Science Project
Science Project
Science Project
4 Reaney
Rules of safe science
We hope you enjoyed our science demonstrations. This booklet contains the
instructions on how to do these experiments.
The following rules must be followed when carrying out these experiments.
For the Salt Water Egg experiment you will need the following materials:
Table salt
Two containers
Tap water
Two raw eggs
Why didnt the egg float on the first trial?
Why did the egg float on the second trial?
2. Use a measuring cup or funnel to slowly pour the vegetable oil into the
bottle until it's almost full. You may have to wait a few minutes for the oil and
water separate.
3. Add 10 drops of food colouring to the bottle. The drops will pass through the
oil and then mix with the water below.
4. Break a seltzer tablet in half and drop the half tablet into the bottle. Watch it
sink to the bottom and let the blobby greatness begin!
5. To keep the effect going, just add another tablet piece. For a true lava lamp
effect, shine a flashlight through the bottom of the bottle.
1. When the tablet piece was added, it sank to the bottom and started
dissolving, creating a gas. As the gas bubbles rose, they took some of the
coloured water with them. When the blob of water reached the top, the gas
escaped and down went the water.
2. The bubbles which rose to the top were made of Carbon Dioxide (CO),
which is what we breathe out.
How to sink a marshmallow
Equipment needed
Mini marshmallows
Glass of water
1. Place one mini marshmallow into a glass of water
2. Note if it sinks or floats
3. Squash one mini marshmallow between your fingers and roll it into a
4. Add it to the glass of water
5. Note if it sinks or floats
Why did the 1st marshmallow behave in the way you expected?
How did squashing the marshmallow change the properties of the
The Sciencey bit
Equipment needed
Small, empty water bottle
New latex balloon
Measuring spoons
Small funnel
1. Pour 2 tbsp. of vinegar and tbsp. of water into the bottle.
2. Put 2 tbsp. of baking soda into the balloon using the funnel.
3. Stretch and secure the opening of the balloon over the neck of the bottle
while being very careful not to dump the baking soda into the bottle just yet.
4. Straighten the balloon to an upright position allowing the baking soda to fall
into the vinegar in the bottle. The chemical reaction should blow the balloon
1. What happened to the balloon?
2. What gas was produced in the jar?
The baking soda and vinegar produce the gas Carbon Dioxide which fills up the
Red cabbage as an indicator
Red cabbage cut into small pieces
A small saucepan
A dropper
4 plastic cups
Lemon juice 10ml
Baking soda 1 teaspoon dissolved in 50ml of
Milk 10ml
Water 10ml
Place a small volume of water into the saucepan
Add the red cabbage to the saucepan
Heat the water and the cabbage
Stop the heating when the liquid turns purple
Label the plastics cups 1, 2, 3 and 4
Into 1 place the lemon juice
Into 2 place the baking soda solution
Into 3 place the milk
Into 4 place the water
Add 5 drops of the cabbage juice to each cup
Observe the colour change
1. What colours can be seen in each cup?
Equipment needed
Marrowfat peas
1. Soak the 5 marrowfat peas overnight in cold water
2. Make an opening in the centre of the nappy
3. Place 3 soaked peas into the opening
4. Water the nappy
5. Place the nappy on a window sill for 5 days
6. Record results
Draw a pencil line 2 cm from the bottom of the chromatography paper
Use a clean paintbrush and clean water to remove the colour from a smartie. Paint
the colour in a small spot on the line on the chromatography paper
Place 1 cm3 of water into the gas jar
Place the chromatography paper into the gas jar
Allow the water to rise up the paper
When the water reaches the top, remove the paper and examine
1. What colours are can you see
2. Why do some dyes separate into different colours yet others do not