The Howling Spirits
By Baron Araignee and Baronessa Araignee
About this ebook
The Lesser Key of Solomon, better known as the Goetia - a manuscript that every single person in the Occult world knows. The goal of this book is to present the Goetia to the practitioner in simpler terms - along with a neutral system of working with the spirits herein. These 72 Spirits will help you in your spiritual endeavours as well as fulfilling your mortal desires. All the seals and sigils within this book is authentic as presented in the Solomonic Grimoires pertaining to it, however, as mentioned, the rituals within was created by us thus remains true in its design and construct.
Baron Araignee
We are Rheiner and Vanessa Le Roux, also known as “Baron and Baronessa Araignee”. (Personally, we find pseudonyms ridiculous however it seems to achieve its goal) We are the owners of Araignee Arcane Services, The Arcane Press as well as authors on the subject of Spiritual Ascension and the Metaphysical. Under Araignee Arcane Services, we offer our clients a wide range of specialised Occult services, from Spiritual Counselling, Consultations, Evocations, Divinations, Astrology, a few of our published books and a whole range of metaphysical services and products. Our personal practice is known as “Hexagrammaton” under which we published a book with the same title: The Hexagrammaton. Our path is not a road which many can and will follow as it takes a tremendous amount of dedication to see through. The path of the Hexagrammaton is one which is balanced yet centres around the hidden nature or “Aleph” of every individual: the seat of god. Our personal path is not influenced by any other paradigms or people but is formulated from experience and practically applied from what we found as undeniable evidence hidden in various places. Even though we have studied and practiced many lessor variants of the Occult, such as Alchemy, Witchcraft, Ceremonial High Magick, Grand Necromancy and others, we can profess that the greatest of Great Work lies hidden within each individual, and not outside of humanity. Unfortunately, through numerous misconceptions, misinformation and so forth, the world of the Metaphysical has become no better than religious institutions which are founded by individuals who twist the Truth to suit their own deluded needs. With this being said, we are not Religious individuals, nor do we attribute demons and goblins to everything which goes bump in the night! We are Stoic individuals with lucid reasoning, thus cannot be convinced of the existence of anything if there is not undeniable evidence to support its existence. In other words: We are not theorists…
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Book preview
The Howling Spirits - Baron Araignee
he Lesser Key of Solomon, better known as the Goetia – a manuscript that every single person in the Occult world knows…and rather to our dismay, this book has novices in the Arts positively hypnotised. Undoubtedly so, as the 72 Spirits contained herein are some of the most commonly mentioned Spirits that you will find as you just start your journey. Even individuals who have more time under their belts still work with these Beings above most others, proclaiming their power and efficiency.
The Lesser Key does not just have novices and part-time practitioners glued to its pages…more knowledgeable and experienced Occultists have been debating over this manuscript for ages, and by us writing this modest tome, we are inadvertently adding to this. Some of the most notorious Occultists of the modern age have all had their time and say regarding the 72 Spirits. Needless to say, in our signature manner, we will not write this book using quotes of other individuals and we will present this as a workable system for the individual to practically apply.
First things first though – to the novice, it will come as a surprise that the Lesser Key of Solomon, or at least the Goetia, forms part of a collection of works, the others which aren’t exactly as popular to the aspiring mage. Since this is a book on the notorious Howling Spirits, we will keep on topic and will not discuss the other volumes in the series. All these books are collectively referred to as Solomonic
and have sired a path of magick by themselves: Solomonic Magick. Now, the Solomonic tradition is highly influenced by the Abrahamic religion and is filled with constraints, blasting rods (for the disobedient Spirits) and so on. We will not be presenting the Solomonic tradition here, as we personally find it quite silly.
The goal of this book is to present the Goetia to the practitioner in simpler terms – along with a neutral system of working with the spirits herein. We suppose this will suit the adept as well, even if for a point of reference – however this is aimed at those new to the field of Magick. Along the way, we will also reveal the truth about these Spirits, and we will warn you ahead of time: you may not like the true origin and nature of these Spirits. This being said, if you choose to live life in ignorance, we highly suggest skipping that chapter when it arises.
2019 C.E.
Chapter 1: Regarding the Origins of The Lesser Key of Solomon
n this modern day and age, most people who read or even hear
The Lesser Key of Solomon
immediately assumes that this, and the others of the series, has been written by King Solomon of the Hebrews. Well, how could it not? Apparently, he was a very wise and powerful individual – or so we are told. The fact that people believe this frustrates us greatly, and in all honesty, we find it extremely taxing. Thus, we have taken it upon ourselves to explain to the reader why the notorious Solomon was not the true author of these books. For those of you who have read our other books as well, you will recall that we have already discussed this, however, we shall do so once more…for posterity.
Take a close look at the Solomonic Grimoires
. Really look at it. What do you see? Did you know that the Biblical Old testament King Solomon, could never have performed any form of Magick?
Why? It is against Jewish law and punishable by death. Not even a King is exempt from this. So, who is this author? Could the Occult Books of Moses have been written by the same author? What do these two infamous books have in common? Simply put, the Christian prayers and petitions. Did you know, reader, that ANY form of magick is strongly condemned by the Christian, Arabic and Jewish beliefs? So, obviously these books are not nearly as ancient as people believe them to be, nor is the original author King Solomon
. Here we present to you some evidence in this regard. To a novice, the names will likely not mean much, however this being said, we highly recommend that you look into both the books and their authors.
"The most obvious source for the Ars Goetia is Johann Weyer's Pseudomonarchia Daemonum in his De Praestigiis Daemonum. Weyer does not cite, and is unaware of, any other books in the
Lemegeton, indicating that the Lemegeton was derived from his work, not the other way around. The order of the spirits was changed between the two, four additional spirits were added to the later work, and one spirit (Pruflas) was omitted. The omission of Pruflas, a mistake that also occurs in an edition of Pseudomonarchia Daemonum