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Eurofighter Manual

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For Flight Simulator X
and Prepar3D

This publication contains information about the installation and usage of the
IndiaFoxtEcho Eurofighter Typhoon within the Microsoft Flight Simulator X and
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D flight simulation environments.



The operation, performance and appearance of the aicraft and its systems in the simulation are
closely based to the publicly available information, but changes have been made for simplification or
gameplay reasons. Real world aicraft performance and systems are still classified.

This manual and the Typhoon simulated aicraft are not endorsed, supported or linked in any way to
the Eurofighter GmBH or any company of the Eurofighter Consortium.
Product version: 1.00
Manual Version: 1.0.0 – March 29th 2017

Initial release
Rob Barendregt
Due to the high-detail model and textures, we suggest
to use the Eurofigher Typhoon on systems that Weapon models:
meet or exceed the following requirements: Vertical Reality Simulations

CPU: 3.0GHz dual core processor or better This product uses gauges from Doug Downson for
GPU: at least 2Gb dedicated memory fuel management and voice warning fucntions and
RAM: 4.0Gb minimum information taken from the excellent FS9 GPS and
Hard Disk: 1Gb required for installation Custom Draw guides by Robert McElrath. The HUD is
partially based on the F-35 HMD by Jivko Rusev and
IMPORTANT! This product has been design to Scott Printz
work in Microsoft Flight Simulator X Acceleration, The aircraft external models is based on mesh from
Gold and Steam Edition and Lockheed Martin Meshfactory and acquired and licenced through
Prepar3d version 2.5 and 3.4. This product is Turbosquid Inc.
strictly integrated with Vertical Reality Simulation This manual includes public domain text and pictures
Tacpack package, which is required for several taken from Wikipedia.
systems to work as intended. The following VRS Tacpack is copyrighted by Vertical Reality
systems/functions will not work without Tacpack: Simulations.
Special thanks to the Beta Testing team and to all the
– Radar functions and Target Designation
supporters of India Foxt Echo Visual Simulations!
– Weapon Systems (both Air-to-Air and Air-
– ECM, Chaff and Flares
– Stores Configurator
This SOFTWARE PRODUCT is provided by THE
– TFLIR and IRST/PIRATE Imagery PROVIDER "as is" and "with all faults."
THE PROVIDER makes no representations or
TFLIR and IRST/PIRATE systems will only work warranties of any kind concerning the safety,
with P3D version 2.5 and above. suitability, lack of viruses, inaccuracies, typographical
errors, or other harmful components of this
Equivalent functions in Prepar3D Professional PLUS SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
are not supported. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software,
and you are solely responsible for
determining whether this SOFTWARE PRODUCT is
INSTALLATION compatible with your equipment and other
software installed on your equipment. You are also
If your copy is provided with an installer follow the solely responsible for the protection of your
instructions provided on screen by the installer equipment and backup of your data, and THE
software. Make sure that the MAIN Flight Simulator X PROVIDER will not be liable for any damages you
or Prepar3D folder is detected properly, otherwise the may suffer in connection with using, modifying, or
files may be installed in a wrong folder. If the folder is distributing this SOFTWARE PRODUCT
not detected automatically, please select it manually. Other than for personal uses of the purchaser,
copying, modifying or redistributing this
NOTE: The product to be installed both in FSX and in software is illegal.
P3D. Copyright © 2017 by Dino Cattaneo and
IndiaFoxtEcho Visual Simulations.
If your copy is not provided with an installer (e.g. Test
versions, complimentary copies and similar cases) , CONTACT INFORMATION
please copy the SimObject and Effect folders into your
main Flight Simulator X or Prepar3D directory. Look for IndiaFoxtEcho on Facebook for the official
Facebook page or browse to the official blog
Product design, modeling, textures, flight modeling,
documentation, XML coding and graphics: Email address is [email protected]
Dino Cattaneo

Flight Model:
Roy Holmes

Custom Sound Package:

Serge Luzin
NOTES TO USERS carefully followed.

The Flight Manual contains the necessary information An operating procedure, technique, etc.,
for installation and safe operation of the EF2000 which is considered essential to emphasize.
aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D.
The instructions provide you with a general knowledge "MUST", "SHALL", "WILL", "SHOULD", AND
of the aircraft stores, weapons, characteristics and "MAY"
specific normal and emergency operating procedures. The words "must, "shall" or "will" shall be used to
Your experience is recognized, therefore basic flight express a mandatory requirement. The word "should"
principles are avoided. shall be used to express non mandatory provisions.
The word "may" shall be used to express
The Flight manual takes a "positive approach" and
normally states only what you can do. Unusual YOUR RESPONSIBILITY
operations Every effort is made to keep this manual up-to-date.
or configurations are prohibited unless specifically However, we cannot correct an error unless we know
covered herein. Clearance must be obtained before about its existence. In this regard, it is essential that
any questionable operation is attempted, which is not you do your part. Any questions, corrections or
specifically permitted in this manual. additions should be submitted.


Information contained in this manual is applicable to Any comments and suggestions to correct or improve
the Eurofighter Typhoon simulated aicraft published the information in this manual should be submitted via
by IndiaFoxtEcho. email to:
[email protected]
The manual is divided into SECTIONS. Each section
is divided into CHAPTERS. The chapters contain the
entire information relevant to a specific aircraft
system, e.g. Hydraulic System, or to a specific Phase
of Flight (PoF), e.g. Preparation for Flight.

The product and this manual will be updated/amended
in form of Urgent Changes or Routine Changes.

The urgent update procedures will be used to provide
a quick reaction to product or documentation issue
and they are released through the
indiafoxtecho.blogspot.com blog. These changes will
require manual installation.

Routine Changes are issued at certain intervals or as
necessary. Typically these updates will be released as
a full installation and will be deployed through the
same channel from which you have received this


Operating procedure, technique, etc., which
could result in personal injury or loss of life
if not carefully followed (of couse this does not apply
to a flight simulation!).

Operating procedure, technique, etc., which
could result in damage to equipment if not
EDITING THE "Keystrokes.xml" FILE IN THE
SELECTION – Selects Air to Surface Master Mode
Cycles through available aircraft PoF Modes: "I" – IN FLIGHT REFUEL PROBE
Ground / Take Off / Land / Navigation / Air to Air / EXTEND/RETRACT – Extend or Retract In-Flight
Air to Ground Refuel Probe

"Control+A" – LATE ARM SAFE SWITCH – Toggles "Enter" – DESIGNATE TARGET – In A/A Master
LATE ARM SAFE safety protection Mode, if radar is active, designate the higherst
priority radar track as "Lock And Steer" A/A
"Control+Shift+A" – MASS SWITCH – Cycles target; subsequent keypresses will cycle through
MASS Switch status between: OFF – STANDBY – the current Radar Tracks.
"Shift+Ctrl+N" – NIGHT VISION – Toggles Tacpack
"Control+U" – UNCAGE TARGET – Deselect Night Vision simulation
current target and resets weapon seeker to
boresight "C" – CHAFF RELEASE – Manual release of a
single CHAFF cartridge
Jettison currently selected store "F" – FLARE RELEASE – Manual release of a
signle flare
"Control+Shift+J" – EXTERNAL STORES
JETTISON INITIATE – Jettison all external stores "J" – ECM JAMMER TOGGLE – Toggles ECM
"Shift+C" – BOMB RELEASE MODE – Cycles
through available A/S ordnance release modes: "Control+Shift+H" – HMS TOGGLE – Toggles head
CCIP / AUTO / MAN mounted display system (note: must be powered
"W" – WEAPON SELECTION – Cycles through
available weapons within the current Master Mode "Control+Shift+R" – READY FOR TAKEOFF –
Toggles the most important avionic and system
"Shift+W" – STATION STEPPING – Selects another switches to a "ready for takeoff" condition.
pylon with the same store as the one currently

"Shift+Control+W" – WEAPONS RELOAD – Reload

all weapons as per the latest configuration. NOTE
In single player this is always available. In
multiplayer the host can inhibit the selection.

"Shift+Control+1" – A/A GUN SELECTION –

Selects A/A Mode and Gun – Radar acquisition is
set to GACQ

"Shift+Control+2" – SRAAM SELECTION – Selects

A/A Mode and the first available SRAAM missile –
Radar acquisition is set to WACQ

"Shift+Control+3" – MRAAM SELECTION – Selects

A/A Mode and the first available MRAAM missile –
Radar acquisition is set to WACQ

"Shift+Control+4" – GBU-10 SELECTION – Selects

A/S Mode and first available GBU-10 bomb. Note:
if no GBU-10 bomb is available, the first available
A/S ordinance is selected.

"Shift+Control+5" – NAV MASTER MODE

INDEX Instrumentation
ACMI Air Combat Manoeuvring
A Instrumentation
A Amperes ACNEDAS Aircraft Carried Normal Earth
A&I Attack and Identification Directed AxisSystem
A-L Approach and Landing ACO Airspace Co-ordination Order
a.m. above mentioned ACOC Air-Cooled Oil Cooler
A/A Air to Air ACP Allied Communication Procedure
A/B Airborne ACQ Acquire
A/C Aircraft ACR Active Cockpit Rig
A/D Analog / Digital or Analog to Digital ACRW Aircrew
A/F Airfield ACS ADA Compilation System
A/F Airframe ACS Armament Control System
A/F Across Flats ACT Air Combat Training
A/G Air to Ground ACU Actuator Control Unit
A/R As Required ACUE Autocue
A/S Air to Surface ACVMS Aircraft Crypto Variable
A/V Air Vehicle Management System
AA Avionics & Armament ACVMU Aircraft Crypto Variable
AAA Anti Aircraft Artillery Management Unit
AAAM Advanced Air to Air Missile AD Air Defence
AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity ADA Airborne Data Acquisition
Monitoring ADA [High Order Language for
AAM Air to Air Missile Operational Software] / Product
AAM Autopilot Attack Mode Name
AAMMU Airborne Advanced Message ADAS Airborne Data Acquisition System
Monitoring Unit ADASS Advanced Data Acquisition
AAOR Air to Air Override Simulation System
AAR Air to Air Refuelling ADB Avionic Data Bus
AAV AMRAAM Air Vehicle ADC Air Data Computer
AAVI AMRAAM Air Vehicle Instrumented ADCU Air Data Conversion Unit
AAW Air to Air Warfare ADD Airstream Direction Detectors
AB Air Base ADF Automatic Direction Finding
AB Air Brake ADGE Air Defence Ground Environment
AB Afterburner ADL Automatic Data Link
ABAS Aircraft Body Axis System ADP Air Data Probes
ABCP Afterburner Centrifugal Pump ADR Accident Data Recorder (see
ABFCU Afterburner Fuel Control Unit CSMU)
ABFMU Afterburner Fuel Metering Unit ADS Air Data System
AC Attack Computer ADS Aerodynamic Data Set
AC Armament Carriage ADT Air Data Transducer
AC Alternating Current ADU Air Data Unit
AC-GCU AC Generator Control Unit ADU Automatic Deployment Unit
ACA Agile Combat Aircraft ADV Air Defence Variant
ACAC Air Cooled Air Cooler AEA Aircrew Equipment Assembly
ACC Accumulator AFC Automatic Frequency Control
ACC Automatic Code Change AFCS Air Flow Control System
ACCIP Advanced Continuously Computed AFCV Air Flow Control Valve
Impact Point AFD Attack Flight Director
ACCS Air Command Control System AFDS Automatic Flight Director System
ACDD Attitude Climb-Dive Display AFDS Autonomous Freeflight Dispenser
ACE Armament Control Element System
ACES Advanced Concept Ejection Seat AFR Air Fuel Ratio
ACFAM Attitude Coupled Fuselage Aiming AFV Armoured Fighting Vehicle
Mode AG Attention Getter
ACFC Air-Cooled Fuel Cooler AGC Automatic Gain Control
ACIS Armament Carriage and AGL Above Ground Level
Installation System AGM Air to Ground Missile
ACL Anti-Collision Lights AGR Air to Ground Ranging
ACM Air Combat Mode AGS Anti-G Suit
ACM Acquisition Mode AGTS Armament Ground Test Switch
AGV Anti G-Valve APUSOV APU Shut-Off Valve
Ah Ampere hour AQ Acquisition
AHDERU Advanced Heavy Duty Ejector ARHC Automatic Reheat Cancellation
Release Unit ARLA Advanced Rail Launcher
AI Attack and Ident ARM Armament
AI Attitude Indicator ARM Anti-Radiation Missile
AIC Air Intake Casing ARM/S Anti-Radiation Missile / System
AIC Air Intake Control ART Auto Roll Trim
AICA Air Intake Control Actuator AS Aircraft Standards
AICS Air Intake Control System ASBC Armament Safety Break Contactor
AIM Air Intercept Missile ASDA Accelerate Stop Distance Available
AIM-9L Air Intercept Missile - 9L ASE Allowable Steering Error
(Sidewinder) ASGTS Armament Safety Ground Test
AIPT Air Intake Pressure Transducer Switch
AIS Armament Integration System ASI Air Speed Indicator
AISS Attack and Identification ASI Aircraft / Store Interface
Subsystem ASI Aircraft Station Interface
AIU Airborne Interface Unit ASL Azimuth Steering Line
AIU Aircraft Instrumentation Unit ASLR Automatic Low Speed Recovery
AJ Anti-Jamming ASM Air Switch Master
AL Aluminium ASM Air System Master
AL-Li Aluminium-Lithium ASM Air to Surface Missile
ALARM Air-Launched Anti-Radiation ASO Automatic Steering Override
Missile ASODV Afterburner Shut-Off and Dump
ALDERU Advanced Light Duty Ejector Valve
Release Unit ASP Aircrew Services Package
ALF Ambient Lighting Facility ASR Air to Surface Ranging
ALG Algorithms ASRAAM Advanced Short Range Air to Air
ALIU Automatic Liferaft Inflation Unit Missile
ALK Alterable Legend Keys Assy Assembly
ALPHA Angle of Attack ASTA Aircrew Synthetic Training Aids
ALT Altimeter / Altitude / Alteration ASU Aerial Switch Unit
AM Amplitude Modulation ASU Acceleration Sensing Unit
AMB Ambient AT Auto Throttle
AMC Actuator Movement Checks ATC Air Traffic Control
AMLCD Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display ATC Air Turbine Control
AMMO Ammunition ATF Advanced Tactical Fighter
AMMU Advanced Measurement ATM Air Turbine Motor
Monitoring Unit ATMCV Air Turbine Motor Control Valve
AMP Ampere ATS Air Turbine Starter
AMPA Advanced Mission Planning Aid ATS Automatic Test System
AMRAAM Advanced Medium Range Air to ATS/M Air Turbine Starter/Motor
Air Missile ATSMCV Air Turbine Starting Motor Control
AMSL Above Mean Sea Level Valve
AMSU Aircraft Motion Sensor Unit ATT Attitude
AMT Automatic Mask Tensioning ATTENSONS Attention getting Sounds
AMT Accelerated Mission Testing ATU Air Data Transducer Unit
AN Activity Number AUTOCAP Autonomous Combat Air Patrol
ANLG Analog AUX Auxiliary
ANMC Actuator Non-Movement Checks AV Avionics
ANVIS Advanced Night Vision Intensifier AVOID Aircraft Vertical Obstruction
Spectacles Information Data
AoA Angle of Attack AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator
AoB Angle of Bank AVS Avionics System
AOB Auxiliary Oxygen Bottle AVS Avionic Software
AoI Area of Interest AVSOV Avionic Shut-Off Valve
AOTD Active Optical Target Detector AW All Weather
AP Autopilot AWACS Airborne Early Warning and
APPROX Approximate Control System
APSP Avionic Production Software AWFL Aircraft Airworthiness Flight
Package Limitation
APU Auxiliary Power Unit AWR Approach Warning Receiver
APUCU APU Control Unit AWS Angle-While-Scan
AWS Adaptive Waveform Scheduling CAS Calibrated Airspeed
AWX All Weather (Fighter) CAS Command Augmentation System
AZ Azimuth CASIM Close Air Support Interdiction
B CASOM Conventionally Armed Stand-Off
B&C Biological and Chemical Missile
BAL Balance CAT Category
BAM Boresight Acquisition Mode CATM Captive Air Training Missile
BARO Barometric CAU Cold Air Unit
BATT Battery CBIT Continuous Built-In Test
BC Battery Contact CBLS Carrier Bomb Light Store
BC Bus Control (Controller) CBT Computer Based Training
BC Bacteriological and Chemical cc Cubic Centimetre
BETA Angle of Sideslip CCDL Computer / Compiler Data Link
BFCM Basic Flight Control Mode CCDU Cockpit Control and Display Unit
BFD Basic Flight Design CCIC Combustion Chamber Inner
BFL Bomb Fall Line Casing
BICU Bus Interface Coder Unit CCIL Continuously Computed Impact
BIM Bus Interface Module Line
BIN Binary CCIP Continuously Computed Impact
BIT Built-In Test Point
BITE Built-In Test Equipment CCIS Command and Control Information
BLISK Bladed Disk System
BME Basic Mass Empty CCL Conventional Control Law
BMS Battery Master Switch CCOC Combustion Chamber Outer
BNG Bombs, non-guided Casing
BOS Bomb ON Station CCPG Chest Counter Pressure Garment
BOSS Bomb ON Station Switch CCRP Continuously Computed Release
BP Briefing Pack Point
BPD Bypass Duct CCw Counter Clockwise
BPR Bypass Ratio Cd Cadmium plated
BRD Broad (Band Width) CDA Climb-Dive Attitude
BRKT Bracket CDD Climb-Dive Display
BRT Bright(ness) CDE Constraint Delay
BS Build Standard CEP Circular Error Probability
BSCE Brake & Skid Control Equipment CES Crew Escape System
BSD Bulk Storage Device CEUC Canopy Emergency Unlock
BSTACQ Boresight Acquisition Cylinders
BTC Bus-Tie Contactor CF Centre Fuselage
BTRU Barostatic Time-Release Unit CFC Carbon Fibre Composite
BVR Beyond Visual Range CFD Chaff and Flares Dispenser
BVRAAM Beyond Visual Range Air to Air CFG Constant Frequency Generator
Missile CFH Carefree Handling
CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain
C CFREE Carefree
C Chaff CFW Catastrophic Failure Warning
C Chemical CG Center of GravityCH Chord Line
°C Celsius (Degree Centigrade) CHAN Channel
C&D Controls and Displays CHD Change Destination
C/E Crew Escape CIC Close In Combat
C/F Chaff and Flares CIU Cockpit Interface Unit
C" Bore Counterbore CJDPU Canopy Jack Disconnect Piston
C² Command and Control Unit
C² & I Command Control and Information CJGFIU Canopy Jettison Gas Fired Initiator
C³ Command, Control, Unit
Communication CJIU Canopy Jettison Initiator Unit
C³ & I Command, Control, CJMIU Canopy Jettison Manual Initiator
Communication and Information Unit
CAC Close Air Combat CJRM Canopy Jettison Rocket Motors
CALC Calculated CJS Canopy Jettison System
CAMU Communication and Audio CL Control Laws
Management Unit CL Centerline
CAP Combat Air Patrol CLASS Classification
CLP Centre Line Pylon DBF De-Briefing Facility
CLR Clear DBGS Data Base Generation System
cm Centimeter DBHM Data Bus Health Monitoring
CM Counter Measures DBMC Data Bus Monitor and Controller
CMHDD Center Multifunction Head Down DBS Doppler Beam Sharpening
Display DC Direct Current
CMS Configuration Management DCLT De-clutter
System DDL Direct Data Link
CMS Command Mode Selector DDM Direct Drive Motor
COMJAM Communication Jamming DDV Direct Drive Valve
COMMS Communications (System) DECU Digital Engine Control Unit
COMSEC Communication Security Deg Degrees
CON-DI Convergent / Divergent DEK Digital Entry Keyboard
CONF Configuration Del Delete
CP Center of Pressure DEP Design Eye Position
CPCV Cockpit Pressure Control Value Dest Destination
CPT Cockpit Procedure Trainer DF Direction Finding
CPU Central Processing Unit DFLT Default
CR Crash Recorder (see CSMU) DI Drag Index
CRM Canopy Rocket Motors DI/O Discrete Input / Output
CRT Cathode Ray Tube DIS Drag Index System
CRYP SEL Cryptovariable Selection DME Distance Measuring Equipment
CSCP C-Scope DME-P Distance Measuring
CSD Constant Speed Drive Equipment-Precision
CSDU Constant Speed Drive Unit DMG Digital Map Generator
CSG Constant Speed Generator DoA Direction of Arrival
CSG Computer Symbol Generator DP Design Point
CSMU Crash Survivable Memory Unit DRF Disorientation Recovery Facility
CSU Central Station Unit DTL Designated Target List
CSU Central Suppression Unit DTP Detection Processor (Board - FLIR)
CSV Cabin Safety Valve DU Distribution Unit
CT Cockpit Trainer DU Duration
CT/IPS-E Cockpit Trainer / Interactive Pilot DVI/O Direct Voice Input / Output
Station Enhanced DVO Direct Voice Output
CT/IPS Cockpit Trainer / Interactive Pilot DWP Destination Waypoint
Station DWP Dedicated Warning Panel
CTA Current Transformer Assembly DYN Dynamic
CTC Cabin Temperature Control
CTCV Cabin Temperature Control Valve E
CTL Cutter Trace Line E East
CTR Center E/O Electro / Optical
CTRL Control EAS Equivalent Air Speed
Cu Copper ECS Engine Control System
CU Control Unit ECS Engine Cowling System
CV Control Valve ECS Environmental Control System
CVSD Continuously Variable Slope Delta ECU Engine Control Unit
Cw Clockwise EDDI Electronic Direct Digital Interface
CW Continuous Wave EDV Electrical Depressurization Valve
CW Chemical Warfare EED Electro Explosive Device
CWI CW Illuminator EEPROM Electrically ErasableProgrammable Read
CWP Center Wing Pylon Only Memory
CWY Clearway EF Eurofighter GmbH
EF 2000 Eurofighter 2000
D EFA bus Eurofighter Fiber Optic Data bus
D of A Direction of Arrival (Vector) EFH Engine Flight Hours
D&C Displays and Controls e.g. Exempli gratia (for example)
D/A Digital to Analog EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
DA Defensive Aids EHSV Electro Hydraulic Servo Valve
DAC Defensive Aids Computer EJ Emergency Jettison
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter EJ Eurojet Turbo GmbH
DAS Displayed Airspeed EJB Emergency Jettison Button
DASS Defensive Aids Subsystem EL Elevation
dB Decibel ELEC Electrical
ELINT Electronic Intelligence FCS Flight Control System
EM Electromagnetic FCSHU Flight Control System and
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Hydraulic Utility
EMCON Emission Control FCSM Flight Control System Mode
EMGY Emergency FCSU Flight Control System Unit
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse FD Flight Director
EMU Engine Monitoring Unit FF Fuel Flow
ENG Engine FF Front Fuselage
ENSS European Navigation Satellite FFS Full Forward Stick
System FH Flight Hour
ENT Enter FH Frequency Hopping
EO Emergency Oxygen FID Flame Ionization Detector
EOC Enhanced Operational Capability FIG Figure
EOS Emergency Oxygen Supply FL Flight Level
EPG Electrical Power Generation FLC First Line Check
EPGS Electrical Power Generation FLIR Forward Looking Infra Red
System FLT OPs Flight Operations
EPM Electronic Protection Measures FLT Flight
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read FLT CONT Flight Control
Only Memory FM Flight Manual
ERA Emergency Ram Air FM Frequency Modulation
ERAV Emergency Ram Air Valve FMDZ Forward Missile Deployment Zone
ERHC Emergency Reheat Cancellation FMS Fuel Management System
ERP Eye Reference Point FMS Full Mission Simulator
ERU Ejection Release Unit FMU Fuel Metering Unit
ESJ Escort Jammers FO Fibre Optic
ESLW External Store Light Weight FOC Final / Full Operational Clearance
ESM Electronic Support Measures FOD Foreign Object Damage
ESP Electronic Stability Programme FoM Figure of Merit
ESS Engineering Support System FoV Field of View
Est Estimated FP Fuel Probe
ESV Emergency Spool Value FPD Flat Panel Display
ESV Emergency Spill Valve FPL Foreplane
etc. Et cetera (and others, and so forth) FPM Feet per Minute
ETC Environmental Temperature FPU Filter Package Unit
Control FR Flight Refuelling
ETD Electronic Transfer Device FRC Flight Reference Card(s)
ETI Elapsed Time Indicator (Checklist)
ETR Elapsed Time Recorder FREQ Frequency
ETTC Estimated Time to Completion FRP Flight Refuelling Probe
EW Early Warning FRS Flight Resident Software
EW Electronic Warfare FS Flight Safety
EXL External Lighting FSOV Fuel Shut-Off Valve
EXT External FSP First Stage Pump
FSU Fuselage Station Unit
F FT / ft Feet / Foot
°F Fahrenheit (Degrees) FTT Fixed Target Track
F Fuselage Fwd Forward
F Flare
F/.. Front G
F/P Foreplane G Gun
FA Frequency Agility g Gramg Acceleration of Gravity
FAM Frequency Agility Mode(s) G-LOC G-induced Loss of Consciousness
FAR Fuel Air Ratio G/A Ground-Air
FBI Frequency and Bias Input Facility GBX Gear Box
FBS Full Back Stick GB Guided Bomb
FCAGT Full Coverage Anti-g Trousers GBU Guided Bomb Unit
FCC Flight Control Computer GC Generator Contact
FCC Flight Crew Checklist GCA Ground Controlled Approach
FCL Flight Control Laws GCCU Ground Crew Connector Unit
FCN Flight Clearance Note GCI Ground Controlled Intercept
FCOC Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler GCJB Gun Control Junction Box
FCP Flight Controls Pressure GCR Ground Crew
GCS Guidance Control Section HFD Horizontal Fuselage Datum
GCU Generator Control Unit HI Heading Indicator
GDF Ground Debriefing Facility HI-LO-HI High-Low-High
GEOREF Geographic Reference HiPPAG High Pressure Pure Air Generator
GEU Gun Electronic Unit HIRTAS High Intensity Radio Transmitters
GFE Government Furnished Equipment HISL High Intensity Strobe Light
GHZ Gigahertz HL High Level
GIC GPS Integrity Channel HMD Helmet Mounted Display
GLU Ground Loading Unit HMS Helmet Mounted Sight
GM Ground Mapping HMS/D Helmet Mounted Sight / Designator
GMT Greenwich Mean Time HMSS Helmet Mounted Sight
GMTI Ground Moving Target HOTAS Hands On Throttle and Stick
Identification (Indicator) HP High Pressure
GMTT Ground Moving Target Track HP Hydraulic Pump
GND Ground Hp Barometric Altitude
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System HPC High Pressure Compressor
GNSSP Global Navigation Satellite System HPGU Hydraulic Pressure Generator Unit
Panel HPRU Harness Power Retraction Unit
GP General Purpose HPS Helmet Positioning System
GPC Ground Power Connector HPT High Pressure Turbine
GPS Global Positioning System HR Hour
GPSU Global Position System Unit HR High Resolution
GPU Ground Power Unit HRM High Resolution Map / Mapping
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
GRD Guard Receiver HTC High Pressure Turbine Casing
GREF Geographic Reference (System) HUD Head-Up Display
GS Ground Speed HUDCP HUD Control Panel
GSE Ground Support Equipment HUDACQ Head Up Display Acquisition
GSF Ground Support Facility HUDLS Head Up Display Light Sensors
GSI Gun Safety Interlock HUDR Head Up Display Repeater
GSS Ground Support System HUP Head Up Panel
GTE Ground Test Equipment HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
GU Guard UHF HYD Hydraulic
GUH Get-U-Home Hz Hertz
GUI Graphical User Interface
GV Guard VHF I
GW Guided Weapon I/O Input / Output (GE)
IAS Indicated Air Speed
H iaw in accordance with
h hour IB Inboard
H Height IBIT Initiated BIT
H/W Hardware IC Integrated Circuit
HACQ HUD Acquisition ICAO International Civil Aviation
HAoA High Angle of Attack Organization
HARM High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile ICO Instinctive Cut-Out
HAVQ Have Quick ICU Interface Control Unit
HB High Band ID Identification/Identity
HDD Head Down Display IDENT Identification
HDERU Heavy Duty Ejection Release Unit IDG Integrated Drive Generator
HDG Heading IF Instrument Flying
HDH Head Down HUD IFBIT In-Flight BIT
HDHUD Head Down / Head Up Display IFF Identification Friend / FoeIFR Instrument Flight
HDLG Handling Rules
HEA Head Equipment Assembly IFRP In-Flight Refuelling Probe
HEAPU Head Equipment Assembly IFU Interface Unit
Processor Unit ILS Instrument Landing System
HEIU High Energy Ignition Unit IMC Instrument Meteorological
HERO High Energy Radiation Output Conditions
HERO Hazard of Electromagnetic IMRS Integrated Monitoring and
Radiation Recording System
Hex Hexagon IMU Inertial Measuring Unit
hex hexadecimal IMV Instrumented Measurement
HF High Frequency Vehicle
IN Inertial Navigation KoD Key of Day
INFO Information KPa Kilo Pascal
INS Inertial Navigation System KR Kinematic Ranging
INT Interrogator kt Knot(s)
INT Internal kVA Kilo Volt Ampere
INTCP Intercept KW Kilo Watts
INTER Intermediate kWs Kilo Watt second
IntOS Interim Operational Supplement
INTRG Interrogate L
INTSCT Intersection LAAD Landing Aid
IntSS Interim Safety Supplement LAB Linked Ammunition Box
INU Inertial Navigation Unit LAN Local Area Network
IOC Initial Operational Clearance LAS Late Arm Switch
IOC Initial Operational Capability LAU Launcher Air Unit
IOS Instructor Operator Station LB Low Band
IP Initial Point lbs Pounds
IPU Interface Processor Unit LC Lightning Controller
IR Infra Red LCA Launcher Carrying Adapter
IRCM Infra Red Counter Measure LCD Liquid Crystal Display
IRCCM Infra Red Counter-Counter LCGS Liquid Conditioning Generation
Measure System
IRS Infra Red Signature LCN Load Classification Number
IRST Infra Red Search and Track LCS Liquid Cooled Suit
IRU Inertial Reference Unit LCS Liquid Conditioning System
ISA International Standard Atmosphere LCV Liquid Cooling Vest
ISO International Standards LCV Liquid Conditioned Vest
Organization LCWL Left Air Intake COWL
ISOL Isolation Valve LD Lift Dump
Iss Issue LD Lift & Drag
ISU Inboard Station Unit LDERU Light Duty Ejection Release Unit
ITR Instantaneous Turn Rate LDG Landing Gear (System)
ITSP Integrated Tip Stub Pylon LDP Laser Designator Pod
ITSPL Integrated Tip Stub Pylon Launcher LE Leading Edge
ITSU Integrated Tip Station Unit LEAS Leading Edge Actuation System
ITV Integrated Test Vehicle LED Light Emitting Diode
IWP Inboard Wing Pylon LEMP Lightning Electro-Magnetic PulseLES Leading
IWSSS International Weapon System Edge System
Support System LFC Left Fuel Computer
LFD Longitudinal Fuselage Datum
J LFK Lenkflugkrper
JAM Jamming LFS Low Flying System
JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition LG Landing Gear
JEM Jet Engine Modulation LGB Laser Guided Bomb
JETT Jettison LGC Landing Gear Computer
JFS Jet Fuel Starter LGS Left Glare Shield
JP Jet Pipe LH Left Hand
JS Jam to Signal LHGS Left Hand Glare Shield
JTIDS Joint Tactical Information LINS Laser Inertial Navigation System
Distribution System LL Low Level
L/L Latitude / Longitude
K LLAB Linkless Ammunition Box
K Degrees Kelvin LMG Left Main Gear
KB Kilobyte (1024 Bytes) LMHDD Left Multifunction Head DownDisplay
kbs kilobits per second LN Lane
KCAS Knots Calibrated Air Speed LNCH Launch
KDAS Knots Display Air Speed LO Low
KEAS Knots Equivalent Air Speed LoA List of Abbreviations (NETMA)
KFT Thousands of Feet LOC Location
kg Kilogram LORAN Long Range Navigation
Khz Kilohertz LoS Loss of Sight
KIAS Knots Indicated Air Speed LoS Line of Sight
km Kilometer LOX Liquid Oxygen
kN Kilo Newton LP Low Pressure
LPC Low Pressure Compressor MK Moding Key
LPI Low Probability of Intercept ML Mach Limit
LPT Low Pressure Turbine MLAW(R) Missile Launch Approach Warning
LPTR Low Pressure Turbine Rotor (Receiver)
LRI Line Replaceable Item MLG Main Landing Gear
LROL Left Read Out Line MLS Microwave Landing System
LRSOM Long Range Stand-Off Missile MLW Missile Launch Warning
LRSOW Long Range Stand-Off Weapon mm millimeters
LRU Line Replaceable Unit MMI Man Machine Interface
LS Low Speed MMV Main Metering Valve
LS Life Support MNV Main Valve
LS Lightning Strike MOB Main Operating Base
LSP Locality Specific Protection MOD Modification
LSZ Launch Success Zone MOD KIT Modification Kit Set
Ltr Liter MON Monitor
LVT Low Volume Terminal MOS Missile On Station
LW Laser Warner MP Medium Pressure
LWR Laser Warner Receiver MP Mission Planning
LQP Left Quarter Panel MPa Mega Pascal
MPCP Multi Purpose Camera Pod
M MPI MASS Position Indicator
m Meter MRAAM Medium Range Air to Air Missile
M Mach MRL Modular Rail Launcher
M/S Meters / Second ms milliseconds
MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord MSD Minimum Safe Distance
MASS Master Armament Safety Switch MSL Missile
MAW Missile Approach Warning MSL Mean Sea Level
MAWR Missile Approach Warning MSOC Molecular Sieve Oxygen
Receiver Concentrator
max Maximum MSOGS Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generator
MB Megabyte (1 MB = 1024 KB = System
1048576 Byte) MSOW Medium Range Stand-Off Weapon
MBF Mission Briefing Facility MSS Mission Support System
MBS Maximum Brake-on Speed MTI Moving Target Indicator
MDC Miniature Detonating Cord MTT Multiple Target Track
MDE Manual Data Entry MW Micro Wave
MDE Mission Data Entry MW Missile Warning
MDEF Manual Data Entry Facility MWSL Main Wheel Static Load
MDEK Manual Data Entry Key
MDF Mission Debriefing Facility N
MDLR Mission Data Loader and Recorder N North
MDP Maintenance Data Panel N Newton
MEL Missile Ejection Launcher N-LoS Non-Line of Sight
MET Meteorological N/A Not Applicable
MFMU Main Fuel Metering Unit N/R Not Required
MFoR Maximum Field of Regard NACISC NATO Communication and Info
MFR Mass Flow Rate System
MFRL Multi Function Rail Launcher NADGE NATO Air Defence Ground
MHDD Multifunction Head Down Display Environment
Mhz Megahertz Natfit National Fit
MIDS Multifunctional Information and NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
Distribution System NAV NavigationNAVSTAR Navigation System with
MIJI Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming Time and
and Interference Ranging
MIL Military NBC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
MIL-SPEC Military Specification NC NATO Confidential
MIL-STD Military Standard NC Navigation Computer
min Minimum NCI Non-Cooperative Identification
min Minutes NDB Non Directional Bacon
MISC Miscellaneous NELSZ No Escape Launch Success Zone
MISREP Mission Report NEMP Nuclear Electro-Magnetic Pulse
MIU MIDS Interface Unit Netident Network Identification Name
MJ Mega Joule NF Notch Filter
NGV Nozzle Guide Vane Para Paragraph
NH Nuclear Hardening PB Push-Button
NH Rotor Speed High Pressure PBF Pilot Briefing Facility
NIS NATO Identification System PBG Pressure Breathing Garment
NL Rotor Speed Low Pressure PBIT Power-Up BIT
NLG Nose Landing Gear PDM Performance Data Manual
NM Nautical Mile PDME Precision Distance Measuring
NO Number Equipment
NORM Normal PDS Portable Data Store
NPR Nozzle Pressure Ratio PDU Pylon Decoder Unit
NR NATO Restricted PDU Pilot Display Unit
NRV Non Return Valve PEC Personal Equipment Connector
NRW Narrow Band Width PETL Previously Engaged Target List
NS NATO Secret PEU Pylon Ejector Unit
NSCAC Non Safety Critical Armament PFC Pre-flight Check
Controller PFD Primary Flight Display
NSCAS Non Safety Critical Armament PFM Pulse Frequency Modulation
System PH Phase
NTH North PI Point Intercept
NU NATO Unclassified PIF Pilot Information Files
NV Night Vision PIO Pilot Identity Override
NVE Night Vision Enhancement PIO Pilot-Induced Oscillation
NVED Night Vision Enhancement Device PK Probability of Kill
NVG Night Vision Goggles PLB Personal Locator Beacon
NVM Non Volatile Memory PLT Pilot
NVRAM Non Volatile Random Access PMDS Portable Maintenance Data Store
Memory PoE Point of Embodiment
NWP Next Way Point PoF Phase of Flight
NWS Nose Wheel Steering PoI Probability of Intercept
NX Longitudinal Acceleration POL Petroleum / Oil Lubricants
NY Lateral Acceleration POSN Position
NZ Normal Acceleration POT Power Off-Take (Shaft)
NZL Nozzle Load PP Present Position
PPI Plan Position Indicator
O PPI Present Position Indicator
O/B Outboard ppm(v) Parts per million by volume
OAT Outside Air Temperature PPSA Pedal Position Sensor Assembly
OBOGS On-Board Oxygen Generation PPSU Pedal Positioning Sensor Unit
System PRESS Pressure
OFP Operational Flight Programme PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency
OGV Outlet Guide Vane PRI Pulse Repetition Interval
OH Operating Hours PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
OME Operating Mass Empty PRP Propulsion System
OMS Opto-Mechanical Subassembly PRSOV Pressure Regulator Shut-Off Valve
ORA Optimum Release Altitude PRV Pressure Regulator Valve
OSU Outboard Station Unit PS Priority Search
OTF On Top Fix PSET Preset
OU Outboard Station Unit PSI Pounds per Square Inch
OUTBD Outboard PSI Project Security Instruction
OVRD Override PSMK Personal / Pilot Sensor Moding
OVRTMP Over temperature Key
OWFS Over Water Flying Suit PSP Personal Survival PackPSP Production Software
OXG Oxygen Generation Package
OXR Oxygen Regulation PSSA Pilots Stick Sensor Assembly
Oxy Oxygen PSU Pedal Sensor Unit
PT Point
P PTA Priority Target Accept
P Pressure PTO Power Take-Off
PA Pilot Awareness PTT Push-To-Talk
PACT Primary Actuation PTT Push-To-Transmit
PAPFC Primary Actuation Pre-Flight PTY Priority
Checks PVU Position Velocity Update
PAR Precision Approach Radar PWR Power
RROL Right Read Out Lines
Q RSD Release to Service Document
QR Quick Release RSPS Right Secondary Power System
QRA Quick Reaction Alert / Aircraft Computer
QRB Quick Release Box RSU Rate Gyro Sensing Unit
QTR Quarter RT Remote Terminal
QTY Quantity RTB Return to Base
RTC Real Time Clock
R RTO Rejected Take-Off
R Right RW Radar Warning
RHFMU Re-Heat Fuel Metering System RWR Radar Warning Receiver
R MAX Range Maximum RWS Range-While-Scan / Search
R MIN Range Minimum RX Receiver
R, r, rad Radius S
R-INBD Right Wing Inboard Store Station s Seconds
R-OUTBD Right Wing Outboard Store Station S/A Surface to Air
R/.. Rear S/S Single Seater
R/F Rear Fuselage S/W Software
R/T Radio Transmission SACQ Slaved Acquisition
RACM Radar Air Combat Mode(s) SAF Safety, Arming and Firing Device
RAD Radar SAM Surface to Air Missile
RAD Radio SAR Search and Rescue
rad Radian SBY Standby
RAD ALT Radar Altimeter SCAC Safety Critical Armament Controller
RADAR Radio Detection And Ranging SD Steering Dot
RAM Random Access Memory SD Standard Deviation
RAM RADAR Absorbing Material SE Single Engine
RAP Relative Aiming Point Sec Second (Time)
RBGM Real Beam Ground Mapping SEC Security (Measures)
RCR Runway Condition Range SECOPS Security Operation Procedures
RCS Radar Cross Section SECR Secure
RCWL Right Air Intake COWL Sect Section
RE Role Equipment SEL JET Selective Jettison
REC Recovery SEP Specific Excess Power
RECCE Reconnaissance SEQ Sequence (r)
REF Reference SFT Supersonic Fuel Tank
REL Release SHM Structural Health Monitoring
REV Reverse SID Standard Instrument Departure
RF Radio Frequency SIM Simulation / Simulator
RFA Request for Alteration SIP Service Instructor Pilot
RFI Request for Information SIPT Service Instructor Pilot Training
RFI Radio Frequency Interference SJ Selective Jettison
RGS Right Glare Shield SK Soft Key
RGU Rate Gyro Unit SL Sea Level
RH Right Hand SMD Surface Mounted Device
RHAW Radar Homing and Warning SOJ Stand-Off Jammers
RHGS Right Hand Glare Shield SOV Shut-Off Valve
RHOJ Radar Home On Jam SOW Stand-Off Weapon
RHWR Radar Homing and Warning SP Software Package
Receiver SPA Series Production Aircraft
RMG Right Main Gear SPIF Special Pilot Information Files
RMHDD Right Multifunction Head Down SPS Secondary Power SystemSPS Software
Display Package System
RMS Root Mean Square SPSCU Secondary Power System Control
RNAV Radio Navigation Unit
RNG Range SQ OVRD Squelch Override
ROL Read Out Lines SRAAM Short Range Air to Air Missile
ROM Read-Only Memory SRJ Store Release and Jettison
RPI Remote Position Indicator SRSOM Short Range Stand-Off Missile
RPM Revolutions Per Minute SS Single Seat
RPPS Rudder Pedal Position Sensor SS Sideslip
RPU Receiver Processing Unit SS Subsystem
RR Rolls Royce SSA Stick Sensor Assembly
SSCU Sensor and Signal Conditioning ToL Top of Lines
Unit TOO Target of Opportunity
SSICA Stick Sensor and Interface Control TOR Terms of Reference
Assembly TORA Take-Off Runway Available
SSICU Stick Sensor and Interface Control TOT Take-Off-Trim
Unit TP Technical Publication(s)
SSK Subsystem Key TRK Track
SSL Static Sea Level TRT Turn-Round Time
SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
STANAG Standardization Agreement TS Twin Seat
STBY Standby TSC Twin Store Carrier
STC Stick Top Controller TSP Tip Stub Pylon
STD Standard TSU Tip Station Unit
STD State Transition Diagram TTC Throttle Top Controller
STOL Short Take-Off / Landing TTG Time to Go
STOVL Short Take-Off and Vertical TTU Triplex Transducer Unit
Landing TWS Track-While-Scan
STR Sustained Turn Rate TWT Travelling Wave Tube
STT Single-Target-Track TX Transmitter
SU Station Unit
SUM Start Up Mass U
Supplans Support Plans U/C Undercarriage
SVM Selector Valve Manifold U/F Under Fuselage
SW Software U/W Under Wing
SWL Single Wheel Load UCS Utilities Control System
SWP Set Waypoint UHF Ultra High Frequency
SWY Stopway UIV Utility Isolation Valve
US Utility System
T USRM Under Seat Rocket Motor
T/O Take-Off USS Undercarriage Selector Switch
T/R Transmitter / Receiver UTC Universal Time Code
T/S Twin Seater UTC Universal Time Coordinated
TA Turn Around UTIL Utilities
TA Terrain Avoidance UTIL PRESS Utilities Pressure
TAC AA TACAN Air to Air UTM Universal Transversal Mercator
TAC AS TACAN Air to Surface UV Ultra Violet
TACAN Tactical Air Navigation UVEPROM Ultraviolet Electronically
TAP Terminal Approach Procedures Programmable Read-Only Memory
TAR Tactical Air Reconnaissance UVPROM Ultraviolet (light erasable)
TAS True Airspeed Programmable Read-Only Memory
TBD To Be Defined / Determined
TBT Turbine Blade Temperature V
TCRI Track Cross Reference Index / V Volt
Indicator V Velocity
TCV Temperature Control Valve V/UHF Very / Ultra High Frequency
TD Towed Decoy VA Volt-Ampere
TD Target Designation VACQ Visual Acquisition
TEL Time Early / Late VACQM Visual Acquisition Mode
TEMP Temperature VC Varycowl
TEMPEST Temporary Emissions of Spurious Vc Velocity Closure
Transmissions Vd Diving Velocity (Speed)
TET Turbine Exhaust Temperature VDC Volts Direct CurrentVHF Very High Frequency
TEU Tank Ejector Unit (30 MHz to
TFoV Total Field of View 300 MHz)
TGS Track Group Symbology VIB Vibration
TGT Target VIGV Variable Inlet Guide Vane
TGT Turbine Gas Temperature VISIDENT Visual Identification
TMC Twin Missile Carrier VLF Very Low Frequency
TN Track Number VLV Valve(s)VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions
TN Time Now VOL Volume
ToA Time of Arrival VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
ToD Time of Day VPRSOV Variable Pressure Regulator
TODA Take-Off Distance Available Shut-Off Valve
VR Rotation Speed
vs versus
VS VelocitySearch
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VTAS Voice, Throttle and Stick
VV Velocity Vector
VVR Video Voice Recorder
VWS Voice Warning System

W Watt
W Warning
W/M Writing Marker
w/o Without
WAN Wide Area Network
WFG Wave Form Generator
WFoV Wide Field of View
WG Wing
WoD Word of Day
WOG Weight on Ground
WOMW Weight on Main Wheel
WONW Weight on Nose Wheel
WOW Weight-on-Wheels
WOW Weight-off-Wheels
WP Wing Pylon
WP Warning Panel
WP Waypoint
WPN Weapon
WPSU Wing Pylon Station Unit
WPT Waypoint
wrt with respect to
WS Weapon System
WSP Weapon System Package
WTP Wing Tip Pod
WTSP Wing Tip Stub Pylon
WUT Wind-Up Turn
WVR Within Visual Range

XFEED Cross-feed
XFER Transfer
XMIT Transmitter
XPDR Transponder

Y Yaw (Axis)

Z Zoom


°C Celsius (Degrees)
°F Fahrenheit (Degrees)
3-D Three Dimensional
AIRCRAFT undercarriage; powered by a 4,000 psi engine-driven
gearbox. Engines are fed by a chin double intake
ramp situated below a splitter plate.
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a twin-engine, canard- The Typhoon features lightweight construction (82%
delta wing, multirole fighter. The Typhoon was composites consisting of 70% carbon fibre composite
designed and is manufactured by a consortium of materials and 12% glass fibre reinforced composites)
Alenia Aermacchi (Leonardo since 2017), Airbus with an estimated lifespan of 6,000 flying hours. The
Group, and BAE Systems that conducts the majority permitted lifespan, as opposed to the estimated
of the project through a joint holding company, lifespan, was 3,000 hours.
Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH formed in 1986.
NATO Eurofighter and Tornado Management Agency RADAR SIGNATURE REDUCTION FEATURES
manages the project and is the prime customer. Although not designated a stealth fighter, measures
were taken to reduce the Typhoon's radar cross
The aircraft's development effectively began in 1983 section (RCS), especially from the frontal aspect. An
with the Future European Fighter Aircraft programme, example of these measures is that the Typhoon has
a multinational collaboration among the UK, Germany, jet inlets that conceal the front of the jet engine (a
France, Italy, and Spain. Disagreements over design strong radar target) from radar. Many important
authority and operational requirements led France to potential radar targets, such as the wing, canard and
leave the consortium to develop the Dassault Rafale fin leading edges, are highly swept, so will reflect
independently. A technology demonstration aircraft, radar energy well away from the front sector. Some
the British Aerospace EAP, first took flight on 6 August external weapons are mounted semi-recessed into the
1986; the first prototype of the finalised Eurofighter aircraft, partially shielding these missiles from
made its first flight on 27 March 1994. The aircraft's incoming radar waves. In addition radar-absorbent
name, Typhoon, was adopted in September 1998; the materials (RAM), developed primarily by EADS/DASA,
first production contracts were also signed that year. coat many of the most significant reflectors, such as
The Typhoon entered operational service in 2003; it the wing leading edges, the intake edges and interior,
has entered service with the Austrian Air Force, the the rudder surrounds, and strakes.
Italian Air Force, the German Air Force, the Royal Air
Force, the Spanish Air Force, and the Royal Saudi Air The manufacturers have carried out tests on the early
Force. The Royal Air Force of Oman and the Kuwait Eurofighter prototypes to optimise the low
Air Force are export customers, bringing the observability characteristics of the aircraft from the
procurement total to 599 aircraft as of 2016. early 1990s. Testing at BAE's Warton facility on the
DA4 prototype measured the RCS of the aircraft and
The Eurofighter Typhoon is a highly agile aircraft, investigated the effects of a variety of RAM coatings
designed to be a supremely effective dogfighter in and composites. Another measure to reduce the
combat. Later production aircraft have been likelihood of discovery is the use of passive sensors,
increasingly better equipped to undertake air-to- which minimises the radiation of treacherous
surface strike missions and to be compatible with an electronic emissions. While canards generally have
increasing number of different armaments and poor stealth characteristics, the flight control system is
equipment, including Storm Shadow and the RAF's designed to maintain the elevon trim and canards at
Brimstone. The Typhoon had its combat debut during an angle at which they have the smallest RCS.
the 2011 military intervention in Libya with the Royal
Air Force and the Italian Air Force, performing aerial COCKPIT
reconnaissance and ground-strike missions. The type The Typhoon features a glass cockpit without any
has also taken primary responsibility for air-defence conventional instruments. It incorporates three full
duties for the majority of customer nations colour multi-function head-down displays (MHDDs)
(the formats on which are manipulated by means of
AIRFRAME OVERVIEW softkeys, XY cursor, and voice (Direct Voice Input or
The Typhoon is a highly agile aircraft at both DVI) command), a wide angle head-up display (HUD)
supersonic and low speeds, achieved through having with forward-looking infrared (FLIR), a voice and
an intentionally relaxed stability design. It has a hands-on throttle and stick (Voice+HOTAS), a Helmet
quadruplex digital fly-by-wire control system providing Mounted Symbology System (HMSS), a
artificial stability, as manual operation alone could not Multifunctional Information Distribution System
compensate for the inherent instability. The fly-by-wire (MIDS), a manual data-entry facility (MDEF) located
system is described as "carefree", and prevents the on the left glareshield and a fully integrated aircraft
pilot from exceeding the permitted manoeuvre warning system with a dedicated warnings panel
envelope. Roll control is primarily achieved by use of (DWP). Reversionary flying instruments, lit by LEDs,
the wing elevons. Pitch control is by operation of the are located under a hinged right glareshield. Access to
foreplanes and elevons, the yaw control is by the cockpit is normally via either a telescopic integral
rudder.Control surfaces are moved through two ladder or an external version. The integral ladder is
independent hydraulic systems, which also supply stowed in the port side of the fuselage, below the
various other items, such as the canopy, brakes and cockpit.
User needs were given a high priority in the cockpit's Distribution System (MIDS) provides a Link 16 data
design; both layout and functionality was created link.
through feedback and assessments from military
pilots and a specialist testing facility. The aircraft is The aircraft employs a sophisticated and highly
controlled by means of a centre stick (or control stick) integrated Defensive Aids Sub-System named
and left hand throttles, designed on a Hand on Praetorian (formerly called EuroDASS). Praetorian
Throttle and Stick (HOTAS) principle to lower pilot monitors and responds automatically to air and
workloads. Emergency escape is provided by a surface threats, provides an all-round prioritised
Martin-Baker Mk.16A ejection seat, with the canopy assessment, and can respond to multiple threats
being jettisoned by two rocket motors. simultaneously. Threat detection methods include a
Radar warning receiver (RWR), a Missile Warning
In the event of pilot disorientation, the Flight Control System (MWS) and a laser warning receiver (LWR,
System allows for rapid and automatic recovery by the only on UK Typhoons). Protective countermeasures
simple press of a button. On selection of this cockpit consist of chaff, flares, an electronic countermeasures
control the FCS takes full control of the engines and (ECM) suite and a towed radar decoy (TRD). The
flying controls, and automatically stabilises the aircraft ESM-ECM and MWS consists of 16 AESA antenna
in a wings level, gentle climbing attitude at 300 knots, array assemblies and 10 radomes.
until the pilot is ready to retake control. The aircraft
also has an Automatic Low-Speed Recovery system Traditionally each sensor in an aircraft is treated as a
(ALSR) which prevents it from departing from discrete source of information; however this can result
controlled flight at very low speeds and high angle of in conflicting data and limits the scope for the
attack. The FCS system is able to detect a developing automation of systems, hence increasing pilot
low-speed situation and to raise an audible and visual workload. To overcome this, the Typhoon employs
low-speed cockpit warning. This gives the pilot what are now known as sensor fusion techniques (in a
sufficient time to react and to recover the aircraft similar fashion to the U.S. F-22 Raptor). In the
manually. If the pilot does not react, however, or if the Typhoon fusion of all data sources is achieved
warning is ignored, the ALSR takes control of the through the Attack and Identification System, or AIS.
aircraft, selects maximum dry power for the engines The AIS combines data from the major on-board
and returns the aircraft to a safe flight condition. sensors along with any information obtained from off-
Depending on the attitude, the FCS employs an ALSR board platforms such as AWACS, ASTOR, and
"push", "pull" or "knife-over" manoeuvre. Eurofighter own Multi-function Information Distribution
System (MIDS). Additionally the AIS integrates all the
The Typhoon Direct Voice Input (DVI) system uses a other major offensive and defensive systems such as
speech recognition module (SRM), developed by the DASS, Navigation, ACS and Communications.
Smiths Aerospace (now GE Aviation Systems) and The AIS physically comprises two essentially separate
Computing Devices (now General Dynamics UK). It units: the Avionic Computer (AC) and the Navigation
was the first production DVI system used in a military Computer (NC), linked via the STANAG-3910 databus
cockpit. DVI provides the pilot with an additional to the other major systems such as the ACS, ECR-
natural mode of command and control over 90/CAPTOR, PIRATE, etc. Both the AC and NC are
approximately 26 non-critical cockpit functions, to identical in design, being a modular unit based on
reduce pilot workload, improve aircraft safety, and Motorola 68020 CPU's with 68882 Maths co-
expand mission capabilities. processors, as well as several custom RISC-based
processors utilised to accelerate floating point and
The DVI system is speaker-dependent, requiring each matrix operations.
pilot to create a template. It is not used for safety-
critical or weapon-critical tasks, such as weapon By having a single source of information, pilot
release or lowering of the undercarriage, but is used workload should be reduced by removing the
for a wide range of cockpit functions. Voice possibility of conflicting data and the need for cross-
commands are confirmed by visual or aural feedback, checking, improving situational awareness and
and serves to reduce pilot workload. All functions are increasing systems automation. In practice the AIS
also achievable by means of a conventional button- should allow the Eurofighter to identify targets at
press or soft-key selections; functions include display distances in excess of 150 nm and acquire and auto-
management, communications, and management of prioritise them at over 100 nm. In addition the AIS
various systems. offers the ability to automatically control emissions
from the aircraft, so called EMCON (from EMissions
AVIONICS CONtrol). This should aid in limiting the detectability of
Navigation is via both GPS and an inertial navigation the Typhoon by opposing aircraft further reducing pilot
system. The Typhoon can use Instrument Landing workload.
System (ILS) for landing in poor weather. The aircraft
also features an enhanced ground proximity warning RADAR AND SENSORS
system (GPWS) based on the TERPROM Terrain The Eurofighter operates automatic Emission Controls
Referenced Navigation (TRN) system used by the (EMCON) to reduce the Electro-Magnetic emissions
Panavia Tornado. The Multifunctional Information of the current CAPTOR mechanically scanned
Radar.The Captor-M has three working channels, one The IIR sensor has a stabilised mount so that it can
intended for classification of jammer and for jamming maintain a target within its field of view. Up to 200
suppression. A succession of radar software upgrades targets can be simultaneously tracked using one of
have enhanced the air-to-air capability of the Captor- several different modes; Multiple Target Track (MTT),
M radar. These upgrades have included the R2P Single Target Track (STT), Single Target Track Ident
programme (initially UK only, and known as T2P when (STTI), Sector Acquisition and Slaved Acquisition. In
'ported' to the Tranche 2 aircraft) which is being MTT mode the system will scan a designated volume
followed by R2Q/T2Q. R2P was applied to eight space looking for potential targets. In STT mode
German Typhoons deployed on Red Flag Alaska in PIRATE will provide high precision tracking of a single
2012. designated target. An addition to this mode, STT Ident
allows for visual identification of the target, the
The CAPTOR-E is an Active electronically scanned resolution being superior to CAPTOR's. Both Sector
array derivative of the original CAPTOR radar, also and Slave Acquisition demonstrate the level of sensor
known as CAESAR (from CAPTOR Active fusion present in the Typhoon. When in Sector
Electronically Scanned Array Radar) being developed Acquisition mode PIRATE will scan a volume of space
by the EuroRADAR Consortium, led by Selex ES. under direction of another onboard sensor such as
CAPTOR. In Slave Acquisition, off-board sensors are
The first flight of a Eurofighter equipped with a "mass used with PIRATE being commanded by data
model" of the Captor-E occurred in late February obtained from an AWACS for example. When a target
2014, with flight tests of the actual radar expected is found in either of these modes, PIRATE will
later that year. Tranche 3 Typhoons have the automatically designate it and switch to STT.
mechanical, electrical and cooling enhancements
needed to operate the radar. Once a target has been tracked and identified PIRATE
can be used to cue an appropriately equipped short
IRST range missile, i.e. a missile with a high off-boresight
The Passive Infra-Red Airborne Track Equipment tracking capability such as ASRAAM. Additionally the
(PIRATE) system is an infrared search and track data can be used to augment that of CAPTOR or off-
(IRST) system mounted on the port side of the board sensor information via the AIS. This should
fuselage, forward of the windscreen. Selex ES is the enable the Typhoon to overcome severe ECM
lead contractor which, along with Thales Optronics environments and still engage its targets. Additionally
(system technical authority) and Tecnobit of Spain, PIRATE has a passive ranging capability although the
make up the EUROFIRST consortium responsible for system remains limited when it comes to provide
the system's design and development. Eurofighters passive firing solutions, as the PIRATE lacks laser
starting with Tranche 1 block 5 have the PIRATE. The rangefinder.
first Eurofighter Typhoon with PIRATE-IRST was
delivered to the Italian Aeronautica Militare in August ENGINES
2007. More advanced targeting capabilities can be Main article: Eurojet EJ200
provided with the addition of a targeting pod such as The Eurofighter Typhoon is fitted with two Eurojet
the LITENING pod. EJ200 engines, each capable of providing up to 60 kN
(13,500 lbf) of dry thrust and >90 kN (20,230 lbf) with
PIRATE operates in two IR bands, 3–5 and 8–11 afterburners. The EJ200 engine combines the leading
micrometres. When used with the radar in an air-to-air technologies from each of the four European
role, it functions as an infrared search and track companies, utilising Advanced digital control and
system, providing passive target detection and health monitoring; wide chord aerofoils and single
tracking. In an air-to-surface role, it performs target crystal turbine blades; and a convergent / divergent
identification and acquisition. By supercooling the exhaust nozzle to give excellent thrust-to-weight ratio,
sensor even small variations in temperature can be multimission capability, supercruise performance, low
detected at long range. Although no definitive ranges fuel consumption, low cost of ownership, modular
have been released an upper limit of 80 nm has been construction and significant growth potential.
hinted at; a more typical figure would be 30 to 50 nm.
It also provides a navigation and landing aid. PIRATE In addition to the potential for increases in thrust of up
is linked to the pilot’s helmet-mounted display. to 30%, the EJ200 engine has the potential to be fitted
It allows the detection of both the hot exhaust plumes with Thrust Vectoring Nozzles (TVN), that the
of jet engines as well as surface heating caused by Eurofighter and Eurojet consortium have been actively
friction; processing techniques further enhances the developing and testing, primarily for export, but also
output, giving a near-high resolution image of targets. for future upgrades of the fleet. TVN could reduce fuel
The output can be directed to any of the Multi-function burn on a typical Typhoon mission by up to 5%, as
Head Down Displays, and can also be overlaid on well as increase available thrust in supercruise by up
both the Helmet Mounted Sight and Head Up Display. to 7% and take-off thrust by 2%.
COCKPIT GENERAL LAYOUT 34 Intercom Volume Control 69 Fuel Probe Control Switch
35 FCS Override Switches 70 Manual Fuel CrossFeed Switch
1 Pilot Display Unit (PDU) 36 Yaw Trim Control 71 CIU Switch
2 Head Up Panel (HUP) 37 Push To Talk Control 72 CSG Switch
3 Left MHDD 38 AMP Control 73 Video Voice Recorder Switch
4 Center MHDD 39 AMP Volume Control 74 Left Boost Pump
5 Right MHDD 40 FCS Test Switch 75 Battery Master Switch
6 Control Stick Pedestal 41 Engine Intake Control Switch 76 Right Boost Bump
7 Contol Stick 42 Datum Adjust Control* 77 Right LP Cock
8 Left Pedal 43 Secure Data Erase Switch* 78 Voice Control Switch
9 Right Pedal 44 Seat Adjust Swith* 79 Radio 1 Switch
10 Oxygen Control Switch 45 N/A 80 Radio 2 Switch
11 Ejection Seat ARM Switch 46 Radar Override Control Switch 81 MIDS Switch
12 Left Hand Glareshield (LHGS) 47 Park Brake Switch 82 APU Control Switch
13 Right Hand Glareshield (RHGS) 48 Gear Boxes Control Switches 83 Master Engine Starter Switch
14 Emergcency Stores Jettison 49 Dedicated Warning Panel 84 MASS Selector
15 Landing Gear Lever 50 HEA Vent Switch 85 Data Cassette Store*
16 Store Jettison Selector 51 ECS Control Switch 86 Left Generator Switch
17 Store Jettison Switch 52 ECS RAM Air Selector 87 Right Generator Switch
18 Emergency Landing Gear Switch 53 Demist Control Switch 88 Windshield Heater Switch
19 Taxi Light Switch 54 Cabin Temp Control 89 Radar Altimeter Switch
20 Canopy Emergency Jettison* 55 Cabin Air Flow Control 90 ECM Switch
21 Left Engine Throttle Lever 56 External Light Switch 91 MAW Switch
22 Right Engine Throttle Lever 57 Navigation Light Switch 92 INTerrogator Switch
23 Emercency Norm/Rev Switch 58 Anti-Collision Light Switch 93 Transponder Switch
24 SCAC Norm/Rev Switch 59 Formation Lights Knob 94 FLIR Switch
25 FCS Reset Button 60 Suit Temperature Control Knob 95 Radar Switch
26 Weapon Training Switch 61 Glareshield Light Switch 96 Helmet Mounted Display Switch
27 Left LP Cock 62 A Flash Light Switch 97 Canopy Switch
28 Decoy CUT/STOW Switch* 63 Day/Night IlluminationSwitch 98 Seat Switch*
29 EXPD Man/Auto Switch* 64 Reversionary Light Knob*
30 MIDS Volume Control B 65 Display Light Knob * These controls, while operable by the
31 MIDS Volume Control A 66 Console Light Knob user, have no direct impact in the
32 Missile Volume Control 67 Flood Lights Control Knob simulator behavior-
33 TAC MLS Volume Control 68 Air Drive Control Switch


13. MHDD SWAP PUSH BUTTONS (No function in the simulation)
COCKPIT INTERFACES contains the controls and indicators associated with
the HUD.


The Computer Symbol Generator (CSG) is part of the The HUD video camera enables the recording of the
Displays and Control (D&C) system and is located in outside world, as seen through the combiner
the avionic bay. Its function is to produce the assembly.
symbology displayed on the Head-up Display (HUD),
Multifunction Head Down Display (MHDD), and HUD MOUNTING TRAY
provide the video output to the Video/Voice Recorder The HUD mounting tray enables the ground crew to
(VVR). The CSG is also the interface between aircraft harmonize the PDU with the airframe by adjusting four
systems and the D&C for video inputs and non- mounting tray adjusting studs.
catastrophic failure warnings.
There are two CSG fitted in the real aircarft, CSG1 HUD SYMBOLOGY
and CSG2, each capable of driving the MHDD and HUD symbology consists of:
HUD. - Attitude/directional reference symbology
With the two position CSG toggle switch, on the right - Airdata symbology
forward console, in the NORM position, the system - Autopilot symbology
automatically selects the on-line CSG and sets the - Navigation symbology
other CSG to standby when power is applied. The - Air to air attack symbology
switch has no function in the simulation - Air to surface attack symbology
- Miscellaneous symbology.
The HUD is a flight instrument which projects flight ATTITUDE/DIRECTIONAL REFERENCE
and weapons delivery information into the pilots FOV. SYMBOLOGY
The symbols are generated by one of two Computer
Symbol Generators (CSG) and are focused at infinity. The climb/dive symbol is a winged circle which
Provision is made for the selection or exclusion of provides aircraft directional reference whilst the
certain symbology appropriate to the current flight system is operating in climb/dive mode. The symbol
mode. has two modes of operation; locked (LOCK) and
Velocity Vector (VV). These modes are controlled by
NOTE the LOCK/VV selector/indicator on the HUP. In LOCK,
The HUD and other onboard instruments should be the aircraft symbol is locked to the vertical axis of the
cross-monitored at appropriate intervals. HUD. When in VV, the symbol is referenced to the
Upon switch-on (but before normal operation begins) aircraft velocity vector in elevation between +5° and
an internal start-up BIT is automatically initiated but no -15° with respect to the Longitudinal Fuselage Datum
test patterns are generated. (LFD).

If both CSG or the AC power supply fail, the HUD NOTE

format will not be displayed but the DC driven controls The VV symbol does not move in azimuth.
and indicators on the Head up Panel (HUP) function A diamond indicates the aircrafts velocity vector. Full
as normal. freedom of movement extends to the limit of the HUD
FOV, where it parks and flashes at the FOV edge.
The HUD includes the following subassemblies: The attitude symbol replaces the climb dive symbol if
- PDU airspeed falls below 48 kt to indicate aircraft pitch
- HUP attitude instead of climb/dive angle.
- HUD video camera Aircraft climb/dive angles and roll attitude, relative to
- HUD mounting tray. the aircraft symbol are displayed by a horizon bar,
I-02-01 climb/dive bars and zenith and nadir stars. Climb/dive
is displayed in the form of a tapered ladder.
PILOT DISPLAY UNIT In roll the display has 360° movement around the
The PDU comprises an optical assembly plus aircraft symbol.
mechanical and electrical assemblies that combine to
project information to the pilot. The PDU is positioned The bank/roll pointer is an infilled triangular pointer
such that the combining glass is in the pilots LOS and which is rotated around a fixed bank scale to indicate
is not obscured. current bank angle.
Two light sensors mounted on the top of the PDU
monitor the ambient light conditions to maintain the The Specific Excess Power (SEP) markers consist of
contrast level of the display. two arrow heads, displayed at each side of the aircraft
symbol.The markers provide an indication of climb
HEAD UP PANEL performance, energy loss/available in turns and are
The HUP is located immediately below the PDU and useful for speed control in precision flying.
the display to a resolution of 1.0 kt. Ground speed or
The pull up arrow warning is presented as a flashing Mach number can be selected via the GS/M
arrow, which rotates about its center point, such that it selector/indicator, on the HUP.
always points away from the ground. The command
PULL UP is shown boxed below the arrow. AoA is indicated by a small scale which moves against
the aircraft symbol to indicated pitch during the take-
MISCELLANEOUS SYMBOLOGY off and landing PoF. The scale has three horizontal
markers: an upper marker representing 16°, a middle
Stopwatch count up presents an increasing time marker representing 14° and a lower marker
interval in hours, minutes and seconds, whilst representing 12°.
countdown presents a decreasing one . Upon
reaching 0 the digits flash for 5 seconds. Split time for The vertical velocity scale on the right of the display is
the count up or countdown stopwatch may be indicated in ft/min. The display comprises a triangular
indicated. When the split time is displayed the pointer that moves against a fixed scale with an
stopwatch continues to run. elastic line connecting the pointer to the zero marker
NOTE: Stopwatch functions are not currently on the scale.
implemented in the simulation
Barometric pressure is set via the left glare shield.
Undercarriage state is presented on the left of the Following any change to this setting the new value is
display. displayed on the HUD for 5 seconds as a four digit
One of three legends is displayed to indicate the state readout.
of each landing gear leg. Gear up and locked is
indicated by UP, gear down and locked is indicated by Normal g will be displayed alongside the energy cue,
D and gear in transit is indicated by X. The landing unless in ground PoF, when
gear status is displayed whenever the gear is locked the readout is no longer displayed. Normal g is
down or in a state of transition. Gear status is displayed to a resolution of 0.1g.
displayed for a further 10 seconds when the gear is
declared up and locked. The energy cue indicates AoA and speeds required for
optimum aircraft performance. A speed scale provides
An indication of depression angle is provided by a a reference to relate the energy cue symbols against.
digital readout to a resolution of 0.1°; the angle is set The energy cue is available in the navigation, combat
by the rotary depression setting control on the HUP. and air to surface PoF. The energy cue symbols
The depression angle is the displacement of the provide the following:
aircraft symbol from the LFD during lock mode, The - An indication of maximum and minimum speed, via
new value (0 to -15°) is displayed for 5 seconds the speed scale
following any change to the depression angle setting. - An indication of the AoA for the maximum Sustained
NOTE: DEPression angle is not featured in the Turn Rate (STR) at current speed
simulation - An indication of current AoA (+30° to -5°). The caret
symbol can be displayed -5° below the minimum
The airbrake indicator is shown against the aircraft marker on the speed scale
symbol when the airbrake is in any position other than - An indication of the AoA required to achieve
closed and locked. maximum acceleration
- An indication of the current speed, via a marker
LATE ARM SAFE is displayed to indicate that the late which moves between the maximum and minimum
arm control is set to the safe condition. speed markers
- An indication of the speed trend, i.e. the predicated
GEAR is displayed to indicate that the undercarriage speed in 5 seconds time. The length is limited to a
limiting speed of 290 kt has been exceeded. maximum of 30 kt/sec and grows either up or down
from the current speed symbol
XFER is displayed to indicate that manual fuel transfer - An indication of the speed required for the maximum
is in progress. STR
- An indication of the lowest speed required at which
AUTO RECOVERY is displayed to indicate that the the highest g is available, for the current aircraft
automatic recovery mode is enabled. configuration is indicated.


The barometric altitude display comprises an The barometric altitude acquire value, set by the pilot,
analogue and a digital display (up to five digits), is presented digitally at the top of the display when the
surrounded by a circular scale of 10 dots and a autopilot barometric altitude mode has been selected.
rotating pointer. The pointer rotates once per 1000 ft. The initial value of the display is the current
barometric altitude of the aircraft.
Displayed airspeed is presented digitally on the left of
The altitude acquire display is shown boxed when the required to follow navigation demands. The symbol is
autopilot is engaged and the aircraft is climbing or read against the heading ribbon and will park and
diving to the required altitude. Upon acquisition, the rotate sideways if the steering error is in excess of the
digits of the barometric altitude display are boxed to visible ribbon.
indicate that the demanded value is being held.
Waypoint Symbology
When the autopilot heading or track acquire mode
is selected, the demanded value, set by the pilot, is A digital readout showing the number of current DWP
presented digitally at the top of the display preceded is displayed.
by HDG or TRK as appropriate. The initial value
displayed is the current heading or track with new Waypoint bearing and range is provided in a digital
values selectable (from 0 to 359° in 1° steps). The readout below the DWP number and is expressed in
heading or track acquire value is shown boxed when degrees and nautical miles respectively.
the autopilot is engaged and the aircraft is turning
onto the required track/heading. TTG until the currentDWP is reached is expressed
digitally in minutes and seconds below the early/late
Upon acquisition the value is displayed as three display.
boxed digits. If the heading is being held the digits will
be presented within the heading ribbon and centered Navigation Aids Symbology
on the lubber line, however, if a track is being held the
digits are presented above the track marker. The selected TACAN channel number is displayed as
a digital readout. Range and bearing from the
When the autothrottle DAS or Mach mode is selected, selected TACAN beacon are displayed digitally in
the demanded value, set by the pilot, is presented degrees and nautical miles. The selected beacon is
digitally at the top of the display, preceded by the identified as an air to surface or an air to air beacon
letter M in the case of Mach mode. The initial value is by the letters AS and AA respectively.
the current aircraft airspeed or Mach number with new
values selectable (M0.18 to M2.00 in M0.01 Miscellaneous Navigation Symbology
increments or 110 kt to 726 kt in 1.0 kt increments) via
the HOTAS autothrottle switch. The value is shown NO MONITOR is presented when the LINS/best
boxed at the top of the display when the autothrottle is navigation cross monitor is not available.
engaged and the speed is being acquired.
Upon acquisition the digits of the displayed airspeed RAD ALT is presented digitally with up to four digits:
or Mach number are boxed to indicate that the 0 to 5000 ft in 10 ft increments. If RAD ALT only has
demanded value is being held. been selected and the RAD ALT unlocks, or the
aircraft exceeds 5000 ft, the RAD ALT digits are
During operation in auto climb mode, A-CLIMB DAS replaced by flashing barometric altitude figures. If
or A-CLIMB M is presented at the top of the display BARO ALT/RAD ALT mode is selected and the RAD
dependent on the mode selected. Whilst in constant ALT data is invalid, unlocked or off, then the digits are
airspeed mode A-CLIMB DAS is displayed, and replaced by dashes
similarly when in constant Mach mode A-CLIMB M is .
The display is mutually exclusive with the Mach/DAS
acquire mode described above. Examples of HUD air to air attack format are shown
in the figures at the end of this chapter
NOTE: AUTO-CLIMB Mode is not implemented in the
simulation yet. Radar Track/Target Symbology
A gapped square indicates the sight line to a track of
NAVIGATION SYMBOLOGY unknown allegiance. If a Track Cross Reference
Index (TCRI), a letter unique to that particular track,
Initialization Symbology has been generated it will be displayed centrally
above the track symbol.
The Time ToGo (TTG) to the completion of LINS
alignment is presented in digital form. Upon The symbol and is displayed in one of three sizes,
completion of LINS alignment the system is then dependent upon the current range to the track as
ready to enter the navigation mode. follows:

Steering Symbology - Small size for track range greater than 20 nm

- Medium size for track ranges 10 to 20 nm
Current track angle is indicated by the track marker, - Large size for track ranges 0 to 10 nm.
which is read against the heading ribbon. If the marker
reaches the limit of the visible ribbon it will park.The A gapped circle with four dashes indicates the sight
steering bug symbol is used to indicate steering line to a friendly track. Relation between symbol sizes
and target range is the same as that described for an
unknown track. NOTE: In this simulation, MRAAM symbology
differs, in some details, from real life Eurofighter
NOTE: In this simulation, the number of symbols Typhoon HUD symbology.
used to indicate radar tracks is vastly reduced
with respect to the real-life Eurofighter HUD SRAAM Symbology
symbology. In the simulation, only two symbols
are used: square for uknown or hostile tracks and An hexagon is used to indicate current seeker
circle for friendly tracks head look angle, where the seeker has not yet
acquired a target. If the seeker head moves outside
A gapped diagonal cross is used to indicate that the the HUD FOV, the symbol will flash and move around
radar is currently locked to an air to air target; known the edge of the display, along a line between the
as radar lock on. seeker head position and the center of the display.
A small diamond is displayed against the first target in
the DTL when a valid shoot condition exists; known as The SRAAM weapons scale and marker are used to
the shoot cue. compare target range against the SRAAM envelope.
Presentation is identical to the AMRAAM weapons
A diagonal cross indicates that the minimum scale and marker.
AMRAAM , SRAAM or gun range has been reached
for the associated target; known as a minimum range NOTE: In this simulation, SRAAM symbology
cross. differs, in some details, from real life Eurofighter
Typhoon HUD symbology.
Combat Steering
A circle and a dot are used to display the Allowable Gun Symbology
Steering Error (ASE) for an intercept course that will The director gunsight is displayed in the primary and
provide a valid firing solution against the current mixed gun modes provided that the radar is in gun
target. lock mode. The sight comprises an aiming pipper, a
The circle shows current ASE and the dot shows range to target circle and an indication of closing
actual azimuth and elevation error. To maintain speed. The aiming pipper is a dot which is used to
the intercept course the aircraft must be maneuvered indicate future sight line to the target in one bullets
such that the steering dot remains within the ASE time of flight. The range to target circle is a fixed
circle. diameter circle which is centered on the aiming pipper
and is used to indicate sight line range to the target
WARNING from 12 000 ft to 0 ft. The circle unwinds anticlockwise
Do not rely solely on radar information for a as the range to the target decreases. Two event
required breakaway. markers are displayed against the circle representing
A large diagonal flashing cross centered on the minimum and maximum gun ranges.
aircraft symbol indicates that a breakaway is required
to avoid collision with the target being attacked. A digital readout of closing or opening speed is
displayed in knots directly below the gunsight: a
AMRAAM Symbology closing speed is indicated by (+) and an opening
A gapped circle of fixed diameter, having six dashes speed by (-).
and centered on the LFD, indicates the area in which
the AMRAAM will search when launched in visual The gun boresight cross is presented as a fixed cross
mode (7.5° around the bore sight); known as the that reflects the angular difference between the gun
acquisition cone. datum and the LFD.
The weapons scale and marker is a vertical linear The historic gun tracer line is displayed in gun
scale and marker, used to compare target range secondary mode and represents the flight path of the
against the AMRAAM envelope. The system bullet stream over a 2 second period, against three
calculates the minimum and two maximum weapon range bars.
ranges, which are marked on the scale as horizontal
lines. The two maximum ranges differ as one range is The GUN scale and marker are used to compare
based on the target remaining at 1g (R MAX 1), while target range against the GUN envelope.
the other assumes that the target will perform an Presentation is identical to the AMRAAM and SRAAM
escape maneuver during the AMRAAM fly out (R MAX weapons scale and marker.
2). The shorter of the two ranges is the no escape
limit. A target range marker is displayed, which NOTE: In this simulation, GUN symbology differs,
moves from beyond R MAX 1 into the missile range in some details, from real life Eurofighter Typhoon
scale as the aircraft closes on the target. HUD symbology.

The rate of closure is displayed in knots below the Visual Identification Symbology
range scale and the target aspect angle is displayed Visual Identification (VISIDENT) Mode and its related
directly below that. symbology are not represented in this simulation.
displayed in digital form, depending on the delivery
Miscellaneous mode.
An indication of weapon selection is provided by the
air toair weapons display at the bottom right corner of A flashing DUD or a flashing cross (depeding on the
the HUD. weapon delivery mode selected) indicates that the
If no weapons are currently selected the letters M, S aircraft is too close to the predicted point of impact for
and G are displayed representing AMRAAM , SRAAM a safe release of the ordnance.
and gun respectively. Each letter is suffixed by a
number, denoting the quantity of stores/rounds When GUN is selected in Air to Surface Attack mode
remaining, or the letter X, denoting no stores/roundsis selected a reticle is displayed to indicate the current
remaining. aiming point. The Radar enters in the A(S Gun
Director mode and the distance to the predicted
When an air to air weapon is selected its associated impact point is indicated by a circle that unwinds
letter is replaced by boxed text i.e. AMRAAM, SRAAM counterclockwise. The IN RNG cue indicates that the
or GUN as appropriate. predicted impact point is within the GUN envelope.

If SRAAM reject has occurred the number of rejected

SRAAM is displayed in brackets adjacent to the
SRAAM remaining display.

Target aspect angle is the angular difference between

a targets track and own aircraft center line: the angle
is expressed from 0 to 180° left or right. If the
difference is less than 10° left or right (expressed as
1L or 1R) a letter T is displayed, denoting tail chase. If
the difference is greater than 170° left or right
(expressed 17L or 17R) the letter H is displayed,
denoting head on.

Radar Air Combat Mode Symbology

Radar Air Combat Modes and their related symbology
are not represented in this simulation.
When MRAAM or SRAAM are selected, the search
and acquisition volumes for the radar are +/- 60° in
Azimuth and +/- 30° in Elevation. Any track within the
search area can be acquired as radar air-to-air target.

When GUN is selected in Air to Air Attack mode, the

search volume is +/- 6° in both Azimuth and Elevation.
Upon detection of the closest valid track the radar will
enter in STT Gun Director Mode.

Air to Surface Attack

NOTE: Due to the complete lack of publicly available

information about the Eurofighter Typhoon Air to
Surface Attack Symbology, this simulation adopts the
typical symbology of modern NATO aicrafts.

The Air to Surface target can be either Pre-Planned

(PP) or a Target Of Opportunity (TOO). Depending on
the ordnance selected, the weapons can be delivered
in one of the following modes:

– Continuously Calculated Impact Point (CCIP)

– Automatic
– Manual

Availability of delivery mode is limited depending on

the ordnance selected.

The designated Air to Surface Target is displayed as a

solid triangle. Distance and bearing to the target are





- Pilot Awareness (PA)
The cockpit display suite has three Multifunction Head - Stores (STOR)
Down Displays (MHDD). Each MHDD comprises a 6 - Waypoint (WPT)
inch square flat panel Active Matrix Liquid Crystal - Warnings (W) (only available while warnings are
Display (AMLCD) with 17 soft-keys surrounding the present)
screen. The MHDD can present a variety of tactical - FLIR
and aircraft system information. - Laser Designation Pod (LDP)
Formats are grouped to specific MHDD: the detailed
groups are described in but the general principles are NOTE:
that the left MHDD carries tactical attack formats, the In the current sotfware release the WARNING (W),
center carries the Pilot Awareness (PA) format, while DIGITAL MAP GENERATOR (DMG) and
the right carries further tactical displays as well as the MAINTENANCE formats are not supported and will
bulk of the aircraft system formats. This does not not be displayed.
mean that formats are lost if any one of the MHDD FLIR and LDP formats are available only in Prepar3D
fail; the format groups can be displayed on any MHDD v2.X or above. These formats will only work if the VRS
by use of the display swap keys located on the Tacpack advanced functions are enabled.
pedestal panel.
The system automatically configures the display suite
NOTE: Swap keys are not implemented in this with the formats appropriate for the current PoF. If
simulation. required the automatically selected display formats
may be changed from these defaults by pressing the
Certain formats are defined as default formats for appropriate MHDD soft-key.
particular PoF, and are automatically displayed upon
entry into that PoF. In general any format can be
The formats available on any MHDD are, in general,
selected at any time via the MHDD soft-keys
unique to that MHDD. The formats are divided into
appropriate for that MHDD format group.
three groups, where groups A, B and C represent
formats that normally appear on the left, centre and
right MHDD respectively.
TheMHDD formats are produced by the Computer
Symbol Generator (CSG). There are two CSG, each
capable of driving up to six MHDD and two HUD. Only
one CSG is on-line at any one time; the other CSG is
in standby mode just in case the on-line CSG fails.
The CSG in standby can be chosen to be the on-line
CSGby selecting theCSG toggle switch, located on
the right forward console, to the REV (reversionary)
position. The output of the selected CSG is
transmitted to the MHDD via dedicated video links.
Soft-key legends are generated by the Cockpit
Interface Unit (CIU). When a soft-key option is
selected it is transmitted by the CIU to the relevant
system via the cockpit and avionic databus.
The system enters Ground Phase of Flight
automatically on initial power up and displays the
The three MHDD provide the primary display for a
following Formats:
number of systems and allow control selections for
some systems to be made. The information is
organized into the following formats:
Center MHDD: PA
- Attack (ATCK)
- Autocue (ACUE) (not available in the air)
- Checklist (CHKL)
- Defensive Aids Sub System (DASS) Engine Format will change to Stores Format when
- Digital Map Generator (DMG) Main Armament Safety Switch (MASS) is set to Stby
- Disorientation Recovery Format (DRF) or Live.
- Elevation (ELEV)
- Engines (ENG) GND PoF can only be selected on the Pedestal Panel
- Fuel (FUEL) with weight on wheels.
- Head Down HUD (HDHUD)
- Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)
- Hydraulics (HYD)
TAKEOFF: Transition between any airborne PoF, except A/A, into
Default formats for Take Off PoF are as follows: A/S is entered under the following circumstances and
provided that a valid A/S attack package is available:
Center MHDD: PA a) Automatic entry at 65 seconds to go to target or
Right MHDD: ENG RAP overfly when a LDD delivery profile is associated
with the target waypoint, and the target waypoint is
Transition between GND and T/O PoF is initiated the DWP.
automatically by the avionics system in response to
the following: b) Automatic entry at 85 seconds to go to target or
RAP overfly when a toss delivery profile is associated
a) Either selecting the MASS to LIVE (with park brake with the target waypoint, and the target waypoint is
off or when weight off wheels) OR the DWP.
b) Opening both throttles beyond a position equivalent
to 80% NL OR c) Selecting the MDEF A/S subsystem key prior to the
65/85 second boundary provided the DWP is the
c) Select T/O PoF on Pedestal Panel target/RAP.

NAVIGATION: d) Selection of CCIP mode

Default formats for Navigation Off PoF are as follows:
Left MHDD: ATCK Default formats for Landing Off PoF are as follows:
Center MHDD: PA
Center MHDD: PA
Transition between T/O and NAV PoF is initiated Right MHDD: ENG
automatically by the avionics system in response to
the following: Transition between any airborne PoF into Landing
PoF is initiated automatically by the avionics system in
a) On selecting landing gear up OR response to the following:

a) Select Landing Gear Down OR

b) Select NAV PoF on Pedestal Panel
b) Select GND PoF on the Pedestal Panel
Default formats for Air to Air Attack Off PoF are as
Transition between LDG and GND PoF is initiated
automatically by the avionics system, in response to
the following:
Center MHDD: PA
a) Selecting the park brake to on (with weight on
wheels) OR
Transition between any PoF into A/A is initiated
b) Select GND PoF on Pedestal Panel (with weight on
automatically by the avionics system in response to
the following:
a) On selecting an air to air weapon
In most cases, if information is presented in an
analogue format (e.g. thermometer scales or counter
b) Select A/A Pof on the Pedestal Panel
pointers), a digital readout is also presented. Red is
used to indicate warnings or failure conditions
requiring immediate action, e.g. hostile track; amber
indicates cautionry conditions, e.g. unknown track;
Default formats for Air to Surface Attack Off PoF are and green or white indicates correct or satisfactory
conditions, e.g. friendly track. Flashing symbology is
as follows:
used to alert the aircrew to:
- A change in priorities, e.g. a change in target/track
order of threat priority
Center MHDD: PA
- An illegal action, e.g. an unacceptable stores jettison
If Laser designator Pod (LDP) is fitted, POD Format is - An action can not be achieved, e.g. an AMRAAM
that will not reach the target.
displayed on entry into A/S PoF.
The Autocue (ACUE) format, supports preflight activities by presenting the information necessary for safe
preparation of the aircraft for its intended task. The following types of data are presented:
- Control prompts (switch settings)
- Flight control system status
- Navigation system status
- Caution indications
- Failure indications
- Store error indications
- Displays and controls error indications
- Portable Data Store (PDS) load indications
- Crypto variable indications
- Command eject indications
- Operational status indications.

Functional soft-keys functions available in this format:

ATCK – Air To Air Attack Mode

ALGN NORM – LINS normal alignment mode

ALGN MEMO – LINS memory alignment mode

ALGN HUD – LINS HUD alignment mode

NOTE: LINS system is not currently simulated. The alignment options are only presented for procedural
reasons and are functionally equivalent. LINS countdown will begin as soon as any alignment option is
The Attack (ATCK) format enables sensor contacts to be displayed, tracked, interrogated or nominated for
attack. During operation in Track While Scan (TWS) mode radar contacts are displayed against one of two
selectable range/azimuth display formats. The default format is a B-scope grid type presentation.
Radar scan volume is indicated against the grid by three vertical lines, which together represent scan width
and center. Soft-key selection enables the display to be changed to a Plan Position Indication (PPI) type
presentation if required. When PPI is selected, radar contacts are displayed against a sector upon which
range is indicated by arcs. A Velocity Search (VS) mode is provided as an alternative to TWS and is
accessed by soft-key selection. the radar plots are shown against a velocity azimuth type display. Functional
soft keys associated to this format:

PPI / B-SP: Selects PPI or B-SCOPE presentation

RBGM: Real Beam Ground Mapping (in PPI mode only)

TWS/VS: Selects between Track While Scan or Velocity Search Radar Modes

ASGN: Cycles through available tracks and designate them for attack

UNDO: Cancels designation of current target

RNG+: Increase Range

RNG-: Decrease Range

AGE: Selects between different radar track ageing options

HUD: HUD Format



The Pilot Awareness (PA) format displays navigational information in plan form. The symbology can be
displayed against a digitally generated map and one of different selectable grids; rang. The PA format also
presents track/target data and a limited amount of miscellaneous information to assist in the safe
management of the aircraft. The display is active and therefore gives an up-to-date representation of aircraft
positioning at all times. Functional soft keys associated to this format are:

- MAG/TRUE: Selects between magnetic or true North

- TRK/NTH: Selects between North-oriented or Ownship oriented display

- MAP/TAC: Toggles digital background map on or off

- HSI: HSI format

The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) format, displays the following TACAN or navigation system derived
- Compass Rose
- Plan Range (Nav mode)
- Bearing Pointer
- Course Readout
- Course Pointer
- Heading Marker
- Autopilot Demanded Heading
- Current Destination Waypoint Number (Nav mode)

In this format, the only functional soft keys are:

- MAG/TRUE: Selects between magnetic or true North

- HSI: disables HSI format and reverts to PA format

NOTE: The BRT and BAL knobs of the center MHDD control the HDG and CRS settings respectively. The
aicraft default mode is GPS navigation ("GPS Drives NAV1"), so in order to display the HDG changes in the
HSI mode, the GPS navigation must be deselected in the NAV SSK.
The Disorientation Recovery Function (DRF) format displays a decluttered HDHUD format on the center
MHDD. In the real aicraft when the plane achieves stable conditions, fulfilling the DRF requirements, the
FCS will automatically engage the autopilot. The MHDD will then revert back to their previously selected
formats prior to the selection of the DRF. In the simulation the DRF format is selected and deselected by
pressing the DRFswitch on the control stick pedestal.
The Elevation (ELEV) format format enables sensor contacts to be displayed, tracked, interrogated or
nominated for attack.
The contacts are displayed against one of two selectable formats; an altitude/range grid presentation known
as Profile or an altitude/azimuth grid presentation known as C-scope.
With the profile format selected the X-axis represents plan range in front of the aircraft while the Y-axis
represents altitude. Scanner elevation coverage is displayed by two diverging lines. The soft-keys associated
with the PROF format allow other formats to be accessed.

The C-scope presentation displays azimuth on the X-axis while the Y-axis is used to display relative altitude.
Scanner volume is displayed in both azimuth and elevation. The soft-keys associated with the CSCP format
allow other formats to be accessed.
The FUEL format displays the internal and external fuel tank contents pictorially.
Each tank has a digital readout corresponding to the fuel remaining. Fuel transfer and boost pumps within
the internal fuel tanks are displayed.
Engine feed lines are shown between the boost pumps and the LP fuel cock symbols. Fuel feed
temperatures are indicated in digital form adjacent to the LP cock symbology.
Other information displayed on the FUEL format includes a fuel total readout, CG warnings and a transfer
selector prompt to show the recommended selection to restore fuel balance. The soft-keys associated with
the FUEL format allow other formats to be accessed.
The Hydraulics (HYD) format displays a diagrammatic representation of the left and right hydraulic systems.
The display shows the status of the valves and reservoirs along with associated information e.g. pressures,
levels and temperatures. The information is displayed in analogue and digital form. Reservoir contents, flight
control pressures and utilities pressures are displayed. The soft-keys associated with the HYD format allow
other formats to be accessed.
The Stores (STOR) format displays a diagrammatic representation of weapon system status and current
stores configuration. Stores are represented by white outlined symbols at positions relative to their host store
station. Stores are selected for jettison by performing an X-Y insert over the appropriate store symbol(s). The
soft-keys associated with the FUEL format allow other formats to be accessed.
The Engine (ENG) format, refer to Figure I-02-22 engine low pressure turbine speed (NL) with Turbine Blade
Temperature (TBT) and nozzle area (Aj) represented by four circular displays (two for each engine).
Important values are displayed by either digital or analogue readouts.
NOTE: In the simulation Aj value shows the throttle setting rather than the nozzle opening.
Each display has an alphanumeric value corresponding to the analogue data presented, except for high
pressure turbine speed which is represented by two separate rolling digit type displays. The fuel flow is
indicated in digital form at the top of the display. Warning captions related to the engines are also shown on
this format, when applicable.The soft-keys associated with the ENG format allow other formats to be
The Checklist (CHKL) format provides the aircrew with a list of standard and emergency checklists from
which the required drill can be selected.

Standard Checklist
The standard checklists provide the aircrew with the drills required to perform normal aircraft and systems

Emergency Checklist
The emergency checklists provide the aircrew with the emergency drills required to perform aircraft and
system checks for abnormal operation. Similar in format to the standard checklist.

Warnings Procedures and Consequences

The warnings procedures and consequences provide the aircrew with the procedure/consequence
associated with the warning displayed on the DWP. NOTE: this mode is not currently supported in the

The soft-keys associated with the CHKL format allow other formats to be accessed. The following soft keys
have special functionality in this format::

- UP/DOWN: Scroll the cursor up or down the list

- STD/EMGY: Toggles Between STANDARD and EMERGENCY checklists

- SEL: Selects the checklist currently indicated by the cursor

The HDHUD format displays analogue and digital readouts as presented on the HUD.
Symbology presented on the format is categorized as follows:
- Attitude and directional symbology
- Navigation symbology
- Air data symbology

The main difference between the two displays is that the HDHUD format has a circular display in addition to
the HUD climb/dive bars. The circular display is divided into two sectors, one colored blue and the other
brown, indicating climb or dive respectively. If the total velocities are <48 kt, the display will change to
show the pitch attitude. This change is indicated by the aircraft climb/dive symbol changing to an attitude
symbol. These symbols are fixed at the display center with the circular display moving around them. The
soft-keys associated with the ENG format allow other formats to be accessed. The following soft keys have
special functionality in this format:

- GS/M: Toggles between Ground Speed and Mach display

- BARO/RAD: Toggles the Radio Altimeter display

The Defensive Aids Subsystem (DASS) format displays threats detected by the DASS systems. In the real
aicraft the presentation is planimetric (azimuth/range). In the simulation, the presentation is azimuth vs.
Priority. The format also displays the remaining number of chaff packages and flares and wether the radar
and the ECM jammers are radiating or not. The only DASS functions currently available in the simulation the
discharge of chaff and flares via the chaff/flare release switch, located on the left throttle top, and the ECM
jammer which can be activated in this format or via the DASS SSK. The soft-keys associated with the DASS
format allow other formats to be accessed. The following soft key has special functionality in this format:

- ECM/BOTH: Turns on or off the ECM jammer.

The Waypoint (WPT) format displays information associated to next weypoint (i.e. the next in the waypoint
master list) as well as the the current GPS location, and ETE and ETA to the final destination. The soft-keys
associated with the WPT format allow other formats to be accessed.
The Radio (FREQ) format allows the selection of preset channels for radios 1 and 2. In the simulation the
frequencies in the list are fixed and cover the main Eurofighter Typhoon bases around the world as well as
test locations, factories and training ranges. The frequencies are fixed and cannot be changed by the user.
The soft-keys associated with the WPT format allow other formats to be accessed.
The FLIR/IRST (FLIR) format displays an Infra Red (IR) video image from the Passive Infra-Red Airborne
Track Equipment (PIRATE). This format is available for selection and will work as intended only in P3Dv2.5
and above and only if VRS Tacpack is loaded. This format can be accessed from the ELEV format page.
The PIRATE system has two functions in the simulation: Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) and Infra Red
Search and Track (IRST), which can be selected by a soft-key. Unlike in reality, in the simulation the IRST
mode works only in Air-to-Air mode and cannot search for tracks independently from the radar. Also, in many
instances (depending on target speed and aspect) there is a noticeable lag so that the target aircraft may not
appear in the center of the image. The soft-keys associated with the FLIR format allow other formats to be
accessed. The following soft key has special functionality in this format:

- IRST/FLIR: Toggles between IRST and FLIR modes

NOTE: THIS PAGE IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN P3Dv2.4 and above + Tacpack

The LDP format displays an Infra Red video image from the Laser Designation Pod, if one is mounted. A
number of information is presented: such as (from the top-left corner, and proceeding counterclockwise):
sensor Azimuth and Elevation Angle, Current Zoom Factor (0, 25, 50, 75, 99), coordinates of the ground
target, range, weapon time to release and selected sensor. A flashing cross hair indicates that the laser
designator is currently ON.
Unlike in real life, in the simulation only the Infra Red sensor is available, and the gain cannot be selected.
This format is available and will work as intended only in P3Dv2.5 and above and only if VRS Tacpack is
loaded. This format is automatically selected by the avionics system when Air To Surface mode PoF is
entered or if an Air to Surface weapon is selected. The soft-keys associated with the LDP format allow other
formats to be accessed. The following soft key has special functionality in this format:

- ZOOM IN/ZOOM OUT: allow the selection of one of the five available zoom levels: 0-25-50-75-100

- WHTE/BLCK: Toggles between WHITE HOT and BLACK HOT modes

- IR/CCD: Toggles between Infra Red or visible light sensors

NOTE: THIS PAGE IS ONLY AVAILABLE IN P3Dv2.4 and above + Tacpack, and only if a Laser
Designation Pod is mounted
The Warnings (W) format displays the warnings which are applicable during flight and, by soft-key selection,
the procedures and consequences for them.
When the warnings format is selected, the highest priority warning will be displayed. The priority of a warning
is based on whether it has been acknowledged, its category and time of occurrence.


The Maintenance (MNTC) format provides, via the ACUE format, the facility to make IBIT selections for
ground maintenance functions. This format is not available when the aircraft is in motion or the ejection
seat(s) is armed.


The Left Hand Glareshield (LHGS) forms part of the - A/S (Air to Surface Attack)
Instrument and Control Panels Subsystem.
The LHGS allows the pilot to view, insert and - XMIT (Stealth/transmitter control moding)
manipulate mission data. ts functions are:
- RAD 1 (Radio 1 functional control)

- RAD 2 (Radio 2 functional control)

- ManuaManual Data Entry
- DAS (DASS functions, flares and chaff release)
- Waypoint Selection
- MISC (Miscellaneous items)

- SWP (Set Waypoint)

- Autopilot Mode Selection
NOTE: NIS SSK is not functional.
- Attention Getter MODING KEYS
There are 12 MKs; each key face consists of two rows
of four characters. The legend displayed on the key
- Barometric Pressure Setting describes the function of that mode. The status of the
function can be indicated in one of two ways, by
changing the legend shown on the key and/or by
SUBSYSTEM KEYS (SSKs) ‘boxing’ of the legend.
There aThe primary means of entering data into the MKs have two general functions; to show the current
avionics system is via the Manual Data Entry (MDEF) status of the relevant function and, via a selection of
which constitutes the left glareshield. the same MK, enable the state to be changed. Other
The MDEF has 13 Subsystem Keys (SSKs), one of MKs are used to indicate which data input mode is
which is the Set Waypoint (SWP) key located currently selected (data input being actioned through
separately from the other SSKs. The SSKs allow the Data Entry Keys (DEK ) / Read-out Lines (ROL).
moding and data entry to the MDEF subsystems.
Selection of a subsystem is indicated by the NOTE: With respect to real life functions, MKs
illumination of bars above and below the legend of the have been vestly simplified in the simulation:
key, known as ‘boxing’ and the display of the moding many keys and/or functions are different. The MK
key, Data Entry Keyboard (DEK) and Read-Out Lines functions depicted in this manual only refer to the
functions associated with that subsystem. All the ones in the simulation.
subsystem keys are mutually exclusive.
The ROL are displayed on a four row by 13 column
There is no automatic selection of a subsystem key display and have the dual function of displaying
except for: system status information and showing what data
input is possible / required for the input mode
selected. ROL data is received via the Cockpit
• Automatic selection of the A/S subsystem key when databus.
approaching a planned surface target.
• Automatic selection of the stealth (XMIT) subsystem The DEK has 20 keys. Two of the keys have
key following an ACM selection and subsequent radar dedicated functions and have the captions CLR (clear)
mode change that has brought the radar out of stealth and ENT (enter), the remaining 18 keys are
to allow a rapid reselection of the radar stealth mode. programmable and can show a single character.
The DEK lets the operator manually put data into the
The subsystem which can be accessed through the subsystem selection on the SSK. When a SSK and a
SSKs are: MK have been pushed, the DEK and the ROL will be
set to the appropriate format for data entry.
- MIDS (Data link management)
A selection of data is then made by use of the data
- NAV (Navigation route management) entry keys and shown in the ROL display.
When the CLR key is pushed, the ROL data is
- AIDS (Navigation aids) removed. The first push of the key clears the display
where the writing marker is, a second push clears all
- INT (IFF Interrogator) of the ROL.
When the ENT key is pushed, any missing number or
- XPDR (IFF Transponder) entry is filled with a zero (0) and the resulting input is
sent to the avionic system. the normal FSX/P3D autopilot logic, which is, in
most cases, not adequate to jet fighters. Usage of
NOTE: In the simulation there is no provision for autopilot modes should be limited to situations in
data entry checking or error correction. Any data which no abrupt changes of direction or altitude
improperly formatted for the function selected are foreseen.
may be rejected by the avionic system without
ATTENTION GETTERS The DWP display is a four character display by two
The Attention Getter is a two-part indicator and a row display. It indicates the destination waypoint
switch. The left hand side of the indicator is for day number on the upper row, and the total number of
time vision and the right hand side is for night. waypoint in the currently selected route on the lower
On receipt of a warning signal the attention getter will row.
flash to alert the pilot to a situation that requires his ‘HOLD’ is displayed on the upper row if a waypoint is
attention. not selected. Four dashes are displayed on the lower
row if there is no subsequent waypoint.
The attention getter flashes are cancelled when the
warning situation is accepted or cleared. The attention BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SETTING DISPLAY AND
getter also sends a Catastrophic Audio Warning CONTROL
Cancel signal direct to the CAMU. Barometric Pressure Setting Display / Control
The barometric pressure setting display is a four digit
AUTOPILOT MODE SELECTION AND CONTROLS display. It shows the barometric pressure reference of
There are seven AP mode selection controls. Six of the aircraft and has the legend MB on the panel above
the controls have captions on the surface of the the display.
control as detailed below; the seventh is not yet
The writing marker switch is a five-position switch,
• HDG, AP heading acquire and hold mode.
spring loaded to the centre.
It is used to manually position a cursor, known as the
• TRK, AP track acquire and hold mode. Writing Marker (WM) which shows where data, input
via the DEK, will be shown in the ROL.
• ALT, AP barometric altitude acquire and hold mode
NOTE: The WM is not implemented in the
• CLM, auto climb mode. simulation

• ATK, auto attack mode. CHANGE DESTINATION KEY (CHD)

The CHD key is a momentary action, square push-
• APP, auto approach mode. button. When the key is pushed, the DWP display will
be updated. The next-but-one DWP becomes the
NOTE: APP Mode is not currently implemented in current DWP and is automatically entered in upper
the simulation. Also, all autopilot modes rely on row of the DWP display.
Air to Surface (A/S) MKs

In the simulation, the Air to Surface Moding Keys allow for the selection of Air to Surface weapons, the
selection of the Air-to-Surface Gun mode, enter the coordinates of a Pre-Planned Target (PP), enter the
Laser Designation code and control the Laser Designation Pod.

NOTE: Upon selection of the A/S SSK, the aicraft enters in the A/S PoF

Stealth/Transmitter Control Moding (XMIT) MKs

In the simulation, the XMIT Mks allow for the individual or collective control of the all the avionic systems
which may actively radiate electromagnetic energy. Systems can be either in normal condition (NORM) or
silent condition (SLNT) or OFF (usually because the relevant power switch on the right console is off).
Selection of SLNT mode for any specific system implies that the selected system will not be fully functional
(e.g. selecting RALT SLNT will disable the Radio Altimeter). The RADAR system can be in OFF, STBY or
NORM system. Upon power on through the switch on the right console, the radar will be in STBY mode –
therefore no radar tracks will be displayed. The radar will turn to NORM and start radiating if the RDR MK is
pressed, or if the pilot selects any Air-to-Air weapon in the A-A PoF or if the RADAR OVERRIDE switch on
the left console is turned on.
Radio 1 Functional Controls (RAD1)

In the simulation, the RAD 1 functional control MKs allow for the manual selection of COM1 active (COM1
FREQ) and standby (COM 1 STBY) radio frequencies, as well as swapping COM1 Active and COM1
Standby radio frequencies. All other functions are not supported.

NOTE: The simulation uses standard FSX/P3D civilian radio frequencies. Preset frequencies can be
selected through the FREQ page in the RMHDD. Radio frequencies can be also controlled through the HUP.

Radio 2 Functional Controls (RAD1)

In the simulation, the RAD 2 functional control MKs allow for the manual selection of COM2 active (COM2
FREQ) and standby (COM 2 STBY) radio frequencies, as well as swapping COM2 Active and COM2
Standby radio frequencies.
Navigation Route Management (NAV)

In the simulation, the Navigation Route Management MKs allow for the selection of few options for the flight
plan currently loaded such as the automatic or manual change of waypoint, manual selection of the current
waypoint and GPS or NAV1 drive of the Navigation System (default is GPS). Also, in the simulation this page
allows the pilot to manually enter autopilot parameters – this is different from real life, as in reality the
autopilot parameters are set automatically upon engaging the autopilot mode and tweaked via HOTAS

NOTE: Although this page allows for autopilot control, its parameters are reset upon autopilot engagement:
autopilot altitude, heading and autothrottle speed values are reset, upon engagement, at the current aicraft
values. Once the autopilot is engaged they can be tweaked in this page.

IFF Interrogator (INT)

In the simulation, the IFF Interrogator MKs allow for the selection of the IFF code and IFF mode. Note that, in
the simulation, there is no actual difference between the various IFF modes except for MODE 4 in Tacpack
multiplayer. MODE 4 acts as IFF interrogator/transponder.

NOTE: In the simulation there is not actual difference between INT and XPDR SSKs/MKs.
DASS Functions (DAS)

In the simulation, the Defensive Aids Subsystem MKs allow for the control of some functions of the DASS
system. The only functions currently available in the simulation are CHAFF or Flares release and ECM
power control. The same functions can be operated by pressing the C, F and J keys respectively.
Note that ECM must be powered on via the switch on the right console prior to operation.

NOTE: In the simulation there is not actual difference between INT and XPDR SSKs/MKs.

Multifunctional Information and Distribution System (MIDS)

The Multifunctional Information and Distribution System (MIDS) MKs allow for MIDS network functionality
control, as well as additional MIDS functions such as sending text messages. In the simulation, this page has
no actual function, although it allows the selection of NET A, NET B and NET Control MIDS channels and the
DEK enters in Free Text mode if the FREE TEXT MK is selected.
Navigation aids (AIDS)

The Navigation AIDS (AIDS) MKs allow for the operation of the TACAN equipment of the aicraft. In the
simulation this page allow only for the selection of the TACAN channel or its associated frequency.

NOTE: In the FSX/P3D environment, the TACAN system is not simulated. The entering a TACAN channel
will result in tuning the NAV1 navigation instruments to the associated VOR frequency.

IFF Transponder (XPDR)

In the simulation, the IFF Transponder MKs allow for the selection of the IFF code and IFF mode, as well as
the civilian transponder code (Squawk). Note that, in the simulation, there is no actual difference between the
various IFF modes.
Set Waypoint (SWP)

In the simulation, the Set Waypoint (SWP) MKs allow for the selection, control and editing of the Waypoints
in the current flight plan. Current waypoint can be selected through the NEXT WP and PREV WP MKs. A
new Waypoint can be added through the NEW WP MK - coordinates shall be entered in the DEK as follows:
Latitude and Longitude in decimal degrees with up to 6 decimal digits (e.g. 45.343312°), Altitude shall be
entered in meters.
Currently selected waypoint can be deleted from the flight plan through the DEL WP MK.
Currently selected waypoint can be uploaded to the Armament Control System (ACS) as Pre-Planned Target
for Air to Surface weapons through the WP2 PP MK.
Miscellaneous Systems (MISC)

The Miscellaneous Systems (MISC) page allow for the selection and operation of a number of avionics
functions. In the simulation, the functions available are:

- Stopwatch (STOP WTCH)

- Setting the Ground Proximity Warning Systems alert on/off (GPWS WARN)

- Setting the Transonic Warning alert on/off (MACH WARN)

- Setting up to 4 Bingo Fuel alert (BNGO RSRV)

- Select ZULU or Local time (ZULU TIME)

- Invoke a Bogus AMRAAM for training (only of the aicraft has no loadout – BGUS PAGE)

- Invoke a simulated Air-to-air target (SIM TGT)

- Turning on the Head Mounted Display System (provided that the system is already powered on through the
switch on the right console)

All other functions are not currently available in the simulation.

The Right Hand Glareshield (RHGS) forms part of the The SMDP shows which IFF Transponder (XPDR)
Instrument and Control Panels Subsystem. It provides and Interrogator (INT) modes, TACAN channels and
flight information to assist the pilot in a safe return to MIDS channels have been selected and the
base or diversion to a pre-planned emergency airfield. equipment status, i.e. OFF, STBY or ON. The display
labelled NIS is not used.
The RHGS has the following functions: It is in front of the Barometric Reversionary
Instruments Panel (BRIP) and is normally in the
- Display reversionary “Get You Home” data. closed position. In the open position the operator can
see the barometric reversionary instruments.
- Display IFF / MIDS / TACAN selections.
NOTE: In the simulation, to expose the
- Select / display Radar Altimeter Low Height setting. reversionary barometric instruments, the user
should click anywhere on the SMDP.
- Select IFF ID or Emergency.
- Attention Getters. The transponder controls are located between the
NRIP and the selected height clearance ROL.
- Remote terminal on Cockpit & UCS databuses.
IFF Transponder Emergency Control
ATTENTION GETTERS The IFF Transponder Emergency Control is square
The RHGS has Attention Getters which are identical push-button with integral illumination. The control is
to the ones in the LHGS identified by the caption EMGY which comes on when
the XPDR ON/OFF switch is in the ON position.
PANEL IFF Identification Response Selection
The Navigation Reversionary Instrument Panel has a The IFF Identification Response Selection Control is a
7.5 cm Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display (AMLCD) momentary action, square push-button with integral
which comprises of the following indicators: illumination. The control is identified by the caption ID
• Get-You-Home Climb/Dive Indicator. which comes on when the XPDR ON/OFF switch is in
• Get-You-Home Heading Indicator. the ON.
• Get-You-Home Sideslip Indicator. NOTE: In the simulation, this switch has no
• Get-You-Home Angle of Attack Indicator. function.
In the real aicraft the instrument provides also Radar Altimeter Clearance Height Setting Display
distance and direction for the designated emergency
airfield.In the simulation, the insturment provides
direction and distance to the waypoint currently active The Radar Altimeter Clearance Height Setting Display
in the flight plan. is a four digit ROL. The display shows the altitude that
is set as the Radar Altimeter clearance height. The
SYSTEM MODE DISPLAY PANEL (SMDP) display is identified by the legend LOW HT.
The System Mode Display Panel (SMDP) is a hinged
panel, on which the selection of various subsystem
The Head Equipment Assembly (HEA) provides the CHANNEL SELECT - A square momentary action
pilot with specific symbology, primarily to facilitate air push-button switch which selects between the left
to air combat operations but also provides certain display channel only, the right display channel only or
symbology for flight envelope awareness, orientation both display channels to be shown on the helmet
and energy management. This symbology is projected visor. This switch has no function in the simulation as
onto the display / blast visor of the pilot’s helmet. only one HMS channel is simulated.
he display/blast visor has a layer on the inner surface
that causes a reflection of the images from the optical BRT - A rotary control that allows the pilot to manually
components of the helmet. The HEA has the following adjust the brightness of the HEA display on the helmet
functions: visor in raster and cursive modes. This control has no
function in the simulation.
- Displays flight support data on the pilot’s helmet
visor. CONT - A rotary control that adjusts the raster contrast
- Supplies oxygen to the pilot through the Oxygen of the HEA display on the helmet visor. It has no effect
Mask Assembly. on the cursive display. This control has no function in
- Supplies full audio communications. the simulation.
- Reduces noise levels for the pilot
- Gives glare protection. SYMB BRT - A rotary control that adjusts the
brightness of the raster symbology against the raster
HMSS image of the HEA display on the helmet visor. It has
The Eurofighter Typhoon utilizes the Helmet-Mounted no effect in cursive mode. This control has no function
Symbology System (HMSS) developed by BAE in the simulation.
Systems and Pilkington Optronics. The helmet is
capable of displaying both raster imagery and HELMET SYMBOLOGY
calligraphic symbology, with provisions for embedded The following symbology is presented on the helmet
Night Vision Goggles. The system employs integrated mounted display:
position sensing to ensure that symbols representing - Aicraft airspeed
outside-world entities move in line with the pilot's head - Aicraft altitude
movements. - Helmet Heading
- Energy Cue
HEA CONTROLS - Attitude and Direction (through the Arc Segment
The HEA On/Off switch is located on the Systems Attitude Reference – ASAR)
Gangbar on the right console. It is a two position - Selected weapon and quantity
toggle switch, labelled HEA and OFF. - Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface designated target cue
- SRAAM seeker position.
When the HEA / OFF switch is set to HEA, the system
is powered up. On successful completion of PBIT the HELMET SPECIAL FUNCTIONALITY IN A-A AND A-
fhe HMS Moding Key (MK) appears. S PoF
Selecting HMD ON will activate the Helmet Mounted Apart from providing the pilot with the symbology
Symbology. listed in the previous paragraph, in the simulation the
HMSS has two special functions in A-A and A-S PoF
The following HEA controls are located on the respectively:
pedestal Panel:
NVE - In the real aircraft this push-button switches the If a SRAAM is selected and the seeker is not slaved to
HMS to raster operation, and (if NVE is installed and any radar track, the IR-Seeker of the missile will be
the ambient level is below the threshold level) will slaved to the helmet line of sight, up to the limits of the
display the NVE image. In the simulation, this button seeker gimbals, so that a lock-on can be achieved
will activate the Tacpack Night Vision Goggles even if the target is off boresight. The seeker position
emulation mode. The same functionality is activated appears as an hexagon.
by pressing Control+Shift+N
NOTE: Engage the NVG mode in daylight will result in DESIGNATION
a very bright, unreadable image. Use this mode only The helmet can be also used to designate a point on
at night. the ground as Target of Opportunity (TOO) for air to
surface ordnance. In the simulation the key assigned
FLIR - In the real aicraft this push-button switches the to Tacpack Trigger will designate the target. Note that
HMS to raster operation, and (if the Steerable Infra- Air To Surface weapons target mode must be TOO
red Picture on Helmet (SIRPH)) mode is available, the and the aicraft must be in the Air to Surface PoF.
FLIR image. This switch has no function in the
Helmet Mounted Symbology System

HEA Power Switch Location

MISC Subsystem Key – HMS Moding Key. In the real aicraft a number of additional HMSS function can be
accessed through a specific page. In the simulation, pressing the HMS MK will toggle the head mounted
display symbology ON or OFF.

HEA Controls on the pedestal panel – Only the NVE key has an actual function in the simulation
Example of the symbology typically projected on the HMSS Helmet

ASAR Intrepretation
- Navigation System Initialization: initialization of the
navigation system is automatically performed once the
GENERAL required data has been loaded (in the simulation, a
The Navigation System provides accurate valid Flight Plan must be loaded, or created through
navigational position and velocity vector data plus the FSX/P3D Flight Planner). The necessary data can
flight path control display. It derives the essential flight also be manually loaded via the MDEF
data (position, velocities, heading, height, attitudes)
from on-board sensors and supplies these data to the - LINS Alignment: the LINS can be aligned on the
Navigation Computer (NC). ground using three different alignment modes (Full
Gyrocompass, Memorized Heading and Rapid
The Navigation System consists of the following Heading) and in flight, using the In-Flight Alignment
equipment: (IFA) technique.

- Laser Inertial Navigation System (LINS): in the real - NAV Mode based upon sensors availability. This can
aircraft this is the primary sensor for dead reckoning also be selected manually. The system automatically
navigation. It provides Present Position (LAT, LONG), enters LINS GPS1 if both sensors are valid when
True Heading, Bank, Inclination, Climb/Dive Angle, LINS NAV is selected (via the MHDD NAV SEL
Earth referenced velocities (East, North, Vertical), moding key).
Earth referenced accelerations (East, North, Vertical),
Body Linear and Angular Velocities and Accelerations - Low Height Warning: a warning is generated by the
plus Barometric Altitude. NC during NAV and AA PoF if the best height,
measured by the radar altimeter, decreases below the
NOTE: clearance height set on the RHGS "LOW HT" control.
Although some of the procedures associated to The attention getters and a voice warning "Low
LINS operation are simulated, the system itself is Height" give immediate warning of the danger. A pull-
not functional in FSX/P3D. In these simulators the up indication is also displayed on the HUD. This is a
GPS is the primary source of data for navigation. flashing arrow which rotates about its centre point
such that it always points away from the ground.
- Global Positioning System (GPS): this is the second
main source for navigation data. It provides Present - Steering (including steering bug): navigation steering
Position, Altitude, Earth Referenced Velocities (North, is provided. The steering azimuth commands to
East, Vertical), UTC Time and Climb/Dive Angle acquire and hold the planned track are displayed as a
steering bug above the aircraft heading ribbon as
- Radar altimeter (RADALT): this provides precision displacement from the HUD azimuth centre line for
height information up to 5000 ft above currently manual steering
overflown surface
- Route Loading and Manipulation: one route,,
- Navigation Computer (NC): this dedicated computer consisting of up to 50 waypoints, can be loaded via
uses data from the LINS and the other systems / the Flight Planner or manually using the MDEF.
sensors to compute Best Navigation Data, navigation Waypoints and routes can be manually modified.
steering and weapon aiming parameters. If the LINS
is invalid, data from the Flight Control System (FCS) is - Navigation Fixing: navigation fixing can be
used instead performed automatically by means of the GPS or by
manually performing an On Top Fix (OTF)

NAVIGATION FUNCTIONS - Universal Time Co-ordinate (UTC) Management: in

Main navigation system functions consist of: reversionary mode only, the NC manages the UTC
time for the entire Avionics system. The UTC time
- Primary and Secondary Dead Reckoning: Dead manager determines where the best system time
Reckoning means the determination of position source information resides (between GPS and radios)
without the use of external aids and is calculated from and distributes the UTC time to all Avionics System
the record of the known starting point, the courses LRIs
flown, the distance achieved (which can be estimated
from velocity), and the known or estimated drift. The - LINS / GPS velocity monitor: the NC assesses the
primary Dead Reckoning Navigation function uses integrity of the LINS data by comparison of the LINS
LINS data. The Secondary Dead Reckoning and GPS velocities. The MON TRIP warning is
Navigation function uses air data and attitudes generated in the event of a difference in excess of a
provided by the FCS. predetermined value.

NOTE: Dear Reckoning functionality is not - LINS / FCS attitude monitor: the NC assesses the
supported in the simulation. Integrity of the LINS data by comparison of the LINS
and FCS attitudes. TheMON TRIP warning is
generated in the event of a difference in excess of a waypoint change (AUTO/MAN)
predetermined value. - Select between GPS route or TACAN steering
(NAV/GPS – this is equivalent to the "GPS drives
- GPS Present Position Integrity Monitor (Auto NAV1" command in FSX/P3D)
monitor): - Select the previous WP in the flight plan as
GPS PP Integrity is self-monitoring and compares the destination WP (PREV WP)
last received GPS position with a predicted position - Select the next WP in the flight plan as new
to determine its validity. If the difference exceeds a destination WP (NEXT WP)
predefined threshold, the NC no longer uses the GPS - Enter autopilot heading (SET HDG)
as a navigation sensor. NAV modes 1, 4 and 6 plus - Enter autopilot course (SET CRS)
velocity monitor are lost. The indication NO MONITOR - Enter autopilot altitude (SET ALT)
is displayed on the HUD and HDHUD format. - Enter autothrottle speed (SET SPD)
- Enter autopilot vertical velocity (SET VV)
- LINS / GPS Position Monitor: integrity of the LINS
data is determined by comparison of the LINS and All other MK are not functional.
GPS positions performed within the NC (on the
ground only). The MON TRIP warning is generated in NOTE: The functions in this SS differ substantially
the event of a difference in excess of a predetermined from the real world, since many of its functions
value. could not be properly simulated. This page allows
the pilot to manually enter autopilot parameters –
- Magnetic Heading Calculation: the magnetic this is different from real life, as in reality the
variation is deduced from the Best Present Position, autopilot parameters are set automatically upon
Best True Altitude, UTC Time then combined with the engaging the autopilot mode and tweaked via
Best True Heading to generate the Best Magnetic HOTAS controls.
NOTE: Autopilot parameters are reset upon
NAVIGATION SYSTEM - CONTROLS autopilot engagement: autopilot altitude, heading
AND INDICATORS and autothrottle speed values are set, upon
The Manual Data Entry Facility (MDEF) allows data to engagement, at the current aicraft values. Once
be manually entered and manipulated within the the autopilot is engaged they can be tweaked in
aircraft avionics subsystems. The selections available this NAV page.
relevant to the Navigation subsystem are grouped in
the following MDEF subsystems: SET WAYPOINT SUBSYSTEM
When selected the modes / data entry tasks of the
- Navigation aids (AIDS) SET WAYPOINT subsystem (NAV SS) controls are
- Navigation (NAV) displayed on the moding keys and the following
- Set Waypoint (SWP) functions can be performed:
- Miscellaneous (MISC)
- Transmitters (XMIT). - Select the previous WP in the flight plan as
destination WP (PREV WP)
NAVIGATION AIDS SUBSYSTEM - Select the next WP in the flight plan as new
When selected the modes / data entry tasks of the destination WP (NEXT WP)
Navigation Aids subsystem (AIDS SS) are displayed - Add a new WP to the flight plan (NEW WP)
on the moding keys and the following tasks can be - Delete the current WP from the flight plan (DEL WP)
performed: - Set the current waypoint as Pre-Planned target for
Air-to-Surface Attack mode.
- Enter a new Tacan Channel (ENTR CHAN)
- Enter a new NAV1 Frequency (ENTR FREQ) All other MKs are not functional.

All other MKs are not functional. NOTE: Waypoint coordinates shall be entered in
the "decimal degrees" format (e.g. 112.112232°).
NOTE: In the FSX/P3D environment, the TACAN Up to six decimal digits are allowed.
system is not simulated. The entering a TACAN
channel will result in tuning the NAV1 navigation MISCELLANEOUS SUBSYSTEM
instruments to the associated VOR frequency. When selected the modes/data entry tasks of the
Miscellaneous (MISC) subsystem are displayed on
NAVIGATION SUBSYSTEM the moding keys. and the following functions can be
When selected the modes / data entry tasks of the performed:
Navigation subsystem (NAV SS) controls are
displayed on the moding keys and the following - Setting of fuel reserves (BINGO RSRV).
functions can be performed: - Setting of GPWS values (GPWS SET)

- Select between automatic and manual destination All other MKs are not related to the navigation system.
- Created by entering the required waypoints via the
When selected the modes/data entry tasks of the
Transmitters (XMIT) subsystem are displayed on the NOTE: In the real aicraft the pilot can select either
moding keys. It is allowed to Silence all the the AUTO Route or the MANUAL Route, which is
transmitters contemporarily or TACAN / RADALT an alternate route that can be created and edited
separately . on the fly by the pilot. In the simulation the Auto
Route is the only route available and it is possible
Fixing is the procedure by which the Navigation
System estimate of the aircraft present position is STEERING BUG
updated to maintain navigation accuracy by The steering commands to acquire and hold the track
compensating for LINS and IMU (FCS modes) drift. are calculated and displayed as a steering bug
Fixing can be carried out automatically using the GPS against the aircraft heading ribbon.
(if a NAV mode which uses the GPS is selected), A lubber line indicates the current aircraft heading: it is
which provides accurate present position and velocity fixed, whereas the heading ribbon (scale plus
information, or manually by an On Top Fixing (OTF). numbers) moves with respect to it (the displayed
heading value is numbered by decades). The track
NOTE: The simulation does not support nor marker (upside down v”) is moving and indicates the
requires OTF. GPS-driven, automatic fixing is the actual track, which can not coincide with the heading,
only supported navigation fixing mode. due to the wind effect:
in absence of wind the two symbols are
NAVIGATION STEERING superimposed, forming an upward arrow.
Steering provides all the necessary information to fly When the steering bug reaches the lubber line it
the aircraft on a required flight pattern. means that the aircraft is on the Command Track;
Steering calculations, performed by the NC, provide
information to follow a route consisting of legs and CONTROLS AND INDICATORS
waypoints (a leg is the segment between two The navigation displays present the selected type of
consecutive waypoints in a route). information necessary to steer the aircraft. The
The widest possibility to control and change the flight information
pattern is provided. is shown on the following displays:
Steering information is shown, on the PA, HSI - Head Up Display (HUD)
formats; a steering bug, against a heading ribbon on - Pilot Awareness format (PA)
the HUD and HDHUD format, provides to follow the - Horizontal Situation Indicator format (HSI)
desired track. - Waypoint format (WPT)
Steering can be performed with respect to either True - Head Down Head Up Display format (HDHUD).
or Magnetic North, as desired. A North-up or Track-up
orientation of the PA format can be selected. HEAD UP DISPLAY (HUD)
Steering is conducted following well-defined rules, The Head Up Display provides the pilot with steering
dictated by steering types and modes. information. At the centre of the screen, a climb/dive
The appropriate steering types and/or modes are ladder indicates the current aircraft climb/dive angle
selected either automatically or manually, dependent and bank by tapered ladder with variable gearing.
upon the waypoints availability. The NC uses three A triangular pointer against a fixed scale provides an
logically separate memory areas to store the indication of the aircraft vertical velocity. (Only in GND,
necessary data: T/O and LDG PoFs).
- Waypoint General Store (commonly called Route The barometric altitude is shown both in analogue and
Store) digital form, whereas the aircraft height above terrain
- AutoRoute is indicated in digital form, labelled with a letter R”
- Manual Route. above the string.
The Route Store is a data set of up to 200 entries, The steering bug, indicating the required steering to
each of which can be provided with those attributes follow the navigation demands, is indicated by a
necessary to define the waypoint. The following three horseshoe symbol against a heading ribbon scale.
attributes are obligatory and represent the minimum A waypoint data block shows the information relative
requirement: to the DWP, i.e. number, range, bearing and time to
- Number (from 1 to 200 - assigned automatically) go. If the TACAN mode has been selected on the HSI
format, the DWP data are replaced by the TACAN
ROUTES ones, i.e. TACAN channel number and type, TACAN
The Auto Route is set as default for steering. mode (either A/A or A/S), bearing and range.
The Auto Route can be: This display also provides a digital indication of the
- Created or loaded with the Flight Simulator or P3D groundspeed, mutually exclusive with MACH number,
Flight Planner the airspeed, the heading (either true or magnetic)
- Creaded with other applications that can generate and the barometric pressure setting (Shown by default
FSX/P3D flight plans in GND, T/O and LDG PoF and for 5 seconds, when
value of setting changed in NAV AA and AS PoF). manually course set
- the lateral deviation bar, indicating the angular
In case of Low Height warning generation, the display deviation
shows a flashing arrow, at the centre of the screen, between the set course and the actual bearing
which rotates in order to point always away from the
ground. This display also provides a digital indication of:
When the LINS / best NAV cross monitor function is - altitude
not available anymore, the string NO MONITOR - groundspeed, on demand, clicking on the CAS
appears to warn the pilot. indication
- heading (only true” in TAC configuration)
Both during the LINS ground and in flight alignments, - range, w.r.t. the DWP or TACAN station
the display shows the relevant parameters, i.e.: - bearing, w.r.t. the DWP or TACAN station
- the accuracy - DWP number (in NAV configuration)
- the remaining time at the end of the alignment - course, set via the right hand MHDD rotary control.
- the caption LINS RDY at the end of the alignment, Selecting the appropriate SKs it is also possible to:
replacing the two captions above. - visualize the climb/dive ball, via the C/D BALL SK
- go through the NAV and TAC configuration, via the
Selecting the appropriate keys on the Head Up Panel NAV/TAC SK.
(HUP) it is also possible to:
- select between the visualization of the Barometric WAYPOINT LIST FORMAT
altitude, the RADALT height or both, via the The Waypoint List format is selected manually using
BARO/RAD key the WPT SK or automatically whenever the NAV SSK
- select between the visualization of the groundspeed is pressed.
or MACH number, via the GS/M key.
This format gives a list of the waypoints with details
PILOT AWARENESS FORMAT (PA) of number, type, identifier, description and, if defined,
The Pilot Awareness (PA) format is presented by planned time of arrival. An XY insert anywhere on the
default on the centre MHDD. waypoint data line opens an expanded information
The main information is about the routes. The route box with additional information of latitude and
currently flown is normally presented: the current leg longitude, range and bearing, waypoint altitude,
is colored in white, the remainder of the route in planned aircraft altitude (if defined).
The list can be scrolled up or down by clicking on the
The aircraft symbol is indicated as a green triangle: its relevant symbols on the top of the display.
position on the screen depends upon the track-up or
north-up selection made by the TRK NTH SK. HEAD DOWN HEAD UP DISPLAY FORMAT
HORIZONTAL SITUATION INDICATOR FORMAT The HDHUD format provides a repetition of the
(HSI) steering information presented on the HUD. In
The Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) format is addition to the HUD symbology, the HDHUD adds
selectable from the PA format using the HSI SK; it the climb/dive ball.
replaces the PA format. Selecting the appropriate SKs it is also possible to:
- select between the visualization of the Barometric
Either Navigation or TACAN data can be shown, by altitude, the RADALT height or both, via the
pressing the NAV TAC SK (this SK is presented only if BARO/RAD SK
the HSI SK is boxed): the former refer to the route - select between the visualization of the groundspeed
currently flown, the latter refer to the selected TACAN or MACH number, via the GS/M SK
A 360° compass card is displayed by default; the NAVIGATION MODES
aircraft symbol is always shown at the centre of the The Navigation System automatically selects the best
display and the compass card rotates around it. available navigation mode dependent upon the
On the periphery of the compass card, the following sensors availability. The automatic selection can be
symbols are shown: manually over-ridden in the real aicraft, but not in the
- a lubber line, indicating the aircraft heading simulation.
- the track pointer, indicating the aircraft actual track
- the autopilot heading marker LASER INERTIAL NAVIGATION SYSTEM
- the bearing pointer, whose tail indicates the bearing The main purpose of the Laser Inertial Navigation
of the DWP (or TACAN station). System (LINS) is to provide the aircraft with
autonomous and continuous navigation data. In the
Inside the compass card, the following symbols are real aicraft it is the primary dead reckoning system
presented: and establishes the aircraft geometric zero reference
- the course pointer, which is an arrow pointing at the point for all navigation calculations. It provides:
- Present Position (Latitude, Longitude)
- True Heading OFF
- Bank This is the normal shut-down procedure. During an Off
- Inclination Mode sequence, the LINS records the last computed
- Climb/Dive Angle present position and heading data for automatic use
- Earth referenced velocities (East, North, Vertical) at the next power-up (Memorized Heading Alignment),
- Earth referenced accelerations (East, North, Vertical) then shuts itself down.
- Body linear and angular velocities and accelerations
The Navigation Computer (NC) determines the best
NOTE: LINS is not actually simulated. GPS- navigation data for the selected navigation mode and
derived data is used instead of LINS. Details about computes the navigation steering parameters.
LINS system provided below is for educational It also manages and controls the Avionic and Attack
purposes only. Serial Digital data buses.


The LINS has the following main modes of operation: The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a geo-
- Initialization stationary network of a nominal 24 navigation
- Alignment satellites (generally referred to as the NAVSTAR
- Navigate constellation) designed for US military use and
- OFF. controlled by the US Government.
The orbital altitude is such that the satellites repeat
mounting axes to be nulled out, minimizing attitude the same track and configuration over any point
errors. approximately each 24 hours (4 minutes earlier each
day). There are six orbital planes (with nominally four
INITIALIZATION satellites in each), equally spaced at 60 degrees
When the equipment is energized, it performs a apart, and inclined at about fifty-five degrees with
Power-Up BIT. After successful completion of the respect to the equatorial plane.
Power-Up BIT, the LINS automatically enters the Between five and eight satellites are simultaneously
Normal Alignment mode. visible from any point on the earth. Navigation in three
dimensions is the primary function of GPS.
ALIGNMENT Using self-contained atomic clocks as their reference,
Three types of alignment are available in GND PoF: the satellites transmit time-controlled non-encrypted
- Full Gyrocompass ”Coarse Acquisition” (C/A) ,also known as Standard
- Memorized Heading Positioning Service (SPS) and Precise Position
- Rapid Heading. Service (PPS), generally shortened to P” codes on
two frequencies called L1 (1575.42 MHz) and L2
Full Gyrocompass Alignment (1227.60 Mhz).
The Full Gyrocompass Alignment, an automatic
self-contained process which determines local vertical The L1 frequency carries the navigation message and
position and heading, is the normal type of alignment the SPS code signals. The L2 frequency is used to
when reaction time is not critical as it lasts about 6 measure the ionospheric delay by PPS equipped
minutes. receivers. C/A-code is transmitted only on L1 and is
available to all (including non-military) users of GPS.
Memorized Heading Alignment The P-Code (Precise) modulates both the L1 and L2
The Memorized Heading Alignment is used when carrier phases.
rapid reaction time is essential. The last recorded The P-Code is a very long (seven days) 10 MHz PRN
values of present position and heading are used. code. In the Anti-Spoofing (AS) mode of operation, the
P-Code is encrypted into the Y-Code and requires a
Rapid Heading Alignment (HUD) classified AS Module for each receiver channel. The P
The Rapid Heading Alignment (HUD) is used when (Y)-Code is the basis for the PPS and includes the
the reaction time is critical. This requires: NAV Messages transmitted by the NAVSTAR”
- an accurate PP Constellation.
- the bearing or co-ordinates of a reference optical
object visible through the HUD. The Navigation Message (a 50 Hz signal consisting
of data bits that describe the GPS satellite orbits,
NAVIGATE clock corrections, and other system parameters) also
This is the normal LINS operational mode. It can modulates the L1-C/A code signal.
either be selected manually, by pressing the NAV SEL
soft key on the Autocue format, or automatically, when MODES OF OPERATION
the aircraft begins to move, on taxi-out. If any The main modes of operation are:
alignment has been successfully completed, the LINS - Power on
provides all navigation data. - Initialisation (INIT)
- Navigate - ejection takes place
- Crypto Erasure - erasure is selected (dedicated control on left
- OFF. console)
- mission time duration expires
POWER ON - the NSU is removed from the avionic bay.
When power is applied, the GPS system automatically
enter a dedicated PBIT routine. Following successful OFF
completion, the GPS enters the INIT mode. GPS has no power applied. It maintains essential
information, e.g. almanac and ephemeris database,
INITIALISATION (INIT) GPS keys and an estimate of time clock in a non-
The GPS is enabled to receive the following volatile memory sustained by an internal battery.
initialisation data, after which it passes to the Navigate
- Position The MHDD / PA and ACUE formats provide an
- Velocity indication of GPS health through a Figure ofMerit
- Time andDate (FOM) value between 9 and 1 (lower is better). If
- Almanac loading of cryptovariables fails, an indication is
provided on the ACUE format.
NAVIGATE Aircraft time which appears on the MHDD / PA format
This mode has two sub-phases: is derived from the GPS (as UTC time).
- Initial acquisition
- Normal tracking. RADAR ALTIMETER
Initial Acquisition The radar altimeter (RADALT) provides accurate
The GPS system can acquire and use data from any height-above-terrain information for any type of
of the satellites currently within its horizon. A minimum surface currently being overflown, up to a maximum of
of four satellites must be acquired to allow 5000 ft. Its accuracy is ±2% of the measured height or
determination of the 4-dimensional spatial coordinates ±2 ft (whichever is the greater). It consists of:
of the aircraft (Latitude, Longitude, height and time). - a transmitter/receiver
Almanacs and ephemeris data allow the identification - a transmitter antenna
and tracking of GPS satellites. - a receiver antenna.

Almanacs are approximate orbital data parameters for Height information is displayed on the HUD and on
all satellites. Ten parameters describe satellite orbits the HDHUD format. A control switch on the RHGS
over extended periods of time (useful for months in allows the desired clearance height (i.e. the do not fly
some cases) and a set for all satellites is periodically below height) to be set. The low height datum is
transmitted by each satellite. Signal acquisition time displayed beside the control switch. A low height
on receiver start-up is significantly aided by the audio/visual warning is generated when the clearance
availability of current almanacs. The approximate height is reached.
orbital data is used to preset the receiver with the
approximate position and carrier Doppler frequency GROUND PROXIMITY WARNING
(the frequency shift caused by the rate of change in SYSTEM
range to the moving satellite) of each satellite The Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) is not
in the constellation. safety or mission critical. The information provided is
advisory and the pilot is responsible for performing the
Normal Tracking required pull-up maneuver to ensure safe flight.
This is the normal operative mode, and starts when The GPWS uses data from the following systems:
the inital acquistion is completed. - Laser Inertial Navigation System (LINS)
The GPS can lock onto up to five satellites, but it - Global Positioning System (GPS)
needs to be locked to at least four simultaneously to - Radar Altimeter (RAD ALT)
allow determination of the aircraft"s spatial - Flight Control System (FCS).
coordinates. With less than four satellites locked,
coordinate references are provided in a mixed context The GPWS is an integrated system that will accurately
of GPS plus another sensor (e.g. in order, LINS or calculate the aircraft position relative to the ground
FCS) until the unit re-establishes lock on the minimum from the data provided by the LINS, GPS, RAD ALT
number of valid NAVSTAR satellites above its horizon. and FCS, together with the terrain and/or obstacle
When the GPS is aided” in this way, the NC does not map data loaded to the system.
use the GPS data. The FCS provides supplementary information to the
Velocity is computed from change in position over GPWS with regard to the aircraft configuration and
time, or the satellite Doppler frequencies, or both. g limits. This data, along with that supplied by the
LINS, GPS, RAD ALT and FCS is compared with an
CRYPTO ERASURE aircraft dynamic model and the Portable Data Store
The encrypted data contained in the Precise Position (PDS) defined Minimum Separation Distance (MSD).
Service Secure Module of the NSU is erased when: The system continuously computes the g required to
clear the most critical terrain profile (ground and
obstacle) within the flight path. Allowances are made MANUAL DATA ENTRY FACILITY
for positional uncertainty, pilot reaction time and the The GPWS moding key is available upon selection of
time to roll the wings level. the MISC subsystem key, refer to Figure I-03-115 .
If the GPWS predicts that a pull-up maneuver at or The GPWS defaults to ON, indicated by the GPWS
above the pre-defined g limit is required to prevent legend being boxed on the GPWS/PAGE moding key
incursion below the MSD the GPWS warning will be following aircraft power-up, and valid navigation data
activated, at the same time a pull-up arrow is becoming available.
displayed on the HUD to aid safe aircraft recovery.

GPS and LINS alignment captions shown in the ACUE format on the Left MHDD. LINS Alignment status is
also displayed on the HUD. HUD also shows the NO MONITOR caption meaning that the GPS alignment is
not complete.

NOTE: While it is possible to select different alignment methods in the ACUE page, and while the
proper captions will be displayed, the simulation relies solely on the GPS system.
Ground Proximity Warning System displaying PULL UP caption and arrow.

Example of cockpit configuration in NAV PoF.

Example of cockpit in Nav PoF: route is shown on the PA format on the center MHDD. Current leg is shown
in light green, past legs are shown in dark green, while the rest of the route is shown in white. SSK is set on
the SWP mode, addition of a new WP is selected – which shall be entered thorugh the DEK. Note the
steering bug, the track marker, the waypoint information and location (diamond) in the HUD.

Example of cockpit in Nav PoF. Pilot has requested the deletion of the current waypoint from the route.
Note the symbol in the center of the HUD indicating that the speed brake is extended.
Location of Radar Altimeter Power Switch. This switch must be set to ON for the RADALT to operate.

Example of cockpit configuration in Nav PoF, showing RADALT indication on the HUD. RADALT indication
can be selected by pressing the BARO/RAD key in the HUP panel, provided that the system is powered up.
Center MHDD is set on HSI format, while the Right MHDD is set to WPT format. WPT format shows current
and next waypoint information as well as ETE and ETA. WPT format is automatically selected whenever the
pilot selects the NAV SSK. Note the waypoint indication on the LHGS showing that the current active
waypoint in number 2 out of a route of 8 total waypoints.

NOTE: In the real aircraft, the waypoints are identified by numbers, but they are not necessarily
ordered progressively, as any set of waypoint can be arranged in a Manual Route. In the real aicraft
the LHGS would show the current and the next WP identification numbers.
COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT DFLT VOL, provides the manual selection of the
default (fixed) audio volume setting. Also with the
switch to DFLT VOL radio transmission is restricted to
GENERAL radio 1, reception is still available on both radios.
The communication system provides clear and secure
air to air and air to ground communications and audio NOTE: This control has no function in the
management. The system consists of the simulation.
Communications and Audio Management
transceivers, the Multifunctional Information A rotary knob labeled MSSL and TB controls the
Distribution System (MIDS), the antennas, and their SRAAM and telebrief audio levels. The knob is
associated controls and indicators. pushed in to transmit on telebrief.

NOTE – This Eurofighter Typhoon simulation uses NOTE: In the simulation, this knob effectively
standard (civilian) Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D disables SRAAM audio tones.
radio systems. Therefore much of the information
and controls reported in this section do not apply. MIDS VOICE CHANNEL A-B VOLUME AND
Real world radio operations and controls have TRANSMISSION CONTROLS
been modified to comply with FSX/P3D standards. Two circular rotary controls, labeled MIDS A and MIDS
B, control the audio volume of MIDS A and MIDS B
COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT - voice channels. The control is pressed down to
CONTROLS AND INDICATORS transmit on the relevant voice channel.

LEFT REAR CONSOLE NOTE: These functions are not supported in the
The left rear console contains the duplicate PTT simulation. Please see the MIDS section.
switch, the TACAN/MLS volume controls, the intercom
volume control, the amplifier selector switch, the LEFT GLARESHIELD
default volume selector switch, the missile The Manual Data Entry Facility (MDEF) provides the
audio/telebrief volume control and the MIDS A / B main controls for the radios, under separate RAD 1
volume/transmission control. and RAD 2 subsystem keys. The available modes and
functioning of these subsystem keys are identical and
DUPLICATE PTT SWITCH the apply equally for both.
The duplicate PTT switch is labeled RAD 1 - BOTH –
RAD 2, has four positions and is spring-loaded HEAD UP PANEL
centrally up. The HUP contains rotary volume and channel select
Pressing forward transmits on radio 1, backwards on controls and readout displays for each radio. The
radio 2. Pressing down in the center position transmits outer (larger) rotary control controls radio audio
on both radio 1 and 2. volume.

TACAN/MLS VOLUME CONTROLS NOTE: In the simulation, the rotary controls act as
These coaxial controls vary audio volume for the SWAP buttons between active and standby
TACAN (top rotary) and MLS (bottom rotary). frequencies.

NOTE: These control have no function in the The manual frequencies are defined by using the
simulation. MDEF RAD1 or RAD 2 subsystem key sets; within the
RAD 1 or RAD 2 SSK it is possible to manually enter
INTERCOM VOLUME CONTROL the active and standby frequencies for each radio, and
A rotary knob labeled I/C, controls the intercom swap between standby and active frequencies.
NOTE: This control has no function in the Transmitter switches for each radio, labeled RAD1 –
simulation. OFF and RAD2 -OFF, are included in the battery
gangbar on the right forward console. Power is
AMPLIFIER SELECTOR SWITCH permanently applied to the radios, each transmitter
A two-position toggle switch labeled NORM and REV, switch at OFF inhibits the transmission of that radio,
provides manual selection of the reversionary reception remains active.
amplifier. The voice warning switch, labeled VOICE and OFF,
on the battery gangbar controls the voice warning
NOTE: This control has no function in the system.
simulation. With the switch at OFF all voice warnings, except for
catastrophic, are inhibited.
A gated two-position switch labeled NORM VOL and BROWSE RADIO LIST
The majority of the radio channel information is is used to support the cockpit management tasks:
displayed on the FREQ format (refer to Figure I-04-
08 ). The format is available in all PoF and is - To replicate many functions that are also done by XY
accessed by selection of the FREQ soft key on the control, e.g. A/A target nomination, MHDD format
MHDD. range scale changing.

COMMUNICATIONS AND AUDIO - To replicate many MHDD soft key functions, e.g.
MANAGEMENT UNIT Right MHDD format selection.
The CAMU controls the aircraft communication
system, managing all audio routing and control - To replicatemanyMDEFmoding key and DEK
between the system components and the cockpit. The functions, e.g. radio channel selection.
CAMU also generates warning audios and voice
messages, and provides redundancy and automatic DVI is not used to replicate HOTAS functions, these
re-moding in event of component failure. are specifically designed to be done rapidly on
dedicated controls, and the use of DVI would probably
A Direct Voice Input (DVI) system provides an DVI is not used to control any safety critical functions
additional method of managing the cockpit and e.g. selecting weapons or lowering the undercarriage,
systems. The DVI system replicates some existing or to replicate functions controlled by hard-wired
control functions, which means the loss of DVI control switches.
for any reason (e.g. unserviceability or poor
recognition because of environmental conditions) NOTE: DVI is not supported in the simulation.
does not result in the loss of associated functions. DVI

Location of communication equipment controls on the left-rear console.

RADIO 1 SSK and HUP – With this subsystem selection, MKs allow to enter a new active
frequency (ENTR FREQ), enter a new standby frequency (ENTR STBY) or swap active
and standby frequencies (COM1 SWP). In this case the ENTR FREQ MK has been
selected and the pilot is prompted to enter the new frequency through the DEK. Identical
control apply to RAD2. RAD1 and RAD2 standby and active frequencies are also shown
on the HUP. It is possible to swap them via the rotary controls which, in the real aircraft
allow for prese channel selection.

Location of Voice, RAD1, RAD 2 and MIDS switches on the right forward console.
FREQ format on the Right MHDD.

Presentation of this format has been modified from real life to comply with standard
FSX/P3D radio system and to allow for a larger number of preset radio frequencies. The
current implementation has 64 preset frequencies, selected within the most common
Eurofighter locations. The soft keys withing this format allow for:

- Scroll the selected line in the frequency list (in green) UP or DOWN

- Select between RAD1 and RAD2

- Move to the next page (PAGE DOWN)

- Select the currently highlighted frequency (SEL – loads the selected frequency to RAD1
or RAD2 active frequency)

NOTE: The list of preset radio frequencies is not editable by the user.
MULTIFUNCTIONAL INFORMATION messages can be stored within this format. If more
than 12 messages are received and not actioned,
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM messages are overwritten on a priority basis.

The Multifunctional Information Distribution System - Miscellaneous (MISC) format : Displays C2

(MIDS) is a high capacity digital information system requests, pointer message alerts and free text
which allows secure, flexible and jam-resistant real- messages (stacked in this order of priority) received
time data exchange between all users within a from other units. If a second message is received
network. while another is being displayed, the current is
replaced by the new one. If a high priority pending
NOTE: Proper simulation of a system like MIDS message is received, the pending format is
system is not currently actually supported by automatically selected.
Flight Simulator X or Prepa3D. In ths simulation,
some of the MIDS functions are emulated by - Recall (RCAL) format : Accepted pending
periodically feeding the HUP with information messages are stored in this format in time accepted
about the current waypoint and route if in order. Up to 6 messages can be stored in this format.
navigation PoF, or information about the currently When it is full a new accepted message replaces the
designated air-to-air or air-to-surface target in the oldest.
A-A and A-S PoFs respectively.
The functions currently available in the simulation - ANFT format : This format is automatically displayed
are shown in the pictures at the end of this on selecting the FREE TEXT moding key and contains
chapter. the PDS-loaded list of free text messages that can be
selected for editing and transmission.
- Status format : Displays MIDS system status and
MIDS TRANSMISSION CONTROL SWITCH only appears when it is necessary to alert of a
A switch on the right console, inside the battery particular status event (e.g. automatic deselection of
gangbar, controls power to MIDS antenna. When OFF, exercise mode).
MIDS and TACAN transmission are inhibited.
Each of the six associated multifunction soft keys is a
NOTE: The emulated MIDS function is purely momentary action, illuminated push-button, whose
passive, so this control has no function. legend changes to indicate the function of the key.
The available soft keys modes are as follows:
TRANSMISSION CONTROLS WILL Indicates acceptance of the currently
Two circular rotary controls on the left console, displayed MIDS command. The WILCO
labeled MIDS A and MIDS B, control the audio volume receipt/compliance response is transmitted to the C2
of MIDS A and MIDS B voice channels. The control is that originated the command.
pressed down to transmit on the relevant voice
channel. CANT Indicates rejection of the currently
displayed MIDS command. The CANTCO
NOTE: It is possible to manually enter MIDS A, B receipt/compliance response is transmitted to the C2
and CONT channels, but the have not actual that originated the command and the message is
function in the simulator. deleted.

MIDS CHANNELS INDICATOR KEEP Indicates acknowledgement of the currently

The right glareshield front flap displays the current displayed MIDS command but no response is sent
MIDS voice and control channels. onto the network.

HEAD UP PANEL CLR Rejects the currently displayed message or has

The HUP includes a monochrome MIDS display panel seen it and wants to remove it from the display. The
with six associated multifunction soft keys. It provides message is deleted and no response is sent onto the
the main display surface for received MIDS text network.
Depending on message content, the multifunction soft SEL Only available when the ANFT format is
keys allow the pilot to acknowledge action, review, displayed, it allows selection and display on the MDEF
delete and manipulate the display. The display also ROLs of the required ANFT message from the list
indicates any changes in net synchronization status. displayed.

The HUP displays data on one of five formats: UP Scrolls up through the format message list.

- Pending (PEND) format : Stacks the received and DOWN Scrolls down through the format message list.
pending response messages in priority order. Up to 12
PEND Selects the pending message format. RX ONLY The MIDS is in coarse synchronization
with the net and can receive, but not transmit
MISC Selects the miscellaneous message format. messages.
RCAL Selects the recalled message format.
TX/RX OK The MIDS has achieved fine
The centre of the top line of the HUP format displays synchronization with the net and is capable of
synchronization status, using the following captions: receiving and transmitting MIDS messages. The
TX/RX legend disappears after 5 seconds to reduce
NO TX/RX The terminal has not achieved any display clutter.
synchronization status. There is no reception or
transmission of MIDS messages.

PEND format – this is default format and will show the latest message received. The WILL button will
acknowledge the message and remove it from the screen (the message will be sent to the RECALL format).
The UP button forces a message update (a new message will be generated, the current one will be sent to
the RECALL format). If in A-A mode, the CANT button will reject the current target.

RECALL format – by selecting this format, the display will show the previous message in the cue.

MISC format – by selecting this format, the display will show the current software version.
RECORDING SYSTEM In this mode of operation DASS emitters and radar
Non-Cooperative Identification (NCI) data is stored in
GENERAL non-volatile memory within the PDS. The data
The Integrated Monitoring and Recording System recorded is stored in a specific area of the PDS and
(IMRS) collates and processes data obtained from will not overwrite data that has been previously
various sensors and systems, in order to present uploaded to the avionics
information on the overall condition of the aircraft. system.
Most of the aircraft systems carry out BIT on start up
and continuously thereafter, to monitor system DATA ERASE
performance and detect failures. The aircraft structure The data contained within the PDS is automatically
and engines are instrumented to support post-flight erased upon ejection, or when the cover guarded
calculations for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). secure data erase control push-button on the left rear
The instrumentation provides data relating to fatigue console is depressed, assuming the PDS is inserted
consumption and health trend monitoring, as well as into the MDLR.
monitoring for limit exceedance during flight. In
addition, the primary cockpit displays, the outside VIDEO/VOICE RECORDER
world video from the HUD camera and the cockpit The VVR uses a standard Hi 8, 8 mm magnetic video
intercom audio are recorded. All this data is collected tape to record the MHDD and HUD displays and the
centrally through the IMRS, processed then stored on cockpit audio. It also records pilot initiated event
one or more of the storage devices that follow, for markers and other data for post flight analysis.
post-flight replay, if required:
- Portable Maintenance Data Store (PMDS) The VVR enters standby automatically after power-on
and completion of PBIT. Once in standby, VVR STBY
- Portable Data Store (PDS) is displayed on the MISC VVR moding key and REC
(unboxed) is displayed on the VVR push button, on
- Video Voice Recorder (VVR) the right console. Record mode can be selected
manually by pressing the RECORD push button on
- Bulk Storage Device (BSD) the right console; REC is then boxed to indicate
recording has started.
- Crash Survivable Memory Unit (CSMU).
NOTE: The Integrated Monitoring and Recording The BSD is installed when required and is used for
System is not simulated. The information in these ‘special studies’ as defined by the operator; storing
pages is provided for depict the functions and the information for off-aircraft analysis.
controls present in the real aircraft and have no
The CSMU is a solid state, non-volatile flight data
OPERATION recorder that records data from the aircraft data
The MDLR has three normal modes of operation: buses, the CAMU and the FCS, to assist in incident
and accident investigations.
- Standby
- Mission data load The MDP is the central point of data input/output for
maintenance actions on the aircraft. The MDP stores
- Mission data record. all significant aircraft data and allows recovery of such
data either directly, via a text display or the PMDS. On
STANDBY MODE the ground, the MDP gives rapid access to the aircraft
Standby mode is entered when power is applied to the maintenance data, providing a comprehensive history
system and the PDS is not installed, the PDS cover of significant events for maintenance purposes. The
on the MDLR is open, or after data erasure has been MDP can be interrogated via the text display on the
performed. panel, and/or via the PMDS which can be removed for
analysis after flight. During flight, the MDP stores
MISSION DATA LOAD maintenance and servicing data transmitted by the
Mission data is automatically loaded to the aircraft aircraft systems and records them on the PMDS. The
avionics systems when the pilot inserts the PDS into MDP is located in the aircraft fuselage near the left
the MDLR, the cover is closed, power is applied to the engine intake.
cockpit bus, and the PBIT has successfully been
Video Voice Recorder and Mission Data Loader Recorder location

Secure data erase control location

ARMAMENT CONTROL SYSTEM – RMHDD provide a number of preset configurations:
CONFIGURATIONS AND • Air Superiority (with Sidewinders)
OPERATIONAL MODES • Air Superiority (with IRIS-T)
• Air Superiority (with ASRAAM)
NOTE: The Armament Control System is • Interdiction Strike
implemented through Vertical Reality Simulation • SEAD
Tacpack. VRS Tacpack must be correctly installed • Strategic Attack*
for the weapon system (including the weapons • Close Air Support*
configurator) to work properly. • Aerobatic configuration

AIRPLANE CONFIGURATOR NOTE: configuration marked with an asterisk (*)

Press SHIFT+4 to make the airplane configurator include weapons which are not working in the current
menu appear on the screen. release.
Stores can be selected or desetected for each station
by clicking on the black dots in the configuration GUN
matix. The BK 27 (also BK27 or BK-27) (German acronym
for Bordkanone, "on-board cannon") is a 27 mm
NOTE: If the simulation is paused, the aicraft (1.063 in) caliber revolver cannon manufactured by
configuration is not updated – the configuration will be Mauser (now part of Rheinmetall) of Germany. It was
updated as soon as the simulation is resumed. developed in the late 1960s for the MRCA (Multi Role
Combat Aircraft) program that ultimately became the
NOTE: In single player, the aircraft configuration can Panavia Tornado.
be updated at any time, even if airborne. In
multiplayer the host can set restrictions that force the The BK 27 is a gas-operated cannon firing a new
players to be on the ground and stationary to rearm or series of 27x145 mm cartridges with a typical
change the configuration. projectile weight of 260 g (9.2 oz). Most models use a
linked feed system for the ammunition; however, the
STORES FORMAT Eurofighter Typhoon makes use of a specially
Partial control of the aircraft configuration can also be developed variant of the BK 27 that uses a linkless
operated through the STORES (STOR) format on the feed system instead, which is intended to improve
RMHDD, when the aircraft is stationary on the ground. reliability.
The user can cycle through a set of predefined
configurations by pressing the CNFG REJT button. The Mauser BK 27 is used in the Panavia Tornado,
Once the desired configuration is selected the user the Alpha Jet, the JAS 39 Gripen, and the Eurofighter
can confirm it with the CNFG ACPT button. Typhoon.

CONFIGURATIONS The BK27 has a much lower nominal fire rate than the
Typhoon configuration refers those stores, weapons, M61 Vulcan, but its fire rate is constant throughout
pylons and launchers fitted to the aircraft. The shooting due to the fact the cannon need not spin up.
Armament System of the aircraft can carry out two As a result, in conjunction with the higher caliber, the
basic missions: Mauser BK 27 fires in the first second 4 kg of
Air to Air Mission projectiles in contrast to the 2 kg of the M61 Vulcan
which also needs about 25kW electrical energy on the
Air to Surface Mission maximum fire rate.
The weapons types used during an Air to Air Mission AIR TO AIR MISSILES
• Short Range Air to Air Missiles SHORT RANGE MISSILES
• Medium Range Air to Air Missile
• Air to Air Gun
The AIM-9 Sidewinder is a short-range air-to-air
missile developed by the United States Navy in the
The weapons types used during an Air to Surface 1950s. Entering service in 1956, variants and
Mission include: upgrades remain in active service with many air forces
• Laser Guided Bombs (Paveway) after six decades. The United States Air Force
purchased the Sidewinder after the missile was
• GPS Guided Bombs (JDAMs) developed by the United States Navy at China Lake,
• Anti-Radiation Missiles (HARM) California. It is one of the most widely used missiles in
the world: The AIM-9 is equipping most western-
• Air to Surface Gun
aligned air forces, as well as indirectly many nations
which received the Soviet K-13 missile, a reverse-
Both the configurator and the STOR menu in the
engineered copy of the AIM-9. the AIM-132 ASRAAM.
The majority of Sidewinder variants utilize infrared
The roots of the ASRAAM dated back to 1968 when
homing for guidance; the AIM-9C variant used semi-
development began on the Hawker Siddeley SRAAM
active radar homing and served as the basis of the
('Taildog'), but this project ended in 1974 with no
AGM-122 Sidearm anti-radar missile. The Sidewinder
production orders. This work was dusted off for the
is the most widely used missile in the West, with more
UK/German effort, with the Germans providing a new
than 110,000 missiles produced for the U.S. and 27
seeker, and the British providing most of the
other nations, of which perhaps one percent have
remaining components. In the intervening time, the
been used in combat. It has been built under license
need for high maneuverability was downgraded in
by some other nations including Sweden. The AIM-9
favor of greater range.
is one of the oldest, least expensive, and most
After German reunification in 1990, Germany found
successful air-to-air missiles, with an estimated 270
itself with large stockpiles of the Soviet Vympel R-73
aircraft kills in its history of use. When firing a
missiles (NATO reporting name: AA-11 Archer) carried
Sidewinder, American and NATO pilots use the brevity
by the MiG-29 Fulcrum and concluded that the AA-
code FOX-2. In addition to fixed-wing aircraft, some
11's capabilities had been noticeably underestimated.
modern helicopters, such as the AH-1 SuperCobra,
In particular, it was found to be both far more
can be equipped with the Sidewinder.
maneuverable, and far more capable in terms of
The AIM-9M ("Mike") has the all-aspect capability of seeker acquisition and tracking than the latest AIM-9
the L model while providing all-around higher Sidewinder. In 1990 Germany withdrew from the
performance. The M model has improved capability ASRAAM project, while Britain resolved to find
against infrared countermeasures, enhanced another seeker and develop ASRAAM according to
background discrimination capability, and a reduced- the original requirements.
smoke rocket motor. These modifications increase its
ability to locate and lock-on to a target and decrease In late 1990, the US partnership expressed similar
the chance of missile detection. Deliveries of the initial concerns and embarked on an upgrade to the existing
AIM-9M-1 began in 1982. The only changes from the Sidewinder design to provide increased
AIM-9L to the AIM-9M were related to the Guidance maneuverability and IRCCM (infrared counter counter
Control Section (GCS). Several models were measures) performance, i.e. measures to counter
introduced in pairs with even numbers designating infrared countermeasures (IRCM). This program was
Navy versions and odd for USAF: AIM-9M-2/3, AIM- designated AIM-9X.
9M-4/5, and AIM-9M-6/7 which was rushed to the
Persian Gulf area during Operation Desert Shield In comparison to the AIM-9L Sidewinder, the IRIS-T
(1991) to address specific threats expected to be has higher ECM-resistance and flare suppression.
present. Improvements in target discrimination not only allows
for 5 to 8 times longer head-on firing range than the
The AIM-9M-8/9 incorporated replacement of five AIM-9L, it can also engage targets behind the
circuit cards and the related parentboard to update launching aircraft, the latter made possible by the
infrared counter counter measures (IRCCM) capability extreme close-in agility allowing turns of 60 g at a rate
to improve 9M capability against the latest threat of 60°/s.
IRCM. The first AIM-9M-8/9 modifications, fielded in
1995, involved deskinning the guidance section and The Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) has tested a
substitution of circuit cards at the depot level, which is new air-to-surface capability developed by Diehl BGT
labor-intensive and expensive—as well as removing Defence for the IRIS-T. A proof of concept test firing to
missiles from inventory during the upgrade period. acquire, track, and engage a target representing a
The AIM-9X concept is to use reprogrammable small fast attack boat was conducted in Norway in
software to permit upgrades without disassembly. September 2016, where the IRIS-T missile was
launched from an RNoAF F-16AM multirole aircraft.
IRIS-T For the air-to-surface role, the missile retains the
The IRIS-T (Infra Red Imaging System Tail/Thrust same standard IRIS-T AAM hardware configuration,
Vector-Controlled) is a German-led program to including the HE warhead and IIR guidance package,
develop a short-range infrared homing air-to-air with only an updated software insertion required to
missile to replace the AIM-9 Sidewinder found in some deliver the additional ground attack capability. This
NATO member countries. Any aircraft capable of firing basic air-to-ground capability provides the ability to
the Sidewinder is also capable of launching the IRIS- acquire, track and engage individual ground targets
T. like boats/ships, small buildings and vehicles.
In the 1980s, NATO countries signed a Memorandum
of Agreement that the United States would develop a
medium-range air-to-air missile to replace the AIM-7 AIM-132 ASRAAM
Sparrow, while Britain and Germany would develop a The Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile, also
short-range air-to-air missile to replace the AIM-9 known by its United States identifier AIM-132, is an
Sidewinder. The US design developed as the AIM-120 imaging infrared homing ("heat seeking") air-to-air
AMRAAM, while the UK-German design developed as missile, produced by MBDA. It is currently in service in
the Royal Air Force (RAF) and Royal Australian Air
Force (RAAF), replacing the AIM-9 Sidewinder. MEDIUM RANGE MISSILES
ASRAAM is designed to outrange and outrun any
other IR missile in service, allowing the pilot to fire and AIM-120 AMRAAM
then turn away long before the opposing aircraft can The AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air
close for a shot. It flies at well over Mach 3 to ranges Missile, or AMRAAM (pronounced "am-ram"), is a
as great as 50 kilometres (31 mi), well over double the modern beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile
range of earlier designs. It retains a 50g (BVRAAM) capable of all-weather day-and-night
manoeuvrability provided by body lift technology operations. Designed with 7-inch diameter instead of
coupled with tail control. 8-inch diameter form-and-fit factors, and employing
active transmit-receive radar guidance instead of
The project started as a British-German collaboration semi-active receive-only radar guidance, it is a fire-
in the 1980s. It was part of a wider agreement in and-forget upgrade to the previous generation
which the US would develop the AIM-120 AMRAAM Sparrow missiles. When an AMRAAM missile is being
for medium-range use, while the ASRAAM would launched, NATO pilots use the brevity code Fox
replace the Sidewinder with a design that would cover Three.
the great range disparity between Sidewinder and
AMRAAM. Germany left the programme after AMRAAM has an all-weather, beyond-visual-range
examining the latest Soviet designs of the 1980s, (BVR) capability. It improves the aerial combat
deciding that a missile with far greater short-range capabilities of US and allied aircraft to meet the threat
maneuverability was more important than range. The of enemy air-to-air weapons as they existed in 1991.
British proceeded on their own, and the missile was AMRAAM serves as a follow-on to the AIM-7 Sparrow
introduced into RAF service in 1998. It has since been missile series. The new missile is faster, smaller, and
selected to replace Sidewinder in the Royal Australian lighter, and has improved capabilities against low-
Air Force and is being introduced to the Indian Air altitude targets. It also incorporates a datalink to guide
Force. Parts of the missile have been used in the the missile to a point where its active radar turns on
Common Anti-aircraft Modular Missile. and makes terminal intercept of the target. An inertial
reference unit and micro-computer system makes the
Whereas IRIS-T and AIM-9X concentrate on short- missile less dependent upon the fire-control system of
range maneuverability, like the SRAAM and Agile the aircraft.
before them, ASRAAM represents a different design
philosophy. ASRAAM is intended to detect and launch Once the missile closes in on the target, its active
against targets at much longer ranges, as far as early radar guides it to intercept. This feature, known as
versions of the AMRAAM, in order to shoot down the "fire-and-forget", frees the aircrew from the need to
enemy long before it closes enough to be able to fire further provide guidance, enabling the aircrew to aim
its own weapons. In this respect the ASRAAM shares and fire several missiles simultaneously at multiple
more in common with the AMRAAM than other IR targets and perform evasive maneuvers while the
missiles, although it retains high maneuverability. To missiles guide themselves to the targets.
provide the needed power, the ASRAAM is built on a
6½ inch diameter rocket motor compared with The missile also features the ability to "Home on
Sidewinder's (AIM-9M and X) and IRIS-T's 5 inch Jamming," giving it the ability to switch over from
motors (which trace their history to the 1950s active radar homing to passive homing – homing on
unguided Zuni rocket). This gives the ASRAAM jamming signals from the target aircraft. Software on
significantly more thrust and therefore increased board the missile allows it to detect if it is being
speed and range up to 50 km. jammed, and guide on its target using the proper
guidance system.
The main improvement, which was also made on the
latest version of the AIM-9 Sidewinder, is a new Guidance system overview
128×128 resolution imaging infrared focal plane array
(FPA) seeker manufactured by Hughes before they Interception course stage:
were acquired by Raytheon. This seeker has a long AMRAAM uses two-stage guidance when fired at long
acquisition range, high countermeasures resistance, range. The aircraft passes data to the missile just
approximately 90 degrees off-boresight lock-on before launch, giving it information about the location
capability, and the possibility to designate specific of the target aircraft from the launch point and its
parts of the targeted aircraft (like cockpit, engines, direction and speed. The missile uses this information
etc.). The ASRAAM also has a LOAL (Lock-On After to fly on an interception course to the target using its
Launch) ability which is a distinct advantage when the built-in inertial navigation system (INS). This
missile is carried in an internal bay such as in the F-35 information is generally obtained using the launching
Lightning II. The ASRAAM warhead is triggered either aircraft's radar, although it could come from an Infra-
by laser proximity fuse or impact. A laser proximity red search and track system, from a data link from
fuse was selected because RF fuses are vulnerable to another fighter aircraft, or from an AWACS aircraft.
EW intervention from enemy jammers.
After launch, if the firing aircraft or surrogate continues
to track the target, periodic updates—such as the Czech air force would soon reach IOC as well.
changes in the target's direction and speed—are sent According to MBDA, Meteor has three to six times the
from the launch aircraft to the missile, allowing the kinematic performance of current air-air missiles of its
missile to adjust its course, via actuation of the rear type. The key to Meteor's performance is a
fins, so that it is able to close to a self-homing throttleable ducted rocket (ramjet) manufactured by
distance where it will be close enough to "catch" the Bayern-Chemie of Germany.
target aircraft in the basket (the missile's radar field of
view in which it will be able to lock onto the target Description
aircraft, unassisted by the launch aircraft).
Not all armed services using the AMRAAM have Terminal guidance is provided by an active radar
elected to purchase the mid-course update option, homing seeker which is a joint development (June
which limits AMRAAM's effectiveness in some 2003) between MBDA's Seeker Division and Thales
scenarios. The RAF initially opted not to use mid- Airborne Systems and builds on their co-operation on
course update for its Tornado F3 force, only to the AD4A (Active Anti-Air Seeker) family of seekers
discover that without it, testing proved the AMRAAM that equip the MICA and ASTER missiles. Thales
was less effective in beyond visual range (BVR) produces four sub-assemblies representing
engagements than the older semi-active radar homing approximately 35% of the seeker.
BAE Skyflash weapon—the AIM-120's own radar is
necessarily of limited range and power compared to Forebody:
that of the launch aircraft. Immediately after the seeker, the missile forebody
which is designed and manufactured by Indra
Terminal stage and impact: Sistemas, contains the inertial measurement system
Once the missile closes to self-homing distance, it (IMS), provided by Litef, a German subsidiary of
turns on its active radar seeker and searches for the Northrop Grumman. The active radar proximity fuze
target aircraft. If the target is in or near the expected subsystem (PFS) is provided by Saab Bofors
location, the missile will find it and guide itself to the Dynamics (SBD). The PFS detects the target and
target from this point. If the missile is fired at short calculates the optimum time to detonate the warhead
range, within visual range (WVR) or the near BVR, it in order to achieve the maximum lethal effect.The
can use its active seeker just after launch, making the PFS has four antennae, arranged symmetrically
missile truly "fire and forget". around the forebody. The Impact Sensor is fitted
inside the PFS. Behind the PFS is a section
Boresight mode: containing thermal batteries, provided by ASB, the AC
Apart from the slave mode, there is a free guidance Power Supply Unit, and the Power and Signal
mode, called boresight. This mode is radar guidance- Distribution Unit.
free, the missile just fires and locks the first thing it
sees. This mode can be used for defensive shot, i.e. Warhead:
when the enemy has numerical superiority. The blast-fragmentation warhead is produced by TDW
of Germany. The warhead is a structural component of
the missile. A Telemetry and Break-Up System
METEOR (TBUS) replaces the warhead on trials missiles.
Meteor is an active radar guided beyond-visual-range
air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) being developed by Propulsion:
MBDA. Meteor will offer a multi-shot capability against The propulsion sub-system (PSS) is a Throttleable
long range manoeuvring targets in a heavy electronic Ducted Rocket (TDR) with an integrated nozzleless
countermeasures (ECM) environment with range in booster, designed and manufactured by Bayern-
excess of 100 kilometres (62 mi). Chemie. TDR propulsion provides a long range, a
high average speed, a wide operational envelope from
It is intended to equip the Eurofighter Typhoons of the sea level to high altitude, a flexible mission envelope
United Kingdom Royal Air Force (RAF) and the Royal via active variable thrust control, relatively simple
Saudi Air Force, Germany's Luftwaffe, Spain's Ejército design, and logistics similar to those of conventional
del Aire, Italian Air Force, British and Italian F-35s, solid-fuel rocket motors.
Dassault Rafale of French Armée de l'air, Saab JAS
39 Gripen of the Swedish Air Force, Czech Air Force, The PSS consists of four main components: a
Dassault Rafale of the Indian Air Force,Egyptian Air ramcombustor with integrated nozzleless booster; the
Force and Qatar Air Force. air intakes; the interstage; and the sustain gas
generator. The PSS forms a structural component of
It entered service in the Swedish air force in April the missile, the gas generator and ramcombustor
2016, with the SwAF as the first operator of the having steel cases. The propulsion control unit
missile due to most testing having been done on the electronics are mounted in the port intake fairing,
JAS-39. It officially achieved initial operating capability ahead of the fin actuation subsystem.
(IOC) with Swedish air force Gripens in July 2016, and
it was announced at the Farnborough Air Show that The solid propellant nozzleless booster is integrated
within the ramcombustor and accelerates the missile intake fairing, ahead of the FAS. The antenna is
to a velocity where the TDR can take over. The mounted in the rear of the fairing.
reduced smoke propellant complies with STANAG
6016. On 19 November 1996 Bayern-Chemie completed the
latest in a series of tests designed to assess the
The air intakes and the port covers which seal the attenuation of signals by the boron rich exhaust plume
intake diffusors from the ramcombustor remain closed of the TDR, a concern highlighted by opponents of
during the boost phase. The intakes are manufactured this form of ramjet propulsion. Tests were conducted
from titanium. The interstage is mounted between the with signals transmitted through the plume at various
GG and the ramcombustor and contains the Motor angles. The initial results suggested that the
Safety Ignition Unit (MSIU), the booster igniter, and attenuation was much less than expected.
the gas generator control valve. The gas generator is
ignited by the hot gases from the booster combustion With Eurofighter and Gripen, it is a two-way datalink,
which flow through the open control valve. The gas which will be able to transmit missile information such
generator contains an oxygen deficient composite as functional and kinematic status, information on
solid propellant which produces a hot, fuel-rich gas multiple targets, and notification of target acquisition
which auto-ignites in the air which has been by the seeker.
decelerated and compressed by the intakes. The high
energy boron-loaded propellant provides a roughly Rafale
threefold increase in specific impulse compared to It is different with Rafale, which is fitted with a one-
conventional solid rocket motors. When it enters way link originally designed for use with its MICA
service it will yield a no-escape zone more than three missiles.
times greater than that of the current AIM-120
AMRAAM (AIM-120B) used by Eurofighter Typhoon- Mid-course guidance is provided by the fighter
equipped airforces. (though not necessarily the one that launched the
missile) until the active seeker acquires the target; the
Thrust is controlled by a valve which varies the throat missile then becomes autonomous for the terminal
area of the gas generator nozzle. Reducing the throat engagement phase.
area increases the pressure in the gas generator Alternatively, the Meteor can be fired without using
which increases the propellant burn rate, increasing mid-course update, hampering its chances to find a
the fuel mass flow into the ramcombustor. The mass target, but allowing the Rafale to immediately turn
flow can be varied continuously over a ratio greater away (similar to "Fire and forget" AASM, MICA or
than 10:1. Exocet missile types). This makes it kinematically less
likely that the engaged aircraft can hit the Rafale
The Meteor PSS will be able to cope with high fighter with a missile of comparable capabilities unless
incidence and limited sideslip angles during the Meteor missile was launched at much shorter
manoeuvres but not negative incidences or large range than its engagement range limit.
amounts of sideslip.
The missile trajectory is controlled aerodynamically GBU-10 PAVEWAY II
using four rear-mounted fins. Meteor's control American Paveway-series laser-guided bomb, based
principles are intended to allow high turn rates while on the Mk 84 general-purpose bomb, but with laser
maintaining intake and propulsion performance. seeker and wings for guidance. Introduced into
service c. 1976. Used by USAF, US Navy, US Marine
The fin actuation subsystem (FAS) was originally Corps, Royal Australian Air Force and various NATO
designed and manufactured by the Claverham Group air forces.
(formerly Fairey Hydraulics Limited) a Somerset, UK,
based division of the U.S. company Hamilton The GBU-10 has been built in more than a half-dozen
Sundstrand. Currently the design has been taken variants with different wing and fuse combinations.
onboard by the MBDA UK, at Stevenage. The FAS is Weight depends on the specific configuration, ranging
mounted at the rear of the intake fairings. The design from 2,055 lb (934 kg) to 2,103 lb (956 kg).
of the FAS is complicated by the linkages required
between the actuators, which are located in the intake GBU-10 bombs (along with the balance of the
fairings, and the body-mounted fins. Paveway series) are produced by defense contractors
Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Raytheon began
Datalink: production after purchasing the product line from
Meteor will be 'network-enabled'. A datalink will allow Texas Instruments. Lockheed Martin was awarded a
the launch aircraft to provide mid-course target contract to compete with Raytheon when there was a
updates or retargeting if required, including data from break in production caused by transferring
offboard third parties. manufacturing out of Texas.

The datalink electronics are mounted in the starboard Raytheon production of the Paveway II is centered in
Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico. Lockheed Martin (94.49 metres) for 99 unguided bombs dropped under
production is centered in Pennsylvania. similar conditions.

Laser-guided bombs are often labeled as "smart Paveway II laser-guided bombs use what is known as
bombs", despite requiring external input in the form of "bang bang" guidance. This means the bomb's fins
laser designation of the intended target. According to deflect fully, rather than proportionally when it is
Raytheon's fact sheet for the Paveway 2, 99 deliveries attempting to guide to the laser spot. For example, if it
of guided munitions will yield a circular error probable sees the laser spot and determines that it should
(CEP) of only 3.6 feet (1.1 m), compared to a CEP of make a change it deflects its fins until it has over-
310 feet (94 m) for 99 unguided bombs dropped under corrected and then it deflects back the opposite
similar conditions. direction, creating a sinusoidal type of flight path. This
type of guidance may be less efficient at times.
Both Lockheed Martin and Raytheon have developed
GPS-guided versions of the GBU-10. Lockheed Martin JDAM
calls its version the DMLGB (Dual-Mode LGB)
GPS/INS, and the U.S. Navy issued Lockheed Martin NOTE: while planned for integration with the
a contract in 2005 for further development of the Eurofighter Typhoon, the JDAM is not currently
weapon system. The GPS/INS-equipped version of employed on this aicraft in real life.
the GBU-10 produced by Raytheon is the GBU-50/B,
also informally also known as the EGBU-10 The Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) is a guidance
(GPS/INS-enabled LGBs are frequently referred to as kit that converts unguided bombs, or "dumb bombs",
Enhanced GBUs or EGBUs). So far, Raytheon-built into all-weather "smart" munitions. JDAM-equipped
Paveway II EGBUs have only been produced for bombs are guided by an integrated inertial guidance
export, and have been used in combat by the British system coupled to a Global Positioning System (GPS)
Royal Air Force over Afghanistan and Iraq. receiver, giving them a published range of up to 15
nautical miles (28 km). JDAM-equipped bombs range
GBU-12 PAVEWAY II from 500 pounds (227 kg) to 2,000 pounds (907 kg).
The GBU-12 Paveway II is an American aerial laser- When installed on a bomb, the JDAM kit is given a
guided bomb, based on the Mk 82 500-pound GBU (Guided Bomb Unit) nomenclature, superseding
general-purpose bomb, but with the addition of a the Mark 80 or BLU (Bomb, Live Unit) nomenclature
nose-mounted laser seeker and fins for guidance. A of the bomb to which it is attached.
member of the Paveway series of weapons, Paveway
II entered into service c. 1976. It is currently in service The JDAM is not a stand-alone weapon; rather it is a
with the Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Saudi Air "bolt-on" guidance package that converts unguided
Force, U.S. Air Force, US Navy, US Marine Corps, gravity bombs into Precision-Guided Munitions, or
Royal Canadian Air Force, Colombian Air Force, PGMs. The key components of the system consist of
Swedish Air Force, and various NATO air forces. a tail section with aerodynamic control surfaces, a
(body) strake kit, and a combined inertial guidance
GBU-12 bombs (along with the balance of the system and GPS guidance control unit.
Paveway series) are produced by defense contractors
Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Raytheon began The JDAM was meant to improve upon laser-guided
production after purchasing the product line from bomb and imaging infrared technology, which can be
Texas Instruments. Lockheed Martin was awarded a hindered by bad ground and weather conditions.
contract to compete with Raytheon when there was a Laser seekers are now being fitted to some JDAMs.
break in production caused by transferring
manufacturing out of Texas. "Paveway II" refers From 1998 to November 2016, Boeing completed
specifically to the guidance kit, rather than to the over 300,000 JDAM guidance kits, and is now building
weapon itself. See also GBU-16 Paveway II, where them at a rate of over 130 kits per day.
the same guidance unit is fitted to a Mk 83 1,000-lb
bomb. Guidance is facilitated through a tail control system
and a GPS-aided inertial navigation system (INS). The
The US Department of Defense has upgraded GBU- navigation system is initialized by transfer alignment
12 production versions to include GPS guidance from the aircraft that provides position and velocity
modes. Lockheed Martin is the sole source for US vectors from the aircraft systems. Once released from
Navy purchases of this version. Raytheon sells the aircraft, the JDAM autonomously navigates to the
upgraded GBU-12s to the US Government and other designated target coordinates. Target coordinates can
nations. Laser-guided bombs are often labeled "smart be loaded into the aircraft before takeoff, manually
bombs" because they are able to follow a non-ballistic altered by the aircrew in flight prior to weapon release,
trajectory when laser designation of the intended or entered by a datalink from onboard targeting
target is undertaken. According to Raytheon's fact equipment, such as the LITENING II or "Sniper"
sheet for the Paveway 2, 99 deliveries of guided targeting pods. In its most accurate mode, the JDAM
munitions will yield a circular error probable (CEP) of system will provide a minimum weapon accuracy CEP
only 3.6 feet (1.1 metres), versus a CEP of 310 feet of five meters or less when a GPS signal is available.
If the GPS signal is jammed or lost, the JDAM can still aircraft). GPS also provides an accurate time source
achieve a 30-meter CEP or less for free flight times up common to all systems; this allows multiple weapons
to 100 seconds. to loiter and impact targets at preplanned times and
The introduction of GPS guidance to weapons brought In recognition of these advantages, most weapons
several improvements to air-to-ground warfare. The including the Paveway, GBU-15, and the AGM-130
first is a real all-weather capability since GPS is not have been upgraded with a GPS capability. This
affected by rain, clouds, fog, smoke, or man-made enhancement combines the flexibility of GPS with the
obscurants. Previous precision guided weapons relied superior accuracy of seeker guidance.
on seekers using infrared, visual light, or a reflected
laser spot to “see” the ground target. These seekers AGM-88 HARM
were not effective when the target was obscured by
fog and low altitude clouds and rain (as encountered NOTE: while planned for integration with the
in Kosovo), or by dust and smoke (as encountered in Eurofighter Typhoon, the JDAM is not currently
Desert Storm). employed on this aicraft in real life.
The second advantage is an expanded launch
acceptance region (LAR). The LAR defines the region The AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile
that the aircraft must be within to launch the weapon (HARM) is a tactical, air-to-surface missile designed to
and hit the target. Non-GPS based precision guided home in on electronic transmissions coming from
weapons using seekers to guide to the target have surface-to-air radar systems. It was originally
significant restrictions on the launch envelope due to developed by Texas Instruments as a replacement for
the seeker field of view. Some of these systems (such the AGM-45 Shrike and AGM-78 Standard ARM
as the Paveway I, II, and III) must be launched so that system. Production was later taken over by Raytheon
the target remains in the seeker field of view Corporation when it purchased the defense production
throughout the weapon trajectory (or for lock-on-after- business of Texas Instruments.
launch engagements, the weapon must be launched
so that the target is in the field of view during the The HARM missile was approved for full production in
terminal flight). This requires the aircraft to fly March 1983, obtained initial operating capability (IOC)
generally straight at the target when launching the on the A-7E Corsair II in late 1983 and then deployed
weapon. This restriction is eased in some other in late 1985 with VA-46 aboard the aircraft carrier USS
systems (such as the GBU-15 and the AGM-130) America. In 1986 the first successful firing of the
through the ability of a Weapon System Operator HARM from an EA-6B was performed by VAQ-131. It
(WSO) in the aircraft to manually steer the weapon to was soon used in combat—in March 1986 against a
the target. Using a WSO requires a data link between Libyan SA-5 site in the Gulf of Sidra, and then
the weapon and the controlling aircraft and requires Operation Eldorado Canyon in April. HARM was used
the controlling aircraft to remain in the area (and extensively by the United States Navy and the United
possibly vulnerable to defensive fire) as long as the States Air Force for Operation Desert Storm during
weapon is under manual control. Since GPS-based the Gulf War of 1991.
flight control systems know the weapon's current
location and the target location, these weapons can During the Gulf War, the HARM was involved in a
autonomously adjust the trajectory to hit the target. friendly fire incident when the pilot of an F-4G Wild
This allows the launch aircraft to release the weapon Weasel escorting a B-52 bomber mistook the latter's
at very large off-axis angles including releasing tail gun radar for an Iraqi AAA site. (This was after the
weapons to attack targets behind the aircraft. tail gunner of the B-52 had targeted the F-4G,
mistaking it for an Iraqi MiG.) The F-4 pilot launched
The third advantage is a true “fire-and-forget” the missile and then saw that the target was the B-52,
capability in which the weapon does not require any which was hit. It survived with shrapnel damage to the
support after being launched. This allows the tail and no casualties. The B-52 was subsequently
launching aircraft to leave the target area and proceed renamed In HARM's Way.
to its next mission immediately after launching the
GPS guided weapon. "Magnum" is spoken over the radio to announce the
Another important capability provided by GPS-based launch of an AGM-88. During the Gulf War, if an
guidance is the ability to completely tailor a flight aircraft was illuminated by enemy radar a bogus
trajectory to meet criteria other than simply hitting a "Magnum" call on the radio was often enough to
target. Weapon trajectories can be controlled so that a convince the operators to power down. This technique
target can be impacted at precise headings and would also be employed in Serbia during air
vertical angles. This provides the ability to impact operations in 1999.
perpendicular to a target surface and minimize the
angle of attack (maximizing penetration), detonate the BRIMSTONE
warhead at the optimum angle to maximize the
warhead effectiveness, or have the weapon fly into NOTE: This weapon is not currently functional in
the target area from a different heading than the the simulation. It will generate additional load and
launch aircraft (decreasing the risk of detection of the drag but cannot be released, and it will not
generate fire control system information. observable air-launched cruise missile, manufactured
by MBDA. Storm Shadow is the British name for the
Brimstone is an air-launched ground attack missile weapon; in French service it is called SCALP EG
developed by MBDA for Britain's Royal Air Force. It (Système de Croisière Autonome à Longue Portée –
was originally intended for "fire-and-forget" use Emploi Général, meaning General Purpose Long
against mass formations of enemy armour, using a Range Standoff Cruise Missile). The missile is based
millimetric wave (mmW) active radar homing seeker to on the earlier MBDA Apache anti-runway missile, and
ensure accuracy even against moving targets. differs in that it carries a warhead, rather than
Experience in Afghanistan led to the addition of laser submunitions.
guidance in the dual-mode Brimstone missile, allowing
a "spotter" to pick out specific targets when friendly The missile has a range of approximately 560 km (300
forces or civilians were in the area. The tandem nautical miles), is powered by a turbojet at Mach 0.8
shaped charge warhead is much more effective and can be carried also by the RAF Tornado GR4,
against modern tanks than older similar weapons Italian Tornado IDS, Saab Gripen, Dassault Mirage
such as the AGM-65G Maverick, while the small blast 2000 and Dassault Rafale aircraft.
area minimises collateral damage. Three Brimstones
are carried on a launcher that occupies a single The BROACH warhead features an initial penetrating
weapon station, allowing a single aircraft to carry charge to clear soil or enter a bunker, then a variable
many missiles. delay fuze to control detonation of the main warhead.
The missile weighs about 1,300 kilograms (2,866 lb),
After a protracted development programme, single- has a maximum body diameter of 48 centimetres (1.6
mode or "millimetric" Brimstone entered service with ft) and a wingspan of 3 metres (9.8 ft). Intended
RAF Tornado aircraft in 2005, and the dual-mode targets are command, control and communications;
variant in 2008. The latter has been extensively used airfields; ports and power stations; AMS/ammunition
in Afghanistan and Libya. An improved Brimstone 2 storage; surface ships and submarines in port; bridges
was expected to enter service in October 2012, but and other high value strategic targets.
problems with the new warhead from TDW and the
ROXEL rocket motor put back the planned date to It is a fire and forget missile, programmed before
November 2015. MBDA is working on the targeting of launch. Once launched, the missile cannot be
swarms of small boats under the name Sea Spear. controlled, its target information changed or be self-
The RAF intend to fit Brimstone to their Eurofighter destructed. Mission planners programme the missile
Typhoons, and planned to integrate it with their with the target air defences and target. The missile
Harriers until the latter were withdrawn from service in follows a path semi-autonomously, on a low flight path
2011. MBDA is studying the use of Brimstone on guided by GPS and terrain mapping to the target area.
ships, attack helicopters, UAVs, and from surface Close to the target, the missile climbs and then bunts
launchers. However, it will not be integrated on the into a dive. Climbing to altitude is intended to achieve
Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II.The United States, the best probability of target identification and
France and India have expressed interest in buying penetration. During the bunt, the nose cone is
Brimstone for their aircraft, but Saudi Arabia is the jettisoned to allow a high resolution thermographic
only export customer as of 2015. The cost per missile camera (Infrared homing) to observe the target area.
has been quoted as £175,000 ($263,000) each in The missile then tries to locate its target based upon
2015, or 'over £100,000'. its targeting information (DSMAC). If it can not, and
there is a high risk of collateral damage, it will fly to a
In November 2016, the German Air Force announced crash point instead of risking inaccuracy.
as part of a closer cooperation between Germany and
the U.K. to procure Brimstone 2 dual mode missiles Recent enhancements include the capability to relay
for their fleet of Eurofighter aircraft from 2019 on. target information just before impact, utilisation of one-
Germany decided against an own development as the way (link back) data link, to relay battle damage
Brimstone 2 missile already meets 90% of the assessment information back to the host aircraft. This
demanded requirements. upgrade is already under development under a
French DGA contract. Another feature planned for
STORM SHADOW insertion into the weapon is in-flight retargeting
capability, utilising a two-way data link. Storm Shadow
NOTE: This weapon is not currently functional in will be refurbished under the Selective Precision
the simulation. It will generate additional load and Effects At Range 4 (SPEAR 4) missile project.
drag but cannot be released, and it will not
generate fire control system information.

Storm Shadow is a British, French and Italian low-

The stores configurator can be brought on the screen (or removed from it) by pressing SHIFT+4 – in order
for the configurator to work, a working copy of Vertical Reality Simulation Tacpack must be installed
(otherwise a warning message will be displayed).
This menu allows the user to load/remove any of the available stores from each station by clicking on the
proper spot in the configuration matrix, or select one of the preset configurations.
This menu also includes fuel management options.
Stores configuration can also be changed through the RMHDD, if the aicraft is stationary on the ground.
The CNFG REJT button will cycle through the configuration presets, while the CNFG ACPT button will
confirm the selected configuration (NOTE: the configuration will be automatically accepted if the aicraft starts
to move).
SELECTION – Selects Air to Surface Master Mode
"Enter" – DESIGNATE TARGET – In A/A Master
NOTE – Armament Control System (ACS) Mode, if radar is active, designate the higherst
Operation is implemented through Vertical Reality priority radar track as "Lock And Steer" A/A
Simulations Tacpack. A valid copy of VRS Tacpack target; subsequent keypresses will cycle through
must be installed for the armament control system the current Radar Tracks.
to work as intended.
NOTE – "Trigger" and "Pickle" functions must be The Master Armament Safety Switch (MASS) is
assigned in the Tacpack configuration manager located on the right console. It has three positions:
NOTE – The following key shortcuts are assigned
to ACS operation: The ARM position is the only the allows the release of
any of the weapons. If the switch is in the SAFE or
"Control+A" – LATE ARM SAFE SWITCH – Toggles STANDBY positions, the consent to fire weapons is
LATE ARM SAFE safety protection denied by the the ACS. A voice warning is played if
the MASS is not in the ARM position before takeoff.
"Control+Shift+A" – MASS SWITCH – Cycles
MASS Switch status between: OFF – STANDBY – The MASS Switch can be operated in the virtual
LIVE cockpit or with the CONTROL+SHIFT+A keyboard
"Control+U" – UNCAGE TARGET – Deselect
current target and resets weapon seeker to NOTE: In order to release a weapon or fire the
boresight gun, it is not sufficient that the MASS switch is set
to ARM, but it is also necessary that the LATE
"Control+J" – SELECTIVE JETTISON INITIATE – ARM SAFE switch is on the ARMED position.
Jettison currently selected store
"Control+Shift+J" – EXTERNAL STORES The Late Arm safety interlock, Air to Surface (A/S)
JETTISON INITIATE – Jettison all external stores weapon release and Air to Air (A/A) weapon selection
and release are carried out via the ACS Stick Top
"Shift+C" – BOMB RELEASE MODE – Cycles Controls.
through available A/S ordnance release modes: Using HOTAS controls allows rapid weapons selection
CCIP / AUTO / MAN and firing or release. The ACS Stick Top Controls
have the following functions
"W" – WEAPON SELECTION – Cycles through
available weapons within the current Master Mode Late Arm Switch:
The LA is a two position (SAFE/ARMED) slider type
"Shift+W" – STATION STEPPING – Selects another switch. In the SAFE position, the LA prevents
pylon with the same store as the one currently mechanical selection of the trigger and the weapon
selected. commit/release button. It also provides an electrical
interface with the ESCAC which prevents 28V DC2
"Shift+Control+1" – A/A GUN SELECTION – Power for weapon arming, fuzing and release.
Selects A/A Mode and Gun – Radar acquisition is The Late Arm Switch can be operated in the sim by
set to GACQ pressing CONTROL+A or by clicking on the switch in
the Virtual Cockpit.
"Shift+Control+2" – SRAAM SELECTION – Selects
A/A Mode and the first available SRAAM missile – Weapons Release/Commit Button:
Radar acquisition is set to WACQ The Weapon Commit/Release Button control is used
to release the selected A/S weapon (commit) or when
"Shift+Control+3" – MRAAM SELECTION – Selects attacking an A/S target of opportunity (release).
A/A Mode and the first available MRAAM missile – The Release/Commit Button is operated in the
Radar acquisition is set to WACQ simulation through the Tacpack PICKLE function

"Shift+Control+4" – GBU-10 SELECTION – Selects 2 Position Trigger:

A/S Mode and first available GBU-10 bomb. Note: Squeezing the trigger to the first detent activates the
if no GBU-10 bomb is available, the first available Video/Voice Recorder (VVR). Squeezing it to the
A/S ordinance is selected. second detent fires the selected weapon if an A/A
missile or the gun is selected. The second detent can
"Shift+Control+6" – A/A MASTER MODE only be reached if the Late Arm switch is in the Armed
SELECTION – Selects Air to Air Master Mode
position. implemented in the simulation.
The 2-position Trigger is operated in the simulation
though the Tacpack PICKLE function. Note that in the MANUAL DATA ENTRY FACILITY
simulation the VVR button position is not functional. The Manual Data Entry Facility (MDEF) A/S
The Trigger button is also used to designate TOO with subsystem provides the main cockpit control for the
the Helmet Mounted Display System. management of A/S weapons. In many cases
selections are made automatically and the MDEF A/S
Air to Air Weapon Selector subsystem page displays the options currently being
The A/A Weapon Selector has three positions: used, while immediate access is available to amend
• Gun various parameters or modes.
• Short-range Air-to-Air Missiles Using the MDEF A/S subsystem it is possible to:
• Medium-range Air-to-Air Missiles
• Select one A/S weapon for release
The Air to Air Weapon selector can be operated in the • Select the A/S gun mode
simulation by either clicking on it in the vitual cockpit, • Select Pre-Planned (PP) Target mode or
or by using the relevant key shortcut of the function Target Of Opportunity (TOO) mode
requested: control+shift+1 selects the A-A gun, • Select the A/S weapon release method
control+shift+2 selects the first available SRAAM, (CCIP/AUTO/MANUAL)
while control+shift+3 selects the first available • Enter the coordinates of the PP Target
MRAAM or by pressing W to cycle through the • Control the Laser Designation Pod and
available weapons for the selected PoF. change its codes


SRAAM Reject: The SRAAM Reject Button, located
on the left throttle top, allows the currently selected Once a weapon has been selected, it is possible to
ASRAAM to be rejected if the pilot considers that the de-select it by one of the following methods:
audio tone from the missile is unsatisfactory. When an
ASRAAM is rejected the weapons system selects the • Manual selection of a Phase of Flight
next available ASRAAM in a predefined sequence. • Select another weapon
• Lowering the landing gear
The SRAAM Reject button is not currently

MASS Switch location – The MASS switch can be operated in the virtual cockpit by clicking on it.
ACS Stick top controls – Air to Air Weapon Selector and Lat Arm Switch can be operated by clicking on them
in the VC. Clicking on the stick body will make the stick disappear to allow for an easier access to the center
MHDD buttons and to the PoF buttons. In order to make the stick appear again, the user must click on the
circle spots (pedestal bolts).
WARNING EQUIPMENT and theyare presented on the DWP but do not trigger
any other part of the warnings system.
The Communication and Audio Management Unit CATASTROPHIC WARNINGS
(CAMU) provides and controls the communications. If A catastrophic failure is an event whichmakes it
a failure occurs, the relevant system sends a warning impossible for the aircraft to continue safe flight and
to the master Computer Symbol Generator (CSG), handling.
where it is categorized and prioritized. The CSG Immediate pilot action is advised which, under some
outputs the warnings to the Dedicated Warning Panel circumstances, may be immediate ejection.
(DWP) and triggers the attention getters. It also
activates the CAMU to output the necessary CATEGORY 1 WARNINGS
attensons and voice warnings. A category 1 warning is of a procedural nature and
warns of a hazardous situation that requires
Voice warnings can be suspended by selecting the Upon receipt of a category 1 warning, the attention
Voice Warning Suspend (VWS) position on the getters flash and the voice warning message is heard.
communications control, located on the right throttle Pressing one of the attention getters acknowledges
top. the warning; the attention getters stop flashing.
When the VWS position is selected and released, the
voice warning and all voice warnings of equal or lower CATEGORY 2 WARNINGS
priority are suspended for a period of 15 seconds. A category 2 warning is related to aircraft systems and
However, if the VWS position is selected and held for warns of a primary failure that requires immediate
> 15 seconds, all voice warnings are suspended for action. Upon receipt of a category 2 warning, the
the duration of the switch press. During VWS, attention getters and the related DWP red caption
warnings of higher priority than the current warning flash, and an attenson is heard, which is followed by a
are unaffected by VWS suspension. voice warning message. By pressing one of the
attention getters, the attention getters stop flashing.
Under normal operating conditions, all on-aircraft A category 3 warning is also related to aircraft
systems are automatically monitored for failures. systems and warns of a primary failure that requires
Failures that directly affect aircraft operation or require attention.
pilot compensation or corrective action are presented Upon receipt of a category 3 warning, the attention
to the pilot through the warning system. Failures that getters and the related DWP amber caption flash, and
do not directly affect aircraft operation are not a voice warning message is heard. By pressing one of
presented to the pilot, but are recorded through the the attention getters, the attention getters stop
Integrated Monitoring and Recording System (IMRS) flashing and the flashing DWP amber caption
for subsequent investigation and fault analysis. becomes steady.
The warnings system prioritizes all existing warnings
and presents them in an organized and consistent CATEGORY 4 WARNINGS
manner. A category 4 warning is procedural only and provides
The warnings are presented by some, or all of the advice or information of a procedural nature.
following devices: flashing attention getters, a caption Upon receipt of a category 4 warning, a voice warning
on the Dedicated Warnings Panel (DWP), an attention message is played twice and then stops. It can also
getting sound (attenson) and a voice warning be stopped by pressing one of the attention getters
message. (even though they are not flashing and not active for
The aural components of the warning are generated this category of warning). If it is the first play of the
by the Communications and Audio Management voice message, it is allowed to play in full, and then
System (CAMU). ceases.
All warnings are either related to aircraft systems or
are of a procedural nature and are assigned a
category according to the POF, and are also DEDICATED WARNING PANEL
prioritized within each category. The categories are The Dedicated Warnings Panel (DWP),s situated on
Catastrophic, 1, 2, 3 and 4 in descending order of the right quarter panel. It consists of a reconfigurable,
priority. Warnings occurring simultaneously will be dot matrix type display.
presented sequentially according to their category and The bottom row of three is reserved for captions
prioritization. related to catastrophic warnings; two are currently
During start-up/shutdown, warnings are suppressed to defined.
prevent an array of warnings due to inactive Captions are presented either red or amber
equipment or systems. depending on the classification, category 2 or 3
Warnings generated as a consequence of a primary respectively. When a warning has been
fault condition are referred to as secondary warnings acknowledged, the caption remains visible until the
warning situation clears.
The captions are presented in the order of priority, Double hydraulic system failure Double hyd fail HYD
from the top to the bottom of the display. Captions TOT
associated with systems on the left of the aircraft are Any one of a small number of FCS related problems
displayed on the left of the display; similarly on the which
right. would degrade handling
Reversionary envelope REV ENV
The warning panel mode push-button/indicator is In the reversionary mode the DWP shows a limited
available for selection at all times under normal number of warnings. The captions are in the same
circumstances. Selection is indicated by illumination of positions on the DWP each time they are shown.
the status bars on the REV push-button. Upon
selection the DWP enters a reversionary "get-u-home" CATEGORY 1 WARNINGS
mode of operation. Category 1 warnings are the next highest priority of
warning and are indicated by the attention getters and
After a manual selection of the reversionary mode, a voice warning message. The message informs the
further selection of the push-button causes the panel pilot of the condition or the immediate action to be
to revert back to the normal mode of operation. Upon taken.
successful deselection, the status bars go out.
WARNING PANEL PAGING Category 2 warnings are the next highest priority and
PUSH-BUTTON/INDICATOR are indicated by an attenson, attention getters, a voice
The warning panel paging push-button/indicator, message and a red DWP caption. The voice warning
enables the pilot to scroll through two pages of message follows the attenson and informs the pilot of
warnings (if a second is present). the condition. The voice message continues until the
acknowledged by pressing the attention getter.
The aircraft warning system provides both visual and CATEGORY 3 WARNINGS
audio warnings. The visual warnings are presented Category 3 warnings are the next highest priority of
via the attention getters and the Dedicated Warnings warning. The warning starts with attention getters, a
Panel (DWP). The audio warnings are presented voice message and an amber caption. The voice
using attention getting sounds (attenson) and voice message continues until an attention getter is pushed.
warning messages.
VISUAL WARNINGS Category 4 warnings have the lowest priority and have
Two flashing red attention getters, located on the left a voice message only. The message provides the
and right glareshields, inform the pilot of a warning nature of the warning and is played twice.
By pressing one of the attention getters, the warning FIRE WARNING SYSTEM
is acknowledged and the flashing stops. Engine bay fires are detected by firewire detectors
The DWP presents a visual indication of all category 2 located in each engine bay. When a fire is detected a
and 3 warnings, and the catastrophic warnings. Upon category 2 warning is initiated.
receipt of a warning, the DWP caption will flash until The engine fire is indicated by flashing attention
acknowledged, when it will remain steady. getters, a DWP caption (L FIRE and/or R FIRE) and a
voice warning message ("Left engine fire" and/or
AUDIO WARNINGS "Right engine fire"). The ENG format also displays the
Category 1 and 4 warnings generate a voice warning caption L FIRE and/or R FIRE.
message, but not an attenson. Category 2 warnings In addition, an engine bay fire/overheat is indicated on
carry an attenson and a voice warning message. The two indicators, one for the left engine and one for the
voice warning message sounds until the warning is right engine. The indicators are located on either side
acknowledged. Category 4 warnings are sounded of the HUD Control Panel (HUDCP). If a fire is
twice and then stop automatically. detected, the caption F is illuminated on the
respective indicator.
This category of warning has the highest priority and Warning of an APU fire/overheat, category 2, is
is indicated by flashing attention getters, a dedicated indicated by flashing attention getters, the caption
caption on the DWP and a voice message that plays APU FIRE on the DWP and a voice warning message
immediately, interrupting any other audio message. ("APU fire").
Two catastrophic warnings are defined; a double
hydraulics failure and a high integrity warning. The DWP REVERSIONARY WARNINGS
causes, voice messages and In the event of a failure of the displays and/or warning
captions are shown in Table I-06-01 . systems associated data bus, or a loss of one of its
Cause Voice Message Caption two power supplies, the Dedicated Warnings Panel
(DWP) enters a reversionary GUH mode. This mode - Essential DC failure (ESS DC)
is also selected when a fault is detected within; the - Right engine fire (R FIRE)
DWP, the link between the DWP and Computer - Double AC failure (AC)
Symbol Generator (CSG), or if data from the CSG is - Low hydraulic pressure in left control circuit (L CONT
in error. The reversionary mode can also be selected P)
manually via the REV push-button indicator next to - Loss of oxygen system (OXY)
the DWP. - Low hydraulic pressure in right control circuit (R
The single page of GUH warnings displays eight CONT
category 2 warnings, in fixed positions, driven by P)
dedicated inputs. - APU fire (APU FIRE)
One category 3 GUH warning may also be displayed - Double hydraulic system failure (HYD TOT) -
which is generated internally by the DWP when it (catastrophic warning)
detects loss of valid data bus inputs. In addition, the - Any one of a small number of FCS related problems
DWP also displays any catastrophic warnings. These which could degrade handling (REV ENV) -
warnings are hardwired and can also be displayed in (catastrophic warning)
the event of a total loss of power to the DWP. The - Double CSG/CIU failure (CPT DISP) - (Category 3).
GUH warnings are listed, with captions, as follows: All GUH warnings and the associated audio
- Left engine fire (L FIRE) messages are identical to those in normal operation.

Voice Warning System (VOICE) switch location – the voice warnings are played only if this switch is set to
ON. NOTE: setting this switch to OFF will not mute the ATTENSON.
AIRCRAFT HANDLING Alternatively aerodynamic braking can be employed
on a long runway the nosewheel can be held off until
about 90 KDAS and then smoothly lowered. However
NOTE: runway view in minimal and care will be needed to
Performance data of the real Eurofighter Typhoon stay straight crosswinds.
are still classfied.
The Flight Model of this simulation has been
developed, to the best of our knowledge, on the
basis of the publicly available data. Careful
assumptions and estimations, by comparison with
simular aicrafts have been the basis for the flight

Normal take-off. Normal take-off is performed using
Max Dry thrust. Increase throttle until N1 shows 98%.
Do not increase throtle further to avoid going into

Max Power take-off. Max power is full throttle and


Use small amounts of rudder to keep straight and

rotate at 150 KDAS. Once the altimeter shows an
increase raise the landing gear.

ClIMB. Climb at 450 KDAS converting to Mach 0.9.

CRUISE. In max dry power the aircraft exceeds Mach

1.0 at altitudes above 10,000 ft in the Air Superiority


A dynamic drag system is employed in this model.
Drag increases with added stores.
Drag index (DI) is based on the Tornado since no data
is available for the Typhoon.

The Weapons Configurator has three basic set ups.

A. Air Superiority. Two AIM-9, four AIM-120, three
external fuel tanks DI=65.5
B. Interdiction Strike. Two AIM-9, two AIM-120, four
GBU-10 two external fuel and AN/AAQ-28, DI=84
C. SEAD. Two AIM-9, two AIM-120, two AGM-88, two
GBU-12, two external tanks and AN/AAQ-28, DI=82

With these loads and 95% N1 the airplane uses about

58 KG/min at low level at 450KDAS.


The approach should be flown at 12° AOA increasing

to 14° at the threshold.
12° AOA corresponds to an on-speed of 185 KDAS at
maximum weight and 153 in the Air Superiority role
with full internal fuel and weapons retained. That
reduces to 140 with 2500 KG fuel remaining.
As on-speed is approached the runway will be just
above the nose and induced drag is high so power
should be kept at about 82% to maintain that speed.
Throttles can be closed just before flare.
Full brake will give a short roll out and this can be
further reduced with the drag chute.
FLIGHT CREW CHECKLISTS 12 Taxy.....when ground crew clear

NOTE: Real world checklists have been modified
for use within the Flight Simulator X / Prepar3D 1 Battery gangbar: Forward
environments. 2 AC power: Select Ext.AC,ECS or APU START
3 Systems gangbar: As required
NOTE: Normal and emergency checklist can also 4 Landing: 3 greens
be displayed on the Right MHDD by selecting the 5 AIDS: Check PP, ENT
Checklist format (CHKL) 6 ACUE format: Check
NOTE: This Eurofighter simulation intends to 8 STOR format: Check
embrace a "COLD AND DARK" approach. Upon 9 EWTF: Set TRAIN for training sorties
aircraft loading, if the simulation starts on the 10 Avionics: As required
ground, most systems and power switches will be 11 Areas: Check clear
set to OFF. User can either operate the Virtual 12 Start option: As required
Cockpit controls to switch them on, or use the 13 Either throttle IDLE
Control + Shift + R ("READY FOR TAKEOFF") 15 Other throttle IDLE
keyboard shortcut. 16 ECS: ECS
If the aircraft is loaded in a simulation scenario 17 Systems gangbar: INT On \ RADAR On
which starts in the air, some essential avionic
systems will be automatically switched on. PRE TAXY CHECKS

NORMAL CHECKLISTS 1 Areas: Check clear

2 AMC: Perform if required
4 ACUE format: Check status
2 PARK BRK: ON 6 Groundcrew: Panel up / leak check
7 GUH: Confirm valid true heading
Ground crew applies external AC power 8 Altimeter: Check / set
9 LOW HT: Set
3 NVG (NIGHT ONLY): Batteries in, stow 10 FUEL format: Check Status
4 AEA: Don 11 HYD format: Check
5 ACUE format: Check for 12 Weapons: Check status
- PDS load errors 13 ACUE format: Confirm LINS READY
- STORES errors - NAV mode confirm
- FCS NOGO 14 Canopy: Close
6 STOR format: Check or ACCEPT and Check PRE TAKEOFF

Ground crew confirms "Cleared for APU Start" 1 Brakes: Check

2 Instruments: Check/set
7 APU: START WHEN CLEARED 3 FUEL format: Confirm no failures
8 Strap in 4 Pins: 2 stowed
5 Pins: 2 Front / 1 Rear stowed
SCRAMBLE START 6 QRB: Centralised and secure
7 Harness/visor/oxy/PSP/HEA lanyard:
1 Throttles: IDLE - Check connections and flow
2 CANOPY: Closed 8 Canopy: closed and locked
3 STOR format: Confirm accepted and valid 9 A/S/E handle: ARMED
4 FCS RSET: Press (with both engines running) 10 External lights: As required
5 Systems gangbar: INT - On 11 Takeoff emergency brief: Complete
- RADAR - On 12 Radar: Set up (if required)
6 Avionics: Confirm LGS per LUC 13 PARK BRK: ON (for 5 seconds)
- XPDR mode 2 (boxed)
- Radio 2 Guard VHF selected LINE UP
7 GUH: Confirm valid heading
8 Altimeter: Check / set 1 Jettison: Set as required
9 LOW HT: Set 2 XPDR: As required
10 Weapons: Selective jettison as required 3 VVR/DVVR: As required
- Check ASRAAM Status and cooling 4 RADAR: As required
11 HYD Format: Check 5 Weapons: De-select
6 MASS: LIVE 11 Throttles: SHUT
7 ACUE format: Check 12 LP COCKs: SHUT
8 Landing lights: As required 13 BATT: OFF
AIR TO AIR REFUELLING 15 All other switches: As required


2 External lights: As required
3 Late arm: Safe 1 After landing checks: Completed (pins out)
4 Weapons: Deselect 2 PARK BRK: ON
5 EXPD: OFF 3 FUEL format: Select/Monitor
6 Envelope: Within limits 4 PARK BRK: OFF (when requested)
8 FUEL format: Confirm no failures CAUTION:
- REFU options as required During hot refuel:
- Radio transmission in emergency only
After refuelling: - Stop refuelling if fuel leakage occurs
10 XMIT: ALL NORM After refuelling:
11 External lights: As required
5 Systems Gangbar: As required
7 PARK BRK: ON (when requested)
1 FUEL format: Contents \ balance 8 Pre Taxy Checks: Carry out as appropriate
2 Instruments: Check \ set
3 Radios: Check \ set EMERGENCY CHECKLISTS
4 Altimeter: Set
5 Late arm: Safe NOTE: Most of the emercency condition covered
6 EXPD: OFF by the emergency checklists cannot be simulated.
7 AIDS: Check / Set In those cases proper checklists are still reported
8 Landing lights: On for information and educational purposes.



1 Landing gear: Below 200 knots, DOWN -Cable engagement with nose wheel off the
- 3 greens ground may result in aircraft damage
- DDD -Do not use brakes to control roll back

AFTER LANDING 1 Aicraft mass: Reduce to min practicable

1 MASS: STBY 2 Hook: Down, switch boxed
2 Brake chute: As required 3 Harness: Locked
3 A/S/E handle: SAFE 4 Glide path: 2.5 to 3 degrees
4 XMIT: ALL SLNT 5 Approach: 14 degrees AoA
5 External lights: As required 6 Touchdown: Minimum 500ft before cable
6 VVR / DVVR: OFF 7 Throttles: IDLE
7 Systems gangbar: RADAR - OFF 8 Nose wheel: lower in front of cable
- ECM - OFF 9 Brakes: Do not apply


-Maintain 70 percent NL minimum if live
1 PARK BRK: As required engine CONT P or POT or GEN warnings are
2 FUEL PROBE: Check (if required) illuminated. Otherwise hydraulics and/or
3 Seat firing handle pin(s): Insert correctly AC may be lost
4 A/S/E handle: EGRESS then SAFE
5 Unstrap: As required 1 Throttle: Maintain 70 percent NL minimum
6 SUIT TEMP: OFF 2 ECS: RAM AIR (if irrecoverable ECS failure)
7 Throttles: IDLE (for 5 minutes) 3 Positive g: Maintain
8 SECURE DATA: ERASE if required 4 Flight envelope: Review
9 PDS\VVR tape: Remove 5 Fuel: Balance as appropriate
10 Canopy: Open 6 XFEED: OPEN
7 Land: ASAP
1 Recover
ENGINE ASSISTED RELIGHT 2 Throttles: Dry range

1 LP COCK affected sude: OPEN If only main group fuel remaining:

2 Throttle good engine: 70 percent NL min 3 FUEL format: TANK INTC select
3 Throttle affected engine: SHUT then dry Otherwise:
4 AIR DRIVE: EMGY and release 3 FUEL format: Selective XFER FWD or REAR
5 FCS RESET: PRESS if required 4 R BOOST PUMP: OFF if FWD heavy
If TBT exceed 750C prior to reaching idle: When balance correct:
6 Throttle affected engine: SHUT 6 L and R BOOST PUMP: ON
7 LP COCK affected side: SHUT 7 XFEED: NORMAL
8 Land: ASAP, refer to single engine operation
If L ATSM or R ATSM is displayed:
6. Throttle aff.eng: SHUT or IDLE if relit 1 Throttles: Dry range
7. LP COCK aff.eng: SHUT if not relit 2 Envelope: Within probe cycle limit, check
8. Land: ASAP 3 FUEL PROBE: OUT to stop fuel transfer and
allow diagnisis of leaking group.
ENGINE SURGE 4 FUEL format: Confirm TANK INTC closed
1 Recover
NOTE: Only in the case of a main group fuel leak
If both engines in surge: is further action possible
2 Throttles: IDLE if practicable
3 Throttle with higher TBT / 6 FUEL PROBE: Re-select IN before continuing
lower NH: SHUT then IDLE
If location of leak determined from main group:
If single engine in surge: 7 FUEL Format: Transfer away from leak if possible
2 Throttle affected engine: IDLE 8 Land: ASAP

If surge locked in: GEARBOX FAILURE

3 Altituide/airspeed: Descend and/or increase
1 Recover
If surge remains and/or TBT increasing: 2 Throttle affected engine: IDLE
4 Affected engine: Shutdown 3 AP: Disengange
5 Land: ASAP refer to single engine operation 4 Airbrake: In
5 Flight Envelope: Review
EJECTION 6 INTAKE: OPEN (42 sec) if engine operating
7 Landing gear: DOWN as soon as practicable
1 NVG: Remove and stow 8 Land: ASAP
2. Conditions: Straight and level
3. Heading: Towards unpopulated area If L CONT P and L UTIL P are displayed:
4. XPDR: EMGY 9 EMGY GEAR: DOWN (gear handle down)
5. QRB: Centralised and secure/ 10 HOOK: Down (if cable available)
6. Harness/PSP/HEA lanyard: Locked/connected 11 HYD format: Monitor R UTIL parameters
12 Land: ASAP, refer to services lost, NWS
WARNING: If fuel probe OUT:
The mask hose must be connected over water 12 Land: ASAP, refer to Recovery with Probe Out

7 Oxygen mask: Tight, toggle down, hose conn. LANDING WITH GEAR UNSAFE
8 Visor: Down
9 Radio: Call Before landing consider:
10 Throttles: IDLE - Condition of runway, overrun, and side areas
11 Assume ejection position - Crosswind
12 Eject - Arrester gear limitations
- Availability of foam
1 Aicraft mass: Reduce at min. practicable
If unexplained imbalance, then suspect fuel leak, If landing gear handle DOWN:
refer to Fuel Leak checklist 2 Refer to flight manual for Recommended Actions
10 Land: ASAP
If landing gear handle UP:
2 Envelope: Within probe cycle limit, check LANDING WITH A BLOWN TYRE
3 Refer to flight manual for Recommended Actions
Before landing consider:
SMOKE OR FUMES IN COCKPIT - Condition of runway, overrun, and side areas
- Crosswind
1 AOB: Select - Arrester gear limitations
2 Altitude: Below 10000ft if practicable
3 ECS: Within limits, RAM AIR 1 Aircraft mass: Reduce to min practicable
4 AOB contents: Monitor If nose tyre blown:
2 Brake chute: DEPLOY at main wheel touchdown
If unable to clear smoke: 3 Nose wheel: Lower gently by 100 KDAS
5 Suspect equipment: OFF, if possible If main tyre blown:
2 Land: Cable Engagement Approach-End recomm.
If canopy jettison necessary: If approach-end-cable not available:
6 Speed: Minimum practicable 3 Land: On side of runway towards good tyre
7 Altitude: Below 10000ft if practicable 4 Nose wheel: Lower ASAP
8 Airbrake: In 5 Wings: Maintain level
9 Canopy: Jettison 6 Brake chute: Deploy

Q: I cannot see the Typhoon in the aicraft selection menu. What could wrong?
A: Most likely, a mistake was made in the installation. The installer requires that you select the MAIN
simulation folder which may vary depending on where you have installed the simulators. Typically the default
settings are:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX


C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2


C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3

Q: Upon selecting the Typhoon in the aircarft selection menu, Flight Simulator closes to desktop
(CTD). Want could be wrong?
A: Most probably you do not have the correct Flight Simulator version. FSX:Acceleration, Gold or STEAM
editions are required. The Typhoon WILL NOT work with "vanilla" FSX, FSX-SP1 or FSX-SP2.

Q: How can you be sure that this is a realistic simulation of the Eurofighter Typhoon?
A: We cannot. This is our best guess according to the publicly available information – but most of the
information about Eurofighter Typhoon systems and performance is still classified.

Q: Will the product be updated? And how?

A: We always try to keep our product updated. Major product updates are sent to distributors, so you should
receive a notification from the vendor from which you have bought the software. Minor updates are released
through the official blog indiafoxtecho.blogspot.com and annouced via the Facebook page indiafoxtecho.

Q: The Head-Up Display, the Multifunction Display and all the avionics do not work! What is wrong?
A: This aicraft tries to embrace a "cold and dark" approach. That is, if the aircraft starts on the ground, most
of the systems are turned off by default. You can manually operate the switches, or press
CONTROL+SHIFT+R for a "ready to takeoff" avionics configuration.

Q: I've found a bug! How can I report it?

A: Please send an email to [email protected]

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