Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines Update Draft Jan 2016
Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines Update Draft Jan 2016
Melbourne Water MUSIC Guidelines Update Draft Jan 2016
1. Introduction 1
2. Purpose of document 1
3. Climate data 2
4. Hydrologic routing 4
5. Source nodes 4
6. General guidelines for treatment nodes 10
7. Swales 12
8. Gross pollutant traps (GPTs) 13
9. Sediment ponds (labelled “sedimentation basin” in MUSIC) 13
10. Wetlands 14
11. Lakes 16
12. Bioretention systems 17
13. Permeable pavement 18
14. Imported data nodes 18
15. Generic treatment nodes 18
16. Use of secondary links 18
17. Exporting results 20
18. Submission requirements for MUSIC modelling 22
1. Introduction
MUSIC is software that simulates rainfall, stormwater runoff and pollution. It also
simulates pollution removal and flow reduction through stormwater management
systems such as sediment ponds, wetlands, bioretention and harvesting.
Melbourne Water, Councils and EPA may require different stormwater management
levels depending on the receiving environment.
The design intent for any treatment system must be clearly documented and
discussed with Melbourne Water early in the conceptual design stage. Melbourne
Water uses MUSIC to assess the impacts of proposed development against
performance targets. If methods or models other than MUSIC are used, the designer
must demonstrate to Melbourne Water’s satisfaction that performance targets can be
2. Purpose of document
This document provides guidance on modelling approaches and input parameters for
MUSIC that are recommended by Melbourne Water. The MUSIC User Manual is also
useful for building a model.
3. Climate data
Rainfall period
Climate data including rainfall and evapotranspiration are essential inputs to MUSIC.
MUSIC is a continuous simulation model and requires an input time series of rainfall
data. Data is available from the Bureau of Meteorology at a 6 minute timestep for a
number of gauges across Melbourne Water’s service area. The selection of a rainfall
gauge and period should consider:
All models must use either Melbourne Water’s recommended rainfall templates or
appropriate local rainfall. Use of alternative rainfall data is permitted if it can be
demonstrated that the selected rainfall data is of a high quality and representative of
the area to which it is being applied.
The rainfall distribution map below can be used to find the best weather station for a
site; a large-scale version of the map and the rainfall templates are available on the
Melbourne Water guidelines webpage. Rainfall data is available from the Bureau of
All models must be run at a 6 minute timestep where this is possible. The use of
longer timesteps can result in significant errors and increase the variability of results.
Where a different timestep is adopted it must comply with the following:
4. Hydrologic routing
Hydrologic routing should be used where appropriate to reflect the Time of
Concentration of the Catchment as calculated using a recognised procedure. Routing
can be ignored to reduce the complexity of the model. Not using routing will usually
result in the performance of treatment systems being underestimated. Routing
should be applied (or not applied) consistently across a model; otherwise timing of
peak flows (and possible coincident peaks) will not be modelled correctly.
5. Source nodes
Urban nodes are recommended for most modelling purposes to represent existing
urban, new development and parkland areas. Forest nodes are only recommended for
use when representing old growth or well established forested areas. The agricultural
node has elevated nutrient concentrations and can be used to represent actively
farmed areas.
Source nodes can be split by surface type (e.g. roads, roofs). Input parameters for
stormwater pollutant concentrations (other than default values) are listed in Table 3
on page 9. Other parameters may be accepted if there is suitable published data to
support this - subject to prior agreement by Melbourne Water.
The “effective impervious” percentage (portion of impervious area that drains directly
to the receiving waterway via a constructed drainage system) must be used. Ideally,
the effective imperviousness fraction would be calibrated using local rainfall and
stream flow data, but in most cases this is not possible. The preferred method for
catchments smaller than around 10 hectares is to physically measure the proportion
of impervious surfaces that are effectively connected to the drainage system. An
example of physical measurement of effective imperviousness is provided below:
1 2 3 4
Property 1 has all downpipes charged (as in Figure 1 of Technical Solution Sheet 4.05:
Drainage (Below Ground Stormwater) – VBA 2014) to an aboveground planter box
raingarden in the front yard. The roof connected to the raingarden must still be
counted as “directly connected”. It also has a 15m2 paved area in the backyard that
drains to an equivalent area of surrounding grass, not connected to the drainage
Property 2 has 30% of the roof draining to a rainwater tank that is connected to a
toilet for flushing. The roof connected to the tank must still be counted as “directly
connected”. The back yard has an uncovered wooden deck that allows rainwater to
fall through to the ground below. This deck is not counted as an impervious surface.
Property 3 has additional paved area in the front yard connected to the drainage
system and a 15m2 paved area in the backyard that drains to an equivalent area of
surrounding grass, not connected to the drainage system.
Note – All impervious areas that drain to WSUD features, such as the raingarden and
rainwater tank in this example, must be counted in the effective impervious fraction.
For larger catchments, the following table indicating the fraction effective impervious
for different land uses can be used as a guide. Any significant deviation from the
figures in the table below must be supported by relevant information (i.e. long term
flow data that enables calibration of the model).
Note: Values included in this table are not runoff coefficients and should not be used
as runoff coefficients for flood modelling.
In MUSIC the pervious area properties default to Brisbane properties. These will need
to be altered to reflect Melbourne properties. Any deviation from the Melbourne
parameters listed here should be described in the report provided with the model.
Supporting evidence should also be provided.
The soil input parameters recommended here are based on a review of twelve
catchment calibrations undertaken for Melbourne catchments in recent years.
The default values provided for TSS, TP and TN should generally be used, unless
additional data is available. Any new data must be published and demonstrate that
there is a significance difference between the new data and the default data. In
models where roofs, paved areas and the remaining vegetated areas of urban areas
are split into separate source nodes, the following guideline values will be accepted:
Serial correlation
The Serial Correlation (R squared) must be zero for TSS, TP and TN for analysis of
stormwater quality. This is especially important where a single reference rainfall year
is used as it can otherwise result in significant fluctuations in predicted performance.
K, C*, C**
Melbourne Water must approve any changes to these parameters in writing. Any data
used to modify these parameters must be published data, and be appropriate for the
circumstances being modelled.
The CSTR input parameter in MUSIC represents the mixing behaviour of treatment
nodes. The default number of CSTR cells for a treatment node can be changed
through the “More” button. The number of CSTR cells for sedimentation basins can
also be changed through the “Estimate Parameters” button.
The length to width ratios for the shapes used to estimate the number of CSTR cells is
listed in the figure below.
Treatment trains
Treatment nodes within a MUSIC model must be linked in an appropriate order, with
primary treatment devices first and tertiary treatment devices last (if present).
The exfiltration rate relates to the seepage rate (in mm/hr) of the soil surrounding
and underlying a treatment system and is used to represented losses from a
treatment system into the surrounding soils. Exfiltration does not refer to the
hydraulic conductivity of the soils contained within the treatment system.
For all nodes, adoption of an exfiltration rate greater than 0 mm/hr must be
supported by geotechnical information, and, for Melbourne Water assets, prior
agreement by Melbourne Water is needed. Exfiltration is encouraged where practical.
Details on Melbourne Water’s processes for stormwater harvesting can be found here:
For large scale stormwater harvesting, a reuse master plan must be provided which is
to be signed off by all relevant authorities (Local Government, Retail Water Company,
Melbourne Water). Calculations should be provided to support volumes of harvested
stormwater. All harvested stormwater should be treated to a fit-for-purpose standard
that also supports the long term sustainability of the reuse infrastructure (including
irrigation infrastructure). Guidelines on quality of harvested stormwater are here:
A minimum of ten years of six minute rainfall data must be used to model all stages of
a design that includes stormwater harvesting.
7. Swales
Suggested vegetation heights:
Concept Design
For the concept design stage, the sediment pond can be assumed to be 10% of the
macrophyte zone area and have an average depth of 1.5 metres.
Where there is a difference in water level between the sediment pond and wetland
macrophyte zone (at top of extended detention), the sediment pond and wetland
macrophyte zone should be modelled using separate nodes in MUSIC (i.e. a
“sedimentation basin” node and a “wetland” node). When separate nodes are used,
the wetland node’s “Inlet Pond Volume” should be set to zero. The sedimentation
basin node’s equivalent pipe diameter must reflect the hydraulic control between the
sediment pond and macrophyte zone (this is likely to need to be defined using the
custom outflow function). The surface area and extended detention depth should
match the dimensions shown on the functional design plans.
Where the sediment pond and macrophyte zones have a common water level at (at
top of extended detention), a single “wetland” node should be used to represent the
system in MUSIC with the sediment pond represented by input parameters of the Inlet
Pond Volume of the wetland node (see below for more detail).
Do not design the size of the sediment pond with MUSIC alone. Sediment ponds must
be designed to meet the sediment pond requirements of Melbourne Water’s
Constructed Wetland Design Manual. To demonstrate water quality objectives, the
10. Wetlands
Constructed wetland systems must be designed in accordance with Melbourne Water’s
Design, Construction and Establishment of Constructed Wetlands: Design Manual
(Melbourne Water). This document is available from Melbourne Water’s web page.
MUSIC can verify the pollutant removal results of a design.
For Functional and Detailed Design stages, the stage storage discharge relationships
of the wetland extended detention must be represented using MUSIC’s Custom
Outflow and Storage Relationship function. Further information on this is in section
19. Where the wetland is within a retarding basin, the MUSIC model must also reflect
the stage/storage/discharge relationship of the retarding basin (i.e. when the water
level exceeds TED).
In MUSIC the area and volume of the wetland is entered. The volume divided by the
area must be no more than 400mm.
The default approach is adequate for concept level design, but not for functional or
detailed design. Melbourne Water’s Constructed Wetlands Design Manual
recommends that, for functional and detailed design, the stage storage discharge
relationships are defined by the user to provide greater accuracy. This is especially
important for understanding the inundation frequency and duration patterns of the
The stage-storage relationship describes how the water storage volume of the wetland
changes as depth increases. These can be obtained from a 3D model or estimated
based on the base wetland area and batter slopes.
Stage-discharge relationship
MUSIC by default assumes a low flow orifice outlet (Pipe Flow). In most cases the
design will have a narrow slot weir plate, and this needs to be defined using the
custom outflow properties.
MUSIC by default adds in a high flow weir outlet at the extended detention depth
(Weir Flow). Overflow weirs included in the design to discharge flows above the
extended detention depth can be defined using the standard outflow properties box.
MUSIC by default assumes the wetland or other treatment has vertical sides. If that is
not a reasonable assumption for your design it can be changed using the custom
storage properties.
The figure below indicates the location of each of these input parameters within the
Custom Outflow and Storage Properties when defined by the user.
Drawdown from
(weir flow
EDD to NWL by
above TED)
rectangular Stage storage
weir) relationship (change
in volume relative to
water level)
11. Lakes
MUSIC is not a suitable model for in-lake processes, other than water balance
assessments. Guidance on this topic can be found in the Melbourne Water publication
Sediment removal
Bioretention systems with catchments greater than 5 Ha must have a sediment pond
upstream. Bioretention systems with catchments less than 5 Ha must have a
vegetated swale, coarse sediment forebay, inlet pond or gross pollutant trap on the
Filter media
In the model, the hydraulic conductivity of the filter media should match the
specification or be a conservatively lower figure (as recommended in the Adoption
Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems 2015). An acceptable range for the
hydraulic conductivity of a bioretention system is 100mm/hr – 300mm/hr.
The Adoption Guidelines for Stormwater Biofiltration Systems 2015 recommend some
specific plant species as well as recommending typical characteristics of plants that
provide effective nutrient removal. If effective nutrient removal plants are selected
under ‘Vegetation Properties’ (recommended), the planting specification must support
The design must provide adequate soil moisture to sustain plants. This can be
achieved through:
minimum filter media depth of 400mm (500mm preferred),
a submerged zone
no underdrain
a large enough size catchment (generally 50-100 times the area of the
bioretention system)
a reliable source of irrigation.
A generic treatment node may be used to simulate a pump, by setting the flow rate
passing through the node to the maximum pump flow rate. Flows in excess of the
pump flow rate may need to be accounted for using a duplicate catchment.
Generic nodes may be used to simulate the splitting of flows, where a flow rate based
diversion is used. Appropriate documentation and calculations must be provided to
justify the split of flows, if used to simulate splitting flows. Most flow splits can be
more easily modelled using a secondary link to split flows from a catchment or
treatment outlet.
For generic nodes, within a transfer curve, the outflows, or pollutant concentrations
out, must not exceed the inflows, or pollutant concentrations in. A pollutant balance
should be done to check that pollutants are not created or lost, as generic treatment
node outputs can easily be misinterpreted.
It is important when using secondary links to ensure that all flows are directed back
into the final receiving node before reporting to ensure flows are not lost.
2. Click on ‘Fluxes’
Once the flux file is created, an inundation frequency curve can be created
automatically from a daily flux file using the Wetland Analysis Tool (on or manually in a spreadsheet following the guidance
provided in the Constructed Wetlands Design Manual Part D.
The BPEM flows objective, or other flow objectives based on stream erosion potential,
can be assessed in MUSIC. To make sure the 1.5 year flow rate in MUSIC is sensible,
compare the partial series from MUSIC model (without any treatment/retardation)
with peak 1 to 2 year flow estimates from rational method. Options for modelling are:
a) Manually create a rainfall file to use in MUSIC that contains a range of 1.5 year
peak rainfall events (i.e. for a range of storm durations) and then run it
through the MUSIC model and compare the maximum outflow rate with the pre
development 1.5 year flow rate. This approach doesn’t take into account
antecedent conditions in storages (i.e. how full they are at the start of the
event). To be conservative, assume rainwater tanks and extended detention
storages are full at the start of the 1.5 year event.
b) Use 10 years of historical rainfall data. Open a flow timeseries plot for the
downstream end of the developed catchment. Identify the flow rate of the 7th
highest flow event (which should be the post development 1.5 year flow based
on partial series plotting position) and compare to the pre-development peak
1.5 year flow rate.
Constructed wetlands
In general, the functional design report should incorporate the following information
for systems (other than wetlands) modelled in MUSIC:
1. Description of the function and intent of the treatment system.
2. Description of how fraction impervious was calculated (what figures were used for
different zonings).
3. Specification for the treatment system, including any soil or filter media.
4. Vegetation specification for bioretention systems.
5. Description of any updates to the MUSIC model at each stage of the design.
6. Summary of MUSIC modelling (or alternative method or models), including:
a) version of MUSIC
b) meteorological data used
c) catchment areas with impervious percentage
d) any routing used
e) treatment node parameters
f) any modelling parameters that are not in accordance with Melbourne Water’s
MUSIC Modelling Guidelines
g) A copy of the MUSIC model
h) A report from MUSIC auditor tool (if available)