UNDP CIPS Training Catalogue 2019 PDF
UNDP CIPS Training Catalogue 2019 PDF
UNDP CIPS Training Catalogue 2019 PDF
Training &
Catalogue 2019
Standard Training Courses
Tailor-made Courses
Tailor-made courses are designed to meet the specific requirements of your staff and organisation. They can be
delivered to suit your preferred location and date(s), and are thus a very cost-effective solution if there is a large
group of staff to be trained.
About UNDP Procurement
Training and Certification
The United Nations Development Programme offers specialised procurement training and certification to staff
from the UN system, governments, non-governmental organisations and international development financing
institutions and their borrowers.
Level 2
Introductory Certificate
Procurement Planning
in Public Procurement
Principles and Processes UNDP/CIPS Level 2
Procurement Rules and Procedures
Level 3
Advanced Procurement Planning Advanced Certificate
in Public Procurement
Communication and Negotiation
Advanced Contract Management
Level 4
Strategic Procurement Planning Diploma in
Strategic Procurement Negotiations Strategic Public Procurement
Strategic Contract Management
Each certification level provides a tailored set of student training materials, reference and work books, case stud-
ies, exercises, and an assessment process leading to a qualification accredited by CIPS, UK. Included in the pack-
age for each level is also a first year student membership of CIPS, providing access to a world-wide community of
procurement professionals, access to CIPS knowledge portal etc.
A prerequisite for participation at Level 4 is prior successful completion of UNDP/CIPS Level 2 and Level 3 certi-
fication courses.
All of the above courses will be followed by a written Work Based Assessment. Assessments are optional for
participants but are a requirement to achieve full CIPS qualification.
All training courses employ modern adult participatory learning methods. Each training module commences
with an overview of the rules, procedures and/or theory of the subject in question, and is then followed by case
studies, group discussions or exercises. This creates a forum for participants to apply theory and methods to real
cases and to foster productive knowledge sharing.
Introductory Certificate
in Public Procurement – Level 2
Accredited by CIPS – Level 2 – English, French & Spanish langauge
Programme Topics
• The principles of UN and public procurement
• Procurement planning and strategy
• Procurement practices and processes
• Risk assessment and management
• Engaging and managing stakeholders
• Writing specifications and terms of reference
• Selection of methods (RFQ, ITB and RFP)
• Preparation of solicitation documents
• Sourcing of suppliers and advertisement
• Bid receipt and opening
• Evaluating bids and proposals
• Contract approval process
• Committee submissions and approvals
Programme Aim • Contract award and management
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: • Contract management terms and skills
• A clear understanding of the principles of effec- • Performance monitoring
tive public procurement, the generic procurement • Dispute management
process and the role of corporate and transactional • Ethics and integrity in procurement
• The capability to plan, implement and evaluate a Target Audience
sourcing process appropriate to the value/risk of the This course is designed for those working in the pub-
category being procured lic sector interested in gaining a comprehensive over-
• Knowledge of what rules and procedures govern view of public procurement and in obtaining a profes-
UN and public procurement – and why they exist sional certification and accreditation with CIPS. It is
also relevant to those new to the procurement function
Learning Outcomes or those who have worked in the function for some
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to: time, but have not previously undertaken formal train-
• Describe the principles of effective procurement, ing. Additionally, those in functions that include close
the UN procurement process, and the role of pro- interaction with procurement, such as programme and
curement strategy project staff who would like a closer understanding
• Understand the activities associated with effective of procurement would find this course relevant. The
procurement projects course is offered in English and Spanish.
• Conduct procurement planning and stakeholder
management Duration
• Write specifications and effective terms of reference 4 days (check the website for locations and dates):
(TOR) www.training.undp.dk
• Choose appropriate procurement methods (RFQ,
ITB, RFP) Cost
• Select advertisement method and type of competition US$ 1,675
• Understand do’s and don’ts when drafting bidding
documents Course Assessments
• Invite and evaluate bids and proposals 1. Multiple-choice Questionnaire
• Practise ethics and integrity in procurement 100 multiple choice questions of which 80 must be
• Understand what rules and procedures apply to UN correctly answered during the course
and public procurement 2. Work-based Assessment
• Appreciate the relevance of these rules and under- 8 weeks to complete a written essay based on a
stand why they exist work-related case study
Advanced Certificate
in Public Procurement – Level 3
Accredited by CIPS – Level 3
Programme Topics
• Procurement systems and procedures
• Risk management planning
• Activities involved in specification development
• Sustainable procurement specifications
• Supplier research and market analysis
• Personal professional development
• Communication and conflict management
• Communicating with clients and suppliers
• Introduction to negotiation
• Negotiation styles, methods and tactics
Programme Aim • Contract development activities
The aim of this course is to provide participants with a • Advanced offer evaluation
clear understanding of: • Financial analysis principles and tools
• Advanced Procurement Planning • Credit ratings and financial stability
To develop the capacity to manage the planning • Price and cost analysis
processes associated with the procurement of • Developing contracts for services
goods, services and works • Contract administration/management
• Communication and Negotiation Skills • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
To improve the communication, negotiation and
personal professional development skills required Target Audience
by those involved in advanced level procurement This course is designed for procurement officers or
• Advanced Contract Management those in functions that include close interaction with
To manage the evaluation, contract development, procurement, such as programme and project staff
and contract administration process associated with seeking advanced training in UN and public procure-
advanced level procurement ment strategy, contract management and negotiations.
Diploma in Strategic
Public Procurement – Level 4
Accredited by CIPS - Level 4
Programme Topics
• Strategic procurement planning
• Planning for significant procurement
• Contingency planning at strategic level
• Integration of procurement plans with organisation-
al and financial strategies
• Organising procurement activities
• Centralisation versus decentralisation
• Controlling procurement performance
• Commercial and legal considerations in negotiations
• Power and persuasion in negotiations
Programme Aim • Conflict and deadlock resolution process
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: • Bargaining in strategic procurement
• Procurement Strategy Development Skills • How to use winning negotiation strategies
To develop strategies for significant procurement, • Overcoming common negotiation tactics
including involvement in organisational strategic • Making team negotiations work
and financial planning and to organise and manage • Strategic offer evaluation processes
procurement activities. • Administration of major contracts
• Strategic Negotiation Skills • Managing strategic supply contracts
To improve the strategic communication and nego- • Contract performance measurement
tiation skills, including the management of com- • Managing contract objectives and risks
mercial and legal considerations in negotiations,
bargaining and conflict resolution processes. Target Audience
• Advanced Contract Management This course is designed for procurement and contract
To develop the capacity to manage strategic supply, management officers, and those in functions that
services and consultancy contracts and conduct include close interaction with procurement, such as
advanced offer evaluations. programme and project staff, seeking strategic level
training in UN and public procurement strategy devel-
Learning Outcomes opment, negotiations, and contract management.
By the end of the programme participants will be able to:
• Develop and implement strategic procurement plans Level 4 is open to staff from the UN system, UN spon-
• Integrate procurement plans in corporate strategic sored staff from international development organisa-
and financial planning tions, and staff from partner Governments.
• Plan for significant procurement and supply
• Conduct cost and financial analysis The course builds on the capabilities developed in
• Organise and manage procurement activities Level 2 & 3 courses. A UNDP/CIPS Level 2 and 3 cer-
• Understand commercial and legal considerations in tificate is therefore prerequisite for participation.
• Apply successful negotiations and bargaining meth- Duration
ods in procurement negotiations 5 days in-class followed by a 4 days self-study (check
• Make team negotiations work the website for locations and dates):
• Manage conflict and deadlock resolution processes www.training.undp.dk
• Manage advanced offer evaluation processes
• Execute strategic supply, service and consultancy Cost
contracts US$ 2,175
• Measure and manage performance of major contracts
Course Assessments
1. Multiple-Choice Questionnaire
2. In-class Workbook Assessment
3. Work-Based Assessment
Contract and Supplier
Relations Management
Programme Topics
• The principles of effective procurement and the
procurement process
• Why we need to form relationships with suppliers
in the general supply market
• Essential risk assessment and risk management
• How to benefit from our importance to suppliers
• What is a contract? Legal, business and relational
• Types of contractual and commercial relationships
• Engaging and relating to stakeholders during con-
tracting and procurement
Programme Aim • The purpose and process of contract approval
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: • How to manage and communicate with bidders and
• A clear understanding of main supplier relations suppliers after contract approval
management methods, taking account of legal, ethi- • Performance and quality management
cal, financial, and contractual issues • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
• Essential contracting capabilities, including ap- • How to manage contractual reviews, disputes and
proval and contractual relationship management potential conflicts
methods • What is integrity and ethics in contracting and
• Methods to manage risks, disputes and potential procurement?
conflicts in the procurement and contracting pro- • Best practices when dealing with suppliers
• Effective contract performance and quality monitor- Target Audience
ing schemes This course is designed for all those who are actively
involved in managing contracts in their office and
Learning Outcomes regularly deal with suppliers and consultants. While
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to: this includes procurement staff, it would also be par-
• Describe the main types of contractual relationships ticularly relevant for finance and admin officers and
that might be formed with suppliers and the appro- programme and project staff who on a regular basis
priate use of each deal with the management, monitoring and evaluation
• Develop successful commercial relationships with of supplier/consultant performance.
prospective suppliers
• Identify key stakeholders in a procurement exercise Duration
and be able to develop effective relationships with 3 days (check the website for locations and dates).
• Apply effective performance and quality monitoring On-line course registration:
methods www.training.undp.dk
• Manage risks, disputes and potential conflicts dur-
ing contracting and procurement Cost
• Understand the importance of ethics and integrity US$ 1,475
in procurement and how to act in an ethical manner
Strategy Development
Programme Topics
• The principles of procurement strategy develop-
• Understanding the procurement portfolio
• Procurement profiling and spend analysis
• Supply positioning and supply risk analysis
• Understanding the organisation’s market impact
• Demand and supply market analysis
• Developing corporate procurement objectives
• Strategies for managing routine, volume, critical
and strategic procurement categories
• Implementation of significant procurement strate-
gies (high risk/spend categories)
Programme Aim • How to align procurement functions with strategic
The aim of this course is to enable participants to objectives
develop and implement category based procurement • Managing procurement systems, capabilities, and
strategies, hereby: administrative processes
• Clearly understand corporate procurement strategy • How to manage stakeholders and suppliers
development options • How Long Term Supply Agreements can support
• Manage tools and methods to implement strategies category based strategies
in business units • Procurement scheduling and planning
• Align procurement systems, processes and func- • Measurement of results and outcomes
tions with the procurement spend and risk profile
of the organisation
• Focus on significant high risk/high spend accounts Target Audience
This course is designed for procurement practitioners
Learning Outcomes and managers at all levels and is also recommended
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to: for programme and project staff and other procure-
• Describe the issues to be considered when develop- ment stakeholders involved in the planning, monitor-
ing a procurement strategy for a business unit ing, management, or oversight of procurement. The
• Articulate the objectives of a procurement activity course will particularly benefit those who wish to take
for a business unit a more proactive and strategic approach to their pro-
• Conduct procurement spend analysis, supply risk curement activities by developing and implementing
assessments, demand and supply market analysis an integrated corporate procurement strategy.
• Model and implement strategies for significant
procurement Duration
• Implement strategies for routine, volume, critical 3 days (check the website for locations and dates).
and strategic categories
• Align systems, capabilities, and administrative pro- On-line course registration:
cesses with strategic objectives www.training.undp.dk
• Measure performance, outcomes and results
US$ 1,475
Supply Chain Management
in Humanitarian Organisations
Programme Topics
• Supply chain management principles, processes
and procedures
• Logistic goals and objectives
• Modes of transportation
• Freight forwarding arrangements
• The role of the Freight Forwarder
• Purpose of shipping documents
• Incoterms 2010 and their appropriate use
• Packing and marking
• Loss prevention
• Customs clearance procedures and documentation
• Need for insurance and different types of coverage
Programme Aim • Warehouse and Inventory Management
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: • On-site facility tour
• A clear understanding of the principles of effec-
tive supply chain arrangements and to understand Target Audience
methods of mitigating risks and how to optimise the This course is designed for those working in the
organisation’s supply chain public sector interested in gaining a comprehensive
• The capability to plan, implement and evaluate a overview of appropriate supply chain management,
logistical exercise appropriate to the value/risk of logistics and Incoterms. Specifically, it is relevant to
the goods being procured and transported those new to the procurement function or logistics, or
those who have worked in the function for some time,
Learning Outcomes but have not previously undertaken formal training.
By the end of the programme, participants will be
able to: Duration
• Describe the principles of supply chain manage- 3 days (check the website for locations and dates).
ment and determine the appropriate logistical ar-
rangements for a range of requirements On-line course registration:
• Understand the need for insurance and the types of www.training.undp.dk
coverage available
• Understand the pros and cons of different Incoterms Cost
and the appropriate use of Incoterms US$ 1,475
• Know about loss prevention, means and actions to
put in place to minimise or prevent loss
• Know about customs procedures and documenta-
tion and the most common documents required for
• Decide on methods of shipment depending on vari-
ous factors
• Understand the functions of the Air Waybill (AWB)
and Bill of Lading (B/L)
Risk Management in Contracting for
Construction Services
Programme Topics
• The construction procurement framework
• The identification of the project outcomes
• Development of a preliminary:
◦◦ Project definition plan
◦◦ Risk management plan
◦◦ Procurement plan
◦◦ Programme management plan
• Risk management methods
• Establishment of scope of work
• Supply chain assessment
• Prequalification process
• Contract selection
Programme Aim • Tendering
This course will provide participants with a clear • Contract administration
understanding of Planning and Risk Management • Types of contracts
tools to manage construction projects to improve cost, • Sample contracts and conditions (including FIDIC)
timeliness and quality of works, and to communicate • Construction terminology
effectively with stakeholders. • Acceptable cost planning including contingencies
Effective Negotiations in
Projects and Procurement
Programme Topics
• Defining negotiation and negotiation skills
• Characteristics of the negotiation cycle in projects
and procurement
• Negotiation and supply positioning
• Preparing the negotiation process
• Assessing your own negotiation skills
• Choosing your negotiation team
• Developing a negotiation strategy
• The different stages of negotiation
• Win/Loose vs. Win/Win negotiations
• Distributive vs. integrative negotiations
• Typical tactics and ploys
Programme Aim • Bargaining and persuasion techniques
The aim of this course is to provide participants with • Trading and compromising
the skills and knowledge needed for successful nego- • Closing of negotiations and readying the agreement
tiations, including: for implementation
• Understanding the principles and dynamics of the • Intercultural factors
negotiation process and how to avoid the common • Dealing with conflict
traps in negotiation • Monitoring implementation
• Developing win-win strategies based on analysis of • Role-plays and behaviour rehearsal
the other parties’ needs • Linking theory and practise
• Identifying and actively working on their own nego-
tiation strengths and weaknesses through role-plays Target Audience
This course is for staff members working in the pro-
Learning Outcomes curement environment, who are new to negotiations
By the end of the programme, participants will be able and would like to be well-prepared before embark-
to: ing into this field. Staff, who are already conducting
• Identify the negotiation objectives negotiations but have never had any formal negotia-
• Develop and prepare a negotiation plan and strategy tion training, will also find this course educating. The
• Understand the different components of the nego- course content and tools provided can be applied to
tiation process negotiations with both internal and external partners.
• Establish a positive and constructive atmosphere at Requisitioners, technical experts, programme and proj-
the negotiation table ect staff will also find this course valuable.
• Understand the essential skills necessary to be a
successful negotiator Duration
• Identify own strengths and weaknesses at the nego- 4 days (check the website for locations and dates).
tiation table
• Understand and appreciate the impact different On-line course registration:
cultural backgrounds can have on verbal and non- www.training.undp.dk
verbal communication
• Enhance negotiation skills through role-plays and Cost
by applying best practices US$ 1,575
Contracting & Management
of Individual Contractors
Programme Topics
• Definition and scoping of assignments
• Use of the IC
• Legal status, rights and obligations
• Selection and engagement of ICs
• Service-incurred liabilities
• Travel
• Engagement of Government Officials, Retired Staff,
Interns & Relatives
• Establishing a roster of ICs
• Roles and responsibilities
• Terms of references
• Deliverables, milestones
Programme Aim • Reporting Requirements
The aim of this course is to provide participants with • Key performance indicators
a thorough understanding of the procurement policies, • Performance evaluation and management
principles and procedures that govern the hiring/re- • Payment of ICs
cruitment and management of Individual Consultants/ • Termination
Contractors (ICs) and Consultancy Firms in UNDP. • Activities and case studies
US$ 1,475
Logistics &
Incoterms® 2010 Programme Topics
• Incoterms 2010 and their appropriate use
• Logistical goals and objectives
• Freight forwarding arrangements
• Modes of transportation
• The structure and classification of Incoterms
• How to use the different E, F, C & D terms
• Seller and buyer obligations and costs
• Packing and marking
• Loss prevention
Programme Aim • Customs clearance procedures and documentation
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: • Need for insurance and different types of coverage
• Institute cargo clauses
• The capability to plan, implement and evaluate a • Liability limitations
logistical exercise and select International Commer- • Processes of insurance claims
cial Terms appropriate to the value/risk of the goods
being procured and transported Target Audience
This course is designed for those working in the
Learning Outcomes public sector interested in gaining a comprehensive
By the end of the programme, participants will be able overview of appropriate use of Incoterms 2010 and
to: logistical arrangement. Specifically, it is relevant to
• Understand allocation of tasks, costs, and risks to those working in the procurement function, logistics,
buyer/seller according to Incoterms 2010 contract management and who are either new to the
work or have worked in the function for some time,
• Use appropriate logistical arrangements for a range but have not previously undertaken formal training.
of requirements
• Understand the pros and cons of using different 2 days (check the website for locations and dates).
On-line course registration:
• Understanding of the need for and types of insur- www.training.undp.dk
• Incorporate contract management clauses, contain- US$ 1,275
erization, pre-shipment inspection, payment terms
Effective Programme and
Procurement Teamwork
Programme Topics
• Project cycle vs. Procurement cycle
• Interaction points and roles and responsibilities
• Principles, ethical standards and fraud issues
• Integrated planning and budgeting
• Portfolio approach
• Risk assessment and management
• Writing specifications and terms of reference
• Evaluating bids and proposals
• Contract management and performance monitoring
Target Audience
This course is designed for those working in Pro-
Programme Aim gramme or Procurement – and for Managers – in-
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: volved in Project and Procurement Cycles. In particu-
• The capability to identify the optimal approach lar staff with roles, responsibilities, and interaction
to handling procurement activities in the context points collaborating to achieve programmatic results.
of project implementation and deliver significant The course will elaborate how to develop or review
value to programmatic outcomes and delivery. Specifications/TORs and evaluation criteria, how to
• An understanding of when is makes sense to have undertake evaluation of bids and proposals, and offer
a strong team approach to securing goods, services, best practices in contract management. The overall
and works – and ultimately, delivery and results. focus of the course is effective and efficient delivery of
• Knowledge of immediate relevance to Programme results. Specifically, it is relevant to those working in
staff and Managers, including integrated planning, a Management, Programme or Procurement role and
development of specifications & TOR, development who are either new to the work or have worked in the
of Evaluation criteria, Evaluation of bids and pro- function for some time, but have not previously under-
posals, and contract management. taken formal training.
Sustainable Public
Programme Topics
• The principles of Sustainable Public Procurement
• Strategic framework to implement an SPP pro-
• Understand SPP techniques and tools, including
best practices and case studies
• How SPP can be incorporated into the procurement
• How specification development plays a critical role
in SPP
• Using ecolabels and other standards to promote and
achieve sustainability
• What strategies can be used to improve SPP through
the supplier selection process
• How evaluation criteria improves SPP
• How contract management requirements are impor-
tant to the overall success of SPP
Target Audience
This course is designed for those working in the
public sector interested in obtaining a comprehensive
Programme Aim understanding of sustainable public procurement.
The aim of this course is to provide participants with: It is designed for procurement professionals as well
• A clear understanding of how to start, implement as those closely working in the procurement process
or maintain a Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) including programme and project staff. Specifically, it
programme is relevant to those working with sustainability issues
• The capability to manage all aspects of the procure- as managers, policy makers, procurement practitio-
ment process as it relates to SPP ners, requisitioners, clients, contract managers and/or
contract review committee members etc.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the programme, participants will be able Duration
to: 3 days (check the website for locations and dates).
• Develop and implement a strategic plan for SPP
• Identify key stakeholders in the SPP procurement On-line course registration:
process www.training.undp.dk
• Bring SPP from a concept into practical use
• Integrating SPP in the public procurement process- Cost
es, practices, and procedures US$ 1,475
• Use specifications to improve the sustainable out-
come of the procurement process
• Identify methods to improve sustainability of the
supplier base
• Understand how evaluation criteria can be used in
• Understand the methods and importance of contract
management in the SPP process
Anti-Corruption and Ethics
in Procurement
Programme Topics
• Major risk areas for corruption in the procurement
cycle and the impact of fraud
• Prevention and detection of corrupt practices, in-
cluding relevant UN initiatives:
◦◦ UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement
◦◦ United Nations Convention against Corruption
◦◦ UN Joint Inspection Unit – A Fraud Management
◦◦ Sustainable Development Goal 16 - Promote just,
peaceful and inclusive societies
Programme Aim • The role of eProcurement in reducing the risk of
The aim of this course is to provide participants with fraud and corruption
a clear understanding of how to recognise, reduce and • Roles and Responsibilities of the key stakeholders
detect corrupt behaviour and conflicts of interest in in Public Procurement
public procurement, and to increase awareness of the • Ethics in procurement from an organisational per-
importance of ethical conduct throughout the whole spective
procurement process. • Ethics in procurement from a procurement practi-
tioner’s perspective
Learning Objectives • Ethics in procurement from a supplier’s perspective
By the end of the course, participants will be able to: • Principles of Public Procurement
• Recognise the essential role of each stakeholder in • Internal Controls, Audit and Oversight
reducing opportunities for corrupt practices and • Review and evaluation of the procurement function
conflicts of interest through promulgation of best
practices and application of transparent and ac- Target Audience
countable policies, procedures and standards This course is designed for procurement practitio-
• Recognise where in the procurement process cor- ners in the public sector and for those working in
ruption risks and ethical dilemmas can occur and functions that are directly related to any stage of the
understand how to anticipate and avoid them procurement cycle or who interact with any of the key
through proper risk management and monitoring. stakeholders involved in the procurement process.
• Promote common values and define the behaviour Specifically, it would be relevant to those new to the
and performance expected of UN Staff/International procurement function, those wishing to refresh their
Civil Servants/Public Procurement Staff knowledge on Ethics in Public Procurement and those
• Demonstrate a clear understanding of how the interested in raising awareness of corrupt and fraudu-
principles of public procurement play a key role in lent behaviour with the aim of reducing, preventing
conducting a fair and ethical procurement process. and detecting unethical practices in the supply chain
within their organisation.
2 days (check the website for locations and dates).
US$ 1,275
Public Procurement Reform
• Identify and circumscribe problems and opportuni-
ties in public procurement systems
• Determine the needs, issues and influences of stake-
• How to engage various stakeholders in opportunity
realization or problem resolution
• Sustaining stakeholder motivation and engagement
in policy processes and system transformations
Programme Topics
Day 1: Public procurement systems and their workings
Day 2: Evidence based policy development and prac-
Programme Aim tice transformation
The Public Procurement Reform Implementation Pro- Day 3: Engaging stakeholders
gramme introduces participants to a toolkit for supporting Day 4: Fully worked case study examples and infor-
evidence based public procurement policy development mation on access to post training supports
and practice transformation. Participants are enabled to
work effectively with stakeholders who identify both Information is provided on how participants may:
problems and opportunities, and to frame cost effective • Access the online assistance of the UNDP Public
interventions that promote constructive reform in public Procurement Reform Advisor;
procurement systems, practices, policies and procedures. • Benefit from the moderated Public Procurement
Reform Forum, and
Learning Outcomes • Access pre-qualified consultants from UNDP’s pub-
Participants will gain a thorough understanding of the lic procurement reform expert roster.
following capabilities:
Target Audience
How to enhance public procurement systems and their Potential participants may include but are not limited
workings? to:
• Identify the nature of various procurement systems • Development organisations involved in public pro-
including policy objectives, legislative and regula- curement reform;
tory frameworks and their practice implications. • Political actors who are seeking to frame a public
• Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various procurement policy agenda;
procurement systems • Public/ civil servants who are seeking to improve
• Identify and explain general points of intervention public procurement capacity;
for policy and practice improvement • Civil society representatives involved in public
procurement system changes;
How to provide evidence based policy development • Public procurement managers challenged by public
and practice transformation? procurement reforms, and
• Explain the concept of evidence based policy and • Business and industry associations supporting im-
practice development provements in public procurement systems
• Identify available sources of data/information of
public procurement systems Duration
• Tools to support policy development and practice 4 days (check the website for locations and dates):
transformation www.training.undp.dk
Government Procurement
Capacity Development
UNDP helps partner governments, ministries and national institutions to develop
and sustain critical procurement capacities. We design and implement:
Working at the individual, procurement team, institutional and partner government levels, UNDP sustains pro-
curement capacities through tailored programmes, interventions and services.
UNDP adds value to public procurement capacity development and reform efforts by partnering with one of the
leading industry bodies in this domain, the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS). This unique
partnership combines expertise and experience in:
The UNDP approach provides practical guidance on how to manage a procurement reform and/or capacity devel-
opment process whether at the national, sector or entity level. It includes practical advice, tools, templates and
process guidance for all steps in the process of developing country procurement capacities.
[email protected]
About The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply
The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) is the world’s largest
procurement and supply professional organisation. It is the worldwide centre
of excellence on procurement and supply management issues.
CIPS has a global community of over 114,000 in 150 different countries, includ-
ing senior business people, high-ranking civil servants and leading academics.
The activities of procurement and supply chain professionals have a major im-
pact on the profitability and efficiency of all types of organisations, supported
globally by CIPS.
www.cips.org; @CIPSNews
More than 10.000 candidates have been certified through the UNDP/CIPS
procurement certification courses, fully accredited by CIPS, hereby assuring
compliance with high international quality standards. All training and certifi-
cation courses are tailored to reflect UN and public procurement rules, policies,
procedures, and best practises.
www.training.undp.dk ; [email protected]
UNDP was a finalist for the World Procurement Award 2016 for Learning &
Development Excellency.
Read more here: www.worldprocurementaward.com
UNDP was nominated for the respected 2015 Supply Management Award in
Training & Certification.
Read more here: www.cipssmawards.com
UNDP and CIPS were awarded the prestigious European Supply Chain
Excellence Award 2012/2013 for Training and Professional Development.
This Award is in recognition of the Procurement Certification and Training
Programme and its success in professionalizing the UN and public procure-
ment sector.
Read more here: www.supplychainexcellenceawards.com
Contact Details
Email: [email protected]