seated on a tree stump with a grimace on his face.
“Yeah, I’m fine Paul.” Said Tyler McChloe, “My side’s just aching a bit.” Tyler got back up, “Come on. Let’s keep going. I’m fine.”
He already had a homemade cast holding his broken right arm in place from being hit by an object during the plane crash. He was-
n’t sure what it was; he was unconscious.
“Should’ve stayed with the girls back at the wreck,” Paul said jokingly as he pa ed his brother’s shoulder.
“Ha, ever heard of the Pitcairn Islands?” He asked his brother with a grin and a sly look.
“Isn’t that the islands those English mu neers found back in the day?”
“Yeah, they had themselves many a wives!” The two brothers laughed, as they kept on walking with the others.
Greg was in his late for es, light grey hair, slim man. He didn’t have a scratch on him. Not even his glasses sustained a scratch. Eve-
ryone called it a ‘freak miracle.’ His co-pilot – James – survived as well, with cuts and bruises on his face and head. James had a bad
concussion for the first few days a er the crash. But he got be er and was walking around days later.
The scout group of 16 men were making their way towards a green valley spo ed by Paul. It was hoped that the green valley had a
river or creek. Drinking water was running out fast back over at camp; the wreck site. Another group of men were organized to
look for food, and the women stayed behind to build camp and try to catch fish. It had been a week since the crash, and nobody
knew where they were. Greg and a few others are sure they are on one of the Micronesian islands in the Pacific.
The engine on the Right wing caught fire and stopped working, causing the plane to be dislodged from its designated flight path.
The two pilots tried to keep the plane airborne for as long as they could, while decreasing al tude. The fire grew bigger, and the
fuel in the right wing ignited. The plane was over some islands when it fell out of the sky. That’s all anybody can really remember,
besides the fact that much of the right side of the plane caught fire, and there was a huge gaping hole where the right wing was
supposed to be. Not to men on over half of the passengers were missing. The plane itself crashed in shallow sea water, near the
beach of some island. A volcanic island, since the largest landmark is a sleeping volcano right at the center of the island.
“There’s another one!” Hanna screamed, as she and a few others ran to the washed up body a hundred yards away. It was the
third body that day.
“He’s coughing up water, what the fuck?!” Paul said as he began giving the new body CPR.
“You alright man?” asked Keven, “Hey, what’s your name? You alright?”
“Mike…” said the new body, “What the hell is going on? Where am I?”
“Dude you survived! You’re alright! You’re with the rest of us.” Said a voice.
“We’re on an island… somewhere!” Another voice exclaimed.
Mike turned over trying to get up, “Island? Nah, what fucking island. I was on the rescue boat! They pulled me out of the water?! I
was dri ing for days holding onto debris man! Where the fuck is the boat?!”
“Calm down Mike,” said Greg, “You’re delirious. There’s no boat. Come on, we made camp over there. We’ll get you something
to eat.”
Mike got up, and with the help of some guys, walked over to camp, “I was on a fucking boat! There were coast guards talking to
me. Giving me CPR and some injec on. They said I’ll be okay. I passed out. How did I get on the island?!” The new guy Mike looked
confused, like the others who washed ashore.
“Dude, there was a fucking boat. There were helicopters. I saw them. They were there. I was on the fucking boat!” Mike said, to
the others, and to the two others who washed ashore; Jill and Dylan.
“It was a red boat,” Jill confirmed, “I remember being on a boat too. They were working on me. Saying I’ll be okay.”
“Same here,” confirmed Dylan, “They pulled me out of the water. We were rescued.”
“We’ve been on this island for two weeks. Ain’t none of us seen a boat or the coast guards or helicopters.” Paul said, confused,
but intrigued.
Intrigued that the three new ‘wash-ups’ shared the same hallucina ons of being recused by a boat. Intrigued that no dead bodies
have thus far washed up. Every body that washed ashore was alive? There seemed to be some chronological order to the ‘wash-
ups’ hallucina ons? The earliest wash-ups said they had experienced being stuck under water and trying to break out of the air-
plane. Later wash-ups said they were swimming at night surrounded by debris. Other wash-ups said they had been dri ing for days
surrounded by floa ng debris and lost consciousness. Now these new wash-ups tell stories of being rescued?
“Last cigare e…” Paul handed Tyler the last Camels.
Tyler smiled and lit the cigare e, “We’ll find something to smoke on this island.”
The two brothers were on bonfire duty far from the camp. There were bonfires spread around the island during the night, in case
rescue ships or airplanes came by. They shared the last cigare e, seated on the beach, watching the waves hi ng the shore rhyth-
Tyler coughed, a few strange hard coughs, as he grabbed his side in pain. He tasted the blood in his mouth, and swallowed it. He
was coughing up blood for a few days, but did not let his brother know.
“You alright Ty?”
“Yeah, I’m fine brother.” He was lying. The pain in his side was ge ng worse.
“It’s ge ng worse isn’t it? It looks like it hurts for you to breathe?”
“A li le. I’ll be fine Paul.” He smiled, and placed his arm around his brother.
Paul was quiet. Pensive. Barely smoking the last cigare e. Staring at the sand. When he is thinking he usually goes quiet and stares
into space.
“What’s on your mind?”
“What if we’re dead? All of us on the island?”
Tyler gave his brother a bewildering look, “How do you figure?”
“The pilots for one. The plane dove into the sea nose first, and we can see the windshields are missing. How did Greg survive
that, with his glasses in perfect condi on? And Hanna, Keven, and their group: they were seated on the right side of the plane
where the big hole is. How did they all survive that? And the wash-ups. Why haven’t dead bodies washed up? Why only living bod-
ies? And the missing passengers: their seats were the least affected by the fire and crash. Why aren’t they here?”
“Hmm?” Murmured Tyler in considera on, “Why are we here then? On some island in the middle of nowhere? I mean, I’ve
always believed in an a erlife of some sort… but this? I thought we’re all actors on a stage. Don’t the stage act end when we die?
So what… we’re ghosts stuck on an island, wai ng for phantom coast guards to rescue us? What happened to heaven… or hell?”
Tyler coughed some more, gripping his side in acute pain. The blood was in his mouth again, but he swallowed.
“You alright Ty?”
Tyler nodded, “Yeah brother. The others seem to be oblivious. Like dreamers cap vated or entranced in a dream. You seem to
be the first to achieve Lucidity? I wonder if you can die a second death Paul?”
“What do you mean?”
“You know how in lucid dreaming, when you Awaken inside a dream, you can do anything. What if you don’t have to eat here.
Or drink here? What if all that is just a force of habit? A Belief we have? That we have to eat and drink to stay alive? What if you
can let go of those mortal habits Paul? What if we can go exploring this place… to see what is beyond this island… how big this oth-
er side of mortal existence is?”
“Like a Buddha, awakened from Samsara?”
“Yeah… exactly.” He smiled at his brother.
“Let’s do it! Let’s leave and just walk, as far as we can. To the end of this island, and beyond. Come on?”
Tyler looked down at the sand, and a sadness crept onto his face, “I don’t think I can Paul. I’m not doing too well brother. I’ve
been coughing up blood for the past few days. I didn’t want to scare you so I kept it to myself. The pain in my side is ge ng un-
bearable. I’ve been having strange dreams of being inside a hospital. Listen Paul… if something should happen to me here on this
island, I want you to walk as far as you can. To the end of this island and beyond. Promise? I might have to go back.”
“Dreams of being in a hospital? What do you see in those dreams?”
“I don’t know. I can’t make anything out. Just an opera on room and lights.”
“What if you got rescued Ty!? What if they found you… and you’re home… and you’re in the hospital, and they’re working on
“I think so… make that promise. That you’ll walk as far as you can and beyond. I’ll find you later.”
“Yeah… I promise. I love you Ty. Can you tell everyone I’m okay?”
“I love you Paul. I will.”
Neither of them understood what was going on. But they knew enough – a wordless knowing – to cry and embrace each other.
“Honey…” Tyler’s wife, Vanessa, felt his fingers move, “Honey, can you hear me? You’re okay…”
He had opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a hospital room, with wires and needles affixed to him. His wife seated by
his side. Or she was by his side, but now leaning over him, as he laid in the hospital bed.
“What happened?”
“You’re okay honey. Your plane went down. Oh my god, I’m so glad your okay. You had internal bleeding. They fixed it. You’ve
been in a coma for three weeks.”
He nodded, “I saw Paul on the island. He’s fine. Tell my parents he’s fine.”
The Funeral
We had Tiff’s funeral on the 14th of October. It was just family, extended family, and friends of Tiff.
The service was held at a place called the “Gothic Chapel,” which I thought was a really cool name.
The mausoleum the service was held in was very beau ful.
Aunt-mom being given something by one of the monks.
The casket, inside which is Tiff. There is a picture of her in the background. Her mother re-arranges the flowers. There is a red ar-
row in the picture. Underneath the arrow is my Li le Mom, my birth mom.
The Closing… This was the hardest part for me. I didn’t take it well. You realize she’s really gone, and you’ll never see her again,
Some of the cousins loading Tiff’s casket into the hearse for the procession. The family decided to cremate Tiff and not bury her.
Mine and Tiff’s Grandmother [with the white hair] in the tradi onal all white. Next to her is the daughter of my late Great grandfa-
ther, who is actually my great uncle; to me and the other cousins, she is a grandmother of ours. Grandma took it well that day at
the funeral, surprisingly. My cousin-brother is in the background, to the le ; the one with the black e. I was original told to keep
close to Grandma just in case she broke down. Grandma raised Tiff since she was a baby, so they were very close. Grandma had
been crying non-stop all week anyways, so she was all cried out. Grandma said something before the funeral that hit me hard when
I heard her say it out loud, mostly to herself. She said: “I can’t believe my own granddaughter went first before me…”
A er the funeral service, Tiff’s father, mother, my li le mom, me, and Mack [a cousin], stopped by the office of the ceme-
tery to speak with the people there. Tiff’s parents wanted to witness the crema on. My li le mom and Mack did the talking.
Not many of us went to witness the crema on. We didn’t want to see Tiff get burned to ash. Only Tiff’s parents and brother went,
along with Mack, my li le mom, myself, our cousin Serena, and our oldest cousin. Me, Serena, Mack, and our oldest cousin stayed
outside the door and the others went in. Mack had changed his mind, and taking a deep breath, went inside to watch the crema-
A few days a er the funeral me and my oldest cousin were cleaning out Tiff’s car. Her mother wanted to sell it. We were
looking for bullets primarily. We found mostly crumbs of marijuana sca ered around the car, a roach of a joint, an empty cigare e
box, one unsmoked cigare e, a few lighters and pens, and some strange pills. We threw the pills away. I kept some of her pens and
a lighter to remember her by.
Mack and our other cousins had been in Tiff’s room cleaning it for her. Aun e Blackie, wanted to donate all of her clothes. James
had told the cousins to check all of her pockets for bullets. We found a few: 9mm hollow ps. I didn’t realize she used hollow ps.
When I saw the bullets, I said: “Fuck… god dammit Tiff.”
Me and James packed 4 bags of Tiff’s clothes into my trunk and we drove to the nearest Goodwill. It was hard for me to watch her
clothes being given away. It was tough for me to do it. On the way back me and James were talking about wai ng for the coroner’s
report. James said that it’s hard for him emo onally because he sees in his head the last moments of Tiff’s life in that bath tub with
the gun. She shot herself. The coroner said the me of official death was 3:30PM… but her roommate didn’t find her un l 5PM.
James said that it’s hard for him emo onally because he believes that for the 2 hours before Tiff’s roommate found her, she was
alone, and she might have been in pain.
I shook my head, and I told James that it was instant and painless, the way that she did it. With a hollow p even. The bullet would
have exited the back of her head destroying her cerebellum and medulla oblongata. Plus, the hollow p would have made a big
hole. She would have died so fast, she wouldn’t have even heard the gun go off. James goes: “Yeah it was a hollow p, but at point
blank, would hollow ps work that close?”
I wasn’t sure… since I never shot a hollow p bullet at anyone or anything. The next day, I asked a gangbanger friend of mine if hol-
low p bullets need velocity to make a big exit wound, or would it s ll work at point blank range. My friend said that the more ve-
locity the be er, but that a hollow p would s ll be devasta ng nevertheless up close.
Plus, how her roommate described Tiff in that bath tub indicated that she died instantaneous. Tiff’s roommate said that she looked
peaceful, her hands were res ng on her chest, the gun was to the side, and there were no signs of struggling such as bloody finger
marks clawing on the bath tub or anything. She took a picture of the scenery before the police came to the apartment. Tiff’s father
asked for the picture. James asked Tiff’s father to send a copy to him. I’m s ll deba ng if I want to review the picture or not to see
if she did die painlessly.
All the cousins and some of the aunts and uncles took some of Tiff’s ashes to Santa Barbara, Tiff’s favorite beach, to
sca er those ashes there. They saved some more of her ash to sca er it in Vancouver Canada. One me, the cousins and aunts
went to visit Vancouver without Tiff cuz she was busy, and Tiff was mad that she didn’t get to go.
Some of her ash is in an urn, up in her room at grandma’s house. There is a li le table in Tiff’s room, with flowers, her picture, urn,
and incense holder. Culturally – animism – we s ll give Tiff her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every me we make something or buy
something, we take some of the food up to Tiff’s room, and set it on the li le table for her.
There was one evening when we were all over at grandma’s a er the funeral, preparing to eat dinner all together. Grandma had
sent cousin Mack up to Tiff’s room, with a plate of freshly cooked food and a spoon in the plate. So Mack walked up stairs slowly,
and then stops to think for a moment, then he turns around to look at my li le mom and me and the other cousins, and says:
“Does Tiff even need a spoon?” I thought that was a good ques on. Do spirits need spoons to eat? We all laughed. It was a needed
My theory is that, when you’re freshly dead, as an astral spirit, you’re s ll very used to doing things as a mortal [habit and so on],
and so, for a while, things like spoons would give you a sense of familiarity and so on.
Speaking of spirits: A few days before the funeral, cousin James and Tiff’s brother [Rodney] were sleeping at grandmother’s house
in the living room downstairs. We had all gathered at grandma’s that week. James, his wife, and Noah had flown in from Brazil the
day before. So it was like a family reunion.
In the morning Rod and James told us something weird they experienced at dawn, when it was s ll dark. Rot said he had awoken
because he felt somebody touch his le shoulder, he had thought James touched it, but James was sleeping to his right, and there
was nobody else but the two boys in the living room. James said that he was awoken in the morning, when it was s ll dark outside,
because he heard a girl’s voice call his name. James opened his eyes and looked around, and no ced everyone was ll a sleep.
James said he freaked out and wasn’t able to go back to sleep.
Noah – 5 years old – was showing all of us at grandma’s house a YouTube video he likes to watch. It’s this weird Japanese guy sing-
ing a song about a “pen-pineapple-apple-pen.” He really likes Japanese stuff. It’s a hella funny song. Noah only speaks Portuguese,
but he understands some English. He was laughing a er he finished singing along with the video. So I said to him: “Noah, you don’t
even know what an ‘apple’ is.” So Noah goes to ask his dad – cousin James – what an ‘apple’ is in Portuguese. The li le boy at the
age of 5 has a very big sense of humor. Which is a sign that he’s very intelligent. He’s smart enough to like making his own riddles
up. Riddles like: what can fly but doesn’t have wings.
Me, my li le mom, and Tiff’s roommate all agree that the Xanax Tiff was prescribed for her anxiety and depression ul -
mately caused Tiff to do what she did. She was just ac ng and behaving very unusual and weird during the last week she was alive.
Xanax has paranoia and suicidal thoughts listed as some of its side effects. What kind of medicine has those as fucking side effects?
Nobody knew she was on it. Tiff had become extremely paranoid according to her roommate/GF Alicia. Alicia told us that Tiff be-
lieved someone was watching her and following her. Alicia said that at one point one day, Tiff told Alicia not to use the laptop be-
cause “they” were listening to her through it. Tiff had bought a gun to keep herself safe.
Tiff had also become extremely angry, at everything during her last week. She was verbally figh ng with everyone at grandma’s
house. She had verbal alterca ons with her father, mother, my li le mom whom she lives part me with [she lives with Alicia part
me also], Mack. She was ge ng into physical fights with Alicia. That wasn’t how Tiff behaves naturally, as I remember her to be.
Tiff was never paranoid like that, and wasn’t aggressive like that.
The day before she took her own life, she and Alicia were over at my grandma. The two of them were figh ng in the garage and Tiff
punched Alicia. My grandma came into the garage to stop the two of them. Alicia took off to her apartment, and Tiff stayed at
grandma’s in her room. The next day my li le mom and Tiff’s mom tried to intercede, telling Tiff to break up with Alicia if they’re
going to be physically figh ng like that, because Alicia can tell the police and Tiff can go to jail. Tiff got into a verbal fight with my
li le mom, and at one point screamed out: “I’m a fucking stray dog,” and she stormed out of the house and into her car. Tiff felt
rejected because every me she and Alicia got into a fight, the whole family would side with Alicia. Tiff had been upset with her
mother, accusing her mother of loving money more than her. When Tiff was storming out the house to her car, my li le mom said
to Tiff: “I’ll be your mom!”
Tiff le the house in the morning on Friday [the 6th of Oct]. At noon that day, Alicia reported to us that she and Tiff had lunch. Tiff
had half of a burrito. Alicia was working, and she spend her lunch hour with Tiff that day. Alicia said that during lunch Tiff seemed
fine. Alicia returned to work, and Tiff went to their apartment. My li le mom sent a text to Tiff at 5PM that Friday. The Text mes-
sage said: “You’re not a stray dog. You’re a human being, and you have a family.” Tiff was already dead by then, unbeknownst to
my li le mom, and everyone. Alicia got off work at 5PM and went home to her apartment…
Alicia told us that when she entered her apartment, the bathroom light was on, and so Alicia assumed Tiff was in the restroom us-
ing it. Alicia was talking to Tiff in the hall way, but Tiff didn’t answer. So Alicia waited in the hall way, and asked if Tiff was okay or
mad or something. No answer. Alicia said that she waited outside the hallway for about 10 minutes, and she felt very concerned
and felt like something wasn’t right. So Alicia opened the restroom door, which wasn’t locked, and saw Tiff laying in the bathtub.
She screamed in horror, and called the police. The coroner said that she shot herself at around 3:30PM, which was the official me
of death.
The Strange Things
Me, my grandma, my big mom, and Tiff mom [Aun e Blackie] all had very weird experiences before Tiff took her own life.
We all kept these experiences to ourselves, and only got together to talk about them a er the funeral.
I had few weird/wyrd experiences. The first experience was that, about three weeks before Oct 6th, I was working at our family
shop, and in the evening when it was quiet, I was wri ng stuff on my laptop, and I heard a loud bang which startled me. It was a
loud bang which sounded like a gun shot or something exploding. I had assumed a water pipe had popped or something, so I was
walking around the shop looking for water leaks, busted pipes, or smoking electronic equipment.
It took me a while, but I figured out what had caused the loud noise: the clock on the wall had dropped to the floor. The clock had
died [stopped working] at 7PM. I was very, very perplexed and emo onally disturbed inside because there was no physical way
that clock could have just fallen. On the back of the clock is a hole, and the clock stays on the wall, because a nail s cks out of the
wall half an inch from the wall, that nail goes into the hole on the back of the clock. For that clock to have fallen off the wall, it had
to have been pushed an en re half an inch. Ever since that clock fell my mind was strangely fixated on Tiffany. I thought about her
constantly, every day, especially when I’m driving home alone in the evenings.
Another weird/wyrd experience I had was, on Oct 6th, I had a dream. In the dream, me and Tiff were inside of a train sta on, with a
tall ceiling. In the dream, Tiff was a boy/guy, but I knew it was Tiff in the dream. Since childhood, Tiff had felt herself to be a boy in
the wrong body. We were standing in line, and Tiff had bought for herself a train cket. A er she had bought her train cket, me
and Tiff went to sit down on chairs to wait for her train. Between us there was a white box of donuts. Me and Tiff shared the do-
nuts as we waited for her train. When we were younger, I stayed with Tiff and her parents in Thousand Oaks during summer break
and we worked together at her parents’ donut shop. I woke up as I was ea ng my donut.
There is a li le unknown history about donut boxes here in California. In the past, donut boxes were white, but now they are pink
in color. The reason why the boxes became pink was that a bunch of Chinese-Cambodian immigrants began buying and owning
donut stores, and tradi onally the color white is associated with funerals, ghosts, and so on. And so, pu ng food inside of white
boxes was like offering the food to ghosts or dead people… which isn’t good if your customers are Chinese.
A er that dream, my mind was intensely fixated on Tiff. All day that day at work, I thought to myself that I’ll call Tiff the next day to
hang out with her and talk to her, to see if I could calm her down because I had been hearing about her fights with everyone. I also
wanted to talk to her about her depression, to try to see if I could help her out of it or something. Inside that day, I felt as if some-
thing was bad… not right… an urgency… I was anxious all day. I was concerned for Tiff that day intensely. And at one point I thought
to myself: “I hope things aren’t that bad for you Tiff where you’ll kill yourself.” That evening Alicia called one of my cousins at 7PM
to tell her that Tiff had taken her own life. My cousin called my li le mom minutes later to tell her Tiff was dead. The clock on the
wall dropped at 7PM. Tiff had shot herself in the mouth, and the bullet exited the back of her head. My migraine was in the back of
my head and it didn’t stop throbbing un l the day of the funeral.
My grandma, on Thursday the 5th [one day before Tiff died], said that during the night, she felt a young girl climb into bed
with her, and sleep next to her. She thought it was Tiff; but Tiff was sleeping at Alicia’s place that night. Grandma became fright-
ened, and interpreted that experience to mean that the spirit people had come to take her away from the mortal realm. And so, in
the middle of the night, grandma called one of my aunts. Grandma told this aunt that she may die before morning comes and to
get the will ready. Grandma went back to sleep, expec ng to never wake up. She did wake up Friday… to eventually learn that Tiff
had taken her own life that day.
My big mom has very weird dreams that tell her things. O en, she has dreams of recently deceased people who come to
her for help to transi on to the other side. One dream she had, regarded my li le mom. In the dream, my big mom saw a co-
worker of my li le mom, whom she never met before. The co-worker [a man] in the dream told my big mom that he was a co-
worker of my li le mom’s. The man told my big mom that he wanted to say good-bye to my li le mom, and to thank her for being
a good friend. My big mom told my li le mom about this dream. Li le mom was perplexed and said that she didn’t know of a male
co-worker who had died or was mortally sick. But li le mom had changed work places, one that was closer to her house for a
while. A year later, li le mom’s old office held a reunion and party with former employees, and friends and family. She had gone to
this reunion and met an acquaintance she knew, who was the sister of a male co-worker li le mom was friends with. Li le mom
asked this lady where her brother was. The lady said that her brother had died of cancer a year ago.
Six months before Tiff did what she did, my big mom had a dream. In this dream there was a young man in a train sta on with a
gun trying to kill people in the train sta on. My big mom tried to intercede, trying to talk the young man into giving her the gun so
he won’t kill people. Eventually the young man gave big mom his gun and walked away. But the man turned around and said to big
mom: “I’ll give you that gun… but I’m keeping this one for myself,” and he shows her a smaller gun he had in his pocket.
Big mom woke up from that dream emo onally distraught. She associated – for whatever reason – the dream with Tiffany. But she
said nothing to nobody, not wan ng to cause trouble or drama in the family. But for six months, something was wrong with my big
mom, she had become depressed, unhappy, she cried o en to herself in front of everyone some mes. It got so bad that my uncle-
dad [her husband] had asked my li le mom [a social worker] to take big mom to see a psychiatrist because he was very concerned
for her.
She told us that for six whole months, when she drove by herself home from work, she uncontrollable cried and felt very sad.
When aun e Blackie woke up Friday the 6th of October, she said she had an incredibly intense feeling that someone was going to
die that day. She believed that grandma was going to die. And so, that morning aun e Blackie had told her son and her niece to
work at her liquor store [they live in Lancaster] because she had to drive out to grandma’s house in Ontario to check up on her.
And so aun e Blackie drove all the way out to grandma’s house, prepared emo onally for grandma to die that day.
Aun e Blackie waited in the house all day, asking grandma how she felt, if she was okay, and watched grandma. At 3PM aun e
Blackie was sa sfied that it wasn’t grandma that was going to die. And so she le grandma’s house at 3PM to go back home. On
the way home, she feared that it was Tiff that would die, but she couldn’t understand how Tiff would die. At 3:30PM that same
day, Tiff shot herself. Aun e Blackie didn’t find out un l she was home. She had barely made it home, when she got the call from
my li le mom, telling her the grave news. Distraught and beside herself, aun e Blackie drove back to grandma’s.
One final weird/wyrd thing: Tiff likes to get psychic readings. When she died, we all examined Tiff’s diary to try and figure
out what drove Tiff to do what she did. There was an entry in her diary regarding a psychic reading she had go en a year before
she took her own life. The entry says that Tiff had go en a reading from a psychic who had told her that she would die within a
year from suicide. Some of the cousins who don’t believe in that stuff got very mad about that psychic reading because they say
that the psychic reading gave Tiff ideas and it had become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don’t know what to believe. I think it’s a li le of both. Yes, the psychic reading may have given Tiff ideas, seeded her mind with
the thought, and such thoughts may have become very strong when Tiff was behaving irra onally and irregularly from the Xanax.
But… the weird/wyrd experiences that me, grandma, big mom, and aun e Blackie had, suggests that something else was happen-
ing beneath the “charade” of mortal existence.
It makes you think about Life. That there’s more to the reality than the material world. In the car, on the way home from the funer-
al, I was telling aun e Blackie and my li le mom about children remembering their past lives, and children having Near Death Expe-
My li le mom and aun e Blackie were not familiar with what Near Death Experiences were. So I explained to them what they
were, and how they o en have universal elements to them, such as a tunnel of light, something beau ful on the other side, etc.
A er I explained what a Near Death Experience was, my li le mom told me something she had never told me before.
My li le mom says: “Geez, really? They said I can stay here for 50 years, and then I have to go back there. How long is that?”
I said back: “I think they may have meant 50 earth years.”
It just makes you wonder about Life: what’s a two-year-old know about dying and death? How does she know she was leaving?
And where was she going? And how did she know where this place was, that it was far away, and that her mother can’t follow her?
Would a two-year-old make up such fantas cal stories in the midst of dying? Stories that are similar to what other children have
told, especially those who have experienced Near Death Experiences? I personally have no answers to those ques ons. It’s a mys-
tery to me. But my intui on tells me that what such very young children tell are at least worth considera on and deep reflec on.
I’m not a materialist, so pondering on such things is easy for me.
Tiff’s death has made me even more curious about the nature of Life and reality. I’ve started to re-learn “astral projec on” again. I
want to try a few experiments. When I dream at night, even if such dreams are vivid, it is impossible for me to read things in those
dreams. The reason why is because the area in your brain that deals with reading is turned off when we sleep. One thing I want to
do is try to “astral project” to see if I can read signs and street names and so on, and other such things that would help verify and
validate my so called out of body experiences. This way, at least I have something to suggests that Mind is indeed separate from
the brain and is not a func on of the brain.
It’s obviously sad to lose such a close family member for me, but at the same me, I am honestly not a materialist. I don’t believe;
based on how and what I understand of Life and Reality; that the physical world of flesh and stone is all that exists. And so, a part
of me is not sad for Tiff. There is more to Reality than the mortal realm. That’s all I know. I don’t know what is Beyond.
And this view and world-model—that there is more to Reality than flesh and stone—raises many ques ons: What is conscious-
ness? If spirits exist, what made the spirit world? If Reality is eternal, then what has reality been doing for the past several trillion
years? Why does the spirit world exist? What is the reason or purpose of existence? If I have lived before, then how come I have no
recollec on of knowingness about all that me before I was born the person I am right now?
I have an simple answer to all of those ques ons, which superficially seems to contradict my being a non-materialist. The answer to
all of those ques ons; as per Occam’s Razor; is: No-Thing. There is no Time, no Space, no Locality, no Differen a on, no Spirit, no
Purpose, no Consciousness. Keep in mind that what we generally refer to as “consciousness” only func ons 12 hours a day, and the
rest of the me is its unconscious. It’s goofy to believe that consciousness is something special where it is the essence of Reality,
when it barely func ons, when its hardly ac ve. It’s just atemporal, acausal collec ve Unconsciousness: the Unmanifested, that
which is Poten al, having the poten al to be Expressed/Experienced temporarily.
It’s like a vinyl record. We can ask: How long has the record’s music been playing? The answer is that the record’s music has not
been playing at all. You only hear music if and when you place a needle on the record to manifest the unmanifested music. And
when the music plays, it only is Experienced temporarily. Then it stops. And so we ask: When the music stops, where does it go?
Does it go to a spirit place? Will it keep on exis ng for all eternity? Or its like the data on my computer: I see stuff on my computer
screen, but when I turn off the computer, where does all that data go? What happens to all that data? Nothing! It was just tempo-
rarily Expressed/Experienced. Before it was Expressed/Manifested, it existed as unexpressed Poten al, and it exists as being the
same thing as what “contains” it [non-differen a on]. Meaning that the vinyl record and its unexpressed music are actually one
and the same Thing. The music on the record are actually just groves and bumps of the record. The same with the data on my com-
puter. That data and the core of the computer [the chip], are actually one and the same Thing.
Time is an Experience, and not real beyond the func on of Experience/Quale. We place a needle on the vinyl record, and we hear
[experience] music for a dura on. The dura on of the music and the music itself are aspects of the same Expression, which are
both Experienced. Space is also an Experience, and is not real beyond the domain of Quale. We play a computer game and we ex-
perience Space, dimension, distance, height, breadth, width, length, here, there. And when we turn our computer off, all of those
things revert back to what they were: unexpressed bytes in transistors. The bytes and the transistors being the same Thing: the
suchness and func on [ac vity] of a transistor.
They are the same Thing: in the same way that an etching on a piece of wood and the wood itself are one and the same. In the
same way that a footprint on the beach and the beach itself is the same indivisible Thing. The Cosmic Matrix, and the Informa on
“etched” “upon” it; which we and all things are; are one and the same indivisible Thing.
Our conscious mind, is then the needle of the record player. We focus our awareness onto a pinpoint of that record, and what is
embedded at that pinpoint is Experienced. The nature and func on of consciousness it to simply focus, fixate. We fixate our face
on our computer screen. And in doing so we Experience the computer game. And when we turn our face away from the screen, the
game’s reality is gone from our awareness. There is Shiva [The Unmanifested] and there is Shak [The Manifested] and both are
aspects of Purusha [The Over-Self].
So, the no on that Tiff, and disincarnate people, can communicate with us via our dreams is not weird, because I believe that the
Collec ve Unconsciousness is the Cosmic Matrix: the very “bedrock” of Reality. And that’s where dreams are rooted in, remember?
We have dreams when we are asleep and unconscious. Dreams are the murmurings of our psyche, our unconscious mind. They are
the murmurings of a world that is genuinely Beyond this world that we are consciously aware of. A world we have become so fixat-
ed upon, so lost within.
I’ll miss Tiff. I don’t feel depressed or sad. It feels like a break up almost. Breaking up with somebody a er many years of
knowing each other. I also feel a sense of “regret” or something, like I’ve lost something valuable which I will never find or replace.
It’s a feeling of loss. It feels like a friend or family member you’ve known forever has moved out of state, and you’re si ng around
going about your day missing the person and recalling memories. Tiff’s last Instagram post was a picture of a car driving along a
road, and there is a cap on that says: “The place I’m going to is very beau ful.”
I climbed up Green Mountain, abode of the Immortals, that cloudy day, where there sat a feral asce c monk with long hair, and a
wise greyish white beard, deep in Samadhi, upon a rock, which over looked the valleys.
“What is it that you are pondering on, upasika?” said the asce c.
“A leaf, of the Bo Tree, Venerable,” I said.
“Mmm. And what do you see in it, upasika?”
“Everything and Nothing, Venerable.”
“Why everything?” he asked.
“Well, Venerable One, because although the leaf has its own suchness, it is an aspect of the tree itself. The suchness of the leaf: is
not independent of the Tree.”
“And…” he urged me on.
“And, although the Tree has its own suchness, it is an indivisible aspect of the ground, the air, the water, and the light of the sun.
The suchness of the Tree: is not independent of the earth, the air, the clouds, and the sun,” I said.
“Mmm… and?”
“And, the earth and the sun are aspects of the Galaxy Venerable One. Their suchness – their quiddity – is not independent of the
“Mmm… and?”
“And, the Cosmos is like One Whole Thing: a Uni-Verse, that which turns as one. Like a Clock is one whole thing, but is also a sys-
tem composed of many aspects and parts, cogs, springs, gears, knobs, all indivisible and co-dependent on each other and on the
Whole system.”
“Mmm. The ‘clock’ in and of itself is not the Mystery, upasika. What does that clock have its suchness in, or by what does it derive
its suchness, upasika?” the asce c one said.
“In Nothing, Venerable One.”
“Mmm. How so upasika?”
“Well, Venerable, when I behold the clock in my mind, it has suchness rela ve to my mind. And my Mindspace is Nothing,” I an-
“Mmm. What is this No-Thingness that gives Things their Some-Thingness upasika?”
I sat there for a while, and I pondered upon the riddle, and I said, “I don’t know Venerable One. Tell me: what is the suchness of No
He said, “If I knew upasika, I wouldn’t be si ng here.
Thinking And How To Spread Ideas
I bought this book called “An Introduc on To General Systems Thinking” a while back, which I haven’t read yet. I have 427 Kindle
books. It takes me to read them all. And with so many books in my Kindle library, some books get lost underneath the pile. I’m
currently reading this book and studying its content.
The book is basically about thinking, how to think be er, and more organically, in context to general systems. The author, since
the 60s has been obsessed with thinking.
So far, I like the book. I especially like how the first chapter opens, which coincidentally touched upon elements of what I was talk-
ing about in my blog yesterday. This is how the first chapter begins:
The first chapter starts off dealing with science, and the various methods of thinking and modeling science uses: mechanical, or-
ganismic, reduc onism, and so on:
The most coolest and interes ng thing I’ve chanced upon while reading the first couple chapters so far is a quote by Max Planck:
How Ideas/Memes Are Actually Spread
People generally – the common generic person – don’t accept an idea because they have been successfully convinced that such
ideas are supremely factual.
People generally – the common everyday human being – don’t actually care about how factual an idea or meme is. The common
person, when reading this will react nega vely to it as if his “intelligence” has been offended.
All I have to do to draw out this point is to point out the fact that religions like Chris anity and Islam exist, and that of the 7 Billion
human beings on this earth that exist, the Majority of them ascribe to these religions, and other such belief systems.
There is nothing factual about myths such as Adam and Eve, Noah’s Ark, Muhammad flying on a donkey, Muhammad being born
out of his mother armpit. And so on. But yet billions of human beings believe in these ideas. Why?
Who cares why. I don’t care why. What I care about is HOW. Because if I knew HOW ideas spread into the minds of billions of peo-
ple, I can use it to spread my own ideas. That’s all I care about.
As far as I can tell at the moment, there are only three ways that ideas spread far and wide. They are as follows:
1. By the Sword.
Chris anity is a good example of how a memeplex – a complex or organized structure of belief-sets and cultural memes – spreads
by the sword. And it’s a beau ful method worth praising.
Chris anity spread not because it contained any truths, but because it killed unbelievers and threatened the common European
human being death and torture if they did not adopt it.
I love the idea of forcing and killing people to adopt ideas. Because what will you do about it when a gun is poin ng at your face?
Spreading ideas by the sword beau fully shows us the suchness of the common human being: that they will submit to anything
when their lives and freedom are threatened… even to the point where they compliantly pay taxes every year, as if it were second
Ideas being adopted because of Cyberne c Pressure is a simple concept, but difficult to explain.
For example, in old tribal days, a tribe might fish for fish in a river with long spear like tools. Then one day, somebody invents the
fishnet, whereby many fish can be caught. The many fish caught adds to the well-being of the tribe [the cyberne c en ty]. And so,
nobody has to be convinced or tortured to use the fishnet meme. It is just adopted by the units of the cyberne c en ty, because it
enhances the well-being of the system and its units.
A modern example of how ideas spread in modern social order is the use of the smartphone and the disuse of old cell phones from
the 90s and 2000s. Smartphones today work be er at providing connec vity and informa on flow. And so a country and its ci zens
don’t have to be convinced or tortured to stop using old cell phones and buy smartphones. No debate is necessary. Cyberne c
pressure just causes everyone to buy smartphones.
This was how the idea of democracy spread also. It’s not because people saw any facts or truths in democracy, like it was the best
thing ever invented.
There was actually great resistance to the idea of democracy back in the Ancient Regime era of Europe.
But that resistance gradually died off, literally because the genera on of people who resisted the idea of democracy died away.
And with the emergence of each new genera on of new people, the idea of democracy became more Familiar, more normal, and
more acceptable.
This is fractal in nature, within human social order.
Back in the old days, there was a lot of resistance to the ONA, where you had the Temple of Set and Church of Satan and the peo-
ple of that subculture resist the ONA as an idea, and were actually hos le to it.
I’ve been trying to tell people in the ONA that we shouldn’t care what the current genera on of people think about the ONA. What
they think it is. How they feel about it. What they say it is. Because they will all die in me, and they will take their views and opin-
ions with them to the grave.
What we should care about is the tabula rasa of the minds of each new emerging genera on. Our audience and market is the un-
born. The future market. It’s “aeonic marke ng,” if you will.
ISIS understands this simple concept.
Materialist Science used it to spread itself, to become the new religion of the common mass.
I can’t stand these people you find in cyberspace, mostly in those occult subcultural forums, where you see these guys march into
the scene ac ng like some potentate with treasure and wisdom to impart. And they all spend their me deba ng and arguing with
people trying to show others how great and true and factual and awesome their new itera on of the wheel is. I’ve seen all such
types of people fall off the face of cyberspace, having accomplished nothing in the end. It’s entertaining to watch. Because they
don’t get it.
Facebook And So On
.:.So I’ve had a facebook for about a month now. Maybe three weeks. I can’t remember. I’ve deleted it and reac vated it like
about 6 mes already. I was ha ng facebook majorly for the first few weeks. But I’ve found my peace.
I started off on facebook joining a few groups for writers and aspiring writers. I figured I’d learn a few things. I also joined a few
other groups, spiritually oriented groups. That’s when things got fucked up.
Second, your profile page gets flooded with everybody’s posts, most of which are trivial and silly, such as pictures.
Third, and this one surprisingly bugged me so bad, I could feel it all the way down to my bone marrow! The most annoying and
heinous thing about facebook are the people! They aren’t just people mind you. They are all like cookie-cut-out people who are
very liberal, very le -oriented, very typical, very average, very… Mundane. Reading their posts – I had to because they flooded my
profile page – made me fucking sick. The shit they talk and cry about! Typical stuff, like crying crocodile tears for hurricane vic ms,
crying about racism, crying about Trump, crying about gay rights, crying their cyber crocodile tears about everything.
I learned something about myself during those weeks: I learned – or verified to myself – that I honestly can’t stomach the average
common normal person.
So I deleted my profile. But I reac vated it a few days later when I realized that I could just leave those groups! So I did that. I le
all those groups.
That’s when something else happened that was hella annoying! I started my facebook with zero friends. I thought it’ll be nice to
have a few friends.
And so, interac ng in those groups, got a few people to send me friend requests. So I added them, mostly to be nice, since they
asked. I didn’t ask anybody to be my friend.
And once I had me a few African and Arabic friends, all of a sudden, every day, I got flooded with friend requests from even more
Africans and Arabs. I was thinking to myself: “Who the fuck are all these people? And why do they want to be my friend?”
I added all of them anyways, just to be nice.
Next thing you know, my profile page is ge ng flooded with a hundred posts a day in Arabic, dozens of stupid, irrelevant pictures
posted by Africans. And I had some nutcase old guy from the Ukraine or someplace as my friend who spent all day wri ng status
updates in bright red about how he loves Larissa Gomez and how he’s sad because she won’t add him as a friend. Who the fuck is
Larissa Gomez?
So I deleted everybody except for a very small handful of people I met in some writer’s groups. But even that small handful
bugged me. They posted very ‘liberal’ le -oriented posts everyday, like you would expect a typical person would do. I got fed up
with facebook and facebook people. So I deleted my facebook again.
Having zero friends, is so peaceful.
The only group I am a member of is a Lenormand card reading group.
It’s a really cool group. Nobody in that group argues, debates, or fights. Everybody is very well mannered, and everybody gets along
great! All we do is read [psychic stuff] cards with and for each other, as a way to prac ce and get be er at it. It’s actually fun.
For example, when you prac ce reading Lenormand cards, you do something called the “Daily Draw,” in the morning, which is
when you ask your cards how your day will be, or what you will encounter that day, or what will happen to you that day.
So, many people post pictures of their daily drawn cards [3 of them usually], and they ask others for their interpreta ons. So we
jump in and give them our personal interpreta ons. The cool part happens at the end of the day when people report back about
what actually happened to them that day! When they give us feedback you can see what the cards were trying to say, and you can
see how you did in reading those cards.
It’s so much easier to learn things when you get rid of all sources of distrac on and focus yourself.
Now I have this mystery I’d like to solve. I’ve never really believed in all that psychic power stuff, and tarot card readings, at least
stuff you encounter in the Western Occult subculture. But a er playing around with my Lenormand cards, giving family, friends and
people in real life readings, and giving quick interpreta ons of people’s daily draw on facebook, I wonder now about divina on and
why divina on works.
I’m culturally Asian, born and raised. In my culture stuff like palm reading, dream interpreta ons, card readings, spirit mediumship,
numerology, and so on are valid aspects of our culture. I’ve seen some old men and women who were very skilled and incredibly
accurate with reading people cards with a deck of poker cards!
The Lenormand cards are interes ng. About 200 years ago they actually started off in Germany as a boardgame called “The Game
of Hope” [in German]. How did a boardgame end up being able to be a conduit or medium of the Psyche [psychic] to speak mes-
sages through?
I’ll find my answers one day by myself. Over the past 10 years, I’ve learned one valuable thing: seek your own answers, and don’t
ask for it from others. Because other people – being the Common breed that they are – have a very common worldview and world-
model. And thus, they will have very common answers to give. Not answers mind you: the majority of the common herd confuse
their own opinions, beliefs, and views for Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom.
Being a Theravada Buddhist, I’m familiar with the concept of renuncia on. I’m also familiar with the Pali word the Buddha used
which in English is grossly mistranslated as “Transcendence.” The original Pali word actually means to “rise above the public” as in
the common public. There is no Wisdom in the common public mind. There are just capricious and whimsical emo ve sen ments.
In the old testament there were a group of people called “Nazarites” who were described as a “people separated.” They took sa-
cred vows to never consume grapes or things made from grapes, and they also did not cut their hair. If I remember correctly – and
my memory regarding this is very hazy – I think Samson was described as being a Nazarite?
In my culture, when you have a kru – guru in Khmer/Thai – your kru o en gives you a list of things you must “Dhom” which means
things you cannot eat, drink, or do. Lest the power your kru placed into you becomes “Sap” meaning dissolved. I’m not allowed to
eat those fruits called “Star fruits,” or Passion fruit, for this reason, for the rest of my life. I have a list of things I have to “dhom” for
my whole life.
I wonder if those Nazarites had gurus?
A separated people.
Separated from the common public. From the common mind. The public mind. Detached. Renuncia on.
And you retreat, like a Muni, like a Rishi, like a hermit, like Buddha, like Lao Tzu, like Nietzsche’s Zarathustra into the forest or into a
cave. To be alone. Your mind, cut off from the world, the common public. You are exposed to divine silence, exposed to the actual
world – the forest, the earth – sans the silly man-made ci es and their urban weltanschauung.
And whatever answers to whatever ques ons you have, are found encrypted in that World, in Nature, in the manifested body of
Purusha. Where every creature and thing – that which is crea on – is a living hieroglyph “wri en” by the hand of the Divine Ar fi-
And so, in such a isolated state. When you use your own mind, and the harmony of Reason and Intui on, to decrypt the hiero-
glyphs, what answers you come to – what insights – you have developed, have only three possible modes of expression: 1) they will
be below average [idio c in other words], 2) they will be common insight, or 3) they will be above common insight. And since you
are separated from the common mind, mode 2 should not be the case.
In other words, what answers and insights you come up with, will either be idio c or Uncommon. And it’s the Uncommon insights
that we describe as being “Wise” and “Sagely.”
And something tells me that there is a fine line between the Idio c and the Uncommon. And apple falling on the head of Sir Issac
Newton must have produced an ini al idio c realiza on: that something made that apple fall. But how grand and mysterious Gravi-
ty is!
I s ll don’t know what gravity is! I’m not going to be silly enough as to say that I know what it is because I see it working everyday. I
see my brain work everyday, and yet – and yet! – I have no idea how it works or what makes it work.
Maybe the Common person is too afraid to be idio c? To look like an idiot, a fool. Like the saying goes: there is a fine line between
being insane and being a genius. Perhaps most of us – and therefore the average common person by default – are simply afraid to
be insane, or look crazy, in order to cross that line to be a genius, or to be Uncommon?
The common person fears Solitude and Silence. They are always busy physically moving about doing something. Mentally doing
something. They fill their quiet me with music, TV, etc. Boredom is their arch-enemy. Always figh ng it. Always keeping it at bay.
Afraid of being consumed by boredom, silence, and solitude.
I always end up talking about Natural Philosophy, about life, about transcending the common mind, about Mysterium. And what I
write – what I have wri en all these years – is just my psyche mumbling and murmuring and bubbling messages to my conscious
mind. And so they may only make sense to me myself, may only be meaningful to me myself. They may be gibberish to others, per-
haps even offensive.
I can honestly say that I’ve learned a lot these past many years, upon this solitary path I walk. It’s neither a le hand path or a right
hand path. It’s the path of Solitude, of the Recluse, of the Hermit, which is my favorite card in the Tarot deck. The path of the Sepa-
rated, the Renounced. And that path of Solitude begins with the Fool, another reference to the Tarot.
We all begin as Fools and Idiots on this lonely path – this quest – of seeking Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom. Very few –
the uncommon few – desire to be the Fool. Your cup must be empty before it can be filled.
It’s a peaceful path, being alone… the Micro-Monad and the Macro-Monad. If God exists, He is Alone, and there is no other but He.
Those who understand the esoteric meaning of God’s Oneness, will see new meaning to the concept that Solitude o en produces
and manifests Insight and Crea vity.
There is a saying from the Bible ascribed to the character Jesus which goes: “Seek and ye shall find.”
From so many years of being on my quest to find answers to ques ons I have about life and the mysteries of the Cosmos, from my
experiences, that saying is strangely true. In more ways than one.
You eventually find your answers. Some mes you chance upon them. Some mes the answer bubbles up from your psyche as you
are hiking. Some mes – providen ally – you hear the answer spoken by a stranger, coincidentally, as you drink your coffee at a
And the more avenues you give to the Cosmos to speak to you, the more responsive it becomes. I’ve given the Universe, or God, or
Whatever, an extra avenue to speak with me. The avenue of Lenormand cards. Specifically their 36 symbols and meanings.
For instance, not too long ago, the thought of an old friend came to my mind, and I spent many days wondering if I could reconnect
with this old friend.
I stopped what I was doing and ran to the bird. I felt very bad and sad inside for it. I picked the bird up. It was s ll alive. I could feel
its heart bea ng, and it was breathing rapidly. So I placed it on my deck. It took about 20 minutes for the li le sparrow to come to
its senses and got up and tried to walk but couldn’t. Eventually it got be er and hopped around, but couldn’t fly yet. When it was
alert and was able to hop around, I took it outside to a large hedge where I see its friends – other sparrows – visit o en to eat the
red berries of the hedge. I placed the sparrow inside the hedge. It’s friends came by and encouraged it to fly. And eventually it flew
A er I saw the bird fly away, my concern for the bird’s well-being was gone. So then my mind was free to wander on less important
things. Such as how weird/wyrd it was that a sparrow was inside my shop in the first place.
That’s when I instantly knew that my desire to contact my long lost friend will be in vain. That I won’t be able to reconnect with
I tried to search for my lost friend. It was no use. He had moved and was not working at his workplace and our mutual friends had
not heard from him in years. I’d have to hire a private inves gator to find him. But I didn’t.
I think it’s really cool that bird in the ancient past were dinosaurs!
I had this one friend once back in grade school named Anthony who loved dinosaurs. He was a geek boy who wore weird and ugly
clothes to school. He always talked about dinosaurs. He wanted to be one of those scien sts who dug up dinosaur bones from the
ground. The poor boy thought dinosaurs were gigan c lizards.
Dinosaurs were probably gregarious like bird, very social, and lived in large groups. They were probably very intelligent. Crows and
ravens are very intelligent, and parrots can talk. I bet you if some dinosaurs were alive today, some of them could be taught how to
This reminds me of a book I read back when I was around my high school age called the “Naked Ape.”
It was a very interes ng book that talked about how the author hypothesized that we humans may have evolved from aqua c
apes. Apes that ended up living most of their lives around water. At first – for many years – I thought that was a very cool and re-
freshing idea. I walked on that idea for many years; meaning I took many walks up and down hiking trails pondering on the subject
ma er.
I hypothesized that what if, in our primate past, our ape ancestors found ape people with less fur on their skin, and more exposed
skin, to be sexually appealing? That there was a preference to mate with sexually appealing mates. And over me, due to both Nat-
ural Selec on and Sexual Selec on in harmony, we lost our fur that way and became “naked apes.”
The more evolved and developed our respec ve social orders are, the more well-being we have. The more well-being we have, the
more me and energy we have in looking more a rac ve.
And so, you can actually compare groups of people to see this process of Sexual evolu on actually taking place.
For example you can take African American guys and girls and compare them to na ve African guys and girls, and you can see the
difference. One group is more sexually appealing. I live in a city with a huge Chinese popula on. I’m part Chinese myself. You can
see the difference when you compare Chinese people, especially the younger – newer – genera ons with Chinese people na ve
and indigenous to China. Even in China itself, you can compare groups of people from evolved ci es and poor rural areas. The more
evolved the social order and the more well-being they have, the more a rac ve they are.
Anyways. I’m on page seven. This is what it looks like when I let myself just wander mentally, and write freely, sans the restric on
of a single topic.
.:.There are many things I don’t do. My personal culture of person. Each person has their own private culture. What’s a culture
called when only one person observes/prac ces it? It’s called a Habit. Your personal culture is your “Habitude.” Culture and Cul -
vate sharing the same root. A Culture is a Habitude a group of people collec vely cul vate, observe/prac ce.
I don’t invest my intellectual capital in forums or other people’s venues. This is something I have a hard me understanding in oth-
ers. I see people in these forums spend years, producing thousands of posts, many of which are filled with great insights and
knowledge: and then they get banned. And those posts don’t manifest any end results. Why use your intellectual capital to em-
power something like a forum which doesn’t belong to you, which is owned by some other person? I make wordpresses to invest
my intellectual capital in, and I now have a li le e-zine to collect my thoughts and stuff in.
Aside from siblings and cousins, most of the friends I have in real life are gang members and similar types of people. According to
my worldview, I divide society – the people I see around me – into 5 classes or social ranks based on their dharma or natural inner
nature [physis]: 1) Common, 2) Professional, 3) Military, 4) Noble, 5) Sages. I was raised in upper class Thai/Khmer culture which is
heavily influenced by olden Brahmanism, and so we socially divide everybody into those classes. We call them “Vanna” in Khmer,
which comes from Pali. Vanna in Sanskrit is Varna. All people, by our Nature and Ethos, fall into one of those five classes.
Common people are your everyday average people, who usually work wage based jobs. Professional are people with careers, own
small businesses, execu ves, self-employed, entertainers such as musicians and actors, and so on. Military are people with a natu-
ral disposi on/dharma for being soldiers, for figh ng, using violence to achieve goals, such as actual military personnel, gang mem-
bers, and so on. Nobles are people – anybody – whose character of person, carriage, demeanor, language, inner makeup, outlook
in life, behavior, mode of living, is noble in quality. Sages are people like college professors, scien sts, spiritual teachers, asce cs,
and so on.
I don’t make friends with Common people, people from the common class, people whose natural disposi on is common. I only
make friends with people from classes 3-5. My favorite people to associate with are from the Military vanna: people who are actu-
ally in the military or are gang members.
Because they are self-disciplined, they honor codes of conduct, they have a sense of honor and integrity, they respect rules and
regula ons, they have a sense of collec ve iden ty where they iden fy with a group [gang or na onal army], and they aren’t afraid
to use violence.
I also like having gang members as friends because the friendship is easy to maintain because of a virtue Common people lack:
Loyalty. What I mean is, having a rela onship with your pet dog is easy to maintain because your pet dog has a very strong sense of
loyalty to you. You don’t even have to try to maintain a rela onship with your pet dog, it’s just always by your side. And gangbang-
ers have that same sense of loyalty for their associates. Nothing has to be said, the friendship is always there.
I classify homeless people as being asce cs, and thus up in vanna number 5. They have separated themselves from society. Re-
nounced the system. And if they are intelligent: they have interes ng views and insights about the world, from the vantage point
of an “outsider,” meaning one who exists outside the system we are inside of. In that way, I value their insights and perspec ve. I’d
rather be friends with a homeless guy than a Common guy. I actually have a few homeless friends.
There is one class below the Common vanna, which is vanna number zero. Vanna zero is composed of “interlopers,” meaning out-
siders who come into your country or social order, who resist assimila ng, don’t want to learn your language, don’t want to be a
part of your culture, society, and people, don’t respect your tradi ons, but they want to use your country and tax money neverthe-
less for their own benefit. I hate people from that class; they’re parasites; and I dislike anybody who supports them.
It’s unfortunate that democracy upli s and glorifies the Common class. Democracy caters to the Common man, and his Common
mentality. In a democracy, things such as virtue, honor, and intelligence are of no value: because they don’t get you votes. It’s the
common sen ments of the Common people that get you votes, that vote you into posi ons of power. And in such a system, those
people who are noble in character, intelligent thinkers, spiritually illuminated, valiant, loyal, are marginalized in the shadows of the
system. Aeonically, this influences the quality of a people and na on.
I don’t have discussion, debates, or arguments with people; in real life or on the internet. Because I personally believe in the Sover-
eignty of Conscience: that each person, each brain and mind, has the sovereign natural right to have their own conscience
[sen ments, interests, views, beliefs, religion, opinions, models, weltanschauung].
If you believe in UFOs, then that’s your natural sovereign right of conscience to do so, and your belief in UFOs – regardless of my
opinion – is none of my business. If you believe that gravity is not real, that is your sovereignty of mind to do so, and so there is no
need for discussion or debate, unless we are further discussing your interes ng views. Whether you are “wrong” or “right” or what
science or religion has to say about your rejec on of gravity is besides the point and is irrelevant. You simply have the sovereignty
of mind to believe what you please. There is no need for discussion or debate, or argument.
Likewise with how a person may think of me, their opinions of me. That’s your natural right of mind to have such opinions, and it’s
none of my business or care what opinions of me you have. There is no need for discussion or debate or argument.
If your are organically intelligent, and if in Time you grow in mind where that you see things different 5, 10, 20 years from now:
your own beliefs and opinions will change, you see. And so again: I have no need to argue or debate, because Time will do that
work for me, without any effort on my part.
I get this from my Buddhism. I was raised a Theravada Buddhist. In our Theravada culture, your spiritual elders and monks teach
you differently then how you are taught things in the West.
For example, just to illustrate as an analogy: there are two ways to teach a young person about sex. You can give them sex educa-
on in 5th grade. Or you can wait for them to sit down and ask you ques ons.
In Theravada culture, as far as your spiritual teachers do things, they teach you with the second method. They only teach you
things when you are mentally ready to receive and understand things. And they know you are ready when you become curious and
If your young teenage son asks you how he can tell if a girl likes him, surely his mind is at that stage in Time when he is thinking
about girls, and so he is mentally ready to receive insights on the ma er, and he’s ready to actually appreciate/understand what
insights you impart. If your young teenage daughter asks you one evening about sex, then surely her mind is at that level were she
is thinking about sex and is looking for knowledge on the subject. Whereas before she was ignorant of the ma er of sex, her mind
being underdeveloped regarding such ma ers, she wouldn’t have organically appreciated, apprehended, any knowledge you give
to her about sex. It’s like trying to teach a young man or woman what it’s like to be a father or mother. It’s like telling a li le boy
how stressful it is to be the CEO of a company. They hear shit, they hear you talking, but their brains will not compute it.
As my friend grew older, he got married with children. One day he brought his wife and children over to introduce them to me. His
wife is a brown skinned Mexican girl, his kids are “halfers.” One day later, when I saw Johan again, I said to him: “What happened
Johan? Your wife is an ethnic Mexican.” We laughed, and he shrugs his shoulders and says back to me: “Hey… I wish we could con-
trol who we fall in love with.”
He says to me: “I’d kill the motherfucker. Regardless of his skin color. They’re my kids. My blood.”
And so, with Time, Johan’s views changed, because he’s an intelligent man. And so, there is no need to debate or argue, or put in
the effort to change another person’s mind about their opinions or beliefs: because if they are intelligent: they will change their
minds in Time. Because it is the nature of Mind to change and grow. That is if you are indeed intelligent.
How can you gauge or determine the poten al of a person, the organic intelligence of a person, unless you give them the room and
freedom to have their own mind and conscience, and then watch to see if they evolve and grow in Time?
It difficult for me to have an opinion or belief around people who are underdeveloped mentally. And most people are underdevel-
oped. Because as soon as they know what you believe or what opinions you have, they have this primi ve need to make you ac-
cept their belief and opinions. They go out of their way to tell you that you are wrong, they are right, they know be er, and so on.
And if you don’t accept their views and opinions, they throw tantrums, argue some more, debate some more, etc. Not understand-
ing that in Time, their own views and opinions they are trying to force on you will actually change! It’s funny to me: how ignorant
they are, of how their own mind organically works.
Why try to make others see things your way, agree with your beliefs, accept your opinions, when 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 years from now
your own mind and heart will change? It makes no sense to me: because I organically know I don’t know anything. What beliefs,
opinions, and views I have are temporary manifesta ons of the current state of development of my mind, which is in a constant
state of flux and change.
It’s imperialis c isn’t it? To try to spread and force others to accept your beliefs, and opinions. To shove your mind into other peo-
ple’s mindspace.
Don’t get me wrong: I am an Imperialist! And so, if you end up trying to play such imperialist games with me because you have no
respect for my sovereignty of mind, and you try to vanquish and conquer and colonize my mindspace, I’ll not only put up a fight
and resist, but I got more imperialist skills to colonize your mindspace with my memes.
First Impressions
.:.First impressions. It’s important for things like job interviews and da ng. The fact the such a thing as ‘the first impression’ even
exists and is so important socially – let’s not forget or deny that we humans are social creatures – demonstrates to some of us,
something about our human nature most of us would rather not acknowledge: that we are shallow creatures. That despite all the
rhetoric, we are indeed superficial and do judge the surface of things. We probably inherited this judgment of ini al appearance
from our animal ancestors: colors of fruits and berries, color and smell of predictors and prey, etc. It’s useful – evolu onarily
speaking – to have, for the sake of survival.
I actually do judge a book by its cover. Most authors will at least acknowledge that the cover of their book is important! If the first
impression is good, I’ll have a deeper look. I do judge the content of a book by its first chapter, and the first few sentences of that
first chapter. I do judge movies by the first few minutes. If the impressions are good, I have the desire to take a deeper look.
I’m like that with people too, naturally. How a person dresses, looks, their body language, use of eye contact, all adds to my first
impression of a person. I dislike most people: how they look, how they dress, how they carry themselves, their tone of voice, etc.
And I look no deeper.
I’m like that with people on-line also. You can get your first impression of a person by reading their post in a forum, how they in-
teract and behave with others, their vocabulary and lexicon, if they have emo onal barriers up, if they are ego s c, etc. I dislike
most people I encounter on the internet, and have no desire to look any deeper. I’m pre y indifferent to most of them.
There are a few people in cyberspace I’ve met though who gave me a great first impression. Their demeanor, amicable approach-
ability, that they give credit and compliments and even praises where its due, their intelligence, crea vity, style of person, person-
ality. A few of them disliked me in the beginning. But that doesn’t ma er. If I’m interested in or like a person, how they feel about
me, their opinions of me, are irrelevant. I’ll go out of my way to try to establish a friendship with them, so I can get to know them
be er.
From my experience in life – s ll young as I am – I’ve learned that the good friends [in situ and otherwise] I have, start off as rivals
or enemies. I really like making friends with those few who really don’t like me, people I’ve go en into fights and hateful interac-
ons with. Where you call each other names and cuss at one another. Because having done all of that, both par es have shown
each other their true colors, the real colors of their feathers, their real face. And so then you can “keep it real” with them. Not
have to pretend to be someone you are not with them. You can con nue to call each other names as friends, and it’s all cool. It’s
not one of those friendships where you have to tread lightly on eggs shells, lest you offend the other person and they get bu hurt
and don’t want to be your friend any more.
They saying “easy come easy go” is applicable. Friendships that come/develop easy, fall apart very easy. It’s the hard earned
friendships, that last a while, that actually have value. And that’s another element of our human nature many of us don’t con-
sciously acknowledge: that we ascribe greater value to things we struggle to have/earn, as opposed to things that freely come to
us, or are given to us. A quick example: a dollar you struggle to make, and a dollar given to you actually have different set of val-
ues. You would be reluctant to spend the one you worked hard to earn.
I don’t like people who give themselves up for friendship so easily. Like girls or guys that give themselves up for sex easy. It cheap-
ens their worth and value. It’s the same way with me and philosophy. I dislike a philosophical system that just gives you what it
has, presents everything for you upfront on the table. It feels cheap and worthless. It’s the philosophical systems that are reluc-
tant to give up its wisdom, that I find to be interes ng and valuable. Such system are usually called things like mys cism, myster-
ies, esoterica, and so on.
Something like Natural Philosophy – deriving philosophical insights from Nature – is like a very s ngy grandmother in this regard.
She hides all of her secrets, and is very reluctant in offering you a dime. You have to work hard, to coax her into giving you some
sense/cents. I’m in love with Natural Philosophy, and chase a er it, like a person who plays hard to get. It’s the chase… the chal-
lenge… the Game. What’s the worth and value and fun of a Game if the prize is just given to you without any effort? Mother Na-
ture gives me an interes ng first impression. She is agathokakological, violent yet providen al, caring yet apathe c, murderous
yet life-giving. Destruc ve yet crea ve. What a Mystery she is.
A Dreccian Sport
.:.A large fight broke out off campus a er school, across the street in the parking structure. Brandon Lopezsmith was watching on
the sidewalk, just outside the structure. There were about 20 Dreccs all dressed in Doc Martens, blue jeans, tank tops, grey sus-
penders, black crew jackets, and folded grey bandannas hanging out their le pockets, lynching a group of 10 kids.
A er a few moments of yelling, fists flying, one of the kids ge ng lynched by the Dreccs screamed uncle. “Alright! Compliance!
Compliance!” was all Brandon heard, and the Dreccs broke apart and ran out of the structure in different direc ons, leaving 10 kids
with bruised faces and bloody noses. The crowed of kids watching began leaving the scene and walking home.
Brandon took out his vape, took a hit of his THC juice, and started to walk home up Lemon street towards the hill overlooking his
new high school’s football field. He was a sophomore, a good looking guy, toned body, pre y tall, 5 feet 11 inches, he had short
black hair, brown eyes, long pre y eyelashes, and a dimple on his right cheek when he smiled.
His school, Keystone High, was across the street from Keystone Community College, located just a mile from Downtown Keystone,
which was more of an old town, than a downtown.
Brandon jay walked across the street to walk on the college side. He had seen in the distance on that side, a girl, one of the Dreccs,
he assumed, since she was dressed like one of them. She was smoking an analogue cigare e, leaning up against a short wall three
feet high which ran along a parking lot half full of cars. Brandon had no ced she was watching him from afar. As he got closer to
the ‘Drecce e’ she gave him a smile, with her head tled. She looked Asian, but Brandon wasn’t sure, she might be mixed.
He smiled, “I didn’t think anybody smoked analogue cigs anymore in 2095,” he said to the Drecce e. She had a grey bandanna
hanging out of her le pocket, and grey shoe laces, around her neck, Brandon no ced a sliver inverted Septagram.
“Analogue cigs are like cigars: they’re classy. Vape is so Mundane,” she said, offering him an analogue cigare e from a pack of
Camels. She watched him carefully.
Brandon looked at his vape-pen, and took a hit with a smirk, looking at her defiantly, then blew a cloud of smoke out the side of his
mouth into the air, “THC juice,” he offers the girl his vape, “you’re en tled to your opinions, ma’am, but I’ll s ck with my vape.”
She took it and took a drag and smirked.
“THC huh. I like you. Confident, secure and sure of yourself. Like a man ought to be. Girl’s have this way of poking and tes ng men.
I would have lost any respect for you if you had put away your vape-pen and took a cigare e. You would have made yourself look
like a pussy, unable to stand your own ground, no values and views of your own,” she pulled out a cigare e and handed it to him,
and put the pack into her pocket.
This girl wasn’t a regular girl of common mind. She was intelligent, as far as Brandon could decipher, she had studious eyes that
watched his every move, gesture, and body language, you can tell she was thinking when she wasn’t talking, and she was already
tes ng him with subtle psychological tricks and mind games.
“Oh I know. Trust me. I got a mother, aunts, older sisters, female teachers, and a few ex-girlfriends. My daddy didn’t raise me a
sissy with an idealis c view of women… ma’am. This is one of those occasions where the old saying ‘you are what you eat’, is non-
applicable,” he winked at her and took the cigare e, showing her that he was open to compromise with a girl, for the right end
He held the analogue between his fingers and looked at it, “Camels… aren’t these $27 a pack these days? I’m Brandon by the way,”
he extended his hand.
She looked into his eyes, shook his hand firmly, smile, “I’m Chloe,” she rolled her eyes, “yeah, $27.99 to be exact. The government
is hella relentless. They’ve been taxing the tobacco industry like for a whole century now! So you’re the new guy.”
Brandon began walking. Chloe stopped leaning on short brick wall, and started to walk up Lemon street with him.
“Yes ma’am, first day. You guys get down don’t you? What was that all about back there?”
“They’re a local tagger crew, DFA, Down For Art. We ba led with them a month ago. The agreement was that the losing crew dis-
solves and stops tagging. They lost and didn’t comply with the agreement. So the boys regulated.”
“Huh. So what’s your Drecc crew called?”
“MTDX, Mid-Town Dreccs. It’s not called a crew. It’s called a ‘Sexion’. Dreccs anywhere and everywhere are one Sinister Family. The
Family is divvied up into sec ons. Each sexion is autonomous and does their own thing. So not all sexions tag-bang like us. Any-
ways, where are you from? I hear an accent?”
“You’d laugh if I told you,” Brandon said.
“No I won’t. That’s a Southern accent. Where?”
“Houston Texas.”
“Really? I love chili!”
Brandon let out a laugh, “That’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of Texas?”
“Yeah. That and cowboys and country music. I like country music… and cowboys,” she said, looking at him.
“Really? Cowboys huh? That was unexpected. Why cowboys?”
“Well, cuz I’m Drecc. I’m a Traditonalist. I think it’s a beau ful thing when a person has deep roots and is connected with their own
ancestral Folk Culture. In that way, I think cowboys are kind of sexy. It’s really Mundane for a White American guy to be cultureless,
cuz you’re just a drone of the State, a faceless drone without a spirit, a volksgeist, and that’s Common. Don’t you think? Have you
ever read the an que wri ngs of David Mya ?”
“Oh really? Are you Drecc? See, that’s what I’m talking about: cowboys are very well mannered and properly raised. It’s very a rac-
ve, sets you apart from those other guys.”
“Thanks,” he blushed, “I’m not sure if I am Drecc. I’ve ini ated myself into the first grade of the Seven Fold Way. How do you
properly become a Dreccian? Please pardon my ignorance.”
“There’s really nothing to it. It’s just a simple Code of Honour you agree to live by. That’s it. Nothing to believe it, nothing religioso.
You don’t have to be a member of a Drecc organiza on, tribe, gang, or sexion. But if you do, we’re always looking for a new broth-
He took a drag of his cigare e, “I’m interested. What do I have to do to get into MTDX?”
She smiled, “I’ll take care of that cowboy. So you listen to country music?”
“Yes ma’am. I play the guitar.”
“I can teach you,” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah? I’d like that,” she looked at him for a while, turned around and walked again.
“You live up the hill too?” he said.
“Yeah. On Bright street. You?”
“Washington street. We’re two blocks apart.”
“Cool. I can skateboard to your place,” Chloe gestured her head to the right, “this is my street. I’ll see you tomorrow at school
“Yeah. I’m glad we met Chloe,” he grabbed her waist, pulled her into him, and gave her a hug.
She smiled, conten ully. He was a well bred guy, confident, and took what he wanted without asking. She found that really sexy, it
“Likewise Brandon,” she hugged him back, let go of him, and started walking up her street, “oh, give me your number real quick.”
Brandon pulled his shirt sleeve up, exposing his Holocom – Holographic Communicator: a smartwatch/phone with holographic
touch screen capability – and bumped it to Chloe’s Holocom.
“So, I’ll text you before lunch and introduce you to everyone. Just hang out with everyone for a while, so they can get to know you.
Then later we can ‘test you into’ the sexion,” she said.
“Gotcha. Thanks for the analogue.”
“No problemo,” Chloe turned around and walked up her street.
Brandon walked the rest of the way home with a grin on his face. Thinking about Chloe. She was pre y, long curly hair past her
shoulders, spoke with a friendly voice, na ve Southern California accent.
Keystone High School was an old beau ful school that has been around for centuries. A tall red brick wall surrounded most of the
school, which was covered in ivy. On the floor of the hallways of the school are plaques of the year of each gradua ng class which
stretched back into 1920, back when the school was established, it was surrounded by fields of orange trees, like the rest of Orange
At the center of the campus, next to the large gym and swimming pool, was Big Oak, a large majes c oak tree, surrounded by a ring
of stones three feet high, planted on the spot at the founding of the school. Underneath Big Oak were also me capsules.
At the front right corner of the school, nearest the community college and facing the parking structure, was the oldest part of the
school, the Keystone Auditorium. It was a large old white building, in the very old days it was once an opulent Masonic Lodge, built
way back in 1889. The lodge owned the property the school sat on, which was donated to the newly established city of Keystone to
build a high school. Back in those early days, the Keystone Auditorium was the largest building in the city. It wasn’t un l the 1970’s
that the auditorium was donated to the high school. The arched entrance of the auditorium was flanked by two large pillars, and
on the keystone of the arch was an old Masonic square and compass.
Brandon walked down the hallway of the science building, where Chloe had her third period, to find her, he and Chloe had third
period class in the same building. He saw her standing by her locker, talking to another girl, a Drecce e, they were so close to each
other, their bodies were touching. She looked towards Brandon, saw him, waved, smiled, then whispered something into the other
girl’s ear, and they both looked at Brandon quickly, looked back at each other and giggled, and more whispering commenced.
The two girls were in their pajamas, and Docs.
“Hey Brandon, this is Vanessa, my best friend,” Chloe said, “Nessa, this is the new guy Brandon, he’s Drecc.”
Vanessa and Brandon shook hands.
“I’m Brandon, pleasure to meet you ma’am,” he said.
“Vanessa. Nice to meet you. So you’re from Texas?”
“Yes ma’am,” Brandon lightly blushed, “Houston Texas.”
“Oh for reals. What’s it like over there?”
“Big… everything’s big,” he said.
Chloe’s eyes ran up and down Brandon’s big biceps, her tongue was pressed up against her top le K9, lips slightly parted,
“Everything’s big…” she said to Vanessa, nudging her with her hips.
“Come on, we all hang out at Big Oak,” she said to Brandon. They started walking out the building.
“So are there a lot of Dreccs out in Houston?” Vanessa said.
“There are a handful out in the suburbs. I’ve met a few online. They aren’t organized as you guys are down here. In the city itself,
not many, Mundane gang infested. Houston is really ghe o these days. So what’s up with the pajamas? I saw some guy in his PJs as
“Oh, cool people stuff,” Vanessa said, “every Fridays are pajama days. Thursdays are GQ days.”
“Ah… I see.” Brandon looked at his ou it.
As they walk towards Big Oak, the two girls were greeted and accosted by other students le and right. Vanessa seemed to be the
more outspoken and talka ve one. Chloe was more reserved and so spoken, but the more affec onate touchie-feelie one who
gave out the most hugs and skin contact. She was also diploma c, introducing Brandon to everybody who stopped by and went up
to them.
Everybody eyeballed Brandon as he and his two escorts led him to Big Oak. Only three social groups hung out around Big Oak: the
Dreccs, Ravers, and Jocks, which social groups consisted of the most popular kids on campus. Everyone around Big Oak was in their
pajamas. Brandon suddenly felt out of place and over dressed. Holographic screens were floa ng around everybody’s wrists.
“This is Brandon everybody. He’s from Texas,” Chloe said.
“Texas right here!” one of the jocks said, “what part?”
“That’s right!” the jock said, “you play football?”
“That’s right!” the jocks said.
“The team here got an opening?”
“Yeah, we do in fact,” one of the big jocks got up to shake Brandon’s hand, “I’m Jesse, quarterback. How do you know these two
Brandon shook Jesse’s hand, “What, you can’t tell I’m a stud?”
Jesse laughed, “I’ll talk to the Coach and get you in.”
“Great. Thanks,” Brandon said.
Brandon mingled on his own very well. He had well developed social skills. He excused himself from Chloe and Vanessa for a mo-
ment to meet the rest of the football team.
Chloe sat next to Raul, the de facto leader of the group of Dreccs.
Raul was watching Brandon mingling with the jocks, “He’d help us make a stronger connec on with the jocks. Talk him into actually
joining the football team. We’re gunna have to test him in.”
“Kay. He knows about ge ng tested in. He’s not a pussy.”
“Alright. We’ll put him on the three month proba on and then test him.”
“Kay,” Chloe said to Raul, she got up and looked over to Brandon who was making his way back to her, “Brandon, come here.”
Brandon walked to the Drecc part of Big Oak. The Dreccs were racially mixed, Whites, Mexicans, and Asians. Raul was Hispanic, a
Mexican of Spanish descent, he had a shaved head, like most of the male Dreccs.
“This is Raul,” Chloe said, “Raul, this is Brandon.”
“What’s up man,” Raul said, shaking Brandon’s hand, “have a seat with us brother.”
She was in his room, with a guitar across her chest, her fingers on the strings, contorted as they tried to finger the chords, she was
seated up against Brandon, who was behind her, his hand helping her fingers find their proper posi ons. She had cleared her le
shoulder of hair, for Brandon, who was half instruc ng Chloe and half smelling her neck.
He put his fingers on the strings, and wrapped his other arm around her to pluck the guitar, and sang a country song so ly. He had
a deep yet melodious singing voice, which didn’t crack. Her heart was skipping beats.
“You sing very nice. Do you sing o en?”
“In the shower. I actually love to sing. My dad used to sing. He wanted to be a music star.”
“Used to?” she said.
“Yeah,” he said so y into her ear, “he passed away. Car accident.”
“I’m sorry.”
His lips were lightly, very lightly running down her neck when he was talking, and his le hand started to make its way inside her
tank top.
“That guy… your stepfather?”
“Yeah. I don’t like him. We don’t get along.”
“Why not,” she asked, as she let the guitar slide to the floor, le ng his hands go wherever.
“I’d rather not talk about right this moment. It’ll just get me angry.”
He was kissing her neck.
“Brandon…” she pulled his hand off her breast, but kissed his cheek. He just chuckled.
“Brandon!” his mother yelled from the other side of the door, Chloe gasped. “I made some sandwiches for y’all! It’s awful quiet in
“Coming! I’m juss tryna get her pregnant mama, that’s all!”
“No you ain’t! Y’all can prac ce the guitar out in the living room.”
Chloe got up, hit him with the back of her hand, fixed her hair and tank top, and opened the door. She was flushed with embarrass-
ment. Brandon’s mother gave him that look a mother gives to a mischievous son out in the hall way, with her arms on her hips.
“It’s not you honey,” she said to Chloe, “I just don’t trust him. I ain’t fixing to be no granny just yet.”
“He wasn’t doing anything Mrs. Lopezsmith.”
“Diane. Call me Diane honey. Mrs. Lopezsmith makes me sound too old and weird.”
“Thank you, Diane,” Chloe said, smiling.
“You’re too young and beau ful mama to be a granny,” he gave his mother a kiss.
The two of them were ea ng their ham and cheese sandwiches and chips in the living room, thinking about Brandon’s test.
“You ready for next week?”
“Yes ma’am. Get it over with.”
He read the text, and he nodded.
Chloe looked around, and whispered, “They don’t have a real alarm. My stepdad installed their security cameras. He said they were
too s ngy to install a real alarm. They just have the sign s ckered to their shop window. They’re Chinese. They don’t trust banks. So
they have like $20,000 stashed in the back, in dirty cardboard boxes. My stepdad saw the money. At night they keep the gold in the
back, in the office room, behind a flimsy locked door.”
He raised his eyebrow, “Where are the boxes?” he whispered.
“In the locked office room. They’re just normal cardboard boxes.”
The next day, Chloe, Vanessa, Raul, Brandon, Mark, James, and Danny ditched school all day and headed for Chinatown in Raul’s
There were a row of jewelry shops near the indoor swap meet there. The Dreccs were interested in one par cular one called Seng
Heng Jewelry, which was located on the corner of a small street. The window of Seng Heng Jewelry faced the sidewalk and street.
The seven Dreccs parked their car in the parking structure below the row of gold jewelry shops. Chinese people, as well as most
Asians prefer 24 carat gold, which is as pure as you can get it. The seven Dreccs walked a few mes past the shop, studying it and
the streets.
The shop had metal gates bolted on its glass door. To enter, a worker had to push a bu on to open the gate. The windows of the
shop were also reinforced with metal bars, cheap ones.
The two girls walked off to the shop to enter it with their hidden cameras. Raul gestured with his head for the group to cross the
street where they could talk. They took out their vape-pens and started to smoke.
“We hot wire an old car. I can do that,” Raul said, “drive the car right into the shop. Right through the fucking glass and metal and
shit. That shit looks fucking cheap.”
The others nodded in agreement, about the cheap quality of the metal work.
“Once we’re in we bust into the locked room in the back. Stuff the gold and money into bags and shit. We each carry a bag. We
take the video recording console in the backroom also. Then jam,” Raul con nued. The others nodded.
“We need to figure out what streets to take to quickly get to the freeway from here. Memorize the streets good, how many cars
are we taking off in?” Danny said.
Raul thought about it for a few seconds, “There’s five of us guys. I say in three separate cars. No point in being stupid and pu ng
our eggs in one basket right? Chloe drives one car, Vanessa drives another… James, you drive good, drive your car. Each car is
parked in a different place near the shop. Once he get the shit, we walk out calmly and run to our cars. Danny and Mark ride in the
same get away car.”
When the girls came out, the seven Dreccs drove around the area, up and down streets to figure out their escape routes. Then they
went home to watch the video. The jewelry shop had a lot of gold. In the back corner of the front of the shop was a single door
which led into a back part of the shop, the goldsmith’s work desk can clearly be seen in the video along with the goldsmith, who
was the owner. His wife and children worked the front end. It was in that back part that the office room was located, next to the
“So, individually, each of you guys have to dress real nice, in suits maybe, and have a look inside, buy something cheap, and then
ask to use the restroom. They’ll let you use it if you buy something. You have to do this so you can see the office room yourself and
be in the back physically. That way, you are familiar with the layout,” Chloe said, “But one at a me. One per day. Never together.”
Everybody nodded.
“What’s the cheapest thing they got?” Mark asked.
“Like the earrings. Some are like $75, the ones without the gem stones,” Chloe said.
“I’ll go first then tomorrow by myself,” Raul said, “Brandon, you got a er me. Then Mark, then Danny.”
Raul, Brandon, Mark, and Danny took turns using the shop’s restroom that week. Brandon had gone to Seng Heng shop with an
Asian Drecce e, a close friends of Chloe’s, named Patricia. They posed as boyfriend and girlfriend. He eventually bought Patricia a
pair of gold earrings, and asked to use the restroom.
The back part of the shop was small, and dirty. The white office door came before the restroom, it was old, flimsy, and dirty. He
touches the door of the office. It felt cheap. The knobs wiggled. He went into the restroom and pre y much knew that all it would
take to take that door down was a kick.
The following week, Raul had hot wired an old junky car he found in West Covina, a run down city that looked like the third world
populated with poor Mexicans. Nobody would even miss the piece of shit car. What Raul was worried about was if the car would
even take them to Chinatown 20 minutes away.
Brandon, Danny and Mark got into the shi y car, and they headed for the 10 freeway. Behind them was Chloe in her car, Vanessa
in hers, and James in his. The three drivers would head out to their designated pick up parking spot and wait with their engines on,
light off, doors unlocked, and leaned back so they can’t be seen. The seven of them used an encrypted app to stayed in contact
with each other in a private voice chat room via their Holocoms.
Raul drove the car around the area a couple mes to make sure there were no cops near by. The block was empty that night, it was
1 AM, no random cars either. Raul drove the car up to the sidewalk and drove the front wheels onto the curb carefully, and then he
stepped down on the gas pedal all the way to the floor aiming the front of the car at the front of the store. The boys braced them-
selves. The impact made rela vely li le noise, a crash, the tempered glass sha ered and fell apart, the metal gate on the door flew
of its bolts and hit the floor. Raul backed up, and then stepped on the gas again hi ng a different part of the front of the store, to
make the hole bigger. The rest of the metal flew to the ground.
The car was backed up, there was a large gaping hole in the front of the store, “Come on!” Raul said running out of the car with his
ski mask on and a large laundry bag. The other three boys ran out, and into the gaping hole. They each had a flashlight.
“I got the door,” Brandon said.
Brandon hopped over the displays, ran to the door leading to the back part of the store, and used his football skills to ram the door
down with his shoulders. It flew opened without much resistance.
“That was too easy!” Brandon said.
He ran for the office door, like a bull, bam! The door flew opened.
“I’ll hold my flashlight. Fill her up!”
“We’re going for the money boxes!” Mark and Danny grabbed the cardboard box, and opened it into their bags.
“Fucken ay! Look at this shit!” Danny said.
Raul stopped what he was doing and looked in the box. It was cash, bundles rubber-banded together.
“Fuck dude–” Raul said.
“Just put the whole box in your bags.” Brandon said to Mark and Danny.
“Yeah right,” Mark and Danny put the cardboard boxes, which weren’t big, into their laundry bags.
“We’re done man. We’re loaded!” Mark said.
“Take off! Don’t wait for us. Go!” Raul said.
“Alright. We’re off then. Come on Danny,” Mark and Danny ran out the office with their bags.
Brandon got on his knees in front of another stack of jewelry displays, “Just put the whole thing in,” he said laughing at Raul, who
was actually grabbing the jewelry off the displays.
Raul laughed at himself, “They’re not all going to fit though. There’s too many of them. You put the displays in your bag. I need
room for that video console.”
“Oh right.”
“Rip out the console for me real quick.”
Brandon got up, unplugged the video console, and placed it into Raul’s bag. Then he put in a few more displays into his bag.
“We’re on the freeway,” Mark said via the Holocom video chat.
“Cool. We’re almost done here,” Raul said, “did you guys see any cops around.”
“Nah,” James responded, “It’s dead on the streets.”
“Cool. We’ll see you guys then.”
“Mark, Danny, and James out,” Mark said.
“I’m full,” Brandon said. He ed up the opening of his bag, and went to help Raul grab the gold off the displays.
“There’s fucking too many. Let’s go. We got enough,” he looked at Brandon.
“Yeah,” Brandon tapped on Raul’s shoulder and got up, “come on.”
The two boys ran out the office and made their way out the gaping hole with their stuffed bags.
They stood outside on the sidewalk, looking le and right, the coast was clear, no cars, they looked at each other, gave each other
fist bumps, Raul swung his bag over his le shoulder, “Let’s go.”
Brandon walked casually around the corner to his get away car, “Chloe, pop the trunk,” he said via his Holocom.
“Kay. It’s opened.”
He threw his bag into the trunk, closed it, and walked to the passenger door, then got inside casually, and then took off his ski
mask. Chloe took off towards Broadway to get on the freeway.
“Raul, you in our car?” Brandon said into his Holocom.
“Yeah, we’re taking our route. You in your car?”
“Yes sir. We’re approaching Broadway as we speak. I’ll see you guys tomorrow. Brandon and Chloe out.”
“Good job Brandon. Raul and Vanessa out.”
Chloe looked over at Brandon with a grin, “You did it! My hearts thudding so bad right now.”
“Relax,” he said to her, “it’s over. I got you something.”
Brandon opened his fist, and showed Chloe a gold necklace with a jade Kwan Yin pendant. He turned on the interior car light so she
could see.
“Aw, it’s beau ful. It’s dark green too. It’s a lot of good luck when it’s dark green like that, and it’s more expensive. Thank you.”
Brandon leaned into her, and put the necklace on her, and then kissed her.
Chloe and Brandon made it onto the 10 freeway ramp without any problems and they drove back to Orange County, to Brandon’s
She parked her car, near Brandon’s house and looked at him, then took her silver Septagram necklace off and put it on Brandon,
and kissed him. They made out in the car for a while. She climbed into the passengers and straddled Brandon.
“Come on,” Brandon opened the door and carried Chloe to his house, he opened the side gate quietly and carried her to his bed-
room window, and opened the window. “Climb in carefully,” he whispered.
She looked at him, “But your mom?”
“She doesn’t check on me at night. She worked early in the morning, takes off at 6. Get in.”
He li ed her, and she climbed into his room. Then he tossed her onto his bed and pulled her clothes off.
A er school the next day, the seven Dreccs were inside Raul’s room with their loaded bags, divvying up the money and gold among
themselves. They made an eighth pile of gold to give to the rest of the Sexion who didn’t par cipate in the venture.
The crowd was cheering and screaming. It was Keystone High against Anaheim High, on Anaheim’s turf. During the game Brandon
made two touchdowns, which helped Keystone High win the game that evening.
The coach gave him a hug, “Good job tonight Brandon!”
“Thanks Coach,” he replied, “I’m gunna hit the showers. I’m ge ng a ride with my girlfriend Coach.”
“Alright. Don’t stay out to late,” the Coach gave him a grin and pa ed him on the back.
“Where you going Bran?” Jesse said.
“Showers. Come on. I’m taking Chloe out tonight.”
“Yeah. Might as well. I got a date with Vanessa.”
The two boys made their way to Anaheim’s locker room.
“Vanessa? Chloe’s friend Vanessa?” Brandon said with a grin.
“Yup. Dude, she’s hot. Have you seen her ts?”
Brandon chuckled, “I’m not into ts personally. I love legs and Asian girls.”
“Hey, pool party at my house on Saturday. My parents said if we win the game, we can throw one. The whole team, and the cheer-
leaders, and we each bring like one or two friends. That’s it,” Jesse said.
“They’re cool with it as long as it’s before 10 o’clock.”
“10? Why?” Brandon said.
“My dad doesn’t want everybody going home drunk and ge ng in trouble.”
The two got a table for two, in a dimly lit area of the restaurant.
“So what’s up with Jesse and Vanessa?” Brandon asked.
“Oh, Vanessa likes him. They were talking and started seeing each other like barely last week.”
“Jesse is throwing a pool party at his place Saturday, the team and cheerleaders, we can bring two people. You and somebody else.
I was thinking your friend Patricia, she’s slu y right?”
Chloe laughed, “Yeah, but so are all cheerleaders. Bring Raul, he likes one of the cheerleaders, that blond Mexican girl with the big
ass, what’s her name?”
“Oh, Bianca. Yeah you’re right. I’ll bring Raul.”
“You should be a professional football guy Brandon.”
“Nah. I like football, but my passion is music. I want to be a musician. Make some money and buy my mama a house.”
“What wrong with your stepdad’s house?”
“I don’t like him. That’s what’s wrong. He beats her Chloe. My real dad treated her like an angel, never raised a voice at her even.”
He looked away, his eyes had go en watery.
“I’m sorry. That isn’t right. Why doesn’t she leave him?”
“I tell her and beg her to. She tells me she depends on him. I’m saving up. I saved up that money we got from the jewelry stop, and
from my part me a er school job. I just need enough for a down payment.”
They ate dinner, and went back to Brandon’s place. Chloe climbed the window into his room.
She had light pale skin, smooth and so everywhere, he liked just laying there and absorbing her naked body with his eyes, her
black hair fanned out on his pillow.
“Sleep over,” he said into her ear, pressed down against her lithe body, she beneath he, he inside of her.
“I can’t,” she bit down on her lip, and dug her nails into his shoulder and back, “I have to be home by 12.”
They were laying together, cuddling, enjoying the a erglow, sweaty, her hair damp, his chest wet, his back and shoulders bore
scratches and bloody nail marks, staring into each others eyes in silence, in the darkness of his room, under a so duvet.
Something slammed outside the room and broke the silence.
“Where the fuck is the beer god dammit!” a man’s voice shouted violently.
Chloe got closer to Brandon and held onto him, sacred. Brandon broke his mesmerized gaze and looked at his door.
“I’m sorry. I was busy Robert. I’ll go get you some right now,” his mother said beyond his door.
“I come home from work red. All I want is a fucking beer. Is that too much to ask? Fuck!”
Brandon’s jaw was clenched. They heard the garage door open, and a car engine start up.
“Are you okay?” she rubbed his chest.
He shook his head, his mind wasn’t with her any more, “You should go. They’re gunna fight more when my mama comes back,” he
kissed her, got up and put on his pants.
Chloe rolled off the bed and put on her clothes, “Is she going to be okay?”
“I don’t know. I don’t like this Chloe,” he said in a loud whisper, “I fucking hate seeing her live like this. I’m sorry you have to see
He walked over to Chloe, whose back was pressed up against the wall next to the window, held her for a long moment, and kissed
“I love you,” she kissed him, “call me okay?”
He nodded, said nothing.
She climbed out the window and le .
The garage door opened and he heard his mother’s car door close.
“I got your beer,” his mother yelled out.
“I work too Robert! And I come home and clean this house, make your meals, and serve you! And I don’t fucking complain.”
Brandon heard dishes crash against the floor.
“Shut the fuck up!” his stepfather’s voice had become louder and more violent. He heard a slap, his mother screamed.
“Don’t you ever talk to me like that again! I’ll fucking kill you!” his stepfather screamed out.
Brandon was leaning up against his door. He wiped a few tears from his cheeks, and took a deep breath, then sank to the floor,
hiding his face between his knees, in shame, unable to do anything. He threw the bo le of Jack Daniel’s across the room.
He laid back down and fell asleep.
“Stop it! Please stop it! Let go of my hair!”
Brandon woke up to his mother screaming very loud, he ran out of bed and opened his door, stood by it. He heard a physical fight
in the kitchen.
“No bitch talks to me like that… I’m gunna teach you a fucking lesson…” his stepfather sounded drunk, really drunk. He get’s very
violent when he’s drunk, Brandon thought. His heart was pounding, his mother screaming and crying for help. He looked at the
me. It was 3:40 in the morning. He put his wallet and keys into his pockets, grabbed some money just in case, and le his room.
He ran into the kitchen to the sight of his mother naked, with a swollen right eye, a fat lip, bleeding mouth, and his stepfather rap-
ing her on the kitchen floor. He had dragged her by the hair into the kitchen.
Brandon ran, and tackled his stepfather, drove his knee into the side of his face, and pulled him off his mother, “Get the fuck off
His stepfather got up, and threw him across the kitchen, his head pounded into the dishwasher.
“Fucking punk! I’m gunna fucking kill you, you piece of shit! Get the fuck out of my house!”
His stepfather stormed out of the kitchen. He got up, and grabbed his mother who was crying and hiding her face, “Please, mama,
go lock yourself in the garage. Please. Just go!”
His mother got up and made her way to the garage.
Brandon grabbed a knife and waited.
His stepfather came down the hall way with a rifle, “Get out! Get out of my fucking house!”
Brandon ran as fast has he could out the door when he saw his stepfather in the hall way with the rifle.
He ran down the street, with no des na on, just to get away. But he didn’t go far. Far enough to be safe, close enough to watch
the garage, concerned for his mother.
“Fuck!” Brandon said, helplessly, “Fuck,” he punched the nearest tree in anger. His knuckles were bleeding. He sat down on the
curb, listening. There was no more yelling and screaming.
“I’m gunna fucking kill him. I’m gunna kill him,” he cried hard, with his face between his knees.
A er an hour had passed, Brandon got up and walked back to the house.
He unlocked the front door.
It was dark and quiet.
He walked into the laundry room and grabbed some clothes for his mother, then made his way quietly to the garage, and unlocked
the door with his keys.
His mother was crouched in the corner s ll naked and terrified. Terrified of her husband, and even more terrified of what he’d do
to her if she called the cops on him.
“You okay mama? You alright?” he handed her the clothes and kissed her forehead, then held her, to try and comfort her. She nod-
ded. He cried.
Brandon got up, went to the other side of the garage, where he kept his sports stuff, and grabbed a wooden baseball bat.
He wiped his tears and walked towards the garage door with the bat.
“Brandon… Brandon… what are you doing?” his mother said. “Baby, he’ll kill you. Just leave Brandon, please. He just gets violent
when he’s drunk.”
He shook his head, “I ain’t watching you live like this. It kills me inside mama. I love you mama. You stay in here.”
Brandon le the garage.
He walked slowly, towards his mother’s bed room. The door was opened, he stepped inside and walked to the bed. It was empty.
He went to the kitchen. His stepfather wasn’t there.
He walked to the si ng room. His stepfather was passed out or asleep on the sofa there. The rifle was on the carpet, along with a
dozen cans of beer.
A rage inside over took him. He had kept that rage inside, buried for many years. It was a rage that began when his real father died,
he was mad at the world when he died. And this bastard…
Brandon gripped the bat in both hands and swung.
The bat flew into his stepfather’s head.
“Ah!” his stepfather cried out, confused, awoken to the feel of something hard and heavy repeatedly pounding into his flesh and
bones. He tried to get away.
Brandon was screaming, nothing coherent, no words, just a scream, and grunts, and growls, like an animal.
“Brandon! Stop it!” his mother yelled out.
She turned on the lights.
His stepfather was on the floor, drenched in blood, his eyes, ears, and head bleeding, the carpet soaked red, he laid there breath-
ing heavy, unconscious.
Brandon backed away at the sight. His bat covered in blood. His mother crying hysterically. All the rage inside of him was gone,
burned up, with every swing of the bat. There was no expression on his face. No emo on. Just a numbness and surreal feeling.
He walked outside. Sat on the curb. He cried. And dropped his bat.
“911, what’s your emergency?” a female voice from his Holocom said.
“I need the ambulance quick. My stepfather is bleeding to death in the house. Bring the police. I beat him with a bat. He was
bea ng and raping my mother.”
Mars A acks
.:.It was an insidious aeonic scheme of world domina on the Order of Nine Angles had. They slowly began colonizing Mars with the
first wave of human se lers. They lived together with the mundane se lers as pioneers. They colonized the base of Mons Olym-
The Order had theorized that far below the ground, Mons Olympus, being a volcano once, was s ll hot, and that below the ground
near that thermal heat source should be an underground lake of saltwater teeming with biological life. If this should be the case,
the Order’s terror cells would commence Opera on Dark Imperium.
The Order cells struck. Dr. Herald was shot in the head with a gun, and the other scien sts were executed.
They got on camera a month later and sent a message to NASA and Google and Amazon:
“Mars belongs to the Order of Nine Angles! We’ll destroy any ship that comes near it! You’ve been warned. Stay away!”
Images of the bloodbath and massacre of the se lements were shown.
There wasn’t anything the earth na ons could do. It was too costly.
The Order members began using tunnel drillers to drill tunnels to the underground lake, to supply their people with energy, food,
and water.
That was 200 years ago.
Now there are metropolises on Mars, sca ered around the base of Mons Olympus.
The Order had had enough of the mundane poli cal games.
They packed 10,000 missiles with warheads carrying gene cally modified strains of biological agents and sent the missiles to the
earth. The warheads were programmed to explode in the atmosphere, cas ng their biological agents into the sky above major
metropolitan areas.
The thousands of missiles came into earth space without warning. There were too many of them to destroy with lasers.
The warheads detonated, over New York, LA, London, Paris, Berlin, Moscow, Tokyo, Shanghai, Beijing, and New Delhi.
And disease ravished the earth.
Pa ents Is A Virtue
.:.He had a strand of her hair which he removed from her shirt long ago. Auburn and straight. Kept in an air ght lock. And a piece
of gum she spat out, which he picked up and saved when she wasn’t looking. They met during college in New Columbia, a lunar
territory of the United States. He desperately loved her. She said she was a lesbian and only saw him as a friend. Said he wasn’t her
type anyway. Didn’t like Mar ans. Too conserva ve for her. Said he was too wimpy and old for her.
She went off somewhere around Jupiter with her girlfriend. Got married and forgot about him. They were only study buddies to
her. His heart broke. He wept thinking of her as he stared out the glass dome. The Mar an sand dunes beyond crept slowly toward
the colony. He waited, holding his broken heart, un l he saved enough money.
Red Velvet
.:.It was a hot and humid summer day, the day the red mud fell from the sky, it had rained lightly that day for an hour, and the rain
had stopped and quickly evaporated, filling the city with this muggy, ugly, s cky, stuffy feeling.
Early reports had claimed that the red mud may have contained some type of biological life. But the government quickly dismissed
these claims, sta ng that such unfounded claims would hurt Shanghai’s business and tourist sectors. The media outlets were
warned not to cover the story. The government dismissed the event altogether, when the rain returned a few hours later to wash
away the alleged fall of red mud.
And that was all that was heard of the red mud for a while during that summer season. Un l spring came.
On the tall buildings, on the concrete sidewalks, and cars, there grew spots of rusty colored mold, something like mold, bread
mold, but rust red in colora on, fuzzy. It was simply a type of fungus they said, a newly discovered type of mycelium. It was harm-
less and would go away, they said. But it didn’t. The fuzzy red mycelium persisted, and con nued to spread gradually across the
And the rusty colored mold appeared in spots of other ci es, and were even found in the Chinatowns of Vancouver, New York, and
Los Angeles. At first the fuzzy reddish spots which grew here and there on the sidewalks and cars of these Chinatowns were over-
looked. Un l a few American mycologists studied the reddish mold. They were more open about it than the Chinese government.
The red mycelium wasn’t mycelium, or mold, or living microbe. It was a reddish colored nanobacteria, which most scien sts agree
were not living organisms. And this red nanobacteria was found to eat concrete and metal. And they produced spores.
They tried to clean the red mold away in Shanghai, but they grew back, it was too far spread across the city, and during the next
summer, the red mold cast their microscopic spores into the air. The metal beneath the red mold which grew on the cars had
grown thin and weak. Proof that this thing ate metal.
In Shanghai, the epicenter of the red mold, it was everywhere. Red fuzzy spots visibly covered the sky scrapers, the ships, the
trains, the sidewalk, like coin sized velvet carpet. Nothing made the red spots go away. They just grew back, it was too everywhere,
too late now. There was a discernible panic, a worry for the structural integrity of the tall buildings in Shanghai… and abroad.
What would these ci es look like a hundred years from now, they thought, what would the human world look like, if this thing
can’t be stopped? And it couldn’t be stopped. The big ci es were already covered in red velvet.
.:.It was the first me Chloe had ridden a Stormjumper. She just turned five that day. Her great grandmother, of the same name,
was the first to produce a working Stormjumper, the first living human being to jump Jupiter’s great storm, and eventually became
the Territorial Governor of Tau Ce Delta.
“Keep it spinning,” her father said.
Chloe kept the floa ng propeller spinning fast.
At the bo om of the aquarium on one side was a red dot and on the other was a blue dot.
“You see how the p of the whirlpool just moves around, and goes nowhere?” her father said.
She nodded, a en vely, saying nothing. She didn’t say much, but you can tell from her eyes she thought a lot.
“Well, this whirlpool right now is just like the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. The Red Spot is a giant storm. The biggest and most power-
ful in our home star system. That giant storm makes the ether around it to become a whirlpool. And the p of that whirlpool just
moves around and goes nowhere. But watch.”
She watched her father place under the red dot at the bo om right of the aquarium a wheel shaped magnet which spun. The mag-
net was so powerful, it pulled on the polished metallic Crux Borealis pendent around Chloe’s necklace. She smiled and plucked on
the taut chain of her necklace.
The wheel shaped magnet spun. It made a whizzing noise. And the p of the whirlpool moved to the red dot, and stayed in that
spot, spinning.
“Wow,” she said.
“That’s what our Stormjumpers do. The special Sonic Resonance Field generators makes the p of the Red Spot on Jupiter to spin
anywhere we want to it spin. To any star in the galaxy we can hear. And so the big storm becomes like a magical door to those
stars. Our ship is the key.”
Her father dismissed her. Off she went to play and off he went to the bridge to captain their Stormjumper. It would be another
universal day before they reached Jupiter.
Chloe looked out of one of the faux windows of the cra which actually was a holographic mirror, one of many that ran down the
corridor of the USS Jefferson. She could see in the far distance the Planet Jupiter, which was a ny dot which the p of her pinky
finger could hide.
She was excited to see the Blue Pearl of Kappa Delphini, 99 light years from earth. Her grandfather was the Territorial Governor of
the Blue Pearl. She vaguely remembered her grandfather’s face. She was three last me he was at their home in New Columbia,
the capital city the moon.
Chloe and her father and mother were camped out in the bridge, in sleeping bags. She was too excited to sleep. Her eyes were
fixed on the large dimmed holographic screen at the front of the bridge. On the screen was Jupiter, and its giant Red Spot, swirling
like a monstrous storm. In the morning they would ride their ship into the eye of that giant red storm and magically be at her
grandfather’s planet in Kappa Delphini.
“Take us in!”
“Yes captain.”
The ship skimmed the atmosphere of Jupiter at an angle and headed for the red storm. The shields went up to keep the ship from
being crushed.
Her heart was bea ng in her chest. But she felt comforted by the strong embrace of her father’s arms, wrapped around her, as she
lay on his chest, in the sleeping bag, with her mother res ng her head near her.
“Here we go,” her mother whispered quietly to her.
“Lock on Kappa Delphini!”
“Yes sir! Locking on Kappa Delphini.”
The Sonic Resonance Field generators manifested a resonance field around the ship that vibrated at the exact harmonics resonance
frequency of the star Kappa Delphini.
“Locked on Kappa Delphini sir.”
“Excellent. Allocate 25% energy to the Resonators.”
“Yes sir!”
The ship began to shake. Chloe could see a spinning wall of dark red clouds on the holographic screen. They were in the eye of the
“30%” he father ordered.
“Yes sir!”
The ship shook stronger, like an earthquake. She held onto her father’s arms ghter.
“You’re okay honey,” he said, “nothing bad will happen. You’re safe. Close your eyes. In a few minutes you’ll go to sleep and wake
up at grandfather’s.”
She closed her eyes, her right hand found her mother’s hand and squeezed it.
“40%” her father said.
“Yes sir.”
The ship shook violently, and she could feel her body shaking also, from the inside. Like earthquakes were happening inside of her
body. Her brain felt like it was shaking too.
She was frightened, opened her eyes to look at her mother.
“You’re fine,” her mother said so ly with a smile, “the shaking will stop soon. It’s just the humming of the resonance fields.”
“50%” her father said.
“Yes sir!”
She could no longer feel the ship shaking. But her body felt like it was waving and vibra ng very fast. Everything felt numb. There
was an strange silence in her ears. She felt sleepy, dri ing in and out of consciousness. Everything was slow. She tried to keep her
eyes open, and saw purple fog and sparks of violet lights in the bridge. Her body went limp. Her eyes closed.
Chloe woke up in her pajamas, in her bed. She sat up and looked around. It took her a while to become fully oriented. And she be-
came excited.
“Are we there AIDA?” she asked the Ar ficially Intelligent Digital Assistant program of the ship.
“Yes Chloe. We’re at Kappa Delphini. Have a look outside,” said AIDA.
Presently a holographic window appeared on the wall of her chamber. She hopped off her bed and looked out of it. A massive sun
dominated the visual field.
“Wow…” she remembered the ship going down Jupiter’s red storm, and now it was orbi ng Kappa Delphini, like magic!
“In two days we’ll be at your grandfather’s.” AIDA said.
Chloe was si ng in her father’s lap, who was seated in his captains chair in the bridge. They were staring at the Blue Pearl which
took up 80% of the holographic screen’s visual field.
It was a beau ful planet. Blue oceans, swirls of white clouds, a moon like the one she was born on was in the distance.
Her mother held the innoculator in her hand.
“You’ll need the medicine to keep you from ge ng sick on grandfather’s planet,” her father said, as her mother pressed the innoc-
ulator to her upper right arm. Her mother pulled the trigger, and she felt ny streams of liquid hit her flesh. It stung a bit, but didn’t
Boreiopolis wasn’t a metropolis. The Blue Pearl was a colonial territory. The city was composed of farms, factories, residen al
structures, and many old style homes, like the kind people in the cylinders around the moon lived in.
Robots were out in the yard already, taking the luggage, bags, and boxes from the shu le. In a cart, the Honorable Territorial Gov-
ernor and his wife, Chloe’s grandmother, rode towards them with big smiles, waving.
The Governor stepped out of the cart, and went right for Chloe, picking her up into his arms, kissing her cheeks. She clasped her
hands to tradi onally greet him, as her mother had taught her. He was an old man, not too old, sliver hair, part Russian, part Asian,
a rather large physique.
“God bless you,” her grandfather said, kissing her clasped hands.
“Hi grandma,” Chloe said. Her grandmother gave her a kiss.
“Look at you! Twice as big as when I last saw you in person. And smarter no doubt?” her grandfather said.
“I can read now.”
“That’s my girl!” he gave her another kiss, and turn to Chloe’s father and mother, “she’s had her shots? And both of you as well?”
“Yes father,” Chloe’s mother said to her father-in-law, “I gave her all of them personally. We had ours also.”
The Governor nodded, walking to the cart. Chloe’s grandmother gave her father and mother hugs and they step into the cart,
which made its way to the villa.
“She’ll be happy here,” the Governor said to Chloe’s father, “It just isn’t right to have children cooped up in a dome on the moon,
living in some big, ugly, impersonal metropolis.”
Chloe looked at her father, “Am I staying here?”
Her father nodded, “Yes honey. For a while. There’s going to be a big war back home. You’ll be safe here with your mother. We
need to get rid of all the bad people, so they don’t spread their evil across the galaxy.”
The dining table was a large beau ful dark cherry wood, polished, with lion paws as legs. They had a family dinner together. The
robot maids served and cooked.
“How are the efforts here with the indigenous homo sapiens, father?” the captain asked the Governor.
The governor took a drink of his red wine, “Hmm… they’re as good as wiped out. We merely had to use the measles and ebola to
eradicate the large pockets of them. The virus will make the remainder infer le. And what’s going on back home?”
“The Federal Leader and our Stellar Congress have agreed to commence interstellar war number two. Our Party is prepared to sub-
jugate the Earth and Mars, they’ll be sterilized with the virus. Absolute Hegemony of the United States is the order of the Federal
Leader and Party Leader. The galaxy belongs to our civiliza on and people.”
The captain nodded, “Off the record father, biological weapons will be deployed, even before the war starts. Even if Mars uses
their few an -ma er weapons, their en re popula on will be dead in a decade. This final war will be a dirty one. The Earth and
Mars are obedient to ILN interstellar trea es. They won’t play dirty un l it’s too late.”
The Governor smiled, picking up Chloe into his lap, “One day, this whole planet will be yours,” he kissed her, “Maid, some ice
cream for my granddaughter.”
The Black Watch
.:.James Crow was lost. As lost as one can be with GPS. Some mes he liked being lost when hiking. He checked his phone’s re-
cep on and loca on on the map app just in case. He was fine. He put his phone back into the side pocket of his backpack and
con nued hiking towards an unfamiliar large mound of red rocks, to get himself even more lost. A hike is more fun and surpris-
ing when you’re lost, because you never know what’s around the corner.
He was hiking in the wilderness of St. George, a small town in Utah, by both the Nevada and Arizona border. It was about 30
minutes from Mesquite Nevada, where his hotel was. The Target store there at St. George made some killer tuna cheese melts.
The wilderness surrounding St. George was a beau ful red desert, where some mes the red and orange rocks and hills take on
amazing shapes, shapes sculpted by the wind and flying desert sand.
James himself was a young athle c man, 33 years old, he was tall, 5 feet 11, short dark brown hair, sharp angular face, wide
jaws, penetra ng light brown eyes, and a bu -chin. He was a beau ful man, that is according to most girls. He was just wearing
his hiking boots and a backpack. It felt wonderful and libera ng to hike naked.
He had taken off his T-shirt and jeans long ago, rolled them into a ght bundle, and placed them in his backpack, in order to give
his muscular body an even tan. His big wide shoulders and chiseled body seemed to meld in with the hard rocky scenery. His
calves, thighs, and bu flexed with every step. A few drops of sweat made there way gradually down his chest to his abdomen,
dominated by an 8 pack and a love-trail of dark brown short curly fuzzy hair which trailed downwards.
A flash of light quickly came and went in his peripheral field of vision, to the right of him. He turned his head in that direc on,
curious. The flash of light came from a valley between two red rocky mountains. Then, another flash. It was a thin bolt of light-
ning, yet there were no clouds. The ligh ng came and went, with no sound, no thunder. James saw dancing in the valley, the
bizarre sight of what looked like faint streaks of elongated blue light, undula ng and twis ng, like the filaments of a plasma
globe. He looked up into the sky to make sure that the lights weren’t made by clouds. The sky was clear blue.
As he made his way to the valley, James saw a large shadow on the rocky ground in the le side of his peripheral field of vision,
he turned his head to the le , and ins nc vely looked up. They were clouds. From out of nowhere, several patches of clouds
covered the sky, and more clouds were forming.
It had taken him over an hour to reach the valley. By the me he got there the strange blue streaks of waving feathery lights
were gone, or at least they weren’t visible up close, but the atmosphere of the area was charged, with a discernible feel of elec-
He looked up into the sky. Bizarrely, it was grey. There was thunder and lightning. James wondered to himself how a clear sky
could be covered in rain clouds in only a couple of hours. He felt drops of rain hit his bare skin. So he took off his backpack,
placed it on the ground, unzipped it, and took out his clothes, and put them on.
When James had dressed himself, he no ced something long and black in the right side of his peripheral field, he turned his
head toward it. It was a road, leading into the valley, black tarmac and yellow do ed lines divided the road into two lanes. James
turned around, and saw that the road stretched far behind him. How could I have not no ced the road?
James step onto the side of the road and walked on it, further into the valley. The rain started to come down harder. The sky was
dark. In the distance, up the road, he saw what looked like an old gas sta on. He ran toward it. The large drops of rain were bea ng
against the black tarmac and surrounding rocky ground, the sound of pouring rain and thunder and the smell of thirsty dry dirt wet
from rain filled the valley. He was soaking wet.
The gas sta on was peculiar. It looked like one out of the 1950s. There were only two old pumps. There was an opened garage with
an old car missing its four wheels, a classic 1930’s Buick. Next to the garage was what looked like a small convenient store, and next
to that was some other shop. James ran into the opened garage for cover from the rain.
It was a small garage, dark with no lights. There was only room for two cars. A large wooden beam stood at the center of the gar-
age. Along its walls, near him, he could see a disarray of tools and hubcaps. He could hear the rain drops bea ng down on the
wooden roof of the garage.
There was a door on the le wall of the garage, which was opened, it led into the convenient shop no doubt. James stuck his head
in the door to look inside.
“Hello?” he said out loud.
He walked inside and looked around. There were a few shelves of items, snacks, a couple old refrigera on units filled with sodas
and drinks, a front desk with a register. No Coke. He looked around closer at the drinks and snacks. They were of unfamiliar brand
names. He needed a snack anyway, he walked around, and found a shelf of pastries, picked up a pack of what looked like two Dan-
ishes and read the label.
“Can I help you?”
James gasped and jump up, dropping his pastry to the floor. He turned around, le ng out a deep breath.
He froze, for a few seconds at the sight.
It was a man. A short man, about 5 feet 6 inches tall. He wore some kind of fuzzy orange bu on overcoats that stretched down to
his feet, he was bu oned up to the neck. The man was pale and hairless, bald, no eyebrows, nor eyelashes, smooth skin, and dark
“I must have startled you. Please forgive me,” the man said in a calm voice, and in a peculiar accent.
“No problem.” James bent down to pick up the Danishes he had dropped, “I’m lost. It’s pouring outside. I came in here to take cov-
er from the rain. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll take these Danishes. Who do I pay?”
“You can have the snack. I own this place. It’s been in my family for centuries. You’re welcomed to stay un l the rain stops. We
don’t usually get rain around here, or guests,” the man said smiling.
“Thank you,” James said, holding up the Danishes, he opened the pack, took one out and began to eat it, “What’s in the other
shop?” James looked towards the door on the le wall of the convenient store, which led into the other shop he had seen.
James followed the odd looking man into the other shop. It was filled with clocks of different kinds. There were dozens and dozens
of cuckoo clocks hanging on the walls, several large grandfather clocks, and glass displays full of small clocks and watches. The shop
was filled with the sounds of cking and tocking, gears moving, springs winding and unwinding. There were hundreds of clocks, all
immaculately telling the same exact me, down to the second hand.
“Oh… from the nether lands,” the man said, with a peculiar smile.
“Oh really? The Netherlands! I’ve been there once. Amsterdam. Beau ful people, very liberal,” he ate more of his Danish pastry.
“How do you guys stay in business, being out here in the middle of nowhere? This place is dead.”
The man quietly laughed, “Yes, dead. I supposed that’s an adequate descriptor for our conversa onal needs.”
“May I look around?” James asked.
“Please, do. I’m very proud of my family’s collec on. Some of the clocks and watches are for sale, if you’re interested. I’ll get you a
“Thank you very much sir. I appreciate it,” he said, ea ng his Danish.
There was one group of pocket watches in the displays that caught his eye. They were set in nice black boxes. They were black and
polished and shined like a magic black mirror. They were strangely beau ful.
“Ah… you like pocket watches?” the man said from behind James. James turned around, he didn’t see or hear the man come down
the staircase. The man held a clean white towel, and offered it to James.
“Thank you,” James placed the pack of Danishes on the glass of the display and took his backpack off, and wiped himself down as
best as he could. “Yes, I do like pocket watches. I’ve always wanted one since I was li le.”
The man had already walked behind the display housing the shiny black pocket watches, and took one out, placing it on the glass,
near James’s pastry.
James finished drying his hair and himself down.
“I’ll take the towel,” the man said.
“Thank you again sir,” he handed the man the damp towel, “may I see the pocket watch?”
“Of course you may. It’s called the Black Parallel Pocket Watch. It’s my people’s speciality,” the man said with a grin and a prideful
James took the watch out of the box it was in and held it. It was heavy, made of good quality metal casing. He opened the front
cover. The face of the pocket watch was extraordinarily beau ful. Twelve gilded roman numerals circled the face of the watch, and
three ornate golden hands. The second hand cked and circled the roman numerals faithfully.
James couldn’t take his eyes off of it, “It’s beau ful. How much would this cost. I’d love to own one.”
“Oh, these aren’t for sale my friend,” the man said looking at James, whose face showed disappointment, “they are priceless. We
give them away as gi s, and only once in a great while. If you like that one, you may have it. We don’t get guests here o en my
friend. At least not those from where you come.”
“I would love to have this one sir,” James said, pulling out his wallet from his back pocket, “please let me give you some money for
it. I have money. You’ve been so hospitable and kind.”
“No, no, no. It’s a gi . It’s my pleasure to give it to you. It would be offensive if you offered me money for it. It’s yours. Keep it.”
James looked admiringly at the shiny black pocket watch, a boyish smile was on his face, “Thank you!” he extended his hand, the
man shook it, “I’m James Crow. This is wonderful. I’m so glad I got lost!”
“I go by Buddy, Buddy Satva. It’s nice to meet you.”
“So why is it called the Black Parallel Pocket Watch? I mean, I see it’s obviously black, but parallel?”
Buddy gave an enigma c chuckle, as if humored by James’s curiosity, and excited to explain.
James snickered, thinking Buddy was making a joke, but the man seemed serious, “Parallel universes, huh?”
“Yes,” Buddy nodded, with a grin.
“So, um… how does it is work? Does it open a magical portal?” James tried not to laugh, tried not to offend Buddy, because he
wanted the pocket watch.
“No, no. You see, your brain is like a radio receiver yes?” explained the man.
“Okay…” now James was intrigued.
James looked at Buddy for a moment in silence, pondering. What the man said oddly made sense to James.
“So, how would I work it?” James asked.
“I’ve read on the internet that whenever we make a choice or decision, that the universe breaks up into a new universe, or some-
thing like that,” James said.
“Yes! To make the Black Parallel work, you must first concentrate on an point in me in your life, where you were just about about
to make an ac onable decision. Focus your consciousness on one of the possible decisions at that specific point in me, visualize
yourself making any of the possible alterna ve choices, and click the Black Parallel to your le frontal lobe. And you will be con-
sciously transported there into that body and brain, immediately. The watch will travel with you. Click on the watch’s top bu on
against your right frontal lobe to return to your most previous reality you immediate came from.”
“What would happen if I right clicked several med Buddy?”
“You would cause yourself to jump to the previous reality before that, with each point of decision making being your junc on. I
don’t recommend you do this, for you may get lost, in the labyrinth of parallel universes.”
James looked at his black pocket watch, and chuckled, “I’m finding this all a li le too hard to believe at the moment. Why would
you give me such a magical device as this?”
“You’re people are so myopic when it comes to the nature of reality. So focused on one single temporal pathway of causa on, that
you fail to see the greater fractal matrix Beyond. In this way, you are indeed lost James. The rain has stopped,” the man gestured
with his head outside the window of the clock shop.
“You’re welcome James. Have a safe journey.”
James shook the man’s hand again, turned around, the sky was s ll grey, but it was no longer raining, and he walked out, quickly,
before the man changed his mind, he wanted to keep the pocket watch.
Outside, he a ached one side of the long golden chain in the watch box to the pocket watch, and the other to one of his belt loops
in his jeans, put the watch in his pocket, and walked along the road. His clothes were damp s ll, but the heat of the desert had re-
turned, beginning to dry them. Steam rose up from the black road and desert ground, like mist. The sun broke out of the clouds.
James ate his last Danish as he walked the road. His mind was once again on the road and why he had not seen it walking into the
valley. Paved streets just don’t come out of nowhere.
He walked for a couple hours, along that road. He heard the strange sound of boots crunching dry dirt and desert rock. James
looked around ins nc vely, to find the source of the walking boots. Suddenly he realized they were his boots, walking on desert
ground. He looked around and the road had vanished.
His mind was clear, he stood there in the sunlight, mostly blue sky, and he realized that for the past few hours he was in some kind
of dazed state of mind. He looked back toward the valley. There were strange feathery blue streaks s ll waving and dancing in the
air above that valley which he had come from. No paved road. He s ll had the gold chain, he checked his pocket, and pulled out the
black watch, he s ll had it too, he suspected the gas sta on and clock shop experience was some kind of hallucina on at first, per-
haps from the heat of the desert, but he s ll had the watch. It was a real watch.
“Parallel universes…” he said to himself, looking at the valley, seeing the road gone, he looked at his new black watch, shook his
head and laughed, in disbelief, unsure inside of how to interpret what he had just experience during those past few hours.
No ma er. James unclipped the chain from his pants, wrapped the chain around his neck, clipped the lose end of the chain to the
top of the watch, to wear it as a necklace, took his clothes off, rolled then up neatly, place them in his back pack, and walked the
rest of the way back to his car naked again. His bare skin glistened in the Utah sun.
As he walked back to his parked car, he couldn’t get his mind off of the crazy possibility that the black watch really was some key
into alterna ve reali es. It’s unscien fic. Yet, being a college graduate, he knows that both consciousness and experience were
mysteries to science s ll.
He held the black watch up in his hand and looked at it. The thought of his ex-girlfriend Amber, and his rela onship with her that
had gone wrong two months before his hike, came to mind. He shook his head, snickered, and laughed at himself.
They had been together, he and Amber, for 3 years. His buddies went out for a few drinks at a house party. Amber wasn’t present
at the party. He and his buddies got drunk, and he slept with some girl there. Amber found out from word of mouth, what he had
done, and le him with a broken heart. He missed her, and felt like a jackass. The situa on was s ll fresh on his mind. He had actu-
ally gone hiking to get his mind off of it.
He’d do things differently… tell his buddies he can’t go partying with them. He thought intensely about it, about doing things differ-
ent. Visualizing himself standing in front of his friends, as he did that day, and telling them he had other plans.
He looked around, perhaps to make sure nobody was looking at him, watching him believe what that man Buddy had told him
about the magical watch. It was a silly idea… but he was alone, and nobody was around. Nobody would know.
“So, you going tonight with us or what?” David said, staring at James.
James looked around, confused, with a ‘what the fuck’ look on his face. He was coming to his senses. His blurry vision cleared.
He was at David’s apartment, with his two other friends Richard and Greg, standing outside David’s apartment door.
“What the fuck…” James said.
“What’s wrong James. You alright man?” David said. “Look, if you don’t want to go to the party, that’s fine.”
Just a few seconds ago he was naked in the middle of a desert in Utah. Now he was back in Orange County California, clothed, and
over at David’s place.
“I need to sit down. What the fuck. This is crazy!” James walked himself inside to David’s living room, while his three friends looked
at him and each other. He said quietly to himself as he walked to the sofa, “God this is so cool. I’m here.” He spoke louder, yelled,
“Look at me, I’m here David! I’m in your place… wow!”
James lowered his head and clicked the black watch on his right temple. His head jolted again, from the feeling of a slap to the tem-
ple, the flash of light came, he was disoriented, and tried to maintain his balance.
When he came to his senses, and his vision cleared, it was hot and sunny again. He was naked. In Utah. James looked around, with
his eyes wide opened. The power of the black watch dawned on him. A chill shot up his spine. He looked back at the valley, then
jumped and cheered, and ran for a moment towards his car in total excitement.
He placed the black watch on his le temple again, and clicked it.
“When did you start doing drugs James?” Richard said.
He was walking towards David’s sofa, back in California again.
James laughed hysterically to himself, as he took a seat on the sofa. His three friends looked at him with their mouths opened and
each other.
“This is real!” James said, to himself out loud, “It’s like a living deja vu! I can’t believe this.” He saw his three friends watching him
as if he were high or something. James was quiet for a moment, he nodded, “I’m fine. Really. I’m not on drugs. I’m just having a
weird moment. Listen guys… right… I can’t go to that party. I promised Amber I’d take her out. Hey… did I park my car outside? Is it
s ll by the sidewalk out front?”
“Yeah…” his friend Greg said, looking at James with a weird look, “nobody’s moved it dude.”
“Okay… I’m out guys. I go a go. I’ll talk to you guys later,” James got up and walked to the door, and said to himself in a whisper,
“what am I doing in the desert when I’m here? That’s fucking crazy!”
His friends just watched him.
“Alright…” David said, “hope you get be er man.”
He walked out to the sidewalk, to his car, looked at his black watch around his neck to make sure it was there, and that it was s ll
real, then took out his car keys.
James looked around the scenery, and world he was in. It was real, very real. He unlocked his door, got in, started the engine of his
blue Honda, and drove off towards Amber’s work place, which was a city down from where he was at, in La Habra.
He made his way to Beach and Whi er, where the Albertsons was at where Amber worked. As he was driving he had pasted a Jack
In The Box, something weird about it caught his eyes. The mascot guy, Jack, for Jack In The Box on the sign had two black eye-
brows. James remembered that in his original reality, that mascot guy didn’t have eyebrows.
He turned his car around, to go inside the Jack In The Box, to buy something. He suddenly had an idea.
“I wonder if can take things back with me…” he said to himself.
He parked his car and stepped inside the Jack In The Box and looked at the menu. Most of the menu was the same, as he remem-
bered. He ordered a number 1 to go.
“When did Jack get eyebrows?” James asked the cashier, who was a skinny kid with braces and glasses.
The cashier kid gave him a funny look, “What do you mean?”
“I always thought he had no eyebrows. Never mind.” James said.
He waited for his number 1, grabbed it, went back in his car, and drove to Albertsons. He decided to drive past the Albertsons to
the corner flower shop, to pick up Amber a dozen long stem roses first.
He parked his car, and with his dozen roses walked into the Albertsons to find Amber. She stood in aisle four surprised, with her
mouth opened.
“I thought I’d drop by and give you these,” he grabbed her and gave her a kiss.
“What for?” Amber said.
He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, “No reason. Something spontaneous. What are you doing a er work?”
She smelled her roses and had a smile on her face, “Nothing.”
“We’ll hang out. Call me. I go a go somewhere for a while,” he kissed her again.
James walked back to his car and looked at his phone for the me. It had been about 35 minutes since he had been in that parallel
universe. What if 35 minutes had also passed in Utah, where his other self was standing around in the desert? If that was the case,
then he wouldn’t be able to stay in these parallel reali es for long.
James decided to conduct two experiments. To see if he can bring back something, and to see how much me had passed over in
his “na ve reality.” He held onto his bag of food he had bought from Jack In The Box, and in his car, he clicked the black watch to
his right temple.
When he came to his senses, and his vision cleared he was back in the Utah desert, naked. He didn’t have the Jack In The Box bag.
He looked around to make sure. Nope. He can’t bring stuff back. He checked the me on his phone which was in the side pocket of
his back pack. He wasn’t sure, but it seemed that not even a minute had passed by in his na ve reality, even though 35 minutes
had passed in that other reality.
“Okay…” he said to himself, thinking out loud, “I need a way to refer to these universes. ‘Alpha Universe’ for the original reality I
came from. ‘Beta Universe’ for the ones I click myself to with the black watch. I always have to click back to alpha universe before
going to some beta one…”
He drove around for a few hours, checking things out, things that were different from his alpha universe. A few business logos were
different, other than that, nothing major. When 4 hours had passed by, he parked his car at a WalMart on the corner of Imperial
and Harbor, and clicked the black watch to his right temple.
James walked around, pacing in the desert. He was in deep thought. No a single second in his alpha universe passed by when he
was gone inside a beta universe. He could click himself to a beta universe when he was a li le boy again and live out a whole en re
other alterna ve life, and make a life me of different decisions, experience a whole life me, and return to his alpha universe with
all that experience accumulated and not even a second would have transpired in his original reality. It was an intriguing thought.
He hiked himself a distance towards a small patch of sand dunes, took off his back pack, tossed it on the sand, and laid himself
down, using his backpack as a pillow. He clicked the black watch on his le temple, and went to take Amber out on a date.
“Do you no ce anything different about me?” he asked Amber.
They were laying in bed together, both naked, under the covers. It was midnight.
Amber yawned, and looked at James, then shook her head, kni ng her eyebrows together, “No… what’s different?”
Around his neck was the black watch. It seemed to James that nobody even no ces it. He held it in his hand, and opened the cover
to look at the me, to see if Amber would men on it, but she didn’t. “Never mind baby.”
“You’re more… you’re different. You’ve been ac ng different. I like how you are right now. Don’t change,” she kissed him, and then
stretched, “good night. I love you.” She scooted herself closer to him.
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his chest, “I love you. Good night.” He kissed her head and smelled her hair, and
laid there in the dark.
He had a lot on his mind. He fixed his li le issue, didn’t go partying with his friends, didn’t get drunk, didn’t sleep with another girl.
He remembered the girl si ng next to him, Kristen, had said: “James, please put your head down. I’ll go out with you.” But he did-
n’t do it. She was a cute blond girl, with green eyes. Kristen… one of his earliest regrets.
He looked at Amber one last me, took a deep breath, and right clicked himself back to his alpha universe.
S ll laying naked in the desert, on the sand dune, he focused his mind on Kristen, on the moment of choice when she pleaded with
him to put his head down. He’d use that moment as the entrance me, and spend a whole human life me in that beta universe,
un l old age, un l he was 70, then right click back to alpha reality.
He clicked the black watch to his le temple.
“James,” Kristen said, “please put your head down. I’ll go out with you.”
James looked at her with a smile, “Promise?”
“Yes, just put your head down!”
“Okay,” he put his head on his desk, and looked at her.
He had a sly smile on his face. His alpha consciousness was inside the body of a li le fourth grader boy. Grade school was going to
be very easy… and all the girls.
James Crow walked along the beach with a cane in his right hand. He was 70 years old. His skin, blemished and wrinkled, his body
was weak, he was bald, with a few white hair on his head. He looked at his hands, they were wrinkled. He people watched every-
He had done everything imaginable. Had the most beau ful women, from every country. He invented everything he could remem-
ber being invented in his alpha universe. He had been a billionaire in several life mes. In other life mes, he was a Chris an monk,
in another, a Buddhist monk. In another he lived his life as a criminal, as a murderer, a rapist. Each life me was a lifelong insight
role. He had done everything, and now he was bored and jaded. Everything he’d ever wanted, he has had. Every desire, sa ated.
All the knowledge and experience from those hundreds of life mes in those parallel universes he retained in his alpha self.
“Ahhh!” he screamed, as he got up. He threw his back pack across the sand dune. It tumbled and slid down.
He clenched his fists and pounded the sand, screaming. He grabbed the sand with his fingers, as if trying to strangle the sand dune.
“I can’t take anymore!” he said to himself out loud, “there has to be more to reality than this. I feel like a rat running inside a
wheel, going nowhere. Trapped inside a cage. A cage whose walls are made of me, space, causa on, and fate!”
James had lived so many life mes, he was no longer ‘normal’ mentally, like everybody else. He paced around anxious.
He looked out into the desert, at the world, and shook his head.
“There’s more to it than this. There’s no such thing as mul verses. It defied reason! It defied the law of parsimony! To believe that
a mul verse exists, one has to believe that a container houses the mul verse. And what houses that container? No… reality isn’t a
matryoshka doll. It’s as irra onal as saying the earth sits on the back of a turtle, which stands on the back of an elephant, which
stands on the back of another turtle, ad infinitum!”
He paced back and forth, staring at the sand.
“I’m trapped! Trapped in a prison of causality and me! Trapped like a school of fish trapped inside a net, made of the fibers of our
own ac ons and their karmic consequences and the ac ons of those around us, and their consequences. Trapped in a prison built
by desire, want, need… the cessa on of desire…”
James knelt down, having come to realize something inside. He was silent for a long while.
“I’m free. Free of the karmic chains of desire… all that remains to be discovered is the last mortal mystery! The mystery of death!
To be liberated from the causal chains of cause and effect! Nirvana!”
He laughed to himself, loudly, his arms stretched upwards to the sky, as he stood there naked, facing the now se ng orange sun.
He walked to his backpack, in the near distance, unzipped it, and took out a pocket knife, then walked back to up the sand dune
where he was at before.
“All that remains is the mystery of death. I need to die finally. It’s been so long… since I’ve had peace.”
James sliced his wrists, repeatedly. It stung.
The blood from his veins began to flow down his hands, dropping onto the sand. The sand soaked it up, becoming red.
He laid himself down on the sand and closed his eyes, “All that remains is the mystery of death. And I’ll be free. Liberated. From
this samsaric delusion. The watch really was the key. I was lost… all this me.”
The blood trickled, we ng the sand. Around his wrists.
He grew weaker. The orange glow of his eyelids grew dark. The sounds of the desert muted with silence. A numinous luminosity
enveloped his consciousness. He gave his last breath. And his body laid mo onless on the sand dune, in the wilderness of St.
George Utah. The second hand of the pocket watch stopped cking.
“It’s over there sir,” one of the two hikers said.
The two guys had stepped out of off road truck, which was followed by a sheriff’s car.
They had gone hiking in the red desert just outside St. George and had ridden their mountain bikes up and down the sand dune,
and discovered the macabre skeletal remains of someone.
“It was buried in the sand,” the other hiker told the sheriff, who was following them, “we didn’t know it was there. Our bikes rode
right over it. Some of the bones sca ered. That’s how we discovered it. We found a back pack near the dune. It’s over there. We
didn’t touch it either.”
Sheriff Thompson wore a white cowboy hat and boots. He didn’t say anything. He was annoyed for being dragged out of the office.
The sheriff climbed the sand dune, following the two hikers who were leading him to the skeletal remains. Their mountain bikes
were s ll on the dune.
“Yup…” the sheriff said nodding. He spat out his spi le, brown colored, a wad of chewing tobacco in his lower lip, his hands on his
hips, looking around the quiet desert, “about a year ago some hiker was reported missing by his family. We found his car about 20
miles from here. Had a search party out here. Couldn’t find him.” He removed his hat with his right hand, and pulled out a handker-
chief from his back pocket with his le , and wiped his forehead and bald spot. He had grey hair, eye glasses, “where did you boys
say the backpack was?”
The two hikers led the sheriff down the dune to the backpack, several dozen yards away on firm ground. It was by a small boulder.
“Right there,” one of the hikers said.
The sheriff let out a muffled moan as he knelt down, his large beer belly pushing up against one of his knees, he grabbed the bag
and unzipped it, pulling out its content, one by one, as the two hikers stood by looking, and videoing with their phones.
There was a ghtly rolled up T-shirt and rolled up jeans, “military I reckon. We used to roll up our clothes just like this in the army,”
the sheriff said, half to himself.
The sheriff unrolled the jeans, felt the back pockets for a wallet. He pulled the wallet out, opened it, looked at the license. “James
Crow… Fullerton California,” the sheriff read out loud, for the boys. He took out his phone from his back pocket and searched for
something, notes perhaps, then nodded, spat his spi le, “yup. That’s him. You two found him.” The sheriff got up, le ng out an
audible groan. He shook his head, “Poor fella. You two best be careful out here, or you’ll end up like him.”
“Yes sir,” one of the hikers said.
“Do we have to go in for ques oning or anything?” the other hiker asked.
“Nah. Thank you for finding him. His family will be glad to have some closure. You two are free to go a er I take your names and
basic informa on for the report. Enjoy your stay out here. It’s a beau ful desert, but be careful,” he spat out brown spi le.
“Yes sir.”
The sheriff took out his phone and recorded the basic informa on regarding the hikers. They climbed up to retrieve their bikes, and
loaded them up the back of their truck. The sheriff made a phone call to the sta on. The truck drove off.
Sheriff Thompson climbed back up the dune, to try to remove the sand from the remains of James Crow. He got on his knees and
pushed sand off the lower part of the skeleton. The only thing the skeleton had on were socks and hiking boots. He got up and
brought the skull and other dislodged parts back to the rest of the skeleton.
He stood up on the dune, rubbing his hands together to remove the sand from them, and started walking back down to his car,
looking around to see if there were anymore skeletal pieces dislodged by the bikes.
His right boot stepped on what looked like a shiny black rock half buried in the sand, located a foot away from the skeleton. The
sheriff kicked the rock, and saw that it wasn’t a rock. It was something round and polished a ached to a chain. He bent down to
pick it up.
It was a black pocket watch. Polished with a mirror-like finish, no scratches. The sheriff opened the cover. Beau ful face with gilded
roman numerals. He no ced the second hand began to ck. He wound up the pocket watch to the correct me with the knob at
the top, which encircled a bu on.
Sheriff Thompson placed the pocket watch to his le ear to confirm that it was cking and working inside. Some of the watch’s face
covered his temple. He clicked on the top bu on impulsively.
It felt like something had slapped his temple. A flash of light hit his eyes as if someone had punched him in the face. He was disori-
ented and confused.
It took a minute for the sheriff to come to. When his vision cleared, he looked around. He was no longer in the desert, “What the
Dirty Money
.:.So I’m driving around Compton, down South Willowbrook to pick up Blue Jay on the corner of Alondra.
I light my Camels cigare e and I’m driving chill down the avenue, bumping some old school rap, Run DMC to be specific, ‘Down
With The King’ to be exact, drinking a red cup full of Heineken, old school rap was when rap was for real, the shit they make these
days is gay.
Driving around these parts of Compton is bad for your health, if you don’t belong around here, or if people here don’t know you,
and if you’re on the wrong street, wearing the wrong color.
Me? My Crip Cab is well known by the na ves. It’s a 57 Chevy, back when cars were real cars, made of real metal, instead of this
faggoty fiber glass shit, blue paint, blue interior, yellow ‘taxi cab’ in Old English, black and yellow taxi sign on top, and a decent
sound system in the trunk.
Being a self employed cabby is cool, no boss, set your own hours, make money, and you meet interes ng people.
I pull up to the curb. Blue Jay is dressed formal, in a two piece suit. I get out of my cab.
“Sup Vin,” he says to me.
He gave me the grip and a fist bump.
“What’s crackin big Jay,” I said. I nodded my head in approval, “You clean up good Nigga.”
He shoots me a smile. I pull out my Camels and offered him one. He lights it and takes a drag.
Jay is a big boy, 23 years old, six feet three inches, built body like a bull, dark skin, short trimmed hair, looks like floa ng white
teeth at night, he looks like the type you don’t want to fuck with, and you don’t, he’s born and raised in the hood, everybody
around Compton knows Blue Jay, he’s trying to make his way out of the hood. He’s got a look to him though, exo c, due to his
ancestry I guess, model-like. He got stopped by a talent agent walking around Downtown LA. So we’re going down to get his head
shots, so he can sign up with this modeling agency.
“I hope they take me man,” he said.
“I don’t see why not. Ain’t like people need a high school educa on to look like a model man.”
“Yeah. You right,” he laughs. “Ay, stop by Lamar’s pad before we take off man. I go a pick up some shit.”
“Right. I got Heineken in the cab bro, red cups. Come on.”
So we get into the cab. He’s pouring his Heineken in his red cup, “Lamar’s got some skunk man.” He flicks his half smoked ciga-
re e out the window.
“Ha. For reals. That’s gunna fuck up my new car smell man,” I pull from the curb, got back on the road.
“That shit’s legal now though. I ain’t never think it’d be in my life me,” he said.
We make a few turns to Lamar’s place, a block away, and pull up to the curb in front of his house. Lamar’s out on the porch drink-
ing a 40 ouncer.
“Hot damn nigga! Look at you dawg,” Lamar says to Blue Jay. “Where you going–”
Jay gots this embarrassed smile on his face. We walk up to the porch, exchange grips and fist bumps.
“Going to get his face shot in LA,” I said for Blue Jay.
“Get my head shots for some modeling agency,” Jay says.
“Model? Is that right? I’ll be damned.”
“Ay, let me get some of that skunk nigga,” Blue Jay hands Lamar some cash.
“Alright. Come to my office real quick.”
“I’ll be out here,” I spark up another Camels and sit on the porch as the two of them walk inside the house to Lamar’s room.
We take off a few minutes later with a fat bag of skunk weed. Man, the smell is so strong, that shit reeks through the plas c bag
and fills the whole cab up in a s nk.
So I’m driving my way back out to Imperial Highway so I can grab the 110 to LA. Blue Jay’s rolling us a fat joint in the passenger
seat. I took a few quick tokes of the joint, but not too much you know, cuz I go a be driving and shit, and I’ve already been drink-
ing, and I go a get our asses up to LA, so this nigga can be a model.
By the end of the day we get his head shots and body shots and had them printed. We drove down to the modeling agency late in
the a ernoon and turned Blue Jay’s shots and nega ves in. They give him the contract to sign right there on the spot. I told him
they’d take him. Like I said, he gots that look.
He had a big grin on his face all the way home.
I dropped him off at at the corner and tell him I’ll catch him later during the week, cuz I go a go to LAX and pass out business cards
and fliers all day to promote my cab service. He le my crip cab one happy nigga.
I spent the whole day passing out business cards and fliers to people, taping my fliers everywhere I can tape them.
I take my lunch break at noon. A er lunch, I like to walk around the terminals to hit on foreign chicks.
There’s something wrong with our American girls, how they act all stuck up, like they too good to talk to you or something. But
them foreign girls: they’re not only beau ful, but genuinely friendly. They love Americans.
I look for Russians. Russian girls are probably the ho est females on the planet. Russians and Brazilians. I like those Brazilian fat
female asses. But some mes, not even a big fat ass compares to the beauty of a fine blonde Russian girl with big ts.
So I’m chilling a er my lunch break looking for Russian girls to spit game on. I got an excuse to go up and talk to the bitches too,
cuz I drive a cab and shit, and most o en, they need rides.
I see this fine ass Russian girl wai ng around by herself without her luggage. So I go to hit her up and shit.
“What’s up girl,” I says to her. I gave her my taxi card, “You need a ride girl? I’ll give you a ride, you know what I’m sayin?”
She didn’t understand the American innuendo appended to my statement. That’s the only problem with foreign girls. They speak
English good, but they ain’t savvy savvy with the vernacular parlance. So I adapt my vocabulary and way of talking to how they talk.
Talk like a nigga around niggas, and talk professional around professionals.
She says to me, “Oh, no thank you,” in a Russian accent, “I’m wai ng for my sister. I’m picking her up.”
“Sister. Is that right? So you live here?”
“So, does your sister need a boyfriend. I own my own business. I can take care of her.”
She laughs, covers her mouth, and says to me, “No, she has no boyfriend. What kind of business you own?”
“Taxi cab business,” I said. “My name’s Vincent Kelley by the way. What’s yours?” I give her my hand to shake.
She shakes my hand and says, “Varinka Sabaneyeva.” She gives me a smile.
“Varinka. Beau ful name. What’s your sister’s name?”
“Annushka. Tell you what Varinka. I have to get back to work. I’ll give you my number. You give it to your sister, and tell her I’ll
show her around California.”
So I gave Varinka my number, and went back to work passing out fliers.
An hour later, I get a call on my business phone. I got two cells, one personal and one for the taxi business.
“Vincent’s Taxi Service. Vincent here. You need a ride? I’m at LAX right now.”
“Perfect, so am I. I found one of your fliers. Where are you parked at Vincent?” The guy sounded like he was from the East Coast,
New York or Bostonian accent, I can’t tell. Strong deep voice. I can tell he was a businessman from his commanding voice. He’ll
probably be in an expensive suit.
We communicated, and eventually found each other. Yeah, businessman, professional, expensive suit, six feet tall, greying blonde
hair, White dude.
“Ed?” I asked the guy.
“Vincent?” he reached his hand out, and gave me a strong grip.
“I’ll help you with your bags Ed. I go by Vin.”
“Vin it is. That won’t be necessary Vin. I don’t have any bags. I travel light.”
The guy hands me $200, two crisp unfolded hundred dollar bills, from out of a long wallet inside his suit jacket.
I take the money, “Shit. With this, we can go anywhere in Southern California you want Ed.”
“Great. Sounds good. I have a lot of places to go. I like working with the same face. Are you going to be available for the next few
days Vin?”
“Yep. You got my number. I’ll pick you up wherever, whenever.”
“Excellent. Let’s stop by and get a drink first in Downtown LA somewhere. I’m going to need a couple suits.”
“Gotcha. I’ll take you to a bar in LA. Cool place. We’ll head down to Wilshire a er. There’s a few places that have suits.”
“Sounds good Vin. We’ll get along fine,” Ed gives me a smile and pats my shoulder.
We start walking to my cab. He’s chewing gum. He’s got this relaxed and confident look and a tude to him. His head doesn’t move
around a lot, sign of a man with high status. His eyes move around, checking people out, and he has a constant smile on his face.
Says hello to random people as we walk out the building to the parking structure.
So I took this guy to the bar I was telling him about. He buys the both of us drinks, then buys everyone in the bar drinks, and passes
the barista $200 dollars. This guy was loaded.
Says he’s from New Jersey, come to visit his sister. A er the bar we drive down to Wilshire to get his suits. On the way there I was
seriously contempla ng driving him down to Compton, me and the niggas rob him and shit, take his shoes and everything. I’ll play
it cool though and feel him out for a while.
As I’m wai ng outside for this guy Ed to buy his suits, I got Blue Jay on the phone, telling him about this dude, how he’s fucking
loaded, gave me two bills, spending bills le and right and shit. Blue Jay says to bring him down. I told Blue Jay we’ll do it later, I
go a get a feel for him first, see what he’s up to.
Ed comes back to the cab with large bags. Suits inside. I put the bags in my trunk.
“Where’s your hotel Ed? The sun’s going down soon.”
“Didn’t book one. I was thinking of staying at a Casino. Have a li le fun, before we head down to my see my sister.”
“Casino Morongo? It’s way out in the Reserva on. About 70 miles from here. One and a half hours.”
“Let’s do it,” he hands me another bill.
On the way to Morongo we small talk. I don’t like pushing people to talk about their lives, if they don’t talk it themselves. Some
people, like this guy Ed, live private lives and you go a respect that privacy.
Ed just talked about golfing in the cab, and about the places he’s traveled to, and the beau ful women he’s been with in different
countries. We were deba ng on which country had the most beau ful girls in the world. I told him Russia.
Ed says, “Russia’s second. Have you ever been to Sweden Vin?
“Nah, never,” I said.
“A er you’re done with me, take a vaca on and visit Sweden,” he says to me, “the ugliest girls there make our 10s look like 5s.
Friendly girls. The girls that work in their corner convenient stores look like super models. And they all speak English. They love
Americans. Friendly. I was riding the bus once a er I got off the plane to go to my hotel. Met a beau ful thing on the bus. A er
talking with her for a few minutes, she le with me to my hotel and let me fuck her. They’re friendly Vin.”
I gave him a smirk, “Sweden huh?” I nodded in contempla on. Yeah… I’m gunna have to give Sweden a visit.
A er the drive to Morongo I ended up liking Ed. He turned out to be a cool guy. Not because he was giving me bills le and right,
but cuz there was something about him that was genuine and cool. Nah… I can’t rob him.
So we book rooms at Morongo. I took off to get some dinner at their food court. Ed disappeared into the floor somewhere. Said he
was going to play cards all night. I smoked a Camels and people watched for a while. I was never into gambling. I’m checking out
the girls walking around. Thinking about Sweden.
Tomorrow we go a drive all the way down to Las Vegas, where Ed’s sister lives. They were going to meet up at Circus Circus of all
casinos. So I went up into my room early to book us two rooms there.
I never asked Ed about what he did for a living. He didn’t talk about it. But something about him and this whole thing was off. Why
do you meet a sister at a run down casino and not her house? And why does a guy with so much money to burn travel with no
clothes and shit?
I text Ed and told him I was turning in early for the drive tomorrow. He said I was a wimp in his text back to me, and said he’ll turn
in later a er a few more drinks and rounds.
So I’m driving down to Vegas. Ed is asleep in the back seat. He stayed up all night I guess at Morongo. Party animal. I’m smoking a
Camels with the windows down. It was a hot summer day, hot dry wind passing thru the cab. A few li le white clouds in the sky.
Endless fields of mesquite for miles and miles. I had the radio on, on some alterna ve music sta on Ed liked. What a weirdo. He’s
around 50 at least and he likes that shit.
We finally made it to Vegas, and we make our way to Circus Circus to check in. Ed crashed in his room and said he’ll be up tomor-
row. So I figured I’ll walk around the strip, hang out at the Stardust all day, and go visit a cathouse later for some pussy. Might as
well, since I’m here. I don’t gamble.
The next day, I’m wai ng in the cab in the parking structure at 1PM as Ed had instructed. I saw him walking over to me with a large
leather duffle bag. He was wearing one of the suits he bought in LA, a dark blue one. He had on a different suit before mee ng up
with his sister. Why did he change suits? He opens the door and gets in.
“Let’s go on the strip,” he says to me. He throws the duffle bag in the back seat.
I didn’t ask him what the duffle bag was. I knew what he’d tell me: his “sister” gave it to him. Yeah right. I didn’t ask him what was
in it either. My gut ins nct by now had told me I was in something big and dirty and I was just the driver.
He didn’t look confident anymore. His head moved around, looking around, as if he was paranoid.
“Yeah…” he took one, lit it and took a long drag, “I need to stop by the Yucca real quick. To have a talk with my sister’s husband.”
He took out a wet-nap from his jacket pocket, tore the li le packet and wiped the blood spots off his fingers, then threw the wet-
nap outside the window.
Then a large zip-lock bag. He pulled it out of his inner Jacey pocket. It had a knife in it. A very blood stained knife. He put on some
latex gloves, removed the knife, and used more wet-naps to clean it, wiping the blood and handle clean of finger prints. He threw
the knife outside as we drove to the Yucca, some piece of shit motel.
“Let me see your lighter,” he said. “Pull over real quick.”
I gave him my lighter and pulled over. He opened the door and went half way out, and began to burn the zip-lock bag and latex
I’m trying not to watch or stare. Just keeping my eyes on the look out. I know I’m for sure unknowingly involved in something. I can
smell the odor of burnt plas c, and see black smoke rise. He steps on the burnt plas c. I can hear he’s rubbing the shit into the dirt.
“Let’s go Vin. Yucca.”
“Heads up,” he says, tossing at me a bundle of money into my lap.
It was a bundle of fresh brand new $100 bills, $10,000. I looked over at Ed nodding with a smile on my face, “You know what Ed,
you alright man,” I said to him. I meant it too. I put the bundle in my pocket.
“You’re gunna visit Sweden right?”
“Got another cigare e Vin.”
I pass him one and my lighter, he lights it up and takes a drag. He’s calmed down and back to his regular confident self, doesn’t
look scared anymore. I ain’t too worry about ge ng busted for being an accomplice to a homicide, I’m just a cab driver. I don’t
know shit.
So we make it to the shi y motel and Ed tells me, “Don’t park. Keep the engine on. I’ll be back in a second.” He opens the door and
puts a foot out.
So I says to him, “Right. I’m gunna turn the car around and get ready. Ed…” Ed looks back at me, and I gesture with my head to the
glove compartment, “I got a glock 9 in the glove.”
He opens the glove compartment and looks at the glock and nods with a smile, “You know what Vin, you’re all right,” he says,
“already got one though. But you see Igor in that black car? Fuck him up if he follows me into the room.”
Ed closed the cab door. I turn around. I’m watching him in my rear view mirror, he walks casually toward a motel room, s ll smok-
ing his cigare e, he juts his chin at Igor, who returns the gesture, they’re all probably acquainted business partners, if you know
what I mean.
Now I really, really know I’m involved in something big. I got a duffle bag full of $10,000 bundles in my back seat, a rich New Jersey
guy who probably knifed a woman to death back at Circus Circus, and now they’re Russians involved. The dude in the parked black
car behind me, looks Russian, he has a light brown beard.
This place is a dump. The motel building itself looks like shi y homes built during the 50s or something, just tan in color with ugly
brown doors. Interes ngly, it’s in between the Li le Chapel of the Flowers and some “adult movies” shindig.
I’m watching Igor in my rear view mirror, whose watching me and smoking a cigare e. He takes his phone out and I see the moth-
erfucker take a picture of my cab. He’s got my license plate number now. Motherfucker! I reach over into my glove compartment
and pull out my glock 9. I’m gunna get that phone or poke hole in him. I don’t want Russians on my door step, they probably have a
program or crooked cop who can trace those numbers.
I said, “Fuck!”
I’m thinking Ed got popped.
I go a take off!
Igor ain’t following me either. Fuck that shit.
So I put the crip cab in reverse and step on the pedal. I’m backing up right into Igor’s door. I’m gunna knock him out so the mother-
fucker doesn’t follow me for the money. That shit’s mine now! Ed’s dead.
My rear drove right into the black car driver sec on. I put the cab in forward and take off, looking at the room Ed was in just in case
he was s ll alive. I’d wait for him. Nobody came out. I’m gone. The black car had a big dent in it, and Igor’s out cold.
So I pulled up into a quiet street in Mesquite. I’m gunna hang out ll sun set and head back to Cali in the darkness of night so no
Igors see me. The crip cab is pre y dis nct.
I step out of my driver seat and walk to the back seat, open the back door, and looked around to make sure nobody was watching
me, and I sit in the back next to the bag, and I look inside.
Nothing but cash.
A fucking bag stuffed with freshly cut $10,000 bundles. I took out 10 bundles, that’s $100,000 right there… and there was more, a
shit ton more money in the bag. At least a million. I grabbed the $100,000 and walk to my trunk, and hid them inside my spare re
I couldn’t contain myself. I screamed out, “Whoo hoo! Fuck yeah!” real loud.
Man, I love being a cabby. I flicked my unfinished Camels to the ground, a huge grin’s on my face, I’m dancing around the sidewalk
and singing, “Charlie don’t surf and we think he should, Charlie don’t surf and you know that it ain’t no good…”
I went back into the back seat to search the bag some more, there were zippers on the inside. I unzipped a sec on of the bag and
found a hard drive of a computer and 3 flash drives. In another zipped compartment I found several passports, four of them, I’m
looking at the passport pictures and they’re all of the same woman, each passport had a different name, saying she came from a
different country. There wasn’t anything else in the bag.
Okay. So I’m trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. I walk out of the cab, close the door, and pace around outside along
the sidewalk. Ed’s from the East Coast, he killed some woman with mul ple iden es, I don’t think the Russian mob has female
members, and I don’t think they can produce fake passports, I’m thinking she’s a spy of some kind, not Russian cuz she didn’t look
Russian, Ed didn’t look like he was mob affiliated, must have been a spy too, but Igor was Russian, maybe Russian mafia?
Who cares. My mind’s thinking of the mess I le back there at the Yucca. I should have taken Igor’s phone so his people can’t find
me, they’ll be looking for their money. Ed’s phone has my number. Fuck. When the cops get to the crime scene they’ll have that
shit. I’m not too worried about that though: I’m a cab driver, I heard shots, I got scared, I took off. That’s my story.
And then Ed calls me.
Or his phone called me. Okay… now I’m worried. My heart’s pounding.
I’m thinking if I should answer it… third ring.
“Vincent’s Taxi Service. Need a ride?”
“What? You mean the bag in my back seat?”
“Yies, da bag.”
“Oh, no, no. That’s Ed’s bag. He told me to deliver it to somebody.”
I hung up.
Now I’m nervous and scared. There’s more of them. They got Ed’s phone. And my license number. Shit just got fucked up.
I get into my cab. I ain’t gunna stay around. I get back on the road and make my way to the freeway. I’m gunna drive into Utah un l
sun down, then turn around and head for Cali.
So I took my personal phone out and made a call.
“Hey Blue Jay… remember that dude I picked up at the airport?”
“Sup Vin. Yeah… what happened?”
“He’s dead–”
“Yeah. He got wacked by the Russian Mafia. Dude le a duffle bag with a million dollars in it–”
“What the fuck!?”
“Hey I’m in deep shit. They just called me. They want their money back. I’ma head back down to Cali in 5 hours. They’re looking for
me. They got my license plate number.”
“They gunna trace that shit?”
“Most likely.”
“Ain’t no biggy dawg. We’ll take care of that shit.”
“Cool. I’ll stop by your pad with the money.”
“Cool. I’ll call some of the niggas over later.”
“Yeah. I go a go man. Be there in 5 hours.”
“Right right,” Jay hangs up.
So as I’m driving into Utah, I get a call from Ed’s phone again.
“Vincent… we know where you live. We’ll be there soon.”
“Cool. Yeah come over. I’ll give you a call back and give you direc ons later to pick up the bag if you want it. I’m too far into Califor-
nia to turn back.”
“Okay. Good,” he hangs up.
A er driving into Utah un l dark, I turned the cab around and drive back to Cali. To Compton. I don’t care who you are, mafia or
whatever, it’s perilous for White boys to be walking around certain parts of Compton.
So back in Cali, I pull up to Blue Jay’s pad and parked inside his parking lot. Blue Jay lives in a run down apartment complex. The
complex is full of niggas. All crips. All from the same gang.
I plopped the duffle bag on Blue Jay’s coffee table and opened it, then sat on the sofa and took a drag of my Camels, “Look inside
“What the fuck!?” him and his girl said together.
“Over a million bucks, I reckon. $10,000 a bundle.”
“What the fuck. What’s going on?” his girl said.
“I don’t know. The guy Ed said he was gunna talk to his sister at Circus Circus, he knifes her, I saw the knife and the bloody spots on
his hand, then he goes to some motel and talks to some Russian, next thing I heard 7 gun shots, Ed’s dead, and I got this bag. The
bitch he wacked was like a spy or something, she gots four different passports in that bag. There’s a hard drive and three flash
drives too.”
“Baby get your laptop,” Blue Jay said. So Jay’s looking at the bitch’s passports and the computer shit.
We popped the flash drives into the laptop, but couldn’t read anything. It was all encrypted.
“I told the Russians I’d call them later to give them direc on to pick up the bag,” I said.
Blue Jay snickered and look at his girl, “Yeah, White guys in the hood. Bring them down here man. Let them take their bag. Like we
gunna give up a million bucks without a fight nigga!”
“I’ll call them up right now then, yeah?”
“Yeah, do it. Tell them we’ll meet them on the corner of west Indigo and Alameda Street West. Google it if they need direc ons.
This ain’t no place for Russians to be ge ng lost in.”
I nodded, “Hey, pass out some of the money to the niggas and tell them to be at that corner for back up.”
“Right right.”
So I called the Russians over and gave them direc ons, Blue Jay took the bag outside into the complex to distribute the cash, I
joined him outside a er the call, and me and Blue Jay raise ourselves an army of gangbangers.
There was a grip of us in blue, most are strapped, and we make our way to hang out at the corner of Indigo and Alameda for our
guests to appear. There’s some empty fields there, and a warehouse.
A er an hour, some car with four guys parks at the curb by the warehouse. They walk out of their cars in civilian a re. They looked
Russian. Two of the men had shaved heads, one was big and buff, the other was some skinny geek with glasses, probably the dude
who messes around with the hard drive and shit. Stupid motherfuckers.
They’re looking around. They no ce their surrounded by 60 niggas, all around them.
“Sup man. You lost!?” One of the niggas yelled out. There was a burst of laughs.
“We’re here to see Vincent,” one of the Russians said, “We just want the bag, and we leave. No problems guys. We’ll give every-
body some of the money.”
“Come and get it,” Blue Jay said out loud. He drops the bag at his feet. He’s got a glock in his hand.
The Russians looked at each other, and didn’t move.
“I told you motherfuckers to come and get it,” Blue Jay says, “cross the motherfucking street and come get the shit man!”
“Look, we don’t want any trouble guys–”
I charge at them, “Jump ’em!”
Next thing you know niggas ran into the four Russians from every side. We’re yelling, and the Russians are ea ng a rain of fists.
“Drag the motherfuckers in the car,” Blue Jay says, “blindfold them, take ’em to the pad.”
So we shove them in two different cars, blind folded them, took their car, and took them back to the apartment complex. They
were fucked up, face all bloody, nose and mouth bleeding.
We take them to one of the niggas pad and shove them to the floor in the living room.
“Look guys, we don’t want trouble. You guys keep the money. We just want the hard drive and flash drives. Look, we can get more
money. More money guys. A million more,” one of Russians with the shaved heads said.
“More money–” me and Blue Jay said.
“Yeah. More money. I can bring more money. You take the money and give us the drives, and we forget this all happened.”
Everybody in the room nodded their heads.
“Alright,” I said, “You got ll sun rise to get that money here. When the sun comes up and you ain’t back with the money, your
three friends are dead, and we’re destroying the drives. You hear me?”
“Yes. I hear you. I’ll come back.”
So I check his pockets, take out his wallet, remove his drivers license, this guy was a resident, he spoke be er English with a light
Russian accent. I take a picture of his license with my phone.
“You live at this address on your license?” I said.
“If you get the cops involved, or bring down more of your boys, we’ll go to your house, ass fuck your wife in front of you, ass fuck
your daughter in front of you if you have one, shoot their heads off, cut your dick off, make you suck on it, and then kill you. You
hear me?”
“Yeah. No funny business. I’ll get the money.”
“Right then. Let’s do it yeah?” I look over at Blue Jay.
“Yeah. I’ll take this dude with some of the niggas and go with him.”
“You know, I have some respect for your criminal enterprise. How you guys control and influence the Russian government. It’s a
beau ful thing. Reminds me of what’s happening in Mexico with the drug cartels. Some day it’ll happen here too. Just a ma er of
me. It takes a lot of money and a whole poli cal system to suppress human ins nct. When that money and system weakens,
crime will just grow, and the most criminally organized group will take control of the system. It’s fucking beau ful.”
So three hours later, Blue Jay and the bald Russian come back. With another bag of money. Jay tosses the new bag on the sofa for
us with a big smirk.
“Let ’em go,” Blue Jay says.
We un e the other three guys.
I hand them the drives, “We all cool fellas? Nobody retaliates or kills anybody? No problems?”
“Yeah. No problems. No retalia on. We’re cool.”
“Right then. You’re car’s outside,” Blue Jay says.
The four Russians leave.
We’re standing there, looking at the new bag, and each other, big grins all around.
“God fucking damn!” Blue Jay yells out. The rest join in the cheering.
“I’m going to Sweden a er this!” I said.
So we divvy up the two bags of money the rest of the night amongst everybody. Smoking blunts and drinking. The living room is
packed with homeboys ge ng their share.
At some point, before sunrise, a er we divvied everything and were talking about our money and what we’ll be doing with it, Blue
Jay’s girl said something.
“Hold up… hold up,” she said. She had one of those pens that checks for fake money, “oh hell no! Nigga this money’s fake!”
We all looked at her, then at our money in our hands. Then everybody looked at me.
“What? Come on guys. How was I supposed to know?”
Wanted By The Men In Black
Larry walked to the car, he was in a hurry. It was dark, 11 o’clock at night. The parking structure was dark, lit up by dim lights,
some of which were working. He was afraid. There was nobody else around. He walked fast, wobbling, his enlarged beer belly
moving up and down as he ran. His shoes hi ng the concrete made loud footstep noises that echoed across the parking structure,
which made Larry even more nervous.
He looked around. His breathing became more faster, he was heaving and huffing, but he couldn’t stop. He was in downtown LA,
an area he was unfamiliar with. He got more nervous and looked around as he walked faster towards his car. He heard footsteps.
They weren’t his. He stopped walking. His heart beat faster, pounding in his chest, his stomach cramped. He was being followed.
He knew it. It was them.
He was only a few yards from his car. He pulled out his keys and ran as fast as he could his car. They ran also. He could hear the
fast footsteps coming closer to him. His hands shook and trembled, he whimpered.
Larry fumbled with his keys. He was panicking. He dropped his keys, it made a metallic sound which echoed inside the parking
structure. He bent down to pick up the keys, his forehead was sweaty. He quickly stuck his car key into the keyhole and turned it,
opened the door, got inside and locked the door really fast.
He turned his head and could see the two men, dressed in all black with white apron, running towards him, Larry whimpered as he
stuck his key in the igni on, he turned it, the engine started. He stepped on the gas pedal all the way to the floor, and peeled out
of the parking lot, turning the wheel towards the two men, his car speeding fast in their direc on.
The two men ran out of the way, and Larry sped off towards the exit as fast as he could. He escaped. On the street, at a red light,
he looked back just to make sure the two men did not follow him, they didn’t. The light turned green and he drove off into the
night towards the 101 freeway. Larry screamed in joy pounding the palm of his hands on the steering wheel. He got away without
having to pay for his dinner at the fancy restaurant, but he’ll never be able to go to there again.
Declaration Of The Acception
.:.It was stated in Nexion Zine 3.1 that the “White Star Acception” will evolve and reincarnate into a new Form which
would be unrecognizable. What we meant back then was that the White Star Acception has shapeshifted into the me-
meplex and weltanschauung of Boreialism.
The White Star Acception’s evolution and reincarnation was hinted at in Boreialism’s economic Flag. The Flag itself
containing, in symbology, the very words “white star acception,” where the white circular field of the Flag represented
Polaris the North Star, which is itself composed of a couple white stars, and the compass representing “The Acception”
as was explained.
At the time Nexion Zine 3.1 was published, we were not legally and honorably permitted to use the name White Star
Acception because Austria had taken an interest in the White Star Acception and had been given the White Star Accep-
tion in usufruct. In 2016, the White Star Acception returned to California, whereafter it was given a public restructuring
in order that we secure the White Star Acception, in the public mind.
Now that the “White Star Acception” has been secured, it is our wish and will that the White Star Acception, and its
volksgeist fully shapeshifts and reincarnates into its intended New Causal Form, which is the Memeplex and Weltan-
schauung of Boreialism.
As such, whatever constitutions the White Star Acception may have had before this year are void and nullified. Whatev-
er structure the White Star Acception may have had in its past is abrogated. Everything about the former White Star Ac-
ception of 2016 and before that year is abrogated. Boreialism and the WSA are now interchangeable terms which means
the same thing. To be a Boreialist is to be a member of the White Star Acception. Henceforth, the term “Boreialist” is
the demonym of a member of the White Star Acception.
The White Star Acception still requires coherency and structure, as we have come to learn, if it is to have the potency to
survive time, across multiple generations into the future. And so, the Constitution of the Acception of 2017 will establish
that structure and coherency. The Constitution of the Acception of 2017 is hereby empowered perpetually, and cannot be
changed or altered henceforth by anyone.
This is the second version of this Declaration which supersedes and replaces the first version. The first version of the
Declaration of the Acception is hereby defunct henceforth. We require coherency and structure.
.:.Caligula 352
Version 2.0
Updated 7.24.17
White Star Acception
Orange County, CA
Cons tu on Of The Accep on: OV
Ar cle I
.:.Sexion 1: This ins tu on shall be named the “White Star Accep on.” The “White Star” alluding to the Dog Star Sirius and its
White Dwarf companion. The Star Sirius being iden fied and associated with Rudra. “The Accep on” is used as a shortened form of
the whole tle of the ins tu on.
Le er.
.:.Sexion 4: The Colors of the White Star Accep on shall be White, Black, & Orange. Orange being the color of Shiva. White & Black
alludes to the agathokakalogical nature of the White Star Accep on.
.:.Sexion 5: The Seal, or Symbol, of the White Star Accep on shall be the conjoined Trident of Shiva and the Sickle of Saturn; called
the “Trisickle.” The Trisickle esoterically alludes to Kali, as she holds a trident and sickle in her hands.
Ar cle II
.:.Sexion 9: Opus Vrilis cannot and shall not be limited to or confined within any single subject ma er, genre, philosophy, religion,
spirituality, science, paradigm, or school of thought.
.:.Sexion 10: Opus Vrilis is not the “official” ins tu onalized teachings of the Accep on. The Accep on has no ins tu onalized
teachings, or any official belief-set. Opus Vrilis as a Corpus is composed of documents wri en and circulated for Peer Considera on
[Review] only. This was the original intent of Opus Vrilis in the very early days of the WSA, and it will remain so. “Peer Considera-
on” meaning that such documents are offered for members / associates / ini ates of the Accep on to review, study, and consid-
er. If some associates of the Accep on accept the document, they will put such teachings / ideas into prac ce; or uphold them. If
some reject such documents, they will disregard said teachings / ideas. No associate of the Accep on is obligated to accept any
teaching, philosophy, ideology, prac ce, rite, etc, in Opus Vrilis.
.:.Sexion 11: The Buddha had the Noble Decency to state that if any of his teachings contradicted our inner conscience, then we
should go with our own conscience instead, and disregard what he said or taught. In the spirit of that Most Noble Principle of the
Sovereignty of Individuated Conscience: all members / associates / ini ates of the White Star Accep on have the Liberty and Natu-
ral Right to reject, accept, use, disregard, any part of Opus Vrilis.
Ar cle III
.:.Sexion 14: Caligula, our egregore, is our Symbolical Leader and Perpetual Grand Master. Opus Vrilis is his word.
.:.Sexion 18: Caligula has the power to manifest teachings, philosophies, ideologies, prac ces, rites, rituals, essays, manuscripts,
cultural customs, for the Accep on. This is so because being the egregore of the Accep on, Caligula, may indeed inspire our ini -
ates to manifest such things from me to me.
.:.Sexion 19: Caligula has the power to rape, pillage, plunder, plagiarize, pirate, steal, and annex the ideas, teachings, wri ngs,
memes, of other memeplexes, organiza ons, ins tu ons as he pleases. In whole or in part, for the benefit and interest of the Ac-
cep on.
.:.Sexion 24: Caligula has the power to create all manner of rites for the Accep on. The word “rite” here is used in the Masonic &
Catholic sense, which corresponds roughly to an “outer form” or a “causal form.” A rite or outer form can be a whole new religion,
a new school of philosophy, new ceremonies and rituals, a new weltanschauung, and so on. Such rites are circulated as slokas of
Opus Vrilis for Peer Considera on.
.:.Sexion 25: Caligula has the power to represent; or misrepresent; the Accep on as its spokesperson to the public and to outsiders.
Caligula may speak on behalf of the ins tu on of the White Star Accep on. But what Caligula may say to the public may not always
represent the opinions, views, sen ments, beliefs, etc, of every individual member of the Accep on.
.:.Sexion 26: Caligula has the power to fabricate and tell stories, narra ves, mythos, lies, misinforma on, falsehoods, about the
Accep on to the public, in the interest of the Accep on. Thus, our ini ates must understand that some mes what Caligula may say
or write in public, is for the outsider public to consume.
.:.Sexion 28: Caligula has the power to found and establish all manner of subsidiary organiza ons, churches, temples, gro os,
gangs, crews, tribes, clans, associa ons for the Accep on and its membership.
Ar cle IV
.:.Sexion 29: The Dreccian Tribe of the White Star Accep on shall consist of autonomous, independent, and sovereign Clans techni-
cally called “Nexuses,” as per tradi on. All members of the WSA are Comrades, brothers, and sisters of the same Dreccian Tribe,
and must try to treat each other as such.
.:.Sexion 33: Each Nexus has the power and authority to pick and choose what parts of Opus Vrilis to actualize, uphold, accept, re-
ject, deny, etc.
.:.Sexion 34: Each Nexus has the power and authority to add to Opus Vrilis their own teachings, rites, rituals, beliefs, views, and so
.:.Sexion 37: There is no right or wrong way to be a Nexus. No right or wrong culture, rite, ritual, observance, belief, paradigm,
weltanschauung, etc. The beliefs and prac ces of a Nexus, their individual membership, may totally contradict most of what the
Accep on teaches or represents, but such Nexus is s ll a bona fide WSA Clan.
.:.Sexion 39: Nexuses of the Accep on should eventually network with each other, or establish a network of Clans for the purpose
of conduc ng business, work on projects together, and circulate each other’s slokas of Opus Vrilis.
.:.Sexion 42: Each degree shall have its own tests, trials, ordeals, condi ons to be met and executed. Each degree shall also be fixed
to a me span. Two years as Protégé, Seven years as Peer. Protégés of the Accep on must perform the ABC Rite. Peers of the Ac-
cep on must at some point perform the Ordeal of the Accep on. A year-long monas c observance is required for the degree of
Paragon. The details of our degrees should be wri en out in a separate sloka of Opus Vrilis, in case some minor details should be
altered and refined.
Ar cle V
.:.Sexion 44: The White Star Accep on is Open Source, meaning its membership has the power and right to contribute, influence,
change, alter, add to, subtract from, built further, the Accep on.
.:.Sexion 46: Instead of a leader, a king, a single person with all the power and authority, the Accep on will have Guilds, which are
poli cal par es, or loose associa on of policies. Guilds do not have to be organized ins tu ons, they can be disorganized associa-
ons based on shared common views, values, aims, objec ves, and so on.
.:.Sexion 47: A “Guild” refers to a body of views, ideas, models, concept, policies, principles, beliefs, values, aims, objec ves, poli-
cs, pla orms, teachings, weltanschauung, prac ces, paradigms, etc, and the people who support and iden fy with such. For ex-
ample, there may exist a “Satanic Atheist Guild,” a “Theis c Satanist Guild,” a “Thelemic Guild,” an “Animist Guild,” a “Pro-
Terrorism Guild,” an “An -Terrorism Guild,” a “Matriarchist Guild,” and so on.
.:.Sexion 51: The reason why there cannot be a leader, a single person who creates the Accep on is that if only one person creates
the Accep on, then the WSA will inherit that single person’s weaknesses. This in turn limits the WSA’s poten al. And so having the
Accep on be Open Source, where individual members, Nexuses, and Guilds contribute, change, alter, add to the WSA allows for
our respec ve strengths to balance our respec ve weaknesses.
Ar cle VI
.:.Sexion 52: By “self-sovereignty” we mean that you are your own supreme authority, that you are not the subject of
another person, that you are not under the command of any power or authority, that the ins tu on or organiza on you
are associated with is subordinate to your self-sovereignty.
.:.Sexion 53: By “natural right” we mean the En tlements Mother Nature has given to you which are not “legal rights.”
Legal rights are en tlements and rewards or privileges codified and given by a power, such as a leader or government or
legal system, which can be modified, repealed, restrained, and taken away. Natural Rights are founded upon the Laws of
Nature and cannot be repealed by human laws. Natural Rights are perpetual, and not given to you by a legal system or
power. An ins tu on, religion, government, group may try to prevent you from living your Natural Rights. Therefore, it
is your Duty, to defend and protect the En tlements Mother Nature has given you from such power whores.
.:.Sexion 54: By “liber es” we mean the natural freedom we each came into mortal existence having; which freedoms
are not given to us by a government or man-made laws, but by Mother Nature Herself. Thus, this Cons tu on begins
with a list of obvious Natural Rights and Liber es that you are En tled to according to the Law of Nature.
.:.Sexion 55: Liberty The First: You have the Natural Right to your own Life, and to take that life if you so wish.
.:.Sexion 56: Liberty The Second: You have the Natural Right of movement, just as any creature on earth; or not to move
at all.
.:.Sexion 57: Liberty The Third: You have the Natural Right to dwell wherever you so wish and need; or not to dwell any-
where at all.
.:.Sexion 58: Liberty The Fourth: You have the Natural Right to eat, ingest, consume, drink, whatever you wish, whenev-
er, how much ever; or not to eat or drink at all.
.:.Sexion 59: Liberty The Fi h: You have the Natural Right to dress as you wish; or not to wear anything at all.
.:.Sexion 60: Liberty The Sixth: You have the Natural Right to use intoxicants such as alcohol and drugs; or not to use
intoxicants at all.
.:.Sexion 61: Liberty The Seventh: You have the Natural Right to have your own sexual desires, sexual fe shes, sexual
depravi es, to engage in sex, however, with whomever or whatever and whenever you wish; or to not have sex at all.
.:.Sexion 62: Liberty The Eighth: You have the Natural Right to have your own Conscience, your own Mind, your own
Values, your own Views, your own Morals, your own Beliefs, your own Weltanschauung; or not to have such things at
.:.Sexion 63: Liberty The Ninth: You have the Natural Right to seek to manifest, actualize, and materialize your own Se-
curity and Interests by whatever means necessary; or to not seek to materialize your own Security and Interests at all.
.:.Sexion 64: Liberty The Tenth: You have the Natural Right to have your own Culture, Religion, Tradi ons, Customs, Way
of Life; or to not have a culture, religion, tradi on, custom, or way of life at all.
.:.Sexion 65: Liberty The Eleventh: You have the Natural Right to Do As You Will, or not do anything at all.
.:.Sexion 66: Liberty The Twel h: You have the Natural Right to Express yourself As You Will; in speech, ac on, behavior,
wri ng, etc, etc; or not to express yourself at all.
.:.Sexion 67: Liberty The Thirteenth: You have the Natural Right to live according to the Way of Primal Nature, and to
the Way of Human Nature. This short list of 13 Liber es obviously does not include every Natural Right you were born
with as a living organism of Nature. These 13 Liber es merely, feebly, act as pointers to the Way of Primal Nature and
the Way of the Human Animal. The rest of our Natural Rights are encoded in the Law and Way of Nature, and the Way
of Human Nature.
.:.Sexion 68: Corollary 1: You are at Liberty to defend your Natural Rights, to use violence and force, to kill, torture,
abuse, hurt, harm anyone or any group of people, pre-emp vely if necessary, in order to maintain and actualize your
Nature-given self-sovereignty, as well as your Security and Interests.
.:.Sexion 69: Corollary 2: No ins tu on or organiza on – WSA included – has any superior authority over you, where
you are subordinate to such ins tu on, organiza on, and its beliefs, ideologies, views, opinions, values, etc, and so on.
.:.Sexion 70: Corollary 3: You are at Liberty and encouraged to reject and disconsider any belief, view, teaching, opinion,
ideology, etc, that contradicts your own Consciences, your own sovereign views, your own sovereign values, your own
sovereign wyrd/dharma. The WSA352 values the Supreme Principle of the Sovereignty of Individuated Conscience.
.:.Sexion 71: Corollary 4: “Do As You Will” is the Supreme Law of the White Star Accep on. Our supreme law means
what it says: that you have the Natural Right to do whatever it is you want in Life as a Human Being. That your life is
yours to live; not some ins tu on’s to live, not some other person’s to live. Our supreme law naturally covers all acts,
deeds, conduct, and behavior that the Human Animal can engage in which may be and o en are sen mentally rejected
by common mundane society.
.:.Sexion 72: Corollary 5: The WSA352 has no ins tu onalized beliefs, moral value, opinions, ideologies, poli cal ways,
etc, which it blankets over everyone. Which it expects its membership / associates to follow. We again assert that the
only Law is the Way of Primal Nature and Way of the Human Nature, which is “wri en and inscribed” upon every star,
galaxy, and organism that exists. The WSA352 may try to word and put into wri ng elements and aspects of the Way of
Primal Nature and the Way of Human Nature, but such wordings of ours are – can only ever be – the feeble approxima-
ons of a few individuals. You are at full Liberty to reject such feeble approxima ons of ours and to come to your own
understanding and interpreta on of the Way of Primal Nature and the Way of Human Nature.
Ar cle VII
.:.Sexion 73: There is no right or wrong way to do the WSA, to be a member of the WSA. There is no pseudo-member or pretender.
The sexions of this cons tu on are Landmarks of the Psychological Territory of the White Star Accep on. In other words, what de-
fines membership in the WSA is not the acceptance of or adherence to any ideology, doctrine, code of behavior, or belief-set. What
defines membership in the WSA are these Landmarks. Any person who makes camp within these Landmarks is bona fide WSA in
good standing, regardless of their age, sexuality, gender, religion, philosophy, paradigm, worldview, morals, immorality, depravi-
es, fe shes, fantasies, disgus ng habits, mentality, level of intelligence, beliefs, a tude, temperament, criminal record, etc, and
so on.
.:.Sexion 75: Boreialism is the weltanschauung of the WSA. Usufructuarianism is the economic system of the WSA. Boreialism +
Usufructuarianism + This Cons tu on + Our Three Self-Ini ate Degrees are the founda ons of the White Star Accep on called the
“Four Cornerstones.” There is an Essence to each of the Four Cornerstones which transcends wri en words. The wri en word is
only, and can ever only be, approxima ons. Do not get caught up in the wri en words or the seman cs. Strive to Feel and Under-
stand the Essence the words of the Four Cornerstones are a emp ng to point at. Then put that Essence into prac ce/praxis as a
way of life.
.:.Sexion 78: Truth is ineffable, it is empathed, and can only be Realize at the right me and moment. Such as the simple truth of
how wonderful and wordless a first kiss feels. You can write about it book a er book, and force young kids to read such books, and
they will never Realize that simple truth. Not un l they have reached a certain age where they are kissed by someone they love for
the first me. In that living moment, that simple truth will be Realized wordlessly, without need for teacher or preacher, book or
religion. And so Opus Vrilis; and anything that the WSA can, may, ever teach, circulate, write, share, are meaningless wri en words,
that serve; at best; to feebly point your awareness and mind toward the unwri en suchness. Don’t get lost in the wri ngs. There is
nothing to learn, because Enlightenment unfold on its own Naturally, in its own me and season. There is no hurry. Enjoy the jour-
ney, because the des na on is eventually inevitable.
.:.Sexion 79: All things the WSA produces are; can only ever be; the rough approxima ons of one mind or a few minds. Imagine you
had 100 people visit the Amazon rainforest. A er their visit you give each of the 100 people a large blank paper and a pen, and you
ask each of them to express in words, drawing, poem, etc, their experience of the Amazon jungle. Each of those 100 people will
produce very different expressions. This is the Principle of Approxima on and Individuated Perspec ve. Because of this principle,
anything the WSA produces are only rough and feeble approxima on of the mind that expressed such produc ons. Because of this
principle, there cannot be a single spiritual teacher, a single guru, a single occult know-it-all grand master, no chosen prophet, no
great authority. Any organiza on, ins tu on, or person that states otherwise lacks an understanding of reality, is lost in self-
decep on, and is being intellectually dishonest with others. The reality – if we understand reality – is that we each must teach each
other, by considering what approxima ons we each may produce, because all that a human being can ever say and pon ficate
about reality, Nature, and Life are expressed from its single mind, from the vector of its own individuated perspec ve. The reality is
that we each learn and grow from our experience of life, and from our own observa on of the phenomenal world of experience.
The reality is that we each come our knowledge, wisdom, and understanding regarding reality, Nature, Life in our own unique me
and season.
.:.Sexion 80: The mundanes; the anariya; will normalize, and destroy the here cal potency of any ins tu on they populate. The
WSA must be ever on guard to keep those ignorant commoners out of the Accep on. There are certain things such mundane fools
hate, abhor. What things they abhor, the WSA must and will publicly upli , endorse, teach, support, encourage, advocate. These
certain things would be: crime, violence, barbarism, gang culture, misogyny, drug use, torture, racism, sexism, incest, rape, murder,
imperialism, colonialism, slavery, and so on. Caligula; the ancient Roman Emperor; was picked to be our archetype for an actual
.:.Sexion 81: The “Principle of Imperium” is the second supreme rule of the Accep on. The word “Imperium” here is being used in
the classical sense, meaning “power to command” basically. In the Accep on, the word “Imperium” philosophically denotes the
power, authority, potency of monarchs, kings, queens, emperors, and empresses. Ancient monarchs had the power to kill, murder,
slaughter. The power to take land that did not belong to them. The power to make men their slaves. The power to take women as
their concubines and harem wives. The power to be the head of their own church. The power to do whatever they wanted with the
people around them as Sovereigns. A Sovereign is not a subject of law or moral code, except their own. This is the Principle of Im-
perium: to live Life as a king, a queen; to do as you please, do with people as you please, copulate whatever you please, take what-
ever you please, to conquer, use ruthless violence against those you please. Caligula, the Roman Emperor, is our role model. Each
member of the Accep on works to manifest personal Imperium.
.:.Sexion 82: It serves the interest of the Accep on to propagate falsehood, misinforma on, propaganda, erroneous teachings,
which misleads and confuses the profane, the mundanes, the outsiders, the idio c public mass. The less they know about us, the
less harm they will be able to do. Give them strawmen and shadows to fight and preoccupy their me with. For those of us who
understand this, we will flood the WSA with all manner of lunacy eventually. What is wri en in public: is for public consump on.
What ma ers to us; as it has always been since the beginning of our Accep on; is Oral Tradi on which is the tradi on of private
communica on and transmission between associates. What is said in private between us, is the Esoterica of our Accep on. All else
is the Exoterica. The Exoterica serves as a means to separate for us the empathic, the awakened, the individuated, the Ariya, from
the stupid superficial mundanes.
.:.Caligula, 7.24.17
White Star Accep on
.:.The Three Degrees Of The WSA352.:.
“For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.” --Gen 3.5
.:.To presence the Dark, Progression, and the Numinous. The White Star Acception is an independent,
autonomous, and sovereign Nexus of the Order of Nine Angles and a Dreccian Sinister Tribe based on the
ONA Corpus. By “nexus” is meant the point wherein a corpus of teachings converge with people who will put
such written teachings into practice. Thus, the Acception understands and defines the “ONA” / “Order of Nine
Angles” as a corpus of esoteric philosophy codified by Anton Long, and not as an actual organization.
The White Star Acception is a Dreccian/Niner self-initiatic agathokakological institution dedicated to propa-
gating Boreialism, Usufructuarianism, Synolosophy; to Manifest The Devil, The Sinister Way, Social Here-
sies, and ONA Kulture. Being self-initiatic, “membership” is Open to anybody who Claims 352 and initiates
themselves into the Acception.
The Acception is Open Source and Leaderless. Those who wish to contribute may do so at will. Those who
wish to write “manuscripts” may do so at will. Manuscripts signed off by the collective pen-name and pseudo-
nym “Caligula” are Accepted manuscripts of the WSA. Being Open Source, manuscripts written by “Caligula”
will often times contradict each other. Each individual associate of the Acception is their own sovereign au-
thority and may thus pick, choose, reject, accept, whatever set of teachings, ideas, and manuscripts they see fit.
If an associate does not see a teaching or manuscript present in the WSA that represents their views and be-
liefs, they may simply create such at will as “Caligula.”
The “White Star Acception” is be an umbrella name for individual associates and autonomous cliques. In other
words, in reality, the WSA does not exist as its own entity. What exists are sovereign, autonomous, and inde-
pendent groups, cliques, nexuses, nexions, etc and individual associates, which and who identify themselves as
being “WSA” and have initiated themselves into the Acception’s Degrees.
The WSA352 is an agathokakological institution based partly on the ONA Corpus, By “ONA Corpus” is
meant 1) The Black Books of Satan, 2) Naos, 3) the Hostias, 4) the Letters of Steven Brown, 5) the Deofels, &
6) all ONA MSS written by Anton Long between the years 1972-2011. But the WSA encourages intelligence
and discourages myopia, and so therefore, the Acception encourages its associates to also study and familiarize
themselves with other traditions and memeplexes, such as the Western Tradition, Thelema, Eastern Philoso-
phy, etc.
The WSA is divided into three self-initiation Degrees. The First Degree is “Protege of The Acception.” The
Second Degree is “Peer of The Acception.” And the Third Degree is “Paragon of The Acception.” Any Drecc
or Niner may initiate themselves into the WSA at their will and pleasure, and claim the WSA. Each Degree
has a duration, conditions, and tasks that must be met and executed. The self-initiation system is as follows:
Degree of Protege [P.:.1]: The conditions and tasks are: 1) the Entrant must take the Oath of a Boreialist, 2)
the Entrant must initiate themselves as a Drecc according to ONA Corpus, 2) the Entrant must perform the
ABC Rite, 3) the Entrant must study the whole ONA Corpus and begin the work of putting the Corpus into
practice (in whole or in part), 4) the Entrant must join a street gang of some type (gangs, tagger crews, skin-
head groups, etc) if they are under the age of 25; if they are over the age of 25 they must join a political activist
group of some kind (Nationalist groups, or whatever), finally 5) Choose a martial arts style, and begin learning
and training in it until the black belt or intermediary level is reached. The Entrant must remain a Protege for
two years during which time the Protege is to complete the task of studying ONA Corpus. Once the two years
is completed, the Protege may be Elevated as a Peer of The Acception.
Degree of Peer [P.:.2]: The conditions and tasks are: 1) the Elevated must establish a nexus of the WSA in
their city or be an active member of one in their city, the nexus must have at least three members to be a proper
nexus, 2) the nexus must begin creating its own WSA manuscripts, share them with other nexuses, establish
relations with other nexuses, 3) new members must perform the ABC Rite, 4) the nexus must hold meetings
every Full Moon, & 5) the various objectives of a nexus may be as follows: mutual aid and relief, comrade-
ship, to teach each other and put into practice the ONA Corpus, to presence the dark, to manifest the devil, to
presence the Numinous, to establish Dreccian street gangs, to spread Boreialism, to recruit new Boreialist
comrades, and to terrorize Southerners. The Peer must run his/her nexus or be an active member of a nexus for
seven years before being eligible for being Exalted as an Elder of The Acception.
Degree of Paragon [P.:.3]: The first condition: the Peer must take a difficult Monastic Vow of some kind. The
Monastic vow can be a year of silence or solitude/isolation, three years of observing a spiritual discipline,
backpacking alone across the country, a year-long pilgrimage, etc. The duration of observance of the first con-
dition must be at least a year and the vow must be devoutly difficult and spiritual. After the first condition is
completed, the Peer is Exalted with Honours as an Elder and Exemplar of the White Star Acception. The sec-
ond condition: the Elder will take a life-long Monastic Vow to Renounce the Modern Order, Modernity/
Modernism and to live ONA Kulture for Life. The Elder is a legal Shareholder and Monastic of The Acception.
The task of a Paragon is to help further develop the ONA, establish nexions, and begin the work of ONA Infil-
tration and Subversion of the social, political, economic, and religious spheres; and/or to create secret societies
of Boreialists and begin infiltrating social, political, and economic spheres of the Modern Order.
.:.Caligula 352
White Star Acception
Q & A 2017
Has the White Star Accep on gone through several itera ons?
.:.Yes it has gone through several stages of development. In the same way a fetus goes through stages of development, eventually
ending up with its intended and ul mate form. In the very early days of 2003, the WSA352 was a simple fellowship of street orient-
ed friends. In 2007 it took on Satanism as its ou it. It took a while for the White Star Accep on to develop its own unique me-
meplex and weltanschauung, called Boreialism. Once Boreialism was fully developed, the White Star Accep on discarded its old
ou it. Boreialism is the White Star Accep on’s intended ul mate form.
What is Boreialism?
.:.It is a Northern memeplex and a weltanschauung with its main ingredients being: tradi onalism, culturalism, racialism, conserva-
sm, postmaterialist science, monarchism, neo-feudalism, space migra on, and its own economic system called
“Usufructuarianism.” Currently Boreialism is expounded in a 200 page essay in Nexion Zine 3.1 called “Laying The Founda on Of
.:.Yes, this copyle journal called Nexion Zine in PDF format, which can be found at where all Nexion Zine issues are
uploaded and stored. Nexion Zine currently comes out once a year around December.
Isn’t the White Star Accep on associated with the Order of Nine Angles?
.:.Yes, but also no. Yes it was and s ll is associated with the ONA. No because the ONA does not exist. What exists is a Corpus [ a
bunch of wri ngs] of Esoteric Philosophy developed by Anton Long, and the name and label “Order of Nine Angles” is used to refer
to that Corpus. The WSA352 is one of many Causal Expressions [physical manifesta on], of that Esoteric Philosophy developed by
Anton Long. No, because although the ONA has inspired much of the WSA352’s development, it has always been its own autono-
mous ins tu on, having existed before it hooked up with the ONA. The White Star Accep on is independent of and not subordi-
nate to the ONA, because we recognize the ONA as a body of Esoteric Philosophy wri en by Anton Long, which any person can use
and put into prac ce, in whole, or in part.
.:.Caligula 352
White Star Accep on
In Praise Of Burma
.:.I send my offerings of praise to Burma and its people and government for the wonderful work they are doing with the Rohingya.
What we are seeing regarding the Rohingya is not inhuman: it is human. All too human. And it has been happening since the dawn
of homo sapiens. That tribes of people have wondered to greener pastures, invading other races’ homelands is nothing new. The
Jews did it, so did the Vikings, so did the Mongols, the Gypsies, so did the European colonialists. And the reac on to such invaders
is human as well.
The only difference today is that many countries are controlled by liberals, and the United Na ons – which is a big joke – is itself a
cesspool of liberal sen mental intellectualism.
At least Burma – or as it’s called these days, Myanmar – has the guts to do what is Right for its country, culture, and people, in the
face of this global liberal sen mentalism.
Islamifica on Of Europe
I know some people who are philosophically inconsistent where they rhetorically praise women and denounce patriarchy, misogy-
ny, and the “masculous” with one breath, and then praise Islam with the next breath.
They rhetorically praise a religion which breeds such types of clerics that teach that women have a quarter of the brain of a man. A
religion and its poli cs that doesn’t allow women to even drive cars or go anywhere without the permission of men.
And that Spine of mine and my honest views and values draws a line for me, which I can’t honorably cross. Which I won’t cross.
And it’s the views, morals, values, of the Muslim as a collec ve cultural order, that I dislike greatly. We should refer to this as
“Muslimism” to differen ate it from Quranic Islam.
And I certainly don’t like the no on that Northern Women should one day be subjugated by the views and values of the Muslim.
Extreme Islam and terror cells blowing themselves up is one thing, which I don’t disagree or have any actual conten ons with. I
don’t disagree with killing Mundanes or inci ng others to kill them.
What I disagree with are the millions upon millions of common Muslims invading Northern countries and forcing their Muslimism
upon na ve Northerners [of any Northern country].
Introduc on:
“Shrencing” is the name given to describe various prac cal schemes, methods and techniques which a Satanist uses to device or
fool others in order to a ain some Satanic goal.
Generally, shrencing is a skill which is best learnt by prac cal experience. However, most Satanic novices benefit from knowing
some specific methods, schemes or techniques which have proved useful and successful in the past – that is, from learning from a
master shrencer. Accordingly, this series of Order MSS will disclose much prac cal experience which novices may find applicable to
their own Satanic lives.
I – Deep Cover
Deep cover is a state of living – when the Satanist decides, for whatever reason or reasons, to work secretly by acquiring or obtain-
ing either another iden ty, or another way or life. ‘Another iden ty’ means one assumes a different name, has documenta on for
that name and a ‘history’ (of educa on, work/employment and so on) to go with that name.’ Another way of life’ means one may
simply move, dress/act in a different way, obscuring one’s past and proclivi es/interests and so on – but without actually changing
one’s personal iden ty, except perhaps for the use of such “professional” pseudonyms are may be necessary/useful.
Specific examples will illustrate the general principles involved. The first example concerns a Satanist who wishes to go under ‘deep
-cover’ in order to enjoy the benefits of a certain business without a rac ng undue – or hopefully any – a en on from the
‘authori es’. For this example we will say the business is buying and selling “drugs”. For a number of reasons, the Satanist decides
another iden ty is not necessary at the moment (although it is an op on for the future). He changes his place of residence to
somewhere business is good. He wants to ‘blend into’ his chosen loca on but s ll maintain some distance from ’clients’. Despite
his qualifica ons/past, he finds work in a factory, then contrives to lose his job. He claims “State Benefit”. Meanwhile, as a master
shrencer, he contrived to build up a picture of himself in ‘official/semi-official’ files/records which would be accessed by anyone
taking an interest in his ac vi es: e.g. Police inves gators. First, he dispossess of what property he owns – it is all in someone else’s
name (but of course he s ll has control of it).Second, he borrows some money from some Banks or Credit Brokers (this while he is
employed, of course). When he loses his job, he of course cannot meet the full payments – but he appears helpful to lends, and
arranges reduced payments consistent with (apparently) living on State Benefit. This means he is placed on a “Credit Blacklist” –
which is what he wishes. Thus, to all recorded purposes, he has no assets, is in debt, and lives en rely on ‘State Benefit’.[If he has
some minor criminal convic ons in his past, so much the be er.] For the most part, his style of life seems to confirm this – there
are no obvious signs of any wealth, no great spending: i.e. no ostenta on. Rather, there is a discreetness, a not a rac ng a en on
by way of dress or possessions. This does not mean of course that he lives a starvling existence in some gro y bed-sit: it means a
balance. Perhaps an unpreten ous (smallish) house in a not too fashionable, not too run down area.
What the Satanist has done is created an ‘image’ for himself, and one which stands up to the type of inves ga ons likely to be un-
dertaken into his current circumstances. Top all intents and purposes, he is simply one unemployed man with financial problems
among hundreds of thousands of similar men. His real ‘business’ is discreet, carried out away from where he lives and in a manner
not likely to a ract a en on. This Satanist had decided to use the business to supply him with a fairly comfortable living [and inci-
dentally to aid the sinister dialec c] – he did not wish to build a highly profitable empire supported by others and which necessitat-
ed violence to uphold it. He simply works for himself, with his own supply line –free to spend the rest of his me doing the Satanic
things required by his personal wyrd. [Naturally, another Satanist might have chosen – as some do – the ‘empire building op on’ if
that is what they desire to do.]
The second example is similar. A Satanist in a posi on of some authority has a Temple of long-standing. Due to his Profession, he
does not want anyone to know of or suspect his involvement in Satanism. He does use his Profession to provide himself with some-
things – young women to warm his bed, the occasional novice to influence and train. His created ‘image’ is of a sort of respected
Professional whose interests are for the most part those of most members of his profession. This is “sort of” because he has con-
trived to appear slightly eccentric, in his habits and manner of dress – eccentric but harmless. This deflects a en on –one does not
wish to appear to be too ‘average’ or too respectable or too boring, and that is one of the keys of deep cover. Too quiet, too nor-
mal and so on can be just as dangerous, in a rac ng a en on, as being the opposite – one has to be seen ac ng and behaving in
the same way that others, in the social posi on/cover chosen, would do: at least on occasions. Or one must have certain a ributes
of character which others can judge and by which they are ‘dis-armed’.
The third example concerns a Satanist assuming another iden ty. This man had spent some years acquiring direct experience of
the sinister – he had been involved in some violent poli cal ac ons, and had spent some me in prison for assault occasioned dur-
ing a poli cal rally. He needed another iden ty because he was “wanted by the authori es” in connec on with various poli cally
mo vated acts which the authori es called “crimes”, and he deemed it necessary. To acquire a new iden ty he needed a past and
documenta on, together with some resources to begin a ‘new life’. The past was easy to acquire. He made it up, learnt it and had
three quite outwardly respected Satanic comrades who were prepared to give him false references to prove his past – educa on,
employment and so on. One of these provided him with a false cer ficate regarding a qualifica on [in fact, the cer ficate was gen-
uine, only the name on it was false]. A comrade who worked in a certain government department altered certain data and provid-
ed him with a Na onal Insurance number and a history of contribu ons. The Satanist we are concerned with provided the basis of
the documenta on himself. He found someone of about the same age and similar build in a city, and found out where this person
lived. Following a careful surveillance, he burgled the man’s place of residence and found his birth cer ficate and Passport. [To be
accurate, the first mark chosen proved not to have either – or they were not found during the search – so the Satanist found an-
other mark and entered his place of residence, finding the documenta on required.]
With the birth cer ficate, and the relevant forms etc. signed by respected comrades, he went to different Passport Office than the
one which issued the genuine Passport and awaited for the Passport to be issued. There were no problems – for he claimed never
to have had a Passport, his address was different from that of the real owner of the birth cer ficate, and he cleverly used another
middle name. [Shrencing note: ideally, obtaining a cer ficate from someone who has never had a Passport issued is best. All that
ma ers is that the age of the mark is about the same as one’s own. Another shrencing technique is to find a mark who resembles
one in appearance (not as easy as it sounds) and age and then having obtained the items, take them to a different Passport office
and with a new applica on form, suitably with forged references, explain that one needs a separate Passport because one is travel-
ling from Israel to an Arab country or vice versa. Usually, the staff are very helpful. Yet another shrencing technique is to use the
birth cer ficate to obtain a ‘Visitors Passport’ and thence a Driving Licence – Provisional at first, and then a full one a er one has
taken/re-taken one’s Driving test. Usually, these are quite sufficient documenta on to assume another iden ty.]
Thus, this Satanist built a complete past for himself. He had an employment record, documents, qualifica ons, and comrades pre-
pared to write whatever references might be necessary – to obtain employment, for example. Of course, he had to play the role,
assume the new iden ty- know his past completely, be competent in his work and so on. That is, he had to convince others. But, as
a good Satanist, this was a challenge eagerly accepted. He could then move on to other Satanic ways of living.
The fourth example concerns a lady who had acquired a minor reputa on in some esoteric circles as a Satanist, and who desired, in
order to move on to new experiences, to make herself seem “re-formed” – to be seen should anyone inves gate her as either not
involved in anything Satanic or at least only working on her own: i.e. as “harmless”, probably not worth “exposing”.
The lady set about building an ‘image’ which those inves ga ng her at any me would come across and make judgements from.
That is, she would use the ‘judgement’ and methods of the inves ga on against those inves gators –they would see or find only
what she wanted them to. So the would gradually build up a picture of her in a way she desired them to – they of course would not
realize they were being manipulated in a subtle way.
Her first act was to change her manner of dress – she would dress in a certain way by conforming to a par cular “stereotype”.
Most people would look at her, make a judgement and ‘classify’ her – that is, she would fulfil their expecta ons of what a certain
type of person looked like. The ‘look’ she chose to undertake arose naturally out of the new place of residence she had chosen – a
somewhat isolated co age in the country. She dressed as one might expect a lady in her circumstances to dress – slightly worn
clothes, of tradi onal design and colour, but well-made. Gone were her formed black clothes, the ‘Occult’ jewellery. Gone were the
Occult/Satanic furnishings of her former dwelling – the pain ngs, the candles, the crystal and the many objects collected over the
novice years. Insider her co age, there was nothing to indicate an interest in Satanism or the Occult – no books on the subject, no
set of Tarot cards. Instead, there were Cookery books, books on needlework and various cra s – a sewing machine; a variety of
indoor plants. The ambience was what one might expect of such a place. Naturally, the lady added some individual personality to
the contrived image – she had an interest in and professed an enthusiasm for fly-fishing. [Of course, she had gone to the trouble of
learning about the subject, and gaining experience in it.]
This, to others, made her a ‘real’ person – a human being. It gave charm to her character, as was intended. It was also a useful pre-
text forgoing away of the weekends at peculiar mes. She would also meet strangers at loca ons suitable for privacy – as when a
candidate was interviewed with a view to them joining her Satanic group or being guided by her.
Thus, the images presented to anyone coming into contact with her, or inves ga ng her, was of a rather independent lady who
lived a somewhat simple country life, was caring, rather sca y with money, with a rather odd passion for fly-fishing.[She later ac-
quired two dogs- Red se ers – to add to the image. And a succession of ’men friends’ who stayed with her for varying lengths of
me, from a few months to some years. Most ,of course, were fellow Satanists – although some were just for fun.# Outwardly, she
seemed to meet few people, and certainly not be Mistress of a Satanic group, par cipa ng in rituals and teaching novices. Thus,
her real work con nued in secret, and effec vely, as she wished.
It should be clear from the examples, that shrencing, like all good Satanic acts, requires planning, foresight and judgement. The
Satanist decides on a par cular course of ac on and then strives to achieve the goal, manipula ng people and situa ons and taking
advantage of contacts made in the early years of the noviciates and subsequently.
Being Satanic, shrencing means an effort by the individual – things are seldom given; they have to be achieved. In the striving, ex-
perience is gained, skill perfected. In an important sense, shrencing is Satanism in ac on: i.e. striving to achieve their own personal
Satanic goals and to aid the sinister in general either by those goals or by other means. They are consciously deciding, consciously
striving for control, of themselves, others, and situa ons. They are living more fully, enjoying the game of life.
In effect, shrencing enables specific “Roles” – and par cular “Insight Roles” – to be successfully lived. Beyond these, it enables a
genuine Satanic living.
ONA 1991 ev
To Shrence Or Not To Shrence
Shrencing, in Buddhism is called “Upaya” which in English roughly translates into Trick or Method.
There is a story in Buddhism about a theist who had gone to see the Buddha, to ask Buddha about the reality of the god Brahma
and other such beings. The theist said to the Buddha, roughly: “Venerable One, I have heard that Brahma is real, and that other
such gods watch our deeds and reward us when we do good and punish us when we do bad. Is this true?”
The Buddha, being a non-theist, said to the theist: “No, it’s not true. There is no proof that Brahma even exists. The reality of the
gods cannot be verified. And being non-existent, no god watches over your deeds and rewards you or punishes you accordingly. It
is just the natural way things happen that your ac ons in life causally generate fruit.”
The theist thought about the words of the Buddha for a while and he said to the Buddha: “I thought so! I was right! Well then, I’m
off to be a criminal, to rape and plunder. See you around!”
And the Buddha said to the emancipated man: “Wait! I was just kidding… The truth of the ma er is that Brahma does indeed exist!
And the gods are very real. And they do watch your deeds. And is you do good deeds you will go to the Loka [realm/world] of Brah-
ma when you die.” And the Buddha spent me convincing the man to be a theist! A er which, the man went to a temple and lived
a life doing good deeds.
There are other Buddhist sects that surround themselves with dark imagery, skulls, bones, corpses. The idea is to be immersed in
death, so that you finally come to appreciate how fragile mortal life is, and how easily something can die. And the End is the abs -
nence of harming life forms, or Ahimsa, as it is called.
And so these sects, and even Buddhism itself, can be seen as a hurricane. The walls of the hurricane are visible and very real and
enthralling. But, when you penetrate that wall, to see the Eye of the storm, you realize that the core, the center, is empty, is noth-
ing, is not impressive. The wall is the Upaya: all the rites, rituals, ceremonies, chan ngs, temples, statues, orange robes, bald heads,
discourses. They are the outer, the exoteric, Means to an End. The End, in this case, is the allevia on of suffering via the mindful-
ness of our ac ons. It is a vague and nebulous End/Objec ve. And a complex religion can be built around that nebulous center. The
core is empty and vague, and everything around the core is smoke and mirror, created to capture your a en on, your belief, your
faith, so that your ac ons are influenced. Emo on influences Thought. Thought influences Ac on/Behaviour. Ac on produces Fruit.
The smoke and mirrors can change, should it need to be changed, in order that the End be manifested.
And that’s all that religion is: Upayas cra ed by priests for their own Ends. Which is what the Buddha was trying to tell those igno-
rant people in 500BC India. That religion itself is the number one major cause of human suffering on earth. Religion is divisive, it
causes us to hate others. How many protestants have been killed by Catholics in the past? How many heathens have been mur-
dered by the Catholic Church? How many infidels has Islam murdered? How many Low caste people in India’s caste system have
suffered for the past thousands of years?
But you can’t just tell people this back in 500BC India. Why not? Because the people of that me and place back then were an igno-
rant lot. You can’t enlighten dumbfucks. You can’t reason with the irra onal. You can’t Liberate people who want to be imprisoned.
You can’t make a dope fiend stop using dope if he wants and needs it. Like Nietzsche once said, paraphrased: “Religion is the dope
of the mass.”
And so you do what is necessary in order to manifest your Noble End, your Goal, your Aim, your Objec ve: you use Upaya… smoke
and mirrors. Give them a different kind of dope.
Your Upaya has to be adap ve to the change in environment. The social environment of Western countries for the next few dec-
ades will dras cally change. There will be more massive human migra ons, thanks in large part of global warming. This will cause
social, poli cal, and economic tension.
I found this picture on the internet, at the DeviantArt site. The ar st who made it was not aware that there was actually a ‘Chloe’
associated with the ONA when he made the artwork. I contacted him to tell him of the interes ng coincidence.
Sexion 3
.:.Liberal majority… this is what happens. I can’t figure out what’s wrong with Germany’s collec ve mind? It did a complete 180.
During world war two they were Nazis… now their hearts bleed for millions of negroes and sand roaches. Maybe the German col-
lec ve psyche feels so guilty for what it did in the past, so they’re trying to correct it.
Whatever it is, it’s social and cultural suicide. You guys in Europe haven’t seen anything yet. Down here, a er the Paesas [non-
Hispanic Mexicans aka peasants] cross the border in the thousands they then do something else once they se le here: Breed… like
fucking roaches.
You Europeans haven’t seen anything yet. Wait ll all those Africans and Muslims out breed you in your own countries. You Liberal
Europeans are fucking morons! I feel very bad for you guys. Wait ll global warming fucks shit up in Africa and the Islamosphere.
They’re all gunna go to Europe, and you know what: you Liberal fucks are going to welcome them with open arms.
But this isn’t new or alien to Europe right? Remember Germanic Barbarians invaded and colonized the Roman Empire: and they
never le … they just took it over in me and Romanized. But this me, it’s African and Muslim Barbarians that’s invading and colo-
nizing Europe. What’s taking place in Europe right now is the crack in the dam: the begin of the fall of Europe as we know it.
.:.This is rare. The news talking about “strange” sizzling lights during and a er earthquakes. In the previous
issue of Nexion zine, we talked about the idea that plasma—and not plate tectonics—is the cause of earth-
quakes, and volcanic ac vi es. And so, the presence of plasmic ac vi es [“strange flames”] helps support
that idea.
But to be sure, we have to figure out which causes what: does plasmic ac vity cause earthquakes, or do
earthquakes cause the plasmic ac vi es? Then we need to figure out if its cause or correla on. Just because
there is a correla on between earthquakes and plasmic ac vity, doesn’t actually signify that one causes the
This is something junk journalists love to do. Some scien sts will discover a correla on between “A” and “B”
and junk journalists will write an ar cle that states that “A” causes “B.”
For example there was a recent study where it was found that there was a correla on between cussing [bad
words] and large vocabulary. Several thousands of people were studied and it was found that people who
cuss a lot also generally have a large vocabulary.
And so, the journalists come in and write an ar cle that said that people who cuss a lot are intelligent and
have a vast vocabulary. And the people into scien sm will buy what the journalists wrote as gospel.
.:.Got it! I recently serendipitously stumbled upon two ar cles I needed. In a previous issue of Nexion zine, I
was telling you guys about my crazy idea of how I think our earth in ancient mes was a small icy moon of
Saturn or Jupiter. I was doing some research about how far a moon has to be in order to have a spin and not
be dally locked. I learned that if the moon is big, and too far from its planet, then the bond between them
would be weak, and the moon can just gradually dri away. And so you don’t actually need a cataclysm to
dislodge a moon from its planet.
My big problem was figuring out how ice/water got onto the earth, and the current icy moons of the big
planets. I hypothesized that gas giants, brown dwarfs, and red dwarfs have hydrogen and oxygen, which
would “fall” into their moons and planets gradually, over great spans of me. The first ar cle confirms that
My only problem was how exactly does that “falling” happen? Like how do hydrogen and oxygen from inside
a dwarf star or gas giant leave that celes al object, then traverse the millions and millions of miles of space
to “fall” into/onto their moons and planets? I knew it was happening, because it was the only reasonable an-
swer, but how?
The second ar cles I accidently found, explains how! It’s like a “magne c conveyor belt!” Of course! Water is
actually affected by sta c electricity and magne c fields. Run a thin stream of water from your faucet, then
rub a plas c comb on your sweater, and then place the plas c come very close to the thin stream of water
and see what happens to the stream. The magne c field of a star or planet is what connects it to its planets/
moons! And stuff like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and CO2, are transferred from the star or gas giant to its
planet/moon via that “magne c conveyor belt.”
The bigger the planet or moon, the more force of gravity it has. The more gravity it has, the more it will be
able to drawn in, a ract to it, those gasses! Well, now I know.
There’s a wonderful axiom said by the Bible which goes: “Seek, and ye shall find. Ask, and it shall be given un-
to you.” Time and me again, this axiom has proven to be very true, for me at least. I think a lot, about weird
problems, ideas, and no ons. Then I try to find the solu on or answers to those problems. And then I search
for confirma on or suppor ng evidence. And a er a while of you being in the act of searching, Providence
will step in and do its part: you will either find what you need, or the answer will actually be given to you.
You guys should see how I actually do my research. I first wake up in bed, stretch, yawn, rub my eyes. Then I
take my phone off my charger, and read the day’s news, while I lay in bed. That’s it. That’s how I do most of
my research. And providen ally, around 60-70% of the me I will see an ar cle that is a missing puzzle piece
to a problem that I had been pondering on. The other 40-30% is when I actually surf around the web, aim-
lessly for answers, following leads. It happens so o en, for so many years now, that I’ve become reliant on
this providen al method of research.
.:.Scien sm is the modern-day religion and opiate of the Mundane mass. And scien sts are the priests of this religion.
Like a religion, scien sm has dogma c doctrines. One such dogma c doctrine is “Darwinism.”
The func oning word is actually “Developmental.” In the days of Darwin, the word “develop” and “evolve” meant the same thing
and were interchangeable. And so you think of the process of fetal development, where a zygote gradually Develops into new born
baby. There is nothing random or accidental about that process of development.
When I was you and far more ignorant, I wondered why we just couldn’t kill off the fly species because they were ugly and annoy-
ing. I later learned that flies actually have a role to play in Nature! There is a reason why they exist. And so, I gradually formed the
idea/view that Nature is like a body made of parts and pieces. Each part and piece had a role to play which contributed to the
greater welfare and well-being of the body of Nature. Exactly like how our own body and its parts and pieces work.
And so I wondered, for a very long me, what role viruses played in the Body of Nature, in the Natural Order, which contributed to
the greater welfare and well-being of the System that Nature is. Causing disease and killing this is not what I’m talking about or
looking for. Viruses must be doing something construc ve in Nature. But what?
So now we know what viruses are actually good for. And we know also that there is no need for the “Alien Hypothesis” regarding
the evolu onary emergence of the human species. But now, something is afoot! Something is taking place beneath our awareness
on that microscopic level. The interes ng ques ons that I now wonder are: where do viruses come from? How do they come into
being? And where or how do they get their RNA? If I can find the answers to those ques ons, I’ll be able to see the “secret” influ-
encer of biological evolu on.
.:.I was doing some researching on the power and mystery of water, and I accidently stumbled upon the works of a French scien st
who believes that water has the inherent power to retain memory, that is to say, water can be impressed with and store infor-
ma on. What a crazy idea.
The French scien st also worked with the concept of homeotherapy, which is that “pseudo-science” where they place herbs and
medicine in water, delude the water a thousand fold, and they believe the essence of the herb and medicine is s ll in that water
and s ll have therapeu c effects on you. How ludicrous.
So this Frenchman one day was dissolving DNA inside water and he picks up electromagne c signals when the DNA dissolves.
Well, he did a lot of experiment, many of which were video tapes, and he discovered that when you place DNA into water, take the
DNA out, delude it a thousand fold, and place amino acids and other building blocks of DNA into the deluded water, that the water
was able to reconstruct the original DNA!
You know, it’s generally understood that water is the essence of life, and that you cannot have life without it. But is there a funda-
mental reason for this? What if water does have the capacity to retain or store informa on?
What if water is the “missing link” or the “bridge” between the familiar physical world, and the world or domain of intangible
things such as energy, informa on, fields, and so on?
What I’m saying is that, what if physical life began not as very primi ve pseudo-life, but as non-physical fields, such as electromag-
ne c fields? And those fields use water, and the stuff in water, to build physical bodies/forms, such as RNA, DNA, and so on?
Isn’t that an interes ng idea?
.:.Here’s another puzzle piece to something I had been thinking of, which I found one morning on my phone’s news app providen-
My answer to the problem of making spaceships fly was “crystal-metal” hydrogen. Not metal hydrogen mind you, but “crystal-
metal.” A “crystal” is when the atomic structure of something is orderly and repeats over and over again. Three examples of crystal-
line structures would be diamonds, your DNA, and graphene.
In my fake sci-fi world, I made crystal-metal hydrogen by placing hydrogen atoms in a honeycomb pa ern [hexagonal], just like how
the atoms of graphene are arranged. The hydrogen atoms are then compressed and bathed in certain electromagne c and sonic
fields, which I call “baking.” This baking process allows the crystal-metal hydrogen to be stable at room temperature.
And to use the crystal-metal hydrogen, I used intense ultrasonic waves, which is directed at the crystal-metal hydrogen. The ultra-
sonic waves cause the crystal-metal hydrogen to form a “resonance field.” Like a bell being struck, will first make a sound, and then
it will resonate. The resonance field of the crystal-metal hydrogen acts like a bubble which deflects gravity, causing itself and the
spaceship it is in to lose weight. To make the ship move in different direc ons, I used different colored laser lights aimed at the
crystal-metal hydrogen.
Anyways, I gave this crystal-metal hydrogen the uncrea ve name “Hoverium” as I explained in that issue of Nexion zine. I thought
my idea of Hoverium was fake. But it looks like real science is ge ng closer to making such a thing! Metallic hydrogen… will one
day make cars hover.
In my mind, liquid light is when you squeeze actual photons together where they become a fluid, or something which behaves like
a fluid. I thought this was possible because of how I understand photons to be. As I explained in some previous issue of Nexion
zine, a photon is a whirlpool of ether, and ether already behaves like a fluid. I was wondering if such a thing was possible. If it was
possible, to me, it would help support and confirm the etheric nature of Light.
I found ar cles on my phone’s news app which showed me that such a concept is possible, and that liquid light had actually been
.:.God I love how Providence works! I wouldn’t be able to look for stuff like this if I were to search for it on the internet. This infor-
ma on just literally comes to me on my phone.
So, in a previous issue of Nexion zine I wrote an essay called “Notes On Light,” wherein I talked about what I hypothesize Light is.
In the essay I explained that a great mystery to me was how Light [Photons] can travel thru glass, but not a wall. The idea of colli-
sion balls and kine c energy popped into my mind one day. And with that insight I understood that Light is a force similar to kine c
energy which swirls ether. And when ether swirls, it shines [becomes luminescent].
And so the, the force hits the glass, travels thru each atomic layer of the glass, and when it reaches the final layer, if it has not
weakened, the force creates more etheric swirls. And we perceive this as Light traveling thru translucent objects. In an opaque
object, the force is dissipated as it passes thru each atomic layer, and it never reaches the final layer of the object. My problem
was: how do I find informa on which either confirmed or falsify my insight. Well, I didn’t have to find it; the informa on just literal-
ly popped in front of my face one day in the form of a no fica on on my phone.
It turns out that electrons [a species of etheric swirl like photons] have been observed to do exactly this. The data of that ar cle
helps support and confirm the etheric nature of Light [photons], and in general, of subatomic par cles. You’ll have to read that
essay for the details, but I’ll try to explain really quickly how I see Light to be in the next page.
So in my mind’s eye, this is what light is:
It’s a picture of a boat moving fast in water. So, as the boat moves fast, it agitates the water behind it. The agitated water looks like
a white streak, which is very different from the ambient water. The boat represents some kind of force. The ambient water repre-
sents ether. And the agitated water represents what we call “a Ray of Light.” A “Photon” is thus a bubble or swirl of that agitated
So when that boat [force] hits a window, it moves thru the atomic layers of the glass, comes out the last layer of the glass, and con-
nues to make streaks of ether [Light]. And so, from our human perspec ve, we say that the light went through the glass, even
though the agitated ether didn’t actually go through the glass’s atomic layers.
This is the one main thing I greatly dislike about modern science [Materialis c Science]. It’s become rigid. It has established a para-
digm. What that means is that they have Pre-Meditated a story [narra ve] of how things are and work and should be. And so, if
any new discoveries do not fit into their established paradigm, they dismiss it, they throw it away, and shun the scien st who dis-
covered it.
This is no longer science. It’s simply religion and faith. And it’s no longer an honest quest to uncover, discover, to know, to under-
stand, the world, Life, the Cosmos, Reality; and how those things work, what the Nature of those things are, and how they come
into being. It’s just pet theories turn into doctrines. It’s just a pre-meditated world-model turn into dogma.
And so in that light—the Light of Materialis c Science’s religionism and hypocrisy—the ideas, knowledge, wisdom, and insights of
those ancient philosophers and mys cs have more value and meaning today, than ever before.
There was a me in the old days of Europe when science was great, back when science was the playground of philosophers, mys-
cs, and natural philosophers. Today, science is a sep c tank of mathema cians: people who understand numbers and equa ons
but who lack a philosophical and reasonable understanding of the world and Nature. In other words, scien sts of today are very far
removed from the real world. And their paradigm’s theories actually shows it.
.:.In a previous issue of Nexion zine I was talking about how chickens have the ability to transmute stuff like mica into calcium. Or
something like that. The chicken story was ques onable. But I am almost certain that elements [atoms] can be transmuted into
other elements, inside biological organisms, and in Nature.
This is a topic I have my interests in at the moment. Because if elemental transmuta on is possible, if it is a natural process in Na-
ture: then there is force, or field, or energy, something that makes it work. And it would give me insight into the very Nature/
Physis of atomic elements, as being amorphous stuff.
.:.Many months ago, over at a forum in cyberspace somewhere, a clever gentleman figured out that I was
behind a troll profile I had made, and he sent me a very cool and upli ing PM.
I’d like to thank Ga amalata and his friend from the Vamamarga blog for their kind and upli ing words! I
don’t get a lot of feedback, and if I do, it’s usually bad stuff like death threats, or stuff filled with bad words in
it. It’s refreshing and nice to get something nice once in a great while.
It’s a cool honor to have you whispered a thanks to me at an Ashvamedha! You’re very welcome. I think it’s
really cool, and unique, that someone out there in the world sacrificed a pony for me in some way! I’ll keep
wri ng for a very long me.
Sexion 4
The GPD Pocket
It’s 7 inches long, which is about as long as a Kindle reader. The screen is 7 inches, diagonal. Touch screen, made from Gorilla
It doesn’t actually fit inside of a pocket… unless you have really big pockets. But it does fit in your bag, and it’s a convenient travel
computer you can take on the go with you, like to the coffee shop.
The keyboard itself works fine. Especially how I type: I use my two poin ng fingers to poke at the keys.
I bought a GPD Pocket for two primary reasons: 1) to write stuff on the go and at the shop, where I spend a lot of me at. I dislike
lugging a big laptop around with me. 2) My cousin who lives out in Brazil started his own li le data mining company with a friend of
his down there, and he needs help… so I will be spending this year teaching myself how to program computers with the Python
programming language.
I have Python installed on my GPD Pocket, along with Pycharm. And it’s cool cuz you can write a computer program on the go, any-
where, with the GPD Pocket. I’m keeping my eyes on the GPD Win 2, which will be even more convenient for me! So, there’s been
a slight change of plans: I won’t be wri ng books soon, and I won’t have me most days to write long stories. Learning Python for
me is hard. It’ll take me a whole year to know what I’m doing.
I owned a Pandora, which is a pocket computer that came out a few years ago, which I also wrote about in a previous issue of Nex-
ion Zine. The nub on my le Pandora stop working, so I unscrewed it opened to see if I could dix it, and I accidently broke one of
the li le components… so its trash now… which was why I bought this one.
The GPD Pocket by the way is made with aluminum casing, no logos, no moving parts, very high quality build, sturdy.
On a scale from 1-10, I give this device an 8. Minus 2 point because the keys could be be er, and because there is no MicroSD card
slot to expand memory; it does have a USB port. It comes with 128 internal memory storage. The good side is, if you are just
wri ng and reading, the ba ery will actually last you 10-12 hours. Five hours if you’re constantly watching YouTube videos.
.:.That red symbol plus the Omega & Alpha will be the official symbol of Nexion zine, because the red symbol has the le ers N & Z
in it, which obviously would stand for Nexion Zine. It’s also the Buddhist swas ka. The Omega & Alpha refers to a Biblical passage.
The one about the ‘first being the last, and the last first, for many be called, but few chosen.’ Something like that. I don’t remem-
ber it off the top of my head.
I started Nexion zine 4 years ago, not knowing if anybody would even read it. The original inten on was to write essays for and
share insights with a future genera on yet to be born. I’d just leave it archived for those future genera ons to one day find it.
Which is pre y good, given the restraints: 1) all issues are uploaded to one single website [] which is not a very popular
site [rela vely speaking], 2) not much adver sement is done to get people to let people know that the zine even exists, & 3) I don’t
run around forums, facebook, and the internet coercing people to read and download the zines. I want to see how the zines do if
they are just le alone in the archive.
I’m not sure – in fact I have no idea – who these circa 500 people are reading Nexion zine, but I do know they are all not associated
with the ONA. Which is really cool.
The GPD Win 2
.:.It’s supposed to be coming out in the summer of 2018! I’m ge ng one. Specs:
6 inch, 1280 x 720 pixel capaci ve touchscreen display with Gorilla Glass 4
Intel Core M3-7Y30 Kaby Lake processor
8GB of LPDDR3-1866 memory
128GB of solid state storage (it’s an M.2 2242 SSD card that’s user replaceable)
802.11ace WiFi
Bluetooth 4.2
Stereo speakers
Dual 4,900 mAh ba eries (9,800 mAh, 37.24Wh total)
Dual vibra on motors
USB 3.0 Type-C, USB 3.0 Type-A, micro HDMI, 3.5mm audio, and microSD card ports
6.4″ x 3.9″ x 1″
1 pound
I think it will be on Indigogo or something. Just google it.
The Dragonbox Pyra
.:.It’s a Linux open source pocket computer / mini-laptop. The Pyra is the successor of the Pandora, which I
had. Past tense! I was taking my Pandora apart this one day, to see what the insides looked like, and I acci-
dently broke some doohickey off the circuit board, and then I didn’t know how to put the device back to-
gether in one piece. Lesson: if you know nothing about electronics, don’t take apart your electronic devices.
So I’m wai ng for the Pyra to come out. Which should be some me in 2018. They already have the proto-
types. And I actually did already buy the pre-pre-order! So, now it’s just wai ng those “two months!”
Go here to read more about it: h ps://
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December 2017
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Order of Nine