MOHID Water Training Courses: Project Information

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MOHID Water training courses
MOHID Water training courses
Portugal, Germany, Brazil,
Argentina, Colombia, Mexico,
South Korea, Turkey, Oman


MOHID worldwide users

community, GWZ Dresden
(Germany), INVEMAR (Colombia),

KIOST (South Korea), GEOMAR &
UNAM (Mexico), UNC ACTION Modulers has been actively Advanced courses were held focusing
(Argentina), EPAGRI (Brazil),
IGEM (Turkey), SQU (Oman) leading scientific/technical training and on specific themes and areas of

DATES support regarding MOHID Modelling application of the model. These courses
Oct 2010- May 2015 System since 2010, having held several were designed for MOHID users with

ACTION MODULERS’ MOHID training courses in 4 different experience in the model that wish to
MAIN TASKS continents for more than 150 extend their capabilities in exploring the
Providing technical and scientific professionals. numerical software to fit their purposes.
support and training on MOHID
The courses consist of two main
model for researchers and
formats: open or private. Open courses
are typically organized in collaboration

SOFTWARE & SUPPORT with one or more institutions

Action Modulers offers a wide (universities, research institutes or

range of customizable software private companies) and were open to
products. We also provide pro-
the general public. The training level in
fessional support to implement Private courses are normally organized
these courses can either be basic or
your projects. for research institutes and private
advanced. In basic level, an introduction
companies to train their research or
of MOHID and MOHID Studio is
engineering teams with MOHID
CONTACTS provided, enabling the user to come in
Estrada Principal, nº 29 Modelling System typically focusing on a
contact with the model and its
Paz specific application or project. Topics
capabilities and learn about the
2640-583 Mafra like operational modelling can also be
Tel.: +351 261 813 660 different tools available to explore
[email protected] them, by helping in the pre-processing,
For any further please don’t hesitate to
execution and post-processing tasks.
contact us.

MOHID Water training courses © Action Modulers 2016

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