Lesson Plan 1 - Interrupting Chicken
Lesson Plan 1 - Interrupting Chicken
Lesson Plan 1 - Interrupting Chicken
Standard 2
(Citizenship): Students will recognize their roles and responsibilities in the school and in the neighborhood.
Objective 1
Describe and demonstrate appropriate social skills necessary for working in a group.
1. 10 mins
Tell the students that we
are going to be learning
how to listen properly
when it is not our turn to
To activate background
knowledge, I will ask
students how they feel
when someone interrupts
them or when they feel
like no one is listening. I
will also ask them to think
about our class rules and
reiterate them. Tell them
that the book we are
reading reminds us how to
follow those rules
1. After I introduce the
lesson, I will read
the book
I will make sure that all
the students are on the
rug listening to me, and
engaged. I will do this
discussion in a whole class
manner and have students
raise their hands to
answer my questions. I
will call on students with
raised hands and not talk
over them if they are
talking. If students are
talking, I will have them
move their pin or give a
2. 10 mins
3. 15-20 mins
4. 5-10 mins
Interrupting Chicken
by David Ezra Stein
2. After we read the
book, we will come
up with a list of
reasons why we
interrupt and then a
list of alternative
behaviors to stop us
from interrupting.
Students are often
told to not interrupt
but we do not
discuss reasons why
or give them
explicit alternative
behaviors. This will
help their behavior
3. After we make the
list, I will have the
students go back to
their tables, and I
will give them the
handout. On this
handout, they are
to draw their own
Interrupting Chicken
scene. They will
need to create their
own scene from the
story, and fill in the
talking bubbles to
describe whats
happening. I will
have an example
hung up of what I
want them to do.
They will use their
crayons for this
activity. If The
students are having
a hard time coming
up with a scene, I
will help them by
thinking of a time
they interrupted or
a time when a
friend interrupted.
4. (This next part is up
in the air depending
2. When we are
making the list, I
will call on kids with
their hands raised.
3. While I am giving
instructions, I will
have to be very
explicit, and I will
let the students go
back to their tables
by rows, depending
on which row is the
quietest and
modeling ready-tolearn behavior. I will
allow the students
to talk while they
are doing their
picture, but I will
walk around the
room and keep
them on task. I will
tell them how much
time they have left
to be working on it.
on if the lesson is
doing the actions along
too long.)
with the song.
After the students
are finished
coloring, I will bring
them back to the
rug. I will teach
them the
Interrupting Song. It
is a really repetitive,
catchy, and fun
song for the kids.
This will just remind
them to not
interrupt. I will play
the YouTube video
for them once and
do the actions with
them, then they will
chime in for the
second round, we
will practice the
song a few times.
A few mins