Experimental Study of Residual Stresses in Thick Steel Plates

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Experimental study of residual stresses in thick steel plates

Article · January 2012


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2 authors, including:

Jean-Paul Lebet
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


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Proceedings of the
Annual Stability Conference
Structural Stability Research Council
Grapevine, Texas, April 18-21, 2012

Experimental study of residual stresses in thick steel plates

R. Thiébaud1, J.-P. Lebet2

Residual stresses must be taken into account when evaluating the stability of a steel bridge
girder. Residual stresses are unavoidable, as manufacturing processes for steel plates introduce
thermal residual stresses in the material. For welded built-up sections, such as those commonly
used in large steel plate girders, these thermal residual stresses are due to 1) cooling after rolling,
2) flame cutting of the flanges, and 3) welding between the web and the flange. Residual stresses
can influence the lateral torsional buckling resistance of structural steel members and need to be
considered in design.

This paper experimentally investigates residual stresses due to flame cutting using the sectioning
method. In this study, residual stresses are measured after flame cutting and welding 60 mm
thick steel (S355N) flanges, a typical size used in the fabrication of bridge girders. Results from
flame cutting confirm the findings of previous studies which reveal that residual stress
distributions have a high tensile component at the flame cut edge. Procedures and testing of
welding residual stresses are presented without results.

Residual stress measurements from this study could be used to develop a longitudinal and
through-thickness residual stress model for thick flame-cut plates and welded plates used in
bridge I-girder construction. Such a model could serve as an initial state in non-linear finite
element analyses to predict the residual stress influence on the LTB of steel bridge girders.

1. Introduction
Built-up steel plate girders used in bridges are often constructed using rolled steel plates welded
together. Due to manufacturing and assembly of the steel plates, residual stresses are often
introduced into the girder section. Combined with high slenderness ratios (height/width ratio),
geometric imperfections, and dynamic traffic loads, residual stresses can create stability issues,
namely lateral torsional buckling (LTB) (see Fig 1).

The complex phenomenon of LTB is well established in design standards; however the design
standards are based on experimental and theoretical studies on rolled I-sections and built-up
PhD student, ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL), School of Architecture, Civil
and Environmental Engineering (ENAC), Steel Structures Laboratory (ICOM), [email protected].
Professor, ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FÉDÉRALE DE LAUSANNE (EPFL), School of Architecture, Civil and
Environmental Engineering (ENAC), Steel Structures Laboratory (ICOM), [email protected].
sections having common building-section geometries. Steel plate-girders used in bridges are
often much larger and have different geometric properties than typical building sections. The
LTB resistance models for plate girders are adapted from data on typical rolled sections with
reduction factors (Davaine and Lebet, 2007).


Hyperstaticity effects and
and strain loads
Resistance to
lateral torsional
buckling of steel
bridge girders
Residual geometry of
stresses sections

Figure 1: Mains parameters which influence the LTB resistance of steel bridge girders.

Several residual stress models already exist in the literature. Some are based on thin plates
(ECCS, 1984, Johansson et al., 2007), and others are based on thicker plates comparable with the
plates used in this study (Alpsten and Tall, 1969, Brozzetti, 1969, Bjorhovde et al., 1971, ECCS,
1976). Residual stresses form a self-equilibrating system, where resultant forces and moments
are zero. In general, as explained by (Lu, 1996) there are three principal kinds of residual
stresses. The first, named macroscopic residual stress, concern at least several grains of the
material. The second, termed structural micro-stress, applies to the distance of one grain or a part
of a grain. The third corresponds to several atomic distances within the grain and is equilibrated
over a small part of the grain.

This paper describes an experimental study investigating longitudinal macroscopic residual

stresses in thick steel plates due to flame cutting and welding. First, the appropriate methods for
residual stress measurements are briefly presented. Following, the experimental work is
discussed, including the materials used, fabrication and preparation of the test specimens, the
flame cutting and welding procedure, and temperature measurements. Lastly, results for flame-
cutting residual stresses are presented and conclusions are summarized.

Further study to be completed later will create a residual stress model from the experimental data
accounting for welding and the flame-cutting of thick steel plates, and incorporating the model
into finite element analyses to study the LTB resistance of steel plate girders.

2. Methods and measurements

2.1 Residual stress measurement techniques
This section presents an overview of common methods used to measure residual stresses. In
general a distinction must be made between destructive and non-destructive techniques (Lu,

The destructive methods break the state of equilibrium of the residual stresses by a mechanical
process. Residual stresses determined by mechanical process are partially or completely released
when material is removed. Material relaxation creates a displacement which can be measured
allowing the stresses to be calculated. Some well-known destructive techniques include
sectioning, hole drilling and layer removal, and some others in development include the contour
and deep hole methods. Furthermore, it is important to note that the sectioning method provides
single stress measurements, the hole drilling method provides depth profiles, and the contour
method provides area maps of residual stress. As shown in Fig. 2 these methods are represented
in function of the depth penetration and the spatial resolution which give the application domain.

The non-destructive methods use the relationship between the physical or crystallographic
parameters and the residual stress. The X-ray and neutron diffraction methods are based on the
measurements of lattice strains of specific atomic planes. The first technique measures residual
stress on the surface, but it is available until 1mm penetration by combination with the
destructive layer removal method (Fig. 2). The neutron diffraction method measures the residual
strain within a volume of sample; therefore it is valid for larger penetrations up to 50 mm.
Ultrasonic techniques rely on variations of velocity of ultrasonic waves, which can be related to
the residual stress state. Magnetic measuring methods are based on the interaction between
magnetization and elastic strain in ferromagnetic materials. The application domain of this
experimental study is located in a spatial resolution of around 10 mm and a penetration of several
centimeters. Accordingly to Fig. 2 the sectioning and the deep hole drilling methods are available
to evaluate residual stresses in thick plates. However, the equipment available within our
laboratory is suitable to the sectioning method which is further discussed in the following

Figure 2: Schematic indicative of the approximate current capabilities of the various techniques to measure residual
stresses. The destructive techniques are shaded grey. (Withers et al., 2008)

2.2 The sectioning method

In order to release the internal stresses, the sectioning method proposes to isolate a specimen and
cut it into many strips and slices (Fig. 3). This technique, commonly use in steel construction, is
suitable for elements in which the longitudinal stresses are dominant. Several experiences
performed in the past prove that the sectioning method is adapted to this kind of measurements,
sufficiently accurate and economical. (Tebedge et al., 1973, Aschendorff et al., 1983, Grimault
and Rondal, Lugeon and Sriramulu, 1978). One important advantage is in the method
implementation, which is relatively simple and feasible with the equipment of our laboratory.

As illustrated by the Fig.3, the sectioning method counts three mains steps. First, a basis of
measurement must be implemented on the initial steel plate. This basis consists to mark a series
of parallel points all around the steel plate. These points produce distances which are measured
so as to create the initials values. Secondly transverse pieces, which represent the specimens, are
isolated by sawing the initial steel plate, Fig. 3a. Then, the specimens are cut in strips to perform
a complete sectioning of the specimen, Fig. 3b. Next, the basis of points is measured once again
to obtain the change of length of each strip. Thus the distribution of longitudinal strains over a
cross section is determined and the stresses can be calculated by applying Hooke’s law. The third
and last step concerns the cutting of each strip in slices, Fig, 3c. The slicing provides the
residual-stress distribution through the thickness by measuring the change of strain of each slice
after cutting. A base measurement must be implemented on each side of each strip.

The determination of the residual stress with the sectioning method includes some assumptions.
Firstly, the analysis is simplified by not taking into account the effect of the transverse stresses.
In fact it is known (Tebedge et al., 1973) that transverse stresses affect the results; with lower
transverse stress leading to more accurate measurements. A second assumption is based on the
process to cut the pieces in strips and slices. During this process, the material is heated by the
saw, in other words residual stresses are created by the sawing. These additional stresses depend
on many factors as the saw cut spacing, the thickness of the plate and the speed of sawing.
Measurements considering this effect were performed for one specific case (Alpsten and Tall,
1969) at the saw cut edge and stresses of the order of 3-10 MPa were observed. Furthermore,
temperatures measurements were carried out during our experiments. The results show that the
temperature vary on a scale of 20 to 30 °C at maximum on the steel cut surface between before
and after cutting. These values can be maintained lower by an efficient system of liquid cooling
during the sawing. Again, in comparison with the temperature measured during the flame-cutting
and the welding, which reach several hundreds to thousand degrees Celsius, the saw heating
values are low.

Finally, if care is taken by a clean preparation of the specimens, a methodic and rigorous
procedure of measurement, the sectioning method provides suitable and accurate results.

Figure 3: Mains steps in the sectioning method.

3. Experimental work
3.1 Materials
The choice of the materials is based on those commonly used in bridge construction and
available from the firm (Table 1). Thus, the base plate PL60 (Fig. 4), which corresponds to the
flanges of the built-up sections, is a normalised rolled weldable fine grain structural steel S355N.
The web corresponds to a non-alloy structural steel S355J2. Designation of the plates follows the
Eurocodes (CEN, 2004b, CEN, 2004c, CEN, 2004d, CEN, 2004e, CEN, 2004a, CEN, 2005).

Table 1: Materials and dimensions

Part Grade Quality Length Width Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)
Base plate S355 N 2600 2100 60
Web S355 J2 2600 180 20

Regarding the dimensions the two following criterions were taken into account:
 the sizes of the plates have to represent those used to manufacture built-up sections of
bridge girders
 the final size of the welded section allowed the application of the sectioning method for
the residual stress study

3.2 Fabrication of the specimens and temperature measurements

The manufacturing of steel bridge girders follows two mains processes. First the steel plates
(flanges, webs, etc…) which constitute the girders are flame-cut on plates ordered from the steel
factories. Secondly, these pieces are assembled together by different methods of welding. Both
steps introduce stresses which modify significantly the prior residual stresses due after rolling. In
the following, the two processes used to fabricate the specimen and the temperature
measurements are briefly presented.

3.2.1 Flame-cutting
Flame-cutting is the principal process for cutting steel plates and form a part of thermal cutting.
This technology uses gases, propane and oxygen to produce a controlled flame. The principle is
based on a chemical reaction of oxygen with the base metal at elevated temperatures. More
precisely, the material is heated locally via a flame obtained from the combustion of a specific
fuel gas mixed with oxygen. Then, the metal is burned by a jet of pure oxygen creating a
continuous chemical reaction between the oxygen and the metal. Finally, the iron oxide formed
is blown away by the jet of oxygen which creates a cut and a heat affected zone (HAZ). (Brune,

In this study, the base plate was flame-cut into three pieces named “flanges” (Fig. 4) with a
numerical control machine. The direction of cutting corresponds to the rolling direction and was
performed with a speed of 250 mm/min. This velocity depends mainly on the type of material
and the material thickness. The sequencing consists of three cuts performed successively by the
same torch. The widths of the flame-cut flanges are 730 mm for T1 and T2b and 615 mm for
T2a. The plate T2b is devoted to the welding and flame-cutting study whereas T1 and T2a are
dedicated to the flame-cutting study only. So, on the one hand, it enables to compare the width
effect for residual stress distribution due to the flame-cutting and on the other hand, it allows
evaluating the welding effect on a flame-cut plate. Regarding the temperature measurements for

the flame-cutting, they were performed on the cut’s axis 1 and 2. More details about its
measurements are exposed in paragraph 3.2.3.

Flame-cutting: axis phase 3
Cut 3

Flame-cutting: axis phase 2

Edge of plate
PL60 mm
Temperature Cut 2

Flame-cutting: axis phase 1

Rolling direction Cut 1

Speed of cutting
250 mm/min.

PL60mm, S355N, 2600 x 2100 mm

Figure 4: Plan view of flanges production and sequencing of the cuts (dimension in mm).

3.2.2 Welding
The type of welding used between T2b flange and the web is the submerged arc welding (SAW).
This automatic or semi-automatic process is widely used in bridges construction for the
advantages of: deep weld penetration, high speed welding, less distortion, good quality and
control of the weld, etc. The principle of this method is based on an electrode continuously fed
by a wire, and a flux constituted of granular particles of lime, silica and other compounds. The
arc is formed under the flux (submerged arc) which a part is molted to form slag. The rest of flux
is aspired by the system and reused.

Regarding the experiment, the geometry of the weld is a tee-joint with 10 mm deposit metal. The
fillets are composed of three passes accomplished simultaneously on each side of the web (Fig.

Figure 5: Distribution of welding passes.

The sequence follows a logical order; the first pass is welded on the corner between the web and
the flange; the second pass is juxtaposed to the first one in order to support the third one. In the

plan, the web is welded parallel to long side of the flange (Fig. 6). In section, the web is centered
with the flange. The welding was performed in the same direction as the rolling with an average
speed of 6.66 mm/s. This process and the semi-automatic machine setting’s follow the welding
procedure qualification record of the manufacturer.

Plan view
Flange PL60mm, S355N
2600 x 730 x 60 mm

Web PL20mm, S355J2
2600 x 180 x 20 mm
Rolling direction

Weld direction,
measuring zones Speed 6.66 mm/s


Section View A-A



Figure 6: Plan and cut views of the welding process (dimension in mm).

As for the flame-cutting, temperature measurements were carried out in the middle of the plate
and along the welding axis. More details are given in the following section.

3.2.3 Temperature measurements
The aim of these measurements is to obtain temperature curves as a function of the time for
different locations of the plates. Thereafter, these data will be used to calibrate and compare the
numerical models of flame-cutting and welding.

The principle consists to weld thermocouples on the steel plates. Each sensor is connected to a
computer through an acquisition system. The Fig. 7 presents the design of temperature


a) Plan view of the distribution of thermocouples (TC) b) Section view of the distribution of thermocouples
for flame cutting. (TC) for welding (dimensions en mm).
Figure 7: Design of temperature measurements.

As shown in Fig. 7, the design of the flame-cutting temperature measurement was planned to
insure the repeatability of the data. Therefore, the sixty-four thermocouples are distributed over
two sequences of cutting (cut 1 and 2), on two sections (Fig. 7a) and on both faces (upper and
lower) of the plate. The first section is located at 1300 mm from the edge and counts six sensors
which are divided on both sides on the cut. Similarly, the second section consists of ten
thermocouples situated 100 mm further. These sensors were voluntarily welded as close as
possible to the cut in order to measure the higher temperatures.

Regarding the welding process (Fig. 6 and 7b) sixteen thermocouples were equally divided on
the same cross sections as previously. Each section consists of two sensors located on the lower
flange face, three on the upper flange face and three on the web face. The mains results of these
measurements are presented in section 4.2.

3.3 Preparation of the specimens

3.3.1 Location of specimen
Each plate creates three specimens, see Fig.8. Since the residual stresses are internals stress
developed within a non-loaded element, they form a self-equilibrating system where the resultant
force and moment are null. As a consequence these stresses are zero at the ends of the plate; and
by Saint-Venant’s principle, they must be maximum at a distance equal to the larger transversal

dimension of the piece. For this reason the specimen are located in the center of plate with a
distance of 1.1 to 1.3 times the width plate.

835 310 310 310 835


CS CS CS CS CS: Cold Sawing edge

Rolling direction FC: Flame cutting edge


T2a-1 T2a-2 T2a-3 T2a-4 T2a-5

FC 10 10 10 10

Figure 8: Location of the specimens (dimension in mm).

Of the nine total samples, six are devoted to the study of flame-cutting residual stresses (see
Table 2). Furthermore, the influence of size is studied by comparing the results of 730 mm and
615 mm width. The other three specimens are dedicated to the study of flame-cutting and
welding residual stresses.

Table 2: Table of specimens

Name Origin of the residual stress Width State
FC : Flame cutting; W : Welding (mm) S : Studied; IP : In progress
T1-2 FC 730 S
T1-3 FC 730 IP
T1-4 FC 730 IP
T2a-2 FC 615 IP
T2a-3 FC 615 S
T2a-4 FC 615 S
T2b-2 FC + W 730 IP
T2b-3 FC + W 730 IP
T2b-4 FC + W 730 IP

3.3.2 Design of sectioning and holes preparation

The number of strips depends on the distribution of the residual stresses. More precisely, in the
locations where there is a strong gradient in residual stresses the strips must be thinner.
Therefore, in order to obtain satisfying results, the strip width is thinner (10 mm) close to the
flame-cut edges and welding zones, while it is thicker (20 mm) for the others zones, Fig. 9a, b
and c.

7@10mm 14@20mm 14@20mm 7@10mm

Rolling direction

5 5
Figure 9a: Design of sectioning and holes measurements for flame-cut plates (view plan in mm).

1@15mm 2@25mm 1@15mm

6@10mm 13@20mm 13@20mm 6@10mm

5 5

70 280 30 280 70
Figure 9b: Design of sectioning and holes measurements for flame-cut plates (section view in mm).
[email protected]

1@15mm 1@15mm 1@15mm 1@15mm

6@10mm 9@20mm 6@10mm 6@10mm 9@20mm 6@10mm


5 5

70 200 70 50 70 200 70
Figure 9c: Design of sectioning and holes measurements for flame-cut and welded plates (section view in mm).

The holes preparation is a precision work that requires care because the precision of the
measurements depend directly on the quality of this step. Geometrically, each hole is located in
the center of the strips with a constant distance of 250 mm. The size of the mark is adapted to the
ball of the measuring instruments, Fig. 10. In this experiment, the holes manufacturing needs
four mains steps. First stage consists in trace as precisely as possible the location of the holes on
the steel plates. Secondly, a first marking is performed with a punch bar to fix the basis

measurement between the two holes at 250 mm. Third, the holes are formed with the help of a
center punch hit by a hammer. Finally, each distance created by a couple of holes was tested in
order to measure the variation of the readings. As appropriate, some holes were corrected.


1.5 mm

Figure 10: Detail of a hole measurement.

3.4 Procedure of measurements

The longitudinal measurements were performed by using a Huggenberger deformeter
EDU250/10 (HUGGENBERGER AG, 2012) adjusted on a 250 mm measuring base.
The methodology of the measurements follows the next steps cited in (Tebedge et al., 1973,
Campana and Rupf, 2011):
- clean the holes with a compressed jet air before taking any measurements;
- initialize the derformeter on the 250 mm bar invar before each measuring session;
- measure at least three time each distance to obtain a repeatability of the data;
- measure the bar invar before each series of measurements and after each ten readings;
- protect the holes from damage by covering with tape during the phase of moving,
handling and sawing;
Much attention must be given to taking the initials measurements because, once the steel is cut,
they cannot be repeated.

Regarding the data acquisition, the deformeter was directly connected via a cable to a laptop.
This system allowed ten readings per second for each distance and saved the average value and
the standard deviation. However, the reading is refused by the system if this deviation is more
than 0.002 mm, and the distance has to be taken again.

3.5 Accuracy of measurement

Residual stresses measurements are affected by various sources of errors. As the experiment
takes place during several weeks and months, ambient temperature changes influence the
material dilatation. In order to avoid this problem, as much as possible, measurement sessions
were carried out in tent with a constant ambient temperature of 23°C. However few temperatures
variations (less than 1°C) were measured. This error was measured by using a reference bar of
the same material as the specimen but released of residual stress. This bar was put on the test
pieces to follow the same temperature fluctuation and measure before each series of readings.
Finally, it was noticed that this temperature error was smaller than the deformeter error. By
consequence, this effect was neglected as it was not possible to measure it with enough accuracy.

The instrumental error due to the deformeter can be corrected by using a bar invar of 250 mm
which constitute a fixed base. It is important to calibrate the device on this bar before each series

of measurements. However, even with this calibration the error due to the precision of the device
and provide by the supplier is +/- 0.005 mm on each average length (HUGGENBERGER AG,
2012). The experimental error on the results in term of stress is +/- 6 MPa.

Strips located at the edge are subjected to high stress gradients and were visibly curved after
cutting. Consequently, the displacement measured by the deformeter is the change in the chord
length than the change in arc length which represents the actual strain. As mentioned, (Tebedge
et al., 1973) the curvature effect can be assess by measuring the offset  and the change in chord
length of the curves specimens. However, if the ratio offset to length ( / L) is lower than 0.001,
the curvature correction has not significant influence on the strain calculation. As the curvature
effect on the strain is smaller than the experimental inaccuracy of the method of measurement in
this study, the curvature correction was neglected.

4. Results and discussion

4.1 Calculation of residual stresses
Cutting allows an elongation of the compressed slices and an elongation and shortening of the
slices in tension. Deformations measured before and after cutting are converted into stresses by
assuming that the relaxation is purely linear elastic. The average length measured for each slice
L is defined by:

1 n
L  Lj
n j 1

where n is the number of measurements for one length (usually three) and Lj is the measured
value distance for each step. So Li represent the initial measured of the length (before cutting)
and Lf the final measured of the length (after cutting). Then the strain due to relaxation of
residual strain is:
L L f  Li
r   (2)
Li Li

By application of Hooke’s Law, the residual stresses at the measured surface are:

 r  E r (3)

where E is Young’s modulus (taken in first approximation equal to 210’000 N/mm2).

Upper and a lower residual stresses, measured from both specimen surfaces, are named σrU and
σrL respectively. Using Bernoulli’s Law on plane sections, the average longitudinal stress σra can
be calculated as:

 rU   rL
 ra  (4)

4.2 Temperature measurements
The results are presented in Fig. 11. For the flame-cutting, six thermocouples ate different
location are plotted. It appears that the temperature increases rapidly when the torch passes right
to the sensors section. The responses are regulars and more or less immediate in function of the
position. Similarly, the welding temperatures curves are presented with three peaks which
correspond to each welding pass. In this case, there are some differences with the initials value
due to the non-uniform preheating of the steel plate before the welding.

Figure 11: Temperature curves for flame-cutting and welding. For the locations of the thermocouples, see Fig. 7.

4.2 Flame Cutting

The Fig. 12a, b and c show the residual stress distribution for the three flame-cut plates by
plotting the average, the lower, and the upper values. Fig. 12c summarizes the average residual
stress values for the three plates. The three other specimens are in progress of analyses.

The general shape of the distribution reveal that the curves are constituted of a high tensile
residual stress at the flame cut edge which decreases rapidly with increasing distance from the
edge. The tensile component is equilibrated to a certain extent by a compressed bloc in the

The small zone in tension close to the edge expose in Fig. 12a, b, c important stresses
differences. Indeed, it can be observed in general that upper side stresses values are higher than
the lower ones with a range up to 180 MPa. In other words, due to flame-cutting process the face
hit by the torch is more heated than the other face. This observation is confirmed by the funnel
shape of the heat affected zone (HAZ) in Fig. 13, where the heated zone is larger for the upper
side. Residual stress study through the thickness would show the importance of the variation.
Edges width tension can be assess by linear interpolation in Fig. 12a, b, c and d. The values of
the width tension are included in an interval of 19 to 44 mm which corresponds to 3-7 % of
respective plate’s width. This range has to be confirmed with next experiments results.

In Fig. 12d, the magnitude of the average tensile residual stress varies from 231 MPa to 263
MPa, and the average maximum compressive residual stress from -55.0 MPa to -19.5 MPa. The
maximum compressive stress appears in an interval of 35 mm to 55 mm of the edges which
corresponds to 4-9 % of plate’s width. Width tension and the distance of maximum compressive
stress depends on several factors as: 1) the heat input created by the flame-cutting process, 2) the
plate geometry and 3) the prior residual stresses due after rolling.

Figure 12: Results of residual stress distribution in 60 mm thick flame-cut plates.

The value “I” represented in Fig. 12a, b, c is the integration of the stresses over the section. In a
theoretical point of view “I” must be zero. The first results of “I” show some differences
probably due to: 1) the sawing, which modify the residual stress state, 2) effect of residual
stresses in others direction and 3) accumulated experimental errors.

Residual stress at the center of the flame-cut plates can be in compression, zero or in tension.
Over three plates (Fig. 12d), one shows only compression (T2a-2) with maximum value of -9.3
MPa, T2a-3 exposes a significant portion of practically zero residual stress and plate T1-2
exhibits even a tension zone with a maximum value of 11.1 MPa. The tension portion in plate’s
center indicates that flame-cutting effect combined with the plate geometry is not higher than the
prior tension residual stress due to rolling.

After three cut plates, it is difficult to show a real trend due to the width plate. However, in Fig.
12d the larger plate of 730 mm is characterized by a higher compressive residual stress at the
edge and a higher tension residual stress at the center of the plate. These observations has to be
confirmed with more experiments results

Figure 13: Section view of the flame-cutting heat affected zone (unit in mm).

5. Conclusions
Several methods exist to assess longitudinal residual stresses in steel; however, in case of thick
plates the sectioning and the deep hole drilling methods are recommended. The sectioning
method was selected in this study while the necessary equipment was available within the
laboratory. If care is taken for: 1) fabrication and preparation of the specimens, 2) a methodic
and rigorous procedure of measurement, the sectioning method provides suitable and accurate
results with an experimental error of +/- 6 MPa.

Three plates over six flames cut specimen are analyzed. Results of residual stresses distribution
show a high tensile residual stress at the flame cut edge equilibrated by a compressed part.
Maximum average value of the tension residual stresses is 263 MPa whereas maximum in
compression is -55.0 MPa. Otherwise, residual stress at the center of the flame-cut plates can be
in compression, zero or in tension. Finally, mains factors influencing flame-cut residual stress
are: 1) the heat input 2) the plate geometry and 3) the prior residual stresses. Three other flame-
cut specimens have to be analyzed in order to consolidate the results. Furthermore, three flame-
cut and welded plates must be investigated to determine the influence of welding on residual
stress distribution.

Experimental results of residual stresses measurements could serve to develop a model which
corresponds to flame-cut and welded plates used in bridge construction. An application of a

residual stress model could be performed when evaluating resistance on lateral torsional buckling
of steel bridge girders.

The authors would like to thank the material support of Zwahlen & Mayr (Aigle, Switzerland)
for this research. In addition, the authors would like to thank Prof. Nicolas Boissonnade (College
of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg Switzerland) and Dr. Michel Thomann for their
technical advice.

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