Analytical Evaluation of The Cyclic Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam-to-Column Connections
Analytical Evaluation of The Cyclic Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam-to-Column Connections
Analytical Evaluation of The Cyclic Response of Reinforced Concrete Beam-to-Column Connections
B. Burak
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
M. Unal
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
The shear distortions that beam-to-column connections undergo under earthquake loading have a major
contribution to the story drift of a structure. However, the connection regions are generally modeled as rigid
zones and the inelastic behavior of the joint is not considered in the dynamic analysis. Therefore, the story drifts
are underestimated and the seismic performance of a building cannot be assessed properly. In this study, a model
that predicts the joint shear strength versus strain relationship is developed. First, an experimental database is
constructed and the key parameters that affect the joint behavior are utilized to develop the joint model. Then,
nonlinear analyses are carried out by using Perform 3D with and without the joint model and the analytical
results are compared with the experimental ones. The results indicated that considering the developed joint
model improves the prediction of the overall seismic behavior and member responses.
Keywords: Beam-to-column connections, joint shear strength, joint distortion, joint model, seismic loading.
The shear distortions observed in beam-to-column connection regions significantly affects the seismic
response of reinforced concrete structures. Many experimental and analytical studies have been carried
out on the behavior of beam-to-column connections under earthquake loading. The key parameters
influencing joint behavior are investigated and joint models are developed to predict the structural
behavior more accurately.
Durrani and Wight (1985) observed that the level of joint shear stress and the shear reinforcement ratio
are important parameters for the seismic performance. Ehsani and Wight (1985) concluded that the
moment strength ratio, joint transverse reinforcement ratio and joint shear stress levels are the key
parameters that affect the connection behavior. Raffaelle and Wight (1995), Chen and Chen (1999)
and Teng and Zhou (2008) observed that eccentric beam-to-column connections have a reduced joint
strength and stiffness. Burak (2005), Burak and Wight (2008) and Shin (2004-a) found out that if the
floor system is included in the test set up, the effect of eccentricity on the seismic performance
becomes negligible.
Ehsani and Alameddine (1991) emphasized the effect of concrete compressive strength on the shear
capacity and ductility of the connection regions. Kaku and Asakusa (1991) investigated the effect of
axial load on the joint shear strength. When Fujii and Morita (1991) compared the joint behavior of
interior and exterior reinforced concrete connections the exterior joints were observed to have less
shear strength than interior joint subassemblies.
LaFave and Wight (1999) and Quintero-Febres and Wight (2001) tested wide beam-column-slab
subassemblies and concluded that wide beams provide extra confinement to the connection regions.
However, Burak and Wight (2008) stated that the depth of the wide beam is an important parameter
and shallow beams may not provide sufficient confinement to the connection region.
Based on the experimental studies, the key parameters that affect the connection response are obtained
and numerous analytical studies have been conducted to predict the joint shear stress versus strain
response. Parra-Montesinos and Wight (2002) proposed an analytical model for estimating shear
strength versus strain response of reinforced concrete beam-to-column connections based on the state
of plane strains in the joint. Lowes and Altoontash (2003) developed a joint model by developing
constitutive relationships of material, geometric and design parameters and implementing a four-node
12 degree-of-freedom element. Mitra and Lowes (2007) improved this model by changing the element
definition using a compression-strut model to simulate the joint core.
Shin and LaFave (2004-b) proposed a joint model to estimate the hysteretic joint shear stress versus
strain behavior by employing modified compression field theory. Burak (2005) also developed a joint
model that predicts the joint shear behavior considering concrete compressive strength, geometry and
eccentricity as the key parameters. Canbolat (2008) developed a parametric joint model that takes into
account the material properties, geometric properties and confinement provided by the joint hoop
reinforcement. More recently, Kim and LaFave (2008) used statistical methods to evaluate the effect
of key parameters and developed an equation representing joint shear strength by using Bayesian
parameter estimation approach.
In this analytical study, key parameters that influence the joint shear strength were selected and a
database was constructed to investigate the effect of these parameters on the seismic behavior of
beam-to-column connections. This database was utilized in the development of an inelastic joint
model. Dynamic analyses using this developed model improve the prediction of the lateral load vs.
story drift response of the structure and provide information on the inelastic behavior of individual
members including the connection region.
In the development of the joint model, the first step is to collect a database of experimental studies
involving both interior and exterior connections tested under reversed cyclic loading. The database
provided in Table 2.1 is formed considering only the key parameters that affect the seismic behavior of
the connection region such as concrete compressive strength ( fc′), joint transverse reinforcement yield
strength (fy), joint volumetric ratio for one layer of transverse reinforcement (ρonelayer), effective joint
width (b j), column depth (hc), eccentricity (e), and axial load (N). Subassemblies with wide beams,
slabs and/or transverse beams and specimens that have eccentricity between the centerlines of the
beams and the column are also included.
Confinement is a key parameter that is either provided by the transverse reinforcement in the joint or
by the transverse beams and slab framing into the connection region. Volumetric transverse
reinforcement ratio is computed considering the effective confined volume as the effective volume that
contains one layer of joint transverse reinforcement:
Ao ⋅ leff
ρ onelayer = (2.1)
hc, core ⋅ bc , core ⋅ s
Furthermore, the confinement of the connection region by the adjoining beams is taken into account
by a parameter, defined as JT (Joint Type Index). Connection subassemblies investigated in this study
are divided into five categories from A to E, and joint types and corresponding joint type index values
based on ACI-ASCE Committee 352 Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Connections in
Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures (2002) are given in Fig. 2.1.
Specimen 1 A 1 31.1 250 220 220 160 220 0.171 0 0.503 190
Specimen 2 A 1 41.7 250 220 220 160 220 0.099 0 0.503 190
Specimen 3 A 1 41.7 250 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.503 190
Specimen 4 A 1 44.7 281 220 220 160 220 0.166 0 0.131 190
Specimen 5 A 1 36.7 281 220 220 160 220 0.090 0 0.131 190
Specimen 6 A 1 40.4 281 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.131 190
Specimen 7 A 1 32.2 250 220 220 160 220 0.124 0 0.503 190
Specimen 8 A 1 41.2 250 220 220 160 220 0.080 0 0.503 190
Kaku &
Specimen 9 A 1 40.6 250 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.503 190
Specimen 10 A 1 44.4 281 220 220 160 220 0.168 0 0.131 190
Specimen 11 A 1 41.9 281 220 220 160 220 0.079 0 0.131 190
Specimen 12 A 1 35.1 281 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.131 190
Specimen 13 A 1 46.4 250 220 220 160 220 -0.045 0 0.503 190
Specimen 14 A 1 41.0 281 220 220 160 220 0.081 0 0.129 190
Specimen 15 A 1 39.7 281 220 220 160 220 0.083 0 0.129 190
Specimen 16 A 1 37.4 250 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.496 190
Specimen 17 A 1 39.7 250 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.503 190
Specimen 18 A 1 40.7 250 220 220 160 220 0 0 0.498 190
Kitayama, A1 C 1.25 30.6 326 300 300 200 300 0.064 0 0.708 250
Otani & A2 E 1.67 30.6 326 300 300 200 300 0.064 0 0.708 250
Aoyama A3 E 1.67 30.6 326 300 300 200 300 0.064 0 0.708 250
(1991) A4 C 1.25 30.6 326 300 300 200 300 0.064 0 0.708 250
EWB 1 B 1.25 28.9 482 356 356 864 305 0 0 0.772 483
LaFave &
EWB 2 B 1.25 30.3 482 356 356 864 305 0 0 0.772 483
EWB 3 B 1.25 34.5 482 305 508 940 305 0 0 1.081 464
ENB 1 B 1.25 24.8 482 305 508 305 559 0 0 1.081 432
S0 A 1 32.6 471 400 600 300 450 0.089 0 0.423 350
S50 A 1 34.2 471 400 600 300 450 0.085 50 0.423 350
Lee & Ko
W0 A 1 28.9 471 600 400 300 450 0.101 0 1.134 450
W75 A 1 30.4 471 600 400 300 450 0.096 75 1.134 450
W150 A 1 29.1 471 600 400 300 450 0.100 150 1.134 450
Shiohara J-7 C 1.25 79.2 857 300 300 240 300 0.117 0 0.689 270
(2001) J-10 C 1.25 39.2 598 300 300 240 300 0.236 0 0.689 270
Quintero- IWB1 E 1.67 27.6 503 356 356 889 305 0 0 1.097 489
Febres & IWB2 E 1.67 27.6 503 356 356 660 305 0 0 1.097 432
Wight IWB3 E 1.67 27.6 503 330 508 838 305 0 0 0.908 457
1 C 1.25 28.6 441 356 356 254 381 0.025 51 0.772 307
Raffaelle &
2 C 1.25 26.8 441 356 356 178 381 0.026 89 0.772 231
3 C 1.25 37.7 441 356 356 191 381 0.019 83 0.772 244
4 C 1.25 19.3 441 356 356 191 559 0.036 83 0.772 244
Shin & SL 1 D 1.25 29.9 468 457 330 279 406 0 89 0.615 329
LaFave SL 2 D 1.25 36.1 468 457 330 178 406 0 140 0.615 227
(2004-a, SL 3 D 1.25 47.4 551 457 330 279 406 0 0 0.615 362
2004-b) SL 4 D 1.25 31.1 579 279 368 279 406 0 0 1.099 279
S1 C 1.25 33.0 440 400 300 200 400 0.111 0 0.885 275
Teng & S2 C 1.25 34.0 440 400 300 200 400 0.108 50 0.885 275
Zhou S3 C 1.25 35.0 440 400 300 200 400 0.105 100 0.885 245
(2008) S5 C 1.25 39.0 440 400 200 200 400 0.110 50 1.287 250
S6 C 1.25 38.0 440 400 200 200 400 0.113 100 1.287 230
where, bb, bc: the width of the beam and column respectively,
hb, hc: the depth of the beam and column respectively,
Ag: the gross area of the column.
Figure 2.1. Joint Types and Joint Type Index (JT) Values for Computations in SI Units
First, an equation that predicts the maximum joint shear strength is generated based on the key
individual parameters to obtain the minimum average error and the highest correlation with the
experimental values. Then, the strain value corresponding to the maximum joint shear strength and
(vj,u,γu) and two more critical points in the joint shear strength versus strain curve are determined.
These points are selected as the onset of cracking (vj,cr ,γcr) and the end of cracked-elastic stage (vj,i,γi )
(Fig. 3.1):
Figure 3.1. Critical Points of the Joint Model Presented on Specimen SL2 by Shin and LaFave (2004-a)
ρjoint depends on the volumetric joint transverse reinforcement ratio for one layer of confinement
Eccentricity Effect (EE) = (3.3)
1 + e / bc
bc bc
when < 1.0
hc hc
Column Index (CI) = (3.4)
1.0 when ≥ 1.0
Axial Load Effect (NE) = 1 + (3.5)
Ag ⋅ fc
hb b j
WB = 1- ⋅ ; when wide beams are present
bb bb
Wide Beam Effect = in the loading direction (3.6)
WB = 1 ; when wide beams are not present
in the loading direction
Flanged Section
= ; when slab is present
Slab Index = Rectangular Section (3.7)
= 1 ; when slab is not present
Experimental versus predicted values of joint shear strength for all specimens in the database are
shown in Fig. 3.2 (a). It can be observed from this graph that the joint shear strength is slightly
underestimated, which is conservative. In Fig. 3.2 (b), the joint shear strength values based on the
current code requirements are compared with the experimental ones. As it can be observed from this
figure, the proposed formula gives more conservative results with less scatter when compared to the
equation recommended by ACI-ASCE Committee 352 Recommendations for Design of Beam-
Column Connections in Monolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures (2002).
(a) (b)
The joint model is verified by comparing the experimental results with the analytical ones obtained by
using PERFORM 3D (2006). The verification results for Specimen 2-S by Burak and Wight (2008)
are provided below as an example. The analytical beam response with and without the use of the joint
model are also provided.
The material strengths and geometric properties of Specimen 2-S are presented in Table 2.1. Both
experimentally and analytically obtained lateral load versus story drift responses are shown in Fig. 4.1.
In this figure, the analytical lateral load response captures the experimental one, except for pinching.
In PERFORM 3D, pinching cannot be modeled, therefore, wider loops are observed in the analytical
hysteresis curve. Nevertheless, the envelope behavior of the connection region and the maximum
values for lateral load, story drift, joint shear stress and distortion are estimated adequately.
Figure 4.1. Lateral Load versus Story Drift Response of Specimen 2-S by Burak and Wight (2008)
By the use of the joint model, individual member responses can be obtained in addition to the overall
load versus story drift response. The comparison of the analytical and experimental response of
connection region is presented in Fig. 4.2 (a). The maximum joint shear strength of the analytical
model is significantly close to the experimental values. Furthermore, the beam end moment versus
plastic hinge rotation curves are compared in Fig. 4.2 (b). The analytical model predicts the beam
plastic hinge response accurately, therefore, the beam moment capacity and maximum inelastic
rotations can realistically be assessed using the proposed model. To examine the improvement in
predicting the member responses by the use of the developed model, the specimens are also modeled
by assuming the connection regions as rigid zones. When the joint model is not included in the
analysis, the seismic behavior of the connections cannot be investigated. Furthermore, when the story
drift values are kept the same, the beam rotations are significantly overestimated (Fig. 4.3) with the
use of rigid connections, which will result in improper seismic assessment of these members.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2. (a) Joint Shear Stress versus Joint Shear Distortion Response of Specimen 2-S by Burak and Wight
(b) Beam Moment at Column Face versus Beam Plastic Hinge Rotation Response of Specimen 2-S by Burak and
Wight (2008)
Figure 4.3. Beam Moment at Column Face versus Beam Plastic Hinge Rotation Response of Specimen 2-S by
Burak and Wight (2008) with and without the joint model
In this analytical study a joint model is developed to predict the seismic behavior of reinforced
concrete beam-to-column connections. In the development of the model, the results of an experimental
database of reinforced concrete connection subassemblies are used to estimate critical joint strength
and strain points. The connection subassemblies are then analyzed by using Perform 3D with and
without the joint model and the analytical results are compared with the experimental ones. Based on
the results of this analytical investigation, it can be concluded that a simple and conservative trilinear
joint model can be used in the nonlinear analysis of structures by commercially available software.
Although, the computational time is slightly increased, the story drifts can be estimated more
accurately and member responses can be obtained for the connection regions. Moreover, beam plastic
hinge rotations are estimated more precisely which enables the proper assessment of these members. It
can also be observed that when the joint model is not included in the inelastic analysis, due to the
accumulation of joint distortions at the member ends, the beam rotations could be overestimated and
some beams may determined to be deficient even though they satisfy the rotation limitations when the
model is taken into account. In general, when the joint model is utilized instead of making the rigid
joint assumption, the seismic behavior of beam-to-column connection subassemblies is reasonably and
conservatively predicted not only for the overall lateral load-story drift response, but also for the
member responses.
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