3a Newsletter Week of December 17 2018

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This is our final week before Christmas break!
Last chance to make up any unfinished assignments or review any concepts
that give the students difficulty.
We will be practicing for our piece in the Christmas program and completing
the decoration of our props. It is looking very good!
We emphasize the spiritual,
The Posada is this week. Don’t forget to volunteer to help out if you need any
intellectual, and physical volunteer hours. (December 20)
development of each Reminder: Early dismissal on Friday, December 21 and no after
individual. school care.
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Students will use estimates to This week we will not have a spelling test or
help them add and subtract with 3 dictation test. We will resume our regular
or more digits. Students will the opportunity schedule when we return in January. In lan-
to practice the times tables we have studied so guage, we will focus on verbs, complete sen-
far through the use of wrap arounds, flash tences and kinds of sentences, proofreading
cards and centers. and writing. In reading, students will be
Please practice their basic addition and sub- working on main idea and author’s purpose.
traction facts with them. They will need to We have begun a new theme this week In-
have a good grasp of these facts in order to do spired by the Sea. Students have completed
well in adding and subtracting greater num- Sarah, Plain and Tall and we will begin read-
bers and regrouping. Tutoring for math is ing Dogs of the Sea. Students will also work
available on Mondays from 3:30-4:30. on reading informative selections. Probe
books are due on Tuesday, December 18. Tu-
toring for reading is available on Tuesdays
from 3:30-4:30.

We have nearly completed the entire alphabet, so students will now practice
connections and copying selections using cursive. Remember that all work will
be in cursive the second semester.
SCIENCE-Students have selected their planet that they will be
researching. They have also selected how they will present their
data. We will be doing the research in class and students will com-
plete their presentation at home.
RELIGION-Students will finish decorating our Jesse Tree an.
This week’s Word of the Week is fulfilled-brought to comple-
tion or reality. This Week’s Good News comes from Luke 1:45.
SOCIAL STUDIES-This week students will learn about different
kinds of communities: urban, suburban and rural. They will also
be learning about different kinds of maps.

The only drop off is on Stanton Street. The Arizona parking lot is not a
drop off. Parents need to park and walk students to the school at the
crosswalk if they are using the parking lot. The lot behind the gym and
the church is also not to be used to drop off students. Thank you, in ad-
vance, for your cooperation!
We are collecting Price’s bottle caps and Box Tops for Education. Please
help us out by sending these items in when you purchase milk or other
products with box tops for education.
We are also collecting soda pop tops. Please send those in when you
have the opportunity.
December 17 Happy Birthday, Pope Francis
December 18 3K-4K, 5K Christmas Party
December 19 El Paso Motorcycle Coalition Toy Drive pickup @ 1:30 on courts
Bring unwrapped new toy for charities
December 20 Mass 5A
Posadas 1:30 in gym
December 21 Mariachi Loco Christmas Program 9:00 a.m.
Early dismissal @ 1:00 p.m.
Dec 22-Jan 8 Christmas break
December 27 & 28 Office open 9-2 p.m.
January 8 Classes resume

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