Organic Chemistry Exp.3
Organic Chemistry Exp.3
Organic Chemistry Exp.3
The chemicals used for various purposes should be pure, completely free
from any type of impurities. Method of purification of a substance depends
upon the nature of impurities present in it. There are various methods for the
purification of substances, e.g., filtration, evaporation, decantation,
distillation, and crystallization. Crystallization is one of the very important
purification techniques, purifying substances by removing unwanted by-
products. Crystalline compounds are generally purified via this crystallization
The principle behind the crystallization is that the amount of solute that can
be dissolved by a solvent increases with temperature.
In crystallization, the impure substance is dissolved in a suitable solvent to
reach its nearly saturated solution at a temperature higher than the room
temperature. At this high temperature, the solute has very high solubility in
that solvent, so a much smaller quantity of hot solvent is needed for
dissolving the solute than the solvent at room temperature. When the
solution is cooled, the pure substance is crystallized. The solution left behind
is called mother liquor. All the impurities are left behind in the mother liquor.
The purification method depends on the differences in solubility between the
compound and the impurity.
1. Beaker 2. Bunsen burner
3. Clamp holder 4. Wire gauze 5. Funnel
9. Water
1. Measure 25 mL of water into the graduated cylinder and add 0.5g impure
benzoic acid and mix it with water in a beaker and heat it until reach gentle boil.
2. put filter paper on the head of funnel and put the funnel on conical flask after
that we empty the mixture into funnel for filtration the colour of benzoic acid will
change from black to white in conical flask.
3. we wait the mixture to cool for few minutes after that we filter the mixture again
the pure benzoic acid will stay in filtration paper.
4. we wait the pure benzoic acid after that we measure the weight of benzoic acid
and do the calculations